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Queuing Simulation SS2015 Simulation of Queuing System Matriculation Nr. 18790 Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz 7/10/2015

Queuing Simulation SS2015 Simulation of Queuing System Matriculation Nr. 18790 Muhammad Ahsan Nawaz 7/10/2015

Queuing Simulation



The type of queuing system a business uses is an important factor in determining how efficient

the business is run. In this project, we examine one type of queue system: single-server queue

system which is commonly seen in grocery stores, call centers, banks and fast food restaurants

respectively. We use computer programs to simulates the queues and predict the queue length,

waiting time and wait probability. The input to the simulation program is based on the statistics

collected from different possibilities. The discrete–event simulation approach is used to model

the queuing systems and to analyze the side effects when one system is changed to other. Finally, with

comparative analysis of experiment data, we show that under a special condition, the

difference of the performance of the queuing systems with different queuing disciplines is


Queuing Simulation


Revision History

Name Date Reason for changes Version

Simulation of queuing system

13-11-2015 First time(Just Completed) 1.0

Simulation of queuing system

14-11-2015 Minor changes 1.1

Queuing Simulation


Table of Contents:

CHAPTER – 1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

1.1. What is it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

CHAPTER – 2 Problems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

2. Simulation of Queuing System: why? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

2.1. Single-Server Queuing System: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10

2.2. Components of Queuing System:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

CHAPTER – 3 Models ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

3. Models: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3.1. Simulation using tables: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3.1.1. Simulation steps using Simulation tables: -------------------------------------------------------------- 12

3.1.2. Simulation of Queuing system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12

3.1.3. Interesting Observations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

3.2. Examples: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

3.2.1. Example 1: A Grocery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17

3.2.2. Example 2: Call Center Problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

CHAPTER – 4 Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24

4. Results: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

4.1. Discussion of the results: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

4.2. Advantages of Queuing System Simulation: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26

4.3. Disadvantages: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Summary: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

Critical reflection: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

Literature: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

References: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

Queuing Simulation


List of Figures:

Figure 1: Queuing System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Figure 2: Simulation of Queuing system: Why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

Figure 3: Flow chart of arrival event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Figure 4: Flow chart of departure event -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Figure 5: Chart of number of customer in the system -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Figure 6: A Grocery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17

Figure 7:Call center ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

Figure 8: Graph for call center --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

Figure 9: Graph for Bin frequency ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

List of Tables:

Table 1: Simulation using table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Table 2: Simulation of queuing system (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Table 3: Simulation of queuing system (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Table 4: Chronological ordering of events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15

Table 5: Analysis of a small grocery store (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Table 6: Analysis of a small grocery store (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Table 7: Simulation runs for 100 customers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Table 8: Call center problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Table 9: Service time distribution of baker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Table 10: Service time distribution of Able----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Table 11: Simulation runs for 100 calls ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

Queuing Simulation


CHAPTER – 1 Introduction

Queuing Simulation


1. Introduction

Queuing simulation is based on the idea of queuing theory that stems from operations

research and helps to analyze and model resource allocation and process duration for a

variety of different applications.

1.1. What is it?

Queuing simulation as a method is used to analyze how systems with limited

distribute those resources to elements waiting to be served, while waiting elements

may exhibit discrete variability in demand, i.e. arrival times and require discrete

processing time.

Queuing theory based analysis is regularly used for e.g. A Grocery, Call Center and

Banks. A queuing system is described by its calling population, the nature of the

arrivals, the service mechanism, the system capacity, and the queuing discipline. A

simple single-channel queuing system is portrayed in Figure 1.Whether, Different

queuing models are possible; however, all follow the structure of:

Calling Population

Waiting Line


Figure 1: Queuing System

Source: http://www.me.utexas.edu/~jensen/ORMM/computation/unit/dynamic_programming/dp_data/finite_queue/

Queuing Simulation


Figure: 1 clearly shown the whole procedure of single-Channel queuing system. And

a queuing system is described by:

Calling Population

Arrival Rate

Service mechanism

System capacity

Queuing discipline

Queuing Simulation


CHAPTER – 2 Problems

Queuing Simulation


2. Simulation of Queuing System: why?

Figure 2: Simulation of Queuing system: Why?

Source: http://blogs.citrix.com/2013/06/28/efficient-queuing-but-where/

There are many reasons behind this phenomena that why we need Queuing simulation?

Some of the factor’s discussed in this paper.

Here is some factor’s:

A major application of simulation has been in the analysis of waiting line, or

queuing systems.

Since the time spent by people and things waiting in line is a valuable resource,

the reduction of waiting time is an important aspect of operations management.

Waiting time has also become more important because of the increased

emphasis on quality. Customers equate quality service with quick service and

providing quick service has become an important aspect of quality service.

Capacity problem are very common in industry and one of the main drivers of

process redesign.

Need to balance the cost of increased capacity against the gains of

increased productivity and service.

Queuing and waiting time analysis is particularly important in service systems.

Large costs of waiting and of lost sales due to waiting.

Queuing Simulation



Patients arrive by ambulance or by their own record.

One doctor is always on duty

More and more patient seeks help Longer waiting times

Questions: should another MD position be instated?

2.1. Single-Server Queuing System:

The single channel queuing system can be seen in places such as banks, post offices,

Grocery stores and call centers, where one single queue will diverge into a few

counters. The moment a customer leaves a service station, the customer at the head

of the queue will go the server. The disadvantage of a Single-channel queue is that

the queue length seems to be very long, thus it can discourage customers to join the


2.2. Components of Queuing System:

A queue system can be divided into four components:

Arrivals: Concerned with how items (People, cars etc.) arrive in the system.

Queue or waiting line: Concerned with what happens between the arrival of

an item requiring service and the time when service is carried out.

Service: Concerned with the time taken to serve a customer.

Outlet or departure: The exit from the system.

A queuing problem involves striking a balance between the cost of making

reductions in service time and the benefits gained from such a reduction.

Queuing Simulation


CHAPTER – 3 Models

Queuing Simulation


3. Models: There are many ways to simulate queuing system by using tables, MS Excel or through

different software like; Arena, Witness and R Studio. But in this paper we will go to

discuss queuing system simulation by using Tables and MS Excel.

3.1. Simulation using tables:

Introducing simulation by manually simulating on a table

Can be done via pen-and-paper or by using a spreadsheet

Table 1: Simulation using table

Repetition Inputs Response

I Xi1 Xi2 … Xij … Xip Yi



. . .


3.1.1. Simulation steps using Simulation tables:

Determine the characteristics of each of the inputs to the simulation. Quite

often, these may be modeled as probability distributions, either continuous or


Construct a simulation table. Each simulation table is different, for each is

developed for the problem at hand. Example: there are p inputs, xij; J = 1, 2… p

and one response, Yi, for each of repetitions I = 1, 2… n. Initialize the table by

filling in the data for repetition 1.

For each repetition I, generate a value for each of the p inputs, and evaluate the

function, calculating a value of the response Yi. The input values may be

computed by sampling values from the distributions determined in step 1. A

response typically depends on the inputs and one or more previous responses.

Determine the characteristics of each of the inputs to the simulation (Probability


3.1.2. Simulation of Queuing system

Single server queue

Calling population is infinite

Queuing Simulation


o Arrival rate does not change

Units are served according FIFO.

Arrivals are defined by the distribution of the time between

Arrivals inter- arrival time

Service times are according to a distribution

Arrival rate must be less than service rate stable system

Otherwise waiting line will grow unbounded unstable system.

Queuing system state


o Server

o Units (in Queue or being served)

o Clock

State of the system

o Number of units in the system

o Status of server (idle, busy)


o Arrival of a unit

o Departure of a unit

Flow chart (Arrival Event)

If server idle unit gets service, otherwise unit enters queue.

Figure 3: Flow chart of arrival event

The arrival event occurs when a unit enters the system. The unit may find the server

either idle or busy; therefore, either the unit begins service immediately, or it enters the

queue for the server.

Queuing Simulation


Flow Chart (Departure Event)

If queue is not empty begin servicing next unit, otherwise server will be idle.

Figure 4: Flow chart of departure event

If a unit has just completed service, the simulation proceeds in the manner shown in the

flow diagram of Figure 3.0. Note that the server has only two possible states: it is either

busy or idle.

How do events occur?

Events occur randomly

Inter-arrival times = {1,…,6}

Service times = {1,…,4}

Queuing Simulation


Table 2: Simulation of queuing system (1)

Customer Inter-arrival Time Arrival time on clock Service Time

1 - 0 2 2 2 2 1

3 4 6 3

4 1 7 2 5 2 9 1

6 6 15 4

Table 3: Simulation of queuing system (2)

Customer Number

Arrival Time [Clock]

Time Service Begins [Clocks]

Service Time [Duration]

Time Service Ends [clock]

1 0 0 2 2

2 2 2 1 3 3 6 6 3 9

4 7 9 2 11

5 9 11 1 12 6 15 15 4 19

Table 4: Chronological ordering of events

Clock Time Customer Number Event Type Number of Customers

0 1 Arrival 1

2 1 Departure 0

2 2 Arrival 1

3 2 Departure 0

6 3 Arrival 1

7 4 Arrival 2

9 3 Departure 1

9 5 Arrival 2

11 4 Departure 1

12 5 Departure 0

15 6 Arrival 1

19 6 Departure 0

The inter-arrival and service time

are taken from distributions

The simulation run is

built by meshing

clock, arrival and

service times!

Queuing Simulation


3.1.3. Interesting Observations Customer 1 is in the system at time 0

Sometimes, there are no customers

Sometimes, there are two customers

Several events may occur at the same time

Figure 5: Chart of number of customer in the system

3.2. Examples: One of the major factors influencing the success of organizations in today’s

competitive world is to increase customer satisfaction through the improvement of

service quality. Therefore, service organizations have focused on various ways to

understand customer perceptions and have planned different strategies in order to

provide greater degree of services to customers.

In any service organization, managers are mostly concerned about the time that

customers are required to wait for receiving their service. The delays in receiving

service which will lead to queuing are the usual problems in industrial environments

and even in everyday life situations. The fundamental features of a standard queuing

system consist of the structure of the line, groups of demand, arrival and service

processes, and discipline of the queue. In onsite service organizations such as A

Grocery stores, Call centers, governmental agencies or banks, the inability to

optimize the capability of the service will result in long queues. Hence, the

recognition and understanding of customer demand and what the customer prefers

is the initial step for the improvement of the service capability. In this report our

main focused is to provide simulation related to single-server queuing system.

Queuing Simulation


3.2.1. Example 1: A Grocery

Figure 6: A Grocery

Source:https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=queuing+system+images&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbo=u&so urce=univ&sa=X&ved=0CBoQsARqFQoTCOKpsp7V2sYCFQfRFAodH3wPwA#tbm=isch&q=Grocery+store+queuing++system+images&imgrc=LIaBzzsA7LZ7_M%3A

Analysis of a small grocery store One checkout counter

Customer arrives at random times from {1, 2… 8}

Service times vary from {1,2,…,6} minutes

Consider the system for 100 customers

Table 5: Analysis of a small grocery store (1)

Inter-arrival time [minute]

Probability Cumulative Probability

1 0.125 0.125

2 0.125 0.250

3 0.125 0.375

4 0.125 0.500

5 0.125 0.625

6 0.125 0.750

7 0.125 0.875

8 0.125 1.000

Queuing Simulation


Table 6: Analysis of a small grocery store (2)


Sample size is too small to be able to draw reliable conclusions

Initial condition is not considered

Simulation runs for 100 Customer

Simulation System Performance Measure

Customer Inter-arrival Time [Minutes]

Arrival Time [Clock]

Time Service Begins [Clock]

Time service Ends [Clocks]

Waiting time in Queue [Minutes]

Time Customer in system [Minutes]

Idle time of server [Minutes]

1 - 0 4 0 4 0 4 0

2 Service time [Minutes]

1 2 4 6 3 5 0

3 1 2 5 6 11 4 9 0

4 6 8 4 11 15 3 7 0

5 3 11 1 15 16 4 5 0

6 7 18 5 18 23 0 5 2

… 100 5 415 2 416 418 1 3 0

Total 415 317 174 491 101 Table 7: Simulation runs for 100 customers

Service Time Probability Cumulative probability

1 010 0.10

2 0.20 0.30

3 0.30 0.60

4 0.25 0.85

5 0.10 0.95

6 0.05 1.00

Queuing Simulation


Example 1: A Grocery, Some Statistics

Average Waiting Time

w = ∑ Waiting Time in queue/No. of Customers = 174/100 = 1.74 min

Probability that a customer has to wait

p(wait) = No. of customer who wait/No. of customers = 46/100 = 0.46

Proportion of server idle time p(idle server) = Σ Idle time of server/Simulation run time = 101/418 = 0.24

Average service time s = Σ Service Time /Number of customers = 317/100 = 3.17 min E(s) =∑

s*p(s) = 0.1*10+0.2*+…+0.05* = 3.2 min

Average time between arrivals λ = ∑ Time between arrivals/No. of arrivals – 1 = 415/99 = 4.19 min E (λ) = a+b/2 = 1+8/2 = 4.5 min

Average waiting time of those who wait

W waited = ∑ Waiting time in queue/No. of customers that wait = 174/54 = 3.22 min

Average time a customer spends in system

t = ∑ Time customers spend in system/Number of customers = 491/100 = 4.91 min

t = w + s = 1.74 + 3.17 = 4.91 min A Grocery, Some Statistics

Interesting results for a manager, but

Longer simulation run would increase the accuracy

Queuing Simulation


3.2.2. Example 2: Call Center Problem

Figure 7: Call center

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/call-center-simulation-fix-without-breaking-jeffrey

Call center Problem:

Consider a call center where technical personnel take calls and provide service

Two technical support people (2server) exists

Able more experienced, provides service faster

Baker Newbie, provides service slower


Able gets call if both people are idle

Try other rules

Baker gets call if both are idle

Call is assigned randomly to Able and Baker

Goal of study: Find out how well the current rule works

Inter-arrival distribution of calls for technical support

Queuing Simulation


Table 8: Call center problem

Time between Arrivals [Minute]

Probability Cumulative Probability

Random-Digit Assignment

1 0.25 0.25 01 – 25

2 0.40 0.65 26 – 65

3 0.20 0.85 66 – 85

4 0.15 1.00 86 – 00

Service time distribution of baker

Service Time [Minute]

Probability Cumulative Probability

Random-Digit Assignment

3 0.35 0.35 01 – 35

4 0.25 0.60 36 – 60

5 0.20 0.80 61 – 80

6 0.20 1.00 81 – 00 Table 9: Service time distribution of baker

Service time distribution of Able

Service Time [Minute]

Probability Cumulative Probability

Random-Digit Assignment

2 0.30 0.30 01 – 30

3 0.28 0.58 31 – 58

4 0.25 0.83 59 – 83

5 0.17 1.00 84 – 00 Table 10: Service time distribution of Able

Simulation Proceeds as follows:

Step 1:

For caller k, generate an inter-arrival time A(k). Add it to the previous arrival time

T (K-1) to get arrival time of caller k as T(k) = T (K-1) + A(k)

Step 2:

If Able is idle, caller k begins service with Able at the current time T(now)

Able’s service completion time T (fin, A) is given by T (fin,A) = T (now) + T(svc,A)

Where T(svc,A) is the service time generated from Able’s service time

distribution. Caller k’s waiting time is T (wait) = 0.

Caller K’s time in system, T(sys), is given by T(sys) = T(fin,A) – T(k)

If Able is busy and Baker is idle, Caller begins with Baker. The remainder is in


Queuing Simulation


Step 3:

If Able and Idle are both busy, then calculate the time at which the first one

becomes available, as follows: T (beg) = min (T (fin,A), T(fin,B)).

Caller k begins service at T(beg). When service for caller K begins, set T(now) = T


Compute T (fin,A) or T (fin,B) as in step 2.

Caller K’s time in system is T(sys) = T(fin,A) – T(k) or T (sys) = T(fin,B) – T(k).

Simulation runs for 100 Calls:

Caller Nr.

Inter-arrival Time

Arrival Time

When Able Avail.

When Baker Avail

Server chosen

Service Time

Time Service Begins

Able’s Service Compl. Time

Baker’s Service Compl. Time

Caller Delay

Time in system

1 - 0 0 0 Able 2 0 2 0 2

2 2 2 2 0 Able 2 2 4 0 2

3 4 6 4 0 Able 2 6 8 0 2

4 2 8 8 0 Able 4 8 12 0 4

5 1 9 12 0 Baker 3 9 12 0 3

… … … … … …

100 1 219 221 219 Baker 4 219 0 4

Total 211 564 Table 11: Simulation runs for 100 calls

Some Statistics:

One simulation trial of 100 caller

62% callers had no delay

12% callers had a delay of 1-2 minutes

Queuing Simulation


Figure 8: Graph for call center

400 simulation trials of 100 caller

80.5% of callers had delay up to 1 minute

19.5% of callers had delay more than 1 minute

Figure 9: Graph for Bin frequency

Queuing Simulation


CHAPTER – 4 Results

Queuing Simulation


4. Results: Given tables show the simulation results. As observed in the above mentioned tables,

the server utilization remains fairly constant as the total workload does not changed.

4.1. Discussion of the results:

In simulation statistical (and probability) theory plays a part both in relation to the input data and in relation to the results that the simulation produces. For example in a simulation of the flow of people through supermarket checkouts input data like the amount of shopping people have collected is represented by a statistical (probability) distribution and results relating to factors such as customer waiting times, queue lengths, etc. are also represented by probability distributions. In our simple example above we also made use of a statistical distribution - the uniform distribution.

There are a number of problems relating to simulation models:

Typically the simulation model has to be run on the computer for a considerable time in order for the results to be statistically significant - hence simulations can be expensive (take a long time) in terms of computer time

Results from simulation models tend to be highly correlated meaning that estimates derived from such models can be misleading. Correlation is a statistical term meaning that two (or more) variables are related to each other in some way. Often variance reduction techniques can be used to improve the accuracy of estimates derived from simulation.

In the event that we are modeling an existing system it can be difficult to validate the model (computer program) to ensure that it is a correct representation of the existing system

If the simulation model is very complex then it is difficult to isolate and understand what is going on in the model and deduce cause and effect relationships.

Once we have the model we can use it to:

Understand the current system, typically to explain why it is behaving as it is. For example if we are experiencing long delays in production in a factory then why is that - what factors are contributing to these delays?

Explore extensions (changes) to the current system, typically to try and improve it. For example if we are trying to increase the output from a factory we could:

Add more machines; or Speed up existing machines; or

Queuing Simulation


Reduce machine idle time by better maintenance.

Which of these factors (or combination of factors) will be the best choice to increase output? Note here that any change might reduce congestion at one point only to increase it at another point so we have to bear this in mind when investigating any proposed changes.

Design a new system from scratch, typically to try and design a system that satisfies certain (often statistical) requirements at minimum cost. For example in the design of an airport passenger terminal what resource levels (customs, seats, baggage facilities, etc.) do we need and how should they be sited in relation to one another.

4.2. Advantages of Queuing System Simulation:

The advantages of using simulation, as opposed to queuing theory are:

It can more easily deal with time-dependent behavior The mathematics of queuing theory is hard and only valid for certain statistical

distributions - whereas the mathematics of simulation is easy and can cope with any statistical distribution

In some situations it is virtually impossible to build the equations that queuing theory demands (e.g. for features like queue switching, queue dependent work rates)

Simulation is much easier for managers to grasp and understand than queuing theory.

4.3. Disadvantages:

One disadvantage of simulation is that it is difficult to find optimal solutions, unlike linear programming where we have an algorithm which will automatically find an optimal solution. The only way to attempt to optimize using simulation is to:

Make a change; and Run the simulation computer program to see if an improvement has been

achieved or not; and Repeat.

Large amounts of computer time can be consumed by this process.

Queuing Simulation


Summary: The paper considers the queuing system & we could go expanding our models of

queuing systems to represent increasingly complex and realistic situations. But this is

beyond our scope. There are many resources available on how queuing models can be

used to understand the behavior of manufacturing systems.

While the single server queuing situations considered in this chapter are simple, they

yield some fundamental insights that extend well beyond these simple settings. Many of

other things involved in it like:

This report introduced simulation concepts by means of examples.

Examples simulations were performed on a table manually

Use a spreadsheet for large experiments (Excel, open-office)

Input data is important

Random variables can be used.

Output analysis important and difficult

The used tables were of ad hoc, a more methodic approach is needed.

Critical reflection: Modeling uncertain Single server queuing systems is difficult but vitally important

practical problem. Exact computations are often either impossible or very challenging

computationally, especially with multiple customer types. Special challenges are present

when deciding on a service policy in order to make the system as efficient as possible.

In this paper we have presented several approximation procedures that are

computationally easy and, at least in the examples we have looked at, provide valuable

information about the efficiency of the service system under different service options.

An important feature of these approximations is that they stay computationally feasible

even for many task types and/or heavily loaded systems.

This policy has performed well under scenarios we have considered. A number of

important issues are left for future work. One such issue is improving the single-server

queuing system and also implements different approaches in Multiple-based queue

system. Another untouched issue is that of non-stationary: what happens if the

parameters of the system change with time, and need to be constantly estimated in

order to update the service policy and keep the system running efficiently. We hope to

address the latter question in the near future.

Queuing Simulation


Literature: Well, we admit there are many of flaws in this report but we can use this report for further

progress. The simulation of queuing system can be applied to many real-world applications from

car parking in multiple–story car parks to ship docking at seaports. If it were possible to improve

the queues, there would be more profits made and more time to carry out business than ever

before, which would be very useful in this fast paced world.

References: [1] Buzacott, J., J.G. Shantikumar. 1993. Stochastic Models of Manufacturing Systems.

PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

[2] Carmichael, D.G. 1987. Engineering Queues in Construction and Mining. Halsted

Press/Ellis Horwood Ltd., London.

[3] Çinlar, E. 1975. Introduction to Stochastic Processes. Prentice-Hall, New York.

[4] Hopp, W., M. Spearman. 2000. Factory Physics: Foundations of Manufacturing

Management. McGraw-Hill, New York.

[5] D. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Discrete-Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall.

[6] K. Watkins, Discrete Event Simulation in C, McGraw-Hill.

[7] Courtois, P.J., and Georges, J., “On a Single Server Finite Capacity Queueing Model

with State dependent Arrival and Service Process”, Operations Research. 19 (1971) 424-


[8] Raynolds, J.F., “The stationary solution of a multi-server queueing model with

discouragement”, Operations research, 16 (1968) 64-71.

[9] Kleinrock, L. 1975. Queueing Systems, Volume 1. Wiley, New York.

[10] Saltzman, R, V. Mehrotra. 2001. A Call Center Uses Simulation to Drive Strategic

Change. Interfaces 31(3), 87–101.
