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T. Dobzhansky (geneticist)

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T. Dobzhansky (geneticist). “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”. Adaptation. A genetically determined characteristic that influences an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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T. Dobzhansky (geneticist) “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”
Page 1: T. Dobzhansky (geneticist)

T. Dobzhansky (geneticist)

“Nothing in biology makes sense

except in the light of evolution”

Page 2: T. Dobzhansky (geneticist)


A genetically determined characteristic that influences an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

Characteristics can be morphological, behavioral, or physiological.

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• Is a genetic change in a population (not an individual) over time

• Ecologists look at phenotypic (physical changes), in most cases, because that is how we recognize populations.

• It is, in fact, changes in the genotype, or more specifically, the gene pool.

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Allele Frequencies

The frequency of occurrence of alleles in a population.

If we use the simple one dominant and one recessive allele model, this can be demonstrated by:

p = frequency of the dominant allele

q = frequency of the recessive allele

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AA - 30 individuals

Aa - 20 individuals

aa - 50 individuals

p = 2(# individuals AA) + # individuals Aa 2(Total # individuals in population)

p + q = 1; therefore q = 1 - p

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p = 2(30) + 20 200= 0.4

p + q = 1; therefore q = 1 - 0.4 = 0.6

With these values, we can calculate the probability of what genotypes would be present in the next generation if this population were to mate randomly

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Genotypic Frequencies

p2 = probability of AA

q2 = probability of aa

2pq = probability of Aa

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

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Mechanisms for Evolutionary Change


Genetic Drift (small population size)

Gene Flow (immigration and emigration)

Non-Random Mating

Natural Selection

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Basic Tenet of Natural Selection

The most fit organisms (survivors) will reproduce and pass their genes

on to the next generation.

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Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

In diploid, sexually reproducing organisms, phenotypes, genotypes and genes all tend to come to equilibrium in

populations in certain conditions are met

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Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium No Mutation

Large Population Size

No immigration or emigration

Random Mating

No Selection for Traits

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Genetic Drift

• Random or chance events lead to a change in the genetic makeup of a population

• Limited to small populations

• “Bottleneck”

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p = 0.7

Random event leads to loss of individuals

p = 0.33

Population will come to reflect surviving population

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Effective Population Size (Ne)

The number of individuals actually participating in random mating.

This number is always smaller than the actual population size

- number of old- number too young- small number of one sex

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Gene Flow

• Change in gene pool of a population from immigration or emigration.

• Founder Effect

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Identification of Human Migration fromMitochondrial DNA

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Steps for Natural Selection

• Variation occurs in every group of living organisms. Individuals are not identical in any population.

• Every population produces an excess of offspring.

• Competition will occur among these offspring for the resources they need to live.

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Steps for Natural Selection

• The most fit offspring will survive.

• If the characteristics of the most fit organisms are inherited, these favored traits will be passed on to the next generation.

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Common Types of Individual Selection

• Stabilizing selection

• Direction selection

• Disruptive selection

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Figure 21.12

Figure 21.12

figure 21-12.jpg

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Figure 21.13

Figure 21.13

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Figure 21.14

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Similarities in Adaptive Strategies

• Convergent Evolution – similar responses to similar environmental situations BUT not related evolutionarily

• Example – Fig. 2.9

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Properties of Fitness

• Fitness is a property of a genotype, not an individual or population.

• Fitness is specific to a particular environment. As the environment changes, so does the fitness of genotypes.

• Fitness is measured over one generation or more.

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Outcomes of Selection

• Changes in Genetic Make-up of a Population

• Rise of new species – IF certain conditions met

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Distribution of a Species

Allopatric Speciation

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Geographic Barrier Splits Distribution

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No longer interbreeding; therefore, no exchangeof genes and could be undergoing different selectionpressures

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Over time, the gene pool of each group can become quit different

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If two groups are brought back together anddo not interbreed, they are now two separate species

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Distribution of a Species

Parapatric Speciation

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Individuals move into a new habitat

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If no interbreeding occurs between individualsin new habitat and those in the old, reproductiveisolating mechanisms can develop.

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Isolating mechanism develops within the existing distribution of a species

Sympatric Speciation

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Isolating mechanism develops within the existing distribution of a species

Sympatric Speciation

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Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms

• Prezygotic mechanisms prevent fertilization or zygote formation. Temporal shifts - do not become reproductively

active at the same time. Behavioral shifts - do not recognize courtship

behaviors (female bird doesn't recognize the dance of a male).

Mechanical shift - change in reproductive structure making it physically impossible to mate.

Habitat shifts – populations live in the same regions but occupy different habitats/microhabitats.

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Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms

• Postzygotic mechanisms zygote forms but

Does not complete development

Develops into a weak, unhealthy individual

Is sterile in either the F1 or F2 generation

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Evolution of Interactions Among Species

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• Batesian mimicry - a benign species resembles a noxious or dangerous species.

• Müllerian mimicry - both the mimics and the model are noxious or dangerous.

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• Evolutionary change in one species results in a reciprocal response of another species

• Many examples – excellent one is diversification of flowering plants and insect pollinators

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• Parasitism• Predator-Prey Interactions (including

herbivory)• Competition

• Other topics of note– Sexual selection– Kin Selection
