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Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama

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  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    MM 5007


    Course Coordinator:Ir. Achmad Heranto An!!ono" M#A

    $emester I %0&'(%0&)

    MA$TE* +F #,$INE$$ A-MINI$T*ATI+N

    $choo o #usiness / Mana!ement



    ITB School of Business and Management

    GLEM#A I

    Lead the Future

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    Ta1e o C+NTENT$

    2a!eI. Faciitator 2ro3e


    II. Course -escri4tion


    III. Course +1ecti6e )

    I. E84ected Learnin! +utcomes


    . Learnin! Guidance:


    A. Course !uideine 9

    B. Learnin! 4rocess usin! case method


    C. Im4ortant o acti6e 4artici4ation


    D. ritin! assi!nment


    E. *oe 4a;in!($imuations


    F. Counsein! 7

    I. Gradin! 2oic;

    in! hours


    II. *eadin! Materias


    III. Course $chedue &&" &%"


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    I. Faciitator 2ro3e

    Ir. Achmad Heranto An!!ono" M#A Course CoordinatorDeBmai: achmad.herantos1mBit1.ac.id+ce $#M IT# #uidin!" 'rd Foor B *'09

    No. Te4: 0%%B%5'&?%'

    He earned M.B.A in September 1993 with concentration in corporate fnancerom Graduate School o Management Rutger !ni"erit# at $ewar%& $ew 'ere#&!SA( and mechanical engineering rom Mechanical )ngineering *epartment& +,B&Bandung& -et 'a"a& +ndoneia.

    He ha more than / #ear o wor%ing e0perience in Ban%ing +ndutr# andri"ate Sector. 2urrentl#& he i an +ndependent Member o Ri% Monitoring2ommittee Audit 2ommittee at oreign ban% i.e. Ban% Mi4uho and Ban% A$5+ndoneia. He alo ued to be an independent member o audit committee andri% monitoring committee at Ban% )%e%uti ,b% 6now i %nown a , Ban% undi

    ,b%7.He wa 2ompliance Ri% Management *irector at Ban% Ma#ban% +ndocorp

    'a%arta& 2hie o +nternal Auditor at Ban% Ma#ban% +ndocorp& Ban% Bumiputera,b% and Ban% Buana ,b%. rior to be 2ompliance Ri% Management *irector&he wor%ed at , Ban% embangunan +ndoneia 8 BA+$* 6tate owned ban% :merged to be Ban% Mandiri in 19997 in "ariou aignment uch a ,reaur#*ealer& Account Manager& Standard 2harter ro;ect Ad"ior or +nternal Auditand 2redit enture 2apital& Ri%Management& 2apital Mar%et& ?inancial lanning& 2orporate ?inance and?inancial Anal#i at SBM +,B8Bandung or undergraduate& MBA& MSM andMBA +,B both or regular and e0ecuti"e program in Bandung and 'a%arta2ampu.

    He taught Aet @iabilitie Management 6A@MA7& Ban%ing Ri%Management 2ertifcation rogram& Ri% Management or +lamic Ban%ing at@embaga engembangan erban%an +ndoneia 6@+7& 'a%arta.

    He alo taught ?inancial Statement Anal#i& Ban%ing Management& and2redit Management at a#aan A%untani +ndoneia 6A+7& 'a%arta.

    in Tendrasa" Chemica En!ineer" M#A(MME-mail address: [email protected]

    in ,;endraa i the il and Ga buine proeional with internationale0perience& he peciali4e in oil and ga in"etment economic& fnancing(buine "aluation& MA and pro;ect economic e"aluation. He ha 19 #ear oe0perience in +ndoneian il and ga S2 economic e"aluation and ga C @$Gmar%eting e"aluation& including S2 fnancial and cot accounting& coupled withthe tranlation o S2 ?inancial Accounting to !S& ! and +nternational GAA. inha been wor%ing or AR2& B and )M or D #ear with 1 #ear in oil and gafnancing and economic. in wor%ed in ,e0a or a #ear 619D9C199/7 and three#ear in ! 6///C//37.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    in hold an MBA C MM degree rom Monah !ni"erit# 8 Melbourne& Autralia C+M+ 8 'a%arta graduated in 199E with ditinction. He alo hold 2hemical)ngineering *egree rom !ni"erit# o Southern 2aliornia& @o Angele&2aliornia& 9//F he earned in 19D1. rior to !nited State& in ha a bachelor oart degree in )nglih @iterature rom +lamic !ni"erit# o $orth Sumatra in 19F.+n addition& he ha attended / plu proeional eminar on economic andtrategic management in around the world to %eep him updated. He ha beenteaching pecial economic clae and eminar or the lat 1E #ear.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    -anie F. Is>andar" ##AEmail address: dskandar@!ahoo.com

    Graduated rom !ni"erit# o Hawaii at Manoa& Honolulu& Hawaii& !SA in 19Dwith BBA in +nternational Buine ?inance& he tarted hi capital mar%et careerbac% in !SA a toc%bro%er trainee with $AS* erie F.

    +n 19D he began hi ban%ing e0perience with ,he 2hae Manhattan Ban% $A6'a%arta Singapore7 until 199/ and mo"ed bac% to the capital mar%et indutr#with ,he $omura Securitie o 'apan a *irector o 2orporate ?inance in+ndoneia. @ater he ;oined with Barcla#8$iaga group and *anare%a group& the+ndoneian tate8owned enterprie which ocu in in"etment ban%ing andcapital mar%et acti"itie beore currentl# it a Senior ?inancial Ad"ior in RSM8AA' handling pubic pri"ate undraiing a well a M A ad"ior# a well a Ri%2ommittee member o Ban% Andara a ;oint "enture "an% with main acti"itielending to micro fnancing and $ational Board Member o -orld >iion +ndoneia.

    *aniel ha been acti"e in the dometic capital mar%et indutr# uch a Aoiai-a%il en;amin )mii )e% Aoiai enaihat +n"etai beide in anitiaStandard roei aar Modal& an independent bod# reponible or certifcationor thoe who i intereted to be an !nderwriter& Stoc%bro%er or +n"etmentManager ince 199/. He wa alo in"ol"ed in the +ndoneian +ntitute o2orporate *irectorhip& an educational intitute or Good 2orporate Go"ernance&and A*+$ or !SA 2ommittee. a well en;o# learning.

    #.$*I-HA* *A+Email: [email protected]

    An accredited buine "aluer and member o the +ndoneia +ntitute o Buine>aluer 6+!+7 with acclaimed ucce in corporate retructuring& merger& andacIuiition and deal tructuring or placement in capital mar%et. Hi e0perienceo"er the #ear ha a pro"en trac% record in corporate fnance and ad"ior#er"ice co"ering prominent +ndoneia corporate& conglomerate and tateowned enterprie in +ndoneia. Hi tarted hi career in capital mar%et at 2reditSuie& Singapore. Mr. Rao wa the director o 2orporate ?inance at *elloite

    ,ouche 2orporate ?inance& 'a%arta beore ounding ,rucel 2apital together withMr. Ru%# and M. Gandaubrata.

    Mr Rao acIuired an MBA rom Aian +ntitute o Management& hilippine. He ha

    attended coure at the $ew or% Societ# o Securit# Anal#t +nc. in )Iuit#>aluation ,ool ,echniIue& and training at ,he $ational !ni"erit# oSingapore in General Management Program.He ha uniIue e0perience o being in the real ector during hi initial #ear andthen continuing to become a ?inancial 2onultant at Arthur Anderen& +ndoneia&ubeIuent to which he ha Iualifed himel a an +n"etment Ban%er b#Joating f"e +nitial ublic oKering in the +ndoneian Mar%et a a lead underwriter.

    He alo ha conducted Road how in upporting the management o thecompan# to promote the hare to be iued and upported the management inthe boo% building phae& determine the + price or the hare to be iued&de"eloped the compan# propectu& etc.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    II. C+,*$E -E$C*I2TI+N


    ?inance i li%e blood that Jow within the bod# o a corporation& carr#ing

    nutrient and o0#gen or the bod# to %eep the compan# growing in goodhealth. ,o maintain the Jow& managing fnance i thereore necear#&namel# omething that could aure the circulation o upplie to all part othe corporation. @ecture on 2orporate ?inancial Management pro"ide%nowledge and practical e0perience in managing corporation& tarting roma comprehenion o a health# compan# through the corporate fnancial ratioanal#e.

    Broadl# pea%ing& 2orporate ?inancial Management co"er the %nowledge onmatter o ri%8and8return& a well a fnancial liIuidit# and proftabilit# o thecorporation. Both ub;ect are %e# or ucce in corporate management&namel# o that the compan# i capable o growing and de"eloping adapti"el#

    toward the compan#L en"ironment. +n tud#ing ?inancial Management& onehould alo learn about the fnancial circumtance where the corporation i&including the fnancial intrument and intitution that could ait thecorporation or compan# in obtaining the necear# und or operation ornew in"etment or the growing compan#. ,he corporate ucce idetermined b# it abilit# in ma%ing trategic fnancial deciion& through ban%loan& iuance o bond or hare 6common toc% and preerred toc%7& awell a it tactical fnancing deciion.

    2orporate ri% management tart with the election o in"etment andfnancing plan through capital budgeting. ?inancial reource are determinedthrough the corporationL capital tructure a thi will greatl# aKect the

    capital cot. $e"erthele& the compan# hould alo conider other fnancingalternati"e uch a leae& rather than purchaing the needed aet.

    ,he compan#L dail# fnancial management i done through fnancialplanning and management o the wor%ing capital& co"ering the managemento cah& commercial paper& credit& a well a o in"entorie. Moreo"er& thecot o capital could alo be obtained through trade credit without interetcot& or ma%ing ue o accrual& a well a ban% loan or iuance ocommercial paper.

    A ucceul 2orporate ?inancial Management i reJected rom the corporategrowth policie or it e0ternal de"elopment& both through acIuiition awell a merger. Beide& a comprehenion on corporate ailure& rom thelowet degree uch a liIuidit# problem to ban%ruptc# that call orretructuring& i o great importance to pre"ent the compan# rome0periencing uch problem.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    III. C+,*$E +#ECTIE$

    ,he ?inancial Management coure i aimed at pro"iding %nowledge and

    e0pertie in practicing fnancial theorie or deciion ma%ing and appl#ingthem in managing the compan# or "alue creation.

    Specifcall#& the goal co"er=

    - ro"iding o undertanding and perpecti"e on fnancial managementunction& both within the corporation a well a in relation to dometicand international economie.

    - Gi"ing illutration on fnancial management practice and ome policie&procee& techniIue and trategie applied in fnancial management.

    - *e"eloping %nowledge on diKerent %ind and characteritic o problem&and poibilitie o thee fnancial problem to come about& and

    enhancing the capacitie or dealing with the problem throughapproache and de"elopment o reliable problem ol"ing trategie.

    - )nhancing %ill in the planning and monitoring o fnancial managementunction eKecti"el#& to be capable o appl#ing the right managementtrateg# or dealing with corporate challenge.


    Genera assessment

    Ater completing thi coure& the tudent are e0pected to be 6or e0ample7=

    1. 2apable o comprehending 6%now what7 the baic concept o fnancialmanagement& co"ering ri% and return& liIuidit# and proftabilit#. +n thicae& the tudent hould ha"e an undertanding about corporate fnancialmanagement through good fnancial planning.

    . 2apable o appl#ing or ma%ing deciion b# uing the concept 6%nowhow7 o capital budgeting& long8term in"etment fnancing that concernan optimal capital tructure& alo fnancing alternati"e through leaing orh#brid fnancing. ,he tudent hould be capable o deciding on di"idendpolicie& co"ering procedure or both di"idend pa#ment a well a

    repurchae o toc% a an alternati"e to di"idend& toc% di"idend a wella toc% plit.

    3. 2apable o comprehending and de"eloping the concept the# ha"elearned 6%now wh#7 o the# could enhance the Iualit# o managerialdeciion ma%ing concerning ri% management and ue o deri"ati"e toreduce ri%& a well a buine di"erifcation and portolio.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    Aement i aimed at e"aluating and meauring tudentLattainment or learning outcome after participating in this course, students areexpected to=

    1. Ha"e the %ill to read and anal#4e corporate fnancial reportcompreheni"el#.

    . Be capable o uing diKerent techniIue to deign corporate buineplan& a well a pro orma fnancial orecating.

    3. !ndertand the concept o fnancial "alue o"er time& and election oproftable in"etment or the corporation through capital budgeting.

    . 2omprehend the concept o an optimal capital tructure& and be able toelect low8ri% and Je0ible fnancial reource or the corporation.

    . !ndertand the concept o ri%& and be capable o appl#ing the conceptor the corporation to minimi4e ri% through di"erifcation o portolio orthrough deri"ati"e.

    E. Be capable o appl#ing the concept o corporate proft haring throughpa#ing out o di"idend a well a toc% repurchaing.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama



    A. Course !uideines

    For a success"ul completion o" the course# the students ha$e


    1. 2omprehend and abide b# the learning proce in accordance withthi guide.

    . Attend all lecture and cae dicuion without abence.

    3. Ma%e indi"idual or group preparation beore dicuing a topic oraignment. +n order to be able to comprehend the topic odicuion& the tudent hould read and dicu the reading

    material in group to complement the cae.. Be willing to a% Iuetion and dicu the topic in detail with the

    lecturer or cla acilitator.

    . Ha"e acce to the internet to augment and broaden their hori4onon the tudied material.

    B. Learning process using case methods

    )ach topic o thi coure will be upplemented b# cae or e0erciing.,o be ucceul in learning uing cae method& all tudent ha"e toprepare themel"e b# allocating an amount o time or tud#ing eacho the cae& appro0imatel# a ollow=

    1. +ndi"idual preparation= comprehending the cae and upportingmaterial& about 3./ hour.

    . Group preparation= dicuing the cae and it upporting material&about 1. hour.

    3. *icuing the cae in cla& about 1. hour.

    C. %mportance o" acti$e participation+n order to obtain ma0im beneft rom thi cae method learning& alltudent hould preerabl# obe# the abo"e decribed learning proce.Beide& ma0imum beneft could be achie"ed when tudent wouldacti"el# hare their %nowledge and e0perience in the cla : meaningthat all tudent hould participate acti"el# in cae dicuion.hoe6er is not acti6e; 4artici4atin! =i !et a ero mar> orthis case discussion session.

    D. &riting assignments


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    n certain cla lecture& the tudent might be reIuired to write areport and the paper hould be ubmitted the ollowing wee%. Some othe paper will ha"e to be preented. @ate ubmiion o the paper willreduce the mar% one grade.

    E. 'ole pla!ing()imulations

    *uring cae preentation and dicuion& the proce might becombined with role pla#ing& a ollow=

    1. Some o the tudent will be reIueted their acti"e participation topla# the role o the actor in the cae.

    . ,he tudent hould thereore tud# and comprehend the materialcareull# beore he ta%e the role o the repecti"e actor.

    F. Counseling:

    -hen there are till ome problem that ha"e not #et been ol"ed tothe tudentL atiaction& the tudent can call or end an e8mail tothe lecturer& or meet the lecturer at the MBA o

  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    I. G*A-ING 2+LIC

    A. Assessment criteria,he aement o tudentL attainment ue the ollowing criteria=

    1. Be capable o comprehending the concept& theorie& and idea thatde"elop during lecture.

    . Be capable o appl#ing the concept on e0ample o corporate lie&both through cae tudie a well a the tudentL own e0perience.

    3. Be capable o con"incing other people& and be capable o leadingdebate in cae dicuion.

    B Assessment methods

    erormance o tudent in thi coure will be e"aluated uing e"eralmethodCmedia& particularl# that concern with=

    1. uantit# and Iualit# o participation during cae dicuion incla.

    . reentation& including Iualit# o ubtance and how the# arepreented.

    3. ualit# o anwer in Iui44e& mid8emeter e0am& a well a end8emeter e0am.

    . ualit# o team wor%ing and leaderhip in preentation and caedicuion.

    ,he fnal mar% will be determined baed on weighting o mar%& ore0ample& a ollow=

    Acti"e participation in


    +ndi"idual or cla


    ui4 +ndi"idual Aignment +ndi"idual 1/N

    aper 2ae preentation Group /N

    Mid8emeter e0am +ndi"idual 3/N

    )nd8emeter e0am +ndi"idual 3/N

    T+TAL &00J


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    C. *articipation and contri+utions in team ,orks

    articipation in the cla i a "ital part in de"eloping the tudentLcompetence in thi fnancial management coure. All tudent aree0pected their acti"e participation in haring their %nowledge andidea& acti"el# con"e#ing their opinion or argumentation& o thatother people could grap and undertand what the tudent i thin%ingabout.

    *uring lecture& the tudent are e0pected to how and de"elopAA/E'%AL DEC%)%0 A1%/ )1%LL) % 23E F%ELD 0FF%AC%AL AA/EE2. ,o be more pecifc& the tudent aree0pected to be capable o=

    1. +denti#ing& anal#4ing& and fnding olution or problem in the feldo fnancial management.

    . 2ommunicating their idea.

    3. Appl#ing rele"ant concept and method in managing corporatefnance.

    . *e"eloping creati"e idea in managing corporate fnance.

    StudentL participation in the cla will alo aKect the Iualit# o groupdicuion or e"en the cla a well. ,he le"el o a tudentL role inthe group or cla reJect the tudentL le"el o contribution in thelearning proce during cae dicuion or group aignment. ,he

    greater the contribution o each participant in the group or cla& themore meaningul and deeper i the progreing learning proce. +t iimportant to note here that tudent ha"e to put more importance onIualit# rather than Iuantit#.

    ,he ollowing i a decription on Iualit# o a tudentL contribution=

    1. E8ceent contri1utor. ,he tudent ha careull# planned thematerial or contribution in the cla. ,he idea that the tudentugget are ubtantial idea that concern the topic o dicuion.

    2. Good contri1utor. ,he tudent deli"er hi or her argumentation

    properl# with rele"ant reaoning. ,he tudentL argumentationcould encourage other participant to impro"ie.

    3. Fair contri1utor. ,he tudent prepare hi or her material airl#.,he idea the tudent ugget are ueul or problem ol"ing&howe"er& the# are ometime not rele"ant to the main concern inthe dicuion. -hen the tudent i not a member o the dicuiongroup& the Iualit# o that group dicuion will be dwindling.

    4. InadeKuate contri1utor. ,he contributor ha not prepared hi orher material properl#. Sometime& the idea the tudent putorward are Iuite important& howe"er& not rele"ant to the topic o

    dicuion. ,hi tudent doe not thin% urther about the topic andcontribute little or the team.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    5. Not 4artici4atin!. ,he tudent i pai"e and doe not a#an#thing in cla dicuion. Such tudent are ;ut ree8rider whowill onl# ta%e ad"antage rom team dicuion.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    *. @ui

    ui44e will be regularl# conducted without an# notice beorehand.,hi i to tet the e0tent o the tudentL comprehenion o the courematerial.

    ). id-semester and the end-o" semester e4ams

    Both e0am comprie o hort cae or problem and a number oIuetion. Mid e0am will be conducted a per chedule attached.

    ?or the tudentL conideration& their perormance will be aeedand graded accordingl#& a ollow=

    1. +dentifcation and anal#i o problem C main iue.

    . +dentifcation o %e# aumption rom the tudentL anwer.

    3. !e o appropriate intrument or anal#i.

    . Accepting or re;ecting certain alternati"e uing conitentargument in accordance to the tudentL aumption&calculation& and interpretation that are rele"ant to inormationabout the cae.

    . ropoing appropriate plan and conitent action in line with thetudentL anal#e.

    E. Recommending bet olution or the cae or Iuetion& alo thetudentL argumentation.

    ?. &orking hours

    Student can meet the lecturer o thi coure at certain hour that willbe notifed in the MBA +,B announcement board to dicu rele"antcoure material.

    Student can contact the lecturer through the e8mail addre.Beide& tudent can alo meet the lecturer b# appointment.

    -e will be grateul i tudent are acti"e& a%ing Iuetion anduggeting their poiti"e idea and opinion during the coure& o all ou can become the bet.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama



    A. Mandator; Materias1. 6@'G7 Principles of Managerial Finance& @awrence '. Gitman&

    earon Addion -ele#& ,hirteenth )dition& /1

    . 6R-'7 Corporate Finance Fundamentals, Stephen A. Ro&Randolph -. -eterfeld 'eKre# 'aKe& McGraw8Hill& )ighth)dition& //9.

    #. A--ITI+NAL MATE*IAL$3. 6R-'7& Modern Financial Management , Stephen A. Ro&

    Randolph -. -eterfeld 'eKre# 'aKe& McGraw8Hill& )ighth)dition& //9

    . 6R-'7 Corporate Finance Fundamentals, Stephen A. Ro&Randolph -. -eterfeld 'eKre# 'aKe& McGraw8Hill& )ighth

    )dition& //9.. 6MS7 Financial Management; Principles and Applications,Arthur '. eown& 'ohn *. Martin& '. -illiam ett# *a"id ?. Scott&'r. earon rentice Hall& ,enth )dition& //.

    E. 6BM7 Investments, 5"i Bodie& Ale0 ane Alan '. Marcu&McGraw8Hill& Si0th )dition& //.

    I. C+,*$E $CHE-,LE$ee attachment I


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    Attachment I


    -ate $es. Time To4ic *e. Lect.

    1 ?ri118ct8


    1 D=// 9=3/ +ntroduction to Managerial ?inance 2h.1


    9=3/ 9= Brea% +


    ?inancial Statement&Case & : Financia *atio Ana;sis




    @unch O ?rida# ra#ing



    Case %: Financia 2erormance o -eCom4uter



    2ah ?low ?inancial lanning 2h.



    /Brea% ++




    ,ime >alue o Mone# 2h.

    Case %: -e6eo4in! Financia Insi!hts:,sin! a F and 2 A44roach





    E D=// 9=3/+nteret Rate Bond >aluation C GL :-anie Is>andar

    2h. E



    9=3/ 9= Brea% +

    F 9=11=1

    Stoc% >aluation CGL : -anie Is>andar 2h.F



    Case ': auation and -iscountedCash Fo=s






    Ri% Return 2h.D



    /Brea% ++




    ,he 2ot o 2apital 2h.9

    Case ): Ni>e Inc



    11 D=// 9=3/ 2apital Budgeting ,echniIue 2h.1/


    9=3/ 9= Brea% +

    1 9=11=1

    2apital Budgeting 2ah ?low 2h.11



    Case 5: Euroand Foods $.A






    Ri% and Refnement in 2apital Budgeting 2h.1







    @e"erage 2apital Structure 2h.13

    Case 9: An Introduction to -e1t 2oic;and aue

    4 Sat 19-Oct-13



  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama




    Time To4ic *e. Lect.

    1 ?ri8ct8


    1 D=// 9=3/-or%ing 2apital and 2urrent AetManagement



    9=3/ 9= Brea% +


    2urrent @iabilitie Management 2h.1E



    @unch O ?rida# ra#ing



    Case 7: -es or>in! Ca4ita



    Merger and AcIuiition 2h.CR-'



    /Brea% ++




    Method o >aluation or Merger andAcIuiition



  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama





    Buine >aluation M A Sridar

    #usiness auation M / A Sridar

    4 Sat2-Nov-



  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    Attachment II B $hort $;a1us

    ode uiah:MM//9

    redit:3 SS

    $emester: ++ eom4o>eimuan D:Rii%o Bini daneuangan


    $iat >uiah er%uliahaneom4o> uiah Mata%uliah eahlianCourse 2itle5%ndonesian6Nama Mata uiah


    Course 2itle 5English6Nama Mata uiah

    Financial Management

    )hort Description$ia1us rin!>as

    er%uliahan ini memberi%an pemahaman ecara lua mengenaimana;emen %euangan uatu peruahaan untu% mening%at%an%ee;ahteraan pemegang aham. ,opi%8topi% #ang a%an dibahaadalah analia laporan %euangan& bia#a pendanaan ;ang%a

    pan;ang& dan retru%turiai peruahaan./oalsTuuan Instru>siona,mum TI,D

    ,u;uan pembela;aran mata%uliah ini adalah= agar mahaiwa dapat memahami dan menganalii

    laporan %euangan peruahaan agar mahaiwa dapat mengapli%ai%an peralatan analia

    %ebi;a%an %euangan dalam pengambilan %eputuan%euangan peruahaan

    0ered 2o2ro!ram $tudi 2esertaD

    Sar;ana Mana;emenC MagiterSain ManagemenCMa!ister Administrasi#isnisC*o%tor Mana;emen

    Se%olah Bini danMana;emen


    'elated Courses2ras;arat(#er>aitan


    Competence *ercentage nowledgeP 3 N SaranaCMedia

    0 apantuliCwhiteboard

    S%ill P / N 0 @2*C+nocuAttitude P N 0 omputer

    Acti$it! 5hour(,eek6e!iatan 4er am 4ermin!!u

    Course6%uliah7 P 3 ;am 0 @aboratoriumreentai au

    P1& ;am 2oureware

    Lab Wors6pra%.7 P

    8 e8learning

    er;a mandiri P 3 ;am @ainn#a= H


    !,S P 3/ N!AS P 3/ N

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    ui4 ,uga P 1/ Nartiipai P 1/ N


    Bu%u te% wa;ib=1. Gitman& @.& Qrinciple o Managerial ?inance& 1thed.&

    earon Addion -ele#& Boton& //D.. Ro& S. A.& Randolph& -.& 'eKre#& '.& QModern 2orporate

    ?inance& Mc8Graw8Hill& //D3. Ro& S. A.& Randolph& -.& 'eKre#& '.& Q2orporate ?inance

    ?undamental& Mc8Graw8Hill& //D. eown& Arthur '. et.alT& Q?inancial Management& rentice

    Hall& //.


  • 8/11/2019 Syllabus GLEMBA - Graha Irama


    $trate!i 2eda!o!i dan2esan untu> 4ara4en!aar

    1. Mendorong di%ui %e arah analii #ang %riti. Memberi tuga untu% mendorong mahaiwa berpartiipai

    ecara a%ti di dalam %ela dan %elompo%3. Mendorong mahaiwa agar terbiaa men#eleai%an %au8

    %au n#ata di bidang mana;emen %euangan

