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Supply Chain in Retail Industry

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  • 8/10/2019 Supply Chain in Retail Industry





    Study of Operations at Retail Industry


    A task or project cannot be completed alone. It requires the effort of many

    individuals. I take this opportunity to thank all those who helped me

    complete this project.

    I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. C.S.Patnaik for giving us the

    opportunity to undergo this project. I further thank his for lending a helpinghand when it came to solving my problems related to the project. This

    project would not have been possible without his valuable time and


    I also thank IFIM Business Schoolfor an opportunity to undertake a Soft

    skills project at the start of our !A course which helped us to understand

    deeply for those topics which are untouched.

    This project is an attempt to talk about the Scenario of "etailing and its

    #perations in India.

    Any suggestions to improve are always welcome.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    Executive Summar

    $emographics continue to show a positive report to spur retailing growth.

    %onsumers aged &'()* years is emerging as the fastest growing consumer

    group and the mean age of Indians is now pegged at &+, a mean age that

    reinforces spending across all the retailing channels of grocery, non(grocery

    and non(store.

    The government stance of protecting local retailers and prohibiting -''

    foreign direct investment in retailing continued in &''*, restraining

    international retailers/ entry. 0owever, there was gradual economic reform,

    giving way to easier and faster franchising agreements as well as the

    loosening of 1onal regulations on retail expansion, thus stimulating retailing.

    2on(store retailing is expected to continue its fast(paced growth from a

    miniscule base. Across all channels, growth in retailing is expected to be

    boosted heightened competition during the forecast period due to the growing.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry


    India3s retail market which is seen as T04 5#6$I24 by global players has grabbed

    attention of the most developed nations. This is no wonder to the one who knows that

    the total Indian retail market is 7S 89*'bn. :-;, '',''' crore I2" approx.< of which

    organi1ed retailing is only around 9 percent i.e. 7S 8=bn :9;,''' crore I2" approx"etailing includes all activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final

    consumers for personal, non(business use. A retailer or retail store is any business

    enterprise whose sales volume comes primarily from retailing.? "etail is India/s largest

    industry, accounting for over -' per cent of the country/s 5$@ and around eight per cent

    of the employment. "etail industry in India is at the crossroads. It has emerged as one

    of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several players entering the market.

    The presence of -*million kirana stores brings into light the very fact that the Indian

    retail industry is highly fragmented unorgani1ed. "etailing in India is gradually inching

    its way toward becoming the next boom industry, organi1ed retailing in particular. The

    whole concept of shopping has altered in terms of format and consumer buying

    behavior, ushering in a revolution in shopping in India. odern retail has entered Indiaas seen in sprawling shopping centers, multi(storied malls and huge complexes offer

    shopping, entertainment and food all under one roof.

    The future of Indian retailing may even witness the concept of &) hour retailing. 4ven

    though this concept has been in existence in few retail segments like pharmaceuticals

    and fuel, it still remains to be a challenge for other segments like food and groceries,

    apparel etc to adopt this trend.

    Although the organi1ed retailing in India is coming up in a big way, it cannot simply

    ignore the competition from the conventional stores because of various factors like

    reach, extending credit facility and other intangible factors like the human touch which

    are provided only by the conventional stores.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    The urban retail market has been embracing various new formats and the malls turned

    out to be the trend setters by promising the concept of shoppertainment. The trends in

    the rural market also have been changing from the old 0aats and elas to the rural

    malls like B%haupal Sagar3 launched by IT%, $% Shriram 5roups one(stop shopping

    destination called B0ariyali !a1aar3, 5odrej groups agri store BAdhar3 etc.

    Introduction to !"eration


    #perations management is an area of business that is concerned with the production of

    good quality goods and services, and involves the responsibility of ensuring

    that business operationsare efficientand effective. It is the management of resources,

    the distribution of goods and services to customers.

    A@I%S The Association for #perations anagementalso defines operations

    management as Cthe field of study that focuses on the effectively planning, scheduling,

    use, and control of a manufacturing or service organi1ation through the study of

    concepts fromdesign engineering,industrial engineering, management informationsystems, quality management, production management, inventory

    management, accounting, and other functions as they affect the organi1ationC.

    Additionally, The #perations anagement !ody of Dnowledge :#!#D< Eramework

    defines the scope of operations management and the activities and techniques that are

    a part of the operations management profession.

    #perations also refer to the production of goods and services, the set of value(added

    activities that transform inputs into many outputs. Eundamentally, these value(adding

    creative activities should be aligned with market opportunity for optimal enterprise


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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    !"erations as a #ransformation Process

    Inputs Transformation #utput

    #perations management is about the way organi1ations produce goods and services.

    4verything you wear, eat, sit on, use, read or knock about on the sports field comes to

    you courtesy of the operations managers who organi1ed its production. 4very book you

    borrow from the library, every treatment you receive at the hospital, every service you

    expect in the shops and every lecture you attend at university all have been produced.

    This definition reflects the essential nature of #perations anagementF it is a central

    activity in organi1ing things. Another way of looking at an operation is to consider it as a

    transformation process.

    #perations are a transformation processF they convert a set of resources :I2@7TS< into

    services and goods :#7T@7TS

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry


    A tourist office gathers and provides information to holiday makers, and assists in

    advising on places to stay or visit.


    At an airport, you are one of the many resources being processed. The operation

    you are involved in is about processing your ticket and baggage, moving from

    ticket desk through the customs and duty(free areas, to deliver you to the

    awaiting plane.

    Extending the "rocess...

    If we add a few more parts to the transformation process, we can see the key elements

    that operations managers need to consider. #perations is about designing services,

    products and delivery systemsF

    -. anaging and controlling the operations system.

    &. Einding ways to improve operations.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    !"erations Management is all a%out "roviding customers with "roducts and


    Gou survive by giving customers with what they want

    4very @roduct or Service is really a bundle of different attributes.

    @roduct, place, price, performance, quality, timing, service, etc.

    %ustomers are looking for a bundle of characteristics

    Total bundle provides the level of value customers deem appropriate

    !uying products with the attributes they want at the lowest price possible







    @lace distribution

    Time delivery, availability

    0ow do you decide which product to produceJ

    0ow do you find out what attributes your product should haveJ

    0ow do you get those attributes into your productJ

    Khat processJ

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    Khat resources do you needJ

    Khere do you get those resourcesJ

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    Exam"les of !"erations &ecisions

    #perations managers must make decisions on three levels




    S#$A#E'IC &ECISI!(S)

    6onger term decisions

    7sually made at the senior management level

    @roduct and service strategy

    %ompetitive priorities

    @ositioning strategy

    6ocation, capacity

    6ong term partnerships

    Huality system and overall approach to quality

    #AC#ICA* &ECISI!(S

    edium term decisions

    Tactical in nature

    ade by middle and senior managers

    @rocess design

    Technology management

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    Lob design and workforce management

    %apacity management

    Eacility location

    Eacility layout

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    !PE$A#I(' &ECISI!(S

    Shorter term decisions

    ade at middle and lower management levels


    aterials management

    Inventory management

    Aggregate planning

    aster production scheduling

    @roduction control


    +hat is $etail,

    The word /retail/ is derived from the Erench word /retailer/ meaning /to cut a piece off/ or

    /to break bulk/. In simple terms it involves activities whereby product or services are sold

    to final consumers in small quantities. Although retailing in its various formats has been

    around our country for many decades, it has been confined for along time to family

    owned corner shops.

    4nglishmen are great soccer enthusiasts, and they strongly think that one should never

    give Indians a corner. It stems from the belief that, if you give an Indian a corner he

    would end up setting a shop. That is how great Indians retail management skill is


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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    #he Facts

    "etailing in more developed countries is big business and better organi1ed that what it

    is in India. "eport published by cDinsey M %o. in partnership with %onfederation of

    Indian Industry :%II< states that the global retail business is worth a staggering 7S 8 +

    trillion. The ratio of organi1ed retailing to unorgani1ed in 7S is around =' to &', in

    4urope it is +' to 9', while in Asia it comes to around &' to ='.

    In India the scenario is quiet unique, organi1ed retailing accounts for a mere * of the

    total retail sector. Although there are around * million retail stores in India, N' of these

    have a floor space area of *'' sq.ft. or less. The emergence of organi1ed retailing in

    India is a recent phenomenon and is concentrated in the top &' urban towns and cities.

    #he $eason

    This emergence of organi1ed retailing has been due to the demographic and

    psychographic changes taking place in the life of urban consumers.

    5rowing number of nuclear families, working women, greater work pressure, changing

    values and 6ifestyles, increased commuting time, influence of western way of life etc.

    have meant that the needs and wants of consumers have shifted from just being %ost

    and "elationship drive to !rand and 4xperience driven, while the Oalue element still

    dominating the buying decisions.

    'lo%al Scenario"etail stores constitute &' of 7S 5$@ M are the 9 rd largest employer segment in


    %hina on the other hand has attracted several global retailers in recent times. "etail

    sector employs + of the population in %hina. ajor retailers like Kal(art M %arrefour

    have already entered the %hinese market. In the year &''9, Kal(art M %arrefour had

    sales of 7S 8 +'.) %rore M 7S 8 -;' %rore respectively.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    The global retail industry has traveled a long way from a small beginning to an industry

    where the world wide retail sales is valued at 8 + x -' * %rore. The top &'' retailers

    alone accounts for 9' of the worldwide demand. "etail turnover in the 47 is

    approximately 4uros &,'',''' %rore and the sector average growth is showing an

    upward pattern. The Asian economies :excluding Lapan< are expected to grow at ;

    consistently till &''*(';.

    #n the global "etail stage, little has remained same over the last decade. #ne of the

    few similarities with today is that Kal(art was ranked the top retailer in the world then

    M it still holds that distinction. #ther than Kal(art/s dominance, there/s a little about

    today/s environment that looks like the mid(-NN's. The global economy has changed,

    consumer demand has shifted M retailers/ operating systems today are infused with far

    more technology than was the case six years ago.

    Scenario of $etailing in India

    "etailing is the most active and attractive sector of last decade. Khile the retailing

    industry itself has been present since ages in our country, it is only the recent past that it

    has witnessed so much dynamism. The emergence of retailing in India has more to do

    with the increased purchasing power of buyers, especially post(liberali1ation, increase

    in product variety, and increase in economies of scale, with the aid of modern supply

    and distributions solution.

    Indian retailing today is at an interesting crossroads. The retail sales are at the highest

    point in history and new technologies are improving retail productivity. though there are

    many opportunities to start a new retail business, retailers are facing numerouschallenges.

    -E C/A**E('ES)

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    -< 6#%ATI#2P

    0$ight Place1 $ight choice0

    6ocation is the most important ingredient for any business that relies on customers, and

    is typically the prime consideration in a customer3s store choice. 6ocations decisions are

    harder to change because retailers have to either make sustainable investments to buy

    and develop real estate or commit to long term lease with developers. Khen formulating

    decision about where to locate, the retailer must refer to the strategic planP

    Q Investigate alternative trading areas.

    Q $etermine the type of desirable store locationQ 4valuate alternative specific store sites

    &< 4"%0A2$IS4P

    The primary goal of the most retailers is to sell the right kind of merchandise and

    nothing is more central to the strategic thrust of the retailing firm. erchandising

    consists of activities involved in acquiring particular goods and services and making

    them available at a place, time and quantity that enable the retailer to reach its goals.

    erchandising is perhaps, the most important function for any retail organi1ation, as it

    decides what finally goes on shelf of the store.

    9< @"I%I25P

    @ricing is a crucial strategic variable due to its direct relationship with a firm/s goal and

    its interaction with other retailing elements. The importance of pricing decisions is

    growing because today/s customers are looking for good value when they buy

    merchandise and services. @rice is the easiest and quickest variable to change.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    )< TA"54T A7$I42%4P

    C%onsumer the prime moverC

    C%onsumer @ullC, however, seems to be the most important driving factor behind the

    sustenance of the industry. The purchasing power of the customers has increased to a

    great extent, with the influencing the retail industry to a great extent, a variety of other

    factors also seem to fuel the retailing boom.

    *< S%A64 #E #@4"ATI#2SP

    Scale of operations includes all the supply chain activities, which are carried out in the

    business. It is one of the challenges that the Indian retailers are facing. The cost of

    business operations is very high in India.

    P$ESE(# I(&IA( SCE(A$I!

    Q 7norgani1ed marketP "s. *=9,''' crores

    Q #rgani1ed marketP "s.*, ''' croresQ *R growth in organi1ed retailing between &'''(&''*

    Q #ver ),''' new modern #utlets in the last 9 years

    Q #ver *,''',''' sq. ft. of mall space under development

    Q The top 9 modern retailers control over +*',''' sq. ft. of retai l space

    Q #ver )'',''' shoppers walk through their doors every week

    Q 5rowth in organi1ed retailing on par with expectations and projections of the last *

    GearsP on course to touch "s. 9*,''' crores :7S8 + !illion< or more by &''*(';

    Ma2or "laers

    ( Eood and grocery

    ( Eashion

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    consumers are rapidly evolving and accepting modern formats overwhelmingly. "etail

    Space is no more a constraint for growth. India is on the radar of 5lobal "etailers and

    suppliers brands worldwide are willing to partner with retailers here. Eurther, large

    Indian corporate groups like Tata, "eliance, "aheja, IT%, !ombay $yeing, urugappa

    M @iramal 5roups etc and also foreign investors and private equity players are firming

    up plans to identify investment opportunities in the Indian retail sector. The quantum of

    investments is likely to skyrocket as the inherent attractiveness of the segment lures

    more and more investors to earn large profits. Investments into the sector are estimated

    at I2" &''' ( &*'' %rore in the next &(9 years, and over I2" &',''' %rore by end of


    Eew of India/s top retailers areP

    -. Big Ba3aar4Pantaloons)!ig !a1aar, a division of @antaloon "etail :India< 6td is

    already India/s biggest retailer. In the year &''9('), it had revenue of "s ;*=.9- crores

    M by &'-'F it is targeting revenue of "s =,='' %rore.

    5. Food +orld)Eood Korld in India is an alliance between the "@5 group in India with

    $airy Earm International of the Lardine atheson 5roup..

    6. A"na Ba3aar)It is a "s -)'(crore consumer co(operative society with a customerbase of over -& lakh, plans to cater to an upwardly mobile urban population.

    7. Margin Free)It is a Derala based discount store, which is uniformly spread across

    &)' argin Eree franchisees in Derala, Tamil 2adu and Darnataka.

    Kholesale trading is another area, which has potential for rapid growth. 5erman giant

    etro A5 and South African Shoprite 0oldings have already made headway in this

    segment by setting up stores selling merchandise on a wholesale basis in !angalore

    and umbai respectively. These new(format cash(and(carry stores attract large

    volumes from a si1eable number of retailers who do not have to maintain relationships

    with multiple suppliers for all their needs.

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    I(&IA( $E#AI* IS M!8I(' I(#! SEC!(& 'EA$

    9: FI$S# 'EA$)

    :%reate awareness@eople? is that aspect of the marketing mix which adds tangibility to the service of

    creating an experience

    th P) P$!CESSES

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

    Dth P ) P/SICA* E8I&E(CE

    anaging Appearance of the building M 6ocation

    aintaining Temperature , usic, 6ighting and Eragrance inside the store

    Availability of services like @rams, Kheel %hair, Oalet @arking etc

    Stylish Stocking of erchandise

    C/A('ES I( $E#AI*I('

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    Study of Operations at Retail Industry

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  • 8/10/2019 Supply Chain in Retail Industry


  • 8/10/2019 Supply Chain in Retail Industry





    Study of Operations at Retail Industry


    Eor a start, these retailers need to invest much more in capturing more specific market.Intelligence as well as almost real(time customer purchase behavior information. The

    retailers also need to make substantial investment in understandingacquiring some

    advanced expertise in developing more accurate and scientific demand forecasting

    models. "e(engineering of product sourcing philosophies(aligned more towards

    collaborative planning and replenishment should then be next on their agenda. The

    message, therefore for the existing small and medium independent retailers is to closely

    examine what changes are taking place in their immediate vicinity, and analy1e Khether

    their current market offers a potential redevelopment of the area into a more modern

    multi(option destination. If it does, and most commercial areas in India do have this

    potential, it would be very useful to form a consortium of other such small retailers in

    that vicinity and take a pro(active approach to pool in resources and improve the overall

    infrastructure. The next effort should be to encourage retailers to make some

    investments in improving the interiors of their respective establishments to make

    shopping an enjoyable experience for the customer.

    As the retail marketplace changes shape and competition increases, the potential for

    improving retail productivity and cutting costs is likely to decrease. Therefore, it will

    become important for retailers to secure a distinctive position in the marketplace based

    on value, relationships or experience.

    $ $ain check

    E Esta%lishment

    # #rade

    A Affiliated Chains

    I Investment !""t

    * *ow Price 'uarant

  • 8/10/2019 Supply Chain in Retail Industry

