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SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs...

Date post: 04-Aug-2020
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Page 1: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands


Page 2: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Hi, I’m Sam Warrington, Founder of SWIFT Fitness.

Firstly, well done for even getting to this point. So many people fall into the trap of thinking about starting a fitness regime, but never actually start it. Even more people start it, but then don’t really follow the plan they are given, and then have to start again in a few months. This guide is here to show you the way, and give you some inspiration for your workouts. If you are reading this, it means you are already working with us, maybe in our boot camp workouts, or a personal training programme. That’s great, well done. But you will need to more than that if you want to take your

fitness to the next level. It’s like with anything, the more you do, the better the results.

Think of your fitness like your pet dog. The more love you give him, he will give you twice as much back! So come on, show your body some love, get your workouts through the roof, and lets do this!

You want to make a real dent here, don’t play around with your fitness plans, let’s get some sessions done, and see some results so you stay motivated, inspired and determined to do better.

Last thing from me is to remind you to smile before, during and after every workout. Remember why you are doing it. It should be fun, and you have chosen to do it. You are having a positive impact on your body and lifestyle, so have some fun.

Use this guide to go with your current regime, and if in doubt ask your trainer for some help.

Are you ready? I think we have done enough talking now. Let’s workout!


Sam WarringtonSam WarringtonFounder

Page 3: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Goal Setting Before we do anything you need to decide what your goals are. Are they to lose weight? Become fitter? 6 pack? Wedding dress? Whatever it is, write it down, because this will impact your workout guide.

You want to map out your weeks of exercise so you can plan in advance. The more you plan the better you do, have your bag packed, your class booked, and your food organized.

Do something like this:

Day Activity

Monday Boot Camp

Tuesday Home Abs Programme

Wednesday Personal Training with Sam

Thursday Rest

Friday 5K run to work

Saturday Tennis with the girls

Sunday Rest

You can see already, this week looks great, you know what you are doing, and it feels great to be organized. Spend some time each week to plan this, it doesn’t have to be exact, but you have to have a target.

Ask your trainer, email us, and make sure it matched your goals.

If one of your goals is to lose weight for example, you would need to make sure you were training at least 4 times a week and it included full body workouts at least 3 times a week. If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above.

Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance.

Page 4: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds as possible.

1. Set a time (20 minutes) 2. Choose Max 5 exercises3. Choose Reps 4. Get pen and paper and killer soundtrack 5. Start workout, logging each round

Get everything ready, pick exercises which are suited to your goals. Then smash it for the time you set. Do this same workout for a month, and beat your score.

This is a template AMRAP Workout which is brilliant.

Exercise Reps Rounds completed

Push ups 10

Squat jumps 5

Crunches 10

Burpees 5

Star Jumps 10

Mix up the exercises, feel free to include equipment.

Mix up the times, if you are short on time, set your clock for 10 minutes. The shorter the workout, only have 2-3 exercises for simplicity, such as skipping and burpees.

Simple, tough, effective.


Page 5: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Circuits for time is essentially a set circuit which you have to complete as fast as possible.

1) Pick your exercises2) Pick your reps3) GO!

Exercise Reps Time completed

Lunges 20

Russian twists 20

Mountain climbers 20

Leg raises 20

Sprint on spot 20

Mix up the exercises/reps/target areas. Each session you have to beat your previous score.

circuits for time


Fartlek running is a term used for varying speeds. Amazing for weight loss and fat burning as well as fitness improvement.

1) Set your route / Time2) Vary your speeds as you go

For example: You have a 5K route. As you run vary from sprints, to slow jogs, to big strides. As simple as sprint to the next lamp post, then recover for 2 lamp posts. Make sure you are working flat out and push as hard as you can.

Page 6: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands


TABATA training is a popular form for HIIT training. High intensity interval training.

The principle is to work very hard for a short space of time, then recover before repeating.

TABATA training is on the timing principle of 20 seconds ON, 10 seconds OFF. Repeating up to 8 times, without rest.

Traditionally, only ONE exercise is used for this. Such as burpees, sprinting, rowing, pull ups etc.

We use TABATA timings at our SWIFT Fitness, and sometimes use 2-3 exercises per set.


Running is a great way to burn calories and push the body. If you like running, make sure you push yourself to make sure your body is working hard enough.

If you are new to running, start slow and short, and work your way up.


Cycling to work, or at weekends is a great way to boost your calorie burn. It’s low impact and is actually good fun!

If you cycle to work, push yourself each day, otherwise your body will reach a plateau very quickly.

Page 7: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Keep Track.

Every thing you do you should track. Beat your last score, run further, cycle faster, lift heavier, whatever it is, track it and beat it. When you track things you have the ability to review your progress and make the changes you need to. If you are not progressing with your goals, change something, then measure yourself again. Keep going until you find the write plan for you, and then tweak it so you don’t hit the plateau.


A plateau is where your results just slow down, and sometimes start to reverse. It’s usually a sign you need to change things up, either with your nutrition or workouts. Listen to your body, and find new ways to challenge yourself.

Challenge yourself. Sign up for a mud run, a 10K, a night walk, anything which scares you a little bit and gives you something to focus on.



Training with a friend is so good. You both push each other, you guilt each other when one person is feeling tires, and you have more fun!

Page 8: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Done for you Workouts AMRAP - Body Fat Blaster | 25 Minutes

Exercise Reps Score/Date

High knees 10

Burpees 6

Russian Twists 10

Squat Jumps 6

Star Jumps 10

AMRAP - Abs and Butt Focus | 25 Minutes

Exercise Reps Score/Date

Lunges with knee lift 10

Traveling squat jumps 10

Sit ups 10

Leg Raises 10

Plank with leg kick backs 10

AMRAP - Bikini Read | 25 Minutes

Exercise Reps Score/Date

Mountain Climbers 20

Push Ups 8

Sit ups with twist 20

Squats with 180 Jump 8

Burpees 8

AMRAP - Core | 25 Minutes

Exercise Reps Score/Date

Side Plank Pulses 10

Russian Twists 10

Leg Raises 10

Toe touches 10

Sky Divers 10

Page 9: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

Circuit for time - Total Body

Exercise Sets V Reps Score/Date

Push ups 3 x 10

Tricep Bench Dips 3 x 10

Star Jumps 3 x 10

Step Ups 3 x 10

Planks 3 x 10

Russian Twists 3 x 10

Circuit for time - Summer Hot

Exercise Sets V Reps Score/Date

Sprints 3 x 20 meter

Burpee with Push Up 3 x 6

Sprints 3 x 10 meter

Squat jump 3 x 15

Sprint 3 x 5 meter

Air Punches 3 x 30

Circuit for time - Abs of Steel

Exercise Sets V Reps Score/Date

Leg Raises 2 x 25

Crunches 2 x 25

Sit ups 2 x 25

Plank 3 x 45 secs

Toe touches 2 x 25

Side Plank Pulses 3 x 10 each side

*Workout disclaimer - You must warm up fully before each workout. You are at your own risk doing any exercise on your own. If in doubt, speak to your personal trainer or seek advice from a doctor if you are unsure if you are ready.

Page 10: SWIFT Ultimate Workout Guide · If you goal was to get a 6 pack, you would need more than the 1 abs programme above. Train for your goals, don’t leave it to chance. AMRAP stands

On Fire Exercise Description Notes

Fartlek Running 3K Varying Speeds

AMRAP Bikini Ready

Fartlek Running 2K Varying Speeds

Morning Glory Exercise Description Notes

Fartlek Running 1K Varying Speeds

Tabata Skipping and Burpees

Fartlek Running 1K Varying Speeds

On the EdgeExercise Description Notes

Cycle 5K

Circuits Summer Hot

AMRAP Core 10 Minutes

You can put any workouts together to create something unique, tough, and super effective. The workouts in between your boot camps and PT sessions should be short, and to the point.

Now it’s over to you. You can now design your workouts to suit your diary, even if you only have 7 minutes free, you can workout. No more excuses, time to step your training up a notch and really get the results you signed up for.

Have an awesome time with these workouts, and if you need any help at all, you know where to come.

Sam :-)
