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Synthetic biology in a computer science view

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is synthetic biology a computer science area and vice-versa?
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Synthetic Biology in a Computer Science view - is it (really) true that “everything is software”? by jones albuquerque iGEM-LIKA-CESAR DEINFO-UFRPE ISI-TICs EPITRACK http://2014.igem.org/ http://2014.igem.org/Team:LIKA-C ESAR-Brasil
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Synthetic Biology in a Computer Science view - is it (really) true that “everything is software”?

byjones albuquerque



http://2014.igem.org/ http://2014.igem.org/Team:LIKA-CESAR-Brasil

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in an approach like a story...

1. human, codes, languages and machines2. genetic engineering like computer science3. (new?) machines by biology synthetic4. iGEM-LIKA-CESAR

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2010, SCIAM, Endangered Species: Humans Might Have Faced Extinction 1 Million Years Agohttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=early-human-population-size-genetic-diversity

once was a time…


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THE SYMBOLS…codes and languages

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the need to record, compute... using codes !

THE ISHAGO BONE, 38.000 BC (???)Origins of Mathematics in the Bunyoro-kitara and Kalahari regions of sub Saharan Africa nearly 40,000 years ago

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The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing SystemsDOI 10.1111/b.9780631214816.1999.x

origin of LANGUAGEShttp://pandora.cii.wwu.edu/vajda/ling201/test1materials/origin_of_language.htm

4000 BC www.phoenician.org

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yet another codes...

Ancient Chemical Symbols. Psychoanalytic Review, 14:200-206, 1927

Chineses: pictograms, ideograms, iconically…

1436 BC…

1800 – 1050 BC to 1955…

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ALPHABET - codesportuguese



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universal codes

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lexicon, syntactic, semantic

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when a code is wrong?depends of rules… grammatical rules

Gramática Da Língua Portuguesa (sebo Amigo)http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br

R$ 10,00

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Nature 426, 435-439(27 November 2003)doi:10.1038/nature02029

our codes and their rules…

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ancient X modern codes…

Vale do Catimbau – Buíque - PE

are there rules?

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interpretation of rules (our codes, rules, and languages…)

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1453 BC 2014 ACX

new ones? or ancient codes in new rules?

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a lot of codes…and languages…

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MATHEMATICS…our need to count

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the need to compute... mathematical codes...

the NUMBERShttp://pessoal.sercomtel.com.br/matematica/fundam/numeros/numeros.htm

a fact: ISHANGO bonehttp://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/Ancient-Africa/ishango.html

the numerical SENSEhttp://educar.sc.usp.br/matematica/let2.htm#let2a1

the representation of complex complex codes!http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessiano

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The numerical SENSEhttp://educar.sc.usp.br/matematica/let2.htm#let2a1

How many people in the figures?

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the case of Dantzig´s crow

and the case of joa´s chicken

and now… how many people? Is it difficult?

we must to count, compute…

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a summary of the “mathematical language”… o lot of code, rules, … do we understand?http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/emh1000.htm

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and more complex ones? dense codes!...http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessiano

é a jacobiana, derivada do gradiente…


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THE MACHINES…the need to compute

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codes + numbers... A LOT OF codes

languages and machines...

/http://www.chomsky.info/1928, Professor in Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT


1912 - 1954

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languages and their grammars…

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some grammars are special ones…

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with some special grammars we can transform languages into machines that recognize them and vice-versa!

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BUT we need to understand a code to understand another one…

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the need for automatic computation...

1936, the UNIVERSAL AUTOMATA MACHINE by Allan Turing

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and we have

Computer Science and systems and


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the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

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Comp 4 Computer Programming Slide 34

Here’s some machine code from a MIPS processor:








Okay... did that make sense? Probably not.

• source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html

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Comp 4 Computer Programming Slide 35

Lets look at it in MIPS assembly language:


muli $2, $5,4

add $2, $4,$2

lw $15, 0($2)

lw $16, 4($2)

sw $16, 0($2)

sw $15, 4($2)

jr $31

Now does that make sense? Better, but still cryptic.• source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html

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Comp 4 Computer Programming Slide 36

What about a high level language, like C swap(int v[], int k) {

int temp;

temp = v[k];

v[k] = v[k+1];

v[k+1] = temp;


This probably still doesn’t make sense to most of you. That’s okay. However, part of us (computer scientists) talk this language.

• source: http://www.eas.asu.edu/~gupta/intro.html

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now, we have computer



a lot of them… and…

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several systems (we, now, live “into” software)…

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and “into” codes, languages and machines… machines that recognize languages!

new machines (2014)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6feEE716UEk



here, Recife-PE, in www.epischisto.org we have HEALTHDRONES by EPITRACK/ISI-TICs/CESAR

what about the future? “a revolução pode ser antecipada?”by Silvio Meira (in Portuguese)http://terramagazine.terra.com.br/silviomeira/blog/2013/10/04/a-revoluo-pode-ser-antecipada/


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NOW, the machines are TALKING with us and among them in a NETWORK: Internet Of Things!

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We also have machines that generates their own rules (grammars)… this CODE by a Cellular Automata: Moving Things Around

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Rule 30 - 1000 iterações

a cellular automata grammar?

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Flows in Rule 110!!

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is MUSIC a language recognized by machines?

take a look at– http://tones.wolfram.com/

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Leibniz 0-1 notation

basics of our currently digital world:

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SYNTHETIC BIOLOGYmolecular biology as software…

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© USC-CSE 47

A Hegelian View of Software Engineering Evolution by Barry Boehm (2005)

Autonomy; Bio-Computing

1990's 2010's2000's1970's 1980's1960's1950's

Engineer Software

like Hardware

Risk-Based Agile/Plan

-Driven Hybrids;

Model-Driven Development

Value-Based Methods;

Collaboration; Global

Development; Enterprise


Software Differences,

Engineer Shortages

Scalability,Risk Mgmt.

Many defects


Time to Market,Rapid Change

Software Value-Add


Process Overhead



Software as Craft

Formality, Waterfall

Productivity; Reuse;


Agile Methods


Software Maturity Models

Integrated Sw-Systems Engineering







Risk Mgmt.Domain Engr.

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do we have the codes!? a 4-ary base…

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so, do we have a grammar? http://www.sbolstandard.org/ Some rules, ok! but… what about a grammar?

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Do we have a grammar? a special one? …for example, with no ambiguity… ? In a CNF (Chomsky Normal Form)? Is it possible to write one?

• “Diz-se que o código genético é degenerado ou redundante por existirem vários codões que codificam o mesmo aminoácido.”

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and… what about the machines?

from Synthetic Biology = Molecular Engineering + Computer Science

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so…• Genetic engineering

• Genetic engineering 2.0 = synthetic biology

• Synthetic biology = molecular biology like computer science– Programming DNA like software!

– Binary code versus dna code

– We have 2 worlds today: a real one and a virtual one by software…

– Synthetic biology will generate a NEW world!

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Synthetic biology will generate a NEW world!

An Open-Source Future for Synthetic Biology


Synthetic Animals


Preparing the world for synthetic biology http://www.technologyreview.com/article/403544/preparing-the-world-for-synthetic-biology/

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like in computer science, a philosophical question:

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“everything is software”by Silvio Meira

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Some real SW initiatives!! ;-)

• INCT – INES (http://www.ines.org.br/)Synthetic Biology as a strategic area

• ISI – SENAISynthetic Biology as a strategic area

• LIKA-CESAR (iGEM.org)http://2014.igem.org/Team:LIKA-CESAR-Brasil

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we are trying to build some genetic codes… and some grammars and, who knows, machines… with genetic engineering, robotics, some computer science theory and Innovation, a lot of it!


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