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Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese...

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NOTICE SHEET Sunday 5 th August 2018 Trinity 10 Welcome to all who gather in our churches today. Please ask one of the welcomers if you are unsure of anything or would like assistance. We have gluten free communion wafers available in all of our churches. If you would like to receive a gluten free wafer at Communion, please let the clergy know before the start of the service. We do not currently have non- alcoholic wine available. If this would be helpful for you, please speak to the clergy. CHURCHES OPEN Wednesday: Christ Church 9.00am-1.00pm (from 5 th September) Tuesday: St Nicholas 10.30am-2.00pm (weekly) Saturday: St Barnabas 9.00am-3.00pm (1 st & 3 rd Saturdays) PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL NOTICES FOR THE NOTICESHEET SHOULD BE EMAILED, BY NOON ON TUESDAY EACH WEEK - [email protected]. NEWS / WHAT’S ON: FOR ALL TEAM CHURCHES Extraordinary Women: Celebrating the heritage of St Nicholas, Sutton: This year, to mark the centenary of There is an extraordinary concentration of church history on the streets of London... London Christians have changed the world. Many of them have history within walking distance of each other, and many of them were admirers of the example of the others. Sites associated with Wilberforce, Tyndale, Wesley, Whitefield, Elizabeth Fry, John Newton and many others. Christian Heritage London exists to draw attention to that gospel, to equip churches and to serve the purposes of God in this
Page 1: Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London.

NOTICE SHEET Sunday 5th August 2018 Trinity 10

Welcome to all who gather in our churches today.Please ask one of the welcomers if you are unsure of

anything or would like assistance.We have gluten free communion wafers available in all of our churches. If you would like to receive a gluten free wafer at Communion, please let the clergy know before the start of the service. We do not currently have non-alcoholic wine available. If this would be helpful for you, please speak to the clergy.

CHURCHES OPEN Wednesday: Christ Church 9.00am-1.00pm (from 5th September)

Tuesday: St Nicholas 10.30am-2.00pm (weekly)Saturday: St Barnabas 9.00am-3.00pm (1st & 3rd




Extraordinary Women: Celebrating the heritage of St Nicholas, Sutton: This year, to mark the centenary of when women first gained the right to vote, St Nicholas will be hosting an exhibition and series of events in September celebrating the lives of some of the Extraordinary Women who are connected with St Nicholas. The story will stretch from the glorious revolution of the 17th century to the genderquake of the 21st century, from court beauties to the first woman Bishop of London. These events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London. If you want to learn more about how you can help, then show your interest by letting John Kerr or Richard West know.


There is an extraordinary concentration of church history on the streets of London... London Christians have changed the world. Many of them have history within walking distance of each other, and many of them were admirers of the example of the others. Sites associated with Wilberforce, Tyndale, Wesley, Whitefield, Elizabeth Fry, John Newton and many others. Christian Heritage London exists to draw attention to that gospel, to equip churches and to serve the purposes of God in this generation. A Christian Heritage London day includes a tour of the British Museum and a guided walk in the City of London. It is possible to come just for the British Museum or the City component.

Page 2: Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London.

It’s out of order! Summer project aiming to raise £240 by International Toilet Day on November 19th. Community-led total sanitation: see inside for details………….----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sutton Foodbank: Currently need additional food items – see the list in the Christ Church section……….----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMER OF HOPE CREAM TEA: Tuesday 14th August at 2.00pm – see the St Barnabas section for details…

CHRIST CHURCH (www.christchurch.suttonteam.org.uk)

Morning Prayer: Monday to Thursday from 8-8.25am at church. Please use the side door (entrance from the car park via side door, adjacent to the office, on the north side). All are welcome.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Christianity and Islam in the Western World.' The Islam lecture scheduled for June has been rearranged for Friday 21st September.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


BLUEBIRDS PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: Monday 1.45-3.00pm in term-time for children of 3 and under with their parents, grandparents or carers. We are now on our summer break and will restart in the Autumn Term on 10th September. New members are always welcome. If you want to find out more, please ring Denise (0208 642 8957).


It’s out of order! Inviting you to “spend a penny” this summer in order to raise £240 (enough for 4 toilets) by International Toilet Day on November 19th. Look for collection boxes! For more information, please visit www.toilettwinning.org or speak to Dave Banks for more details. Providing people with clean

Worship today: 8am Morning Prayer; 10.30am All-age WorshipSunday 12th August: Trinity 11: 8am Holy Communion; 10.30am All-age CommunionLectionary Readings: This Week: Trinity 10: John 6.24-35 Next Week: Trinity 11: Psalm 130Worship this week: Monday to Thursday: 8am Morning Prayer

Contact details: Vicar: Revd Phil Brooks 020 8642 2757 - [email protected]

Sutton Foodbank: We are in that season just before Harvest and we currently need additional food items.

Volunteers needed, use this link for further information: christchurch.suttonteam.org.uk/news

Page 3: Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London.

water and basic sanitation is one of the most cost-effective ways to release people from poverty: for every £1 spent on water and sanitation, more than £5 is returned through saved time, increased productivity and reduced health costs. Community-led total sanitation…It’s a bit of a mouthful but it’s development-speak for the special approach Toilet Twinning and its partners take. 1 in 3 people across the world don’t have somewhere safe to go to the toilet. Bad sanitation is one of the world’s biggest killers: it hits women, children, old and sick people hardest. Around half the people in the world have an illness caused by bad sanitation. Over decades of learning, it’s become clear that sanitation projects work best when local people see the need for improved sanitation – and make that change happen themselves. We strongly believe that the best way to bring transformation in poor communities is to work with them, rather than doing things for them. It’s all about dignity and self-respect. But before latrine-building starts, there’s hygiene education on practices such as handwashing. This is key to behaviour change in the long term. Our partners involve local people in deciding on the design and materials to be used in latrine building. This means latrines are both appropriate and affordable. People generally build their own latrine, and this means they are much more likely to continue to use it, and maintain it – ensuring the project is sustainable.

St NICHOLAS (www.stnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk)


Open Tuesdays: As from August the church will be opened at 10.30am rather than 9.30am as previously. This means the church will be open on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 2pm.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

St Nicholas Mother’s’ Union: Would like to thank everybody who supported their Fashion Show in any way.  The final amount raised for “Away From It All” is £625.


Prayers for our church: As we start the process to find a new Rector for St Nicholas, please pray for the small team that is working on the necessary documentation, for our PCC, and for those who will be on the interview panel, that with God's help they will discern his will for the future of our church, and that God is calling his chosen person to come forward. There will be an opportunity for silent prayer for our church in the Lady Chapel every Tuesday from 10.30am to 11am, and every Sunday morning before the 10.30am service.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charity of the Month: Our charity for July and August is Sutton Community Works.

Worship today: 9am Holy Communion; 10.30am Holy Communion; 6.30pm United Service – St NicholasSunday 12th August: Trinity 11: 9am Holy Communion; 10.30am Holy Communion; 6.30pm United Service – St NicholasAnd Inspection of the Gibson Tomb after 10.30am service.Lectionary Readings: This Week: Trinity 10: Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35 Next Week: Trinity 11: Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35,41-51

Contact details: Ginny Haizelden (Parish Administrator): [email protected]; 020 8643 8271.

Page 4: Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London.


A small group meets for Bible study, prayer and mutual support at 7.30pm every Monday at Mary Meldrum's house: 11a Western Road. We are using the book 'Whole Life, Whole Bible' to gain an overview of the Bible as a whole, and to see what it says to our lives, and we would be very pleased if you could join us.


Floodlighting: Marking an anniversary, celebration or just a simple dedication. If you would like to sponsor our floodlighting during 2018, please have a word with Richard West. A donation towards the upkeep of the floodlighting (perhaps £20 for a week's sponsorship) will be very welcome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

St Nicholas Supper Talk: Make a note in your diary now. There will be a Supper Talk on Friday, 5th October when we will be entertained by Sue Hodge who played Mimi Labonq in the BBC sitcom 'Allo 'Allo!. Sue will tell us of her time on 'Allo 'Allo! and will be joined by her musician husband Keith.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prayer List: to include someone on the prayer list please ask their permission first. Then send the request to [email protected] by Tuesday. Please note that Clergy/SPAs/Staff will not be able to answer questions about people on the prayer list. Catherine. Victor. Yvonne N. Kay. Pamela A. Joyce. Wendy. Isabel.

St BARNABAS (www.stbarnabas.suttonteam.org.uk)Worship today: 10.30am Morning Worship; 2pm Distribution of Holy Communion at GracewellSunday 12th August: Trinity 11: 10.30am Morning WorshipN.B: 29th July, 5th & 12th August are Morning Worship Summer Time Specials - with a distinctly holiday feel. Sunday 19th August will be a Communion Service.Lectionary Readings: This Week: Trinity 10: 2 Samuel 11.26-12.13a; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35

Contact details: Churchwardens, Eleanor Holley: email address is [email protected] and Dorothy Hannam: [email protected]. Lay Minister, Jeff Richards: email address is [email protected] 

Sutton New Town Summer Time Tea PartySt Barnabas Church Hall | St Barnabas Road | SM1 4NS Sunday, 12 August 2018 from 2 pm to 4:30 pm (BST)A celebration of the community groups that make Sutton New Town such a great place to live and work.Individuals £5 each and part of a group booking £2.50.  For more details and to book your place see http://suttonnewtown.com or contact [email protected]

Page 5: Sutton Team Ministrystnicholas.suttonteam.org.uk/Media/Notice sheets, flyers …  · Web viewThese events will form part of the National Trust Heritage Open Days and Open House London.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St Barnabas Bunnies - Every Friday*Morning session: 9.30am-11.30am; Afternoon session: 12.30pm-2.30pm. Scout Hall, 51-53 Westmead Road, SM1 4JNA play group run by a childcare professional for children aged 0 - 4 years accompanied by their parents/careers.£3 entry for 1 adult and 1 child, includes a child’s snack. 50p for additional children. Refreshments available.07871 489350. [email protected]                               *excluding public holidays-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open Saturday - 18 August: 10am Morning worship9.15 - 3pm - if you are able to spare an hour please let Ellie or Dorothy know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1st September - Hymns and Pimms!Join us for an afternoon of Hymns and Pimms (soft drinks available) on Saturday, 1 September at 2pm in St Barnabas Church.  Bring a family and friends for an informaland joyful afternoon singing favourite hymns.Donations of food and drink gratefully received.  Please see Ellie or Dorothy for list of items required.  Thanks in advance for your support.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMER OF HOPE CREAM TEA:On Tuesday 14th August at 2.00pm in St Barnabas Church Halls, the Mothers’ Union will be holding a short service followed by a Cream Tea and Raffle in aid of Mothers’ Union’s “Summer of Hope” Appeal. Suggested donation for the Cream Tea £3.00. Everyone is welcome, whether or not a member, including parents and carers with children (please being some toys to entertain them).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LILY GOWER RIP: On Sunday 19th August Lily Gower’s ashes will be placed in St Barnabas Memorial Garden by the Archdeacon of Croydon after the 10.30am Communion Service. Do please gather in the Memorial Garden after the Communion Service to support the family members whose parents worked so hard and did so much for St Barnabas for over 30 years.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE CHARITY OF THE MONTH FOR JULY & AUGUST IS SUTTON SCHOOLSWORK which supports the provision of collective worship in Sutton's schools to increase the knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith among our local children and young people. It employs two full-time school’s workers, one working in Sutton’s primary schools and the other in Sutton’s secondary schools.  Their work includes Bible based assemblies and Religious Education lessons.The “Charity of the Month” Box is on the long table at the back of the church. If you wish to “Gift Aid” your donation, please use one of the pink labelled envelopes by the Box.The Charity of the Month for June raised £105.00 for the Friends of The Royal Marsden, Surrey. Thank you to all who were able to contribute.
