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Synthetic Skin-like Sensing in Wearable Garments · objects, whether made of cloth or not. Velostat...

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1 Synthetic Skin-like Sensing in Wearable Garments July 16, 2016 New Jersey Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology Abstract The field of electronic textiles (e- textiles) possesses a variety of applications; one inexpensive and practical application lies in creating unobtrusive pressure sensors. The e-textile pressure sensor is created with a circuit of conductive thread, the voltage and resistance of which is inversely proportional to the pressure applied on the sensor. E-textiles may be used both for recreation and for monitoring the health and wellbeing of their users. In this research project, the pressure sensors were attached to an Arduino and integrated first into the fingertips of a glove, for recreational purposes, then into a pillowcase, for purposes of tracking a user’s sleep cycles throughout the night. Future work may apply these e-textile pillows in an effort to diagnose certain sleeping disorders characterized by atypical movement while asleep. 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction to E-Textiles The term e-textilesrefers to materials such as fabric, yarn, or thread that incorporate conductive properties and electronic elements without the discomfort or bulkiness of traditional wires and electronic devices [1]. E-textile research and development focuses on a variety of areas; practical uses of e-textiles extend from monitoring health to altering aesthetics, from heating and cooling to tracking location [2]. 1.2 Importance of Sleep Many studies have demonstrated the value of sleep. At the very least, it prevents drowsiness during the day, improves learning, and sustains physical health [3]. Despite growing research that reveals just how critical sleep is, however, many people never seem to sleep enough. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anywhere from 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep or wakefulness disorders [4]. Fortunately, as sleep awareness becomes more prevalent in developed countries, many people hope to better understand their own body. Because sleep is divided into different stages of consciousness, activity, and movement, tracking sleep becomes a matter of interpreting the relevant data points. Claire Furino [email protected] Anna Qin [email protected] Rebecca Granovskiy [email protected] Bret Silverstein [email protected] Madeline Wong [email protected]


Synthetic Skin-like Sensing in Wearable Garments

July 16, 2016

New Jersey Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology


The field of electronic textiles (e-

textiles) possesses a variety of applications;

one inexpensive and practical application

lies in creating unobtrusive pressure sensors.

The e-textile pressure sensor is created with

a circuit of conductive thread, the voltage

and resistance of which is inversely

proportional to the pressure applied on the

sensor. E-textiles may be used both for

recreation and for monitoring the health and

wellbeing of their users. In this research

project, the pressure sensors were attached

to an Arduino and integrated first into the

fingertips of a glove, for recreational

purposes, then into a pillowcase, for

purposes of tracking a user’s sleep cycles

throughout the night. Future work may

apply these e-textile pillows in an effort to

diagnose certain sleeping disorders

characterized by atypical movement while


1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to E-Textiles

The term “e-textiles” refers to

materials such as fabric, yarn, or thread that

incorporate conductive properties and

electronic elements without the discomfort

or bulkiness of traditional wires and

electronic devices [1]. E-textile research and

development focuses on a variety of areas;

practical uses of e-textiles extend from

monitoring health to altering aesthetics,

from heating and cooling to tracking

location [2].

1.2 Importance of Sleep

Many studies have demonstrated the

value of sleep. At the very least, it prevents

drowsiness during the day, improves

learning, and sustains physical health [3].

Despite growing research that reveals just

how critical sleep is, however, many people

never seem to sleep enough. According to

the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), anywhere from 50 to 70

million Americans suffer from sleep or

wakefulness disorders [4].

Fortunately, as sleep awareness

becomes more prevalent in developed

countries, many people hope to better

understand their own body. Because sleep is

divided into different stages of

consciousness, activity, and movement,

tracking sleep becomes a matter of

interpreting the relevant data points.

Claire Furino

[email protected]

Anna Qin

[email protected]

Rebecca Granovskiy

[email protected]

Bret Silverstein

[email protected]

Madeline Wong

[email protected]


2 Background of E-Textiles

and Sleep

2.1 Importance of E-Textiles

E-textiles are a valuable field of

research because of their diverse

applications and unobtrusiveness. For

example, current consumer heart-rate

monitors are watch-like bands worn around

the wrist; however, e-textiles could integrate

these monitors into everyday clothing of

normal thickness and feel. Rather than

relying on intermittent doctors’

appointments to measure personal health

data such as blood pressure or heartbeat, one

may instead monitor these vitals on a regular

basis [5].

In addition to these health

applications, e-textiles also have

applications in military use. International

Fashion Machines has developed color-

changing e-textiles that could eventually

become the material of military uniforms,

introducing a novel version of the ubiquitous

army “camouflage” [6]. These e-textiles

could also monitor vitals and precisely

locate a soldier’s wounds for rapid treatment

on the battlefield [6].

In the consumer fashion industry,

companies have introduced clothing that can

heat or cool based on one’s temperature or

preference [6]. In particular, athletic

clothing companies such as NuMetrex have

already integrated e-textiles in clothing to

record vitals during exercise, while other

companies hope to use e-textiles to measure

muscular strain [2, 7]. In this project, the

focus lies in the use of e-textile pressure

sensors in pillows for monitoring sleep.

2.2 The Sleep Cycle

The sleep cycle is typically divided

into four stages: stages one, two, and three,

and rapid eye movement sleep (REM).

During sleep, one continually cycles through

these four stages until awaking.

In the first stage of sleep, one drifts

in and out of slumber, and may easily be

awakened. Stage one typically lasts from

five to ten minutes [8]. Stage two, while a

deeper sleep than stage one, is still

considered very light. Stage two lasts

approximately 10 to 25 minutes, during

which body temperature and heart-rate fall

[8, 9]. As sleep deepens and breathing

becomes more regular, the body prepares for

deep sleep [8].

Stage three is considered deep sleep:

this is where the body begins to repair,

strengthen, and restore [8]. Stage three lasts

20 to 40 minutes [9].

The last stage of sleep before the

cycle restarts is REM sleep. The first period

of REM occurs between an hour and an hour

and a half after first falling asleep; when the

cycle is repeated, these periods become

progressively longer as stage three becomes

progressively shorter [10]. While the first

period of REM lasts only 10 minutes, the

final REM stage may last as long as an hour

[8]. During this stage of sleep, limbs become

paralyzed and breathing becomes shallow

and irregular [10].

2.3 Ohm’s Law

According to Ohm’s Law, voltage is

the product of current and resistance (see

Equation (1)). Therefore, voltage is directly

proportional to resistance when current is

held constant.

V = iR (1)

2.4 Materials and Tools

The e-textiles synthesized over the

course of this project are made with cotton

fabric, conductive thread, and Velostat.


The silver-coated nylon conductive

thread may be used to create circuits, yet its

pliability and softness closely mirror those

of normal natural fiber thread. Therefore,

conductive thread allows for less intrusive

technology to be incorporated into various

objects, whether made of cloth or not.

Velostat is a conductive material

whose resistance decreases when it is

compressed or bent [11]. It is a flexible and

thin sheet of material that may, with no

discomfort to users, be slipped between two

layers of normal cloth fabric and be used for

various conductive sensors. If constant

current flows through Velostat, then

pressure applied to the Velostat can be

measured based on the change in voltage of

the circuit.

2.5 Using Sensors to Record Sleep

To monitor the sleep cycle of an

individual, e-textile pressure sensors in a

pillow can record the amount and location of

pressure on the pillow throughout the night.

Movement would be characterized by

fluctuations in this data, suggesting the

stages of sleep a user would experience

throughout the night. In REM sleep, a

typical user would demonstrate temporary

paralysis, leading to an extended period of

no changes in the pressure data. On the other

hand, movement during other stages would

result in changes to the pressure data.

2.6 Importance of Sleep Monitoring

While tracking sleep is of particular

importance for those with sleeping disorders

or trouble sleeping, the benefits of sleep

monitoring extend also to the public as a

whole. Tracking one’s sleep can produce

tangible ways of ameliorating the negative

impacts of poor or little sleep. For example,

sleep cycle data, once analyzed, can be used

to set alarms meant to wake the user up

during a period of light sleep; it can also be

used to suggest bedtimes for users based on

analysis of many sets of sleep data. If sound

sensors are later incorporated into pillows as

noninvasively as the e-textile pressure

sensors, then users can also track sounds and

movement in conjunction to determine how

ambient noise affects the wellness of their


In addition to the general benefits of

sleep monitoring, it may also be used to

identify sleeping difficulties or disorders in

order to treat problems that would otherwise

escape unnoticed. One sleeping disorder,

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD), can

possibly be diagnosed early in its onset with

the use of pressure sensors to monitor

movement. People who suffer from RBD do

not become temporarily paralyzed while in

REM; thus, they act out their dreams by

doing anything from speaking to

sleepwalking. The most extreme symptoms

may lead to injury or danger, as one may

accidentally hit someone or harm oneself

while acting out one’s dream [12].

Nonetheless, some of those inflicted with

RBD do not fully act out their dreams until

years after the disorder’s onset, instead only

twitching or talking in their sleep [12].

Therefore, sleep trackers can detect these

slight movements before they escalate into

dangerous sleepwalking.

2.7 Market for E-Textile Pillows

As the consumer market for sleep

monitoring devices grows, more means have

become available: Fitbits, smartphone apps,

and various other devices worn on the body

or placed on the bed. Save the inexpensive

smartphone apps, however, these methods

tend to be costly, ranging from 70 dollars to

200 dollars [13]; in addition, all of these

devices may be unreliable, cumbersome, or



The least expensive option available

for tracking sleep is through the

accelerometer of a user’s smartphone. When

the smartphone is placed on a bed or

attached to a person, the sleep tracking app

reads and records changes in the phone’s

accelerometer as body movement.

Analyzing these movements, the app

guesses the lengths of each stage of sleep

and how deep the user’s sleep was.

An e-textile pillow finds the middle

ground between the accurate measurements

of wearable sleep tracking devices and the

inexpensive nature of a smartphone sleep

tracking app. It is affordable and accurate,

posing no discomfort to the user due to its

unobtrusive integrated sensors.

3 Designing the Sensors and

E-Textile Products

3.1 Summary of Design and Creation


The first product, a glove, used small

pressure sensors on the glove’s fingertips for

recreational purposes. This glove was made

to test the capabilities of pressure sensors

when connected to an Arduino Uno and to

gain familiarity with applying e-textiles to

achieve a specific goal. The next step

focused on enlarging these sensors and

expanding their potential so that they could

also determine location of applied pressure.

The sensors design was changed from a

small hourglass to a two-dimensional grid of

separate sensors. After the development of

several prototypes, the final design of the

sensor was sewn into a pillowcase and tested

for accuracy in detecting changes in pressure

as well as the location of the pressure.

The sensors were sewn both by hand

and with a sewing machine. The

embroidered conductive thread patterns

were created using computer-aided design

(CAD) software and converted into a

compatible file for the sewing machine to


3.2 Glove Pressure Sensors

It was first necessary to create

working pressure sensors that could be

integrated into a variety of different

products. The initial pressure sensor

prototype was comprised of two small

pieces of cotton cloth, each about one inch

in length and width, and a similarly sized

piece of Velostat, a carbon-impregnated

polyolefin. A small line of conductive thread

was embroidered on each piece of fabric

(see Figure 1).

Figure 1 The diagram above depicts the layout of the first pressure

sensor used in the glove.


The Velostat is sewn between the

two pieces of fabric on which the conductive

thread is embroidered, such that a circuit is

formed of the thread and the Velostat.

Because of the properties of Velostat, the

resistance in the circuit drops when pressure

is applied. This drop was measured with an

ohmmeter for testing purposes; however,

because there was such a small area of

contact in this design, the pressure sensor

was not sufficiently sensitive or reliable.

The second prototype of the pressure

sensor was similar in design to the first

prototype, except that the conductive thread

was embroidered in an hourglass pattern

rather than a single straight line (see Figure

2). Because this prototype’s thread design

covered more surface area on the sensor, it

was much more accurate in detecting

changes in resistance in the circuit when

pressure was applied. When the sensor was

connected to an Arduino analog input pin,

the voltage in the circuit could be monitored

and changes could be used to trigger a

reaction or be recorded as data.

In the prototypes created in the lab,

the pressure sensors were attached to the

Arduino by connecting the ends of the

conductive thread to wires. However, in

actual clothing or other consumer products,

these wires would be eliminated by

extending the ends of the conductive thread

down the length of the e-textile. The

introduction of microtechnology and

wireless connections to devices used for

recording, receiving, or storing data may

also improve e-textile technology.

3.3 Glove Testing and Capabilities

To test the capabilities of the

hourglass pressure sensors, they were

integrated into the fingers of a glove; one

sensor was sewn onto each fingertip. The

Arduino interfaced with a laptop using

Processing to play a different percussion

sound in response to a change in voltage for

each of the five sensors.

The circuit was powered with a

constant current from the Arduino, making

change in resistance directly proportional to

change in voltage. Since each sensor was

individually manufactured, the threshold

voltage that determined whether the

percussion sound would be produced was

written as a fraction of the initial voltage

without pressure (testing showed that two-

thirds gave consistent results). The Arduino

measured each sensor’s voltage. If it

dropped below the threshold, then that

indicated that pressure was being applied to

Figure 2 The hourglass pattern of the final glove pressure sensors

increases the surface area of the design and the points of contact between

the layers of fabric, making the sensor more reliable.


the sensor and the corresponding percussion

sound was triggered.

The working prototype of the glove

allows users to “play” a drum-set using their

fingertips, yet without any cumbersome

buttons on the garment—the sensor is

simply a few extra layers of cloth. If this

glove were to be mass-produced, then the

large Arduino would be replaced with

microtechnology, such as the LilyPad

Arduino, and small speakers. Essentially, the

wires connecting to the Arduino would be

replaced by a circuit made completely of

conductive thread.

While the pressure-sensitive “drum

glove” affirms the functionality of the

pressure sensors, it remains a device meant

for entertainment and leisure. E-textiles,

however, have the potential to provide

innumerable noninvasive technologies for

monitoring and aiding in everyday life.

Utilizing the pressure sensors, the next part

of the project focused on creating larger

sensors with the ability to detect the location

of pressure.

3.4 First Pillow Pressure Sensor


The pillow’s pressure sensors are

similar in physical design and practical

application to those of the glove: both use a

layer of Velostat sewn between two layers

of fabric embroidered with conductive

thread, and both measure the change in

voltage of current flowing through the

sensor to find pressure. However, since the

pillow sensor is larger and is able to sense

location, it employs a different conductive

thread pattern. Rather than being

embroidered in an hourglass pattern, the

conductive thread runs along the cloth in

equally spaced parallel lines meant to create

circuits with the Velostat and second piece

of embroidered cloth. The threads in one

fabric layer run orthogonal to those in the

other fabric layer. Thus, an X-Y coordinate

grid is formed, essentially making each

point a separate sensor and allowing for the

location of pressure to be determined.

The first implemented pressure

sensor utilizes a conductive thread pattern of

parallel lines. The lines of conductive thread

that run parallel to the X-axis are each

connected to a switch circuit, which is

Figure 3 The final pillow pressure sensor used zigzag lines to increase the

points of intersection of each sensor.


activated by a ping of current through one of

the digital pins of the Arduino. The pings

are sent successively through each digital

pin to activate individual lines along the X-

axis and prevent overlapping of circuits for

differentiation between locations of applied

pressure. The conductive threads running

parallel to the Y-axis on the second piece of

fabric are connected to analog pins on the

Arduino, which successively measure the

voltage along different points on the Y-axis.

The two sets of lines are separated by a

sheet of Velostat. With the change in voltage

in a Y-axis circuit, as well as data indicating

which X-axis has sent the ping of current at

the moment, location of pressure should be


However, this design did not

accurately determine location. The Velostat

works as a continuous resistor, meaning that

the current flows through the entire sheet of

Velostat and creates one large circuit.

The second prototype used the same

design, except divided the sheet of Velostat

into strips. The strips of Velostat run parallel

to the Y-axis. However, this sensor cannot

determine where along the Y-axis sensors

the pressure is applied, instead recording a

change in pressure along an entire pressure

sensor strip. This problem could potentially

be ameliorated by replacing the strips with a

two-dimensional array, or grid, of squares of

Velostat to separate the points. However, a

different and more reliable approach was

used for the final grid.

3.5 Final Design of Pillow Pressure


The final implementation of the

pressure sensor utilizes a zigzag pattern of

conductive thread (see Figure 3). This

pattern makes the sensor more reliable. Even

under stress, the conductive threads remain

overlapped to complete the circuit. The

zigzag lines ensure that the two layers of

conducting thread have multiple points of

contact with one another. In the first

prototype, on the other hand, straight lines

of thread must be perfectly aligned or else

Figure 4 The final pillow pressure sensor consisted of seven layers and

two separate X- and Y-axis sensors.


there is only one point of contact to form a


The sensor, like the previous one,

consists of strips of Velostat running parallel

to each line, sewn between two pieces of

fabric embroidered with the zigzag pattern.

However, unlike the former pressure sensor

created for location capabilities, this grid of

sensors employs completely separate X- and

Y-axis sensors. Thus, there are four layers of

embroidered fabric and two layers of

Velostat, separated by a fifth layer of

unembroidered, insulating cloth (see Figure

4). The insulating cloth is a piece of plain

black cotton fabric sprayed with Plasti Dip.

The Plasti Dip seals holes in the fabric to

ensure that the X- and Y-axis circuits remain

separate. Unlike the earlier prototypes for the

pillow sensor, the final version does not use

the digital pins of the Arduino. Rather, all

the circuits are connected to analog pins.

Creating the X- and Y-axis sensors

as separate layers improves the accuracy of

the sensor. The sensors record changes in

pressure, and the Arduino interprets the

information as pressure applied at the point

of intersection of the two sensors.

The pillowcase itself is a 26-inch by

20-inch rectangle. Consisting of seven

horizontal and seven vertical zigzag lines of

embroidered thread, the sensor covers a 23.5

by 18 square inch area. This pattern was

designed using AutoCAD to maximize


3.6 Code for Pillow Pressure Sensors

The sensors take the data for the X-

and Y-axis sensors separately. If pressure is

applied at one point, then the Arduino will

read the change in voltage in the X-axis

sensor and the Y-axis sensor that run

through that point. The computer will locate

the point of intersection of the two activated

sensors and therefore the point of pressure.

Figure 5 The histogram shows the amount of movement over a four-hour sleep period,

while the grid of dots displays the pressure applied on each point on the pillow at a

moment. The two periods of little to no movement, marked in red, represent REM sleep.




To measure the magnitude of change

in pressure, the data from each sensor is

normalized. Since the sensors were

individually manufactured, the initial

voltage with applied pressure varies for each

sensor. To normalize the data, therefore, the

voltage for each sensor is divided by the

initial voltage to determine the relative

magnitude of pressure.

The code uses these representative

pressure values to track the state of each

point on the pillow. When the normalized

values change, then the state of the

intersection has changed. The user interface

connected to the pillow (Figure 5) displays

these pressure values in the grid of dots,

located in the bottom right corner. Each dot

in the grid changes color depending on the

current amount of applied pressure. These

dots aid users in visualizing their

movements in sleep.

Meanwhile, the histogram depicts

the magnitude of change in state of the

sensor over time. A Y-value of zero

represents constant pressure on an

unchanging location, while large spikes in

the graph demonstrate significant changes in

pressure or location. As time goes on, the

histogram scales itself to fit the new data.

Every ten minutes, a screenshot is

taken so that users can use the visual grid of

pressure in the GUI to diagnose sleeping

disorders. For example, somnambulism can

be suggested by a total lack of pressure on

the pillow for an extended amount of time.

4 Results

4.1 Pillow Sensor Testing

The final sensor was sewn into a

pillowcase (see Figure 6) and tested

overnight. A four-hour sleep period

demonstrates the efficacy of the pillow. The

histogram’s data taken from this period

shows two sleep cycles, as expected given

the amount of sleep. These cycles are

defined by the two periods of lack of

movement during which the user was in

REM sleep (see Figure 5). The test proved

both that the sensors can sense movement

and that the sensors can measure sleep

Figure 6 The final sensor was sewn inside a pillowcase and wired to the

Arduino Mega.


cycles. With more time, more testing would

be completed to reinforce the data.

4.2 Sensor Improvements

If this product were to be improved

and developed in the future, the method of

locating position of pressure should be

replaced with a more precise approach.

Because the sensor’s coordinate grid

determines the X- and Y-positions

independently from one another, it cannot

accurately pinpoint two or more

simultaneous applications of pressure. If

pressure drops in the second and fourth

sensors parallel to the X-axis, and in the first

and fifth sensors parallel to the Y-axis, then

the sensor cannot determine whether the two

points are (2, 1) and (4, 5) or (2, 5) and (4,

1). Instead, it recognizes and records all four

points of possible contact, both the two

actual points of contact and the two “ghost

points” (see Figure 7) [14].

While the sensor cannot accurately

delineate between points of pressure and

ghost points, this has little detriment to

measurement of movement, as changes in

pressure on the same points are also

measured and the sensors are closely spaced.

Therefore, head movement should in one

way or another change the location of

applied pressure.

4.3 Interface Development

In addition to the improvements to

the pressure sensor designs, the interface

displaying the sensor data could also be

expanded to analyze the data and provide

users with relevant data. For example, the

sensor data could be further analyzed to

label periods of light or deep sleep on the


If anomalies such as a time of zero

pressure were to occur in the data, then the

code could track these abnormalities and

Figure 7 When two or more points of pressure are applied, the Arduino

cannot recognize the exact intersections of the X- and Y-axis sensors, so

records extra “ghost points”.


alert the user in the morning. Consistent

atypical data could be further analyzed and

used to recommend solutions for better sleep

to users.

4.4 Cost Analysis

The cost of an e-textile pillow, while

partially dependent on the fabric and

particular thread used, far undercuts the cost

of other sleep tracking wearable devices.

The silver-coated nylon thread used

in this research endeavor costs 41.95 dollars

for 1.92 ounces of thread, which equates to

approximately 350 meters of length [14].

The useable length of the thread is

quadruple this length, or 1400 meters, as the

four-ply thread was split into its separate

strands for use in the sewing machine;

therefore, the cost per meter of thread is

approximately 12 cents. The cost of an 11-

inch by 11-inch sheet of Velostat is four

dollars, meaning that per square inch, the

cost of Velostat is approximately 3.3 cents


The particular pillow created in this

paper used plain black and red cotton fabric,

which may vary in cost depending on the

quality of the fabric: its design, dye, ply,

durability, softness, and other uncontrolled

qualities. The sensors require approximately

30 meters of thread, costing 3.60 dollars; the

resistive strips use approximately 275 square

inches of Velostat, costing 9.08 dollars.

Assuming a cost of five dollars per yard of

cotton fabric, the body of the pillow costs

four dollars and the sensor fabric costs 6.50

dollars. Therefore, the final cost of

manufacturing the pillow comes to just

under 24 dollars.

In comparison, other sleep tracking

devices such as the Misfit Shine cost 70

dollars, while the Withings Aura sleep

tracker costs 300 dollars [13].

5 Conclusions

5.1 Summary of Findings

The pressure sensors made are

inexpensive and relatively simple, making

them easy to produce in mass with a high

margin of profit. However, they do not

accurately pinpoint location because the X-

and Y-coordinates are given independently

of one another. If e-textile temperature or

motion sensors were incorporated into the

pillow, then it would be more accurate in

tracking sleep. In addition, if the location

inaccuracies of the pressure sensor are

solved, then these sensors can be used for a

variety of other applications.

5.2 Future of E-Textiles in Sleep


Due to time constraints, this research

focused on one particular type of e-textile

sensor. Yet, not only may pressure sensors

be integrated into pillows for monitoring

sleep, but also other sensors may be

incorporated into sheets and pajamas for

more accurate and in-depth sleep tracking.

For example, e-textile pajamas for infants

could monitor heart-rate and respiration to

guard against Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome [2]. For other users, temperature

sensors in pajamas may be used to further

determine in which part of the sleep cycle

users are, as temperature drops during sleep

and falls even further during the REM stage

of sleep [16]. Motion sensors integrated into

pajamas would also provide more accurate

readings for movement during sleep.

Additionally, sweat sensors or motion and

pressure sensors sensitive enough to detect

shivering and goosebumps could also play a

role in ensuring a comfortable sleep, as the

sensors could be wirelessly linked to

temperature controls in the bedroom. The

pajamas themselves could heat or cool at the

subtle signals of the sleeping user.


5.3 Future of E-Textile Pressure


The application of the e-textile

pressure sensors in other fields is also

promising. In police uniforms, these sensors

could provide data proving whether a police

officer on trial was actually assaulted before

retaliating in cases of alleged police

brutality. The sensors made in this endeavor

have the ability to detect the amount of

pressure and location of pressure. Combined

with capacitive touch sensors, the police

uniform could also determine the difference

between the impact of a human fist or of a

blunt object.

Pressure sensors may also play a role

in clothing sensors for the elderly to contact

an ambulance should they fall down. These

sensors would detect sudden large amounts

of force applied to typical points of impact

in a fall and contact emergency medical aid


Another pressure-specific application

is in discreet “buttons” sewn into clothing or

bags. These buttons could connect

wirelessly to a variety of devices: they could

work recreationally by playing/pausing

music from one’s phone, or they could work

practically by alerting the authorities of

users’ locations if they feel threatened or are

in danger.

Worked into socks or shoes, these

sensors could alert users of podiatric issues

such as pronating or supinating, as well as

analyzing gait. In this way, athletes and

recreational runners would be able to

recognize improper running techniques such

as heel-striking without the inconvenience

of a doctor’s visit.

5.4 Significance of E-Textiles

In summary, the development of e-

textile sensors and technology will greatly

change daily life. E-textile pressure sensors

alone hold multifarious applications, from

monitoring sleep to detecting aggression or

falls. Additionally, heart-rate and respiration

sensors will encourage healthier lifestyles

and GPS tracking e-textiles will keep users

safe. Uniquely flexible, unobtrusive, and

inexpensive, e-textiles are a promising field

of research.

6 Acknowledgements

It should be noted that this research

paper and project would not have been

possible without the guidance and support of

many mentors, who sacrificed their time and

freely gave their knowledge, and the funding

of many generous sponsors, who donated

significant amounts of money to make this

summer program viable. The authors of this

paper first extend their sincere thanks to the

people who oversaw the organization and

fruition of this program: Dean Ilene Rosen,

Director of the New Jersey Governor’s

School of Engineering and Technology

(GSET), and Dean Jean Patrick Antoine,

Associate Director of GSET. Without their

dedication to running and maintaining the

GSET program, none of the resources

provided for this project would be

attainable. In addition, the authors owe their

learning and progress to the mentors of this

research endeavor: Dr. Aaron Mazzeo,

Assistant Professor of Mechanical &

Aerospace Engineering, and Mandev Singh,

Rutgers Class of 2019, Mechanical &

Aerospace Major. From providing

inspiration and resources to patiently

guiding this project in producing a tangible

and impactful final product, they played an

integral part in the research and

development process described in this paper.

Furthermore, gratitude is owed to all the

residential teaching assistants of GSET, in

particular Jihoon Oh, who oversaw the

progress of this research project, and

Anthony Yang, who provided valuable help


in times of need. The authors also

wholeheartedly thank the many sponsors of

GSET: Rutgers University, Rutgers School

of Engineering, Lockheed Martin, South

Jersey Industries, and Printrbot.

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