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Surviving a payroll audit

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Surviving a payroll audit Presented by Kylie Rusten

Surviving a payroll audit

Presented by

Kylie Rusten

Do you know what’s in your payroll?

The ATO does.

Single Touch Payroll means the ATO has unprecedented real-time access to payroll data and it’s using it to identify problems.

Access to this data means payroll-related audits are more targeted than ever before.

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a payroll audit2

And it doesn’t end with the ATO…Many employment taxes obligations are interlocked.

Revenue Authorities across Australia share significant information with each other and data match, meaning a payroll-related error in one jurisdiction can facilitate audit activity in others if left unresolved.

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

3 | Surviving a Payroll Audit3

Fair Work obligations

Employer reporting

State Revenue authorities

Employee complaints

Data matching

Getting it wrong can be costly

Financial penaltiesUp to 200% for some

payroll obligations

DirectorsPersonal liability

for some obligations, and

even criminal penalties

Additional strain on internal


Reputational damage

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

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Payroll audit trigger points

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5 | Surviving a Payroll Audit5


In a short period, the use of electronic forms and communication channels has expanded significantly – including pre-populated personal tax returns that are fast and accurate.

2013 2018

Digital by default

Single Touch Payroll

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6 | Surviving a Payroll Audit6

ATO and Revenue authorities

Federal and State Australian tax authorities are increasingly utilising data matching technologies to select audit targets, especially where anomalies are identified from cross-jurisdictional data.

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

7 | Surviving a Payroll Audit7

Single Touch Payroll► Integration of data matching and data analytics tools to address


► Use of data analytics and data matching

► Unprecedented level of visibility of information at account and transaction level

► Identification of Superannuation and PAYGW underpayment

► Identifying patterns of late- and non-payment of employer obligations

► No need to wait until employees complain► ATO pilot of 85 employers and more recently 3,500 businesses

of employers filing under STP to date have

triggered an ATO Health Check rule.


©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a Payroll Audit8

Payroll Tax► Incorrect grouping

► Incorrect disclosures

► Incorrectly calculating fringe benefits for payroll tax purposes

► Not disclosing employee share schemes

► Significant payroll tax refunds

► Not disclosing contractor payments

► Large variances in the total Australian wages declared in each jurisdiction

Over the past 12 months, we have seen a significant spike in audit activity from State Revenue Authorities.

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a Payroll Audit9

Avoiding an audit

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10 | Surviving a Payroll Audit10

Pressures on payroll

Payroll is one of the largest costs for many employers, but doesn’t typically have the technology and training spend like other areas of the business.

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

Surviving a Payroll Audit11

Robust process

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

12 Surviving a Payroll Audit12

Regular reviews

Complete and accurate information

Staff training

Payroll manual

Appropriate checks and

sign off

Access to key payroll


Documentation is key

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

13 Surviving a Payroll Audit13


Maintain copies of


Document positions


Ensure right people have


Be aware of statutory periods

Access to key payroll


Audit survival pack

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.


Accurate and organisedpayroll data

Calculations and positions documented

Employee/contractor classification

| Surviving a Payroll Audit14

Access to lodged returns and supporting


Data analytics

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.


Wage code review Testing Remediation| Surviving a Payroll Audit15

Data Analytics: Wage code review

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16 | Surviving a Payroll Audit16

Wage code




Risk management policy

Interpretational error avoidance

Validation checks

Documented policies

Wage code review

$600kSuperannuation underpayments

• 3 significant wage code changes• 5 years• $600,000 shortfall

• $790,000 liability• $800,000 admin fee• $1.2 million in penalties

$2.79 million in total

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a Payroll Audit17

Data Analytics: Testing

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

18 | Surviving a Payroll Audit18




System errors Historical processing







Example: Australia

$4.3MSuperannuation overpayments

Ordinary time earnings

Difference in superannuation




Actual super paid Notional super

Employee ID

Salary sacrifice Wage code error Remaining difference

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a Payroll Audit19

Remediation: Submitting a voluntary disclosure

Future savings

Assessment by ATO

Penalty remission

Submission of voluntary disclosure

Recognition and quantification of


Implementation of action to correct error and ensure issue does not recur

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

| Surviving a Payroll Audit20

What do I do if I get audited?

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

21 | Surviving a Payroll Audit21

Don’t ignore it, it won’t go away…Raise awareness


Collate information. Ensure workpapers support amounts

disclosedCommunication is key Negotiate

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

22 | Surviving a Payroll Audit

Contact details

Kylie Rusten

PartnerPeople Advisory Services -Employment Taxes and Data Analytics+ 61 2 8295 [email protected]

©2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC no. AU00003653 ED None.

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© 2019 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved.APAC no. AU00003653

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