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Sustainability an Engineering Ethics

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Why sustainability is important in malaysia.
7/7/2014 1 Sustainability COEB422 Engineers in Society Dr Fazrena Azlee Bt Hamid Semester 1, 2014/15 1 Course Outcome 3 Able to relate the engineering field with sustainable development (environment, social and economic) PO7 Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of professional engineering solutions in environmental contexts and the need for sustainable development 2 Content 1. The present: Engineers & Engineering 2. Development to Sustainable Development 3. What is Sustainability? 4. Why does it matter? 5. What is it to Sustain? 6. Sustainability and Engineers 7. Sustainability and Engineering 8. Sustainable Development in Malaysia 3 The present: Engineers & Engineering Engineering and engineers have experienced a varied public image throughout the history of the profession. In the days of the great Victorian advances, engin eers were heroes of the day and received almost celebrity status. During the first half of the 20th century, engineering was widely perceived as the profession of innovators who worked to satisfy a growing desire for products and services and who offered an improved standard of living. In the past few decades, globally however, the public face of engineering has slipped somewhat and engineers frequently have been portrayed as ruthless destroyers of the environment whose creations put the health and well-being of the public at risk. 4 The present: Engineers & Engineering The focus for many engineers throughout this time has been on producing physical outputs, but the actual essence of engineering is more fundamental and the visible artifacts are merely the outward evidence of a deeper service given by engineers. The engineering profession exists to provide for the needs of man and as a result of its activities has a major impact on: A) the world ~ the quantity of non-renewable resources used and the qua lity of the natural environment (environmental system) B) on its people ~ the serv ices needed to support human gatherings ( social system). It is also likely to require (and generate) large amounts of money (economic system). 5 “Development” to “Sustainable Development” By looking around us, we realize that as “development” takes place in human’s life, the scarcity of resources continues alon g with a negative impact of the environment. Like it OR Not, effectively, the objective of engineering has to be redefined from `development' to `su stainable development', from the open and unfettered application of technology to the `creative application of technology to achieve sustainable dev elopment‘ Sustainable development is concerned with balancing the various aspects of economic, social, and environmental issues , but it is not an end state in itself, but rather is the route towards an optimal solution. Sustainable development is primarily about making improvements and decisions in a beneficial direction towards a better future for the generations to come. 6
  • 7/7/2014


    SustainabilityCOEB422 Engineers in Society

    Dr Fazrena Azlee Bt Hamid

    Semester 1, 2014/15


    Course Outcome 3

    Able to relate the engineering field with sustainable development (environment, social and economic)

    PO7 Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of professional engineering solutions in environmental contexts and the need for

    sustainable development



    1. The present: Engineers & Engineering

    2. Development to Sustainable Development

    3. What is Sustainability?

    4. Why does it matter?

    5. What is it to Sustain?

    6. Sustainability and Engineers

    7. Sustainability and Engineering

    8. Sustainable Development in Malaysia

    3 The present: Engineers & Engineering

    Engineering and engineers have experienced a varied public image throughout the history of the profession.

    In the days of the great Victorian advances, engineers were heroes of the day and received almost celebrity status.

    During the first half of the 20th century, engineering was widely perceived as the profession of innovators who worked to satisfy a growing desire for products and services and who offered an improved standard of living.

    In the past few decades, globally however, the public face of engineering has slipped somewhat and engineers frequently have been portrayed as

    ruthless destroyers of the environment whose creations put the health and well-being of the public at risk.


    The present: Engineers & Engineering

    The focus for many engineers throughout this time has been on producing physical outputs, but the actual essence of engineering is more fundamental

    and the visible artifacts are merely the outward evidence of a deeper service given by engineers.

    The engineering profession exists to provide for the needs of man and as a result of its activities has a major impact on:

    A) the world ~ the quantity of non-renewable resources used and the quality of the natural environment (environmental system)

    B) on its people ~ the services needed to support human gatherings (social system).

    It is also likely to require (and generate) large amounts of money (economic system).

    5 Development to Sustainable Development

    By looking around us, we realize that as development takes place in humans life, the scarcity of resources continues along with a negative impact of the environment.

    Like it OR Not, effectively, the objective of engineering has to be redefined from `development' to `sustainable development',

    from the open and unfettered application of technology to the `creative application of technology to achieve sustainable development

    Sustainable development is concerned with balancing the various aspects of economic, social, and environmental issues, but it is not an end state in itself, but rather is the route towards an optimal solution.

    Sustainable development is primarily about making improvements and decisions in a beneficial direction towards a better future for the generations to come.


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    Sustainability - definitions

    A condition in which natural and social systems survive and thrive together


    Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the

    present generation without compromising the ability of future generations

    to meet their needs

    7 Sustainability - definitions

    UNESCO UN Decade for Sustainable Development:

    Sustainability is a systemic concept, relating to the continuity of economics, social institutional, and environmental aspects of human society.

    It is intended to be a means of configuring civilization and human activities so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, and planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals indefinitely.

    Sustainability affects every level of organization, from the local neighborhood to the entire planet.

    UNESCO is the lead agency for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)

    *UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization


    Why does it matter?

    Social inequity

    Environmental upsets

    Global climate change and ozone depletion

    Species extinction

    Increase in waste (2 4 lbs / day)

    Global carrying capacity limits (is mother natured stressed up ?):

    I = P x A x T

    I = environmental impact or stress

    P = Population

    A = Affluence or consumption levels

    T = Material or energy intensity (usage)

    Uncertainty of the future

    9 What is to be Sustained?

    Dimensions and Objectives:

    Resource Consumption:

    minimize the consumption of matter and energy

    Ecosystem Impacts:

    minimize negative environmental impacts

    Human Satisfaction:

    satisfy human needs and aspirations






    What is to be Sustained?Example: Transportation


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    Economic Sustainability

    Human Capital

    Often simply refers to labor

    More subtly, the ability of an individual to produce or increase income:




    Right Values

    Activities that increase human capital



    Medical care

    13 Environmental Sustainability

    Maintenance of Natural Capital

    Ecosystem services that enable life


    Stocks of raw materials

    Flows of renewable resources


    Capacity to assimilate wastes

    Output Rule:

    Waste emission cant exceed assimilative capacity of local environment

    Input Rule:

    Renewables: Harvest rates should be within regenerative rates

    Non-renewables: Harvest rates should be below that rate at which renewable substitutes are developed


    Social Sustainability

    Social Capital

    No Consensus definition

    Knowledge and rules of interaction in culture and institutions

    Legal system


    Social Sustainability general includes addressing basic needs of population

    Recognitions of social issues in traditional development economics predate environmental concerns

    Income distribution

    Quality of life



    Institutional participation

    Increasing choice


    Sustainability and Engineers16

    Sustainability and Engineers

    Requires an understanding of:

    The effect of technology on humans, society and the environment

    Approaches to reduce negative effects of technology

    Defining the causes of problems

    Systems thinking

    Innovative, sustainable solutions

    17 Sustainability and Engineers: The

    Temporal Context

    Our inability to learn from the past and apply that to the future is a major problem for sustainability

    We tend to move towards quick, easy solutions

    Traditional product design does not consider end of product life

    Budgeting practices look more toward short term returns (no life cycle cost analysis)

    Incorporating a temporal context (time based) requires an understanding of life cycle analysis, long term impact assessment and risk management

    Requires an understanding of change over time or process thinking


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    Sustainability and Engineers: The

    Leadership Role

    As trained professionals, with an understanding of technology, society, the environment and process thinking, sustainability engineers will have the

    capacity and capability to become leaders of society

    They must therefore be trained to understand the role of leaders and to have good leadership skills

    19 Sustainability and the Engineering


    Although derived from environmental engineering, sustainability engineering goes far beyond that discipline

    Since it deals with the design, development and management of all technology in relation to society, it should be brought into all engineering



    Sustainability Practices

    Because sustainability has a long-term focus, beyond the

    life of most engineering projects, products, processes or

    systems, methodology and resource used needs to focus

    on both short- and long-term factors. This is often far

    beyond the duties imposed by professional codes of


    21 Four key sustainability factors for


    1.Managing changes in the environment,

    2.Ensuring the equity and safety of engineering activities,

    3.Holistic problem solving, and

    4.Making good existing problems.


    1. Managing changes in the


    Engineers must thoroughly consider and project or plan that will have a significant impact on the life support functions upon which human well-

    being depends, many of which are irreplaceable. Example,

    use and placement of dams on waterways

    Minimise waste products, particularly hazardous ones, from the total life cycle of engineered products, processes or system

    23 2. Equity and safety of engineering


    Engineering projects at improving the overall quality of life for humans and other life forms, but not at the long-term expense of the environment.

    Give greater priority to projects, products and processes that decrease significant gaps in health, security, social recognition, and political

    influence between groups of people.


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    3. Holistic problem solving

    Take an integrated systems approach or an overall holistic approach to considering all stakeholders and the effect on the environment when

    attempting to solve problems.

    Rather than focusing solely on the technology aspects, and solving one problem at the expense of another, aim for a co-ordinated overall solution.

    25 4. Making good existing problems

    Where desirable, and technically and economically practicable, remedy past environmental degradation. Example,

    Land degradation, groundwater contamination and hazardous waste sites should be considered for stabilisation at a minimum and, wherever possible, total clean-up to current or foreseeable standards.


    Sustainability and Engineering27

    Sustainability Issues in Engineering

    Example I: Mobile Phones

    Phases of life cycle of a mobile phone:

    Extraction and processing of raw materials

    Components manufacture

    Transport of components to assembly plant

    Phone assembly

    Transport of phones to distribution network

    Use of phones

    End of life


    Sustainability Issues in Engineering

    Example II: Energy Challenge

    Issues on energy:

    Global energy use is dominated by fossil fuels

    Demand of energy use is exponentially increased

    Unequal distribution of energy use

    Adverse impacts on global climate

    Fast depletion of fossil fuel resources

    Social, technical and political issues on usage of nuclear energy

    Constraints on other sources of renewable energy

    29 Definitions

    Green Technology is the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and

    resources, which minimises and reduces the negative impact of human activities.

    Renewable Energy is any form of primary energy from recurring Energy (RE) and non-depleting resources, such as agricultural produce, hydro-power, wind, solar etc.

    Energy Efficiency is the efficient use of energy in a manner that Efficiency (EE) utilises less energy for producing the same output.


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    Buildings Guy (1997) outlines five varying visions of green buildings that are found

    throughout society

    the ecological, smart, comfort, aesthetic and community visions



    Overall policy framework declares that energy services must aim to achieve:

    environmental sustainability

    a continuing improvement in our energy efficiency

    a progressive transition to renewable sources of energy

    the lowest possible costs and prices to consumers

    prices that reflect the full costs of supply, including environmental costs

    reliable and secure supplies of essential energy services

    fairness in pricing, so that the least advantaged in the community have access to energy services at reasonable prices



    In the near future, a variety of techniques will be needed to manage traffic demand, including:

    land use planning to deter urban sprawl

    road tolling techniques, including congestion

    parking supply management and pricing fuel

    high occupancy vehicle lanes

    more support for walking and cycling


    Engineers must also consider when and where sustainable water services can be achieved and what water infrastructure is required in the local,

    regional and national contexts.




    Solid wastes (any material, solid, liquid or gas that is unwanted and or unvalued, and discarded or discharged by its owner) are placing increasing pressure on the various waste sinks in our environment that are currently used to accommodate them.


    Sustainable Development in Malaysia


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    The Government of Malaysia offers attractive incentives to

    encourage the generation of Renewable Energy (RE) and the

    adoption of Energy Efficiency (EE) initiatives as well as for

    improvement of Power Quality (PQ) amongst energy producers and users in Malaysia and to ensure sustained national economic

    development for the future. The Ministry of Energy, Green

    Technology and Water (MEGTW) is responsible for the implementation of national policies relating to RE and EE and

    desires to accelerate the adoption of RE and EE initiatives in the

    country and the provision of high quality power where required.37

    Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water

    Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KeTTHA) was established on 9 April 2009


    Industry leader in the Sustainable Development of Energy and the National Water and Green Technology.


    To formulate policies and establish the legal framework and effective regulation;

    Setting the direction for the energy industry, green technologies and the water industry in line with national development goals and

    Develop an efficient management system and an effective monitoring mechanism.


    Ensure the implementation of development policies in the power industry, water and green technology effectively;

    Ensure the provision of comprehensive infrastructure, an integrated, standards and quality;

    To provide a conducive environment for industrial development and technology;

    Provide research and development (R & D) continued to increase in the use of technology;

    Ensure service delivery system that is efficient, effective and affordable;

    Ensuring that the regulatory mechanisms implemented in accordance with the provisions of existing legislation and

    Improving the ability of the organization on an ongoing basis to achieve the industry and green technologies.


    Malaysia Green Technology


    Malaysia Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) formerly known as Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM) was established on 12th May 1998. GreenTechMalaysia, registered as an independent and non-for-profit organization for energy research in Malaysia under the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water.

    GreenTech Malaysia functions are:

    Implementing Agency in Green Technology

    National Lead Manager in the development of Green Technology

    Promoting green technology initiatives and programs

    Focal point to set standards and database

    Coordinating the research, development and application related to national Green Technology development

    The new scope was the expansion of one-stop centre functions previously carried out.

    39 Incentives And Financial Support In

    Green Technology

    To promote the development of green technology activities, the Government:

    In the announcement of Budget 2010, the Government has allocated RM1.5 billion as a soft loans to manufacturers and nationwide consumers through the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS)

    Building owners who have been certified the Green Building Index (GBI) from 24th October 2009 to 31st December 2014 will be granted for the income tax exemption which is equal to the additional capital expenditure to obtain the certificate;

    Home buyers who had received the GBI certificate from the developer property will be given duty stamp exemption on documents of transfer; and

    The amount of exemption is equal to the additional cost to obtain the certificate. This exemption is qualified for buyers who have completed the sale and purchase of agreement from 24th October 2009 to 31st December 2014.


    Lets make a difference to the world - through sustainable development based upon wise practice of engineering41


    Past lecture notes of COEB422 on Sustainability by Assoc Prof Dr. Ir. LariyahMohd. Sidek & Assoc Prof Dr Ir Faris Tarlochan.

    Past lecture notes of COEB422 on Sustainability Principles by Assoc Prof. Dr Ir Au Mau Teng.


    Other Resources Handbook: Incentives for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Green

    Buildings in Malaysia by KeTTHA (2009)

    Sustainable Development Initiatives in Malaysia (2010), Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) http://www.mpc.gov.my/mpc

    THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE (2009), International Institute of Sustainable Development http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2009/sd_timeline_2009.pdf
