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Symbolic Logic Unit 3

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  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Language of SL

    1. Sentential ConstantsEvery capital letter is a sentential constant.

    E.g.: A, B, C, . . .

    Sentential constants are used to abbreviate

    simple sentences.

    E.g.: Peter is tall. abbreviated as -- P

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    2. Sentential OperatorsSentential Operator Symbolization(conjunction) (dot)

    ___and___ ( ___ ___ )(disjunction) (wedge)

    ___or___ ( ___v___ )(conditional) (horseshoe)If___then___ ( ___ ___ )(biconditional) (triple bar)

    ___if and only if ___ (___ ___)(negation) (tilde)

    not____ ~___

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3




    p and q p and q are conjuncts


    p or q p and q are disjuncts

    (conditional) If p then q p is the antecedent and q

    the consequent

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    3. Syntax: Recursive Definition of a Well-FormedFormula (Sentence-formation Rules for SL):

    1. Base Clause: Any statement constant (capital letter) is a wff (i.e.,sentence in SL).

    2. Recursion Clause:

    If p and q are any wffs, then all the following arealso wffs:

    (p q); (p v q); (p q); (p q); ~ p.

    3. Closure Clause:

    Nothing will count as a wff unless it can be constructedaccording to clauses 1 and 2.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Applying the definition of a well-formedformula:

    (((Av B) C) (A (C v D)))

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Applying the definition of a well-formedformula:

    (((Av B) C) (A (C v D)))

    1. A, B, C, and D are well-formed formulas (BaseClause).

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Applying the definition of a well-formedformula:

    (((Av B) C) (A (C v D)))

    1. A, B, C, and D are well-formed formulas (BaseClause).

    2. (A v B) and (C v D ) are well-formed formulas(Recursion Clause).

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Applying the definition of a well-formedformula:

    (((Av B) C) (A (C v D)))

    1. A, B, C, and D are well-formed formulas (BaseClause).

    2. (A v B) and (C v D ) are well-formed formulas(Recursion Clause).

    3. ((A v B) C) and (A (C v D)) are well-formedformulas (Recursion Clause)

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Applying the definition of a well-formedformula:

    (((Av B) C) (A (C v D)))

    1. A, B, C, and D are well-formed formulas (BaseClause).

    2. (A v B) and (C v D ) are well-formed formulas(Recursion Clause).

    3. ((A v B) C) and (A (C v D)) are well-formedformulas (Recursion Clause)4. (((A v B) C) (A (C v D))) is a well-formed

    formula (Recursion Clause).

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Two notions

    Major operator: Determines the overall formof a formula. The major operator is the

    operator last introduced into a formula.

    Subformula: Any well-formed formula that is

    part of a larger formula.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Unit 3: Truth functionalsemantics for our fivesentential operators

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3



    We need to know what our five sententialoperators mean logically.

    More precisely, we need to know how theyaffect the truth-values of the compoundsentence formed with them.

    We call this: truth-functional semantics

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Truth Tables

    We specify themeanings of oursentential operatorswith the aid of truthtables:

    p q p op. q

    T T

    T F

    F T

    F F

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Truth Tables for the Five SententialOperators

    1. Conjunction


    A conjunction istrue if and only if

    both of itsconjuncts are true.

    p q (p q)

    T T T

    T F F

    F T F

    F F F

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    2. Disjunction:


    A disjunction is true ifand only if at least oneof its disjuncts is true.

    In symbolic logic, we usethe inclusive or.



    :(p v q) ~ (p q)

    p q (p v q)

    T T T

    T F T

    F T T

    F F F

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    3. Biconditional:

    If and only if

    A biconditional istrue if and only ifboth componentshave the same truth-value.

    p q (p q)

    T T T

    T F F

    F T F

    F F T

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    4. Negation:


    A negation is true if andonly if the non-negated

    sentence is false.

    p ~ p

    T F

    F T

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    5. Conditional:(material conditional)

    if, then

    A conditional isfalse if and only ifthe antecedent istrue and theconsequent false.

    p q (p q)

    T T T

    T F F

    F T T

    F F T

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3



    If I study hard, then I will pass the exam.

    1. I study hard I pass the exam.T T T

    2. I study hard I do not pass the exam.

    T F F

    3. I dont study hard I pass the exam.F T T

    (I might actually pass the exam, even though I dont study hard.Say, if the exam is easy.)

    4. I dont study hard I do not pass the exam.F F T

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Paradoxes of the Material Conditional

    (1) If my cat sleeps a lot, then 5+7=12.

    Antecedent and consequent are

    completely independent. No causalconnection.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    (2) If Gore was elected in 2000, thenNASA will land on Pluto in 2001.

    Both, antecedent and consequent are

    false, but the conditional is true.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    (3) If cats speak all Western Europeanlanguages, then they do not speakFrench.

    Both, antecedent and consequent,contradict each other. But the entireconditional is true.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Computing Truth-Values of CompoundSentences

    1. We write the truth-value of a sentenceimmediately above the sentence letter.

    2. We write the truth-values of subformulasunder their major operator, starting withthe smallest subformulas.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Step 1:

    T F T F F T((A v B) (C v D)) (B A)

    Note: You dont need to care about how we assign truth -values to the individual sentence letters. Later on,we will develop a procedure that allows us to do thissystematically.

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Step 2:

    T F T F F T((A v B) (C v D)) (B A)T T T

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Step 2:T F T F F T

    ((A v B) (C v D)) (B A)T T T


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    Step 2:T F T F F T

    ((A v B) (C v D)) (B A)T T T



  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3



    1.T F F T F T

    ((~A B) (C D)) v (B D)2.

    T T F F T T((A B) v A) ((C A) B)

  • 7/29/2019 Symbolic Logic Unit 3


    Homework for W 01/16

    Please learn the truth-tables for our fiveoperators.

    Do the starred exercises from problemsets 1 to 3 on p. 49/50.
