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ACTION PACK SWEAT-FREE Light the flame for a OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter
Page 1: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,



Light the flame for a



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Page 2: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,





RIGHTSThe Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship, provide a fantastic opportunity for us to demand an end to the exploitation of workers involved in delivering the Olympic Games.

The Playfair 2012 campaign needs your activism to help make this happen. Standing together, we can demand a fair Games that puts respect for workers human rights at its heart.

Despite the Olympics being a multi-million pound industry, from the London 2012 to Beijing 2008 to Athens 2004 Games, evidence shows that workers making Olympic branded goods and sportswear in global supply chains are exploited – paid poverty wages for working excessively long hours in unsafe conditions, often on short-term contracts, and with no trade union to turn to when their rights are violated.

Playfair 2012 is calling on the head of the Olympic family, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to take responsibility for ending this exploitation and to take action to ensure that workers’ rights are respected and in line with international standards. This activist guide is packed with ideas and inspiration for campaign actions, messaging, and how to get media coverage, but don’t feel restricted by these ideas, we encourage you to be creative.


1 Introduction2 Where to find torch relay dates/locations3 What’s the message?4 Who’s the campaign target and why?5 What you can do to raise awareness and make a difference6 Action to the International Olympic Committee7 Get it in the papers8 Send us your snaps9 Template press release10 Background information:

What’s the Playfair 2012 campaign? »Why do we need Playfair 2012? »Campaign progress and challenges »About us »

11 Action petition12 Resources



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Page 3: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

“Consumers may feel the Olympic mascots are fun and cute, they will never think of

the hard work, low wages…..we have in the factory.”

Zhang, factory worker making London 2012 mascots Mandeville & Wenlock in

China (Play Fair, 2012)

What’s a global supply chain?

A system of production in which clothing, food, toys, souvenirs and many other items pass through a long line of factories, suppliers, buyers and warehouses before ending up on our high streets or supermarket aisles.

These ‘supply chains’ employ millions of workers and stretch all over the globe – from China to Kenya, Bangladesh to Manchester.

Locations: The torch passes through the South West, Wales, West Midlands, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Yorkshire and Humberside, East Midlands, East of England and the South East.

Find out when the torch is coming your way:



What is a global supply chain?C


t Will




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Page 4: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

Or you can create something along these lines...

The message is aimed at the head of the Olympic family – the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC owns the copyright for the Olympic symbols and so has the power to require that all Olympic branded goods are made in conditions where workers’ rights are respected. Likewise it can require in-country Olympic Associations and National Organising Committees to include respect for internationally recognised labour standards in their contracts with companies.

To give you an example of how poor the IOC is on respecting workers’ human rights: nowhere does it state explicitly that child labour should not be used in the production of Olympic-branded goods.

This needs to change...








Light the flame for

workers’ human rights!

Olympic Movement –

light the flame for a sweat-free


Workers’ human rights

before Olympic profits!


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Page 5: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

Organise an ‘Olympic Games’ in your local park and award » medals to the most outrageous cheats.

Re-write the rules for some Olympic sporting events and » hold an Unfair Games.

Run a relay with a flame for workers’ rights in your local high- » street/park/sports facilities.

Organise a cycle relay with a flame for a sweat-free Games. »Put on an alternative ‘Big Exploiters’ award ceremony. »Set up a course with workers’ rights flames and see »

who wins the record for the fastest hockey dribbling, football, skating…

Make a giant torch collage or banner with messages from » your community to the IOC.

Make a collection of torches and messages from recycled » materials.

Hold a fashion show with an alternative commentary about » the exploitative working conditions experienced by workers making sportswear for the big brands.

Raise the bar for workers’ rights : organise a flame-themed » limbo in the park – starting low then raising the ‘workers’ rights’ bar.

The Playfair 2012 campaign and international Play Fair campaign are running a petition calling on the International Olympic Committee to:

Include the principle of respect for workers’ rights in the Olympic Charter and Code of Ethics. »Build on the system developed by the London 2012 organisers that allows workers and their »

unions to complain if rights are violated, and oversee this independent process.Require that for all participating countries, National Olympic Committees include respect for »

internationally recognised labour standards in their contracts with companies supplying goods and services.

Commit to working with the organisers of London 2012 and Rio 2016 so that the progress » made in London can be built on for all future Games.

Please get as many people as you can to sign the petition and tweet about ending Olympic exploitationwww.playfair2012.org.uk/lighttheflame




Get active together locally! You can use the idea of not playing by the rules to illustrate how the Olympic Movement is not playing by the rules on respecting workers’ rights:DIFFERENCE?

include the theme of respecting workers’ human rights in anything you organise and encourage as many people as possible to sign the petition to the IOC and to tweet about ending exploitation in Olympic supply chains.


Page 6: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

The Playfair 2012 campaign will upload photos of your campaigning actions taking place around the country. Please send in your snaps to [email protected] these will be posted on the Playfair 2012 website www.playfair2012.org






You could also tweet your photo @playfair2012 or post on our face book page: www.facebook.com/playfair2012

To follow shortly

To follow shortly

Page 7: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

Why do we need Playfair 2012?The Olympic Movement states that it aims to “build a better world through sport” and talks about respect, equality and fair play. But the reality for workers making Olympic branded goods, sportswear, kits and the uniforms for the Games is a far cry from these ideals and values. Evidence from the Olympics in Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and now London 2012 shows that workers making Olympic branded goods continue to be exploited.

The latest Play Fair campaign reports, Toying with Workers’ Rights and Fair Games? Human rights of workers in Olympic 2012 supplier factories, tell of poverty pay and exploitative working conditions in 10 factories producing the London 2012 Olympic mascots, pin badges, sportswear including adidas-London 2012 goods, and uniforms for 2012 officials in China, the Philippines and Sri Lanka:


The Playfair 2012 campaign calls on the sportswear industry and Olympic Movement to raise the bar on workers’ rights. We want them to ensure that the rights of workers making sportswear and Olympic branded goods are respected and in line with standards set out in International Labour Organisation Conventions and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What is the Playfair 2012 Campaign?

Poverty wages were found across the board. In Sri Lanka, some workers have to survive on around £1.80 a day, little above the official UN global poverty line. In the Philippines, 50% of workers interviewed said they were forced to pawn their ATM cards to loan sharks for pay day loans to get through the month. And in China, workers making the Olympic mascots were not paid the legal minimum wage in cases.

Excessive working hours were the norm and many workers said doing overtime is not voluntary. Workers making Adidas goods had to work 40-60 hours overtime a month – even in low season. And workers making the Olympic mascots in China worked 140 hours overtime a month, yet the legal limit is 36 hours.

Children were found making London 2012 pin badges in China; Workers had to use unlabeled toxic chemicals in the production of the pin badges and were given no health and safety training.

In no factory investigated was there a recognised union or credible workers’ representatives, meaning workers had no voice on their pay and working conditions; many workers had legal benefits, such as pension and medical insurance contributions denied to them by repeated use of short term contracts.

Living conditions were poor. Chinese workers shared cramped, over-crowded rooms in factory-owned dormitories, and in cases hot water was only available after 23.00 when their shift finished.

No worker should be exploited in the name of the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee needs to do much more to live up to the Olympic values of respect, equality and fair play.

Page 8: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) has been in dialogue with the Playfair 2012 Campaign since 2005. As a result, LOCOG included in its Sustainable Sourcing Code and contracts with licensees/suppliers, compliance with labour standards set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code. This includes payment of a living wage, no discrimination and no use of child labour and is based on internationally recognised labour standards. In addition, LOCOG developed a complaints mechanism enabling workers in their global supply chains to report any violations of their rights.

Since the publication of Toying with workers’ rights, LOCOG engaged with Playfair 2012 and took further steps to protect the rights of workers’ in its supply chains:

Publishing the names and locations of factories in China and the UK covering 72 per » cent of production for London 2012

Making information about employment rights, based on national laws and the ETI code » available in Chinese and English, and establishing a Chinese language hotline so that workers can complain if their rights are violated.

Providing training to some of the workers in their supply chains to make them more aware of their » rights and how to claim these.

Committing to work with Playfair 2012, the organisers of Rio 2016 and the International Olympic » Committee to ensure that future Games benefit from lessons learned in London.

Playfair 2012 is now working with LOCOG to ensure that these commitments are put into practice.

LOCOG has gone further than any other Games organiser in taking steps to protect the rights of workers in its supply chains, but as the Play Fair reports show, LOCOG did not go far enough. LOCOG’s efforts were limited by not informing workers about their rights and how to use the complaints mechanism in local languages early on. And the organisers relied on audits, renowned for not revealing the reality of working conditions, instead of working with trade unions and worker representatives to monitor and improve factory conditions. But the IOC also didn’t give LOCOG a clear steer on these issues from the start.

As London 2012 fast approaches and with preparations for Rio 2016 underway, Playfair 2012 is working closely with the Playfair Brazil Campaign. It’s time for the IOC to show leadership and take responsibility for helping to end this cycle of exploitation in Olympic supply chains. The IOC must act to ensure that the human rights of workers making Olympic goods are respected. You can help us to make this happen.

“We are forced to take overtime work so at least it supplements our take-home pay. Otherwise, how can I survive with such meagre income, how can I pay rent for the small room where I stay, cope with my daily necessities, and send some money for my family in the province? At the end of the day it is zero balance; there are no savings left for whatever uncertain things may happen to me and my family.”

A worker at an adidas Olympics supplier factory in the Philippines, working on minimum wage for 10 years without a pay-rise.


An adidas worker producing 2012 goods in Cambodia, paid £39 a month


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Page 9: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

The international Play Fair campaign has already had some impact, we

are now negotiating with the major sportswear brands. So the ongoing

support of fellow workers in the UK is vital fo us to continue making



The Playfair 2012 campaign is coordinated by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and Labour Behind the Label and supported by: Anti-Slavery International, ATL, ASLEF, BECTU, Community, CSP, CWU, EIS, GMB, NASUWT, NUJ, NUS, NUT, PCS, People and Planet, Prospect, PFA, RCN London, STUC, UCATT, UNISON, Unite, Usdaw and War on Want. Through awareness raising with unions and students, and national campaigning activities, the Playfair 2012 aims to inspire supporters to play an active role in raising the bar on workers’ rights.

Playfair 2012 is part of the international Play Fair campaign. For all major sporting events, whether it is the Olympics, World Cup or Commonwealth Games, Play Fair is campaigning to ensure that the human rights of workers are respected.

Lilis Mahmuda, National Industrial Workers’ Union Federation, Indonesia (2010)


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Page 10: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

Dear Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee

Light the flame for workers’ human rights

The Olympics aims to “build a better world through sport” and promotes values of fair play, respect and equality. Yet workers making Olympic-branded goods for London 2012 and Beijing 2008 continue to be exploited.

I call on the International Olympic Committee, as head of the Olympic family, to act immediately to end this exploitation and ensure that the human rights of all workers involved in delivering the Games are respected. Please ensure that the International Olympic Committee:

Includes the principle of respect for workers’ rights in the Olympic Charter and Code of Ethics Builds on the system developed by the London 2012 organisers that allows workers and their

unions to complain if rights are violated, and oversees this independent process Requires that for all participating countries, National Olympic Committees include respect for

internationally recognised labour standards in their contracts with companies supplying goods and services Commits to working with the organisers of London 2012, Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016 so that the

progress made in London can be built on for all future Games.

Publishing information about the locations of factories making Olympic-branded goods and the conditions that workers are employed in, will help me to know that the International Olympic Committee is doing everything in its power to protect the human rights of workers, in keeping with the Olympic values of fair play, respect and equality.

Name Address Postcode Signature

Please return completed petitions to Playfair 2012, Trades Union Congress, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS

Action/petition closes 12 August 2012 (to coincide with the Olympic Games Closing Ceremony)


Page 11: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

Human rights of workers in Olympic 2012 supplier factories



Playfair 2012 – for games, quizzes, worker testimonies, latest » actions, teaching materials, photo exhibition, background information and reports www.playfair2012.org

Labour Behind the Label http://www.labourbehindthelabel.org »

Forced labour claims dent image of London 2012, The » Independent on Sunday (May 2012) http://tinyurl.com/c5y68gm

Exposed: The reality behind London’s ‘ethical’ Olympics. » Investigation reveals that the Adidas kit worn by Team GB athletes is made in abusive sweatshops, The Independent (April 2012) http://tinyurl.com/6wbd5j4

London 2012: Exploitation of factory workers prompts action » (February 2012) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17134617

Race to the bottom report – War on Want (February 2012) » http://tinyurl.com/d9kyuxt

‘The life of garment worker – Mizra in India’ » www.youtube.com/watch?v=muU3gAZW7tw

International Play Fair campaign www.decentwork.org/play-fair.html »

Ethical Trading Initiative http://www.ethicaltrade.org/ »


Toying with Workers’ Rights

A Report on Producing Merchandise for the London 2012 Olympic Games

You can order paper resources from the playfair2012.org.uk website which we can send to you, including flyers for handing out during actions. Below also is a list of other online resources to support your campaign.

Olympic 2012 supplier factories show, they needed to

act faster and their progress has been hampered by

reliance on audits, rather than involving workers and

unions in monitoring and improving working conditions.

The big sportswear brands and Olympic Movement

still need to do much more to ensure that the human

rights of workers making their goods in supply chains

are respected. Playfair 2012 will be stepping up the

pressure in the run up to the Games.PLAYFAIR 2012: OUR DEMANDS

The Organisers of the London Games, the sportswear

industry and the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

all have a role to play in making London 2012 work for

everyone. In the UK, Playfair 2012 is focusing on three

sportswear suppliers. Our main demands are:

Adidas, Next, Nike, Speedo (Pentland), New Balance,

the North Face, Columbia Sportswear, Under Armour,

Brooks, Saucony, Lululemon Athletica, all should:

» ensure that workers are paid a living wage – allowing

them to live in dignity » provide job security through permanent, open-ended

and direct employment

» support workers being free to organise and join trade

unions – vital to ending poverty and inequality

» be transparent and inform the public about where their

goods are made and the conditions they are made in.

The organisers of London 2012 should deliver on recent

commitments to: » provide information about workplace rights and

national laws to workers in its supply chains

» provide training to some workers in the supply chain

about their rights and how to complain if their rights

are violated » work with Playfair 2012 and the International

Olympic Committee to ensure progress on protecting

workers’ rights is built from Games to Games.

The International Olympic Committee should:

» include the principle of respect for workers’ rights in

the Olympic Charter and Code of Ethics

» build on the system developed by the London 2012

organisers that allows workers and their unions

to complain if rights are violated, and oversee this

independent process » require that for all participating countries, National

Olympic Committees include respect for internationally

recognised labour standards in their contracts with

companies supplying goods and services

» commit to working with the organisers of London

2012 and Rio 2016 so that the progress made in

London can be built on for all future Games.HOW YOU CANMAKE A DIFFERENCELondon 2012 merchandise is already on our high streets.

As consumers, we are linked to the millions of workers

who have made these goods in global supply chains,

and by acting together we can pressure the sportswear

industry and the Olympic movement to ensure the human

rights of workers making their goods are respected.

You can help make a difference by getting involved in

the Playfair 2012 campaign: » Visit www.playfair2012.org and sign up to get the

latest news and actions. » Take the Playfair 2012 Challenge, online.

» Play the online Unfair Factory Game to learn more

about working conditions. » Share the campaign on Facebook and tweet about it.

» Order a copy of teaching materials: Fair’s Fair: life

and rights in the global sports industry (9–14 years),

and Step into Her Trainers (16–18 years).

» Order leafl ets, posters and stickers to distribute.

» Get involved in local Playfair 2012 torch relay actions.

» Find out what your union/student union is doing to

promote Playfair 2012. » Read the latest reports on sportswear and Olympic

goods production: Toying with Workers’ Rights and

Fair Games? Human rights of workers in Olympic

2012 supplier factories

Adidas Team GB2012 jacket = £70Daily wage in regionof production (Philippines) = £4.50 UN global povertyline = £1.26

Adidas salesin 2011 = £10.6bn

CAMPAIGN PROGRESSAND CHALLENGES Agreements signed and progress made

» An agreement on freedom of association between

the major brands, trade unions and suppliers in

Indonesia was signed in July 2011.

» The London Organising Committee of the Olympic

Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG), with whom

Playfair 2012 has been in dialogue since 2005,

requires companies supplying goods and services

for the Games to comply with standards set out in

the ETI Base Code (see above), and has set up a

complaints mechanism so that workers in its supply

chain can report violations of their rights.

» Following publication of the research Toying with

Workers’ Rights (Play Fair, 2012), the Games

organisers signed an agreement with the Playfair

2012 campaign in February 2012. Time is short, and

London 2012 delivering on the commitments made

in this agreement will be key.London 2012 has gone further than any other Games

organiser in taking steps to protect workers’ rights in its

supply chains. But as the reports Toying with Workers’

Rights and Fair Games? Human rights of workers in


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Page 12: SWEAT-FREE OLYMPICS 2012€¦ · OLYMPICS 2012 Credit Will Baxter. AME FOR INTRODUCTION S The Olympic torch relay and the symbolism of the Olympic torch, respect, excellence and friendship,

For more info see our website

www.playfair2012.org, find us on

facebook, or follow us on twitter

