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q This paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper was recommended for publication in revised from by Editor M. Morari. This work was supported by the NATO under grant CRG-961115, by the European Community Framework IV program through the re- search network ALAPEDES, by the AFOSR under grant F49620-99- 10320 and by the ARO under the MURI grant DAAH04-96-1-0341. It was partially carried out while the second author was visiting the EECS department at the University of California at Berkeley. * Corresponding author. Tel.: #32-10-472381; fax: #32-10-472180. E-mail addresses: blondel@inma.ucl.ac.be (V. D. Blondel), jnt@mit.edu (J. N. Tsitsiklis). Automatica 36 (2000) 1249}1274 Survey Paper A survey of computational complexity results in systems and control q Vincent D. Blondel!,*, John N. Tsitsiklis" !Department of Mathematical Engineering, Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME), University of Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium "Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Received 4 November 1998; revised 16 July 1999; received in "nal form 6 October 1999 Abstract The purpose of this paper is twofold: (a) to provide a tutorial introduction to some key concepts from the theory of computational complexity, highlighting their relevance to systems and control theory, and (b) to survey the relatively recent research activity lying at the interface between these "elds. We begin with a brief introduction to models of computation, the concepts of undecidability, polynomial-time algorithms, NP-completeness, and the implications of intractability results. We then survey a number of problems that arise in systems and control theory, some of them classical, some of them related to current research. We discuss them from the point of view of computational complexity and also point out many open problems. In particular, we consider problems related to stability or stabilizability of linear systems with parametric uncertainty, robust control, time-varying linear systems, nonlinear and hybrid systems, and stochastic optimal control. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Control; Discrete-event systems; Discrete-time systems; Hybrid systems; Markov decision processes; Mathematical systems theory; Neural networks; Nonlinear systems; Time-varying systems; Turing machines 1. Introduction In order to motivate the reader, and as a preview of the types of problems and `solutionsa overviewed in this paper, we start with a deceptively simple problem. We are given two n]n real matrices A and A ~ , and we consider products of the form A iT 2A i2 A i1 , (1) where ¹ is an arbitrary positive integer and (i 1 , i 2 , 2 , i T ) is an arbitrary "nite sequence whose elements take values in the set M#,!N. We wish to decide whether there exists some ¹ and a sequence of length ¹ such that the corresponding product is a stable matrix (in the sense that all of its eigenvalues have magnitude strictly less than 1). If we are given an upper bound ¹H on the allowed values of ¹, the problem has an obvious solution: form all the possible products and check whether one of them is stable. The amount of computation required by this solu- tion grows exponentially with ¹H. We will see in Section 3.5 that the exponential growth of the computational resources needed for a solution is probably unavoidable. In the absence of a bound ¹H, we have to form and check an in"nite set of matrix products, which cannot be done in "nite time under any reasonable model of com- putation. We may wonder whether a shortcut is possible that only involves a "nite amount of computation. It turns out that none exists, and the problem is unsolvable in a precise mathematical sense; see Section 3.5. By turning around the question of the preceding para- graph, we could ask whether all products (1) are stable. As will be discussed in Section 3.5, this is related to some major open problems: an algorithmic solution is not known, but a proof of unsolvability is not available either. In this paper, we introduce background material that will make statements such as the above precise, and also 0005-1098/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 0 5 - 1 0 9 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 5 0 - 9
Page 1: Survey Paper A surveyof computationalcomplexityresultsin ...jnt/Papers/J080-00-vb-survey.pdf · The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present models

qThis paper was not presented at any IFAC meeting. This paper wasrecommended for publication in revised from by Editor M. Morari.This work was supported by the NATO under grant CRG-961115, bythe European Community Framework IV program through the re-search network ALAPEDES, by the AFOSR under grant F49620-99-10320 and by the ARO under the MURI grant DAAH04-96-1-0341. Itwas partially carried out while the second author was visiting the EECSdepartment at the University of California at Berkeley.

*Corresponding author. Tel.: #32-10-472381; fax: #32-10-472180.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V. D. Blondel),

[email protected] (J. N. Tsitsiklis).

Automatica 36 (2000) 1249}1274

Survey Paper

A survey of computational complexity results in systems and controlq

Vincent D. Blondel!,*, John N. Tsitsiklis"!Department of Mathematical Engineering, Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME), University of Louvain,

B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium"Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Received 4 November 1998; revised 16 July 1999; received in "nal form 6 October 1999


The purpose of this paper is twofold: (a) to provide a tutorial introduction to some key concepts from the theory of computationalcomplexity, highlighting their relevance to systems and control theory, and (b) to survey the relatively recent research activity lying atthe interface between these "elds. We begin with a brief introduction to models of computation, the concepts of undecidability,polynomial-time algorithms, NP-completeness, and the implications of intractability results. We then survey a number of problemsthat arise in systems and control theory, some of them classical, some of them related to current research. We discuss them from thepoint of view of computational complexity and also point out many open problems. In particular, we consider problems related tostability or stabilizability of linear systems with parametric uncertainty, robust control, time-varying linear systems, nonlinear andhybrid systems, and stochastic optimal control. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Control; Discrete-event systems; Discrete-time systems; Hybrid systems; Markov decision processes; Mathematical systems theory; Neuralnetworks; Nonlinear systems; Time-varying systems; Turing machines

1. Introduction

In order to motivate the reader, and as a preview of thetypes of problems and `solutionsa overviewed in thispaper, we start with a deceptively simple problem.

We are given two n]n real matrices A`

and A~

, andwe consider products of the form



i1, (1)

where ¹ is an arbitrary positive integer and (i1, i2,2, i


is an arbitrary "nite sequence whose elements take valuesin the set M#,!N. We wish to decide whether thereexists some ¹ and a sequence of length ¹ such that the

corresponding product is a stable matrix (in the sensethat all of its eigenvalues have magnitude strictly lessthan 1).

If we are given an upper bound ¹H on the allowedvalues of ¹, the problem has an obvious solution: formall the possible products and check whether one of them isstable. The amount of computation required by this solu-tion grows exponentially with ¹H. We will see in Section3.5 that the exponential growth of the computationalresources needed for a solution is probably unavoidable.

In the absence of a bound ¹H, we have to form andcheck an in"nite set of matrix products, which cannot bedone in "nite time under any reasonable model of com-putation. We may wonder whether a shortcut is possiblethat only involves a "nite amount of computation. Itturns out that none exists, and the problem is unsolvablein a precise mathematical sense; see Section 3.5.

By turning around the question of the preceding para-graph, we could ask whether all products (1) are stable.As will be discussed in Section 3.5, this is related to somemajor open problems: an algorithmic solution is notknown, but a proof of unsolvability is not availableeither.

In this paper, we introduce background material thatwill make statements such as the above precise, and also

0005-1098/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 0 5 - 1 0 9 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 5 0 - 9

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1We use the O( ) ) notation, whose precise meaning is the following.Let f and g be functions that map positive numbers to positive numbers.We write f (n)"O(g(n)) if there exist positive numbers n

0and c such that

f (n)4cg(n) for all n5n0.

provide a review of existing results of this type. The keyconcepts that we will be working with refer to the algo-rithmic solvability of di!erent problems and to theamount of resources (e.g., computation time) required.The premise behind our development is that a problemhas been `solveda only if an algorithm for that problem isavailable. This viewpoint is an outgrowth of the pioneer-ing work of Church, GoK del, and Turing earlier in thiscentury, and has been re"ned through an additionalfocus on computation time requirements. It meshes verywell with the availability of powerful computing machin-es, which has brought sophisticated systems and controlapproaches into the realm of the practical.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. InSection 2, we present models of digital computation anddevelop the notion of undecidability. We also introducethe concepts of polynomial-time algorithms and NP-completeness. We present some basic problems that areknown to be undecidable or NP-complete, and concludeby discussing the consequences of NP-completeness re-sults from a pragmatic point of view. In Section 3, wesurvey complexity-theoretic results that relate to linearsystems, with a focus on time-invariant or time-varyinguncertainty. In Section 4, we consider several classes of non-linear systems, such as systems with a single nonlinearity,linear systems with componentwise nonlinearities, andhybrid systems. In Section 5, we move to stochasticoptimal control problems and Markov decision theory,together with some pointers to related literature on dis-crete-event systems. We end with some brief conclusionsin Section 6. Throughout the paper, several open prob-lems are pointed out.

The literature on these subjects is large and growing,and our presentation could not be exhaustive. Additionalinformation can be found in a number of more focused re-views such as Sontag (1995) (nonlinear control), Blondeland Tsitsiklis (1998) (elementary nonlinear systems),Littman, Dean and Kaelbling (1995), Rust (1996),Mundhenk, Goldsmith, Lusena and Allender (1997),(Markov decision theory), Alur et al. (1995) (hybridsystems), Bournez and Cosnard (1996), Moore (1998)(Turing machine as dynamical systems) and Orponen(1994) (recurrent neural networks). Some open problemsrelated to the computational complexity of controlquestions are proposed in Blondel, Sontag, Vidyasagarand Willems (1999c, Problems 11, 14, 22, and 43).

2. Complexity theory

In this section, we introduce the main concepts fromthe theory of computability and complexity, with a focuson models of digital computation. An accessible intro-duction to the concepts of decidability/undecidability isgiven in Jones (1974). For textbook treatments, we referthe reader to Minsky (1967), Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman

(1974), Garey and Johnson (1979), Hopcroft and Ullman(1979), Davis (1982) and Papadimitriou (1994). There isalso an extensive literature on algebraic and continuousmodels of computation, and on problems with continu-ous data, which we do not cover; we refer the reader toNemirovsky and Yudin (1983), Traub, Wasilkowski andWozniakowski (1988) and Blum, Cucker, Shub andSmale (1998).

2.1. Problems, instances, and the size of an instance

In a typical instance of a computational problem, weare given input data x


dand we are asked to

compute some function of them. For example, in theDETERMINANT problem, an instance consists of the entriesof a given matrix and the desired outcome is its determi-nant. We focus on digital computation and constrain theinput data to be given with a "nite number of bits. Forexample, we will typically assume that the inputs takeinteger or rational values. As far as negative complexityresults are concerned, this is hardly restrictive. If a func-tion is di$cult or impossible to evaluate on integer orrational inputs, then it certainly remains so with arbit-rary real inputs.

Di!erent instances of the same problem can havedi!erent `sizesa. We follow the standard convention ofmainstream complexity theory and de"ne the size of aninstance as the number of bits used to encode the inputdata according to a certain prespeci"ed format. In par-ticular, any (nonzero) integer i can be viewed as havingsize (bit length) approximately equal to log DiD, since this isroughly the number of bits in a binary representation of i.For example, the size of an instance of the DETERMINANT

problem involving an n]n integer matrix can be upperbounded by O(n2 log;), where ; is an upper bound onthe magnitude of the entries of the matrix.1

2.2. Algorithms

Loosely speaking, an algorithm is described by a pro-gram, i.e., a "nite sequence of instructions of the typeencountered in common programming languages. Fora more precise description, we need to specify a model ofcomputation. A rather simple such model is provided bya random access machine (RAM) (Aho et al., 1974;Papadimitriou, 1994). A RAM consists of a read-onlytape that contains the input data x


d, an output

tape on which the outcome of the computation is written,an unlimited sequence of registers used to store inter-mediate quantities generated in the course of the compu-tation, and a program. Each register and each memory

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location on the input and output tapes may contain anarbitrary, possibly negative, integer. The program is a se-quence of instructions, some of which may be associatedwith labels that are used in `jump toa instructions. Theinstruction set can be assumed to contain the haltinginstruction, the four arithmetic operations, instructionsfor reading from a location on the input tape into a regis-ter (respectively, writing the contents of a register toa location on the output tape), indirect addressing (e.g.,read the contents of the register whose address is storedin register i, and store them in register 1), and jumpinstructions that move the program to a next instruction,possibly depending on the outcome of the comparison ofsome register to zero. The exact nature of the allowedinstructions is not important, because alternative choicesof the instruction set lead to computing machines withequivalent computing capabilities, as long as all criticalabilities, such as jumping, are present.

In a typical execution of the algorithm (or `computa-tiona), the input data are loaded on the input tape, andthe algorithm starts carrying out the program instruc-tions. For any given input, the computation may or maynot halt (that is, reach a halting instruction). We say thatthe algorithm solves a particular problem if it alwayshalts (for every instance of the problem, that is, for everychoice of the input data) and produces the correct answeron the output tape. We also say that a problem is unsolv-able if there exists no algorithm (under our model ofcomputation) that will always halt with the correct an-swer.

One may wonder whether the class of solvable prob-lems depends on the choice of a model of computation.According to the so-called Church}Turing thesis, allreasonable models of digital computation lead to thesame class of solvable problems, and are thereforeequally powerful. This thesis is supported by the fact thatall reasonable models that have been proposed andstudied lead indeed to the same class of solvable prob-lems. Still, it only remains a thesis * rather than a the-orem * because we do not have a precise de"nition of`all reasonable modelsa.

2.3. Decidable and undecidable problems

We will now focus on so-called decision problems, thatis, problems where the desired output is binary, and canbe interpreted as `yesa or `noa. An example is the prob-lem of deciding whether a given (integer) matrix is non-singular, which can be solved by, say, computing itsdeterminant and comparing it to zero. This makesMATRIX NONSINGULARITY a decidable problem, one forwhich there exists an algorithm that always halts with theright answer. Similar to MATRIX NONSINGULARITY, manyproblems in linear algebra are decidable. But therealso exist undecidable problems, for which there is noalgorithm that always halts with the right answer. We

give below one additional example of a decidable prob-lem and then describe three examples of undecidableproblems.

Let us consider the following problem. We are givena set of multivariable polynomials p

1,2, p

min n real

variables, with rational coe$cients. Let S be the setof all x"(x


n)3Rn that satisfy equalities

and inequalities of the form pi(x

1,2, x




n)'0, p


1,2, x

n)50. The problem of de-

ciding whether S is nonempty (i.e., whether there existsa solution) is known to be decidable. More generally, wemay consider questions such as whether the followingstatement is true:








3, x



This problem can be reduced to the previous one bya technique known as quantixer elimination and is there-fore decidable as well; see Tarski (1951) and Seidenberg(1954).

The amount of computation required by the originalmethods of Tarski and Seidenberg was very high andmore e$cient methods have been devised since then.Consider a system of m polynomial (in)equalities, each ofdegree at most d, in n real variables. The problem ofdeciding whether the system has a solution can be solvedwith m(n`1)dO(n) arithmetic operations; see Basu, Pollackand Roy (1996). Similar bounds are possible when alter-nations of quanti"ers are present (Basu et al., 1996); seealso Blum et al. (1988, Section 18.6) and the referencestherein.

We now turn to undecidable problems. The usualtechnique for proving that a problem is undecidableinvolves the idea of a reduction. Suppose that some deci-sion problem A can be reduced to problem B, in the sensethat any algorithm for B leads to an algorithm for A.Suppose, furthermore, that A is known to be undecid-able. It follows that B is undecidable as well. In this proofschema, we need a prototype problem whose undecida-bility can be established by some other means, and whichcan play the role of problem A. One such problem is thehalting problem, described below. Its undecidability canbe proved by a relatively simple `diagonalizationa argu-ment (Papadimitriou, 1994).

An instance of the halting problem consists of a de-scription of a computing machine M, e.g., a particularRAM program, together with a particular input x to M.The question is whether M will eventually halt whenstarted with input x. A possible approach to this problemmight be to run M with input x and assert YES if it halts.But if M does not halt on input x, it is not apparent howto detect this in "nite time and assert that the answer isNO. One could hope to infer the answer through someform of syntactic analysis of the program of machine M,but this is ruled out by the undecidability result.

A second example is provided by Hilbert's famoustenth problem on Diophantine equations, which is the

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2A word from a given alphabet (e.g., the alphabet Ma, bN) is a concat-enation of "nitely many symbols from that alphabet (e.g., aababb), orthe `emptya word. For any two words s and p, sp stands for theirconcatenation.

following. We are given a polynomial in several variables,with integer coe$cients, and we wish to decide whether ithas an integer solution. Building on previous work byDavis and Robinson, this problem was proved undecid-able in Matiyasevich (1970). An elementary exposition ofMatiyasevich's Theorem can be found in Davis (1973).

A third example, which is remarkable in its simplicity,is Post's correspondence problem. We are given "nitelymany pairs of words2 (x

1, y

1),2, (x

n, y

n), and we wish to

decide whether there exists some n51 and a "nite se-quence (i

1,2, i

m) of integers in the range 1,2, n, such






This problem, proved undecidable in Post (1946), re-mains undecidable even if there are only seven pairs ofwords (Matiyasevich & SeH nizergues, 1996). The problemis decidable for two pairs of words (Salomaa, 1985). Thedecidability of the intermediate cases (34n46) isunknown but is likely to be di$cult to settle. The unde-cidability of the Post correspondence problem can beestablished by reducing the halting problem to it; fora proof see Hopcroft and Ullman (1969, Section 14.2).

2.4. Time complexity

If an algorithm halts, we de"ne its running time to bethe sum of the `costsa of each instruction carried out.Within the RAM model of computation, arithmetic op-erations involve a single instruction and could be as-sumed to have unit cost. Realistically, however,arithmetic operations take time that increases with thesize (bit length) of the integers involved. This leads us tothe bit model in which the cost of an arithmetic operationis taken to be the sum of the sizes (bit lengths) of theintegers involved.

Of course, the running time of an algorithm will gener-ally depend on the size of the instance. Furthermore, therunning time can be di!erent for di!erent instances of thesame size. We de"ne the running time ¹(s) of an algo-rithm, as a function of size, to be the worst-case runningtime over all instances of size s.

We say that an algorithm runs in polynomial time ifthere exists some integer k such that


and we de"ne P as the class of all (decision) problems thatadmit polynomial-time algorithms. Due to a combina-tion of practical and theoretical reasons, P is generallyviewed as the class of problems that are e$ciently solv-able. It is most often the case that a computational

problem can be e$ciently solved in practice if and only ifit belongs in P. The emphasis on worst-case performanceis not fully satisfactory, as an algorithm may be fast onmost instances but take exponential time only on a smallminority of pathological instances. For example, thesimplex method is known to have polynomial runningtime, on the average (Schrijver, 1986). However, it is oftendi$cult to give a precise and reasonable meaning to theterm `on the averagea. For this reason, the vast majorityof complexity-theoretic research has focused on worst-case complexity.

Note that under the bit model that we have adopted,an algorithm that uses a polynomial number of arithme-tic operations is not necessarily a polynomial-time algo-rithm. To appreciate this distinction, notice that thenumber 22n can be computed with n multiplications, bysuccessive squaring, but this takes at least 2n steps ( just towrite the output). On the other hand, this distinctiondisappears for algorithms that produce intermediate and"nal results that are integers of size (bit length) boundedby a polynomial in the size of the original instance.

To make the above statement more concrete, let usconsider the inversion of integer matrices. It can becarried out using Gaussian elimination, with O(n3) arith-metic operations, but more work is needed before assert-ing that we have a polynomial-time algorithm. The sizeof an instance involving an n]n matrix is O(n2 log;),where ; is the magnitude of the largest entry of thematrix. It can be veri"ed (see, e.g., Schrijver, 1986) thatGaussian elimination can be implemented with O(n3)arithmetic operations and so that every intermediatequantity produced is an integer of magnitude O((n;)nk )for some integer k. Thus, intermediate quantities havesize O(nk log (n;)). The cost of each arithmetic operationis bounded by that latter quantity, and the overall run-ning time of the algorithm is O(nk`3 log (n;)). This is seento be polynomial in the instance size O(n2 log;) and weconclude that matrix inversion can be done in poly-nomial time.

In the sequel, the bit model will always be in e!ectwhen talking about polynomial-time algorithms. On theother hand, unless there is an explicit statement to thecontrary, we will provide complexity estimates in termsof arithmetic operations, which is less tedious.

2.5. Turing machines and other models

Turing machines provide a model of digital computa-tion which is more primitive, hence harder to `programathan random access machines. However, their primitive-ness becomes an advantage when they are manipulatedfor the purpose of proving theoretical results.

A Turing machine (TM, for short) uses a "nite symbolalphabet that includes a `blanka symbol. It uses a lineartape (memory), which is an in"nite sequence of cells, eachone containing a symbol. It also uses a `heada that has

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a "nite number of possible internal states and, at anytime, scans a particular cell. When computation starts,the input is written on "nitely many of the tape cells (theother cells are blank), the head is in a special `starta state,and it scans the "rst cell. At each time step, the machinereads the contents of the cell being scanned, anda transition is implemented. The e!ects of the transitionare a function only of the current state and the contentsof the scanned cell, and they result in (a) a new internalstate, (b) a new symbol written in the scanned cell, and(c) a movement of the head one unit to the left or to theright. The computation terminates when the head entersa special `haltinga state. At that point, the tape contentsare interpreted as the output. A TM can be viewed asa representation of an algorithm, which is encoded in thetransition function.

Most questions related to the operation of TMs areknown to be undecidable (e.g., is a given TM guaranteedto halt on every input, does it halt on a particular input,etc.). Furthermore, the functions that can be computedby Turing machines are the same as those for the seem-ingly more powerful RAM model.

As far as time complexity is concerned, the most sen-sible notion of running time for TMs is to count thenumber of steps until the machine halts. Turing machinesare capable of performing arithmetic operations on k-bitintegers in time which is polynomial in k (verifying this isa simple but tedious exercise in low-level programming).Building on this observation, it can be shown that a TMcan simulate a RAM with only polynomial slowdown.That is, if a RAM algorithm solves a certain problem intime O(sk) under the bit model, then there exists somel and an equivalent TM algorithm that takes time O(sk`l).The converse is also true because RAMs are at least aspowerful as TMs.

This and similar observations have led to the some-times called ewective Church}Turing thesis, which statesthat `any reasonable attempt to model mathematicallycomputer algorithms and their time performance isbound to end up with a model of computation andassociated time cost that is equivalent to Turingmachines within a polynomiala (Papadimitriou, 1994).

2.6. Some polynomial-time solvable problems

We refer here to some important problems that areknown to be polynomial-time solvable. We have alreadymentioned matrix inversion, and the same is true forproblems such as solving systems of linear equations,computing determinants, or computing matrix rank.LINEAR PROGRAMMING (the problem of deciding whethera set of linear inequalities in real variables has a solution)can also be solved in polynomial time using interior pointmethods (Schrijver, 1986). The same is true for certainoptimization problems such as convex quadratic pro-gramming (minimizing a convex quadratic function sub-

ject to linear equality and inequality constraints), or forsolving linear matrix inequality (LMI) problems to with-in a prespeci"ed error tolerance (Boyd, El Ghaoui, Feron& Balakrishnan, 1994).

Closer to control theory, consider the problem of de-ciding whether a matrix A is stable, i.e., whether itsspectral radius o(A) (the maximum of the magnitudes ofits eigenvalues) satis"es o(A)(1. A solution to thisproblem follows from the following result: the matrixA is stable if and only if the Lyapunov equationAPAT#I"P has a positive-de"nite solution P (Gant-macher, 1959). (In that case, the solution is unique.) Sincethe Lyapunov equation is linear in the unknown entriesof P, we can compute a solution P (or decide it does notexist) in polynomial time. To check that P is positivede"nite, it su$ces to compute the determinants of then principal minors of P and verify that they are allpositive. Since determinants can be computed in poly-nomial time, we have a polynomial-time solution to thestability problem. A similar polynomial-time solution isalso possible for continuous-time stability (are all eigen-values of A in the open-left half-plane?). The same ques-tions about roots of polynomials can also be answered inpolynomial time, since it is easy to construct a matrixA with a prespeci"ed characteristic polynomial. An alter-native method is to use the Routh test.

2.7. NP-completeness and beyond

There are many decidable problems of practical inter-est for which no polynomial-time algorithm is known,despite intensive research e!orts. Many of these prob-lems belong to a class known as NP (nondeterministicpolynomial time), that includes all of P. A decisionproblem is said to belong to NP if every YES instancehas a `certi"catea of being a YES instance whose validitycan be veri"ed with a polynomial amount of computa-tion. For example, consider the ZEROONE INTEGER

PROGRAMMING problem (ZOIP). In this problem, we aregiven a number of zero}one variables and a system oflinear equality and inequality constraints, and we wish todetermine whether a solution exists. If we have a YES

instance, any feasible solution is a certi"cate that testi"esto this and whose validity can be checked in polynomialtime. (Simply, check that all the constraints are satis"ed.)

The ZOIP problem turns out to be a hardest problemwithin the class NP in the sense that every problem in NPcan be reduced to ZOIP, in polynomial time (Cook, 1971).Such problems are said to be NP-complete. More pre-cisely, if A is any problem in NP, there is an algorithmthat runs in polynomial time and which, given an in-stance I of problem A produces an `equivalenta instanceI@ of ZOIP. Equivalence here means that I is a YES instanceof A if and only if I@ is a YES instance of ZOIP.

If we had a polynomial-time algorithm for ZOIP, thenany problem in NP could also be solved in polynomial

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time by "rst reducing it to ZOIP and then using a poly-nomial-time algorithm for ZOIP. It would then follow thatNP is the same as the class P of polynomial-time solvableproblems. Whether this is the case or not is a major openproblem in theoretical computer science. It is widelybelieved that PONP, although a proof is not in sight. Ifindeed PONP, then ZOIP is not polynomial-time solv-able, and the same is true for every other NP-completeproblem. By now, NP-completeness has been establishedfor thousands of problems (Karp, 1972; Garey & John-son, 1979). We will have the opportunity of introducingseveral NP-complete problems later on. For now, let usmention QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING, the problem of min-imizing a quadratic* but not necessarily convex* costfunction over a polyhedron.

If a problem A is at least as hard as some NP-completeproblem B (in the sense that B can be reduced to A inpolynomial time) we will use the term NP-hard to de-scribe this situation. In particular, a decision problem isNP-complete if and only if it is NP-hard and belongsto NP.

There are also classes of problems that are muchharder than NP-complete. For example, a problem issaid to belong to exponential time (EXP) if it can besolved in time O(2s

k ) for some k, where s is the instancesize. Once more, EXP-complete problems are the hardestin this class and, in this case, they require provably ex-ponential time (Papadimitriou, 1994).

Let us also de"ne PSPACE, the class of all problemsthat can be solved by a Turing machine that uses apolynomial amount of memory (tape cells). We haveNPLPSPACE. (For example, ZOIP can be solved withpolynomial memory by simply checking all possible solu-tions.) However, it is not known whether the contain-ment is proper. Given the present state of knowledge, it iseven possible that PSPACE"P, but this is consideredhighly unlikely. If a problem is shown to be PSPACE-complete, this is viewed as a very strong indication that itis not polynomial-time solvable. To summarize, we havePLNPLPSPACELEXP. It is known that POEXPbut it is unknown which of the above inclusions are strict.

2.8. Coping with NP-completeness

NP-hardness of a problem means that it is about asdi$cult as ZOIP, and this is often interpreted as an indica-tion of inherent intractability. Assuming that the conjec-ture PONP is true, an NP-hardness result eliminatesthe possibility of algorithms that run in polynomial timeand that are correct for all problem instances. However,this is not reason enough for declaring the problemintractable and refraining from further research. ManyNP-hard problems are routinely solved in practice, eitherexactly or approximately, using a variety of methods. Forexample, there are methods such as branch-and-boundthat require exponential time in the worst case, but run

fairly fast on many problems and instances of practicalinterest (Nemhauser & Wolsey, 1988).

Another point that needs to be appreciated is that notall NP-complete problems are equally hard. A standardexample is provided by the 0}1 KNAPSACK problem (see,e.g., Bertsimas & Tsitsiklis, 1997)



subject ton+i/1

wixi4K, x


where the data ci, w

i, and K are nonnegative integers.

The problem is NP-hard, but can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time, with n2max

iDciD arithmetic operations.

This is not polynomial time, because the instance size isof the order of log K#+


iwi), and the running time

is an exponential function of the instance size. However,unless the numbers c

iare extremely large, this can be

a practically viable algorithm.In addition, many NP-complete (or NP-hard) prob-

lems become much easier if we are willing to settle forapproximate solutions. For example, for any e'0, wecan get a feasible solution of the 0}1 KNAPSACK problem,whose value is no less than (1!e) times the optimalvalue, and this can be done in polynomial time, withO(n3/e) arithmetic operations. More generally, a minimiz-ation (respectively, maximization) problem is said to ad-mit a polynomial-time approximation scheme if for everye'0, there exists an algorithm (depending on e) whoserunning time is polynomial in the instance size, andwhich outputs a solution which comes within a factor of1#e (respectively, 1!e) from the optimum. However,some NP-hard problems are not amenable to approxim-ate solution, and there is a rich theory pertaining to thismatter (Papadimitriou, 1994). We revisit this subject inSection 3.2.

Finally, let us mention the possibility of using poly-nomial-time randomized algorithms that provide solu-tions to arbitrarily high levels of accuracy and con"dence(see Tempo et al. (1996), Khargonekar and Tikku (1996),Vidyasagar (1998) and Vidyasagar and Blondel (1999)for a description of such methods applied to controlproblems).

3. Linear systems

Many questions about linear systems are decidable,and can be decided e$ciently. For example, controllabil-ity, stability, and observability of continuous- or dis-crete-time linear systems can be decided in polynomialtime. One problem for which no algorithm is yet avail-able is the `hyperplane hitting problema which arises,among other situations, in sliding mode control. In thisproblem, we are given a discrete-time autonomous

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3This de"nition of stability relates to continuous-time systems. Werestrict the discussion in Sections 3.1}3.4 to this continuous-timesetting.

system xt`1

"Axt, together with the initial state x

0, and

we wish to determine whether the state xt

eventuallylands on the hyperplane cTx"0, that is, whether we havecTAtx

0"0 for some t50. This problem is the system-

theoretic transcription of a well-known problem in thetheory of formal power series (Salomaa & Soittola, 1978).It is also a long-standing open problem in number the-ory. The problem is proved NP-hard in Blondel andPortier (1999a) but it is unknown whether it is decidable.The present consensus among number theorists is that analgorithm should exist. This has been proved to be thecase for a large number of special cases, including thegeneric situation where the eigenvalues of A are all dis-tinct; see Mignotte, Shorey and Tijdeman (1984), and alsoSamake (1996) for recent extensions.

3.1. Stable and unstable polynomials inpolynomial families

Many computational complexity results in controltheory arise when considering families of polynomials ormatrices. The interest in the stability analysis of suchfamilies emerged in the early 1980s after the populariz-ation of Kharitonov's theorem in the control engineeringliterature. In the following, a polynomial is said to bestable if all of its roots have negative real parts.3

In Kharitonov (1978), it is proved that every realpolynomial in the interval family of polynomials




nxn: a~




i"0,2, nN

is stable if and only if four special members of the familywith extreme coe$cients (the Kharitonov polynomials) arestable.

The original proof of the theorem is in Russian. Simplegeometrical proofs can be found in Dasgupta (1988)and Minnichelli, Anagnost and Desoer (1989). UsingKharitonov's theorem, it is easy to design a polynomial-time algorithm that decides whether a given intervalfamily is stable: it su$ces to apply stability tests to thefour Kharitonov polynomials. The relevance of this re-sult to robust stability analysis provided motivation forvarious attempts at generalizations but with limited suc-cess. This experience opened up the possibility that broadgeneralizations of Kharitonov's Theorem, of comparablesimplicity, do not exist. Indeed, results from computa-tional complexity show that, unless P"NP, a variety ofother types of polynomial families do not admit stabilitycriteria that can be tested e$ciently. We review a numberof such results.

Interval polynomial families are special cases of a$nepolynomial families. Let p

i(x), i"1,2, n, be real poly-

nomials. An azne polynomial family is a set of poly-nomials of the form







i, i"1,2,mN.

An edge of the family is a subset (i.e., a set of polynomials)for which all of the parameters a

iare "xed to their upper

or lower bounds a`i

or a~i, with the exception of one

parameter, which is allowed to vary within the corre-sponding interval. It is known (Bartlett, Hollot & Huang,1988) that the stability of an a$ne polynomial family isequivalent to the stability of all of its edges. Furthermore,the stability of an edge can be checked in polynomialtime by using an edge stability condition given in Bialas(1985). There are m2m~1 edges in an a$ne polynomialfamily with m parameters. The elementary stabilitychecking procedure that consists in checking all edgesleads thus to a number of operations that is exponentialin the number of parameters. This procedure can beimproved by identifying critical edges. It is shownin Sideris (1991) that the stability of an a$ne poly-nomial family of degree n, with m parameters, can bechecked in polynomial time, with O(m3n2) arithmeticoperations.

Broader classes of polynomial families can be con-structed as follows. A multilinear polynomial family (or,more precisely, a multiazne polynomial family) is a set ofpolynomials of the form


0,2, a



0,2, a



0,2, a



0,2, a




i, i"0,2mN,

where each coe$cient bi(a

0,2, a

n) is an a$ne function of

each parameter ai

when the remaining parameters areheld "xed. This structure arises, for example, when oneconsiders the characteristic polynomial of an intervalfamily of matrices (see the next section). Several contribu-tions have dealt with the stability of such families. Incontrast to the a$ne case, however, no polynomial-timestability checking algorithms are available. Indeed, usingProposition 2.1 in Nemirovskii (1993), it is easily con-cluded that, unless P"NP, no such algorithm exists. Wepresent here an elementary proof of an improved versionof this result. We de"ne a bilinear polynomial family asa multilinear polynomial family in which each coe$cientfunction depends only on two parameters. We show that,unless P"NP, the stability of bilinear polynomial fami-lies of degree one is not decidable in polynomial time. Weprovide a complete proof because of its simplicity andbecause it adequately illustrates the usual way that suchnegative results are proved. The proof is based on a re-duction of the MAXIMUM 2-SATISFIABILITY problem,

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4A literal is either a Boolean variable uior its negation u6

i. A one-

literal clause consists of a single literal. A two-literal clause is a disjunc-tion (xsy) of two literals x and y.

5The results presented in Poljak and Rohn (1993) and Nemirovskii(1993) were found independently. Poljak and Rohn (1993) was submit-ted about two years before Nemirovskii (1993), but for editorial rea-sons, the two papers appeared in the same issue of Mathematics ofControl, Signals, and Systems.

which is known to be NP-complete (Garey & Johnson,1979).


Instance: A set ;"Mu1,2, u

mN of Boolean variables,

a collection C of k clauses over ;, such that there are atmost two literals in each clause, and a positive integerK4k.4

Question: Is there a truth assignment for the variablesin; that simultaneously satis"es at least K of the clausesin C?

Theorem. The stability of bilinear polynomial families ofdegree one is NP-hard to decide.

Proof. Given an arbitrary instance of MAXIMUM 2-SATISFIABILITY, we will construct an equivalent instance ofthe stability problem. Any clause c3C is of one of thefollowing forms: c"u

i, c"u6

i, c"u


j, c"u


j, or


j, for some i, j. To c"u

iwe associate the a$ne

function ai, to c"u6

iwe associate 1!a

i, to c"u


jwe associate a



iaj, to c"u


jwe associate


iaj, and to c"u6


jwe associate 1!a


Let A(a1,2, a

n) be the sum of the polynomials asso-

ciated with the clauses in C and consider the bilinearpolynomial family

Mx#(K!A(a1,2, a

n)): 04a


All polynomials in the family are stable if and only if theroot A(a

1,2, a

n)!K is negative for all choices of the


in [0,1]. That is, if and only if the maximum ofA(a

1,2, a

n) is less than K. Note that the maximum of

A(a1,2, a

n) for a

i3[0,1] is attained for a

i3M0,1N, and is

therefore equal to the maximum (over all possible truthassignments) number of satis"ed clauses. Thus, we havea stable family if and only if we have a NO instance ofMAXIMUM 2-SATISFIABILITY. We therefore have a poly-nomial time reduction of an NP-complete problem to theproblem of interest, and the result follows. h

We have seen that the stability of a$ne polynomialfamilies can be checked in polynomial time, whereas thestability of bilinear polynomial families is NP-hard.Thus, the tractability borderline is somewhere betweena$ne and bilinear families. Unless P"NP, e$cientstability checking algorithms can only be derived forparticular multilinear polynomial families, see, e.g., Fu,Dasgupta and Blondel (1995).

The problem of deciding whether a given family ofpolynomials is stable is equivalent to the problem of

deciding whether the family contains an unstable poly-nomial. Both problems are analysis problems. A relatedproblem is that of asking whether a family containsa stable polynomial, which is the same as asking whetherall polynomials in the family are unstable. This is a designproblem and, although its complexity is related to thecomplexity of the analysis problem, the relation is not asimmediate as it may "rst seem.

Kharitonov's theorem does not hold for instability.In general, it is not true that instability of all fourKharitonov polynomials of an interval family of poly-nomials ensures instability of the entire family. Similarly,it is not true in general that instability of all edges of ana$ne polynomial family ensures instability of the entirefamily. Existence of a polynomial time algorithm forchecking the presence of a stable polynomial in an a$nepolynomial family is an open problem. This problem is ofinterest because it is intimately related to basic controldesign problems. On the other hand, the proof givenabove can be easily adapted to prove that the problem ofdeciding whether there is a stable polynomial in a givenbilinear family of polynomials is NP-hard.

3.2. Stability of matrix families

If A~

and A`

are square matrices of the same dimen-sions, we de"ne the interval matrix family [A

~, A

`] as

the set of all matrices A that satisfy the inequalityA


`componentwise, i.e., (A




for every i and j.For interval matrix families, there are no results ana-

logous to Kharitonov's theorem. In fact, the stability ofall edges of an interval matrix family does not necessarilyimply the stability of the entire family. There are howeversome results, for the symmetric case, in terms of theextreme points of the family. An interval matrix family[A


`] is said to be symmetric if the matrices A



are symmetric. (Note, however, that in general,a symmetric interval matrix family [A


`] also con-

tains nonsymmetric matrices.) Necessary and su$cientconditions for stability of symmetric interval matrices,formulated in terms of the stability of a "nite subset ofmatrices in the family, are given in Soh (1990), Hertz(1992), and Rohn (1994a). Still, in all of these references, thenumber of matrices that have to be tested is exponential inthe dimension of the matrices. This seems to be unavoid-able given the negative results that we describe next.

The computational complexity analysis of problemsassociated with interval matrix families was initiated inPoljak and Rohn (1993) and Nemirovskii (1993).5 A com-

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6 In the PARTITION problem, we are given integers a1,2, a

n, whose

sum is some number K and we are asked whether there exists a subsetof these integers whose sum is K/2.

bination of the results presented in these two papers is asfollows. An elegant and economical presentation is pro-vided in Rohn (1994b).

For interval matrix families, the following four prob-lems are NP-hard:

(i) decide whether all matrices in a given family arenonsingular (INTERVAL MATRIX NONSINGULARITY);

(ii) decide whether all matrices in a given family arestable (INTERVAL MATRIX STABILITY);

(iii) decide whether all matrices in a given family havespectral norm (maximum singular value) less thanone;

(iv) decide whether all symmetric matrices in a givenfamily are positive dexnite.

The NP-hardness proof of (i) given by Poljak andRohn involves the MAX CUT problem, which is de"ned asfollows. We are given an undirected graph, and we wishto partition the set of nodes into two disjoint subsets, ina way that maximizes the number of edges with oneendpoint in each subset. The decision version of thisproblem (`Is the maximum larger than a given number?a)is NP-complete (Papadimitriou, 1994; Poljak & Rohn,1993) shows that MAX CUT can be reduced to INTERVAL


NONSINGULARITY remains NP-hard even if the size (bitlength) of the entries of the n]n matrices A

~and A


O(logn). Problems with such a property, that remainNP-hard even if the size of each number in the input isrestricted to be small (of the order of a polynomial in thelogarithm of the overall instance size), are said to bestrongly NP-hard. The complexity of such problems is ofan inherently combinatorial nature, rather than beingdue to excessively long numerical input.

We can rephrase the decision problem INTERVAL

MATRIX NONSINGULARITY as an optimization problem, andlook at the possibility of approximations. The center of theinterval matrix family [A


`] is A



~)/2 and

its error is A%"(A


~)/2. The interval matrix family




%] is equal to MA

#N when j"0, and

is equal to the interval family [A~


] when j"1. Theradius of stability j(A


%) associated with A

#and A


the smallest value of j for which [A#!jA

%, A



contains a singular matrix. Clearly, all matrices in[A


`] are nonsingular i! j(A


%)'1 and, therefore,

deciding whether j(A#,A

%)'1 is also NP-hard. However,

a stronger result that refers to the impossibility of approxi-mating j(A


%) is also possible, as we discuss next.

It is known that unless P"NP, MAX CUT does notadmit a polynomial-time approximation scheme as de-"ned in Section 2.8 (Papadimitriou, 1994). It follows thatthe same is true for the optimization version of INTERVAL

MATRIX NONSINGULARITY (Coxson & De Marco, 1994); seealso Demmel (1992).

The NP-hardness of the other three problems in theabove theorem was shown in Nemirovskii (1993), by

using a reduction of the classical PARTITION problem,6which is NP-complete (Garey & Johnson, 1979). Thereductions produce very particular classes of intervalmatrix families. Thus, restricted versions of the problemsthat encompass these classes are also NP-hard. Forexample, INTERVAL MATRIX STABILITY is NP-hard when allthe entries of the matrices in the family are "xed, exceptfor some of the entries of a single row and a singlecolumn, which are allowed to vary between !1 and 1.

Even though PARTITION is NP-complete, it can be sol-ved in time polynomial in the number of integers and ex-ponential in their size (bit length). (In fact, it is a specialcase of the 0}1 KNAPSACK problem discussed in Section2.8.) Thus, the proof in Nemirovskii (1993) still leaves thepossibility that problems such as INTERVAL MATRIX

STABILITY can be solved in time polynomial in the dimen-sions of the matrices, when their entries have small bitlength, e.g., logarithmic in the dimension of the matrices.However, this possibility is ruled out by adaptingNemirovskii's proof with the help of the reduction usedin Poljak and Rohn (1993), and all of these problems arestrongly NP-complete (Coxson, 1993).

An interval matrix family can always be expressed inthe form





m: 04a

i41, 14i4mN,

where each matrix Aihas a single nonzero entry. A rank-q

azne matrix family is a family of the form above, wherethe matrices A

ihave rank that is less than or equal to q.

The stability of rank-1 a$ne families is NP-hard todecide, and the special case m"1 is solvable in poly-nomial time without any rank restrictions; see Fu andBarmish (1988). Besides these two special cases, the terri-tory is unmarked. Exponential time branch-and-boundalgorithms for the case of arbitrary m and q are proposedin Kokame and Mori (1992). A solution in terms of"nitely many linear programs is proposed in Barmish,Floudas, Hollot and Tempo (1994).

There are many more results on the complexity ofinterval linear algebra problems. A survey of some ofthese results is given in Kreinovich, Lakeyev, Rohn andKahl (1995) and Rohn (1997). See also the recent book(Kreinovich et al., 1997).

Let us "nally mention a di!erent problem but witha somewhat similar #avor. Given a system with delays, ofthe form

x5 (t)"A0x(t)#




we wish to determine whether the system is stable for allallowed values of the delays h

k. It turns out that this

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7This formulation has been suggested by M. Overton (personalcommunication).

problem is NP-hard for the case where each hk

is con-strained to lie within an interval [h~

k, h`

k], as well as for

the unconstrained case, where hk3[0,#R) (Toker &

Ozbay, 1996).

3.3. Structured singular values

The results in the preceding subsection have directimplications for the computation of the structured singu-lar value of a matrix, a fact that was hinted at in Poljakand Rohn (1993). The structured singular value general-izes the notion of singular value and arises in manyrobust control problems involving systems with uncer-tain parameters.

We start with a square, possibly complex, matrix Mof dimensions n]n and we consider a set D of block-diagonal perturbation matrices *, of the form*"diagM*


kN, where each *

ihas dimensions


iand n


k"n. Each diagonal block is

constrained to be of a particular type, e.g., a real multipleof the identity matrix, a complex multiple of the identitymatrix, or an arbitrary real (or complex) matrix. Havingde"ned the set of matrices D in terms of such constraints,the corresponding structured singular value is de"ned by


if det(I!*M)O0 for all *3D,

(min*|DMp6 (*) : det(I!*M)"0N)~1


where p6 (*) stands for the largest singular value of *.When D"MdI: d3CN, k(M) is equal to the spectralradius of M, and when D"CnCn, k(M) is equal to themaximum singular value of M. For an introduction tostructured singular values and their importance in systemanalysis and design, see Doyle (1982), Safonov (1982) andZhou, Doyle and Glover (1995).

Many researchers had worked on algorithms for com-puting k exactly, under various uncertainty structures,until it was established that the problem of decidingwhether k(M)51 is NP-hard for the following cases:

(i) If M is real and each block *iis a real multiple of

the identity (the `real ka problem).(ii) If M is complex and each block *

iis a multiple d


of the identity, where some diare constrained to be

real and some are allowed to be complex (the`mixed ka problem).

(iii) If M is complex and each block *iis of the form d


for some complex di(the `purely complex ka prob-


The result for the "rst two cases is a corollary of theresults in Poljak and Rohn (1993). It is also derived inBraatz, Young, Doyle and Morari (1994), by showingthat quadratic programming can be reduced to the prob-lem of computing k. The third result was shown later in

Toker and Ozbay (1998) by establishing that a suitablyde"ned quadratic programming problem involving com-plex variables is NP-hard, and then reducing it to thepurely complex k problem.

Partly as a consequence of such results, research e!ortshave shifted to the problem of "nding approximations ofk which are easy to compute and that are as close aspossible to the exact value of k; see Fu (1999) and Tokerand de Jager (1999) for some discussion on computa-tional complexity problems related to the approximatecomputation of k, and Trei (1999) for a negative result onan approach that had seemed promising.

Finally, let us mention that Fu and Dasgupta (1998)have studied the complexity of computing the real struc-tured singular value with perturbations measured bya p-norm. For a set D of block diagonal matrices whereeach block *

iis a real multiple d

iI of the identity, de"ne


* | D

MDD*DDp: det(I!*M)"0NB


where d"(d1,2, d

k) and *"diagMd

1I,2, d

kIN. The

quantity kp

coincides with k when p"R and so theproblem of deciding whether k

=(M)51 is NP-hard. Fu

and Dasgupta show that the problem of decidingwhether k

p(M)51 is NP-hard for any p3[1,R] when

the size of the smallest block exceeds one. For blocks ofsize one and "nite p, the question of NP-hardness is open.

3.4. Existence of a stable matrix in an interval family;static output feedback

We now turn our attention to design, rather thananalysis, questions for interval matrix families, and con-sider the following problem.


Instance: An interval family of matrices.Question: Does the family contain a stable matrix?

This problem is NP-hard. It remains so even if theinterval family is symmetric and all the entries of thefamily are "xed, except for some of the entries of a singlerow and a single column, which can take values between!1 and 1. The proof is given in Blondel and Tsitsiklis(1997) and involves again a reduction of the PARTITION

problem. In contrast to the corresponding analysis ques-tion discussed in Section 3.2, it is not known whetherSTABLE MATRIX IN INTERVAL FAMILY is NP-hard in thestrong sense. A variation of STABLE MATRIX IN INTERVAL

FAMILY is the problem in which we only look at symmet-ric matrices. Consider the semide"nite programmingproblem of minimizing j subject to the constraint thatjI!A is nonnegative de"nite and subject to the intervalconstraints on the symmetric matrix A.7 Stability is then

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8This conjecture can be restated as saying that the convergence tozero of all periodic products of a given "nite set of matrices, implies thesame for all possible products.

equivalent to the optimal value of j being negative. Thissemide"nite programming problem can be solved inpolynomial time to any "xed desired accuracy. However,the complexity of an exact solution is unknown.

This problem bears some similarities to the widelystudied, and still unsolved, static output feedback problem.We are given matrices A, B, and C, and we are interestedin determining whether there exists a `gaina matrixK such that A#BKC is stable. Despite numerous con-tributions since the early 1960s, a satisfactory answer tothis problem has yet to be found. The problem is oftencited as one of the di$cult open problems in systems andcontrol (Blondel, Gevers & Lindquist, 1995). See Syrmos,Abdallah and Dorato (1994) for a survey, and Rosenthaland Wang (1997) for genericity results on the related poleassignment problem. From a complexity point of view, theproblem is algorithmically decidable using Tarski elimina-tion, as pointed out in Anderson, Bose and Jury (1975).

Still, despite various attempts, it is unclear whether theproblem is NP-hard. In Fu and Luo (1997), the authorsshow that a certain type of mixed LMI can be used tosolve the static output feedback problem, but they thenshow that the proposed mixed LMI is NP-hard.

Using the NP-hardness result for STABLE MATRIX IN

INTERVAL FAMILY, it is easily shown that the static outputfeedback problem is NP-hard if we also require the gainmatrix K to satisfy interval constraints. However, therelevance of this observation is unclear, because theproblem with interval constraints remains NP-hard forthe special case of state feedback (given A and B, deter-mine whether there exists some K within a given intervalfamily such that A#BK is stable), even though it can besolved in polynomial time in the absence of intervalconstraints (Blondel & Tsitsiklis, 1997a). Let us alsomention some related problems that have been shownto be NP-hard in the same reference. These are theproblems of simultaneous stabilization by output feed-back (see also Toker and Ozbay, 1995), decentralizedoutput feedback stabilization using a norm boundedcontroller, and decentralized stabilization using identicalcontrollers.

3.5. Time-varying systems

We have been discussing so far problems related touncertain systems but with time-invariant uncertainparameters. We now turn to a discussion of problemsrelevant to systems with time-varying uncertainty, andwe will be focusing on discrete-time systems.

We consider a time-varying system of the formxt`1

"Atxt, where & is a "nite set of matrices, and A


for every t50. We do not impose any restrictions on thesequence of matrices A

t. Starting from the initial state x


we obtain





We wish to characterize how xt

grows with t. For thispurpose, let DD ) DD be an induced matrix norm. The jointspectral radius o6 (&) is de"ned in Rota and Strang (1960)by

o6 (&)" limk?=






1DD1@k: each A


for k51. (See also Berger and Wang (1992) for anothercharacterization of o6 (&) in terms of the spectral radius ofthe matrix products.) It turns out that the limit alwaysexists and the value of o6 (&) is the same for every inducedmatrix norm. The same comment applies to the de"ni-tions of o

6(&) and o

P(&) given later in this section.

For a given "nite set of matrices &, we can now posequestions such as the following:

f Do we have o6 (&)(1?f Are all possible matrix products A



f Do we have o6 (&)41?f Do all in"nite matrix products converge to zero?f Do all periodic matrix products converge to zero?f Do we have x

tP0 for every x

0and any possible

sequence of matrices?f Do we have x

tP0 for every x

0and any possible

periodic sequence of matrices?f Is the set of all possible matrix products A



The above questions are not equivalent, but they areclosely related. Due to their relevance in many practicalsettings, they have been extensively studied in recentyears. For example, certain inequalities proved inDaubechies and Lagarias (1992, Lemma 3.1) can be usedto derive algorithms that compute arbitrarily preciseapproximations for o6 (&); see Gripenberg (1996) for onesuch algorithm. These approximation algorithms canthen be used in procedures that decide, after "nitelymany steps, whether o6 '1 or o6 (1. Related proceduresare given in Brayton and Tong (1980) and Barabanov(1988). The drawback of all of these procedures is thatthey need not terminate when o6 happens to be equal to 1.In fact, the ability to compute arbitrarily accurate ap-proximations of o6 does not rule out the possibility thatthe problem of deciding whether o6 (1 is undecidable,and it is so far unknown whether this is the case or not;see Lagarias and Wang (1995) for a discussion of thisissue and for a description of its connection with theso-called "niteness conjecture,8 as well as the discussionsin Gurvits (1995) and the NP-hardness result in Toker

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9 In fact, a careful examination of the proof in that reference showsthat a stronger result is true, ruling out algorithms that run in timewhich is polynomial in 1/e.

10This result is stated incorrectly in Tsitsiklis and Blondel (1997a);a correction appears in Tsitsiklis and Blondel (1997b).

(1997). It turns out however that the slightly di!erentproblem of deciding whether o6 41 (as well as the ques-tion of boundedness of the set of all matrix products) isundecidable (Blondel and Tsitsiklis, 1999b). Both prob-lems remain undecidable in the case where & containsonly two matrices. Another negative result is given inKozyakin (1990), which establishes that several questionsof the type introduced in this section cannot be answeredusing a restricted class of algebraic algorithms, becausethe set of all YES instances has in"nitely many connectedcomponents, even for pairs of 2]2 matrices.

As a practical matter, e$cient approximation algo-rithms for computing o6 (&) might su$ce. However, theresults of Tsitsiklis and Blondel (1997a, Theorem 1) placesome limitations on possible approximation algorithms.In particular, it is shown that unless P"NP, there is noalgorithm that can compute o6 with e percent relativeaccuracy and which runs in time polynomial in log(1/e)and the size of &.9 Furthermore, this negative resultcontinues to hold even if we restrict the set & to consist ofonly two matrices with 0}1 entries. Despite this negativeresult it is still conceivable that for any xxed e'0, thereexists a polynomial-time algorithm that computes o6 withrelative accuracy e, but it is not known whether this is thecase or not.

If a polynomial-time algorithm were available forchecking the stability of all products of two given ma-trices, then the algorithm could be used in conjunctionwith binary search to approximate the joint spectralradius in polynomial time. As a consequence, it is NP-hard to decide whether all products of two given matrices(with rational entries) are stable. This is true even if allnonzero entries of the two matrices are constrained to beequal.10 The decidability of this problem is not known.On the other hand, polynomial-time stability checkingalgorithms are available when all nonzero entries areequal to one; see Gurvits (1996).

Similar to the joint spectral radius, we can de"ne thelower spectral radius o

6(&) by

o6(&)" lim


o6 k



o6 k



kDD1@k: each A


for k51.The joint spectral radius measures the maximal aver-

age norm of long products of matrices taken from a "niteset, whereas the lower spectral radius measures the min-

imal average norm. The problem of computing o6(&) is

intimately related to the mortality problem. We say thatthe set of matrices & is mortal if the zero matrix can beexpressed as the product of "nitely many matrices from&. Reference Paterson (1970) establishes a relation be-tween word concatenation and matrix multiplication,and reduces Post's correspondence problem to the prob-lem of deciding whether & is mortal. In particular, itshows that the mortality problem is undecidable, even if& consists of only 2n

p#2 integer matrices of dimensions

3]3, as long as Post's correspondence problem withnp

pairs of words is undecidable. (As discussed in Section2.3, we can take n

p"7.) Building on this result (Blondel

& Tsitsiklis, 1997b) establishes that the mortality prob-lem remains undecidable even if & consists of only twointeger matrices of dimensions (6n


p#6). The

number of 3]3 integer matrices involved in Paterson'sproof can be reduced to n

p#2 by considering the modi-

"ed Post correspondence problem in which the initialpair of words used in the correspondence is predeter-mined and is part of the instance description (Hopcroft& Ullman, 1969); see Bournez and Branicky (1998) fora proof. An easy argument shows that, if mortality ofd matrices of size n]n is undecidable, then the sameapplies to pairs of matrices of size nd]nd (Blondel& Tsitsiklis, 1997b). Thus, mortality of two integer ma-trices of size 3(n

p#2) is undecidable. Moreover, all 3]3

matrices involved are diagonalizable, and so, by adaptingthe argument in Blondel and Tsitsiklis (1997b), one canconclude that the mortality problem for pairs of 3(n


integer matrices, one of which is diagonal, is also unde-cidable. For the special cases of matrices with non-negative entries, or when we restrict to products of theform A


kfor "xed k, the mortality problem can

be solved (in exponential time), but is actually NP-hard(Blondel & Tsitsiklis, 1997b). See also Bournez andBranicky (1998) for a discussion of the mortality problemfor 2]2 matrices, and Krom (1981), Krom and Krom(1989) and Klarner, Birget and Satter"eld (1991) for moreresults on problems of similar #avor.

As long as the matrices have integer entries, we haveeither o

6(&)"0 (which is the case if and only if & is

mortal) or o6(&)51. Thus the undecidability results for

the mortality problem preclude the possibility of anexact, or even approximate computation of o

6(&) (Blondel

& Tsitsiklis, 1997b). By the same argument, the problemof determining whether some product of two given ma-trices A

0and A

1is stable is also undecidable. Building on

the comments made in the previous paragraph, it can beshown that this is true even if the two matrices haveinteger entries, are of size 27]27, and one of them isdiagonal. On the other hand, if it is a priori known thato6 (&)"1, the question o

6(&)(1 can be decided in poly-

nomial time (Gurvits, 1996).While o6 (&) and o

6(&) refer to two extreme ways of

choosing a sequence of matrices, we can de"ne an

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intermediate quantity if we let the matrices Atbe gener-

ated randomly and independently, according to a prob-ability distribution P on the set &. The largest Lyapunovexponent associated with P and & is then de"ned by

j(&,P)" limk?=





where E[ ) ] stands for expectation. We de"ne theLyapunov spectral radius o

P(&) by

oP(&)"ej(&, P)

and it is easily veri"ed that


P(&)4o6 (&).

Similar to our earlier arguments, the undecidability ofmortality can be used to establish that o

P(&) cannot be

computed exactly or approximately (Blondel & Tsitsiklis,1997b).

It is interesting to contrast the latter result with what isknown for analogous quantities de"ned in the max-plusalgebra, where the usual operations of addition and multi-plication are replaced by taking the maximum of twonumbers, and addition, respectively (Baccelli, Cohen,Olsder & Quadrat, 1992). Products of matrices in themax-plus algebra correspond to performance measuresfor discrete-event systems, and the Lyapunov spectralradius is particularly interesting. In this context, the jointspectral radius can be computed in polynomial time, butthe question whether o(1 is NP-hard for both the lowerspectral radius and for a quantity analogous to theLyapunov spectral radius (Blondel, Gaubert & Tsitsiklis,1998). In terms of computability, the latter quantity canbe approximated (in exponential time) to any degree ofaccuracy (Baccelli et al., 1992), but it is unknown whetherthe question `is o(1?a is decidable.

4. Nonlinear and hybrid systems

4.1. Introduction

Control problems are in general easier to solve forlinear systems than for nonlinear ones. Even for systemsthat seem mildly nonlinear, simply stated control ques-tions may become intractable or, in many cases, undecid-able. We review in this section some of the availablecomplexity results, including related results for hybridsystems. We look at four particular control problems.


Input: A system xt`1

"f (xt, u

t) and an initial state x


Question: Does there exist some ¹51 and controlsut, t"0,2,¹!1, such that x


NULLCONTROLLABILITY (All states can be driven to theorigin.)

Input: A system xt`1

"f (xt, u


Question: Is it true that for every initial state x0, there

exists some ¹51 and controls ut, t"0,2,¹!1, such

that xT"0?


Input: A system xt`1

"f (xt) and an initial state x


Question: Does there exist some ¹51 such thatxT"0?


Input: A system xt`1

"f (xt).

Question: Is it true that for every x0

there exists some¹51 such that x


Asymptotic versions of these de"nitions are possibleby requiring the sequences to converge to the given staterather than reaching it in "nite time. For example, ina problem ALL TRAJECTORIES CONVERGE TO THE ORIGIN, wehave an autonomous system and the objective is todecide whether x

tP0 for any initial state x

0. The "rst

two problems are control design problems, whereas thelast two are analysis problems. When algorithms exist forthe design problems, they can be used for the correspond-ing analysis problem as well. Thus, analysis problems arein general easier to solve. When looking for negativecomplexity-theoretic results, the reverse is true; analysisproblems are harder to show undecidable or NP-hardthan control problems.

In all of these problems, we need to assume that thesystem is `givena in terms of a "nite-length description ofthe function f. For example, if f is polynomial with ra-tional coe$cients, it is `givena in terms of its coe$cients.For linear systems the above questions are all decidablein polynomial time. On the other hand, no algorithmsexist for general nonlinear systems. Stated at this level ofgenerality, these problems are not interesting, becausethey are far too di$cult. For example, as pointed inSontag (1995), the null-controllability question for gen-eral nonlinear systems includes the problem of decidingwhether a given arbitrary nonlinear equation /(u)"0has a solution. Indeed, for a given function /, considerthe system x


t), which is null controllable if and

only if / has a zero. Thus, the null-controllability ques-tion for nonlinear systems is at least as hard as decidingwhether a given nonlinear function has a zero, which isfar too general a problem. For a problem to be interest-ing, we need to constrain the type of nonlinear systemsconsidered. In the subsections that follow we considerseveral classes of systems, such as systems with a singlenonlinearity, systems with componentwise nonlinearities,piecewise-linear systems, and hybrid systems.

4.2. Systems with a single nonlinearity

Even for systems that involve a single scalar nonlin-earity, algorithms for deciding stability are inherently

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ine$cient. To illustrate this, let us "x an arbitrary non-constant scalar function l :RCR that satis"es


l(x)4l(x)4 limx?`=

l(x), ∀ x3R. (2)

Having "xed l, let us consider the problem in which weare given A


13QnCn, and c3Qn as input, and we wish

to determine whether all trajectories of the system






converge to the origin. If l were constant, system (3)would be linear and this question could be decided inpolynomial time. On the other hand, the problem isknown to be NP-hard for any "xed nonconstant l thatsatis"es (2) (Blondel & Tsitsiklis, 1999a).

If we focus on the particular case where l is the signfunction, we obtain an NP-hardness result for a verysimple class of nonlinear systems, namely systems thatare linear on each side of a hyperplane:




when cTxt50,



when cTxt(0.


Such systems could arise when a linear system is control-led using a `bang}banga controller. They also representone of the simplest types of hybrid systems.

It is not clear whether questions related to the stabilityof systems (3) are actually decidable. We do not know ofany nonconstant function l for which ALL TRAJECTORIES

CONVERGE TO THE ORIGIN has been proved decidable orundecidable.

System (4) is of the form xt`1


where eachA

tbelongs to the set MA


`N. This is a situation similar

to the one considered in Section 3.5, except that now thesequence of matrices is not arbitrary, but is determinedby the state sequence. Still, this does not help in reducingcomplexity as we now argue using an example takenfrom Blondel and Tsitsiklis (1998a). Consider a systemdescribed by a state vector (v

t, y

t, z

t), where v

tand y


scalars and ztis a vector in Rn, and the dynamics is of the





!1/4 0 0

!1/4 1/2 0

0 0 A`BA



ztB when y






1/4 0 0

1/4 1/2 0

0 0 A~BA



ztB when y


This system consists of two linear systems, each of whichis enabled in one of two half-spaces, as determined by thesign of y

t. Given that y

0can be any real number, it can be

veri"ed that the sequence sign(yt) is completely arbitrary,

which then implies that the matrices A~

and A`

can be

multiplied in an arbitrary order. Clearly, all trajectoriesconverge to zero if and only if z

talways converges to zero

and the problem is at least as hard the correspondingquestion from Section 3.5 in which arbitrary productswere allowed. If the latter problem is ever shown to beundecidable, the same will be automatically true for theproblem considered here. On the other hand, since theboundedness of all products of A

~and A

`is undecid-

able (Blondel & Tsitsiklis, 1999b), it follows that theuniform boundedness of the trajectories of system (4), forall initial states in a bounded set, is also undecidable.

One can easily adapt (3) to include the possibility ofa control action, as in a system of the form






t. (5)

The question of NULLCONTROLLABILITY for system (5),subsumes the question of whether ALL TRAJECTORIES GO TO

THE ORIGIN the autonomous system (3) * just considerthe special case where B"0 * and NP-hardness fol-lows. One can in fact say more than that. When l is thesign function, then NULLCONTROLLABILITY and STATE CAN

BE DRIVEN TO THE ORIGIN for systems (5) becomes undecid-able (Blondel & Tsitsiklis, 1999a, Theorem 2).

Let us "nally note that for functions l that have "niterange, systems (5) become piecewise linear. We shall saymore about the complexity of such systems in Section 4.4.

4.3. Systems with componentwise nonlinearities

Let us "x a scalar function p : RCR, and considersystems of the form


"p(Axt), (6)

where the matrix A has size n]n and p is applied com-ponentwise, i.e.,

p(q1,2, q




Systems of this type arise in a wide variety of situations.When p is linear, we have a linear system and mostdynamical properties of interest can be checked e$cient-ly. When p has "nite range, the entries of the state vectortake values in a "nite set, the system evolves on a "nitestate space after the "rst time step, and dynamicalproperties can be decided in time which is polynomialin the number of possible states. Note, however, thatthe number of states generally increases exponentiallyin n. If p is the sign function and A is symmetric,system (6) is guaranteed to have a "xed point, but itis not known whether it can be found in polynomial time(Papadimitriou, 1994).

Recurrent arti"cial neural networks are commonly ofthe form (6) (Sontag, 1996b) and, in that context, p isreferred to as the activation function. Some of the activa-tion functions that are common in the neural networkliterature are the logistic function p(x)"1/(1#e~x),the trigonometric function p(x)"arctan(x), and the

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11A universal Turing machine is a Turing machine M that receives asinput the description of another machine M@ and a string s, and thensimulates the operation of machine M@ on input s.

12Notice that the title of the reference Hyotyniemu (1997) involvesthe term `stabilitya, but it is actually used in a sense di!erent than theusual one in systems theory.

saturated linear function

p(x)"G0 when x40,

x when 0(x(1,

1 when x51.

Note that all of these functions are continuous and have"nite limits on both ends of the real axis, which is a com-mon assumption in the context of arti"cial neural net-works. Other motivations for studying systems of type (6)arise in the context of "xed-point digital "lters and oflinear systems with saturation limits on the state orcontrol variables. See the book Liu and Michel (1994) forfurther motivation and many references related to neuralnetworks and "lter design. Finally, we will also discussthe cut function, de"ned by

p(x)"G0 when x40,

x when x'0,

which is probably the simplest nonlinear but piecewiselinear function.

It turns out that systems of the form (6) have vastlydi!erent characteristics from linear systems. A result an-nounced in Siegelmann and Sontag (1991) and completedin Siegelmann and Sontag (1995), shows that saturatedlinear systems are capable of simulating Turing machin-es. This is done by suitably encoding the transition rulesof the Turing machine in the matrix A, while the tapecontents and the machine's internal state are encoded onsome of the states of the saturated linear system. Thus, ascomputational devices, linear saturated systems are aspowerful as Turing machines. This abstract result hasseveral system-theoretic implications. We describe a rep-resentative one. Recall that the halting problem is unde-cidable for Turing machines. Therefore, the problem ofdeciding whether a given initial state of a saturated linearsystem eventually leads to a state that encodes a haltingcon"guration, is also undecidable. This halting state canbe chosen to be the origin (see Sontag, 1995) and itfollows that TRAJECTORY GOES TO THE ORIGIN is undecid-able for saturated linear systems.

By using a universal Turing machine,11 one can in factprove that for saturated linear systems, TRAJECTORY GOES

TO THE ORIGIN is undecidable for some particular matrixA. More concretely, there exists a particular integermatrix A (of size approximately equal to 1000]1000) forwhich there exists no algorithm that takes an initial statex0

(with rational components) as input and decideswhether the state will eventually hit the origin (Siegel-mann & Sontag, 1995). The problem of "nding thesmallest possible such matrix is a di$cult open problem

that is related to the smallest possible size of universalTuring machines (Rogozhin, 1996).

The initial result by Siegelmann and Sontag hasprompted e!orts to understand the necessary propertiesof a function p, under which Turing machine simulationis possible. The fact that such simulations are possiblewith the cut function is proved in an elementary andsimple way in Hyotyniemu (1997).12 In Koiran (1996), itis shown that Turing machines can be simulated ifp eventually becomes constant on both ends of the realline and is twice di!erentiable with nonzero derivative onsome open interval. Note, however, that the functionp"arctan and other standard functions in the neuralnetwork literature do not satisfy these hypothesis. Theconditions are further relaxed in Kilian and Siegelmann(1996). The authors o!er a sketch of a proof that Turingmachines can be simulated for any function p in a certainclass that includes, among others, the functions describedabove and all the functions that are classically used inarti"cial neural networks. The functions do not need tobecome ultimately constant but need to be monotone.

Using an argument similar to the one provided earlierfor saturated linear systems, we arrive at the conclusionthat TRAJECTORY GOES TO THE ORIGIN for systems (6) isundecidable when p is the saturated linear function, thecut function, the logistic function, or any function thatbelongs to the classes de"ned in Koiran (1996) and Kilianand Siegelmann (1996). The undecidability of TRAJECTORY

GOES TO THE ORIGIN immediately implies the same forSTATE CAN BE DRIVEN TO THE ORIGIN for systems of the form



t). (7)

These results do not have any direct implications for theproblem ALL TRAJECTORIES CONVERGE TO THE ORIGIN. Forsaturated linear systems, this problem was conjectured tobe undecidable by Sontag in Sontag (1995). A proof thatthis is indeed the case is given in Blondel, Bournez,Koiran and Tsitsiklis (1999b) and establishes the unde-cidability of several related global properties such as ALL

TRAJECTORIES GO TO THE ORIGIN. The main idea is tosimulate a Turing machine by a saturated linear systemso that all trajectories converge to the origin if and only ifthe Turing machine halts for every initial con"guration.By a result of Hooper (Hooper, 1966), the latter Turingmachine problem is undecidable, hence the proof ofSontag's conjecture.

4.4. Piecewise linear and hybrid systems

Hybrid systems involve a combination of continuousdynamics (e.g., di!erential or di!erence equations) and

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discrete dynamics. There is no consensus on a singlegeneral model of hybrid systems, but many discrete-timemodels include the class that we describe next.

We start with a partition of Rn into "nitely manydisjoint subsets H


2,2, H

m. We assume that a di!er-

ent linear system is associated with each subset, and theoverall system is described by



when xt3H

i. (8)

When the subsets Hi

are de"ned in terms of a "nitenumber of linear inequalities, the systems of the form (8)are the piecewise linear systems introduced by Sontag(1981) as a unifying model for describing interconnec-tions between automata and linear systems. See Sontag(1985) for a characterization of the complexity of ques-tions related to "xed time horizon properties of suchsystems, and Sontag (1996a) for a more recent account ofavailable results.

Note that systems with componentwise nonlinearities,and with p equal to the saturated linear function, area special case of piecewise linear systems. Hence, usingthe results of the previous section, we deduce that piece-wise linear systems can simulate Turing machines andTRAJECTORY GOES TO THE ORIGIN is undecidable for piece-wise linear systems. It is known that simulation of Turingmachines is possible by using piecewise azne systems instate dimension two (Moore, 1990), but not in dimensionone (Koiran, Cosnard & Garzon, 1994). This result canbe interpreted and rearranged by saying that Turingmachine simulation is possible by piecewise linear sys-tems in dimension three and, hence, TRAJECTORY GOES TO

THE ORIGIN is undecidable for such systems. Similar tosaturated linear systems, one can use a universal Turingmachine to prove that there exists a particular piecewiselinear system in R3 (with the state space being partitionedinto fewer than 800 subsets) for which TRAJECTORY GOES

TO THE ORIGIN is undecidable (Koiran et al., 1994).Let us now introduce a control variable and consider

systems of the form



twhen x


i. (9)

When B"0, these systems are equivalent to auton-omous piecewise linear systems and so STATE CAN BE

DRIVEN TO THE ORIGIN is undecidable. This result is alsoobtained in Blondel and Tsitsiklis (1999a), with a di!er-ent proof technique that has the advantage that it can beused to derive sharper estimates of the decidability limit(see also Toker, 1996 for a similar proof ). There is anobvious tradeo! in piecewise linear systems between thestate-space dimension n and the number of subsets m.When there is only one subset, or when the state dimen-sion is equal to one, most properties are easy to check. InBlondel and Tsitsiklis (1999a, Theorem 2), it is shownthat NULLCONTROLLABILITY is undecidable for piecewiselinear systems of dimension 6n

p#7 on two regions, and

that STATE CAN BE DRIVEN TO THE ORIGIN is undecidable forpiecewise linear systems of dimension 3n

p#1 on two

regions. Here, np

is a number of pairs for which Post'scorrespondence problem is undecidable and, as ex-plained in Section 2, we can take n

p"7. This result can

be improved by showing that, when nm52#6np, then

the problem of deciding whether a given initial statex0

can be driven to the origin, is undecidable. Thus, theproblem of interest is undecidable when nm544. Inparticular, the problem remains undecidable for piece-wise linear systems of state dimension 22 and with as fewas two subsets.

Finally, the problem ALL TRAJECTORIES GO TO THE

ORIGIN, as well as a number of other properties related tostability, are undecidable for piecewise azne systems indimension two (Blondel, Bournez, Koiran, Papadimit-riou & Tsitsiklis, 1999a). The proof makes use of two-counter machines, a model of computation equivalent toTuring machines, as far as decidability is concerned, andrelies on the fact that the problem of determining whethera given two-counter machine halts for every initial con"g-uration of the machine is undecidable. If the mappingxt`1

"f (xt) is piecewise a$ne but continuous, the prob-

lems related to stability are decidable in dimension 1,undecidable in dimension 3 (Blondel et al., 1999b), andopen in dimension 2.

4.5. Other classes of systems

Piecewise linear systems are closely related to the con-tinuous-time piecewise constant derivative systems ana-lyzed in Asarin, Maler and Pnueli (1995). Once more, weare given a partition of Rn into "nitely many disjointsubsets H

1,2, H

m, and we consider a system of the form



iwhen x3H


where the bi

are given vectors. Assuming that the setsH

iare described by linear inequalities, the trajectories of

such systems are piecewise a$ne functions of time, withbreak points occurring on the boundaries of the regions.In Asarin et al. (1995) the authors show that, for givenstates x

band x

e, the problem of deciding whether x


reached by a trajectory starting from xb, is decidable for

systems of dimension two, but is undecidable for systemsof dimension three or more. Once more, this undecidabil-ity result is obtained by simulating Turing machinesand by reducing the halting problem to a reachabilityproblem.

Many of the undecidability results presented in thissection are based on simulations of Turing machinesusing dynamical systems of a particular type. SimilarTuring machine simulations are possible by other typesof devices; see, e.g., Pollack (1987) for simulation by

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13 In high-order neural nets, activations are combined using multipli-cation as opposed to just linear combinations.

high-order neural nets,13 Bournez and Cosnard (1996)for simulation by analog automata, Garzon (1995) forsimulation by cellular automata, Siegelmann and Sontag(1994) and Siegelmann (1998) for simulation by saturatedlinear systems that can involve arbitrary real (not neces-sarily rational) numbers, Branicky (1995b), Branicky(1995a), Ruohonen (1997) and Moore (1991) for simula-tion by di!erential equations, Moore (1990) for simula-tion by continuous-time physical devices in dimensionthree, and Koiran and Moore (1999) for simulation byanalytic maps. In all of these constructions, the state ofthe system is used to encode the con"guration (state andtape contents) of a Turing machine, and the dynamics ofthe system are used to represent the transition rules of theTuring machine.

The results discussed in this section are far from beingexhaustive, and there are several topics that we have nottouched. These include systems with polynomial non-linearities (Sontag, 1988b), bilinear systems (Sontag,1988a; Kawski, 1990), decidability results for hybridsystems (Henzinger, Kopke, Puri & Varaiya, 1998;La!erierre et al., 1999), and systems evolving on "nitegroups (Golaszewski & Ramadge, 1989).

5. Stochastic control

We now turn our attention to problems of stochasticoptimal control, and discuss exclusively the discrete-timecase. Stochastic control problems can be addressed, inprinciple, using the methods of dynamic programming.However, their practical applicability is somewhat re-stricted because many natural problems lead to verylarge state spaces, a phenomenon that Bellman hastermed the `curse of dimensionality.aBy approaching thesubject from the point of view of computational complex-ity, we can get a lot of insight into the types of problemsand formulations that can be e$ciently solved. We willmainly focus on Markov decision problems (MDPs), thatinvolve "nite state and control spaces, but we will alsodiscuss brie#y the case of continuous state spaces.

5.1. Perfectly observed MDPs

A Markov Decision Problem is speci"ed by a "nitestate space S"M1,2,nN, a "nite control space;"M1,2, mN, a (possibly in"nite) time horizon ¹, a dis-count factor a3[0,1], transition probabilities p

ij(u, t), and

one-stage costs g(i, u, t). At a typical time t, the state isequal to some i, a decision u is applied, and the costg(i, u, t) is incurred. The next state is chosen at randomand is equal to j with probability p

ij(u, t). We will pay

special attention to stationary problems, in which thetransition probabilities and costs per stage do not dependexplicitly on time and can be written as p

ij(u) and g(i, u).

We de"ne a policy n as a sequence of functionskt:SC; that specify the decision u

tat time t as a func-

tion of the current state it, that is, u


t(it). If k

tis the

same for all t, the policy is called stationary, and we abuseterminology by referring to the corresponding functionk as a policy. Once a policy is "xed, the state of thesystem evolves as a Markov chain and we de"ne thecorresponding expected discounted cost-to-go, as a func-tion of the initial time and state, by



ak~tg(k, ik, u

k) K it"iD,

where E[ ) ] stands for expectation with respect to thetransition probabilities speci"ed by the policy. When thetime horizon ¹ is in"nite, we will always assume thatthe problem is stationary, and that a(1, so that thein"nite sum converges and the expectation is well-de"ned. We de"ne the optimal cost-to-go JH




According to the standard theory of dynamic program-ming, there exists a policy n which is optimal, that is,Jnt(i)"JH

t(i), for every state i. Furthermore, for in"nite-

horizon stationary problems, there exists an optimal pol-icy which is stationary, and JH

tis the same for all t. If


can be somehow computed, an optimal policy be-comes immediately available by letting


u|UCg(i, u, t)#a+


pij(u, t)JH

t`1( j)D.

We will mostly refer to complexity results for decisionproblems where we wish to determine whether JH

t(i) is less

than some given rational number, for some given i and t.Typically, the problem of computing an optimal decisionkt(i) for some given i and t has similar complexity.For "nite-horizon problems, JH

tcan be computed

by the standard backwards dynamic programmingrecursion


uCg(i, u, t)#a+


pij(u, t)JH

t`1( j)D,

which is initialized with JHT(i)"0. This algorithm in-

volves O(¹mn2) arithmetic operations, which is of thesame order of magnitude as the length of the input (thespeci"cation of the transition probabilities p

ij(u, t) for

every i, j, u, t). An interesting twist arises if we deal withstationary problems, because the input now consists ofonly mn2 transition probabilities and the time horizon ¹.Since it takes O(log¹) bits to specify ¹, dynamic pro-gramming becomes an exponential time algorithm. Still,(Tseng, 1990) shows that for any "xed a(1, the problem

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14The example in Melekopoglou and Condon (1994) involves anundiscounted problem, but as pointed out in Littman et al. (1995), itapplies to discounted problems as well.

can be solved with a number of arithmetic operationsproportional to log¹, provided that the correspondingin"nite horizon problem admits a unique optimal policy.(The complexity, however, increases as a approaches 1.)

For in"nite-horizon, discounted, stationary problems,a solution boils down to solving the Bellman equation

JH(i)"minuCg(i, u)#a+


pij(u)JH( j)D, i"1,2, n, (10)

which is a nonlinear system of n equations, in n un-knowns. It is known that the (unique) solution to thisequation can be obtained by solving an equivalent linearprogramming problem (Puterman, 1994; Bertsekas,1995). Since linear programming can be solved in poly-nomial time, the same conclusion follows for such MDPsas well. Note, however, that the complexity of an exactsolution will generally depend on the numerical values ofthe input data. No algorithm (neither for linear program-ming nor for MDPs) is known in which the number ofarithmetic operations is a polynomial in n and m, and thisis connected to major open problems in linear program-ming theory (Bertsimas & Tsitsiklis, 1997). This entirediscussion applies equally to the average cost MDP,which is a related problem formulation that we will notdiscuss further. Su$ce to say that for both discountedand average cost problems, linear programming is theonly method known to solve them in polynomial time.

In practice, MDPs are often solved by special purposemethods, rather than linear programming. The simplestmethod, value iteration consists of iterating the Bellmanequation (10). After k iterations, it is guaranteed to ap-proximate JH to within O(ak), and also provides a policywhich is within O(ak) from being optimal. Because there isa "nite number of policies, a policy which is e-optimal, forsu$ciently small e, is guaranteed to be exactly optimal.Building on these observations and certain bounds de-rived in Tseng (1990), it is shown in Littman et al. (1995)that value iteration can be adapted to solve in"nite-horizon discounted MDPs to exact optimality, with com-putational e!ort which is polynomial in m, n, 1/(1!a),and the size (bit length) of the inputs g(i, u), p

ij(u). Thus,

value iteration is a polynomial time algorithm as long asa is "xed to a constant value less than 1.

Some of the fastest methods for in"nite-horizon MDPsare based on policy iteration and its re"nements. Policyiteration is a method that produces policies with strictperformance improvement at each step, until the algo-rithm terminates (which must eventually happen becausethere are only "nitely many policies). Policy iteration isknown to require no more iterations than value iteration,and the complexity analysis in the preceding paragraphstill applies. This analysis still allows for the possibilitythat the number of iterations (policy improvements) in-creases as a approaches 1, but in practice the number ofiterations seems to be fairly insensitive to the discount

factor. We have just identi"ed a major problem in thisarea; namely, to determine whether the number of iter-ations in policy iteration can be bounded by a poly-nomial in the instance size, or even better, whether thenumber of iterations is bounded by a polynomial inm and n. The answer to these questions is not known. Theauthors of Melekopoglou and Condon (1994) considera variant of policy iteration and show, by means of anexample, that the number of policy improvements is inthe worst-case exponential in n.14 However, this variantis rather weak in that it can be slower than value iter-ation, and need not have any implications for the perfor-mance of the standard version of policy iteration. Policyiteration bears close resemblance to Newton's method(Puterman & Brumelle, 1978) which, for smooth non-linear systems of equations, is rapidly convergent in alocal sense. Still, this observation is not enough to settlethe complexity issue, "rst because Bellman's equationsare not smooth (due to the minimization involved) and,second, because we are interested in convergence in aglobal sense.

The situation is di!erent when we consider the specialcase of deterministic problems. In the "nite-horizon case,deterministic MDPs are essentially equivalent to themuch studied and e$ciently solvable shortest pathproblem. For the in"nite-horizon discounted case, theproblem can be solved in polynomial time, with anumber of arithmetic operations that depends on n butnot on the discount factor (Papadimitriou & Tsitsiklis,1987; Littman, 1996). For the in"nite-horizon averagecost case, the problem amounts to "nding a cycle ina graph that has the smallest possible average arc cost.This is again a classical problem, that can be solved withO(n3) arithmetic operations (Karp, 1978).

5.2. Succintly described problems

Even though MDPs can be solved in time which in-creases polynomially in the number of states, many prob-lems of practical interest involve a very large number ofstates, while the problem data (e.g., the transition prob-abilities) are succinctly described, in terms of a smallnumber of parameters. For concreteness, let us considerthe in"nite-horizon discounted multi-armed bandit prob-lem. We start with a Markov chain on an n-element statespace S, with transition probabilities p

ijand costs per

stage g(i). In a problem involving N arms, the state is anN-tuple (x

1,2, x

N), where each x

kis an element of S and

describes the state of the kth arm. The control set is;"M1,2, NN. If a decision u"k is made, the state ofthe kth arm makes a transition to a new state, according

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15Although these results are stated for the problem of uniformapproximation, the proof of the lower bounds also applies to theproblem of approximating JH at a particular given state.

to the transition probabilities pij, while the states of the

remaining arms stay the same, and a cost g(xk) is in-

curred. We now have an MDP de"ned on a state space ofcardinality nN, but which is described using onlyO(n2) parameters (transition probabilities and costs).A straightforward solution using general purpose MDPtools requires at least nN resources (time and memory).However, due to the ingenious solution by Gittins(Gittins, 1989; Bertsekas, 1995), there is an algorithmwhich given the current state performs a polynomial (inthe instance size) amount of computation and determinesan optimal action. (Note that there is no point in tryingto precompute an optimal action for every state becausethere are exponentially many states.)

Unfortunately, the multi-armed bandit problem isa rare exception and for most problems of practicalinterest no alternatives have been found that would allowfor computations that are polynomial in the size of a suc-cinct problem description. In fact, a mild variation of themulti-armed bandit problem, the so-called restless banditproblem (Whittle, 1988), becomes PSPACE-hard, even ifthe problem is deterministic (Papadimitriou & Tsitsiklis,1994). For a stronger result, the same reference considersa problem of routing and scheduling in closed queueingnetworks. An instance of this problem involving n cus-tomer classes and servers can be described in terms ofO(n2) parameters (service rates, routing probabilities,etc.), but the state space in an MDP formulation isexponentially large. (If each one of n queues can beindependently empty or nonempty, we already have2n states.) It is shown that the problem is EXP-complete,which implies that any algorithm that attempts a shortcut * similar to the one for the multi-armed banditproblem * has provably exponential complexity. Thisresult is developed for average cost problems, but thesame proof also works for the "nite-horizon case, as longas the time horizon is large (exponential in n). We alsorefer to Mundhenk et al. (1997, Theorem 6.7) and Litt-man (1997, Theorem 1) which study succinctly describedexponential or in"nite horizon MDPs, and provideEXP-completeness results consistent with the one dis-cussed here. The interest on this subject partly stems fromrecent research activity on propositional planning sys-tems within the "eld of arti"cial intelligence. It is shownin Littman (1997) that the EXP-completeness resultapplies to several classes of planning systems in theliterature. Finally, note that if we restrict attention todeterministic succinctly described MDPs, the queue-ing network problem becomes PSPACE-complete(Papadimitriou and Tsitsiklis, 1994, Theorem 3), which isconsistent with results on planning problems in deter-ministic domains (Bylander, 1994; Littman, Goldsmith& Mundhenk, 1998).

Another case of interest refers to succinctly describedMDPs over a time horizon which is polynomial in theinstance size, and therefore logarithmic in the number of

states. This is motivated in the planning literature by thefact that excessively long plans cannot be practicallyuseful. For this case, the problem becomes PSPACE-complete. This is proved in Littman (1997, Theorems 2and 3) for several planning systems, and in Mundhenk etal. (1997, Corollary 6.14) for a related class of `com-presseda MDPs; see also Littman et al. (1998).

5.3. Problems with continuous state spaces

Let us brie#y discuss some related work on problemswith continuous state spaces. Problems of this type donot admit closed-form or exact algorithmic solutions.A rare exception is the problem of optimal control oflinear systems, when the cost per stage is a nonnegativequadratic function of the state and the control, and this isbecause the optimal cost-to-go function turns out to bequadratic. The "nite horizon problem can be solvedexactly using the standard dynamic programming recur-sion. The in"nite horizon problem amounts to solving analgebraic Riccati equation, which cannot be done exactly,but there are rapidly convergent algorithms that canquickly produce solutions within any desired precision.

General continuous-state problems can be solved ap-proximately, by discretizing them, as long as the problemdata (transition probabilities and cost per stage) are su$-ciently smooth functions of the state (Whitt, 1978a, b).References Chow and Tsitsiklis (1989) and Chow andTsitsiklis (1991) establish that


e2n`mBarithmetic operations are necessary and su$cient foruniformly approximating the function JH within e, for thecase where the state and control spaces are the sets [0,1]nand [0,1]m, respectively, under a Lipschitz continuityassumption on the problem data, and for a "xed discountfactor a.15 The 1/em complexity arises because we need tosearch a grid with e spacing in order to "nd a close-to-optimal decision for any given state. This issue disap-pears if the control set has "nite cardinality. However,the curse of dimensionality remains in e!ect due to the1/e2n term.

In some important work, Rust (1997a) has shown thatthe curse of dimensionality can be bypassed by allowingfor randomized algorithms. The advantage of randomiz-ation can be best understood in terms of the multivari-able integration problem. Deterministic methods requirea "ne discretization of the space of interest (which leadsto the curse of dimensionality), whereas Monte Carlo

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methods produce e-approximate estimates of the value ofan integral, with high probability, using a dimension-independent number O(1/e2) of samples. Rust's method isa variant of value iteration which only looks at a rela-tively small number of randomly sampled representativestates.

The complexity estimates in all of these references areproportional to the Lipschitz constant of the problemdata. When one considers practical problems of increas-ing dimension, the Lipschitz constant will often increaseexponentially. To see this, consider the probabilitydensity function p(x)"2x for a scalar random variablethat takes values in [0,1]. If we introduce n independentcopies of this random variable, the density becomes2nx


non the unit cube and the Lipschitz constant

increases exponentially with n. Thus, the curse of dimen-sionality is not fully eliminated. Nevertheless, the resultsof Rust suggest a de"nite advantage in using randomsampling (or even deterministic but pseudo-randomsampling (Rust, 1997b)).

5.4. Problems with imperfect information

We now return to "nite-state systems. So far, we haveallowed the decision u to be a function of the system state.In an alternative formulation, the controller only hasaccess to partial observations y


t), where h is a pre-

speci"ed function on the state space, which we assume tohave "nite range. (One could augment this model byincluding observation noise. However, by suitably re-de"ning the state of the system, the problem with obser-vation noise can be reduced to a problem without it.) Inthe standard formulation of the partially observedMarkov decision problem (POMDP), the decision u

tat time t is allowed to be a function of all past observa-tions; that is, we are dealing with policies of the formut"k


0, y

1,2, y


POMDPs can be reduced to perfectly observedMDPs, by rede"ning the state at time t to be the pastobservation history (y

0, y

1,2, y

t) (Bertsekas, 1995). With

a time horizon ¹, the cardinality of the rede"ned statespace (and the resulting dynamic programming algo-rithm) increases exponentially in ¹, but this is to someextent unavoidable. Indeed, if we assume that the originalstate space has cardinality n and let ¹"n, the problem isPSPACE-complete (Papadimitriou & Tsitsiklis, 1987,Theorem 6). Incidentally, the MDP obtained in this wayis another example of a succinctly described MDP, witha time horizon which is polynomial in the size of theinstance, and so this result is in agreement with theresults mentioned in Section 5.2.

Another standard reformulation of an n-statePOMDP to a perfectly observed MDP uses a rede"nedstate (the `information statea) which is the posteriordistribution of the original state, given the available ob-servations. This is now an MDP with a continuous state

space (the unit simplex in Rn), and smooth transitionprobabilities, and it can be solved approximately (cf. thediscussion in Section 5.3). If the preimage of every pos-sible observation has cardinality bounded by a constantk, and if k53, the problem remains NP-hard. (The casek"2 is open.) But we are now dealing with an essentiallyk-dimensional state space and for any "xed k, the prob-lem can be solved to within e of optimality with a numberof arithmetic operations which is polynomial in n, m, 1/e,and the time horizon (Burago, Rougement & Slissenko,1996, Theorem 8).

In"nite-horizon POMDPs cannot be solved exactly byreducing them to perfectly observed MDPs, because thelatter have an in"nite state space. It turns out thatin"nite-horizon POMDPs are undecidable (under total,discounted, or average cost criteria) (Madani, Hanks& Condon, 1999), because they are closely related tothe `emptinessa problem for probabilistic "nite-stateautomata, which is known to be undecidable. There arealso results for succinctly represented "nite-horizonPOMDPs. Generally speaking, the complexity (as afunction of the instance size) is exponentially higher(Mundhenk et al., 1997).

Let us also mention an interesting special case ofPOMDPs, namely, the case where there are no observa-tions (open-loop control). Assuming a time horizon¹ equal to the cardinality of the state space, the problemis NP-complete (Papadimitriou and Tsitsiklis, 1987,Corollary 2). See also Mundhenk et al. (1997) for resultsconcerning the case of succinct problem descriptions, andBurago et al. (1996, Theorem 6) for nonapproximabilityresults.

At this point, it is interesting to draw a connection withsome of the results discussed in Section 3. For any deci-sion u, let P(u) be the corresponding transition probabil-ity matrix. Let n be a row vector with the probabilitydistribution of the initial state, and let g be a columnvector whose ith component is the cost if the system isfound at state i at time ¹. (Assume that there are nocosts at intermediate times.) Optimal open-loop controlamounts to minimizing nP(u



T~1)g over all

sequences u0, u

1,2, u

T~1, and as stated earlier, this is an

NP-complete problem. But this problem can also beviewed as referring to the worst-case behavior of a time-varying linear system x


txt, where each matrix

Ptis chosen from within a "nite set of matrices. Indeed,

this observation has been exploited in Tsitsiklis andBlondel (1997a) to establish NP-hardness results forproblems related to time-varying linear systems (cf.Section 3.5).

5.5. Nonclassical information structures

In stochastic control problems with a nonclassicalinformation structure, the decision at time t ismade without knowledge of the full history of past

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16This counterexample showed that optimal controllers for LQGproblems with a nonclassical information structure are not necessarilylinear, thus eliminating the hope of extending LQG theory to decentra-lized control.

observations, and this setting includes problems of de-centralized stochastic control and team decision theory.When arbitrary information structures are allowed,POMDPs are obtained as a special case and therefore,the complexity is at least as large. But negative resultscan be obtained even for seemingly simple special cases.

Consider the static team decision problem (Radner,1962). Decision maker 1 (respectively, 2) observes a ran-dom variable y

1(respectively, 2) and makes a decision

according to a rule of the form u1"k


1) (respectively,



2)), where u

1and u

2are restricted to lie in "nite

sets. We consider the objective

mink1 , k2

E[g(y1, y



1), k



and ask the question whether it is less than a givenrational number. Here, y

1and y

2are "nite-valued ran-

dom variables with a given (rational-valued) probabilitymass function, and g is a given (rational-valued) costfunction. This problem was shown NP-complete inPapadimitriou and Tsitsiklis (1982), and this result re-mains valid for a special case that arises in the context ofdecentralized detection (Tsitsiklis, 1984; Tsitsiklis andAthans, 1985).

The same problem can be recast as an MDP witha nonclassical information structure, and a time horizon¹"3. We view (y

1, y

2) as the state after the "rst

transition. At stages 1 and 2, y1

and y2

are observed,respectively, but we require the decisions at any time t tobe functions of the present observation only, of the formut"k


t), t"1,2. Thus, imperfectly observed MDPs

with a nonclassical information structure are NP-com-plete even when the time horizon is ¹"3. (With a timehorizon of two, and a "xed initial state, we are back to thecase of a classical information structure and such prob-lems are easily seen to be polynomial-time solvable.)

Problems in which we restrict to policies of the formut"k


t) are referred to as `time-dependent partially

observablea in Mundhenk et al. (1997). This referencecharacterizes the complexity of several related variants;see also Littman (1994). We also refer the reader toPapadimitriou and Tsitsiklis (1986) which establishes theNP-completeness of a discrete variant of Witsenhausen'scounterexample (Witsenhausen, 1968).16

5.6. Supervisory control of discrete-event systems

There is an extensive literature on supervisory con-trol of discrete-event systems, within the framework ofRamadge (1983) and Ramadge and Wonham (1987).Many of the problem formulations in this area lead to

problems similar to MDPs, except that the transitionsare not determined stochastically, but may be chosen byan adversary. The di!erence between the two modeltypes is rather minor, because a variant of dynamicprogramming, applicable to min}max problems, can beused. In particular, the standard formulation of thesupervisory control problem can be solved in polynomialtime if the supervisor has perfect information (Ramadgeand Wonham, 1987), but becomes PSPACE-hard for thecase of imperfect information, because it has essentiallythe same structure as POMDPs (Tsitsiklis, 1989). Seealso Rudie and Willems (1995) for some related results.

5.7. Zero-sum Markov games

The setting here is similar to MDPs except that thereare two competing decision makers, one acting at oddtimes, the other at even times. One decision maker wantsto maximize the total expected cost, and the other at-tempts to minimize it. The "nite-horizon version of theproblem is similar to MDPs: with perfect information, itcan be solved by a simple adaptation of the dynamicprogramming recursion. For the in"nite-horizon dis-counted case, the basic theory, including a suitable Be-llman equation is again the same as for MDPs (Shapley,1953; Raghavan and Filar, 1991). However, a reformula-tion based on linear programming is not known, andunlike ordinary MDPs, a polynomial-time algorithm isnot available. On the other hand, a negative complexityresult is not available either, and this problem's complex-ity is an important open problem. We also refer thereader to Condon (1989, 1992) and Zwick and Paterson(1996) for complexity results on more general classes ofgames.

6. Conclusions

The subject of complexity in systems and control ismultifaceted and interesting in many di!erent ways. Itcan help the practitioner in choosing problem formula-tions, and in calibrating expectations of what can bealgorithmically accomplished. For the systems theoristor the applied mathematician, it raises a variety of chal-lenging open problems that require a diverse set of toolsfrom both discrete and continuous mathematics. Finally,for the theoretical computer scientist, the problems insystems and control theory provide the opportunity torelate abstractly de"ned complexity classes with speci"cproblems of practical interest.


We gratefully acknowledge the input of several people,including Eugen Asarin, Olivier Bournez, Michael

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John N. Tsitsiklis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1958. Hereceived the B.S. degree in Mathematics (1980), and the B.S. (1980), M.S.(1981) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees in Electrical Engineering, all from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

During the academic year 1983}1984, he was an acting assistantprofessor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, Stanford,California. Since 1984, he has been with the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, where he is currently Professor of Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science. He has served as acting co-director of the MITLaboratory for Information and Decision Systems (Spring 1996 and1997). He has also been a visitor with the Dept. of EECS at theUniversity of California at Berkeley, and the Institute for ComputerScience in Iraklion, Greece. His research interests are in the "elds ofsystems, optimization, control, and operations research. He has writtenabout 80 journal papers in these areas.

He is a coauthor of `Parallel and Distributed Computation: Numer-ical Methodsa (with D. Bertsekas, 1989), `Neuro-Dynamic Program-minga (with Dimitri Bertsekas, 1996), and `Introduction to LinearOptimization (with Dimitris Bertsimas, 1997). He has been a recipientof an IBM Faculty Development Award (1983), an NSF PresidentialYoung Investigator Award (1986), an Outstanding Paper Award by theIEEE Control Systems Society, the M.I.T. Edgerton Faculty Achieve-ment Award (1989), the Bodossakis Foundation Prize (1995), theINFORMS/CSTS prize (1997), and is a Fellow of the IEEE (1999).He is an associate editor of Applied Mathematics Letters and has been anassociate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control andAutomatica.

For a photograph of J.N. Tsitsiklis, see Automatica 35(3), March(1999).

Vincent D. Blondel received a "rst degree in Applied Mathematics fromthe University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in 1988, a Mas-ter Degree in Pure Mathematics from Imperial College (London) anda Ph.D. in 1992 from the University of Louvain.

In 1993 he was visiting scientist at Oxford University. During theacademic year 1993}1994 he was Goran Gustafsson Fellow at theDepartment of Mathematics of the Royal Institute of Technology(Stockholm). In 1993}1994 he was a research fellow at the FrenchNational Research Center in Control and Computer Science INRIA(Paris). From 1994 to 1999 he was Associate Professor of Mathematicsat the University of Liege (Belgium). He has recently moved to theUniversity of Louvain where he is currently Professor of AppliedMathematics. He has been a visitor with the Australian NationalUniversity, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Universityof Paris VII and the Ecole Normale SupeH rieure in Lyon.

Dr. Blondel's major current research interests lie in several areas ofmathematical systems theory and theoretical computer science. He isthe author of `Simultaneous Stabilization of Linear Systemsa (1994)

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and is one of the editors of `Open Problems in Mathematical SystemsTheorya (1999). He has been a recipient of a grant from the Trustees ofthe Mathematics Institute of Oxford University (1992), the PrizeAgathon De Potter of the Belgian Royal Academy of Science (1993)and the Prize Paul Dubois of the Monte"ore Institute (1993). He isthe coordinator of a NATO collaborative grant with the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology and is a partner in a European TRM networkon discrete event systems. He is an associate editor of Systems andControl Letters, of the European Journal of Control and of Mathematics ofControl, Signals, and Systems.

For a photograph of V.D. Blondel, see Automatica 35(3), March(1999).

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