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T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons*...

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M S St. Bruno Parish is a community of people sharing a common faith in the teachings of the Catholic tradion. We come together to worship God and to spread the Good News that Jesus gave us. Through celebrang Chrisan unity, we provide emoonal support and pracce the works of mercy. Schedule of Liturgies Weekday Monday 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 8:45 a.m. Weekends Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Parish Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. MF Phone: 2629652332 Address: 226 W. Oawa Avenue Dousman, WI 53118 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stbrunoparish.com THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 23., 2016
Page 1: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All

M������ S������

St. Bruno Parish is a community of

people sharing a common faith in the

teachings of the Catholic �tradi�on. We come together to � worship God and to spread the

Good News that Jesus gave us. Through

celebra�ng Chris�an unity, we provide

emo�onal support and prac�ce the

works of mercy. �

Schedule of Liturgies�Weekday�

Monday 8:00 a.m.�

Wednesday 8:45 a.m.�


Saturday 4:00 p.m.�

Sunday 10:30 a.m.�

Parish Office �Hours: 8:30 a.m. � 4:00 p.m. M�F�

Phone: 262�965�2332�

Address: 226 W. O�awa Avenue�

Dousman, WI 53118�

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.stbrunoparish.com�


Page 2: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All

P��� 2� ���.�� �������.���� S��� B� �� P�����


Parish Support: October 8 to October 14, 2016�

Stewardship Offering (envelopes/electronic, etc.)�������������$13,881.00�Offertory��������������������������������������������������������������������������������$447.00�Children’s Offertory�������������������������������������������������������������������$4.50�Stock Dona#ons�������������������������������������������������������������������������$0.00�


Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016�June 30, 2017�

Budgeted Contribu#ons*������������������������������������������������$242,465.96�

Received Contribu#ons*�������������������������������������������������$240,308.15�


*Includes All weekly/monthly offerings�

Mortgage Countdown�����������������������������������$772,295.06�

There is a great deal of conversa#on these days about rights and

en#tlements. Maybe because of the prosperity of the past century,

we feel that we have a right to all kinds of blessings. “Don’t I have a

right to be happy?” “Don’t I have a right to a long life?” “Don’t I

have a right to good health?” “Don’t I have a right to some peace?”

Are these rights or are they gi2s and blessings?�

What if one day we woke up to find we had to live with what we

showed thanks to God for in previous days?�

In the le8er of St. Paul to the Corinthians, Paul asks a very profound

ques#on: “What do you have that you have not received?”�

When was the last �me I thanked God for blessings received?�

Most of us are grateful for prayers answered, but how many go out

of our way to express that thanks. �

What is the significance of the 100+ years of existence of these

parishes? It shows the dedica#on the people of this community

have toward their faith and toward their parish. Every anniversary

shows the enduring love of God for his people in this area. This

loving rela#onship that has con#nued for 100+ years between God

and his people and the support that God’s people have shown to

this parish is indeed significant. This is something to celebrate and

be thankful for.�

Do we no�ce the blessings of God in our everyday lives?�

♦ Do we show gra#tude for our parents who gave us life, food,

shelter, clothing and educa#on and, maybe by their love gave us

a sense of self�worth?�

♦ Do we show gra#tude for the friendships we have?�

♦ Do we show gra#tude to God for the gi2 of intelligence and the

gi2s of sight and hearing?�

♦ Do we show gra#tude to God for living in this country?�

Do we show gra�tude to God for the gi� of our Catholic faith?�

♦ Do we thank God for the cleansing possibili#es of the power of

the sacrament of reconcilia#on?�

♦ Do we thank God for the opportunity to have the real presence of

Jesus Christ in the Eucharist?�

Do all these blessings bring us closer to the Lord? Or do we take

them for granted, almost as though we were en#tled to them?�

How do we demonstrate our gra#tude to God for all the blessings


Ul#mately, the prayer of thanksgiving doesn’t benefit God. It

benefits us. Whatever else we do at Mass/at the Eucharist (which

means gratefulness/thanksgiving) let us never forget to give thanks

to the Lord. �Fr. Chuck


Anyone who has had a loved one die recently or �

some #me ago is invited to a8end the annual �

Remembrance Service that will be held on �

Monday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. St. Bruno Church��

This special�liturgy is planned by the Circle of Life

Bereavement Ministry.� There will be more informa#on in the Oct.

parish mailing as well on the kiosk in the Gathering Place.� You can

register for this service by returning the RSVP in the mailing or

calling the Parish Office at (262) 965�2332.�����


Gloria Katherine Hoelzl�

From Pastor Chuck �

In celebration of

Fr. Dick Mevissen’s Jubilee

(50 years as a priest)�Light buffet will be served a'er the 10:30 Mass in the Gathering

Place! Food dona/ons are welcome; bring to Mass.�

The next mee#ng of the Book Club is� Tuesday, Nov. 8th at�9 AM��

in the St. Bruno Family Room.� We always welcome new mem-

bers.��You do not have to read the book, just come and enjoy the

discussion, coffee and snacks!� The book for November is �

Seeking God: The way of St. Benedict by Esther de Waal



Cora Jean Moore�Nathaniel James Hansen�

Masses for homebound Catholics �

Air every Sunday at 5:30 a.m. on WITI, Channel 6 �

and 9 a.m. on WCGV, Channel 24�

“RESPECT LIFE” Please return your dona#ons for the Baby Bo;le Drive by

November 6th. Make checks payable to: St. Bruno Parish. �

The dona#ons will be split between Life’s Connec#on and

Pro�Life Wisconsin. Help us “Save our Babies”�

~Life Line Team�

Page 3: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All


O����� 23, 2016� ���.�� �������.���� P��� 3�

…..fan into flame the gift of God “S#r into flame the gi2 of God” � Paul wrote that to Timothy

(2Tim1:6). It’s a message for our lives 2000 years later. The

last three Sunday morning speakers have provided many sugges#ons

for sparking the flame of faith. Watch the bulle#n and the website

for upcoming guest speakers. Or join the mercy “retreat” at St.

Bruno’s on Thurs nights. Or sign up for the Women of Christ Conf. or

a8end one of the Dynamic Men’s groups at either parish.�

• Nov 6 �Cathy Labinski: Helping Children Cope with Loss. St. Paul�

• Nov 13 �Helping Children Cope with Loss. St. Bruno�

• Nov 20 �Thelma Walker: Explore Advent with New Eyes. St. Paul�

St. Bruno /mes 9:00�10:15 am, St. Paul /mes 9:45�10:50 am�

St. Bruno School has an opportunity for everyone to �

support�the�many events that make memories for our children �

in both the school and the RE program!��

Our school children will be selling items from�Cherrydale Farms as a

fundraiser to help support Home & School ac#vi#es such the Annual

Harvest Dance, Sweetheart Dance, Mother�Son Night, PLUS MORE!� �

Please�contact a school family to view the many food, décor

and holiday items available!�

Are you�a scary goblin or a good witch?�Are you brave enough to

enter the Haunted Hallway or check out the Monster Lab?�The

FREE�Harvest Dance will be on Sat, Oct 22nd from 6:30 � 9 in the

school gym.� If you are a student in grades K3�8 at St. Bruno School

or in grades K5�8 in the RE program this is your chance to show

off your best costume to win a prize, dance to fun music and

enjoy�some�tasty treats!��

This season, use SCRIP, stock up on your favorite

restaurants, hotels, stores, gas sta#ons, etc. so you can

support our parish school every week!�


St. Bruno Ar�san Cra� & Vendor Fair�10:00 a.m. � 2:00 p.m. Stock up on �

Christmas goodies, one of a kind finds and lots of fun!��New this

year is a�children's ac#vity/cra2 area while you�shop!� We s/ll have

space available if you would like to joins this great community

event!� A dona#on of $50 will secure your spot along with an 8�foot

table and two chairs.� Contact Lisa at (414) 698�9095.�


Great holiday shopping idea! Please stop by our

Scholas)c Book Fair taking place in the Gathering

Place a'er all Mass Nov. 22 & 23. �

Also available Mon. 10/24�Thurs. 10/27: �

9:00�11:00 a.m. & 2:00�4:00 p.m.!�

2016 POT O’ GOLD RAFFLE ~ NOV. 6 Pot O’ Gold Raffle 2ckets are available in the Gathering Place

Please remember to take your envelope & �

SELL THOSE TICKETS! Ticket Prices: 1 for $10, 3 for $25, 7

for $50, 16 for $100,24 for $140, and our BEST DEAL….

40 for $200!!�

The BIG WINNER in all of this is our own St. Bruno Parish,

but you can win too! FIRST PRIZE (1): $5000, �

SECOND PRIZE (2): $500, RUNNERS UP (10): $100�

EXTRA /ckets are available before & a2er Mass in the Gathering

� � Place or you can pick them up at the Parish office

� � from 8:30am�4pm M�F. You can’t win unless you

� � enter! GOOD LUCK & THANKS for all your �

� � support! ~The Stewardship Commi,ee�

Ladies, are you ready for an amazing event?! This event can help

rejuvenate your own spiritual life�which can help you to be more

present and able to give to those in your life who need you. �

Please sign up through your parish liaison, Kelly Weske (262)366�

0376, to get the best pricing (5+ registered receive a $5 price break)�

$35: includes lunch. Students $25�

Bring your daughters, friends, and fallen away Catholics�

Visit the website: womenofchrist.net for more details�

Page 4: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All


P��� 4� ���.�� �������.���� S��� B� �� P�����


Oct. 22�27�St. Bruno Book Fair/ Gathering Place�

Oct. 23�Fr. Dick Mevissen celebrates 50 years in the priesthood,

� a%er 10:30 am Mass.�

Nov. 7�Remembrance Communion Service, 7:00 pm �

Nov. 12 & 13�Holiday FAIR TRADE Sale following masses in the

� Gathering Place.�


Oct. 26�Catholic Memorial Open House 6�8:30 p.m. Come to CMH & � �

� experience what makes our school such a great place.�

Nov. 5� First Annual “VIP” Tour. Rare chance to explore beyond the pew.

Learn the history, architecture, art, culture & more of 4 select Parishes in

our Arch. Free tours & shu8le bus. Visit website: www.archmil.org�

Nov. 12�St. Paul Parish SpagheU Dinner 4�8pm�

Nov. 12�Country Christmas Art & Cra2 Fair, St. James Mukwonago�

Nov. 17�HOPE Thanksgiving Dinner & Auc#on, Country Springs Hotel

� register: www.hopecenterwi.org/events.html or call (262) 549�8726�

M56789, O:;5<=> 24�

8:00 a.m. Mass / Church� �

� 9:00�11:00 a.m. & 2:00�4:00 p.m. Book Fair/Gathering Place�

� 5:30�8:30 p.m. Middle School Volleyball/Gym�

� 6:30�7:30 p.m. Girl Scout Mee#ng/Family Room�

� 6:30�8:30 p.m. Prayer & Worship @ St. Paul’s�

� 7:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous / Staff Work Room�

T?=@789, O:;5<=> 25�

8:00 a.m. Mass / (St. Paul Church)�

� 9:00�11:00 a.m. & 2:00�4:00 p.m. Book Fair/Gathering Place�

� 10:00 a.m.�2:00 p.m. IRIS Mee#ng/Parish Room�

� 2:00�9:00 p.m. Adora#on / Chapel �

� 3:30�6:00 p.m. Boys 8th Grade basketball/Gym�

� 6:00�8:00 p.m. Grief Support Group/Parish Room�

W=76=@789, O:;5<=> 26�

8:45 a.m. Mass / Church�

� 8:00�Noon Grandparents Day/Gathering Place�

� 9:00�11:00 a.m. & 2:00�4:00 p.m. Book Fair/Gathering Place�

� 6:00�7:00 p.m. School Town Hall Mee#ng/Parish Room�

� 7:00�9:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal /Church�

TB?>@789, O:;5<=> 27�

PLEASE NOTE: Bulle"n Copy due for Nov. 6 bulle"n �

� 5:30�7:00 a.m. Dynamic Men’s Group / Gathering Place�� 9:00�11:00 a.m. & 2:00�4:00 p.m. Book Fair/Gathering Place�

� 9:00�11:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry / Family Room�

� 3:30�6:00 p.m. Boys Basketball/Gym�

� 6:30 p.m. Mercy Retreat/ Gathering Place�

� 7:00�8:30 p.m. Middle School Volleyball/Gym�

F>C789, O:;5<=> 2128�

8:45 a.m. Mass / (St. Paul Church)�

� 5:00�6:30 p.m. Middle School Volleyball/Gym�

S8;?>789, O:;5<=> 29: �

� 9:00 a.m.�12:30 p.m. MS Volleyball/Gym�

� 3:00 p.m. Reconcilia#on / Church�

� 4:00 p.m. Mass / Church �

S?6789, O:;5<=> 30: �

10:30 a.m. Mass /Church�


What is the #tle of the document prepared by the United States

Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as a guide for those who

wish to par#cipate more fully in the poli#cal process?��

a)� Forming Consciences for Faithful Ci#zenship�b)� How to Vote Responsibly�c)� What you Need to now before you Vote�d)� Forming good decisions�


November 6-12, 2016 During this week please pray for voca#ons, and pray about how God

is calling you to live your voca#on more deeply. Encourage the

young people in your life, children, grandchildren, students and

friends to be open if God calls them to the priesthood or religious

life. For more informa#on about voca#on events or discernment

resources visit thinkpriest.org or contact the Voca#on Office at

voca/[email protected]

Year of Mercy Closing Mass: Mark your Calendars Please join Archbishop Jerome Listecki in prayer at the Year of the

Mercy Closing Mass on Sunday, Nov. 20, 11:00am, at the Cathedral

of St. john the Evangelist, 812 N. Jackson St., Milw. A2er Mass visit

the Cathedral Atrium to view displays from the 10 archdiocesan

deaneries depic#ng the various ways in which the Year of Mercy has

been celebrated.�

St. Bruno’s Parish is looking for a person to work a flexible schedule

totaling about 10hrs/week to sweep, vacuum, empty wastebaskets,

general clean�up, and miscellaneous du#es for parish and school

including possible snow shoveling, chair/table moves, etc.� �

Applicants should be able to li2 and/or carry up to 35lbs.� Hours

would be worked across 3�4 days of the week with 2 ½ of those

hours every Sunday.� Interested applicants please contact the parish

office at (262) 965�2332 to leave your name and phone number.�


We would like to thank ALL our sponsors

who adver#se with Liturgical Publica#ons,

Inc. (LPi) in our bulle#n. Our bulle#n

sponsors defray the weekly costs. Before

reaching out to the yellow pages,

newspapers, etc., please reach out to our

bulle#n sponsors who appreciate your


Page 5: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All



M56789, O:;5<=> 24, 2016

Ephesians 4:32�5:8, Luke 13:10�17

T?=@789, O:;5<=> 25, 2016

Ephesians 4:32�5:85:21�33, Luke 13:18�21�

W=76=@789, O:;5<=> 26, 2016�

Ephesians 6:1�9, Luke 13:22�30�

TB?>@789, O:;5<=> 27, 2016�

Ephesians 6:10�20, Luke 13:31�35�

F>C789, O:;5<=> 28, 2016�

Ephesians 2:19�33, Luke 10:12�16�

S8;?>789, O:;5<=> 29, 2016�

Philippians 1:18b�26, Luke 14:1, 7�11�

S?6789, O:;5<=> 30, 2016�Wisdom 11:22�12:2, 2 Thessalonians 1:11�2:2�

Luke 18:9�1419:1�10,�



Weekend Mass Times: Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m.�We pray the Rosary at 7:40 a.m. when there is 8:00 a.m. Mass.�

The Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open 24/7 for private prayer.�

Eucharis"c Adora"on is every Tuesday from 2:00�9:00 p.m. in the Chapel.�

Hospital Communion Ministry �

Thursday, October 27�

� J. Wagner�

4:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29�

Greeters:� J. Burgireno, I. Kronschnabel�

Ushers: � P. Kronschnabel, P. Maloney�

Servers:� A. Maloney, G. Maloney�

Lectors:� B. Kraeger, P. Kraeger�

Euch. Min:� J. Lamparski, R. Borowski�

� K. Warnes, L. Diodato�

� J. Hying, M. Harpster�

� C. Matysiak��

10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 30�

Greeters:� S. Carrao, J. Mezydlo�

Ushers:� J. Finn, P. Tabat�

� A. Uglum, D. Becker�

� B. Mo=l, R. Mo=l�

Servers:� J. Young�

Lectors:� M. Karczewski, E. Guzik�

Euch. Min:� R. Carrao, D. Woboril�

� P. Knepprath, B. Igl�

� M. McGrath�

Sacristan:� H. Mezydlo�

O����� 23, 2016� ���.�� �������.���� P��� 5�


In this Sunday’s Gospel, the tax collector’s

prayer allows God to be God and so allows

God to pour mercy into his heart. When we

pray and give alms to the poor, we allow

God’s mercy to be poured into their hearts.�

Through your gi' to the Society of

St. Vincent de Paul you also can give

God’s mercy to your neighbor who

is hungry, hopeless, alone and�


M�����, O������ 24�

8:00 a.m. † Steven Kuenzli�T!�"���, O������ 25�

Mass at St. Paul 8:00 a.m.�W����"���, O������ 26�

8:45 a.m. † Phyllis Ucci�

T%!�"���, O������ 27�8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer with Communion/Chapel�

F�(���, O������ 28�Mass St. Paul 8:45 a.m.�S��!����, O������ 29�

4:00 p.m. † Ron & Mary Siepmann�

S!����, O������ 30�10:30 a.m. † Parishioners of

� St. Bruno & St. Paul�


Please support our Adver�ser of the Week, �

Martens Plumbing Heating & Water Systems

See their full sized ad in this bulle?n.�

P����� N��: B���� � A� �����Requests for future parish bulle#ns should

be sent to our office staff at: �

[email protected]. �

Deadline for submissions is end of day of

the Thursday that falls nine days prior to

the weekend bulle#n in which you need the

informa#on placed. Please call Sue Solberg

at the parish office with any ques#ons. �


The answer is : a�Forming Consciences for Faithful

Ci#zenship. The en#re document can be

found at www.usccb.org�

ST. PAUL MASSES: Saturday: 6:00 p.m.�Sunday: 8:30 a.m. �

Weekdays: �Tues 8:00a.m. & Fri 8:45a.m.�

RCIA Are you interested in being bap)zed into

the Catholic Faith? Did you miss out on

receiving Eucharist or Confirma)on? �Contact Mary Kral, (262) 968�3865 or

[email protected]

9th Annual CMH Haunted House

Hosted by Catholic Memorial Students�Oct. 22,28 & 29 from 7�10pm�

With a family friendly hour at 6:00 pm on

Saturday, Oct. 22nd & 29th�

(not recommended for kids under 11

during regular hours) All proceeds benefit

Dryhootch. A local organiza#on that

provides a safe environment to gather for

veterans and their families to receive

support and community resources.�

Located: 601 E. College Ave. Waukesha�

KM Food Pantry Volunteers KM Food pantry is in need of 2nd & 5th

Thursday volunteers, also with some large

food drives coming up. Please contact

Jolene Johnson Van Den Elzen for more

info (262) 888�2350 or

[email protected]

All Souls Remembrance Ministry

The archdiocese of Milwaukee is offering

an opportunity to live out the corporal

work of mercy “to bury the dead.” on �

All Souls Day, Wed. Nov. 2nd at 9am, the

archdioceses will offer to people of all

faiths the opportunity to bury the �

cremated remains of their loved ones in a

community crypt at Holy Cross Cemetery,

7301 W. Nash St., Milw. This service is �

provided free of charge. For addi#onal

informa#on and to register your loved one,

please call (414) 438�4420 or



Page 6: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All

M8@@ � TB= E?:B8>C@;�Saturday: 4:00 p.m. �Sunday: 10:30 a.m. �Hispanic Mass�First, Third, & Fi%h Sundays at 4:30 p.m.�

R=:56:CGC8;C56�Saturday: 3:00 p.m. or by appointment �

B8H;C@I@�To arrange Bap�sm, please contact Mary Kral at least one month in advance, at 262�968�2276 x202, or 262�965�2332 or [email protected].�

M8>>C8K=�Please contact the Pastor at least six months before the anBcipated wedding date. At least one of the parBes must be a registered, pracBcing Catholic member of our parish community.�

A65C6;C6K 5M ;B= SC:N�We encourage parish members to celebrate the Anoin�ng of

the Sick for healing and strength at the Bme of serious illness or before surgery.�

C5II?6C56 ;5 ;B= SC:N�Parish members bring Holy Communion to the homebound. If you are unable to a=end Mass for a few weeks because of health or weather, please call the Parish Office.�

D8669’@ H=GHC6K H867@�If you need occasional help with errands, companionship,�transportaBon or meals, contact Rita Mezydlo at �602�885�0299 or [email protected].�

M=8G@ M5> M8ICGC=@ SC;B 6=S<5>6@�Expectant and new mothers can receive meals made by fellow parishioners for them and their families. Contact Amy Golden at 262�402�8229 or [email protected].�

P>89=> N=;S5>N�If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, we have a group of parishioners at St. Bruno’s who would like to pray for your special needs. Call Donna at 262�965�3224, or �Ruth at 262�965�2329.�

S;. VC6:=6; 7= P8?G (SVDP)�Contact the Parish Office for assistance from SVDP: 965�2332�

SB8>=7 P8@;5>: Fr. Chuck Wrobel�

Parish Phone������262�965�2332� Cell Phone�����������920�838�5740�

Emergency��������920�838�5740� E�Mail����[email protected]


Tom Filipiak�������������������������������������������������������������262�392�2516�

� Cell Phone���������������������������������������������������������262�366�1505�

� E�Mail������������������������������������������������[email protected]

John C. Mezydlo������������������������������������������������������602�885�1642�

� E�Mail������������������������������[email protected]

Gordon Snyder��������������������������������������������������������262�965�5500�

� E�Mail�����������������������������������������������������[email protected]

Joe Senglaub�����������������������������������������������������������262�442�7888�

E�Mail�����������������������������������������[email protected]

P8>C@B CG?@;=> DC>=:;5>�

Rita Borowski����������������������������������������������������������262�965�2332�

� E�Mail�����������������������������������������������������[email protected]

S:B55G P>C6:CH8G�

Ben Holzem�������������������������������������������������������������262�965�2291�

� E�Mail�����������������������[email protected]

P8@;5>8G C5?6:CG CB8C>�

Sco= Vandenhouten�����������������������������������������������262�470�3094�

� E�Mail������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]

B?@C6=@@ M868K=>�

Steve Spiegelhoff�������������������������������������������262�965�2332 x103�

� E�Mail�����������������������������������������[email protected]

LC;?>K9 Y M?@C: MC6C@;>9�

Mark Mrozek�������������������������������������������������262�965�2332 x105�

� E�mail��������������������������������������������[email protected]

A7?G; MC6C@;>9�

Mary Kral�������������������������������������������������������262�968�2276 x202�

� E�Mail��������������������������������������������������[email protected]

Y5?;B MC6C@;>9�

CBCG7 Y F8ICG9 MC6C@;>9�

Amy Golden������������������������������������������������������������262�402�8229�

� E�Mail��������������������������������������������������[email protected]

H?I86 C56:=>6@ C55>7C68;5>�

Be=y Igl����������������������������������������������������������262�965�2332 x110�

� E�Mail�����������������������������������������������������[email protected]

P8>C@B A7IC6C@;>8;CZ= A@@C@;86;@�

Chrystal Arno= & �

Sue Solberg (BulleBn Editor)��������������������������262�965�2332 x101�

� Shared E�Mail�������������������������������������������[email protected]


Paul Tabat���������������������������������������������������������������262�965�3453�


Kurt Hendrick�������������������������������������������������262�965�2332 x101�

T� C������ U: S�. B���� P���� O�����

226 West O.awa Avenue, Dousman, WI 53118�Parish Office Phone��������������������������������������������262�965�2332�

Parish Office Fax������������������������������������������������262�965�4749�

Parish Website����������������������������������www.stbrunoparish.com�

Parish E�mail���������������������������������������������[email protected]

School Office Phone�������������������������������������������262�965�2291�

School Website����������������������www.stbrunoparishschool.com�

E�Mail (School Secretary)��������[email protected]

CHURCH INFORMATION PARISH STAFF/RESOURCES If you are a visitor to St. Bruno Parish, or are new to our area, we

welcome and thank you for praying with us. We are a church

family and care about each other, our church, our community and

our world. You are invited to become a member of the St. Bruno

Parish Family. New Parishioners can register on the weekend of

the third Sunday of the month, or call the Parish Office at




P��� 6� ���.�� �������.���� S��� B� �� P�����


We have established a permanent endowment fund for �the future of our church and school. We invite a contribu,on �

in honor of family members, friends, or in memory of a �loved one. Informa,on and contribu,on envelopes are �

in the Gathering Place.�

Page 7: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All

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Joseph Kershek, Parish Member

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Page 8: T 23., 2016 · Budget Updates for Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017 Budgeted Contribu#ons* $242,465.96 Received Contribu#ons* $240,308.15 Difference ($2,157.81) *Includes All
