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Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14
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I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community. Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138. 125 Practical Case Study DESIGN OF AN INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SCHEME: A MODEL DESIGN FOR IGBINEDION UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY I.R. ILABOYA 1 *, E. ATIKPO 3 , F.F. ASEKHAME 4 , D.O. ONAIWU 2 and F.E OMOFUMA 5 1 Department of Civil Engineering, 2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria. 3 Department of Civil Engineering, 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, 5 Department of Petroleum Engineering, General Abdusalami A. Abubakar College of Engineering, Igbinedion University Okada, PMB 0006, Nigeria. *Corresponding Author: Phone: 08038027260; E-mail: [email protected] Received: 20 th April 2011; Revised: 1 st June 2011; Accepted: 3 rd June 2011 Abstract: A critical review of the existing solid waste management system was first carried out through an effective and detailed solid waste survey and administration of relevant questionnaires to selected group of person taking into consideration there sex, age limit and scope of work of the individual. Attempt was also made to study the possible defects of the existing solid waste management system in other to suggest possible and lasting solutions. The main focus of the research work therefore was to review the existing solid waste management scheme and to design a more effective and integrated solid waste management system of lower transportation, construction and operation/maintenance cost for the study area and which can also serve as a model for a larger population. Keywords: Integrated solid waste systems, source reduction, transfer station, waste generation, waste storage INTRODUCTION Rapid increase in volume and types of solid waste as a result of continuous economic growth, urbanization and industrialization, is becoming a burgeoning problem for national and local governments to ensure effective and sustainable management of waste [1]. It is estimated that in 2006 the total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated globally reached 2.02 billion tones, representing a 7% annual increase since 2003 (Global Waste Management Market Report 2007). It is further estimated that between 2007 and 2011, global generation of municipal This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ISSN 2088-3218 Volume 1, Number 2: 125-138, August, 2011 © T2011 Department of Environmental Engineering Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya & Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers, Jakarta Open Access http://www.trisanita.org/jates International peer - reviewed journal International peer-reviewed journal
Page 1: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


Practical Case Study




1Department of Civil Engineering, 2Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria.

3Department of Civil Engineering, 4Department of Mechanical Engineering, 5Department of Petroleum Engineering, General Abdusalami A. Abubakar College of Engineering, Igbinedion University Okada, PMB

0006, Nigeria. *Corresponding Author: Phone: 08038027260; E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 20th April 2011; Revised: 1st June 2011; Accepted: 3rd June 2011

Abstract: A critical review of the existing solid waste management system was first carried out through an effective and detailed solid waste survey and administration of relevant questionnaires to selected group of person taking into consideration there sex, age limit and scope of work of the individual. Attempt was also made to study the possible defects of the existing solid waste management system in other to suggest possible and lasting solutions. The main focus of the research work therefore was to review the existing solid waste management scheme and to design a more effective and integrated solid waste management system of lower transportation, construction and operation/maintenance cost for the study area and which can also serve as a model for a larger population.

Keywords: Integrated solid waste systems, source reduction, transfer station, waste

generation, waste storage


Rapid increase in volume and types of solid waste as a result of continuous economic growth, urbanization and industrialization, is becoming a burgeoning problem for national and local governments to ensure effective and sustainable management of waste [1]. It is estimated that in 2006 the total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated globally reached 2.02 billion tones, representing a 7% annual increase since 2003 (Global Waste Management Market Report 2007). It is further estimated that between 2007 and 2011, global generation of municipal

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

ISSN 2088-3218

V o l u m e 1 , N u m b e r 2 : 1 2 5 - 1 3 8 , A u g u s t , 2 0 1 1 © T2011 Department of Environmental Engineer ing S e p u l u h N o p e m b e r I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y , S u r a b a y a & Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers, Jakarta O p e n A c c e s s h t t p : / / w w w . t r i s a n i t a . o r g / j a t e s

I n t e r n a t i o n a l p e e r - r e v i e w e d j o u r n a l

International peer-reviewed journal

Page 2: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


waste will rise by 37.3%, equivalent to roughly 8% increase per year [2]. Although considerable efforts are being made by many Governments and other entities in tackling waste-related problems, there are still major gaps to be filled in this area. Hence, developing countries face uphill challenges to properly manage their waste with most efforts being made to reduce the final volumes and to generate sufficient funds for waste management [3]. This forms the premise for Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) system.


Description of Study Area General overview of the university: Generally, the university has a central administrative

unit and various colleges which include among others: The college of Engineering, college of Natural and Applied Sciences, College of Basic Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Law, College of Business and Social Sciences. In addition, there is the university teaching hospital, Works transport and planning, Security unit among others.

Location: The University (Igbinedion University Okada) is located in the North Eastern part of Benin City in Edo State Nigeria. Edo State came into being on August 27, 1991 when what was known as Bendel State split into two in a state creation exercise that also led to the birth of Delta State. Edo State shares boundaries with Delta on the South, Ondo on the West, and Kogi on the North-East. The main towns in the state are Benin, is also the state capital, Ubiaja, Auchi, Ekpoma and Uromi. The State has such educational institutions as the University of Benin, Ambrose Ali University, Edo State institute of Technology Management, College of Educations and Auchi Polytechnic among others. Igbinedion University is actually located at the heart of Okada the head quarter of Ovia North East Local government area in Edo State.

Topography: The land is generally flat. It is higher towards the north because of the levee of the River Ogbese. The area falls within the delta flood plain morphology. It is overlain by sand and silt soil along the bank of the river which leaves fine texture clay at the back swamp.

Rainfall and vegetation: The area fall in the tropical rainforest and hence sometimes experience heavy down pour. This area falls within the tropical rainforest vegetation and thus exhibits characteristics of the tropical rain forest belt. The mean average temperature of the area can be estimated at 270C.

Estimated population: Igbinedion University Okada is estimated at a population of around eight thousand persons (8000). The population distributions per person and per locations are given with the figures 1-3 as follows.

Fig 1: Estimated population Distribution per persons

Page 3: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


Fig 2: Population Distribution per location from 8am-4pm

Fig 3: Population Distribution per location from 4pm The reason for the variation in population distribution for figure 3 and 4 is based on the fact that the seat of administration is in the permanent site and the crown estate houses the students and bulk of the staffs. Methodology of Research

Solid waste management and design of integrated solid waste management scheme is a fundamental issue that requires the attention of all concern individuals irrespective of the level of planning (local, continental or international). On the bases of these, it is pertinent to know and understand much about the underlying concept of solid waste (MSW). Important question that needs to be properly addressed includes [4]: � What type and quantities of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are generated/collected � At what rate are these wastes generated/collected � Are the wastes generated properly stored/collected � Is the collection process effective or not � What problems if any are associated with the collection process � Is there any transfer station for the waste collection systems � What treatments processes are employed to take care of the waste

Page 4: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


� What disposal methods are employed in taking care of the waste In addition to the above questions, information regarding the design of an integrated solid waste management scheme for the study area was also evaluated as follows [5]: � What is the present waste management practice in the area under study � The present needs of the study area for an efficient waste management system In other to find solution to the above issues of concern, the following basic research methodologies were employed: � Examination of available literatures on the subject matter � Oral interview with the generators of the waste � Accurate solid waste survey and sites visitation � Use of questionnaires � Application of mass balance equations

Literature examination: An extensive literature survey was done on the subject matter. Theses include; review of available books, journals, book of abstract, dailies, including articles and monographs.

Oral interviews: Waste dump sites were visited, households and solid waste handlers were also visited and oral interview conducted to find out the effectiveness of the existing waste management scheme

Accurate solid waste survey: One basic problem that has militated against most solid waste management scheme has being the under estimation of the amount of solid waste generated. This has lead to poor design calculation which has propagated into incorrect capacity of waste management systems. This issue needed to be addressed hence an accurate solid waste survey was done to get an insight of the approximate amount of solid waste generated within the area under study.

Use of questionnaires: Relevant questionnaires were designed and given to individuals (Students, staffs and non staffs). The focus of the questionnaires was to check the effectiveness of the existing waste management scheme and to design a model for an integrated solid waste management scheme. The questionnaires were administered and collated; thereafter they were analyzed using relevant statistical software. For the purpose of this work, statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) was employed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of Questionnaires

Key issues in the questionnaires were selected and critically analyzed to study the efficiency of the existing waste management system and establish the need for an integrated waste management system. Some of the critical issues that were carefully analyzed include: � To established whether or not there is a problem with waste generation within the area under

study � Whether or not there is existing facilities for proper waste storage within the study area. � To evaluate the effective usage of waste storage facilities if at all they exist. i. e., in location

where the waste storage facilities exist, are they properly used or not. � Is there any transfer station within the area under study � Is it important to have a transfer station for the study area � Is there any limitation against one very large transfer station within the study area � Are waste generated within the study area treated before being disposed � Are there facilities for waste treatment within the study area

Page 5: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


� Are there facilities for proper and effective waste disposal within the study area � Finally to establish the need for an effective and integrated waste management system for the

area under study. These issues where critically analyzed using appropriate statistical software (SPSS) and the following conclusion were drawn at the end of the analysis/evaluation; � That lack of accurate population data was a critical issue that hinders the ability of researchers

to account for the total waste generated within the area. This issue was then properly handled by conducting regular visitation to different departments and units to get an update of their population records.

� It was discovered from the analysis of the questionnaires; that waste storage facilities exist in some locations; but the fact remains that the facilities were rather too small in terms of size and also they were under utilized.

� It was also discovered from the analysis of the questionnaires; that no transfer station exist within the study area even as individuals who where issued questionnaires agreed that a transfer station is of utmost importance in the effective design of an integrated waste management system.

� The questionnaires analysis also reveals that wastes generated were not treated since treatment processes do not exist in the first place.

� Finally, analysis of the questionnaires reveals that wastes are improperly disposed thus making individuals to clamour for the design of an integrated waste management scheme for the study area.

A statistical method was employed in the analysis of the questionnaires. Detail result of the analysis is given in tables 1-10 as follows. Table 1: Is there problem with waste generation

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 39 60.9 60.9 60.9 No 25 39.1 39.1 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 2: Existing facilities for waste storage

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 38 59.4 59.4 59.4 No 26 40.6 40.6 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 3: Effective Usage of Storage Facilities

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 23 35.9 35.9 35.9 No 41 64.1 64.1 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 4: Presence of Transfer Station

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 17 26.6 26.6 26.6 No 47 73.4 73.4 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Page 6: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


Table 5: Importance of transfer station

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 55 85.9 85.9 85.9 No 9 14.1 14.1 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 6: Limitation Against one Very Large Transfer Station

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum.Percent

Yes 40 62.5 62.5 62.5 No 24 37.5 37.5 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 7: Availability of treatment Processes

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 13 20.3 20.3 20.3 No 51 79.7 79.7 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 8: Need for Effective Waste Treatment

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

Yes 59 92.2 92.2 92.2 No 5 7.8 7.8 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 9: Presence of Effective Waste Disposal Systems

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent

No 44 68.8 68.8 68.8 Yes 20 31.3 31.3 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Table 10: Need for Effective Waste Disposal Systems

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cum. Percent Yes 62 96.9 96.9 96.9 No 2 3.1 3.1 100.0 Total 64 100.0 100.0

Integrated Solid Waste Management Scheme

To integrate a solid waste management program within a community, the program should address the needs of the community as a whole. In other words waste generated from individual homes and apartments, public places, businesses, and industries located within a community should be taken into consideration for efficient management of all types of solid waste generated within the community. The program must satisfy the regulatory requirements and address the economic parameters set by the community [6]. Enough flexibility should be built into a program so it can protect the environment in a variable marketplace. Educating the public (including managers of industrial and commercial institutions) understanding the benefits of an ISWM program is a key to the success of the program in the long run.

Page 7: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


Willing participation of the community as a whole (which includes both industrial and nonindustrial sectors) in reducing waste is essential. Thus, apart from management practices, due consideration should be given to educating the public regarding the source reduction concept coupled with proper storage, effective collection, transshipment, proper treatment and disposal of the different waste generated.

Basically, an integrated waste management scheme consist of the following basic elements [7]. It includes waste generation and the sources, waste storage in bins (small, big and dynasure bins), waste collection in an organized waste management systems, waste transfer which include the bulk movement of the solid waste from the collection point to another loaction called the transfer station before the final disposal point, waste treatment options, and waste disposal. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste Management System

Design criteria: Some of the criteria assumed for the overall design include [11]: � Design Period. This is the period when the capacity of the waste management system

(especially the disposal structure will be used up or the period when the excess capacity will equal zero. For the purpose of this work, a 35 year design period was assumed. The meaning is that the excess capacity of the system will become zero by 2045.

� Population. Using the past and present population figure (2005 and 2010), the population growth rate was computed and gotten to be 2.5% using a geometric growth rate analysis. This growth rate was used to compute the ultimate population figure which was finally used in the design. From: lnPt = e lnP0 + B (t2045 – t2005) Where Pt is the ultimate population, P0 is the present population, and B is the population growth rate. = ln (8000) + 0.025 (40) = 8.987 + 1 = 9.987 = 21,742 However, a safety factor of 1.2 (Ayanta 2001) would be applied for a more accurate design = 21,742 x 1.2 = 26,090. This is the ultimate population that was used in design. This gives the design projected population to P2045 = 26,090 Design specification: Effective design of integrated solid waste management systems will

require accurate knowledge regarding the following: � Rate of generation of solid waste � Total solid waste generated � Total volume of waste generated � Effective collection calculation including required numbers of trucks � Sanitary Landfill computation including land requirement, leachate and gas control design

requirements. Solid waste composition: Information regarding the composition of solid waste generated

within the study area is an essential component needed in the design. This information is important not only in the design or processing alternatives, but also in the selection of appropriate waste storage equipments and effective planning of the collection system. The figure below shows the mean percentage composition by mass of the different components of the total waste generated within the study area.

Page 8: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


Fig 4: Percentage Composition of Residential Solid Waste generated Within the Study Area

Fig 5: Percentage Composition of Institutional Solid Waste generated Within the Study Area Igbinedion University Okada has a teaching hospital that generates hospital wastes that must be properly disposed of. These wastes include pathological and surgical wastes, clinical and biological wastes, patient care items, drugs, chemicals and food waste together with administrative and related office waste. Determination of Design Parameters

Amount of solid waste generation: For the purpose of this calculation, Igbinedion University Environment was tag a medium income area having a residential waste generation rate of 0.75kg/capital/day and low income area of 0.54kg/capital/day residential waste generation rate. This generation rate was also assumed to remain fairly constant over the design period except under the emergence of industrialization around the university community which is likely to cause a little increment. On the bases of theses, a 1.2 projection safety factor was used to take care of any likely increment that can take place over the design period. For long term planning, combined residential generation rate is usually more accurate. With medium income at 90% and low income at 10%, a weighted average of 0.75*0.9 + 0.54*0.1 is gotten. Therefore, solid waste generation rate within the study area was given as 0.675 + 0.054 = 0.729kg/capital/day. Applying a projection safety factor of 1.2 over the design period of 35 years, the actual generation rate was calculated to be 0.875kg/capital/day. Total waste generated = 0.875*26090 = 22828.75kg/capital/day. When this was spread over the design period of 35 years we had

Page 9: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


1.787kg/day. Finally, total waste generated was computed to be 22828.75kg/capital/day at a rate of 1.787kg/day.

Volume of storage containers needed: The primary objective here is to ensure that wastes generated are properly stored to ease the collection process. As such, it was important to know the sizes of the different storage containers that will be needed per locations. In deciding the containers to be used for outside storage, the following factors were considered; waste generation rate, coupled with public health and aesthetics. With a generation rate of 1.787kg/day adopted for use as the average of municipal solid waste generation rate, and also adopting an average solid waste density of 297kg/m3, the volume of waste generated per capital/day was computed as: Volume = Mass/Density = 1.787/297 = 0.00602m3 = 6 liters/capital/day. Consider a hostel having 4 students per room; we have 4*6 = 24 liters per day. If the waste is to be disposed of every two days, then the container size should be 2*24 = 48 litres/day: hence a container size of 60 liters will be appropriate per rooms. Consider a hostel building containing about 100 rooms, then 6,000 liters central dinosaurs will be needed which must be emptied every 3 days.

Collection frequency: The frequency of collection has a direct bearing on public health and welfare as well as aesthetic reasons. The optimum collection frequency of twice per week for residential building waste management design was adopted for the purpose of this research work.

Collection vehicles: From the volume generated per capital per day (0.00602m3), total volume of solid waste generated by the entire population is given by: 0.00602m3 *26,090 = 157m3/day. If 157m3 wastes are to be collected using a vehicle capacity of 27m3, then the number of trips to be made from the station by such a vehicle will be: Nt = (Vw) / (Vr * n) Where: Nt is the number of trips to be made by the collection vehicle, Vw is the volume of waste generated per day (157m3), Vr is the capacity of collection vehicle and n is the collection frequency (2). Finally, Nt was computed to be approximately 3 trips. Since collection vehicle will each require periodic maintenance, during which they will be unavailable for service, an additional reserve vehicle will be needed to cater for both periodic maintenance lapses and allow for 100% operations during the collection period. For crew performance and evaluation, the use of three man crews will be adopted for this design. Three man collection crew appears most appropriate and will allow for a driver and two labourers to collect from containers along both sides of the walk ways and handle large bins efficiently thus minimizing labour cost within acceptable limit.

Design of collection systems: The collection system adopted for this research is the SCS (Stationary Collection System) in which case, the containers used for the storage of waste remain at the point of storage and compacted vehicles and labourers are used to empty them. For the design of the collection system, the following parameters were used:

• Ultimate population = 26,090

• Average number of residents per service = 16

• Solid waste generation rate = 1.787kg/day

• Average density of solid waste = 297

• Collection frequency = 2 times weekly

• Assumed container per service = 500 liters

• Collection vehicle compaction ratio (r) = 2

• Round trip haul distance (X) = 20 miles

• Nominal length of work day (H) = 8hrs

• Number of trips per day (Nt) = 3 The following assumptions were then made for the accuracy of the overall design:

Page 10: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


• Travel time for first pickup location (T1) = 0.1hr/day

• Travel time from last pickup location (T2) = 0.3 hr/day

• Off – route factor (w) = 0.15

• At site time per trip (s) = 0.10hr/trip

• Haul time constants; a = 0.01hr/trip, b = 0.02hr/mile. Appropriate empirical equations where then employed to compute the following collections


• Pickup Time per Trip (Ptpt). This parameter was computed using the equation below :


)][()]1([ 21




tpt ++−+−−

= (1)

Where: H = Nominal length of work day (8hrs) W = off route factor (0.15) T1 and T2 = Pickup time for first and last pickup location (0.1hrs and 0.3hrs respectively. Nt = Number of trips per day (3) X = Round trip haul distance (20miles) S = at – site time per trip (0.10hr/trip) a and b = Haul time constants (0.016hr/trips and 0.02hr/trip respectively)

dayper location per trips3for 3hrs ;

















• Pickup time per pickup location: This was computed using the empirical equation shown below:

PT = 0.72 + 0.18Cn (2) Where: Cn was taking as one i.e. average number of containers at each location. PT = 0.72 + (0.18 * 1) PT = 0.90 collector-min/location

• Number of pickup location: The number of pickup location from which waste can be collected using three member crew was calculated using the empirical equation below:






**6 (3)

Where n is the number of collector (2)

triplocations/ 40








Page 11: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


• Volume of waste generated: The volume of waste generated per pickup location was computed using the empirical equation shown below:







ρ= (4)

Where: Rg = Rate of solid waste generation (1.787kg/day) NPPL = Number of persons per pickup location (24 persons/pickup location) Nd/w = Number of days in a week (7days) ρw = Average density of solid waste (297) VPL = [1.787 *24 * 7] / [297]= 1.0108M3/location/week

• Required truck volume: The required volume of truck was computed using the empirical equation as below:



VNV PLPT = (5)

VT = [(40 * 1.0108)/2] VT = 20.216m3

• Capacity of transfer station: Using the design periods of (35 years), ultimate population of 26,090 persons, the ultimate weight of waste generated was computed using the empirical equation shown below:

UTW = Rg * Ultimate Population (6) Where: UTW = ultimate total waste generated Assumed that the waste was to spend 5 days in the transfer station before being disposed, then, the capacity of the transfer station was computed as shown below:

]Population **[ // UltimateVNC wsdST = (7)

Where: Nd/s = Number of days waste will spent in the transfer station Vw = Computed volume of waste CT/S = 5 * 0.00602 * 26,090 CT/S = 785.309m2

Assuming a transfer station of height 3m, then the floor area of the transfer station was computed as shown below:

StationTransfer of

StationTransfer of


CapacityFA = (8)

FA = (785.309) / (3) FA = 261.770m2 Applying the design equation for the relationship between length and height of the form:

)Station transfer of

CapacityStation (



StationTransfer ofHeight

StationTransfer ofCapacity 3B

3BB*3BA :















B = [(785.309) / (3 *3)] 1/2

Page 12: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


B = (87.257)1/2

B = 9.34m Therefore, length of transfer station was computed as 3 * 9.34 = 28.02m. Finally, the storage capacity of the transfer station was computed as 28m * 9m * 3m. The transfer station will consist of a steel portal frame construction, gladded in concrete block work to the eaves. It will contain inlet for waste deposition, and a chamber for waste sorting before been transported to locations designed for effective waste disposal.

Design of integrated waste disposal system: Owing to the available land within the study area, a sanitary landfill method was chosen as the best waste disposal method for the area understudy. It was proposed that each location will have its own waste disposal facility for effective management of the different waste since a uniformly flat land is available at each location. A regional waste disposal system was also proposed; optimization modeling will be needed in this regard to choose between individual waste management systems at each locations or a regional waste disposal system at a central location. On the whole, the following design computation was done to calculate the required dimensions of the proposed waste disposal systems.

Design criteria for sanitary landfill Ultimate Population = 26,090 Design Period = 35 years Waste generation rate = 1.787kg/day Volume of waste generated = 0.00602m3 Average compaction ration = 3.5 Density of uncompacted waste = 297kg/m3

Design computation for sanitary landfill

• Waste generated per day Waste generated per day was computed as follows: Ultimate population * Rate of generation 26,090 * 1.787 = 46,622.83kg/day

• Density of compacted fill The density of the compacted fill was calculated as follows: Compaction Ration * Average Density 3.5 * 297 = 1039.5kg/m3

• Volume of waste per day The volume of waste per day was computed as shown below: (Waste generated per day) / (Density of compacted fills) (46,622.83) / (1039.5) = 44.85m3/day Assuming an average depth of compacted solid waste plus cover to be 0.75m

• Area of land required per year (44.85 * 365) / (0.75) = 21827m2/year For a cover of 1 to 4, the capacity of the proposed landfill (4 * 21827) / (5) = 17461.6m2/year Therefore for 35 years design period, the required area of land is 17461.6 * 35 = 611,156m2. For the construction of the land fill, the following basic steps must be adhered to:

• Existing site drainage if any must be modified to route any runoff away from the intended land fill area.

• Construction of access roads, purchase/use of weighing facilities and installation of fences.

Page 13: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


• Excavation and preparation of the land fill bottom and subsurface sides. The land fill bottom must be shaped to allow effective drainage of leachate.

• A low permeability liner (plastics or clay materials) is needed to be placed at the bottom and the sides of the land fill

• Leachate collection and extraction facilities must be properly design for the land fill area and must be incorporated round the land fill.

• Horizontal gas recovery trenches must be installed at the bottom and within the body of the land fill.

• Standard height of waste to low permeability liner of 0.6m to 0.15m must be maintained

• Overall surface of the landfill must be curved to allow drainage of collected precipitation.

• Heavy structures are not to be built on land fill area. Table 11: Design Parameters and their computed values

S/No Parameter Computed Value

1 Design Period 35 years 2 Ultimate Population 26,090 3 Amount of Waste generated 22828.75kg/capital/day 4 Rate of waste generation 1.787kg/day 5 Volume of waste generated 157m3/day 6 Volume of storage containers 60 liters per room 7 Number of trips per collection vehicles 3 trips per vehicle 8 Number of crew 3 member crew 9 Type of collection system adopted (SCS): Stationary Collection System

10 Pickup time per trip 3 hours per 3 trip per location 11 Pickup time per location 0.90 collector-min/location 12 Number of pickup location triplocations/ 40

13 Volume of waste generated per pickup location 1.0108M3/location/wk 14 Volume of Truck 20.216m3 15 Capacity of Transfer Station 785.309m3 16 Transfer Station Floor Area 261.770m2 17 Dimensions Of Transfer Station 28m * 9m * 3m 18 Density of Compacted Fill 1039.5kg/m3 19 Required Land Area For Landfill (17461.6 * 35)m2 20 Density of Uncompacted Solid Waste 297kg/m3


Integrated solid waste management is a complex task and must involve various disciplines. A successful program must include both short-term and long-term goals. It must also provide a balance between three main factors: environmental regulation cost of running the program and community needs. To develop a program one needs to comprehend the basic principles involved in managing each component and their effect on one another. For instance, if the ash generated by incineration of municipal waste tests out to be hazardous, then either the ash must be detoxified or it must be disposed in a specially designed landfill/landfill cell. Therefore, prior to including incineration in the program, one needs to ascertain the characteristics of the incinerator ash so that correct disposal practice is included in the program. On a local or community level, integrated solid waste management programs essentially consist of the following five steps:

Page 14: Swm BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14

I.R. Ilaboya, E. Atikpo, F.F. Asekhame, D.O. Onaiwu and F.E Omofuma, 2011. Design of an Integrated Solid Waste

Management Scheme: A Model Design for Igbinedion University Community.

Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, 1 (2): 125-138.


1. Waste source identification and characterization; 2. Efficient waste collection; 3. Reduction of volume and toxicity of the waste to be discarded; 4. Land disposal or incineration of the waste; 5. Optimization of the first four steps to reduce cost and environmental impact. References 1. Howard .S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, (2008), Environmental Engineering,

prentice – hall of India private limited, New Delhi. Pgs: 56 – 78. 2. Arcadio.P. Sincero and Gregoria .A. Sincero, (2006), Environmental engineering; a design Approach,

prentice – hall of India private limited, New Delhi, Pgs: 67 – 120. 3. P. Venugopala Rao, (2004), Text book of Environmental engineering, prentice – hall of India private

limited, New Delhi, Pgs: 86 – 88. 4. Agori, John Ebipuakebina, (2003), “Urban Solid Waste Management; A case study of patani” Masters

Thesis, Submitted to the department of Civil Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City. Pgs 132 – 158.

5. Ludwig H.F. and Black R.J. (1968) Report on the solid waste problem. Journal of Sanitary Engineering Div., 94(2), 355-370.

6. Ayanta B.U, (2001), “Solid Waste Management lecture Note” pgs 45 – 98. (Unpublished) 7. Egunjobi T.O, (1983), “Problems of solid waste management in Nigerian urban centers”, paper

presented at the National Conference on Development and the Environment. Organized by NISER, University of Ibadan Nigeria

8. Brunner D.R and Kelly D.J, (1972), “Sanitary Land Fill Design and Operation”, publication SW-65ts, U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C

9. Frank Fluntoff, (1969), “Solid Waste management in Developing Countries”, World Health Organization

10. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A. Vigil, (1993), “Integrated Solid Waste Management; Engineering Principles and Management Issues”, McGraw Hill International Edition, pgs 23 – 246

11. Developing Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan. A Training Manual Compiled by United Nations Environmental Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre Osaka/Shiga, Japan

12. Environmental Assessment of Municipal Waste Management Scenarios: Part II – Detailed Life Cycle Assessments; European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability

13. Environmental Impact Assessment for the Construction of Solid Waste Transfer Station by the Rehabilitation of the Existing Solid Waste Dumping Site in Feroun –Tulkarem City: Outline and Preliminary analysis; House of Water and Environment (HWE) May, 2009.

14. ISO 14000/14001, “Environmental Management Standards (EM S)”
