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Synthesis of Bisphenol A with Heterogeneous Catalysts€¦ · Abstract The synthesis of bisphenol A...

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Synthesis of Bisphenol A with Heterogeneous Catalysts by Liliana Neagu A thesis submitted to the Deparment of Chernical Engineering in conforrnity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Engineering) Queen' s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada August, 1998 Copyright O Liliana Neagu, October 1 998
  • Synthesis of Bisphenol A with Heterogeneous Catalysts


    Liliana Neagu

    A thesis submitted to the Deparment of Chernical Engineering in conforrnity with the requirements for the degree of

    Master of Science (Engineering)

    Queen' s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada

    August, 1998

    Copyright O Liliana Neagu, October 1 998

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  • Abstract

    The synthesis of bisphenol A (BPA) with heterogeneous catalysts was uivestigated in a batch system and in a plug flow reactor. Gibbs reactor simulations contributed to a better understanding of the reaction which leads to BPA formation. Experiments were conducted with ~mberlyst@-15, Nafion@ NR-50, Nafione SAC-13. and activated alumina acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid (AA300/HCl). An experùnental design was used to investigate the effects of temperature, catalyst concentration, molar ratio of acetone and phenol in the initial reaction mixture, and the size of the catalyst bead. Al1 the factors significandy innuence some or al1 the aspects of the process of BPA formation.

    Al1 three new catalysts: AA300/HC1, Nafion@ NR-50, and Nafion@ SAC-13, were found suitable to catalyze the production of bisphenol A, using phenol and acetone as starting materials. Both yield and selectivity are significantly higher for the processes that use the newly identined catalysts than the yield and selectivity obtained in the process that uses Amberlyst@ 1 5.

  • Acknowledgments

    There are many people 1 want to thank in this section, people who offered me their support and their fnendship, for which 1 am grateful.

    I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. Tom Harris and Barrie Jackson for their support, encouragement and understanding throughout the completion of this project. 1 would also like to thank Dr. Whitney and Dr. Brian Hunter for the meaningfid conversations, Steve Hodgson, Lisa Prior and Martin York for the& technical assistance with my research equipment.

    1 am grateful to my office mate Shannon Quinn for her sincere fiiendship and her computïng knowledge. 1 thank Gregg Logan for his Eendship, for the endess conversations about food, and for introducing me to graduate student life in the department. Thankç to everybody in the department for creating such a pleasant work place.

    1 would like to thank my husband for being supportive and understanding sometimes and to rny daughter for being a good and happy child, for sleeping overnight and for not crying as much as she could have.

    Many thanks to the Queen's Day Care Centre staff, Halina, Donna, Pada, Sean, Karen, Lori, Sandra, for taking such a good care of my daughter and for spoiling her more than I did.

    As vrea sa multumesc parintilor mei Voica si Aurel Monea pentru ca mi'au dat puterea sa visez si aripi sa zbor.

  • Table of Contents

    .......................................................................... 1 Introduction 2 Basic Chemistry and Production of BPA ......................................

    2.1 Preparation of Bisphenol A ................................................. 2.1.1 Acetone Process .................................................. Primary Reaction ...................................... By-Products Formation ............................... Reaction Order .........................................

    ...................................... Equilibrium Data Catalysts ..................... .. ......................

    ......................... . 2.1.1 5 . 1 Catalyst Enhancers .................................. Bisphenol Stabilizers Solvents ................................................. Reaction Mechanism ..................................

    ................................ Reactor Configuration ......................... 2.1.2 Alternatives to Acetone as Feedstock

    2.2 Purification ................................................................... 2.2.1 Catalyst Separation .................. .. ........................... 2.2.2 %PA Separation from Cnide .................................... Methods of Separating BPA fiom the 1 : 1 BPA- ............................................... Phenol Aduct By-Products Isomerization to BPA ................. 2.3 Manufacturing ...............................................................

    2.3.1 Resin-Catdyzed Process ........................................ 2.3.2 Hydrogen Chloride-Catalyzed Process ........................ 2.3.3 Resin-Catalyzed Process II ......................................

    2.4 Physical Properties .......................................................... 2.5 Chernicd Properties .............................. .. .........................

    ...................................................................... 2.6 S u m m q 3 Gibbs Reactor Simulations ........................................................

    3.1 The PRO II@ Gibbs Reactor ................................................ 3.2 Simulation of the Bisphenol A Reaction ..................................

    3.2.1 Analysis of the Simulation Results ............................. Effect of Temperature and Acetone:Phenol

    Molar Ratio on BPA Formation .......................... ............................... By-Products Formation

    3 -3 Surnmary of the Sunulation ................................................ 3 -4 Conclusions ..................................................................

    4 Experïmental Investigation ........................................................ 4.1 Apparatus-OveMew .........................................................

  • 4.2 Materials ....................................................................... 4.2.1 Solid Catalysts .....................................................

    .............. ~afion@-~erfiuorosulfonated Ionomer ................... High Surface ~ r e a NafionB Resin

    4.3 Procedures .................................................................... .................................... 4.3.1 Reactor Loading Procedures

    ................................. NMR Tube Reaction. .......................................... Batch Reactor ........................................... Flow Reactor

    ....... 4.3 -2 Reactor Sarnpling Procedure and Sample Preparation .................................. NMR Tube Reaction

    .......................................... Batch Reactor ........................................... Flow Reactor

    ................ 4.3.3 Reactor Shut-Down and Clean-Up Procedure .................................. 4.3 -3.1 NMR Tube Reaction

    .......................................... Batch Reactor ........................................... 4.3 -3.3 Flow Reactor

    4.4 Sample Analysis .............................................................. ........ 4.4. I Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry Analysis

    ................................................... 4.4.2 NMR Analysis 4.4.2- 1 General Introduction to the NMR Procedure

    ........................................ Used in this Study Cdculation of the Error Associated with the

    .............................................. NMR Analysis ....... Procedure for Caiculating the Yield in BPA

    ...................................................................... 4.5 Summary ........................................... 5 Experimental Results and Discussion . *

    5.1 Prelimioary Investigation ................................................... 5.1.1 Evaluation of S ystem Reactivity and Blank Reactions ......

    ............................ 5.1 -2 Evaluation of Experimental Region 5.1 -3 Scheme of Reaction ..............................................

    ................................... 5.1.4 Experimental Reproducibility 5.1.5 Validity of Simulation Prediction for Depletion of

    Acetone .............................................................. 5.2 Investigation of Suitability of New Catalysts ............................

    .............. 5.3 Performance Comparison of ~ a f i o n @ and Amberlysta 15 5 -4 Experimental Design ........................................................

    5.4.1 Factors Chosen and Responses ................................. ............ 5.4.2 Evaluation of Results corn Experimental Design

    ................................. 5.4.3 Precision of Caiculated Effects .................................................. 5.4.4 Effects Analysis

    ...................... Selectivity of BPA Formation ............... Selectivity of O-p Isomer Formation ............... Selectivity of Chromanes Formation

  • Yield in BPA ........................................... ............................................. 5.4.5 Regression Analysis Mode1 for Selectivity of BPA Formation .......... Model for the Selectivity of O-p Isomer

    Formation ................................................... 5 4 - 5 3 Model for the Selectivity of Chromanes

    ................................................... Formation Mode1 for the Yield in BPA ................... -... ...

    .......................... 5.4.6 Summary of z3 Experimentai Design 5 -5 Additional Runs ..............................................................

    ..................................................... 5.6 z4 Experimental Design ................... 5.7 Regression Analysis for the z4 Experimental Design

    5.7.1 Mode1 for Selectiviw of BPA Formation ..................... 5.7.2 Mode1 for Selectiviv of Chromanes Formation .............

    ......................................... 5.7.3 Model for Yield in BPA 5.8 Summary ......................................................................

    ......... 6 Reactions in the Plug Flow Reactor ................................... .. ................................ 6.1 Reactions with Acidic Activated Alumina

    ............................................ 6.2 Reactions with ~ a f i o n @ NR-50 ........................................... 6.3 Reaction with ~a f ion@ SAC-13

    6.4 S u m m q ...................................................................... ..................... ..................... 7 Conciusions and Recommendations ,,

    7.1 Conclusions .............................................................. 7.2 Recommendations .......................................................

    A Health and Safety Regdations .................................................... @ B PRORI Input File .................................. .... ..............................

    C Summary of Simulation Resuits .................................................. D The NMR Phenornenon ............................................................

  • List of Tables

    ........... -1 Quality characteristics for BPA as raw matenal for polycarbonates ............. 1 Equilibrium constant for the BPA f o. p-isomer transformation .

    . 2 Results of the reaction of acetone with phenol in the presence of zeolites ............................... and cation-exchange resin ............. .. ............ ..

    .............. 2.3 Solubilities of bisphenol A in various solvents (g/100g solvent) ..................................... 2.4 Variation of vapor pressure with temperature

    .............................. Gibbs reaction simulation with reaction parameters Equilibrium constant for the BPA = o. p4somer transformation based on

    ......................................................................... simulated data ............................................ Materials used in experiments .. .... .. ...

    .................................... Acquisition method on the mass spectrometer ............ Peak table with retention times and boiling points of the products . . . ......................................................... Data acqursrtion parameters

    ........................................................ Summary of the experiments ........................................... Results of the second set of experirnents

    Results of the experiments performed with AmberlystB-1 5 in the batch ................................................................................... reactor

    Results of performance cornparison between ~ a f ï o n @ and ~mberlyst@- 15 ... High value, low value, midpoint, range and half range for each factor ........ Experimental runs used to investigate the efTect of catalyst concentration (C), temperature (T) and molar ratio of acetone and phenol (R) ...............

    ..... Responses for the experiments perfomed in the 23 experimental design ..................................................................... Calculated effects

    ....................................................... Precision of calculated effects 5.10 Results of the regression analysis for the selectivity of BPA formation ..... 5.1 1 Results of the regression analysis for the selectivity of O-p isomer

    ............................................................................... formation 5.12 Resdts of the regression analysis for the selectivity of chromanes

    ............................................................................... formation ........................ 5.13 Results of the regression analysis for the yield in BPA

    5.14 Additional runs ....................................................................... ......................................... 5.15 Calculated effects for the additional runs

    5.16 Cornparison between the calculated effects in the fkst set and the second set of experiments ....................................................................

    ............................................... 5.1 7 Data for the z4 experimental design ............................................... 5.18 Calculated effects for the 24 design . .

    5.19 Sigmficant effect S. .................................................................. 5.20 Results of the regression analysis for the selectivity of BPA formation .....

  • 5.21 Results of the regression analysis for the selectiviv of chromanes .............................................................................. formation.

    5.22 Results of the regession analysis for the yield in BPA.. ...................... ....................................................... 6.1 Summary of the experiments.

    6.2 Results of the experiments with AM001 HCl. .......................... .. ........ ............................... 6.3 Results of the experiments with Nafion@ NR-50.. ............................... 6.4 Results of the experiment with Nafion@ SAC- 13..

    A. 1 Chernicals used in experiments! associated hazards and safety ........................................................................... requirements

    @ ........................................................ B. 1 PRO/LI keyword input file.. C.l Variation of bisphenol A, o,p-isomer, and triphenol formation with the

    acetone:phenol molar ratio at 323.15 K. The results are presented in mol % ........................................................................................

    C.2Variation of bisphenol A, og-isomer, and triphenol formation with the acetone:phenol molar ratio at 333.15 K. The results are presented in mol

    C.3Variation of bisphenol A, op-isomer, and triphenol formation with the acetone:phenol molar ratio at 343.15 K. The results are presented in mol

    CAVariation of bisphenol A, 07p-isomer, and triphenol formation with the acetone:phenol molar ratio at 353.1 5 K. The results are presented in mol

    ........................................................................................ % CSVariation of bisphenol A, og-isomer, and triphenol formation with the

    acetone:phenol molar ratio at 363.15 K. The results are presented in mol ........................................................................................ %

    C.6Variation of selectivity of bisphenol A 0, 07p-isomer (II), and triphend (III) with the temperature at various acetone:phenol molar

    ................................................................................... ratios.

  • List of Figures

    .......................... 2.1 Conversion of phenol versus time for various catalysts ........... 2.2 Product selectivity versus time for the reaction catalyzed by Re-Y

    ... 2.3 Product selectivity versus time for the reaction catalyzed by Hmordenite 2.4 Product selectivity versus time for the reaction cataiyzed by Amberlyst.15 .. 2.5 Mechanism of condensation of acetone with phenol s a hydrogen bonds ..... 2.6 Reactor configuration .................................................................

    .................................... 2.7 Production of bisphenol A with resin catalyst 2.8 Production of bisphenol A with hydrogen chlonde catalyst ....................

    .................................. 2.9 Production of bisphenol A with resin catalyst II 3.1 Variation of BPA formation with molar ratio acetone.pheno1 .................. 3.2 Variation of BPA formation with temperature and acetone:phenoI molar

    ratio .................................................................................... 3.3 Variation of selectivity of BPA with temperature and acetone:phenol molar

    ................................................................................. ratio ........... 3.4 Variation of og-isomer formation with acetone:phenoI molar ratio

    3.5 Variation of o,p &orner formation with temperature at various rnolar ratios acetone.pheno1 ..................... .. ...... .. ............................. .. ..........

    3.6 Variation of selectivity of og-isomer with temperature at various molar ratios acetone: phenol .................................................................

    ............. 3 -7 Variation of triphenol formation with molar ratio acetone.pheno1 3 -8 Variation of triphen01 formation with temperature at various molar ratios

    acetone.pheno1 ......................................................................... 3.9 Variation of selectivity of triphenol with temperature at various molar

    ratios acetone.pheno1 ................................................................. 3.10 Variation of BPA formation with temperature and acetone:phenol molar

    ................................................................................... ratio 3.1 1 Variation of 0.p 4somer formation with temperature and molar ratio

    acetone.pheno1 ..................... .. .................................................. 3.12 Variation of triphenol formation with temperature and acetone:phenol

    molar ratio ............................................................................. 3.13 Variation of BPA, o.p.isomer. and triphenol formation with molar ratio

    acetone:phenol at 353.15 K .......................................................... ... 3.14Variation of BPA. opisomer. and triphenol formation with temperature

    4.1 Plug flow reactor ...................................................................... .......................... 4.2 Nanon@ structure; m = 6 or 7, n 1000. x = 1. 2. or 3

    4.3 Electron withdrawing effect ......................................................... 4.4 Styiized view of polar/ nonpolar microphase separation in a hydrated

    ionomer ................................................................................ ................................... 4.5 The Yeager 3 phase mode1 of Nafion@ clusters


  • ....................................... 4.6 Temperature profile of method used on GC 4.7 Chromatogram of the products obtained in the condensation process ......... 4.8 NMR spectrurn of acetone (CDCl, ) ...............................................

    ................................................. 4.9 NMR spectrum of phenol (CDCI, ) ......................................... 4.10 NMR spectrum of bisphenol A (CDCl, )

    -4.1 1 NMR s p e c t m of the initial mixture of reaction (fiom 0.4 pprn to 3 . 0 ................................................................................... ppm)

    4.12 NMR spectnun of the initial mixture of reaction (fiom 1 . 0 pprn to 3.0 ................................................................................... ppm)

    4.13 NMR spectrum of the final mi>aure of reaction (firom 0.4 pprn to 3.0 ppm) ....... 5.1 Analysis of the reaction with hornogeneous catalyst (after three days)

    ......... 5.2 Analysis of the reaction with homogeneous catalyst (after six days) 5.3 Analysis of the reaction with homogeneous catalyst (afier nine days) ........ 5.4 Analysis of the reaction with homogeneous catalyst (after twelve days) .....

    ....................................................................... 5 -5 Crystals of BPA 5.6 Analysis of the reaction with heterogeneous catalyst (after nine days) .......

    .................... 5 -7 Analysis of the reaction with no catalyst (after three days) .............................................. 5.8 Variation of BPA selectivity in tirne.

    ..................................... 5 -9 Variation of selectivity of O-p isomer in tirne ...................................... 5.10 Variation of chromanes selectivity in time

    .................................. 5.1 1 Variation of BPA selectivity with temperature ........................... 5.12 Variation of +p isomer selectivity with temperature .......................... 5.13 Variation of chromanes selectivity with temperature

    ........................................ 5.14 Variation of BPA yield with temperature .......................................................... 5.15 Disappearance of acetone

    5.16 Chrornatogram of the products for the process catalyzed by Amberlyst- 15 ...................................................... ...................... [6 h] .....

    5.17 Chromatogram of the products for the process catalyzed by Nafion@ NR- ................................................................................ 50 [3 hl

    5 . ; S Chromatogram of the products for the process catalyzed by AA 300/ HCL .................................................................................... [6 hl

    5.19 Effects of considered factors on selectivity of BPA formation and their ............................................................................ significance

    5.20 Effects of considered factors on selectivity of O-p isomer formation and their significance .....................................................................

    5.2 1 Effects present in the molecule of phenol and the nucleophilic attack ....... 5.22 Effects of considered factors on selectivity of chromanes formation and

    ..................................................................... their significance ........ 5.23 Effects of considered factors on yield in BPA and their significance

  • List of Abbreviations

    amu ASOG atm BPA BSPHNOLA C Cal cal cat.

    cm c m Co. conc. DDT DGEBA DMSO e.g . exp. FID Fig. fin

    1.e. I.U.P.A.C. in ioniz. IR K

    US dollars micro litre Angstrom activated alumina activated with hydrochloric acid acetone atomic mass unit Analyticd Solution of Groups atmosphere bisphenol A bisphenol A Celsius calibration calorie cataly st cubic centimetre centimetre carbon number Company concentration 1,1,1 -tnchloro-2,2-bis-(p-chloropheny1)-ethane diglycidyl ether bisphenol A dimethyl sulfoxide exempli gratia experiment Free Induction Decay Figure fmal gram Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy hour hydrochloric acid mercury Hertz ist est International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry initial Ionization Infia red Kelvin

  • kcai kj km01 1 b LIBID h4AF'P max MHz min niin ml


    P PFR Ph PID

    psi PVC rad r f


    kilocalorie kilojoul kilomol pound library methylacetylene and propadiene maximum

    mega Hertz minimum minute millilitre mi llimetre milli mass unit Matenal Safety Data Sheet not applicable normal boiling point nanome tre normal melting point Nuclear Magnetic Resonance non-library non-random two liquid ortho Para plug flow reactor phenol proportional integral denvative parts per million pound per square inch poïyvinyl chloride radians radio fiequency seconds signal to noise small angle neutron scattering small angle X-ray scattering System International Simulation Sciences solubility parameter Surn of Squared Errors Sum of Squared Residuals standard pressure standard temperature Tesla temperature tetrafluoroethylene

  • TMS TPPI TSS U.K. UNiFAC us mec wt ZNUM

    tetramethylsi f ane Time Proportional Phase increments Total Sum of Squares United Kingdom universai functionai activity coefficient United States micro seconds weight hydrogen deficiency nurnber


  • Chapter 1


    Bisphenol A (BPA) is the commercial name used in the United States for 4,4'-

    isopropylidenediphenol. In Europe I.U.P.A.C. nomenclature and other unsystematic

    names are still used. Its commercial name indicates the preparation fkom two molecules

    of phenol and one of acetone. The molecule of BPA c m be described as two phenolic

    rings joined together by a bridging isopropylidene group (Chernical Abstract now calls

    the radical 1 -methy lethy lidene) (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976).

    Dianin prepared bisphenol A for the first time in 1891 via condensation of acetone and

    phenol catalyzed by hydrochloric acid. The method was not patented until 1917.

    Bisphenol A was manufactured on an industrial scale for the first time in 1923 by a

    German f-, Chemishen Fabriken, to be used a s intermediate for producing coating

    resins (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

  • Since then, the production of BPA as an intermediate for epoxy resins continued to grow.

    Some of the first large-scale producers were Firma Resins & Vernis Artificiels in France,

    Farbenfabriken Bayer in Germany, Dow Chemical Company (since I941), General

    Aniline and Film (fiom 1941 to 1954), Shell Chemical Co. (since 1954), Monsanto Co.

    (fiom 1956 to 1971): Union Carbide (from 1960 to 1982) and General Electric Co. (since

    1967) in the United States, Shawinigan Chemicals in Canada, Esquirn in Mexico, Shell

    Chernicals U.K. and R. Graesser and Co. in England, Ketjen and Shell in the Netherlands,

    Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals, Honshu Chemical Industries and Nippon Steel Chemical Co. in

    Japan, Raghanandan Chemical Indumies in India and others (McKetta and Cunningham,


    Bisphenol A is generally used as a reagent for producing polycarbonates, epoxy resins,

    phenoxy resins, acrylic resins, polysdfone resins, and other polyesters and as an

    intermediate for semi-synthetic wax (mc.vanderbiIt.edu/vumcdept/derm/contact 1008).

    Halogenated foms are used as flame retardants, and alkylated foms are used as

    stabilizen and antioxidants for rubber and other plastics, like PVC for example

    (essential.org/listproc/dioxin-l/msgO0464.h) It is also used as a component of food-

    packaging adhesives, as a fungicide and as a component of dental filling compositions.

    Recently a toner for developing electrostatic images, that contains BPA, was developed

    (Unno et al., 1997).

    BPA production in the US in 1974 was only 415 million lb (McKetta and Cunningham,

    1976), compared with 1.65 billion Ib of BPA in 1996 (Hileman, 1997). This four fold

  • increase of the production over the period of 20 years proves a high demand on the

    market for the product in question. The price for BPA in 1974 was by average 0.45$/lb

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976). Considering the inflation (Consumer Pnce Index),

    the BPA pnce in 1998 should have been 1.52$/lb. The actual price for BPA in 1998 was

    by average 0.94$/lb (Chemical Market Reporter, 1998). This "decrease" c m be related to

    the increase in production and interpreted with "The Boston Leamhg Curve" which

    States that: "Average Unit Selling Pnces, in Constant Dollars, Characteristicaliy Decline

    20 to 30 Percent in Real Terrns Each Time Accumdated Experience Doubles" (Jackson,

    1997). Considering that the production in 1998 is the same as the production in 1996,

    that it doubled twice since 1974, and each t h e it doubled the average unit selling price in

    constant dollars declined 25% by average, the calculated price of BPA is 0.86 $Ab. This

    is slightly lower than the actuai price for BPA in 1998.

    It is well known that for obtaining light-coloured hi& rnolecular weight poIymers via

    linear condensation, the PLU@ of the monomers m u t be high. Ordinary BPA is adequate

    for making most epoxy resins, while BPA of very high puity is needed for

    polycarbonates (99.8% purity has been mentioned as a minimum requirement (McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1 976)).

    The characteristics of BPA used as a raw material for producing polycarbonates are

    presented in Table 1.1 (Catana et al., 1993):

  • Table 1.1: Quality characteristics for BPA as raw materiai fer polycarbonates (Catana et

    al., 1993)

    - -

    Specification 1

    Aspect, pallets or crystals Melting rioint, OC

    I - ~ron. D D ~ . max I l l

    Vaiue white

    156 Colour of melt, "Hz

    Light transmission, %, min Water, wtY0, max Ash. wt%. max

    There are several methods of evaluating the quality of BPA. The most important

    50 98 O. 1 0.005

    parameter that characterizes the quality of BPA is its colour, and it was found that iron is

    one of the agents that changes the colour of BPA, due to the coloured complexes that are

    formed (Wasilewska, 1997). The colour can be estimated by analyMg the percentage

    transmission of a 50% solution of BPA in methanol or acetone and comparing it to a

    blank at 350 nm (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976) or 420 MI (Shinohara, 1971).

    The technique that is most used for estimating the pur@ of BPA is the melting point

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). Cnide products have wide-range melting points

    starting at about 140°C. The rnelting point of the pure compound is 157OC. Good

    commercial grades melt at 154 to 155°C. The cryoscopic constant has been reported as

    10°C (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976), and 17°C (Challa and Hermans, 1960). Another

  • simple test is to measure the percent of impurities that easily dissolve in a paraffinic

    solvent, cyclohexane for example (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Since obtaining high purity BPA is of great importance, improvement of the

    manufacniring process \vas continuously investigated by researchers. Either the yield or

    the selectivity of the process, or both, were considered for improvement and several

    modification of the original method were studied: different catalysts, homogeneous and

    heterogeneous, alternatives to acetone as feedstock, and alternatives to acetone and

    phenol as feedstock.

    The purpose of this investigation is to outline the bais of a search for new solid catalysts

    that could be used in a catdytic distillation unit for produchg bisphenol A to improve

    yields and selectivities. Catalytic distillation is a process where a reaction takes place

    simultaneously with a separation process in the same unit (Podrebarac et al., 1997). The

    major advantage of this type of system over traditional systems are the potential savings

    in production costs, since not only one operational unit is eliminated, but also the

    associated piping and instrumentation that are required to connect the reaction unit with

    the separation unit are eliminated.

    Catalytic distillation is a process that has the potential of producing bisphenol A at lower

    production costs. With this purpose in mind, the investigation of more suitable catalysts

    for the process is of great interest. Prior to the final goal of producing BPA by catalytic

    distillation, prelirninary investigations m u t be performed to eventually identie new,

  • more suitable catalysts, and to £ïnd appropriate reaction conditions. The purpose of this

    thesis is to examine the curent technologies available to produce BPA, to invetigate the

    fesib-ity of new cataiysts, and to perform experiments to investigate the effects of

    selected reaction parameters, using these catalysts.

    In Chapter 2 a criticai literature review is conducted, which details the existing processes

    used in the BPA manufacniring and purification, the alternatives that have been evaluated

    with the purpose of improving the process. Also included are some physical and

    chernical properties of bisphenol A.

    In Chapter 3 the Gibbs reactor simulations are investigated and the results are compared

    to the results in the literature. This simulation provides insight about the reaction

    mechanism which leads to BPA formation. The results of these simulations are used to

    determine the levels, the factors and the responses chosen for the subsequent

    expenmentd designs.

    In Chapter 4 the experimental apparatus and the instrumentation employed to analyze the

    products, also the methods used for data processing are described. Safety procedures are

    detailed as well.

    In Chapter 5 the results obtained in the preliminary runs and the results obtained from the

    experiments performed in the batch reactor are presented. A two factorial design is used

    to examine the effects of the chosen factors on the selected respcnses.

  • In Chapter 6 the results obtained in the expenments performed in the plug flow reactor

    are presented. This setting was used for the systerns which could not be investigated in

    the batch reactor, and also for one of the new identified catalysts, which was investigzted

    in the batch reactor as well. Although the nurnber of reactions in the plug flow reactor

    was kept to a minimum, important conclusions and lines of fùture work emerged.

    Finally, in Chapter 7 the concIusions derived fiom the experimental work are presented.

    Recommendations for future investigations are given.

  • Chapter 2

    Basic Chemistry and Production Process for BPA

    The intent of this chapter is to give an overview of the existing rnethods and reaction

    schemes for producing crude BPA and to ernphasize the ones that are used industrially.

    General purification issues will be presented. The physicd and chernical properties of

    bisphenol A will be summarized. This background material is necessary to expiain

    process alternatives. Most of the information presented in this chapter is £tom McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1 976.

    2.1 Preparation of Bisphenol A

    This subsection describes the chemistry of BPA formation including mechanisms,

    possible reactions, by-products, and order of reaction.

  • 2.1.1 Acetone Process Primary Reaction

    The acid catalyzed condensation of acetone with 2 moles of phenol is the oldest process

    for producing BPA.

    Phenol Acetone Bisphenol A

    The heat of reaction, for reactants and products in their natural physical state at 25OC, is

    calcdated fiom heats of formation as + 18 -4 kcdmol. Severe conditions are not required;

    a 1:2 molar ratio mixture of acetone and phenol, in the presence of concentrated

    hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid 70% at room temperature deposits a mass of crude BPA

    crystals (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). The reaction conditions predominantly

    favour the formation of the products (Nenitescu, 1980).

    Some sources claim that the presence of 10% water in the reaction mixture greatly

    increases the rate of the reaction catalyzed by hydrochloric acid (Scheibel, 1974). Other

    sources claim that processes catalyzed by suIfonic acid ion exchange resins rnodified with

    -1-SH groups are also improved by the presence of 0.6 to 5% by weight water in the

    initial reaction mixture @erg and Buysch, 1994). On the other hand, since water is a

    product of the desired reaction, its presence decreases the yield of BPA. To

    counterbaiance this effect, dehydration by various water-binding agents (such as calcium

  • chlonde or phenyl acetate) or by azeotropic distillation have been suggested (McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1976).

    The reaction proceeds with an electrophilic attack of the proton fYom the acidic catalyst

    on the molecuie of acetone. This first step of the mechanism is very similar to the one in

    the production of phenolphthalein and DDT and in the akylation of phenol with olefins

    (McKetta and Cunningham, By - Products Formation

    For reactions involving the substitution of a proton in an aromatic ring, both the rate of

    reaction and the equilibrium distribution of products are influenced by the density of

    electrons at the centre of reaction (Nenitescu, 1980). This only applies if there are no

  • stenc effects. Thus the pp-isorner (BPA) is the most likely to f o m since the density of

    electrons in the para position of the phenol is higher than in the ortho position. Aiso, the

    p,p-isomer formation is favoured fiom the thermodynarnic point of view (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976). Still, opisomer and some o,o-isomer are observed.


    It was observed that the o,o-isorner is produced in negligible amounts. Another possible

    product that can result fiom the reaction of the already formed BPA with the tertiary

    carbonium ion @-phenyl isopropylidene) (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976) is the so

    called "triphenol 1" (4,4'-(4-Hydroxy-m-phenyIenediisopropylidene)diphenol):


    P-isopropenyl phenol can be obtained when the p-phenyl isopropylidene ion loses a

    proton. The p-isopropenyl phenol fonned can dimerize and the dimer c m add phenol to

    yield another triphenol ("triphenol II" or 4,4',4" -(1,1,3-Trimethyl- 1 -propanyl-3-ylidene)

    triphenol) (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976):

  • OH OH Triphenol II

    An irreversible cyclization of the dùner to 4'-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylflavan (flavan) can

    occur if the hydroxyl group in the dimer is in the ortho position relative to the carbon

    bearing the methylene group (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

    Fl avan

    If both hydroxyl groups in the dimer are in the ortho position relative to the aliphatic

    chain, the 2'-hydroxy isomer is formed (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

  • The acetone can dimerize with itself and form mesityl oxide. The mesityl oxide formed

    can M e r react with two molecules of phenol to give a product isomeric with flavan, a

    chroman (McKena and Cunningham, 1976):

    Acetone Acetone Mesrtyl Oxide

    H~C' 'CH, Phenol

    chroman 1 chroman il

    The dimer resulted from the dimerkation of p-hydroxy-a-methyl styrene, triphenol II and

    flavan can be obtained as a result of the reaction between mesityl oxide and phenol as

    well. The reaction conditions that favor the formation of al1 the by-products presented so

    far, are the same as the conditions that favor the BPA formation.

    No unsaturated products were observed in the cmde product, leading to the idea that al1 of

    the unsaturated products formed M e r react to give other by-products. The o,p-isomer,

    melting point 1 1 l O C , triphenol 1, melting point 19 1 OC and chromane, rnelting point

    158°C were al1 isolated fiom cmde BPA (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Due to the high reactivity of the system, many other components can be produced and are

    present in the reaction mixture. A likely one is the spirobiindan (Curtis, 1962), which c m

    be obtained fkom two molecules of phenol and one molecule of phorone. The phorone is

  • the resdt of the condensation of three molecules of acetone, which c m occur in the acidic

    medium provided for the process of BPA formation:

    H,C ' Acetone


    O phorone



    2. 1.1.3 Reaction Order

    The BPA formation is a condensation in two steps. First a molecule of acetone reacts

    with a molecule of phenol, then the product, or the corresponding ion, reacts with the

    second molecule of phenol. The reaction was reported first order in both acetone and

    phenol, which indicates that the first step is slower than the second step, therefore it is

    rate determining (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). In another study (Kato, 1963), the

    HC1-catalyzed reaction was second order in phenol. According to de Jong and Dethmers

    (Dethmers and de Jong, 1965) the activation energy for the overail process is 15 kcdmol.

    According to Kato (Kato, 1963) the activation energy is19 kcal/mol. These processes are

    reversible fike most other electrophific substitutions. In the presence of an acid, an

    equilibrium c m be established between BPA and the main by-product, the o,p-isomer.

  • Equilibrium Data

    The ortho-para ratio increases by increasing the temperature therefore temperatures as

    low as possible are preferred in order to maximize the BPA formation (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).

    Using phenol as a solvent for the process, the data presented in Table 2.1 were generated

    for the equilibrium constant for the BPA+o,p-isomer transformation. 0.067 at 40°C,

    0.08 at 60°C, 0.1 1 at 80°C, and 0.16 at 100°C (Dethmers and de Jong, 1965).

    Table 2.1: Equilibrium constant for the BPA 0.p-isomer transformation Catalysts

    Temperature (OC)


    For the process catalyzed by gaseous hydrochloric acid, the reaction of BPA formation is

    reported to be first order in catalyst. E s is the reason why it was recommended to nin

    the process at several atmospheres (Takenaka et al., 1968).

    The first catalyst used to produce BPA was concentrated hydrochloric acid. Processes

    that use gaseous hydrochloric acid or acid ion-exchange resins are also operated in the

    United States. Aithough the process is slower and the product more difficult to puri@

    than in the hydrochlonc acid catalyzed process, sulfuric acid 70% to 75% concentration

    can be used as catalyst. In this case the concentration of the acid m u t not exceed the



    60 80 100

    0.08 0.1 1 0.16

  • above mentioned b i t s in order to minimize the sulfonation. There are some advantages

    in using sulfunc acid as catalyst for the process: the apparatus is simpler and the

    corrosion is less severe (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Other homogeneous catalysts that can be used but do not seem to have practicai

    importance are: hydrogen bromide, boron trifluoride, boric acid, femc chlonde, silicon

    tetrachloride, phosgene, phosphorus chlorides, phosphorus pentoxide, polyphosphoric

    acid, hydrogen fluoride, and benzenesulfonic acid (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). It

    is mentioned that any acid with an ionization constant y greater than 1 O5 is suitable to

    catalyze the process (McKeîta and Cunningham, 1976).

    The use of strong acid ion-exchange resins as catalysts for making BPA is widespread.

    With such catalysts longer reaction times and/or higher temperatures (70 to 90°C), both

    undesirable, are required to attain high conversions compared to soluble catalysts. When

    using ion-exchange resin as cataiyst the corrosion is minimal and no recycling or disposal

    of the catalyst is required. The acidic zeolites for the production of BPA were tested

    (Singh, 1992) in the atternpt of a comparative study of preparation of BPA over zeolites

    and cation-exchange resins. In principle, zeolites should be more shape selective than

    other catalysts.

    The reaction scheme proposed by Singh (Singh, 1992), considering the reaction products

    present in large quantities, is:

  • Phenol Acetone

    2,4 'isopropy lidenediphenoi Acetone

    4'hydroxyphenyl-2,2,4-trimethyl chroman 1

    4chydroxyphenyl-2,4,4-trimethy l chroman II

    The results show a strong influence of different catalysts on the total conversion of

    phenol (see Table 2.2):

    Table 2.2: Results of the reaction of acetone with phenol in the presence of zeolites and cation-exchange resin

    -hydroxyphenyl- lan II; Others are





    compounds found ody in trace quantities (Singh, 1992).

    a I is bisphenol A; II is 2,4'-isopropylidenediphenol (ogisorner); III is 4 2,2,4-trirnethyl chroman 1; N is 4'-hydroxyphenyl-2,4,4-trimethy1 chro~

    Reaction tirne (hl

    5 17 27 4

    16 27

    5 17 27

    Conversion of phenol

    (wt %) 1 .O8 4.35 4.6 1 1.12 2.52 2.88 8.74

    19.50 20.14

    Product distributiona (wt %) 1 II III+-IV Others

    59.26 60.00 57-91 38.13 37.42 36.80 85.37 88.72 89.57

    16.02 19.08 19-10 28.59 29.56 3 1.25 3.41 4.44 5.06

    4.62 1 1.49 15.19 8.00 9.35

    11.12 2.56 3.54 3.54

    20.10 9.43 7.80

    25.28 23.67 20.83 8.66 3.30 1.83

  • The data in Table 2.2 are plotted and the graphs are illustrated in Figures 2.1,2.2,2.3, and

    2.4. They show that in the case of zeolites, Re-Y gives the highest activity (Fig. 2.1).

    This rnight be due to its highest concentration of acid sites compared to the other zeolites

    used (H-Y, H-mordenite and H-ZSM-5).

    The relative activities of various catalysts decrease in the order:

    ~ r n b e r l y f 15 > Re-Y > H-mordenite > H-Y > H-ZSM-5

    The concentration of the undesired products increase in the order:

    Amberlyst" 1 5 c Re-Y c H-mordenite

    Fig. 2.1 Conversion of Phenol versus Time for Various Catalysts

    Reaction Time [hl

    -+ H-mordenite -e- Arnberiyst-15

  • Fig. 2.2 Product Selectiviry versus Time for the Reaction CataIytcd by Re-Y

    Reactian Timc [hl

    op-isomer [II] + Chroman 1 and Chroman II [III+IV]

    Fig. 2 3 Rodud Seleaivity versuç T i for the Readon Catalyzed by H-mordenite

    + BPA m -C opkamer [lq + amxrian 1 and Chroman II [m+W -.-OthcrS

  • Fig. 2.4 Product Selcctivity venus Time for the Reaction Catalyzed by Amberlyst-15

    Rcaction Timc [hl

    + BPA [q -t opisomer [lu

    Chroman 1 and Chroman II [III+IV]

    The conversion of phenol increases monotonie with time and the higher the concentration

    of acid sites in the catalyst the higher the conversion (Fig.2.1). However, the activity of

    the tested zeolites for the formation of BPA is lower than that of the cation-exchange

    resins. The data also show that the more acidic the catalyst is, the selectivity of the BPA

    formation is higher (Fig. 2.2,2.3, and 2.4).

    The conversion of acetone and phenol to BPA is catalyzed by bases as well as acids;

    sodium phenoxyde (C,H,ONa) is particularly specified (McKetta and C m g h a m ,

    1976). However, the method is of no use because both yield and quality of product are


  • Catalyst Enhancers

    Both rate of formation and yield in BPA c m be improved by using 1% or less by weight

    compounds that contain mercapto groups (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). Some of

    the compounds containing mercapto groups are su1 fur dichloride, sodium thiosul fate,

    hydrog en sulfide, iron suifide, alkanethiois, arenethiols, thioglicolic acids,

    mercaptoalkanesdfonic acids, alkali alkyl xanthates, 2-mercaptobenzothiazote and others

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 2 976).

    This improvement in rate and yield is possible due to the fact that the carbonium ion

    containing sdfûr (CHJIC+SR is more stable than (CH&2+OH. Being more stable, it can

    exist in higher concentration in the reaction rnixtare and consequently dkylate faster the

    phenol ring (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Sulfonated aromatic organic polymers, such as sulfonated polysiyrene, havîng organic

    mercaptan groups , aminoorgano mercaptan groups (Faler and Loucks, 198 1, 1982,

    1984), N-alS.laminoorgano mercaptan groups (Faler and Loucks, 1983) attached to

    backbone sulfonyl radicals by covalent nitrogen-sulfur Iinkages have been used as ion-

    exchange resins for making BPA. Also a sulfonated polystyrene ion-exchange resin

    having ionically bound N-allcylaminoorgano mercaptan groups was developed (Pressman

    and Willey, 1986). These polymers have been developed with the intention of improving

    the degree of activity, selectivity and stability of these sulfonated aromatic organic resins.

    In 1994 Rudolph developed a catalyst modified with mercapto amines to be used for BPA

  • and other bisphenols formation (Rudolph et al., 1994). This continuous search for new

    and enhanced catalysts demonstrates the serious need for improved yields and

    selectivities in the process of BPA formation. Bisphenols Stabilizers

    Malic, glyceric and lactic acids have been found to be highly efficient for the stabilization

    of bisphenols. These hydroxy carboxylic acids or their ammonium or alkali metal salts

    cm be added to the feed reactants used to make the bisphenols or to the reaction mixture

    after the reaction is complete or at any time in between. They are particularly useful

    when the bisphenol is exposed to high temperatures, such as during the separation of the

    bisphenol £tom the reaction mixture , which, in most cases, involves a melting stage

    (Dachs et al., 1982). Solvents

    The viscosity of the reaction mixture may increase as the process advances. Thus it is

    preferable to perfonn the reaction in a solvent, which ha to be inert in the given reaction

    condition, to avoid the formation of even more by-products. Suggested solvents are

    chlorinated aliphatic hy drocarbons, acetic acid, or aromatic hydrocarbons (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976). Excess phenol is preferred since it suppresses the condensation of

    acetone with itself and it is easy to recover and recycle. Feeding acetone at successive

    stages in multistage or cascade reactors rnawnizes the advantages of excess phenol

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

  • Reaction Mechanism

    Reinicker and Gates (Catana et al,, 1993) suggested a mechanism for the condensation

    process, for the reactions catalyzed by sulfonic resins. This mechanism involves the

    formation of hydrogen bonds between the ketone and the sulfonic resin. These bonds

    were observed experirnentally by IR spectroscopy.

    The proposed mechanism consists of the electrophilic attack of a polar reactive

    intermediate, which c m be a carbonium ion, on the aromatic ring. In the fus1 step the

    hydrogen bonds are formed between the carbonyl group of the ketone and the sulfonic

    group of the resin (1). This intermediate is expected to react with the phenol in the non-

    polar surrounding medium, forming a tertiary alcohol (II), which transforms rapidly into a

    carbonium ion (III). The final step, the formation of the BPA molecule, takes place

    through hydrogen bonds (Fig.2.5). This type of mechanism also explains the formation

    of some of the by-products which can appear during the synthesis or during subsequent

    processing of the BPA.

  • Fig. 2.5 Mechanism of Condensation of Acetone with Phenol via Hydrogen Bonds

    (Catana et ai., 1993) Reactor Configuration

    If the reaction for producing BPA fiom phenol and acetone is conducted in a fixed bed

    reactor containing gel-form or macroporous sulfonic acid ion exchanger resins, the

    volume/time yield c m be improved by providing the resin as a two-layer bed (Berg et al.,

    1995) (Fig.2.6):

    the lower layer of the bed comprises an unrnodified resin having a low degree

    of crosslinking, less than or equal to 2%, and comprises 75 to 85% of the bed

    volume as a whole; and

    the upper layer of the bed, which comprises 15 to 25% of the bed volume as a

    whole, comprises either:

  • * a resin having a higher degree of crosslinking than the lower bed, fiom

    equal to or greater thm 2% to less than or equal to 4%, in which 1 to

    35 mol % of the sulfonic acid groups are optionally covered with

    species containing alkyl-SH groups by ionic fixing, or

    * a resin having a low degree of crosstirking, less than or equal to 2%,

    in which 1 to 25 mol % of the sulfonic acid groups are covered with

    species containhg alkyl-SH groups by ionic fixing.


    Fig.2.6 Reactor Configuration

    2.1.2 Alternatives to Acetone as Feedstock

    Compounds that react with acid to generate the isopropylic carbonium ion can be

    generally used instead of acetone. One of the processes semicommercially applied in

    Russia used propyne (methylacetylene), or a commercial mixture of propyne and

    propadiene (MAPP), as an alternative to acetone as feedstock (McKetta and Cunningham,

    1976). Other processes clairn the use of isopropenyl acetate or 2-chloropropene instead

    of acetone (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

  • Use of these, like that of (CH3)2C(SR)I types (from acetone and thiols) (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976), avoids the formation of water as a by-product.

    Industrially, the phenol and the acetone are obtained together in the acid cataiyzed

    decomposition of cumyn hydroperoxide (C,H,C(CH3)200H). It is thus namal that cmde

    reaction mixtures, either enriched in phenol by addition or depleted in acetone by

    distillation thereof (to produce a more suitable ratio of reactants), were used to make BPA

    (Kiedik et al., 1993). The simplification achieved in this manner is compensated by

    inferior yields and selectivities.

    BPA can be produced with good yields by adding phenol to p-isopropenyl phenol. The

    p-isopropenyl phenol necessary for the process is obtained together with phenol fiorn the

    by-products of BPA manufacture via alkaline cracking at 220°C and 55 mm Hg. This

    way by-products of the BPA formation process c m be transformed in the desired product,

  • BPA, for an overall improvement of the yield and the selectivity of the process (McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1 976).

    It was reported that BPA is formed in a reaction between phenol and a urea-acetone

    condensation product (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). The urea-acetone condensation

    product is presented below:

    2.2 Purification

    The process used to produce BPA influences the composition of the mixture fiom the

    reactor. It is still expected to contain phenol, acid cataiyst (unless an acid ion-exchange

    resin was used), water, BPA, by-products, a thiol promoter, and sorne acetone (if the

    reaction was not carried out to depletion of acetone) (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976).

    For exampie, a cmde product Stream consisted of 4 1% BPA, 36.2% 07p-isomer, 1.1% o,o-

    isorner, 14.2% phenol, 3.5% chromane, 0.05% flavan, and 12% of unidentified

    compounds (Verkhovskaya et al., 1973). The ratio of BPA to 07p-isomer to chromane in

    another crude product meam ws 90:7:3 (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). The

    composition of the BPA usually available on the market is 94% BPA, 4% og-isomer, 3%

    triphenol1, and 1 % chromanes (Anderson et. al., 1959).

  • Small differences in the operating conditions may have considerable effect on the process

    of BPA formation, and different purification processes may be necessary. This results in

    purification procedures that are numerous and diverse. Since excess phenol is generally

    used, its removal and recycling is a step found in most purification processes (McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1976).

    2.2.1 Catalyst Separation

    No catalyst separation is required for the resin catalyzed processes. If a homogeneous

    catalyst was used than this has to be neutralized, or washed with water, or distilled out in

    the case of hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid is the most preferred one among the

    homogeneous catalysts, because it can be recycled and the waste disposal problems are

    thus reduced.

    The water has to be removed fiom the system whether homogeneous or heterogeneous

    catalyst was used. It can be removed by stripping with inert gas such as carbon dioxide

    or nitrogen, or with benzene. The addition of benzene facilitates the water removal

    without the use of vacuum equiprnent (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). In 1992

    Cipullo announced a more effective way of removing the water fiom the cataiyst bed

    (Cipullo, 1992). The process involves two steps. In the first step 25 to 90% of the water

    is removed by vaporization. In the second step the dehydration is completed by

    saturating the catalyst with pllenol.

  • Sometimes the resin catalyzed processes nui to 50% conversion of acetone and in such

    cases dong with water the h p p i n g removes acetone and some phenol as well. The

    acetone and phenol removal c m be minimized by adding a trace of a metal complexing

    acid before stripping (oxalic, citric, or tartric acid) (McKeîta and Cunningham, 1976).

    2.2.2 BPA Separation from Crude

    The crude is the mixture of products and unreacted reagents that corne out of the reactor.

    Most of the BPA produced separates as a 1: 1 adduct with phenol afier partially stripping

    and cooling the crude. This adduct c m be separated by filtration, centrifugation or both.

    The phenol adduct can be M e r subjected to a series of processes with the purpose of

    separating the BPA fiom the phenol. These processes may be remelting,

    recrystallization, melting and passing over an ion exchange resin (Faler and CipiifIo,

    1988), heating in vacuum to distill out the phenol or heating with excess water (McKetta

    and Cunningham, 1976). The product may be M e r refined by soIvent treatment or

    vacuum distillation.

    Strong acids can leach fiom the acidic ion exchange resin catalyst into the reaction

    mixture during the reaction. These acids can decrease the yield and the selectivity of the

    overall process by cataiyzing the cracking of BPA during purification and finishing steps.

    Therefore it is important to remove them before starting the purification of the product,

    and this can be done effectively by an inorganic oxide (Powell and Uzelmeier, 1991).

  • Formation of the 1 : 1 BPA-phenol adduct c m be prevented by:

    operating the process with very little excess phenol,

    operating the process with acetone and phenol in a molar ratio close' to

    stoichiometry in inert solvent or to a less than 100% conversion of acetone,

    vacuum-stripping phenol fiom the crude, or

    treating the acid-stripped crude, partiy crystallized or not, with excess water, and

    steaming to remove remaining thiol promoter (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). Methods of Separating BPA from the 1: 1 BPA-Phenol


    Since most of the modem processes for obtaining BPA operate with a high excess of

    phenol, the formation of the 1:1 BPA-phenol adduct is inevitable; and so new ways of

    obtaining high quality BPA fiom the said adduct have been investigated. Such a method

    has been reported and consists of fusing the adduct in an atmosphere having a maximum

    oxygen content of 0.005% by volume, followed by evaporation of liberated phenol

    (Asaoka et al., 1 994 and 1995).

    Selective solvents that dissolve the maximum of by-products and a minimum of BPA are

    used to separate the BPA fYom the 1 :1 8PA:phenol adduct. Such solvents are berizene,

    heptane, cold ethylene dichlonde, a mixture of an aromatic and an aliphatic solvent, weak

    aqueous alkalies (NaCo,, W O H ) and organic solvent-water emulsions (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).

  • Recrystallization is another effective procedure. The solvents usually used are aromatic

    solvents like toluene and chlorobenzene, a mixture of an aromatic solvent with a polar

    solvent, methanol or a mixture of methanol and ethylene dichloride, 1,1,2,2-

    tetrachloroethane, acetic acid, and isopropyl alcohol (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    A newly developed process purifies the BPA by a two stage crystallization procedure

    (Sakashita et al., 1993). A system that uses the combined efTect of a filter and a

    centrifuge was considered in order to minimize the liquid impurities that rernain on the

    crystal cake. The crystals are also washed to reduce the surface adherent impurities on

    the final crystals.

    The dissolution of cmde BPA in caustic alkali, filtration and precipitation with a strong

    acid or carbon dioxide (Flippen et al., 1970) is another possibility. Decoiorizing carbon

    and inorganic salts c m be added, also a reducing agent (sulfite or hydrosulfite) is

    advisabIe to add to prevent the BPA f?om becoming coloured, as a result of oxidation by

    air (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). Anhydrous ammonia can be used to precipitate

    adduct "salts" that can be isolated and dissociated to yield pure BPA (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).

    Vacuum distillation has already been mentioned (Kiedik et al., 1993) in spite of the

    special equipment required. Another disadvantage of this procedure is the tendency of

    BPA to decompose at pot temperatures above 200°C, especially if acidic or basic

    irnpurities are present (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). In order to avoid

  • decomposition, thin-film distillation can be performed instead of vacuum distillation

    (Pahl et al., 1965). The decornposition can also be reduced by distilling under a nitrogen

    atmosphere and dding polypropylene glycol. a secondary or tertiary aikaline earth

    phosphate, or diethyl malonate before distillation (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). By-Products Isomerization to BPA

    BPA by-products can be isomerized to BPA in the presence of an acid catalyst (which

    can Se an ion-exchange resin or hydrogen chloride) and a fiee mercaptan CO-catalyst (Li,

    1989). The alkaline cracking at 220°C and 55 mm Hg of the by-products to yield phenol

    andp-hydroxy-isopropenynil phenol that c m be recycled to the process has aiready been

    mentioned (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976). This high temperature is necessary

    because the chromanes are relatively refractory and tend to build up in recycle strearns

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). The chroman can also be isolated and purified as a

    crystalline ciathrate. The BPA can also be regenerated with good yields fiom scrap resins

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 976).

    2.3 Manufacturing

    The most industrially used processes for making BPA in the 'Jnited States and Western

    Europe are the acetone-phenol ones, in homogenous as weIl as heterogeneous catalysis.

    Considering the costs involved and the net advantages the heterogeneous catalysis offers,

    the resin-catalyzed process is preferred and it has been improved continuously.

  • A process which considers reacting acetone with very Iittle excess phenol (1:4 to 1:12

    molar ratio acetone:phenol in the initial reaction mixture) was reported (Iimun, et al.,

    1990). The reaction stage of this process comprises of two steps. In the fust stage the

    acetone is reacted with very little excess phenol in the presence of a sulfonated cation

    exchange resin catalyst modified with a rnercapto goup-containing compound to convert

    20 to 60% of acetone. In the second stage the reaction mixture fiom the first step is

    reacted in the presence of hydrochloric acid as catalyst.

    Although the literature shows that processes using alternative feeds, such as a post-

    reaction mixture resulting fiom the synthesis of phenol and acetone, are not convenient

    because of the great variety of by-products and the infenor yields, such a process has

    been developed and it is now industrially used in the United States.

    Accordingly, three flow sheets are presented in this chapter:

    a) the resin-catalyzed process using acetone and phenol;

    b) the hydrogen c hloride-cataly zed process ; and

    c) the resin-catalyzed process using a post-reaction mixture of the cumyl-

    hydroperoxide decomposition.

    2.3.1 Resin - Catalyzed Process

    A process catalyzed by a sulfonated cation exchange resin modified with 2-

    mercaptoethmol is presented in Fig. 2.7 (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). A mixture

  • consisting of 83.4% phenol, 5.1% acetone. 0.1% water, 3.4% recycled BPA and 8.0%

    recycled by-products are preheated and fed to the reactor. The reactor is operated at

    about 75°C. The residence time is set at one hour. The process runs to a 50% conversion

    of acetone (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). Aithough not stated in the reference. the

    units for product distribution are most likely to be wt'X0. If the units were mol%, the

    molar ratio of acetone to phenol would be about 1 : 16, which is undesirable since it would

    favour the adduct formation.




    +t - 3 8


    l PMNOL

    \ I

    2 ,+. 3

  • distillation columns to remove the water fiom the acetone and the phenol, which are

    recycled to the reactor. The bonom Stream from the concenmtor goes to a crystdlizer

    where it is cooled d o m to separate the BPA as phenol adduct. Afier crystallization the

    mixture is separated in a centrifûge, washed with phenol, and fieed of phenol by melting

    at 130°C, then stripping in a column at 200°C and lmrn Hg. The purity of the product

    obtained with this process is over 90%. The phenol recovered in the sûipper is recycled

    to the centrifuge and the centrifuge liquor is recycled to the reactor (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).

    2.3.2 Hydrogen Chloride - Catalyzed Process A process that uses hydrogen chloride as cataiyst is presented in Fig. 2.8 (Pahl et A.,

    1965). A version of this is used by Mitsui Chemical in Japan and by General Electric in

    the United States (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). A mixture of excess phenol,

    acetone, BPA and by-products fiom the recycle strearns are saturated with gaseous

    hydrochlonc acid and fed to the reactor. The reactor is operated at about 50°C. The

    mixture is reacted for several hours under continuous stimng. The effluent fiom the

    reactor undergoes a preliminary stripping that removes a two-phase mixture of

    hydrochloric acid, water and some phenol. This overhead goes to a decanter where the

    two layers separate. The hydrochloric acid is recovered fiom the aqueous phase and

    recycled. The water goes to the drain. The stripped crude is fed to a senes of separation

    columns and successively freed of phenol in the phenol still (at about 10 mm Hg) and of

    o,p-isomer in the isomer still. The phenol and by-products separated in this stage are

  • recycled to the reactor (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976). The impurities with higher

    boiling points are separated fiom BPA by vacuum distillation in the BPA still at 1 to 5

    mm Hg. The BPA overhead is mixed with some solvent (e.g. benzene) under pressure

    while molten, then cooIed in the crystallizer to cause crystallization. The purified crystals

    are separated in a centrifuge and then dried for a high quality product. The liquor fiom

    the centrifuge goes to a solvent d l . The by-products separated at this stage are recycled

    to the reactor and the solvent is stored for subsequent uses (McKetta and Cunningham,


    HCL , , H a RECYCLE / -

    Fig. 2.8 Production of Bisphenol A with Hydrogen Chloride Catalyst (Pahl et al., 1965) 1-Reactor; 2-HC1 still; 3-Decanter; 4-HC1 recovery column; 5-Solvent still;

    6-Solvent storage; 7-Phenol still; 8-Isomer still; 9-BPA still; 1 0-Crystallizer; 1 1 -Centrifuge; 12-Dryer

  • 2.3.3 Resin - Catalyzed Process II The resin catalyzed process for obtaining bisphenol A fkom a post-reaction mixture

    resulting fiom the step of synthesis of phenol and acetone (Kiedik et al., 1993),

    represented by Fig. 2.9, uses a vertical drurn reactor filled up to 70% with a mixture

    composed of 70% microporous Wofatit-KPS cation-exchange resin and 30%

    macroporous Wofatit-PK- 1 1 O cation exchanger, operated at 85°C.

    The reactor feed at steady-state operation consists of 55.4 wt% phenol, 6.8 wt% acetone,

    0.6 wt% water, 18.9 WWO BPA and 18.3 wt% by-products, including 4.4 wi% o,p-


    The process consists of the following steps:

    1. Reaction of phenol with acetone, reaction of phenol with p-isopropenylphenol

    resulting from thermal decomposition of process by-products and recycled to the

    reaction systern, and isomerizational rearrangement of process by-products to obtain


    2. The post-reaction mixture together with water (1-4% by weight) and acetone (2-65%

    by weight) is cooled down to 40°C to obtain a precipitate of BPNphenol in phenolic


    3. The precipitate is separated by centrifugation into crystalline BPNphenol adduct and

    phenolic mother liquor 1. The crystalline BPNphenol adduct is washed with mother

  • Iiquor II, obtained in step 5, in an amount of 0.2-2.0 parts by weight of the liquor per

    1 part by weight of the crystailine adduct;

    1 ~- - H20 . /




    v v & 1 1 -L \

    & 2 + 3 4 5

    Fig. 2.9 Production of Bisphenol A with Resin Catalyst II (Kiec

    4. The BPNphenol adduct is dissolved using the mother liquor II obtained in step 5

    andor phenolic solution obtained in step 7;

    5. The precipitate obtained in step 4 is separated into the crystalline BPNphenol adduct

    and mother liquor II to be tumed back to step 3 of the process. The BPNphenol

    crystalline adduct is washed with fiesh and regenerated phenol obtained in step 6 and

    used in a ratio of 1-3 parts by weight of fiesh phenol per 1 part by weight of

    regenerated phenol;

    6 . A high-purity BPA is separated fiom the BPNphenol adduct by distillation at 160°C

    and 10 mm Hg of a substantial volume of phenol and the phenolic residue is removed

    by steam stripping;

  • 7. The phenolic mother liquor 1 obtained in step 3 is distilled to remove the acetone, the

    water, and part of phenol. The volume of phenol distilled off the rnother liquor I is

    0.1-0.3 parts by weight per 1 part by weight of mother liquor 1;

    8. The mother liquor I obtained in step 3 a d o r 7 is exposed to a themal catalytïc

    decomposition in an amount of 0.05-0.2 parts by weight, resuiting a distillate

    comprising phenol, isopropenylphenol, and process by-products. n i e catalytic

    decomposition is conducted in the temperature range of 200"-300°C, and in the

    absolute pressure range of 1-50 mm Hg in the presence of catdyst selected fiom the

    group of: Na&IPO,, NaHCO,, NaOH;

    9. The cataiytic rearrangement of the reactive components of the distillate obtained in

    step 8, while leaving the p-isopropenylphenol contained therein substantially intact, is

    conducted in the presence of oxaiic acid used in an amount of 0.05-0.5% by weight.

    The rearranged distillate is recycled to step 1 of the process.

    The composition of the product obtained is: 24% BPA, 16.2%by-products including 4.8%

    og-isomers, 52.95% phenol, 5.65% acetone and 1.2% water. The bisphenol A product

    shows the following properties: crystallization point 156.8"C, coloration of 50% solution

    4 APHA, o,p-isomer in trace amounts, codirner in trace amounts, trisphenol 15ppm,

    principal product 99.96% by weight.

  • 2.4 Physical Properties

    Bisphenol A is a white crystalline solid. appearing like small white to light brown flakes

    or powder, with mild phendic odor, which sinks in water. !ts specific gravity is given as

    1.195 at 25/2S0C. There is no data regarding its vapor density. For the boiling point

    records show discordant temperature ranges and imprecise pressures, e.g., 18 1 to 1 95OC

    at 4 mm Hg, 195 to 200°C at 6mm Hg, 230°C at 7.6mm Hg, 210 to 220°C at 4 mm Hg,

    and 230°C at 5 mm Hg. The value found in the Material Safety Data Sheets for the

    boiling point is 220°C. Other sources (NTP Chernical Repository, 1991) suggest 250-

    252OC at 13 mm Hg. As it might be suspected, BPA is volatilized only in traces by s t e m

    at 1 atm. Pure %PA melts at about 157OC; no highly precise and reliable value has been

    published, although many are on record. The heat of fusion is 30.7 c d g (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).. The density of the monoclinic pnsmatic crystals is given as 1.13

    g/ml or 1.195g/ml (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).. The heat of combustion is 1 869

    kcdmol and AH, =88.2f O S kcaUmol (McKetta and Cunningham, 1 W6).. The flash

    point is 2 13OC (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976)- Some values of the solubilities are

    given in Table 2.3 (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Based on the partition coefficients for BPA between water and some organic solvents; it

    can be concluded that the alkanes are the poorest extractants, aromatic solvents are much

    better, and alcohols and esters are the best (Korenman and Goronkhov, 1973). Table 2.4

    contains data regarding the variation of the BPA vapor pressure with the temperature.

  • Table 2.3: Solubilities of Bisphenol A in Various Solvents (g/100g solvent) (Korenman

    and Goronkhov, 1973)

    Table 2.4: Variation of vapor pressure with te~perature (McKetta and Cunningham,



    pressure 1 0.2 1 1.0 1 5.0 1 10.0 1 20.0 1 40.0 1 60.0 1 100.0 1 200.0 1 400.0 1 760.0 1 1 (mmHd

    Boiling Point (except as specified)

    0.8' 6-7 3 -4

    0.8-1 .O 20 2-3



    a cbCold" "5°C c " H o t m

    "Room Temperature" Solvent

    18°C (except as specified)


    0.035' 1.5 1.1

    0.05 3 -6 0.2


  • 2.5 Chemical Properties

    Bisphenol A reacts as a typical para-substituted phenol. One or both hydroxyl groups,

    one or both rings can experience modifications. Transformations involving the aliphatic

    methyl groups of the bndging group can also take place (McKeîta and Cunningham,


    BPA is convexted by caustic alkalis into its soluble alkali salts (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976):

    These s d t s are easily alkylated with alkyl halides, such as allyl chloride, to f o m diethers

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

    BPA cm undergo cyanoethylation, with basic catalyst, to f o m dinitriles that c m be

    hydrogenated to diamines (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

  • Dow and ICI Amenca produced ethers for use as components of unsaturated polyesters,

    (polyesters of fumaric acid for example), and for coatuigs applications by reacting BPA

    with epoxides (McKetîa and Cunningham, 1976). In this reaction the phenolic groups are

    hydroxydky Iated:

    BPA reacts with epichlorohydrin to form a bis(chlorohydroxypropyl) ether which yields

    the diglycidyl ether (DGEBA), the monomer for most epoxy resins, in a caustic medium

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):


    The phenoxy resins are produced when BPA is condensed in a 1:l ratio with

    epichlorohydrin, so that the monomer units altemate in a linear polyrner ('McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976):

    c H, Phenoxy resin pattern

  • Polymers with terminal phenolic groups are obtained when reacting BPA with Iess dian

    one molar equivalent of a dihalide such as bis(2-chloroethyl ether) or 1,4-

    bis(chloromethy1)benzene. Commercial polysulfone resins are manufactured when

    reacting stoichiometrïc amounts of BPA and bis(4-chloropheny1)sulfone (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976; Hill et al., 1992):

    Polysulfone resin pattern

    Polycarbonates are obtained by esterification of BPA with phosgene or its dibenzoate

    ester (McKetîa and Cunningham, 1976). Other diacid chlorides have been also reacted

    with BPA to obtain polycarbonates (Shaikh and Sivaram, 1995).

    Polycarbonate resin pattern

    Poly(ary1enecarbonate)s oligomers cm be obtained by carbonate interchange reaction of

    dimethyl carbonate with BPA (Shaikh et al., 1994):

  • BPA can be converted to a bis(alky1 carbonate) and fiom there to similar poiyrners by

    reacting it with aliphatic esters of the carbonic acid (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

    / CI + O=C, Base,

    0-R R-O-C-

    II O

    One of the side reactions that can occur in the melt polycondensation, one of the

    processes used for manufacturing polycarbonate resins, is generated by the instability

    caused by the hydroxyl groups. Highly reactive isopropenylphenol is produced at

    temperatures exceeding 150°C:

    Aromatic polyesters cari be obtained by transesterification of BPA with dimethyl

    terephthalate/isophthalate. The process has two steps. Ln the first step the aromatic

    polyester prepolymer is formed (Mahajan et al., 1996):

    In the second step the prepolymer eliminates methanol and yields a high molecular

    weight aromatic polyester (Mahajan et al., 1 996):

  • 300-330°C O. 5 Torr, Catalyst '

    Polyester -

    The aromatic protons adjacent to the hydroxyl groups in BPA are easily substituted. The

    halogenation of the aromatic rings in the ortho positions relative to the hydroxyl groups is

    usehl for rnaking flame retardants (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

    The typical catalyst for chlorination is aluminium chloride and the process is performed

    in chlorinated aliphatic solvents. The solvent used for bromination is acetic acid or a

    lower alcohol with chlorine added concurrently (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    Polyphosphate esters can be also used as flarne retardants. BPA is reacted with

    phosphorodichloridates, prepared from alcohol and POCI, (&shore et al., 1988):

    In order to create new useful monomers, bisphenol A was reacted with

    tetranuoroethylene (TFE) and carbon dioxide in dimethyl sulfoxide, in the presence of an

  • aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide to give the salt of a carboxylic acid, which is

    conveniently isolated as its methyl ester after reaction with dimethyl sulfate (Arnold-

    Stanton and Lemal, 1991). This ester can be M e r tramformed in the correspondhg

    diol, diamine, diisocyanate and bis(methy1 carbarnate) which can be valuable monorners

    for tailored polyurethanes, for example.

    Base ' DMSO H O ~ F ~ O H + ~ C F + X + CO, (cH~~)~so:

    Usefid stabilizers and antioxidants for rubbers and other plastics can be obtained by acid-

    catalyzed allcylation of BPA with reactive olefins such as isobutylene and styrene. The

    condensation of BPA with formaldehyde was used in the past to obtain phenolic resins

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

    By reacting BPA with formaldehyde and methylarnine, using dioxane as solvent, a

    benzoxazine is formed (Ning and Ishida, t 994):

    BPA can participate in other reactions as nitration, sulfonation, aminomethylation, Kolbe

    reaction, nitrosation, and diazo coupling (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

  • The hydrogenation of BPA to the isopropylidenedicyclohexanol is described by several

    references. BPA is rapidly hydrogenated at 75aC and 365 psi in 2-propanol with 5%

    rhodiurn/carbon as catalyst. The isopropylidenedicyclohexanol is used as a di01 to

    improve the chernical resistance of polyester resins.

    BPA is decomposed by heating in hydrogen. If the process is performed at high

    hydrogen pressure, it produces only phenol. If the process is performed at low hydrogen

    pressure, it produces phenol and some isopropylphenol as well. Pyrolysis of BPA yields

    phenol, p-isopropylphenol, and residual tars. The acetates of BPA also decompose

    (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976):

    However, p-isopropenylphenol is best obtained by cracking BPA in the presence of bases,

    whereupon this alkenylphenol and phenol are obtained in yields of over 90%. P-

    isopropylphenol c m be oxidized with hydrogen peroxide in acid solution to yield

    hydroquuione. By autoclaving the aqueous alkaline solution, the decomposition of BPA

    can go as far as obtaining acetone and water (McKetta and Cunningham, 1976).

  • The electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution of BPA conducted on a platinum

    mesh occurs with total degradation of the aromatic rings, leading in the end to simple

    short chain aliphatic acids. This procedure is used for BPA removal fiom wastewaters.

    BPA forms solid adducts with phenol and cresols. The formation of these products is not

    well understood. They are used in the process of BPA purification (McKetta and

    Cunningham, 1976).

    The synthesis routes available to produce BPA, catalysts, reaction rnechanism,

    purification issues, physical and chemical properties of the bisphenol A have been

    reviewed in this chapter. It is clear that the number of synthesis routes available to

    produce BPA is quite impressive. This study also revealed that the purification process is

    very cornplex. This is due to the fact that in the given conditions, al1 the compounds

    involved in the process are very reactive, and they c m interact with themselves or with

    each other to form a varieîy of compounds whch are also very reactive. This is the

    reason why there is a need for new catalysts, which are more selective to the production

    of BPA.

    Another important finding is that acetone and phenol are preferred as reagents for this

    reaction over some alternative feeds, since a higher purity crude BPA is obtained.

    Consequently it was decided that the synthesis of BPA in this investigation will be

    pursued via condensation of acetone and phenol with acidic heterogeneous catalyst. The

  • reason for considering heterogeneous catalyst is the fact that the final purpose of this

    research is to develop a process based on cataiytic distillation.

    Another fact the literanire review has revealed is that the higher the acidity of the catalyst,

    the better the yield and the selectiviv of the process of BPA formation. This finding

    suggested the idea of investigating the suitability of solid superacid catalysts, which have

    been tried successfully for various reactions, such as alkylations, acylations,

    isomerizations, hydrations and dehydrations, esterifications, etherifications, nitrations,

    and disproportionations.

  • Chapter 3

    Gibbs Reactor Simulations

    Gibbs reactor simulations are used to calculate equilibrium yields, compositions and

    phases of a reaction mixture. Kinetic factors are not considered in the Gibbs reactor

    simulation. Consequently it is not possible to detemine how long it will take to reach

    equilibrium for a given systern. The general theory is discussed in many references (i.e.

    Smith and Missen, 199 1).

    The purpose of Gibbs reactor simulations is simulation is to better understand the reaction

    which leads to BPA formation. One of the interests is to narrow down the experimental

    region with respect to the molar ratio acetone:phenol. It is also intended to evaluate the

    behavior of the process in the range of temperature mentioned by the 1itera-e as

    feasible. The results would be useful in determinhg the levels for the experimental

    design as well.

  • 3.1 The PRO II@ Gibbs Reactor

    In this study the Pro II" implementation of the Gibbs reactor is used. The particular PRO

    II" implementation is discussed in the users manual (Reference Manual, 8 1994 - 1997).

    In order to calculate the Gibbs fiee energy of the cornponents it is necessary to estimate

    or specia activity coefficients for the components (Van Ness, 1982). This requires

    selection of an appropriate thermodynamic method for the specified mixture. The

    thermodynamic method needs to account for the interactions among species. In this

    study NRTLO l (non-randon two-liquid) thermodynamic method with a UNIFAC fil1

    (universal functional activity coefficient), was selected, as being the most appropriate

    (Van Ness, 1982). The NRTL equation was developed by Renon and Prausnitz (Smith

    and Missen, 1991) to make use of the local composition concept. The UNIFAC rnethod

    was developed in 1975 by Fredenslund, Jones, and Prausnitz (Smith and Missen, 199 1).

    This method estimates activity coefficients based on the group contribution concept

    following the Analytical Salution of Groups (ASOG) mode1 proposed by Derr and Deal

    in 1969. Interactions between two molecules are assurned to be a function of group-group

    interactions. Whereas there are thousands of chemical compounds of interest in chemical

    processing, the number of functional groups is much smaller. Group-group interaction

    data are obtained f
