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Sustainable development in Panama

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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Sustainable development in Panama What should be improved?

Sustainable development in PanamaWhat should be improved?

Panama is a privileged country

With rich Fauna and Flora


In Panama there are approximately 10,000 species of plants, 174 species of coral, 317 species of mammals , 172 species of amphibians, 228 species of reptiles, 930 species of birds, 190 species of marine fish, and more than 20,000 species of insects.

Clean water reserves


Panama is the fifth country in the world with the highest precipitation rate regarding its territorial extension.

Stunning beaches


Panama has more than 1,000 islands between the Caribbean and the Pacific.

A rich and modern Metropolis

With an average GDP growth above 8 % between 2006 and 2012.


The Panama Canal, one of the seven wonders of the Modern World.

(2015 fiscal year revenues totaling $2.61 billion).

But there are certain things that we definitely need to improve

Panamanians need to understand that their actions have consequences.


In 2013, 840,000 of the country’s 3.8 million people lacked 24-hour access to water, 600,000 did not have access to a potable supply, and 30,000 relied on tank trucks to deliver drinking water.


Streams have dried, and there are lots of animals dying. In August last year there were more than 1,800 cattle reported dead.

But, we still don’t take care of our natural resources.


Of the 110 thousand cubic meters of wood that are cut down each year in Panama, at least 50 thousand cubic meters are deforested illegally by networks of local dealers.

We still waste water

Panamanian Carnivals: millions of gallons of water wasted in four days.

We ought to invest in our children’s education. Teaching them about the world, and all their possibilities.

So they know that there could be a bright future for them. Not just a repeated pattern of poverty and inequality.

The experiences that surround us early on, are what influence our development.

If we are not motivated to see over our own circumstances, we won’t be able to see all the possibilities that could be available to us.

Panama has the second worst income distribution in Latin America. About one-fourth of the population lives in poverty


Fortunately, we are seeing some progress

Recycling initiatives are slowly but surely making their way into Panama’s society.

Public education is catching up to new technologies, but we still have to modernize the institution, and its educators.

Central America's first urban rail system, the Panama Metro, has improved the quality of life of thousands of Panamanians that can commute rapidly to Panama City and back.

In conclusion, we have a long way to go, but

We can’t forget that we shape our own


‣We need to empower all Panamanians through education; that is the only way to give them a fair opportunity.

‣ Our public institutions should be governed by performance standards, and professionals with strong qualifications. We can’t have mediocre teams running the country.

‣Healthy competition, and high standards should be inculcated early on, because they encourage individuals to push themselves to greatness: usually people aren’t aware that they are capable of greatness.
