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Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The ... · Second Circular and Preliminary...

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Second Circular and Preliminary Programme Symposium “10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step” organized by Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research in cooperation with Austrian Geographical Society (ÖGG) Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) Southeast Europe Association (SOG) Vienna [Wien], Austria 3 rd – 4 th December, 2014 Administrative Subdivision of Central and Southeast Europe, Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Second Circular and Preliminary Programme


“10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement – The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step”

organized by

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research

in cooperation with Austrian Geographical Society (ÖGG)

Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) Southeast Europe Association (SOG)

Vienna [Wien], Austria 3rd – 4th December, 2014

Administrative Subdivision of Central and Southeast Europe,

Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe

Venue Austrian Academy of Sciences [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften], Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien, and Clubraum, Johannessaal & Sitzungssaal in the main building of the Austrian Academy, Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien. Opening, plenary sessions, closing and track A of the parallel sessions take place in Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, lunch and coffee breaks in the court of Sonnenfelsgasse 19; track B and C are located in Clubraum, Johannessaal & Sitzungssaal in the main building of the Austrian Academy, which is just a minute away (see Plan 3 below). The venue is located in Vienna downtown (First District) and surrounded by three under-ground stations, from where it is only a 5 minutes’ walk: Stephansplatz (U1, U3), Schweden-platz (U1, U4) and Stubentor (U3).

Accommodation For reserving your hotel room, please, use one of the relevant websites. You will find several hotels in the vicinity of our venue. Due to the fact that three underground stations are in easy reach from the venue, it may also be convenient to book a hotel along underground lines 1, 3 and 4 in further distance from the venue – even up to their final station. It will take you not more than 30 minutes to arrive at the venue. Please note that providing for accommodation is your own responsibility. Plan 1: Location of the venue in Vienna


Plan 2: Location of the venue in the NE of Vienna’s First District

Plan 3: The venue’s vicinity


U Station Schwedenplatz

(U1, U4)

U Station Stephans-platz (U1, U3)

U Station Stubentor (U3)

Theatersaal (Opening, plenaries, sessions A1-2)

Clubraum, Johannessaal, Sitzungssaal (Sessions B1-2, C1-3)

Preliminary programme

Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 Plenary session: (Theatersaal) 09.00-09.30: Opening

Peter JORDAN, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research Christian STAUDACHER, Austrian Geographical Society Susan MILFORD, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Hansjörg BREY, Southeast Europe Association

09.30-10.00: JORDAN, Peter (Vienna): A long-term project has been completed: The Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (1989-2014)

10.00-10.30: BRUNN, Stanley (Lexington, United States): Constructing and mapping an EU knowledge base: Worlds of gaps and opportunities (keynote)

10.30-11.00: BELLEZZA, Giuliano (Rome): EU accessions and further integration: A personal Italian point of view (keynote)

11.00-11.20: Coffee break Parallel sessions: Room A (Theatersaal) 11.20-17.20: Session A-1: Regional development, spatial planning (Chair: William H. BERENSTEN,

Storrs, United States) 11.20-11.40: RESSEL, Jochen (Vienna): Company-driven efforts for economic development of the

Danube region 11.40-12.00: ILIEV , Iliya; ILIEVA , Margarita (Sofia): Socio-economic changes in Poland during the

period 2004-2013 12.00-12.20: SILVAN , Juraj (Bratislava): The spatial planning process in Slovakia 12.20-12.40: KURTHY, Gyongyi (Budapest): Hidden economy in the Hungarian food production 12.40-13.00: SZABO, Pál; KABAI , Gergely (both Budapest): Effects of EU accession on bottom-up

regional strategies and the top-down development policy in Hungary in the case of the Lake Balaton resort area

13.00-14.00: Lunch break 14.00-14.20: BENEDEK, József (Cluj-Napoca, Romania); KOCZISZKY, György (Miskolc, Hungary);

CRISTEA, Marius (Cluj-Napoca, Romania); SZENDI Dóra (Miskolc, Hungary): Catching up or falling behind? Economic convergence and regional development trajectories in Romania

14.20-14.40: BAJTALAN , Hunor (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): The resurgence of regions in Romania: From EU conditionality to administrative necessity?

14.40-15.00: MERCIU, Cristina; MERCIU George; CERCLEUX Loreta; IANOŞ Ionuţ (all Bucharest): Conversion of industrial heritage as a tool of cultural regeneration

15.00-15.20: HAVADI -NAGY, Xenia Kinga (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): “The principle is good. The way it is implemented is bad”. Challenges of the European rural development policy in Romania

15.20-15.40: SANCHO REINOSO, Alexis; KOVÁCS, Ede (both Vienna): What kind of development for Romanian rural areas? Some thoughts from two Europeans

15.40-16.00: Coffee break

16.00-16.20: BRUCKNER, Leonard (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Tourism accommodation infrastructure

development in Romania after accession to the European Union 16.20-16.40: MUSIL, Robert (Vienna): Vienna’s FDIs against the background of EU eastern

enlargement 16.40-17.00: IANOŞ, Ioan; SÎRODOEV, Igor; ZAMFIR (all Bucharest): Dynamics of FDI in Romania

during the economic and financial crisis 17.00-17.20: MAGAŠ, Damir (Zadar, Croatia): Main Croatian urban centres in a European NUTS-

regionalisation context Room B (Johannessaal) 11.20-17.20: Session B-1: Inter-cultural contact, integration and migration (Chair: Dušan DRBOHLAV,

Prague) 11.20-11.40: FASSMANN, Heinz; MUSIL, Elisabeth; GRUBER, Kathrin (all Vienna): Demographic and

migratory trends in South-East Europe: Divergence, convergence and spatial polarization 11.40-12.00: GÖLER, Daniel (Bamberg, Germany): On the variability of migration systems.

Experiences from Latvia and Albania 12.00-12.20: FILEP, Béla (Berne): The transnationalisation of national minority claims in Europe 12.20-12.40: DRBOHLAV, Dušan (Prague); JAROSZEWICZ, Marta (Poland): The probable future

development of international migration movements between Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and the Visegrád Countries – A Delphi Method applied

12.40-13.00: HARS, Agnes; SIMON, David (both Budapest): Enlargement, migration and the regional effect: The case of Hungary

13.00-14.00: Lunch break 14.00-14.20: KLEMPIĆ BOGADI, Sanja; SPEVEC, Dubravka (both Zagreb): The impact of migration on

demographic transformation in Croatian urban regions 14.20-14.40: PRELOGOVIĆ, Vedran; LUKIĆ, Aleksandar (both Zagreb): Changes of demographic

structures in Croatian cities 14.40-15.00: FASSMANN, Heinz; KOHLBACHER, Josef; REEGER, Ursula (all Vienna): CEE-migration

to Austria since 2002: Vanishing legal constraints and the return of a push and pull driven migration

15.00-15.20: ENENGEL, Maria Luzia; REEGER, Ursula (both Vienna): Migration from Central and Eastern European EU-member countries to the Vienna urban region: The emergence of different migration types

15.20-15.40: PUSCASU, Adina Maria (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Romania before and after EU accession. Geospatial overview over internal and external migration flows

15.40-16.00: Coffee break 16.00-16.20: KOCSIS, Károly (Budapest): Minority aspirations for ethnic-based territorial autonomy in

the countries of the Carpatho-Pannonian area since 1990 16.20-16.40: BRUCKER, Balázs (Pécs, Hungary): The impact of EU membership on the situation of

Hungarian minorities living in neighbouring countries 16.40-17.00: SCHREIBER, Wilfried; RUSU, Raularian (both Cluj-Napoca, Romania): The national

minorities in Romania. Their present demographic and political situation 17.00-17.20: SIWEK, Tadeusz (Ostrava, Czechia): New aspects of minority policy in Czechia

Room C (Clubraum) 11.20-15.40: Session C-1: Geopolitical aspects (Chair: Anton GOSAR, Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia) 11.20-11.40: WENDT, Jan (Gdańsk, Poland): Return of classical geopolitics – Central Europe ten years

after EU enlargement 11.40-12.00: JELEN, Igor (Trieste, Italy): The European Union as an unintentional geo-political unit 12.00-12.20: KLEMENČIĆ, Mladen (Zagreb): New boundaries and new challenges 12.20-12.40: VITALE , Alessandro (Milan, Italy): EU’s enlargement and bordering. The European

neighbourhood policy and the EU’s notion of territorial cohesion 12.40-13.00: ILIEŞ, Alexandru (Oradea, Romania): The European integration process and its

consequences for Eastern and Central Europe. Geographical aspects 13.00-14.00: Lunch break 14.00-14.20: JOSIPOVIČ, Damir (Ljubljana): Geo-political implications of the current economic crises

in the "European fringe": From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic periphery 14.20-14.40: BUFON, Milan (Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia): The Adriatic: A European region of the

future? 14.40-15.00: FUERST-BJELIŠ, Borna (Zagreb): Quality of life: South-East Europe in the process of EU

enlargement 15.00-15.20: BERENTSEN, William H. (Storrs, Connecticut, United States): Geographical impacts of

Eastern Germany’s inclusion within the EU: 1990-2014 15.20-15.40: MARTÍN I DÍAZ , Jordi (Barcelona): State building and peace building in Bosnia:

Explaining the uncertain path to EU membership 15.40-16.00: Coffee break 16.00-17.20: Session C-2: Data processing for planning and regional development (Chair: Ioan

IANOŞ, Bucharest) 16.00-16.20: MIHAI , Bogdan; BUTERA, Cezar; OLARIU , Bogdan; RUJORU-MARE, Marina; CRUAN,

Ionuţ (all Bucharest): Medium-scale mapping of Romanian counties – Data acquisition, processing, visualization and accuracy assessment. Case study of the Prahova County

16.20-16.40: STANI -FERTL, Roman (Kritzendorf, Austria): Developments in the use of geographical names – A comparison of the situation in 1989, 2004 and today

16.40-17.00: MARUNIAK , Eugenia; RUDENKO, Leonid; LISOVSKIY, Sergiy (all Kiev): On significant projects of Ukrainian geographers in the European context of Ukraine’s development

17.00-17.20: MÜLLER, Evelin (Leipzig): Publications of the Leibniz Institute of Regional Geography on eastern Europe

Plenary session: (Theatersaal) 17.30-18.00: FASSMANN, Heinz (Vienna): Demographic development in Central Europe: trends and

frictions (keynote) 20.00: Invited dinner

Thursday, 4th December 2014 Plenary session: (Theatersaal) 09.00-09.30: GOSAR, Anton (Koper/Capodistria, Slovenia): The Simplon-Orient Express. Multiple

identities in the ever-changing Central-European landscape (keynote) 09.30-10.00: KORCELLI, Piotr (Warsaw): Metropolitan transition in East-Central Europe (keynote) 10.00-10.30: SANGUIN, André-Louis (Paris): Bridging the frontier. From the Adriatic Euroregion to

the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion (2014). An assessment seen from the outside (keynote) 10.30-11.00: Coffee break Parallel sessions: Room A (Theatersaal) 11.20-14.45: Session A-1 (continued): Regional development, spatial planning (Chair: William H.

BERENSTEN, Storrs, United States) 11.20-11.40: LONČAR, Jelena; MARINKOVIĆ, Veni (Zagreb): Geostrategic significance and political-

geographical division of Adriatic islands: the example of the Dalmatian Islands 11.40-12.00: STAMENKOV , Ivaylo (Sofia): Austrian experience in Raumordnung for Bulgarian

planning practice: first results of research 12.00-12.20: TACZANOWSKI, Jakub (Cracow): The influence of the EU eastern enlargement on the

international railway connections in Central Europe 12.20-12.40: TEMJANOVSKI, Riste; STOJMILOV, Aleksandar (both Skopje): Transport infrastructure in

Western Balkan countries: Towards a new architecture of European integration 12.40-13.00: SCHUBERT, Géza (Vienna); MÁTHÉ, Csongor (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Romania’s

position in the Transeuropean Transportation Networks 13.00-14.00: Lunch break 11.20-18.00: Session A-2: Urban development (Chair: Piotr KORCELLI, Warsaw) 14.00-14.20: ŚRODA-MURWASKA, Stefania; SZYMAŃSKA, Daniela; BIEGAŃSKA, Jadwiga (all Toruń,

Poland): The transformation of cities in the EU in the context of enterprise structure 14.20-14.40: KORCELLI-OLEJNICZAK, Ewa (Warsaw): The nature of city-region relations and their

role in Warsaw’s development prospects and strategies 14.40-15.00: NAPIERALA, Tomasz (Łódź, Poland): What we planned and what we achieved during the

last planning period. Municipal strategic plans and investments in the Łódź Metropolitan Area (Poland) between 2007 and 2013

15.00-15.20: DUMBROVSKÁ, Veronika (Prague): Urban tourism in Central Europe: The case study of Prague

15.20-15.40: LORBER, Lučka (Maribor, Slovenia): New processes during socio-economic transition in Maribor: Revitalization, urban regeneration and gentrification

15.40-16.00: Coffee break 16.00-16.20: JAKOVČIĆ, Martina (Zagreb); FRANZ, Yvonne (Vienna); BUZJAK, Nenad (Zagreb):

Differences in development and redevelopment of underutilized sites. Comparison of Zagreb and Vienna

16.20-16.40: KLIČEK, Slaven; SIMON, Sven; JAKOVČIĆ, Martina (all Zagreb): Redevelopment of brownfield sites in Zagreb: The example of the Borongaj campus

16.40-17.00: KAJINIĆ, Josip; JAKOVČIĆ, Martina (both Zagreb): From confiscated properties to new possibilities for redevelopment: state of returned properties of the Catholic Church in Zagreb

17.00-17.20: PARASCHIV, Mirela; SAGHIN, Irina; TĂLÂNGĂ, Cristian (all Bucharest): Public and private management for homelessness alleviation in Bucharest

17.20-17.40: SIMEONOVA, Velislava (Barcelona/Sofia): State and changes of the urban planning tools in Bulgaria after EU accession

17.40-18.00: NURKOVIĆ, Rahman (Sarajevo): Traffic of Sarajevo and other urban areas in Bosnia and Hercegovina

Room B (Johannessaal) 11.20-12.00: Session B-1 (continued): Inter-cultural contact, integration and migration (Chair: Dušan

DRBOHLAV, Prague) 11.20-11.40: LEŚNIEWSKA, Katarzyna (Łódź, Poland): The contemporary situation of the Polish

minority in Lithuania – A geographical-political approach 11.40-12.00: LOZOVANU, Dorin (Chişinău): Ethnic and socio-geographical transformations in

Moldova after Soviet times 12.00-14.45: Session B-2: Cross-border cooperation (Chair: Doris WASTL-WALTER, Berne) 12.00-12.20: KINDER, Sebastian (Tübingen, Germany): Szczettinstan – The evolution of regional

identities and cross-border interactions in the German-Polish borderland 12.20-12.40: KNAPPE, Elke (Leipzig); ZVEJNIECE, Silveta (Riga): Socio-economic development of the

twin city Valka/Valga (Latvia/Estonia) – Example of a promising way of EU-integration? 12.40-13.00: ČERNE, Andrej (Ljubljana): Euroregion – A case of Slovenia 13.00-14.00: Lunch break 14.00-14.20: ZUPANČIČ, Jernej (Ljubljana): Small border-landscape changes. The case of Slovenia 14.20-14.40: STOYANOV, Petar (Sofia): Bulgarian-Romanian cross-border cooperation: Perspectives

and problems from the Bulgarian point of view 14.40-15.00: PASHYNSKA, Natalii; PUTRENKO, Viktor (both Kiev): Impact of transport on the

development of cross-border cooperation of regions of Ukraine Room C (Sitzungssaal) 11.20-14.45: Session C-3: Cultural-geographical and political-geographical aspects, space-related

identity issues (Chair: Peter JORDAN, Vienna) 11.20-11.40: BAGOLY-SIMÓ, Péter (Berlin): Europe in change: Representations of the EU enlargement

in geography textbooks 11.40-12.00: ORMAI , Tibor (Pécs, Hungary): Political identities on the European and national level

before and after the financial crisis 2008 12.00-12.20: ŠKVARENINOVÁ , Oľga (Trnava, Slovakia): Globalisation and glocalisation of the Slovak

language in the European Union 12.20-12.40: BODOCAN, Voicu (Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Functional and territorial differences of post-

Communist elections in Romania 12.40-13.00: CREŢAN, Remus (Timişoara, Romania): Charting protests against dog culling in

Romania: insights into the post-EU accession period

13.00-14.00: Lunch break 14.00-14.20: VĂIDANU , Nataşa; BRAGHINĂ, Cristian; STOICA, Ilinca-Valentina (all Bucharest):

Managing cultural values for sustainable tourism in protected areas 14.20-14.40: VIOLANTE, Antonio (Milan, Italy): The touristic image of Dubrovnik in the new

European Croatia Plenary session: (Theatersaal) 17.40-18.00: Closing
