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T G BOOTHS J 15 Of - Library of Congress€¦ · ReicI Ir lrfS liw BOOTHS A1p CRES-CENTSAMNES I...

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w ff I THE EVENING STANDARD OGDEN UTAH TUESDAY DTCfiFivmFp n iom 7 I 4- fiji i oh am anll noJ5- S th- ItiL get dsils- tcsa t cow bo- a no taU made COD Klfor i lark Ii- I druff- Yorh G fi 5 vhi j- P I hC bit I sy- ngi l- CAiP fgD- l11ed1 faded itlOi- t d resle ReicI Ir lrfS liw BOOTHS A1p CRES- CENTSAMNES I Three limes he size of im- ported srmlincs many limes is delicious find put up in t ins four times lie size of the ordinary can for less money- A can a plenty for 4 For sale by all grocerc Picked by Monterey Packing Co San Francisco A little booklet of recipes free Wrlto for one ELGGREN BROS CO Walker Building Salt Lake City DISTRIBUTORS i rd Even We Can L utr H itnv Xmas suggestions I A Pair of Glasses 2 A Pair of Opera Glasses 3 A Pair of Field Glasses A Reading or Magnifying Glass 5 Automatic Eyeglass Hold- er ¬ S C An Eyeglass Chain 7 A New Frame for Glasses S A Compass 9 Automobile Glasse J T RUSHMER Manufacturing Optician 2464 Wash A- veRANDOM l E7 pLJL l sJ EfERENCES Continued from Pago FIvo Public stenographer at 380 Twenty fifth street EASTERN STAR MEMBERS arc requested to meet at Masonic Hall at 1 p m Wednesday December 7 to at ¬ tend funeral of Sister Knausa By or ¬ der of W JI Former Ogdenlto King M Brough son of one of Ogdens former may- ors ¬ C M Brouph Is spending a cou- ple of days In Ogden vlsillngfrlends and again getting acquainted with the city He lived In Ogden 1C yeara ago He says it Is really wonderful to contemplate the rapid growth of Ogden during that period of time Mr Brough 5s on his wny home from California whore he will recently call ¬ ed to attend the funeral of his fa- ther ¬ His homo is now at Vickshurg- Miss where ho Is engaged In the wholesale grocery business- For SLlleA retail meat market lit Salt Lake City with an old established family trade and in good locality Reasonable rent A splendid proposi- tion for a man with a little capital For information address Box 700 Og- den Los Angeles Sheriff William Ham mel sheriff of Los Angeles and well kuown to the authorities of this city and county was in Ogden today and sited the police station and tho sheriffs office Sheriff Hummel is ruaking a trip east nnd merely stop- ped ¬ off in Ogden to shake hands with some of his acquaintances Skate at the Auditorium each after- noon ¬ and evening Admission lOc skates 15c Tuesdays ladles will be admitted free Ran Over a DogBen Gardner a machinist employed in the gallery 01 the Southern Pacific nhopr returned to work this morning after a weeks iHnoes duo to running over a dog while riding a bicycle The accident occurred while Gardner was on his ray to work He was thrown to the Ftrcet and the shock and bruises rhlch he sustained made it neces- sary for hi mto remain at homo for several days Its tho talk of the town just around the corner from Carrs Drug Store Receivers Report ApprovedIn the district court in the matter of P E Lamar vs the Superior Brick Tile SIHllng company et al the final re- port of the receiver Carl Rasmusson luis been allowed and approved SCALES TESTED by un expert and arc In llrstclnss condition The Coal for sale only by Sluirtllff and Company Phones IS Yard 2011 Washington Avenue Final DecreeA final decree of dl orce has been granted Orala E Grlf Hth from his wife Katie V Griffith The Interlocutory decree was Issued Jan 8 1910- Marriage License Marriage llccn r s have been Issued to Leland Taylor We and Elizabeth Jackson of Ogden mId to John Orr Tccoinu Nevada and EI a A Kent American Fnlls Idaho Bonds ForfeitedE P Mackey and- J Young forfeited bonds of 5 each li police court tins morning Mackey- wi3 charged with riding a bicycle ° u the sidewalk and Young with hay Irg left his horse aland In time street without the animal being tried Unlawfully DrunkS T Johnson pleaded guilty to the charge 01 having been unlawfully drunk- was S A Bkln of Beauty Is a Joy Forever DR T Foil Oourouds Orlontol- Croom or Moglool Booutlflor lUmovta Ilmplu lIrtC Freckle Mill 1IChU c n and bkln Dli < fte EJ I and rTtrj bltuiUb ll- b t itocJ the tot Q J of HI JU ano1 IA M btrmloi t- litalitolxeurell lit mid4- Ac E plnoccai r tit r meat Dr L A Kiyro MM to ut- J of the ton a palled s AJ you Itll- in IVvK UM ttc noumt n J roeomreeca- a sk Li Ibt ist timful or iU 1M WKtu I va V t- rmo THQP HS Prep 37 Gml JMU Sliui Hell rcr- I k T fined G by time polico court Johnson was the only prisoner brought into tIme court roomtby tti <J Jailer Suit Dsmlscod Tho case of Anna WTooIth naglnfil John Woods in tho dis ulcl court has been dismissed by imttual consent and the suit of Jeaso Richards against the Oregon Simon Unj company lms been continued for term School Foundation Tho cement worlt on lll ° fO datlon of tho now Fourth Ward school building will bo ompleled thin week Tho contract for the building proper will not be let until early in the spring Gono to Denver Miss Helen Ivor son who has been visiting In this city for ccevral weeks1 loft via the Union Pacific this morning for Den- ver Departs for Kansas City 11 P Griffin left Ogden to r Kansas city this morning hero he will upend several dnys on business Will Become Nevadnnir and Mrs Olc Soronson who have muncie Oden their home for several months left thlg morning via the Southern Ta chic for Mason Nov where they will iitikc their home In thu future E R Lolse traveling agent of time Santa Fe was In Ogdon today on busi- ness C p Goslin freight and passenger agent of the Chesapeake Ohio rail- road was in Ogden this morning and rnnsacted business with thy railroad agents of this city Its the wilt of the town Just around he corner from Cnrrs Drug Store Infant Son Dead Maurice V the nfnnt son of Mr and Mrs I P Pc ersbn died at the fatuity residence at Hooper yesterday of spinal menin- gitis ¬ after a brief illness The fu floral services will be hold in Hooper tomorrow afternoon at I oclock with nirlal In time Hooper cemetery Comi1f you want the best If you ant full weight John Farr phono 2 7 Engaged Lee Shurtllff employed l n the money order department of the mstotnco Miss Alice Taylor of iarrlsvllle will l e married Thursday it the Temple at Salt Lake City 130t- hfire popular young people of this coun- ty and while their parents reside In larrlsvllle each has many friends i n this city New MachineryA new electric i lathe has been installed In the gal h ors department of the Southern Pa- cific ¬ machine shops The tool is not of unusual size htmL is of tho most modern design It will be put In op oration within a few days A HORSE WANTED- A gentleman desires to canvas 0- llcr county aunt wants time uso of a tuggy horse for his board Address s olicltor care of the Standard Good eferenco given and good attention to h lorso 0- 0DCIISIION fiN FAVOR OF- OLSEN The jury In the suit of W S Donald son Sons against John J Olson ried in the district court yesterday endered a verdict last evening In favor of time defendant awarding him a judgment for 25 Time plaintiff commenced the suit- o t recover SUSSO alleged to be due as- n balance on a plumbing account the defendant maintaining that the amount was not due because of defective plumbing done by the plaintiff The hearing of the case occupied the lime of the court and jury all day 00 docIE7Y- A VARIETY SHOWER- A variety shower was tendered Miss Llzzlo Jackson at the home of Miss Iretta Fifo 2122 Adams avenue last night Miss Jackson is to wed Leland Fife brother ot the hostess tomorrow at he Temple III Salt Lake City and the shower was given in anticipation of this event Many presents of house- hold uso were given tho bride elect and the score of guests Joined In wish ng her a happy luture Luncheon was bcrved by the hostess and a very pleasant evening was spent In music cnd chatting Miss Jackson is the daughter Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Jackson of 315U Adams avenue and Is a popular young huh Mr Fife who will lead her to the altar Is a young machinist em- ployed ¬ in the Southern Pacific shops During the baseball season he was the manager of tnu Machinists team B OF R T BANQUET The local B of R T will hold thou annual election of officers on Wednes- day evening which will be followed by a banquet at the Livingston Cafe- teria at which covers for at least one hundred guests will be laid The com- mittee having the affair In charge have made elaborate preparations and no detail that would add to the pleas- ure of this annual event will be oe r- looked The wives or sweethearts of the various members of tho order will be guests for tho evening and durlns the business session will occupy the card rooms whore card games will bo indulged In until time banquet hour at i1l0- number of outoftown guests arm expected and a royal good time la assured FLORODORA CUB The first dancing parly given by the newly organized Klorodora club on night at the Congress Danc- ing ¬ I academy was a prOnounced sue cess rrnis club is composed of time young married poopl ofOgdens social sot pleasant events arc plan- ned pHI many for the In r Mrs Winifred Poulton 15 the gucsi- of A T Woodman her mother Mrs the month of December FCC for I 00 READ THE CLASSIFIED 1AUla f BLZZAD- Os PAN Steamers Creep Into the Harbor of New York Snow in OhioN- ew ork Dec GA blizzard swept along the Atlantic seaboard and overt- ime lower lake region lodaj Twelve Ujgrces below zero at Canton N A was the lowest temperature recorded The sturm centered over the lowei Chesapeake bay this morning and riln snow or sleet fell over tho en tire country from Virginia northcaal anti through tho Kew England states A high northeaster aroused tho Ailantic ocean and four ocean steam- ships which crept Into this port this morning had to anchor In the lowor lay because of the blinding snow Shipping was held In port until bet- tor ¬ weather TWO FEET OF SNOW Lexington Ky Dec Gone of the heaviest snows for many years fell In this section of Kentucky last night and today Tho fall In the mountains Vhs io feet while the lowlands were covered with ton Inches of now Bus- iness in the mountain districts is en- tirely ¬ suspended SNOW I tJ OHIO Calli polls Ohio Dec 6weivo Inches of snow fell in this section last nEht which Is the heaviest for ten years MYSTERIOuS AND- PURPOSELESS HOAXD- enver Colo Dec GOAs the re- sult ¬ of a mysterious nnd apparently purposeless hoax Mrs Mary J Hall of Belolt Wig Is In Denver search- Ing for her sister Mrs Harriet G Howe who left her Wisconsin home over 30 years ago and from whom Mrs Hall has heard nothing for more than five yeara- According to Mrs Hall last spring sho received a letter from Mend Bradley lawyers who gave their ad- dress as the ninth floor of the Fulton julldlng Denver They Informed her that Mrs Rowe had died here leav- Ing ¬ her an estate valued nt 8000 Un- der ¬ the terms of the will they de- clared they were compelled to hold the estate In trust for three years paying the Income over to Mrs Hall The first payment of this Income would he made Fob 31 1911 Another letter relative to the estate followed about two weeks after tho first let- ter had been received and then the correspondence ceased Receiving no answers to the letters which she sent time lawyers Mrs Hall finally dodd ed to como to Denver Upon her ar- rival ¬ here she discovered that there was no Fulton block and consequent- ly ¬ no ninth hoer that there was no such firm of lawyers as Mead hiram ley that there was no record of Mrs Harriet Rowc as having lived here and that there was no estate Inci- dentally she learned that there never has been and probably novor will be a February 31 a point which she had heretofore overlooked There has been no attempt Mrs Hall says to secure any money front her for any purpose 00 BOER WRESTLER- IS EASY VICTIM Chicago Dec GThe championship aspirations of Peter Nogert the Doer wresUer wlio came hero In quest of Frank Golchs crown were glen n severe shock last night when Yusslff- Mahmout the Bulgarian won from the South African In straight falls with- out ¬ apparent cfforL Mahmoul won the first lull In 930 with a double Jar arm and time second In 2JO with a halfNelson and log lock Mahmout who was at least forty Bounds lighter than his opponent as- sumed the aggressive In both bouts md the Boor did not havo a chance- to show his offensive tactics 00 HORACE BROCKWAY DEAD New York Dec GIIurace II Biockway one of tho best mOl hotel- men In the country and a Freo Mason of high rank Is dead at his home here of diseases incident to ago lie was 71 years old co- o o Try This HomeMade Cough Remedy Costs Llttlo But Does the Work Quickly or Money Refunded- Mix o ono pint of granulated sugar with U Pint of warm water and stir for 2 minutes Put 2V6 ounces of Pin ex fifty cents worth In a pint bot tlo then add the Sugar Syrup Tako- n teaspoonful every ono two or threo hours You will find that this simple rem- edy ¬ takes hold of a cough more quick- ly ¬ than anything else you ever used Usually ends a deepseated cough in sldo of 21 hours Splendid too for whooping cough chest pains bron- chitis and other throat troubles It stimulates tho appotito and is slight- ly ¬ laxatlvo which helps end a cough This reclpo makes more and better cough syrup than you could buy readymade for 2GO It keeps per- fectly and tastes pleasant Plnex Is tho most valuablo concen- trated compound of Norway whlto pine extract and Is rich In rjulalcol and all the natural pine elements which are so healing to tho mom branes Other preparation will not work In this formula This plan of making cough syrup with Plnox and Sugar Syrup or strained honoy has proven BO popu- lar throughout tho United States and Canada that It In often Imitated But the old successful formula has never been equalled A guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded goua with thin rcclpo Your druggist has PIne or will get It for you If not send to The Pines Co Ft Wayne ind SUIB SA 15 ll1 E fillS A BAD- lfEMPER Adali E Hiuniberg has commenced illvorco proceedings against br hUB bMul Charles G Unnoberg claiming tht she CUM no longer live with him In- oncu p Tho complaint alleges that time part los wore married July IS IflOI nnd thuL for time past year the defendant has been cruel and Inlmrian towarl the plaintiff scolding finJlng faull and assaulting lien Mrs Rlnncberg- snjH ber husband has n violent loin Per that he is greatly Addicted to the HBO of strong drink and that whoa I ho Is undor the influence of llcpior h- Is quarrelsome brnwlouio and uiibcar- pble Mrs Rlmifberg asks for divorce nnJ 50 to pay the attorney together with the costs of tho suit nn suns IN TE- MUNCPAL OUR r Joseph PingreeA Jr has filed suit In the municipal court against Charles E Muhs and Myrtle Muhs for 3180 charging that this amount la due on account- In tho same court Drs Rich and Osgood have brought suit against Carl I Nelson for 378u alleged to ho duo for prnfcBsionil services Wary II Driver has brought action against Moroni S Poilltor for 3123 on a promissory note Time Harness Dlx Co have begun suit against F T Clifford for 100 alleged to bo flue on a promissory note oo fifty WILL fiET CHEAPER WATER Chicago Dec 5 Moro than riOO 000 will be stricken from time aggre ¬ gate cost of living In Chicago In LOU if a recommendation presented t the city council last night by Com- mIssioner of Public Works Mullaney for Mayor Busse Is concurred In by the aldermen Tho reconimendation la that 10 per cent bo stricken from all water bills whether rendered aa as- sessed or meter rates In his report Commissioner Mul Ipney said there was a surplus of 70000 in the water fund that the fund Is Increasing dally and that with all the Improvement proposed time city can well afford to reduce tho cost and still show a profit from tho sale of water The matter was re- ferred to the council finance com- mittee with a request for Immediate action 00 DREXEL 1IIYS UP WORLDS RECORD New York Dec 6J Armstrong Drexel the aviator who Is in New York preparing to sail for England this week announces Unit he will make no further effort to have hisS Philadelphia flight considered a worlds iccord Under tho rules of time International Aeronautic Federa- tion an official record for altitude must be at least 100 meters or 328 ret In excess of the previous record Mr Drexel will return to the United States early In 1911 and will then make another flight in the hope of gaining tho desired record which will have to be 10012 feet or more 00 ARKANSAS AND SOUTH CAROLINA Washington Dec Population sta tistics of the thirteenth census Is- sued today by time census bureau in- cluded figures for the following states Arkansas 137III9 an increase of 2G2SSo or 200 per cent over 1311- 5fil In 3000 TIme Increase front 1S90 to 1000 was ISVoSS or ICn per cenL South Carolina 1515400 an In- crease of 175031 or 131 per cent over 1310310 In 1900 TIme Increase from 1SDO to 1900 was 189107 or 151 per- cent 00 SUFFRAGETTES FIND- A CHRISTMAS COUNTER Now York Doe GThe suffragette finds a Christmas counter all her own in tho New York shops this year Buttons ribbons Hags Inslgnias and knlcknacks of various kinds In the suf ¬ fragette colors or decorated with tho suffrage emblems are displayed Per haps the most unusual novelties are suffrage hosiery in stripes of green purple and white the colors of the womens political union Time hosiery is made for men as well as for women advocates of the cause Votes for women cigarettes said to bo made of genuine Egyptian to- bacco daintily rolled In a whiter and gold wrapper with a slogan of tho seekers of the ballot eniMazoncil in gill letters are another novelty oo FIREMAN WENT TO HIS OWN FIRE Now York Dec 5Wlmemm a Harlem fire company responded to an alarm lute last night Fireman John TierS ncy sprang from a truck In vben ho say the fire was In time flat building in which he lived Running through smokefilled halls he found his wife and two children too frightened to move He carried out the children and guided his wife- to I safety at the same thin Several other families were rescued oo Officials Go WetW H Bancroft vice president and general manager of time Oregon Short Line railroad ac companlcd by E C Manson general manager of the Oregon Short Line mInd T F Rowlands division supoiv- Intendent of the Southern Pacific left Sparks this morning on a special train and will arrive In Ogden to morrow morning Mr Bancroft la re- turning ¬ to Salt Lake City from San Francisco 1 tcgs ARE- DROrp NG Steel Trust Is Laying Off Thousands of Employes Now York Dec GTime stuck mar leN closed ad ire nnd very unsettled today A tuxuy selling movement In United States Steel sent time list to the lowest level attained In aome weeks The drive against Steel had Its origin In rumors that tho corpora- tion ¬ had decided to lilY tIff many thousands of mill hands bOcniiBc of tiado conditions Color was given to these rumors in advices from tho PIttsburg dis ¬ trict which stated that the number of Idle men thoro already exceeded 15000 I There wero also reports of further retrenchment on the part of the rail- way companies Time market contin- ued ¬ unsettled In final dealings with practically no recovery Net losaoa ranged from 2 to 3 12 Ilolnts- Annollncement that tho Reading div- idend ¬ meeting had been postponed and further advices of increasing slackness in the steel Industry to- gether with a feeling of disappoint- ment ¬ at the tenor of the Presidents message were the primary factors 00 Victim of Drink Heeds Orrine Drink cunningly destroys the will- power and while the drunkard Wants- to do what you toll him he wants a thousand times more time drink that be craves Medical treatment Is nec- essary Orrine will destroy the de- sire for liquor 80 that tho drink will not be missed and restore the patient- to health This reamed Is thoroughly scientific mind IB so un fmly successful that It is sold with Cgistcrcd guarantee to refund your j If it falls to effect a cure Boot let on How to Cure Drunkenness free on request The Orrine Co CSC Orrlno Building Washington D C tsoid In this city by BADCON PHARMACY STARVES RATHER THAN iO TO YORK Denver Colo Dec According to a complaint tiled by her parents in time Juvenile court horo yesterday 1C- yoarold May Starkweather although hi perfect health prefers starving to getting out of bed Two days ngo tho parents say May who had been required to do the housework wont on a strike refusing- to leave her bed When she asked for food and was told she would have to get up nnd get It sIte replied that shod starve first Tho complaint alleges that up to into she has been making her throat good Yesterday the parents applied to the Juvenllo court Tho court con- fessed ¬ Its Inability to make May got up 00 CARD OF THANKS- We desire to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who- so kindly gave us their helping hand during the sickness and death of our beloved husband father son anti brother to those who spoke kind words of consolation and to those who sent beautiful floral designs Wo hope that when you are called upon to ben trials of this nature willing hands will be as ready to serve you an they were us MIL and MRS E D STONE and FAMILY MRS ADA STO- NECOSBTUT1OtUOR 00 ARIZONA COIPLETED PHOENIX Ariz Dec C Construc- tive work In the training of Arizonas constitution was completed today and Its final adoption only remains but there arc Intimations that further at- tacks ¬ will be made on certain provis- ions ¬ of the document before that ac- tion ¬ Is taken It Is believed however that there will be no Important changes made and thut adjournment will take place Thursday when the- slxtytin limit expires Considerable debate preceded final passage of the employers liability and workmens compulsory compensation measures today the former being amended In many respects Attor- neys ¬ made n strenuous light on the provisions of the original measures which abrogated the dostrlnes of as- sumed risks and contributory negli- gence Judge Baker declaring the only defense of the companies In damage actions would he suicide As amend- ed ¬ the measure is considered by many to ho superior to any adopted by other states Time compulsory compensation measure Is n mandate to the legisla- ture ¬ to enact a law similar to that which recently became effective In New York Arizona Is the first con- stitution to contain tho Snap amend- ment ¬ JO SHIP SUBSIDY WILL BE TAKEN UP AGAIN Washington Dec GThe ship sub- sidy investigation will be taken up again by the special hou o commit ¬ toe mended by Representative Olcott- of New York probabK next week Officials of some of the European I lines who did not havo an opportunity to testify al the hearings hero dur- ing ¬ thc last session of Congress or recently In Now York will be sum- moned to give information concerning i tho allegations the of a lobby at Washington elsewhere for the purpose of influencing members of congress t oo ++ 4 + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + LOUISIANAS NEW SENATOR + I + + + Baton Rouge La DQC C 4 + Judge J R Thornton of Alex f- f anilrla was today elected by time + I 4 LoulHlann general assembly to be + + United States senator to succeed + + the late Senator McEnory + I + 4- ft tP 4 + t + + t- p + + + + j I TW RELESS- MESSAGr Received in Denver From Vessels on the Pacific Ocean Denver Colo Dec GFor the last few weeks wireless messages from vessoln standing off the Pacific coast havo been picked up in Denver by W II Smith a former telegraph op- erator ¬ who has installed nn amateur wireless station at hi5 home Smith kept a careful record of me- messngcK receive I together with the code Blgnaturee anti according to his statement correspondent with the wireless operators at Lhelos Angeles station Inin established tho fact that tho majority of the messages were sent by vessels off the California shore In n largo number of cases the mcfi sago waa received by Smith oxactly as taken by time Los Angeles station Tho longest distance covered bv any of time messages as far asSmlth has been able to ascertain was 1500 miles tho message In question being sent from tho steamer Icctnn hound for Panama anl at thc time the mes- sage ¬ was sent standing off thc coast of Lower California Attempts will ho made to oatablish regular communication between Smiths station and Los Angeles <<> KPT HIS PROMSPr- isoner Allowed to Go Appears to Be SentencedCh- icago Dec C I would not dis- grace ¬ my uniform by falling to keep my word whatever faults 1 have I ought to bo punished and I came back to take tho punishment I deserve This statement was made to Judge Den M Smith yesterday by Edward Lewis former United StitcS soldier and at one time a wealthy lumber merchant Three mouths ago Lewis jiioaded guilt to forging a chock while Intoxicated Ho told Judge Smith that ha was a lumber salesman and that if ho was sent to prison at that time he would be unable to find work wimen released He promised that If he was given a chance to work while business was good he would moot his obligations antI come back to take his medicine Your wonl as a United Sttaes sol- dier ¬ is good enough said Judge Smith You come here December 5- nt 10 oclock for sentence AYhcn tho liour of ton arrived yes tfrday Lewis appeared before Judge Smith His brotherinlaw an attor- ney told the court that Lewis already had been punished enough but Lewis objected and Insisted upon being sen- tenced ¬ Judge Smith gave him six weeks in the house of correction You are looking tine said Judge Smith I am glaJ that you have wade good I intended to sentence you to ten weeks but I will cut it down to siz w eks because you havo kept faith with me You see said Lewis afterward when I used to drink I had no idea how much was enough When I would Get to feeling good I though I hat money In every bank In Mio country I did not mean to bo dishonest 00 CHICAGO lAY LIFT THE LID Chicago Dec GTho 200foot 16 storlcfi restriction on futcic Chicago buiMlngs was defeated In the city council last nlgnL that body unani- mously reversing the action it took last Thursday in committee of the whole when It incorporated In the building code a section making 200 feel the maximum height for build- ings This leaves tho section In the old ordinance In force until tho new code Is published and put Into effect v which will be about nineteen days During this time time maximum height of buildings will be 2CO feet ay in time past but unless tIle council takes some action before the old ord- inance expires the lid soon will be off entirely and bulldlngo may be erected to any height 00 WOOL MARKET IS ON THE IMPROVE Boston Dcc GDesplte a some- what ¬ uncertain outlook local wool merchants Iew time situation with a good degree of confidence The sup- ply of wool in Boston Is small and there is a fair amount of business mostly in small lots Values hold steady At the moment lleccc wools mire neg Iccled Still considerable fine anti J fine medium Montana has hcen trans- ferred ¬ on a basis of fiS cents cleaned I Some Wyoming wools have changed I hands at 0 i2 cents in the grease Scoured li months Texas clips I bring 6Q oqnts while full clips lire of- fered ¬ at48 to 50 cents oo- Chicago Close Chicago Dec WhoaDec 13 ilhl l 7 SS July 9i i2mmSS Corn Deceit 1S May 10 11 July lf7JJl Oatsier SI 3J May 31 l2aS8- JuJyJ4 IJ PomkInmm ISOO May h50L- amulJmin JS1 12 May 976 ltibsfarm ii57 12 Miy 1132 12 TlmuiOthlyS00f9- 0mekvorl0IGalt lye8lcB- an o6OaGS J t f FLINAL Of I MRS EDDV Body Will Te Buried in Mt Auburn Cemetery- in Cambridge Boston Doc 1Fnll arrangements tot the rUwrl Mary Maker Ci Eddy heul of time Christian Science church dfod ar lien home at Chestnut Hill on Saturday night will not IK perfected iinli1 the arrival- of hor Hon George W Clover who Is expected hero from Load S D some tlnif tomorrow II vax decided today that the body of the header would be hurled Jn Ml Auburn cemetery Cambridge In time meantime tile directors of tho church Archibald Mflollan Ste- phen A Chase Alison Stewart John- V Dlttomore Ho Dickey have taken full charge of tIme church management and the scope of their powers includes matters of organiza ¬ lion of finance anil of discipline Th y- are supreme In tho mother church and control branch chtchML Al were the perconal Eddy and they are a aelfpcrpetuating body Mr McLHInn IB r rloI of tin peri- odical ¬ Issued In thus and Is n na- tive of Moncton N H Mr Chas is the treasurer of the mother church and a resident of Fall River Mr Stewart is tho publisher of Mrs Ed dya works and was bom In Pennsyl- vania ¬ Mr Ditlonuire who Is clerk of the organization cornea from Indian- apolis and Mr Dickey recently ap- pointed to fill the vacancy caused bv the death of Ira 0 Knapp w11 Mrs Eddys private secretary many years and comes from Kansas City MoAt the mansion at Chestnut Mill whero the body lies In an upper chamber there are no outward signs of grief Thoro Is no crepe on time door the window shades arc up and members of tho household come and go as usual The undertaker has performed his duties with tIme exception of laying the body in a casket 0 5000 REWARD For the arrest and conviction of the dealer who refills our Gold LeafS and Sego Lily Lard palls with own makes of lard Gold Leaf and Scgo Lily Lard are time only lards In Ogden which tho government stamps V S Inspected and Paused and the government imposes a penalty of 1000 or six months Imprisonment on time party who rclllls our cans with uninspected lard Ogden Packing t Provision Co NEW WAlS RECORD MADE New York Dec fiNews of the es- tablishment ¬ of a merles of new worlds walking records ninth n few days ago in Milan Italy has Just reached this cit Tho new title holder ia II V L Loss an Englishman who was entered as scratch man in a 20 kilometer walking handicJ The dis- tance In statute mile 752 yards and Ross won In 1 hour 35 minutes 1G 13 seconds a new worlds record for the distance In the course of time walk he also set up new worlds records for 10 11 and 12 miles Ills figures for those distances wore as follows Ten miles 1 hour 15 minutes 5fi seconds Eleven miles 1 hour 2H minutes 51 seconds Twelve miles 1 hour SI minutes seconds fl Some of thc old records had stood for more than 12 years 00 NO OMNIBUS PUBLIC I BUILDING BILL THIS SESSION I Washington Dec 6There will be no omnibus public building bill at this session of congress according to present plans hut some Individual bills to meet what may he reganleI as pressing local necessities mn be J reported out of time house committee on public huildimm- gsHEADACHE AND NEURALGIA You cant work or think whou you are suffering from a splitting head- ache Next time gently your tomjiles and forencaU with Alnstorole It vlll give hifltan reir Vorks iiko magic wherever pain or con- gestion la unequalled for quick iellef In cased of Neuralgia HhIIIHtSf Pleurisy Headache or Chest Pneumonia etc An ointment containing mustard and iventbol which Is br ller than a mus- tard ¬ plaster for all purposes iud will not blister A jar for leady use may prevent a seriousor fatal Illness 25c and 50c a jar On sale at THcRGr- ant Ave and 25th St Ask for Free iSxmpic The Musiorolc Co CleHand Ohio 7 CGBENlIfRF 32G HOic EXCHANGE street I I Wires to all tracks on all Sporting Event I w O T 9JJrTllATuT- HE PHILLIP KEENE COMPANY- IN DAMON A- NDPYTIHAS il The Great Classic Play- of the Age f TOMG1TSe- ats l Now On Sal- ePrices25c 50c 75c 100 I O6DENT11A- TEWednesday h December 7 AMERICAS FAVORITE The Greatest Commedicnnee and Prima Don- nJDAN Grace Cameron In i C H Kerro Great Master PI- eceNancy I A Soul Stirring Play A Beul ful Story of Home Life Pathos and Comedy With Special Musical Numbers You Will Laugh You Will 1 Scream You Will Roar and Ten Some i You An Know Her SOME OF THE ATTRACTIONS- SHE HAS STARRED IN Henry W Savage Grand Opera Whitneys Plff Paff Pouf The Bostonian in ° od The Tenderfoot Johnny Comes Marching Home Foxy Qulller- Souoas Famous Band 4 Dolly Dimples- And Many Others SEATS NOW SELLING PRICES 1 75 50p 25 JTkhTURK- EYS Ij- t I FED ON GRAIN or our supplying will be plumper and more tender than the ones that havo to rustle for their living if you have livestock of any kind It will pay you- to buy here CHAS F GROUT 352 Twentyfourth Street Successor to Allen Transfer Co J C ShADE Prop VANS BAGGAGE ONS PIANO FURNITURE WAG SAFE MOVING 408 25th St Both Phones 321 ENGRAVING REPAIRING HF fIPP j Jewelry Cut Glass Hand Painted China Etc 2476 Grant Ave Ogden Uta- hOGDEN1JLSTERING WORKS I MENDERS AND JOBBERS OF ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD I FURNITURE 2001 Washington Avenue Bell 1081Y Ind 368M Ogden Utah READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE- S jt >
Page 1: T G BOOTHS J 15 Of - Library of Congress€¦ · ReicI Ir lrfS liw BOOTHS A1p CRES-CENTSAMNES I Three limes he size of im-ported srmlincs many limes is delicious find put up in t














a no










G fi5 vhi j-


hC bit



ngi l-






d resle







Three limes he size of im-

ported srmlincs many limesis delicious find put up in

t ins four times lie size of theordinary can for less money-

A can a plenty for 4For sale by all grocerc

Picked by

Monterey Packing Co

San FranciscoA little booklet of recipes free Wrlto

for one

ELGGREN BROS COWalker Building Salt Lake City



rd Even We Can Lutr H itnv Xmas suggestionsI A Pair of Glasses2 A Pair of Opera Glasses3 A Pair of Field Glasses

A Reading or MagnifyingGlass

5 Automatic Eyeglass Hold-



C An Eyeglass Chain7 A New Frame for GlassesS A Compass9 Automobile Glasse

J T RUSHMERManufacturing Optician

2464 Wash A-


l E7 pLJL l sJ

EfERENCESContinued from Pago FIvo

Public stenographer at 380 Twentyfifth street

EASTERN STAR MEMBERS arcrequested to meet at Masonic Hall at1 p m Wednesday December 7 to at¬

tend funeral of Sister Knausa By or¬

der of W JIFormer Ogdenlto King M Brough

son of one of Ogdens former may-ors


C M Brouph Is spending a cou-ple of days In Ogden vlsillngfrlendsand again getting acquainted withthe city He lived In Ogden 1C yearaago He says it Is really wonderfulto contemplate the rapid growth ofOgden during that period of timeMr Brough 5s on his wny home fromCalifornia whore he will recently call ¬

ed to attend the funeral of his fa-


His homo is now at Vickshurg-Miss where ho Is engaged In thewholesale grocery business-

For SLlleA retail meat market litSalt Lake City with an old establishedfamily trade and in good localityReasonable rent A splendid proposi-tion for a man with a little capitalFor information address Box 700 Og-den

Los Angeles Sheriff William Hammel sheriff of Los Angeles and wellkuown to the authorities of this cityand county was in Ogden today andsited the police station and thosheriffs office Sheriff Hummel isruaking a trip east nnd merely stop-ped


off in Ogden to shake handswith some of his acquaintances

Skate at the Auditorium each after-noon


and evening Admission lOcskates 15c Tuesdays ladles will beadmitted free

Ran Over a DogBen Gardner amachinist employed in the gallery 01

the Southern Pacific nhopr returnedto work this morning after a weeksiHnoes duo to running over a dogwhile riding a bicycle The accidentoccurred while Gardner was on hisray to work He was thrown to theFtrcet and the shock and bruisesrhlch he sustained made it neces-sary for hi mto remain at homo forseveral days

Its tho talk of the town just aroundthe corner from Carrs Drug Store

Receivers Report ApprovedIn thedistrict court in the matter of P ELamar vs the Superior Brick TileSIHllng company et al the final re-port of the receiver Carl Rasmussonluis been allowed and approved

SCALES TESTED by un expert andarc In llrstclnss condition TheCoal for sale only by Sluirtllff andCompany Phones IS Yard 2011Washington Avenue

Final DecreeA final decree of dlorce has been granted Orala E Grlf

Hth from his wife Katie V GriffithThe Interlocutory decree was IssuedJan 8 1910-

Marriage License Marriage llccnr s have been Issued to Leland TaylorWe and Elizabeth Jackson of OgdenmId to John Orr Tccoinu Nevada and

EI a A Kent American Fnlls IdahoBonds ForfeitedE P Mackey and-J Young forfeited bonds of 5 each

li police court tins morning Mackey-wi3 charged with riding a bicycle° u the sidewalk and Young with hayIrg left his horse aland In time streetwithout the animal being tried

Unlawfully DrunkS T Johnsonpleaded guilty to the charge 01

having been unlawfully drunk- was S

A Bkln of Beauty Is a Joy Forever

DR T Foil Oourouds Orlontol-Croom or Moglool Booutlflor

lUmovta IlmplulIrtC Freckle Mill 1IChU

c n and bkln Dli < fteEJ

Iand rTtrj bltuiUb

ll-b t itocJ the totQ J of HI JU ano1IA M btrmloi t-

litalitolxeurelllit mid4-Ac E plnoccai rtit r

meat Dr L AKiyro MM to ut-

Jof the

ton a palled sAJ you Itll-inIVvK UM ttc

noumt n J roeomreeca-ask Li Ibt ist timful or iU 1M

WKtu I va V t-rmo THQP HS Prep 37 Gml JMU Sliui Hell rcr-



T fined G by time polico court Johnsonwas the only prisoner brought intotIme court roomtby tti<J JailerSuit Dsmlscod Tho case of AnnaWTooIth naglnfil John Woods in tho disulcl court has been dismissed byimttual consent and the suit of JeasoRichards against the Oregon SimonUnj company lms been continued forterm

School Foundation Tho cementworlt on lll ° fO datlon of tho nowFourth Ward school building will boompleled thin week Tho contractfor the building proper will not be letuntil early in the spring

Gono to Denver Miss Helen Ivorson who has been visiting In thiscity for ccevral weeks1 loft via theUnion Pacific this morning for Den-ver

Departs for Kansas City 11 PGriffin left Ogden to r Kansas citythis morning hero he will upendseveral dnys on business

Will Become Nevadnnir andMrs Olc Soronson who have muncieOden their home for several monthsleft thlg morning via the Southern Tachic for Mason Nov where they williitikc their home In thu future

E R Lolse traveling agent of timeSanta Fe was In Ogdon today on busi-ness

C p Goslin freight and passengeragent of the Chesapeake Ohio rail-road was in Ogden this morning andrnnsacted business with thy railroadagents of this city

Its the wilt of the town Just aroundhe corner from Cnrrs Drug Store

Infant Son Dead Maurice V thenfnnt son of Mr and Mrs I P Pcersbn died at the fatuity residenceat Hooper yesterday of spinal menin-gitis


after a brief illness The fufloral services will be hold in Hoopertomorrow afternoon at I oclock withnirlal In time Hooper cemetery

Comi1f you want the best If youant full weight John Farr phono2 7

Engaged Lee Shurtllff employedl n the money order department of themstotnco Miss Alice Taylor ofiarrlsvllle will l e married Thursdayit the Temple at Salt Lake City 130t-

hfire popular young people of this coun-ty and while their parents reside Inlarrlsvllle each has many friendsi n this city

New MachineryA new electrici lathe has been installed In the galh ors department of the Southern Pa-cific


machine shops The tool is notof unusual size htmL is of tho mostmodern design It will be put In oporation within a few days


A gentleman desires to canvas 0-

llcr county aunt wants time uso of atuggy horse for his board Address

s olicltor care of the Standard Goodeferenco given and good attention toh lorso





The jury In the suit of W S Donaldson Sons against John J Olsonried in the district court yesterdayendered a verdict last evening Infavor of time defendant awarding hima judgment for 25

Time plaintiff commenced the suit-ot recover SUSSO alleged to be due as-

n balance on a plumbing account thedefendant maintaining that the amountwas not due because of defectiveplumbing done by the plaintiff Thehearing of the case occupied the limeof the court and jury all day



A variety shower was tendered MissLlzzlo Jackson at the home of MissIretta Fifo 2122 Adams avenue lastnight

Miss Jackson is to wed Leland Fifebrother ot the hostess tomorrow athe Temple III Salt Lake City and theshower was given in anticipation ofthis event Many presents of house-hold uso were given tho bride electand the score of guests Joined In wishng her a happy luture Luncheonwas bcrved by the hostess and a verypleasant evening was spent In musiccnd chatting

Miss Jackson is the daughter Mrand Mrs Lorenzo Jackson of 315U

Adams avenue and Is a popular younghuh Mr Fife who will lead herto the altar Is a young machinist em-


in the Southern Pacific shopsDuring the baseball season he wasthe manager of tnu Machinists team


The local B of R T will hold thouannual election of officers on Wednes-day evening which will be followedby a banquet at the Livingston Cafe-

teria at which covers for at least onehundred guests will be laid The com-

mittee having the affair In chargehave made elaborate preparations andno detail that would add to the pleas-

ure of this annual event will be o e r-

lookedThe wives or sweethearts of the

various members of tho order will beguests for tho evening and durlns thebusiness session will occupy thecard rooms whore card games will boindulged In until time banquet hour ati1l0-

number of outoftown guests arm

expected and a royal good time la



The first dancing parly given by thenewly organized Klorodora club on

night at the Congress Danc-


I academy was a prOnounced suecess

rrnis club is composed of time young

married poopl ofOgdens social sotpleasant events arc plan-

nedpHI many

for the In r

Mrs Winifred Poulton 15 the gucsi-

of A T Woodmanher mother Mrsthe month of December

FCC forI





Os PANSteamers Creep Into the

Harbor of New YorkSnow in OhioN-

ew ork Dec GA blizzard sweptalong the Atlantic seaboard and overt-ime lower lake region lodaj TwelveUjgrces below zero at Canton N A

was the lowest temperature recordedThe sturm centered over the loweiChesapeake bay this morning andriln snow or sleet fell over tho entire country from Virginia northcaalanti through tho Kew England states

A high northeaster aroused thoAilantic ocean and four ocean steam-ships which crept Into this port thismorning had to anchor In the loworlay because of the blinding snow

Shipping was held In port until bet-tor




Lexington Ky Dec Gone of theheaviest snows for many years fellIn this section of Kentucky last nightand today Tho fall In the mountainsVhs io feet while the lowlands werecovered with ton Inches of now Bus-iness in the mountain districts is en-




Calli polls Ohio Dec 6weivoInches of snow fell in this section lastnEht which Is the heaviest for tenyears



enver Colo Dec GOAs the re-


of a mysterious nnd apparentlypurposeless hoax Mrs Mary J Hallof Belolt Wig Is In Denver search-Ing for her sister Mrs Harriet GHowe who left her Wisconsin homeover 30 years ago and from whomMrs Hall has heard nothing for morethan five yeara-

According to Mrs Hall last springsho received a letter from MendBradley lawyers who gave their ad-

dress as the ninth floor of the Fultonjulldlng Denver They Informed herthat Mrs Rowe had died here leav-Ing


her an estate valued nt 8000 Un-


the terms of the will they de-clared they were compelled to holdthe estate In trust for three yearspaying the Income over to Mrs HallThe first payment of this Incomewould he made Fob 31 1911 Anotherletter relative to the estate followedabout two weeks after tho first let-ter had been received and then thecorrespondence ceased Receiving noanswers to the letters which she senttime lawyers Mrs Hall finally dodded to como to Denver Upon her ar-rival


here she discovered that therewas no Fulton block and consequent-ly


no ninth hoer that there was nosuch firm of lawyers as Mead hiramley that there was no record of MrsHarriet Rowc as having lived hereand that there was no estate Inci-dentally she learned that there neverhas been and probably novor will bea February 31 a point which shehad heretofore overlooked

There has been no attempt MrsHall says to secure any money fronther for any purpose




Chicago Dec GThe championshipaspirations of Peter Nogert the DoerwresUer wlio came hero In questof Frank Golchs crown were glenn severe shock last night when Yusslff-Mahmout the Bulgarian won from theSouth African In straight falls with-out


apparent cfforL Mahmoul wonthe first lull In 930 with a doubleJar arm and time second In 2JO with ahalfNelson and log lock

Mahmout who was at least fortyBounds lighter than his opponent as-

sumed the aggressive In both boutsmd the Boor did not havo a chance-to show his offensive tactics


New York Dec GIIurace IIBiockway one of tho best mOl hotel-men In the country and a Freo Masonof high rank Is dead at his homehere of diseases incident to ago liewas 71 years old



o Try This HomeMadeCough Remedy

Costs Llttlo But Does the WorkQuickly or Money Refunded-



ono pint of granulated sugarwith U Pint of warm water and stirfor 2 minutes Put 2V6 ounces of Pinex fifty cents worth In a pint bottlo then add the Sugar Syrup Tako-n teaspoonful every ono two or threohours

You will find that this simple rem-edy


takes hold of a cough more quick-ly


than anything else you ever usedUsually ends a deepseated cough insldo of 21 hours Splendid too forwhooping cough chest pains bron-chitis and other throat troubles Itstimulates tho appotito and is slight-ly


laxatlvo which helps end a coughThis reclpo makes more and better

cough syrup than you could buyreadymade for 2GO It keeps per-fectly and tastes pleasant

Plnex Is tho most valuablo concen-trated compound of Norway whltopine extract and Is rich In rjulalcoland all the natural pine elementswhich are so healing to tho mombranes Other preparation will notwork In this formula

This plan of making cough syrupwith Plnox and Sugar Syrup orstrained honoy has proven BO popu-lar throughout tho United States andCanada that It In often Imitated Butthe old successful formula has neverbeen equalled

A guarantee of absolute satisfactionor money promptly refunded gouawith thin rcclpo Your druggist hasPIne or will get It for you If notsend to The Pines Co Ft Wayne ind

SUIB SA 15 ll1 E

fillS A BAD-


Adali E Hiuniberg has commencedillvorco proceedings against br hUBbMul Charles G Unnoberg claimingtht she CUM no longer live with him In-

oncupTho complaint alleges that time part

los wore married July IS IflOI nndthuL for time past year the defendanthas been cruel and Inlmrian towarlthe plaintiff scolding finJlng faulland assaulting lien Mrs Rlnncberg-snjH ber husband has n violent loinPer that he is greatly Addicted tothe HBO of strong drink and that whoa I

ho Is undor the influence of llcpior h-

Is quarrelsome brnwlouio and uiibcar-pble

Mrs Rlmifberg asks for divorce nnJ50 to pay the attorney together with

the costs of tho suitnn

suns IN TE-


Joseph PingreeA Jr has filed suitIn the municipal court against CharlesE Muhs and Myrtle Muhs for 3180charging that this amount la due onaccount-

In tho same court Drs Rich andOsgood have brought suit against CarlI Nelson for 378u alleged to hoduo for prnfcBsionil services

Wary II Driver has brought actionagainst Moroni S Poilltor for 3123on a promissory note

Time Harness Dlx Co have begunsuit against F T Clifford for 100alleged to bo flue on a promissorynote


fifty WILL fiET


Chicago Dec 5 Moro than riOO

000 will be stricken from time aggre ¬

gate cost of living In Chicago InLOU if a recommendation presentedt the city council last night by Com-mIssioner of Public Works Mullaneyfor Mayor Busse Is concurred In bythe aldermen Tho reconimendationla that 10 per cent bo stricken from allwater bills whether rendered aa as-sessed or meter rates

In his report Commissioner MulIpney said there was a surplus of70000 in the water fund that the

fund Is Increasing dally and thatwith all the Improvement proposedtime city can well afford to reduce thocost and still show a profit from thosale of water The matter was re-

ferred to the council finance com-mittee with a request for Immediateaction




New York Dec 6J ArmstrongDrexel the aviator who Is in NewYork preparing to sail for Englandthis week announces Unit he willmake no further effort to have hisSPhiladelphia flight considered aworlds iccord Under tho rules oftime International Aeronautic Federa-tion an official record for altitudemust be at least 100 meters or 328ret In excess of the previous record

Mr Drexel will return to the UnitedStates early In 1911 and will thenmake another flight in the hope ofgaining tho desired record which willhave to be 10012 feet or more




Washington Dec Population statistics of the thirteenth census Is-

sued today by time census bureau in-

cluded figures for the followingstates

Arkansas 137III9 an increase of2G2SSo or 200 per cent over 1311-5fil In 3000 TIme Increase front 1S90to 1000 was ISVoSS or ICn per cenL

South Carolina 1515400 an In-

crease of 175031 or 131 per cent over1310310 In 1900 TIme Increase from1SDO to 1900 was 189107 or 151 per-cent


A CHRISTMAS COUNTERNow York Doe GThe suffragette

finds a Christmas counter all her ownin tho New York shops this yearButtons ribbons Hags Inslgnias andknlcknacks of various kinds In the suf¬

fragette colors or decorated with thosuffrage emblems are displayed Perhaps the most unusual novelties aresuffrage hosiery in stripes of greenpurple and white the colors of thewomens political union Time hosieryis made for men as well as for womenadvocates of the cause

Votes for women cigarettes saidto bo made of genuine Egyptian to-

bacco daintily rolled In a whiter andgold wrapper with a slogan of thoseekers of the ballot eniMazoncil ingill letters are another novelty


HIS OWN FIRENow York Dec 5Wlmemm a Harlem

fire company responded to an alarmlute last night Fireman John TierSncy sprang from a truck In

vben ho say the fire was In time flatbuilding in which he lived

Running through smokefilled hallshe found his wife and two childrentoo frightened to move He carriedout the children and guided his wife-



safety at the same thin Severalother families were rescued

ooOfficials Go WetW H Bancroft

vice president and general managerof time Oregon Short Line railroad accompanlcd by E C Manson generalmanager of the Oregon Short LinemInd T F Rowlands division supoiv-Intendent of the Southern Pacific leftSparks this morning on a specialtrain and will arrive In Ogden tomorrow morning Mr Bancroft la re-turning


to Salt Lake City from SanFrancisco


tcgs ARE-


Steel Trust Is LayingOff Thousands of


Now York Dec GTime stuck marleN closed ad ire nnd very unsettledtoday A tuxuy selling movement InUnited States Steel sent time list tothe lowest level attained In aomeweeks The drive against Steel hadIts origin In rumors that tho corpora-tion


had decided to lilY tIff manythousands of mill hands bOcniiBc oftiado conditions

Color was given to these rumorsin advices from tho PIttsburg dis ¬

trict which stated that the numberof Idle men thoro already exceeded15000 I

There wero also reports of furtherretrenchment on the part of the rail-way companies Time market contin-ued


unsettled In final dealings withpractically no recovery

Net losaoa ranged from 2 to 3 12Ilolnts-

Annollncement that tho Reading div-idend


meeting had been postponedand further advices of increasingslackness in the steel Industry to-

gether with a feeling of disappoint-ment


at the tenor of the Presidentsmessage were the primary factors


Victim of Drink Heeds Orrine

Drink cunningly destroys the will-power and while the drunkard Wants-to do what you toll him he wants athousand times more time drink thatbe craves Medical treatment Is nec-essary Orrine will destroy the de-

sire for liquor 80 that tho drink willnot be missed and restore the patient-to health

This reamed Is thoroughly scientificmind IB so un fmly successful that Itis sold with Cgistcrcd guarantee torefund your j If it falls to effecta cure Boot let on How to CureDrunkenness free on request TheOrrine Co CSC Orrlno BuildingWashington D C tsoid In this city byBADCON PHARMACY



Denver Colo Dec According toa complaint tiled by her parents intime Juvenile court horo yesterday 1C-

yoarold May Starkweather althoughhi perfect health prefers starving togetting out of bed

Two days ngo tho parents say Maywho had been required to do thehousework wont on a strike refusing-to leave her bed When she askedfor food and was told she would haveto get up nnd get It sIte replied thatshod starve first

Tho complaint alleges that up tointo she has been making her throatgood

Yesterday the parents applied tothe Juvenllo court Tho court con-fessed


Its Inability to make May gotup


We desire to extend our sincerethanks and appreciation to those who-so kindly gave us their helping handduring the sickness and death of ourbeloved husband father son antibrother to those who spoke kindwords of consolation and to those whosent beautiful floral designs

Wo hope that when you are calledupon to ben trials of this naturewilling hands will be as ready to serveyou an they were us





PHOENIX Ariz Dec C Construc-tive work In the training of Arizonasconstitution was completed today andIts final adoption only remains butthere arc Intimations that further at-tacks


will be made on certain provis-ions


of the document before that ac-


Is taken It Is believed howeverthat there will be no Importantchanges made and thut adjournmentwill take place Thursday when the-slxtytin limit expires

Considerable debate preceded finalpassage of the employers liability andworkmens compulsory compensationmeasures today the former beingamended In many respects Attor-neys


made n strenuous light on theprovisions of the original measureswhich abrogated the dostrlnes of as-sumed risks and contributory negli-gence Judge Baker declaring the onlydefense of the companies In damageactions would he suicide As amend-ed


the measure is considered by manyto ho superior to any adopted by otherstates Time compulsory compensationmeasure Is n mandate to the legisla-ture


to enact a law similar to thatwhich recently became effective InNew York Arizona Is the first con-stitution to contain tho Snap amend-ment



BE TAKEN UP AGAINWashington Dec GThe ship sub-

sidy investigation will be taken upagain by the special hou o commit ¬

toe mended by Representative Olcott-of New York probabK next week

Officials of some of the European I

lines who did not havo an opportunityto testify al the hearings hero dur-ing


thc last session of Congress orrecently In Now York will be sum-moned to give information concerning i

tho allegations the of alobby at Washington elsewhere forthe purpose of influencing membersof congress


+ + 4 + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ LOUISIANAS NEW SENATOR + I

+ ++ Baton Rouge La DQC C 4+ Judge J R Thornton of Alex f-

f anilrla was today elected by time + I

4 LoulHlann general assembly to be ++ United States senator to succeed ++ the late Senator McEnory + I

+ 4-

ft tP 4 + t + + t-


+ + + +j




Received in DenverFrom Vessels on the

Pacific Ocean

Denver Colo Dec GFor the lastfew weeks wireless messages fromvessoln standing off the Pacific coasthavo been picked up in Denver byW II Smith a former telegraph op-erator


who has installed nn amateurwireless station at hi5 home

Smith kept a careful record of me-messngcK receive I together with thecode Blgnaturee anti according to hisstatement correspondent with thewireless operators at Lhelos Angelesstation Inin established tho fact thattho majority of the messages weresent by vessels off the Californiashore

In n largo number of cases the mcfisago waa received by Smith oxactlyas taken by time Los Angeles stationTho longest distance covered bv anyof time messages as far asSmlth hasbeen able to ascertain was 1500miles tho message In question beingsent from tho steamer Icctnn houndfor Panama anl at thc time the mes-sage


was sent standing off thc coastof Lower California

Attempts will ho made to oatablishregular communication betweenSmiths station and Los Angeles




isoner Allowed to GoAppears to Be


icago Dec C I would not dis-grace


my uniform by falling to keepmy word whatever faults 1 have I

ought to bo punished and I came backto take tho punishment I deserve

This statement was made to JudgeDen M Smith yesterday by EdwardLewis former United StitcS soldierand at one time a wealthy lumbermerchant Three mouths ago Lewisjiioaded guilt to forging a chock whileIntoxicated Ho told Judge Smiththat ha was a lumber salesman andthat if ho was sent to prison at thattime he would be unable to find workwimen released

He promised that If he was given achance to work while business wasgood he would moot his obligationsantI come back to take his medicine

Your wonl as a United Sttaes sol-


is good enough said JudgeSmith You come here December 5-

nt 10 oclock for sentenceAYhcn tho liour of ton arrived yes

tfrday Lewis appeared before JudgeSmith His brotherinlaw an attor-ney told the court that Lewis alreadyhad been punished enough but Lewisobjected and Insisted upon being sen-tenced


Judge Smith gave him six weeks inthe house of correction

You are looking tine said JudgeSmith I am glaJ that you havewade good I intended to sentenceyou to ten weeks but I will cut itdown to siz w eks because you havokept faith with me

You see said Lewis afterwardwhen I used to drink I had no idea

how much was enough When I wouldGet to feeling good I though I hatmoney In every bank In Mio countryI did not mean to bo dishonest




Chicago Dec GTho 200foot 16storlcfi restriction on futcic ChicagobuiMlngs was defeated In the citycouncil last nlgnL that body unani-mously reversing the action it tooklast Thursday in committee of thewhole when It incorporated In thebuilding code a section making 200feel the maximum height for build-ings This leaves tho section In theold ordinance In force until tho newcode Is published and put Into effectv which will be about nineteen days

During this time time maximumheight of buildings will be 2CO feetay in time past but unless tIle counciltakes some action before the old ord-inance expires the lid soon will beoff entirely and bulldlngo may beerected to any height




Boston Dcc GDesplte a some-what


uncertain outlook local woolmerchants Iew time situation with agood degree of confidence The sup-ply of wool in Boston Is small andthere is a fair amount of businessmostly in small lots Values holdsteady

At the moment lleccc wools mire negIccled Still considerable fine anti J

fine medium Montana has hcen trans-ferred


on a basis of fiS cents cleaned I

Some Wyoming wools have changed I

hands at 0 i2 cents in the greaseScoured li months Texas clips I

bring 6Q oqnts while full clips lire of-


at48 to 50 cents


Chicago CloseChicago Dec WhoaDec 13

ilhl l 7 SS July 9i i2mmSS

Corn Deceit 1S May 10 11 Julylf7JJl

Oatsier SI 3J May 31 l2aS8-JuJyJ4 IJ

PomkInmm ISOO May h50L-amulJmin JS1 12 May 976ltibsfarm ii57 12 Miy 1132 12


lye8lcB-an o6OaGS J




Body Will Te Buried in

MtAuburn Cemetery-in Cambridge

Boston Doc 1Fnll arrangementstot the rUwrl Mary MakerCi Eddy heul of time ChristianScience church dfod ar lien homeat Chestnut Hill on Saturday nightwill not IK perfected iinli1 the arrival-of hor Hon George W Clover who Isexpected hero from Load S D sometlnif tomorrow

II vax decided today that the bodyof the header would be hurled Jn MlAuburn cemetery Cambridge

In time meantime tile directors oftho church Archibald Mflollan Ste-phen A Chase Alison Stewart John-V Dlttomore Ho Dickeyhave taken full charge of tIme churchmanagement and the scope of theirpowers includes matters of organiza ¬

lion of finance anil of discipline Th y-

are supreme In tho mother church andcontrol branch chtchML Al werethe perconal Eddyand they are a aelfpcrpetuating body

Mr McLHInn IB r rloI of tin peri-odical


Issued In thus and Is n na-tive of Moncton N H Mr Chas isthe treasurer of the mother churchand a resident of Fall River MrStewart is tho publisher of Mrs Eddya works and was bom In Pennsyl-vania


Mr Ditlonuire who Is clerk ofthe organization cornea from Indian-apolis and Mr Dickey recently ap-pointed to fill the vacancy caused bvthe death of Ira 0 Knapp w11 MrsEddys private secretary manyyears and comes from Kansas CityMoAt

the mansion at Chestnut Millwhero the body lies In an upperchamber there are no outward signsof grief Thoro Is no crepe on timedoor the window shades arc up andmembers of tho household come andgo as usual

The undertaker has performed hisduties with tIme exception of layingthe body in a casket

05000 REWARD

For the arrest and conviction ofthe dealer who refills our Gold LeafSand Sego Lily Lard palls withown makes of lard Gold Leaf andScgo Lily Lard are time only lards InOgden which tho government stamps

V S Inspected and Paused andthe government imposes a penalty of

1000 or six months Imprisonmenton time party who rclllls our cans withuninspected lard

Ogden Packing t Provision Co


New York Dec fiNews of the es-


of a merles of new worldswalking records ninth n few daysago in Milan Italy has Just reachedthis cit Tho new title holder iaII V L Loss an Englishman whowas entered as scratch man in a 20kilometer walking handicJ The dis-tance In statute mile 752yards and Ross won In 1 hour 35minutes 1G 13 seconds a new worldsrecord for the distance

In the course of time walk he alsoset up new worlds records for 10 11

and 12 miles Ills figures for thosedistances wore as follows

Ten miles 1 hour 15 minutes 5fi

secondsEleven miles 1 hour 2H minutes 51

secondsTwelve miles 1 hour SI minutes

seconds flSome of thc old records had stood

for more than 12 years00



Washington Dec 6There will beno omnibus public building bill atthis session of congress according topresent plans hut some Individualbills to meet what may he reganleIas pressing local necessities mn be J

reported out of time house committeeon public huildimm-

gsHEADACHE AND NEURALGIAYou cant work or think whou you

are suffering from a splitting head-ache Next time gently yourtomjiles and forencaU with AlnstoroleIt vlll give hifltan reir Vorks iikomagic wherever pain or con-gestion

la unequalled for quick iellef In casedof Neuralgia HhIIIHtSf PleurisyHeadache or ChestPneumonia etc

An ointment containing mustard andiventbol which Is br ller than a mus-tard


plaster for all purposes iud willnot blister

A jar for leady use may prevent aseriousor fatal Illness25c and 50c a jar On sale at

THcRGr-ant Ave and 25th StAsk for Free iSxmpic

The Musiorolc Co CleHand Ohio


32G HOic


streetI IWires to all tracks on allSporting Event


w O







The Great Classic Play-

of the Age f


lNow On Sal-

ePrices25c 50c 75c 100 I



December 7

AMERICAS FAVORITEThe Greatest Commedicnnee and

Prima Don-

nJDANGrace CameronIn

iC H Kerro Great Master


eceNancy IA Soul Stirring Play A Beul

ful Story of Home LifePathos and Comedy With SpecialMusical Numbers

You Will Laugh You Will 1

Scream You Will Roar and

Ten Some i

You An Know Her



Henry W Savage Grand OperaWhitneys Plff Paff PoufThe Bostonian in °od

The TenderfootJohnny Comes Marching HomeFoxy Qulller-

Souoas Famous Band 4Dolly Dimples-

And Many Others


PRICES 1 75 50p 25





FED ON GRAINor our supplying will be plumper andmore tender than the ones that havoto rustle for their living if you havelivestock of any kind It will pay you-to buy here

CHAS F GROUT352 Twentyfourth Street

Successor to Allen Transfer CoJ C ShADE Prop


SAFE MOVING408 25th St Both Phones 321



Jewelry Cut Glass HandPainted China Etc

2476 Grant Ave Ogden Uta-



FURNITURE2001 Washington Avenue

Bell 1081Y Ind 368MOgden Utah


S jt>
