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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs...

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment What is the current reality in our school? Leslie Keith SWOT Analysis ESSENTIAL CONDITION ONE: EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL USES OF TECHNOLOGY EMBEDDED IN STANDARDS-BASED, STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning. Guiding Questions: How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes? To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs, QCCs)? To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student engagement, deep understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based best practices? (See Creighton Chapters 5, 7) Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Teachers utilize email daily as their top form of communication. Teachers communicate with parents and students using a TypePad blog daily. Teachers are provided with county laptops to facilitate daily instruction. Many teachers use SMARTboards to create sound lessons that focus on GPS standards. Many teachers use differentiation and flexible grouping along with technology to focus on key concepts of the standards. (Daniell SSP) Advanced Content teachers use methods of technology to invoke constructivist learning theories (Creighton) via projects that delve into higher order thinking Teachers offer differentiation for students using technology for various projects. (Daniell SSP) Students do not get to use technology as frequently as they should. Students complete tasks with technology for lower level tasks instead of HOTS such as merely using word processors to write/type. (school survey) Technology is not used as frequently as it could be in classroom instruction. Lack of technology in the building causes problems with GPS centered lessons. SWD, ESL, and general education students struggle with implementing advanced usage in programs past word processors. Bring Your Own Device school option is available. Technology differentiation meetings are available to teach basics on various tools. Students are part of a piloted software program for remediation to our school. Student use and growth with specific online tutorials for test prep. Students learn more advanced technologies in business and technology based classes. Teachers fail to understand the importance of technology implementation in the classroom. Classroom management is an issue with the use of technology. Teachers are not comfortable enough to implement new technologies into daily lessons being taught. Misuse and broken equipment from students eliminates the daily use. BYOD lessons along with technology lessons take too long to implement for adequate results. Lack of funds to have SMARTboards in all classrooms.
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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Leslie Keith

SWOT Analysis


TECHNOLOGY EMBEDDED IN STANDARDS-BASED, STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning.

Guiding Questions: How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes?

To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs, QCCs)?

To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student engagement, deep

understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based best practices? (See Creighton Chapters 5, 7)

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Teachers utilize email daily

as their top form of


Teachers communicate with

parents and students using a

TypePad blog daily.

Teachers are provided with

county laptops to facilitate

daily instruction.

Many teachers use

SMARTboards to create

sound lessons that focus on

GPS standards.

Many teachers use

differentiation and flexible

grouping along with

technology to focus on key

concepts of the standards.

(Daniell SSP)

Advanced Content teachers

use methods of technology to

invoke constructivist

learning theories (Creighton)

via projects that delve into

higher order thinking

Teachers offer differentiation

for students using

technology for various

projects. (Daniell SSP)

Students do not get to use

technology as frequently as

they should.

Students complete tasks with

technology for lower level

tasks instead of HOTS such

as merely using word

processors to write/type.

(school survey)

Technology is not used as

frequently as it could be in

classroom instruction.

Lack of technology in the

building causes problems

with GPS centered lessons.

SWD, ESL, and general

education students struggle

with implementing advanced

usage in programs past word


Bring Your Own Device

school option is available.

Technology differentiation

meetings are available to

teach basics on various tools.

Students are part of a piloted

software program for

remediation to our school.

Student use and growth with

specific online tutorials for

test prep.

Students learn more

advanced technologies in

business and technology

based classes.

Teachers fail to understand

the importance of technology

implementation in the


Classroom management is an

issue with the use of


Teachers are not comfortable

enough to implement new

technologies into daily

lessons being taught.

Misuse and broken

equipment from students

eliminates the daily use.

BYOD lessons along with

technology lessons take too

long to implement for

adequate results.

Lack of funds to have

SMARTboards in all


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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Summary/Gap Analysis:

Technology has become fairly prevalent at Daniell Middle School. Teachers are able to use their Cobb County issued laptop to

email, create blog posts, provide daily instruction, and keep daily attendance and grades. Teachers focus on differentiation as a major

factor when creating technology lessons and utilizing them in the classroom setting which focuses on a goal in the Daniell School

Strategic Plan. Teachers offer advanced lesson plans that are standards focused and implement technology within these plans. They

also focus on the creation of constructivist approaches through the use of technology within these lesson plans, too.

Technology can still be troublesome with many of our students. Oftentimes, as learned through the school survey issued, students

are able to complete lower level assignments but find they struggle with the high order thinking skills. Sometimes, student’s complete

assignments that commonly focus on GPS standards and best practice; however, many teachers struggle with developing higher

thinking technology lessons. Due to this struggle, many lessons are more basic and merely use technology as a tool. Bring Your Own

Device (BYOD) has become a new viable option for teachers to implement higher order thinking using technology into the classroom

at Daniell. While this option is available and a great opportunity, it also allows teachers to support transferring knowledge.

Differentiation meetings are also new ways to allow teachers to learn the ins and outs of new options to help create their research

and standards based plans using technology. It also allows teachers to learn the best practices for another major threat: classroom

management with technology use. While there are several opportunities that allow students to create developed lessons, there are still

several threats that exist. Business and Technology classes’ offer greater understanding and opportunity, but our school suffers from

lack of funds to help those classes and the general education classroom as well.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

ESSENTIAL CONDITION TWO: Shared Vision ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students, parents, and the community.

Guiding Questions: Is there an official vision for technology use in the district/school? Is it aligned to research-best practices? Is it aligned to state and national visions?

Are teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members aware of the vision?

To what extent do teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members have a vision for how technology can be used to enhance

student learning? What do they believe about technology and what types of technology uses we should encourage in the future? Are their visions similar

or different? To what extent are their beliefs about these ideal, preferred technology uses in the future aligned to research and best practice?

To what extent do educators see technology as critical for improving student achievement of the GPS/QCCs? To preparing tomorrow’s workforce? For

motivating digital-age learners?

What strategies have been deployed to date to create a research-based shared vision?

What needs to be done to achieve broad-scale adoption of a research-based vision for technology use that is likely to lead to improved student


Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Daniell Middle School

follows the Cobb County

vision/plan for technology.

The plan for technology is

aligned with the Georgia

Performance Standards.

Advanced Content teachers

focus more strongly on a

technological vision to

enhance standards.

BYOD is implemented and

pushed by our administration

for our students to close gaps

for readiness for careers.

(Daniell SSP)

Teachers view technology as

the new trend for high school

and college successfulness.

(Daniell SSP)

Teachers and administrators

agree that technology is the

growing trend in education.

(school survey)

The technology standards are

not aligned with the new

Common Core standards and

are more challenging to


Teachers struggle to embed

the technology standards, as

many are unfamiliar they

exist, into research based


Technology is not viewed as

essential by our population,

as many students fail to have

basic technology available to

them. (school survey)

Lack of technology

leadership within the

building to develop a shared

vision for technology


Few teachers have training

within the field of

technology to help support

and create a school wide

vision for technology.

Professional development is

offered to teachers in regards

to creating solid technology

lessons to enhance standards.

Grants are available and

could be utilized to help

create and adopt a shared

vision for the school.

Title II funds provide

technology enhancements

when received for educators

and students.

Teachers have been chosen

to implement and pilot new

technology to help students

create a vision for their

learning and enhance their

achievement scores.

Teachers do not share a

common viewpoint for how

technology should be viewed

and implemented in the


Teachers cannot keep up

with the growing trends in

the field of technology and

find themselves leaving it

behind for standards based


Technology quickly becomes

outdated, so administrators

choose to place funds in

other places.

Teachers and administration

disagree about which types

of technology help to create

best practice in the

classroom which results in a

barrier of new technologies.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Summary/Gap Analysis:

Daniell Middle School follows the Cobb County Shared Vision outlined in the Cobb County Technology Plan. The plan is focused

around aligning with the Georgia Performance Standards, not Common Core, and tends to be implemented mostly in Advanced

Content (AC) classrooms in our school. Most parents and students, along with teachers, are unaware these technology standards exist.

Many of our students and parents share a common goal of wanting technology to be used in our school. Several parents support

technology but do not have any access to it in their home. It seems they believe and support technology works in learning and their

child’s education. They also believe technology should be provided as a means for learning in the classroom. They want to see their

children learn to utilize the new and growing trend; however, it is believed we should be funding it for them.

It appears all parties would like to see more technology in school; however, money tends to pose problems for this. Even with a

mostly shared vision, if the funds are unavailable, it does not fix the problem. Most teachers and administrators view technology as

the new tomorrow. It is viewed as a necessity in the classroom to help students with engagement and constructivist learning

approaches. It is the means to building students who are ready for college and careers in the workforce. According to the Daniell

SSP, this helps to bridge gaps located between school and secondary education.

At Daniell Middle, few strategies have been deployed to create a research based vision. Many teachers are still unaware of basic

technology principles and do not know how to implement it in their classrooms. A lack of means to use technology in the classroom

does not help this growing issue. There are new means, such as iPads, that our school does not have funds to purchase which would

help the teachers create higher order thinking activities and students to learn. Lastly, in order to adopt a new vision, students, teachers,

and parents must agree to adopt a new vision. They must recognize and create the vision by agreeing to how they view and visualize

technology working in the classroom and school. They must share common threads and thoughts in what technology means and how

it would best be used to support education. In coming to this understanding, they will be able to create a solid shared vision for all.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of ICT and digital learning


Guiding Questions: Is there an adequate plan to guide technology use in your school? (either at the district or school level? Integrated into SIP?)

What should be done to strengthen planning?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Cobb County has a precise

technology plan and vision

in place.

New classes have been

Technology is not a clearly

stated focus of the local

school strategic plan.

(Daniell SSP)

The school has the ability to

create a technology

committee to meet monthly

and plan future endeavors.

No clear direction or

guidance to implement this

county plan in the building.

Teachers sometimes

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

created that involve weekly

visits to the computer lab to

hold students accountable for

grades along with standards

based assessments.

Teachers meet weekly to

create solid lessons and some

use this time to create solid

technology lessons. (school


Collaborative planning is

part of our SSP goals and

would be a great time to

share and strengthen

planning for technology.

(Daniell SSP)

There is local hard drive that

houses lessons and

technology implementation

strategies for teachers to

share and implement daily.

BYOD is not successfully

implemented as it should be

to strengthen its use in the

classroom for standards and

researched based learning.

(school survey)

Some teachers do not

implement technology at all

to strengthen student


Some teachers view USA

test prep (drill and kill) as

the only needed form of

technology implementation.

Staff can gather strengths

and weaknesses to help

further opportunities for

professional development on

strengthening planning for

technology implementation.

Teachers could create a

localized technology data

team to service our teachers

and students.

Conduct more surveys to

inquire about technology

weaknesses of the staff in the


strategically plan for a

software or plan to be

“sabotaged” so they do not

have to continue using it in

the classroom.

Many teachers lack the

ability to implement the

current technologies in the

classroom and would find it

challenging to follow the

county plan.

Many staff members in the

building lack the knowledge

of a county technology plan.

Summary/Gap Analysis:

While Cobb County has a developed plan and vision, Daniell Middle School only feeds off this county plan. Teachers are given

time to create plans and work with others in the building through collaboration. There is a shared drive to help aid the development of

technology and other lesson plans, which allows some technology lessons to be built.

Technology should be included in our local school strategic plan as a focal point which would guide our school to correctly

implement this tool. Currently, our local strategic plan does not directly align with the county plan. It could easily be included as a

goal to further develop a stronger plan to possibly guide our teachers. This would allow our staff to develop stronger technology plans

in lessons and move away from “drill and kill” computer use. According to the school survey, some technology available in our

building is not utilized due to teachers not knowing the correct form of implementation, such as BYOD.

A technology committee would not only be a great opportunity to allow the few teachers with experience to come together, they

could possibly help place our school in the right direction for today’s learning. There could be more leadership to drive our staff and

focus on learning opportunities and weaknesses. It would also allow teachers to learn to correctly use the county plan and initiate

technology use more frequently.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOUR: Equitable Access ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources

Guiding Questions: To what extent do students, teachers, administrators, and parents have access to computers and digital resources necessary to support engaging,

standards-based, student-centered learning?

To what extent is technology arrange/distributed to maximize access for engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning?

What tools are needed and why?

Do students/parents/community need/have beyond school access to support the vision for learning?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Students have access to

students to use technology in

the classroom and labs to

help support standards and

student focused learning.

Parents and students have

access to grades at home to

keep up with their learning

and grades daily.

There are several available

labs and technology

opportunities in the building.

(school survey)

Many teachers use SMART

boards to create and

maximize teaching for


LCD projector, laptop,

desktop, and docking

stations are housed in each

classroom and some have

SMART boards to service

students’ needs for learning.

Students have access to

check grades and use

computers to help promote

student efficacy for them.

(Daniell SSP)

Many families in our district

lack the availability of

computer access at home

making it hard to support a

local vision on technology.

The computer labs and

laptop carts do not have class

sets that service an entire

class (they come up short).

Many of the technologies

available are taken often or

unable to be charged/used

correctly when they need


Teachers need more

resources, such as iPads, to

create more student centered,

hands on learning to invoke

a truly constructivist

classroom. (school survey,


Teachers find it challenging

for students to print in the

building, as many printers

are out of ink or not working

in various labs.

Students are given

opportunities to implement

technology in their learning

through Academic Habits


Technology leadership

positions are available to

teachers who have a vision

and drive for success in the


Have students implement a

technology event for the

school and/or community to

get involved and learn how

to use sources they may be


Students are able to access

BYOD technologies in

various classrooms to

enhance standards based

learning and growth on

CRCT testing. (Daniell SSP)

Open Content could be

available to teachers to share

their technology plans with

others in the building and


Teachers lack the skills and

resources to create student

centered technology lessons

for student learning.

Many students and parents

do not have availability to

technology outside of the


Teachers may not share a

common vision or ground on

the implementation of

technology in the classroom.

Lack of time to learn

precision on technologies,

they are often overlooked or

not used due to the teacher’s

ability to understand.

Lack of specific technology,

such as iPads, is not

available due to lack of


Development of strong

technological lessons take

time and many teachers do

not want to create more time

constraints on themselves as

they create their plans.

Summary/Gap Analysis:

Students and teachers alike share a commonality in having technology readily available at school. Teachers use SMART boards,

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

projectors, laptops, and docking stations daily and have many resources available at any given time in a day. Students also have

computer labs, laptops, BYOD, and other technology available to use within their learning. Also, everybody can access their grades

and compare actual grades to goals. The teachers who readily use technology use it as a sole purpose for learning. They help support

the Daniell SSP goal by keeping students engaged with standards based lessons that use technology to help support their end goals.

This allows all parties involved to have access to technology and help support the students in their goals on technology.

Technology is arranged to attempt to allow technology support, but I find it a challenge. The best feature of the design is the

computer labs. They are placed conveniently around the building and available to teacher implementation for class. There are

challenges in seeking labs, but they are there for student and teacher use. The in-class technologies help create engaging lessons when

they work correctly, are available, and students know how to use them. More labs, laptops, and/or iPads would be great resources to

have students become more engaged in lessons. While we have labs and laptops, they are often booked up and not available to use

when needed to complete assignments. Many of the available technologies malfunction and do not charge correctly, which leads to

classroom management problems when students do not know how to handle the problems. There is also a lack of saving capabilities

and printing problems that arise when using constructivist learning approaches in classrooms and labs; therefore, better printers would

also allow for a more engaged learning environment.

One of the largest struggles is that parents, teachers, and students want to support a shared vision, but they cannot. Many students

and their families do not have the availability to access technology outside of the school building. Many students only have access in

school or if they can go to the public library. This poses a severe problem when trying to support a vision for learning.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FIVE: Skilled Personnel ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.

Guiding Questions: To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities?

What do they currently know and are able to do?

What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire?

(Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for professional learning. The essential conditions focus on

“personnel,” which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists, and teachers. However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on

teachers; although you may choose to address the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher proficiencies.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Most staff members have

proficient technology use in

relation to word processing

skills, PowerPoint, and use

of the internet. (school


Teachers know how to use

iRespond units (“clickers”)

in the classroom for

Teachers are weak in

creating high order thinking

questions/skills using


Teachers do not know how

to troubleshoot problems that

arise in the classroom in

Office or on the internet.

(school survey)

Watch videos on YouTube

or Atomic Learning to learn

how to troubleshoot and

utilize various Office


Teachers can learn to

implement more assessments

(including diagnostics) using

technology. (Daniell SSP)

Some teachers choose not to

learn the ways of technology

so they can merely “avoid”

its use.

Teachers in the building

have a wide range of skill

levels in relationship to


Teachers view training on

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?


Teachers are proficient with

accessing their school blogs

through Typepad.

Teachers feel proficient in

terms of learning how to use

a new computer software.

(school survey)

Teachers can use data to

create charts and graphs to

show data analysis.

Teachers are weak in

navigating students in

research acting as a guide on

the internet.

Teachers are weak in areas

of creating strong

instructional environment

through technology. (Daniell


Teachers can learn to seek

higher positions in the

building to gain more access

and technology leadership.

Teachers can create teams

for learning new material

about technology and share

via collaboration with the

high and low groups.

new technologies is often

viewed in a negative


Teachers do not like to

implement technology

because it often does not

work and causes problems.

Summary/Gap Analysis:

Teachers and staff support technology with the ability to use it daily. They are able to correctly use Microsoft Office along with

other daily used technologies in the building. As noted in the teacher survey, many teachers are comfortable with their blogs, using

“clickers,” and learning and implementing new computer software’s provided at school. Most teachers are also able to implement

technology to support growth in data through graphs and charts.

Teachers need to learn to utilize opportunities they receive to help create sound instruction through videos such as YouTube and

Atomic Learning. They should learn to support the SSP by instigating more items such as diagnostics through technology and

teachers seeking higher positions. Teachers also need to view the training they receive in a positive light to help them develop

necessary skills in the education world.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas.

Guiding Questions: What professional learning opportunities are available to educators? Are they well-attended? Why or why not?

Are the current professional learning opportunities matched to the knowledge and skills educators need to acquire? (see Skilled Personnel)

Do professional learning opportunities reflect the national standards for professional learning (NSDC)?

Do educators have both formal and informal opportunities to learn?

Is technology-related professional learning integrated into all professional learning opportunities or isolated as a separate topic?

How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Technology specialists come

to our school weekly to help

troubleshoot problems

teachers encounter when

using new technologies.

Professional learning

opportunities are offered

through differentiation

meetings to allow teachers to

choose the one they feel

weakest. (differentiation

through Daniell SSP)

Offering professional

development courses at

times where most teachers

are able to attend and learn

about technology.

Teachers have access to

various learning

opportunities for technology

training (professional

development and more

informal settings with local.


Teachers do not have time

allotted to practice new

material they learn from

professional development.

Technology training often

ends before the professional

development meeting is


Several professional

development workshops are

for items that we most likely

would not implement in the


Teachers do not know how

to stay current on tools and

trends in the field of

technology. (school survey)

Teachers feel they need to

spend more time with

technology specialist’s one

on one to truly learn the

material. (school survey)

Teachers can take courses

online and in the county to

seek PLU’s.

Technology specialists are

available to come and

individually answer

questions and explain certain

technologies when in the

building (weekly).

Teachers could seek

additional allotted hours to

receive technology training

as in-service trainings to

possibly receive PLU’s.

Teachers who have more

experience with technology

can head up a committee or

localized professional

development for staff in the

building to learn to utilize

technology available to


Oftentimes, teachers have

negative attitudes towards

training to learn best

practices with technology

which causes

implementation to become a


Certain teachers refuse to put

technology to use in their

classroom regardless of the

professional development

they have received.

Teachers waste educators

time through professional

development by never

implementing the item they

spent time on.

Older teachers struggle to

maintain a clear

understanding of technology

and slow down many

professional development

meetings causing other

teachers to become


Summary/Gap Analysis:

There are several opportunities from Daniell Middle and Cobb County that provide adequate resources for teachers, but many

teachers choose not to take advantage of these opportunities. The resources are free as Cobb County pays for their teachers to receive

these courses and provides PLU’s. Also, Daniell Middle School provides professional development at morning meetings where they

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

are differentiated to provide knowledge for weaknesses they suffer. Many of these professional developments focus on lesson

planning and technology. Some sessions focus on how to correctly implement technology into planning and lessons. These lessons

tend to be more informal while the county lessons are much more formalized. Many times National Standards are not the focal point

for which these professional opportunities are focused. They tend to focus on teacher weakness and new technologies available that

should be used in the classroom. Many teachers use these opportunities to better their knowledge of items through implementation in

class and other places such as plans.

Teachers and administrators must learn to work together to create the best professional development possible. By creating this

development, they are working towards the common goal: a shared vision. They must gauge how to get teachers to become proficient

with the help of professional development before they are able to have teachers strive to focus on the shared vision. They must know

and understand the requirements before the final product emerges.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SEVEN: Technical Support ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources.

Guiding Questions: To what extent is available equipment operable and reliable for instruction?

Is there tech assistance available for technical issues when they arise? How responsive is tech support? Are current “down time” averages acceptable?

Is tech support knowledgeable? What training might they need?

In addition to break/fix issues, are support staff available to help with instructional issues when teachers try to use technology in the classroom?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

We have a strong internet

connectivity that allows

students and teachers to

utilize internet quickly in

classrooms and labs.

Technology specialist does

quickly respond to emails if

not in the building and has a

“helpful” resource blog to

offer quick fixes to


Technology specialists are

very knowledgeable and are

able to offer suggestions and

quick solutions to problems

when they do arise.

Desktop computers are

reliable in the computer labs

around the building. (school


Many laptops fail to stay

charged and tend to not

allow students to log on due

to updating errors nightly.

There is only one technology

specialist for our cluster,

which means she is normally

not in the building.

Few teachers in the building

are considered support staff

that can help other teachers

with problems that arise in

the classroom.

There are not enough

working computers for our

students. (school survey)

Broken iRespond

(“clickers”) units that cause

teachers to not be able to

utilize technology daily as

Our local county has a help

desk you can utilize at

various times of any day.

Technology leaders can

become more localized

support staff in the building

where fellow teachers can

turn to fix problems they

might struggle to fix.

Grants are available to help

fund more new technology

available to bring into the


Title II funds can help areas

of technology excel with

new materials purchased to

allow our students to better

receive support to help our

CRCT scores. (Daniell SSP)

Wait time to fix broken

technology can take long

periods of time.

Computer labs and laptops

are easily damaged by

students and are shut down


Loss of more technologist

specialists causes longer wait

times for help when dealing

with technology problems.

Large county size causes

problems managing

technology problems at the

local school level.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Teacher laptops are updated

often and work well.


Summary/Gap Analysis:

Daniell Middle has a high connectivity to the internet and suffers from misread signals rarely. Teachers often suffer from laptops

and computers in labs being broken and unable to connect via domains. Also, student response systems tend to break easily and often

making the use of differentiated learning and diagnostics a challenge. As noted in the teacher survey, many teachers feel technology

can be stressful due to the problems that arise when they are using it. There is only one technology specialist who works in our

building and is there only one day a week. She will respond to emails and questions quickly, however, it can take a while for

responses to be placed into action. If some technology problems arise, “work orders” can be placed into the Cobb County technology

department. The response time ranges from one day to sometimes more than a month depending on the technology issue. This often

causes significant problems in the classroom.

The technology department does know how to solve most problems that arise in the classroom. The only suggestion I can suggest

would be to find more ways to integrate technology support into the actual building. It would help the everyday classroom teachers to

be able to receive more direct instruction for problems that arise. Lastly, technology support staff is few and far between. This was

another issue that was mentioned by many teachers on the teacher survey. In the building, there are few teachers and staff that can

help when instructional problems arise. It would be very helpful to have additional support staff to help with these types of problems,


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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

ESSENTIAL CONDITION EIGHT: Curriculum Framework ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources

Guiding Questions: To what extent are educators, students, and parents aware of student technology standards? (QCCs/NET-S)

Are technology standards aligned to content standards to help teachers integrate technology skills into day-to-day instruction and not teach technology

as a separate subject?

To what extent are there digital curriculum resources available to teachers so that they can integrate technology into the GPS/QCCs as appropriate?

How is student technology literacy assessed?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Teachers agree that

technology is a critical

aspect when creating lessons

that teach content standards.

(school survey)

Teachers often imbed

technology into their day-to-

day instruction over GPS


Teachers agree that students

should be proficient in

technology for the future and

college readiness. (Daniell


Cobb County has a digital

standard curriculum to link

the main content information

allow easy access to begin

integration of technology.

Technology standards are

not formalized at the local

school level to allow

teachers to better know the

standards they should be


Technology standards can be

challenging to understand,

therefore, they are hard to

implement daily.

Technology literacy is not

currently accessed in content

based classes.

While students are more

technology savvy then

teachers, they fail when it

comes to creating the

required elements of the

basic Office programs.

(school survey)

An opportunity exists to

allow teachers to create the

best practice of integrating

the technology standards into

GPS and Common Core


Teachers can share their

knowledge of the technology

standards with other


Teachers can publicize the

technology standards and

share them via professional

development at the local


Technology leaders can

create learning opportunities

for educators on ways for

best practice in

implementing technology

standards into everyday


Many parents and students

are unaware there are

technology standards.

Technology standards are

often viewed as less

important and taught in

Business or Technology


Teachers may not know or

understand the technology

standards language which

will create a barrier between

knowledge and creation of


Many teachers view

technology as an “add-on”

that is not a requirement;

therefore, they do not place it

in their daily lessons.

Summary/Gap Analysis:

Most educators, students, and parents are not aware there are student technology standards. More teachers are aware they are

available, but do not implement them into standards based lesson planning. The standards are not currently aligned to Common Core

standards but do align fairly well to the older Georgia Performance Standards. Teachers find it challenging to correctly implement

these tech standards into daily lessons and not try to teach them separately.

Currently there are linked standards based lessons on our Staff Drive on the computer. Teachers are able to access this to see

designed plans and share their plans, too. The county provides resources through Blackboard and Picasso where they link lesson

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What is the current reality in our school?

plans, technology activities, and assessments. Technology literacy is a definite weakness in our building. It is also something that

many teachers and staff are unfamiliar. As it is not currently accessed in the standards/content based classes, it is only focused on in

Business and Technology classes.

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?


Teacher Technology Survey Introduction The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the technological skills and knowledge of the teachers at Daniell Middle


As a result of this survey we hope to gain an understanding of the technologies you are comfortable with and the experiences which

help you become proficient at using technology.

Section 1: General Technology Use in Education The questions in this section ask about general technology use. Please read each statement and rate your skill and the importance you

place on each of the tasks by circling the number that corresponds to your response.

Level of Proficiency Level of Importance

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What is the current reality in our school?

1 Very weak 1 None

2 Moderately weak 2 Minor

3 Adequate 3 Average

4 Moderately strong 4 Strong

5 Very strong 5 Necessary

Section 2: Specific Technology Use in the Classroom The questions in this section ask about the specific technologies you use in your classroom and the frequency with which you use

them. Please read a description of each technology and rate the amount of time you spend working with that technology in your


Technology Description Never Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily

SOFTWARE Word Processing

Competency Proficiency Importance

Learning how to use a new piece of software. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Using the internet for general searching 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Searching for content specific instruction on the internet 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Acting as a guide for students when researching on the

internet 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Troubleshooting problems that occur when using

technology 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Using software productivity tools (word processing,

database, spreadsheets, presentation tools, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Teaching or sharing with others how to use technology 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Integrating technology into daily lessons 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Using technology in support of curriculum standards 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Designing activities that will integrate technology 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Locating learning opportunities needed to advance my

technology skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Creating and maintaining web pages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizing the ethical use of technology 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

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What is the current reality in our school?


Desktop Publishing


Test Preparation


Web Design

Management programs for student



School Web Site

Internet for personal research

Internet for developing lesson


GADOE Website

Email communication

Internet search engines




VCR/VHS tapes

DVD Player



Digital cameras (still)

Digital video cameras


Please list any additional comments you have about technologies in your system, school, and.or


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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Section 3. Opinions and Attitudes Toward Technology The questions in this section ask for your honest opinions about different technologies, their role in education, and the future of

different technologies.

Statement Strongly


Agree Disagree Strongly


When using the internet…

Student create products that show higher

levels of learning

There are more discipline problems

Students are more motivated

Students go to inappropriate sites

There is more student collaboration

Plagiarism becomes a bigger problem

The abundance of unreliable sources is


I believe…

Electronic media will replace printed text

within five years

Most technology would do little to

improve my ability to teach

Technology has changed the way that I


Students are more knowledgeable than I

am when it comes to technology

School systems expect us to learn new

technologies without formal training

There is too much technological change

coming too fast without enough support

for teachers

Technology has left many teachers


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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

Technology is a good tool for

collaboration with other teachers when

building unit plans

I learn new technologies best by figuring

them out myself

Technology is useful in managing student

data, such as attendance and grades

Technology is unreliable

Section 4. Areas of Improvement / Technical Needs The questions in this section are designed to determine what your technology needs are both school-wide and in your classroom.

Less Urgent ……………………..……..More Urgent

I Need… 1 2 3 4 5

More time to learn to use software 1 2 3 4 5

More time to integrate technology into my

curriculum 1 2 3 4 5

More training to use technology 1 2 3 4 5

More support from administration when it

comes to my technology needs 1 2 3 4 5

More technical support to keep computers

and software running 1 2 3 4 5

Access to more student computers 1 2 3 4 5

More curriculum-based software 1 2 3 4 5

More reliable access to the internet for

students 1 2 3 4 5

More opportunities to collaborate with

colleagues on how to use technology in my

discipline 1 2 3 4 5

Faster access to the internet 1 2 3 4 5

More interaction with my media

specialist/instructional technology specialist

for technology needs 1 2 3 4 5

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What is the current reality in our school?

Options for professional development in the

areas of technology 1 2 3 4 5

Tools to help me stay current on new

technological trends 1 2 3 4 5

More equipment to integrate technology in

my classroom. 1 2 3 4 5

Help aligning the integration of technology

with the implementation of state standards 1 2 3 4 5

Parents to support my efforts to integrate

technology in the classroom 1 2 3 4 5

Please list any other thoughts about technology needs, training, or assistance:

Daniell Middle School

Principal David Nelson Area 4 Date 09/01/13

Vision: Promoting growth through character

Mission: Creating a foundation for high school success



Common Summative Assessments

Differentiated Professional Learning

Experienced staff

Advisement Program in place

Cohesive Data Teams (including

ESOL, SWD teachers)

Tactical (Action) Plan for Daniell Middle School


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What is the current reality in our school?

Core Values/Beliefs







1. We believe successful

schools are a foundation of

community stability, growth,

and prosperity.

2. We believe family and

community engagement is

critical to student and district


3. We believe in a constant and

purposeful focus on what is

best for students.

4. We believe creativity and

innovation are encouraged

and embraced by all


5. We believe in cultivating a

positive environment where

students are provided

pathways for success.

Long Range Goals

1. Vary learning experiences

to increase success in

college and career paths.

2. Differentiate resources for

students based on needs.

3. Develop stakeholder involvement

to promote student success.

4. Recruit, hire, support, and retain

employees for the highest levels

of excellence.

District Priorities for 2013-2014

1. Implement CCGPS with fidelity

2. Create flexibility and support structures for schools

3. Develop systems to prepare students for college and career readiness

4. Engage community in dialogue about the future of Cobb schools

5. Provide opportunities for innovative learning experiences for students


Targets for 2013-2014

(Where will we be?) CCSD School

Lexile Levels (M) 79.3% 79.3%

Gap closure (M) 86 32

College Ready (M) 80% 100%

Career Ready (M) 83% 90%

Adv. Academics (M) 26% 44% Stakeholder

Satisfaction 88.2% 88.2%

Key Strategies (3-5 yrs)

Create flexible and innovative

learning opportunities for students

Develop, implement, and support

new plans and/or programs that focus on student-centered learning,

higher-order thinking, and problem

solving in the classroom

Enhance existing programs to

further develop college and career

paths from kindergarten to twelfth grade

Increase strategic partnerships with businesses, post-secondary

institutions, and community

leaders to fully integrate college and career paths in CCSD

Increase the school’s ability to meet student and school needs

Provide flexibility for teachers to use resources

Advance innovative ways to

engage the community and parents in the educational process

Expand community service learning opportunities for students

and increase communication

efforts with community agencies.

Create a supportive environment

that empowers staff


Growth Opportunities

for Advisement, Data Teams, Student Self-

efficacy, Consistent




Teachers teaching more

than one grade level

Class sizes

Fewer teachers and



Instructional Environment

Student self-efficacy



Diagnostic Assessments

Theme for 2013-2014

Key Actions (1-3 years)

Action to be taken Goal Alignment Timeline Person(s) Responsible

Improve the quality and frequency of Differentiation and Flexible Grouping 2 2014 Data Teams

Improve and embed Classroom Management & School Expectations 4 2014 Administration

Promote Student Efficacy 3 2016 All Staff Members

Increase percentage of students scoring exceeds on the CRCT 1 2014 All Staff Members

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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

What are the desired results?* How will the school/team(s) accomplish

the desired results? What is the Cost and

Funding Source? Who is Responsible?

Timeline Include

Frequency of


Embed diagnostic assessments (CP 3, ASL 2)

to make DI/Flex groups happen (CP 4, SBI 5)

Provide training on diagnostics and

Develop common pre assessments with

rigor through collaboration days and

common planning time

Perform Classroom Walk Throughs

$1,837.50/Title II


Data Teams


Per unit


Develop consistent classroom management (IE 1 & 2) & school expectations (especially

among at risk students)(SI Survey: PO 4.2,

SC 2.1)

Analyze discipline reports, implement a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)

$0 Administration Monthly

Promote student efficacy (IE 4, SI Survey: SFC 2.1, A 2.4)

Through the Advisement process, student led conferences, Fun Fridays

$0 Admin, Counselors, Advisement Teachers

Every 4 ½ weeks

Increase percentage of students scoring exceeds on the CRCT (CCRPI 14)

More teachers being trained in AC, Send teachers to College Board Conference

$4483.00/Title II Gifted Coordinators, AC teachers

Every 4 ½ weeks

*Address at least two of the CCSD Priorities for the School Year

Formative Indicators Tied to Desired Results Indicator Target Results

Data Team Minutes 100%


Discipline Analysis

of at –risk students


Analysis of Walk




Advisement Data 100%


Monitor # of students

in AC classes who are

scoring exceeds

8.3 on the


Professional Learning Tied to Desired Results Topic Target Audience Delivery Method Cost and Source Timeline

Data Driven Instruction 6th , 7th , 8th grade teachers Preplanning Session,

Professional Learning

Day Sessions. Before

School Specials

$0 Preplanning,



Classroom Management All Staff Before School Special


$0 continuous

Advisement/Student Led Conferences 6th, 7th, 8th grade teachers Preplanning Session,

Grade level meetings

$0 continuous

College Board Conference/Training for Teachers AC teachers Conference $4483/Title II Conference/Jan.


DI/Flexible Groups All Staff Before School Specials,

Data Team meetings

$0 Continuous

Lesson Plan Training (PET) All Staff BSS, Grade Levels $0 continuous

PBIS All Staff BSS, Grade Levels $0 continuous

Collaboration Days for Teachers 6th, 7th , 8th Grade Teachers Half Days Collaboration $1,837.50/Title II Quarters 1-3
