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Survey results

Date post: 18-Jan-2017
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Here is the end result of my first question. I believe that conducting research on my audience’s age group is necessary as it will affect several areas of my music magazine. An example would be the central image and contents; it makes me think whether it is appropriate to include seductive poses (to appeal audience) or explicit language (realism). The majority of my target audience is below 26 years old. This is beneficial for me since I am within this age bracket. Furthermore, I asked these questions to people who particularly listens to EDM. Thus, I can give relatable and deliver content they want to see.

The main purpose of asking which price they are comfortable in paying is to make a fair price on my music magazine. As it is starting to become known to the market, its current objective is to gain as much buyers as possible so there will be more returns. More returns means more income. These results are supported by the previous question, it shows that most people are willing to pay a minimum of £2.00. As you can see from the previous results, there were 85% individuals younger than 26. It means that most of them are students. Therefore, they don’t have much money to spend much on magazines.

Scanning through a magazine with unwanted advertisements eventually makes the reader lose interest. Adverts are usually seen in bulk between articles; the reason why there are a number of pages. We cannot remove adverts for they also provide the production company with payment in exchange of having them featured in one of the pages. It is important to take into consideration what your reader wants to purchase to make them maintain interest in buying your magazine. Seeing as the majority of my audience wants to see games and concert announcements, I would need to offer or prioritize them in having the allocated spaces for advertisement in my magazine.

Through this question, I have a clearer sense in which aspect of my magazine should I focus on more and develop it to the best I could; creating a magazine of good quality. 70% of my audience feels that they are attracted into buying a magazine due to the visual image seen in the front cover. Thus, I should consider taking images in different angles and camera shots to see which best fits as the main image for my front cover. I should also be aware of the effects in gesture and body language as it also appeals to certain audiences.

Concerts and festivals are held either at daytime or at night, I asked this question to my audience to determine the brightness of my magazine. If they chose daytime, I may have to use a light background whilst the texts and colour scheme are vibrant neon colours. It gives the audience a sense of familiarity with what they are visualising since festivals especially Coachella is done at day with lots of colour vibrant clothes and lights. However, most of my audience chose night. Thus, my colour scheme should be dark with few neon colours. By seeing this, it makes them feel that they are connected with my magazine. Until they are bound to it, becoming regular audiences.

I already have in mind some colour scheme which I will use. Moreover, I selected these colours specifically to serve different purposes. Hot pink and light blue. These colours are stereotyped by society into men and women, believing every women likes pink and every men likes blue. To prevent this issue, whether my central image is a boy or girl, they will be surrounded with both of these colours. As I have researched different magazines, there is a scare number of EDM magazine and not a single one had a colour scheme of neon yellow and orange. I believe that producing a magazine with a new concept as well as bearing in mind that it should be of good quality can definitely have a great impact towards the audience.

I found that the majority of my target audience desires a new method in perusal of magazines: through an online mobile app. This helped me consider making the method of payment as subscription. Due to this, the provider no longer collects payment upfront and can analyse the minimum amount of income they receive.

This is the result I got from asking people how often they buy music magazines. Majority of my audience would buy a magazine every month. I believe that this is also correlated to their age. Therefore, considering the affordability of my magazine, my production company should include a monthly or weekly subscription since we should also take into account the income we will be receiving

Puffs are one of a magazine’s features in order to attract audience. They introduce the contents of magazine with a cliff-hanger or an intriguing gist summary of it. Thus, conducting research in what my audience wants to see, can make them maintain interest into buying my magazine again. Based on the results, a lot of them wants to see interviews regarding artists while others want news and tips. Therefore, I should prioritize interviews in making them more noticeable than the rest of the puffs in my front cover.

This may fairly affect my magazine, as they are both known artist not only in the EDM genre, but as well as the whole music industry. From the results, most people chose Skrillex. Therefore, I might use him as reference to the artist I will create in my double page spread. Almost half of the people also voted for Deadmau5, this gives me the idea that I should also include him in my music magazine.
