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Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Loire SsSS Slow …ellingtonweb.ca/Hostedpages/TDWAW/Clippings/Beggar's...

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4 N r » E M E ! « T I THE NEW YORK SUN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1946. ANIIININTI * J Broadway After Dark JOAN CRAWFORD -••:.• <«*w Br WARD MOREHOUSE. musical Dame," These » re •*• offerings now listed for the week of Decern- •** 23: , •Wonderful Journey." Coronet Theater. Christmas night. "Burlesque" 'Bert Lahn, Be- laaee Theater, Christmas night. Beggar's Holiday." Broadway TfeMter. Thursday, December 26. 'Temper the Wind," dramatic -Finians Rainbow,' "Toplitzky of Notre musical production. No decision yet on bookings for •The Temporary Mrs. Smith," which finishes a week's engage- men' in Toronto this evening. • -Love Ooes to Press," comedy from London, is to arrive Janu- a, -y T - . . . RWOO.M DRAMATICS. Arnold Moss, who gave a very •mpressive performance in "The Tempest,'' has hopes of coming forth as King Lear during the current season. Howard Lang has deferred "Tears for the Bride," play by Martin Berkeley, until Sir Cedric Hardwicke is available as a di- rector. "Show Boat" begins its final three weeks at the Ziegfeld Mon- day. Dwight Deere Wiman, who has occupied the top floor of the Play- bouse Theater Building for twen- ty-odd years, takes over new quarters in the Adelphi Theater Building, beginning Monday. . . . The new production firm of Nel- son I* Gross and Ferris Hartman announces "They Liked Them Handsome," musical play by Ste- phen Longstreet. . . . "The Story of Mary Surratt" is the new title of the John Patrick play which has been known as "This Gentle Ghost." . . . David Manners will succeed Henry Daniell in "Lady Windermere's Fan" next week. DO YOU REMEMBER When the Princess in 39th .-rreet, because of the presence of the Holbrook Blinn Grand Guig- nol players, was known as the "Theater of Thrills"? When there was afternoon dancing at the Cafe Boulevard, Broadway and 41st street? . When Raub's, a leading Brook- lvn restaurant at Flatbush ave- nue and Fulton street, promised • a jolly time and a good dinner"? When Shanley's offered a "cabaret extraordinaire," with twenty acts? When Olga Nethersole was headlining in vaudeville in the third act of her famous "Sapho"? Plays for Chrutmem Week. Broadway's Christmas week schedule is still subject to change, to sudden bookings and to managerial whim, but it is likely that the holiday openings will total five or six. Final decision on two productions is to be expected over the week end. First-nighters will probably be paying an- other visit to the Playhouse; "Land's End" closes there this •"•*•* '• No.tWo.k-.Op.nin* Thursday—"Androcles and the Lion," play by Bernard Shaw, will be offered by the American Repertory Theater at the International. The play- ers include Ernest Truex, June Duprez, Victor Jory, Richard Waring, John Beecher, Marion Evensen, Arthur Keegan, Eu- gene Stuckmann, Robert Raw. lings, Raymond Greenleaf, Philip Bourneuf and William Windom. Staged by Margaret Webster; costumes and scenery designed by Wolfgang Roth; music by Marc Blitzstein; animal heads and masks by Remo Buf ano. "Androcles" will be preceded by "Pounds on Demand," short play by Sean O'Casey. Staged by Victor Jory. The players include Cavada Humphrey, Philip Bourneuf, Ernest Truex, Margaret Webster and Eugene Stuckmann. Mj Htr latest Warner film is Fannit Hunt's "Humoresque," which ia to open Christmas Day at the Hollywood Theater. Dr. Wang Marries. Shanghai, Dec. 14 (A. P.).—Dr. C. T. Wang, former Premier of China and one-time Ambassador to Washington, was married to- day to Mrs. Dorothy A. Liu, widow of the late C. S. (Burma) Liu. IT HAPPENED IN N. Y. (on this very date in 1914). "Driven," a play in four actsy-^ by E. Temple Thurston, was pre- i sented by Charles Frohman at the Empire. William Seymour i did the staging. The players in-' eluded Charles Bryant, Leslie Fa- ber, Lumsden Hare, T. W. Percy- val, Arthur Greenaway, Alexan- dra Carlisle, Haidee Wright, Rita Otway. A strong company, that Froh- man cast for "Driven," but the play didn't do—less than a month's run. Several nights be- fore "Driven" arrived Charles Dil- lingham's production of "Watch Your Step," with music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, came into the New Amsterdam. It was a big hit. • • STAGE PLAYS Mi* lalDttl ID tteaisrarsl mw nooisil I'm in love POULTRY "a*." i fciUifclft/ rftlZB WINKING ,9nif ft Poultry—Piaoont Santa*)*— Turkay*. Pkoaoanto. 6an»a Bird*. oto. lib RtglMirt Armory, l » W. 14th St. M A. M. TO It r . M. EACH DAY Admission: 50c fius Tax ,_*Z MT. » N » i STAGE PLAYS DEPARTING DRAMA. "Dream Girl," Elmer Rice's suc- cessful comedy, in which June Havoc has been playing the title role since Betty Field M l the cast, closes its long engagement at the Coronet this evening. "A Flag Is Born," Ben Hecht's propaganda drama for a free Palestine, which has shown an ex- traordinary vitality, will be with- drawn at the Broadway after to- night's performance. The pro- duction goes on an extensive tour, opening in Chicago Christ- mas night. "Land's End,* Thomas Job drama, which opened Wednesday evening at the Playhouse, closes tonight after five performances. The New Movie Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Loire in a Slow-moving Murder Drama, 'The Verdict.' By EILEEN GBEELMAN. "The Verdict" moves with leisure, much in the mood of its period. This new tale of murder, on the Strand screen, takes place in an old city. London has always seemed the perfect spot for a murder mystery, the reign of Victoria the perfect time. "The Verdict" saunters through a few months of the Victorian era, covers a mur- der or two, uncovers a few neat tricks. This Is a slow-moving picture, ~ -—-———— LAST 4 TIMES! TS&SLW 2 Shows TODAY & TOOTW *;?, •' Eloquaat a»4 BMlBJ Sraaia" Barnes, H er.Trtb. A JACOB BEN-AMI * AFLAGISBORN BEN HECHT'S DRAMATIC TRIUMPH BROADWAY Thoa B'aay at »3rd St. CI. 728S7 TODAY^S SUNDAYTiS A merican Repertory Theatre I.KI.AI.IIF.NNIC HAMI'OKN JOBV IHI'ttEZ TIUF.X WARIM. WEBSTER BOl'KMsrF Today Mat. A t»». -What Ivary Woman Know* Tom'w (Sua.) M a t A Evt Hnnry VIII f.Vo Pet formanres Mon OooniThitn INTERNATI Mat m m Saturday and Sunday. CI. S-48M "HI M.'sTr,YE!"-fianifs. Her. Trib. RODT.KRS & HAMMKKSTKIN present ETHEL MERMAN A In Tlw Mimical Smash NNIE GET YOUR GUN Untie and 1/ttric* bv IRVING BFBT.TN' Book by IIKRBEKT A DOROTHY FIELDS Kith KAY MIimLETON Directed by .loahoa Logan IMPERIAL Thra.. 4!Wh St. West nf R'wnv Evgs 8:10 Mara. Mat*. Today A Wad. 7:10 Soars TZ s" 2 Perfs. TODAY "Sf LAND'S END •—• A New Play by THOMAS JOB M1IISIK.V BOOTH—HELEN t'RAlO 2TERFS7T0DAY & SUN. »* L Q.L V » I "* etHftCT COMEDY!" oth iear! x. v. Times IFE WITH FATHER A. H. VAN Bl REN A MARY I.OANE BIJOU Thoatrt. 4Sth St. W. of B»ay.C0.5-82IJ t«o. lac Sua. 8:40. Matt. Sat.. Sun. NoMon.Port. 1 wice Today ^"o & Tom'w A 2 8 50 40 "Frolicaomr and keep* tinilience la chuckle*." Sobol, Journal - \n\tr. DONALD COOK "" c,,me " formanres Mon.. Tiiea. a Wed.) « m UUlSfKLU I U U N on Mirriaaa n Evo Da* l» »Bdr«(«i and th« lien ]\/l \ T-v T? T"V I T TT \\ T t."V TIONAL THEATRE, 5 Colunikut Circlo * » * . Y I - M . 1 ~ \ Mr..!* I..1 2 Shows TODAY & TOM'W I* HENRY MILLER'S Thoa. 43d 8t. E. of B'way E«M lnol._Sun fl:4fl.Mata.TaSay 2:40;Tom'w 2*0 on 9:00 A PIECE OF BOLD. UNUSUAL THEATRE " — THIS tlAOAZlSK EXIT A new iilau by JEAN-PAUL «ARTRE ANNABELLA—Claude DAUPHIN—Ruth FORD BILTMORF. TULA., 47 - I Weil of IVWIM E»fi Intl Sun 9 00 Mati.8at.A8un. No Mon. Part. MO 1 M A t without dash or any violent sus- pense. It is also, unless, cleverer than most, you have guessed the tricks early in the game, a mys- tery that holds the interest. There is no one about whom to care. There is no emotional pull. There is just a trick, with plenty of atmosphere and a few amusing characters for good measure. The central figure- is just right for an English tale of murder. Hfre is Sydney Greenstreet, the fat man in a sympathetic role at last, as a Scotland Yard inspec- tor retired because he's caused an innocent man to be hanged. The old inspector is surrounded with odd friends, including three men, an artist, a politician, and the rtpphew of a murdered worn an. This trio occupy apartments in the same house. They are ac- quaintances, far from friendly. The murder of one, however, in- volves the others. Peter Ixjrre, Paul Cavanagh and Morton Lowry play these THE VERDICT.' A Warnar Brothara picture. Novel by Israel Zanarwill. Screen play by Peter Milne. Directed by Don Slegel. At the Btrand. The eaat: Orodma.il Sydney Greenrtreet Victor Emrarlc Peter l.orre Lottie t"»n tinning Buckley MI-K. Kennon Cllve Ruaaell Holbrook Arthur Kendall . .George Coulouris Rosalind Ivan Paul Cavanagh Arthur HhiPlds Morton Lowry neighbors, with Rosalind Ivan as their gossipy, tippling landlady. Joan Lorring, as a cabaret singer, gets mixed up with the murder So does the new Scotland Yard inspector, a worried fellow played by George Coulouris. This is a capable cast, somewhat lost, per- haps, on a story that depends upon tricks, rather than dramatic situations. The Strand's vaudeville fea- tures Vincent Lopez's Orchestra, Artie Dann, the Three Arnauts, and that bright young singer, JaniS Paige, who'll be seen on the Strand screen soon in "The i Time, the Place and the Girl." "racked with dynamite; full-bodied, vibrant theatre."—MOMMBOVBM, Sun LILLIAN HELLMAN'S J™* ANOTHERPART T °; t FOREST FULTON Thoa. 4Stk St. W. at B'aay. CI. (-S3S0 EVIP>.»:40. Watlneea Today aad Wed. 2:40 KnicaKement extended thra Son., Dec. St 2 Show* TODAY SSTOAffW 1% n KATHERINE DUNHAM " K II MrrDC Hit Mnaleal Revne U AL INrAmfc COMPANY OF SO BELASCO TMEA . 44 St. E. of •'•*». B". J-J067 Eva* Incl Sun S.40 M*tt.S*t.& Sun.No Mo*. Pert. '•A~BJBAT"0I,Y E!>iTEBTA"iSl>6 EVENING."—George Jean Sathan MAX GORDON preweoU RORN YESTERDAY t-» The f/«Iari»u.o Contedv Hit by GAKSON KANTN LYCEUM THEA. 45th St. E. of BnyCH 44158 Evan. «:40. Mate. TODAY A WED. at 2:40 ~ ~ " T m f B E S T NEMTMCWCAI, MKrW f —George Jean Sathan M«lvvn Onufta* and Hornan Levin present ME MISTER Snianh Hit Mnnleal Revua with BETTY GARRETT Hongs bv Sketches bv Staged by HarnM Roma Arnold Auorbach Rofeart N. Gordon NATIONAL Then., 41at (H. Writ of B'wn* Evea.S-.S.'i. Matlneen TODAY A WED. I :S5 ^ MAlT^rTfODAY CAROUSEL MAJESTIC Th«atr*. 44th St. W**t et • ' • * ! Ev«i. 0:30, $6. 4.80. 8.80. 8.00, 2.40. 180. I l l Mat*. Today A Th*r». 2:30, 13 tO.3..2.4O.i.80.l.20 PALL **•' Sm«i Jfflfrie,' Local Screen News French production ofchar(fe of Michael Torld Prorlurttors *nf reatstanei of the French under Rrnnr ) during the Nasi occupation. »ill hive jta firs; American showing to#Ay «t the 55th Street Playhouse. Tr-e pi.t\ire, arnompanled by JEngllah *• '"» wn» directed bv Henri Calef fnsw I • reen sterY bv Claude Hey- BlsnTi .in.! Clmrlea Sr^'i 1 *- T h e f**J" Wl tnrlntls I'lrrre Bras»e»ir, Genln rthiu, Liirijurv and .lean Rrorhard. Jtrne* Vflsnr and Ann Todd, co- »*ar? ol ••The, Seventh Veil," begin i fotir-ttay run tntlav at the Art The- 8tl> r. . . . T h e 52d Street Trana-L.ux tidsv 'hriiugh Monday offers "My "f* With Caroline," with Ronald fOtarmn. . . . "Lurky Partners." with K f f P.agerR and Ronald Colman, Un film beinp; shown today r. In Hollywood, has been appointed to the position of student contact execu- tive i n t h e N e w York offires of Co- lumbia Pictures Corporation. "Abie's trlsh Rose," produced bv A. Edward Sutherland for Ping Crosby Producers, Inc. will open on December 21 a s t h e Christmas week offering at the Gotham Theater. The pin vers In this are Joanne Dru. Ri<h- ard Norria, Michael Chekhov. George E. Stone, Vera Gordon and J. M Kerrigan. Sergei Elsensteln's "Tvan the Ter- rible," Soviet film version of the life of Csar Ivan IV. will he rel.ased here early in 1947 by Artltino Pic- tures, I n c . . , . T h e Andrews Sisters 'hrnu Kh Mondav at" the RSt'h Street.iwill appear with I^>s Paul and his Tr *ns UUJI, I trio. Mack and Desmond, the Martin „_^„ J Brothers and Tony Pastor and im |i \rn " believed to he the'orchestra for the Paramount Theater posl liberation French film to stage show beginning ffsdwtsxlay, " the pari &t the American O 1.1 . "V nation's freedom, ia Srwr Wences. soon to he seen With I ol tifnteen <;alh. films to Bettv c.rnhle In 2oth Century-Fox s '' rnprtrted hv the newlv formed. "Mother Wore Tights " Is currently w' Hemispners Fi»m»Company, *PP»RrtBf on the stage of the rtoxy. T * Rim, equipped with K n g - . . . Sepia Cinderella," a second of '** '.•>« will have its Americanize twelve major all-Negro produe- ' Afly" n e s t year. tions scheduled by Herald Picture*, line , is now before the cameras under mmi K,p*i«in »Of several vsmrs in'the direction of Arthur T^ennnrrl "Fascinatins;Theatre" -*%%% JOSEPH M. HVMAN A BtRNASD MART ar«Mat ~ MOSS HART'S New PL, CHRISTOPHER BLAKE s l l K l l ' l III* MARTHA RICHARD STKtnWIlK SLEEPER TYI.ER AND A CAST OF FIFTY Ml'StC B«IX THE.*.. 45 S» \V. of R'vat Ev« 8:40 Sliars. Matt. Today A Thur. 2sW Sharp 2 PERFS7T0DAY1SDK MKATS NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE. "Stunnlnt and tnehantia»."-fiarnc), Her. Trib. _ JOSE FERRER to CYRANO deBERGERAC France* Raid—R. Clinton—M. Shorn**—Paula L»wr*neo—f. Comaton—E. 6r*»oo W. Wooaoaa BARRVMORE, W.47 St.OI.8-639O.t«.S:30 Share ^'Masterfiri—Fjitranelns"—Hawklaa. W.-TaT. RIIIM.EKS A HAMMERSTEIN preeenl , .HELEN HAYES »» HAPPY BIRTHDAY A *<•"• mrafili; by ANITA E009 rurrrtcd by .lOSDVA LOGAN nRftADIILHNT, *4lh (*t. West of R'arat Iviw. 8:10. Mala. TODAY' A WED. at t.40 BROCK P/5MBBRTOW presents FRANK FAY * ag^ffUT' H ARVEY ANTOINCTTR PE»ET with JONEPHINE Hrl.I. 48th St. Thoa. E.ef B ».Ev**.8:40.Mat today 1:40 * MATINEE TODAY OKLAHOMA! ST. JAMES. 44th W. of B'way. E«|l. 8:30. 84.81 3.80, I., 2.40. I.SO. 1.20. Mat*. Thuri. S3. 2.40. 1.80. 1.20. Mat. tat. $3 80. 3.. 2.40, I 80, I 20 TheTheaTreTiniTrtIA JohiTf. Wilson present LUNT-'FONTANNE* O MISTRESS MINE V-r" A Tomedy TERENCE RATTICAN EMPIRE Thea.40th St. ft R'wav. PE B-S.VM E v m - S:.1Q. M a i s . T O D A Y A THI RS. 2:30 "Deftly Annisrn*;, Mrlndioiis, and Smart- Ij Caparisoned" Barnes. Her. Trib. MAX GORDON presents LEONORA ARTniR C0RBEH MARGETS0N In th* No« Muiical Camidy Hit P A R K AVENUE l with RAYMOND WAI.rtl KN MARTHA RAY MARY STEWART MeDONAED WICKES Book by Munndly JOHNSON A Coo 8 KAUFMAN Lyrit* ky IRA GERSHWIN Mi'sie by ARTHUR SCHWARTZ 8HUBERT THEA., 44th St. W. at B'y. CI. 8.3**0 Ey«*. 8:40. Mat*. TODAY ft WEI), at Z:4o "IT'S IMMENSE FUR."—Barnes'HerTYrib. JOHN C. WILSON prttmtS CLIFTON WEBB * f3 NOEL COWARD'S Cornedf r RESENT LAUGHTER PLYMOUTH Thoa. 45th St. W. ol By. CI 8-8188 Evtnlno *t 8:40: 84.80. 3.80. 3., 2.40. 1,80 I 20 »»*t». TODAY ft W E D . $3.60. 3.. 2.40, I.88U.20 LAST 4 WEEKS! 2 Shows TODAY & TOM'W S "A YERY BIG HIT."-Wolfcr WinrhtU HOW BOAT Muilc by JEROME KERN B**k and Lyrio* ky OSCAR HAMMER8TCIN M B«ud on th* novel by EDNA FERBER St*|*d by HASSARD SHORT ZIEGFELD THEATRE 64 St. ft «lh A»e. Evet.lnel8un,8:S0. Moti Rat a Sun No Mon Port. 1016 PI I.ITZER PRIZE PL,%Y EVES.M 8:34 Sh*r» M*t*. TODAY 4 WED 2 33 R * LPH BELLAMY I0,TH ATWATER "0AZ2LING. BEAUTIFUL. SPECTACULAR, 1 Broirm, Sun 2 SHOWS TODAY Kj SUN.,;" Sonia Henle ft Arthur M. Wlrts present ICETI ME $1. $1.25. $1.50, $2 W «,\T,i;\ Ks.ft rTDATS I I to |t.4o Pins Tnt Evei. I- Mon i 84(1; Sun 8 11 Mail Ordon MATS TODAY 2:4(1. SUN. 3*10 STATE OF THE UNION Myron McCormiek. Minor Wtttna. MarfaloGlllmore HUDSON Thoa.. 44 St. E^of B'aay. BR. 8-3841 MATINEET0DAY "The first Important new comedy of the season." Btrnord Watt.v Post THE THEATRE GITU» presents INA CLAIRE T »" GEORGE KELLY'S Gay Comedy HE FATAL WEAKNESS JI0YALETh.W.4Sth Ev* 8:30 M*t«,Tod*y*Thurt. "T s r P E t t n " D R A M A / ' - t V o t M , Toaf M'RTAIN AT ?::«! P M. SHARP THF; TilE\TRE G l l l . n Prrsenfs x EUGENE O'NEILL'S lHE ICEMAN COMETH MARTIN BEl-K The*. C M W. of Sth Aye. E»qi.*«lyTUES. THRU SUN. (No Part. Monday) LAST WEEKS! 2 Perfs. TODAY & TOM'W JS THFATFF i.VCORPOR.tTtfr) presents BURGESS MEREDITH * THE PIAYBOY OF 1 THE WESTERN WORLD BOOTH Thoa W.4S St. CI. 8.39(18. No Port. SJon, 2 Show* Today ^ T o m ' w A f 8 " 0 "HIshlT stircrssfnl."—tin old Tribune PAUIASTONES HUNT 8TR0MBF.RG.lr.aoaaaa* x Victor Herbert's 8tUa» 1 II F RED M I L L 4^TH ST THEA W. of B'»«y C| 8-S075 CENTER T H E A . . RorkofoMor Contor. CO. 5-3474! Eyai Intl Sun. 8:10 Mata Today 2:40 Tom* «t 3 HOLIDAY MATINEES DAILY XMAS WEEK -^CinFDJe'uAaNF.Jr. presents I A NEW MlsirAI, COMEDY F THE SHOE FITS "Th* dancooaro fina A day" rfav'fc-in*. W.-T. * E N T l I«Y Thes.snthNt Atlh ATC.CT 7-11»I Kxfm. al s W Mata. TODAV ft W E P . t .10 CURTAIN 8:33 P M. N» t**tln* darlSfl lot Soono THE VIA YIVH1GHTS- COM ['ANY presents * INGRID BERGMAN * JOAN OF LORRAINE \ \^w Ploy by MAXWELL AND! R*»"N Mcnrie News. The Avt*nu« Play house is showing "The Well-Digger's Daughter'' f o r a twelfth week beginning today. . . . Entering a second week today are "Grand Illusion" and "Carnival In Flanders," a t t h e F i f t h A v e n u e Play- house. producer, sails o n t h e Queen Eliza- beth today for a three months' trip to England, France and Italy. While in Italy he will search for outdoor locations for the shooting of Somer- set Maugham's "Then a n d N o w , " which will b e h i s next production. The Hon. Norman J. O. Makin, Am- buvsinlor of Australia in the United States, announces that he will spon- sor an invitational American pre- miere of the Australian film "The Overlanders" at the Rialto Theater Larry Parks, o f " T h e Jolson Story" and the forthcoming "The Swords- man," is in town for a short stay , , . M e l T o n n e , w h o s e l a s t m o v i e ap- pearance w a s In "Night a n d D a v , " , , _ . , _ is in town at the Pierre with liob " n «*• even,n « of Thursday, Decern- Wells, the song writer. Der 1B ' I "The Magnificent Doll," co-star- Samuel Goldwyn's "The Best Years ring Ginger Rogers, David Niven and of Our Lives" i s i n i t s fourth week :Burgess Meredith, Inters its second at the Astor. . . . "Brief Encounter" 'week today at Loew's Criterion. . . . enters its seventeenth week today at! Katharine Hepburn and Robert Tay- the Little Carnegie Playhouse. . . . jlor, starring in "Undercurrent," at Arnold Pressburger, motion picture'the Capitol, are In their final week. ALh-RF.Ii de. T .IOHV ,„„ |l|(| TEN'S HE VOICE OF THE TURTLE BEATRICE ALAN VICKI PEARSON BAXTER CUMMINCS MOHO*»ro Then , 43th « . , W . of E'wsy Erfn. 81 :.in. Mallnees Today and Wod. t:in ,T Ba1a*r h*. n.w hoan In b*tt»r form."—Lite ^ RAY B0LGFR *" I HREE TO MAKE READY STISMSn MtSICAf, RFVfF HIT , Sinned by JOHN Ml RRA> ANHKRHON with SAM WANAMAKER— R0MNEY BRENT | ADELPHI Thm Mth St E n( B *ov CI. S.JSBf ALVIN.W 52S1 E>8*8'AVMat« Today*Wtd 2.15, Kil». 8:40, Mat.. TOIIW.WI |> \ Ol I 2fl ! '\ gl«Hitig. rrastittsfc f-imii-iK . . , wise, «ilti. Imp iiml teWajer."—( nUmetn Wlrrof MAX «.<»HIMIN PrrSmtS rRETTRIf ITOIIIVfP ,,\. ii s Ponrl"* 1 sod H T 1 U I WIN WOOD The S>-r WmtKH n»ii(|n»«l SvCocil BSStaS-DlractaS B* J»fk MlfltUr 1 f>ir#. t, d f.ORT Thoatrt, 4Sth 8« E of B »*y. BR »««*« | MANSFIELD TH iimam flsWWfflOsW aHsflWDlllas »WOMH Win •/PARADISE •JVAUNCIAI laaiici **> •HUIISIII M C M aaoustv *l I*T«OOUCI» rflffsl BIRGMANtUM. M0N160MERY *aPstV!sf iisV llstsT4lit\Ts\\r . fh.i M C m , . •UrttE Wist FOOLS' IMSTMMT tTMIEN • UMU ****** imnW-MaBaaWl-sslBmSaiCBiU OLVMPIA, IMI aaj s" 72»» ST., 83'" ST. 175«»» ST. *••• H saouoLv aa.iaTaoeucia | | • A M SUA IEWARR. AVfAll or* It.» «» stss STREET aVCOMMOOORE aVOElAMCEV aVlNWOOD *V0R*HEUM eVllO • • aySHEIIOAN •llOat M » $ M T A HIV«ail GLENN FORD ^JANCT BLAIR WlsJnJOUWBr AlOINlOINC TICRNCY KaaMTN wsa,s)P8sN 1 'tMANCMAI M t T U m ' I SMAMOW *>» A WOMAN* ^. W ,f;, K 1 ^ B I'M L U C K Y VMasllAjlttlfjMnin^ •CHACK-UP' Al DCt *»«• MAVI » * Viyto » ***** il, U as TKIssTT RLOLC, VIIA-iUiN>(*««>faeMOmGORAEsrYQ AsswJimivs AaWesatMk Mm Vi*U-lilEN-C*MMeMOmGORA|tYD Asae Jtmm '3 LITTLE GIRLS IN lllE'f < SlVI|IRr tOSTON W>. MCVOORT •URIAN0 CANAL COMssOOOAt CONEY 1$. OYCKMAN FAIAMOUNT MAIA SHCRIOAN TMBOWO VKTOKY WARWICK WILLARO WOOOSI06 SHOWPIACI Of THE NATlO •ocKEmitt CINTH RADIO CITY MUSIC HAU "Gfofrotvs, colorful, nMmorabUr-HOKIWOL MIRROR "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" in Technicolor JIIY SMLJiNtt !TJiN I0HNS0N IMC ALLYSON MKRT «UKER and many other stars—A M«wo-GeMwys^si*ry«r Picswe •nd THE MUSK HALL'S SKAT CHRISTMAS STAR SNOW •THE NATIVITY"- Famed pageant... OINJ "GOOD SHIP HOLIDAY- — f rodweed by Uenidoff. Symphony Orchestra directed by CassHes f revss. fktvra at: 10:)1,1:04, 3:J8,6.53,9:47. eaft-e imaMat* tsefara U.I0 .ol; 12:11.3:04,6,00,9,00 Ooori Oaa*> Saadey 11.30 A.St. ROOM OPtN DAILY 9 A.M. US1 COMPltTC aTMl SHI S t l l l H SHOW TONIGHT I I 1$ t. M GINGER ROGERS DAVID MVEN in «nd BURGESS MEREDITH loivs C R I T E R I O N w»*45tn$t a Flawless drama that should givt you one of the best nights of your movie- going life" -JIMMY noia The BEST Years of Our Lives' WINTER GARDEN BWAY AT 50TH UTE SCREEN UNO IK-PERSON SHOW T0NI6HT M MIDNIGHT I FOt^S tgM55!n f tpai ?.^f! rfiMeii >ous C*»«tiiwoin#romtA.sA. ^ ^ S T O R • WAY ft 4 5 m ST. ffRie***gr** w*er*t every *w^m lASt COMniTI tN.RIRSON fHOW AT 1 1 W M a . . i way ol Sttt OOORSOMN SM..1U0 A.NL 1ASY KATURf AT ItiW U s t Stage Show at 12 MIDNIGHT- Last Feature at 1:00 A.M. I pMfmrmBMQ CROSBY o 0 ' FRED ^ISTAfRa? « •JOAlV CAVtsVI\ZU> % r ^ajaasj A Paramo*)*! *\<lvn ••; *c*ooSR*mmws% *•* y^jis- Oorryff. Zmotk*m*m I0IN fHIS My VARUM . CLEMENTINE 2& MCNRY FONDA UNOA OARMELl-VICTOR MATURE Oirected by JOHN FORD fr***trted by SAMUIl O. INOit SsSS OPEN ALL NITE TILL A AM! Watitodfbr IRIC PORTMAN free*(*4 bv MASCEl HEUMAM Aa lacahie* f»m SredutlMa Balaotad by JO* Cantufyfo* VAWNER'T SYRNIY GREENSTREET PETER LORRE JOAN L0RRIN8 fesflsM RWAY AT 47lh TRAND IN RIRSON if a VINCBNT Wt LOPEZ J ANOO«CMEST*A*J RIT »i sirt iSHnC 212*-^ (HIIHIHt 111 ' ' ^ OftNS 10:30 A.H LAIC IIIOWOHt FlUfl #t : Ny'MEMORAMI SONOSI HUMOR I 3 30 * M VICTORIA Sway A 46th Si TS« Tfcamr* su.M Praaom* LAURENCE OLIVIER.. nRaal^lml W fBBaaSssesi tssssst Mm INITtl MTISU All Seats Reserved MAT. DAILY 2:30 (Sundays 3:00) Every Night 8:30 IWm:Ew.,1.80,1.20,T8«lnel GOLDEN THEATRE Wolf Disney's m PAOowcrfoo 4MIR.*irssi CI 6-6740 JAMES MASON stx sofdsir SOSJGSf llttfT m StnpWf SONG OF THE SOUTH - ' w IfCHHICOlOP PALACE v^ eeees oris 9 38 A M RIVOLI Rr o o d w a y ot A'Hrt St '»•« *.*4MUMI«<t* SUPSR'1 PlCTORIAllY"—. Chai (ORNF.LIA OTIS SKINNKK LADY WINDFJ^MERF:S FAN V r ,A ? C u a fin^ 2 m Ponfl'BfWARO InhOBUCKMASTESSM EVANS 1 L A n 3 A U U n%t bv RrTH r.onnosi <u (iarmn han-n ., -, 4?ts W of B'»*y. fl. 8.8S** Kr%*. » W . M a n Tllim.WKTJ* PF.r ?S' Bv(r« 8;40. MHIS TOIlA^ A YfED. a i 2 4 0 CUMMINGS MORGAN COCHRAN *- '"LORRE BRANDT S GLOBE 8'way A 4Aih 11 *e# t B O B H O P E IOBR CaotfMi •* "MOHSIEUR BEAUCAIRE" BEACON BeiTlMrJia YORKTOWN [CHARGE Rt HEAVEN | Blaaw Rasar* faaf BtoCras Jta* Wyiaaa I VACATION 11 ATE SHOWS TONIGHT AT RfACON .YORKTOWN . SWAMP PMI •IA R0T0II0DI itmitt 8 tanHBMi •*_. STIMCE LOVE ;BMTIA \m% PERSONALITY KID HOLIDAY w mneo YVslter rMstosi I*** Itsrkt . INas T»E UNKNOWN M l M O W N . D A I C CMITOM ^llaWSHOfT." MGHT* I^SAsSUtflCA •aatjaaaW BsY^M^aVaataVBBYdk sBsSSasXassSW kStQdio •ROASWAVaf ««* PRANCOISE ROSAY in "PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN' Shaw* at U. 1, 4. 8, a. 10 and Mid. '«*". "oScV TOSCANINI «;i%• Mn or Tn r. NATio\<«• Shnan at I 80. 3:33. 3:35, 7 40. 8:40. 11 40 P M tt'il DUNNE- GRANT - I MT rATQMTt 1IK til VTEATOHAT a 3 m a •*»• f I BROOKLYN I w ANNE I SStliST r r M A D l S O N FRiiV ^^MmtNiSi FUttkutN i OstTaln MacMURRAY, BAXTER TAU JRMli Vg^^BURllVES 4rl?MSM900400600 800*v*i*tt000s*i Iff. TtM«vn "HOLIDAY |R MfXICO" GS- Snowr it: ST.PUYNOUSE^^Afrt •»>B»rbiua S'anwvpii # Vnn Hfflind. "STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS" 10 ' 20, \M 7 40 and I '.0 S M ^MIONITE SHOW TONITE! 'f^tVrJ-^ FAR,ftR 50 STfi£lf£PiV.-3iAvr l»NE DUNNE-CARY GRANT ^"S" MY FAVORITE W l»-£ HEPBURN *nd FAIRBANKS i*» "MOtNINC OLOBV ' wllS Adnlphr Mmb, tNROL ELCANOR FLYNN PARKER NEVER SAY GOODBYE nui ii PLAINSMAN ABB IN UDr Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Loire SsSS Slow …ellingtonweb.ca/Hostedpages/TDWAW/Clippings/Beggar's Holiday... · 4Nr»EME!«TI THE NEW YORK SUN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14ANIIININT.


* •


Broadway After Dark JOAN CRAWFORD

-••:.• < « * w




These » r e •*• offerings now listed for the week of Decern-•** 2 3 : ,

•Wonderful Journey." Coronet Theater. Christmas night.

"Burlesque" 'Bert Lahn, Be-laaee Theater, Christmas night.

Beggar's Holiday." Broadway TfeMter. Thursday, December 26.

'Temper the Wind," dramatic -Finians Rainbow,'

"Toplitzky of Notre musical production.

No decision yet on bookings for •The Temporary Mrs. Smith," which finishes a week's engage-men' in Toronto this evening. • -Love Ooes to Press," comedy from London, is to arrive Janu-a , - y T - . . .

RWOO.M DRAMATICS. Arnold Moss, who gave a very

•mpressive performance in "The Tempest,'' has hopes of coming forth as King Lear during the current season.

Howard Lang has deferred "Tears for the Bride," play by Martin Berkeley, until Sir Cedric Hardwicke is available as a di­rector.

"Show Boat" begins its final three weeks at the Ziegfeld Mon­day.

Dwight Deere Wiman, who has occupied the top floor of the Play-bouse Theater Building for twen­ty-odd years, takes over new quarters in the Adelphi Theater Building, beginning Monday. . . . The new production firm of Nel­son I* Gross and Ferris Hartman announces "They Liked Them Handsome," musical play by Ste­phen Longstreet. . . . "The Story of Mary Surratt" is the new title of the John Patrick play which has been known as "This Gentle Ghost." . . . David Manners will succeed Henry Daniell in "Lady Windermere's Fan" next week.


When the Princess in 39th .-rreet, because of the presence of the Holbrook Blinn Grand Guig-nol players, was known as the "Theater of Thrills"?

When there was afternoon dancing at the Cafe Boulevard, Broadway and 41st street? .

When Raub's, a leading Brook-lvn restaurant at Flatbush ave­nue and Fulton street, promised • a jolly time and a good dinner"?

When Shanley's offered a "cabaret extraordinaire," with twenty acts?

When Olga Nethersole was headlining in vaudeville in the third act of her famous "Sapho"?

Plays for Chrutmem Week. Broadway's Christmas week schedule is still subject to

change, to sudden bookings and t o managerial whim, but it is likely that the holiday open ings wil l total five or six. Final decision on two productions is to be expected over the week end. First-nighters wil l probably be paying an­other visit to the Playhouse; "Land's End" closes there this

• " • * • * ' • N o . t W o . k - . O p . n i n * Thursday—"Androcles a n d

the Lion," play by Bernard Shaw, will be offered by the American Repertory Theater at the International. The play­ers include Ernest Truex, June Duprez, Victor Jory, Richard Waring, John Beecher, Marion Evensen, Arthur Keegan, Eu­gene Stuckmann, Robert Raw. lings, R a y m o n d Greenleaf, Philip Bourneuf and William Windom. Staged by Margaret Webster; costumes and scenery designed by Wolfgang Roth; music by Marc Blitzstein; animal heads and masks by Remo Buf ano.

"Androcles" will be preceded by "Pounds on Demand," short play by Sean O'Casey. Staged by Victor Jory. The players include Cavada Humphrey, Philip Bourneuf, Ernest Truex, Margaret Webster and Eugene Stuckmann.

M j

Htr latest Warner film is Fannit Hunt's "Humoresque," which ia to open Christmas Day at the Hollywood Theater.

Dr. Wang Marries. Shanghai, Dec. 14 (A. P.).—Dr.

C. T. Wang, former Premier of China and one-time Ambassador to Washington, was married to­day to Mrs. Dorothy A. Liu, widow of the late C. S. (Burma) Liu.

IT HAPPENED IN N. Y. (on this very date in 1914).

"Driven," a play in four actsy-^ by E. Temple Thurston, was pre- i sented by Charles Frohman at the Empire. William Seymour i did the staging. The players in-' eluded Charles Bryant, Leslie Fa-ber, Lumsden Hare, T. W. Percy-val, Arthur Greenaway, Alexan­dra Carlisle, Haidee Wright, Rita Otway.

A strong company, that Froh­man cast for "Driven," but the play didn't do—less than a month's run. Several nights be­fore "Driven" arrived Charles Dil­lingham's production of "Watch Your Step," with music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, came into the New Amsterdam. It was a big hit.

• • •


Mi* l a lDt t l ID

tteaisrarsl mw nooisil I'm in love

P O U L T R Y " a * . " i fciUifclft/ r f t lZB WINKING , 9 n i f f t Poultry—Piaoont

Santa*)*— Turkay*. Pkoaoanto. 6an»a Bird*. oto. l i b RtglMirt Armory, l » W. 14th St.

M A. M. TO I t r . M. EACH DAY Admission: 50c fius Tax

,_*Z MT. » N » i STAGE PLAYS

DEPARTING DRAMA. "Dream Girl," Elmer Rice's suc­

cessful comedy, in which June Havoc has been playing the title role since Betty Field M l the cast, closes its long engagement at the Coronet this evening.

"A Flag Is Born," Ben Hecht's propaganda drama for a free Palestine, which has shown an ex­traordinary vitality, will be with­drawn at the Broadway after to­night's performance. The pro­duction goes on an extensive tour, opening in Chicago Christ­mas night.

"Land's End,* Thomas Job drama, which opened Wednesday evening at the Playhouse, closes tonight after five performances.

The New Movie Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Loire in a Slow-moving Murder Drama, 'The Verdict.'

By EILEEN GBEELMAN. "The Verdict" moves w i t h leisure, much in the mood

of its period. This n e w ta l e of murder, on the Strand screen, t a k e s place in an old c i ty . London has a lways seemed the perfect spot for a murder mystery, the reign of Victoria the perfect t ime . "The Verdict" saunters through a few months of t h e Victorian era, covers a mur­der or two , uncovers a f ew n e a t tricks.

This Is a slow-moving picture, ~ - — - — — — — —

LAST 4 TIMES! T S & S L W 2 Shows TODAY & TOOTW *;?, •' Eloquaat a»4 BMlBJ Sraaia" Barnes, H er.Trtb.


BEN HECHT'S DRAMATIC T R I U M P H BROADWAY Thoa B'aay at »3rd St. C I . 728S7


American Repertory Theatre I.KI.AI.IIF.NNIC HAMI'OKN JOBV

I H I ' t t E Z T I U F . X W A R I M . WEBSTER B O l ' K M s r F

Today Mat. A t»». -What Ivary Woman Know* Tom'w (Sua.) M a t A Evt Hnnry V I I I f .Vo Pet formanres Mon OooniThitn

I N T E R N A T I Mat m m Saturday and Sunday. C I . S-48M

"HI M . ' s T r , Y E ! " - f i a n i f s . Her. Trib. RODT.KRS & HAMMKKSTKIN present


A In Tlw Mimical Smash

NNIE GET YOUR GUN Untie and 1/ttric* bv IRVING BFBT.TN'


Directed by .loahoa Logan I M P E R I A L T h r a . . 4!Wh St . W e s t nf R 'wnv Evgs 8:10 M a r a . Mat*. Today A Wad. 7:10 Soars

TZ s" 2 Perfs. TODAY "Sf L A N D ' S E N D •—• A New Play by T H O M A S JOB


2 T E R F S 7 T 0 D A Y & SUN. » *

LQ . L V » I " * e t H f t C T COMEDY!" oth iear! x. v. Times


BIJOU Thoatrt. 4Sth St. W. of B » a y . C 0 . 5 - 8 2 I J t«o. l a c Sua. 8:40. Matt. Sat . . Sun. NoMon.Port.

1 wice Today ^"o & Tom'wA2 850

40 " F r o l i c a o m r a n d k e e p * tinilience l a c h u c k l e * . " — Sobol, Journal - \n\tr.

DONALD COOK ""c,,me" formanres Mon.. Ti iea. a Wed.) « m UUlSfKLU I U U N on Mirriaaa n Evo Da* l» »Bdr«(«i and th« l i en ] \ / l \ T-v T? T " V I T TT \ \ T t . " V T IONAL THEATRE, 5 Colunikut Circlo * » * . Y I - M . 1 ~ \ M r . . ! * I . . 1

2 Shows TODAY & TOM'W I*

H E N R Y MILLER 'S Thoa. 43d 8t . E. of B'way E«M lnol._Sun fl:4fl.Mata.TaSay 2:40;Tom'w 2*0

on 9:00


E X I T A new iilau by J E A N - P A U L «ARTRE

ANNABELLA—Claude D A U P H I N — R u t h FORD B I L T M O R F . T U L A . , 47 - I W e i l of I V W I M E»f i Intl Sun 9 00 Mat i .8a t .A8un. No Mon. Part.

MO 1 M A t

without dash or any violent sus­pense. It is also, unless, cleverer than most, you have guessed the tricks early in the game, a mys­tery that holds the interest. There is no one about whom to care. There is no emotional pull. There is just a trick, with plenty of atmosphere and a few amusing characters for good measure.

The central figure- is just right for an English tale of murder. Hfre is Sydney Greenstreet, the fat man in a sympathetic role at last, as a Scotland Yard inspec­tor retired because he's caused an innocent man to be hanged. The old inspector is surrounded with odd friends, including three men, an artist, a politician, and the rtpphew of a murdered worn an. This trio occupy apartments in the same house. They are ac­quaintances, far from friendly. The murder of one, however, in­volves the others.

Peter Ixjrre, Paul Cavanagh and Morton Lowry play these

THE VERDICT.' A Warnar Brothara picture. Novel by

Israe l Zanarwill. Screen play by Peter Milne. Directed by Don Slegel . At the Btrand. The eaat: Orodma.il Sydney Greenrtreet Victor Emrarlc Peter l .orre Lottie t"»n tinning Buckley MI-K. Kennon Cllve Ruaaell Holbrook Arthur Kendall .

. G e o r g e Coulour is Rosalind Ivan

Paul Cavanagh Arthur HhiPlds Morton Lowry

neighbors, with Rosalind Ivan as their gossipy, tippling landlady. Joan Lorring, as a cabaret singer, gets mixed up with the murder So does the new Scotland Yard inspector, a worried fellow played by George Coulouris. This is a capable cast, somewhat lost, per­haps, on a story that depends upon tricks, rather than dramatic situations.

The Strand's vaudeville fea­tures Vincent Lopez's Orchestra, Artie Dann, the Three Arnauts, and that bright young singer, JaniS Paige, who'll be seen on the Strand screen soon in "The

i Time, the Place and the Girl."

" r a c k e d wi th dynamite; ful l -bodied, vibrant theatre."—MOMMBOVBM, Sun

LILLIAN HELLMAN'S J™* ANOTHERPARTT°; tFOREST FULTON Thoa. 4Stk St. W. at B'aay. CI. (-S3S0 E V I P > . » : 4 0 . Watlneea Today aad Wed. 2:40 KnicaKement extended thra Son., Dec. St

2 Show* TODAY SSTOAffW 1% n KATHERINE DUNHAM " K I I M r r D C Hit Mnaleal Revne

U AL INrAmfc COMPANY OF SO BELASCO TMEA . 44 St. E. of • ' • * » . B " . J-J067 Eva* Incl Sun S.40 M*tt .S*t .& Sun.No Mo*. Pert.

' •A~BJBAT"0I ,Y E!>iTEBTA"iSl>6 EVENING."—George Jean Sathan

M A X GORDON preweoU

RORN YESTERDAY t - » The f/«Iari»u.o Contedv Hi t by

GAKSON KANTN LYCEUM THEA. 45th St. E. of B n y C H 44158 Evan. «:40. Mate. TODAY A W E D . a t 2:40 ~ ~ " T m f BEST N E M T M C W C A I , MKrW f

—George Jean Sathan M«lvvn Onufta* and Hornan Levin present

ME MISTER Snianh Hit Mnnleal Revua with BETTY GARRETT

Hongs bv Sketches bv Staged by HarnM Roma Arnold Auorbach Rofeart N. Gordon NATIONAL Then. , 41at (H. W r i t of B'wn* Evea.S-.S.'i. Matlneen TODAY A W E D . I :S5

^ MAlT^rTfODAY CAROUSEL MAJESTIC Th«atr*. 44th St. W * * t et • ' • * ! Ev«i. 0:30, $6. 4.80. 8.80. 8.00, 2.40. 180. I l l Mat*. Today A Th*r». 2:30, 13 tO.3..2.4O.i.80.l.20

P A L L **•' Sm«i


Local Screen News F r e n c h p r o d u c t i o n o f c h a r ( f e o f M i c h a e l Tor ld P r o r l u r t t o r s

*nf reatstanei o f t h e F r e n c h u n d e r Rrnnr ) d u r i n g the N a s i o c c u p a t i o n . » i l l h i v e jta f i r s ; A m e r i c a n s h o w i n g to#Ay «t t h e 55th S t r e e t P l a y h o u s e . Tr-e p i . t \ i r e , a r n o m p a n l e d b y JEngl lah *• ' " » w n » d i r e c t e d b v H e n r i C a l e f fnsw I • r e e n s t e r Y bv C l a u d e H e y -BlsnTi . in.! C l m r l e a Sr^'i1*- T h e f**J" Wl tnrlnt ls I ' l rrre B r a s » e » i r , G e n l n r t h i u , L i i r i jurv a n d . l e a n R r o r h a r d .

J trne* V f l s n r a n d A n n T o d d , c o -»*ar? ol ••The, S e v e n t h V e i l , " b e g i n i fotir-ttay r u n tnt lav at t h e A r t T h e -8 t l >r. . . . T h e 52d S t r e e t T r a n a - L . u x t i d s v ' h r i i u g h M o n d a y o f f e r s " M y "f* W i t h C a r o l i n e , " w i t h R o n a l d fOtarmn. . . . " L u r k y P a r t n e r s . " w i t h

K f f P.agerR a n d R o n a l d C o l m a n , U n f i l m beinp; s h o w n t o d a y


In H o l l y w o o d , h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d t o t h e p o s i t i o n o f s t u d e n t c o n t a c t e x e c u ­t i v e i n t h e N e w Y o r k o f f i r e s o f C o ­l u m b i a P i c t u r e s C o r p o r a t i o n .

" A b i e ' s t r l s h R o s e , " p r o d u c e d b v A . E d w a r d S u t h e r l a n d for P i n g C r o s b y P r o d u c e r s , I n c . w i l l o p e n o n D e c e m b e r 21 a s t h e C h r i s t m a s w e e k o f f e r i n g a t t h e G o t h a m T h e a t e r . T h e pin v e r s In t h i s a r e J o a n n e D r u . R i < h -a r d N o r r i a , M i c h a e l C h e k h o v . G e o r g e E . S t o n e , V e r a G o r d o n a n d J . M K e r r i g a n .

S e r g e i E l s e n s t e l n ' s " T v a n t h e T e r ­r i b l e , " S o v i e t f i l m v e r s i o n of t h e l i f e o f C s a r I v a n I V . w i l l h e r e l . a s e d h e r e e a r l y i n 1947 b y A r t l t i n o P i c ­t u r e s , I n c . . , . T h e A n d r e w s S i s t e r s

'hrnu K h M o n d a v at" t h e RSt'h S t r e e t . i w i l l a p p e a r w i t h I^>s P a u l a n d h i s T r * n s UUJI , I t r i o . M a c k a n d D e s m o n d , t h e M a r t i n

„ _ ^ „ J B r o t h e r s a n d T o n y P a s t o r a n d i m |i \rn " b e l i e v e d t o h e t h e ' o r c h e s t r a f o r t h e P a r a m o u n t T h e a t e r

posl l i b e r a t i o n F r e n c h f i l m t o s t a g e s h o w b e g i n n i n g f f s d w t s x l a y , " t h e par i &t t h e A m e r i c a n O 1.1

. " V n a t i o n ' s f r e e d o m , ia Srwr W e n c e s . s o o n t o h e s e e n With I ol t i f n t e e n < ;a lh . f i l m s t o B e t t v c . r n h l e In 2 o t h C e n t u r y - F o x s

'' rnprtrted h v t h e n e w l v f o r m e d . " M o t h e r W o r e T i g h t s " I s c u r r e n t l y w' H e m i s p n e r s F i » m » C o m p a n y , * P P » R r t B f on t h e s t a g e o f t h e r t o x y .

T * R i m , e q u i p p e d w i t h K n g - . . . S e p i a C i n d e r e l l a , " a s e c o n d of ' * * ' . • > « w i l l h a v e i t s A m e r i c a n i z e t w e l v e m a j o r a l l - N e g r o p r o d u e -' Afly" n e s t y e a r . t i o n s s c h e d u l e d b y H e r a l d P i c t u r e * ,

„ l i n e , i s n o w b e f o r e t h e c a m e r a s u n d e r mmi K,p*i«in »Of several vsmrs i n ' t h e direct ion of A r t h u r T^ennnrrl

"Fascinatins;Theatre" -*%%% JOSEPH M. HVMAN A BtRNASD MART ar«Mat


s l l K l l ' l III* MARTHA R I C H A R D S T K t n W I l K S L E E P E R TYI.ER

AND A CAST OF FIFTY Ml'StC B«IX THE.*. . 45 S» \V. of R ' v a t Ev« 8:40 Sliars. Matt. Today A Thur. 2sW Sharp

2 PERFS7T0DAY1SDK?£ MKATS NOW FOR NEW Y E A R ' S E V E . "Stunnlnt and tnehantia»."-fiarnc), Her. Trib.


C Y R A N O deBERGERAC France* Raid—R. Clinton—M. Shorn**—Paula L»wr*neo— f. Comaton—E. 6r*»oo W. Wooaoaa BARRVMORE, W.47 St.OI.8-639O.t«.S:30 Share ^'Masterfiri—Fjitranelns"—Hawklaa. W.-TaT.



A *<•"• mrafili; by A N I T A E 0 0 9 rurrrtcd by . lOSDVA LOGAN

nRf tADI ILHNT, *4lh (*t. West of R'arat Iv iw. 8:10. Mala. TODAY' A W E D . at t.40


FRANK FAY * ag^ffUT'


48th St. Thoa. E.ef B ».Ev**.8:40.Mat today 1:40

* MATINEE TODAY O K L A H O M A ! ST. JAMES. 44th W. of B'way. E « | l . 8:30. 84.81 3.80, I . , 2.40. I.SO. 1.20. Mat*. Thuri. S3. 2.40. 1.80. 1.20. Mat. t a t . $3 80. 3. . 2.40, I 80, I 20 TheTheaTreTiniTrtIA J o h i T f . Wilson present

LUNT-'FONTANNE* O MISTRESS MINE V-r" A Tomedy b» T E R E N C E RATTICAN EMPIRE Thea.40th St . ft R 'wav . P E B-S.VM E v m - S:.1Q. Mais . TODAY A THI RS. 2:30 "Deft ly Annisrn*;, Mrlndioiis, and Smart-I j Caparisoned" — Barnes. Her. Trib.


C 0 R B E H MARGETS0N In th* No« Muiical Camidy Hit


S T E W A R T M e D O N A E D W I C K E S Book by Munndly JOHNSON A Coo 8 K A U F M A N

Lyrit* ky IRA G E R S H W I N Mi'sie by A R T H U R SCHWARTZ

8HUBERT THEA. , 44th St. W. at B'y. C I . 8.3**0 Ey«*. 8:40. Mat*. TODAY ft WEI), at Z:4o "IT'S IMMENSE FUR."—Barnes 'HerTYrib .

JOHN C. W I L S O N prttmtS

CLIFTON WEBB * f 3 NOEL C O W A R D ' S Cornedf

r RESENT LAUGHTER PLYMOUTH Thoa. 45th St. W. ol B y . CI 8-8188 Evtnlno *t 8:40: 84.80. 3.80. 3., 2.40. 1,80 I 20 »»*t». TODAY ft W E D . $3.60. 3.. 2.40, I .88U.20

LAST 4 WEEKS! 2 Shows TODAY & TOM'W ! £

S"A YERY BIG HIT."-Wolfcr WinrhtU H O W B O A T

Muilc by JEROME KERN B**k and Lyrio* ky OSCAR H A M M E R 8 T C I N M

B«ud on th* novel by E D N A FERBER St * | *d by H A S S A R D SHORT

Z I E G F E L D T H E A T R E 64 St . ft « l h A » e . Evet.lnel8un,8:S0. Moti Rat a Sun No Mon Port.

1016 PI I.ITZER PRIZE PL,%Y EVES.M 8:34 Sh*r» M*t*. TODAY 4 WED 2 33



—Broirm, Sun

2 SHOWS TODAY K j SUN. , ; " Sonia Henle ft Arthur M. Wlr t s present

I C E T I ME $1. $1.25. $1.50, $2 W

«,\T,i;\ Ks.ft rTDATS I I to |t.4o Pins Tnt Evei. I- Mon i 84(1; Sun 8 11 Mail Ordon

MATS TODAY 2:4(1. SUN. 3*10

STATE OF THE UNION Myron McCormiek. Minor Wt t tna . MarfaloGlllmore HUDSON Thoa.. 44 St. E^of B'aay. BR. 8-3841

MATINEET0DAY "The first Important new comedy of the s e a s o n . " — Btrnord Watt.v Post

T H E T H E A T R E G I T U » presents



HE FATAL WEAKNESS JI0YALETh.W.4Sth Ev* 8:30 M*t«,Tod*y*Thurt.

" T s r P E t t n " D R A M A / ' - t V o t M , Toaf M ' R T A I N A T ?::«! P M . S H A R P THF; T i lE \TRE G l l l . n Prrsenfs


MARTIN BEl-K T h e * . C M W. of Sth Aye. E»qi . *« lyTUES. T H R U S U N . (No Part. Monday)


THFATFF i .VCORPOR.tTtfr) presents


1 THE WESTERN WORLD BOOTH Thoa W.4S St. C I . 8.39(18. No Port. SJon,

2 Show* Today ^ T o m ' w Af8"0

" H I s h l T s t i r c r s s f n l . " — t i n old Tribune P A U I A S T O N E S H U N T 8TR0MBF.RG.lr.aoaaaa*

x Victor Herbert's 8 t U a » 1 II F R E D M I L L

4^TH ST THEA W. of B'»«y C| 8-S075

CENTER THEA. . RorkofoMor Contor. CO. 5-3474! Eyai Int l Sun. 8:10 Mata Today 2:40 T o m * «t 3 HOLIDAY MATINEES D A I L Y X M A S W E E K - ^ C i n F D J e ' u A a N F . J r . presents

I A N E W M l s i r A I , COMEDY

F THE SHOE FITS " T h * dancooaro fina A day" — rfav'fc-in*. W.-T. * E N T l I«Y Thes.snthNt A t l h A T C . C T 7 -11» I Kxfm. a l s W M a t a . T O D A V ft W E P . t .10

C U R T A I N 8:33 P M. N» t * * t l n * darlSfl lot Soono THE VIA YIVH1GHTS- COM ['ANY presents


\ \ ^ w Ploy by M A X W E L L A N D ! R*»"N

Mcnrie News. T h e A v t * n u « P l a y h o u s e i s s h o w i n g

" T h e W e l l - D i g g e r ' s D a u g h t e r ' ' f o r a t w e l f t h w e e k b e g i n n i n g t o d a y . . . . E n t e r i n g a s e c o n d w e e k t o d a y a r e " G r a n d I l l u s i o n " a n d " C a r n i v a l In F l a n d e r s , " a t t h e F i f t h A v e n u e P l a y ­h o u s e .

p r o d u c e r , s a i l s o n t h e Q u e e n E l i z a ­b e t h t o d a y f o r a t h r e e m o n t h s ' t r i p t o E n g l a n d , F r a n c e a n d I t a l y . W h i l e in I t a l y h e w i l l s e a r c h for o u t d o o r l o c a t i o n s f o r t h e s h o o t i n g o f S o m e r ­s e t M a u g h a m ' s " T h e n a n d N o w , " w h i c h w i l l b e h i s n e x t p r o d u c t i o n .

T h e H o n . N o r m a n J . O . M a k i n , A m -b u v s i n l o r o f A u s t r a l i a i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , a n n o u n c e s t h a t h e w i l l s p o n ­s o r a n i n v i t a t i o n a l A m e r i c a n p r e ­m i e r e o f t h e A u s t r a l i a n f i l m " T h e O v e r l a n d e r s " a t t h e R i a l t o T h e a t e r

L a r r y P a r k s , o f " T h e J o l s o n S t o r y " a n d t h e f o r t h c o m i n g " T h e S w o r d s ­m a n , " i s i n t o w n f o r a s h o r t s t a y , , . M e l T o n n e , w h o s e l a s t m o v i e a p ­p e a r a n c e w a s In " N i g h t a n d D a v , " , , _ . , _ i s i n t o w n a t t h e P i e r r e w i t h l i o b " n « * • e v e n , n « o f T h u r s d a y , D e c e r n -W e l l s , t h e s o n g w r i t e r . D e r 1 B '

I " T h e M a g n i f i c e n t D o l l , " c o - s t a r -S a m u e l G o l d w y n ' s " T h e B e s t Y e a r s r i n g G i n g e r R o g e r s , D a v i d N i v e n a n d

o f O u r L i v e s " i s i n i t s f o u r t h w e e k : B u r g e s s M e r e d i t h , I n t e r s i t s s e c o n d a t t h e A s t o r . . . . " B r i e f E n c o u n t e r " ' w e e k t o d a y a t L o e w ' s C r i t e r i o n . . . . e n t e r s i t s s e v e n t e e n t h w e e k t o d a y a t ! K a t h a r i n e H e p b u r n a n d R o b e r t T a y -t h e L i t t l e C a r n e g i e P l a y h o u s e . . . . j lor , s t a r r i n g i n " U n d e r c u r r e n t , " a t A r n o l d P r e s s b u r g e r , m o t i o n p i c t u r e ' t h e C a p i t o l , a r e In t h e i r f i n a l w e e k .

ALh-RF.Ii de.

T .IOHV , „ „ | l | ( | TEN'S

HE VOICE OF THE TURTLE BEATRICE A L A N V I C K I PEARSON B A X T E R C U M M I N C S M O H O * » r o T h e n , 4 3 t h « . , W . o f E ' w s y E r f n . 81 :.in. M a l l n e e s T o d a y and W o d . t:in ,TBa1a*r h* . n . w hoan In b*tt»r form."—Li te


, Sinned by J O H N M l R R A > A N H K R H O N with SAM WANAMAKER— R 0 M N E Y BRENT | A D E L P H I Thm Mth St E n( B *ov CI . S.JSBf

A L V I N . W 52S1 E>8*8'AVMat« Today*Wtd 2.15, K i l » . 8:40, M a t . . T O I I W . W I |> \ O l I 2fl ! ' \ g l«H i t ig . rrastittsfc f-imii-iK . . , w i s e , « i l t i . I m p i iml teWajer."—( nUmetn Wlr rof


, , \ . ii s


sod H T 1 U I W I N W O O D The S>-r WmtKH n»ii(|n»«l SvCocil BSStaS-DlractaS B* J»fk Mlf l tUr 1 f>ir#. t, d

f.ORT Thoatrt, 4Sth 8« E of B »*y. BR » « « * « | M A N S F I E L D T H

iimam flsWWfflOsW

aHsflWDlllas »WOMH Win


•JVAUNCIAI laaiici **>


M C M aaoustv * l I * T « O O U C I »

rflffsl BIRGMANtUM. M0N160MERY * a P s t V ! s f i i s V llstsT4lit\Ts\\r

. fh.i M C m , .

•UrttE Wist FOOLS' I M S T M M T tTMIEN • UMU ******

i m n W - M a B a a W l - s s l B m S a i C B i U

OLVMPIA, I M I aaj s "

72»» ST.,

83'" ST.

175«»» ST.

*••• H saouoLv aa.iaTaoeucia | | • A M SUA IEWARR.

A V f A l l or* It.» >» «» stss STREET


•l lOat M » $ M T A HIV«ai l


A l O I N l O I N C T I C R N C Y KaaMTN wsa,s)P8sN

— 1 'tMANCMAI M t T U m ' I SMAMOW *>» A W O M A N *

^.W,f ;,K1 B I ' M LUC K Y V M a s l l A j l t t l f j M n i n ^

• C H A C K - U P ' A l D C t *»«• M A V I » * V i y t o » ***** il, U as TKIssTT R L O L C , VIIA-iUiN>(*««>faeMOmGORAEsrYQ AsswJimivs

AaWesatMk Mm

Vi*U-l i lEN-C*MMeMOmGORA|tYD Asae J t m m

' 3 LITTLE GIRLS IN l l l E ' f < S l V I | I R r










"Gfofrotvs, colorful, nMmorabUr-HOKIWOL MIRROR

"TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" in Technicolor

JIIY SMLJiNtt • !TJiN I0HNS0N • IMC ALLYSON • MKRT «UKER and many other stars—A M«wo-GeMwys si*ry«r Picswe

•nd THE MUSK HALL'S SKAT CHRISTMAS STAR SNOW • T H E N A T I V I T Y " - Famed p a g e a n t . . . OINJ " G O O D SHIP H O L I D A Y -— f rodweed by Uenidoff. Symphony Orchestra directed by CassHes f revss.

fktvra at: 10:)1,1:04, 3:J8,6.53,9:47. eaft-e imaMat* tsefara U . I 0

. o l ; 12:11.3:04,6,00,9,00 • Ooori Oaa*> Saadey 11.30 A.St.


• 9 A.M. US1 COMPltTC aTMl SHI S t l l lH SHOW TONIGHT I I 1$ t. M


«nd BURGESS MEREDITH loivs CRITERION • w»*45tn$t

a Flawless drama that should givt you

one of the best nights of your movie-

going life" -JIMMY noia

The BEST Years of Our Lives'




FOt^S tgM55!n ftpai?.^f! rfiMeii


C*»«tiiwoin#romtA.sA. ^ ^ S T O R • W A Y ft 4 5 m ST.

ffRie***gr** w*er*t every *w^m

lASt C O M n i T I tN.RIRSON fHOW AT 1 1 W M a . .

i way ol Sttt OOORSOMN SM..1U0 A.NL


Ust Stage Show at 12 MIDNIGHT- Last Feature at 1:00 A.M.

I pMfmrmBMQ CROSBY *» o0'

F R E D ^ I S T A f R a ? « •JOAlV CAVtsVI\ZU> % r ^ajaasj A Paramo*)*! *\<lvn • • ;

*c*ooSR*mmws% *•*


Oorry f f .Zmotk*m*m I 0 IN f H I S






IRIC PORTMAN f r e e * ( * 4 bv MASCEl HEUMAM

Aa lacahie* f»m SredutlMa Balaotad by J O * Cantufyfo*




RWAY AT 47lh

T R A N D I N RIRSON if a V I N C B N T Wt


• RIT »i sirt i S H n C 212*-^ (HIIHIHt 1 1 1 ' ' ^

OftNS 10:30 A.H LAIC IIIOWOHt F lUfl

# t :


3 30 * M V I C T O R I A Sway A 46th Si

TS« Tfcamr* su.M Praaom*

LAURENCE O L I V I E R . . n R a a l ^ l m l W • fBBaaSssesi tssssst Mm INITtl MTISU • All Seats Reserved MAT. DAILY 2:30 (Sundays 3:00) Every Night 8:30 IWm:Ew.,1.80,1.20,T8«lnel


Wolf Disney's

m PAOowcrfoo

4MIR.*irssi CI 6 - 6 7 4 0


l l t t f T m StnpWf




v ^

eeees oris

9 38 A M R I V O L I Rr ood w a y

ot A'Hrt St

' » • « * . *4MUMI«< t *

SUPSR'1 P l C T O R I A l l Y " — . C h a i



Ponfl 'BfWARO I n h O B U C K M A S T E S S M EVANS 1 L A n 3 A U U

n%t bv RrTH r.onnosi <u ( i a r m n h a n - n

. , -, 4?ts W of B'»*y. f l . 8.8S** Kr%*. » W . M a n T l l i m . W K T J * P F . r ?S' Bv(r« 8;40. M H I S T O I l A ^ A Y f E D . a i 2 4 0



GLOBE 8 'way A 4Aih 11




YORKTOWN [CHARGE Rt HEAVEN | B laaw Rasar* • faaf BtoCras

J ta * Wyiaaa I V A C A T I O N



R0T0II0DI itmitt 8 v»

tanHBMi •*_.



HOLIDAY w m n e o YVslter rMstosi

I*** Itsrkt . INas •


Ml M O W N . DAI C

C M I T O M — ^l laWSHOfT."

MGHT* I^SAsSUtflCA •aatjaaaW BsY^M^aVaataVBBYdk


kStQdio •ROASWAVaf « « *

PRANCOISE ROSAY in "PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN' Shaw* at U. 1, 4. 8, a. 10 and Mid.

'«*". "oScV T O S C A N I N I «;i%• Mn o r Tnr . NATio \<«• • Shnan at I 80. 3:33. 3:35, 7 40. 8:40. 11 40 P M

tt'il DUNNE- GRANT - I MT rATQMTt 1IK t i l VTEATOHAT a 3 m a •*»• f I BROOKLYN


SStliST r r M A D l S O N


^^MmtNiSi FUttkutN i OstTaln



Vg^^BURllVES 4rl?MSM900400600 800*v*i*tt000s*i I f f . TtM«vn "HOLIDAY |R MfXICO"

GS-Snowr it:

ST.PUYNOUSE^^Afr t •»>B»rbiua S'anwvpii # Vnn H f f l i n d .


10 ' 20, \M 7 40 and I '.0 S M

^MIONITE SHOW TONITE! ' f^ tVrJ-^ F A R , f t R

50 STfi£lf£PiV.-3iAvr l»NE DUNNE-CARY GRANT


i * » " M O t N I N C OLOBV ' wl lS Adnlphr M m b ,




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