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Supporting Students Displaced by Natural Disasters€¦ · Displaced by Natural Disasters . About...

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Nov. 21, 2017 Presented by: New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students (NYS-TEACHS) Guest speaker: Elizabeth Reyes, Rochester CSD Supporting Students Displaced by Natural Disasters
Page 1: Supporting Students Displaced by Natural Disasters€¦ · Displaced by Natural Disasters . About Us NYS-TEACHS New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless

Nov. 21, 2017

Presented by: New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students (NYS-TEACHS)

Guest speaker: Elizabeth Reyes, Rochester CSD

Supporting Students Displaced by Natural Disasters

Page 2: Supporting Students Displaced by Natural Disasters€¦ · Displaced by Natural Disasters . About Us NYS-TEACHS New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless

About Us


�  New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students

�  Funded by the New York State Education Department and housed at Advocates for Children of New York

�  Provide technical assistance on homeless education issues. Our services include:

�  Hotline (800-388-2014)

�  Website (www.nysteachs.org)

�  Webinars, Annual Workshops, and On-Site Trainings

�  Outreach Materials

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�  Hurricane Harvey Texas

�  Hurricane Irma Florida

�  Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico

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Webinar Agenda


1 Key McKinney-Vento Considerations

McKinney-Vento Eligibility Identification and Data Reporting

Immediate Enrollment and School Records Free Meals and Title I, Part A

2 Resources for

supporting students displaced by the


2017 Guidance from NYSED

Medical Records for Students coming from Puerto Rico NYS-TEACHS, NCHE, & SchoolHouse Connection

Local Perspective: Elizabeth Reyes, Rochester CSD

3 Trauma-Sensitivity after Natural Disasters

Definition and Effects of Trauma The Benefit of a Trauma-Sensitive Approach

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Students arriving from out of state are entitled to the same McKinney-Vento protections as students who loose housing within NYS.

What do we already know?

a. True

b. False

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A student cannot be identified as homeless under McKinney-Vento if they are staying at a private residence.

What do we already know?

a. True

b. False

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For how long can a student be designated as homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act?

What do we already know?

a. For one school year.

b. For as long as specified in the district’s local policy.

c. For as long as the student meets the eligibility criteria (i.e. lacks fixed, regular, and adequate housing)

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The McKinney-Vento Act Provides Stability

�  Federal law

�  Enacted in 1987

�  Reauthorized in 2015 as part of ESSA

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School Stability

Academic Success

School Access

Immediate Enrollment

Free Meals Title I Services

Transportation to School of Origin

McKinney-Vento Act NY State Education Law 3209 Commissioner’s Regulation 100.2(x)

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Working with Youth and Families Experiencing Homelessness

�  Incorporate trauma sensitivity � Provide a safe and comforting environment

�  Talk about a “temporary housing situation” rather “being homeless”

� Be as clear as possible about your role and next steps

�  Focus on partnership, not control or authority

�  Focus on student and family strengths

�  Trauma-sensitive strategies should be used by all school personnel.

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Who is covered by the McKinney-Vento Act?

Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those:

�  Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason

�  Living in emergency or transitional shelters

�  Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations

�  Abandoned in hospitals

�  Living a in public or private place not designed for sleeping

�  Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, etc.

�  Migratory living in circumstances described above

NYS-TEACHS - (800) 388-2014 10 *Awaiting foster care removed from definition as of 12/10/16.

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Identification Strategies

�  Avoid using the word "homeless”with school personnel, families, or youth.

�  Provide awareness activities for school staff (registrars, secretaries, counselors, nurses, teachers, tutors, bus drivers, security officers, drop out prevention specialists, attendance officers, administrators, etc.).

�  http://www.naehcy.org/educational-resources/videos

�  http://center.serve.org/nche/web/online_tr.php

�  Post outreach materials and posters in all schools and where there is a frequent influx of low-income families and youth in high-risk situations, including motels, campgrounds, libraries, health center, youth services.

�  http://nysteachs.org/materials/out-materials.html

�  Use enrollment and withdrawal forms to inquire about living situations.

From: the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)

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Under Liaison Responsibilities, What is “Public Notice”?

�  NYS-TEACHS has new posters and brochures that will be available this fall.

�  Brochures are printed in English and Spanish. Posters are free and will be available to order in 10 languages:

�  English

�  Spanish

�  Arabic

�  Bengali

�  Chinese

�  Haitian-Creole

�  Korean

�  Russian

�  Urdu

�  French

“Public notice of the educational rights of homeless students is disseminated in locations frequented by parents and guardians of such children and youths, and unaccompanied youths, including schools, shelters, public libraries, and soup kitchens, in a manner and form understandable to the parents and guardians and unaccompanied youths”

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Housing Questionnaire

•  New, updated form! (Note: Spanish version is on the 2nd page)

•  Screening tool is required for all students

•  Required at time of enrollment and change of address

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Completing the STAC-202 Form for Students Displaced by the Hurricanes.

•  Complete for every McKinney-Vento student enrolled in your district.

•  For students arriving from out-of-state, you should NOT mail the form to the STAC Unit.

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NEW: McKinney-Vento Disaster Displacement Reporting survey

•  NYSED recently sent out an email survey to all LEAs, due Nov. 22, 2017

•  Asks for # of students enrolled as a result of being displaced by the recent hurricanes AND types of services being offered to those students

•  You can access the survey here: http://portal.nysed.gov

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Immediate Enrollment of Students Experiencing Homelessness

�  Selected school must immediately enroll:

�  Even if the child/youth does not have records normally needed for enrollment; or

�  Child/youth has missed application or enrollment deadlines during any period of homelessness.

�  Enrolling school contacts last school attended for academic and other records.

�  Liaison must assist child/youth in obtaining any necessary immunizations or other required health records

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Getting student records

�  If you need to get school records for students coming to NY from out of state, you can contact the McKinney-Vento State Coordinator in that state for assistance.

�  NCHE has all State Coordinator information here: https://nche.ed.gov/states/state_resources.php#map

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McKinney-Vento Free Meals No


Students Experiencing Homelessness are Entitled to Free Meals

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Students Experiencing Homelessness are Categorically Eligible for Title I Services

�  Academic programs and educational support services

�  Basic/emergency supplies

�  Extended library hours/after school programs

�  Counseling services

�  Parental involvement

�  Intervention programs

�  Excess transportation costs (Cannot also submit for State Transportation Aid from NYSED)

�  Outreach efforts to identify the STH population and help them

�  The work of the liaison

�  Research based programs that benefit highly mobile students

�  Data collection to assess the needs/progress of STH

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i.e. Winter Coats

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Webinar Agenda


1 Key McKinney-Vento Considerations

McKinney-Vento Eligibility Identification and Data Reporting

Immediate Enrollment and School Records Free Meals and Title I, Part A

2 Resources for

supporting students displaced by the


2017 Guidance from NYSED

Medical Records for Students coming from Puerto Rico NYS-TEACHS, NCHE, & SchoolHouse Connection

Local Perspective: Elizabeth Reyes, Rochester CSD

3 Trauma-Sensitivity after Natural Disasters

Definition and Effects of Trauma The Benefit of a Trauma-Sensitive Approach

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Disaster Response Resources

�  NYSED Field Memo (Oct. 2017) Students Displaced by Recent Hurricanes

�  Puerto Rico Immunization Registry

Managed by the Puerto Rico Department of Health, this database allows parents to access copies of their family members' immunization records. This may be helpful for parents and students who have recently been displaced by Hurricane Maria.

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Disaster Response Websites/Pages


�  National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE)

�  SchoolHouse Connection 22

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A Local Perspective

Elizabeth Reyes, McKinney-Vento Liaison Rochester City School District

�  Are there common needs that displaced families have that districts can/should prepare for (i.e. winter clothes, school supplies, etc.)?

�  Have you found it challenging to get school records and if so, how have you handled that?

�  Do you find that students are coming with their parents/guardians or has there been a rise in unaccompanied homeless youth?

�  Are there any other trends, challenges, or resources that you are seeing that might be helpful to share?

�  Questions from the audience??

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Webinar Agenda


1 Key McKinney-Vento Considerations

McKinney-Vento Eligibility Identification and Data Reporting

Immediate Enrollment and School Records Free Meals and Title I, Part A

2 Resources for

supporting students displaced by the


2017 Guidance from NYSED

Medical Records for Students coming from Puerto Rico NYS-TEACHS, NCHE, & SchoolHouse Connection

Local Perspective: Elizabeth Reyes, Rochester CSD

3 Trauma-Sensitivity after Natural Disasters

Definition and Effects of Trauma The Benefit of a Trauma-Sensitive Approach

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Trauma after a Natural Disaster


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What might trauma “look like?”

After a natural disaster, many children will experience anxiety which may manifest as:

�  Clinginess, separation anxiety, nightmares

�  Irritability, outbursts, displays of anger

�  School avoidance and/or social withdrawal

�  Difficulty concentrating or sleeping

Also keep in mind that:

�  Parents may be consumed with daily survival and struggle to meet their children’s emotional needs

�  Symptoms typically decrease quickly, depending on the proximity to, severity of, and duration of the disaster

NYS-TEACHS - (800) 388-2014 26 From: the US Department of Education (Webinar: Sept. 7, 2017)

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What is happening beneath the surface?

Healthy Nervous System

Traumatized Nervous System




o  Increased adrenaline (hormones) o  Faster heart beat o  Higher blood pressure

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3 Essential Elements of Trauma-Sensitivity

•  Addresses the feelings of helplessness and terror associated with trauma.

1. Safe and Supportive


•  Addresses the feelings of isolation, blame, distrust, shame, etc. associated with trauma

2. Secure Attachment to a Nurturing Adult

•  Addresses the “flooded” nervous system and lack of coping and self-soothing skills associated with trauma.

3. Opportunities to Strengthen

Non-Cognitive Skills

Trauma-Sensitive Supports

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Trauma-Sensitivity after a Natural Disaster

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School helps children feel a sense of stability and a return to normalcy. Children may feel relief through:

o  A return to a safe and regular routine, including school o  Comforting and nurturing interactions o  A sense of physical safety o  Opportunities to express their feelings and concerns o  Flexibility when needed (i.e. with difficulty completing homework due to lack of adequate space

or supplies

From: the US Department of Education (Webinar: Sept. 7, 2017)

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�  Free brochures are available in English and in Spanish

�  Free posters in 10 languages

�  Toll-free hotline 800-388-2014

�  Website, www.nysteachs.org

Resources from NYS-TEACHS

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NYS-TEACHS 800-388-2014 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nysteachs.org

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