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T H E I NN O V ATIO HUB Smart Building Data FOR AF C O O L ...

Date post: 26-Dec-2021
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Smart Building Data Clearing House Get access to smarter building data - from a single site to an entire portfolio + AIRAH T H E I N N O V A T I O N H U B F O R A F F O R D A B L E H E A T I N G AN D C O O L I N G The i-Hub Smart Buildings Data Clearing House (DCH) is a software platform for owners and operators of existing or new commercial, industrial, government, and mixed-use developments designed to solve common data related problems. The DCH is a horizontally integrated data platform that collects, consolidates, processes and securely shares building data. By making smart building data more accessible, the DCH will drive innovation amongst a broad ecosystem of participating services providers, leading to better products, increased competition, lower prices and an increased value proposition for participants. The DCH is currently under development and set for limited release in 2020 , Information for asset owners and managers A large portion of the property industry struggle with accessing their own data and see this problem as significantly impacting upon operations + AIRAH Providing solutions to common business problems Struggling to consolidate data from multiple disconnected systems and service providers? Tired of vendor lock-in, vertically integrated solutions, inflexible proprietary hardware and software solutions with high fees? Acquiring a property often means technology uplift and retrofit to suit organisational need? Limited access to skilled staff and systems to drive actionable processes in a timely manner? Integrate and automate data processes within a consolidated data platform using a quality data framework. Simplify operations and realise direct cost savings by reducing the many and varied vendor solutions and gain more data flexibility for analysis. Select from a range of ‘intelligent’ cloud-based diagnostic services to improve the operation of buildings. Design bespoke applications across any source, system or provider from your consolidated data platform. Delivering key functionality from day one Real-time visualisations, dashboards, alerts & alarms - drive operational management, analysis and control with access to pre-built software-as-a-service modules. Asset Register – streamline asset management through building information modelling scenarios to deliver time and budget efficiencies. Third-party Systems - produce events to be actioned upon by connecting to popular vendor systems; Salesforce, Zendesk, Atlassian, amongst others. Workflow systems – Realise efficiencies in equipment by automating the tuning of smart-buildings with machine learning processes. Focus on data security, access, ownership and anonymity Be part of the solution, our global contribution Security - Organisational data is secured within your consolidated data platform using industry standard encryption, format and protocol best practices. Access - Data access can be determined specific to user role ensuring that personnel have access to the right data to do their job. Ownership – Retain complete ownership and control of organisational data within the DCH platform. Participate in an international initiative to share and collaborate smart building data for benchmarking, modelling and continual commissioning of built assets. Provide research institutes and academics anonymised building data to improve the operation of buildings through innovation programs, research and development of the DCH. Be part of Australia's commitments to the Paris (COP21) agreement on climate change and help reduce emissions. Express your interest Contact an iHub representative for more information and for early expressions of interest in the project. + AIRAH © 2019 iHub Click the button, fill in the form and we’ll get back to you shortly I’m interested
Page 1: T H E I NN O V ATIO HUB Smart Building Data FOR AF C O O L ...

Smart Building DataClearing HouseGet access to smarter building data - from a single site to an entire portfolio









The i-Hub Smart Bui ldings Data Clear ing House (DCH) is a software platform for owners and operators of exist ing or new commercial , industr ial , government, and mixed-use developments designed to solve common data related problems.

The DCH is a hor izontal ly integrated data platform that col lects, consol idates, processes and securely shares bui lding data . By making smart bui lding data more accessible, the DCH wil l dr ive innovat ion amongst a broad ecosystem of part ic ipat ing services providers, leading to better products, increased competi t ion, lower pr ices and an increased value proposit ion for part ic ipants .

The DCH is currently under development and set for l imited release

in 2020,

Information for asset owners and managers

“A large portion of the property industry struggle with accessing their own data and see this problem as

significantly impacting upon operations


Providing solut ions to common business problems

Struggl ing to consol idate data from mult iple disconnected systems and service providers?

Tired of vendor lock-in, vert ical ly integrated solut ions, inflexible propr ietary hardware and software solut ions with high fees?

Acquir ing a property often means technology upl i f t and retrofit to suit organisat ional need?

Limited access to ski l led staff and systems to drive act ionable processes in a t imely manner?

Integrate and automate data processes within a consol idated data platform using a qual i ty data framework.

Simpl i fy operat ions and real ise direct cost savings by reducing the many and var ied vendor solut ions and gain more data flexibi l i ty for analysis .

Select from a range of ‘ intel l igent ’ cloud-based diagnost ic services to improve the operat ion of bui ldings.

Design bespoke appl icat ions across any source, system or provider from your consol idated data platform.

Delivering key functional ity from day one

Real-t ime visual isat ions, dashboards, alerts & alarms - dr ive operat ional management, analysis and control with access to pre-bui l t software-as-a-service modules.

Asset Register – streamline asset management through bui lding information modell ing scenar ios to del iver t ime and budget efficiencies .

Third-party Systems - produce events to be act ioned upon by connect ing to popular vendor systems; Salesforce, Zendesk, Atlassian, amongst others .

Workflow systems – Real ise efficiencies in equipment by automating the tuning of smart-bui ldings with machine learning processes.

Focus on data security, access, ownership and anonymity

Be part of the solut ion, our global contr ibution

Secur i ty - Organisat ional data is secured within your consol idated data platform using industry standard encrypt ion, format and protocol best pract ices.

Access - Data access can be determined specific to user role ensur ing that personnel have access to the r ight data to do their job.

Ownership – Retain complete ownership and control of organisat ional data within the DCH platform.

Part ic ipate in an internat ional in i t iat ive to share and col laborate smart bui lding data for benchmarking, modell ing and cont inual commissioning of bui l t assets .

Provide research inst i tutes and academics anonymised bui lding data to improve the operat ion of bui ldings through innovat ion programs, research and development of the DCH.

Be part of Austral ia's commitments to the Par is (COP21) agreement on cl imate change and help reduce emissions.

Express your interest

Contact an iHub representat ive for more information and for early expressions of interest in the project .


© 2019 iHub

Click the button, fill in the form and we’ll get back to you shortly I’m interested
