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Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet...

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Page 1: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Syria 2015

Page 2: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year

The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed, activists say. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 17,790 of the dead were civilians, including 3,501 children. Meanwhile more than 15,000 died in conflicts in Iraq in 2014, making it that country's worst year since 2007. Much of the violence comes as a result of advances by Islamic State and other militants groups in the two countries. US-led air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants, fighting between government troops and rebels in Syria, and sectarian violence in Iraq have also accounted for large numbers of deaths. The air strikes continued on Thursday, with 17 against IS targets near the Syrian cities of Raqqa, Kobane and Deir al-Zour and 12 near the Iraqi cities of Falluja, Mosul and Sinjar. Meanwhile Syrian President Bashar al-Assad marked the new year with a visit to front-line troops in the Damascus suburb of Jobar.

BBC, January 1, 2015



And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldea's’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

BIBLEQUOTE (Isaiah 13:19)

The total number of deaths since the Syrian conflict began in 2011 is said to be more than 200,000. It is a shocking number of people and the death and destruction continues every single day. There are millions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan and in those countries things are reaching a head.On the same day that the figures were published for Syria the Iraq government published deaths in its country. It said 15,538 people had died and more than 22,000 were injured during the course of the year. So in 2014 around 100,000 people have been killed in those two nations alone. The Bible speaks of cataclysmic destruction coming on both Syria and Iraq in the last days. These two nations have far more trouble to come. Damascus will cease to be a city and Babylon (Iraq) will become like Sodom.

(Isaiah 17:1)

Page 3: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Are Assad's military forces on the verge of collapse?

The low morale, internal divisions and rapidly decreasing popularity, is facing its most serious challenges since the start of the four-year long Syrian Civil War that has claimed the lives of more 200,000 people. Multiple rebel offenses have seen strategically important cities fall under the auspices of rebel control, such as Idlib and Jisr al-Shegour in the North and a concerted rebel effort making its way towards Damascus in the South. “The trend lines for Assad are bad and getting worse,” said a senior United States official in Washington who spoke to the New York Times on the condition of anonymity. As a result, Assad is being forced to lean on greater foreign support for propping up his ailing government, especially Hezbollah, the Lebanese terror group allied with Iran. In fact, Hezbollah now leads or even directs the fight in many places, angering some Syrian officers, according to Syrian soldiers.

Jerusalem Post, May 1, 2015



Look, the city of Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins. The towns of Aroer will be deserted. Flocks will graze in the streets and lie down undisturbed, with no one to chase them away. The fortified towns of Israel will also be destroyed, and the royal power of Damascus will end. All that remains of Syria will share the fate of Israel’s departed glory,”


(Isaiah 17:1-3 NLT)

President Bashar al-Assad’s regime now appears in greater peril than at any time in the past three years. The capture last Saturday of the town of Jisr al-Shughour in northern Idlib province was just the latest in a string of battlefield victories by rebel forces, which have made significant advances in both the north and the south of the country. Here we have another division. Iran and Russia back Assad. America and Saudi Arabia back the rebels. The magnitude of the death and destruction of the last 4 years is staggering. And yet there is more to come. There will be an explosive climax in Syria. In fact the climax will be that explosive that Damascus will cease to be a city. All the government in Syria will be wiped out and the nation in effect will come to an end.How do we know? Read Isaiah 17 and it tells you exactly what is coming….

Page 4: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Record breaking numbers of people displaced because of war and violence

War and violence displaced a record-breaking 38 million people within their home countries in 2014 – a figure equivalent to the total population of London, New York and Beijing combined. Sixty per cent came from just five countries: Iraq, South Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. All have been wracked by war or the metastasising effects of jihadist violence. The figures were released on Wednesday, as part of a new report by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). Jan Egeland, the organisation's secretary general, said the displacement was the worst in a generation."Global diplomats, UN resolutions, peace talks and ceasefire agreements have lost the battle against ruthless armed men who are driven by political or religious interests rather than human imperatives," said Mr Egeland.

Daily Telegraph, May 6, 2015



but the end is not by and by. Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.


(Luke 21:9-11)

The amount of human displacement due to war and violence in 2014 (and continuing into 2015) is shocking… 40% of the entire nation of Syria has been uprooted and caused huge outflows across the Middle East. The United Nations has officially registered almost 4 million refugees outside of Syria's borders. A further 2.2 million people are fleeing from areas that fell under Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) control. And for the first time in more than a decade, Europe also witnessed massive enforced displacement, this time caused by the war in Ukraine. At least 646,500 people fled their homes, the report said. Jesus said there would be a time when “nation would be against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” It’s not a great translation. “Nation” is the word for multitudes of people. “Kingdom” is a nation. Jesus is saying there will be revolutions (people against people) leading to war (nation against nation).

Page 5: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Analyst predicts near-term fall of Assad regime

The near-term fall of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria was forecast Wednesday by Ehud Yaari, the highly respected Arab affairs analyst for Israel's Channel Two. It can happen very suddenly, he said on his channels main news program. Unless Iran does what it hasn't done so far send in their own forces in significant numbers Assad is finished, said Yaari, who closely monitors events in the Arab world and is normally cautious in his projections. Assad no longer has enough troops to move around. Iran has been the prime support for Assad's embattled regime during the civil war that has been raging for the past four years. It mobilized thousands of Shiite volunteers from Afghanistan and elsewhere and transported them to Syria but Yaari said they have proven to be poor fighters. Iran itself has a formidable army but it has thus far limited its military presence on the ground to combat officers and advisers. Although the fall of the Assad regime has been periodically predicted in the past, signs of collapse have accelerated with pressure from rebel groups and ISIS.

Free Beacon, June 3, 2015



The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria:


Things are suddenly shifting in Syria. ISIS is making massive gains and taking over key areas where Assad was still strong. The vultures are circling ever nearer to Damascus.Many analysts are now saying that a tipping point as been reached and Assad’s days are numbered. ISIS of course is moving ever closer to Israel. But what happens next?The Bible is clear that terrible destruction comes on Damascus that causes it to cease from being a city. It even says that the whole nation of Syria fails. How this exactly comes about is hard to say. But the fact it will happen is certain and sure – because God has said it WILL happen. What seems clear is that ISIS might have some role in bringing this about. Events are reaching a reaching a conclusion in Syria…

(Isaiah 17:1-3)

Page 6: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Israel threatens military intervention in Syria's civil war

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, has issued a veiled threat to intervene directly in Syria's civil war for the first time, after Syrian rebels surrounded a village occupied by the Druze minority close to the border. Monitors from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the village of Khadr was now surrounded by rebels, who had taken a hilltop immediately to the north. Druze leaders in Israel and the Golan Heights warned that they might storm the frontier to save their relatives, fearing a sectarian massacre. Mr Netanyahu said he had given "instructions to do what is necessary" to help Syria's Druze. Jerusalem also warned Syrian rebel groups operating in southern Syria not to attack and to stay away from Khadr.Local media reports said the government was considering establishing a buffer zone on the Syrian side of the border for refugees - a move that would be an unprecedented step given decades in which the frontier has been a "frozen zone"..

Daily Telegraph, June 17, 2015



The fortified towns of Israel[a] will also be destroyed, and the royal power of Damascus will end.All that remains of Syria will share the fate of Israel’s departed glory,” declares the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “In that day Israel’s glory will grow dim its robust body will waste away.


The Druze are a secretive, tightly-knit religious sect whose origins can be traced to Egypt a thousand years ago. They believe that God was incarnated on earth in the form of their leader, al-Hakim bi-Amrih Alla. The Druze do not have their own homeland. Thus, many of them migrated to the isolated mountains of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, while others settled throughout the Middle East. There are 420,000 in Syria, 130,000 in Israel. Druze citizens are prominent in the Israel Defense Forces and in politics. As of 2012, 61 of the senior commissioned officers in the IDF were Druze. Netanyahu has inferred this week that Israel will intervene in Syria to protect the Druze community who are under threat in the Syrian conflict. We know a time is coming when there will be conflict between Israel and Syria. It leaves Syria destroyed…

(Isaiah 17:3-4 NLT)

Page 7: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Britain could launch Isil air strikes in Syria

Britain could launch air strikes against Isil in Syria within months after Labour signalled that it is prepared to back the Conservatives in the wake of the Tunisia terrorist attack.The Conservatives are preparing to put the issue to a vote despite a backlash from some Tory back-benchers, who have warned that military action could bolster the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Syria dictator. David Cameron has said that Isil must be "crushed" in its Syrian heartland, adding that a "full spectrum" response is needed.Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said that the government will only put air strikes in Syria to to a vote in Parliament if it can secure "sufficient consensus".Vernon Coaker, the shadow defence secretary, said that Labour "stands ready to work with the government" to defeat Isil and will carefully assess any proposals.Mr Cameron is likely to wait until after Labour appoints a new leader in September, however, to ensure he can rely on the support of its MPs.

Daily Telegraph, July 2, 2015



Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will push the king of the north. The king of the north will storm out with chariots, charioteers, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood. He will enter the glorious land of Israel The king of the south = US/UK . The king of the north = Russia. There is push from the king of the south against the king of the north.

Last week saw a terrible attack on a beach in Tunisia. 30 British tourists were massacred by a gunman inspired by ISIS. Isis claimed responsibility for the attack aimed at Western tourists and claimed it was only the “first drop of the rain”.This has in turn spurred the UK government to reconsider launching airstrikes on Syria to attack ISIS bases there. The UK came very close before to attacking the Assad regime but the government lost a vote to do so. However it looks like the UK’s involvement in attacking parts of Syria is back on the agenda. This will be highly sensitive for Russia who previously blocked any attack on Syria. What is certain is that events are moving quickly now with ISIS pushing in so many directions…


(Daniel 11:40)

Page 8: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Turkey bombs Islamic State in Syria for the first time

Turkey waded into Syria’s four year-long civil war on Friday, using fighter jets to bomb Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) extremists across the border for the first time. Three Turkish F-16s left the south-eastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir in early morning bombing raids that lasted 13 minutes, officials said. Although exact details of the strike locations were not released, they were believed to lie across from the Turkish province of Kilis. After months of international pressure, Friday’s air raids marked Turkey’s most explicit intervention in the Syrian war to date and reflected a major shift in its stance towards Isil. In a bellicose speech, Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish prime minister, promised that action against the extremist group “will not stop”.Friday’s military action was accompanied by more than 297 arrests inside Turkey. Taking place across 16 provinces, the raids targeted people with alleged links to Isil or Kurdish militant groups - both thorns in the side of Mr Erdogan's government.

Daily Telegraph, July 24, 2015



And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.The Euphrates originates in Turkey.


Turkey has entered the war against ISIS in Syria. The suicide bomb last week in Suruc, which killed 32 people and was blamed on IS, was a catalyst. Subsequent clashes with IS fighters on the Turkey-Syria border led to the death of a Turkish soldier. Within a week, Turkey has gone from reluctant observer of the coalition against IS to military strikes, opening up its bases to warplanes. And its not just attacking ISIS. Turkey has also decided to attack the PKK. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has been a thorn in Turkey's side for decades. They want an independent Kurdish state within Turkey. The PKK says it is collaborating with ISIS. Turkey is mentioned in Revelation 16. We are told the Euphrates dries up. This is the ending of the strength of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire did end but we may also see a further weakening with these events.

(Revelation 16:12)

Page 9: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


US jets extend their mission to defend Syrian rebels

US jets will defend favoured rebels in Syria against attack by Assad regime jets, in an extension of their mission which entrenches America and its allies further in the civil war. The first “authorised rebel” fighters trained by the US army in Turkey crossed over into Syria last month - though a number of men from the brigade they joined were subsequently kidnapped by al-Qaeda’s local affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra.One reason the fighters are distrusted by the other rebels is that the United States, as well as bombing Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) from the air, is also attacking elements within Jabhat al-Nusra, which has proved the most formidable opponent of the regime and is allied with rebel groups who do not share its ideology.The other is that the rebels are being specifically trained to fight Isil - not the regime.The shift in strategy to allow bombing raids was reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Daily Telegraph, August 3, 2015



And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.


(Daniel 11:40)

This looks like mission creep. Two years ago over 1300 people were killed in Syria by a chemical attack by the Assad regime. Britain and America stood on the brink of going to war with Assad - but Russia intervened and war was averted. Two years later despite Obama’s efforts to keep out of the quagmire of Syria , America is slowly being dragged in. The catalyst for America’s involvement was ISIS. ISIS has spread from Iraq into Syria. The US authorised attacks on ISIS in Syria. But this week this was changed to include attacks against the Assad regime itself where so-called “authorised rebels” were operating. Also this week (surely not by coincidence) Russia’s Tass news agency reported that Russian Airborne Troops are ready to assist Syria in countering terrorists. We can see how potentially in Syria the king of the north (Russia) and the king of the south (US/UK) could come into conflict with each other – as the Bible says will happen.

Page 10: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russia is building a military base in Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s heartland, according to American intelligence officials, in the clearest indication yet of deepening Russian support for the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad. The anonymous officials say Russia has set up an air traffic control tower and transported prefabricated housing units for up to 1,000 personnel to an airfield serving the Syrian port city of Latakia.Russia has also requested the rights to fly over neighbouring countries with military cargo aircraft during September, according to the reports. The claims, which will raise fears that Russia is planning to expand its role in the country’s civil war, will ratchet up tensions between Moscow and Washington over the future of Syria and its brutal ruler. Mr Obama on Friday met King Salman of Saudi Arabia to repeat their demand that any lasting settlement in Syria would require an end to the Assad regime.It leaves the US and Russia implacably opposed in their visions for Syria.

Daily Telegraph, September 5, 2015



And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days,


Putin has just confirmed on TV that yes, Russia is providing “serious” training and logistical support to the Syrian army. But it appears that Russia is preparing to put large numbers of Russian troops on the ground in Syria. The Pentagon said on Friday that it had seen reports of Russia deploying troops and aircraft in Syria, and was "monitoring the situation closely". Up until now Russia has not put troops on the ground in Syria – so what is going on? It is all to do with ISIS. ISIS are getting ever closer to the centre of Damascus the capital of Syria. They have already captured a southern district of Damascus. Russia is preparing to send in troops to defend Assad. The latter day king of the north (Russia) is rushing to aid the ancient king of the north (Syria). Russia is moving southward – ever closer to Israel.

Russia 'is building military base in Syria'

(Ezekiel 38:15-16)

Page 11: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

U.S. officials are expressing growing concern about Russia's military build-up in Assad-controlled Syria, calling it "unprecedented" -- with one telling Fox News it compares in scope to Vladimir Putin's incursion into Crimea. "It's beginning to look like Crimyria," the official told Fox News. Two U.S. officials who have reviewed the latest intelligence told Fox News that satellite imagery reveals more flights of massive Russian An-124 "condor" military cargo planes landing in Syria. They are offloading troops, including just under 50 Russian marines, and armoured vehicles. U.S. officials said the Russian activity in Syria is unlike any they've seen since the start of the Syrian civil war four years ago. "This is definitely a build-up straight out of Russia's military doctrine," said one official.

Fox News, September 10, 2015



And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days,


It’s beginning to look like Crimyria! In other words Russia is putting troops into Syria and denying it is doing so - just as Putin did with Crimea. At least three Russian military transport planes have landed in Syria in recent days, US officials said Tuesday.Reuters reported this week that Russian troops have begun participating in combat operations on behalf of the Assad government. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said coordination was needed between Russia's military and the Pentagon to avoid "unintended incidents" around Syria. Russia was conducting pre-planned naval drills in the eastern Mediterranean, he said. Daniel 11 tracks the entire history of the king of the north v king of the south. The ancient king of the north were the Seleucids based in what we now call Syria. The latter day king of the north we find out in Ezekiel 38 is Gog of the land of Magog – Russia. The new king of the north is now militarily assisting the ancient king of the north…

Russian military build-up in Syria ‘unprecedented’

(Ezekiel 38:15-16)

Page 12: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


U.S. warns Russia over military support for Assad

Secretary of State John Kerry told his Russian counterpart on Saturday that the United States was deeply concerned by reports that the Kremlin may be planning to vastly expand its military support for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, warning that such a move might even lead to a “confrontation” with the American-led coalition, the State Department said. Mr. Kerry called Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, “to discuss Syria, including U.S. concerns about reports suggesting an imminent enhanced Russian military build-up there,” the State Department said in an unusually blunt statement. “The secretary made clear that if such reports were accurate, these actions could further escalate the conflict, lead to greater loss of innocent life, increase refugee flows and risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL Coalition operating in Syria,” the State Department added, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

New York Times, September 5, 2015



The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria


(Isaiah 17:1-3)

On Monday Reuters reported that the United States had asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria. The Greek foreign ministry said the request was being examined. Also this week Bulgaria refused Russian aircraft permission to cross its airspace amid fears that Russia is boosting its military support to Syria. Bulgaria's foreign ministry said it suspected the aircraft were not carrying aid, as Russia claimed. On Tuesday Russia lashed out at Bulgaria saying the move has cast doubts on the nation's independence! All this is creating massive tension between Russia and America. In effect America is trying everything it can to block Russia sending military equipment and soldiers into Syria. We know at some point Damascus ceases to be a city. We know Syria itself is not part of the Gogian invasion of Israel. It

must mean Syria comes to an end as we know it. Events are moving towards that…

Page 13: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Iranian troops join Russians in Syria fighting

Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, has sent hundreds of ground soldiers into Syria in the past few days apparently in cooperation with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, said a senior Israeli security official Thursday. Russia has also recently deployed military assets into Syria and according to the Israeli source, has teamed up with Iran in an unprecedented attempt to protect the embattled regime of Bashar Assad from falling to rebel groups including the Islamic State. The Israeli source said that Iran's increased military involvement in Syria was "due to Assad's crisis and under Russian-Iranian cooperation as a result of a meeting between Soleimani with Russian President Vladimir Putin," said the Israeli source. The only Iranian force that has operated in Syria so far has been the Basij militia, a paramilitary organization with a relatively small number of fighters. The security official said that Israel has little to worry about Russia's military activity in Syria saying that it is "not directed at Israel. “

Israel National News, September 10, 2015



And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia [Iran], Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

Iran has granted permission for Russian planes to fly over its territory en route to Syria, Russian news agencies said Wednesday. Russia needed this after Bulgaria refused overflights amid signs of a Russian military build-up in Syria. And so Iran and Russia are working closely together to bypass not only Bulgaria and Greece but more importantly – America. The Bible says that Russia and Iran will invade Israel together. It also says that Russia will protect Iran and guard them.The Syrian crisis has gone on for 4 years and has not abated. We may be reaching a climax of this conflict – one that might well spark Armageddon…


(Ezekiel 38:4-5)

Page 14: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russia 'creating forward air operating base in Syria'

Russia's latest movements at an airfield in Syria suggest plans to establish a forward air operating base, the Pentagon said on Monday, generally describing Russian movement of "people and things" in Syria but declining to offer specifics on US intelligence."We have seen movement of people and things that would indicate that they plan to use that base there, south of Latakia, as a forward air operating base," said Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis. The Syrian ambassador to Moscow, Riad Haddad, said talk of a Russian troop presence on the ground in Syria is "a lie", ITAR-TASS news agency reported. Two unnamed US officials told Reuters earlier on Monday that the United States believed Russia had moved tanks to the airfield.One of the officials said that seven Russian T-90 tanks were observed at the airfield near Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Daily Telegraph, September 14, 2015



How great are his signs! and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.

For over 150 years the Christadelphian community has understood that Russia would one day invade Israel. It is truly remarkable now to witness Russia setting up a forward base so deep into the Middle East. An operating air base in Syria with troops and tanks. This is a staging post for the future invasion. The king of the north is on the move – SOUTH. Surely for those who have doubted Russia’s future invasion of Israel must now see that it is entirely possible. We are no longer considering something that seems beyond all likelihood – but now it is a distinct possibility. With Bible in hand it was never doubted – but even with no Bible the direction is clear. There can surely be no excuse when we finally stand before the Lord Jesus at the judgement. We cannot say – “we had no evidence - we had no idea it was about to happen”. We have no excuse!


(Daniel 4:3)

Page 15: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


US presses Russia on military build-up

US Secretary of State John Kerry has called his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in a bid to clarify the intent of Moscow's military build-up in Syria. Mr Kerry warned that continued support for President Bashar al-Assad "risks exacerbating and extending the conflict," a statement said. The US accuses Russia of boosting its military presence in Syria. Russia - Mr Assad's ally in the four-year civil war - says it is helping Syria fight Islamic State militants. Moscow has increased its presence in the country just as the regime is losing ground to rebel groups. Mr Kerry's phone call to the Russian foreign minister is believed to be his third in the past 10 days. The state department statement said Mr Kerry warned that Russia's support for President Assad was "undermining our shared goal of fighting extremism if we do not also remain focused on finding a solution to the conflict in Syria via a genuine political transition".

BBC, September 16, 2015



And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.


America is very, very concerned about Russia’s intentions in Syria. It looks like the Russians are about to do what they did in Crimea. Send in troops / tanks / military equipment etc. A squadron of five Russian naval ships, equipped with guided missiles, has set off to conduct manoeuvres in Syrian territorial waters, including possibly firing rockets, a source close to the Russian navy told Reuters on Friday.America is seeking answers from Russia. But they will almost certainly not be told the truth. Events in relation to Syria are reaching a conclusion. The migration crisis in Europe stems from the turmoil in Syria. Plus ISIS is taking a hold of large parts of the country. America believes Assad must go to bring stability. Russia believes that Assad must stay. It could be in the ancient land of the king of the north that the final push comes. As the BBC said today Kerry is looking to push for a solution in Syria…

(Daniel 11:40)

Page 16: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russia has begun its first military operations in Syria, and poured in 28 fighter jets as it becomes more deeply involved in the conflict, US officials say. The officials said 12 fighter jets and 12 close support aircraft had arrived in recent days in a Syrian air base in Latakia, where four jets were stationed last week. On top of that, Russian drones had started surveillance flights, they said. Earlier, Novaya Gazeta, an independent Russian newspaper had reported that Moscow might launch “demonstrative” strikes in support of Bashar al-Assad’s embattled Syrian government in the coming days, before President Vladimir Putin is due to speak to the United Nations general assembly next week. The apparent increase in the flow of Russian arms and personnel to Syria in recent weeks has prompted speculation that the Kremlin may be preparing for direct military intervention on Mr Assad’s side.

Daily Telegraph, September 21, 2015



for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction. I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman. The shepherds with their flocks shall come unto her; they shall pitch their tents against her round about; they shall feed every one in his place. Prepare ye war against her;:


Russia is on the brink of beginning airstrikes in Syria. Putin is trying to get America onside with this. He wants a grand coalition to attack ISIS. But because Russia wants Assad to remain in power and America does not there is no chance of co-ordinated action. Therefore Putin may well go it alone. What is certain is that Russia is now gearing up for major action in Syria and the West looks helpless in stopping it.Debkafile reports that Russia troops have already gone into action on Thursday. They say that Russian Marine Brigade 810 fought with Syrian army and Hezbollah special forces in an attack on ISIS forces at the Kweiris airbase, east of Aleppo.Syria has descended into total chaos. Russia’s major ally, Assad, was hanging on by a thread – Putin does not want Syria to change direction and therefore has decided to defend him. All this is bring Russia into the Middle East as God said would happen….

Russia begins military operations in Syria as Putin sends 28 jets

(Jeremiah 6:1-4)

Page 17: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Russian jets in Syria mean no-fly zone is 'out of the question'

Vladimir Putin is carrying out Russia's biggest military intervention outside the old Soviet Union for almost 30 years. Russia’s deployment of jet fighters in Syria has effectively destroyed the West’s option of imposing a “no-fly zone” over the country, experts have warned, as the British Defence Secretary said the intervention risked deepening the crisis. The Kremlin’s operation in Syria amounts to the biggest deployment of Russian forces outside the former Soviet Union since the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989.So far, President Vladimir Putin has dispatched about 500 troops to the city of Latakia and the adjacent port of Tartous on Syria’s Mediterranean coast. He has also deployed 28 warplanes, 15 military helicopters – including MI-24 gunships – and at least two batteries of SA-22 surface-to-air missiles.

Daily Telegraph, September 22, 2015



The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria:


(Isaiah 17:1-3)

Putin said this week.. "There is no other solution to the Syrian crisis than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism”.

But his unilateral action could well make the situation worse according to analysts.It brings both the US and Russia into the same arena of conflict but on different sides.

But what does the Bible say about this situation. Well it talks specifically about Syria in the last days. We are told Damascus will cease to be a city and the nation (kingdom) of Syria will come to an end. None of this has happened yet. But when does it happen? It happens BEFORE Russia invades. But now Russia is in Syria how could it happen? There must be some even greater conflict yet to occur in Syria. Russia could therefore become embroiled in that conflict. As well as taking spoil from Israel (the pull) Putin might also invade Israel due to the “push” – the provocation detailed in Daniel 11:40.

Page 18: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Netanyahu meets Putin to discuss concerns over Russian activity Syria

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, has met the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to discuss security concerns along Israel’s northern border and how to avoid accidental clashes between Israel and Russian forces supporting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. Netanyahu’s lightning visit to Moscow on Monday follows concern in Israel that the ongoing Russian military buildup will threaten its defence, through fears that Russian-supplied weapons will end up in the hands of Hezbollah, fighting in Syria on Assad’s side, and because it will make it more difficult for Israeli aircraft to strike there. In an unusual move, Netanyahu was accompanied by his defence chief of staff, Lt Gen Gadi Eizenkot, and the head of military intelligence, Maj Gen Herzl Halevi, whose presence – according to Israeli analysts and media – underlined the seriousness of the discussions.

Guardian, September 21, 2015



Look, the city of Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins. The fortified towns of Israel will also be destroyed and the royal power of Damascus will end. “In that day Israel’s glory will grow dim; its robust body will waste away. The whole land will look like a grainfield after the harvesters have gathered the grain.


(Isaiah 17:1-5 NLT)

Israel is very concerned about developments in Syria – especially this new intervention by Russia. Hence Netanyahu’s flying visit to meet Putin with his most senior Israeli military officials. Russia is building a new airbase in Syria for its jets. But interestingly Israel has struck very close to this site on two previous occasions. Once in 2013 and once in 2014. Israel wants the ability to continue to be able to strike Syria if it needs to. But now Russia stands in the way! In recent months Israel has struck weapons supply facilities for Hezbollah and convoys, as well as personnel directing what it says has been a Hezbollah buildup close to Israel’s northern border. No wonder Israel is concerned about Russian movements. As mentioned already, there is a terrible destruction coming in Syria. It actually sees Israel greatly weakened at the same time.

Page 19: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

The Russian intervention is a game-changer which opens a new chapter in the ever-escalating Syrian saga and lifts it to a yet higher level of crisis.Western nations on Friday accused Russia of escalating the Syrian conflict and fuelling extremism, as Moscow's warplanes conducted air strikes for a third day amid mounting fears over civilian casualties. A bellicose Russia waded into the four year-long conflict on Wednesday, launching surprise bombing runs against rebel groups fighting the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad while vowing to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil). Britain, the United States and five other nations called on Russia to "immediately" end attacks on the Syrian opposition and civilians and to focus only on fighting Isil. In a statement, they expressed "deep concern" over the Russian military build-up in Syria and, in particular, strikes on Hama, Homs and Idlib, saying these had caused civilian casualties and did not target the jihadist group.

Daily Telegraph, October 2, 2015



Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them,: This rushing of nations into Israel occurs after Syria has fallen – see start of chapter.


It was back on September 5th that we first reported that Russia was building a new military base in Syria. At that point it was just anonymous officials saying that Russia had setup an air traffic control unit and housing for thousands of troops. We then reported how warplanes were landing in Syria. Within one month Russia has begun bombing in Syria. Syria is becoming the epicentre of something much, much worse.So why after 4 years is Russia suddenly getting involved? It is because Assad was on the verge of losing power. The Western-backed regional powers supporting the anti-Assad rebels - mainly Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey - started working more closely together. America began pumping in more money and hardware. The rebels were gaining ground. The king of the north (Putin) has suddenly descended to stop this…

Russia's intervention in Syria lifts crisis to new level

(Isaiah 17:12-13)

Page 20: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


How Putin blindsided the US over Syria

President Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President Barack Obama on Monday night to explain what Russia's plan was - and although there were profound differences, US officials said they understood better what Russia's intentions were.And yet. Isn't there something totally jaw-dropping, gob-smacking, eyebrow-arching, ear twitchingly extraordinary - and not to mention, casual - about the way the Americans learnt about Russian plans? It began with a phone call from a Russian diplomat to his counterpart in Baghdad to say "we've got something interesting to tell you”. Then a three-star Russian general leaves the Russian embassy compound and knocks on the door of the American one, and asks to see the US military attache.He tells the American military man that bombing starts in an hour, so you'd better get out of Syrian airspace now and move any assets you have off the ground. And 60 minutes later, the bombing started. Wow.

BBC News, September 30, 2015



And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. We often quote this verse – but it is key – the push from the king of the south is the prelude to Russia invading.


(Daniel 11:40)

An extraordinarily dangerous situation has now developed in Syria. Russia is now bombing anti Assad groups that America and Saudi Arabia are supporting. Just consider this - the risks of a US fighter plane running into a Russian one with unimaginable consequences has just ratcheted up. Are they going to take it on turns to bomb targets? Russia has clearly not been attacking ISIS. Out of 20 bombing raids only one has struck known ISIS positions. All the rest are anti Assad rebels. The trouble is that US almost certainly has special forces in some of the positions. What if they find themselves coming under fire - do they call in US close air support to see off their Russian attackers? The king of the north and king of the south could easily come

into conflict in Syria. The king of the south (USA) will militarily provoke Russia .

Page 21: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

U.S., allies short on options as Russia, Iran flex muscle in Syria

Across the Middle East, America’s traditional allies are watching with disbelief as Russia and Iran mount a show of force in Syria, and they are wondering how it will end.The U.S.-led coalition, created to combat the jihadi threat from Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, has been wrong footed by the Russian jets pounding the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and by an influx of Iranian forces. The question on everyone’s mind is: will the United States and its European and regional Sunni allies intervene to stop President Vladimir Putin from reversing the gains made by mainstream Syrian rebels after more than four years of war? Few are holding their breath. Many say, often with vehemence, that the current drama is the consequence of ongoing Western inaction and U.S. retreat at critical moments in an ever more uncontrollable conflict, whose regional dimensions are fast becoming global.

Reuters, October 2, 2015



Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Zidon: For I will send into her pestilence, and blood into her streets; and the wounded shall be judged in the midst of her by the sword upon her on every side; and they shall know that I am the LORD. And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

As the article says – this is an ever more uncontrollable conflict – regional dimensions are fast becoming global. The king of the south is made up of Saudi Arabia and America/ UK. The king of the north is made up of Russia and Iran etc. But Ezekiel 38 that speaks of these two opposing powers does NOT mention Syria. Why not? Because Syria / Damascus has been destroyed BEFORE the Gogian invasion. The Syrian conflict is part of the stage 1 of the final conflict. It is the conflict detailed in Zechariah 12 and Isaiah 17. There will be a war (coming soon) between Israel and her surrounding neighbours (Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria). It will see the total end of Syria as a nation. Israel will be left greatly weakened. At this point Israel’s “pricking briers” will be removed. But shortly after a so-called peace Russia will descend…


(Ezekiel 28:22-24)

Page 22: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Russian operations in Syria could last 'three or four months'

Russian air strikes in support of Bashar Assad's embattled government enter third day amid mounting reports of an imminent regime ground offensive .Russian forces in Syria flew 18 sorties against 12 targets between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, the Russian ministry of defence has said, as one official said the air strikes could last "three to four months". The latest air strikes come as further details emerged of the shape of Russia’s military campaign in Syria, with fresh reports of an imminent Iranian and Hezbollah-backed ground offensive being planned in co-ordination with the Russian air strikes. Pavel Felgenhauer, an independent military analyst, said Mr Peskov’s comments indicated the Kremlin has decided to “win the war” for Bashar Assad’s government once and for all. “Right now they are just softening up the opposition. Then there will come the ground offensive. It will be us in the air and Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah on the ground,” he said.

Daily Telegraph, October 2, 2015



They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;


Reports suggest that a ground offensive is shortly going to take place in Syria - but not using Russian troops. The offensive will be using Hezbollah and Iranian forces but overseen and supported by Russia. Analysts believe that Russia is softening up targets ready for these ground forces to attack. Iran has sent thousands of fighters into Syria – so has Hezbollah. Now with Russian air support they can make real advances.Russia has warned Israel not to attack anywhere in Syria. Israel has often conducted missile strikes when Hezbollah or Iranian troops were getting too much of an advantage. The Syrian situation is now far more complex for Israel. Psalm 83 speaks of Israel’s immediate neighbours making war on Israel. Something will happen that will indeed bring Israel into conflict with these terror groups in Syria.

(Psalm 83:4-6)

Page 23: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russian warships in the Caspian Sea have launched dozens of missiles into Syria, sharply escalating a military campaign to shield the regime from rebel forces. Travelling more than 900 miles, the missiles struck 11 targets inside the war-torn country, officials said. In a video apparently showing their launch, bright white lights seared through the sky, trailed by thick plumes of smoke.Moscow's missiles added additional force to airstrikes backing a Syrian regime ground offensive in four locations across the provinces of Hama and Idlib on Wednesday.The deployment of cruise missiles and air strikes marked a significant escalation of the campaign to shield the regime from rebel forces which began in earnest last week. It was the first time operations had been openly coordinated with forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad, one of the Kremlin’s only remaining allies in the Middle East.

Daily Telegraph, October 7, 2015



Be thou [Russian leader – Putin] prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.


These missiles flew over Iraq and Iran to reach Syria. Why would Russia fire missiles from such a long distance away when they have military jets that could do this based in Syria? The answer may well be that sea-launched cruise missiles have long been a favourite US weapon of choice in interventions overseas. So there may be an element of Russia demonstrating that it has the full military capability of any other "superpower".But all this adds to the increasing tensions between America and Russia. It is yet another complication to a fraught situation. Putin actually released footage of the missiles roaring into the sky on their deathly mission. President Putin praised the Russian military, saying the armed forces were “well prepared”. It is interesting he said this. The Bible says that Gog (Russian leader) would prepare for himself and for those nations assembled with him eg Iran. The preparation is done. War has begun.

Russian missiles 'hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea'

(Ezekiel 38:7)

Page 24: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Obama to overhaul US approach to support rebels

The United States will largely abandon its failed efforts to train moderate Syrian rebels fighting Islamic State, and instead provide arms and equipment directly to rebel leaders and their units on the battlefield, the Obama administration said on Friday.The U.S. announcement marked the effective end to a short-lived $580 million program to train and equip units of fighters at sites outside of Syria, after its disastrous launch this year fanned criticism of President Barack Obama's war strategy.The Pentagon said it would shift its focus away from training to providing weapons and other equipment to rebel groups whose leaders have passed a U.S. vetting process to ensure they are not linked to militant Islamist groups. The strategy switch comes as the Obama administration grapples with a dramatic change in the landscape in Syria's four-year civil war, brought about by Russia's military intervention in support of President Bashar al-Assad. Moscow's intervention has cast doubt on Obama's strategy there and raised questions about U.S. influence in the region.

Daily Telegraph, October 9, 2015



And at the time of the end shall the king of the south [US/UK]/Saudi] push at him [Russia]: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over


(Daniel 11:40)

Experts say that less than 10% of Russian strikes have hit ISIS. 90% at least have hit Syrian rebels. But of course the Syrian rebels are backed by America and Saudi Arabia.

The very two nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 who oppose the Russian invasion of Israel! Up until now America has tried training the rebels and only then arming them. The trouble is the training has not worked – too many rules were put in place before weapons were released. In fact America said last week that only 5 people had been trained and fully armed! So Obama today has announced the training is being scrapped and the US will just arm the rebels. So America is arming the very people Russia is trying to kill. All this could lead to the PUSH (military provocation) by America

Page 25: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


US and Russia agree to work for 'nationwide ceasefire’

America and Russia agreed to work towards a “nationwide ceasefire” between Syria's regime and opposition groups on Friday when every foreign power with any involvement in the civil war met for the first time. The talks in Vienna drew together implacable enemies on opposing sides of Syria’s conflict, notably Saudi Arabia and Iran. The 17 countries represented around the table included allies of Bashar al-Assad – and supporters of the rebels fighting to bring him down. On Friday, John Kerry, the US secretary of state, was positioned at the head of the negotiating table alongside Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister. After eight hours of talks – four more than scheduled – all the parties agreed to ask the United Nations to “explore modalities for, and implementation of, a nationwide ceasefire”. The countries also agreed that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) "must be defeated". How this would be compatible with a "nationwide ceasefire" was left unexplained.

Daily Telegraph, October 30, 2015



The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid. The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus,


(Isaiah 17:1-3)

There were two groups at this meeting. The one group wants Assad gone. The does does not. What is amazing is how these two groups line up. They are almost exactly lined up as Ezekiel 38 prophesied they would. On the one hand there is Russia and Iran who want Assad to stay. On the other hand there is the US, UK, Saudi Arabia who want Assad gone. Ezekiel 38 puts Russia and Iran together. Ezekiel also details the opposing force as US / UK and the gulf states including Saudi Arabia.

These talks are a last ditch desperate attempt to try to draw a line under the ever increasing conflict in Syria that has cost the lives of 250,000 people and displaced millions. We know with Bible in hand the future for Syria is that it will completely fail as

a nation and Damascus will cease to be a city. This time is FAST approaching…

Page 26: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russia has warned of the risk of a "proxy war" in the Middle East after the US said it would send special forces to Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this increased the need for co-operation between the US and Russia. US officials said "fewer than 50" troops would "train, advise and assist" vetted opposition forces in fighting the so-called Islamic State (IS). It will be the first time that US troops operate openly in Syria. Mr Lavrov said the US had decided on its move "unilaterally and without any reference to the Syrian leadership”. He added: "I am convinced that neither the United States nor Russia of course want any kind of slide into a so-called proxy war. But to me it is obvious that this situation makes the task of co-operation between the militaries even more relevant.” He was speaking after talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in Vienna.

BBC online, October 31, 2015



And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean. And it shall be as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim. Notice that Israel is made thin / lean in the day that Syria fails as a nation. This is still to happen.


The day after the talks both sides showed that they were determined to fight on.America announced it would be sending special forces into Syria to help the rebels. Russia then warned of a “proxy war”. Russia is saying that America and Russia could end up being at war with each other through the different armed forces they are supporting in Syria. The real point is that a proxy war is underway right now.America is pushing back at Russia’s recent involvement in Syria. Although it is a small step it is supposed to send a reassuring message to America’s unsettled allies and show Russia they are not going to back down.Events in Syria are reaching a critical stage. Something will happen to drag Israel into this conflict. Isaiah 17 says this clearly. The removal of Syria as a nation will create the vacuum into which Russia will descend. Ezekiel 38 comes after Isaiah 17 v 1-5.

Syria conflict: Russia warns US of 'proxy war risk'

(Isaiah 17:4)

Page 27: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Syria mission demonstrates Russia's new prowess

Sleek combat jets loaded with precision bunker-buster bombs roar into the skies as soldiers in desert-style uniforms march past rows of neat housing at this Russian military base at one of Syria’s largest airports. The air campaign in Syria, Russia’s first military action outside the former Soviet Union since the war in Afghanistan, shows a revamped Russian military, which sharply differs in both capability and mindset from the old, Soviet-style force. It is capable of quickly projecting power far from Russian borders, widely uses drones and precision weapons, and cares about soldiers’ comfort.As part of President Vladimir Putin’s sweeping military modernization program, the air force received hundreds of new and modernized aircraft, all equipped with state-of-the art electronics on a par with U.S. and NATO jets. “All aircraft here at the base are equipped with targeting systems that allow hitting targets with pinpoint precision,” said Defense Ministry spokesman Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov.

Associated Press, October 24,2015



“‘Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, God is talking to Gog – Russia leader (Putin) – and telling him to get ready and be prepared!

The West has been amazed at how Russia has improved its military know-how. Russia is demonstrating for the first time how far they have come in terms of technology and skill. Putin has invested billions into the army, navy and air force of Russia which enables him now to project force into the Middle East with ease. One headline this week said “Russia’s naval encirclement of Syria”. The report went on to detail how Russia has surrounded Syria with high tech warships - some of which launched cruise missiles hitting pin point targets 1500km away in Syria. The Bible said that the Russian leader (Gog) would prepare a vast army. The preparation has gone on in earnest for a decade. Russia is now showing the world what it can do. There is more to come.


(Ezekiel 38:7-8 NIV)

Page 28: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Rift on refugees spurs risk to Europe's unity

A rift over Europe's response to the sudden arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees is leading some in Brussels to voice fears for the future of the European Union. The 28-nation bloc is torn between solidarity and security as governments struggle to cope with an influx of people fleeing war and oppression in Syria, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, which is fuelling a political backlash in many countries. "What was unimaginable before is possible today - that is the disintegration of the European project," Frans Timmermans, the European Commission vice-president coordinating EU action on the migration crisis, told the Friends of Europe think-tank.Mutual mistrust among EU governments has reached alarming levels, say old Brussels hands who are used to frequent past crises.

Reuters, October 25, 2015



“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.


(Revelation 17:12-13)

The Syrian crisis is not only destabilising the Middle East. It is not only bringing the two super powers into a proxy war. It is not only polarising the hatred of Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is also causing crisis and division within Europe. It is doing so because of the millions of refugees that have been caused primarily due to the Syrian conflict.There are poor nations within Europe that just do not want to take these refugees in. There are other nations who are insisting they must. The whole European project as we know it today is shaking because of this crisis. The fear is that the Russian involvement in Syria will actually only make the refugee crisis worse.The Bible says that 10 nations will come together at the end and give their sovereign power to what was once the Holy Roman Empire. This crisis may bring this about.

Page 29: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Russia Syria force grows to 4,000, U.S. officials say

Moscow's military force in Syria has grown to about 4,000 personnel, but this and more than a month of Russian air strikes have not led to pro-government forces making significant territorial gains, U.S. security officials and independent experts said. Moscow, which has maintained a military presence in Syria for decades as an ally of the ruling Assad family, had an estimated 2,000 personnel in the country when it began air strikes on Sept. 30. The Russian force has since roughly doubled and the number of bases it is using has grown, U.S. security officials said. The Russians have suffered combat casualties, including deaths, said three U.S. security officials familiar with U.S. intelligence reporting, adding that they did not know the exact numbers.The United States has extensive intelligence assets in the region, along with satellite imagery and electronic eavesdropping coverage and contacts in Syria..

Reuters, November 4, 2015



For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.


Russia continues to build a military presence in Syria. Christopher Harmer, a senior analyst with the Institute for the Study of War, a research institute, said the increase in Russian forces on the ground represents support and logistical personnel needed to sustain combat operations. So the signs are that Russia is preparing for on the ground troops. He predicted the Russian force could expand to 8,000 or more. ”The increase to 4,000 is simply the logistical tail to support the combat tooth," he said.As well as preparations for conflict in Syria, Russian nuclear forces also conducted a large-scale exercise this week that included test firings of several long-range missiles along with dual-capable shorter range ballistic and cruise missiles, according to U.S. officials. These exercises were conducted in greater secrecy than normal. We see the preparation for war taking place. Without Christ’s intervention no one would survive it.

(Matthew 24:21-22 NLT)

Page 30: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russian bombers fly 8,000 miles to strike Syria

Russian long-range bombers were intercepted by RAF fighters during a mammoth 8,000-mile show of strength as they flew around the edge of Europe to fire missiles at Syria. RAF Typhoons from Lossiemouth in Scotland scrambled to escort the two Blackjack Tu-160 bombers as the skirted UK airspace along the Atlantic. The supersonic Russian jet bombers then flew south to Gibraltar before entering the Mediterranean and firing cruise missiles at targets in Syria and heading home north eastwards. Defence sources said the Russian bombers are believed to have taken the roundabout route rather than a more direct flight across the Caspian and Iran to demonstrate to Nato their long range bombing ability. The Aviationist website reported the two aircraft, the largest combat planes in the world, took of from Olenegorsk airbase, in the Kola Peninsula at around 9pm UK time on Wednesday.

Daily Telegraph, November 20,2015



Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail. How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy! Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD of hosts.

Putin has now confirmed that terrorists did blow up the plane that took off from Sharm El Sheikh killing 224 people – almost all were Russian. Following his announcement the Russian Air Force heavy bombers made their first appearance over Syria last night. The fact they travelled so far (8,000 miles) was to show to the West how powerful Russia has become. Russia released a video showing the planes which were being protected by Iranian F-14 fighter jets. One military expert pointed out that this shows Russia and Iran are working closely together and Russia may even be launching cruise missiles from Iran into Syria. Events seem to be bringing more nations, more weapons, more destruction into Syria every week. We know at some point the epicentre of the conflict will move from Syria – to Israel…but this happens after Syria is destroyed.BIBLE


(Jeremiah 49:24-26)

Page 31: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Turkey shoots down Russian plane near Syrian border

CNN is reporting Tuesday that a Russian warplane near the Turkish-Syria border was shot down by Turkish aircraft for what the country called a violation of its airspace.Turkish media is reporting that two of its F-16s hit the Russian plane within the rules of engagement and after several warnings, while Russian state media said that it was “gunned down from the ground.” According to BBC, it marks the first time a Russian plane has crashed in Syria since Vladimir Putin began ordering air support to assist Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Putin called the incident a “stab in the back” and said there would be consequences for Turkey.

Free Beacon, November 24, 2015



Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. If God wanted to describe Turkey invading Israel there are no better names than Gomer and Togarmah. In fact there are no other names that would describe this land at the time of Ezekiel. Even if other nations are included it must include Turkey.


(Ezekiel 38:6)

The conflict in Syria continues to get worse. More and more nations are getting involved with more and more weapons. Many predicted the eventual clash of outside nations and finally it has happened. But it almost certainly won’t be the last. Putin was furious about the downing of one of his fighter jets and demanded an apology. Sergey Lavrov has cancelled a planned trip to Turkey. But is this the start of a war between Russia and Turkey? Will Russia decide to attack Turkey in response?… even invade Turkey? With Bible in hand we can say…no! There is an impact of course of this attack (which we will discuss in this WWW) but the outcome will not be war or an invasion of Turkey by Russia. You will note that Russia sees what happened as a “stab in the back” - a phrase often used when referring to betrayal of a friend. Turkey has indeed befriended Russia in recent years – turning their back on Europe. The ultimate destiny of Turkey is to stay on-side with Russia. Whatever happens in the short term Turkey will join with Russia in invading Israel at some point in the future. Turkey is a nation specifically singled out in Ezekiel 38 – Gomer and Togarmah are old names for Turkey.

Page 32: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

The Russian military has deployed its sophisticated S-400 missile battery and radar array in Syria, a Russian state-run media outlet claimed Thursday. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu had announced Wednesday that the system would be deployed in Latakia, in northwest Syria, in response to Turkey shooting down a Russian warplane the day before. This nigh-impossible speed that would be required to bring in and activate the system in barely 24 hours has prompted some to question whether the S-400 system had been in place well before the Turkish military shot down the Su-24M aircraft, or if it is in place at all. The advanced missile system, completed in 2007, is capable of detecting and destroying aircraft some 400 kilometers (250 miles) away. Its deployment in Latakia will grant Russia aerial control over practically all of Syria, Lebanon and Cyprus, half of Turkey, parts of Iraq and Jordan - and, of course, Israel.

Times of Israel, November 26, 2015



Damascus has become feeble, and all her people turn to flee. Fear, anguish, and pain have gripped her as they grip a woman in labour. That famous city, a city of joy, will be forsaken. Her young men will fall in the streets and die. Her soldiers will all be killed,” says the Lord of Hosts.The superpowers are fighting different wars in Syria – it will end as described.


The shooting down by Turkey of the Russian plane has certainly some enormous consequences. The main consequence is the increase in Russian military hardware into Syria. Reports say that literally days before the incident Russia was about to do a deal with America to reduce its attacks in Syria and to begin to compromise on targets.But this was scrapped following the loss of their fighter plane. Russia has deployed its most sophisticated missile battery into Syria. This is a dramatic move because effectively Russia will dominate Syrian airspace (and beyond). If Russia wanted to it took take out any enemy aircraft and missiles. It is a projection of Russian strength into the region. Russia we know is the new king of the north. The ancient king of the north was Syria. With Syria as a nation in its death throes the new king of the north is setting up its military forces with speed. We may also see the UK enter the war next week…

Russia deploys S-400 missile battery in Syria

(Jeremiah 49:24-25)

Page 33: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


‘Syria is dead, Israel must prepare,’ top defence official warns

The nation state of Syria has collapsed, a fact that Israel must internalize about its northern neighbour, a senior Israeli defence official said Saturday. “Syria is a dead state, and Israel must understand this and prepare accordingly,” Amos Gilad, the director of the political-security division in the Defence Ministry and a former senior Military Intelligence official, told a cultural event in Beersheba. “Assad’s grip on the country is faltering, it is a land without rule,” Gilad said, according to Army Radio. With swathes of Syria falling into the hands of opposition forces, including jihadist groups, Assad has increasingly relied on support from allies Iran and the Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah, both sworn enemies of Israel.

Times of Israel, November 28, 2015



The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts. And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean. Ephraim = northern Israel. Jacob = Israel


So where is all this terrible conflict heading? It is heading to one cataclysmic event. The total destruction of Damascus. The end of Syria as a nation state. But somehow at the same time Israel is drawn into the collapse of Syria. We know this because Isaiah 17 tells us that Israel is greatly weakened at the time Syria implodes. We can see Israel beginning to prepare for this eventuality. The nightmare for Israel is that if Assad falls the rebel and terror groups that will take over will be even worse than he was.It is when Syria comes to a final end that Russia takes on the mantle long foretold as the new king of the north. Daniel chapter 11 is all about the ancient king of the north – Syria. But it switches to the new king of the north in Daniel 11:40. It might well be that the “push” from the king of the south against the king of the north comes over Syria. The word push means to gore - as a goat would with its horn. The push has NOT happened yet. It happens at the time of the end. The time of the end is upon us. We are about to see Britain drawn into this conflict. The king of the south v north in Syria.

(Isaiah 17:3-4)

Page 34: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Britain joins Syria air war

Britain joined U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State in Syria on Thursday, but Vladimir Putin issued bitter new denunciations of Turkey for shooting down a Russian plane, demonstrating the limits to international solidarity. British Tornado jets took off from the Royal Air Force base at Akrotiri in Cyprus before dawn, hours after parliament in London voted 397-223 to support Prime Minister David Cameron's plan to extend air strikes from Iraq to Syria. Britain said they struck oil fields used to fund Islamic State. "There are plenty more of these targets throughout eastern, northern Syria which we hope to be striking in the next few days and weeks," Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said. Britain would send eight more warplanes to Cyprus to join the missions.

Reuters, December 4, 2015



And I saw three unclean spirits [wicked teaching] like frogs [Frankish/France] come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.


(Revelation 16:13-14)

Just 2 weeks ago it would have seemed impossible for Britain to enter the Syrian war. David Cameron had tried once before a few years ago and was defeated. So what has changed? What changed were the Paris terror attacks. President Hollande called for nations to join a war against ISIS. Britain has responded and becomes yet another major power that is attacking Syria. In Revelation 16 we read of the nations being gathered to the great battle of Armageddon. Revelation 16 is all about the French Revolution. Coming out of the French Revolution were godless and crazy teachings of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It is the principles in this declaration that form the basis of Human Rights enshrined in European Law. France therefore is the home of the froglike unclean spirits that Revelation 16 speaks of. It is no coincidence that France is calling for nations to go to war over freedom. But actually it is the godless teachings that have emanated from France that are bringing the judgement of the whole world.

Page 35: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Germany's lower house of parliament on Friday approved government plans to join the military campaign against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in Syria.Of the 598 politicians who took part in the vote, 445 voted for, 146 against and seven abstained. The mission will include sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refuelling aircraft and up to 1,200 military personnel. Germany will not join countries like Britain, France, the United States and Russia in conducting air strikes. The green light for the mission that could become Germany's biggest deployment abroad comes three weeks after jihadists killed 130 people in a series of attacks in Paris. The atrocities prompted France to invoke a clause requiring EU states to provide military assistance to wipe out Isil in Iraq and Syria.

Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2015



The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The beast here is the 4th Reich – the revived Holy Roman Empire led by Germany


In the same week Germany has also answered the call to join the war. Unlike the UK, Germany will not actually attack Syria but instead will support those nations who are attacking. This is interesting because Germany has another leading role to play in the future. Germany is the head of the beast. The beast spoken of in Revelation 17 that rises out of the bottomless pit is the 4th Reich. The Holy Roman Empire was ruled over by German kings. It was known as the first Reich (Empire). That came to an end with events of the French Revolution. Next came the Germanic Empire - the 2nd Reich. That came to an end with WW1. Next came Hitler and the 3rd Reich. That came to an end with WW2. Coming soon will be the 4th Reich. It will rise out of the European Union and be led by Germany as all the others were. But the beast (4 th Reich) will make war against a returned Christ and the judged saints. Germany’s role is reserved for that.

Germany joins fight against Isil after parliament approves military action in Syria

(Revelation 17:8)

Page 36: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Russia sends its advanced tanks to Syria frontline

Russia is deploying its most advanced battlefield tanks in Syria, in the latest sign that the Kremlin is being forced to escalate its intervention from an air to a ground war.A report by the Iranian Fars news agency, supported by photographs circulating on social media this week, suggest that newly delivered T-90 tanks have been sent to support the Syrian regime’s advance south of Aleppo. Two months after Moscow intervened militarily to shore up a Syrian regime that was crumbling under the pressures of war, the deployment of T90s seems intended to combat a flood of anti-tank missiles with which rebel forces have been able to destroy less capable tanks. Experts say the Russian intervention is prolonging a conflict that has already claimed the lives of more than a quarter of a million Syrians, causing millions to flee abroad as world world powers pile in to join an escalating civil war.

Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2015



Concerning Damascus. Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; there is sorrow on the sea; it cannot be quiet. Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail. Hamath = Homs Arpad = Aleppo There is sorrow on the sea (peoples)

Each week sees another escalation in the war in Syria. It is such a complex situation. Russia and Iran want Assad to stay. They are attacking rebels who are trying to get rid of Assad. The trouble is these rebels are supported by America and Saudi Arabia who want Assad gone. But if that wasn’t complicated enough there is ISIS. ISIS wants to create its own caliphate and is attacking Assad forces to try to overthrow him. Everyone is against ISIS. But by Russia attacking the rebels who are attacking Assad is allowing ISIS to gain more territory! On top of all this there is Turkey which Russia accuses of taking oil from ISIS on the black market. The superpowers of the world have been gathered to Syria on different sides. The Bible speaks of Syria coming to an end as a nation. We are very near that point. Israel will soon become embroiled in this war…BIBLE


((Jeremiah 49:23-24)

Page 37: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Putin orders Russian military to be 'extremely tough’

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered his military to “act as toughly as possible” in defending its air group currently deployed in Syria, and to fire on anything that might threaten Russian servicemen and hardware in country.“I want to warn anyone who might again try to organise a provocation against our troops … any targets threatening the Russian air grouping or our land infrastructure should be immediately destroyed,” Putin said.The comments come just two weeks after a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber after it infringed on Turkish airspace during a bombing run, and appeared to be aimed primarily at Ankara.

Daily Telegraph, December 11, 2015



the Greek Empire will break into four kingdoms, but none as great as the first. At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. Daniel 8 is about the king of the north


(Daniel 8:22-23 NLT)

Putin’s aggressive words are aimed primarily at Turkey who shot down a Russian plane a few weeks ago. The war of words between Turkey and Russia continue. But of course the upping of the stakes with Turkey also increases risk of wider conflict with other nations at the same time. Putin has pretty much given his military a shoot to kill policy if threatened. The Russian air group have flown about 4,000 sorties in 10 weeks of operations and dropped thousands of bombs. Interestingly Jane's defence consultancy released a report calculating that Russian air support for Assad has only

resulted in a 0.4 percent gain in lost territory !In Daniel 8 we read that a latter day army general similar to Antiochus Epiphanes will arise. He appears in the last days. When sin is at its height. He will be a fierce ruler. He is a master of intrigue. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction. He will succeed in everything he does. He will be a master of deception. He will become arrogant. The man who fits this detailed picture in every way is… Vladimir Putin.

Page 38: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Putin raises spectre of nuclear weapons in Syria

As cruise missiles were launched toward Islamic State (Isis) positions in Syria by a Russian submarine in the Mediterranean on 8 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his "hope" that nuclear weapons would not be needed to fight the terrorist group. At a meeting in Moscow, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told Putin that the Rostov-on-Don submarine's 3M-54 Kalibr missiles successfully struck targets in the IS (Daesh) stronghold of Raqqa. Putin said that the missiles can be equipped with both conventional and nuclear warheads "which, I hope, will never be needed", Russia Today reported. Shoigu also said that Tu-22 bombers flying from their base in Russia had taken part in 60 combat raids in the last three days. He said that among targets destroyed were Isis oil facilities, munitions factories and munitions depots.

International Business Times, December 10, 2015



And the Lord will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. It is possible this plague is the effect of nuclear weapons begin used.

This is not the first time that Putin has almost glibly mentioned the possibility of using nuclear weapons. Back in April this year Russia threatened to use “nuclear force” to defend its annexation of Crimea and warned that the “same conditions” that prompted it to take military action in Ukraine exist in the three Baltic states, all members of Nato.For the first time in the Syrian conflict Russia fired missiles from submarines in the Med hitting targets in Syria. It was these missiles that Putin pointed out could carry nuclear weapons and he hoped they wouldn’t have to be used!So will this man use nuclear weapons? It is highly possible. As we have already quoted the fierce king of Daniel 8 shall “cause a shocking amount of destruction”. There is nothing more shocking from a destruction point of view than using nuclear weapons.BIBLE

QUOTE(Zechariah 14:12 NLT)

Page 39: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


UN Security Council agrees roadmap for Syria talks

The United States and Russia agreed to accept a roadmap for political transition in Syria on Friday night, marking the first time that the two deeply divided sides have been able to find common ground on the country's political future.The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a plan which will see representatives meet for formal peace talks in January 2016, leading to eventual elections. Within six months, the process should establish "credible, inclusive and non-sectarian governance," with UN-supervised "free and fair elections" to be held within 18 months. The agreement describes the transition as Syrian-led and Syrian-owned, stressing that the "Syrian people will decide the future of Syria."

Daily Telegraph, December 19, 2015



Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD of hosts. And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Benhadad. Benhadad is a title that can refer to any ruler of Damascus


(Jeremiah 49:26-27)

This may sound positive but with Bible in hand we know the future for Syria. We also know the future for Russia and America. The future for Syria is total destruction of Damascus. The end of the nation of Syria. A major war the follows this with Russia on one side and America on the other. We also know that Israel will become involved with the collapse of Syria as a nation. This hasn’t happened yet of course.

So what will cause this roadmap to peace to fail? The answer is Assad. The resolution makes no mention of the most contentious issue: whether or not President Bashar al-Assad would be able to run for office in new elections. The future of the Syrian president has become a key sticking point in attempts to reach a political agreement to end the five-year civil war, which has killed more than 250,000 people. In fact the Bible indicates the ruler of the nation of Syria is the issue. In Jeremiah 49 :23-27 we read of the destruction of Damascus. Verse 27 says that the palaces of Benhadad will be consumed. Benhadad is the title describing any Syrian king. Today the king is Assad.

Page 40: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

Projecting its ambition for regional leadership, Saudi Arabia said Tuesday it has lined up most of the Arab world, NATO member Turkey and several African and Asian countries behind a vaguely defined "Islamic military alliance" against terrorists. The move allows the kingdom, which follows a deeply conservative interpretation of Islam, to cast itself as a leader in the fight against extremism. But absent from the alliance are the Shiite-led countries of Iran and Iraq, as well as Syria, whose government is backed by Tehran. And that omission raises questions about whether the 34-member bloc is primarily intended to present a unified front against extremists — or to also serve as a Sunni deterrent to Iran, Saudi Arabia's main regional rival. Riyadh supports rebels fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad and has been leading an Arab coalition against Iran-supported Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen since March.

Associated Press, December 15, 2015



Sheba, and Dedan [Saudi Arabia], and the merchants of Tarshish [UK ], with all the young lions [US /Canada] thereof, shall say unto thee [Gog/Putin], Art thou come to take a spoil? This verse describes the 2 opposing forces. Saudi Arabia is first on the list as it is the driving force of the king of the south but supported by Britain / US.


Saudi Arabia is seeking to counter Iran’s influence in the Middle East. Ever since America brought Iran in from the cold by doing a deal with them over nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia has been working to increase its influence. Saudi Arabia and Iran are sworn enemies. Saudi is Sunni Muslim. Iran is Shia. The full list of nations in this alliance are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen, the Palestinians, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Benin, Chad, Togo, Djibouti, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Gabon, Guinea, Comoros, Ivory Coast, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria. No Iran. We are told in Ezekiel 38 about the opposing force to Russia/Iran. The first nation on the list of the opposing force is Sheba. Sheba is modern day Saudi Arabia! The king of the south power headed up by Saudi Arabia is coming together…

Saudi Arabia creates Islamic bloc to fight terror groups

(Ezekiel 38:13)

Page 41: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,

A prominent rebel leader was killed in an air strike near the Syrian capital on Friday, a monitoring group and rebel sources said, in what was seen as a major blow to the opposition fighting to wrest control of the country from the government.Zahran Alloush, the head of the powerful Islamist faction Jaysh al-Islam (Islam Army), was reported to have been killed when warplanes fired missiles at the headquarters of one of the group’s headquarters in Al-Marj area in the rebel-held eastern Ghouta region.According to the monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), Alloush was in a high-level meeting with five commanders and eight personnel when the attack happened. Hours after Alloush was killed, leading members of Jaish al-Islam elected Abu Himam al-Buwaydani as a replacement, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP.

Daily Telegraph, December 25, 2015



Listen! The armies of many nations roar like the roaring of the sea. Hear the thunder of the mighty forces as they rush forward like thundering waves. But though they thunder like breakers on a beach, God will silence them, and they will run away. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind, like a tumbleweed whirling before a storm.


A few days after Israel killed a leading figure in Hezbollah another airstrike took place - this time killing a leading figure in one of the Syrian rebel groups who want to overthrow Assad. There is much speculation that this attack was carried out by Russia – although Russia denies this. The rebel leader killed was head of a group called Jaish al-Islam. Jaish al-Islam is the dominant force in the Damascus suburbs and is backed by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia wants Assad overthrown. Last week we reported how Saudi Arabia is further strengthening its arming of rebels and has created a bloc of nations (mainly Sunni Muslim) with the continued aim of removing Assad. We can see that despite the peace talks planned in January that the situation in Syria just gets worse and worse. We know with Bible in hand that terrible destruction is coming on Syria. It will cause the nation to fail entirely. Into the void that is left Russia will descend…

Syrian rebel leader 'killed in air strike near Damascus'

(Isaiah 17:12-13)

Page 42: Syria 2015. he Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year The year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed,


Russia kills 200 civilians with air strikes on Syria

Shortly after 8.30 on a Sunday morning, Russian jets took off from an air base near Syria’s Mediterranean coast. Less than 30 minutes later, they fired three missiles into a crowded market, killing 49 people. A new report by Amnesty International lays bare the scale of the suffering caused by Russia’s campaign on behalf of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. The human rights group documented the deaths of 200 civilians in 25 Russian air strikes in the space of two months. Mosques, hospitals and schools have all fallen victim to the Kremlin's warplanes, which have also used illegal cluster munitions. Amnesty suggested that Russia "may have lied to cover up civilian damage to a mosque from one air strike and a field hospital in another”. One of the bloodiest incidents took place on Nov 29 when a market in the rebel-held town of Ariha was hit.

Daily Telegraph, December 23, 2015



Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the king of the north. The king of the north will storm out with chariots, charioteers, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will enter the glorious land of Israel


America has stopped flying manned air-support missions for rebels in northern Syria due to Russia’s expansion of air defence systems there. Earlier this month, Moscow deployed an SA-17 advanced air defence BUK system near the area and began “painting” U.S. planes, targeting them with radar in what U.S. officials said was a direct and dangerous provocation. The Pentagon has halted all manned flights. With U.S. planes out of the way, Russia has stepped up its own airstrikes along the Turkey-Syria border, and the Obama administration has accused it of targeting the rebel groups the U.S. was supporting, not the Islamic State. But with the increased Russian bombing has come even more civilian casualties. The only answer nations have for the world’s issues is for even more conflict, more destruction, more death. Russia is getting ever more involved in Syria. We can see how America and Russia could come into conflict in Syria – the king of the south will push at the king of the north.

(Daniel 11:40 NLT)
