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Page 1: SYSTEMATICALLY THROUGH THE BIBLErparchives.org/data/Pamphlets, Booklets and Tracts/Daily...SYSTEMATICALLY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN THREE YEARS This readlng gu~de IS designed as a study
Page 2: SYSTEMATICALLY THROUGH THE BIBLErparchives.org/data/Pamphlets, Booklets and Tracts/Daily...SYSTEMATICALLY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN THREE YEARS This readlng gu~de IS designed as a study


This readlng g u ~ d e IS designed as a study through the B ~ b l e In three years. The readrngs a r e glven for the days of the week, undated so tha t it mlght be begun a t anytlme. The study IS by books generally alternative: an Old Testament and then a New Testament one. Series I covers Genesis lo Judges and Job In the Old Testament and Luke, Hebrews, and Acts In the New Testament. r

Suggested Daily Plan One reading is given each day and two items for study. lire urge the use of a notebook as a n aid to clear thinking and memory. 'Read it through' in the morr~ing. Then read the suggestions for study. Think them through during the day and form your comment to write down as you 'think it over' again and 'pray it in' at night. (The quotation marks give D. L. Moody's rules for Bible reading.) You may vary: read half in morning and other half a t night and make notes accordingly. The important matter is systematic, thoughtful, prayerful, obed- ient reading.

Kecp your notes. lVhen you repeat the series, you can add to, or correct what you have done.

We a re indebted to Dr. Jesse Mitchel for the groundwork on this guide.

Suggested aids to understanding the historical and geographical background of the Scriptures:

T H E NEW BIBLE HANDBOOK, G. T. Manley. Inter-Varsity Fellowship, Chicago 10.

HALLEY'S POCKET BIBLE HANDBOOK, Zonder- van. Grand Rapids, Michigan.

BIBLE SURVEY, Fl'illiam Hendriksen. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. I

NEW BIBLE DICTIONARY, Ed. J. D. Douglas. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan.



1st WEEK S. Gen. 1-2:3 Creation.

Consider God's daily work. What did He do and say?

M. Gen. 2:4-3:24 Origin of man. Note God's provision for man. Study Satan , sin, and its results.

T. Gen. 4 and 5 Early generations. Trace growth and effects of sin. Compare characters of Cain and Abel.

W. Gen. 6 A corrupt world. Draw a plan of the ark. How did Noah find grace?

T. Gen. 7:l-8:19 The deluge. Study destruction and salvation. Note all records of time.

F. Gen. 8:20-9:29 A new start. Study God's promises, covenant, instructions and the continuance of sin.

S. Gen. 10:l-11:9 Origin of natlons. How were divisions made? Investigate t he origin of languages.

2nd WEEK S . Gen. 11:lO-13:4 Call of Abraham.

I Note God's commands and promises. His experiences along the way.

M. Cell. 13:5-14:24 Abraham and Lot. Study the choices made, motlves involved and results following.

T. Gen. 15 Abraham encouraged. What promises are given him? Compare vs. 6 with Rom. 4:3.6.

W. Gen. 16 and 17 God's covenant. Note Abraham's mistake. Study the covenant, its demands and promises.

T. Gen. 18 Heavenly guests. What promises did they make? Study Abraham's intercession.

F. Gen. 19 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Study subjects of sin, judgment. Results from Lot's association.

S. Gen. 20-21:21 Abraham's home problems. As a believer among unbelievers. With more than one wife.

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3rd WEEK Gen. 21:22-22 Test of faith. Abraham's dealings with neighbors. The severity of God's test. Gen. 23 Death of Sarah. Review qualities of Sarah's character.

I .Note Abraham's devoiion to Sarah. Gen. 24:1-60 Rebekah. Describe: Servani's faithlulness, God's guidance, Rebekah. Gen. 24:61-25:33 Death of Abraham. (

Compare character qualities 01 Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau. I

Gen. 26 Isaac a t Gerar. The plot of Rebekah and Isaac. Study the results 01 deception.

Gen. 27:140 Deception. The plot of Rebekah and Jacob. Study the results of deception.

Gen. 27:41-28:22 Jacob flees. Study the mother's plan. the heavenly vision and God's promise.

4th WEEK Gen. 29 Rachel and Leah. How was God training Jacob in these experiences? Gen. 30 Bargaining with Laban. Study the evils of polygamy. Which wife was ancestor of Jesus?

Gen. 31 Jacob leaves Laban. Note Jacob's trickery and God's goodness in spite of bad qualities. Gen. 32 Jacob's fear of Esau. What signs of faith in vs. 812? Who won the wrestling match?

Gen. 33 Jacob and Esau meet. Did Jacob act as a prince of God? Compare vs. 9 with 20.

Gen. 34 Dinah and Sheckem. Which were the more honorable, men of Sheckeln o r Jacob's sons?

Gen. 35 Jacob a t Bethel. Are there evidences of t rue devotion? Note Jacob's great sorrows.


5th WEEK S. Gen. 36 The family of Esau.

How did Esau d ~ f f e r from Jacob? Cf. with Rom. 9:lO-15; Heb. 12:16, 17.

M. Gen. 37 Joseph and his brothers. Why did the brothers hate Joseph? What are the results of envy?

T. Gen. 38, 39 Joseph in Egypt. Contrast conduct of Judah and Joseph. How did Joseph react to injustice?

W. Gen. 4041:13 Joseph in prison. What qua l i t~es did Joseph show? Whence wisdom to interpret dreams?

T. Gen. 41:14-57 From dungeon to palace. What about Joseph impressed Pharaoh? What par t did God play?

I?. Gen. 42 Joseph meets his brothers. Why s o harsh with the brothers? Were the brothers truly repentant?

S. Gen. 43 Second meeting with brothers. Compare vs. 26 with 37:5-11. Why flve portions to Benjamin?

6th WEEK S. Gen. 44 Benjamin in trouble.

Why did he so trouble his brothers? Do brothers show a real change?

M. Gen. 45 Joseph makes himself known. Joseph recognizes God's plan. Note his concern for his family.

T. Gen. 46 Journey to Egypt. Note blessings of family harmony. Consider Joseph's instructions.

W. Gen. 47 Effects of famine. Note Israel's 'princely' conduct. Study Joseph's plan for relief.

T. Gen. 48 Jacob blesses Joseph's sons. Consider the difference of blessing for t he two sons. Why?

F. Gen. 49 Jacob's farewell to sons. Study messages, good and bad points, and the future.

S. Gen. 50 Burial of Jacob. Was anxiety of brothers justified? Consider Joseph a s a type of Christ.

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7th WEEK S. Luke 1.1-23 Zacharias and Elizabeth.

Study ~nformatlon about Luke, purpose of book and source of mater~al .

M. Luke 1:2438 Mary. Study the subject of incarnation. What is sald about the chlld?

T. Luke 1:39-56 Mary's song. What does she say about God? Qualities of character revealed by Mary.

W. Luke 1:57-80 Birth of John. Outline the song of Zacharias. What application of song today?

T. Luke 2:l-20 Birth of Jesus. How do the events of Jesus' birth show God's plan and work?

F. Luke 221-39 Presented in temple. What information do Simeon and Anna give concerning desus?

S. Luke 2:40-52 The lad in the temple. Consider the wisdom of the boy. His relation to God and parents.

8th WEEK S. Luke 3:l-20 Preaching of John.

Study its theme, its application and response of the hearers.

hl. Luke 3:21.38 Baptism and genealogy. Note thteeiold testimony regarding Jesus. What did Jesus do in vs. 12-21?

T. Luke 4:l-13 Temptation of Jesus. Study the tempter, realms of temptation, how resisted, application to us.

W. Luke 4:14-30 Preaching in Nazareth. What was His method of preaching and results upon the people?

T. Luke 4:31-44 A Sabbath in Capernaum. Note the testimony concerning Jesus. Why did Jesus perform miracles?

F. Luke 5.1-11 At the lake. Effect of the catch upon Simon. A new task given to Simon.

S. Luke 5:12-26 Healing. Note the emphasis on faith. Consider t he realm of Christ's power.

9th WEEK S. Luke 5:27-6:12 Opposition.

Find questions asked. Study Jesus' answers. Note decision in vs. 11.

M. Luke 6:13-38 The great sermon. How does Jesus meet opposition? Compare old ways with new laws.

T. Luke 6:3949 Sermon cont. Prerequisite for helping others. How prepare for time of testing?

W. Luke 7:l-17 Two great miracles. I The centurion's expressions of faith. Note the compassion of Jesus.

T. Luke 7:18-35 John the Baptist. Why did John question about Jesus? Jesus' testimony concerning John.

F. Luke 7:3G-50 Jesus anointed. Contrast t he attitude toward Jesus of Simon and the woman.

S. Luke 8:131 Teaching by parable. Meaning and application of parables. How were Jesus and disciples supported?

10th WEEK S. Luke 822-39 Demonstration.

In what two realms did Jesus show authority? How about today?

M. Luke 8:40-56 Further demonstrations. In what other realms? Note qualities of the Great Physician.

T. Luke 9:l-17 Feeds 5000. Study Jesus' methods of teaching disciples and concern for needs of men.

W. Luke 9:18.36 Transfiguration. What a r e t he demands for discipleship? Is H e transfigured before us today?

T . Luke 9:37-62 Return from the Mount. Reasons for the disciples failure. Note Jesus' life of denial.

F. Luke 10:l-24 The Seventy. Compare instruction to 70 and 12. Study the success of the 70.

S. Luke 10:25-42 The Good Samaritan. I n what ways a r e the Samaritan and Mary examples to us?

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11th WEEK S. Luke 11:l-13 Taught to Pray.

DO we need teaching to pray? Note what we should pray for.

M. Luke 11:1436 Beelzebub. Jesus' proof of not working with Satan . What was wrong with t ha t generation?

T. Luke 1137.54 Woes pronounced. Consider woes and judgments upon Pharisees, lawyers. Present application.

W. Luke 12:l-12 Encouragemem to disciples. Study: Tr iumph of word; Security and value of man; Help in need.

T. L u k e 12:13.34 Jesus ' teaching. In what does your life consist? Reasons for not being anxious.

F. L u k e 12:35-59 The Lord's coming. Consider: t ime, preparation for, rewards to faithful , warnings, judgment.

S. L u k e 13:l-21 Cure of infirm woman. How solve problem of no fruit? Application of parable in vs. 18-21.

12th WEEK S . L u k e 13:22-35 Entrance in to Kingdom.

What is meant by strait gate? Why were some rejected?

M. Luke 14:l-24 The Grea t Supper. Compare vs. 1-6 ' with 13:1417. Consider the quali ty of humility.

T. Luke 14:25-35 Demands of discipleship. What is t he application of vs. 26, 27? W h a t mus t t he disciple forsake?

W. L u k e 15 Lost and found. What messsges do these parables have t o Pharisees, scribes, and us?

T. Luke 16:l-13 T h e unjust steward. What is the disciple's relation to t h e things of this world?

F. L u k e 16:14-31 A glimpse of hell. Contras t scenes on ear th and after. S tudy repentance, fu ture punishment.

S. L u k e 17:l-19 T h e ten lepers. Qualities required of t rue disciples. What application has vs. 11-19 to

13th WEEK S. Luke 1$:20-37 T h e coming kingdom.

What is the meaning of vs. 21? Consider judgments past and future.

M. Luke 18:l-14 Availing prayer. Necessary qualities for intercession. IVhat was the Pharisee's e r ror?

T. Luke 18:15-34 Entrance into kingdom. What demands a re made on the disciples and what promises?

W. Luke 18:35-19:lO The seeking Saviour. Compare the changes which came to t he blind man and Zacchaeus.

T. Luke 19:ll-28 Parable of t he pounds. What is its main purpose; its teaching about o u r responsibility?

F. Luke 19:2948 Jesus enters Jerusalem. The significance of the entry. What would He find in my church?

S. Luke 20:l-18 Jesus' authority questioned. Does Jesus answer question in vs. 2? Meaning of par- able to Jews, us?

14th WEEK S. Luke 20:1947 Great questions.

What implicaiions in t he questions? Note effect of Jesus' answer vs. 26, 40.

M. Luke 21:1-19 Things to come. How does God measure gifts? What a r e we to expect?

T. Luke 21:20-38 Signs of His coming. Note trials to expect and promises. How prepare for tha t day?

W. Luke 22:l-23 The passover. C ~ n s i d e r Judas under Satan's control. What meaning has vs. 15-20 to me?

T. L u k e 22:24-38 Las t talk to disciples. Consider Jesus' concern for disciples, qualities needed and instructions.

F. Luke 22:39-53 I n Gethsemane. I n this and following readings, study agony


1 of Jesus and m y pa r t in it.

S. Luke 22:54-71 Before the high priest. Note Steps in Peter's denial and repentance.

t Study Jesus' sayings.

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15th WEEK Luke 23:l-25 Before Pilate. Study accusations made against Jesus. M'hai prompted the decisions? Luke 23:2649 Calvary. Study att i tudes toward Jesus. \\'hat is mine?

Luke 23:50-24:12 The sepulcher. Ponder the acts of devotion. \Vhat proofs of the resurrection? Luke 24: 13-35 Emmaus. Why were the disciples so sad? Are we as slow to understand?

Luke 24:36-48 The resurrected Lord. Fur ther proofs of the resurrection. Purpose 01 Christ 's work vs. 46, 47.

Luke 24:49-53 The ascension. What is the promise of the Father? Rend also Acts I:1-11.

Review - Meditate on the human nature of Christ in this Gospel. What message had i t to me personally?

16th WEEK Exodus 1 and 2 Israel in Egypt. Consider e n ~ q ~ t y of Pharaoh to Israsl. Call and preparation of Moses. Ex. 34:17 Moses commissioned. Ponder God's revelation of himseif, authority and power given hloses.

Ex. 4:18-6:9 Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh. Note Pharaoh's renewed oppression. List the seven 'I wills' of 6:2-9. Ex. 6:lO-7:25 Beginning of plagues. \Vlkat answer to plea in 6:30? On whom did Pharaoh rely?

Ex. 8 Frogs, Jice, flies. Ponder the plague afflictions. Effect on magicians and Pharaoh.

Ex. 9 Murrain, boils, hail. Note any progress in plagues. Any difference in Pharaoh's attitude?

Ex. 10, 11 Locusts, darkness, death. What results of Pharaoh's rejections of warnings; Moses' secret of courage.

17th WEEK S. Ex. 12:l-36 The passover.

Ji'hat is the meaning of the blood in light of New Testament teaching?

h l . Ex. 12:37-13 Leaving Egypt. How do experiences in Egypt correspond to our experience in salvation?

T. Ex. 14-15:21 Crossing the Red sea. Consider God's faithlulness and power. Apply to your cpiri t~lal life.

\V. Ex. 15:22-16 Provision in IYilderness. Compare charsctec of God with people. Of what is manna a type?

T. Ex. 17, 18 Water from the rock. A way of victory over enemies. A lesson in civil g o v e r ~ ~ m e n t .

F. Ex. 19 A t Mount Sinai. Consider the obligation of obedience. \Vhat new feature in God's revelation?

S. Ex. 20 The Ten Command~nents. What demonstrations when giving the law? Eflect on the people?

18th WEEK S. Ex. 21 Divine laws.

Are such laws applicable today? Campare with Sermon on the Mount.

M. Ex. 22-23:19 Divine laws. Did Jesus keep these 1:tws:' Is i t my dut,y to keep thern'

'I. EX. 23:20-Ex. 24 Promised help. In what way did God help? Compare 24:5-8 with Heb. 10:16-22.

W. Ex. 25 A sanctuary for God. What new relation of God to people? Describe the articles of furniture.

T. Ex. 26, 27 Tabernacle plans. Draw a ground plan of tabernacle. Compare veil 31-33, Heb. 10:19, 20.

F. Ex. 28 Trie priest's garments. Significance of the garments. Note emphasis on holiness. Ps. 132:9, 17.

S. Ex. 29 Dedication of priests. Note parts of ceremony: cleansing, robing, anointing, and sacrifices.

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19th WEEE Ex. 30, 31 Ransom for souls. What is implied in the ransom? Man's part in making tabernacle. Ex. 32 The golden calf. Contrast stability of &loses, Aaron. Man's incjination to idol worship. Ex. 33 God's presence. What did Moses request? God's answer. Have you seen God's glory? Ex. 34 Moses on the Mount. Study: God's covenant with Israel; result of Moses' being with God. Ex. 35 Gifts for the tabernacle. Consider various groups contributing and the generous spirit shown. Ex. 36 Construction of tabernacle. What significance of colors, materials used, and plan of construction? Ex. 37, 38 Furnishings and value. How did the ark, mercy seat, table, lampstand, etc. signify Christ?

20th WEEK Ex. 39, 40 Tapernacle erected. Deliverance to dwell in God's presence. How tabernacle a picture of worship? Lev. 1 The burnt offering. Get an overall picture of Lev. Study burnt offering and Christ's atonement.

Lev. 2, 3 Meat and peace offerings. Meat offering - purity. Peace offering - communion. How fulfilled in Christ? Lev. 4-6:7 Sin and trespass offerings. Compare 4:l with I 3n. 2:l. Ponder price Jesus paid to be our offering.

Lev. 6:8-7 Laws for the priest. Of what was the fire a symbol? Co~isider offerings of 7:15, 16.

Lev. 8 Priests consecrated. What does the anointing oil typify? What do ear, hand, foot represent?

Lev. 9, 10 Nadab and Abihu. What warnings to us from them? Note acts of Aaron and God. (9:22, 23).

21st WEEK S. Lev. 11 Clean, unclean.

Divide animals into four classes. ITS. 46. Consider changes with God among them.

M. Lev. 12-13:46 Clean, unclean people. Nate methods of becoming clean. I Jn . 1:7. Outward marks of inner corruption?

T. Lev. 13:47-14:32 Cleaning for leper. Note cleansing acts before approaching God. Our approach in Christ.

\\I. Lev. 14:33.15 Cleansing uncleanness. Consider the polution of all uncleanness and need of blood atonement.

T . Lev. 16 Day of atonement. Meditate on order of ceremony; conditions and method of approaching God.

F. Lev. 17 Eating blood forbidden. Why so strictly forbidden? Consider idea of substitution of life for life.

S. Lev. 18 Laws against lusts. What reasons given for obedience? Are Chris- tians excused from 22nd obedience? WEEK

S. Lev. 19, 20 Rules of conduct. Note application of ten commandments. What attribute demands obedience?

M. Lev. 21, 22 Proper priests, offerings. Note sections in these regulations. Why were the blemished rejected?

T. Lev. 23 Holy convocations. List the feasts and character of each. What had they in common?

W. Lev. 24 Law of blasphemy. Note repeated words: pure, continually. 'Behold goodness and severity of God.'

T. Lev. 25 Year of Jubile. For what purpose was it? What teaching of our relation to God?

F. Lev. 26 Disobedience to be punished. Into what five groups do punishments fall?

Y ! Conditions of restoration. I S . Lev. 27 Redemption of vows. 1 Consider importance of keeping vows.

3 Review Lev. as it typifies Christ.

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"3rd WEEK S. Heb. 1 God hath spoken.

List statements made about Christ. H3w is He better than angels?

M. Heb. 2 Do not drift. Against what a r e we warned? !\'hat fur ther information about Christ?

T. Heb. 3:1-6 Better than Moses. Underline 'consider' thru Heb. How was Jesus bcttcr than hloses?

W. Heb. 3:74:14 Second warning. IVhat rest is promised in 4:10? Consider the results of unbelief.

T. Heb. 4:14-5:10 A great High Priest. Consider His function, character and authority. What encouragement to us?

F. Heb. 5:11-6:8 Third warning. Danger of not growing spiritually. .4ntidote for lack of growth. (6:10)

S. Hcb. 6:9-20 Be not slothful. !VhaL encouragement to persevere? What grounds have we for hope?

24th WEEK S . Heb. 7:l-14 Melchizedek.

Compare priesthoods of Christ, Melchizedek, and Aaron. \jrhich a re temporary?

M. Heb. 7:15.28 The eternal priest. What qualities here shown of Christ make Him the priest we need?

T. Heb. 8 A better covenant. Study new covenant: pattern, origin, mediator, permanence, blessing.

I+'. Heb. 9:l-14 New sanctuary. What does the Holy Spiri t teach us? Compare old way with Christ's way.

T. Heb. 9:15-28 A better sacrifice. Consider efficacy of Christ's sacrifice. Note contrast in vs. 27, 28.

F. Heb. 10:l-18 The perfecting sacrifice. How were the old inadequate? What does the new do fo r us?

S. Heb. 10:19-39 Beginning second division. Life . i n the grea t salvation. Vs. 26-39 4th warning,

against retreating.

25th WEEK S. Heb. 11:l-22 Fulness of faith.

Record ways faith is shown. How is it shown in pour life?

M. Heb. 11:2340 Faith in action. What results came of faith? Can we expect like results today?

T. Heb. 12:l-13 Patience of hope. Conditions of a victorious Chrislian race. What benefits from chastening?

W. Heb. 12:1429 Fifth warning. Against what dangers are we warned? What difference between Sinai and Zion?

T. Heb. 13:l-8 Brotherly love. Ponder the Christians life of love. What comforting promise is given?

F. Heb. 13:9-25 Good works. List things we a re to do. What sacrifices are we to offer?

S. Review - choice verses in Book. Consider greatness of Jesus' work. How do warnings apply to me?

26th WEEK S. Num. 1, 2 Numbering, position.

Who of the people were numbered? Sketch a ground pfan of camp.

M. NU. 3 Work of the Levites. What locations were assigned them? Why were they chosen for this position?

T. NU. 4 Assignment of duties. Note: care of holy things; to each a service; prescribed age limit.

W. Nu. 5, 6 Laws of purity. Who were excluded f rom the camp? Implication of Nazarite vow for us.

T. Nu. 7-8:4 Princes' offering. In these offerings what do we see of unity, purpose, and liberality?

F. Nu. 8:5-10:lO Separation of Levites. Note consecration ceremonies of Levites. Guiding pririciples in 9:15-23?

S. Nu. 10:ll-11 People complain. Encouragement in 10:ZQ-32 to invite others. God's mercy to complainers.

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27th WEEK Nu. 12, 13 Miriam. What God said of hliriam. Of Moses. Message to us of faith, unbelief. Nu. 14 The people rebel. Contrast faithless many, faithful few. Note curse of sin though pardoned.

Nu. 15 Various sacrifices. No atonement provided for what sins? Importance of keeping Sabbath. Nu. 16:l-35 Korah's rebellion. Wherein was their complaint wrong? Consider severity of God's judgment.

Nu. 16:36-18:7 A rebellious people. Wow did God confirm Aaron's position? Consider Moses' power with God.

Nu. 18:8-19 Provision for priests. God's care for those appointed. What special sacrificc described vs. IS?

Nu. 20 Water from the rock. What was Moses' sin at Meribah? Reflect on lives of Miriam and Aaron.

28th WEEK Nu. 21 Fiery serpents. How did Jesus apply this event? Evidences of new nation being trained. Nu. 22 Balak and Balaam. What can we learn about Balaarn? What Balaam did along the way.

Nu. 23 Balaam's prophecies. How does this show God's protection? Grounds for Israel's success, vs. 18-24. Nu. 24, 25 Balaam's prophecy. In what way would they be blessed? How explain man's inclination to sin?

Nu. 26 Census of Israel. Compare number with that of ch. 1. Why this census? Why church roll?

Nu. 27 Joshua. What new inheritance law given? Note Moses' concern for people vs. 15-17.

Nu. 28, 29 Offerings, feasts. Review offerings, feasts; purpose, how replaced by the New cov. (Heb. 10:l-18)

29th WEEK S. Nu. 30, 31 hlldianites.

What responsibility attached to vows? God's service demands putting away sin.

M. Nu. 32 Children of Reuben and Gad. What conditions for granting petition? What principle regarding sin in vs. 231

T. Nu. 33. 34 Journeys. What warning to us from Israel's mistake about the Midianities?

W. Nu. 35, 36 Cities of refuge. Consider gravity of murder in God's sight and Christ, refuge of sinners.

T. Deut. 1 hIoses' first address. Ch. 1-4. In spite of past help and promises failure came through unbelief.

F. Dt. 2 God's sovereignty oyer nations. Why were Edom, hloab, Ammon spared? Note repcated expressions in vs. 24, 31.

S. Dt. 3 Conquest of Sihon and Og. What was their source of victory? Why was Moses' request vs. 25 not granted?

30th WEEK S. Dt. 4:l-40 Take heed.

What is said about God, the word of God and idol worship?

M. Dt. 4:41-5 Moses 2nd address. Compare with Ex. 20. What is significance ot 'thy' and 'thou?'

T. Dt. 6 The Lord's statutes. God's purpose in giving the law. Note emphasis on family religion.

W. Dt. 7 The Lord's chosen people. Ponder God's love, blessing, faithfulness to His obedient people.

T. Dt. 8 Blessing of obedience. What things were they to remember? I s there danger in prosperity?

F. Dt. 9-10:11 A rebellious people. Study example - Moses in intercession. What significance in breaking tables?

S. Dt. 10:12-11 Lord of Lords God's wonderful works in past give en- couragement for future.

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31st WEEK S. Dt. 12, 13 Loyalty in worship.

Note instructions as to idolatry. What application for us today?

M. Dt. 14, 15 Children of the Lord. Note descriptive terms, rules in worship,

i tithing, laws of seventh year.

I T. Dt. 16, 17 Feasts and rulers. See special qualifications for observing feasts

I and character of future kings. H'. Dt. 18, 19 Priests and Levites.

1 Their provision, work, what to be avoided. I Review cities of refuge.

T. Dt. 20, 21 Rules of battle. Upon whom were they to rely? Consider compassion and severity of God?

F. Dt. 22, 23 Laws of morality. What evils of character condemned? Compare with Sermon on Mount.

S . Dt. 24, 25 Persbnal conduct. Note repeated expression 'Lord thy God.' Paul's use of 25:4. ( I Cor. 9:9)

32rd WEEK S. Dt. 26 Third year tithes.

Give thanks ,for what mercies? Note exhortations in 16-19.

M. Dt. 27-28:14 Cursing o r blessing. What Israel to do beyond Jordon? Cursings, blessings are material. Why?

T. Dt. 28:1568 Results of d isobdience. I s any part of man's life not covered by these fearful curses?

W. Dt. 29. 30 Covenant of life o r death. Man's covenant responsibility? What does the 'Lord thy God' mean?

T. Dt. 31 Moses' charge to Joshua. Reasons for encouragement to Joshua. God's foreknowledge of their apostasy.

F. Dt. 32 Song of Moses. Study attributes of God mentioned. What had God done for Israel?

S . Dt. 33. 34 Death of Moses. Consider his life and lessons to us. Study Moses' blessings to tribes.

3 r d WEEK S . A C ~ S 1:l-11 Waiting fo r Promise.

.4postles' fur ther preparation, vs. 3. What is said of Trinity?

M. -4cts 1:12-2:13 Pentecost. What were they doing in upperroom? What dld Holy Spiri t do for them?

T. Acts 2 1 4 4 7 Peter 's sermon. His use of Old Test. prophecies. What was effect on hearers?

W. Acts 3 Healing the lame man. How was the man healed? With what sins a re they charged?

T. Acts 4:l-22 Peter, John arrested. Contrast judges, apostles in position, training, etc. W,ho triumphed? Why?

F. Acts 423-5:16 Ananias, Sapphira. Study prayer life of believers, working of Spiri t in healing, witnessing.

S. Acts 5:176:7 Prison doors opened. Effect this had on various groups. Reasons for Church officers.

34th WEEK S. Acts 6:&7:16 Stephen.

Review this and previous persecutions as to cause, method, defence, results.

M. Acts 7:17-43 Stephen's defence. What forefathers does he mention? Note tragedy of Israel's unbelief.

T. Acts 7:448:4 The martyr. Compere him with Chr is t in character and death. What effect on church?

W. Acts 8:525 Philip in Samaria. Difficulties, success in preaching. What was Simon's spiritual condition?

T. Acts 8 : 2 6 4 Philip, Ethiopian. Study: Philip led of t he Spirit. Consider qualities of Ethiopian.

F. Acts 9:1-16 Conversion of Saul. Ponder Christ's power and compassion, How is AnanIas a n example $0 us?

S. Acts B:l7-31 Saul begins ministry. What proof given of sincerity? Why did they want to kill h h ?

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35th WEEK S. ~ c t s 9 3243 Raising Dorcas.

Study evidences of fulfilling 1:8. Consider Dorcas, many worthy women.

&I. ~ c t s 10:l-22 Peter and Cornelius. Note races, Ham, Shem, Japheth, receiving gospel in chs. 8, 9, 10.

T. Acts 10:2348 Peter's message. Desc r~be character of Cornelius. Ponder universal offer of salvation.

W. Acts 11:l-18 Peter in Jerusalem. What truth did Peter present? What was conclusion of believers?

T. Acts 11:19-30 Barnabas a t Antioch. Are results of preaching today the same as then? If not, why?

F. Acts 12:l-17 Peter released. How did this encourage believers? What new party began persecuting?

S. Acts 12:18-25 Werod's death. Note relation of rulers to God. Review church progress thus far.

36th WEEK S. Acts 13:l-12 Paul and Barnabas.

Note work of Holy Spirit. Evidences of Paul a s new leader.

M. Acts 13:13-29 Paul i n Antioch. What was main point of sermon? Why did leaders reject Jesus?

T. Acts 13:30-43 The sermon. Ponder argument that Jesus is Messiah. What offer and warning to hearers?

W. Acts 13:4452 Preaching to Gentiles. T o whom did they preach? Why? Contrast att i tudes of Jews, GentLles.

T. Acts 14:l-12 Pau l a t Iconium. Note persons and groups mentioned wlth ex- periences and attitudes.

F. Acts 14:13-28 Pau l stoned. What was his message to Gentiles? How did he strengthen churches?

S. Review chs. 13, 14 Consider missionary effort a s to workers, messages, progress, alms, methods, and results.

37th WEEK S. ~ c t s 151-12 Paul to Jerusalem.

\Vho can be saved and how? Sta te the argument in your words.

M. Acts 15:13-33 Decision a t Jerusalem. What was it? How reached? What evidence of Holy Spirit 's guidance?

T. Acts 15:3416:5 Contention. IVhat was the issue, how settled? Who were new workers enlisted?

W. Acts 16:6-15 Call to Macedonia. Consider directing of Holy Spirit. Ponder Lydia's qualities of character.

T. Acts 16:16-34 Paul, Silas in prison. Study cause, results of persecutions. Note grace given to endure.

F. Acts 1635-17:Q Leaving Philippi. Why Paul make demand in vs. 37? Results i n Thess.: converts, opposition.

S. Acts 17:lO-21 Paul a t Berea. What example to us from Bereans? What impressed Paul a t Athens?

38th WEEK S. Acts 17:22-34 Paul a t Athens.

Note Paul's sympathy for people. Consider God, man's relation to Him.

M. Acts 18:l-17 Paul a t Corinth. What did he do? How long? What encouragements, oppositions?

T. Acts 18:18-28 Apollos. Trace Paul's journeys noting his work. Aquilla and Priscilla he16 Apollos.

W. Acts 19:l-20 Paul a t Ephesus. What special demonstrations of power? Answer question in vs. 2.

T. Acts 19:2141 Riot in Ephesus. Opposition of idolatry to Christianity. Evidences of extent of Christianity.

F. Acts 20:l-16 Eutychus. Trace extensive travels of Paul. Picture night meeting a t n o a s .

S . Acts 20:17-38 Elders from Ephesus. His instructions to elders? Note Paul's pastoral activities.

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39th WEEK S . Acts 21:l-16 To Jerusalem.

Why Paul not heed warnings? Note Christians' affection for Paul.

hf. Acts 21:17-39 Paul arrested. Why did he follow custom vs. 23-27? Picture in mind mob scene.

T. Acts 21:40-22:21 Paul, accusers. God using rulers to save Paul. What is Paul's aim in speech?

JY. .4cts 22:22-23:10 Citizenship. Why did he make this claim? Do divisions indicate just court?

T. Acts 23:ll-35 Plot t o kill Paul. Consider much needed comfort of vs. 11. God's use of worldly power.

F. Acts 24 Paul before Felix. How does Paul answer charges? What sort of character was Felix?

S. Acts 25 Paul before Festus. Why did Paul choose Rome instead of Jerusalem?.Describe Festus.

40th WEEK S. Acts %:I-23 Agrippa.

What Paul s iy s of personal experience, purpose, need, way of salvation?

M. Acts 2624-27:8 On to Rome. Agrippa and Festus reject gospel. Trace on map route to Rome.

T. Acts 2 7 : 9 4 Storm a t sea. Picture yourself on tha t ship. Prisoner Paul becomes leader.

W. Acts 28:l-16 Island of Melita. Note Lord's care of H i s servant, giving comfort, opportunity of service.

T. Acts 28:17-31 Prisoner i n Rome. Ponder his activity in witnessing and many letters to churches.

F. Acts 4:530 Review many prominent workers as to faith, devotion and work in the Kingdom.

S. Acts 2:;-21, 37-40 Review working of Holy Spiri t through believers and Church. What application to us?

Plst WEEK S. Joshua 1 The new leader.

Note God's charge and promises. Relation of Word to him and nation.

hl. Josh. 2 Spies to Jericho. Why were people there fearful? What promise made to Rahab?

T. Josh. 3, 4 Crossing Jordan. How prepare for crossing. What application to our spiritual life?

W. Josh. 5, 6 Capture of Jericho. How does fall of Jericho fulflll God's promises? Effect on people.

T. Josh. 7 Sin of Achan. When is prayer of no avall? Note awful results of sln.

F. Josh. 8 Capture of Al. Why must al l the army go? Christian's duty about Scriptures.

S. Josh. 9 Gibeon's deception. Why Joshua, elders deceived? Did de- ception prove blessing to Gibeon?

42nd WEEK S. Josh. 10 Israel's conquests.

The Lord helped as promised. Israel's loyalty to unjust treaty.

M. Josh. 11, 12 Conquests cont. What indications of Lord's help? What value in listing battles?

T. Josh. 13-15:12 Division of land. Magnitude and difficulty of task. Lessons from provision for Levites.

W. Josh. 15:13-17 Division of land. Consider character of Caleb, chs. 14, 15. Contrast spirit of Manasseh, Ephraim.

T. Josh. 18, 19 Dividing land completed. What lessons in this to us about possessing our spiritual possessions?

F. Josh. 20, 21 Cities for Levites. Locate them on map. Why were Levites scattered in every tribe?

S. Josh. 22 East Jordan men return. Commendation and charge of Joshua. Beware of hasty judgment.

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43rd WEEK Josh. 23 Aged Joshua. Can you give like testimony of faithfulness and God's goodness? Josh. 24 Death of Joshua. Ponder God in Israel's history. What did covenant contain? vs. 25.

Josh. I Review - Was Joshua t rue to charge God gave? How a worthy example to us? Judges 1-25 Angel of the Lord. Judah began well. Why did she stop? Note danger of not expelling all.

Jdg. 2.6-3:6 Failures of Israel. What sort of spiritual life compares to varlble way of Israel?

Jdg. 3:7-31 Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar. Cause of God's anger and what help? Consider qualities in men God used.

Jdg. 4 Deborah and Barak. Note God's use of women as leaders. How did Barak show his faith?

44th WEEK Jdg. 5 Song of Deborah. What qualities praised in song? JVhat sort of conduct condemned? Jdg. 6 Call of Gideon. Study three signs God gave Gideon. What effect on him?

Jdg. 7 Victory of Gideon. What vital truth did God want Israel to learn by reducing army? Jdg. 8 Capture of kings. Cbnsider qualities of character i n Gideon making him a great leader.

Jdg. 9 Abimelech. Note evil h e caused Israel. How did Gideon contribute to i t?

Jdg. 10-11:28 Jephthah. Note Israel's backsliding and repentance. Was Jephthah man of true faith?

Jdg. 11:29-12 Jephthah's vow. Note evil he caused Israel. Was his vow right o r wrong?

45th WEEK S. Jdg. 13 Manoah and angel.

Describe attitude of Manoah and wife. Which had greater faith?

M. Jdg. 14, 15 Samson. Ponder contrasting qualities in him. Did he rightly use his power?

T. Jdg. 16 Samson and Delilah. What do we learn from him as to folly of compromising with evil?

W. Jdg. 17, 18 Micah's idol Describe sp~r i tua l condition a t this time. Was Levite t rue to profession?

T. Jdg. 19 Wicked Benjamites. What do we learn from this incldent a s to depravity of man?

F. Jdg. 20 Defeat of Benjamin. Consider how all Israel united to eradicate t h ~ s heinous sin.

S. Jdg. 21 Wives for Benjarnites. Review Judges. What problems of government In pe r~od of judges?

46th WEEK S. Preview of Rorn. Read Gal. 2:16-21;

3:6-13. Make general survey of Rom. as to purpose, argument outline.

M. Rorn. 1:l-17 Introduction. What said about writer, Romans, gospel, origin, these and contents?

T. Rom. 1:18-32 Sinners under God's wrath. Note progressive steps in sin. How is God's wrath manifested?

W. Rom. 2 Jews under God's wrath. Contrast things Jews thought important, principles of Divine judgment.

T. Rom. 3:l-20 All need salvation. What advantages has the Jew? What is position of all?

F. Rom. 3:21-31 Salvation by faith. Salvation by faith opposed to law? What said about righteousness?

S. Rom. 4:l-15 Bible plan of salvation. In.Abrahamls life was salvation by faith? What application to Gentiles?

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47th WEEK S. Rum. 4:16-25 Abraham's faith and ours.

Compare as to promises, inability, object, and results.

M. Rorn. 5:1.11 Jesus Christ the Saviour. What we have in Christ: justification, peace, access, reconciliation.

T. Rom. 5:12-21 Christ, -4dam contrasted. As to results, universal application. Note four 'reigns.' Note 'righteous.'

W. Rom. 6:l-14 New life in Christ. How obtained? What is His relation to sin and to God?

T. Rom. 6:15-7:6 Grace, sin incompatible. Contrast two masters, service demanded, results. Am I continuing in sin?

F. Rom. 7:7-25 Experience of failure. Consider purposes and qualities of law. What causes me to do evil?

S. Rom. 8:l-17 Way to victory. What does Holy Spirit do for us? Explain flesh, children of God.

48th WEEK S. Rom. 8:18-28 All things in Christ.

Record a l l ~ t h i n g s we have in Chr is t Ponder our security in Christ.

M. Rorn. 9:l-13 Unfailing Word of God. Why Paul sorrow of heart? Study subject of God's election.

T. Rom. 9:14-29 Sovereignty of God. Follow argument on God's sovereignty. Note emphasis on mercy.

W. Rom. 9:30-10:21 Salvation open to all. Contrast righteousness of law and faith. What is way of salvation?

T. Rom. 11:l-10 Rejection not total. What proof given of this? How did the few find salvation?

F. Rom. 11:ll-24 Israel's loss, Gentiles' gain. Can either boast? Does this encourage missions for Jews?

S. Rom. 11:25-36 Promised Deliverer. What do Old Test, quotations confirm? Ponder marvel of God's plan.

49th WEEK Rorn. 12 Christian living. {Vhat should be our relation to God? Ponder each precept. Am I living thus? Rorn. 13 Christian living in society. In relation to civil government. What special quality should control us?

Rorn. 14 Christian responsibility. To a weakcr brother. To God. Why wrong to judge others? Rom. 15:l-13 Christian brotherhood. Wha: have Jcws and Cenli lrs i r i co~nmon? Why emphasis on hope?

Rom. 15:14-33 Paul's mission. Consider his devotion, message, extent of scrvice, results, future plans.

Rom. 16 Some early Christians. Among them note diligent service, suf- ferings, Christian character.

Read Rorn. 8:26-39 Review teaching or man's need, God's provision, Christian's posi- tion, victory, obligations.

50th WEEK Job 1-3 Job, upright man. Mrhst revealed of his character, calamities and reason to permit suffering? Job 4, 5 First speech of Eliphaz. What point made in 4:l-l l? What does he suggest to Job vs. 8-17?

Job 6, 7 Job's reply to Eliphaz. What words indicate extreme suffering? Death better than such affliction? Job. 8-9:24 Bildad speaks. Contrast charges of Bildad with defense of Job.

Job 9:25-10 Job's reply to Bildad. Can Christ satisfy longing 9:32-35? Did Job's censure displace God?

Job 11, 12 Job censures Zophar. Zophar urges Job to repent. 11:13, 14. What does Job say about God?

Job 13, 14 Job's reply to Zophar. Job's idea of fu ture life? Compare with New Test. revelation.

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