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SW London Vineyard Leaders' Update Autumn 2015

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ALPHA Get the latest update on this wonderful expression of a ministry of SWLV actively engaged in Local Mission. UPDATE FROM NEIL & KATE Neil & Kate take a look at what’s been going on in the life of the church and our response as leaders. TRUSTEES Meet our wise and incredibly skilled Trustees who voluntarily give their time to serving the church throughout the year. VISION IN ACTION Following on from our recent Leaders’ Gatherings we turn our attention to how the vision the Lord has given us as a church is bringing about spiritual, relational and cultural renewal across SW London. AUTUMN 2015 LEADERS’ UPDATE

ALPHAGet the latest update on this wonderful expression of a ministry of SWLV actively engaged in Local Mission.


NEIL & KATENeil & Kate take a look at what’s been going on in the life of the church and our response as leaders.

TRUSTEESMeet our wise and incredibly skilled Trustees who voluntarily give their time to serving the church throughout the year.


ACTIONFollowing on from our recent Leaders’

Gatherings we turn our attention to how the vision the Lord has given us as a

church is bringing about spiritual, relational and cultural renewal across SW London.

A U T U M N 2 0 1 5



Welcome to the second in a series of termly updates from us both for leaders at SW London Vineyard.

Here at SWLV, we are so privileged to have such a wonderfully gifted team of leaders, such as yourselves, and we are continually looking for the best ways in which we can share our vision, equip you to lead and update you with some of the many wonderful things going on in and through the life of the church. Our hope and prayer is that you will find these updates enjoyable as together we co-labour in the service of the King.

Spring Is In The Air…

It’s been a while since last we read ‘The Wind In The Willows’ – most likely when the children were younger – but at a recent staff meeting as we were praying together, we sensed the Lord might be speaking to us through the familiar and delightful opening lines. Rather than leave you to dust off your old copy we thought you might prefer to read them here…

‘The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning

his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps and chairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash; till he had dust in his throat and eyes, and splashes of whitewash all over his black fur, and an aching back and weary arms. Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing. It was small wonder, then, that he suddenly flung down his brush on the floor, said `Bother!’ and `O blow!’ and also `Hang spring-cleaning!’ and bolted out of the house without even waiting to put on his coat. Something up above was calling him imperiously, and he made for the steep little tunnel which answered in his case to the gravelled carriage-drive owned by animals whose residences are nearer to the sun and air. So he scraped and scratched and scrabbled and scrooged and then he scrooged again and scrabbled and scratched and scraped, working busily with his little paws and muttering to himself, `Up we go! Up we go!’ till at last, pop! his snout


‘The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.’

‘Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its

spirit of divine discontent and longing.’


came out into the sunlight, and he found himself rolling in the warm grass of a great meadow.

`This is fine!’ he said to himself. `This is better than whitewashing!’ The sunshine struck hot on his fur, soft breezes caressed his heated brow, and after the seclusion of the cellarage he had lived in so long the carol of happy birds fell on his dulled hearing almost like a shout. Jumping off all his four legs at once, in the joy of living and the delight of spring without its cleaning, he pursued his way across the meadow till he reached the hedge on the further side.’

To reassure you that Kenneth Grahame is not our sole source of inspiration, for some months now the Lord has been speaking to us from Joel and we’ve been praying over and over these verses in particular:

Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice. Surely the Lord has done great things! Do not be afraid, you wild animals, for the pastures in the wilderness are becoming green. The trees are bearing their fruit; the fig tree and the vine yield their riches.Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil. (Joel 2: 21-24)

Despite, according to the calendar, being in the midst of a ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’, here at SW London Vineyard there is definitely a sense of spring in the air! Everywhere we look there are signs of new life springing up all over the place! Alpha, newcomers, ministries flourishing and new ventures undertaken. And our sense is that the Lord wants to spur us on and encourage us. We are to be glad and rejoice. ‘The pastures are becoming green. The trees are bearing fruit.’

We are to be glad and rejoice that over the past 28 years the Lord has been faithful and will continue to remain so. We are to look beyond what is and ask the Lord to give us eyes to see that which is yet to come. And so, as we continue our year of prayer join us as we pray through Joel 2 and be encouraged:

‘The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.’

`Up we go! Up we go!’

With our love and gratitude for you all

As always

Neil & Kate

We were delighted to have Tricia Neill

preaching on Sunday 20th September

and telling her story. As President

of Alpha International

Tricia, a former News


director, has taken

Alpha from

200 courses

worldwide to

more than

65,000 courses

running across

169 nations

in over 112

languages. If you

missed her talk you can

listen again here…




ALPHAFocus on...

‘What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in

secular culture, to discuss the big questions life and death and their meaning.’

The Guardian


We are so excited to be running Alpha again this year and our first course at The Yard is now well underway.

Alpha, which runs in churches, bars, coffee shops and homes all around the world, is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. Over 27 million people have now done Alpha in 169 countries and it’s being run in 112 languages.

Each week we eat together and then, follow-ing a short talk, break into smaller groups where everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts. One of the great things about Alpha is that it’s for anyone who’s curious. The short talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest, informal environment where no question is off-limits.

We’ve got a fantastic team of welcomers, speakers, small group leaders and chefs and would love to invite you all to join us in prayer.

We had a fantastic Launch Party BBQ a few weeks ago and had a wonderful crowd of local people show up. Robert Byk did an amazing job sharing some of his story and what was so lovely to see was how genuinely open and re-ceptive people were. A good number of peo-ple from the church turned out and many of us had the chance to pray for people as they told us about things that are going on in their lives. Do pray that not only would all these people come along to Alpha, but also that they would meet the wonderful person of Jesus.

We’re delighted that Tim & Rachel Bower are running ‘Doing The Stuff , Wimbledon’, which will give us all a great opportunity to pray and think about how we might go about launching Alpha in the Wimbledon area in the New Year.

James Odgers

We are looking forward to welcoming James Odgers to

speak on Sunday 11th October and we think you are

in for a treat! In 1987 James left his City job to go

to Hong Kong where he spent time working with

Jackie Pullinger and the St Stephen’s Society. What

particularly affected him there was not so much the

absolute levels of human degradation and poverty

that he encountered but the ever-widening gap that

exists between those of us who have and can give

and those who are in need.

On the plane leaving Hong, James wrote the

original mission statement for The Besom (www.

besom.com) – that it should provide a bridge

between those who want to give money, time,

skills or things, and those who are in need. There are

now over 30 different Besoms scattered around the UK, all

following the same principles and vision.





Turning our attention to...

The overarching theme of the Bible is one of reconciliation. The Bible is the story of God – through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus – reconciling His people and renewing His creation.

Through the power of the gospel comes the renewal and restoration of our relationships: with God, with one another and with the world in which we live. It is this renewal that lies at the heart of our vision to be a church that loves and serves Jesus, loves and serves one another and loves and serves the world around us. Our vision is to see this spiritual, relational, and cultural renewal happening across the whole of SW London.

As we said in our update, despite very much being in the throes of autumn, here at SW London Vineyard there is definitely a sense of spring in the air. Everywhere we look around the church there are signs of new life springing up all over the place. Whether it’s from Alpha to the wonderful new people the Lord is sending, or ministries flourishing and new ventures being undertaken, our sense is that the Lord wants to spur us on and encourage us all. And by way of encouragement, as we continue to pray as a church, the following are just some of the ways that together we are seeing the Lord bring spiritual renewal, relational renewal and cultural renewal across this part of SW London.

Spiritual Renewal: Loving & Serving Jesus

Our Year of Prayer continues to root us and ground us in Him and His plans and purposes for us all. Not only do we have some wonderful prayer groups springing up all over the place, but worship across the church continues to go from strength to strength. Week in week out, James Wake and the team are leading us in incredible times of worship and we love the way the Lord is with us. It is deeply moving to see and such a privilege to be part of, in the midst of our Sunday services, ‘sons & daughters’ coming home to the Father and receiving His mercy and grace as He runs to them, embraces them and welcomes them home.

We’re seeing the same things happening at The Yard through Alpha.


A number of years ago, before opening The Yard, we felt the Lord give us a picture of the old Bisto advert. Our sense was that the Lord was wanting us to be the aroma of Christ to those who live on and around the Ashburton Estate. A few weeks ago we again had the opportunity to see that in action as we ran the Alpha Launch BBQ. It was so encouraging to see so many local people coming to find out more about what we’re doing and we loved chatting to and praying with so diverse a group. Senegal, France, Spain, Brazil, Iraq, Romania, Bulgaria and a whole host of other countries and languages were represented – each with their own tale to tell! Some of those who came to the BBQ have signed up for Alpha, but even for those who haven’t we’ve made some great connections and look forward to all the Lord plans to do.

Another wonderful sign of this season of spring in the church is the launch of Sozo ministry.

Sozo (Greek for saved, healed, delivered) is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering our personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the past two years teams have been training, practising and learning more about this wonderful tool of the Holy Spirit and we’re delighted to be able to offer this ministry to the church and beyond.

A typical session involves the Sozo team sitting down with you and, under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, walking you through the steps to greater freedom and wholeness. Sozo is not counseling, but a time for you to interact with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The teams, currently being led by Dianne Bateman and Katy Dusting, are offering Sozo sessions from The Yard on Monday evenings to anyone currently in a small group. Having had Sozo ministry ourselves, we’d like to encourage as many of our leaders as possible to take the opportunity to experience it for themselves and so do contact the

office to book yourselves in.

September definitely felt like the start of a new year with fresh vision in Vineyard Kids and Youth. Since taking on the role of Children & Families pastors, Manny & Sinead Garcia have done an amazing job. We love what we’re seeing in VK and Youth and all that the wonderful teams we have in place are doing across these important areas of ministry.

Since the beginning of September Vineyard Kids has had a brand new layout, with a new and improved check-in process. The newly revised teaching programme, running through until Easter, is focusing on Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. With Sensory Spaces, Family Walks, Small Groups for families and Family Services planned for every week 5 during the year we’re excited to see what the Lord does next through them both.

Last term saw Youth running the Youth Alpha course and this term they will be turning their attention to the ‘Word and Worship’. Each of our young people has been given a Soul Survivor Bible In A Year, which has the added benefit of running from September and is accompanied by a fantastic series of short entertaining and equipping videos.

Once a month James Wake and a team from the Sunday worship bands will be teaching on worship in the hope that over the coming months we’ll see a Youth worship band emerging amongst this current group of gifted young people. ‘The pastures are becoming green. The trees are bearing fruit!’

Relational Renewal: Loving & Serving one another

The term has got off to a great start with the launch of 35 Small Groups, which have always been the primary way we develop our relationships, not only with Jesus, but with one another. Having such a wide range of small groups on


#PutneyJobClub @swlvineyard 2weeks ago…He just landed a job! #threecheers #morethanfood’.

Yet another demonstration of the kingdom of God at work across this part of SW London.

Whether it’s through the Olive Tree, JobClub, FoodBank, FuelBank, Storehouse or any of the other outward-focused ministries we’re running as a church, they all provide us with that ever-important opportunity to love, serve and engage with those around us. One of the things we love to see is the increasing numbers of individuals and families, from The Yard and through other areas of compassion, regularly coming along on Sunday mornings and wanting to find out more about Jesus.

In addition to all of the above, on Thursday afternoons we’re now running a free counseling service at The Yard. This service is especially for those being referred through JobClub or Foodbank but might be suitable for a number of others. If you know of anyone who might benefit from some 1:1 free professional counseling do get in touch.

We’ve just had a meeting with a London-based Christian Somali Group who are looking for a venue to use for their small group, which meets on a Saturday. We’re very much hoping the Yard will provide a suitable space and that the small group will benefit the fairly sizeable Somali community living on both the Ashburton and Alton Estates.

In the coming months we plan to run EFL conversation classes from the Yard especially for those coming through JobClub who are looking for work but whose English would benefit from some additional practice. We’re looking for people who are trained or experienced in this area to help us think through this developing area of ministry and so again, if you are interested do get in touch.

offer provides everyone in the church with the opportunity to connect, whether they’ve been around for 20 years or 20 minutes. They really are wonderful ways for people to connect with the life of the church and especially with all the wonderful new people the Lord is sending us. We should all be doing everything we can to encourage those we meet to get stuck into a small group.

On the subject of Newcomers we have so many new people coming along each week, which is wonderful! What is equally exciting is that many of these new people are so eager and willing to get stuck in. One couple came along one Sunday, then came along to the Alpha BBQ the following Tuesday, attended a Youth Team meeting on the Thursday, before helping run a dance workshop with the youth the next Sunday. What’s so encouraging to hear is that there are so many similar stories we could tell of how people coming towards the church are finding it so incredibly welcoming and friendly that they’re keen to find out more about how they can join in with what the Lord’s doing amongst us all.

Not only are we hearing stories of how the church is caring for those who are new, but how you continue to care for and serve those around you. There are endless stories of cooking meal rotas, praying for one another, helping one another and more – all very tangible demonstrations of the kingdom in action and we love it all!

Cultural Renewal: Loving & Serving the world in which we live

Since the very start of this church we have always been committed to ministries of compassion and mercy as expressions of loving and serving the world in which we live.

A couple of weeks ago Wandsworth Foodbank tweeted about the Tuesday JobClub that runs from The Yard saying:

‘We’re celebrating with a guest we signposted to


We love the way God is bringing about cultural renewal through the ministries of the church like Foodbank, Fuelbank, JobClub and so on but there are the countless stories we could tell of how the Lord is using individuals and small groups – actively engaged in Local Mission – to bring about societal restoration and renewal. We’ve collected just a handful of these stories below but always want to hear more about what God is doing in and through the local church. Do have a read and email us any story – no matter how small – of how God is extending His kingdom in our midst.

To help us think through how we can best express ourselves as both the church gathered AND the church scattered we’re delighted that Alan Scott, Senior Leader of Causeway Coast Vineyard, will be speaking at our morning service on Sunday 8th November. This will be a wonderful morning, Alan is always a great blessing and we would encourage you to make it a priority.

Alan Scott

On Sunday 8th November we are excited to announce that Alan Scott,

founding and lead pastor of the Causeway Coast

Vineyard Church, will be coming to speak at

our Sunday service.

Since its beginning CCV has grown

through scattered servants

bringing life to their city. The

church has planted several other

churches and has been the

catalyst for the Healing on the

Streets ministry.

Alan is a dear friend, visionary

leader, gifted communicator and

a prophetic voice. His passion is

to raise up ‘kingdom carriers’ who

will change the culture and lead the

church beyond the building.




STORIES FROM THE FRONTLINECAMILLA BYK What Pram?- As a ministry in Clapham this has led to many opportunities to spend time with couples expecting babies. One new father spent an hour with us talking through his anxieties and his wife shared her own family issues in a one to one What Pram? evening. Many new mothers have been helped in the early days of feeding and are off to great starts. A single mother who had just had her 7th baby and had never breastfed any of her children contacted us via another mum who had done our course and is now feeding her baby. Many are astonished that we provide this help and support for free and are hugely blessed as they would not be able to afford the commercial rates for courses and help. We have had many opportunities to pray for new babies and their families, and this is a ministry that Sarah Ketteman and I love to be involved with, and are keen to expand the team with any supporters.

SARAH WILLIAMS I recently got into a conversation with the mums from school about introducing the concept of heaven, justice and mercy to their children. Not what I expect on a class social, but gave me a great opportunity to talk about the Alpha course. KAREN PEARMAN I have been developing relationships with people in my everyday so the checkout lady at Waitrose for instance: I prayed for her the other month at the till and gave her a mid year valentines card telling her how much she is loved by God and what a blessing she has been to me as she is a mum of twins too. She recently had a fire in her home the top floor destroyed but the card I gave her still remains and she knows that God is looking after her so I gave her a hug yesterday at the till with lots of customers watching.

Joel continues to be our neighbourhood evangelist - he chats with all the widows on our road, washing their cars and walking their dogs. Without him I wouldn’t know half of them!

We are trying to just bring God into the every day without preaching. Giles has been helping some of the girls at the school gate with strength finders thanks to the job course last year at SWLV. We are just passing on what we are learning.

JOY KLUVER I saw a homeless man in New Malden, sitting near to Poundland. The first time, to my shame, I ignored him. A few days later, I was with our youngest child, Hayden aged 6. I saw the man again and knew I had to do something. So we went into Poundland and I bought a toothbrush and toothpaste. We give it to him and he was very grateful. As we walked away, Hayden began to ask me questions about the man and I answered as truthfully as I could. Hayden was really concerned about the man having no food and asked if we could buy him a sandwich. So we bought a meal deal from Boots (Hayden chose the food) and we give it to him. Sadly, I haven’t seen him since - just hope things have improved for him.

RACHEL BOWER Last term a number of us from Wimbledon met as a group to pray for our area and think and talk about how we might see the Kingdom extended in Wimbledon by praying and being intentional about supporting each other’s existing local connections and friendships. We had a wonderful time getting to know each other, finding out about everyone’s heart for their neighbours, friends and community. So many of us have lived in and around the Wimbledon area for a long time and have a passion to see lives transformed locally. We felt as though we not only established some real momentum and enthusiasm for our neighbourhood but two things have come out of the group - firstly we started prayer walking around our community and are going to continue to do that this term. We’re also going to support the church’s focus on Alpha and will be meeting this term to pray into how we can see Alpha rolled out in Wimbledon after Christmas. DAN PLUMMER There continues to be a significant amount of homeless people on the streets of London, no matter where I look, they are living amongst our workplaces. The battle in my mind is not to walk past but instead to ask the Lord how he sees them. At the first meeting of London Hub in Jay Pathak shared a vision which resonated with me that when I’m in my suit, that is the time to reach out. Isn’t that why God would want me to work in London? So here are a couple of my favourite interactions over the past months:

Walking into an upmarket cafe on Marylebone High street and sharing the finest fresh fruit drink with the homeless lady and telling her that God loves her more than she’ll ever know. The waitress was uncomfortable, the queue parted slightly for us, but it was precious as if Jesus was there showing me what to say and do and to remain calm.


More recently I’m based in Waterloo, often challenged by the SW Trains platform sign “welcome to Waterloo”, a God invitation or what? So on Lower Marsh, I’m leaving Greggs with a warm lunch and drink in my lunch bag, and immediately clock a homeless guy as I’m coming out of the shop. I stopped and I said ‘what would you like to eat?’ and he lists off the exact contents of my bag! It was raining so we left for some shelter, we talked, he shared his story we laughed and I prayed, and it changed me.

KIM PLUMMER Whilst there is a formal element to the local stuff I do - leading school prayer meetings, assemblies and prayer spaces on the site - much more is informal and just about trying to do life like i’m in church 24/7. What does that look like? Well ... For me, I try to actively make space and time to ‘see’ people and connect at the gate and on the streets. At the gate it is easy to connect with friends, but i’m challenging myself to look for the person who seems invisible or those the Lord highlights and speak to them. It means not just sympathising with someone sickness or troubles but offering to pray for them, now! It means creating space so i that can be interruptible to serve others by cooking a meal, looking after a child or just listening to someone going through a tough time. I try to encourage and model a culture of honour at the school and within the community, diffusing gossip, speaking well of the school and aiming to bring life and hope to conversations. Not least it means intentionally sowing into our children’s lives ,so that they overflow and go into their little mission fields knowing a God who loves and saves.

Try is the key word here. i don’t always get it right, i often miss opportunities but God is full of Grace and on the move in our community. We are seeing people healed at the gate from back pain, leg issues and headaches, we are getting opportunities to tell people about Jesus and we are be pushed from our comfort zones often.

This term Katy Dusting and I have spoke about doing Coffee and Treasure Hunting on the highstreet regularly. A throughly exciting and terrifying prospect.

RACHEL DROS I am privileged to meet regularly with some inspirational women (representing a number of churches) to pray for our local primary school, and over recent months we have together been trying to create opportunities to connect and build relationships with families around the school. For example, in April we invited around 30 families to hunt for Easter eggs in the local park, where we got to tell our friends why we celebrate at Easter in a really fun and informal way. In June we arranged babysitters so that a single mum could go to church to hear Tim Keller (a clever American theologian) preach the gospel. In July we invited a whole houseful of families to our home for a BBQ. Special events are great, but also as I go about my day-to-day business, in the every day conversations, work and activities, my aim is to pray for, and communicate the incredible hope we have to, those families with whom we are building relationships. And in coming months I hope and pray that we will see God move and His Kingdom break in as we continue in this way.

KATY DUSTING Doing Foodbank at The Yard one Sunday, we see the Kingdom of God in action. A lovely lady receives food, practical advice about the benefits she is eligible for, and total freedom from pain as we pray for her back. She has (had?) degenerative disc disease and.her pain level goes from a level 8 to 0 – the look of surprise on her face….

Praying for a colleague at work who has had knee replacement surgery – a strong sense of the peace and presence of God coming, and he starts to cry. But that knee still needs healing – its an ongoing story.

I’ve just encouraged myself with those stories – it is so easy to concentrate on what isn’t happening, rather than on what God has done!

The Rt. Hon. Justine Greening M.P.

On Friday 16th October Justine Greening, Secretary of State for

International Development and MP for Putney, Roehampton and

Southfields, will be visiting The Yard at SW London Vineyard to see it

in action. We will be running a special Friday Job Club and introducing

Justine to some of the activities and ministries running from The Yard.

It will be a wonderful opportunity to update Justine on developments

since her last visit to SWLV some years ago. Do pray for us all and, in

particular for Justine, and the key role she plays in government.




MEET THE TRUSTEESEvery church in the Vineyard movement is independent and has the right to make its own decisions (and mistakes!). As a movement we believe that God gives the Senior Leaders the ultimate responsibility for the pastoral oversight of the church, for which they will be held accountable (Hebrews 13:17). The Senior Leaders are responsible for the major and strategic decisions, which result in an overall plan, as well as for the implementation of that plan. However, each Vineyard church is established with a set of Trustees whose role is to give advice and counsel, based on their experience, particularly in matters of finance, property and other assets belonging to the Charity. John Wimber always used to say that the Trustees were there to keep the senior leaders and the church ‘out of the red, out of the courts and out of the press!’

At SW London Vineyard, Neil acts as Chair of Trustees and we are blessed with a set of godly, wise and incredibly skilled Trustees who voluntarily give their time to meet formally several times a year, and informally many more times. We thought you might like to meet them…..

STEPHANIE BELL is a management consultant and former NHS Chief Executive and Deputy Director of Social Services. She now helps senior managers lead high-risk public sector projects and communicate with their stakeholders. She is not afraid to ask difficult questions and we are so thankful for her pragmatism and no-nonsense approach when making decisions! We frequently draw on her experience of working with all kinds of people when planning programmes or dealing with sensitive situations.

Steph is married to Howard and they have two grown up daughters. In addition to co-leading our Discovering Your Ideal Job Small Group and volunteering at Job Club, she is a leading light in our Foodbank Ministry.

RACHEL BOWER is a PR/communications consultant, advising clients on all areas of corporate reputation and crisis management. Rachel is great at helping us think through decisions from different points of view and if we have to plan complex or sensitive communications or have an emergency to deal with Rachel is the first person we call!

Rachel is married to Tim and they have two girls. They lead the Doing the Stuff in Wimbledon Small Group together and are also part of our Vineyard Kids team.

ROBERT BYK works for a City law firm, advising clients on corporate and financing transactions and, therefore, provides a legal viewpoint to the Trustee team.

Robert is married to Camilla and they have three daughters. They lead a House Group together and Robert can often be seen leading in Vineyard Kids giving our young people an always memorable experience.

PATRICK TEN HAVE is an independent consultant providing advisory and management services to clients of major infrastructure programmes. Patrick’s training and experience is in directing and managing multi disciplinary teams on complex construction programmes and we are grateful for his pragmatic approach to risk management and his passionate commitment to seeing people grow in their relationship with Jesus as our primary objective.

Patrick is known for enjoying the finer things in life like family, ministry, beer, beef, rugby, the Bible and of course red wine! He lives in Worcester Park with his wife Kim and two children aged 10 and 13.

MARTYN WAKE is a retired GP and former Medical Director of the Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust. He is married to Angela and they have three grown up children, a dog and many thousand bees! He enjoys serving as part of our Job Club team and is an Alpha small group leader.

We frequently draw on Martyn’s wisdom when dealing with vulnerable people and are grateful for the considered and strategic way in which he approaches decisions.

Please feel free to contact the Trustees directly if you have any questions or concerns about how the church operates, or if you would like to thank them for the amazing and often unseen job that they do!



OCOTOBER Mon 5th – Wed 7th Winter Aid Clothing Collection, Heston Court, SW19

Sun 11th James Odgers Speaking, Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Wed 14th Aid delivery to Brighton

Fri 16th Justine Greening MP visiting the Yard, Tildesley Road, SW15

Sun 25th Year of Prayer at the Woodwards, SW14

Sat 31st Fancy Dress Party & BBQ at The Yard

NOVEMBER Sun 8th Alan Scot speaking, Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Fri 20th- Sun 22nd Leaders’ Retreat, Hothorpe Hall

Sun 22nd No Sunday Service

Sat 28th CS Lewis Club

Sun 29th 1st Advent: Family Service, Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Sun 29th Year of Prayer at the Bowers, SW19

DECEMBERSun 6th 2nd Advent: Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Sun 6th Year of Prayer Outdoor Prayer Event

Tues 8th Alpha Celebration Supper

Sat 12th Carol Service, Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Sun 13th 3rd Advent: Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Sun 20th 4th Advent: Saint Cecilia’s, SW18

Sun 27th No Sunday Morning Service

2016 Mon 11th Jan Leaders’ Meeting: Option 1

Tues 12th Jan Leaders’ Meeting: Option 2

Mon 18th Jan Small Group Term Starts

Mon 25th – Thur 28th Jan VCUKI National Leaders’ Conference, Nottingham

Sat 5th Mar Women’s Gathering

Sat 19th Mar Vineyard Kids Teams’ CCPAS Safeguarding Training

Fri 25th Mar Good Friday Service

Sun 27th Mar Easter Sunday

Fri 29th Apr – Mon 2nd May Dreaming The Impossible (11-18s)

Fri 20th – Sun 22nd May Newcomers’ Weekend Away, The Oast Houses












