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Date post: 12-Mar-2022
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JEFFCO PUBLIC SCHOOLS SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH PLANNING MEETING 1. Introductions and Demonstration of Board Portal 2. Board Liaison during search – Generally the Board President is the liaison for the search. However, this task can be delegated to whomever the Board desires. Generally we communicate with the entire Board via email. When we need to discuss special circumstances that may arise, we will call the liaison. We need to collect email addresses from all Board members to create a group for future communication. HYA liaisons and consultants – Hank Gmitro will serve as the HYA Liaison. Contact information for all members of the team is as follows: Name Role Email Telephone Hank Gmitro Lead Consultant Lisa Flores Consultant Therese Meyer* Project Manager *The project manager can answer most questions during the search and is very helpful to the District contact responsible for organizing the operational aspects of the search. She also is very adept at finding us, if you cannot. 3. Execute Contract – If a signed contract has not been received, the Board should understand that we will need the signed contract to proceed beyond this planning meeting. 4. Review search process – If needed, review the prototypical search as depicted in the flow chart which follows the agenda and discuss any special steps that the Board would like modified, added to, or deleted from the search. 5. Confidentiality and Community Engagement – Discuss the options for confidential versus open searches and the pros and cons of each approach. The approach should be determined so that an appropriate calendar can be developed for the search. Options were defined in our proposal and are presented on the enclosed chart. 6. Schedule times for interviews with board members. We would like to meet with each of the Board members for about an hour as part of the development of the Leadership Profile Report. We will hold these meetings during the time period that we are meeting with the various stakeholder groups. Page 1


1. IntroductionsandDemonstrationofBoardPortal

2. BoardLiaisonduringsearch–GenerallytheBoardPresidentistheliaisonforthesearch.However,thistaskcanbedelegatedtowhomevertheBoarddesires.GenerallywecommunicatewiththeentireBoardviaemail.Whenweneedtodiscussspecialcircumstancesthatmayarise,wewillcalltheliaison.



Name Role Email TelephoneHankGmitro LeadConsultantLisaFlores ConsultantThereseMeyer* ProjectManager


3. ExecuteContract–Ifasignedcontracthasnotbeenreceived,theBoardshouldunderstandthatwewillneedthesignedcontracttoproceedbeyondthisplanningmeeting.

4. Reviewsearchprocess–Ifneeded,reviewtheprototypicalsearchasdepictedintheflowchartwhichfollowstheagendaanddiscussanyspecialstepsthattheBoardwouldlikemodified,addedto,ordeletedfromthesearch.

5. ConfidentialityandCommunityEngagement–Discusstheoptionsforconfidentialversusopensearchesandtheprosandconsofeachapproach.Theapproachshouldbedeterminedsothatanappropriatecalendarcanbedevelopedforthesearch.Optionsweredefinedinourproposalandarepresentedontheenclosedchart.

6. Scheduletimesforinterviewswithboardmembers.WewouldliketomeetwitheachoftheBoardmembersforaboutanhouraspartofthedevelopmentoftheLeadershipProfileReport.Wewillholdthesemeetingsduringthetimeperiodthatwearemeetingwiththevariousstakeholdergroups.

Page 1

7. FocusGroup:Identificationofindividualsand/orgroupstomeetwithHYAconsultantsindevelopmentoftheLeadershipProfileReport-Followingaresomesuggestedgroupsandindividualstothinkabout:

• Boardmembers–individually• InterimSuperintendent• Administrators–Districtlevel• Principals/AssistantPrincipals• Supportstaffunionleadership• Supportstaff-openmeetingforanyinterestedmembers• Teacherunionleadership• Teachers-openmeetingforanyinterestedteacher• Students• Formerboardmembers• PTA/PTOleadership• Privateschoolrepresentatives• Businessleadership• ClergyAssociation• Governmentalleadership• Otherparent,school,business,serviceorcommunitygroups• CommunityForum(s)


8. OnlineSurvey(Groupsfordisaggregationofsurveyresults)–Review

attachedcopyofthesurveyanddetermine:o SixgroupstheBoardwouldlikeidentifiedo DistrictliaisontohelpgetthesurveyontheDistrictwebsiteo Datesforsurveytobeopened

9. Numberofcandidates-Mostboardsdesiretointerviewaslateoffive


Page 2

10. Internalcandidates-Ifyoushouldhaveanyinternalcandidates,theBoardneedstodeterminehowtheywantustoproceedwiththem?Someboardsexpressapreferencetolookoutsidethedistrict;othersinsisttheyseeanyinternalcandidateasafinalist.Werecommendthatwetreataninternalcandidatejustaswewouldanyothercandidateandpresenthim/hertotheBoardonlyifs/heiscompetitivewiththeothercandidates.HYAwillprovidepersonalinterviewstoallinternalcandidatesunlesstheBoardsuggestsotherwise.

11. CandidateExpenses–TheBoardneedstodetermineifcandidateswillbe

reimbursedfortravelforin-personinterviews?12. Advertisements–TheBoardneedstoconsidertheirapproachto


13. BackgroundChecks–HYAisabletofacilitatetheprocesstohavethirdparty,


14. Salaryandfringebenefits–TheBoardneedstodiscussthecompensation


15. ResidencyExpectations–TheBoardwillneedtodeterminetheirexpectations


16. TransitionServices–AssociateswillmeetwithBoardandnewSuperintendent


Page 3

17. Calendarforsearch–Developasearchcalendar.Thecalendardeveloped



Activity Date(s)PlanningMeeting December16,2020Interviewsandfocusgroupmeetings January19-29,2021Onlinesurveyopen January11-29,2021LeadershipProfileReportpresentedtoBoard February10,2021Seminarforinterviews&finalstagesofsearch March10,2021SlatedeterminedbytheBoard March10,2021Boardinitialinterviews WeekofMarch22,2021Boardmeetstoidentifysemifinalists AfterthelastinterviewSemi-finalistinterviews April12and13,2021Boardmeetstoidentifypreferredcandidate April14,2021Boardmembersconductsitevisit IfdesiredTargetforpublicannouncement EarlyMaySuperintendentassumesresponsibilities July1,2021Board-SuperintendentRetreat/Workshop Optional18. Other-AnythingelsetheBoardmightliketodiscuss.

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HYA Signature Search Process














4 W


















Select Search Firm• Administer Community Survey• Interview Board, Staff, Community Representatives• Develop Leadership Profile and Selection Criteria

• Recruit Candidates Utilizing State and National Networks• Receive and Process Applications• Correspond with Candidates• Contact Recommended Candidates• Interview Selected Candidates• Conduct Reference Checks• Identify Best-Qualified Candidates• Prepare Application Materials to be Shared with the Board

Planning Meeting with Board

Facilitate Board Discussion to Narrow Candidate Pool After Each Round of Interviews

Optional Transition Services Board Goal Setting & Superintendent Evaluation Strategic Planning Governance Dashboards

Announce Appointment

• Conduct Initial Interviews• Narrow Slate (Semifinalists)• Hold Follow-up Interviews with

Finalists• Select Preferred Candidates

• Approve Selection Criteria• Approve Ad Content

Prepare Search Publicity and Publish Vacancy Notices

• Conduct Board Seminar Re: Interview Procedures

• Present Slate of Semifinalists to Board

Submit Questions to be Asked at Initial Interviews

Transition Planning

Superintendent Assumes Position

• Conduct Site Visit• Negotiate Contract

• Conduct Professional Due Diligence Background Report • Assist Board with Site Visit Planning• Assist with Contract Preparation, as Desired by the Board

Send Letters of Regret

Optional Workshop-Board Governance

Associate/Superintendent/Board Leadership Transition Meeting

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Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates | 1475 E. Woodfield Rd., Ste 1400 | Schaumburg, IL 60173 | 847.724.8465 www.hyasearch.com

Community Engagement & Confidentiality Options

Full Disclosure of Candidates Interviewed

Finalists Names with Community


Confidential Stakeholder Committee


Completely Confidential

Description of Option

The names of all candidates being interviewed by the Board are released to the public.

The name of the three finalists being interviewed would be released and community forums would be held to meet the candidates.

No names of candidates would be released publicly, but the Board would have a staff/community committee interview the finalists to provide feedback.

Board conducts all interviews and keeps names of candidates completely confidential throughout the entire process.

Questions Related to Option

What benefit does it provide to release the name of all applicants interviewed?

What input would be sought from community members after meeting candidates?

What feedback and input does the Board want from the committee? How to structure committee membership?

Do the community and staff accept that this is the Board’s decision? Will there be push back?

Benefits of Option

Staff and community members will see the process as totally open and feel the Board is being as transparent as possible.

Stakeholders will have an option to meet the finalists and express an opinion on their preference.

Some stakeholders will be involved and will provide input to the Board in making their decision, which may provide information that would be helpful with their decision.

The Board will have the broadest field from which to select their next superintendent.

Drawbacks of Option

Very few if any active superintendents will consider the position. Stakeholders will make judgments about the Board’s decision based on whatever information they gather on their own.

Stakeholders will form an opinion on their preference and may feel the Board did not listen to them if a different candidate is chosen. Successful superintendents will be unlikely to put their name into consideration.

Some stakeholders may feel the process is not open enough as they will want to know who is being considered. Some members of the committee may violate the confidentiality agreement. Some candidates may not apply.

Stakeholders may feel the Board is not interested in their views. Community reaction may impact the acceptance of the preferred candidate. If confidentiality is violated, it may be viewed as a board member breach.

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1 | P a g e  © H a z a r d ,   Y o u n g ,   A t t e a   &   A s s o c i a t e s   2 0 1 7  






Your school district is interested in your input as they seek to hire a new Superintendent. This survey is 

designed to gather your perceptions of the school district and the importance of various characteristics 

found  in  effective  superintendents.  The  information  will  be  used  to  determine  the  desired 

characteristics of the next Superintendent. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. The 

survey  is  conducted  by  a  search  firm,  which  ensures  that  your  individual  responses  are  kept 

anonymous and confidential. 

Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. You may skip any question you feel you do not 

have sufficient information to answer. 


* Please indicate your role: 

o   Administrator  o Parent of student attending school 

o   Board Member  o Staff 

o   Certified/Licensed Staff  o Student 

o   Classified Staff  o Support Staff 

o   Community Member  o Teacher 

o   Employee  o Teacher/Licensed Staff 

o   Faculty  o Non‐Licensed Staff 


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Unsatisfactory  Poor  Average  Good  Excellent 

Please rate the overall quality of education in the District.  o o o o o

Please  select  the  response  from  the  options  below  that  best  describes  your  agreement  with  each statement.   You may skip any question you feel you do not have sufficient information to answer. 

Strongly Disagree 

Disagree  Neither Disagree or Agree 

Agree  Strongly Agree 

The district provides a clear, compelling vision for the future.  o o o o o The district is heading in the right direction.  o o o o o The district has high standards for student performance.  o o o o o The district makes decisions based on information from data and research.  o o o o o The district is working to close the achievement gap.  o o o o o The district provides a well‐rounded educational experience for all students.  o o o o o

Teachers personalize instructional strategies to address individual learning needs, special education and gifted. 

o o o o o

District schools are safe.  o o o o oThe social and emotional needs of students are being addressed.  o o o o o

Students are on track to be college and career ready.  o o o o o

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  Strongly Disagree 

Disagree  Neither Disagree or Agree 

Agree  Strongly Agree 

Technology is integrated into the classroom.  o o o o o The district engages the community as a partner to improve the school system.  o o o o o

There is transparent communication from the District.  o o o o o

The district engages with diverse racial, cultural and socio‐economic groups.  o o o o o

Facilities are well maintained.  o o o o o The district is fiscally responsible.  o o o o o The district employs effective teachers, administrators and support staff in its schools. 

o o o o o

Employees are held accountable to high standards.  o o o o o

District technology infrastructure is sufficient to support 21st century learning.  o o o o o



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In the previous section, you provided insight into the strengths and challenges of the District. This will 

help narrow the search for leaders with experience in those areas of importance. The next section asks 

you to narrow our focus even further. All of the following 12 statements are skills we want a leader to 

possess. We would  like  to know which of  these skills you deem most  important. Please select  the 4 

statements that are MOST important to you. 

I would like the new Superintendent to: (select only four) 

o   Provide transparent communication 

o   Be visible throughout the District and actively engaged in community life 

o   Provide a clear, compelling vision for the future 

o   Understand and be sensitive to the needs of a diverse student population 

o   Provide guidance for district‐wide curriculum and instruction 

o   Demonstrate a deep understanding of educational research and emerging best practices and implement strategies 

o   Foster a positive, professional climate of mutual trust and respect among faculty, staff, administrators and school districts 

o   Establish a culture of high expectations for all students and personnel 

o   Integrate personalized educational opportunities into the instructional program 

o   Be an effective manager of the District’s day‐to‐day operations 

o   Recruit, employ, and retain effective personnel throughout the District and its schools 

o   Effectively plan and manage the long‐term financial health of the District 


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If you know of someone that you think would be a good candidate for this position, please share their 

name and contact information below. 




Open-ended Questions:

What are the two most significant strengths of the Jefferson County Public Schools?



What are the two most significant challenges facing the Jefferson County Public Schools?



What are the two most important characteristics that you desire in the new superintendent?



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Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates | 1475 E. Woodfield Rd., 14th Floor | Schaumburg, IL 60173 847.724.8465 | www.hyasearch.com

Addendum This Addendum is to the Letter of Agreement between Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates (HYA) and _________________ signed on add date HERE.

The Board has decided to have open-ended comments as part of the Engage Phase community survey. The comments will be provided to the Board under separate cover and not as part of the published Report. The comments will not be edited in any way; they will be transcribed verbatim. Even though the comments will be provided to the Board under separate cover, depending on the State, they still may be subject to FOIA. If a request is received, the district’s standard procedures for responding to FOIA should be employed as comments could contain student or personnel information. The Board shall hold harmless and indemnify HYA, its officers, and its associates from any and all liability or damages arising from the release of said responses.

All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement remain in full force and effect.

Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates: District Name: _______________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date Signature Date Max McGee, President Name, Board President

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HYA Signature Search Process Advertising Services


the search

Package 1



Package 2

of the search

Page 13

Package 3

Regional Packages

Options to Complement the Advertising Packages


frequency of ads to place

the search

CareerConnect print and 7 days online

the search

Page 14

Executive Due Diligence

HYA Signature Search Process

Comprehensive Basic

Personal Profile Summary x x

Social Security Trace x x

County Criminal Record History x x

Federal Criminal Record History x x

County Civil Record History x x

Department of Motor Vehicles License Information x x

Education (Degree) Verification x x

Transunion Credit Report x x

Investigation of all Aliases Identified within Past 7 Years x x

Investigation of all Jurisdictions of Residence, Education, and Employment within Past 7 Years

x x

University and Academic Program Accreditation x x

National Criminal Record History x x

National Sex Offender Search x x

Executive Summary x x

News Media Review (5 year timeframe and up to 20 relevant articles) x

Social Media Review x

Page 15

Transition ServicesHYA offers optional transition services that would benefit Boards and new Superintendents during the transition period and the Superintendent’s first year in the school district.

Board Governance Workshop

The Board Governance Workshop requires 3-4 hours and provides the Board the opportunity to clarify the respective roles of the Board and the Superintendent. The workshop addresses the concepts of trusteeship, governance, management, continuous improvement and systematic change. Developing and maintaining effective Board-Superintendent relations, the need for long and short range planning, consensus decision-making, and other components of successful Board service are also discussed at this workshop.

Board Goal Setting & Superintendent Evaluation

To develop and maintain effective Board-Superintendent relations and provide the Board with an oppor-tunity to determine what it desires to have the Superintendent achieve during his/her first t w o y e ars i n t h e position, goals and the evaluation process must be codified and understood with great clarity. The evalu-ation process should reinforce the concept of continuous improvement, and should monitor the achieve-ment of the Board’s goals. Processes and instruments for performance evaluation will be provided.

Comprehensive First Year Support

This service includes both the Board Governance Workshop and the Board Goal Setting & Superintendent Evalu-ation service in addition to ongoing mentoring for the new Superintendent. The mentoring relationship will be designed with the HYA Associate and the new Superintendent with input from the Board. There is a focus on moni-toring progress towards attainment of Board goals and facilitation of the Superintendent’s first year evaluation.

Strategic Planning

Improving student outcomes begins with a clear and compelling vision for student success. When a new leader is appointed, a clear and concise strategic plan helps guide decisions and ensures energy is directed toward advancing the priorities of the community as directed by the Board. A disciplined strategic planning process allows school systems to engage stakeholders, build a consensus around what matters, and channel resources accordingly in order to ensure a maximum return on investments. A disciplined strategic planning process provides clarity of purpose as well as a structure to align the organization, its structures, and its policies. This service is typically a 3-6 month engagement.

Governance Dashboards

Governance dashboards help to facilitate, launch, and govern implementation of the district’s strategic plan and give meaningful data for the Board to evaluate the impact and return on investment that strategic goals are having on student achievement, financial, and other system outcomes. The strategic dashboard provides a framework for the Board and Superintendent to communicate the priorities and progress of the school system to the community. This service is a continued service from year to year.

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