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T i.r O I Evening Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at...

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f 'X !t 'Vft j .' T '"' wimuutimimtmtmtmmmmi O i t i - & i.r .&- - I H ! F v STEAMER TABLE. $ From tin Franeltoot jj Sonoma , . ., Oct. C i.5 Vac . Aah .. . rnUai " -- . ,.HW,.l.. . Alameda Sept. 28 fi Ventura Oct. Gaelic U.'frl Aoraugl .... Oct. 22 For Vancouver: Mlonera Oct. 19 xlt$(VX1(X1t$tJ(KX3l13tXXXX)(XX1(ll1i Vol. XVI. No. 2880 KNttt TALKS ON sili inn V. I). M StocKer, for n number of years manager of the Olaa plantation, Is iery much Interested In the artleleB tkat liavo appeared In the Uulletlti to the publicity of corporate bus luces for the benefit of Hmalt stookhlld-ora- . Mr. McStocker said ou the sub- ject: "1'eople with money Inverted In un enterprise In large or email amounts are entitled to know the conditions of the business on general principles'. Uut rcrtnln detallgf the plantation busi- ness change from time to time, which wako It Impossible or at least Imprac-tlcabl- o to give nuthentlc Information, wicli ns will leally-b- of value to stock- holders. Tho matter of estimates of itop yield Is one polnL lly rcfcrrlni; to laot ear'a report1). It will be found that nearly all the plantations fell be- low tho estimates, nil except two, In fact. These two weto the only ones coming any way near tho estimates and Home fell several thousand tons below, one of which was tho plantation vhlch Air. Damon now represents, "As far as the financial standing of u plantation Is concerned. It Is a good thing to publish It. It keeps the peo- ple Informed. There Is some question nhout going Into details. Tho enemies of the sugar Industry nro always walj-in- g for opportunities of attack and vrhllo Informing tho small stockholder, you may be putting Into the bauds of an enemy, ammunition which, he caa iihe to the detriment of nil concerned, small stockholders ns well us capital- ists. Certain Information saould bo given out Judiciously." II H1K If At last word has been received by ))r, Cofer, tho head of tho local U. H. Marino Hospital Scrvlco. concerning tho new wharf and other structures for tho Quarantlno Station. Tho silti of $S(,0()0 wns appioprlatcd hy Congress for theso Improvements, but since then tho matter has moved but slowly, Several month ago Mr, Ttobeits, a superintendent of construction under tho U. 8. Treasury Department, d f i om Han Francisco, whero he had been busily engaged In looking af-t- tho erection of the now postofllco nnd custom house. Ho mado a short stay hci o during which ho looked ove( tho slto for tho proposed Improve-- ments, nnd took soundings to deter-min- e tho location of tho now- - wharf. Since his departure nothing further was, however, heard about tho matter, ft looked almost as If It might be fenr-e- that tho entire affair had fallen Into temporary oblivion In some oiliclal plgcoii-hole- . It thercforo eamo ns an exttcmcly ngrccablo suiprlso jesterday when tha Korea's mall from tho mainland biought Dr. Cofer rough sketches of the plans for (ho proposed Improve inents. These sketches were mado by Mr. Roberts In San Franrlsco. From him they weio forwarded to tho Trcas u ry Department In Washington, The Trensury Depaitment tinned them over to Surgeon General Wynian. who JJdG)mct Clothes fa-fik- n f ya v IT Some 1 Evening ? 3:30 O'CLOCK In his turn sent them to Dr. Cofer foi approval. Dr. Cofer nted with most praise worthy expediency In tho matter and the opportune arrival of the Korea and dopaiture of tho "Mongolia made It for him to answer with the great est promptness. Ho examined tho sketches, and plans, npptoved them and sent them oft Immediately. They pre now on boiiril tho slrnnuhlp Mon golia bound fur San lYniiolM-o- . The plans, signed and approved by (Continued on Page 5.4 JURY SCHEME MAY BOTTLE SOLONS Subpoenas to be served by the va?-lou- s shcrltts throughout tho Territory, 'summoning ntl members of tho Houfco jif Tttprctcntallvcs of the Legislature of 1003 to appear In Judge Ocar'a court .Monday next at thu tilal of Holoinon Mi'hculn for gross cheat, go out ou tho ltland steamers today. And now there Is tho ugly (homo of lhco men, when they nrrhe, lielng d up In Honolulu for n week or two, I waiting for the Mehculn case to lie 'railed. At the present rate of progress In getting a Jury In the Hajashldn I murder cbMj It may be Impossible to call the Territory vb, Mcheuta on Mtn-day- . I Deputy Attorney (leneral St. 1'. l'nw-pe- r drew Judge fleer's attention to this possibility thin morning and the court nmarl.cd thnt It was one of the re- sults lo lie -!l of the Jury systcni and th" titleless work of the Jury In lining tho 1&0I list of 2B0 with nin too old, men not yet men, men not Utlrens, persons who cannot understand Kuglish, policemen, attor- neys, dead men, pcoplo living abroad, deaf men and government emplojes, w ill in The Fifth Dish-li- t Homo Hole Con. ncullou met this afternoon at Home llule headquarters at 2M" i. m. ami proceeded to organise. Tlie conven-tio- aroused great Interest dn,onc ln. iwallans of both Districts. The hall ,was packed with delegated and spec- tators and the proceedings this after- noon piomlse to be lively. SUGAR QUOTATIONS. "Henry Wnterhouso Trust Co., Ltd., ore In rccept of quotations ou San Fiamlsio Stock Doiid Hxihnngo of Hawaiian stocks qg follows; Hawntlan Commercial & Sugar, $C2?ii Honokaa, ?lf.; Slakawtll, ?28?i; I'aauhau, $lC'i. i m Charles (llbson, who has long been connected with the "Sherwood Forest- ers," was a guest at tho Moana Hotel during the stay of tho Korea In port. Senator Vest Is sunlved by but one of tho Confederal); Con-gies- This Is Captain Samuel II. of .Muskogee, I. T., n Creek clt-Le- u of qunrtei' blood, who resides In tho city named with bin son, Dr. J. 0. Callahan. During tho Cli.ll u',,r iv.n. tain Callahan nttended two sessions of tuc confederate Congress In Ulchmond, each Indian nation being entitled to ono representative. Ho entered tho Southern army us a private and eamo out a captain. Read "WantR" on paga 6. Public Confidence Is difficult to obtain and eu in . For thirty years thoutandi of correct areisert nave had Implicit confidence In the ctothei bearing this famout trade-mar- jlJdOcnjamins RAKERS AIEWyRK There are more reasons for thlt than there It space In which to tell them. Take BENJAMIN Spring Suits at an example. The fabrics are rich, varied, and exclusive; the fit It Individual and perfect; the ttyles, like Poole's of Lon- don, are conservative but correct; the tailoring It equal to that of the best London and New York custom-thopt- i the prices are reasonable and right. Is It strange that BENJAMIN Clothes have enjoyed public confidence for to many years? It It any wonder that ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. are to America what Poole Is to En- glandleaders In tartorlal art? We are Exelutlve Distributor! here of thlt famous apparel, The Kasii Co., Ltd., Agent. men think there are circumstances when they can do without advertising There are no HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY. 8EPTEMBKK 27, 1901 Willi iiiii AT URGE IN MJPII! Marciuesvllle Is at present being haunted liy h ghoit. For about three weeks tho mysterious manifestations of itit hnvc- - terrorized tho nclghbothood ami still no clue has been found to bo ghost's Identity nor for the reason why It exists, A rest dent of Slarqiicsvlllo relates the fact! ns follows' A Portuguese pnteifamlltoa named Gomez Is the unhappy victim of tho phantom ilsltorV displeasure. Kvery night timing the past thicc weeks his Hofisc lias been bombarded by , largo rocks and his llfu has been mado a misery The myttrrlotis affair has ex- cited great tmloslty In Marqui-slll- e and every night now da of tho luhnb. ltantH gather In front of tho Oume2 residence to watch events. The spec- tacle to which they aro treated Is u wlenl mid. Suddenly n large stone can bf seen In tho semi darkness, com- ing eMiilngly straight out from mldntr. It fnlh on the roof with n resounding crash, thu noise of which has baldly died away when another heavenly missile nrriu-- s In tho same strange manuei. Kiillghteiicd pcoph In the neighbor- hood try to mid n nntnntl explanation tor the phenomenon. It Is said that n Portuguese living close to Ooraez cov-'I- k the Cioinez residence tind made an offer to buy It, which wns refused. Tho explanation seekers are Inclin- ed to think that thu would be pur- chaser Is trying to niaKo Cionifz so imi-- e omfortnbhi that ho will be glad to get awny from the place. However, this man's place is too far distant to nllow n stono to ho thrown from it to the (iomez lioiiff. Its Inhabitants Imvo been watched and It has hern found thnt they are nhvuys at home at the time when the bombnidnient takcrf place. Somo people aro Inclined to think that a masked catapult Is be tug employed. In the meantime tho slnilige arTalr Is cunning much excitement In especially among the Portu- guese Inhabitants, who nre pcrsunilcd that tho uuennny phenomenon if sure- ly the manifestation of some evil spir- it. Tim unhappy Gomez has been mado thoroughly miserable and It la said that bo will soon have reached tho point when ho will lie glad to bell his property, ghost nnd nil, for almost any figure. DIED. l'OUTF.OUS At Montreal, Canada, Septenilier !, mot, Mrs. W'm. For-teoii- mother of J. II. l'nrteous of this city, aged 80 years, llurlal took place at Cornwall, Ontario, Septem- ber 11. UGHTFOilT REPORTS LANTANA PEST ON MOLOKAI ISLAND J. I Ltghtfoot returned Sunday from a trip to Molofcal whero ho went to look Into matters relating to tho Knmalo ranch, Tho ranch is adver- tised to lie sold nt assignee's sale, Oc- tober 21. Dr. Mourltz has also begun proceedings at Lnhalna to sell under foreclosure of u inortgago held by him. The foreclosure sale Is set for October 6th. Mr. I.lgbtfoot stated that ho expect,-r- d the foreclosure solo would bo post- poned until otter tho assignee's sale. While on Molokal Mr. I.lghtfoot discovered that tho lantnna nest over thero has found mi enemy that prom- ises Its extirpation. A kind of blight attacks the lanuna stems and orka Its way up to the smaller branches and leaves. Tho blight Is deadly In Its ef- fect, causing tha shrub to dry up and its foliage to turn blade There is also a black fly which at- tacks tho (lower anil tho seeds, destroy- ing them. Under tho combined attack of theso two enemies, tho lantnmi dry up so thnt tiro clears tho ground. Clio destruction of tho lanlana seeds has resulted In tho migration of tho my nnh and other birds which subsist upon them. The cattlemen of Molokal aro exceedingly hopeful that tho clays of the lantana aro numbered. REGISTER early and avo'ld the ruth. If you want a vote this year you VIUSI HfcUIBTEH. LADIES' FACIAL MASSAREl Dy telephoning Main 227 (OILENT BARBER 8HOP) ladles desiring fa-i- manage can secure the services if an expert operator at their homes. Bulletin Circumstances Home Rulers Choose For Oahu Senatorial Ticket The Homo Uule Senatorial Convrn tlon. You must name tho best men tlon for tho Island of Oahu .net today4 on the- - Homo Ruin ticket. Tho Home at Homo llule hemlqunrteiso'i Manna- - Hule policy Is equal rights to all nnd " vvi nun iiiuui.il oeimioriai ticket. The- - choice wns made on.tbo first ballot. Tho three candidates are. v. Hniaiioiuunni, j. it, raeie ami s, if O"1- - There were fifty-fou- r clelegaies pres cut, every one of whom elioppe.l in u uiiiioi tor iaiauoiaiani. rort nine vote d for Pnclo and forty-tw- o for 0111 There were thirteen vote cast foj Cecil Drown. Other notnliifi-- recel Ing scattering voIch were Mnkalunl tnd 0. II. Sialic At the cull for nominations of can dlilates fur the- - Senate, .lames Kulii who can properly represent tho people walmaka nnmed D. Knlauokolanl, J. If. I nnd perform tho business of tho Terrl Pucle, J. P. Slaknlnal nnd Cecil Ilrown.l tory. We must havo good Senators. The naming of Drown brought on a If you do not nominate) me I will uot genorut debate. The eiuestlon was' tho party nor work against It; asked by several delegates lr it was but I will stand by tlio Homo Itulo proper to go outside of the pnrty to 'ticket, pick up a man for Senator. I "Tnke tho cae of Cecil Drown Ho Chaiimaii Kalauokalaul rupllert tli.it j ts n Republican. Ho has served faith' It was proper If thu convention wished fully nnd with ability In five; sessions to-d- It. of tho legislature. I worked with Another delegates aroso ami said' him. I was a Home Ruler, hut wo had "Wo all know thnt our leader la for,uo truublu lu agreeing on what was Cecil Drown." "I 'am In fnvor of pteklng the liesi j men wo can tlnd," replleel the chair man. When Chairman Kntnunknlani ealleu'llcan and thcrcfoio that )ou do not tho convention to order he made n want him. Hut did we- - not open the short speech reviewing the work ho foro tho delegates, Hi- - ald: "Wo are here ... sclee-- t good men for the Sennto at i the House. Tho busInesH beforo jou. should havo jour seiloua coin-Ide- t Of Nllil Blake Admits Intent to Disqualify Himself As Juror SAVED FROM SENTENCE BY FAITHFUL LABOH READ UP HAYASHIDA MURDER CASE TODAY TO AVOID TRIAL DUTY A LONELY CON- FESSION. Confessedly designing to disqualify himself us trial Juror In tho Hayashlda minder case In crlmlual court, Krauk L IJlaku this foienooii had heaped upon his head tho Indignation of the pionccuthm and tho stern comment of the Court, which only refrained ironi dealing out punishment for contempt of court on account of Illako'a hereto- fore faithful and patient service us a trial Juror, ."Any actlou like this ou the part of any Jut or lu tho future." said .ludgu Hear, "will bo drastically punished, You aro clearly la contempt of court; thero U no other way of looking at It; but I will not nauiu any punishment nt this tlmo lu consideration of tho fnct that you havo rendered good service to tho Territory heretofore." u If-V- mi Have Property And wish to select an admini- strator, Rtudlin or trus'ce weigh th- - permanency and responsibility nf i.orpor tlun agilnst the ovclhle Usabili- ties of an individual Furthermore a trust com-pin- y Is 0 giiilzcJ for just such du'Ies by men of large experiencr. HAWAIIAN TRUST CO. Limited, FORT ST. vent must roilow this i ulo In balloting for candidates. Do not leac out the country districts nnd d not draw the color line. All men should be treated alike by the Home Itulo party 1 t 'innny talked of for tho LcnMatur.1 who have been there before. If you do not llko them, turn them down nnd name somebody else. If you doubt ono ' man, pick another. I leave It to nu Ir you do not net wisely there will bd trouble ahead, ) "Wo must pick men for their nblllty whether whlto or brown. We want men In-s- t for tho Territory. If the conven tlon wants to name able men It can't llnd'nny better than Cecil Drown. You 'may say that Cecil Diown Is n Itnnnti. way for bettor feeling last year when wo nominated Frank Harvey, who Is a Democrat? Wo him "ii uil IIIU IIUIIIV Rule ticket nnd elected him. We must work together ourselves nnd work nlso (Continued on Paae G.) When lllako was called lo tho box to he examined on his voir ellre, Dop uty Attorney (Jencr.il SI. P. Prossc lulled: "Do you know anything of the al leged facts In llila casoj" "Only what I have In the news- papers." "Aro the alleged facts which you have read In thu newspapers still fresh n jour memory?" "They nn-- j I rend of tho matter thU morning lu tho newspapers." "Havo you formed any opinion as to thu guilt nr innoeencn of tho defend ant from what you read In tho news papers t" "I havo." "Would It take oldcuco to remove: thnt opinion?'' "It would." "You know that a fixed opinion Is a dlseiu.illflcatlon?" tContlnu.J on Paga 4.) BUFFALO TO ARRIVE 800N FROM CRUISE AT ALASKA Adlmral Terry bus received a cablo-pia- from Midway stating that tho U. S. cruiser Uuffnlo has arrived there and will sail for this poit. Tho ini' sago stated that sho could be expected to arrive hero about Thursday, Tho Dulfalo waa expected to orrlvo here from San Francisco some time Uo. Sho was then to havo mado a voy-ag- o from San Francisco to New York via tho Philippines and tho Suez canal with a crew of lantUmcn for training However, her orders wcro counter inanded shortly beforo her scheduled tlmo of departure and she waa sent Instead to Alaska to attend to certain huslnosB connected with tho scaling, Sho Is now evidently returning from her Alaskan crulso by way of Midway and tills port. Tho Dulfalo has at present on board B crew for training. On her arrival at San Francisco she will transfer thoso to tho battleship Ohio. Sho will then take on board a fresh hatch of lands men for training and will sail for Now York though It Is not known whcthci sho will go by way of tho Suez canal oi around tho Horn. Our cafe growing In popularity every day. It's tho homo rooking with quick scrvlco that docs It. Hart & Co., I td. The Ullto. DON'T FORGET that to vote In the omlncj Territorial election YOU -T pp.o--p- p Wel'S Fargo te Co. EXPRESS M.isonic Trmplr Tel. Blue 81 such EDITION SHIP ixxwHmimmuttBmmmm. SENATOR HOAR 18 DYING Mark Twain said "A fellow who doesn't know what nf a place he will In when ho die certain- ly ought to learn one foreign tongue.' successful merchant It he who learnt the benefit of advertltlng. MtmmMtmtmHimMiimm 5 PASSED DARDANELLES. HL 4SwJRBiBtitltMtBtittBB vjH ? TBiti Prep Bprrtal CaMc.) WORCEGTEff, Ma., Sept. 27. Senator George F. Hoar, who h been scrloutly (II for many weeks past. Is Hying. o Japanese Advance s Again Repulsed ST. PETERSDURO, Russia, Sept. 27. General Sakluroff reports that th advance cf the enemy near Tonyotta has been repulsed. ANOTHER HAS klml land The thoughtful PniOK 0Kxa rAHsOdiitcd CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, Sept. 27 The Ruttlan volunteer fleet cteamer Nljnl Novgorod hat pasted the Dosphorut. Union Iron Works to Re World's Finest SAN rr.ANCISCO, Cab, Sept. 2. Charles Schwab, whose reorganization committee bought the Union Iron Works at yesterday's auction tale, tayt that the works will probably bu made the finett In the world. o GRAND DUKE COMMANDS. ST. PETERSBURG, Rutsia, Sept. 27. It it practically settled that Grand Djko Nicholas will be named commander in chief of the Russian army. DESTROYER CHAMOI8 WRECKED. LONDON, England, Sept. 27. The British torpedo dettroyer Chamolt hat been wrecked in the Mediterranean. o LOST 1,300 MEN. LONDON, England, 6ept. 27 It It reported that the Japanete lott 1,300 men In tri attack on Port Arthur September 18. ' 8AN FRANCISCO, Cab, Sept. 26. SUGAR: 88 analytlt Beett, lit. Prev- ious quotation. Its 1 CHILDtftVS SCHOOL SHOES A clv'l snot- - must be stwnu and nf pooi mntt'ii.iN to Mnrulhirl v.u. It mu t tit iircii'utely si as not to injure urowi 'K fevt. Tune qu.illiles are combined with lo.v prices hen-- . Boy;, lace slue nf vici le;uhervnf elouts calf, $2.50 and j pair Vlanufrtcturers' Shoe Co , Ltd. 'I I'Tii inn ""J j





j .'

T '"' wimuutimimtmtmtmmmmi O i ti - & i.r

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$ From tin Franeltootjj Sonoma , . ., Oct. C

i.5 Vac. Aah.. .rnUai" -- . ,.HW,.l.. .

Alameda Sept. 28 fiVentura Oct.Gaelic U.'frlAoraugl .... Oct. 22

For Vancouver:Mlonera Oct. 19


Vol. XVI. No. 2880


sili innV. I). M StocKer, for n number ofyears manager of the Olaa plantation,Is iery much Interested In the artleleBtkat liavo appeared In the Uulletlti

to the publicity of corporate busluces for the benefit of Hmalt stookhlld-ora- .

Mr. McStocker said ou the sub-ject: "1'eople with money Inverted Inun enterprise In large or email amountsare entitled to know the conditions ofthe business on general principles'. Uutrcrtnln detallgf the plantation busi-ness change from time to time, whichwako It Impossible or at least Imprac-tlcabl- o

to give nuthentlc Information,wicli ns will leally-b- of value to stock-holders. Tho matter of estimates ofitop yield Is one polnL lly rcfcrrlni;to laot ear'a report1). It will be foundthat nearly all the plantations fell be-

low tho estimates, nil except two, Infact. These two weto the only onescoming any way near tho estimates andHome fell several thousand tons below,one of which was tho plantation vhlchAir. Damon now represents,

"As far as the financial standing ofu plantation Is concerned. It Is a goodthing to publish It. It keeps the peo-ple Informed. There Is some questionnhout going Into details. Tho enemiesof the sugar Industry nro always walj-in- g

for opportunities of attack andvrhllo Informing tho small stockholder,you may be putting Into the bauds ofan enemy, ammunition which, he caaiihe to the detriment of nil concerned,small stockholders ns well us capital-ists. Certain Information saould bogiven out Judiciously."

II H1K IfAt last word has been received by

))r, Cofer, tho head of tho local U. H.

Marino Hospital Scrvlco. concerningtho new wharf and other structures fortho Quarantlno Station. Tho silti of$S(,0()0 wns appioprlatcd hy Congressfor theso Improvements, but sincethen tho matter has moved but slowly,Several month ago Mr, Ttobeits, asuperintendent of construction undertho U. 8. Treasury Department, d

f i om Han Francisco, whero hehad been busily engaged In looking af-t-

tho erection of the now postofllconnd custom house. Ho mado a shortstay hci o during which ho looked ove(tho slto for tho proposed Improve--ments, nnd took soundings to deter-min- e

tho location of tho now- - wharf.Since his departure nothing furtherwas, however, heard about tho matter,ft looked almost as If It might be fenr-e-

that tho entire affair had fallen Intotemporary oblivion In some oiliclalplgcoii-hole- .

It thercforo eamo ns an exttcmclyngrccablo suiprlso jesterday when thaKorea's mall from tho mainlandbiought Dr. Cofer rough sketches ofthe plans for (ho proposed Improveinents. These sketches were mado byMr. Roberts In San Franrlsco. Fromhim they weio forwarded to tho Trcasu ry Department In Washington, TheTrensury Depaitment tinned themover to Surgeon General Wynian. who

JJdG)mct Clothes fa-fik- n

f ya v IT


1 Evening? 3:30 O'CLOCK

In his turn sent them to Dr. Cofer foiapproval.

Dr. Cofer nted with most praiseworthy expediency In tho matter andthe opportune arrival of the Korea anddopaiture of tho "Mongolia made It

for him to answer with the greatest promptness. Ho examined thosketches, and plans, npptoved themand sent them oft Immediately. Theypre now on boiiril tho slrnnuhlp Mongolia bound fur San lYniiolM-o- .

The plans, signed and approved by(Continued on Page 5.4



Subpoenas to be served by the va?-lou- s

shcrltts throughout tho Territory,'summoning ntl members of tho Houfcojif Tttprctcntallvcs of the Legislatureof 1003 to appear In Judge Ocar'a court.Monday next at thu tilal of HoloinonMi'hculn for gross cheat, go out ou tholtland steamers today.

And now there Is tho ugly (homo oflhco men, when they nrrhe, lielng d

up In Honolulu for n week or two,I waiting for the Mehculn case to lie'railed. At the present rate of progressIn getting a Jury In the Hajashldn

Imurder cbMj It may be Impossible tocall the Territory vb, Mcheuta on Mtn-day- .

I Deputy Attorney (leneral St. 1'. l'nw-pe- r

drew Judge fleer's attention to thispossibility thin morning and the courtnmarl.cd thnt It was one of the re-

sults lo lie -!l of the Jury systcniand th" titleless work of the Jury

In lining tho 1&0I list of2B0 with nin too old, men not yet men,men not Utlrens, persons who cannotunderstand Kuglish, policemen, attor-neys, dead men, pcoplo living abroad,deaf men and government emplojes,

w ill inThe Fifth Dish-li- t Homo Hole Con.

ncullou met this afternoon at Homellule headquarters at 2M" i. m. amiproceeded to organise. Tlie conven-tio-

aroused great Interest dn,onc ln.iwallans of both Districts. The hall,was packed with delegated and spec-tators and the proceedings this after-noon piomlse to be lively.


"Henry Wnterhouso Trust Co., Ltd.,ore In rccept of quotations ou SanFiamlsio Stock Doiid Hxihnngo ofHawaiian stocks qg follows;

Hawntlan Commercial & Sugar,$C2?ii Honokaa, ?lf.; Slakawtll,?28?i; I'aauhau, $lC'i.

i m

Charles (llbson, who has long beenconnected with the "Sherwood Forest-ers," was a guest at tho Moana Hotelduring the stay of tho Korea In port.

Senator Vest Is sunlved by but oneof tho Confederal); Con-gies-

This Is Captain Samuel II.of .Muskogee, I. T., n Creek clt-Le-u

of qunrtei' blood, who resides Intho city named with bin son, Dr. J. 0.Callahan. During tho Cli.ll u',,r iv.n.tain Callahan nttended two sessions oftuc confederate Congress In Ulchmond,each Indian nation being entitled toono representative. Ho entered thoSouthern army us a private and eamoout a captain.

Read "WantR" on paga 6.

Public ConfidenceIs difficult to obtain and eu in .For thirty years thoutandi of correctareisert nave had Implicit confidenceIn the ctothei bearing this famouttrade-mar-


There are more reasons for thlt thanthere It space In which to tell them.Take BENJAMIN Spring Suits at anexample. The fabrics are rich, varied,and exclusive; the fit It Individual andperfect; the ttyles, like Poole's of Lon-don, are conservative but correct; thetailoring It equal to that of the bestLondon and New York custom-thopt- i

the prices are reasonable and right. IsIt strange that BENJAMIN Clotheshave enjoyed public confidence for tomany years? It It any wonder that

ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO.are to America what Poole Is to En-glandleaders In tartorlal art?

We are Exelutlve Distributor!here of thlt famous apparel,

The Kasii Co., Ltd.,Agent.

men think there are circumstances when they can do without advertising There are no


Willi iiiiiAT URGE

IN MJPII!Marciuesvllle Is at present being

haunted liy h ghoit. For about threeweeks tho mysterious manifestationsof itit hnvc- - terrorized thonclghbothood ami still no clue hasbeen found to bo ghost's Identity norfor the reason why It exists, A restdent of Slarqiicsvlllo relates the fact!ns follows'

A Portuguese pnteifamlltoa namedGomez Is the unhappy victim of thophantom ilsltorV displeasure. Kverynight timing the past thicc weeks hisHofisc lias been bombarded by , largorocks and his llfu has been mado amisery The myttrrlotis affair has ex-

cited great tmloslty In Marqui-slll- e

and every night now da of tho luhnb.ltantH gather In front of tho Oume2residence to watch events. The spec-tacle to which they aro treated Is uwlenl mid. Suddenly n large stonecan bf seen In tho semi darkness, com-ing eMiilngly straight out from mldntr.It fnlh on the roof with n resoundingcrash, thu noise of which has baldlydied away when another heavenlymissile nrriu-- s In tho same strangemanuei.

Kiillghteiicd pcoph In the neighbor-hood try to mid n nntnntl explanationtor the phenomenon. It Is said that nPortuguese living close to Ooraez cov-'I- k

the Cioinez residence tind made anoffer to buy It, which wns refused.

Tho explanation seekers are Inclin-ed to think that thu would be pur-chaser Is trying to niaKo Cionifz so imi-- e

omfortnbhi that ho will be glad to getawny from the place. However, thisman's place is too far distant to nllown stono to ho thrown from it to the(iomez lioiiff. Its Inhabitants Imvobeen watched and It has hern foundthnt they are nhvuys at home at thetime when the bombnidnient takcrfplace. Somo people aro Inclined tothink that a masked catapult Is be tugemployed.

In the meantime tho slnilige arTalrIs cunning much excitement In

especially among the Portu-guese Inhabitants, who nre pcrsunilcdthat tho uuennny phenomenon if sure-ly the manifestation of some evil spir-it. Tim unhappy Gomez has beenmado thoroughly miserable and It lasaid that bo will soon have reachedtho point when ho will lie glad to bellhis property, ghost nnd nil, for almostany figure.


l'OUTF.OUS At Montreal, Canada,Septenilier !, mot, Mrs. W'm. For-teoii-

mother of J. II. l'nrteous ofthis city, aged 80 years, llurlal tookplace at Cornwall, Ontario, Septem-ber 11.



J. I Ltghtfoot returned Sundayfrom a trip to Molofcal whero ho wentto look Into matters relating to thoKnmalo ranch, Tho ranch is adver-tised to lie sold nt assignee's sale, Oc-

tober 21. Dr. Mourltz has also begunproceedings at Lnhalna to sell underforeclosure of u inortgago held by him.The foreclosure sale Is set for October6th.

Mr. I.lgbtfoot stated that ho expect,-r- d

the foreclosure solo would bo post-poned until otter tho assignee's sale.

While on Molokal Mr. I.lghtfootdiscovered that tho lantnna nest overthero has found mi enemy that prom-ises Its extirpation. A kind of blightattacks the lanuna stems and orkaIts way up to the smaller branches andleaves. Tho blight Is deadly In Its ef-

fect, causing tha shrub to dry up andits foliage to turn blade

There is also a black fly which at-tacks tho (lower anil tho seeds, destroy-ing them. Under tho combined attackof theso two enemies, tho lantnmi

dry up so thnt tiro clears thoground.

Clio destruction of tho lanlana seedshas resulted In tho migration of thomy nnh and other birds which subsistupon them. The cattlemen of Molokalaro exceedingly hopeful that tho claysof the lantana aro numbered.

REGISTER early and avo'ld theruth. If you want a vote this year youVIUSI HfcUIBTEH.


Dy telephoning Main 227 (OILENTBARBER 8HOP) ladles desiring fa-i-

manage can secure the servicesif an expert operator at their homes.


Home Rulers ChooseFor Oahu

Senatorial TicketThe Homo Uule Senatorial Convrn tlon. You must name tho best men

tlon for tho Island of Oahu .net today4 on the- - Homo Ruin ticket. Tho Homeat Homo llule hemlqunrteiso'i Manna- - Hule policy Is equal rights to all nnd" vvi nun iiiuui.il oeimioriaiticket. The- - choice wns made on.tbofirst ballot. Tho three candidates are.v. Hniaiioiuunni, j. it, raeie ami s, ifO"1- -

There were fifty-fou- r clelegaies prescut, every one of whom elioppe.l in uuiiiioi tor iaiauoiaiani. rort ninevote d for Pnclo and forty-tw- o for 0111

There were thirteen vote cast fojCecil Drown. Other notnliifi-- recelIng scattering voIch were Mnkalunltnd 0. II. Sialic

At the cull for nominations of candlilates fur the- - Senate, .lames Kulii who can properly represent tho peoplewalmaka nnmed D. Knlauokolanl, J. If. I nnd perform tho business of tho TerrlPucle, J. P. Slaknlnal nnd Cecil Ilrown.l tory. We must havo good Senators.

The naming of Drown brought on a If you do not nominate) me I will uotgenorut debate. The eiuestlon was' tho party nor work against It;asked by several delegates lr it was but I will stand by tlio Homo Ituloproper to go outside of the pnrty to 'ticket,pick up a man for Senator. I "Tnke tho cae of Cecil Drown Ho

Chaiimaii Kalauokalaul rupllert tli.it j ts n Republican. Ho has served faith'It was proper If thu convention wished fully nnd with ability In five; sessionsto-d- It. of tho legislature. I worked with

Another delegates aroso ami said' him. I was a Home Ruler, hut wo had"Wo all know thnt our leader la for,uo truublu lu agreeing on what wasCecil Drown."

"I 'am In fnvor of pteklng the liesi j

men wo can tlnd," replleel the chairman.

When Chairman Kntnunknlani ealleu'llcan and thcrcfoio that )ou do nottho convention to order he made n want him. Hut did we- - not open theshort speech reviewing the work hoforo tho delegates,

Hi- - ald: "Wo are here ... sclee-- t

good men for the Sennto at i theHouse. Tho busInesH beforo jou.should havo jour seiloua coin-Ide- t



Blake Admits Intent to

Disqualify HimselfAs Juror





Confessedly designing to disqualifyhimself us trial Juror In tho Hayashldaminder case In crlmlual court, KraukL IJlaku this foienooii had heapedupon his head tho Indignation of thepionccuthm and tho stern comment ofthe Court, which only refrained ironidealing out punishment for contemptof court on account of Illako'a hereto-fore faithful and patient service us atrial Juror,."Any actlou like this ou the part of

any Jut or lu tho future." said .ludguHear, "will bo drastically punished,You aro clearly la contempt of court;thero U no other way of looking at It;but I will not nauiu any punishment ntthis tlmo lu consideration of tho fnctthat you havo rendered good serviceto tho Territory heretofore."

uIf-V- mi

Have Property

And wish to select an admini-strator, Rtudlin or trus'ceweigh th- - permanency andresponsibility nf i.orpor tlunagilnst the ovclhle Usabili-ties of an individual

Furthermore a trust com-pin- y

Is 0 giiilzcJ for justsuch du'Ies by men of largeexperiencr.





vent must roilow this i ulo In ballotingfor candidates. Do not leac out thecountry districts nnd d not draw thecolor line. All men should be treatedalike by the Home Itulo party 1 t

'innny talked of for tho LcnMatur.1who have been there before. If youdo not llko them, turn them down nndname somebody else. If you doubt ono

' man, pick another. I leave It to nuIr you do not net wisely there will bdtrouble ahead,

) "Wo must pick men for their nbllltywhether whlto or brown. We want men

In-s- t for tho Territory. If the conventlon wants to name able men It can'tllnd'nny better than Cecil Drown. You

'may say that Cecil Diown Is n Itnnnti.

way for bettor feeling last year whenwo nominated Frank Harvey, who Is aDemocrat? Wo him"ii uil IIIU IIUIIIVRule ticket nnd elected him. We mustwork together ourselves nnd work nlso

(Continued on Paae G.)

When lllako was called lo tho boxto he examined on his voir ellre, Doputy Attorney (Jencr.il SI. P. Prossclulled:

"Do you know anything of the alleged facts In llila casoj"

"Only what I have In the news-papers."

"Aro the alleged facts which youhave read In thu newspapers still freshn jour memory?"

"They nn-- j I rend of tho matter thUmorning lu tho newspapers."

"Havo you formed any opinion as tothu guilt nr innoeencn of tho defendant from what you read In tho newspapers t"

"I havo.""Would It take oldcuco to remove:

thnt opinion?''"It would.""You know that a fixed opinion Is a

dlseiu.illflcatlon?"tContlnu.J on Paga 4.)



Adlmral Terry bus received a cablo-pia-

from Midway stating that thoU. S. cruiser Uuffnlo has arrived thereand will sail for this poit. Tho ini'sago stated that sho could be expectedto arrive hero about Thursday,

Tho Dulfalo waa expected to orrlvohere from San Francisco some timeUo. Sho was then to havo mado a voy-ag- o

from San Francisco to New Yorkvia tho Philippines and tho Suez canalwith a crew of lantUmcn for trainingHowever, her orders wcro counterinanded shortly beforo her scheduledtlmo of departure and she waa sentInstead to Alaska to attend to certainhuslnosB connected with tho scaling,Sho Is now evidently returning fromher Alaskan crulso by way of Midwayand tills port.

Tho Dulfalo has at present on boardB crew for training. On her arrival atSan Francisco she will transfer thosoto tho battleship Ohio. Sho will thentake on board a fresh hatch of landsmen for training and will sail for NowYork though It Is not known whcthcisho will go by way of tho Suez canal oiaround tho Horn.

Our cafe growing In popularityevery day. It's tho homo rooking withquick scrvlco that docs It. Hart & Co.,I td. The Ullto.

DON'T FORGET that to vote In theomlncj Territorial election YOU

-T pp.o--p- p

Wel'S Fargo te Co.


M.isonic Trmplr Tel. Blue 81







Mark Twain said "A fellow whodoesn't know what nf a placehe will In when ho die certain-ly ought to learn one foreign tongue.'

successful merchant Ithe who learnt the benefit of





HL 4SwJRBiBtitltMtBtittBB vjH ? TBiti

Prep Bprrtal CaMc.)WORCEGTEff, Ma., Sept. 27. Senator George F. Hoar, who h been

scrloutly (II for many weeks past. Is Hying.o

Japanese Advance

s Again RepulsedST. PETERSDURO, Russia, Sept. 27. General Sakluroff reports that th

advance cf the enemy near Tonyotta has been repulsed.





PniOK 0Kxa


CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, Sept. 27 The Ruttlan volunteer fleetcteamer Nljnl Novgorod hat pasted the Dosphorut.

Union Iron Works to

Re World's FinestSAN rr.ANCISCO, Cab, Sept. 2. Charles Schwab, whose reorganization

committee bought the Union Iron Works at yesterday's auction tale, tayt thatthe works will probably bu made the finett In the world.


GRAND DUKE COMMANDS.ST. PETERSBURG, Rutsia, Sept. 27. It it practically settled that Grand

Djko Nicholas will be named commander in chief of the Russian army.

DESTROYER CHAMOI8 WRECKED.LONDON, England, Sept. 27. The British torpedo dettroyer Chamolt hat

been wrecked in the Mediterranean.o

LOST 1,300 MEN.LONDON, England, 6ept. 27 It It reported that the Japanete lott 1,300

men In tri attack on Port Arthur September 18. '8AN FRANCISCO, Cab, Sept. 26. SUGAR: 88 analytlt Beett, lit. Prev-

ious quotation. Its 1

CHILDtftVS SCHOOL SHOESA clv'l snot- - must be stwnu and nf pooi mntt'ii.iN toMnrulhirl v.u. It mu t tit iircii'utely si as not toinjure urowi 'K fevt. Tune qu.illiles are combined withlo.v prices hen--.

Boy;, lace slue nf vici le;uhervnf elouts calf, $2.50 and j pair

Vlanufrtcturers' Shoe Co , Ltd.

'I I'Tii inn


B- -




r"r ;&5--




MONDAYLe Progres 9Uted.

ItllMUAVHonolulu Chapter Past Mat.

Ur and Most Excellent.


TMUW8DAVCouncil of Kadosh Regular

6!30 p. m.

PRIDAVPacific Second Degree.


mil visiting members ef ttoMer are cordially Invited to at

meeting of local lodge.


Meets orcry Monday evening at 7:30la 1. 0. 0. F. Hall, Fort e trecL

F. M. McQREW, N. Q,E. R. HENDRY, Secretary.

All visiting brothers very cordiallyhtltei

MYOTIC LODQE, No. 2, K. of P. i

InIi every Tuesday evening tt1:30 o'clock In K. o( P. Hall, Kingstreet. Visiting brothort cordially

to attend.JOHN WALKER, CO,W. WALDRON, K.R.9.


AHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P.

Meets every Friday evening atK. P. Hall, Kins: street, at 7:30. Mem-be- e

of Mystic Lodgo, No. 2, Wm.Lodge, No. 8, and vltiting broth--

eritally Invited.Work, First Rank.a M. WHITE. CO..B. M. COLEMAN, K.R.S.


tVaolala Lodes No. M8. B. P. O. B.,CW meet In their new ball, on MillertaJS Seretanla streets, every FridayKTMllf.

Bf order of the R. R.HARRY H. SIMPSON.

Secretary.f. M. FISHER, R.R.

'. M'KINLEY LODQE No. 8, K.of P.

Sfeeta every Saturday evening atMO o'clock In K. of P. Hall, KingIferwt. VliiUng brothers cordially In--

to attend.Work In Third Rank this week.



f M. A P.

Meets on first nnd third Sundayevenings of cath month at 7 o'clock atK. of P. Hall. All sojourning breth-ren are cordially Invited to attend.

By order Worthy Captain:K. II. PARKP.Il.





neral Agent for HawaiiI

Aaaurano Company of LondoePtoenlx Assurance Co. ef London.9Uw York Underwriter' Agency. I

aTrtvktonce Washington Insurance Co.Hnlx Insurance Co. of Srooklyn.


Me 4th floor, Stangenwald Bldg.

Manufactured fromICE pure distilled water

Delivered to any part otIty by courteous drivers.

Othn Ice and Electric Co.,Sowal Telephone Slue 3151


ENERAL CONTRACTORS.Vlaaa and estimates furnished for

041 tlastea. Contracting work.Ttl. Main 245.

B90M 100, 10ST&N BLK, Honolulu

P. H. i3upnettejMlarnoy-at-La- and Notary PublicRtfit to Grant Marriage Licenses.KmI Estate, Insurance, Collections.Qffta, 71 Merchant Street, Honolulu.


II N. HOTEL ST.vRrery reaovated; New Management

New Service.MEALS 25c


Tor R-- tN cards on tale at Bulletin







Hollister Drug Co.,


1056 Fort Street.




The most delicious, the most

healthful drink.


75c a Gallon


Hoffschlaeger Co.,


25 Kin; Street, near Bethel

Will. 6. aTWifl & CO., Ltd.

WM. (I. IRWIN.. .President and Mgr.JNO. D. SPnECKEI.S...lst Vice Prcs.W. M. (1IFFAHD 2'd Vice Pres.H. M. WHIT.N'UV, Jr TreasurerRICHARD lVI'.nS SecretaryA. C. I.OVKKIN Auditor










Oceanic Steamship CompaijOF SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.



KALI HI, and other detlrablt Itcalltlta.

Also 1 JTJMPSEAT DDCXBOAHD,second-hand- ; good at new.

Horse Shoeing.W.W.Wright Co.

LlmlleJ,are opened a horn-shoein- g

department In connee:tloa with tholr carriagetop, etc. Having secur-

ed tie services ot a first-cla-

shoer, they are pre-pared to do all work

to inera In a lrst-elik- s



Dealers In Lumber and Co.)

ALLEN & ROBINSON.Que.n St, Honolulu.

Weekly Edition of the Bulletin, flper yr.


Read "Wants" on pago 6.

B. II. Wodchoinowcnt to llllo todayIn the Klr.mi,

Toy Department open year rottn'lWall, Nichols.

'Paul Jones, Rye or Uourbon, at thaPantheon eauio old stand,

The best cup of Hawaiian coffee Inthe city. N. Kugland. Bakery.

Sun and rnln have no effect on pjlntpppllcd by V.ntn Urns. Union St.

Mystic Lodge, No. 2, K. of P., meetstonight in K. of P. Hnll, King street.

Washburn Oultnrs and Mandolin!ore tho best made. Can bo had at Wall,Nichols,

Neatly furnished rooms at the Pop-

ular, fl, ll.SO and $3 per week. 1249

Fort 8treet,Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 10 n. m. Mor-

gan wilt sell a lot of bran, hny, pota-

toes and onions.

DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOU

MUST REGISTER.Ask for "Old Kirk" whiskey at the

Columbia, Pantheon, Favorite, Cri-

terion and Fashion.Prlnco David Kawnnatiakon and Mrt.

Kawnnannkoa were passengers UnlayIn the Klnau for llllo.

Tho liest cream tho Islands affordwo iiso In tho mamifai turn of our Iracreams. Hart & Co., Ltd. Tim Klltu.

There will bo n meeting of tho Wul- -

nine Improvement Association onThursday cu-nln- at the Knlimiki

'Mrs. I. K. Pearson and son left In

the for to ,or )0B K,rI1 Athsl city after n three utc.1 forns exei one year nt scuiito the .

for lienitn June of last ear. Tim 1 'rliieogo to tho a of the laud to S. M

uney irtti oi cnurj;i-- . iiiucinear

The patty oftn route to In th wore St l.onn of

by the Aid h inortof the last K"K on the of Ilia

De Holt ""' l also n

und of Ciell ,l,,t- - '" A' forus of the of Wm. Phil- -

""" ,,( ,hci'heow;Plato tho fur our

or In our and e do

gi?fe iiife

(Associated Prise


Klnau today llllo, rctuinliiK WM, ;,..,,,,innnthH' lll'(),.

Coait.cxertlso. ivcreiilion, anil'iiee

sport Horseshoe Saloon. 'sold lK.rlloujjuwiiiiKstreet, Niiunnu.

fourteen missionaries,Japan Koren. Herman Having Society

rntertslned HoiletyHan Frnnclsio holds blnnl.etChristian Church proiierty Primes,

'I"riitliin made defendJudge approves accountsgrants dlschnige Ilrown """"'Ut plaintiff.

exetntor estate


euterlni; partyreception hands

tho reM. Our hHiidllug of thew social :

functions nre n continuation of sue--1 T1"' llepnbllciiii Eeeull..ecsH-s-. Hnrl & ', Ltd. The Kite. '' ""'' ,,,',l U,H''I at headiiuarters mill

'"''" ",1",,, '""Iik'M. Tho(lllbert N. nnd bride leftiu the Klnau today for Kohnla. Mr. ","",l' 'V"'l tt"r';; "'l"wllatchelderhasl-euthenilstatKoh- ala J '''--f ""' nnd

c "rl" '''"'i"'1'"'!. 11KI'")for Komo ear and returned recently Mcr';(rom n trip Knst. .Mrs. llauhelder b m ''

a of Minnesota. ",f l' ,l'; (!'"; '"'.""' and Illnli were ns In--

REGISTER early and avoid the MU.(.t,)rs ,)f 0ertlon for Hie Ninth Vrvrush. If you want n vote this year you tjU.t,MUST REGI8TCR. , A ppllcrtt Ioiih for (loveiiimeiil post- -

The Hnlelwa golf links hum been tlous nmmv filed ns follnns: J. A. Hll-p-

Into (xi client (ondltlon by Mr. va, for Inspei tor on Hoard ofClin nh, No expense lias been rpnred. Health; John F. Lewis, tanker In thoKltue the Sunday competition rtttirn- - Will it Wotks Department ThesuIng golfers hnxo made many lommciiil- - were plnctd on flic.ntlotiH of the Improved links at Wnl-- ' Tho eouimltloe i;idorsed the Ninthnl un.

Hue )ou an lion roof that Is notpa I n I nl with "Arable"? It's uncomfortable, isn't ItV liefer to any manwin, has liinl his roof pjluted with

ami ho will umllrin tho Mato-mei- it

llml It iisils Iron iim.Ch fully 17

degri es.

The (ionium Savings nnd Loan Ro- -

tlety of San Francisco ami .1. F. Mor--Ciin, trustee, (lie demurrer to bill to cu- -

fore tax lien broiight by Assessor Holtagainst . U. Ad. . Kaplo aul IMateoiul themselves, a lcglng that author- -

Ity Is not shown; that the bill stums Uvan brought by A. tt. .Neely.

All bids received by the PublicWorks for HIIo'm nrmory exiccd thomoney nvallablo. In tho loan bill S5000Ih irolded; fojlowlng are tho bids: J.Maka, fCOOO; H. Kendall, SCRIS; I..M. Whltehouse, C,r.J0; J. ICrlikwin,fi!,&2S; II. Do Fries, r.'illl; J. Maim- -

Held, iu.si;.... '

Oeo. I.ycurgtis of tho (Inlongave a luncheon yesterday for Harry

Murray, who leaves the ranks ofulnglo men tomorrow night. Thoguests at the l fenst wereSenator Palmer Woods, High SheriffDrown, Deputy Shcilff Chllllngworthand A. P. Taylor. Mr. Murray andMIsh Helen Holt will be married at 'St.Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow cculng,


For llllo nnd way ports, per htmr.Klnau, Sept. 27. Rev. J. Keklpl, Rev.S. PtiJII ami wife, II. II. Lindsay, Mrs.'I- K. Pearson und son, T. Kvermlll,I). Forbes. F. O'llrlen. W. If. HoiiIkbiiyMiss M. B. Moby, W. Crnven, 1). Clark.j. t. craven, . Newliouse, Clias.

II. T. Walker and wife, A. Mason,T. S. Kny, J. It, Collins, 11. 12. Conant,12, 1). tt'ndeliouse. P. P. tt'oods, P. F.Woods, C. W. (!. Deerlng nnd wife, O.N. llatihelder nud wife, Prime. Kana-unnako-

Princess Kawannnakoa. ,


For Maul ports, j.er sttnr. Clau.llne,'ii rustle 1J1",,.' ,' ,,r ,,",;i ' ,

?.....,.Z ,C.'r,.,i..

H..". """"".,?It'







FILIPINO INDEPENDENCE.WnvliliiKtnn, Sept. 2f'..




native adopted

tin- -


llnoKCVi'lt hnH retched n letter fronttluiertinr Wright deprointlng tho agl'lotion In the I'nlted Sinter for FilipinoIndependent p.

STRIKERS RE8UME WORK.Clittngn, Sept. 2'). Nine thousand

men have resumed work nt reducedIn the shops of the liifernntlnnal

llnresler Works mid the PullmanCompany under regulations.

A JUSTICE FINDS FAME.PlttHlleld, .Mass., Sept, SO." A loal

Justice of the pence has fined the y

of the llrltlsh Knibnssy for g

IiIh iiutomoldle. Tho mattert.ns raised n diplomatic iiuestlnu.

Sister Albertina To

Foreclose Princes

Sister Albert In, Ellen Albertltm PolyI'lnnU, trustee for Stella K, Cotkett,brings bill for foreclosure ngalnstDavid Kawniiniukoa, Jonah Knlnnluliaole, the wles, the Herman Hnlugl6t Ann Soilcly of Han I'laiK ls o andtho Terrllnr of Hawaii. Trust deedvns executed Oilober 1!, I8D!). Property Itiwilwd Is In l'niina valley,

nf reen aires.On Mny . loj, Hlster Albertina, as

triiteo, cnim-yei- l to the two Prime

u.r ,, Inli.n.al linn lint liei-- until.!: : ". .

iiamou. uuo gne a piece o ins purchase in the Territory, In exihunge

' for nmd widening purines. As tho


Republican Executive.

f!n?i.mltt0fJ Mpotincrvviiiiiuiiuu mvuuiig

Precinct uroluttotiK relntlng to the extension hi toe water sstem to ruuiiulHreel.

Celicml piilllleut toiiilltloiis welfilm illseiis'il Informally.

jC u in's Society Holds

Service In MemoriamT1, mM.ttn r n... C.....I...' r.u-m-

M ,.,,,, Au,iuorli.iu hi- -l eu-nln-

,.,,, ,n,.IMrM K8rvIlM , ,,omir r lhomvmU, uf tUt 0.M wll(l hll, ,,..,durini. 10 ,,llbt yKir, The nltendnn.o.. .... ..... ,,..,.., .,,.., .,., ....Impressing. The mectlni whover by President A. II. Clark mid Urn

tonslstcit of soni;, prayer andeloquent tributes of speech.

Tbore for vihom lho nieinoiul wasgiven nero S. T. Ale.xnmlur, Thnmuifiullik, Henry M. Whitney, Mrs. mile- -

brond, Ijiulse O. Ww.tanrlt, Mr. SylllAugusta Caller, Mrs. Joseph II. CooUonud Mrs. Dunning.

Judge Suuford 11. Dole gave. n char-acter sketch of tho lato S. T. Alexanderand paid u just tribute to nil imiryvirtues. Killing trlbtito mi? spoken,of eath member who had gonv lo theother side.


A public concert will lie ghen by thobund at tho Alexander Young Hotel,tho following program to he plujril be-

ginning nt :.1Q:

PART I.March "A Deed of tho Pen" ...MorelOverture "Italian In Algler". .ltosslul'nntasM "Street Com" . . Arndt

Selection "Hello of Ilohemla"Knglaiitler

PART II.Selection--"Runawa- Olrl". .Momhtonluterimv.io "Qondoller" PowellWaltz "Pi Into of Pllsen" I.udersMarch "Pedro" Ilerger

"Tho Star Hpnngled llanner."

"Why do you think our husband,ms. ',ag0'' l0 lovo your asked her"ul,10r- - 'Hecnuso It Is Imposslblo for

" ' o Mm mUeinblo any more,"replied ,ho young wife,ruews.

$100 RewardPROOF that I did not make my

Mmples. Anyone who cannot make good .samples cannot do nood work. For my

compare my samples wjth others,






"Eyes examined" may mean some-thin-

for you or It may mean nothing.It depends upon the skllf, knowl

edgo, and fitness of tho examiner.Our examinations arc conducted af-

ter- tho most approved methods, nnd,back of nil, wo havo adequate knowledge of the eyo and Its needs.



Over May & Co.

Fire! Firel Fire!

Another residence destroyed by fir(or want or water In time, but hid

fliilnl Inflnn Clr FvllnirnlnlinrIJUIbK AGllOll 1118 tAlingUISIlBl

been In the house the fire couldhave been extinguished. So avoid the10 to 20 minutes' delay of the Fire Dnartment by havlna your house eaulDped with our Fire Extinguishers, forVihen you need It you need It badly,and there Is no other machine manu-factured which you can rely uoon towork properly at that critical moment

I Can be operated as successfully by aWoman. Child or Mnn aa when In thahands of a trained fireman. For further particulars and circular Inquire of


TEL. MAIN 149.

Important ToMandolin Players

Science nnd Inventive genius have at lastKte.itly Improved the sweet toned mandolin.

Perfection lias been attained In the new


It i shaped somewhat like a violin.with swelled front and back and has thewonderful vhlln quality of tone.

Call and see It at


Two StoresYoung: Bldin. Merchant St.

The Merchants' Protective



Established Twelve Years.

Publishers ot Rating Book for theHawaiian Islands.

Offices: Rooms 5 and 6 Progress block,HONOLULU, H. T.


ALAKBA ST.All classes of Uulldlng Work prompt-

ly and entcfully executed.Office 'Phono Blue 1801.

Residence 'Phone Blue 2332,


Fresh provisions and fruit by everyCalifornia steamer. Fresh Island but-ter from Hawaii.

1123 Fort St. and 1186 Nuuanu St.2875-t- f

PerfectionHome Bakery

Beretanla and Emma 8ts.Home Baking of all kinds. Boston

Brown Bread and Baked Beans on Sat-urdays only.


Importers and Dealers In Hardware,Cutlery, Stoves, Paints, Oils, Brushes,and General Merchandise.

Nos. 4450 King SL, Katsy Block, bet.Nuuanu and Smith 8ts.; Tel, Main 189.



ADDRE8S M., P, O. BOX 38.

Granite and Bronze MonumentsAt Prices To Suit;


BpSJJIJBli. 'i'jJ3ffiisSMPpBBBfirwl

Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works, Ltd


NOW WE'RE JJTWe are prepared to supply the People of Honolulu with Freshest t4

ISLAND MEATS. Alto, Garden Produce of all kinds; Eggs, Chicleens, Turkeys, Sucking Pigs, Bacon, Ham; In fact, everything that A FIRSCLASS MARKET It called upon to furnish.











. Hacks, Carriages, Buggies as Sad-

dle Horses on short notice.

Carriages meet all ateamera. Com.

peteat drivers, reasonable rates, new

reklclei and Ur stock.

Alexander & BaldwinLIMITED.

OFFICERS.J. B. Castle First Vice PresidentW. M. Alexander... Second Vice Pret.J. P. Cooke ..TreasurerW. O. Smith SecretaryOeo. R. Carter Auditor

Sugar Factors and- - - - - Commission AgentsAOINTS for Hawaiian Commercial ASugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co, Pala Plan-tation Co., Nshlku Sugar Co., KthelPlantattoa Co., Hawaiian Sugar Co.,Kabulul Railroad Co.

WM. 6. IRWIN & CO., LTD.Asanta for

Wsutarn Susnr Rsflnlna Co ." ttnn Prnnelaoo. Cat.

Dnldwln Locomotlv. Works,frillallpltla. Pa,Nowall Unlvaraul Mill Co.MnnutaotureraolNatlonalCaiisHMrJ(lar, JVaw Yprtc, IV. V.Paraffin Paint mpnity,San HranolMuu, Cal.

Ohlandt Co.,Aan Pranslaon Cal.

Panlflo Ol ranaportutlon Cosn anoisca, vai,

YoshikawaTke Dike Doctor. I have a bisstock of wheels. Repairingour specialty. Wheels Rent-ed. Two Stores: 1C3 King St.,Hotel near River.

S. Yokomizo,Great Reduction In Price of Cruthed

Rock, at follows:No. Z 1 cubto yard $1.79No. 3 1 cublo yard $1.81No. 4 1 cubic yard $2.05

Delivered to any part ot city. OfficeQueen Emma Hill, corner Nuuanu'andBeretanla) Tel. Blua 1211.

S. SA1KI,Dealer in Bamboo Furniture, Pic-

ture Frames, Grass Linen. DrawnLinen, Table Cloths, Collars, Neck-ties, etc.



Alto CURIOS of all descriptions atHying prices,



OFF ?Butter,



eptaka for Itself 1

but It not noisy. '

E. R. BATH, THE PLUMBER,115 King 8trett, 'Phone 41.


Insurance - AgentsAGENTS FOR




Castle & Cooke, Ltd.HONOLULU.

Commissi Msrohants

i. Sugar Factors

AGHNTS FORThe Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co.The Kohala Sugar Co.The Walmca Sugar Mill Co.The Fulton Lron Works, 8L Louis, ate.The Standard Oil Co.The Oeo. F. Slake Steam Pumts.Weston't Centrifugals,The New England Life Insurance O.

of Boston,The Aetna Fire Int. Co. ot Hartforl

Conn.The Alliance Assurance Co, of Loafon,i

C, Brewer & Co,, Ltd.Quttn Street, Honolulu, T. H.

Afironts lorHawaiian Agricultural Co., OokaU

Sugar Plant Co., Onomea Sugar CtHonomu Sugar Co.,Wailuku Sugar 0.,Uakee Sugar Co.,IUIeakala Ranck Oa.The Planters' Line ot Ban FrancltttPackets, Ckai. Brewer ft Co.'t UseBoston Packets.

List of Officers:0. If. Cooke, President; Otorae

Robertson, Manager: & " Blthoa,Treasurer aad Secretary; Col W.Allen, Auditor; P. 0. Jones, 0, .

Cooke and Qto. R. Carter, Director!.

P. 0. Box 181. Tel White III.


HOTEL 8TREET, HONOLULU,Sulta made to order, in the late!

styles. Perfect fit guaranteed. ClotIng cleaned, dyed and repairs. j


Special Sale of the

Celebrated -

r. & G. CORSETi


Monday, Sept, 26th

These arc the most rcH--,able corset on the marketand consequently the mostpopular.

Sec Berctania Streetshow window for reduced .

prices and a glimpse ofthe goods.




V ' --v

U Mi" VI .


"T " i ' .1 AJ



Splendid new line of Ladies' Muslin Under-wear direct from New York manufacturers.Very gc assortment.


Another New Thing

Is the handsome black spangled Bertha lace,ready shaped for collars.

N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Company,



" Drink More " And What To Drink

Dr. Titus Munson Coan, In Harper's Magazine, declares In favorof "Soda Water" for table use. "Soda Water (more properlycalled Carbonated Water) whether manufactured or natural Is aPOWERFUL AID TO DIGESTION by stimulating the stomachand also probably aiding to dissolve the mineral Ingredients of thefood. It Is very appetizing, It corrects acidity In the stomach,checks the disposition to nausea and cools the system In febrilecomplaints and Is Indeed the Ideal beverage for the water drinker."

May me not supply you with our beverages?

Yours for health, first, last and all the time.

Consolidated Soda Water Works, ltd.TELEPHONE MAIN 71



The United States Rotary Washers

This is the lightest running machine on the market, 1 heclothes are turned back and forth through the hot soapsuds, cleaning them without rubbing them to pieces. Thisis our second shipment and parties who have used thesemachines speak very highly of them.




J. HOPP & Co.,Of King and Bethel Streets, have receiveda fine shipment or Ostermoor Patent Elas-tic Felt Mattresses. These are now onsale. Anyone looking for health, comfortand sleep should not fall to Inspect these,as they are the best mattresses made forthis climate.

Clothing, Pajamas and Neckwear, Ties,Etc, at

J Lando, Hotel St. Store.Weekly Bulletin, $1 a Year




Candidates Talk ForCounty Govern-

ment Law.







l I no a unnl.ln



in INTfl huiisTHE







thercforoaccompaniedThe were "I'.rves HMm. ,.,..

Hepubllcan camiialcu "'nB nouilsh nnd put vim and vl- - , ,, ", ,'."Tl"Jng last night at oiien nt ' J?t this particular V " ..'":' ." l

"" ' new. tiawiui. werelornerof OieenamlSoiiil. Hostcttorij Stomach Bitters iney, lle11' endoised by physicians. U n way to Kohala ati.1TL n" '?,.." rt',?!? 'nvaluablo cases Appe- - lend the convention, where tho cand....... ...u. ie, inaigestion, Dyspepsia, times Senators and Itetircsc.-it-

i.ies. been cleared Kidneys, Biliousness and Mala. tlve were to nominate, tinteen erected tho center and fleal8.tr it nl once.vere Arrange. about UiU In a unTrrwrrninrlrclft. Iirrn ir f.nr Hrtnili.nii 1I..I.I.. . v. . .........vi.t, lltIIMnnd n score of torches Illuminated thu

:r..v, 411 tHVIiVllli. lllllllhlll'U 1IIUHIOand the irond cave pvblpnro nt. '- -interest and enluiiHiusm In nlten-- i

lion to the dlscuuxlon of tho Issues

pf nil i





I nclchborhoodp.

wherekm Un na. J

ncrvca....... given

them. """.'"''Is

' It North" Poor-- ...

comet- - Weak,

suml I

....v.. .


and luauiltnce,

Democrats.laiikea's speech iiiocIIur

greatlistened obviouslanipalgn. .eloquenrc I'lfth District nominee.

The In ,i,nr. ..r k, throiiK swelled as eaih speaker "lllcl e performances of two

ti..... i. i . .,. . ." ii,l,l.,i i n, "rmer Delegates, pointing how

7Z ";:!:',' ;,; V ;; Z,, " Promised and how llttlH

friends which will result In strength y "-- ' Kreenswnrds, ,. sate represented nartv thatm iL. ....i i..A. .i...i na

The meeting lasted n Into hour, "houlder. Stringed Instru- - $ JZS "f"? '"The following were the speakern: Del- - """- - '" hands of good muslclnnK. w',lh" "T. , !t,l,7egate Kuhlo. H. r .IJh-hop-, J.'M. ,0WbMndw!tlic. tho speeches. ,f d,cfcrrc, to

M. Jolm Uuie. Mllknlaul. Jlge Kanlukou presided as spoke of the per.(Minn, Harris. Carlos Long, Introduced each nomlneefl, briefly ;ulo,of ' Hepubllcan partI'rank Andradc nnd Wm. Aylett. llnln liltory nnd predicting w,',h Members that party

""" ""c corijuairman jolmson kald thnl election success or ; - ;, --been

forking Improvement of Hepubllcan ticket, called forth 'nt; " " Pln1 thumalnUj nlng Homocontrasted conditions '""R0'' I'Kiidclnpplng enthusiastic

c. i.i...... : iiioom illulo party, thcro no such nartvnow dark andmuddy times that prevailed duringHomo Itulc supremacy.

W. Harris told of his Joint icsolu




nnwionaa !,....muK aro was

nnnil br

of"oxthe lot

in of...... forino lot niu! bo



tho ... '"! theMm r,r,i ,.r.o out

ko "l0.wins

C. heXT. W. out- -

''I"he i.,.j w" the """ mo

for l,ie "tand the and tho

be Inctho


Knxon for ln

dressed straight ln wIllcl wonnd lUt.

lion In the last Legislature which wm f for sole purpose of call- - tl stories as bavo been clrcu-aime-

to secure the widening of the h,B "I,on n11 vt-- ' to cast their bnl- - ',y "?nl Il," lnttllpf8 thoHivct ti.1. Its for Ilepubllcaii ticket from 'vcl ,,mt ",cr0 ar" omo Kulo Sena- -

was vetoed by Uovmior becaube Vrinco Kl,lll- - "elcgato to Congress, r or Congressmanlist. Incllldlnc orn Uome "",0 nartviuu sin-e- Kcro ioo narrow to bo orerj- - - - -leg- -

taken over the Government. Spenklng of the political sltuii- - villained Hint wag n an!Harris basnnlan now to eettbnwlinln "' " he mainland, ho predicted " ian,lll'nle Delegate to Washing- -

matter n.cordlng to law, If n """"'er four years of Hepubllcan ad- - nominated uy mo pa,-ca-

1I..1 'ut nevertheless If ho clccte.Legislature Is returned to 'li'Itratlon. stated he !' was11 ill. .. ...... til., a ... .. Ill 1 rill 111 n n okri nut n..l.. 4 1. ,.

assist mm. Jlr. Harris also spoke for "' "" "oicius an Hawaiian nnd re- - " " ' -- "" "county government. He mil fcrrci1 t0 hl relationship h, party lint to wliolo Territory,that the Hepubllcan party bad novel ."'"''OJ'- - , Including u 1 Ho again spokofailed to keeii a piomle. Hint It fsv I A- - s- - spoke some twenty ' "'B tho luau nnd, thero being somu

county government In Its pint ""'"lies, no created a Iuugb upon "i"""''n mere, no uoviscciand It therefore

' I)cal:l"B of tho Fifth Ilepro-),,"fc- 0 l,r,,scnt not to let their politicalto have a solid llepiibll.nn ltoine nnd nominees as tho "hula i,ajoilctloiis Interforo with prlvatiSenate carry out the plntform and "t'1"', Ho the ticket nnd the ""noshlp. The party broko up about

wishes of tho peoplo on this point. i"lll,lft mi,a" proposition to and Mr. fnukea nnd thoA legislature would rsult IK ,aU1' l'r0Wl1 nml w" doubt lrIct "CBatcs departed by thy laiinct

lor Mahuknnaf.o legislation. .Mr. Harris U'Iul something to the success of themay call us thewe will get therewill vote the strn

Ltllkalanl spoken.l.l laid Klnnlor. ..a..I ..tu., in. iiubiii. .unia wito greeieu n l - '" IMUMmM



with applause showed him to boa " mnsterly presentation at- - Thero haswith Knknako voters. jr. ilraetlvo facts, showing tho necessity of ments of

Mllknlaul mado special reference eP"hllcau ticket if pros-!'''1-

il.e nniiniv mwnm.nl n... pcrlty vas bu MaulHepubllcan platform. This feature was "road appealed particularly to

dwelt upon J. M. Dowsctt, un n,0B tho waterfront, showing thatLane, Carlos Long and their very occupations depended on lie- -

Hf r ., ,1. ... . I fill til If fill Ullff It.U rfilllm, nn tA .. ...u. yu.M;u sum: vvo aro nere to ..., vimhh,, u,. iUU numvuwin on tlie Hllo platform. That plat-- ,rcsen'. ,ie urged them to uso theirform calls for county government and rvcry with tho men tho

will give It to you." Mr. Dowsctt Ueml,,1,c'ul ise.niraln bcirlnir nf Hip I '

Hepubllcan tariff on Hawaii's prosperity.

H. Dlslion mado a short but ailr.ring speech In which ho complimentedthe women for tho interest tbev nrshowjng In politics. He gave tho Dem-ocrats a Bluing up that was truo to na-

ture.John Lane spoko In Hawaiian nnd

vns given an enthusiastic reception byhis Fourth District friends.

Delcgato ' Kuhlo mado a tellingspeech In Hawaiian. devoted histlmo to a setting forth of the condi-tions a delcgato must work In at

and to a refutation of ihnrgc--brought him by his politicalopponents. That tho Delccato coinsstrength wllh ovcry speech ho makesis

Frank Andrade and Carlos I.ongmade arguments to that the cit-izens were stnndlng In their own lightnnd working against themselves Ifthey voted anything but tbo xtmieiitHepubllcan ticket.

Kdw. Qulnn waa Introduced. Hacald; "I ask your suimort m n rnmii.date for election to tha Leclslaturn. I

ask It first becauso I am a representative or tho Hepubllcan party and

I tho ncnubllcnn nnm- -

through its representatives, will givemo uost government to tho peoplo ofthis Territory. Tho Hepubllcan partyby Its record and by its nlntform mini-- .

nn tees an honest and efllclent government. Tlio Hepubllcan party Is not aparty of tho rich or the poor, of thnHawaiian or tho haolo. Hut It Is thoparty or tho people and believes In

rights to all people before tholaw.'1 Mr. Qulnn said business hmttrained him la tho art of andstopping leaks. If elected to tho

ho would look for leaks Inthn pipes of honesty and economy andsoon stop them.

An eager crowd, tho women as In.as tho men. nn llm

blreet laBt evening to lend

Vnn nlimtt In('All .. -.- .!.-

starved Iaukeanmt vnil

.....Amprcan tliutup Senator.

meeting, talking iher at presentthat cnBaK011.



ho Democrat


t"us " i,pointed





also discussed




ncad "Wants" on page II.


Ban Francisco, Sept. 5, 1001.To Honolulu Drug Co.

Dear Sirs: As for tbo FultonCompounds In Honolulu nru

'somo tit.. in .City that tl,i0r neditors of Honolulu, well ns

men generally. Wo copyn from Clfford Ilouso of

the"However Imnrnbnbln nine ennni th.

statement that Urlght's DiBeaso andDiabetes aro now curable In a greatmajority of all cases, it is well withintho provlnco of somu of us In tho bus-iness department tho Callthat It Is truo. Edward Short ofthis department was clvcn bv hisphysicians ns a victim Dlnbctes,

Is now perfectly well. Tho mother ono or editorial staff has alsorecovered from Diabetes. Tliln wanso conclusive I told a uwell-to-d- citizen of Dulutli, Minn.,who had Urlght's Disease and he tnorecovered."

Wo will also add anwith oillccs In tho Call

Is n late recovery. Ynu nrn nit.thnrlzcd to proclaim to tho world Hinttno Y. deadly diseases known, viz

wenUnnhHout visible causo Kidney troublethird c

or theso.llrlgado grounds on Vineyard Unnnliiln flnur On







I Special to Ilullctln.SOUTH Hawaii, Sept. 24

Curtis I'. had an enthusiastic,reception at Knwalhao on Tuesday af-

ternoon, Sept. 20th, 1Mb arrival fromKallua being expected, was a

Influx of people from tholit; to nu.f.t him.

He arrived at tu. tho steamlaunch from Puako, had


mi exhibitionFor

their to


follow Inc dav,their visit n mats nicotine

was held nt the (Aho) bnlrla big nt l)r. Atcherley's tel

the latter prepared by tha Kawnlbao

Jlr. at thoa received with applauso and

to with Interest, lidoftheiiiMtlne


hungu hud

until '"ouldcr"


"l0'0','"his ""l of


the pro- -


the13. Illshop, a.l-- politics; was thr

the colllMtfrom the declnrlnir be that they should not

the S"to

nnd thetho

the nnm.or a nlmdow

!n Amfrlpn.

ally by UuP- -

for"" nemocratlc

hAt ""jto nn tho

Knlelopn forored b"""form wns

to l'rnlscdthe seemed ""iset ills

divided w1"1 tIu5 nothey


work-als- o











Ilulld-Inc- .









J. l'rank Woods, manager of the Ka

wltl' offavorite

,hoi.i..., to bad. on tho










nominated IJcmHawaii and

Hlto .Senator foi

been moro ship- -thatcattlo

wefk- -









threeby tho Parker ranch

Thoao sblDDCd bv Hit20th nnd bv Knlnlfiu'

On the 21st worn nrrnninnn1f.il In l.nwallmo by Manager Carter and tho lolshipped by tno Llkellko on tho 23d b;uooKKccpcr H. At. Spencer.

Hccelvcr K. E. Conant nrrlvnl ntho Ktnnu ou tho morning of tho 21st

ho returns to Honolulu on buslncs-- ingaln by boat this ovenlnc;b'ept. 23d.

Knwalhao was visited by a heavycloudburst on tho evening of t ho 22dheavier than has been known for mnn)years. Tho rain poured for two hourswithout cessation, rapidly formingfreshets which plowed up tho groundof tho beach road soveral feet deep Inplaces. Until It was repaired, car-riages wcro unable to pass. If It hadnot been for stout stono fence nnmhouses ""S" havo washed awayfacts In r.u m,.., .1,1

CVon " " laatC(1 1IUI IoKr.should interest vnu n,lns







tho samo

Japanese carrlaco and horso narrowlyescaped being washed away to sea,but was saved by tho timely help ofsome Japasoso fishermen. Howovogreat tho darigor, tho rain wbb ntvotIhelcss most wclcomo, tanks and rearrvolrs being weil-nig- empty.

On tbo 19th tho registration agent I

visited. Walmea. on tho 20th Knwnlltnnnd on tho 21st Puako.

REQI8TER early and avoid therush. If you want a vote this year yorMUST REOI8TER.


LATOtLA Is known cvtrywhr r an i like where ti-lt l Vnown.

ThtfollimlnK'cvtlmnnUI It from Mr. J. n Hirratl,tht utU'knuwn Importer. xprtr iR-- nd lie tor,

. . D juuinwarK ( , uinaun ;.i:.. tnvUnj, whonrifiui-- uisoaeo ana Diabetes, ylcu hi wr",Stho now .Uurotlu evolved during w viAtZ Vri7oTZrXlperlinents mndo upon himself by John t'.0.,.,,.,n,h? c" " "X w" "nJ "" " tnyounu

cliilJrcn I want Id mv ihil LATO LA If certainly ihJ, I lllton Of this city In his Uiomorablo vy ttn.it Htln.poo.nj clnlni-- rr,P.ritlun oland successful struggle ngalust tho '"' "iytveriujpcTm.uriinic.ravages of Urlght's Disease. "wnu compiiirwnn.

Yours very truly, i "Youni.tihtuiiy.THE JOHN J. FULTON CO. (Slcnm) J, K. fiAURATT."

When to suspect Urlght's Disease Yoiiiilbh.prywrinyo.iuwLATOIl.A,nuffv nnkles or hands with

aftermonth falling vision


Cnr4 Cthe IUII




S.IUfictlon su.r.nircJ nr money rtfunJei

It Pays!S To Get the Best I

No matter what you are buying, it alwayspays to get 'the best. Ever sit kown next toa kerosene lamp and try to enjoy a goodbook ? Impossibility. Excessive heat dis-pels all idea of coir fort.There is no heat if you use incandescentelectric light, but there arecomfortsand con-veniences innumerable.If you are one of those wide-awak- e citizenswho desire to get the best for their honestmoney then phone us tor information.

Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Ijjl Oflice King Sf, near Alakea. 'Phone Ataln )oo. 5

New Shipment Of

Crystal Springs ButterThere Is no guesswork about Crystal Springs Dutter and never

any variation In the quality. You can order It at all times with theabsolute confidence that It Is perfectly pure and sweet. We send Itout In neat cardboard cartons that keep It from contact with otherfoods In the lee chest We have Just received a large new shipmenton the "Sierra".

Metropolitan Meat Co., LtdTELEPHONE MAIN 45

Merchants' Parcel Delivery.

Parcels, Furniture, Baggage, Etc., movedto any part of the Gty. WUl meet steam-ers and check outgoing baggage. Promptand reliable service.

'Phone Main 109.

Business Notices.


All persons wishing to contributeiiiiins co mo uemocrauc I'nrty to aidIn tho coming campaign nro requestedto leave samo with tho treasurer.Hlchard II. Trent, nt oltlcu of Trent &Co., No. l38 Kort street.

lly order oftho Democrntlc Hxccu.tlvo Coramltteo;

W. A. KINNKV.W. F. EHVlNfl, Chairman.

Secretary. 2878-- m



Asal Estate Mortgage Loans andSecurities. Homes Built on

ths Installment Plan.Horns Office: Mclntyre Bldg,

Honolulu, T. H.L. K. KENTWELL, Gen'l Mgr.


Notleo Is hereby given that thostock books of tho Honolulu' IlnnlilTransit ft Land Company will bo closen ic iransiers irom mo 2Slli to the30th days of Sentember. 1004. holidays Inclusive.

Hy order of tho Hoard of Directors I

ur.es. i. iiiii.i.r.n.5879-3- Secretary.


Competent watchmen furnished farbusiness houses and residences.

Office, Room 8, Model Block.P. O. Box 284.


Notice Is hereby elven thnl llm nn.dcrBlgncd will not bo responsible forany dobts contracted In IiIb namo un-less by his written order.2874-l- AH ON.


aesuttful fresh Mountain Violets,and very fragrait, for

le it reasonable prices at tbe corner' Hotel und Fort streets, Baturday

Tih-(1- t afternoon. tnTifMt


Tho American Ihinrnss fVimnnnvttnvn nnnnhitml nnr firm na .i.aImagents for tbo ealo of tholr Travelers'uiiurics, iiegnuniiio in nil pans or moworld. IIISHOP & COMPANY.

2878 tf

Tel. Main 339. Residence Tel. White 53

Mrs. E H. Taylor,FLORIST.I

DON'T FORGET that to vote In the ALEXANDER YOUNQ BUILDING.coming Territorial election YOU Rooted 8trawberry and T

REGISTER. et Plants for Sale. " "



Corporation Notices.


From nnd after October 1st nextcollections for rental of telephoneswill be made MONTHLY Instead ofQUAItTEIU.Y as heretofore and allsubscribers In arrears nro hereby roquested to make settlement beforethat dato In order to facilitate tbchange.

A new Telephone dlrortnrv hninrnow prcpnied, all persons desiring tel- -cpuono service, and tlioso subscriberswho havo changed tholr residence oraddress since tho last llr..rinrv n

Issued, are requested to communlcatawun me omco before tho Oth of Octo-to- r,


2807-t- f



Arc mjrvel of beautynl duriMlliy, fatyUnJ fret 8 Inches. Hw

(our tIJ.i .t hiiej ieitemov.til. Itblelt wltlit.lwJ leiirri tnJne4by "Th. SclentlBcAnterlc.n" rmif tool nJ strictly evec.Il.tinr. , , He.tilltulIfctlgni tat rtlc.t atI'oJmuf.'i office, DetnelStreet

II CANNON.Sola Agent lor IiUoJj.



HOUSEHOLDERS Improve yourmuddy walks and driveways with blacksand dressing always clean. For thenext ten days we sell the finest blacksand delivered for 76 cents oer yr.

Cheapest price ever known In town.Telephone your order.

Lord & Belser.Tel. MAIN 198. P. O. BOX 192.



if every description, at the LOWESTRICE8. Also a fine tine of ALUMI-

NUM GOODS. BUSINESS4n use our goods to advertise theirsnd please customers, Write us If Inaed of anything.




Wo mako a specialty of handling thebost Manila cigars: La Constancla, LaInsula and Klor do la Isabela.UWA COK. KINO and IIUTHEL 8T3.











EVENING BULLETINBakU-he- d Every Day Bxccpt Sunday,

110 Kins Street, Honolulu,by the



atered tho PoatoQce Hono-fctl-

aa second-clas- s matter.


Evtnlng Bulletin.r month, anywhere U. B...I .71

?f tuarUr, anywhere U, 8., S.0(few yr, anywhere U. 8 8.0(Ghn rr, postpaid, foreign...... 11.

Wsekly Bulletin.CKa kaoatha I .1'Vat year, anywhere U. 8.... 1.0,Per year, poitpald, foreign .... l.Svi

(Telephone 266roetofflco Dox 718

TUESDAY. .SKIT. 27, 1901,


Jonah K. Kalanianaole

For Senators.


Wft J- - M- - D0W8ETT.

ft" 'JL Fourth District Representatives.


v . E. W. QUINN,h, -


f'V I' ..i , Filth District Representatives.



, . Iletwcen n cumbersome Jmor lawfe und citizen who will posslhlo to

't ' escape Jury duty, Justice In having a

struggle for existence


E$a :,

UT. H--,


at at







do all

t'Home Rulers put a full ticket in ll

field anil rvold fusion Doubtless Ikvcause, iui the Advertiser said In litii,The Hume Rulers vote straight."

The afternoon "in(-to-o" organ echo- -

Ins the critic Ism of Faxon Illshop, siijhIn effect thnl the reason fur CandidateRlshnp's support of tho straight ItopuhIlcan ticket Ih thnt bvliiK

key must accept men and meas-ure ha would not approve as nThis Iay3 the i barge of personal hypocrisy nt Rlshnp's: door nncl put him lutho chws of tricky KiIltlclau. Tin"rae-too- " satellites take to triihy pulUlcs as p duck to wnter, lint there I noreason why liUhup should lie put onsuch a low plane. Illshop' record hasalways len thnt ho mean what ho

ays. Is outspoken, obove board In Mkdealings with nil men and thorough!)honest. Illshop tho candidate has notlost tho qualities of Illshop the man, In

consc-quenc- of his partlilpntlon Inpublic affairs. Knck-ribbe- honesty huisiiop oiislnesB reputation and thefact that such Ih his political repotstlon In what will elert him.


Men without principle whoso panic-Iliatlon In public affairs Is guided bypersonal plemo or prejudice, personalor factional, very frequently almostinvariably ko back on their own arguments. They today espouHO thuIdeas which yesterday they were con-demning when offered by others. Theyrefute their own state-incut- therebydemonstrating conclusively that thoyaro devoid or principle and conse-quently unwotthy of trust.

In this class tho Homo Iluln Adver-tiser shows Itself to bave a high posi-tion. Its own arguments are best an-swered from Its own columns. ThoAdvertiser this morning In tho coursoof a sermon urging voters not to re-cord party loyalty, says:

"flood government In local af-

fairs Is largely a questlou of menraoro than of parties. Whero peo-ple all know each other and canvoto understanding they do notneed party leadcis to tell themwhat to do. They can pick andchoose for themselves and do Itwithout prejudice to wider inter-ests."Turning through the flies of the Ad-

vertiser, citizens of Han all will findIn Its Issue of November 3, 1902, thefollowing editorial declaration of faith:

"There are thoso, however, menwith material Interests, whosee that It Is to the Republi-cans' Interest that they must lookfor reclamation from tho presentIII condition of our governmentalaffairs, but who Jllogtcnlly arojeopardizing the success whichseems at hand, by talking ofscratching tho names of Republi-cans from their tickets; that tbeymay voto for men who aro person-al friends though on other tickets.In tho present condition of affairsthoro can bo no moro dangerousproceduro than to take from thoRepublican ticket tho namo of onoof the regular nominees and tosubstitute. therefor the namo of aman nominated by tho misfit De-

mocracy, tho rump conventionwhich deliberately placed the brad

of Its ticket In the hands of a manwho has ever boasted of his friend-ship for nud approval of tho Re-

publican Presidents he has known."There will be no scratching by

members of the Home Rule party.That vote will be cast solidly, andevery time a Republican takesfrom his list the name of one manhe Is Jeopardizing the success ofthe entire ticket The, point Isthat In cutting down tho ute nfthe man fur whom he has the leaptaffection among the llepubllcaus,tho oter without doubt has se-

lected ouo who has many friends.The next scratching oter will cutout some other Republican to nlvoplace for his favorite nmong thoh)brld racers, nud if the pinctlcois carried to any extent the resultmay be the loss of a sulllclentnumber of MUes to cause the reg-

ular nominees to run behind andfall of election.

"There Is a corps of 'hammer-wellder- s'

who have spenttheir time recently about thostreets making politics. They

hegln thus: 'I am as good aRepublican in an one but I can-

not voto for .' l'roni this theargument tendi to the aggrandize-ment of sonic particular man onthu )i)brtd ticket and ends withthe prophecy that Ik will win by'hundreds'. The runners of thesehermaphroditic candidates aremaking their fight by trying tobreak down all Ideas of party loy-

alty and spend more time In cry-ing that there Is no place for partyfeeling In a local election, than inhowling the particular brand theyrepresent."Again mi N'mriuber ltd, 1902, tho

A'hortlner published u doublo-lende-

editoiinl in which the folloulng uppears:

'The elei tlon of today Is nor for any unty. It lived 1

the best cffoits of each Miter nmlhe Is the patriot who votesrtraight mid peiurm the witu ufsome friend us well To cut theticket means the offering of aweak spot for the attacks of theenemy, and he who falls of entirefidelity now weal-en- s his partyJust as a deserting soldier givesthe foe an opportunity."The Adtcrtfoci'H comment In I

on the Aiheitlser's attitude In 1U0Icpeiikh Tor Itself. Thu morning paperIs now preaching the lliimi'-Rul- e doc-trine "We will In- Independent uf theVuiciliiin parties." It Is true today,

among Itcpiihlluins. us It was III IW2,hint "He who falls of entire fidelitynow weakens his party just as a de-

serting soldier gives the foe an oppor-tunity."


At detailed reports come In fromthe battle of l.huiyaug there, are manyIndications that tho result of thatgreat content Is a diuw. though Kuru-pttkl-

railed to stop tho Japanese onhi? Chofon ground. Correspondentwith both Hides unite In tho conclu-sion thai KuruM nits nil but defeated,deneial Orloff's lnahllll, with minedsoiled troop mid himself nuuuded andpul out of action earli In the light, tohull Kurol.l us ordered by Kuiupatklnwus one uf the misfortunes of war forthe Russians, but eipully kooM fortunefor the Japanese. All rciKiits Indlintothat Kurnkl had been so marly stalledby Orlorr that Kurupatkln might hnu'won thu day had he held on n littlelonger.

The dearth of nuws from thu fromat the present llmo also combines tostrengthen the conclusion that theJapanese enmn out of tho battto In nocondition to sharply follow up Kmopatkln's retreat and take tho advnntagea coming to n vletoilous urmyTho situation in the north, coupledwith tho terrific sacrifices madu alI'ort Arthur In tho thus fur unsucccss




The United Stales Fidelity

And GuciarTy Company

Of Baltimore, Md.

if Cash Resources, $3,000,000

Abundant Resources,

Thorough Organisation,Progressive and

Conservative Methods

Enables this Company toexecute all kinds of suretyundertakings with utmostdespatch and sati; faction topatrons.



Local A gents,

Cor. Fort and Merchant Sis.Honolulu, Hawaii.



ful struggle, to reduce that stronghold.CO far towards proving that tho perlojof rapid Japanese successes, predictedby Oscar King Davis scleral montlubefore the war, Is ncarlng Its end andthe time for Russia In pion tho powerof weight In numbers Is approaching

William Dinwiddle, special corrosponclent of the New York Wot Id wltnthe Japanese army, gltes a review oltho situation Immediately following(be battto of Llnojang that is worttconsideration In the contemplation o,the rutin c probabilities. Dlnwlddl.says;

"I bcllet p that the Indications polmto a ihango In favor of the RussiansTho Japanese nrt no longer nblo Itdrive the enemy by a frontal altntkThe Russian army organization Is Impro Ing. It. Is lefli nlng model n methods of lighting mid Is displaying goodstrategy and (net leu. It is retiring Itan orderly manner anil deliberately,and then only when forced to do so bjn Hanking movement nml when outnumbered two to ouo.

"If the strategic plan of letlrlng toHarbin lighting and tho heavy leurguard actions aro lontluued HiucesDfully, the Russians have n chance idtcvcistng the present conditions of t In-

var next yenr, piovlded they inn innster equal numbers un the hntllelleM.Japan, hypnotized by the seeming

of capturing l'ort Arthur, andwith the sliiiiiltHiicous moving of hernrmlcH north ngulnt (leiieriil Kmopntkin, has piohnbly lost her opportunityIn May last (lencrnl Kmiilil's uitii)alone, following up thu Ynlti victory,could hao driven the badly olllcc redillsorganlreil und corrupt Siberiantroopi flnni Manchuria.

"It Is evident now Hint KurupatklnIk n great general nud that he is slow-

ly creating nn effective nrm. Thefall of l.laoyang was iciiTl) n virtualvictoij fur the Russian. The Japancsc had 170.0011 men ngiilnst the Ritssinus' mi.Qiiu. while the artillery onboth sides was equal, Nevi'ltheleoi',Geiieinl Kurokl required eight iht)x Inwhich In line civ or tin Russians' maindefenses at I.lnoviuiK. The Russiansstubbornly contested ever foot of thotwenty mile advance, Indicting seilnuslussec. though they were evidenti)making uul rciir-guni- iicllous.

"Tho Russians hegnn to retreat f i on.T.!iio)uug.iipoii illsc'iivcilng that Kurokl's Twelfth Division win, umvlug in,their left llnnh. This retirement tooktime- - ilajs. nnd nil of the operationswoie visible. The Russians kept twodivisions, with ninety cannon, south ufthe rlvir und before the ill) until thenight or September 3. They hiiiurdall of tho iinliHiispottiihlo supplies,mined thousands uf wagons north,buried ull of their dead mid took nwnytheir wounded. Then the RuksIiiiistell on the Twelfth Dlvlidou, so Jeopardizing the Japanese position tbut therewas nn nigeiit call for relnfoRc-incuts- .

"Though six Japanese divisionsfought night and day, they were un-

able to dislodge tlislr enemy behindIts cttliinglcuiculH of pits nnd heavyeaitliworl.s mill! tlm preparations furictlilug were completed. Thu Japanom losses weie upwind uf Ifi.OoO bofore I.luojuug alone, and tho totafluscs un their hide In the ten days ofinnMant hnttllug weie lieaier 3Q,tiOV.

"(ienciul Kuroki's Second Divisioncu' the Jnpiuifnc liiipeilnl tiiiuiil winfearful of a Russian counter-uUuc-

nnd was slow to lelnfiuce tho TwelfthDivision, though nn September 4

win ii I h ft the front, mid the city hadbeen evacuated reinforcement werethen rushed foiwaid. Tho falluiu ufthe Japanese to throw u heavy foieuon the rear of the Russians, thus cutting off their retreat, suggests thatI hey atu willing to permit thu llint- -

thin to ret lie fioni Manchuria rathertji.in force a decisive liattlo.

"If thu Jupunesu Intention was mere-ly to secure the .Manchiirian territory,the utiategy was successful. Hut I

have authority to deny Unit this wastheir object. The Japanese, have beenminimizing their losses nnd the number of tho tumps In tho Held, whilethe Russians havo beentheir eiTortlvo strength, Imt with thepin pose of deceiving tho enemy. Theeffort of tho .Inpaniso army to captural'ort Arthur lias been a gloomy "


(Continued from Page 1.)"I bellevo so.""Now, Mr. Ulake, do ou think It Is

right do you think jou nro doing yejurduty to try and avoid sen leo as a Jur-ON"

I think I've douu moro than I

sbnro this year In Jury sorvlce.""Did jou not Intentionally attempt

to disqualify youiself so that you couldbo excused from this Jury?"

"Yes; I nic-ui- to disqualify myself.""Ilow would you feel, Mr. Wake, If

jou wero em trial for your llfo, to seoreputnhlo business men. good men Intho community, deliberately trying todisqualify themselves tu bit, nud thusdepriving jou nf tho benefit of theirIntelligent consideration or your case,when, being cm tilal for yuur llfo, younaturally wauled the vciy best Jurythe countiy could pioduic?"

"I have served on ninny Juries thisyear. I think It's lime In Klve sumuone edse n chuni e, I do not knyvv thatIt's a question of duty "

"Aren't jou ashamed of yourself, Mr.Wake!"

"No! I'm not!"Pressor passed the Juror for cause,

lu splto of all. J. W. Cotbc-art- , de-fending, however, challenged nndPressor then joined In the challengeThen Judge Clear took tho matter luhand.

The Court spoke at length on theduties of Jurors and voiced his appro- -

Judge Gearand

Jury avslcm and Jury commissionerscame up for a inuiid rcntlug In Jiulga(tear's criminal court tlili morning. In-

deed this year has been n most arduoustrial for all Judges and nttoruevs Intlili circuit, tu sny nothing of the Jur-oi-s

themselves. The pernicious usolessness nf the present law nud thebotched vvork of the Jury commission-ers lu luetendliig to cany nu( the snmolaw havo gradually worn the nervciof court and lounsel to u umillllon olsensitiveness which inspires rebellion.

"I feel It necessary lo stale," saidJudgn Gear from tho liemh, havingevery nppeniaiiie of utter wearinessnud disgust with the condition uf nf- -

tolr. "thnt 1 aui about sick and tiredof Uie way tilings lire going under thepirscnt si stem.

The! Insane provisions nf the Jurylaw are enough to steal the reasonfiont the minds of com I nud lotinscl.Tbey are enough to drive- men mnd. IIwould aluiovt pa) to mil tho

lu special session fur tho solipurpose of abolishing this ciiuilicrsotuc.Inadequate, incffci live, expensive, uo-les- s

law, that wo might with comfortreturn tu the pruitlcnl vsti-i- of upon

elil l CM

"With nn opi n venire we could get aJury Inside of live minutes. With thePlescut bunleiiMimo It Williprobably t.clce us at leiist the hiihmriiof this weil. to sec lire n do7cn men tutry Ilitjnshiil.i for murder. It ma'tube longer, line, for Hovernl days.the iinynslilila rase has oeeiiuled thattention of limit and counsel nnd vviilwiihius weie let out ns not understand- -

have not jet secured the lint thing'in in trim, n ;ury. inn ui iiuiinist spccliil venire of tlilitj-sl- men)iis age.We lilaced five men In the Nik. Out of,today's sis'chil venire, iilsu of thirty-six- ,

there Is Just one man In go lujliul"i nud the peieiiiptur) ihallingewhave uiilr jiol begun,

"I must ray that I feel like contin-uing the entire criminal inlendar overto next vcur, when, let us hope, woshall luive n list of Jurors of which

clnllou of llliike-'- s former ci vices, saylug hi- - lenieiulierud him on unci or twopailleutarl.v long mid tlicsonie cases,llirttcvc-r- , (he act of the Juior was tobn HCMTvly luiideiiincd und he wimile-ail- lu runtempt nf teiuil. TheI'cuirt had not denf tu thu fai tthat, exi i an In sets; thnt whenour mini made the excuse of his

objection tu capital punishmint, fui example, sumo tluce or foulwould surely follow suit; or when onedec luted mi linalti iiihlo opinion, half adure n otheiH were! certain lu hnvc usih eply Mm d opinions.

Cnl heart nnd Prosper both memo tostnte that they did not deslie thai theJuicu I- i- punished.

lll.Uie- otatcil that, as n inalli r nfficet. ho v.ns unlit to sk ns n Juiui. liewits uiidur a severe mental siinlii, helug nboiit tu have nn opi'nitluu perfunned. He did nut like tu hullier theCourt with bis excuses. He did notknow llul xv luil he hud dom w.meoiitempt of court.

When JiuIko (ienr Muted lli.il no punNhmout would he Imposed cm this ue- -

inslon Illnki' sild; "I de'ejily logic tYour llunor. that Ibis should hilv'u

particularly lu juur court. I

thnuk jou for your leniency."J. A. McCandless, being examined

as to Ills qualifications, pilor to thu ex-

amination of lliako, slated that ho bad"happened to pick up n nuwspapor thismorning uf tho date ucoidlng tho al-leged murder." II o rend II, talkednhoiit It, and formed mi opinion.

Tb-r- e havo been Innumerable easesof Juiois forming alleged "fixed" opin-ion of cases from newspaper ac-counts. Illako Is tho Hist to honestlysny, tu effect: "I read up on purpose todisqualify mvseir as a Juror."

According to court room nnd corri-dor comment, Idaho's acknowledg-ment should make somo "uncontestedones' conse lencc-- sore-"- .



lMltur evening lliilleiln: The ntti- -

lude of tlm Advertiser towards CecilDrown Is lu marked contiast with Itsntttmle towards the Republican Repre

sentative llclcet In the Fifth DlstilctThe Adveitlser rodo rough shod overtho entlio ritlli Dislilci ticket nl uncoIncluding nt least two men who are nssquare as you could nsk for, lo wit:Chnrles Droad and Oscar Gov. lu ref-erence to this ticket tho Advertiserknew it all and made up Its mind atemeu, nnd went nt them hammer andtongs without nllolng any onu even

Artistic SignsAnd Satisfaction Guaranteed when madi

' by


Gomes ExpressStand and Oftlco. 710 Fort near

queen St., opposlto Hnckfeld building. Iuroymen, boggago and. furniture

handled and delivered. s

Office 'Phone Main 298; nemMenrm'Phone White 881.



CommissionersInsane Jury System


some are not disqualified lo servo.I rnm the excuses given nnd the) ills- -

iruatlncatlons which stnnd It wouldrecm that the majority of the list aredisqualified."

The above remarks were voiced whenthere remained no more Jurors fromwhom tu ill aw to fill out the Haynshldamurder Jury. Out of those of the thlr-ty-sl-x

who were served to opjiear to-

day, all wero cither excused or chal-lenged for cause.

The Ramo old excuses put forwardduring previous terms this year wereheard over again un eloquent tokento llin gient work of the Jury

Two men weio ejeusedbeinuse they nrn Ilrltlsh subjects; another because ho Is a nolle email houniie Into court in uniform. One waaexcused as being an attorney nt law;Harry Armltngu got off for the reasonthnt ho Is n Road Commissioner;

Hustacu Is a I'lre Commissioner mid was therefore excused, Manager

of tho Alexander Young hotelCould not leave his biislnchs withoutyieat haidshlp ami was allowed to gohis way., l'linr men had to he dropped,having been members of the UrnndJiu y which brought tu the indictmentfor murder ngalnst llaya-dilda- , An oldgentleman left the panel, being ovetnge.

"You inn serve If jou want lo,"Mild Judge dear, almost, pleadingly, anhe saw tin- - secliil viiilre fading touiithingiiess.

'I don t want lo," replied tho agednum. elnlm imr Mh nveiiiiiii.ni Tn iin

lug Cugll-di- .

a jenis ulit tail gut oft ou

"You'll do lu lime." said ilie eouiLrclRiieiliy. Charles Crane was excused us lielng the main stein nf apriming shop. A tiled looking gentle--

mini vvns allowed to depart un accountot deafness. And so the excuses raniiuiii jiuige lie-n- r iiniereil another eHire ntiirnabla tomnrruvv morutnir.

"We'll try It again." said the court

time In explain.Not so with Cecil llrovvn, Through

the diici t Interfeience of Attorney Ocn-crn-

Andrews lu the Republican Convention to defeat Urown was open andnotorious, and has lieeu virtually conceded by Mr. Robertson, chairman oftho Republican Teirltorlnl Committeein his published letter commenting on.Mr. Drown s candidacy as un Independent Republican, yet the Advertiser InJlrnwn'it insu becomes us hairsplittingits a Philadelphia lawyer, absurdlymm transparently wi, nnd does notknow nnd refuses to know a thingngalnst Andrews. It Is nwnlefstly a caso of cousin LoitIu T. taking care of cousin Lnrrln A. Some-body else's cousin under llk'U clrciim- -

stiinciH would probably be ridden downlough shod to show how Independent,fearless nnd good the Advertiser Is,nut vvlicn It comes to "my own cousin'the Advertiser becomes ns wily, evasiveand disingenuous as thu most unprovedpolitical machine confessedly withoutany reputation to lose.

Ihn "cousins" treatment of theDrown candidacy shows they can"stand pat" regardUvs when the occasion requires,

VOTERHonolulu, Sept. 27, '01.

FOII SAN HillThe departure of tho monster steam

ship .Mongolia for San Francisco today was watched by many people. No)only did tho usual crowd appear onthe llaekfeld wharf to seo their de-parting friends oft, hut nil along thwharves on the esplanade wero waterfrouters who, with great Interestwatcheel the maneuvers of tho levlathan as she went out of tho liarbor.

lh .Mongolia left the llaekfeldwharf nt about 11 o'clock. As she hadbeen docked with her bow facing the)mountains alio had to back out of thfBlip ami proceeded through the harbor,ttlll backing, until her stern was of)Naval Slip No; 1. Tho liner bad tcturn In tho space between the Untilhouse and tlm naval wharves. In spiteOt tho tremendous alio tho steamshipperformed tho feat with neatness andease and with clear water to spare ouboth tho how and her stern. Tho tunFearless took a lino from the steamship's bow and with her twin propellersrimming tho water in opposite dlreotloua tho Mongolia swung clear aroundand stalled out through tho channelAs sho passed the lighthouse the Honelulu Iron Work's greeted tho departingvessel with threo resounding blnstlwhlih salute wao answered by the vesbtl.

Tho turning of the big vessol In suchgood ordor afforded main satisfactionto tho old watcrfronters who nerslstently contend that the harbor Is easilybig enough to accommodato the trade.

"Why," said one old captain with aelgb of satisfaction as tho lluer stoodout Into the channel, "sho could hnvbeen 100 feet longer, sir, and she couldstill turn there."

Have your old Pannmn haf rnj'like new. Globe Clothing Houso.

On ApprovalWe have received from a collector

of Contlnetat reputation a line of the 'LATEST FRENCH, ENGLISHand GERMAN

POSTERS and PRINTSBefore returning such of these aa

we do not care to keep, we have plaeed the FULIj LINE on exhibition Inour Art Room for a few days.

Pacific Hardware Company, Ltd,,




S--. II 1 sfC'J W3 7,

J 'JJ . f I


'. :t stnncls

Talk to

What Price Do YouWant To Pay

For perfect lilting maJc-to-ord- suit prices.is were never offered In Honolulu, 'Materialsare on and be solJ. revv lot of Fa'lstvles since orJered came on the "

hese go at the smie price.Cash prices only


workmanship guaranteed.

io suits,22.;ougnt summei lulnos suits,

S18.00 Light sumircr business suits,'luxedos, sllklinrd. Were,o.co,

All other clothes In proportion,

Geo. A. Martin, MerchantHotel Street.


IMItor Hvenlng Ilulli.-tln-: In thismoiulng Advert1st I am stated to

said 111 my remarks nt last night'smeeting nt Camp No. on Vineyardstu-ct- , to have advocated n low to "li-

cense gambling" by an Act of theThis Is not correct. I con-

tend that to abolish gambling In thecity at Honolulu and elsewhere, Ifthorn Is any, Is my correct and sili-

con! motives In view.Honolulu, fieptcmber 37th, 1001

SOLOMON MAHKLONA,Uepresentatlvo Candidate, Fifth


A l'orto Hlcnn woman, named JuanuFadronlna, who lives In Vineyard streetnear I.lllha, was robbed hut night.Her trunk was taken from her roomout on tho street where Itw s brokenopen and 3.23 taken from It. A bankbook, showing $10 to the woman's cred-it, was left by tho thief. Officer Robert1'nrker found tho broken trunk thismorning. Tho woman has suspicionsagainst certain Porto Rlcan. Detective McDiifllA Is working on the case.

The"Arnold" Goods

The cl im of the manufacturersof the " Arnold" gooils is thatthey produce the finest knitunderwear for babies, children

women in country.They cMmtlut their under-wear is cut in such liberal pro-

portions that it does not bind,draw or lose In shape, there belnp,no strain on the fabric and hencewill outwear all others.

That this soft, porous, absorb-inR- ,

elastic and healthful materialis essential to the tender babe andgrowing child must be apparent.

The " Arnold (summerweight) knit night drawer is onlyone of the many garments madeby this company that wins everymother's heart. An Importantfeature is the absence of anywatchfulness or care of her sleep-ing child and the danger of be-

coming uncovered and of resultingcold.


rojtiWAXS22Old Sol .won't warp liic,

paint we put on yotu : "init's the best paint nrnde,un nirniimt nil elilTii-nlti.-

i "ous about pjiiitiny yoi.r


Stanley! Stephenson, the Painter.

Phone 426 J37 King Street.S.S. SignS make things hum t

.1 ? Suchthese

hind must Along Alameda."


t Sack




and thisalso



Now 5J5.00Now lo.ooNow to.ooNow 35.00


Hdltor lveniu llulielln: Ourmorning friend, the Advertiser, hascome out lu strong and aggressive lan-

guage against tlm Fifth District Repub-lican Repiesciitnllve tliket. Thtyclaim that they nro Incompetent, In-

experienced nnd nro nothing but klot nf hula hula, dancers.

This opinion of tho Advertiser dovsnot make any Impiessloii on tho votersof this community.

Wn nil know thnt the former adminIteration was run by Thurston and hliralnloiM and Unit their mcV.to was"R11I0 or ruin." whereas now wo havomi administration with nn active,broad minded Oovcrnor'nt its head,who cannot bo coe ecd either by threatsot Insinuations and who is trying; totho !sst of his nhlflty to .give tho votersof this Terrltoiy 11 goveiiime-n- t "of thepeople, by the peoplo and for the peo-ple."

Heretofore candidates iccclved tliilrnominations at tho bauds of a fewwhom Thurston and his colleagues con-trolled, but today they reielvo theirnomination from tho people and voterof this Territory who nic not Influ-enced by any one of that category.

The convention nominated gcod,and capable men ot unim-

peachable characters ns Representa-tives on the Republican ticket ot theFifth District nnd the Adurtser hascot in one Instance substantiated

uny good reiiijeuis for opposingthem,

Ib It because thej nic men that aroIn favor of supporting a broad-minded- .

liberal policy tbut tho Carter adminis-tration has laid down 7 Or Is It be-cause they are men who will not stoop,bow down or bo dictated to by onorgau of I A. Thurston's and his Ut-

ile bunch of knockers.Although n cltben of the Fourth bis-trlc-

wo want lo have fair play Inranks and would suggest that

the Advertiser (which seems to haveno party) become the ofllelal organ ofthe Home Rulo Iarty, whoso ranksthey seem to belong to nnd who Itseems to the undersigned are tnrwdand feathered with the same brush.

KAUAHAAOHonolulu, Hepl, 2ii, '01.

LOANS MADEOn real estate repayable by Monthly

Installment at Low Rates of Interest.

For narttrf-nlnp- a ...luPHOENIX 8AVINC8, BUILDINQ.ANO

ASSOCIATION.Judd Building, Honou1u. "''

GUARANTEED CAPITAL $200,000.00.PAID UP CAPITAL, 1,300 ,000.00,

-- : -f-t- TfA:r--e.C.'Surv,- .vi., .,

HENRY E. POCOCK..j'j - Cathlar,





J "sfcJ. cawStrt j



tV v E



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GRANITE, BRONZE, MARBLESatisfaction guaranteed in every


J. C. AXTELL1048-5- 0 ALAKEA ST.

Phone 1801 Mpe P.O. Bo (m


The priiuip.il reasons whyyou should buy .i LeonardCleanable Refrigerator.

It keeps food cold and pure ,

It uses little ice and can betaken apart to tv cleaned.

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Is maoe under the latestsolentifk principles and is thebest refrigerator made.

Call and see it at





Hill raakii an uM volikle look;ib rooJ na ri'V. iiikI nt ti itmoderate covu

The "nru nnexen'IKil tnr ,

beauty, brlllluncy ami ilurnbll-It- y

and ready for npplUiitlnn

ir ngTlvuHural IniplementH,tslndmllls, wagons, etc., iuaour rendy-mlxc- "DurableWagon and Implement CoN


Lew'ers & Cooke,Limited,

J 77 S.King Street.

CLIPPINGKlectrle clipping machine. Hximrt-enee-

man. HomeD eaucd for nnd re-

turned without extra charge


Phone Mala 100

FORALE.Vie mountain section ot tat 111 tl

Xalawahlne, comnlntng an area c!MIH acres.

This land extends from a short tieJince above the I.unslllo Home to taiMk ot Tantalus and thence to Uhead of Manoa valley. It UcludMcoition ot the upper section ot FaaotFalley.

Tke Government Tantalua Rottrind through the property (or aboatthree miles, making easy access, available to all parts. It contains all of thtsholce, available locatloua tor MonaUtn Hornet.

There aro nover-fnllln- sprlnis atthe upper end. ot the property vhleeonld be opened up and made to (ittlih an ample water surply. Thenare several houses and gardena on throprty." The land r heavily 'timbered aa(

reaches an elevation at lti hlihesloint of over 2,000 feet. In the tropin

hifh elevations bring health, For (srther Information apply to '

A. V. QKA.R,

p 121 King IL

" Down where the Winzburgtr flaws "It create! sensation of pure d light.

Wurzburger Is our new bottled beer. A littledarker than "Prlmo" and especially gocd for

home use. It hat all the strengthening proper-

ties of malt extracts and is far more palatable.

Order Wursburgcr firm your dealer or direct

Jrom the brewery.

j.The Writing on

When interpreted wasin the balance and f

brands of butter arequality and freshness.weighs full sixteen



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pure and the veryuse

Retail 22 WI. lualc



.1 A M Johnsun rccelvcil n letter hythe lust mall which hIiowh how little

know of our position Inthe Amerhnn Union and how muchUl.0 rwi iuchI I'xprosslona are to theuninitiated. The letter reads as fol- -

Iowm' Upon my Wurn from n s

trip to tho liait I found your fnor oftho of July, In which ou ndlbemo llmt you nru forwarding a muatlaWiKe of Hawaiian (.often nml are

ulW) tendluK muih 'titoha.' Neither ofwh pacKaK'.s nave arriveu. I expetttho j)fft'0 wuk held up by the inttomiolflelaU and dp not even know what'th othor commodity Is. I regret thatneither of thcHO article? reached me,

,but I ubuuro you I valuo tho good willthat piomptcd Rending them."

Charloy'H Aunt will malto ac-

quaintance of ninny peoplo on Thtirsday and Saturday evenings of thisweek Of lourwi thero are two Char- -

ley'H Aunts in tho play, the funround tho young college student,

n Hprlng of England'a nobility, whomaHiueradcs as auntie for the bcuefltof two of his varsity chumt. How theyyt into terrlblo scrapes tbiough thedlHgiitbe being t.o good as to lead upto love making uud Into yet wonu plll-kl-

when tho real aunt arrives on thoKcenc, is a ludicrous combination whichwill bring out many hearty laughs.

Allan Dunn, who plays the title roloit himself an Oxford graduate and o

an original conception ot thocharacter, whllo adhering to tho truolocal color. IIo is mott ably supportedby u clovor company and with thoworthy cause benefit of HawaiiVacht Club, big houses should attendtho Scats ore now onsalo at Wall, Nlcholi and Company nnd"Don't do anything till jou'vo


The Latest Novelties In Fall Mill-inery are now displayed at

Miss Mi lineryBoston Block.

u tj m rvy .'Ata1 im inni iw:.jiBiu.tt. . m

H j vobkz a.xrv v bh mi Do

,,-- m

r&.T i? T r

EVEmNQ UUlLfciilN, iiuiiuuuhu, i. It I UCiOI.



found to mean "und Many

found wanting in weight,If you want butter that

ouncoj. to the pound, ishigh-


Ui earner, Butter

HENRY Ltd.92

"Aloha" Not Been

Received Freight


tho the



Millinery Opening

Poor's Parlors,







deliver it "hard and coldour home on ice.

RepublicanAt P.'UOi and Kalihi

The nepubllcar will hold mcctlnctonight nt Paitoa sthool house In thefourth DIbtrkt and nt Kalllihuncpatihool In tho Fifth. Delegate Kulitomid the Republican Senatorial nomjnecj will Bpealc nt both nuetliiKH.Other good spcaUrn will inaka ud- -

Jiosfih.The Senatorial nominees leave to- -

morrow for u tour of the Fifth DIk- -

tilt t returning SaturdnSatin will he a Ho

jiublUnn ma? mtetliiK nt Aala park.. .

Ml 111 ini i.n"JDAuLIULA IMAnU

(Continued from Page 1.)"r Cofi-r- . are addrecfd to HuiKConGeneral Wjmnn, who will fnrwnrdthem in Mr. lloherts, who will thenpioeced to draft tho perfected plnu

l)r Uofer docj not nntielpato thati no pcrrectcu piann will liao to gotluough the same routine and tnako iotxteimlvi' travels nt the rough planshave had to do. In any ense, tho doctor Is extremely well pleased at tholecelpt of the plans, as It shows thatthe matter has by no means been forCM t til by the authorities on the mainlaud and that It is working slowly hutsurely touanlu ttm time when tho uctual work w;lll begin. Dr. Cofci antlclpates that tho plans will soon boperfected nml tho affair have leachedthe htage when advertising fur bidsand specifications for tho building oftho wharf, etc., in n couplo of months,or possibly oven less. The Impiuvo-lneut- s

consist of a wharf with runway,n seawall tunning completely nroundMaullola eland, rising three feet nhovothe sea level, and a steam lnuudry.


i: 0. Hall S. Son have offered a liberal trophy list to golf pin) era of the

j janoa club" The list contains onoWard, nTntid ttniV Itwo w r .1

placd for during November and go tothe best score made over an 18 holecourse, Tho handicapping for this contint "Villi bn done by tho regular tornniltUe o( the Manoa Club,

Ho Was the ravvcht of recruits, nndtho ill 111 sergeant, who could not Onnnj thing with him, was ill hen nut ofail pitlencp At last tho angry setgtnnt shunted "jllim, what Is ourlit ad on for?" "Why. tn keep m collariiiiui supping on,-- wat tug itjU) retort. uniKgnw tomes

!2aMB32ttfl3&,lwtrMt,"iiMvrM-MLi- f

iyou want n clock that will

Charleys Aunt" Is a catchword ot tU.C.Twnrt l" Theso'aro to"be



keep accurate! time ?

You can fiiul it here.Thti thuntpDnLtinental cluck

the substantial mantel, clock, or the ponderous hallclock, all sue here.

Reliable tune keepers in all st) les anil mzcs.

M, R. COUNTER, 1142 Fort Street.


licaa "wants on raBU i

Huy Century Music, 10c, at Wall,Nichols.

Tlic Hoard of Health will not mattomorrow.

Ooui l'anl la dead but Paul Jones stilllives at tlio IMnthcon.

Drop In anil sec our new linn of lintTd

painted dinner inrds. Atlclgh ic Co.

A window wllh spate prlvlltgcs U

offered tor rent. Sec 1'or Kent loltitim.

A young mnn, formerly a fiunllj (

coaclimnn, desires work of nuy kindSee Want column.

DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOU

MUST REGISTER.D. F. Chlcra & Co. will he closed nil

day Friday, September SOlh, on nt countot annual stocktaking.

Chocolates, bonbons, tames andmixed candles, neatly packed in fane,boxes. Fresh cery day at Hart & Co,Ud. The Klltc.

For that tired feeling and headacheuso Drmno 1'op, Arctic Soda Works,127 Miller street, manufacturers.

J. W. Halt, tho reliable piano tunerand repairer, has his olllie at thoCojno Furntturo Co.; Tel. 115 Main

Ungravcd cards and stationery witha tono that Kinmp them enrluilii.made by llcakbanc, Hole! and I'nlonstreets.

Our Toy Department Is completewith Children's Illrthday (lifts. WnllNichols.

harkenttne Atnarnnth,whkh arrived from Newcastle last Sunday with a cargo of lonl, lomtmineJtllFchari,tng at 1 o'clock this afternoon

Attorney Ocneral Andrews was thismorning engaged In hearing IIkIii rjlights cases with llxpert Knnnknuiil,the Anna I'erry claim reiellng nttintfon.

CarrlnKc Lamp salo nt Si humanCnrrlagp Co. fills' week. Push l.nmpifor $1.75 cnth. lti'gul.ir prici ?:.'.".rirst como. first tcned. Call einljnnd titko jour pick.

REQISTCn early and avoid thtrush. If you want a vote this year youMU8T REGISTER.

Tho Italian ship Foitunitu ll(;arifinished Ulfc barging her utrgo jecterOny and will Ilnli-l- i taking nn hoard lull

last today. She Is eitpictul to sail nextThursday morning for Svdney Headfor orders.

McCarthy, tho shipping mailer, anda sailor who had been lodging withbun, appeared lu the I'olUc Court tlilrimorning, both thargetl with assaultand battery. They Kwort to i roas warrants for the arret-- t of eadi otherttrday Judgo l.lndiny siimtutd up tht)matter as a drunken brawl and tlls--

t barged both defendant.

Jake Ordevatcr, an implovoe, fellwith n small elevator from the tot- -

story of the i:. O. Hall building to thubasement )etcrdnv. Tin' i levator wandesigned to carry light nrtltl-- s onlyWhen Ordevater stepped on at the topof the building his transition belowvras unimpeded. Ho landed on his feeldud was ticlthir stared nor hurt.

No dark room Is needed to duvelopfilms It ou use tho kodak developingmachine. Its operation Is to tho lastdegrco simple and results are betterthan thoso obtained by tho dark loommethod of development. With tlukodat; developing machine cue can dovclop at the hotel, In camp, ou shipboard or even In a train. A full stocUis tarried by Honolulu Vhoto SujipljCo.


(Continued from Page 1.)v.lth good men outside of tho Homoltule party. If C oil Ilronn is satlsfitctory to ou do nut let tho color linoprevent jou from naming him on ourticket."

When nominations had hci-- madtt1). M. ICaona inatlti a speech In opposi-

tion to the nomination of Cecil llrowu.Ho Haiti that llrovvn was n Ilepubllcaiiand that he should not bo named ontho ticket.

Chairman Kalauokalani stated thatho would withdraw his own namti andlay down the relus of the party ratherthan to see It guttled by Hitch narrowlileas. Ho did not want to run withsuch n bunch of t aiiilldntes.

Another delegatn opposttl Ct ellllrovvn because hu was oppemed tucounty government,

Kalauokalani made n splilttd statument of ilrown's work In connectionwith the pasbitgc of tho County Actand said he wag ono of the ablest

uf count) government In Ha-

waii.i:. W. I'nlau made a vigorous sptrch

fiivoriiig llrowu.Tho balloting wns tnktu Just beforo

ntiou, resulting us nhovo aniioiint edTho convention adjourned at noon

tho members from the l'lttlr Districtto meet til -' p. in. today In illatrltttommltUi! for (he nomination of tandldatea for the Lower limine

I'or the Hppresintatlvo ticket In tinrifth Dlftlkt It Id said there wereeighteen aspirants taut night. Todaythey have dwlndlid away until It 1

believed by hailing delegates that thsslate that will go through will tuntiiliitho nanuH of S. K. Mnlioo, Win Moss-ma-

Jr., M. K Kail, Kupllme, Makalnnluud Jonah Kumalae. Thero In a Mnrmbrewing for Kuplliao nnd Mnkalnal.They havo signed tho Demotratle- - lollsand the Home ltule delegates will saywhat they think.

lu tho rourth DlrtrM, In vyhleh theHomo Hulers will namo their Houmcandidates next I'rltlay, there Is some

, TMW'vr;w;.v..f.MWv;..T.ir





We have Just opened a newline of these good;.

Got the new "Brooklyne"League Shoe, withankle and the Dartmouthcleat arrangement.

See these before you see otherr. They arcnew, serviceable and by far the best FootballShoe, at the price, ever olfered in this city.

Price $4.00if.


mmwmmmwmiMmfimwmmBISHOP & CO.,


tivtabllshed In IH08.

OANKINQ DEPARTMCNT.Transact business In all tlepartmeat

j( UauUlng.Colicctluus carefully attended to.Exchange bought and hold.Commcrclnt and Trailers' Lctten

of CnnlU Isaiiod on The Bank ot Callfornla and N. M. Ilothschtld ft Soai.London.

Corretpondents The Dank of Callfornla, Commercial Banking Co. otiyiinty, Ltd., London.

Drafts and cablo transfers on Chinsand Japan through tho Hongkong 41

Shanghai Banking Corporation andChartered Dank ot India, Australltand China.

Atients For IJm salo of Travelers'Chocks or tht American Ilxprcos Co.

Interest allowed on term deposits attbo following rates per annum, viz:

Seven days' notice, at 2 per centThree months, at 3 per cent.Six months, at 3 per centTwelve months, at 4 per cent

TRUST DEARTMENT.Act as Trustees under mortgagee.Manago estates (real and personal)Collect rents and dividends.Valuable papers, Wills, Bonds, ate.


Auditors for Corporations and Frirato Firms.

Books examined and reported on.Statements of Affairs prepared.Trustees on Bankrupt or insolvent

Estates.OFFICE, 924 BETHEL ST.

8AVINQ3 DEPARTMENT.Deposits received and Intorest at

lowed at 4 2 per cent, per annum, Itaccordanco with Rules and Regulatlons, copies ot which may be obtainedon application.INSURANCE DEPARTMENT.

Agents for Fire, Marine, Life, Accldent and Employers' Liability Insur-ance Companies.

Iniurance Office, 924 Bethel 8t




'resident .... Cecil rownIce President M. P. Robinson

Cashier W. 0. CooperOSee: Corner Fort and King Bta.SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and

aterest allowed for yearly deposits atthe rate ot 4 per cent, per annum.

Rules and regulations furnished up-

on application.

The YokohamaSpecie Bank, Ltd,


Capital Subscribed Ten 24,000,00Capital raid Up Ten 18,000,001llcijoiicd l'tintl . ..Yen 9,510,tii0


nolulu, Kobe, London, Lyons, Nagalakl, Newchwang, New York, Pe-king, San Francisco, Shanghai, Tlentslt, Toklo.Tho bank buys and receives (or col

Uctlon Dills ot Exchange, IssuesDrafts and Letters of Credit and transacti a general banking business.HONOLULU BRANCH, 07 NINO ST.


Improved and Modern SUGAR MACHINERY of every capacity and dicrlptlon made to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPE8 for Irrigationpurpoee a specialty. Particular atten-tion paid to JOB WORK, and repairsexecuted at shortest notice.


C.DAKF'SAdiertlf?kpt on fi'e at b

Inrr i frriitr "9 i Qincntn (htrt n Hnn.tallof endorsing. Nauka and Joo Aon.lSco, California, where contracts for

nro on tho Democratic HckcL Ivcrtlslng can be made for It.






Hljrll OtUCie CijJflPSSanchez iV Hay.i. lfocl; &Co.,EI tirlfn.


Sole agents forthe Hawaiian ManJ.

I C1I7IC C. rt 1 TFiLcVVIj ff Lll . LI II..j169 KING STREET.

240- - 2 Telephones 240

M. Phillips & Co.Wholesale Importers and Jobber.


Fort and Queen 8U.

SODASBest In the city, Cool and Refreshing,

Hawaiian. Soda WorksTelephone Blue 1171.

$50.00 for $1.00AT TUB

Ladysmith Shooting Gallery,TOP Of PUNCHBOWL.


Buy a PianoThe happlnes of home Is tint com-plete without a good piano. Wesell on the Instalment phut or forcull.

Bergstrom Music Co. Odd Fellow Ddg.



HOMOLUtU, Hcpt. T. ' 4.


C flftwtr A Co -L U Kerr ft f.o us too.otio 5rsnow

I Tra tltnfjiiVtn Co $.fcOi to' IVHawalUn Aftlcultur I t.o I Ko wo "Hit Com At SuPif LO t.Jff.tjo to,Hi w j Itn Sujif Co MAMiO,OO.i f itrionrttnj nejr i.n IJOsfn" ,roH'tnokAi Suffer C tnD.ooHiiVuStjei CriH. -.. Jwo) !.. 5Kariuku I' jmitlon Co Vjoooo '

Klhtl ItJMl'lon Co LtJ t vtKlpihtUuearCo ttooen ooKolo Svst Co !fc,McmvJ )Uear .o I. on,oin bw, 4'fOihu burAf Co wfn ik 91 to,Onofflf Sujtar Co .tyjoonOokaU Sugtr fjrit Co ytujtxMOI Suer CoUiuiowaiu co TO

pjjuhiu Sucr Plant Coj J OnO OOo

PjU PUntxtlonCn JJO

lrkohnnrnMlllCnSutar Co TSO.OOrt B

Waljlua Arrlculturil Co, 4 joorwuWaituku Su?ar CoWairrura'o upiif Co il

MISCELLANEOUSWllJf r Slimh b Cn . t(XV0 I'M lVt

mooo 1 "JHawlUn Utctrlc Co JvX,XW I

HonKTfV LCoPfJHon R T ft L Co Com i,in ,Muijal Telerhnne CoOiltu R & L Co , ijuao.oao ,e1tlloKAi1roiCo .. 000,000 f

BONDS ,HawTerjp. lire CIHjw Tcr pcHiw (m,v reliw Com V Sue Co s pellwj riimut p clUlkuSugirCo 6peHawSuPAr Co6p cHlloRRO Confipr.Hon H T ft L Co 6 p cKahuku I'Unl Co 6 r C.OiTniKft LCo6pc .Oahu Sucf Co6pcOlM Sugif Coop C

Pla lPtonrer Mill Co Ape V)HWiUlui AKflcCo 6 pc

Sales 2.1 C Brewer & Co, $303;J5 OOU H It. T. tc I.. Co. bonds. 1U5;DO Klhel. $13 Tu. SU Klhel, $12.?S.

Latest sugar quotation 4.255 cents,


The S)tlne) correspondent of thoNew York Clipper reports that the

'Anierltnii tompanlcs now In Australiaand with whlth Honolulu became ac

.tliiiilnted during their htopovcr reason.!.aro ''"'I'K Bml buslntss in thn nntl- -

PtideK. The Santonin wero plajlng togood husluess lu the I.utim Huntern.q uttl.r ,iart of September.

j Of the Travesty Stars the corros--

pointful fnjii.I " A"K""1 s ",e Amerltan TraestySlaw nteritl upon the fourth nnd last

'week of "riddle ." nt tho I'al- -

jae Theatre, to be followed by "HoltyToll " Considering the season andconditions of the-- countr), nil agreethat the Amtrltnns have done n verylarge business. The newspapers ot Sydney at llrrt were nono loo kind to thocompany, but slnre they have seen howthe public take to the show they haloswitched nround and now give favor-able notltes Harney Ilcruard, Kolbnnd 1)111, .Maud Amber, Wlnfleltl Dlakeend I.lllle Sutherland have created ngenuine furore Harry Klcltnrds Is soplaxed with the show that he banbooked It for eleven weeks nt the(Irimil Opera House, In Melbourne, com-mencing October 0, putting his com-pany now- - theru on the road. In ordertn filio the Amcrltauu a thnnce. Hoalto desires nu Interest In the showlifter leaving .Melbourne, and has d

to Manager James to tako tholute Wilson Uarrett's bookings throughAtrltn Into London MnnaKcr Jnmes,who Ik hailed us it "I'rlnee of (loot! Fel-lows," has been with offerslor nu IntereM, but ho has declined.All the company are prospering andIn tho ben of health, especially Kolb,who was reiiorti'd when arriving atHonolulu, as d)lng with consumption.Hi- - has gained over nineteen poiiudunnd Is said to bo "n very health) look.lug consumptive."

Tho Weekly LMltlon ot the Eveninglliillnlln cltn, n pnmnlptA Riimmnr, nf

1 " t the day.



Wc always buy our patterns first as can then say thequantity of materials required and save the cost of a yardor two that is lost money otherwise.

They arc now showing

Pretty Lawns and Organdiesthat make dainty Waists and Skirts.

Their NECKWEAR wc think is the most St lishof New York's Latest Designs and the Prices arc suitedto our pockets.

PARASOLS in Colors from $2.00 up, wc sayhave never been equalled in this market.

ftjflrV Sr4? .itttCj J Jmfr, d&.r V1 ' '.' iJilmmmmkii"K .. 3, .im. ...


t H



j.' ua'&iliirataNdlwk tHS?wmfw; 7


& 7ANTSdeo Piiko H, NI3W TO

ITUATIONS WANTUO.la rxpert accountant, with several

sours each day at his disposal, wouldlike to take charge of one or morotrail teU of books, nt reasonable

tharEO. Address X., this office.2811-t- f

A position as family cook by middle-nee-

white man; good rcfeienccs;l'carl City preferred. Address A. I. ,

Bulletin. ' 2S7Glw

t'oaltlon as cook with prlvnte family,Apply Mura, 10D6 Ucretanla St.




Wnva 8 Houses for tale at Palama;X) eMhJ balance WITHOUT INTER-fi-

t 10.00 per month.


Ho. 74 8. KINO 8T. TEL. MAIN 386.

WANTEDITvn or three good solicitors. Address

SC, Bulletin olllce. Z816 tf

TO LET.Furnished llooms. Housekeeping al-

lowed; cool and mosqulto-proof- . Ala-kca House, Alakca St, bet. Hotel and

' King. 22C3-t- f

I modern houses on Ktnau St.,mosquito proof, electric lights, serv-ants' quarters. I'hone 1901 Blue


Cottage on Maklkl St. near Wilder Ave.formerly occupied by Mr. S. S. Peck.Enquire 1527 Mnklkl St. 2SU-t- f

" --. .- -Btore on Alakca St. between Merchant

and King, Apply J. W. Podmore,King and Bethel Sts. 2797-t- t

cottage, sanitary plumbing, onRiver St, Apply J. W. Podmore,King and Bethel. 2792-t- f

Two 0 room cottages, Kalla road, Wat-1.1K- I;

$13 per mouth. Apply J. II.Craig, Union St 2S77f.v

-- or hale- - tarda at b ilstlp "filet,

Oceanic Steamship CompanyTIME TABLE

The steamers of this line will arrive and leave this port as bcreundw.






u7",IC DEC.". ".. ....'...'. ...7L

he Co,

and Palace

E.Wholesale Agent.

BUY FROM US WHY7 Becausewe are cheapest, your or-

ders, allow you 45 days whichyour deliver You

.make every dollar InvestKALIHI White


Hair Facial Maiiajt,Manicuring Chiropody,

No. Boston Bldj. HONOLULU.

Evening worn rjy Appointment only,


DAY, for Now Ads.

HI3LP WANTED.150 citizen laborers toad wotk;

months' steady employment; sleepIng quarters laborersmust supply their own bedding;(led will bo allowed storefor provision. Apply nt the KcanaoCaimOManl. WILSON DUtlUAN.

2879-t- f

I'O LET.Cottago on Vineyard St.; parlor,

bedrooms, dining room, Kitchen,1pantry, and hath; sower counoc-- (

tlons. 352 Vineyard Ht. 2S1S

Newly furnished rooms, all modernconveniences. At No. SI VineyardSt, 272S--

Nicely furnished front rooms, $G permonth. Star Tllock, 12S0 Fort St.


Walalao lots on easy terms. A. V.Qear, 122 King SL 2770--

furnished rooms at 1223 Emma Street.Mrs. McConncll. 2563

wm .SALE.rir.o corner lot In Maklkl. Curbing,

water, fink and ornamental treesand all Improvements. Two min-utes' walk from cars PunabouCollege. Address It. P., this offlce.


Modern room house, Hackfcld St,;230 ft. elevation, excellent sea view,10 minutes' walk from town, nearcar line; will sell on easy terms;$3 fifto. rent furnished. Address

Bulletin. 2SG3-t- t

Waloinao house and lot, 350 acresland, cattle, horses, mutes, wagons,harness, etc. Apply to W. P. Ken-nel- l,

HonolJu, or C. Mclncckc, Wal- -

ohluu, Hawaii. 2S.1C-l-

Pull blooded PI) mouth lloek chickens,rooster and hens; nlso whlto

Leghorns. Apply B. K. Bcardmore,Kamehamchu Avo., College Hills.


Pass books Nos. S17 1013, FirstAmeiiean Savings Trust Co. ofHawaii, Ltd. 2876--









The Twenty-nint- Series of Stock Idtbo Pioneer Building Loan Associa-tion will be In July, 1904,now open for subscription. The membersblp fee of fifty cents per share,

the monthly dues aro one dollarper month per share. The stock drawsmuch better Interest than savingsbank.

Further Information can be obtainedfrom A. V. GEAR, Secretary,

122 King St.

inPASSENGERS BOOKED.San Francisco, per. S. 8. Alame

da, Sept. 28, Rev. J. B. Velgho, H. 0.I.uklhon, Miss Clifford, Miss Koth, Mrs.

II. Empy, Mesdamcs Ilohln3on (2),uaie, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and

Mrs. Clifford, J. W, Cushlne, Mrs.I'lshcr, R. w. Spaldluc O. V.

Sthermcrhorn wife, Oeorio Chalmers, wife and son, Mrs. Thompson andmaid, Prof. II. Dergcr, Mlsa B. VIda.



In connection with the sailing of tho nbovo steamers, the agent 6r p'pared to Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets, by sayroad from San Francisco to all points In tho United States, and from tYork by any steanmklp line 'o all European


Wm. G, Irwin & Co., Ltd,OCEANIC 8. 8. CO. GENERAL AQENTS.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co,Occidental and Oriental Steamship

Co, and Toyo Kisen KaishaSteamers of the above companies will call Honolulu andleave this port on about the dates below mentioned:


.OCT. 820



. .t. . . . . . I .' '. ". 1 1 ." ." ."


For general Information

HL Hackfeld &,

1 Lewin-Mey- er

Epicurean Goods



the call forIn to

pay bills, promptly.5 on you

8TORE, 3161,





for t


II at camp




tf .




orM .

I oT


1 2





I. . .



&Issued and Is




j. I.





apply to







If he had been given n fair chance

Clareiuo would have been n good,

htalthy )oung animals. But n fond

mother who bollord In bringing bojrup under glass had gone far to make

of him a snarling, whining, white-fate-

little Miss Nancy, with nothing admir-

able about him from any point of viewThe father of Clarence) wai a rich

man and his mother herself thudaughter of a poverty-kt- i leKen familywas therefore nblo to liitllugo all herpeculiar UicorkM In the matter of thu"rearing of Clarence." Sho declared,In the first plate, that to send n boylo the public schools was brutalizing.The public si boots ere no plate for1 "gentleman's son." So until he wanS ho had a French governess, after thulago he woa put In charge of n puttyftced young tutor who hated tho worl'of handling boys. Tho tutor's mostdistinguished featuro was his cars.They were large and projecting, andwhenever the thermometer wns lowerthan 40 degrees above zero they wcracarefully covered by u pair of blackvelveteen car muffs.

By a scries of progressive experi-ments Clarence had discovered that hetould do as he pleased with the tutor.For one thing, tho tutor had tendershins, nnd Clarence found much Joy Inslipping up quietly behind tho tutorand cutting him Just Iwlow the Kneeswllh the sharp, brasa-boun- edge of utwo foot rule. On uuth occasions thetutor was accustomed to bend ocr inagony nnd to express his wrath by thonearest approach to tin oath he uutallowed himself:

"O, fury!"Master Clareiuo hail nlo discovered

that the tutor did not like red pepperIn his food. He had noticed that evena small amount of the fiery condimentmade I ears come into the fishy paleblue eyes ofjoor Mr. Whltcly, and thata slightly largo dose would send himtrom the table In.a paroxysm of cough-ing. So that when the lulor did notImmediately ngreo with all tho sugges-tions of Ills pupil, Clarence would Elm-pl-

threaten him with an applicationof red pepper at the next meal, andwould usually carry his point.

In such Innocent and playful llttloNMays as theto Clarence managed to gela little enjoyment out of life, but onthe whole ho was completely mid sitpremely miserable.

Poor child! Ho didn't even knowwhat he wanted. And his mother wainot wise enough to loll lit nt.

The mother of Clnrenco wns greatlyworried led he should get "contaminat-ed." To be contaminated meant. In hermind, to associate with children whoseparents were not In her Immediate set.--

Wlth n few Fi'leit hoys, most of themas pale and spoiled as himself, Clar-ence was allowed to play gentlemnnlgames under the watchful eyes of Mr.Whltety, hut at the first sign of rude-- J

iicss or boisterous (oudiiet the tutor,was Intruded to brliiK Clareiuo Into!tho house. Even under theso disad.vantages Clnience and his associatemanaged to get somo little nmusementout of life, but as a whole, their exist"ence was n stupid one.

The only time when Clarence was al-

lowed to have even a few minutes byhimself was when ho went out Into thollttlo hack yard behind tho hlg housoIn which the family lived. This hackyard had a high fenco around It, nndpoor Mr. Vhltly felt that his precloiucharge was fcafo under thoso circum-stances, oven If ho did not watch hime ery moment.

Hut one afternoon Mr. Whltcly,glancing casually out of a back windowInto the back yard, where Clarence wasat play, wan horrified to neo that therewere two other boys thcro nlso. Theirfeces wcro distinctly dirty, nnd one ofthem was smoking a cigarette. Mr.Whltely almost fainted. Ho hurtleddown Into the yard. On his npproachtho two strango hoys scrambled overtho back fence like alley cats and wcrogone.

"Clarence," said Mr. Wliltcly, "whatwill your mother say?"

"Sho won't nothln'," said Clarence, "unless you tell her. And If youdo I'll tell her that you don't watchme when I play In tho hack yard."

"Who were thoso boys?" demandedtho tutor.

"Tho biggest kid Is 'Niger' White.Ho's de boss of do Dump gang an'do captain of do Slim btrect ball nine.De udder kid Is 'Fatty' llarstorf. Itwas him dat was smokln' do clg, amiho's n peach."

Clarence was doing his best to Iml-tat-

the dialect of his new 'foundtrlcnds, and was succeeding, as .Mr.Whltely painfully realized ouly too'well.

"Don't over let mo hear of you "Tho tutor was Interrupted by the

wind of thrco shrill whistles twolong nnd one short coming from outside the alley fence. In answer Clar-ence put most of his ten fingers In hismouth and blew four fccblo blasts.

"Why didn't you ever teach mo towhlstlo wld my fingers, Whlty?" de-

manded the disrespectful Clarence."You're no good,"

The noxt afternoon Mr, Whltely waasummoned Into tho library for a con-ference with tho mother of ntnrenen.Ho left Clarenco behind him In thostuuv. When tho eonferencn wns nver

greatly to the relief of tho tutor I

no wrai uacic cu mm mo slimy empty,Tho hoy had disappeared. A search ofthe house, failed to locato him. Mr. '

Whltcly broke the news to his inhtress.8ho raved.


Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit Amateur VArt Association, tells young; what todo to avoid pain and suffering caused byfemale troubles.

"Drau JIns. PiNKimt: I enn conscientiously rccximmcnrl Iiytllrtn.lMnldiniu's Vctfctnblo Compound to thosu of myfemale weakness anil tho troubles which to often liofnll women. I suf-fure- d

for months with Rcnenil weakness, and felt to weary tliat I hntlhnrd work to keep up. I had shooting pains, nnd wnx utterly miserable.In my distress I was advised to UiO l,tUn K. ritilcliniii's VcirclnljloCompound, and it wits it red letter day to me when I took tho first dose,for atthat thno my lcstoiiitiou began. In Mx weeks 1 was rt changedwoman, perfectly well in ever' rcsict. I felt so elated and happy thatI want ufl women w ho suffer to get m. ell as I did." Mis Grn..v Uannok,B5& Jones St., Detroit, Jllch., Secretary Amateur Art Association.

It Is clenrly sliocvn In this yotinu lady's letter tlint Iiydla E.lMnlclinm'HVeKCtnMo Compound will certainly euro tho suf fcrliiKiof women; nnd A lien ono considers that Hiss Ohnnon's letter Isonly one of tho countless linndreds which wo arc continually

In tbo newspapers of thin country, tho great virtue of Mrs. l'lnk-lam- 's

medicine must be ndmlttcd by all ; and for the absolute cure of all kindsof female ills no substitute can lxsslllv take Its place. Women should bearthis Important fact In lnlud when they go Into a drlijf stoic, nnd be surf notto ncc-ep-t anything that Isclabiu'd to bo "Just as good" uh Lydliv I'.. I'lllk-Iiiiiu'- .s

Vci;utalilo Ciiinpottncl, for no other medicine for fcoialo Ills hasmade so mauy actual cures.

How Another Sufferer Was Cured.4,Di:aii Jftts. 1'inkiiam: I cannot pralso your wonderful rcmedtcs

cnougli, for they have tlono mo more good than all tho doctors I havohad. tho last eight years and moio I sull'ened with female troubles,was very weak, could not do my housewoik, also hud nervous pins,t rat Ion. Somo days I would lemaiu unconscious for p. wholo day andniglit. ?ly uoighlMM's thought I could never recover, but, thanks toyour medicine, I now feel liko a dilforent woman.

"I feel very grateful to you and will recommend Lydln. 12. Pink-liam- 's

Vegetable (.'niiipound to all. It has now been four years sinceI hail thu last bioH of nervout prostration. I only weighed ninety-eig- ht

pounds at that tiino ; now I weigh one hundred and twenty-thu--

"I consider your Vegetublo Qimiiomid tho llnest remedy made.'riianUingyou insiuv times for tho benellt I received fioin your liicilicinc,I remain, ours ti uly, 31ns. J. II. Klliott Ave., St. Ixmis.aio."

ltciiientbrr Sirs. lMnltliain's ndvlco Is free and nil slelc M'onicnnro foollHk If thcydo not nsk fur it. HIiospcaLs from the widestexperience, and lias helped multitudes of women.

$5000 FORFEIT U vernnnot forlhntlli tlieorleliul trttrri stiil itfnatnrclofkburv UkUluuullf, wtileh vrlU lrure ilielr fltHtoliitn uriiultii-firiH- .

l.ydt l:. X'luklipiii Md. Cu.t Lj un, Ml.

"I thought you wcro paid not to letthat darling child out ot your sight,t.lrl" sho tnld. "I shall telepbono formy husband."

Tho father ot Clarenco wns a busyman, but ho really loved his son, andhe started at once and In a hurry forhome. Meanwhllo tho dlsti acted Whltc-ly made inquiries of everybody In theneighborhood. Judy, tho cook, was theonly ono who could throw any lighton tha subject.

"Sure," she said, "I seen htm go outIn the back yard half an hour ago, wldull his old clothes on."

Then Mr, Whltely remembered thepreWous day's udventuro with the lend-- i

rs of the Slim street gang, und whenClarenco's lather got homo tho two menstarted out to look In that neighbor-hood. It was fast growing dark whenthey reached a vacant lot, overgrownwith tall weeds, from tho centre ofwhich camo boyish whoops nnd yells.As a mero matter of thoroughness, nndwith no Idea of finding tho lost boy,they pushed their wny through theroods closo up to tho big gaping holeIn tho ground which mnrked tho spotwhom ome a liouto had stood. Thec.coils wcro so thick and tall that thotwo men were entirely loncealed fromHew. Presently through a break theymado out eight or ten small boys gath-ered about a common centre, and Inthe centre, with his hark ngalnst anapplo tree, stood tho lost Clnrcnce.

Mr. Whltcly started forward, but thafather of Clarence, who was a wiseman, held htm back.

"Walt a minute," ho said. "Don'ttay a word."

Presently tho crowd of boys abouttho tree stopped tho war whoops andtho leader, whom Mr. Whltcly recog-nised as "Nigger" White, stepped for-ward.

"Do Iloarln' lied Skins," ho said toClarence, "demands yore surrender."

"Novcrl" Clarenco answered, "OldSilver Bullet may blto do dust, but howill never surrender."

Then ho suddenly struck "Nigger" aswift punch on tho nose.

"Bully!" said tho father of ClarencoIn tho background. Mr. Whltelywrithed In agony.

Tho Imttlo raged fiercely, Ileforo hofinally went down under a pllo of wav-ing legs and arms Clarenco had blood- -


led several noses and douo executionwith his copper-toe- shoes.

"Whltcly," said tho father of Clar-

ence, "It strikes mo I'vo got 1"lto n boythere. Somehow I never realized It

Clarence was tied hand and foot.Then n long ropo was fastened abouthis feet. After which "Nigger" Whltomado another speech.

"De Iloarln' Itcdsklns offers ycrochanst," ho said. "Betray do

garrison an' yere goes free. Itefuse,an' yere dies."

"Do ycro worst," said Clarence.Before Mr. Whltely or the father of

Clarenco could Interfere the Roaringllcdsklns, who had hold of the ropowhich was attached to the feet ot Clar-cnl-

had started down Into tho emptycellar on tho run, and Clarence lyingon his hack, went bobbing and bound-ing and sliding after.

Still not. a whimper camo fro'm him.""Bind him to de stake," said tho

voice of "Nigger" White. Tho pros-trate figure of Clarence was raised toan upright position and fastened to apost which was Mill standing In one(orner of tho cellar.

Then Whltely and the boy's fatherfinally stepped forward. Tho Koarngltedskliis melted nwny like n fall ofsnow on a sunshiny day, only muchinoro swiftly.

"Clarence," said his father, "are youhurt?"

"Nav, I never had so much fun Inmy life. Tho kids was 'ultlatln' mo In-

to tho Slim street gang. Say, father,did you sco tho swipe I hit tho greatchief?"

"But what will your mother say?""I don't caro. I'm tired of being a

gusslo. I want to run with tho otherkids and have somo fun. Father, Iwant to go to the public school."

"And bo you shall, my sou," said hisfather, Chicago Tribune.

DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOt'MUST REGI8TER.

You can savo money by using cuthay for your stock, as there Is nowaste, you pay only for what you get,Try It. Order fiom tho CaliforniaFeed CoC


Hawaiian-Japanes- e Ballasting Co.Best black Band fron $2 to IX, a loadaccording to distance hauled. Coralrocka for stable, roads and side-walks. Third door below King,Maunaka St.; P. O. box 820. Tele-phone Main 898.


T. Hayasnl Clothes, cleaned, repairedand dyed. S37 Beretaala SL


S. Ochlal, romored to Beretanla Stnear Maunakea. 2831

















For San Francisco, ier 8. S. Mongolia, Sept. 27. Dr. Scudder and wife.

(Miss V. Dole, Jiidgo Dole, n. C. Tctersand wife, K. A. Hopkins, P. C, Jones,Mrs. O. P. Emerson, T. C. Davlcs, liA. Palmer, Mrs. W. H. Bailey, Mr. andMrs. Frank Halstead, H. A. Hermit, P.Peck, Mlos 8. Peck, O. U Keeney, MissA. D. Anthony, M. M, O'Sbaughncssy,Mr, nnd Mrs. Haberton, Miss Habcrton,Messrs. Orcenwcl! (2), C. Snyder, Capt,and Mrs. Bell, II. W. Martlnoff, 11.

Dletr, M. h. Oulld, Mrs. H. n. Kmpsey,.Mrs. C. A. Robinson, Mrg. J. W. Robin- -

'son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.Joy, .Mr. McKown, H. Y. Shearer, Mrs.A. C. McKeavcr, W, Tcnipleton, Mrs. J,K. (Inndnll, h. I Creenwcll, J, Clreen.

.well, F. J. Klrchoff, S. Wile, J. AV. Far.well, J. Souza, E. Johnson, J, D. It,flrecn.

For Maul and Molokal ports, per'stmr. Llkcllke. Sept. 20. Albert llor- -

ncr, J. II. Wilson, Sister Hlizabelh,

In washing gold tho prospector usesa dustpan.


Um BIQ Q for iiiiimtiirtldlMhantc. iiillAmmaUlonn. "

Irrlttttlooa or liltfratlutit vt 1

r mucouimembraitrtL l'rovenuI conUfftoii A tmlnlPKairi meilrI for Catarrh and Huro Kyes,i uonorriHta, etc.

SOLO BY CHEMISTS.i Circular icnt on rciuet.

parpABii bv




Territorial Messenger Service UalMSt. near Hotel: Tel. 361 Mala.


Mr. Jas. Sheridan has opened a repair-ing shop nt 11CS Miller St. cor Bere-

tanla. Charges reasonable. A num-ber of second hand pianos In goodcondition, cheap. Orders may beleft at llaw'ti. News Co.

Mrs, Anna B. Tucker otPiano and Voice. High Schoolgrounds. Emma St.

"For Sale" carrfe at Bulletin offle








Maui RepublicansWait Kuhlo's Coming

to The Bulletin.Walluku, Maul, Sept. 21. Dclegata

Kuhlo Is expected on Maul andMolokalnbout the middle ot October after hUtour around the Qardeu Isle. ThaMaul Republicans nro looking forwardto the Delegate's proposed trip hcrwith eager expectation ns ho will no(Inulit lm nli!, In frnm Ihn mlnilliif Enrnn nf (tin Hntnt. Hiilnrn thn Tntu,

chlpvoiiH political falsehoods scatteredto tho winds along Mnrket street by thuHomo Rule leaders on tho night o(Pcptember 10.

It teems Hint falsehoods to gain apoint Is one ot tho articles ot faith ofthe Homo Rule tried. They daro notttll the truth for they will theu unin-tentionally assist the Republican party,whose standard hearers are spreadingbroadcast eternal truths regarding thaadministration of our lntemnl affairs.

On tlio other hand, the leaders ot thaopposition will bo thrown out ot em-

ployment If for once they attempt' to,

epenk the truth. ,Thn matter of Keolio.kalole Is being purposely twistedaround for political reasons and thspeakers know they .arc uttering lies.

REGISTER 'earjy and avoid thorush, if you want a vote this year youMU8T REGISTER.

Many brands of butter, when'weighed In tho balance" aro "foundwnntlng." If jou want butter that Isfull sixteen ounces to tho pound, abso-lutely pure, fresh and of the hlghertquality, use California Roso OcameryButter,

Its equal for purity is unknown.FOR EVERYWHERE- -




nt - iS ''f ', .r ry,ypiw , '14.4 AfK- fc



r..T ilV,




-- rl


B V - A U T M O R I T V.

PROCLAMATION.Whereat, The Act lo piovldf n Uovernniem fur tlio Territory of Hawaii

provides unit n K'-in- l eliitlim nlmll bo held un tlio Tuesday next after tlio

first Monday In November, A. I). 1901, ami Hint it forty days bcforo anyi kcllon, I In' (lowrnor sliull Issuo nn flection prot Inmatlon, ami

Whereas, It In tumbled In the-- Hules and Itegulations for Administering Oathsmill Holding elections that mi tlinngc- - shall In" ninth ns to the boundaries of anyprecinct within nlxt dn.vs of election,

Now, Therefore, In accordance therewith, T, Oeorge II Carter, Governor otthe Tenltor) of llavvnll, hitch glvo notice that n general election for a Dele-

gate to thu llousu of lti pun ninth oil of the United States to servo during thoI'lfty nlntli (.'ongti'i-ti- , and fur Senators and ltcprcscntutlves of the Legislaturen( tho Tcrrltoi) of Hawaii, will bo held on Tuesday, November 8th, A. D, 1901,

throughout l!n Terrltur) between tlio hours of 8 o't lock a m and C o'clock p.m.

The Henatorlnl Districts utv as follows:rillST DIHTIttCT Tho Island of Hawaii;HIX'ONI) DISTHIOT Tho Islands of Mntii, Molokal, Lanal and

Knhonlawe;;Tlllllll DISTIIIUT The Island of Oilni.FOURTH UI8TIII0T The Islands of Kutinl and Nlllian

The electors In tho said Senatorial Districts uro entitled' to elect Senatorsnit follows;

la the I'hst DWilrl two;In tho Second District two;In the Third lilntrlt I three;lu the Ponrth DUtrle t onf.

The Itepirstiiintlw DMrltts. Htgltlratlou Precincts and Polling Placeslire n follows

FIRST DISTRICT.Puna, Hllo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii.

I'lKSl" Plir.CINCT That portion nf Puna tlng south of Keaau and from thoastern boiindniy of Khii In tho eastern boundary of Kamaltl) following

that buiind.ir.v In nnd along tin western boundary of tho Knoho home-Mend- s

and a line the extension Ihereof to the boundary of Keaau.Polling Pinto -- Knliipnun S liool House.

HlX'ONIi Pltm.NCT Tin lands of Keaau mid Olnf.Polling Plain itnai! Iiounl Stables; JIOJ miles Volcano Iload.

Tllllll) I'limNcr-Th- at portion or Hllo llng between Puna and Ponabav.nlSlie't nuil Itiiad nnd tin Hue nt Its extension to tho sen.

Polling Pliue Davlm Cei ' Warchoiiso, rorner of Wnlakca nndKiilepulepo Itoiidi)

t (MIRTH Pltr.CINcr-'ll.- nt portion of Hllo lying between tho Third Precinctand the Honolll Stream.

Polling Plate Clitnlt Coiyt House nt Hllo.rim I PHKCINCT- - Hint poitlim of Hllo lying between Honolll Stream and

tho laud of Mnknliiin.ilnn.Polling Pliuc Pnpulkoii Si hoy House.

SIXTH PIIWINl'T Hint iortlon of Hllo Ijlng between tho Fifth Precinctand the bed of tho Wntl.aumnlo llulili

Polling Pluto llnuiiinn Couit HouseMJVUNTH PHUri.NCT-Tli- nl iioitlon of the Election District lying

between tlio Sixth Pioelnct nnd tin bniindary or Hatnakua, Including tholund of Iliiumulii.

Polling Plat-e- Lnupaliiiehoo Omit House.lilQHTH PHKCINCT That portion of the First Election District lying between

(liu Seventh Pie.lutt nnd the Inndc nf Kalopn.Polling Plnte Knnhn Srhool llniuc.

NIS'lll PHIXMXCT Thnt iKiitltin of the lirst Kloetlon District lying betweenititi Eighth I'm diet and tint bul of the M.ilunuliao Gulch.

Polling Vim - llntiokun Couit House.TUN ril PHKCINVT- - That portion ot the First i;ie, tlou District lying between

tho Ninth Pucliirt and Knhnln District.Polling 1'lato- - Kuknllincdo School Houso.

LLEVE.VTH PltECIXrT-T- Iio Imlautt .if Puna 'lying south of the SecondPrecinct and e.irt of Hie Flint Putlnii.

, Pulling Plac- e- Kapoho Itnnth Hint.I SECOND DI6TRICT.

Kohala, Kona and Kau, Island of Hauall.FlltST PllECINCT Noith Kolinbf.

Polling Placi Circuit Couit Hum.SKt'ONU PIIIXINCT South Koh.iln.

Polling Plnco- - Waliuea Couit House.TH1HD PRECINCT- - That piutlou of North Kona lying north nf the northerly

boundary of Holunltm nnd n Hue i tinning from tlio north comer of Iloluatot10 the htiiith cottier U Piiiinuahulu.

Polling PlaceCircuit Court House nt Ktillua.KOUU1JI PIHX'I.NCT -- That portion of I ho Second Election District bounded

by the Thlid Prcilnct, llaiuakua, Kan, tlio boundary of Kcaaiihou fromKan to ilonauuau, tho ninth boundary of Hoiiaunau and tho sen.

Polling Place Koumvncna School Houso.rimi PRECINCT That portion of South Koun lying between Keel 2, and

Olclnmoana I.Polling Plac- e- Hiiokena Court House.

SIXTH PIIIXINCT That put tlou of South Kon.i lying between tho FifthPrecinct and Kau,

Polling Plate Vnpn Sthool Holme.SEVENTH PItlX'INCT That portion of Kau lying between South Kona and

Ptioaluu.'I'ollln;? PJat o Wnlohlnu Court House.

KlflHTH PUUCINCT Tho remainder of Kau.Polling Viae - Pnbnla School Houso.

THIRD DISTRICT.Islands of Maul, Molokal, Lanal and Kahoolawe.

FIIIST PUr.CINCT That poitlnii of Molokal consisting of Kalawao andKalnupapa.

Polling Plac- e- Knluupupi Storo Houso.SECOND Plir.CINCT- - That portion of Molokal bounded on tho cast by Hono-ullwa- l

and Ilalawn, and on the west hy Kawcla and the First Precinct.Polling Plnco Pukno Court House.

THini) PltKCINCT Thnt portion of West Maul lying between tho lands rfWiilknpu In tho District nt WnlluKu and tho lands of Honokawal In thsDistrict of Kaanapill,

Polling Tlato Olu ult Court House at Lahalna.FOUflTH PIIIXINCT That poitlon of West Muut lying between tho lands of

Ilauakaoo and Wulheo, known as Kaanapall,Polling Place HunoKnbau School Houso.

FIFTH PHIXINCTTho Island of Lanal.Polling Plato Kulmlopalnoa Btore House.

SIXTH rillXINCT That portion ot the District of Wallnhu lying south o(

WnlluKu Stream and c.t of a lino running from tho mouth of WallukuStream southctly along tho sand hills to Maalaca Day and Including theIsland of Kahoolawe.

Polling Place Circuit Court Houso at WnlluliuHliVKNTII PIIIXINCT That portion of tho Dlstilrt of Walluktl bounded by

tho Sixth Precinct, tho sen, tho lands of Pulehunul, Kullallnul, Kallun.Hokuula and Hamakuapoko nnd the sea.

Polling Place Sugar Hoom nt Puunene JllllH1QHTH PniXINCT Alt that portion ot Knln tin Kasl Maul l)lng west of a

lino running fiom Honuaula to tho noith boundary ot Pulchumil on thulino of tho two hills, Pun o Knll and Pun n Kolui.

Polling Place Hospital Hulldlng at Klhel.NINTH PRECINCT The remainder of Kula nnd that imrtlon of Ilnmnlvtinpoki

lying southwest ot tho Mnllko Gulch and niaukn tit the load tunning fromKaluanut to the Maknwno Jail and a line In r.tcnelnn Ihereof.

Polling Plat e Kealahott School Houto.TBNTII PIIIXINCT Tho remainder of Hamakuapoko and that portion ot

Hamakualon lIns west of tho Halelial.u S'icam.Polling I'lnco Humakuapoko Mill.


KLnVENTH PIILXINCT That portion of Cast Maul lIng between Itatcliakuand Opuot.i Streams.

Polling Place lluelo School House.TnUrTH Plir.CINCT That portion of Kast .Maul Ijlng between Opuola and

Kaupiula Stieams.Polling Place Keanao School House.

'lllltTKGNlll PUUCINCT Tho District of liana Ijlng between tho Dlslrlcllof Koolau and Klpahttlu.

Polling Place liana Court House. ,FOUUTl:i:.TH PKLXINCr Tho Diftrlct of Klpahulu.

Polling Placu Klpahulu School House.FIFTEENTH PIIIXINCT That portion ot East Maul llng west of the Dis-

trict of Kaupo and south of Prcclncta Eight and Nine.Polling Place Honuaula Couit House.

SIXTEENTH PllECINCT The western portion ot Molokal ijlng west ot tli9Second Precinct and south of tho First Precinct,

Polling Place Kaunakakal School House.SEVENTEENTH PllECINCT That portion of Molokal lying cast ot tin

Second Treclnct.Polling Place Halawa School Houso.

EIGHTEENTH PllECINCT That portion ot tho District ot Wnlliiku l)lrbetween the Walluliu Stream and tho Fourth Precinct.

Polling Place Walhce School House.NINETEENTH PflKCINCT That portion of the District of Koolau )lng

between tho Twelfth and Thirteenth rreclncts."Polling Place Nahlkti School House.

TWENTIETH PllECINCT That portion ot East Maul known ns the Districtof Kaupo.

Polling Place; Kaupo School House.FOURTH DISTRICT.

AH that portion of the Island of Oahu lying east and south of NuuanuStreet and a line drawn In extension thereof from the Nuuanu Pall to MokapuPolrft.FIIIST PrtECINCT All that portion of tho said district llng rotith of Kin.?

Street nnd the Wnlalao Iload, and between n lino drown from tho turnerof King nnd Punnhoit Streets to tho long brldgo on Ala Moana (tlencti

Iload) and Walalao Avenue on the eastern border of Knlniukl Tract anjan extension thereof to the sea.

Polling Place Near the foot of Pitnabou Street.SECOND PllECINCT AH that portion of said District bounded and dcstilbcl

as follows:Doglnulng at the Junction ot Sheridan Street and Aln Moana, and

running along Sheridan Street, Pllkol Street extension nnd Pllkol Streetto and along tho westerly boundiry of the I.unalllo Homo premises to thesouth comer of tho laud of Kntawahlnc, along tho eastern boundary ofKalawahlno to Its Junction with tho western nlgo of Manoa Vnltc), tin nccalong thu western edge ot Manoa Valley to thu Junction of Mntio.i Itoadnnd Puliation Aenuc; thence along Ptinahou Aenuo to King Street andtilnng thu western boundar of the First Precinct to tho sen.

Polling Place Corner Kienumokil Street and Wilder AvenueTIIIUD PllECINCT All that portion ot thu said District bounded nud

described as follows:lleglnnlng nt tho old flag Kilo crest of Punchbowl running north--

westerly to tho Junction of School nnd Emma Stieels, along School Streetto Nuuanu Avcutlo nnd Valley Koad to Nuuanu Poll, thento southeasterlyalong tho Koolatipoko Kona boundnry to Konnhunuul, thence to and alongtho west boundiry of Mnnoi Valley to tho northern corner ot the SetondPrecinct, along western boundary of Second Precinct and cnntluulug downtho ridge between Awnlollnul nnd Kownlo to tho starting point.

Polling Place P.iclflo Heights Tramway Iload and Nuuanu Avenue.FOURTH PllECINCT--All that portion of tho said Dlstilct bounded b tho

Third Precinct, Nuuanu. Vlnejard, Emma, llcrctanla nud Alapil streetsnnd a line the extension ot Alapallo Its Inteisectlou with tho soutluasteiucomer of the Third rrcelnet.

Polling Place Emma Square.FIFTH PRECINCT All that portion of tho said District bounded by MHIIanl,

King, Punchbowl, Ileretnnla, Alapal, King and South Streets nnd theWaterfront.

Polling Place Kapualua Building.SIXTH PIIIXINCT All that portion of tho said District bounded by Militant.

King. Punchbowl, Deretuiila, Emma, Vineyard, and Nuuanu Streets nnltho Waterfront.

Polling" Place Near tho Flro Station, corner Dcretanla and FortSticctH.

SEVENTH PRECINCT All that portion of tho laid District l)lng outside oltho District ot Honolulu.

Polling Place School House, Wulmannlo.EIGHTH PRECINCT All thnt portion of tho said District lying north of King

Street, and between thy Second Prtclnct and tho Third, Fourth and FilthPrecincts.

Polling Place Thomas Squiro.NINTH PllECINCT AH that portion of tho District of Honolulu bounded by

tho Second Precinct, King and South Streets nnd tho eca.Polling Place Corner of South Street and Kawnlahaa I.ane.

TENTH PRECINCT All that portion ot the District of Honolulu bounded bythe First, Scioud, Third nnd Seventh Prcclnrls,

Polling Place Coiner of King nnd Alexander Streets.FIFTH DISTRICT.

All that portion of 'the Island of Oahu lying west and north of NuuanuStreet and a line drawn In extension thereof from the Nuuanu Pall to MokapuPoint.FIRST PRECINCT All that portion of tho Judicial and Taxation District of

Koolaupoko Ivlng west and north of a line drawn from Nuiiauu Pali inMokapu Point,

Polling Placo Kaneoho Court House.8ECOND PRECINCT Tho Judicial and Taxation District of Koolauloa.

Polling Place Koolauloa Court House.THIRD PRECINCT Tho Judicial and Tnxatlou District of Walalua.

Polling Place Walalua Court Houso.FOURTH PRECINCT Tho Judicial and Taxation District of Walanae.

Polling Place Walanae Court House.riFTH PRECINCT All that portion of tho Judicial nnd Taxation District ot

Ewn, compilscd In tho lands of Hoaeao and Honoullull.Polling Place Ew a Pavilion.

SIXTH PIIIXINCT All tho remaining portion of tho Judicial and TaxationDistrict ot Ewn.

Polling Place Ewn Court Houso.SEVENTH PRECINCT All that portion of Honolulu or Kona Ijlng mahnl ot

King Street, and between tho Sixth Precinct and Pnlama Chapel Road andthe southern branch of tho Oahu Rnllioad following samo to lis first nearapproach to tho sea, and a pt said District )lng manka of King Streetbetween the Sixth Precinct and tho boundary between Kallhl and Kuhatilki.

Polling Place Kallhl Pumping Station,EIGHTH PRECINCT All that portion of Honolulu or Kona lying Mnukn nf

King Street fiom thu main load of Kullhl Vulley lo I.lllha Street nnd nlino drawn fiom tho head thereof in extension of tho lino of Jiuld Street,to nud along tho rldgn forming tho westerly bnrdt r of Nuuanu Valley,

Polling Plato King Street, muukii of Kalulanl School.NINTH PRECINCT All that portion of Honolulu or Kona lying between tho

Eighth Pieclnet and Nuuanu Street and innuka nt n lino dinwn nlungSthool Stiett the Nuutiim Stieam nnd lleritnnla Street.

Polling 1'lni t At June t Ion of Kuaklut nnd Nuuanu Stiects.TENTH PHEC'INCT-- All that poitlon of Honolulu or Kona bounded by Nuu-

anu Street the Ninth. Eighth nnd Seventh Precincts and tlio Waterfront.Polling Placo Anla Waichouse.

ELEVENTH PRECINCT All thut portion ot Honolulu or Kona l)lng maukaof King Street nnd between tho Seventh and Eighth Precincts.

Polling Pluce Gullck Avenuo, mauka of Knlihlwacna Sthool,SIXTH DISTRICT.

Islands of Kauai and Nllhau.FIRST PRECINCT Tho Island of Nllhau.

Polling Place Nlllinii School House.SECOND PRECINCT That portion of Kona District lying between Na Pall

extension theieof iiIoiik western odgo of WalmcaTolling Place Kel nlin Sthool House.

THIRD PRECINCT AH Hint portion of the Kona District lying between th9Second Prcclntt and tho land of Hniinpepc,

Polling Placo Walmca Court House.FOURTH PRECINCT From nnd Including Kalaheo to nnd Including

Hanupepe.Polling Mare- - Ilatiapt p,j School House.

Finil PRIXINCl --All of the Dlstilct of Konn Ijlng cast of tho land otKatahco

Polling Place- ,- IColoa Court Houso.SIXTH PRIXINCl-A- ll the District of Puna extending' from tho lands ol

Wiiltui to nnd Intliiilltig tho lauds ot Klpu.Polling Plan- - LthiH! Couit House.

SEVENTH PRECINCT -- All of tho District of Puna extending from tho landof Papia to nnd Including the land of Wntlun.

Polling Plate Court Hounc, Knpnn.EIGHTH PUECINC'I fiom tho Knllhlwal Rler to and Including

tho land of PapanPolling Place Kllauea School House.

NINTH PRECINCT Exit ndlng fiom tho Knllhlwal River to the north bound-nry of the District of Konn,

Polling Place Waloll Court House.The electors In tho foiegolng Representative Districts are entitled to elect

Hcpicfeentntlvcs as follows.In tho First Dlstilct four;In tho Second Dlstilct four;lu the Third Dlctrli t six;In tho IVmrlh District six;In tho Fifth District six;In tho Sixth Dlitrlt t four.

J8s 900 rtk

liTiviU'. ' i tiW t) rr.p jirSft ifcZf--L ?&

.w tea





hereunto hand

caused the of

Territory of Hawaii

to bo



In Honolulu,

L'Oth ot

A D. 100 1.



AMERICAjN-HAWAIIA- N s. S. CO,Direct Service between Mew York and Hawaiian Islands, Via Pacific Coast

Prom INtow Yorlc8.8. "ALASKAN" to sail about SEPT.

Freight rccclvod all times the Company's Wharf, 41st Strut, Us!Brooklyn.

Prom San Franciscovia Puget

8.S."NEVADAN" to sail SEPT. 29rrclght received at Company's Wharf, Greenwich Street

and each month thereafter.

Prom Honolulu to Prnnclsco.via Kahulul.

S.S."NEVADAN" to sail SEPT. 12

Proai Seattle and TacomnS.S."NEVADAN" From 8eattle OCT. 4

a From Tflcoma OCX C

From Iortlund, Or.For further Information nl li

C. P. MORSE, H. Hackfeld & Co., L,tcGeneral Freight Agent. ACENT8, HONOLULU.

Canadian-Australia- n Royal MailStvamshlp Company.

Steamers of tho abovo line, running In connection with CANASIAOPACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, D. C, Sydney. N. . IW,snd calling at Victoria, n. C, Honolulu nnd Suva, FIJI and Drlsbaaa, mDUE HONOLULU on or about tho dutes below stated, viz:From Vancouver and Victoria, B. C.

(For Drlsbano Sydney.)AOHANGl OCT.

Victoria Vancouver. ''MIOWERA 1J


Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United Htataa amEurope. and Passago and all general Information, apply ft

Theo. H. Davics & Co., Ltd. General Agenti.

J. F. Morgan, President; C. J. Campbell Vlee President; J. L. MaLaoa,Secretary; A. F. Clark, Treasurer; N. E. Auditor; Frank Hwrtasa,Manager.

Hustace-Pec- k Co., Ltd.' DRAYMEN, 63 QUEEN ST.


Firewood, Stove and Steam Coal.AL80 WHITE AND BLACK 8AND.ga i in rag a


ISat at


Union Express Co., Ltd.. Queen Street,Having baggage contracts with tbo following Steamship Co.'i Unaaa

Oceanic Steamship Pacific Mall Steamship Co.Occidental & Steamship Co.Wilder 8. 8. Toyo Klsen Kalsha Steamship .

check your outgoing baggage at homes, saving thand annoyance of checking on the wharf.

Incoming baggago checked on atouracrs of abovo companies amiercd with quickness and dispatch at your homes.






Beaver Lunch Room


I IlaDld Transit Electric Can arrtrnnd thu botiudao between KoKnlin nnd Walmca Plantations nnd a lino tho at and dopatv from tb aialn ntraa'

the Valloy. of the Moana Hoto. tery te mlaatcrMOANA HOTEL C. LT.


set my

and seal





day August,






andFrom Sydney and Brisbane.

(For nndOCT.


Tor Freight





We your you


May 1st, 1901.

OUTWARD.For Walanae, Walalua, Kahukv at

Wny Stations '0.15 a m , 3:J0 ..Tor 1'cnrl City, Ea Mill an Ttu

Stations 17.30 a. m, l:lt a, at.11:05 a. m, 216 p. ra., S:lt . au,

tt.lC p. m., C 1C p. m., :! at.,111:15 p m.

INWARD.Arrive Honolulu from Kahuki, Wal

alua and Walanae '8:36 a. m., I;Mp. m.

Arrive Honolulu from atira Mill otPearl City tC:60 a. m, t7: a, ac,8:36 a. m, 10:38 a. ra., 1:01 . au

M:3i p. m, 0:3l p. m, 7:4 f . m.Dally.

t Sunday Excepted.t Sunday Only,

O. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH.8uPt a. r. T, A.

' "n , " ? .,AS,,i' itvJaV4,-- ' a W


Tax Appeal Court

Hllo. Sept 22 The tax appeal courtfor the Third Circuit, consisting ot.Messrs Tulloih, Duthholtz and

sat nt Kohala for tno daytlast week All ot tho appeals from

lelcd on the plantationvere cither nltbdraun or settled out otcourt, leaving for tho consideration oftho court tuche cases Iniohlng thotnxatlou of the cattle raisers' propertyof West Hawaii.

The parties appealing from tlio as-sessment of the tax assessor wcro J.I) 1'arli, South Kona, J I). Paris,North Kona; J. 1). Paris & Company,North Kona; Mrs. U. Hoy, North Kona:Jas. V Wood, North Kohala; John Ma- -

en Ire, North Kona; estate of H. N.Orcenuell, North Kona, estate of 11.N. Greenncll, South Kona; J. 1). Johnson, North Kona, W. H Johnson, NorthKona; v K Hoy Jr, North Kona, andthe Kohala Kanch Company, Limited,.North Kohala.

The appealing parties were represented by their counsel, Carl S Smith, andthe p;ocrnmcnt was represented by II.U Hose. It nas agreed at the outset bythe parties and the court that Inasmuchas most of the cases linohed tho samoprinciples of taxation, all ot the evi-dence nhen lu one case should be con-sidered li the court In caih ot thoothers

considerable Interest n shotcn Inthe proceedings of the court ami n largonumber of spectators and witnesseswere lu attendance. The first case presented was the appeal of J I) Paris.Tho tnxpacr had returned his prop-l-

as rollout Hawaiian bulls, $26;herd cattle, fl-'- ". milk conn, (25.broken hortes. J"!0, herd horses. J16.1 he tn nsscsctir had astsesxed tho proper! as rollowH lliwallnn bulls, 5U;mllkinws $1o broken horses, $35,

liorfis. $25 Tho taxpayerproved thai the tnx appeal court fortbo ear 1m2 bad nseses his propertyat the llgurcs u turned by him thlB-ca- r

und that all of the cattlo andborns on the ranches In West Haw-al- l

are lu the mine condition today na in1111)2 It was thin shown that the prlcuof beef Is about one haif tent or pouiKless nt the present time than two yearsago and that the demand for beet isabout om-tlil- less, whereby thornnehca nre till ovcrstoiked with cattle.

An Interesting bit of Matlctlcs wasbrought out lo the taxpajcr, showingmat nu ntlult liter, enter consumes auubullock u sear It was then shownthnt In l'JUJ there were a large numberof mctbaults cmploed In Honoluluuioii tlio Ilapltl Transit, lu the IronWorks nnd In erecting largo buildings,but by n careful estimate, about S00people of the beef eating class hae leftthe Torrltorj lu the-- past two years. Agreat decrease In tho tonsumptlon ofbeef was shown to hao liecn createdb. tho fact that up to a year ago allof tho transports purchased Hiifllelcntbeef to Inst on the Journey from Hono-lulu to Manila and return, whereas atpresent, with Improved refrigerators.all the beef required on tbo transportslor me rounii trip is purdiatcil nt SanKranelsio.

On behalf of the government. It was(how n that nil the cattlo owners real-ized largo profits from thtlr innclie-- l

and It was nrgtieil thnt the governmentwuit entitled to Increase tho rate of tax-ation Thu principal Item under dis-cussion was the increase In thu vnliniof herd cattlo from 112 50 to $15 00.After hearing tho evidence In the casoor .1 1) Paris, und V It Johnson, thotax npiienl board untitled the partiesthat the did not wish to hear mop)evidence nnd would thclde nil nf thuinsert on the evidence submitted andImmediate!) auuounted tbo decisionthat all of the appeals wero Hustttiued.Mr Itoss nt cmt uoteil nn appeal tothe Supreme Court nnd tbo Tux Assesor bus sent to tbo Treasurer for litMrut lions as to whether ho will prosicute un nppcnl to the Supreme Court

DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOUMUST REGISTER.



Entered for Record Sept. 24, 1904,From 10:30 a. m. to 12 noor

Sun Lock Co by shlf to Allen . IlohInson Ltd Stiff Jula

Aithur W Xccley and wf to Chas WUooth M

Calvin I' Camp and wf to Chas WIlooth M

Entered for Record Sept. 26, 1901,From 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.

II II Drown nnd wf to A 1) Locbcn- -

stein MA II Loebensteln to Hllo Mctl Co

Ltd AM1 W l'aty and wf to 11 lluckfeld &

Co Ltd MOeo W McOougall to Henry WcekB.CUG U Mint i and wf to Mint I Agr Co

b tr III Kelllkulou to lonna Kahlklkolo . 1)

Kst A J ltudilgues b admr to SKliuura L

Kalfiunucnuo lluliuua (w) to AhTuck I

Adelaide K Pu.i and lis!) to SamuelI'HrKcr D

Mnlltnl Kclllllkl nud wf to i:tien PLow M

John St'blclf nud wf to Kbeu P Uiw.MIVnnclsco Marques to Dlonlzlo do

Ableu HoiDlonlzlo do A breti and wf to lnn- -

Cisco Marques I)Kaloo HUM (I.) to M Kabalekulu (k)

UM Kubalkulu (k) to Henry P Dald- -

win D

REGI8TER early and avoid th.rush. If you want a vote this year youMU8T REGISTER.

Hurler Does thnt razor pull. slr7Customer Yes; but go ahead, Probeen pretty hard pushed lately andthts'll even up things n little. NowYorker.


IzOik, I




, q.yv; 1

. 'H"I , prr-w.'JL.


Golf ClubsA new lot received

Golf BallsAnother shipment of those well-know- n

PNEUMATIC Balls. Alsoa lot of HASKELL, WIZARD, anda large assrtment of Hard Golf Balls.

Football GoodsA fine line of these goods to pick from.

Sporting Goods of all sorts, at

E. O. HALL & SON, Ltd

BAjjTHoRiTYOinco of tho Board of Health

if..niti Cai.i ort inniAt a meeting of tho Hoard of Health

of tho Territory of Hawaii held Sep-

ttmher 12th, 1801, tho following Itiilciand Regulations, relative to tho In

epectlon of animal", wVro adopted.I K. IM.NKIIAM.

1'ioldent, Uoard of Health.Altett:

0. ciiarloci;,. Secretary, Board of Health

suppression or disease amongANIMALS.

Section A. When tho Gocrnor ofthe Territory of Hawaii under theauthority delegated by Section 1U72

Penal Lawn of tho Tcirltory of Hawaii,bhall appoint thice competent percotiswho tihall be designated "Hoard of Inapcclora of Animals" nnd ono of thethree appointed shall he designated astho Executive Inspector, wild Inspect-ors and Executive Inspector fchnll beappointed as Agents of the Board ofHealth.

Section 11. The duties of tho abovecald Agents of the Board of Healththall lie thorn; defined by Sections 1I.7J,JG73, 1071, 1C75, 1U79, 1CSU and 1US2

I'cnal Laws of the Territory of Hawaii.Section C. L'pon Inspection of paid

animals or birds a certificate, (whichcertificate hIihII he made In dupllcaloand triplicate, the duplicate to hu filedwith the Secretary of the Hoard ofHealth), shall be Issued to the ownersor consignees of, or agents for saidanimals or birds by the Agent of thoHoard of Health Making Biichexamination stating the numbermid condition of ald nnlmabor hlrdii, and those found inlawful and healthful condition, shall boremoted by said owncis or consigneesof, or agents for, and those condemnedshall he disposed of according to Sec-tion 171 1. U

Section I). The compensation of saidAgents of the Hoard of Health shallho solely by fees for above Inspectionsearned Individually by each.

Section E. Then) shall he collectedfrom the owner or conslgneo of an-imals Inspected under this Act, onelollur per head for nil horses, mulesnnd cattle; fifty cents per head for allfcheep and goats, ten tents each forevery other animal or bird, and whenfrom tho nature of the lase, tho mak-ing of such Inspection shall be unusual-ly onerous or bcvere, twenty-five- , percent, additional shall be paid to thoInspector.

All fees collected shall belong to theofficer making the Inspection, and Bhall '

ue inn compensation xor nis services4U1 BUtll IIIDI'CCIIUII

Section K. In enso said owners orconsignees of, or agents for shall

to pay said fees, said Agent mayrefuse to deliver said Certificate tosaid owner or consignee of, or agentfor, and decline to permit said animalsor birds to he removed fioni saidplace of examination,



Chicago, Sept. 15. Yielding to lovfor the man whose life she saved, Sis.ter Frcdonla, a beautiful,

ofthe Ufa of a young man won,she lost heart,

.result becamo known today intho simple announcement that MissSuslo Heln, twenty-thre- years old,and Arcd aged amechanic nt the nigln Watch Works,

married and would in

Read "Wants" on page 6

IliUM, i to S 8undys, 9 to 12.

just per Alameda.

swim in One Trial.wii lni i.er.zt.it.Aij.vc- -eraajMai'j.a4iwjsi.ff- - 'r-P-

AyvailsfSjVfltor VrU

There wines will ruppott 200lbs. in the v.itct and arc lasttaking the place oi the swim-ming teichcr


ICec&S ww&&ifrQwatjfiKaBEGiir


WANTSKnr Wnnt Oluniii See Page Six


Ily oung man: uny work that ran bedone by n wllllug man; coachmanfor family preferred. Apply A. K.,this olllce. SSSO-l-


Window for rent Apply (o HoiioliiluDrug Co, SifcU-l-


Entered for Record Sept. 26, 1904,From 10:30 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Joao Hnrges tu Jaclnta do Jesus... T A

Joan llorges by atty and wf to Annal'ei nandez U

M I) Monsarint comr to KruncesKeating I)

Kst of Illy l'eclc by 'orB to SamuelS l'eclc 1)

Samuel S I'eck and wf to A LouisJr M

Samuel Kcalohauml nnd wf to W KShaw M

Nlau Iaukea et al by comr to Keahi.UKenhl (w) to Albert A d'ArnuJo....MChns W Ilooth nnd wf to Autono

Ollvlera UAtifrin,, rVlli'nm nml u-- tt Cirn Ifniiiin

uj,au Yuen by nlft.. .AffdtI.au w afft AlYdtl.nu Yin and wf to Leo Let 1)

J Alfied Magoon and wf to II T Wnl-kc- r

ct nl DEntered for Record Sept. 27, 1904,

From 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.waiaiua Agr uo i.m to Kiiui WO...UKum Wo to Yeo Shung Keo.


Sat) Diego Sept. 20. The rnncheriuuu i ui tho linpcrl.il Valleyaro taking measures to eseapo fromrunway monopoly nnu aro beetling toform a stock company to build n road

slons have been made. Thu onlymeans of marketing products now Isvia Southern Facdflo branch, therates over which nro"dccmc'tl by thoranchers escesslvo, San IMego w(ljcooperate witu mo ueseri uwcuers mfurthering the project

DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOU


Do Not Be DeceivedBy a few amnples. Anyone can samples,but It Is not tsvery one can Rood vorIc.We buy our material at wholesale prices there-fore can jjlve the best worlc ct thoprices. Get our prices and compare themothers. No for examinations and an


The Celebrated

Is here and can be had at all First Classbars hotels. Try It and be convincednt It mrrlM. We resrectfullv Call VOUr

attention to the official analysis on tlieback of the bottle. This Rln Is strictlypure and ires from fusel oil and we lane apride In presenting It to the public, withtlie assurance inai u win unci wim universal favor.

Ask For It Decline

Sole for Territory of Hawaii.

TEL. MAIN 140 S3 & 95 KINO 8T.P. C BOX 755

'0 I




An excellent photo of Dr. Henry W.

Howard adorns the ioht of tho August.'.Mil Issue of "Tho Interior," tho Pres-byterian weekly published in Chicago.Dr. Howard has been appointed Super-intendent of tho I'rosljytcrlnu HospitalIn Chicago. "Tho Interior" nays ofthe appointment of Dr. Howard to thisImiKirlnnt position:

The Hospital of Chi-tug-

h was organized nnd Incor-porated In IShJ, has just rendered Itstwentieth annual report, from which

pamphlet wo learn thatthe number ot patients admitted durIng the enr was 2,701; of whom fi3- -paid tost of maintenance, 1S7U

paid part lost and 593 were treatedfree. In other words, hut 20 per centof this Inrgc number were able to meetall expenses, while SO per cent must beprovided for, in whole or In part, bythe loutilbutlons of tho benevolent.The total number of "days' treatment"cached 0S.IJ1, nil Increase of service

over last ear. Tho lowest number ofpatients ut uny time was 113, the high-

est 2IS. Tho ilnlly cost per taplta was$1.79. The 1'iesbyterlau Hospital hasnow the most complete upparatusIn the West, nnd during the J car 175'Jtreatments with its very instly outfitwere given.

For the past twelve months Its receipts from pay patients amounted tuS7,(il(.i:, Its total receipts to 18l,- -

U71.',C, but Its expenses nte up thissum nnd the most of the f 15,623 surpluscarried from tho provlous enr. TheI'rt-sb- ) lerlnn churches of Chhago ion- -

n United about $1,000 to Itsand Individuals In those churches S5000more, not counting legaclem, ot whichone, from Henry C. Durnud, amountedin $111,1100. Tho now School for Nurses,In erect whnch buildings tho trusteesborrowed has proven very popular nnd successful, tho ofilcers, In- -

htriKtors and nurses number So. Thobudget ot tho school, something overfiiO.OOO, Is embraced In u separate report. It would bn a good thing If thopeople of our urban and suburbau congregations would provde themselveswith copied of this admirable conspectus of tho worl;, and see what l beingdonn In Chicago in tho name ot ourMaster and our Churrh to dent withlha problem of and suffering Ina great city.

Slnco the report mode up, thedirectors ot the hospital have culled to

Ills management II. W. Howard, M.D..who Is a graduate ot Rush Medical College, Chicago, of tho class uf 1890, anattvo of this state, born at Marseilles,111. Dr. Howaid spent threo years InChicago practice, In lbJ3 receivednu appointment 11s city physician ofHonolulu, making Hnwall his residencefur tho ensuing ten years. During hishold ng of this rcsnonslblo nosltlnutho city lsltcd bv both rlmlem

engaged in hospital duties at GrandRapids, Mich,, his excellentwork bus added to his alteady highleputatlnu. 'o welcome hlni back toChliugo and aro happy that so noblenn Institution as tho l'rosbytcrlau Hospital Is to have so competent a head.

Rlank books ot all sorts. Icdeers.etc., manufactured by the Bulletin Pub

lllshlng Company.

Without Plafit,

92'5 HOTEL ST., or-- Young Hotel

nun of tho Franciscan Order ot tho of their own to the seaboard, San 1)1- - and the bubonic plague, so that hisHeart, today took back her lego being tho objeetlvo point. ipcrlemo has been of tho most varied,

worldly uamo and wbb married. Thro nro about 7,000 Inhabitants In ijot to say startling, character. Return-A- s

a consecrated nurse six months tho valley now nnd half a million ncres ing to this country about a year and aago she battled night nnd day to save rich lands, for which water provl- - halt ago, Dr. Howard hns slnco been

and buther


IMon, twenty-two- ,

were reside UP




buydo you

you lowestwith












of your worlc. Lady










estimate Assistant.


5W 1.1

J3 HIhtvl

"is H'-- H 33 Sttiarc"I

p ft n. p m.; m. t. D. P. . KI.CC

4 HI J 4 3 10 II 10 l J !I I I .

5 IS I ! S 0'll 07 II J 3' !i p. m.

0, J I' ' ' 4 J J ! SiI

6 Jl.1,6 6 tl I! J I' 3 44 3)

T 14J16 1 It I 4S S 41 to t$

t ll t t III I l 141 J Sl 11 11

9 io'i 1 14 , t It U ! 'l 47

I 5 I Ji 49 I 4 I ! S S J4 O I


Last quatler of tho moon Oct. 2.

Tides from the United Statct Coastand Geodetic Survey Tables.

Tho tides at Kahulul and Hllo occurabout an hour earlier than at Ho-

nolulu.Hawaiian Standard Time Is lOh 30m

slower than Greenwich time, beingthat ot tbo meridian ot 157.30. Thotime whistle blowa at 1 :30 p. m., wblckIs the tamo as Greenwich, Ok 0m.


' Monday, Sept. 20.

Stmr. Nocau, rederscn, from Kuanapall.



Tuesday, Sept. 27.1'. M. 8. S Mongolia, Parker, for San

1'ranclcbo, at 11 a. m.Stmr. Klnnu, Freeman, for Hllo and

way ports, at 12 m.Am. schr. A. II. Smnle. Wlmhulclt,

for I'ort TawtiHcnil, at 10 a, m. ,Monday, Spt. 27.

Stmr. l.lkellke, Napnla, for Alolokniand Maul iiorK

1. M. S .S. Korea, Scabury. for theOrient.


Stmr. Claudlitf, Parker, fur Maulperts, nt 5 i. in.

Stmr. W. G. Hall. Thompson, forKnunt ports, nt 6 p. in.

Stmr. Noeau, Tullctt, for Knualporta, at G p. in.

Stmr. Kauai, Druhn, for Maul andHnmnkiia ports, nt 5 p. ill.

Schr. Lady, for Knolau ports, p. m.Am. hkt. Kdward May, Hanson, may

call for Hnn Francisco, p. m.

U, S. Wcnther Uurcnti Offlco, .

Young Uulldlng.September 27.

Temperatures C a. in.. 75; 8 a. m,SO; 10 a. m., S3; noun, HI; morningminimum, 72.

llaromcten 8 n. in., 29.88; absolutehumidity, 8 a. nt., 7.135 grains pelcubic foot; iclatlve humidity, 8 a. in.,CS per tent; dew point, 8 n. m., GS.

Wind C a. in., velocity, 3, directionN.; 8 a. m., eloclty 6, direction N. F..;10 a. m., velocity 10, direction N. E.fnoon, Velocity 13, direction N. XI.

Rainfall during 21 hours ended 3 atn., .i0 Inch.

Total wind movement during 21houis ended at noon, 118 miles.

ALRX. M'C. ASHLEY,Section Director, U. S. Weather


Judge Robinson signs an order, pursuant to stipulation, granting tn F. A.Mott-Smlt- lecclver, permission tosell tn tho Pacific Sugar Mill Co. a rol-

ler mill nnd ono left-han- Putnam o

for $1,500, In Slgmund Green-liaui- n

et nl, vs. liauo. Plantation Co.,bill for foreclosure.

Japanese As Mongolian

In 'Frisco Schools

San Francisco, S'pt. 13. Tlie decision of ttui City Allorney that Japanese-primary pupils aro to bo considered Intho sumo light ns nro Chinese, tho word"mongolian," In the statute being heldto cover both, bus already Bet the mem-bers nt thu Hoard ot Education studyIng how best to provide fur thu latgeaddition which must necessarily boanticipated to the present enrollmentot pupils In the ChlncM) school.

Now that tho Jupaneso pupils, whohnvo heretofore been attending all thoschools In tho department, nro to hedirected tu transfer themselves to thespecial Mongolian school, It will mcuuthat 200 or mote new pupils will bavoto bo accommodated, and tho school Isalready overcrowded. Not only addi-tional teachers but also mom roommust bo found, and tho latter Is thomoro difficult part ot tho problem tusolve.

It has been suggested as a way outthat tho old I.o Conto and Commercialbehoof buildings, now used by tho StatoNormal School under a nominal rental,may bo reclaimed and made to da dutyIn tho present exigency, both being sit-uated In the vicinity of tho presentMongolian school.

In this case tho normal classes will,of course, have to find other quailers.No hasty action, however, is likely tohe taken In tho matter.

REGISTER early and avoid tharush. If you want a vote this year youMUST REGISTER.

Weekly Edition of the Bulletin. Itper year.


WHITNEYAnnounce their First Arrlv.tl of GOODS bought by Mr.


New Shirt Waists



Fancy Suitings

Novelties In Neckwear

Watch This Column



W jMrbJi&rtA. ,20,153 KT WtfT ii"'i i hi m iniii




Was a HitAs a Benefit but it is not in it with


It pays for total dis-ability on the instal-ment plan the fullamount of



The Pacific Mutual Life

Insurance Co.




Winthrope Medicines

Kidney TeaBlood Purifier

Booklet on the Kidney Free.

Chambers Drug Co.,LIMITED.

Cor, King and Fort Sts,


Jos. Schwartz,Watchmakers' Materials andJewelers' Supplies,



for Our Opening.



E. H. LEWIS, Proprietor.

Don'tDo Anything


Charley'sAunt .

Hawaii Yacht Club



Clau 8preckelt, Wm. G. Irwin.

Claus Spreckels & Co.,


San Francisco Agent The Nrada National Dank of San Francisco

Draw Exchange on the Nevada Naclonal Bank of Ban Rranclsco.

London The Union ot London andSmith's Bank, Ltd.

New York Americas Exchange Natlonnl Bank.

Chicago Corn Exchange NationsDank.

Paris Credit Lyonnals.Hongkong and Yokohama Hong

Basking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank

ot New Zealand and Bank ot Auatralasla.

Victoria and Vancouver Bank otBritish North America.

Deposits received. Loans made otapproved security. Commercial am)Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills ot Bxchange bought and eold.Collection Promptly Accounted For


Wheat Hay100 Pound Bales

$1.10 per BaleGERTZ BROS. Tel White 3231


has moved Its Candy Factory to thoold ELITE BUILDING on HOTEL 8T.All Candles are made on tho premises.Call and try a sample of Hot Candy.

JAS. F. MORGANAuctioneer and Bnkir,

847-85- 7 Kaaiiumanu Strut.P. O. BOX 6M. TKLIrHONB fl

Auction Sale-- OF

Hay, Bran,Potatoes,Onions, Etc.

wWEDNESDAY, 8EPT. 28, 1904,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,1 in Instructed tu sell nt my sales-loo-

M7 Knnhumami street, above,dnto and hour, cm account of whom Itmny concern

MS sneks llrun.115 bales Wheat liny,70 sacks Potatoes'.10 sacks Onlonn.

In Al order nnd condition.


Jan. P. Morgan,AUCTIONEK

FOfe SALEVery fluo rcsldenco on Bcrelanlt

etrcct, known ns the "Itosg Itesldonce."The house; Is a largo and commodiousdwelling containing C bedrooms, par-

lor, dining room, Itlchen, storeroom.Thero nro also servants' quarters,chicken house, stable, wood Bhcd, etc.Tho land hns a frontngo of 11791 feeton Ileretauta street. Total area, 22,3(0sminro feet.

I I'rlco very reasonnblo.Apply


Across the Continenton the







Bath, Barber, Buffet, Library,Electric Reading Lamp In ev-

ery Booth, Obseravtlon Car,Telephone 8ervlce. " " - "


C. 8. FEL,Passenger Traffic Manager,

T. H. GOODMAN,General Passenger Agent

3ar Francisco, : : CALIFORNIA.61003.

(BlThree Trains



Omaha, Kansas City,

Chicago, St, LouisAnd All Principal Eastern Pointi

No Channel !?"''l Chicago.

Be aure your ticket readi Tla UUNION PACIFIC

For full Information call c8. F. BOOTH, n. A..

1 Montgomery 8L, San Francleco, C4.


Sttt. ZEzza&jm

