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SUPP_1963_Cadette Girl Scout Overview

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Cadette Girl S cout Handbook Overview 1963 Motto Be prepared. Slogan Do a good turn daily. Promise On my honor, I will try: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times, To obey the Girl Scout Laws. The Girl Scouts Law 1. A Girl Scout’s honor is to be trusted. 2. A Girl Scout is loyal. 3. A Girl Scout’s duty is t o be useul and to help others. 4. A Girl Scout is a riend to all and a sister to ev ery other Girl Scout. 5. A Girl Scout is courteous. 6. A Girl Scout is a riend to an imals. 7. A Girl Scout obe ys orders. 8. A Girl Scout is cheerul. 9. A Girl Scout is thrity. 10. A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.

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Cadette Girl Scout Handbook 




Be prepared.


Do a good turn daily.


On my honor, I will try:

To do my duty to God and my country,

To help other people at all times,

To obey the Girl Scout Laws.

The Girl Scouts Law

1. A Girl Scout’s honor is to be trusted.

2. A Girl Scout is loyal.

3. A Girl Scout’s duty is to be useul and to help others.

4. A Girl Scout is a riend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout.

5. A Girl Scout is courteous.

6. A Girl Scout is a riend to animals.

7. A Girl Scout obeys orders.

8. A Girl Scout is cheerul.

9. A Girl Scout is thrity.

10. A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.

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The Challenge Course

 What will be your pattern as you progress through the Challenge course o Cadette Scouting?

No two girls will travel in the exact same way. The course has:

 Six atmospheres to explore



International riendship


Health and saety

Proof of exploration — Earn a badge rom each atmosphere

Four challenges to pursue

Challenge o social dependability

Challenge o emergency preparedness

Challenge o active citizenship

Challenge o the Girl Scout Promise

Proof of attainment — Earn insigne or each Challenge

There are opportunities to learn to manage troop afairs and to serve others along the entire

course. As you pursue each o the Challenges you will cross in and out o the six atmospheres.

Most o the time you will work with other girls in the troop, perhaps with your own patrol.

From the time you start, you will have many opportunities to take part in intertroop, coun-

cilwide, and intercouncil events and activities. Remember your most important navigational

instruments are the Girl Scout Promise and Laws.


First Class. And then? Take of or Senior Scouting.

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The Challenge of Social Dependability

Can you prove yoursel to be a gracious, competent hostess

and also a considerate, riendly guest?


To show that you have the understanding and skills to get along well with people—older andyounger, amily and riends, boys and girls, those you already know and new people—and that

you can bring them enjoyment and happiness in a social situation.

Challenge Preps

Prepare or this Challenge by developing three aspects o your personal lie—Health and Good

Looks, Know-How as a Hostess, Technique as a Guest.

1. Your health-and-good-looks plan

Develop and ollow a personal health and appearance plan that keeps you attractive and fit.

• The right kinds and amounts o ood to keep you eeling and looking fine.

• Enough resh air and exercise to keep you eeling vigorous.

• Enough sleep to keep you wide-awake and energetic all day.

• A system o daily care or your hair, skin, nails, and teeth.

• The use o makeup, hair styles, clothes, colors, and accessories most becoming

and appropriate to you.

• Practice in the development o a pleasant speaking voice, a pleasant manner.

• Application o good posture habits or good health and good looks.

2. Your know-how as a hostess

Develop the attitudes and skills that make you a gracious, competent hostess.

• Extend invitations appropriate to a variety o social events.

• Plan and arrange an attractive setting in harmony with the spirit or themeo the occasion.

• Plan a menu, shop or ood and supplies, help to prepare the ood, set the table

attractively, and organize the service or at least our o these occasions:

— A amily meal

— A bufet luncheon or supper

— A party or young children

— An out-o-doors meal

— A teenage party

— An event or a larger group, such as a troop supper

• Make a plan which is detailed but flexible, with ideas or alternative activities

i they are needed, or a party or:

• Younger children• A group your own age

• Parents and adult riends

• Establish guides o etiquette at to chaperons, curew hour, and so orth,

and convey these rules tactully to your guests.

• Help your guests have a good time through your understanding o their tastes,

interests, personalities.

• Welcome guests hospitably, and say a cordial “Good night and come again.”

• Organize and direct songs, games, and quiet un with a group o younger children.

• Help produce an inormal dramatic presentation.

• Organize at least two ice breakers, two games or contests, one olk dance, one

square dance, one social dance.

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3. Your technique as a guest

Discuss the obligations and responsibilities every good guest has to be hostess

and all others at a social event.

For your good manners. Do you:

• Reply promptly and correctly to invitations?

• Write thank-you notes?

• Respond properly to introductions?

• Reply graceully to compliments?

• Greet and take leave o your hostess courteously?

• To start and keep up your part o a pleasant conversation with:

— Girls and boys your age.

— Parents, troop leaders, other adults.

— Younger children.

— VIP’s (very important people).

• To enter enthusiastically into the party plans and contribute your own ideas when asked

• To be agreeable to:

— Other guests

— Parents, amily, other adults

— Household help, i any

— Younger brothers and sisters• To orget yoursel, think o others, and help them to have an enjoyable time

The Challenge

With others in your Challenge group, plan and carry out a social event rom start to finish!

The evaluation: This checklist will help you, your leader, and the other girls decide how well you

have met the Challenge o Social Dependability.

• Are your spirits and energies high?

• Do you always look as well as you can?

• At the social event:

— Did you help to make each guest eel liked and welcome?— Did you give each guest a chance to shine and share in the success o the occasion?

— Was there an activity or series o activities appropriate to the guests and

the occasion?

• I ood was served:

— Did it look good?

— Taste good?

— Was there enough to go around?

— Was it attractively served?

— Was it comortably served?

• Did everybody, guests and hostesses, have a good time?

Check the list, then check again. How did you do? Reread the Purpose. Have you met the

Challenge o Social Dependability successully? Or would you like to try it again, giving

another social event or another group? It’s up to you to decide.

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The Challenge of Emergency Preparedness

Can you be depended on to help others in an emergency

through quick, sure use o your knowledge and skills?


To show that you have a good command o the knowledge and skills needed or sae, comort-able living, both indoors and out; that you can get along with a minimum o equipment; that

you are enterprising, resourceul; that you can put your skills to good use in an emergency.

Challenge Preps

Prepare or this Challenge by checking your knowledge and skills in these our areas: First Adi,

Communications, Comort in a Crisis, Enterprise in Entertainment. Use the checklists on the

ollowing pages. Just beore accepting the Challenge, discuss with the members o your group

and your leader the purpose and the kinds o emergencies that might possibly arise in your part

o the country. Take into consideration the geography, weather and local conditions.

1. First aid

Learn or review the objectives o first aid as outlined in the American National Red Cross

First Aid Textbook or each o the ollowing. Keep a record o when you practiced what

to do in each case.

• Be prepared to demonstrate.

— Wounds.

— Shock.

— Artificial respiration.

— Poisoning by mouth.

— Injuries to bones and muscles.

— Burns.

— Transporting injured persons.

• Decide what supplies should go into the ollowing types o first aid kits, and,i you do not already have a kit, help plan and assemble at least one o your:

— Family car.

— Troop meeting place.

— Patrol expeditions.

— Troop camping trips.

Consider the hazards young children may be subjected to in the home. List at least

twenty-five and explain what should be done to protect against these hazards.

2. Communications

• Demonstrate skills including:

— Use a compass— Find the North Star

— Draw a sketch map

— Follow a road map and a city street map

— Give directions

— Carry a message accurately in your head

• Using Scout’s pace or bicycle, know how to reach the nearest:

— Police station

— Fire alarm box

— Public telephone

Develop and use a communication plan to reach all your troop members with speed.

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3. Comfort in crisis

• Demonstrate the sae and resourceul use o:

— Candles

— Kerosene lamps

— Lanterns

— Improvised cooking acilities

— Fire or warmth

— Fire or cooking

• Wash and store dishes, silverware, and cooking utensils in an e cient and sanitary way:

— Indoors

— Outdoors

• Using only packaged supplies eed your patrol or amily:

— Breakast

— Lunch

— Dinner

• Know one method to puriy water or drinking.

• Demonstrate your ability to:

— Handle simple household upkeep and repairs indoors and outdoors.

— Plan, assemble, pack, and transport heavy-duty clothing or yoursel or 3 or 4 days.


Choose the items (including ood) needed or an emergency utility kit or a 3 or 4 dayevacuation o home or camp.

4. Enterprise in entertainment

• Using games, stories, crats, and simple dramatics, demonstrate you can keep

young children occupied:

— In a confined indoor area

— Outdoors

• Do the same thing or people your own age and older.

The Challenge

With others in your Challenge group, carry out the sealed orders given to you by your leader.You will be asked to deal with a specific emergency described or the occasion. Here are some

examples o the kinds o emergencies you may meet:

8 girls—outdoors

A flood has let many amilies on your street temporarily homeless. Your patrol is asked to pro-

vide a hot meal and drinking water or our amilies and to take care o ten children (rom our

to eight years) or the aternoon.

2-4 girls—indoors

An ice storm has caused an electric power ailure. Your amily consists o our ather, who is away

at work, your mother, who has a severe cold and should be in bed, and a younger sister and

brother. The urnace is not working. The kitchen stove is electric. There is a fireplace in the living

room. Take charge or a day. Provide lunch and dinner. Make your mother comortable. Keep the

children warm and happy. Use anything ound in the house, basement, garage, outdoors.

6-8 girls, out-of-doors, camp

The buses that take the girls home rom day camp cannot get through to them. A orest fire is

blocking the bus route. Most o the camp staf have gone to help the fire-fighters. Your patrol

is assigned the job o keeping the 32 girls o the Junior Scout unit busy and happy rom 2 to 6

p.m. They will need a calm atmosphere to counteract the excitement o the day, planned

activities, and supper.


Could you turn your wish to help into practical, useul action? Were you prepared? Did youmeet your emergency?

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The Challenge of Active Citizenship

A citizen is a person who by birth or by choice is a member

o a state or nation. Do you recognize your rights and

responsibilities as a citizen o the United States o America?

PurposeTo show that you understand how the rights o citizenship are balanced by the responsibilities,

and how you can use this knowledge or the benefit o other people.

Challenge Preps

With a Challenge group, review your background inormation, ponder your past experiences,

and bring into ocus your training or good citizenship by getting answers to the questions on

the ollowing pages.

1. On the basis of your experience in Girl Scout troops and camps, what do you think

is needed to make the patrol system operate smoothly?

2. Using a recent student project or concern as an illustration , can you explain how

the democratic process works in your school?

3. What is the purpose of local government? What is the governmental structure

o your town? Your state?

4. What services are provided by government and voluntary agencies in your community or:

• Handicapped children?

• The aged?

• Teenagers?

• The emotionally disturbed?

5. How is the money raised to support these services?

6. When you want to make a constructive suggestion or the improvement o your town,

how do you go about it? What steps would you take i some members o your troop:

• Wished to set up a display or exhibit in a public library?

• Were responsible or arranging or the use o a public school or a Cadette

“Look Wide”?

• Wanted to use public land or an intertroop cookout?

7. What are the names and proper forms of address of those who represent you in your

state government? In the United States House o Representatives? In the United States


8. What local and state controversial public issues seem most important to you?

9. What positions in public life at the national, state, or local level now being filled by

women seem most interesting to you? What are the qualifications or five o these jobs?

10. In what specific ways can citizens your age demonstrate the qualities of good

citizenship in daily living?

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11. How can you, either individually or as a troop, through Girl Scout or other organizations:

correspond with people from other countries?

• Entertain oreign visitors?

• Give help to people in other countries?

• Receive or exchange inormation, ideas, or techniques leading to increased

international understanding?

The Challenge

With others in your Challenge group, do something or your community in which you give

something o yoursel. The Challenge group compiles a list rom which your leader will select

one. Discover how it might be done and whether anyone else is trying to do it. Then do some-

thing about it. Show the relationship o the project you have chosen to the larger community—

the state, the nation, or the world.

The Challenge Preps will give you good clues as to where your services may be helpul. Other

troop members may participate in the project, but the leadership and ollow-through are in the

hands o the girls who are working to meet the Challenge. I another organization is concerned

with the same need, consider the possibility o combining orces, working together, and doing

a bigger and better job. Make a long-term plan or carrying your project through to successul

completion. For help in planning, see Chapter 3, page 34.


As a Cadette Girl Scout, you understand that service to others is a vital part o Girl Scouting.

The Promise you make, the uniorm you wear, your badges and insignia, all say, “I am willing,

and prepared to be o service.” Has your citizenship project turned the ideal into a reality or

you? How well did your project ulfill the purpose o the Challenge o Active Citizenship?

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The Challenge of the Girl Scout Promise

This Challenge is the final step toward First Class. Your success

in meeting it will be decided by you and all the members o the

Court o Honor, rather than only by the troop leader and the

Challenge group, as in the other three Challenges.


To show you that you have a true understanding o the Girl Scout Promise and its meaning in

your daily lie; that you are guided by its high standards in relation to yoursel and to all other

people; that it serves as an ever present guide to you in belies and conduct. This Challenge is

diferent, or you began to prepare or it the moment you became a Girl Scout. The first three

challenges test your knowledge, skills, and experience. This Challenge searches your mind and

heart, your eelings and attitudes, to discover whether the Girl Scout Promise has become part

o you, part o everything you do.

You can see the diference between this Challenge and the others. It is much easier to evaluate

your skill in baking a pie or storm-lashing a tent than it is to evaluate your qualities as a person

o integrity, It takes time, it takes a sense o values, it takes courage and honesty to learn to

live up to the Promise. In some ways, you may find this harder than mastering any specific skill.

But the rewards are greater. They are conviction and inner strength, spiritual accomplishments

which enrich your lie and the lives o everyone around you.

There are no Challenge Preps as such or this Challenge. However, here are two suggestions or

you to show the impact that the Girl Scout Promise has made upon you.

One. With others, make up a list o ten or twelve kinds o situations that girls your age meet

in which there may be conflicting opinions about the truly ethical way to act. Discuss with the

others how your understanding o the Girl Scout Promise helps you decide how to rise to the

occasion with honor.

Two. Take an active part in planning and carrying out a Scouts’ Own which highlights the waysin which the Girl Scout Promise helps you decide how to act.

Ater you have completed the other requirements or First Class by earning a minimum o six

badges and successully meeting the three other Challenges, make application to your troop’s

Court o Honor. At a meeting which you do not attend, the court o Honor will decide—on the

basis, o your everyday actions in and out o Scouting—whether you are ready to accept this

Challenge. It will consider the ollowing points:

• Have you demonstrated a real understanding o the Promise and Laws?

• Have you applied this understanding in day-to-day living and thinking?

• Have you shown that you are capable o working, planning, sharing with a group?

• Have you shown through action and attitude, your personal integrity and honor?

Meanwhile, Prepare yoursel to answer all the questions below. Ater the Court o Honor has

agreed that you are ready to accept the Challenge, you may be asked to answer or demon-

strate, during a troop meeting or other troop activity, or beore the Court o Honor, alone or

with others, one, a ew or all o these questions. The court o Honor will determine how this will

be handled.

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1. Explain the diference between a movement, an organization, and an institution. Why

do you think you join a movement when you become a Girl Scout? Why do you think

adult members as well as girls subscribe to the Girl Scout Promise?

2. What is the role o women in the religious group o your choice? What are its marriage

customs? What are the purposes and activities o the women’s organizations in this group?

3. Explain how the idea or a meaningul service project starts, grows, and changes rom the

Brownie age, through the Junior, Cadette, and Senior age. What service projects in which

you have taken part seemed especially satisying to you? Why?

4. Explain how a ceremony in a troop or camp can convey your eelings about duty to God

and your country, and your pledge to be a good citizen. In what way do you think eelings

difer as experienced by participants and members o the audience at such a ceremony?

Describe an especially satisactory ceremony in which you have taken part.

The Challenge

Show that you understand and practice the Girl Scout Promise in everything you do and are.

There are no quick and easy short-cuts to successully meeting the Challenge o the Girl ScoutPromise, and no one else can do it or you. For this reason when the time arrives or you and

your troop members to recognize that you have achieved that inner strength, that priceless

ingredient o your lie, you may be justifiably proud. It may be that your Court o Honor will

wish to make the meeting especially memorable by planning a special eature or it.

As you successully meet the challenge o the Girl Scout Promise, you will become a First Class

Girl Scout and a first class person o whom the entire movement will be proud!

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Badge List

Animal Kingdom



Ceramics and Pottery


Child CareClerk


Creative Writer



Family Camper

Family Living

First Aid

First Aid to Animals

Folk Dancer

Food Raiser

Games Leader

Good Grooming

Graphic Arts




Home Nurse



Interior Decoration


Lie Saver

Metal Arts

MinstrelMusic Maker

My Country

My Government

Outdoor Saety




Plant Kingdom

Player-ProducerPublic Health


Radio and Television



Rock and Mineral


Small Crat

Social Dancer


Stamp Collector



Textile Arts



World Heritage

World Treoil

World Understanding

Our Own Troop’s
