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Syria Eastern World and Civilizations 2013-14. First Some Background on Syria…

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Syria Eastern World and Civilizations 2013-14

Syria Eastern World and Civilizations 2013-14

First Some Background on Syria…

Map of Syria

Geographic location:3


Background Information

Syrian Republic is exactly 80 years old (established 1932)

Gained independence from France 1946

Multi party democracy for 3 years 1946-1949

USA sponsored military coup d'état led by Hussni Alzaim

Political instability between 1949- 1954

Multi party democracy 1954-1958

Union with Egypt 1958-1961

Military coup that brought the Baath party to power 1963 till NOW

Under Baath pretext Hafiz Assad military coup in 1970

Hafez Assad ruled Syria for 30 years 1970-2000

Bashar Assad inherited the Republic in 2000 and has been ruling Syria since then


Syrian American Council www.sacouncil.com

Background Information

Prior to WWII Syria was a French colony, that gained independence

They constantly go through a cycle of leaders, who are backed by the army/ Muslim group, then overthrown by a queue

The Assad family has been in power since the 60’s Hafez al-Assad was the “president” and groomed his

first son to take the position The first son died

Background Information

So they turned to Bashar… Bashar inherited the republic after his dad died

in 2000. The Parliament amended the constitution,

reducing the mandatory minimum age of the President from 40 to 34 to allow Bashar to become legally eligible for nomination

97.29 % Referendum !!


Syrian American Council www.sacouncil.com

Current Syria

Current Syria

About 110,000 Syrians have been killed; 1.5 million have had to flee due to war

Current Syria

There is still unrest in Syria and the use of chemical weapons has been brought to the forefront Israeli forces are still attacking them

Rebels are fighting the government still, even killing government personal

Several investigations have showed that there still is the use chemical warfare in Syria cause hundreds of fatalities of men, women, and children

The US has expressed that they are ready to order a strike but the U.K. parliament has been fighting it

Syrians are clearly losing to the government

The country itself is falling apart, its losing unity and identity

Events in Syria 2013  The U.N.'s refugee agency reports that over 1.5 million Syrians have left

their country to escape the war

European Union nations end the arms embargo against the Syrian rebels (May 27, 2013 )

The Obama Administration says that Syria has crossed a 'red line' with its use of chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin gas, against rebels

It will be stepping up its support of the rebels, who have been calling for the United States and others to provide arms need to battle al-Assad's forces (June 13, 2013 )

Assad will not step down

Events in Syria 2013

Ghassan Hitto is now the prime minister of The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (March 19, 2013 )

Ahmad Assi Jarba is now the new leader of the Syrian National Coalition (July 6, 2013 )

May 5 2013 Israeli forces conducted an airstrike in Syria targeted at a research a research facility in mountains near Damascus as well as one the previous week

In August a research team was sent into Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons

Claims that chemical weapons were used on civilians in an attack outside of Damascus

1,400 people were killed

Cause for the Syrian Revolution

Cause for the Syrian Revolution Political instability has been a problem for Syria since 1946,

when it gained its independence from France

A civil war has been long in the making ever since Assad came to power

In February 2011, 15 school students in Daraa were arrested due to painting a revolution slogan, “As-Shaab / Yoreed / Eskaat el nizam!” (meaning “The people/ want/ to topple the regime!”) on school walls

The schoolboys were taken into custody where they were beaten, burned, and had their fingernails pulled by a “secret police” headed by Gen. Atef Najeeb, a cousin of President Bashar al-Assad

March 15, 2011 - Activists call for a Day of Rage across Syria, inspired by other popular uprisings across the Arab world

In these demonstrations, Syrian addressed their unhappiness with Assad and were asking for democratic reforms

Cause for the Syrian Revolution

Government security forces didn’t like this, responded with:



Killing- troops even opened fire on protesters who then fired back

OnMarch 18, 5 people were killed as security forces dispersed crowds in the southern town of Daraa (this was the first of many deadly attacks reported in the uprising).

Over the next days, Daraa was reported sealed off, with no one allowed to enter.

Cause for the Syrian Revolution On March 25, troops opened fire on protesters in several cities

and crowds clash on the streets of the capital of Damascus

Over 100,000 people reportedly marched in Daraa and about 20 protesters were reportedly killed

So the Syrian people decided to organize and arm themselves to fight back

The government really didn’t like this and so the military started destroying entire neighborhoods and towns

From a here, a war broke out and has been going on for about 2 years

If in 2011 someone told you that a civil war broke out in the US would you

ever believe that it had it could have lasted for over 2 years? What would your

response have been?

Key Players of the Revolution

Key PlayersPresident Bashar al-Assad

President of Syria

When first brought to power, promised of reformations to get rid of corruption and modernize Syria

Provided support to militant groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad

Has been proved that opposition to Assad’s regime have been imprisoned, tortured, and killed

In 2011 his brutal policies drove citizens over the edge

His regime has been the opposition of Syrian rebels

Key PlayersPresident Bashar al-Assad

When he came into power the people of Syria were ready for change

Hafez al-Assad was a very oppressive ruler When Bashar came into power he wanted to make social and

educational reforms He wanted to rule a literate society, that was technologically

advanced Bashar was not raised to rule over people. To prepare him better,

Hafez, his father, made sure he was surrounded by elders. Bashar would act as a figure-head, while the experienced seniors made the decisions.

Key PlayersPresident Bashar al-Assad

Hafez al –Assad was known to act violently when experienced adversity.

He crushed any up-risings that might thwart his success as a leader.

In 1982, the Hama Massacre left 2,000-5,000 people dead, including soldiers, civilians, and insurgents.

Key Players Syrian Opposition

Group of rebels trying to overcome Assad’s regime

Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces

Formed in 2012

Lead by Ahmad Jarba as of July

Wanted to bring together people of different religious sects to oppose Assad

FSA (Free Syrian Army)

Violent opposition to Assad

There is no unity between the members except that they are all just men with guns

Lacked a good leader

Key Players

Jihadist groups

Terrorist group fighting against the government

Declared loyalty to Al-Queda, but haven't officially joined


Has voiced that they are supporting Syrian rebels but have done little about due to the fragile situation

Us has sent in some weapons to the rebels

Have held several investigations against Syrian government about the use of chemical weapons

Key Players

UN Security Council

split on how to intervene

Russia and China have blocked efforts by Western countries pass harsh sanctions.

Unable to come to an agreement on how to respond to August 2013 accusations of chemical weapons use by Assad's regime

Saudi Arabia and Qatar

Saudi Arabia is supplying weapons for its own personal reasons

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia hate Shia Iran, so they are using the war to weaken it

Qatar is attempting to befriend Syria in hope that one day they will be able to help Qatar

Main events

Main Events

April 21, 2011 - Al-Assad lifted the country's 48-year-old state of emergency

He also abolished the Higher State Security Court and issued a decree "regulating the right to peaceful protest, as one of the basic human rights guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution.“

May 18, 2011 - The U.S. imposed sanctions against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and six other senior Syrian officials

"As a result of this action, any property in the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons in which the individuals listed in the Annex have an interest is blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them."

Main Events These sanctions however do not stop the violence in Syria

In August after several days of violence in the city of Hama, the epicenter of anti-regime protests, hundreds are left dead by Syrian security forces

Corpses are scattered in the streets and hospitals are overwhelmed with casualties

Even though the revolution is only five months in, several countries are already express their unhappieness with the events in Syria

The United States, Britain, France and Germany and the European Union demand that Assad resign, saying he is unfit to lead

Little do they know the worst is yet to come

Main Events In response to the violence, several countries stopped imports from Syria

August 18, 2011 - The U.S froze Syrian government assets in the U.S.

Americans were unable to make new investments in the country and any U.S. transactions relating to Syrian petroleum products, among other things, were prohibited

September 2011 - The European Union banned the import of Syrian oil

imposed additional sanctions against Syria, due to "the continuing brutal campaign" by the government against its own people.

October 2, 2011 - The Syrian National Council was established

Due to the violence against citizens, Arab Leagues suspends Syria's membership in November 2011

Main Events

On December 19, 2011 Syria signed an Arab League proposal aimed at ending violence between government forces and protesters

It clearly has not had the effect they were hoping it to

For the next several months thousands s will be killed in various attacks against the rebels (aprox. 5,000)

It isnt till December 23, 2011tthat the next suicide attack is seen

Two car bombs explode near intelligence agency compounds in Damascus, killing 44 people

Exactly two weeks after this bombing in another explosion rips through a busy intersection and police bus in the capital, killing at least 25 people

Main EventsThe Violence Only Worsens

This violence only worsens as time goes on, so much so that on January 28, 2012 The Arab League had to suspend its mission in Syria as violence there continues

Over a 100 people had been killed in only THREE days

A few months later the (Feb. 6, 2012) The Obama administration also closed the US Embassy in Damascus and pulled all American diplomats out of Syria due to the violence

Several times the UN Security Council tried to intervene in Syria, but Russia and China continually vetoed all attempts

Main Events

March 15, 2012 - On the first anniversary of the start of the uprising, thousands march in a pro-Assad rally in Damascus

Tanks and snipers continue to besiege Daraa

More than 8,000 have been killed in the crackdown.

Main EventsUN Intervention

About 3 months later, The U.N. Security Council authorized up to 300 unarmed military observers for a 90-day mission in Syria

The monitors are tasked with observing a cease-fire that was supposed to go into effect April 12

In addition, observers are tasked with supporting the implementation of Annan's peace plan, which also calls for access for humanitarian groups, the release of arbitrarily arrested detainees and the start of a political dialogue.

Annan’s peace plan: Kofi Annan's plan to end violence, give access to humanitarian agencies, release detainees, and start a political dialogue to address the concerns of the Syrian people

Unfortunately this plan had to be abandoned in June due to the danger of the mission

Main Events

In July, top Assad aides killed in bombing

The massacre of roughly 200 people in Tresmeh, a small Syrian farming village, ignites international criticism on July 13, with reports claiming heavy weaponry was used against civilians

The Free Syria Army responds five days later, on July 18, taking responsibility for the bombing of the National Security building in Damascus that killed top members of President Assad’s government.

On July 23, 2012 the first official reference to chemical weapons is made

 The Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdissi, threatens to use chemical and biological weapons against outside forces

"No chemical or biological weapons will ever be used, ... unless Syria is exposed to external aggression."

Main EventsUN Accuses Syria of War Crimes

August 2012- U.N. accuses Syria of war crimes

The U.N. Human Rights Council says the Syrian military committed war crimes in the massacre of more than 100 civilians (1/2 of them children) in the village of Houla in May 2012

Main EventsRebels Make A Significant Fight Back Starting in November, the rebels begin to make a significant fight

back as Syrian government weakens

Shoot down a military helicopter in November

Rebel make gains in Damascus's suburbs, taking over military bases as they close in on the city's airport against weakened Syrian government forces in December

In February a surge of rebel advances in Syria is being fueled by an influx of heavy weaponry in a renewed effort by outside powers to arm FSA

Main EventsMajor Bombing

A car bomb that detonated at a checkpoint near Baath party headquarters in Damascus sets off a huge explosion, killing dozens and wounding more than 200.

Main EventsChemical Weapon Accusations

April 2013 Syria accused of using chemical

weapons Britain and France inform the United

Nations that there is credible evidence that Syria has used chemical weapons against rebel forces.

Main EventsHezbollah Get Involved

Hezbollah fighters aid Syrian military

Hezbollah, a long-standing ally of Syria, sends thousands of men to support Assad forces and fight against the rebels in parts of the strategic border town of Qusair.

On June 5, 2013 Hezbollah forces succesfully help Syrian goverment capture Qusair

Chemical/Biological Weapons

Chemical Weapons

Several investigations have proven that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against the people

Chemical WeaponsDates of Accused Chemical Weapon Use

Khan al-Assal, 19 March 2013

Syria's state news agency Sana reported that "terrorists" had fired a rocket "containing chemical materials", killing 16 people in the Khan al-Assal area of Aleppo province.

Al-Otaybeh, 19 March 2013

Video uploaded showing men having difficulty breathing after and attack on the village

Adra, 24 March 2013

The Local Co-Ordination Committees, a network of activists in Syria, said in its summary for 24 March that two people had been killed and "dozens" injured when Adra was shelled with "chemical phosphorus" bombs.

Chemical WeaponsDates of Accused Chemical Weapon Use

Sheikh Maqsoud, 13 April 2013

SOHR reported that two women and two children had been killed by poisoning from "gases from bombs dropped by an aircraft on the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood.”

Videos show patients experiencing symptoms associated with chemical weapons

Saraqeb, 29 April 2013

Canisters were dropped above the town from helicopters, believed to be chemical weapons

Ghouta, 21 August 2013

Activists claimed rockets with toxic agents were launched at the suburbs of the Ghouta region

Chemical WesponsGhoutta Attacks: 2013

On August 21, 2013, a group of rebels attacked the Ghoutta suburbs, killing between 281 and 1,729 people.

The Syrian government has adamantly denied the use of chemical weaponry, but lab results confirmed the use of sarin nerve gas in weapons.

The region, near Mount Qasion has been the target for Israeli airstrikes.

Independent analysts have proven that the weapons were launched from areas under government control.

Chemical WeaponsResponse to the Ghoutta Attacks

The Syrian Government says that Qatar shipped weapons to Libya and Syria

The citizens have started to protest, and have started raising awareness to the corrupt government

Russian defense experts have called the accusations “distorted” and “one-sided”

Experts claim that the weapons used during the attacks were created in a factory in 1967, and could have been stolen by outside terrorist groups

Chemical WeaponsSiege of Ghoutta

Rebels still control the city, but loyal troops are besieging east Ghoutta

Ghoutta is still under air raids and rocket attacks

Troops are stationed at the only two entrances to prevent people from entering or leaving the city

The citizens don’t have access to electricity, bread, milk, fuel, medicine and baby milk

They must rely on any products they are able to manually grow (it could take several weeks or more, to produce one serving of food)

Chemical WeaponsInvestigations UN inspectors sent into Damascus to investigate use of chemical

weapons in August 2013

Concluded that 1,429 people were killed in an attack by the possible use of chemical weapons

In September, the UN finds 'convincing evidence' of chemical attack (nerve agent sarin)

In response, Russia proposes Syrian government give up chemical arms to avoid a attack by the US

October 1, 2013: Weapons inspectors enter Syria

A group of weapons inspectors from Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons arrived in Damascus to begin the task of overseeing the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons program.

Chemical WeaponsDestruction of Chemical Weapons

Syria destroys chemical weapons facilities

Syria has rendered its declared chemical weapons production facilities inoperable, according to the organization in charge of overseeing the nation’s chemical weapons disarmament.

Do you think that this is really the end of Chemical Weapon use by Syria?

Who’s guilty of using chemical weapons?

The People’s argument

The government is using chemical weaponry against their own people

The government is corrupt, and trying to get rid of anyone who opposes the power

Government/ Assad Family’s argument

Outside terrorist groups are challenging our power

Rebels are using chemical weaponry to create international outrage and to involve the Westerners

Chemical WeaponsEffects of Chemical Weapons of People Blurred Vision

Convulsions Muscle Spasms Excessive Saliva Difficulty


Foaming at the mouth

Hallucinations Memory Loss Suffocation “a smell like

vinegar and rotten eggs”

Analyze the following quote:

“Syria’s chemical weapons are a poor man’s nuclear bomb”

(Abdel Bari Atwan, former editor-in-chief of the Al-Quds Al-Arabi London-based pan- Arab daily, said on Al-Manar TV)

Effects Of the Revolution

Effects of the RevolutionDeath Toll

More than 110,000 people have died in the conflict

1.5 million have had to flee due to war

In comparison, The Wells Fargo Center can seat a max of 19,500




Effects of the RevolutionEconomy The economy has greatly suffered since the start of the revolution in


75% of the production facilities in Aleppo (Syria's commercial capital) have been shutdown

Farmers have been unable to till their fields or sell their crops.

Food is becoming scarce and increasingly expensive

“More than 50% of the Syrian healthcare system's infrastructure has been destroyed”

Of the 75 state-run hospitals, just 30 remain in operation.

Over $100 billion is required for the reconstruction of Syria

Syria needs at least 25 years to reconstruct what has been destroyed during the conflict

Effects of the Revolution

Other countries have also suffered from the revolution It has cost Turkey seven hundred and fifty

million dollars to host the refugees, with about one hundred million more coming in from outside source

Turkey has been made a target of Assad since it’s borders are open to Syrian refugees Will slowly drag Turkey into the war

Effects of the Revolution

The country has been completely torn apart

Losing their identity and unity

People with Syrian roots who don’t event live in Syria have taken sides on the revolution

Sawsan Jabri and Osama Siblani represent the advancement of the Arab community in the Detroit area

represent dissension among Arab-Americans over Syria and underscore a growing rift over ideological, political and regional differences.

Each speaks for opposing camps: Jabri is a spokeswoman for the Syrian Expatriates Organization (rebels backed by the US) & Siblani has been a voice opposing U.S. intervention through counter-demonstrations and the opinion pages of his newspaper.

Effects Of the RevolutionWhat’s Next? Possible scenarios:

The fall of the Assad regime would require an external intervention and/or supporting the Free Syrian Army with the means to defend themselves and topple the regime.

Assad remains in power for years to come and continues to escalate violence resulting in civil war, inflamed regional conflicts and more death and destruction.

Assad crushes the uprising with the backing of Russia, China and Iran, and cement his rule for the next generation. Think North Korea.

Conclusion and outcomes

What can we do:

Contact the While House and US Congress and tell them to support the help the Syrian people topple the regime

Donate to humanitarian organizations working in Syria or in refugee camps

Become a SAC member and volunteer www.sacouncil.com

Write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper

Organize a rally or a town hall meeting to raise awareness

Use social media to spread the word


Syrian Human Rights Committee www.shrc.org



Stories from revolution:

Hamza AL-Khatib

Arrested during a protest in Saida, 10km east of Daraa, on April 29, Hamza's body was returned to his family on Tuesday 24th May, horribly mutilated. The child had spent nearly a month in the custody of Syrian security, and when they finally returned his corpse it bore the scars of brutal torture: Lacerations, bruises and burns to his feet, elbows, face and knees, consistent with the use of electric shock devices and of being whipped with cable, both techniques of torture documented by Human Rights Watch as being used in Syrian prisons during the bloody three-month crackdown on protestors.

Hamaza has became a symbol for all Syrian children who were killed and tortured. Syrian American Council www.sacouncil.com

Stories From the Revolution

Stories From the Revolution

Stories from revolution: Tal al Mallohi: born in January 4, 1991 a Syrian blogger from Homs.

She has been called "the youngest prisoner of conscience in the Arab world".

On 27 December 2009, Tal was taken from her home by officers of one of the security offices in Syria because she has written poems about Palestine and social commentaries on her blog.

Ever since, her parents didn't know which security office has detained her nor where they can visit their daughter.

Tal al-Mallohi has been accused by the Syrian government of being a spy for the United States of America, and sentenced on February 15, 2011 to five years in prison.

Syrian American Council www.sacouncil.com

Stories from revolution:

Ibrahim Qashoush: was a fireman and amateur poet from Hama,

Syria. During the 2011 Syrian uprising, Qashoush was noted for singing and authoring songs mocking Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and the ruling Ba'ath party. The protest anthem, "Come on, Bashar, time to leave", is attributed to him. On 4 July 2011, Qashoush was found dead in the Orontes River, his throat cut and his vocal cords ripped out. After his murder, fellow protesters hailed Qashoush as the "nightingale of the revolution”

Syrian American Council www.sacouncil.com

Stories From the Revolution

Role of the UN, USA, and the World

Role of the UN, USA, and the World US

The US is clearly against Assad’s regime but have been careful about how they got involved

They have given some weapons to the FSA

President Barack Obama has been pushing for U.S. military action

Has been talk in UN over US intervention, but the UN is split on the matter

Role of the UN, USA, and the World UN and The World

The UN has been divided on the matter

There are many risks in intervention

General Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary) warned that an "ill-considered" strike could have "tragic consequences" for the strife-torn country

Russia and China have continually vetoed propositions in intervene due to their ally with the Syrian government

Do you think that the UN should take a stand in Syria? Why or not?

Some Political Cartoons…
