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SURREY. I - Epsom and Ewell History Explorerepsomandewellhistoryexplorer.org.uk/Kellys-1887.pdf ·...

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SURREY. · · [KEI:.LY'S Mort(irr"Charles, Barley Mow inn Ronke Victoria Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Thom John, dairyman NewEgbam DiSJ?Cnsnry(ThomasO'Neill, Crown farm & lJ-Ond street I Todd Ro!rina {Miss), day scbl'lol st1rgeon dentist, wednesdays, 11 a.m. nudling Clement, corn & coal dealer Vardy Janet·(Miss), Indies' school, 'the , till 5.30 ·p.m.), Poplar cottage Simmond Frederick, deputy surveyor Tet:race ·• · Porter ' Ed ward; hair cutter, & fancy or Windsor forest & parks,. Park side · White WiOiam, beer retailer : repository · ' Simms John, gnrdener to W. B. Eas't- I White George, cnrman Po riway Brothers, grocers & wine wood esq. Kingswood · · · WinterWilliam,tobacconist,&postoffice & spirit merchants · · Smith Edwin, beer retailer Woods Henry, baker Rahdall Samuel, gardener steward Sturt John, chimney sweeper Working Men's• Institute (Samuel to J. T. Harris esq. Highfi7ld Thirkel William, boot maker Handall, sec) ELSTEAD 0 is a parish and 'l"illagjl near the . river Wey, ! is a charity of £5, left. by Smith, or 5 miles from Godalming, in the Sout h Western didsion . and alderman of London, who died Janunry 30, 16::18. or · the county, . petty sessional division . and hundred of I There is a Congregational Chapel and.a Young Mens' lnsti· Farnham, Hamblcdon union, Guildford and Godalming r tutc ·and readiugtroom. River is the residence. o( county court district, rural deanery of Godalming, arch· Lady J!lphson. be Ecclesiastical Coinmissioners are lords deaconry of Surrey and Winchester. It is suppo$ed of the manor. The principal landomiers are Captain Rusb- to derive it3 name frc.m having been the "station," or I brook, W. W. G. Cornwall esq. the trustees of Sir Ilichard "stead," of Ella, founder qr t.he kingdom or The, Jephson hart. Col. Marsbnll, .R. H. Coombe esq. and the church or St. James is an ancient edifice or stone, consisting : lion. Mrs. The soil is partly light loam and sand ; of chancel, nave, south aisle, north poroll and a western 1 subsoil, gravel and sand. The crops are barley, wheat, belfry of wood by a shingled spire; the earliest I carrots, potatoes and rye. The area is 6, i::i5 acres, of portion of the structure dates from the year l 1::18 and the 1 . which 3,6oo acres aro common land ; rateable value, east wiudo" of the chancel is a good specimen of Perpcn- £3,76+.; and the population in 1881 was 679. dicular work: the stair is composed of one solid slab .H.iNB:LEY is a hamlet half a mile. west of oak, the steps being cut into it: the east window was Sexton, Henry Chapman fitted with stained· glass in 1881, in memory of the late Assistant Overseer, Charles Carpenter Lady Baynes, by her children. The church was thoroughly POST 0FFICB.-Mrs. Lydia Blackman, receiver. restored in 187::1, when. the south aisle was added. The received from Godalming at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at register dates from the year 1539. The livin.$ is a rectory, 5.25 p.m: The nearest money order & telegraph office is tithe rent charge £340, net yearly vain& f,::120 '\\;th resi- at Godalming . dence and 5 acres or glebe, in tbc gift or tbc .Archdeacon or National School, erected in 1852 for i5o cbildrert, average . Surrey -and held since 1854 by the Rev. Joseph Rhodes attendance 114 ; Alfred Morris, master, Miss A. Carpent.Pr, Charlesworth :U.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There i.nfnnts' mistr ess Baynes Charles C. River house Charlesworth Joseph Rhodes :u.A. Rect-Ory Harrison Erederic, The Hermitage Hedgeloog Rev. Geo. (Congregational] Ingram Charles, Elstead house · Jephson Lady, Rirer house Marsack Maj.-Gen. Augustus Becher, Elstead lodge StapletonLieut.-Col.Talbot, Beaufort ldg Wrangham Francis Daniel,Heatherdene COM)IERCIAL. Aylwin Mattbew,Carmr. Westbrook farm Blackman Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & post office Bowler Henry, builder, Guinea common Cresar Julius, farmer, Pot common Collier James, farmer Dodson James, 'Woolpack ' Elwin :Mariner, farmer, Low Easbing Hills Henry, farmer Hillyer Frederick, !armer I nstitute & Reading Room Keen James, farmer, Hnnkley common L egg Annie (Miss), shopkeeper Nay Frederick. farmer, Red House farm :Moorey Cornelius, potato salesman & carrier Mitchell Barry, Canner Murrant James, ' Gol<len Fleece' Payne & Baxter, shopkeepers Parsons William, shopkeeper Ituglcs.s Stephen, shopkeeper. Seaman William, boot maker Stafford Willinm, butcher Tidy Martin, 'The Stat:' Woods Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Hankley common Wyatt Wm. farmer, Hankley common PSOM (originally Ebbisham) derived it.s name from St. dressings in the Gothic style, entirely rebuilt, with the ex- Ebba, a Northnmbrian princess, and is a market, union and ception of the tower, in the year at a cost or £7,000, railway town, head of a petty sessional di 1·ision and county from the designs or Mr. Hatchard, architect., of Pirulico ; it court district, and one of the polling places for tho Mid consists of chancel, nave, aisles, west porch, and a tower division of the county and is in the first division or the with spire at the north-west angle, containing a clock and hundred of Copthorne, rural deanery of Leatherhcacl, arch· 8 bcll;t ; the east '\\"indow is stained ; there is a monument, deaconry or Surrey and diocese of Winchester, 15 miles Crom by Flaxman, to the Rev. John Parkhurst M.A. Felio" of Clare London by road and 17 miles from London by the JJrighton College, Cambridge, compileT of the Greek and Hebrew and South railway and about 14 by the South Western, lexicons, who died here 21 l\Iarch, 1797; a tablet with em- 16 miJes north-east from Guildford and 9 north from Reigate, blematica.1 figures, by the same sculptor, to Eleanor Hcllield, delightfully situated on the western ,·erge of llanstead Downs, died 18o::i; and a monument by Chantrey representing a kneel- oti the main road from London to Dorking, Horsham, ing female figure, "ith a child in her arms, to one or the Gnildloid and Worthing. The town is paved, lighted with Wnrre family : in the south aisle is a costly monument to gas, and plentifully supplied with pure water from the water Richard Evelyn, of Wood cote, d. 1669, and Elizabeth, his works situated at East Street, and is thoroughly drained. wife, d. 16g1: the oldest memorial is a brass pinto on a flat The government of the town is vested in a Local }Joard of stone with the name of lllarston, 151 l ; there arc r,200 Heal th of 9 members. All the pμblic an<l county meetings I sittings, 500 being rrce. The church was wholly closed to are held here for this division or the county. The High interments Sept. 18, 1866, nnd the chur chyard, by the same street is on the main road and there are many private resi- Order, can no\f be used only by those ha, ·ing family vault$ dcnces in this parish. The great celebrity of Epsom is and graves. In the churchyard is a st -0ne inscribed to dcri'l"cd from it.s races, which appear to have originated in Charles died Dec. 20, 1704. The register dates tho ye.'\r 17n, nlthough the pastime of horse racing, ac· Crom the year 16g5. The living is a 'l"icaragc, commuted cording to a passage in Lord Clarendon's " History of the t yenrly value, from tithe-rent charge, £350, with 3 acres of Rebellion," existed in this neighbourhood in the days of I globe and residence, in the gift I'll the representatives of the Charles I. 'l'he "Oaks" stakes, fo r tl11·cc-year·old fillies, I late Captain Speer, and held since I883 by the Rev. John were institnted in 1779 by Edward, 12th Earl of Derby, and Samuel, of the university or Oxford and surrogate. St. named after his hunting-box at Woodmanstcrne: in tho John's Mission church in parish, attached to the parish following yenr he instituted the famous "Derby" stakes, church, is a.strncturo of brick with stono facings, in the for three-ycar·old colt.s, and from that time until now the Gothic style, erected by the present ,·icnr in 1884, and cost annual occurrence of these races has been uninterrupted . £2,000 ; it will scat 500 persons. Christ Church is an eccle- The Sprin"' and Autumn Meetings arc held in April siustical parish formed July 10, 1874: the church, situated and Octob:: r und the Derby in or the beginning on the common at the west-end of the town and consecrated or June, the principal days being 'Wednesday (the Derby i11 1876 has been entirely rebuilt nnd is an c<lifice of flint day), when a sweepstake of great value, depending on with stone dressings, in the Decorated style, from designs by the number of entries, is run for; and Friday (the Oaks A. lllomlicld esq. M.A. architect, and consists of chancel, day): tho races are held on tho Downs, about a mile mwc, north aisle, tmnscpt, baptistery, west porch, nnd a south of the town; the grand stand, erected in 1829-30, tower with belfry; thoreare6oosittings. The register dates at an expense of £20,000 rnisecl by 1,00<> shares has lately from tho year 1876. The li,·mg is a ,·icarnge, net yearly ,·nlue (1886) been considerably enlarged and rctitLecl at an ex- £::100 with residence, in the girt or thellishopof Winchester penseof £1::1,000, under the direction of Mr. flatchard Smith, 1 nnd held since 1881 by Lho Rev. Archer George Hunter :.t.A. llrchitcct, of . E1)Som, and forms o prominent object on the of Trinity College. Cambridge. The populntion or this . south from the road between Ewell and Bpsom. The church portion or the parish or Epsom in t881 was 1,891. There of St. siLuated tl'lwnds the eastern extremity or the I is a small 0.iLholic c hurch in Heathcote road, dedicnted to parish, is n. . structure of brick and fl int with llith stone St. Joseph, as well us Wesleyan, Congregational, nnd Calvin-


Mort(irr"Charles, Barley Mow inn Ronke Victoria Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Thom John, dairyman NewEgbam DiSJ?Cnsnry(ThomasO'Neill, Crown farm & lJ-Ond street I Todd Ro!rina {Miss), day scbl'lol

st1rgeon dentist, wednesdays, 11 a.m. nudling Clement, corn & coal dealer Vardy Janet· (Miss), Indies' school, 'the , till 5.30 ·p.m.), Poplar cottage Simmond Frederick, deputy surveyor Tet:race ·• · Porter ' Ed ward; hair cutter, & fancy or Windsor forest & parks,. Park side · White WiOiam, beer retailer • :

repository · ' Simms John, gnrdener to W. B. Eas't- I White George, cnrman Poriway Brothers, grocers & wine wood esq. Kingswood · · · WinterWilliam,tobacconist,&postoffice

& spirit merchants · · Smith Edwin, beer retailer Woods Henry, baker Rahdall Samuel, gardener ~ steward Sturt John, chimney sweeper Working Men's• Institute (Samuel

to J. T. Harris esq. Highfi7ld Thirkel William, boot maker Handall, sec)


is a parish and 'l"illagjl near the . river Wey, ! is a charity of £5, left. by fCen~y Smith, or Wan~s,vorth, 5 miles w~t from Godalming, in the South Western didsion . and alderman of London, who died Janunry 30, 16::18. or · the county, . petty sessional division .and hundred of I There is a Congregational Chapel and. a Young Mens' lnsti· Farnham, Hamblcdon union, Guildford and Godalming r tutc·and readiugtroom. River H~use is the residence. o( county court district, rural deanery of Godalming, arch· Lady J!lphson. be Ecclesiastical Coinmissioners are lords deaconry of Surrey and di~of Winchester. It is suppo$ed of the manor. The principal landomiers are Captain Rusb­to derive it3 name frc.m having been the "station," or I brook, W. W. G. Cornwall esq. the trustees of Sir Ilichard "stead," of Ella, founder qr t.he kingdom or Sus~:x. The, Jephson hart. Col. Marsbnll, .R. H. Coombe esq. and the church or St. James is an ancient edifice or stone, consisting : lion. Mrs. ~err. The soil is partly light loam and sand ; of chancel, nave, south aisle, north poroll and a western 1 subsoil, gravel and sand. The crops are barley, wheat, belfry of wood snr~ounted by a shingled spire; the earliest I carrots, potatoes and rye. The area is 6, i::i5 acres, of portion of the structure dates from the year l 1::18 and the


. which 3,6oo acres aro common land ; rateable value, east wiudo" of the chancel is a good specimen of Perpcn- £3,76+.; and the population in 1881 was 679. dicular work: the belfr~ stair is composed of one solid slab .H.iNB:LEY is a hamlet half a mile.west of oak, the steps being cut into it: the east window was Sexton, Henry Chapman fitted with stained· glass in 1881, in memory of the late Assistant Overseer, Charles Carpenter Lady Baynes, by her children. The church was thoroughly POST 0FFICB.-Mrs. Lydia Blackman, receiver. Lette~ restored in 187::1, when. the south aisle was added. The received from Godalming at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at register dates from the year 1539. The livin.$ is a rectory, 5.25 p.m: The nearest money order & telegraph office is tithe rent charge £340, net yearly vain& f,::120 '\\;th resi- at Godalming

. dence and 5 acres or glebe, in tbc gift or tbc .Archdeacon or National School, erected in 1852 for i5o cbildrert, average . Surrey -and held since 1854 by the Rev. Joseph Rhodes attendance 114 ; Alfred Morris, master, Miss A. Carpent.Pr, Charlesworth :U.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There i.nfnnts' mistr ess

Baynes Charles C. River house Charlesworth R~'" Joseph Rhodes :u.A.

Rect-Ory Harrison Erederic, The Hermitage Hedgeloog Rev. Geo. (Congregational] Ingram Charles, Elstead house · Jephson Lady, Rirer house Marsack Maj.-Gen. Augustus Becher,

Elstead lodge StapletonLieut.-Col. Talbot, Beaufort ldg Wrangham Francis Daniel,Heatherdene

COM)IERCIAL. Aylwin Mattbew,Carmr. Westbrook farm

Blackman Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & post office

Bowler Henry, builder, Guinea common Cresar Julius, farmer, Pot common Collier James, farmer Dodson James, 'Woolpack ' Elwin :Mariner, farmer, Low Easbing Hills Henry, farmer Hillyer Frederick, !armer I nstitute & Reading Room Keen James, farmer, Hnnkley common Legg Annie (Miss), shopkeeper Nay Frederick. farmer, Red House farm

:Moorey Cornelius, potato salesman & carrier

Mitchell Barry, Canner Murrant James, ' Gol<len Fleece' Payne & Baxter, shopkeepers Parsons William, shopkeeper Ituglcs.s Stephen, shopkeeper. Seaman William, boot maker Stafford Willinm, butcher Tidy Martin, 'The Stat:' Woods Geo. (Mrs.), farmer, Hankley

common Wyatt Wm. farmer, Hankley common

E ·PSOM (originally Ebbisham) derived it.s name from St. dressings in the Gothic style, entirely rebuilt, with the ex­Ebba, a Northnmbrian princess, and is a market, union and ception of the tower, in the year 182~, at a cost or £7,000, railway town, head of a petty sessional di 1·ision and county from the designs or Mr. Hatchard, architect., of Pirulico ; it court district, and one of the polling places for tho Mid consists of chancel, nave, aisles, west porch, and a tower division of the county and is in the first division or the with spire at the north-west angle, containing a clock and hundred of Copthorne, rural deanery of Leatherhcacl, arch· 8 bcll;t ; the east '\\"indow is s tained ; there is a monument, deaconry or Surrey and diocese of Winchester, 15 miles Crom by Flaxman, to the Rev. John Parkhurst M.A. Felio" of Clare London by road and 17 miles from London by the JJrighton College, Cambridge, compileT of the Greek and Hebrew and South Coa~t· railway and about 14 by the South Western, lexicons, who died here 21 l\Iarch, 1797; a tablet with em-16 miJes north-east from Guildford and 9 north from Reigate, blematica.1 figures, by the same sculptor, to Eleanor Hcllield, delightfully situated on the western ,·erge of llanstead Downs, died 18o::i; and a monument by Chantrey representing a kneel­oti the main road from London to Dorking, Horsham, ing female figure, "ith a child in her arms, to one or the Gnildloid and Worthing. The town is paved, lighted with Wnrre family : in the south aisle is a costly monument to gas, and plentifully supplied with pure water from the water Richard Evelyn, of Wood cote, d. 1669, and Elizabeth, his works situated at East Street, and is thoroughly drained. wife, d. 16g1: the oldest memorial is a brass pinto on a flat The government of the town is vested in a Local }Joard of stone with the name of lllarston, 151 l ; there arc r,200 Health of 9 members. All the pµblic an<l county meetings I sittings, 500 being rrce. The church was wholly closed to are held here for this division or the county. The High interments Sept. 18, 1866, nnd the churchyard, by the same street is on the main road and there are many private resi- Order, can no\f be used only by those ha,·ing family vault$ dcnces in this parish. The great celebrity of Epsom is and graves. In the churchyard is a s t-0ne inscribed to dcri'l"cd from it.s races, which appear to have originated in Charles Parkhurs~ died Dec. 20, 1704. The register dates tho ye.'\r 17n, nlthough the pastime of horse racing, ac· Crom the year 16g5. The living is a 'l"icaragc, commuted cording to a passage in Lord Clarendon's " History of the t yenrly value, from tithe-rent charge, £350, with 3 acres of Rebellion," existed in this neighbourhood in the days of I globe and residence, in the gift I'll the representatives of the Charles I. 'l'he "Oaks" stakes, for tl11·cc-year·old fillies, I late Captain Speer, and held since I883 by the Rev. John were institnted in 1779 by Edward, 12th Earl of Derby, and Samuel, of the university or Oxford and surrogate. St. named after his hunting-box at Woodmanstcrne: in tho John's Mission church in thi~ parish, attached to the parish following yenr he instituted the famous "Derby" stakes, church, is a.strncturo of brick with stono facings, in the for three-ycar·old colt.s, and from that time until now the Gothic style, erected by the present ,·icnr in 1884, and cost annual occurrence of these races has been uninterrupted. £2,000 ; it will scat 500 persons. Christ Church is an eccle­The Sprin"' and Autumn Meetings arc held in April siustical parish formed July 10, 1874: the church, situated and Octob::r und the Derby in ~fay or the beginning on the common at the west-end of the town and consecrated or June, the principal days being 'Wednesday (the Derby i11 1876 has been entirely rebuilt nnd is an c<lifice of flint day), when a sweepstake of great value, depending on with stone dressings, in the Decorated style, from designs by the number of entries, is run for; and Friday (the Oaks A. lllomlicld esq. M.A. architect, and consists of chancel, day): tho races are held on tho Downs, about a mile mwc, north aisle, tmnscpt, baptistery, west porch, nnd a south of the town; the grand stand, erected in 1829-30, tower with belfry; thoreare6oosittings. The register dates at an expense of £20,000 rnisecl by 1,00<> shares has lately from tho year 1876. The li,·mg is a ,·icarnge, net yearly ,·nlue (1886) been considerably enlarged and rctitLecl at an ex- £::100 with residence, in the girt or thellishopof Winchester penseof £1::1,000, under the direction of Mr . flatchard Smit h,


nnd held since 1881 by Lho Rev. Archer George Hunter :.t.A. llrchitcct, of .E1)Som, and forms o prominent object on the of Trinity College. Cambridge. The populntion or this . south from the road between Ewell and Bpsom. The church portion or the parish or Epsom in t881 was 1,891. There of St. ~fartin. siLuated tl'lwnds the eastern ext remity or the I is a small 0.iLholic church in Heathcote road, dedicnted to parish, is n.. structure of brick and fl int with llith stone St. Joseph, as well us Wesleyan, Congregational, nnd Calvin-


istic chapels. The Cemetery, co1·ering an area of about DunoANs,' about three quarters of a mile south; is the 8.acres and situated on the lower ro3'1 to the Downs, was seat of the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery. completed in i871, at a cost of £5,500: it has t'lvo mortuary PoST, ~10!\~Y OnoER & TELEGRAPH 0FFJCR & Snvings chapels, and is under the control of a Burial lloard of 9 llank.-:\lrs. Lncr Welby Andrews, postmistress. Letters members consistin{( of membors of the Local lloard. The arc delivered at 7 &: 10 a. m. & 5.40 p. m. Letter box closes Roya.I Medical llenevolent College, situated at the nortb-east at 9. I5 a.m. I2. I5, ::i.45 & 4.15 p.m. (no extra stamp taken corner of the Downs, and commanding fi11e prospects, is a for these mails) & 9 p.m. Lett.ors are re.ceived till 9. rs handsome pile of red brick, wilh quoins and dressings of Caen p.m. with extra stamp; dispatched by foot J>9St to Ewell s tone iu the Tudor Gothic style, erected in' the year 1855 in at 6 &. 9. T 5 a.m. &'5.40 p.m. & arrive on return at 9 & 12

grounds occupying an area of 18 acres: it consists of a school a.rn. 4 &: 8.30 p.m. i no stmday post. To Ashstead at 6 & and asylum i the l<1ttcr being intended for decayed medical 9. I5 a. m. & nnd arrive nt 9 a.m. 4 & 8 p.m. ; no sunday practitioners and their widows, and the former as a public post. To ll:mstead & Woodm~i1sterne at 6 & 9.15 a.m. ~hool for gentlelllen's sons, those of medical men being & arrive at 9 a.m. 4 & 8 p.m. To Kingswood & Walton educated at a lower rat~; there are fifty foundation scholar- at 6 &. 9. 15 a.m. & arrive at 12 a.m. 4 p.m. & 8 p.m ships, open t-0 orphan sons of medical men, who a.reclotbcd, To Headley at 6 & 9.15 n.m. & arril'e at 4 & 8 p.m. ; no bOarded and ectuc.'ltcd gratis; besides these there are nlso sull'lay post . about i70 other pupils: a. house for 30 pri1·ate boarders, ?lfoney 01ders granted & paid from 9 WI 6 p.m. ; saturdays with the head master, has been erected at the cost of the 9till 8 p.m · · J,,ate Professor Sir Erasmus Wilson F.n.s. : there ·is also :i I Parcels ctesp:itches at 9.30 n.m. 3.30 &; 9 p.m · ~hapel connected with the college: the ollice of the council Office open for telegrams from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; sundayi; IS at 37, Soho square, London. The Town Hall, erected in

1 7 a.m. to IO a.m

1883, at a cost or £4,000, is a structure cf red brick and . · LOCAL llOAUD. terra cotta in the Classic style, from designs by :Mr. J. [

Hatchard Smith A.R. l .B.A. of };psom : it contains a l:1rge


Sittings every alternate wcdnesday at 9.30 a.m. hall, 68 by 40 feet, and about 30 feet high, with a stage and Offices, Court house. qrcssing rooms at one end and a gallery at the other: there Members :-are also on the ground floor, on either side of the central I Chairman, Jame.~ Andrews hall, a club room and reading rooms, and near these a llu1Jer Col. JM. Hornby J. l'. ~fills Thomas lecture room 40 by 38 feet, and nbout r5 feet hi.gh; tbe Jiicobs J ulius Octal"ius Moore Edward basement includes kitchens . and caretaker's apartments: Jay Edwin D. Northey Rel'". Edward Wm. the ball was opened, 'Tuesday, .April 3, 1883, by the Earl of Langlands Charles John Ree1·es William Maunsell Egmont. The .Almshouses, founded by John Lh-ingston, a Clerk, George White parishioner, in 1703, for twelve poor widows, were rebuilt Treasurer, Rowland 01Vcn, London &; County Bank in 1871 upon the site of the old foundation in East street, Medical Ollicer of Health, Edwdard Long Jacob, 8 Alten-and receive tweh1e inmates, each or 1rhom bas a.bout £4 JS. b11rg gardens, Claph:im common, London s w yearly. 'Charities producing £50 yearly are distributed in Sun·eyor and Inspector of Nuisances, Joseph Rake Harding bread, clothing and fuel. These are not endowed. 'fhe c.E . .A.,hlcy ro:ltl Epsom and Ewell Cottage Hospital, situated in Hawthorn Engineer of Water1York~, Charles Saunders Place, was established in 1873 and contains ro beds:· the Collector, Edward Willi:lm Hailes, Ladbroke road average number of in-patient.s is about. So. Tbere is a branch here.of the. London.and County llanking Company. lJrick makmg and brewmg are carried on here, and there are also nursery gi:ounds. 'fbe corn and cattle market is held on Wednesday and a fair on the 25th July. The old Assembly Rooms, in which balls were held in the Stuart period are now used as a warehouse. In tho centre of the High street is a structure of brick sen<ing as a .fire-brigade station; above it rises a lofty clock t ower with an open cupola containing a bell. The Water Works in East street, erected by the ll-Oard of HP~lth, furnish alf ample supply of exceUent water. The medicinal springs, x mile west or the town, contain ·sulphate of magnesia, with a little hydro­

·chlorate of lime and magnesia : in the l'eign of Queen ElizS;beth. th_ey \Vere much frequented by the country people, and m the time of Charles I. the salts they produced were so celebrated as to sell at 5s. per ounce; in 1720 the wells were in their gi:ealest splendour, but in 1804 .the house at the old wells was pulled do1vn. A new mansion was erected in18851tnd is now occupied b)'James Stua!t Strange esq. who is lord o.f the manor; Down Hall is the residence of Col.James Hornby Huller J. l'; the Gro1·e, of John Pyemont csq. and Woodcote ]1ouse, of the Hev. Edward William Northey x . .a.. (Oxon). The 3rd Surrey Hi He Volonteers ha\'e a rifle range here, Boo yards in length. On the Common is a. Chlb Room, with skittle alley, for the use of working men, erected by Mr. Strange, lord of the manor, at a cost of £700, from designs by Mr. J. Hatchard Smith. Henry Mason esq. 34· llasinghall street, London, is steward of the manor; manor courts are held in .April 11nd October, at the • Kmg's HeHd' hotel, a house :it "·hich Pepys stayed, "'hen 'Ii.siting Epsom in July, 1667; the other principal hotels are the ~ Spread Eagle' and the •.Albion.' James S. Strange esq. the trustees of the late William llntcber, the Rev. E. W. Northey M.A. Herbert Brooks, George W hite, Charles J ohn Langlands and John Nightingall esqts. and the Earl -0f Rosebery, are chief lando1mers. The area of the parish is about 7 square miles, being about 3~ miles long and about ~ miles broad. The number of acres is .i,423, of which 944 are downs and open common, and 3'479 cultinted land, chiefly enclosed gardens and homesteads, and the site o( the town; rateable value in 1886, £51,688. The population ifl ·1871. was 6,~6 and in 1881; 6,916, including 323 officers and inmates m the workhouse ; at the present time about 8,ooo. The length of the highways ii} the parish is about 3~ -~~Jes, t~ree of which form·streets. · ·

HonTo,~ is a hamlet of Epsom, a mile and .a hair north ; Horton manor is the scat of William Trotter esq . .J.P . . Woodcote Park is a mile south and the sut or Herbert Brookes esq. · . I · Pari~h Clerks, St .• Martin, George Faulkner, Woodcote ;

Christchurch; James Holt. · I •

Coo:>ITl' M.a.c:1sTRAT.ES Fort EPSOM P&nY SEss;ON4L D1v1sroN.

Chairman, The Earl of Egmont, Nork house, Banstead lleddington Maurice esq. The Limes, Carshalton · llridge John esq. H~dley Huller Col. James Hornby, Down hall, Epsom Ch.ambers W. E. esq. Sutton Cunliffe Roger csq. IO Queen's gate, Hyde parks,,,. Farmer William Robert Gamul, Nonsuch park, Cheam Gadesden Augustus William esq. Ewell casUe · Gleig Col. Ale.ic. Ca meron, Ashtead Hankey John llarn::ird csq. Fctcham park, Fetcham Lucas Thomas esq. Ashstead·

. IJ.'ritton Henry John csq. 36 llryanston square, London 1

Trotter William esq. Borton manor, Epsom Clerk to the Magistrates, Theoqore llell, High street

Petty Session.s are holden at the Court house every monday . at 10.30 a.m. except on bank holidays, ,,,-hen they are holden on the following wednes<lay. Tbe following places are included in the petty scssional division :- Ashtcad, B::mstead,llookbam (Great & Little), Cheam, Chessington, Cuddington, Epsom, Ewell, Fetcbam, Headley, Sutton, Walton-on-the-Hill

L'\'SUlHNCB AOE:!'.'TS;-Alliance l'ire & Life, E. Butcher, High street Atlas, F. Oxley, High street liritish };mpire Mutual Life, G. Snashall, High street Commercial Union, C. B:lrton, South street County Pirc, J. Andrews, High street General, W. Harsant, High street . LiYerpool & London & Globe, G. 111. Coppard . London .Assurance; T. Chuter, High street&; T. J. Lawes West Hill ,-ma ·

Nonvich Union Fire, G. Stone, Ewell Pbrenix Fire, R. Dearle, High .street Royal Exchange, G. White, County court&, W. 0. Reader, Tlie Parade

Royal Fire & Life, W. G. Langlands, West street · Sun !lire, W. C. Weston, High street .

PODLIC ESTADLlSIIMENTS :-Cemetery, Downs Lo1ver road, George White, clerk to the burial board, J oseph Ham, lodge keeper ·

Connty Cour t, Ashley road (sittings bi-monthly on fridar) ; His Honor Vernon Lushing:.On Q.c. judge; George White, r egistrar i Cecil Mercer, 109, Victoria streot, Westminster, official recei\·er & high bailiff; Richard llcall, Edith villa, Ewell road, J<~psom, & Walter G. L11nglands, West str eet, Epsom, bailiffs appointed under the Agricultural Hold­ings Act. ln 1848 a building was erected for the County Court, the jurisdiction or '"bicb extends over the follow­ing parishes : -Ashstead, Banstcad, Great & Little Dook· ham, Cnrsbalton, Cheam, Chcssington; Cobham, Cudding

EPSOM. SURREY. ton, Epsom, Ewell, Fetcl!am, Headley, Leatberhead, Stoke D'Abernon, & Sutton

Epsom.& Ewell Cottage Hospital, Hawthorn place, 'William Wilson Coltart l!.D. W. R. Tytberidge, ·r. A. Alexander l£.D. & William Clement. Daniel medicalt officers .Rev. E. W. Northey, hon. treasurer, J. F. Maingay, hon'. ·sec.; Miss Annie Broadbridge, matron

Epsom Public Hall & Assembly Rooms, George Whiie, sec Fire Engine Station, Waterloo road, Charles Saunders

superintendent & 9 men · · ' I nland Ret"enue Office, King's Head hole!, High street Metropolitan Police Station, V Division, Ashley road, Francis

John Hr~ntley, inspector; 2 sergeants & 23 men _ Stamp Office, James Andrews, High 11trect., distributor Surrey (3rd) Rifle Volunte~rs, 'Epsom detachment (G Co.),

G. Stone ca~t. commanding

b"l-sox ' UNION.

Board day every alternate wednesday at the workhouse, . at n a.m

The Union compriFes t.he> following parishes :-Ashste:id, l:!anstead, Carshalt.on, Cheam, . Chessington, Chobham, Cuddington, Epsom, Ewell, Fetcham, Groat Rookhnm, Headley, Lcatberhead, Little l)ookharo, Stoke D' Abernon, & Sutton. :rh~ rateable value of the union is £•:176,795 ; the population m 1881 was 41,107. The Workhouse is a building in the Elizabethan style, available for 480 inmates, an~ has a ne\r infirmary capable of accommodating 220 patients

Clerk to the Guardians, Wm. Oliver Reader. Parade, Epsom 'l'reasurer, Rowland Owen, London & County Bank Collectors or Poor Rates, Epsom, Charles Williams, Lad-

bl"oke road, Epsom . Relieving Officers, Western Di~ision, John Henry Marsh,

Sutton, J ohn Nixon, Epsom, Septimus Wellings, Leather­head

Vaccination Offcer, J ames Andrews, High street, Epsom Medical Officers and Public Vaccinators, .&nstead dJStrict,

W. A. Cox, Sutton ; Great & Little Bookham district, Arthur Stedman, Great Bookham; Cobham & Stoke district, RolYland Smith, Cobham; Carshalton-district, F. S. Mo~er L.n.c.P. LOnd. Carshalton ; Cheam & Sutton district, John Wilton, M.D. Sutton·; Ewell, Chessington & Cuddington district, G. R. llarnes M.D. Ewell; Epsom & Ashstead district, W. W. Colt.art L.n.c.P. Lond. Epsom; Headley district, W.W. Coltart L.n.cP. :tond. Epsom; Leatherhead & Fetcham distr ict, Walter Carrington Hearnden, Leatherhead 1

Superintendent Registrar, William Oliver Reader, Pnrade, Epsom; deputy, John Dyer, Ladbroko road, Epsom

Registrars of llirths & Deaths, Epsom sub-district, James Andrews, High street, Epsom ; deputy, George Jacob Omant, West hill, Epsom ; Carshalton sub-district, James Cooper, Sutton; deputy, George L. Cooper, Sutton; L!latherhead snb-district, Marmaduke James 'Willis

Registrar of Marriages, Cha~les Williams, 6 Ladbroke road ; deputy, Albert F. Williams

Workhouse, Dorking road, Charles Cooke, master; Rev. Francis Grosvenor, chaplain; W.W. Colta.rtx.n. medical officer ; Mrs. Harriet Cooke, "matron ; Septimus H. Pritchard, schoolmaster ; Anna Clark, schoolmistress


Clerk, William Olil"cr Reader, Parade, Ep~om Tre.-isnrer, Howland Owen, London & Coantv Dank Medical Otllcer or Health, Edward Long JacO.b, 8 Altenburg

gardens, Clapham commons '" Inspector of Nuisances, Geo. Mather, Hawthorne vii. Epsom


Assistant Overseer and Collector of Poor Ratell Charles Williams, Ladbroke road · '

Clerk to the A~essment Committee & to the Higlmay Bont"d for Epsom district, William Oliver Reader, The Parade

Clerk to Commissioners of Tue8· for the Division of Cop-_tho.rne and Effingham, Theodore Bell, High street

District Surveyor of Highways, By. Wilson, St. Martin's rd Steward of the Manor, Henry Miasoo, 84 Basinghall st B c Vestry Clerk & Clerk to Burial .Board, George White Courb

house, Ashley road . - ' Clerk to Public Hall Comp1my, George Wbi~o Puc&s OF . WonsH1P, wit,h times.of services :-St: Martin's Church, Church stre'.ety Rev. John Sd~uel, vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. · 7 p .m.; St. John's, East street, n;tonday 1

1 friday 7, sunday 6.30 .

Christ Church, Epsom common Rev. Archer George Hunter M .A. vicar; 8 & n a.m. ir_ 6.30 p.m. ;· ruon. tiles. wed. & fri. "10.30 a.m. & 7,.30 p.m. ; thurs. & sat. 8 a.m. &; 5.30 p.Ul.

St. !oseph Catholic, Heathcote road, Rev. Daniel Ferris,o.D. pric.st.; .8 .30 & 10.45 a_.m. & 4 p.m. ; daily 8.15 a.m

Calv1111s tic Congregational, Tho Terrace "Hev. William Summers, mmister ; JI a.m. & 6.30 p:m. ; Wednesday 8 p.m • . ·

Wt.sleyan Chapel, Waterloo road, ministers various ; . iI a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thursday 7 p.m


Ro~a! Medi~! Benevolent College, Epsom Downs, Rev. Wilham Cecil Wood M.A. chaplain & head master ; G. L& R Powles >C.A. second master; T. Threlfall M.A. mathe­matical master; Rev. S. J . Rowton M.A. J. S. Jackson >!. A. chemistry & biology ; C . .R. Taylor ll.A. & Clemens Engel, assistant masters ; J . S. Jackson M.A. lecturer on chemistry; T . Threlfall JoLA. natural philosophy; Rev. W. A. Thomas X.A. Walter J ay E. Morley M·A. A. J. Newsom D • .A. T. E. Lindsay ll.A. & F. C. Coope.r, drawing & art masters ; Rev. S. J. Rowton, music & cboir master · W. Spurrier, drill master; Miss Hassall, matron , '

A School Attendance Commitue, Epsom district, consisting of 9 members, was formed in 1877 ; George White, clerk to the committee ; James Wagstaff, attendance officer, .Ashley rd .. Epsom. Tho Local Board act as a committee

National, East street, built in 1840, for 580 children ; average attendance 410; John O'Connell, master· M~ Frances Sone, ini3tress '

Infant, West hill: built in I844t for !200 children ; aYcrage attendance 120; Miss Mary Ann LlewellJ.D, mistress

British (mi:xed), Church street, built in 1846, for J90

ch_ildren ; average attendance 170; Miss Emily Dough, m~tress


Epsom Journal (Conservative), office, High street, James Andrews, printer & publisher ; published tuesday

Epsom Hera.Id (Conservative); office, High street, James: Andrews, printer & publisher; ' published snturday. Seo adt"ertisement


London, Brighton & So11th Coast (Town Station), William Thomas ~lonckton, station master; (Downs Station)r William Manning, st:ition mast.er

London & South Western, Thomas James Lawes, station master

ScnoOL ATr£SDA.NCB Coai:1i1tTrBB. I C.i.nmxns TO LoxnoN :--Clerk, William Oliver Reader, Para'.le 'Mrs. Mary Ann Baker, High street, Ewell, daily Attendance . Officer!', John Nixon, Epsom ; Septimus ' Carter, Paterson & Co. 128 Goslrell road x c, deliver daily ;

Wellings, Lealherhead I call on signal

PntYAT.R nssmBNTS. I Be\·.erton Joseph,London cottage.East.st Alder Gilbcr~, West hill .Bird Henry, Grove villa, ·w es t hill Alexander Miss, 2 Waterloo road Bircl John Jas. Edendale, Worple road Alexander 'rhos.Anderson M.D. Church st · llirkel t Mrs. Church street Andre1t·s .James, Hit?h street I Ili~choff Charles, Woodcoto Aston Alfred Withal!, West Hill lodge, Blake Ernest Edward, Church street

West hill I lllomfield William, Ladbroke road Dat?sha" Wm. F.<lwd. Pitt pl. Churchst ! Bolton Miss, Worple rood Dailey JohnDickson, White cot.Common . llotting Stanrord, Stntion road Dailey Miss, Ho~e bnnk, South street 1 llradlcy William, Ashley rond Barnard Ar thur , The Terrace I :Hradley William Joseph, .Ashley road llarnard Edward, ~nburnum road I llrnithwaite faanc, Hooklie. Id grove Barnard Edward, )Un. Ashley road l!ray Edwin Hugh Scorby, Waltham ho llnrnard James, Church street llrookes Herbert, Woodcote Darnar<l J ohn, The Hollies, Church st ! llrown Peter, The Parade llarnard Sydney, The Retre.-it, .Ashley rd Buchanan George W. Worplo road DeaJI Richard, Edith villa, East s lreet f Buclcnill'fhos. Townsend Q.c.Hvlnnds ho Bell Theodore, Downside ! lluller Col. Jas. Hornby J.P. oO\rn ball

Burgess George Frederick, Bromley burst, Church s treet

Dutcher Edward, The Birches Rutcber The Misses, Ashley road Caney Jsph. John, Ebbisdale, DO\Yns rd. Case ~rs. Woodcot.e lodge Casson William, Ladbroke road • Ca\'e Miss, Station road Cbanccllor Walt.er, Worple road Chandler Frank, Ladbroko road Chandler James .Alexander, Church st Chant Jas. Jhn. The Limes, Ashley rd Chuter Jomes, llush lodge Chuter Stephen, The Terrace Clare Hobert, West hill Collins l\lrs. Adelphi road Collins Mrs. Laburnum collage, East st Coltart Wm.Wilson L.R.C.P. Waterloo rd,

I '


· Constable Mrs. The Parade Keeling George Ratcliffe,jon. L.D.S. Rng. Cook Mrs. West hill Ormonde house, Htgb street Cooper Mrs. llriavels, Lower Downs rd Kinder John, Durdans, Woodcotc road Cope William, Woodcote road KinderThos:nannerman,9Laburnum rd Coultbartl John, 3 The Terrace KiDg WilliamMacintosb,lA"'· Downs rd Crockett William, Park villns, Downs rd KnowlesFroucis,Worplelodgo,Asbley rd Dale llenry, Worple road Lamb William, .Eagle cott.a<>es, East st Dalton John, 4 Laburnum road Lancaster William Henry, Worple road Daniel Mrs. 6 The Terrace Langford George Richd. Ladbroke rd Daniel William Clement M .D. Church st Langlands Charles John, Caithness, Davies James, Worple road New road Dads Thomas, 10 Laburnum road Langlands Reginald, Trenart villa, Davy Henry Cross, East street Waterloo road • Doo Hubert Sydney George Barrow, Ledger Fredk. Wm. 5 Laburnum road

Stoneleigh house, Church street Lee Miss, Cedars, Church street Dorset William, Laburnum road Lemprii!re Harry Reid, Hylands Dowdney John Cotterill, The Parado Lindsay T. K B.A. Tho College Qowning Joseph Llancayo, Lower Lionbarde Rev. Frederick LCatholic),

Downs road Heat.hcote road :Qrake Joseph James, Heathcote road Lock Miss, Dorking road Drake 111rs. Cedars cottage, Church st Lo,·eJace Rev. Thomas Dunning(curate Duffin William, Worple road or St. Martio"s], Eagle cotts. Bast st Dyer John, Ladbroke road Low Alfred, Worple road East Quartermaine, Garland grove, Lyne Chas. Laburnum cottages, Eastst

Woodcotc MacMahon Michael, Upper Uowns read Edwards Miss, West street Maitland Frederick Wm. Alexaudra rd 1:1dridge John Robey, Worplo road Malam Mrs. 2 Alexandra road Ellaru Benjamin, Tho Warren, Downs Manly Harry, Upper Downs road Engel Clement, The College Manly Mrs. High Elms, Upper l>owns rd Ewing Richard, Ladbroke road Martin Mrs. Glentborne, Worple road Farmer James, Woodcote End house :\Iartin Samuel, 2 The Terraco Faulkner George, Woodcote end Mascall Lewis, South street Fenvenbles John, 9 Tho TerrBCe Massamingham George, Oakleigh,Ale:i:-Ferris R~v. Daniel D.D. [Catholic], The andra road

Presbytery, Heathcote road :\lathei:: Geo. 1 Hawthorn villa, East st Field Robert, Heathcote road Mayhew George Jeremiah, .Woodcote. Field Thomas, Worple road Mayor Mrs. Ladbroke road Fishor George &pencer, Rosendale cot- Merrick Joseph, Down Hall road

. tagc, College road l\Iitte.ndorff Miss, Claytou ho. East st Fossey Edmund, Ashley road Moorcro[t Richard Knight, x Woodbine Francis .Tames, West bill cottages, Alexandra road Friser Miss, Longdown cot. Collego rd Morley Walter Jay Edward, Homes-Fry Henry James Wakeley, Ashley rd . dale, College road Qate Henry, East stj:eet Murray Charles Cairns, Tower house, George Mrs. The common . .Ashley road Gibe.rue Mrs. Church street Murray Charles Fredk. .Woodcote hall Gilks Charles Henry, Ladbrokeroad Murrell James, Ashley road Gordon Mrs. 7 Worple road · Nash William lllin, Worple road Gore Spencer, Mead house, South st Nevill Mrs. Sout.b street Grainger Francis Edward, Stamford Newsom A. J. B.A. The College

lodge, West hill Newton John, Winchester cottagM, Gr~ory William, Worple road East street .. GreerrJohn, Alexandra road Nicholls Robert Todd, 2 Park villas Grellicr Harley Nare, Downsid Norman Ernest, 6 Laburnum road IIailes Edward W. Ladbroke road Norman Miss, Ashley road Hall Miss, Ebbisbam house, Church st Norman Thos. Hy. The Pines, Parade Hall Tho Misses, Church street Nonnan "':'alter, 12 Tho 'rerraco Hammond Mrs. Worple road Norrington Charles, n The Terrace Hand Ernesto, Worple. road Northey Rev. Edward William ll • .L Hankey Edward Alers, Dorking road Woodcote house Harding Joseph Rakec.B.St.Martin'srd Nunn William George, West hill Harrison Re\•, C,'harles(Congregational], O'Connell J ohn, Ely cottages, East st

East street Owen Rowland,London &. County Bank, Hassison Crowther, Ladbroke road .Ashley road IiayRev.MaynardWbitwortbM:.A[curate Pagden Frede. The Acacias, Church st

of Christ Church], The Common Pagden·Robert, Woodcote-Haycraft William, Fairholme Payne Francis, Woodcote lleatb Edmund, Heathcote road Payne George, East street Hills George, The Lindens, Church st Penney Richard, Station ro0ad Hodder Joseph hliller, • Caen wood, Phelps Mrs. 8 Worple road

.Alexandra road , Phillips Horace, Park. villas, Lower Holland .Augustus, Dorking road · Downs road Holt William, Lime Tree cot. Church st Phillips 'Mrs. Mounthill, South street Iloskins George, Winchester cottages, Poole Charles, Bankside, South street

East street Potter Mrs. York house, Wooclcote end Hotbam Mrs. Hawthorn villas, East st Powles G. Le B. M.A. The College Hughes Thomas, Downside Pratt. Geo. Haswell house, Waterloo rd Humphrey Thomas, New road Price Mrs. Waterloo road Hunter Rev. Archer George x . .t.. Christ Puckle Henry John, Old Manor house,

Ch\lrch vicar>Lge, The Common . West hill . Hurndall Lemuel Lewis, Worple road Pyke Cbarles, Worple road J'!Ckson John, West hill · Pyemont J ohn, The Grove Jackson J. S. M.A. The Collego .· • Ilead Francis, Hill house Jacobs Julius Octavius, J..adbroke road :Reader William Oliver, Lonsdale, The Jeffery James, The Parade . Parade Jobnson Alfred, Downside Reardon Geo. Francis, x Laburnum rd Jones Arthur. O'Brien, South street Reeve William Henl"y Anworth, Lower Jones John, Priam lodge, Tho Downs Downs road . Jones Mrs. Worple road Reeves William Maunsell, WesUands, Judge Frederick, Ladbroke road Dorking road Keeling George Ratcliffe L.D.S. Rng. Richardson Mrs. Parade gardens

Ormonde house, High street Richardson Miss, Worplo r oad

EPSOM. 1179

Roberts Miss, Tbe Hylands, Dorking rd Robinson Charles, Worple ro.-ul Robinson George Tbomas, White cot-

tage, The Common Roger Peter Hobert.son, llighridge,

Downs road Rogers Mrs. West hill RoseberyThe lug ht .Elon. tho Earl or P.c.

The Durdans ; & Lansdowne house, llerkeley square w; White's club,

· s w & City Liberal club Jo: o London Rowton Rev. Samuel James l(.A. The

College Radall Francis Albert, Church streeb Rundle Hy.Leslie, Billside,Alexandra rd Russell Charles, Heathcote road Samuel Rev.John [vicar),The Vicarage,

Church street Shaw John Lancaster, Abbey craig,

Alexandra road Skilton Miss, West hill Skilton Thomas, West hill Smart ~!rs. Fern villa, College road Smith John Hatcbard, Tbe Terrace Smith Miss, Park. villas, Down road Smith Mrs. John, 10 'l'he •rerrace Smith Wm. Mayfield, St. Marttn's rd Smith William, Wooclcote road Steer William George, High street Stillwell ?.!rs. Worple road Strange James Stuart, The Old Wells SnmmersRev. William[Congre,,aational}

Redlands, Aloxandra road Sutton .Alfred, Heathcote road Tanton Mrs. East street· Taylor C. R B.A.. The College Taylor Charles, Worple road 'faylor :Miss, Ashley road • Thompson Charles, Tile Terrace • Tead 8amuel, Church street TbomasRev. Will.iam A. M.A.TheCollege Threlfall T.MA.Tbe Collegt>,Epsom dwns Tigar Edward, Dorking road . Tooby Mrs. Beech cottage, The Do'lfllS Townsend Charles, Ashley road Trew Edward llellingbam, Worple road Trotter William l.P. Horton manor True Mrs. 3 Laburnum road Tucker Tbomas,•Alexandra road Tytheridge Walter Robert, Ashley rd / Vynie Mrs. Worple road Wagstaff James, Ashley road Walker John Jamea, Woodcote green Ward Hy. Langthorpe, Up. Downs rd Webb Aubone, Waterloo road Welchman Mrs. Do'm lodge, Church st. Wells William, 7 Laburnum road Weston Miss, Uplands · West.wick Thomas, West hill White George, Ashley houso White George Henry, Ashley house Wicks Mrs. East street Williams Charles, Ladbroke road Williams Henry, Ladbroke road Williams Jas. The RhaUt, Up. Downs rd Williams Jas. Eu.st.ace, Up. Downs rd Willis Henry, Horton lodge Willmott Miss, Alex1rndra road Wilson Henry Fernley, St. Martin's r'1 Wilson Mrs. 1 Fairview, Alexandra rd Winter James l.l!. East street Withers James Tuck, Campville, Lower

Downs road Wood Rev. Wm. Cecil ~r.A. [chaplain&:.

bead master], 'fhe College Wyatt Robert, The Parade Yalden Jaqies, 8 Laburnum road


Adds Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, High st Alexander Aunio (Miss), Epsom town

coffee tavern, Htgb street Alexander Thomas Anderson x.n. sur­

-geon, Church streot Allen & llackshall, drapers, milliners,

dress makers & hosiers, High street1 .Andrews Jame8, registrar ol births &

deaths, nccinalion officer, Epsom sub. dist. distributor of stamps, & printer & publisher of the 'Epsom Journal' & •Epsom Herald,' High st. See advertisement


Andrews L.W.(Mrs.) &Son, bOoksellers Cubitt Walter Edwin,: Fox hotel• good. Howell Jn. Railwlly tnvem, Railway ter' · & stationers,&:: Pos~ office, High st· stabling, Woodcote· .: · · · Hughmao James, tailor, Adelphi r oad _

ArmstrongJo.llorse traioer,.Epsm.dwos Daniel & Coltart, surgeons, Waterloo rd Hulbert Ernest, tnilor, Albion terrnce " Arnold Frederick, wheelwright, East st Daniel Fras . .Albt. lle\YB agent, High st Hulbert Thomas & Sou, ·tllilors &c • .Bance John, cooper, High' street ·· Daws Albert, com dealer, East street High street Barcocks Geo. beer retlr. Lemon's lane Day Isaac, ' ,Red Lion,' East street Huntley Ftancis J ohn, police inspector, Barnard Charles, corn mer . . ffigh street Deane George, beer retailer, Pikes hill Police station, Ashley road Barnard Wm. baiter & confectnr. High st Dearlo & Son, tallow eliandlers, High st Jacobs Julius Octavius, solicit.or, Lad-Barrett Alired, OOJier, High street Dolton Henry, baker, The Common broke road"' · Barton Charles, grocer, South street Dorset Henry; watch maker, High st Jay Edwin · Burberry, farmer, Homes-nart.on ·Samuel, corn & coal merchant Dorset William, ironmonger,· High st dale, College road '· & forage contractor, SOuth street Downer Emma (Miss), shoe ma. High st Jay Thomali:Wm. dairyman, The Com

Dea ms George James, shoe ma. High st Dyer John, deputy superintende~t Te- J eal Joseph, buildel', ·Ashley roac~ Beams John, engineer &c. see White- gistrar, Ladbroke road · Jeal William; fly proprietor, High street · side & Beams Easton Charles John, • Jolly Coopers,' Jeffery James, Epsom College prepara-

Beaucbamp Wm. boot maker, High st The Common · . • · · tory school !or sotiB' o( medical men & Beauchamp Wr:n. shopkeeper & shoe Ebbutt Arthur Bance, •furniture del,ller, sons o! gentlemen; •The Parade • ·

maker, So\1th street Church street ·· · · J ennings Willfam Hen'ry, pork buteher, Bell Theodore, solicitor, clerk to the Ede & Son, grocers &c. High street High street . ·

magi~tcrntei:&commiSl'ionerforoaths. Ed\vards Sarah & Emily (Misses) lodg- J ohnson Isabella (?ifiss), ladies' school, k for taking the acknowledgments of ing house, West street · Woodcote · · · married women, clerk to the Commis· Edwards Arthur, painter, West street Johnson Jcreminh,sbopkeeper,Woodcote sioners of Taxes, High street Eggleton Geo. shopkeeper, The Common J ones Arthur O'llrien F.R.c.s.B. suT-

llcnnett Alexander, chimney sweeper,. Eldridge Jn. Robey, solicitor, Worplo rd geon, South street The Common Elson James, wheelwright, Church st· J ones Charles, bnteher, High s~reet ·

Deatley Sarah (.Mrs.), "Marquis or Epsom Athletic Club (E. G. Wilson, Jones Hunter, secretary to Epsom & Granby," High street secretarv}, The Parade Ewell Gas Company, East street ·

Bliss Wm. Edwd. butcher, High street Epsom & "Ewell Cottage Hospitnl (W. Jones John, horse trainer, Pr-ism lodge; Bone Henry Joseph, baker, South st W. Coltart W. C. Daniel lf.D. W. The Downs Boniface Charles, carpenter, College rd R. Tytberidge & T. A. ·Alex.nuder Jones William, boot maker, Lemon's la Brabazon Walter, boot ma. Church st :i.1.n. ·medical officers;· the Rev. E. Katterns Walter, Brooke, plumber, East Brace Frank&Co. (late Graham &Co.) W. Northey, hon. treasurer; J. F. street

wholesale & family wine & spirit )faingay, hon. secretary ; Miss Annie Keeling George Ratcliffe L.D.S. Jtog. merchant, agent for llois & Co. & Broadbridge, matron, Hawthorn pl dental surgeon, Ormonde ho. High st-Allsopp & Sons & A. Guinness, Sons Epsom & Ewell Gas Co. (Hu.nter Jones, Keeling George Rntclitre, j.un.L.D.s. Eng.

· & Co. 6 High street; est.ablisbed 1863 secretary), East street ' · dental surgeon, Ormonde ho. High st . Bradley & Son, brewers, South street Epsom Club (Henry Newham, hon. Kelly James, hair dresser, High street

Bradnam William, butcher, High street secretary), Public Hall Kenttield Francis, shopkeeper, TboCom Bransgrove Charles,• Eclipse,' West hill Epsom DistrictConservativeAssociiltion Kemp Horace, 'Old King's Head,' Bristow ~fark, furniture dc.'\ler, East st (Lord F.gmont, president, J ohn Dyer, : Church street Bristow Wm. fnrnittire broker, South st secretary), Ladbroke road Kiog Ann (Mrs.), china dealer, High st Brooke Wm. beer retailer , Bast street Epsom Herald (James Andrews, K.ippin John, greengrocer, East street Broughton Charles, builtler, Linton's printer & publisher; saturday), High Lane Alfred, hair dresser, High street

lane, East street street.· See advert.isement . Langlands & Son, auctioneers; valuers, · .Brown Heriry Richard, draper, East st Epsom Journal (James Andrews, land & estate agents &c. West street Brown Thomas, farmer, Epsom court printer & publisher ; tuesday), High La-~~lands Char les John, auctioneer &c •

. Dudd James, blacksmith, Albion yard s treet . See advertisement west street (firm Laoglantls & Son) Burfitt Thomas, beer retailer & butcher, Epsom Public Hall & Assembly Rooms Langlands Walter Gerald, auctioneer

East street •· (George White, secretary) &c. & collector of queen's ta.xcs, see Burgess George Frederick, . school for Epsom Waterworks (Charles Saunden, Langlands & Son ,

boys, Bromleyhurst, Church street engineer) · Larking Charles L. farmer, Trotter's Burgis William John, monnmental ma- Farrer Joseph D. 'Plough & Harrow,' farm, Horton

son, Station road :East street. La\Yes Thomas James, station master, Burton.ltCo.ginger beermaks.Clnytonrd Fensbam Henry, fruiterer &c. High st L. & S. W. Railway . Busbridge Alrred, 'Hising Sun,' Heath- Field Brothers, coach mas. Dorking rd Lea Emma· Maria( Mrs.), •Tun,' High st . cote rOad · Furniss Geo. & Jas. builders, High st Lee .Uertha Mary (Miss), ladies' school,

Busbridge James, ti>y dealer, High st 1'urniss Thomas, coal mercht. West bill Cedars, · Church str<'.et Buteher Edward, auctioneer, sun·eyor, Furniss William, fly proprietor, High st Lemon TbomasHarrison, baker, East st

estate agent & valuer, High street Gilliam & Sons, stone masons, High st Lewis Tbos. Vincent,ironmon~er,High st Butcher John, painter, High street Gilmour David Willey, farm bailiff to Lloyd EmmaLonisa(Mrs.), shopkeeper; Cave Henry, shoe maker, Bast street Will iam Sampson Trotter esq. Horton East street Cemetery (George White, clerk to the GoIT Eliza(Mrs.), lodging house,Westhl Lock James, pork butcher, High street

bnrial board), Downs Lo\)·er roatl; Graham Susannah Jane (Mrs.), hair London & County .Uankiog Co. Limited office, Ashley road drc~ser, South street - (Rolf land Owen, manager), Ashley

Chadbaod & Sons, tailors, hatters, Gray Alice (i\fiss), school, West street road ; dm1f on head office, 21 Low-hosrers, glovers &sliirt makrs.High st Gray Dtwid, lodgin~ house, West street bard street, London ·

Cbant James John, artist, 'l'ho Limes, Haile~ Edward 'W11liam, collector to Longhurst Edwin, timber ·mercbnnt & .Ashley l'Qad locnl board, Ladbroke road steam saw mills, & builder, Epsom

Cbarman Wm. watch maker, High st Hales John, tobacconist, High streeL stenm saw mills, East street Chitty Henry, lodging house, East st Harding Joseph Uake, ch-ii engiueer, & Maclenn Hector, florist, East street Chi,·ington William James, builder k surveyor & inspector ·of nuisances to Manning William, stati~n master,

contractor, J!eacons1ield colg. Eastst the local board, Ashley road L. ll. &; S. C. Downs station Churchill John &Son, saddlcrs, lli;r.h st llarrowell Mary Ann (Miss), boarding Margetts Harry Frank, Spread Eagle C,huter .Urothers, brick makers, builders, school, West hill hotel, High street

undertakers, upholsterers & cabinet Hnrsant William, chemist, High street Marshnll Charles, lishmonger, High st makers, also fire brick mas. High st Heath James, • Albion,' South street Martin James, horse trainer, West bill

Coleman Mrs. 'WhiteHorse,'Dorking rd Beath Nancy(Miss),school,Heathcote rd Martin Thomas, blucksmith,Kiogst.on la Collins, Walt~r, plumber, East street Herbert George, cab proprietoT, King's Mather George, surveyor to rural Coltnrt William Wilson r .. n.c.l'. LOnd. Arms yard, East street sanitary authority, x Hawtbom villas

surgeon &. medical officer & public Hibble Emily (:'>frs.), tniloress, High st Maxt.ed Elizabeth (Mrs.), ue.1vs vcncior, vnccinator,Epl'Om,Ashteacl &. Ilendley Hicks Wm. Hen. hair dresser, High st High street districts, see Daniel & Coltart Hills William, boot maker, South street ?ifellisb '\'illiam Robert, 'Cricketers,'

Cooper Samuel, job &. post master, Hinks William Henry, clothier, High st & ~rocer, Stamford green, Tho Cornn King's Heatl hotel, Jirnry & bait Hislop Emily ().Jiss), fancy stationer, i\lilcs Thomas, greengrocer, High street stables, horses bought & ~old on com- High street Miers William Fenton, King's llead mission, hnnters summered or win- Hoffmann Harriet ('.\Yrs.), music seller, family & commercial hot.el & posting tercd, High street High street house, High street

County Court(Ilis Honor Vernon Lush· Holden Thomas, greengrocer, Righ st ?lliles Lewis, greengrocer, East street ington Q.C. judge i George White, I Holt Wm. trainer or hor~cs, Worple rd I hlittendortf Doretta ()[iss), kinder­rcgistrar &. high bailiff), Ashley road Hope Edward, butcher, High street garten school, Clayton house, Bnst st

Courlneidge Jn~. shoe maker, High st I UopkinB Cuthbert John, milliner & Monckton William 'l'hos. st.'ltinn mast.er, Crocker Samuel, satltl lcr, AILion terrace . photographer, Ash.Icy road I L. ll. & S. C. railway, 'l'own station


Morse Edward (late Young), nursery­man, seedsman, florist & garden architect, Epsom nurseries, East st

Morse Edward, jun. florist, East street Morse William Wallace, florist, t:astst Murrell James, draper, Hig)l street Nelson Alexander, shopkeeper, Church st Newham Hy. commercial schl. High st Newman Wm. 'King's Arms,' East st Nightingall John, horse trainer, South

Hatch, The Downs Nixon John, relieYing &. school atten­

dance officer for Epsom, The Willows, Heathcote road

Noake William, shoe maker, East street Norman llobt. oil & colorman, liigh st. Nyo George, builder, High street Oakes Henry Sampson, draper &

milliner &c. Waterloo house Osborne George, laundry man, Wood­

cote side Ottaway Mary,Ann (Mrs.), carver &

gilder &c. High street Owen Rowland, manager of the London

& County llankiog Co. Lim. Ashley rd Oxley Fredenck, chemist, High street Page George, builder, East street Palmer Cornelius, baker, East street Parfitt Frederick, fishmonger, High st Penfold Mary(Mrs. }, blacksmith, Horton Pettit William, • The Magpie,' South st Phillips James, butcher, Church street Pion :Mary Ann· (Mrs.), Downs hotel,

'fhe l.lowns Pledger Edmund, dairyman,Dorking rd Ranson Elizabeth (Mrs.), 'Wellington,'

High street Ratcliffe William, shopkeeper, Pikes hl Razzell Daniel, boot maker, East street Reader William Olirer, solicitor & com-

missioners for oaths, clerk to the board of guardians, to school attend­

.ance committee, Epsom union,Epsom highway board, to rural sanitary authority, superintendent registrar & Conservative agent, 'fhe Parade

Redmile Richard, tobacconist, High st luchardson & Co. thrashing machine

proprietors, Heathcote road Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants,

Bailway station Robbins Cornelius, shoe ma. Albion ter Robbins Samuel, builder, Heathcote rd Rogers Joseph 'l'homas, draper, High st Rose William, shopkeeper, High street


Rowe John, White Hart tavern, High st Waglan Philip, boot maker, West street Royal 'Medical Bene ... oJent College.(ltev. I Wagstaff James, school attendance

William Cecil Wood M.A. chaplain & officer, Ashley road head master; Rev. G. Le I.I. Powles Ward Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, M.A. second master; Miss Hassall. Pike's hill, Church street matron), Epsom downs · Weller George, shopkeeper, Lemon's la

Rudall Fras. Albt. solicitor, 6 Church st Wern ham John, blacksmith, East st Salmon Ju.' Derby Arms,' Epsom downs Weston William Cowie, builder, High st Sheath John, baker, High street WhitbournThos.farmr.Nen•Fann,Hortn SherwoodTbs.ho..rse trainr.Epsom downs White George, solicitor, & registrar of Ship George, boot maker, High street county court, clerk to tho board of Simonds Thos. Samuel, grocer, East st health, to school attendance com-Singer's Sewing Machine Co. (Daniel mittee, Epsom district, to tho burial

·Richard Ayres, manager}, East street board, liecretary to· public hall com-Skilton·Henry, dairyman, High street pany, vestry clerk, commissioner for S!kiltonThos.veterinary surgeon, High st. atli<lavits &. for taking acknowledg-Slatter Alfred, coach builder, High st. ments of married women&. agent for Smith EmilyBond(:'ltiss),farrier,High st Hoyal Exchango Assnrance Corpora· Smith Esther (Miss), dress ma. East st iion, Court house, Ashley road Smith John Ha.tchard,architect, 'fhe Ter Wliite George Hy. solicitor, Ashley ho Smith· John Thomas, china &. gla.'IS Whiteside &. .Beams, engineers&. general

dealer, Church street smiths, hot water, hydraulic engineers Smith William, tobacconist, High street &. manufacturers of all kinds of fences, S:nashall George, china, glass & furnish- West bill

ing warehouse, stationer, bookseller Wicks Emma (Miss), dress ma. East st & fancy stores, High street WilkinsCha.s.watch ma.&jewlr.South st

Snasball John, printer, High street Williams & lllomtield, drapers, High Spikesman Richard, grocer &c. High st street&. South street Stamp Office (Jame,, Andrews, distribu- WiUiams Charles, assistant overseer &

tor), High street collector of rates, &. registrar or mar-Stone &. Co. _Limited, makers of the riages for Epsom union,6Ladbroke rd

celebrated Ewell fire bricks, red Wil~on Henry, district surveyor of facing bricks, garden pots, chimney highways, Pemley pots, drain pipes &c. ; &.:at Ewell Wiltshire Charles, li\"ery stables &. job

Stone George,coal mer.Railway st.ation master & agent to the L . .B. & S. C. Stred wick Stephen,builder,Ladbroke rd Railway, Station road Styran John, tobacconist, South street Wiltshire William, cannan, East street Sully Cbar)es, Railway inn, High street Wood Cuth~rt E. draper, High street Surrey (3rd) 'Rifle Volunteers (Epsom Wood James, linen draper, High street

detachment) (G Co.), G. Stone, capt Wood John, grocer, High street Swinson James, tailor, High street Wooldridge Ellen (Mrs.), 'George,' 'felling Thomas, grocer, East street High street · · Tester Edward, chimney swpr. East st Working Men's Club (Charles Cotton, Thomas Susan ,(Mrs.), shopkpr.South st hon. sec.),. High street Thorn John, 'Amato,' Woodcote end Working Men's Club (HenTyWillis, hon. Thorn Thomas, shopkeeper, Adelphi rd sec.), The Common · Thorns William, butcher, South street Worsfold Jas. 'Queen's Head,' &>nth st Tickner Philip, draper, East street Worsfold \.\'11liam, livery stables, Spread Tidy Alfred, blacksmith, South street Eagle yard, High street Tottle Henry John, chemist&. druggist Wyeth Joseph Henry, grocer, East st

(by exam.), High street Wyeth William, grocer, Albion terrace TytheridgeWaltr . .Robt.surgn.Church st Young Charles, grocer & wine&. spirit Vassie Edward, upholsterer, High st merchant, agent for W. & A. Gilbey, VickersMaryAnn(Mrs.),shopkpr.Higbst wine & spirit merchants, High street Vickery Henry, saddler, East street

ESHER {A. S . ..Escm:ATR, t. e. Asll-HA.UGH) is a parish Sir Robert KeT Porter K.C.H.: this church is now disused, and pretty village, situated on a hill, with! a station on the except when burials take place in the churchyard : in tlie South.Western railway, 4 miles south west from Kingston, new churchyard is .a memorh1"1 to the llrett. family: it is rs.from London Bridge, 2 south-west from Thames Ditton, · entirely of marble, and consists of a large and elabo~tely in the Mid division of the county, Elmbridge hundred, I carved canopy, beneath which are eve11tually to be placed Kingston petty sessional division, union & county court I recumbent marble figures of Lord Esher, Master of the district, Emly rural deanery, Surrey archdeaconry and Win- Rolls, and Lady Esher: at the foot of the tomb is a military chester diocese, on the Portsmouth road near the river tr<.iphy in memory of Lieut. .Brett, interred in 1882 : the Mole. Christ. Clrurcb, beautifully situated on an eminence work being executed by Mr. F. J. Williamson, of Esher: in the centre of the 'Village, was erected in 1853·4' at a cost the register dates from the year 1682: the living is a of £6,654 os. ud. : it is a cruciform building of stone, in rectory, tithe rent charge £495; net yearly Yalue £405, the Early English style, from a design loy Mr. Benjamin with t an acre of glebc, in the gift of Wadb;lm College, Ferrcy F.S.A. architect, and consists of cha.nee!, nave, aisles, Oxford, a.n<l held since 1870 by the lle\·. Samuel Lilckemley transept, north a'nd south porches, and a south-western Warren M.A. late Fellow of that college and surrogate. The tower with lofty spire, containing 6 bolls: the chancel win- Society of Friends have a meeting house here: there is also dows are stained and there is a can-ed stone reredos, repre- a Baptist cbapel. Here are charities ot £71 ani~ual value. A senting the Resurrection. given by Robert '!!ew esq. in granito drinking-fountain was presentt¥{ to the 'l"illage by the memory of his wife, who dJed 1878: at the west end-of the Queen, in place of a disused pump, givll_n by the late Cm:!lte church is a marble monument to Leopold, Prince of Saxe de Paris: it is a handsome structure, situated on tho High Coburg; 1st King of the Belgians, who was formerly resident N'ad near the Green, and bears the inscription," Presented at Cla.remont, and died roth December, 1865: this monu·. to the Parish of Esher by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1877." ment, first erected by H.M. Queen Victoria in St. George's Claremont, the residence of H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany, Chapel, Windsor, has since been removed to this church: is situated east of the village; it was originally bnilt by Sir here is also a marble figure in the attitude of prayer, John Vanlirugh knt. the architect and dramatist, who held erected by Sir Francia Drake, in 'memory of bis father,. the estate in 1708: and afterwards belonged to Thomas Richard Drake, Eqnerry to Queen Elizabeth, who died in Pelham-Holies, Duke of Newcastle, and Marquess of. Clare, .x6o3, this was removed from the old church by Sir William who gave to it the name of "Claremont:" on his death in 1768, Drake : in the north aisle there is a handsome marble bust, it was sold to Robert. Clive, the conqueror of India, and ISt .in a niche of polished' alabaster, executed by Mr. F. J. baron Clive of Plassey, "·ho erected the present mansion at Williamson, of Esher, of H.R.H. Prince !Leopold, l.luke of an expense of £100,000, and bad the grounds laid out afresh, Albany, who died 28th March, 1884: there are 8oo sittings, under the direction of Mr. Lancelot ("Capability") .Brown. 480 being free: the old church of St. George, a small build-' The house, which stands on tbe crest of a hill, surrounded ing consisting of chancel and nave, with a 1transept on the ·by tine trees, is a structure of brick, with stone dressings, south side, is still standing, and contain.s a monument'by and has a stately portico with columns of the Corinthian Flaxman to the Hon. Mrs. Ellis, of Claremont, d . 1803: the order, supporting a pediment adorned with the arms of altar piece representing "Our Saviour" was painted by Lord Clive. On his death. November 22, 1774, the pro-



Garrod & Pratt, builders & under- L~st Chas. gardener to Sir Alfro:l Wills Stevens Charles, plumb;ir &c takers, High street · Ling Edwin, chemist & druggist Surrey (5th) Rilie Volnntcera (A. co.)

Garrod John, plumber & hou:;e agent, Lynn James, butcher, West end (Cieut. J.C. li. East1Vood, command-. The Green Marsh Joseph & llcdford, millers &seed ding; C. W. Izo:i, hon. surgeon),

Goodchilcl Cbnrlcs, grocer, West en·l & corn merchants; & at Kingston & West end Uosden James, farmer, Garson farm, Wimbledon Tay1or Wm. 'Cobourg Arms.' High st

West end i.\fost.crs Joseph, linen draper '!hompson George, farmor, Wost end Chay Jlrederick. job master Millett Thol113S, Claremont brewery tap , Thorne E. agent for W·. & A. Gilbey, Green George Wm. boot & shoe maker Millett William, boot maker, Park roa<t ! wine & spirit merchants, High street Green Thos. glas~&china denier, Hig h st l\1ould Jas. coffoo ho.&chimney sweeper . Tickner Richd. (armer,ltoundl:lill farm Gro~·o ThomM, news agent, High st Neale Miss, dress milker \Tilley James, boot & shoe maker Guthrie James M.D. surgeon,Ashley ldg Negus Arthur. boys' school • . Waby Frederick, fruit.crer, lii.gh street IIattatlAnnie(i\!iss),sLationer.Church st Nightingale William, builder, Westond Wnlker William,' White Lion,' High st Heath Gerirgc, bl:icksmith, West end Phillips & Co. brewery stores, West end : White Charles, shopkeeper, Church st Hodges William, grocer & post otfice, Pink George, chimney sweeper : White R<!_bert, smith & ironmonger

West end Pottinger David. boot ml!.ker, Park road Williams Eleanor (Miss) & William, Howard Percy & Co.(wntch:~makers, Pyett William & Sons, tailors I bakers, The Green

High street Hogcrs Jessie (Miss), toy dealer,High st ' Williamson Francis John, sculptor Hunt Edgar, linen clrapcr Salcombe Samuel, tailor I Wilson Charles, farm bailiff to 1:£.R.H. I ve Anthony & Charl03, Hear private & Sandy George, corn factor the Duchess or Albany

commarcial bot.el, & posting houso Skeet James, com dealer, West end Woolgar Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper bod Chas. Wm. surgeon, 'fhe Lammas Smelt Messrs. house furnishers, lligh st Wright John, fishmonger, High street

EWE LL is a p:idsh and pleasant little town, 13 miles from and of Norwich (1632-5). E1vell Castle, the scat of London, r mile north-east from Epsom, and 5 miles south- Augustus William Gadcsden esq. J.P. was erected in the east from King3ton and was once a market town; it is in year 18o.i., and is a castellated mansion with octagonal the Mid division or the county, Copthorne hundred, Epsom turrets at the angles, and embattled parapets: in the petty scs>ional division, nnion and coun ty court district, grounds is the site of a banqueting house beloug111g to ti1e rnral dcnuer.v or Leathorhcad, archdeaconry or Surrey and palace or Nonsuch, built by King Henry the .Eighth and diocese of Winchester. About half a mile t.o the south of sitoat.cd in Cuddington parish : the remains are surrou.nded the town is a st.'\tion on tho Croydon and Epsom branch or by a wall 'l'fith bastions at inten•als. 'fho principal land­the London antl Brighton railway nnd at the same distance owners are the trostees of the late Rev. Sir George L. Glyn on the north sitle is a st.'\tion on the South Wost.cm branch hart. A. W. Gadesden esq. J.P. Hef"s. Alexander H. llridges railway from Wimbledon to Leatherb.ead. The ancient M.A. rector of Beddington, ru)d Edward W. Northey l t .A. of ch11rcb of St. Mary, with the exception of the fine ivy- Epsom; tho latter is lord of the manor of Ewell ; and covered tower, no1v used as a mortuary chapel for the old Augustus William Gadesden esq. J.P. is lord of the rnnnor of churchyard, J1as been pulled down ; the ne1v parish church, l"itzncll. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops erected at a cost of £1,174, on a sit.c gif'en by the late Rev. are wheat, oats and barley. Tho area is :.i,437 acres; rote­Sir George L. Glyn bart.. sometime vicar, and consecrated 24 able value, £17,804; tbe population of the parish in 1881 August, 18.48, is an edifice of,stone, in the Early English style, was 3,002, including 559 in Kensington and Chelsea dutrict consisting of chancel, nave. aisles, south porch and an workhouse schools. · embattled western tower, containing 6 bells, transferred Parish Clerk, Edward Henry Williams from the old church : in·the chancel is a fioely-cirrved marble PoST, Mont Ont>Bn & T1u ... EGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Bank figure or Sir William Le1vin, knight, alderman and lord & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-l\{rs. Harriet Fry E,·ans, mayor or London, who died in 1717, as well as several postmistress. Letters arrive through Epsom at 7 t\.ln. & ancient brasses and memorials removed from the old church 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.25 &; n.:.io a.m. ; 3.30 &; 7.55 to the Monro, Calverley, Glyn, Lewen, Dowdeswell and p.m Bulkeley families : of the numerous richly stained windows, b so.l\ANCB A.oE:ITS :­ten are memorials, including the west windO\v, erected in Atlas, G. Hards 1882 to the memory or Mrs. Gadesden, of Ewell Castle, County Fire & Provident Life, G. Thorns and the east windo1v erected by public subscription at a cost London Assurance. C. S. Croxou of £357: the organ was presented by the late G. Torr esq. Phoenix Fire, F. H. Marfieet of Garbrand hall and cost £1,100: Sir · Uichard Bulkeley Sun Fire, G. Stone bart. a religions enthusiast, died here 7tb April, 1710, and Pont.re 0FFIC&as :-was here buried : there are 1,000 sittings, 430 being free : Medical Olficer & Public Vaccinator , EweU, Chessington & the register dates from the year 16<>4 : the living is a Cuddin.gton District, Epsom (inion, George Robinson vicarage', yearly val11e from tithe rent charge £236 in the llarnes M.D. Dorset house gift of the trustees of the late Rev. Sir George Lewen Glyn Stewards of the llianor of Ewell & Cuddington, Mes8rs. bart. and held since 1881 by the Rev. Thomas Bliss n.A.. of Frere, Cholmeley & Co. 28 Lincoln's inn fields wc 'frinity .College, D11blin : a ne1v vicarage house was b11ilt SCHOOLS:-in 188+ The Congregational chapel is a building in the National, built in 1861 at a cost of £4, 194' for 490 Gothic style, containirur nearly 400 sitting.a, and was erected •children; at"erago attendance 338; ~amuel Buxton, in 1864, at a cost or £2,223: a school and public lecture ,master; Mi~Elizabeth Deavin, mist ress hall have been erected adjoinirur tho chapel, at a cost of Infants, Miss Vernon about £1,500. Two fairs are held here annually, one oo the RAtLWA!S :-12th of May and one on the 29th of October, for sheep and Croydon & Epsom (branch) London, Brighton & South cattle. :&xtensilre pottery and brick· and tile works are Coast, Charles Loxton, station master maintained on the Nonsuch estate, and there are two large South Western (branch), Samuel MayMrd,statiou.mastcr

· flour mills, worked by water power from numerous springs CAnnrs.ns TO LOJIDOY, Mrs. M. A. Ilaker, daily to the ri.,i~ in the to\Tn and ncighbo11rhood, formiug the head or 'Green Man & Still,' Oxford street; ' Kiog of Denmark,' the Hogs Mill river. Charities of £70 yearly value are dis- Old Bailey; 'Cliffords,' Camomile street ; .t 'Spread tributed in bread and clothing. E1Vell was the birthphce Eagle,' Gracechurch street in 1582 or Richard Corbet t>.D. bishop of Oxford (16:18i32) Carter, Paterson & Co. twice daily

Pnn·ATB 'Rl!SIDE...'iTS. Dwelly George A. F. Beaconsfield villa LeMesnrier Mrs Allen William, Wentworth rula Evans ~derman David, Ewell grove Lloyd Mrs. Delmont · Bacon Rev. Father Stanilaus.Grnge.scbl Finch Charles. Montae;ne house McCrea Major-Gen. Robert Barlow n.A. Barnes George Robin!On M.t>. Dorset ho Forster Mrs Petit ,Mliuage , Blackrpan Mrs. Chestnuts Freeland Miss, Ru:dey house Maingay Jn. Francis Chessington lodge Bliss Rev. Thomas B.A. rv1car) Frorne Gen. Edward, R.B. Epsom road. Mayes William John llowring Edward John, Holm field GadesdenAugustusWm.J.P.Ewell castle McCulloch Sir James bart.Gar brand ball Bowring Frederick Wm.Kingsto11 lodge Gilson ·William, Holly bank Mercer 'fhomas, Cbessington house Bridges John Henry, A.venue honse Glyn Sir George 'furberville, bart Monger ~illiam Robert, Park hill Brown Mrs. Hill house, West street Gordon Samuel Parker J ohn William, Epsom road Brunton William C. E. Sonnymead Grantham John Perks John Brownjobn,Staneway house Carlisle William Thomas, The Elms Hanning J . II. The Elms Perks William, Ivy cottage,Epspm road Charman William ' Hart E. Shalimar Pilter Rev. William Turnbull [curate], Chase Arthur,Hollyberry ldg.Epsom rd Harvey &lmund James, Grove cottage Chessington road. Coat.es Ed ,,.ard Henderson Robert, Lower Mill house Price M.issee, Essex lod,ire Conldrey William John, Meadow view Hett H. H. Stonelei~h Pritchard 'Edward, Wendover villa, Currey Francis Alfred, Pitt house Howard Miss, Cbesstngton road Chessington road DeButts Mrs. Horndon house Hulse Mrs. Ewell house Robinson Lawaon, Cheam r oad Dryden John, Gresham cottage Jackson Frederick, Epsom road Sams Mrs ·

... · • I .. ~

1184 EWELL.

Scott Fredulph, Park' villa Sharp'Charle8' James, Woodgate · Shaw Rev. Joseph (Congrcgntional) Shaw :William Robert, St. Normlln's Sibley John William $laden Ashton, Orsett house Smiles John, Chessington road Smith Miss, Ep3om road Smith Sydney; Park Farm house

· Spilsbury Mrs. Church street Stier Miss ... Stone.Frank, Church street

.. Stone George, High street . Taylor Mrs. Spriog house Taylor Robert Park, Caprera Walters Radcliffe, Persfield, Epsom rd Walters William Melmoth,Epsom ·road Walton Horace, Chessiogt.on.,road Walton J. London Mad Whish Gen. George Palmer,E1vell lodgo Willis James, Laurel villas,Epsom road Wood George, Church street Wynn Arthur, Church house


.Bull Thomas George, saddler I MarfteetFnlk.Ely.grocer,corn&coal mer CatteUEdwd.'KingWilliam the Fourth' Marks Henry, baker Char man Francis, butcher Marshal~ Alfred W. fishmonger Charman Wm. farmer, Rectory farm Martin Edward Waterer, farmer, Non-Cbing Henry, 'Glyn Arms snch Park farm Coombes Henry, baker Packman Henry, dairyman Cracknell James, butcher Pago James B. farmer Cro:xon & Fuggle, outfitters Pepper John. 'Green 111an' Croxson Charles Stuttle, linen draper Picknel George, baker . Daws AlbP.rt, carman Pii;den Henry, tailor, High street Evans Harriet Fry (Mrs.), chemist & Prichard Elizh. (Mrs. & Miss). milliners . post office Reeds William, butcher · ·

Ewell Parochial Coffee Rooms Revell Samuel, painter Frnnciscan Monastery (Rev. F11ther Shrubb William, blacksmith

Stanislaus llacon), Grange school I Smith Charles, carpenter . • Freeland William, farmer, Poplar farm South Sydney, general d'ealer Friend Arthur B. grocer I Stone & Co. Limited, makers of the. Gen-ard Emily (Miss}, Spring hotel celebrated Ewell fire brick, red facing Godfrey Mrs. chandler.. bricks," garden pots, chimney pots; Ball&Davidson,mlrs.(water),Ewell mlls drain pipes &c. ; & at Epsom · .· . Hammond James, commercial school & St.one George.com & coal mer. & Carmr

assist.ant o\•erseer · Stone Jeffery (exors. of), farmers, The Bards George, builder Bowling green Hards 11. James, grocer Symes Edward, farmer, Fitznell farm

COlfl!En£IAL. Hards Sarah (Mis.}, builder & con- Taylor John & Joseph, farmers, Long Archer George, wheelwright tract.or Down Iann Baker "Mary Ann{Mrs.), fly proprietor Hawkins J. hair dresser Taylor James, Organ inn i

& carrier . Haym1rd Robert (Mrs.),' Eight Bells• Thorus George, grocer & mineral.water: Barnes & Jones, surgeons Henderson Robert, miUer, see Hall & manufacturer, High street · · Barnes George Robinson lf.D.surgeon& Davidson Wakefield William, beer retailer

medical officer & public vaccinator Herbert James, beer retailer Waller James, builder Ewell, Chessington &. Cuddington Bill Thomas, school, Park side WatersWilliam,shopkeeper,Kingston rd district, Epsom union, Dorset house Hills James, boot maker Westing James, beer retailer .

Barron Charles, linen draper Kelly George, boot maker Wilcox & Co. butchers Batchelor William, carpenter Killick William, plumber & glazier Willis Hy. & Son, furnishing ironmngr · Bradford John, 'Wheatsheaf' Lewis John, watch maker Wood William, baker Budd George, beer retailer · Ledger John, 'Queen .Adelaide' Woodroffe John, boot maker

EWHURST is a pa.rish and villnge, 3 miles north-east Baynanls; Reginald Bray .esq. (who ill principal lord of from Cranley railway station, 35 from London and 12 the manor), tbe Earl of Onslow, J. Braby csq. J.P. of south·east from Guildford, in the Son th-Western division of Maybanks ; -Walter Webb.esq. and tb.e Bon. E. F. Leveson­the county, hundred of Dlackheath, Hambleclou union, Gower of Holmbury Park. · The soil is various; sub-soil, Gnildford petty sessional division, Guildford and Godalming clay and sand. . Thel chief crops are wheat, barley, oats county court district, rural deanery or Guildford, arch- and turnips. The area is 5,531 acres , rateable value'" deaconry or Surrey and diocese of Winchester. The church 5,937; the population in 1881 was 892. of SS. Peter ·and Paul, r e.qtored in 1838, is a cruciform Parish Clerk, George Cumber. structure of stone in the Perpendicular style, oonsisting of PoST, Mom:y OnoEn & TELEGRAPH OFFlCR & Savings · chancel, nave, transept, western porch and a central tower · Banlc.-Wa!ter Ede, r eceiver. Letters arrive from with shingled spire and containing a clock and 6 bells : Gnildford at 7 a. m. ; dispatched at 5 p. m. ; no dispatch there are 400 sittings, all being free. · 'l'be- r egister dates on sunday. Letters from Bohnbury through Dorkin~. from the year 16r4. The living is a rectorv, yearly value Letters distingnished thus t throngb lt11dgwick, vi:\ from tithe rent charge £739, net £462, including 6o acres or Horsham, & for Garson farm vi~ Shere, Guildford glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, ScJioox.s :-and held since 1845 by the Rev. John Mount Bo.rlow M.A. National, Ewburst (mixed}, built in 1840 for 120 children;· of Worcester College, Oxford. A charity of £45 yearly, average attendance 90; A. R. Austin, ·master; Mrs. le~t by Henry Smith, of Wa.ndswortb, and alderman of Austin, mistress · London, who died Jan. 30, 1628, is for bread and clothing. National, Ellen's Green (mixed), built in 1870 for .6o Coverwood; 2· miles north, is the seat of Hugh Fortt>.scue children; average attendance 45 ; Miss Ellen Kerr, mist Locke-King , esq. · The principal landowners are Hugh CARIUER.-George Brick to Dorking, thursday ; to Uu.ild-Fortescne Locke-King esq. Thomas Lyon Thurlow esq. of ford, tuesday and saturday; t-0 :Horsham, monday [Persons whose names nre diatlngtiisbed CO"lll!ERCIAT.. Ledger George, blacksmith

by t receive their letters through Rudg- Bennett Jn. Fletcher,farmer,Yard'sfmi tLuff William. beer retailer wick vlll Honhrun). Charmtm John, farmer Mote George William, artist, Pitch hill .

Barlow Rev. John Mount M.A. Rectory Colemnn Henry, jun. shoe maker Muggeridge Henry Philip, furme~, Bennett John Fletcher . Collinson William, draper & g rocer Germany farm . tBraby James J.P., F.s.s. Maybanks Cumber Caroline & Sons, wheelwrights Muggeridge J ob, farmer, Plough farm Dalton Henry, Rapley Daws William, horse dealer Nightingale Michnel, farmer, Lower ' Ewart Miss, Coweyhurst Dendy Daniel, farmer, Mapledrake Ilreach farm Hooper John, Coweyh11rst Dowton Jobn, shoe maker Pobgee Richard, coach builder Johnstone George, Garlands Ede Walter, grocer, draper, &postoffice tPunchanl Charles, farmer, Dukes farm Lemmon Lieut.·Col. Thomas Warne Ede Wm. farmer, Slytberhurst farm Richardson James, assistant O\'erseez: · . Locke-King Hugh Fort.escoe D.L., J.P. Farmer John, farmer, Gadbridgo farm I Russell Hy.Jsph.farmer,N~wHousef~m ·

Coverwood Gibbs Thomas, Sunnersbury farm . tSaddler Geo. farmer, Polhngford farm · Mote George William, Pitch hill GraffhamGeorge,farmer,Gravatts fann StempAbrabam,farmer, BnildingsJarm Sparkes John, Heathside, Pitch bill I Graffhaml\fary(Mrs. ),farmr.Ntb.Lands StephensHy.Edwn. • Ilull'sRead '&farmr Thompson Ralph, Little Woolpits 1 Hampshire Eli, poulterer t Vollor Elgions,fnrmer, Gasson.farm · tThurlowTbomas Ly~n,Baynard'spark I Haynes Alfred, beer retailer . Watson Richa~d, farmer, Rad.rior farm Webb Walt.er, Malquo1ts tJay William, farmer, Hill house l Weller Wm. farmer, H.umbeacn's farm

FARLEY {~r FAALBIGH) is a parish 2t miles north-east from Warlinghnm st.at.ion, on the Caterham branch railway, 4 miles south-east from Croydon, in the North Eastern division of the county; Tandridge hundred, Godst.ono petty sessional division nnd union, Croydon county court district, Godstone rural deanery, Kingston archdeaconry and Rochester diocese, on the Kentish border or the county. The church of St. Mary is a building of stone and tiint in the Early English style and consists of chancel, na\'e and aisle and a western bell turret, containing one boll; in the chancel is a brnss to John Drock, d. 1495, and Anne his wife: there are 100 sittings, all being Cree. The register d:it~s from lhe year 1678. The living is a rectory, tithe

. . rent charge £195, net yearly value £220, with residence and 28 acres or glebe, in the gift of Merton College, Oxford, and bold sinc11 i885 by t.be Rev. Frederick Bennett M.A. of Merton College, Cambridge. Tho poor have £2 i8s. 6d. yearly in clothing, from a charity left by will, dated April 24th, 1627, by Henry Smith or Wandsworth and alderman or London. 'l'he principal landowners are the Warden and Fellows of Merton College,. Oxford (who hold the manorial rights) anJ tho trustees of the late Walter C. Smith esq. The soil is chalk ancl clay :md subsoil clay. Tho chief crops 11rc corn, wheat and o!\ts. The area is 1,050 acres; rateable value, £778; the population' in 1881 was88.
