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T' Jt Ciil'lllll...Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES...

Date post: 24-Apr-2020
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.V . -- T"' Jt " ?v Ciil'lllll I II II M JI II U ? VVVT VOL. XIII. NO. 2708. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. IS91 PRICE 5 CENTS. aUBtnticmtnts. tn? 2ltirfrtiscnunt3. Slipping. Door in a little cold water to settle business (fards. the grounds and it is made; and it Honolulu and San Francisco Mail SctTicc is very good. Lx. --rVTJL.A.S IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH OF mm i NICARAGUA CANAL. Warner Miller Talka of It at a w FOUNDBD lOH, LONDON. Length. EMBROIDERIES OR Will GOODS TInn Warner Miller of New York Capital, . . $ 6.000.000 dressed an enthusiastic audience in A&aets, . . $ 9,000.000 Metropolitan Hall on the subject of the NirnraoniA panal. A number of ororain- - O O TO TIME TA1JL.E or THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (ICBJKCT TO CHAMK.) Thi Aubtkaua amd Zealandia Leavo San rranclao at o'clock I. M. Honolulu at 1 M. Tuaadaye. Tho Through Hioawtora l.a mu Vraa Ifattlncf Iwium BtiwlntMi4 Amenta cd tha ent citizens, including Mayor Sanderson and representatives of various commer IN". S. SACHS', alovt Company w ar now tvady to rfltH't Inanrancei at tha lowwt raUm ot pretuluin. THE DAILY M Commercial Advertiser 13 PUBLISHED Every ilonuns; Kxcept Sundays, At No. 46 Merchant St. rtOBSORIJTlONS X Daily P. O. ATEBTia,one year W six month 3 00 per month 60 Wtuu HiviiiAi Oieetib, one year 6 00 . .4 foreign tn Daily ind Wxkklt, one year in advance... 10 00 Payabl tnviartwlUy In Adtanw. By Postal Mokky O&dkb. iW All Tranalent AdrertUementa moat be Prepaid. ADDKiaa: HAWAIIAN fUZFTTK 00- - H. M. WHrrsxT, Manager. 46 Mercha t at., p wtofflce Bax O. Honolnln. H. I cial organizations occupied seauj ou me platform. Senator Miller related the history of the various efforts which have been marl. in thM aL centnrv to ooen a das- - II. W. RC11MTDT A RONS. Honolulu, H. 1. 104 Fort Street, claoo and Honolulu Thuradaya. e trom the Atlantic to the Pacific oct an& and pointed out tne advantages STEAM Ka. which the iNiraraguan route possesses. Ho then Hf tailed the operation Maruoa...... ARRIVE H0NULUU). July S Juiy 7 , July 21 July So Auk. 4 J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Car tw right Building, MretkBt Street, I Honolulu, H. I. 2651 y . J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumaua Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0 1651-l- y Rogers ). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AKD Agent to tak Acknowledgment. UrriCB No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-b9-- y lulu, U. 1 CHARLES F. PETERSON, Tj-pewrit- er and Notary Public. Office with L. A. Thurston. 2703-- q HONOLOLU IRON WORKS CO., Steam JLCngines, Boilers Sugar Mills Cooler. Uraw and Lead CMtinga, And mchlnnr of erary daacrlpUon mad ia to raer. Partloolar atUnUon paid to ahlpa blaoa-niiio- g. Job work axacated on tb borwt A6L .tice. - of his company in constructing the canal and said work could be completed for less than $100,000,000. Fully $5,000,000 LEAVE AN FHANCUCO. J una 25 ... Jui.e3u ... July 11 ... Juiy ... July 1W ... Auk. 11 Auk. 20 ... Auk. ... britl. 8 ..i Zealandia...... Auxiralt Mouowai Zealandia...,. . Auntralia...... Alameda ...... Iff ldoalS Auk. W 27 Aug, bent 1 Zealandia. , bept. 15 Australia..... Maritoaa had been tpeit on me woric bo xar. In fp-akin- g of the advantages of the canal to this country, Senator Miller said it would necessarily draw tonnage from Japan, Australia and South American ports north of Chile to American ports. It would invigorate American ports; it would invigorate the trade of the Pacific iYir attract immigration to California. Zealandia brpl. Xi tpt, . Oct, 13 . Oct. 'i fcicpl. 17 ... bvpt. vei ... Oct. i ... Oct. 15 ... lionoor Htotun Australia Mouowai CANDY FACTORY ud BAKERY. PREPARING COFFEE. WHERE YOU WILL FIND A NKW AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES For Ladies and Children; ; i EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND IN3KRTION3, In SwIhs, Hamburg and Nainsook ; WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESORH TION ; and an Immense assmt. ot Fancy Striped and Plaid Wash Materials In the Newest Designs; AT REASONABLE PRICES ! The Popular Millioery House, 104 Fort St. A&KIVK an raANCiaoo. and cive the State a cheap market for its TEAM EE. P, HORN Praotloal Coniectloncr, Vlrv Cook and llakar, products. If Jauiornia were to ouua a ponul nlnno at the exnense of of 110.000.- - 7 y 21 4 6 July July July Aug. Auk. Auatralia Monowai Zealandia. ..... Australia Alameda 00J annually until ' its completion, it No. 71 Ho. 4 Bt. T44phoua 74, LEAVE HONOLULU, June 30 Jul j 2 July 14 July 2)4 Juiy 50 Auk. 11 Auk. 25 Aug. 27 bept. blU 22 would find the invest a proniaoie one. the neonle of the State to lend 13M20S1 t a t t t at t t t t Auk. IS ZeuUnula...... their aid to the enterprise. Exchange. Bept Australia.. .... Marinona bept. 3 brut. 16 H .l. 2U ZcaUitdia Australia Monowai brut. 21 The following article on the pre- paration of coffee " here, there and everywhere," is from the pen of Amanda B. Harris, and appears in Good Housekeeping for April: " While reading some recent books of travel, I was much inter- ested m the different ways the coffee drinkers in several foreign countries have of preparing their favorite beverage. First, let a San Francisco lady be heard from: Mrs. Clara Movse Tadlock. who Oct. 1 Oct, 13 Oct. 27 Oct. J.OVE'S BAKERY Ji. T Sliimaiat Mtrt. M Rrt, no at'. LOT I, rroHalm. tvary laaArtiUm Of tUin and Flr bread and Crackers, 2U Oct. Oct. llurrali for tlic4th July ! 22 Oct. 2U Nov. 10 Zealandia...... Australia Alameda ...... Zealandia Australia,...,. MariHJta 3 Nov. 2651 -- q Nov. 24 Nov. 2U Nov. 17 Nov. !tt 201K)-3- ui ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL Soda Crackers Australian Mail Service madfl a flvinir trip around the MISS D. LAMB, Stenographer and Jype-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant strf't. near the Postomce. 2677 DR. EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- ker's office). Office Hob 9 to 11 a. u and 2 to 3 r. u. : Sundays, 9 to 10 a. ic. Bell Telephone No. 61. Residence 5 School street. VHH-Sai- g world a few years ago, and pub- lished an account of her travels ti,rulr tha takinsr ' title of Bohe Proprietor. PETER HIGH, mian Divs.' She saw many things OFJT1CTC AND MII-.l- : Saloon Bread Alwf tlat MILK BREAD A HfKCIiLTY. mi FOE SAN fcUANGISCO. IXs naw and oaa Al ataai ataamtUlp On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. J. that a woman would specially notice while a man would hardly see them at all. Among other things she found worth telling about, was bow they make coffee in TFVvntL She savs: HEADQUARTERS roa 5 moistowi DR. K. KOBAYASHI, NO. 161 FORT STREET. CALIFORNIA FIREWORKS 44 I bought in the Cairo bazaar a nmftll conner coffee-n- ot like a Of lUaOcaanleHiaainsiiip (Jonipanri l bado AT THE MOULDiras, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc, Etc. TURNED AND SAWED WORK. gXJ-Oir- ici Hocas 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4 ana 7 to 9 f. m. at llooaiuiu iruua nyan.j ui iiiwa onorarxtttt July 2, 1891, baby's rubber rattle minus one end, and learned that the coffee was made by grinding as fine as flour a large teaspoonful, adding as much sncrar and a coQDle of teaspoonfuls C. BREWER. & COMPANY j (4altal). OENERAL MKR0ANT1LK Al COMMtBHION AGENTS. mot or orriciiuii jp. t:. iottM.tr..... ...... rmHtatana naar .1,0. Carter,.,. ...Traaanrar aad iaaratary littU, W. V. Allaa ,.,Alt FRANK B. AUEKBaCH, Auction and Commission House Agent to Tajue Acksowledocmsnts to nf hnilintr water, holding thrice ab4 wtlltaava tot tba abava port wttb inalla aa4 Cor. Nuuann and King Sts. Mn(ara on or auuui mai aata. for rri(bt or taaa-e- , umnng rmiu over the fire until it boiled, cooling between times, when it became rather th.ck, but rich, dark, frothy- - .t .... mput i ArIf tVF.flV with the latwtt I m JUST LANDED, ex Zealandia, afresh provemenis from one ot the beet firm In the East, we are now P'W tinned and altogether delicious. and good assortment oi f;-- i Proi-lror- a (r?A and Small Tor Wm. U. Irwin & Co., acijcmi. good w or K at sriorier noiuanu wwer i ' . engaged several finst-claa- a mechanics, we will make a npecialty of lNbTBUMKNTS FOB THE UUTEICT or Kona, Oauu. , Office Oahu R. R. fc L.Co.'s Depot, up- - 8Ui"' Alay 11, 191. 27bllm LEWEHS & COUKiii, (goocaaaora to Lawara Eicaaosi IiMtrCcr anU Dealert la Lumber She nronounces it the best pedos, Coloied Fire and Whistle Bombs, coffee in the world ' ; and cannot DUBCTOMi our quick-witte- d housekeepers be B'or Sydney and Auckland lloman Candles, Sky nociteis, ume itrhts. Flower ,Pots, Eengolas. Pin Wheels. HAND ILLUMINATIONS, (a very desirable article for street parade, : Draifon Wheels. Counters, Shelving, Stairs-- , Etc., Etc. jCCTTrompt attention to all orders. a, O. B, Blabop . . . aaaa lieve it, and seeing at once wnerein th masic lies, act upon the Efyp- - pi 'tians experience, even without the P!vrvntian coffee-POt- ? . Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax- on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR., Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat- - v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. rtACTlCAL Tba aaw and ana AI ataal awanablp TEL K P II O N E H '. tnn.Riiilev. in that fascinating And all Kinda of Building Idaianata. So. ii f oaT HTBiLgr. aopoluln- - iVl JOHN T. WATKKHUOSh, Importar and Deal? ia GENERAL MEE0 H AND lb L . VoUanoes, Colored Floral Bombshells, Variegate Fountains, Battles, Toy Pistols. Ballon8, Etc. BELL 49S. riN SMITH & PL U 11 BER 65. MAEIPOSA" 2724-- q American Muslin and Bunting Flags O tbaOaaanlo nutamaiup com pan f, mm b Ouraar af KU a4 Alahaa Hcmololo, 11. I. A890BTED CASES 00 COKTAI5ISO doa at HonoJoio trum nao w iwhw or oraaout July 2, 1891. So. iiy- -l Queen Htreet, Hoaoluia. 26C1 rELEPHONE Workahop. Mutual 2i ; . .lStar 24 Colored Bomaa Candles . book, 'From Flag to Flag,' every word of which is true. Here is the method in Cuba, where she lived several years: 'One of the sights that arrests the eye of the stranger in Cuba is the multitude of bags hanging at the door of every little shop aud for sale at every shop in the coun- try as well as in town bags of - coarse red Annuel, fitted with a hnon around the top and terminat rtauicncc, uvuaj, mv, CASTLE & COOKE, IMPOKTEKS, 2 " 3 4 " 6 " p.tim.i. fnrnii-be- ob all clatiwa WILLIAM O. AC Ml, Attorney ahd couhshllob at law, land will bava promp dupaton with aO as 24 " " " 24 " " " 12 ' " 12 12 Sky Rockets.. 12 " " 12 " 1J Pkgs. Colonxi Fire-Bomb- s. 1 oz of 1'iuwtlng and Tlunmithiup; work. iri ctasa workruauablp and roaurial ictirt- - .... h .h.v. u ru. vm ininhiDf duuh. bsvlna HCPEKIOB AC vttfl lu all Htm abov craiwnaa tn Jp 3 UOMlfOOATI(J.a.(l7 V Notary Publle tod featat ltrokr. Shipping and Commission Merchants, nea at rnonM rauta. . 2(i51 OrriCE 36 Merchant tit reel. Wm. (i. Irwin & Co., Claaa apracaia 12 Bengoias. It fc ticks Funk. ing in a point at the bottom; bags nt ererv size, from those that PLANTATION AND INSDKANCE AGENTS. H. HACKFELD A C0-- , CLADS SriiECKELS & CO., 168 Pieces for $io. would contain only a pint to otheis with th cauacitv of many gallons. WiL G. IRWIN & COMPANY, DXAJUSRS Of ASSORTED CASE 50. 1 COSTAI5ISG General Commission Agents These are the coffee pots of Cuba, from which come the most delicious BANKERS. 36 Colored Ecman Candles 1 Star (Limited.; " " qo . rir.norht of that much-prize- d and Oor. Fort k. Queen 8ts., Honolnln. SMI TrnrhHisnarHired beveratre. Half- - Wm. G. Iawur, - Prunl-len- t and Manager Clac brazes x, - - Vk-l'reail- HOSOLCLU BUILDERS' M GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES i, . e " WiTTti M (iifritu. .... filled with finely pulverized coffee arH ansnended from a hook on the oa etw Rorfeeta..:. 1 oz W. E. R0WELL, - btjcretarr and Treata rer -- : -- - o ....... kBlO. v. rOBTta, AUtuwr verld. " " 12 " " 4 12 - 12 Whistle Bombs. 12 Magne-iu- m Illuminations. wall, cold water is gently poured on from time till the whole mass is saturated. The first drops which fil into the receiver placed beneath Carpenters' ELackBmiths Machinista' and Plumbera' Toola, Sugar Ficton tai Ccmiaissioa Agents. UcdMBa aad ettmAmtt a ! tatt m4. VI r lower row. AEBTa OF TBS 72 Klae Lights. the bag are thick and black. One icha4a tutfiaaa. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO 2 Colored Bengal Lignts. Engineer and Surveyor Boom 5, Bpreckels' Block. 82-- y BEAVER SALOON, rrStrt, OppatlM Wilder Co.' a, H. i. KOLTE, PBOPBirrOK. rat-elaa- a Lancnaa Serred wlta Taa, Coffee, Of Ban Francisco, CaL 12 rttick Punk. spoonful in a cupful of boiling milk vinlda a draught of coffee that is n. nwT n.fir hrt n ir? ref HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensila, Painte, Oilfi, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and v6 Pieces for $ao. flolinioasness itself, such as is not Wm. O. Irwin & Co., (Limited) ba a.?amrd the asset and liabiiiu of V- - late firm of Wm. i. Irwin 4 Co., asi viii 'JOT Extra Colored Koman vanaies, to be found in any other land. The rrl haw hansrs dav and night, and (t ... ! otor contmae tLe renerai tnuaaen torcsnj Extra Colored Sky itocteiB, FDBNISHED BOOMS- - earned on by t&at noot. i.v? the process of dripping coffee is General Merchandise. llo. to 4 lb. ceaseless. All classes and ages nffUr and drink it as freely as we EAGLE HOUSE Talanil nrdprs DromDtlv attended Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal. to. f tiese Goods are ot tne csi quautj do water. The wealthiest banker 8oda Water, uiager ai or mi. Opea Frttm S ts. na. till 10 p. m. argmokara' Beqalaltaa a Specialty. KS1 THE ROYAL SALOON, Ctr. iiuaa Merchant Streta Under tta Xaaagaaieat of NUTJAN'C AVE20TE. and were personally selected Dy and the poorest peasant use the same red flannel bag Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane Sons Familj Medicines. S. W. LEDERER, THIS F1EST-CLA.S- 5 TAXSL iinH rlrink the same coffee.' And now another lady, Mrs n 2651 1356-- q Proprietor of the I X L Auction and Commission House, corner Nnuanu art 1 ci iis 'Ci'j i?czz-ii- J cCt-- iZ. cciJ5t c a Sjmzi Sir j Louise Yescelius Sheldon, author cf 4 Yankee Girls in Zuiuland,' 3 " ii rtrtrtrri'- - i imif ifW atli MiJws. HirU mil: Pnlh Wftirr Sunn $x Irwwnutw- - w. tJ: and Kingetreeta. yw t. TO LET ! E. EL F. Wolter, Cp alwaya la atock a rarletyof thateat "Wine. Uqaora. Beers, and tea old beera oa drau!t at cent per glaaa. XSTall and f ffctl Sl .rirpa n entirelv different method fc Bro. H. E. Mclntv re fa3T tt. Tab)- She says that in Zuiuland the peo- ple drink coffee "at every meal and nr time throuirh the day as they THE ARLINGTON HOTEL PA1XTER! in Rrwer'8 hotel-s- t. want it. The Dutch not only have it morning, noon and night for t Kpmspirps. but it is always on the G-roceri- es, Provisions and FeedtjAPEK haNGLNU! Rwt Rprpnrlv renoTated and Iinins room. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. VStrlisn anri stirp TfyftmS On eTOUUd BOOr. fire, ready ' for any of their Dutch friend who nass near them.' They Parlors, Bleeping aparrmervs ana uu jr, US.X5JX'5--'5,l- i wrini otf .'iftrtAi-.awA,- , GIVE 2AST iUUt mr lUCIXJ STatST. 2tew uoU TithiSr ta, aS UXrw. W t np-stair- s. Possession given J uiy lsu use two kettles, boil the water in Anp. an d then Dour it on the coffee. -- Kor further particulars and terms S'VtfSaWTlSa-- i TVrV-Tu- - a, ,nvV4 Talapaoaa So. .i.M 140. O. Boa 91 wl.irh ia readv in the other, so Mil 2794-2- w Queen btreet. back and forth several times, then
Page 1: T' Jt Ciil'lllll...Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR., Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat--v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. tnn.Riiilev.

.V . -- T"' Jt " ?v

Ciil'lllll I II II M J I II U



aUBtnticmtnts.tn? 2ltirfrtiscnunt3. Slipping.Door in a little cold water to settle business (fards.the grounds and it is made; and it

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail SctTiccis very good. Lx.--rVTJL.A.SIF YOU ARE IN SEARCH OFmm i


Warner Miller Talka of It ata w


TInn Warner Miller of New York Capital, . . $ 6.000.000dressed an enthusiastic audience in A&aets, . . $ 9,000.000Metropolitan Hall on the subject of theNirnraoniA panal. A number of ororain- - O O TO


Oceanic Steamship Co.(ICBJKCT TO CHAMK.)

Thi Aubtkaua amd Zealandia

Leavo San rranclao at o'clock I. M.Honolulu at 1 M. Tuaadaye.

Tho Through Hioawtora l.a mu Vraa

Ifattlncf Iwium BtiwlntMi4 Amenta cd thaent citizens, including Mayor Sandersonand representatives of various commer IN". S. SACHS', alovt Company w ar now tvady to

rfltH't Inanrancei at tha lowwt raUm otpretuluin.


M Commercial Advertiser


Every ilonuns; Kxcept Sundays,

At No. 46 Merchant St.


Daily P. O. ATEBTia,one year Wsix month 3 00per month 60

Wtuu HiviiiAi Oieetib, one year 6 00. .4 foreign tn

Daily ind Wxkklt, one year in advance... 10 00

Payabl tnviartwlUy In Adtanw.By Postal Mokky O&dkb.

iW All Tranalent AdrertUementa moatbe Prepaid.


HAWAIIAN fUZFTTK 00- -H. M. WHrrsxT, Manager.

46 Mercha t at.,p wtofflce Bax O. Honolnln. H. I

cial organizations occupied seauj ou meplatform.

Senator Miller related the history ofthe various efforts which have beenmarl. in thM aL centnrv to ooen a das- -

II. W. RC11MTDT A RONS.Honolulu, H. 1.104 Fort Street, claoo and Honolulu Thuradaya.e trom the Atlantic to the Pacific

oct an& and pointed out tne advantagesSTEAM Ka.which the iNiraraguan route possesses.

Ho then Hf tailed the operation Maruoa......


July SJuiy 7

, July 21July SoAuk. 4


Commission Merchant.Office Car tw right Building,

MretkBt Street, I Honolulu, H. I.2651 y .


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumaua Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. 01651-l- y Rogers ).



Agent to tak Acknowledgment.UrriCB No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-b9-- y

lulu, U. 1


Tj-pewrit-er and Notary Public.

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2703--q


Steam JLCngines,Boilers Sugar Mills Cooler. Uraw

and Lead CMtinga,

And mchlnnr of erary daacrlpUon mad ia toraer. Partloolar atUnUon paid to ahlpa blaoa-niiio- g.

Job work axacated on tb borwtA6L.tice. -

of his company in constructing the canaland said work could be completed forless than $100,000,000. Fully $5,000,000


J una 25 ...Jui.e3u ...July 11 ...Juiy ...July 1W ...Auk. 11

Auk. 20 ...Auk. ...britl. 8 ..i

Zealandia......AuxiraltMouowaiZealandia...,. .

Auntralia......Alameda ......

Iff ldoalSAuk. W27Aug,

bent 1Zealandia., bept. 15Australia.....


had been tpeit on me woric bo xar.In fp-akin-

g of the advantages of thecanal to this country, Senator Miller saidit would necessarily draw tonnage fromJapan, Australia and South Americanports north of Chile to American ports.It would invigorate American ports; itwould invigorate the trade of the PacificiYir attract immigration to California.

Zealandiabrpl. Xitpt,

. Oct, 13

. Oct. 'i

fcicpl. 17 ...bvpt. vei ...Oct. i ...Oct. 15 ... lionoor HtotunAustralia



EMBROIDERED FLOUNCESFor Ladies and Children;

; i

EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND IN3KRTION3, In SwIhs, Hamburg andNainsook ;

WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESORH TION ; and an Immense assmt. ot

Fancy Striped and Plaid Wash MaterialsIn the Newest Designs;


The Popular Millioery House, 104 Fort St.

A&KIVKan raANCiaoo.and cive the State a cheap market for its TEAM EE.

P, HORN Praotloal Coniectloncr,Vlrv Cook and llakar,products. If Jauiornia were to ouua a

ponul nlnno at the exnense of of 110.000.--7y



AuatraliaMonowaiZealandia. .....AustraliaAlameda

00J annually until ' its completion, it No. 71 Ho. 4 Bt. T44phoua 74,


June 30Jul j 2July 14July 2)4

Juiy 50Auk. 11

Auk. 25Aug. 27bept.blU 22

would find the invest a proniaoie one.the neonle of the State to lend 13M20S1

t a tt


ttt t

Auk. ISZeuUnula......their aid to the enterprise. Exchange. BeptAustralia.. ....Marinona bept. 3

brut. 16H .l. 2U

ZcaUitdiaAustraliaMonowai brut. 21

The following article on the pre-

paration of coffee " here, there andeverywhere," is from the pen of

Amanda B. Harris, and appears inGood Housekeeping for April:

" While reading some recentbooks of travel, I was much inter-ested m the different ways thecoffee drinkers in several foreigncountries have of preparing theirfavorite beverage. First, let a SanFrancisco lady be heard from:Mrs. Clara Movse Tadlock. who

Oct. 1

Oct, 13Oct. 27


J.OVE'S BAKERYJi. T Sliimaiat Mtrt.

M Rrt, no at'. LOTI, rroHalm.

tvary laaArtiUm Of tUin and Flrbread and Crackers,

2UOct.Oct.llurrali for tlic4th July ! 22 Oct. 2U

Nov. 10

Zealandia......AustraliaAlameda ......ZealandiaAustralia,...,.MariHJta

3Nov.2651 --q Nov. 24Nov. 2U

Nov. 17Nov. !tt

201K)-3- ui

ENTEEPEISE PLANING MILL Soda CrackersAustralian Mail Servicemadfl a flvinir trip around the


Stenographer and Jype-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant strf't.near the Postomce. 2677


OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc-ker's office).

Office Hob 9 to 11 a. u and 2 to 3

r. u. : Sundays, 9 to 10 a. ic.Bell Telephone No. 61. Residence 5

School street. VHH-Sai- g

world a few years ago, and pub-

lished an account of her travelsti,rulr tha takinsr ' title of Bohe

Proprietor.PETER HIGH,

mian Divs.' She saw many things OFJT1CTC AND MII-.l- :

Saloon BreadAlwf tlat




IXs naw and oaa Al ataai ataamtUlpOn Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. J.that a woman would speciallynotice while a man would hardlysee them at all. Among otherthings she found worth tellingabout, was bow they make coffee inTFVvntL She savs:


5moistowiDR. K. KOBAYASHI,


44 I bought in the Cairo bazaara nmftll conner coffee-n- ot like a Of lUaOcaanleHiaainsiiip (Jonipanri l bado


MOULDiras,Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc, Etc.


gXJ-Oir-ici Hocas 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4

ana 7 to 9 f. m.

at llooaiuiu iruua nyan.j ui iiiwaonorarxtttt

July 2, 1891,

baby's rubber rattle minus one end,and learned that the coffee wasmade by grinding as fine as flour alarge teaspoonful, adding as muchsncrar and a coQDle of teaspoonfuls




mot or orriciiuiijp. t:. iottM.tr..... ...... rmHtatana naar.1,0. Carter,.,. ...Traaanrar aad iaaratarylittU, W. V. Allaa ,.,Alt

FRANK B. AUEKBaCH,Auction and Commission House

Agent to Tajue Acksowledocmsnts tonf hnilintr water, holding thrice

ab4 wtlltaava tot tba abava port wttb inalla aa4Cor. Nuuann and King Sts.Mn(ara on or auuui mai aata.for rri(bt or taaa-e-

, umnng rmiuover the fire until it boiled, coolingbetween times, when it becamerather th.ck, but rich, dark, frothy- - .t .... mput i ArIf tVF.flV with the latwtt I m

JUST LANDED, ex Zealandia, afreshprovemenis from one ot the beet firm In the East, we are now P'W

tinned and altogether delicious. and good assortment oi

f;-- i Proi-lror- a (r?A and Small Tor Wm. U. Irwin & Co.,acijcmi.

good w or K at sriorier noiuanu wwer i ' .engaged several finst-claa- a mechanics, we will make a npecialty of


or Kona, Oauu.

, Office Oahu R. R. fc L.Co.'s Depot, up- -

8Ui"'Alay 11, 191. 27bllm


(goocaaaora to Lawara Eicaaosi

IiMtrCcr anU Dealert la Lumber

She nronounces it the bestpedos, Coloied Fire and Whistle Bombs,

coffee in the world ' ; and cannot DUBCTOMiour quick-witte- d housekeepers be

B'or Sydney and Aucklandlloman Candles, Sky nociteis, ume

itrhts. Flower ,Pots, Eengolas. PinWheels. HAND ILLUMINATIONS, (avery desirable article for street parade,

: Draifon Wheels.

Counters, Shelving, Stairs--, Etc., Etc.

jCCTTrompt attention to all orders.

a, O. B, Blabop . . . aaaalieve it, and seeing at once wnereinth masic lies, act upon the Efyp--

pi'tians experience, even without theP!vrvntian coffee-POt- ? .

Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-

on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR.,Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat- -

v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. rtACTlCALTba aaw and ana A I ataal awanablpT E L K P II O N E H '.tnn.Riiilev. in that fascinating

And all Kinda of Building Idaianata.

So. ii foaT HTBiLgr. aopoluln- - iVl


Importar and Deal? ia


VoUanoes, Colored Floral Bombshells,Variegate Fountains, Battles, ToyPistols. Ballon8, Etc.

BELL 49S. riNSMITH & PL U 11 BER65. MAEIPOSA"2724--q

American Muslin and Bunting Flags O tbaOaaanlo nutamaiup com pan f, mm b Ouraar af KU a4 AlahaaHcmololo, 11. I.


doa at HonoJoio trum nao w iwhwor oraaout

July 2, 1891.So. iiy--l Queen Htreet, Hoaoluia. 26C1 rELEPHONE Workahop. Mutual 2i ;. .lStar24 Colored Bomaa Candles .

book, 'From Flag to Flag,' everyword of which is true. Here is themethod in Cuba, where she livedseveral years:

'One of the sights that arreststhe eye of the stranger in Cuba is

the multitude of bags hanging atthe door of every little shop audfor sale at every shop in the coun-

try as well as in town bags of- coarse red Annuel, fitted with a

hnon around the top and terminat

rtauicncc, uvuaj, mv,CASTLE & COOKE,IMPOKTEKS,

2 "34 "6 " p.tim.i. fnrnii-be- ob all clatiwaWILLIAM O. ACMl,

Attorney ahd couhshllob at law, land will bava promp dupaton with aO as

24 "" "24

" " "12' "12

12 Sky Rockets..12 " "12 "1J Pkgs. Colonxi Fire-Bomb-s.

1 oz of 1'iuwtlng and Tlunmithiup; work. irictasa workruauablp and roaurial ictirt--.... h .h.v. u ru.

vm ininhiDf duuh. bsvlna HCPEKIOB ACvttfl lu all Htm abov craiwnaa tn Jp3 UOMlfOOATI(J.a.(l7 VNotary Publle tod featat

ltrokr. Shipping and Commission Merchants, nea at rnonM rauta. .2(i51OrriCE 36 Merchant tit reel. Wm. (i. Irwin & Co., Claaa apracaia12 Bengoias.

It fc ticks Funk.ing in a point at the bottom; bagsnt ererv size, from those that

PLANTATION AND INSDKANCE AGENTS.H. HACKFELD A C0-- , CLADS SriiECKELS & CO.,168 Pieces for $io.would contain only a pint to otheiswith th cauacitv of many gallons.

WiL G. IRWIN & COMPANY,DXAJUSRS OfASSORTED CASE 50. 1 COSTAI5ISG General Commission AgentsThese are the coffee pots of Cuba,from which come the most delicious BANKERS.36 Colored Ecman Candles 1 Star (Limited.;" "qo .rir.norht of that much-prize- d and

Oor. Fort k. Queen 8ts., Honolnln. SMITrnrhHisnarHired beveratre. Half-- Wm. G. Iawur, - Prunl-len- t and ManagerClac brazes x, - - Vk-l'reail-



WiTTti M (iifritu. ....filled with finely pulverized coffeearH ansnended from a hook on the oa etw Rorfeeta..:. 1 oz W. E. R0WELL, - btjcretarr and Treata rer-- : -- - o....... kBlO. v. rOBTta, AUtuwr

verld." "12" " 412 -

12 Whistle Bombs.12 Magne-iu- m Illuminations.

wall, cold water is gently pouredon from time till the whole mass issaturated. The first drops whichfil into the receiver placed beneath

Carpenters' ELackBmiths Machinista' and Plumbera' Toola, Sugar Ficton tai Ccmiaissioa Agents.

UcdMBa aad ettmAmtt a ! tatt m4.VI r lower row. AEBTa OF TBS72 Klae Lights.the bag are thick and black. One icha4a tutfiaaa.OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO

2 Colored Bengal Lignts.

Engineer and SurveyorBoom 5, Bpreckels' Block.

82-- y


rrStrt, OppatlM Wilder Co.' a,


rat-elaa-a Lancnaa Serred wlta Taa, Coffee,

Of Ban Francisco, CaL12 rttick Punk.spoonful in a cupful of boiling milkvinlda a draught of coffee that is n. nwT n.fir hrt n ir? refHOUSE FURNISHING GOODS

Kitchen Utensila, Painte, Oilfi, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, andv6 Pieces for $ao.flolinioasness itself, such as is not Wm. O. Irwin & Co., (Limited) baa.?amrd the asset and liabiiiu of V--

late firm of Wm. i. Irwin 4 Co., asi viii'JOT Extra Colored Koman vanaies,to be found in any other land. Therrl haw hansrs dav and night, and (t ... ! otor

contmae tLe renerai tnuaaen torcsnjExtra Colored Sky itocteiB, FDBNISHED BOOMS--earned on by t&at noot. i.v?the process of dripping coffee is General Merchandise.llo. to 4 lb.ceaseless. All classes and agesnffUr and drink it as freely as we EAGLE HOUSETalanil nrdprs DromDtlv attended

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal.to. f tiese Goods are ot tne csi quautjdo water. The wealthiest banker

8oda Water, uiager ai or mi.Opea Frttm S ts. na. till 10 p. m.argmokara' Beqalaltaa a Specialty. KS1


Ctr. iiuaa Merchant StretaUnder tta Xaaagaaieat of

NUTJAN'C AVE20TE.and were personally selected Dyand the poorest peasantuse the same red flannel bag Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane Sons Familj Medicines.S. W. LEDERER, THIS F1EST-CLA.S- 5 TAXSLiinH rlrink the same coffee.'And now another lady, Mrs n2651 1356--qProprietor of the I X L Auction and

Commission House, corner Nnuanu art 1 ci iis 'Ci'j i?czz-ii- J

cCt-- iZ. cciJ5t c a Sjmzi Sir jLouise Yescelius Sheldon, authorcf 4 Yankee Girls in Zuiuland,' 3 "

ii rtrtrtrri'- -i imif ifWatli MiJws. HirU mil: Pnlh Wftirr

Sunn $x Irwwnutw- - w. tJ:and Kingetreeta. yw t.


E. EL F. Wolter,Cp alwaya la atock a rarletyof thateat "Wine.Uqaora. Beers, and tea old beera oa drau!t at

cent per glaaa.XSTall and f ffctl Sl

.rirpa n entirelv different method fc Bro.H. E. Mclntv refa3T tt. Tab)-She says that in Zuiuland the peo-

ple drink coffee "at every meal andnr time throuirh the day as they

THE ARLINGTON HOTEL PA1XTER!in Rrwer'8 hotel-s- t.want it. The Dutch not only haveit morning, noon and night fort Kpmspirps. but it is always on the

G-roceri- es, Provisions and FeedtjAPEK haNGLNU!Rwt Rprpnrlv renoTated andIinins room.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


VStrlisn anri stirp TfyftmS On eTOUUd BOOr.fire, ready ' for any of their Dutchfriend who nass near them.' They Parlors, Bleeping aparrmervs ana uu jr, US.X5JX'5--'5,l- i wrini otf .'iftrtAi-.awA,- ,


2tew uoU TithiSr ta, aS UXrw. W tnp-stair- s. Possession given J uiy lsu

use two kettles, boil the water inAnp. an d then Dour it on the coffee. --Kor further particulars and terms

S'VtfSaWTlSa-- i TVrV-Tu-- a, ,nvV4

Talapaoaa So..i.M 140. O. Boa 91wl.irh ia readv in the other, soMil

2794-2-w Queen btreet.back and forth several times, then

Page 2: T' Jt Ciil'lllll...Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR., Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat--v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. tnn.Riiilev.


3$ fttttljoritp. from Switzerland through the collapse of PERSONAL,. Auction Saks.


JAPANESEOrange Trees & Hants

A.Positive Preventative



G&'Fov Sale by '


113 and 115 Fort Street.

Honolulu Tax Assessor's Office.Fom and after July 1, 1891, the under-

signed, Deputy Assessor and Collector ofOahu, will be in his office in the KapuaiwaBuilding on each day ot the week (Sundaysexcepted), from 9 o'clock until 4 o'clock(excepting Saturdays, when the office willbe closed at 12 o'clock noon) for the pur-pose of receiving the returns of all personsliable to taxation in this district.

All returns must be made to the under-signed not later than July 31, 1891, or noappeals can by law be granted.

Special attention is herewith drawn bythe undersigned to the fact that no returnin valid in law unless sworn to before theXssessor, Deputy Assessor, Notary Public,'r some other person authorized to ad-.- ..

.inister oaths.:Mank forms on which to make returns

can be had daily during the months ofJune and July on application at the officeof the undersigned.

T. A. LLOYD.Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes

for District of Kona, Xslaud of Oahu.Approved :


Minister of Finance. 279l-2- w

Department or Fisancb. )

Honolulu, U 1., J une 4, 191.)Noticse is hereby given to Depositors in

the Postal Savings Bank that on and afterJuly 1, 1891, the following rates of interestwill be estab ished :

Per cent.On Deposits not exceeding $500. : 4)On Deposits above $500 to $2000. 4On Deposits exceeding 000 Zi

Under the Act approved August 6, 1890.Depositors ean transfer their deposits notexceeding $2500 to the Treasury, receivingin place of Postal 8avinirs PassGovernment Bonds, bearing interest at,Five per cent., payable in not less thanFive or mote than ten years from date olissue. The Bond are free from all Gov-ernment Taxes, and the interest payablesemi annually.

H. A. WIDEMANN,2782-2-2t . Minister of Finance.


June, 1891.


-- -


Chests and Refrigerators,favorite paterna ; a large assortment.

Rooms -- Mclnerny Hall

hovt fetreot, -

W IceThe







For Sale at Auction

I have received instructions to sell at Pub-lic Auction, at niy Salesroom on

Queen Street,


36Unrivaled Residence Lots

AT KALIHI,About a quarter of a mile beyond the Ka-ra ehameha School. The lots are allstaked out as per the following diagram:


17 IS 19

15 30

14 21








s 29








The lots have been laid out and dividedIn such a manner and size as t bring themwithin the reach of nilof their own within convenient distancefrom the business centre of the city.it......

TheI.llocation. and general advantages ofwiese jots are unequaiea Dy any property' wuu uuereu m mis ciiy ior years.Situated at the mouth ot Kal'hi Valley

at a good elevation, pure air and healthf uconditions are Rssnrpil

All these lots front on Kaili Avenue 55ieet wiae, running through the plate ron-nectin- er

Kin? and Rprklov streets amibeing the widest street in the suburbs ofUUUUIU1U.

The lots are sitiiAtpri at i than 3 ninutes' walk from the terminus of the Kingoirrei i ram Vars,

WATER The nlonn nr ncrfwto .n1it is now the intention of the Governmentto lay an 8 inch WBter main along the line

."6 once 11UU1 LUC lOUIl Ul .LaiiinaStreet to the rnarl rflinr tha L'i; l.ichurches, from which extension water iaexpeciea 10 De available within 8 monthsFor the nresent. water far rfnmmHi nnposes can be obtained from KamehaniehaSchool premises.

TERMS ONE HALF 0SH rc1anoin one year at 9 per cent, secured by mort- -

C A lare mnn nf the rtrrhi-vAt- anbe Been at my Salesroom, Qu-e- street,nuere nil uesireu lniormation can be given

Jas. F. Morgan,2786-t- f AUCTIONEER.

Desirab e Residences !

For Sale at Auction


At my Salesroom, Queen Street, I will sellat Auction,

20Valuable Residence LotsBeing a division of the property formerlv

"mvaic xxumcaieaa.



feet New Picture Mouldings, latest styles.A Jew Invoice of


& Newton Colors, Brushes, & Artist' Viteriil

nb rica ting Oils,VACUUM OILS A 8 PEC I ALT Y

Wire of Superior Quality ; Galvanizedand Plain Fence Staples.

8n. Mo. I'm. W. Tn. Fr. 8. r Jure 6.New Moon.

1 a S 4 6 6--jk June 14.

7 8 10 il IS 1) lai gu'ri'r.

14 16 18 17 18 19 20 C Jun 21,VSFul Moon.

21 33 23 24 3B 38 27,ff June 28,

28 29 30 LtstQa'rt'r. PLOWS, HARROWS, SSSvfflS55,g5A new invoice of Planet, Jr. Cultivators, and Horse Hoes.



Lawn Mowers, Stoves, Tin Ware. Agents for the Best Brands of RUBBER79-- q HOSE.

a bridge beneath a heavily-loade- d excur-sion train. The train was crowded withpeople on the way to attend a musicalfete. Sixty persons were killed outright,while hundreds were injured. Two en-

gines and the first car plunged into theriver; all the passengers in the car weredrowned. Two cars remained suspendedfrom the bridge. All the trainmen werekilled. Thirteen cars were saved. Theonly apparent reason for the collapse ofthe bridge is that the train left the railsand threw its entire weight on one sideof the bridge. . J

The total number of people who losttheir lives is now placed at eighty, withhundreds more or less injured. Fifty-seve- n

bodies have been recovered. Theywere mostly leading citizens of Basle andits neighborhood .

The steamship Servia, which left NewYork on the 6th inst., arrived at Queens-tow- n

on the 14th, reported the Inmansteamer City of Richmond on fire andflying signals of distress. The vesselcarried 2,000 bales of cotton which werediscovered to be be on fire. The shipwas on fire from Tuesday at midnight,through Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-

day; on Saturday it was supposed thefire was out. The crew and passengersbehaved exceedingly well, and duringpart of the time there was such a sea on,that the boats could scarcely hava livedhad it been necessary to aoanaon the A

si dp. ,The Servia (Cunarder) stayed by the

Richmond and saw her into Queenstownwhence she went on to Liverpool. TheS. S. Counsellor remained by the Rich-

mond for three days. The captain of theCounsellor dropped dead on his deck ashe came alongside the Richmond.

Senator Abbott, named as the newPremier of Canada, is engaged in form-

ing a Cabinet. The Government will becarried on in the old lines till after thesession, when reconstruction will takeplace. All the recent colleagues of SirJohn MacDonald have been invited tojoin-Abbott- 's new Ministry.


We do not bold ourselves responsible for tbtfttements made, or opinions expressed by our


Bounties and Beet Sugar.Mb. Editor: The article in today's

P. C. Advertiser on the effect, orprobable effect, of the new bounty sys-

tem in the United States is misleadingand seems to have been written under awidely-prevailin- g misapprehension offacts.

The proposed bounty of 2 c. per poundto be paid to the producers of sugar inthe United States is not a new and un-natural stimulus designed to " causethe expansion of sugar manufacturethousands of acres" in the UnitedStates. The bounty does not offer tothe present producer a cent, nor thefraction of a cent, in the way of " stimu-lus " to increased production, nor does itcontemplate the " unnatural creation ofnew producers."

The sugar industry in the UnitedStates has been developed or kept aliveby a system of protection that has beencontinuous for a generation, and whichthe sugar producers had a right to as-sume was to continue to be the settledpolicy of the country.

The unpremeditated change of thatpolicy, as applied to an important indus-try, would have been equivalent to theentire confiscation or absolute destruc-tion of millions of dollars of productivewealth, and would have reduced thous-ands of people from affluence to want.

It is a simple act of justice that con-tinues to the producer the same-condition- s

that have heretofore obtained, bythe payment of a bounty that is simplyintended to make good the loss thatwould ensue upon the withdrawal of theprotection of the tariff.

The beet sugar industry in the Statesis not a new thing. It has been tried foryears, and aside from the knowledgegained from some pretty costly experi-ence, it belongs ai much to the prospec-tive enterprises as it did a decade ago.Unless the bounty is increased so as toleave a margin of at least one half centper pound above the decline incident tothe present tariff, I think there will belittle to hope or fear from the much-talke- d

about beet8Uiiar. Bkte Noire.Honolulu, June 23, 1891.

Chinese Outrages.Shanghai, June 8 The French and

American .Ministers have called uponthe Imperial Cabinet asking them togive efficient protection to European andAmerican residents, hinting that a failureto comply with the request will involvehostile actions on the part of their re-spective governments.

The French hduadron threatened tnbombard Nankin unless the sufferers bythe recent riots are promptly indemn-ified.

Horrible details are given of attacksat Vu8utch on the French missions.Women and children escaped murderonly by dying in a naked condition fromth'ir abodes.

Instead of expressing regret, the pro-vincial mandarins appear rather to en-courage the ami foreign feeling.

The epidemic of outrages continues tospread. The dispatch of gunboats bythe Chinese Government, even suppos-ing it were done in good faith, would fadto anvst the movement.




1377 2776--q

Daily Advertiser 50c. per month.

Mr. H. F. Glade, senior partner of thehouse of Hackfeld & Co.,

returned from Germany, with his family,after an absence of twb years, all in ex-

cellent health. They are stopping at the" Snow Cottage " for the present.

General S. C. Armstrong, Principal ofthe Hampton Institute in Virginia,who has been expected to take part inthe Punahou Jubilee, is accompaniedwitu his two daughters, Misses Lditnana Louise Armstrong.

Rev. ard Mrs. Wm. H. Gulick, wholave been living at Sebastion, Spain, for

the past thirty years or more, came bythe Australia to visit the Islands againand to attend the semi-centenni- al ofOahu College.

Dr. C. B. Wood, having returned froma short visit to the States, can be foundat his office opposite the HawaiianHotel.

Hon. O. J. Hodge and wife are touristsfrom Cleveland, Ohio, who intend tovisit the Volcano. Mr. Hodge is aneditor of many years' experience, andprobably will take notes by the way.

Hermann Brandt, the noted violinist,was among the large number of passen-gers by the Australia. His fame as aviolinist is known all over the world.He was for some time concert master atThomas Theatre, New York. He isaccompanied by bis son HermannBrandt, Jr.

Miss May Dillingham and Mr. W. F.Dillingham, daughter and son of Mr.and Mrs. B. F. Dillingham, have re- -

Murued home.Lalc, Arthur M. Brown, brother of Mr.

. .T X T I l i. i. Drown, who nus oeen attendingthe Uoeten Law School, is here on avisit.

Mr. H. Morrison, f.r many earsmanager of the Spreckelsville Plant ation, and lately appointed manager f

Makaweli Plantation, Kauai, is aain intown, after a short trip to the Coast.

Mr. F. L. Winter, of the Pacific Hard-ware Company, arrived Lome TuesdayHe was several weeks on the Coast.

Mrs.C. Nicolls, daughter of Mrs. Lack,came by the steam r on Tuesday.

i(N. Y. Sun, June 10.)


Great Increase in the Consump-tion of Sweets-T- he "Trust"and Its ProSts.

The declaration of the dividends bvthe directors of the American Suar Re-finery Co. yesterday clear the air ofmany rumors regarding that stock andthe property it represents.

The directors authorized a half yearlydividend of 3 1-- 2 per cent on the 7 percant preferred stock, of which there are$25,000,000, and 4 per cent on the com-mon stock, of which there is the sameamount.

Under the Jt-rse- y law thU proceduremeans that the directors have laid awaythe remaining 3 1-- 2 per cent, it beingnecessary to have the whole 7 per centon the preferred earned before a cent canbe paid on the common. This means,therefore, that the profits for the haifyear have been, at least, $2,750,000.No doubt the profits were much higher,and that there is a handsome reserve.

Last year the refineries of the concernturned out 800,000 tons of refined sugar,and paid out $5,000,000 in dividends, or10 per cent on the old stock. This yearthe consumption of sugar has been muchgreater, the refineries of the entireUnited States having melted 600,000tons during the five months to the endof May. Of these the "Trust" refineriesmelted over 400,000 tons, at an averageprofit of $11 a ton, or nearly one-ha- lf centper pound. This increase of twenty percent in the consumption may not bemaintained, but the fall of two cents apound in price has spurred on the use ofsugar in so marked a degree that theincreased consumption will not be lensthan fourteen per cunt for the wholeyear.

It looks, therefore, allowing for ashrinkage in the rate of profit owing tothe wholesome competition of tne stal-wart refineries outride of the " I rust,"that the American Sugar Re nerie Co.will melt between June 1 and December31 not less than 525,000 tojis of suar,and gather into its spacious maw a profitthereon of probably $3,750,000. This isthe big cake which the holders of thecommon stock look forward to dividingamong themselves i. e., about fiiteenper cent.

Supreme Court At Chambers.Monday, June 22.

BEFORE JCDD, C. J.Ruphina B. Baker vs. Mary Buckle

and Jane Clark. Order confirming sale.The Court orders the sale confirmed andCommissioner do execute deeds to thepurchasers named in his report. A Rsafor defendant ; W.O Smith lor plaintiffs.

Tcesdat, June 23.BEFORE DOLE, J.

In re estate of C. N. Arnold Petitionof accounts and discharge. Furtherheard and decision reserved.

Brain workers, and all who have tostand the severe mental strain conse-quent on intellectual employment, findClements' Tonic invaluable. H cl-uster & Co. are the Agents for theislands.

i"eu) SUiDcrttscmcnts.

Dividend Notice.

QUARTERLY DIVIDEND IS DUEand payablt to the stockholder of theInter Island Me in Navjgntion Co.. at'heir office on Weiine?la' , june24. I 91.

J AS L. McLEAN. S.c'v.Honolulu, June 23. 181. 279S 3t

ALL FORMER PI PILS OF OAHUwho ping are ear.iesiiy re-

quested to meet at the Kawiahi ChurchWednesday afternoon at 3:3u o'clock foran important rehearsal ot niuic to be sungat the Jubilee exercises Thursday evm-in- g.

Pr. f. Brrger will b preseni with hebtring Orchestra. Come one, come all!Per order of the Music Committee.

A. D bltSKLL.2797-- 2t Chairman.

JSTOTICK.A MEETING OF-- THE BOARD OFDirectors of the Hawaiian K fle Asso-ciation will be held at the Hawaiian Hotlm WEDN tSDAY, June 2lth, at 7:30 p mfor the purpose of arranging a program efor the Semi-annu- Competition to takplace on July 4th next. Every member ofthe Hoard is expec ed to be present

By order. J. u. to PER,J. Rothwell. Pien Jent.Secretary pro tem. 2797-2- t

.it i h nKS J --X- 1


OiTWed ies 'ay, In: e 24ilil .At 13 o'clock Noon,I will sell at Public Auction, at my Sales-- 1

rooms, a number of Japar.e.--e

Dwarf and Orange TreesSweet Mandarin Oranges,

FERN HOLDERSIn fantastic shapes, snrh as Ships, Houses,

Ducks, etc., with Ferns growing onthem. Also a few

Ferns, Bergenias, PaIdis and Anthuriums.

Lewis J. Levey.2706-3-t AUCTIONEER.

Do 1 ou Want Water

Nearly six months since rain hasfallen in sufficient quantity to be of anybenefit to the crops, or to even supplythe citizens with enough water for dayuses. Cattle men are complaining, andranchmen have almost given up indespair.

The situation is serious, and beforeyour cattle die through want of water,and your vegetables and grass areburned up by the rays of the sun, dosomething to prevent it. Save yourmoney,' your. cattle, and your crops bybuying an r With it, and asuctioa force pump, the water will betaken anywhere.

Dr. Trousseau placed one on hisostrich farm, and it forces water six hun-dred feet, and raises it sixty-seve- n.

With it the different paddocks are irri-gated, the grass has grown the color ofthe emerald and the young ostriches aregetting fat in consequence.

Another gentleman who has beenwaiting for the rain to come along andhelp him out of his difficulty gave it upthe other day and bought an Aermotor.lie don't care now, so far as lie is per-sonally concerned, whether it rains ornot; me grass on ins lawn is like a velvet caroet. his roses hlnom nrl &vrvthinyr is fresh and hriirht o:iila liiaa o a ijneighbors' are burnt up a. d fading. Youwarn one, dui you can'c make up yourmind to gt it ; let these two instanceshelp you alontr, and once you have theAermotor you will have more comfortand less worry than you experience now.tveau me iouowing:The Hawaiian Hardware Company.


Gentlemen: After several years experience in the erection of differentmake of windmotors and. having justcompieiea tne erection of seven Aermotors in this vicinitv. I Iirvr untation in pronouncing the Steel Aer-motor sold by you to be the best mux Iever saw in any wind. In strong-wind- s

it runs smootniy and is perfect in its selfreuulatini; nualitie: in vrihlf w? maso common here, the manner in whichuiey iace up to trie wind, no matter fromwhich direction it. mnv nnmn ia tumirt.able and wuperior to any mill I haveever seen.

In its working there is absolutely nojir 10 me pump no matter wnat the velociu of the wind maybe. The wheeis absolutely noiseless in its acion am:may b used in close oroxiinitv tn Hwollns without disturbing the peace and

q net 01 tne occupants.The fact of the wheel making three

revolutions to one Rhake nf thv uw fUlMfone of the many advantages it has overumer rams ior ine reason that the pumpnas less worK to perform and will lastlonger. v ery truly yours.

Peter McDonald.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Sole Agents, Port Street, opposite spreckels' Block.


To be sold by private contract, c

Well-Furnish- ed and Fully Equipped

LODGING HOUSE!L& The house is in perfect ordercenu a. ly located.


X For particulars, apply to

S. E. PIERCE,Corner Fort and Merchant sts.

2797--1 w

Special Meeting.

PHE STOCKHOLDERS OFC.BREWER,L & Y w,J1 Pleae noticea peclal Meeting tor the election ofomcets will be heM t thoCompany, on Queen Street, on Tuesdaythe 30th instant, at 10 o'clock a. m. A full'attendance is requested.

Per order,J. O. CARTER,

Sect'y O. Rr-w- er & Company.Honolulu. June loth, 1S91. 2791 2--w

I Hh ADVERTISER 18 THEleadir.edaDy paper of the Kingdom


S 1

vfiq. Qi u r'

Steel and Iron Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures,HOUSEKEEPING GOODS

AflA Wt? TIT A r T7 TXT

White, Gray



B just and fear not;It all the ends thou alm'at at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth'.


An article copied from a New Yorkpaper, in another column, estimates theconsumption of sugar in the UnitedStates to have increased fully twenty percent since the tariff on raw sugars wasabolished. This result was anticipatedby many, and if it continues through theyear will show a consumption of 1,800,000 tons, against 1,500,000 tons for 1890This demand must tend to keep theprice of raw sugars somewhat higherthan they are now in New Yoik, whitmarket is the basis of the price paid foruwaiian. If the profits of the r finers

are as great as stated in the article referred to why will it not bn safe for Hawaiian planters assisted with Americancapital to erect and control a refinery inSan Francisco, to refine Island sugarson their own account? To erect and runa refineiy here in Honolulu is impracticable under the present conditions.


v Watdiiniston, June loth, the Presidentt -- day issued a proclamation statingiMai the agreement for the " modusviv.'11-l- i " between the Government ofMm United StateHand the Governmentof Her Bntanuic Maj-et-y, in relation tothe fur eal fisher es in Behring Sea, wascom-lnde- d on the 15t!i June.

Art. 1. Her MajVty's Governmentwill prohibit until May next seal killingin that part of Behring Sea eastward ofline of demarkation in Treaty of 1867,etc.

Art. 2. Tne U. S Government willprohibit in excess of 7,500 to betaken on the islands f.r the subsistenceand care of the natives, etc.

Art. 3. Every vei-se- l offending out-side ordinary territorial limits may besis d by duly commissioned officers ofeither contracting party, and handedover to the authorises the nation towhich they shall belong, who al lie shallhave jurisdiction, etc.

Art. 4. In order to facilitate properi quiries which H M. Government maydesire to make with a view to the pres-entation of the case for arbitration, it itagreed that suitable persons named byGreat Britain will be permitted at anytime on application, to visit or remainupon the seal islands duriug the presentseason for that purpose.

To the condition allowing the captureof 7,500 seals Lord Salisbury wished toadd, ' To be taken on the shores andislands as food ekins and not for tax orshipment." To this Mr. Blaine demurs,as "entirely inadmissible," and Lordg.i;.u.. - auawovuijr vuuwjiiui io accept me objec-tion. The phrase therefore does notStand.

A terrible railway accident is reported

t ) ' r ' r1 Vr --JU --J- 9


TTX i rri rr r. ..

and Silver-plate- d.


and Sheet Iron Work,

and 97 KINQ STEEET.2651 -q

Assiirnee's Noticeeditors of Wong Chin Gim and Leong

Sea, doing business as Fong ChongKee, of Lihne, Kauai,


T1HE UNDERSIGNED HEREBYvicunurs who naveiroved their claims,

nal dividend k. .km :?erralory to anis accountpoin! vt,ce of the Supreme Court, on

fin .2 clock a M , at Chambers in theRoom of ii u ,, .

fhf SlLKfPP'y f?r?nmr,


of" a,JU Ior acnaree from allliability as assiirneft of iKestate.' morris MvKrBP

Assigrnee ,.f the bankrupt esUteof Won Chin Gim andUngBea- -Dated. Honolulu,)June 19, 1891. f 2795--1 1

FOUNT).L A??K!?49?MT.. THE

Advert ser nffin ' "J"?K at ?'


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

181 11



238 "15

211 -






102--,8 IPS-


- 6121

f 6129

--i 1137



" 166



The nronerlv has hn--w..tulCu nc-iueu- ce ixjis.witn an avenueii iue icaaing irom uiiba street andiuuiiiiiK lurougn me place.

An examination nf thti mConvince intending nnrptiaoan j .sirableness of these lota. A map of the

iL Lr. cc,i my salesroom.M.XM P or further nanlni.l... i .- - - i'yiy ro a,J . Cartwnght, or to

Jas. F. Morgan,27g6tf AUCTIONEER.


rpIHE SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUBRooms on Merchant ctroA o-- n

from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. for members onlv.A ls t of members will shortly be pub- -

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

DIMOND BLOCK, 951356 -

Stoocklllders Meeting

Oak Railway 6 Land Co.


nanv will Yux rxA fniu iicm iuriroffice inw Honnlnln nn wpnvwniv ,-- - f wM ! uuutiia iJune 24th 1891, at 3 o'clock p.m., forthe purpose of amending the By-la-

and other important business.

W. G. ASHLEY,2795-t- f Secretary O. R. & l. Co.


Counsellor - at - Law0rnCIo.,CnmWht Bonding, opposite

Honolulu, H. I.2783-t- f Recorder H. S. T. C.paying for twJSSt&r'1"" nllXr


Page 3: T' Jt Ciil'lllll...Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR., Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat--v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. tnn.Riiilev.

5 Daily Pacific commercial advertiser, JUNE 24. 1891.t6Ua&


tGT No St-a- ml No Fire! No Boiler! No Danger!"AugustFlower" REGAN YAPOR ENGINE!



A.M. k:a. p.m. f.mLeare Honolulu. ..6:15 8:45 1:45 4:30tArrive Ileooallall.7:20 9:49 2:49 5:35tLeave Honouliall.730: 10:51 3:51 5:451

Arrive Hunolalo..8:35 11:55 4:55 6:50tPEARL CITT LOCAL.

Leave Honolulu 5:30Arrive Tcarl City 6:07Leave I'earl City. .6:03 .

Arrive Honolalu.. .6:40 .

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted. 2708--q

Tides, San and Moon.BT O. j. LYONS.

j s Ei r r ?P . "D a f. s l ?S b r S aa 5 5- - E.S-- S J J

Ip.m. .m. a m. a.m.Mon.... 22! 8.10 .ln .45 B.44rue... 81! 6.40 3.5-- 9.M) 0.10 5 19 6 45 7.43Wl.... 24 6.4 4 6H0 3II 1.0 5.19 6.45 8.43ttmr... 2a 7.40 C O 11.30 2.0 6.20 9.a9

P.m. .45fr! 2fi 8 30 6.60 0.40 2.40 6 30 6.46 10.233at 27 9.0 8.0 1.20 H.O 5 SO 6.46 ll.ltran... 28 9.6a 9.0 3.0 3.30 6 20 jll.47

The above cut is an excellent illustration of our Horizontal Engines which we manufacture in sires frm to 20Horse Power, and are adapted for Pumping, Electric Lighting, Kuuning Elevators, Harvesting and Thrashing Macuinea,Printing Presses, Boot and Shoe Machinery, Circular, Band and Jig Saw, Hoisting, Mill and Mining Machinery, CoffeeMills and Roasters, Polishing and Fanning Machines, Ventilating Apparatus', Emery Wheels, etc. ; in fact everywhere poweris needed.

The Regan Vapor Engines havinsr more than realized the anticipations of purchasers, we have now theo -

Honolulu, June 1. 181.of your 2 Horse-Pow- er Horizontal Regin Vapor Engines, aui after four months

9at'sfactorily. The Engine making 230 Revolutions and ru ning a Rotary Pump with a beltIt isdeliveiing the wa er with great forca 45 feet above, at the rate of St) gallons tr

by the yard man, and he fii;ds no trout le whatever in running it. It is doing every-thing consider it a very Handy, 8afe and SiiujJe Engine for anyone to run who is not an

engines to anyone." - I remain, yours respectfully.MARK.. P. KOBIKSuN.

be had and the Enirine can be seen runnintr in full operation at the ClTT Meat



READINGmay be made very uninterestingby the use of poorly conetruot-e- d

lamps. "The eyes will growdim. and the words on the pagerun together. To prevent suchbad results buy new lamps.

We have lately received someelegant specimens in Piano,Banquet, Boudoir, Hanging andStand Lamps, something a littlebetter than we have ever shownbefore. The prices will aston-ish you because theyvare so ,


Closing Exercises Rare Collections in the Bishop Museum.The fourth annual public examinations

Sf f the Kamehameba School were held atthe Gymnasium Tuesday morning from

li till 12 o'clock. Many of the parents ofthe pupils and friends of the institutionwere present and listened to the exercisea with great interest. General S. C.Armstrong was among the audience, andappeared to be deeply impreesed withwhat he saw. The similarity of the aimof his school, Hampton Institute, to theKamehameba School greatly increasedbis interest in the work of the boys

The higher grades, embracing thethird, second and first divisions, wereexamined by their respective teachersMessrs. U. Thompson, K. rJ. Andersonand Theo. Richards. Mr. Thompsonexamined his class in arithmetic andlanguage lessons, the examples in ea--

study being entirely new to the scholars,the answers in most cases being givenpromptly and correctly. The languagelessons were highly interesting. MrThompson brought in a miniature" mountain " prepared from mud. Hepoured water at the top to represent rain,and required his pupils to tell its actions;also how valleys were made, and howalluvial plains were formed, and whatbecame of the water that sank into thelower strata.

Mr. Anderson next examined his boysin Algebra, the principles of bookkeep-ing and language. It was gratifying towitness the boys work problems in al-

gebra without using pencils or pens.The language lesson in this class was ofan amusing character.

Mr. Richards, Vice-Preside- nt, thenexamined the senior class in the Ha--

aiian Constitution, and elementary9 hysiology and geometry. The mem- -

Ides of the Constitution to the eatisfac- -ftion of the spectators. Some of the boysgive fair promise of becoming some daygreat "constitutional makers." Therecitations in physiology and geometrywere interesting, the boj s showing a fairknowledge in these branches.

At the close, Principal W. B. Oleson,after thanking the audience for theirkind attendance, extended an invitationto all to visit one of the class rooms(where the handicraft of the boj'a wereexhibited) and the Bishop Museum. Atthe latter place, Prof. W. T. BrighamLcurator, received the visitors and showethem around the halls in the lower atorfwhere relics of Hawaiian antiquiiiwBwere kept in large show cases. Marryaged Hawaiians recognized among thelargs collection idols which their ancestors reverenced with fear and awe.The god of Kamehameha I. and a godof rain attracted a large share of theirattention.

In the makai hall is kept native ma?iand tapas, kahilis, the late Queen Km-- Jr- - .. fAntU.m 1 U. " 1 I l- - 1" noiuct ciuit&, varriHu uy v aiicouverto Jtngland, and returned by the BritishMuseum recently. This cloak is overone hundred years old, yet looks quiisfnew. The workmanshio is exceedinglyfine. It requires perhaps several davnto thoroughly inspect these rare remainsot barbaric ages, and transient visitor?can but form little impresbion of theirgreat value.

Ladies' Classes.The introductory meeting for the form

ation of a class for ladies was fairly wellattended at the Y. M. C. A. hall Tues-day evening. This class will meet Tues-day evenings at 7 :30 o'clock hereafter.

.The place of meeting is not determinedyet. ine branches taught will be liter-ature, sciences and book-keepin- g.


CAMARINO'S REFRIGER-ATOR will arrive, contain-ing Apricots, Peaches, Plums

Greengages in fact, all new fruits of the(Season. Cauliflowers, Celery, Asharagus,Frozen Oysters shell and tins etc.

Poultry, alive and dressed. Also, NewPotatoes and Onions, Prices most reason-able.

CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET.Mutual Telephone 173 2797-3- t


Fob Johk Lyctjbgcs, 8. F. Depot, 87 KinoStreet.

FULL LINES OF THE NEWSeason's California Fruits, onice. Oysters, Vegetables, etc.

A new and capacious Refrigerator hasjust been added to the S. F. Depot. Priceslow. 2387-3- t


riety and of Excellent Qualityyou can always get at The Elite IceCream Parlors. 2785--2 w

DSm 5Ujnrttsniunt&


d2K of the British Barque "Cal-lao," will not be rrsponsiblef r any debts contracted byhis crew without his written

order. 2798-- 3t


his practice at his residenceon Beretania street, opp. Hawaiian Hotel.

gXfQmc Hours 8 to 10 a.m.: lto3T. M., and 7 to 8 P. M. 2T93-- 2

Japanese Curios!

THE UNDERSIGNED HAVEreceived per Stmr. YamasdiiroMaru, a further large sample or.

of Japanese Faucy Ware,including nne let bets. Vas-.- o,

Tea Pots, Flower Pots.ai.d manynovelties. Also, Piece Go d-- .

(cotton and ilk).etc ,Hc ,hichnr now on view at their Store, Queen St,and will be so d during the present wee- k-having served their purpose s smples.

279S--3t GONSALVES & CO.


.RAFT NO 1044. DRAWN BY M. W.McChesnev & Sons on Bi-hc- p & 'o

datei December 2, 1890. in favor ot TomYow. for $t5.75, has been lost. All per-sons are cautioned against negotiating forsame, as payment has been stopped.

M. W McCHLSNEY & SONS.June 22, 1891. 2797 V

rj-H-E ADVERTISER Is the Paper for

X mil classes; 60c. tr month.

A quarterly dividend of the I. L3. N. Uo. is due, and payable at theiromce.

. -- . . . VJUigs for the lolautbe players

were received yesterday by theAustralia.

em a

iramcars for to-morr- will runevery half hour for the Oahu Collegeexercises.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co. furrush new testimonials to day on behalf of the Aermotor. .

Kerosene oil is reported to bedown to the old prices. The Australia brought 3,910 cases.

The Directors of the HawaiianRifle Association meets at the Hawaiian Hotel this evening.

The box office for Iolanthe will beopen daily from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. atHilhamh' photograph gallery.

Capt. Geo. James, of the Britishbark Callao will not be responsibleior debts contracted by his crew.

A silk bag was found yesterday.on the ralama road, which theowner can have by calling at thisomce.

The Honolulu Athletic Associationwill give another exhibition in thenear future. We predict a largerhouse for them than last Saturday.

Ju'rT A.sAbr. Fernandez gave a luau'fit his home at Kalihi on Mondavs - mmntumnn I

tion of his thirty-fourt- h birthday.Her Majesty the Qaeen. attended bvHis Excellency Samuel Parker, waspresent. ' S

Court Diary Wednesday. June24. Be estate Lvdia Aholo: in reettate of Elizabeth Humphreys, finalaccounts; the Uneen vs. Ah Moon etal.; the Queen vs. Ab Kuai; D. L.Huntsmau vs. Kalama Papua: SinQuon vs. Kaluawaa et al.

The Kawaiahao church was liter-ally packed last evening with aihrung of people to witness the grad-uating exercises of the class of '91.of Kamehameha schools. Want ofHpace forbids in this issue to makefull mention of the exercises.

A reader suggested yesterday thatan attendant should be 'present allday at the box plan for the sale oflolautbe tickets, as many are unableto get there during the hours mentioned. The seats are sellintr Quiterapidly, indicating a crowded house.

The Philadelphia Record has anillustrated article showing the timerequired for making a printed edition from the time of cutting thetrees from which the paper is madeto the time the paper is off thepress. The time is just twenty-tw- o


The Woman's Board of Missions'will hold a special service this even-ing at 7 o'clock at the Central UnionOuurch. Mrs.Wm. Galick of Soain.aud the ladies recently returnedfrom Micronesia, with perhapsothers from abroad, will address themeeting- -

The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet at 7:30 p. m. nextSaturday at the residence of Mr. S.is. Castle. Business of importance 1

will be taken up. Dr. G. P. Andrewswill make his retiring address asPresident. General Armstrong isexpected to be present.

The imports of bananas into theUnited States from all countries forbe three months ending March 31,

1891, show a large increase, and arevalued at $3,824,008, against 32,488,- -511 for the same period of 1890.This clearly indicates that the popu- -

ar taste calls for more bananas.

At Mr. Levey's auction rooms today there will be offered for salesome of the choicest Japanese plantsand dwarfed orange trees evershipped here. Besides these thereare fern : roots woven or bound intovarious designs. From these rootsare growing some very fine ferns.

Punahou Jubilee Exercises To- -

morrow.The cavalry drill, tournament and field

sports by the students of Punahou takeplace at 1 :30 (Thursday; after-noon, and promise to be attractive. TheBand will be in attendance. In theevening, at 8 o'clock, General S. C.Armstrong, LL.D., will deliver an ora-tion at Kawaiahao Church. The Generalarrived, with his two daughters, on theAustralia, yesterday, and was mostwarmly received by his numerousfriends. All friends of the Institutionare cordially invited to the Collegegrounds in the afternoon, and to hearthe address in the evening.

Hawaiian Hotel Guests.The following; named arrivals by the

Australia are registered at the HawaiianHotel : Miss C. C. Jackson, Miss HelenS. Otis, Miss Mary B. West, HermannBrandt, J. B Campbell. San Francisco;H. D. Wishard and wife. Miss Hattie J.Wishard, Indianapolis; Miss Ritta Gar-rison, III.; Col. and Mrs.'O. J. Hodge,Cleveland: O. H. Scott. Jr., W. F. Ses-se- r,

St Joseph ; Herman Brandt, Jr.,Alameda; Mr. Glade and family, Ger-many ; Dr. C. B. Wood.

A New History.Professor Alexander has received a

notice from his publishers, the AmericanBook Company, of New York, that hisnew work entitled " A Short History ofthe Hawaiian People," will be probablyready for issue in the course of Augustnext. The professor " received by theAustralia proofs for correction, and thework will be completed as Boon as theyare returned.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recommend Clements as the best, r or saleby Hollistkb & Co.

How does ho feel? He feelscranky, and is constantly experimenting--

, dieting Himself, adoptingstranere notions, and changing thecooking, the dishes, the hours, and. .C 1 !manner ui nis eating AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel? He feels attimes a gnawing, voracious, insati-able appetite.wholly unaccountable,unnatural and unhealthy. AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel ? He feels nodesire to go to the table and agrumbling, fault-findin- g, over-nicet- y

about what is set before him whenhe is there August Flower theRemedy.

How does he feel ? He feelsafter a spell of this abnormal appe-tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,and detestation of food; as if amouthful would kill him AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel? He has ir-regular bowels and peculiar stools-Au- gust

Flower the Remedy.

Ktvo SluDcrtiscinnits.


OPERA HOUSEJUNE '27th,. 1891.


The Peer and the Peri,One of Gilbert & Sullivan's Charming

Operas will be prodnced by the

Honolulu Juvenile Opera Company

Ernestine Gray - Lessee & ManagerThos. Gkay -- -- stage ManagerH. btEGEs - - - - . Leader


The Lord Chancellor. ..Mast. Lionel HartEarl of Mount Ararat. Mast. Albert HarrisEarl Toilolifr .... . Mast. George ClarkPrivate Willis (Grenadier Guards)

Mast. Jos. CookPage Mast. Ahc: MayStrephon (an Arcadian Nhepherd)

Miss Jessie NeilQneen of the Fairies....... Miss May WeirIoianthe (a Fairy, Strephon's Mother)

.Miss Adeline BrunsCelia 1 l Mi-- s 'aud StevonsouLei a V Fairies... J Mi-- s Kathleen KingSleta ) ( Miss Bessie ReynoldsPhyllis (an Arcadian Shepherdess and- Ward in Chancery) ..

Miss Gertie WhitneyFairiB Misses -- iles. Bush, Roe 2),

Barnes, Rosewarn, Lemon, Nott,;lark.Arnold (2), Morrison, Love, Logan,Martin.

Peers Misses Walker, Peterson, Wright,Harris, Shepherd. Cook; MastersC ok. Simpson, Peterson, Logan, Lyle,Reynolds, Nott

Leaders of the Ballet Misses HelenSmith, Annie Clark, Hessie Lemon.

Full Orchestral Accompaniment!Gorgeous Costumes!

Grand Fairy Ballet !

Prices as Usual. Curtain at Eight.

Box Plan open at J. J. Williams'Phot Gallery MONDAY and succeedingdays from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 2 96-- 6t

Oceanic otearaiD lohmdyi i t

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The Al steamship

Will leave Honolulu tor the above port on

Tuesday, : Juue 30th--A.t 13 o'clock noon,

9 For Frel ght or Passage apply to

WM. G.IRWIN & CO., Ld.2798 61 AGENTS.

For Yokohama 4 Hongkong

The Al Steamer

Yamashiro Maru,Young, Master,

Will sail for the above Ports on

Wednesday, Juae 21thAt 12 o.clock noon.

E0"For Freight or Passage, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LM.,2797-t- d AGENTS.


THOSE VERY DESIRABLEpremise- - situate on Punchbowl Hill,lust back of residence of J. F. Hack

feld, Esq. The house i just finished, con-tains parlor, dining room, four bed rooms,kit-hen- . Pantry, store roo, bathroomand closets; also, fitted with stationarywashstands. There are also stables andcarriage houe The premises commandsone of tht hnest vews ot the harb r andDiamond Head to be had on the hill.

Apply to J. A. MAGOON,279-t- f Adjoining Post Office.

HIS PAPER IS KEPT UN ULET at E. C. Dare's AdvertisingAgency, t4 & tJ5 Merchant's Exchange,8n Francisco, Cal., where contracts foradvertising can be made for it


1367 265l



-.pleasure to submit Local References.

Mr. Joseph Tinkfr:Dear Sir I purchased from you one

trial it h.is worked m every way motmaking 180 Kevolutions without anv effort.minute, or 1,800 gallons per hour. It is run

thatwa- - claimed frr it. and 1 shouldengineer, aud therefore recommend these

Illustrated Catalogues canMarket, Nuuanu street.

278l-t- f

Royal IlawaiianOpera House

Haprtsos fc Barnitt : ManagersThe Famous Referee. Ma. Jack Barmtt,

Master of Ceremonies.


s One Exhibition Only!


(On arrival of S. S. Mariposa),


John L. SullivanAnd the Celebrated Heavy-weig- ht


BOX SIX ROUNDS!A Scientific Exhibition of the Art of

Sell-defenc- e.

The onlv onnortunitv that will be afforded th residents of Hono uluto witnessthe marvelous ability of the Modern Gladiator and Champion of the World John L.bum van.

Box Plan for reserved seats will beopen at thp office of L. J. Levey, on Mon-day, June 22, at, 9 o'clock a. m. "

PRICES Stage Seats. 110: Parquet, $3; Dress Circle, $3; Front Row Balcony, izw: Admission to other parts oftne House, fl. 2792-t- f

4th of July


Picnic at Pearl Gity and .

v. Regatta on Pearl Harbor.

1. YACHT RACE Second Class.3 tons and under. First prize, f25 ;second prize, $10.

2. CANOti RACE Six (6) Paddles.Prize, $10.

3. SIXOARFD BOATS StationarySeats. First prize, $25; secondprize, $10.

4. WHAIE BOT RACE 5 Oars.First Prize, $25 ; second prize, $10.

In all races where two prizes are given,three boats at least must start. Two ormore boats must, in any case,' start tomake a race.

Yachts and sailing boats will make a fly-ing start. Time allowance, one ndnute toa ton. No restrictions as to quantity ofsaih

CO" List of entries will be open at theoffice of the Surerintendent of the O. R.& L. Co., until 12 o'clock noon on July 2d.

TRAILS will leave Honolulu for PearlHarbor at 7:30, 9, 10, II, XZ,a. m , and 1, a, 3, 4 and 4:30p. m.

Returning Lave Pearl Harbor for Ho-nolulu Every Hour !


50c ROUND TRIP 50c.

For further and full particulars,call on or ring up

W. G. ASHLEY,2797-t- f Supt. O. R & L. Co.

FOR RENT!COMPLETELY FURNISHED PARLOR"; and 2 Bedrooms; stable on premises;suitable for married or single person ; onYung street near Thomas Square. Rent$20 per month. Apply at the AdvertiserOffice, afternoon. 2897-- lt

The Time Signal for the Port Is given atis n. o tn. o b. (mmnigbt) ot Ureenwlcn time, or1 b. 28 m. 34 . r. m. oi Bauolnla Observatory

ume.It 1 Riven by the Steam Whistle ol the Honolulu

House. The sa'ne whittle it sounded cotTrectly at llonoluln Mean Noon. ObservatoryMeridian, or lu h. SI m. 26 s. of Greenwichtime.


AKKIVAI..Tuesday, June 23.

O 8 S Australia, Houdlette, from SanFrancisco

DEPARTCRKS.Tcesday. June 23.

Stmr Iwalani, Weir, for Lahaina.Stnir W G Hall, Freeman, for Maui and

Hawaii.Stmr Waialeale. Ghaney. for Kukaiaa.Stmr C R Bishop, LeCljire, for Hana-rnaul- u.

Stmr Clandine. Davies. for Maui.Am bktne Modoc, for San Francisco via

Kahnlui.Schr Haleakala for Kona.


8 S Yamahiro Maru, Young,.for Yoko.hama, 12 m.

Stnir Lehua. Fitzgerald, for Kipahulu,10 a m.

Am ship Centennial, Colcord, for New-castle, N 3 W.

VKS8KL.S IN PORT.(This list does not Include coasters.)

Am bk Colusa, Backus, Newcastle.Nor 8p Hauge-un- d, Straadt, Necastle.Chil vh Georgina 8 an ley. Newcastle.Am bkt Klikitat. Cutler.'Port Townsend.Am bk S N Castle Hubbard. San Fran.Am bk Albert, Winding. San Francisco.Miss bkt Morning Star, Garlar.d, Jauht.Br bk Callao. James, Liverpool.Ger bk J C Glade. Hercksen, Liverpool.Am brgtne W G Irin, Sai Francisco.OSS Australia, Houdlette, San Fiancisco,


. Bk H Hackfeld. .... Liverpool Aug 20Bk Annie Johnson Liverpool Aug 18Am bk J D Brewer.. Boston Jniy25Bk Gamen Newcastle ...June20Br a 8 Beigic San Francisco..lct 15Ship Pactolu- - Cbiua(Mah)..June 30

..Br sh Siratl.t'.aue . .Glasgow Aug 31Ger bk Woosung. ... Bremen .ent 10VI aw schr Kaalokai. .Cruise July 25U 8 8 Marion San Fran. ..JuneAm bkt Planter .. ..ban Fran. . June 20Haw schr Mary E Fost-r.Lysa- I June 30Am bk rt G Johnson.. New York... Oct 4Am bk Martha Davis. New York. ..Sept 30Am bk Forest yueen..San Fran .. .June 30Am brgt J D Spreckels S F( Kah)..June 30OSS Mfiposa San Fran.. ..July 2Un S 8 Monowai Auckland.... July 2


From San Francisco, per S S Australia,June 23 General 8 C Armstroi g. MissEdith Armstrong, Miss Louise Armstrong,DrKR Baidwm, Mrs H P Baldwin. H ABaldwin, Hermann Brandt, HermannBrandt Ir, A M Brown, M ss Bunnell,Miss Louise Bunnell, P Camped, W F Dil-ha- m.

Miss Mav Dillingham, Mrs DrRODorsey, Mrs J R Eastniau, Miss tiastman.Mrs H. W Fiucke. Miss Hitta Garrison,Mrs James Ga.-- . H F Glaie. wife. 4 chil-dren and nurse, Miss Flora Glade, MissClara Giade, M.ss Hannah Glade. MissHelen M Gomperz. Alices Mollie andLulu Grace, RiV Win H Guiick and wife,Miss Hensel, Hon O J Hodgw ami wile, WL Hopper and wife, Mrs J B Hopkins,Miss C O Jack-on- , Miss Minnie Kinney,Mrs Hannah Ljw, John MoK.ee. H Mor-rison, Mrs C Nicolls aud 2 children, MistH L Otis. L E Pinkham. H cott, W Fbesser, R Snow and wit'--- . Mis G L Sevens.Miss Tuieimann, Mr J D Tucker and 2children, T rurrid, WO Weedon, wile andinfant, MiaS .M B Wrst, F L Winter, H DWishard and wife, Mi-t- s Hattie Wishard,Mrs Maggie Woodward, Or C il Wood.


For Maui, per stmr Claudine. June 23Mrs Ducian and child, J Drummond, WEassit?, A Birne, W Reynolds, Mrs W RSims and chil l, Mr Scb ussier and wife;Mis Morris, Miss Gumpus, and severalothers.

For Maui, per stmr W G Hall, June 23Mrs Pinao and children, Mr Howard and

wife, Dr Lindley, Mr Lindsay, Mrs Mahoeand child, J McK.ee, U Searle, W Southern.Mr Patton, J I vers, Miss Tistle, A Ander-son. W James, Mr Gilbert, Mrs Ahi andserva-it- , l Kenney, C A Peacock, WLewis and 40 passengers on deck.

For Kauai, per stmr Mikahala, June 23Miss McBrvde, E Wodehouse, G E Fair-chil- d,

Mrs A A Todd, Miss Wisnard, MrWishard and wife. Misses Isenberg (2),Mis Mundon, Miss McCandiess, and 200Japanese on deck.


The steamer Yaniashiro Maru leaves atnoon to-da- y for Yoko ama.

The ship Ce- - tennia'.. Captain Colcord,sails to-.l- ay for Newcastle, N.8. W.,to loadcoal for Honolulu.

The Claudin towed the barkentine Mo-

doc to Kahului on Tuesday aft rnouii. JThe Missionary vesel Morning Star will

soon be moved out in the !treaiu, whereshe will lie for an indefinite period veryliKely for several months. Captain Gar-land has been grafted one year's leave ofabsence, and wid depart on the next Aus-trai- it

for his home in the East. Anewvessel to take up thi SUr's place will haveto be chartere i troni the Co .st.

BORN.PURVIS On June 5ih, at Hampton

C urt. Eiig an l, to the wife of W. Her-bert Purvis, a daughter. j







and Soaps.

Sponges, Etc.


Eye Glasses,

Opera Glasses

.A. Full Line









Opera Glasses,

Eye Glasses

of Spectacles,

Just ReceivedPer Bark CHARLOTTE," a number of

Pianos ! mm? Pianos !

From the Celebrated Factory of


UNow ready for inspection, for saleby


Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.2712--q

HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Street.2651 --q


A GOOD GIRL TO LEARN BOOKsewing. Arplv at the Bookbmdery,

Friend Building. Bethel street. 2794 lw

Strayed or Stolen !


Mi Sorenson, Nuuanu Valley, onebay Mare (imported), no brand ;

alo. sorrel Horse with threewhite feet nnd white face ; brand on 1 eck.Anyone returning tie same will be suita-bly rewarded. T. bORENSON.

2791-lu- t

EAD THE DAILY ADVERTISERR if you want the latest news.

Page 4: T' Jt Ciil'lllll...Single and double Triangle wheels, Sax-on Wheels Colored Rosettes, Colored JAMES NOTT, JR., Next bear Mrs. Elisa MeHat--v whis i;ninrti oiar ai.inB. tnn.Riiilev.



OAircr RAILWA T Jt ZASI CO, What ia trae cortraga? People danot half know.--

Two mn fafins- - each qi her,, with.six shoctera, calaiiy and atadilj t

Baldwin LiMofe! i Tie fain Soap Forks TAHITI EEMtmDE WOEKS Co.



A. Very Large Aswortmeut of Goods- - intheir line, oompriang

HARDVTAREof Eiry Dfiscription ; a very heavy stock'of which is kept constantly on hand.


We keep a foil line of all Articleneeded by Ships, including

lemonade, Soda


Cream Soda,



Absolutely Pure I Eefreshing I Delicious I


CMirtrnal 36G.


Is prepared: to furnish Plans and Specifications far, and Constract allkinds of Buildings, either Erick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactorymanner

'Beinjj a Practical Architectaau. cpcuicaEonsr ana rersonaiiy aapenntend th same.

Thankful to ail who have entrusted their work: to me heretofore. I hon tomerit a continuance of their natronaue. bvion and employing competent aasiatanta,

S"ALL KHTD8 OF JOBBETG"iAu:ra Aiiu cuires J7:iiea up wilh neaoiesfl


Offer For Sale, exSUPLRIOE : JiHINE : WINES,

Soch as Assmannshaaser Analese,T 1jjmuLuejaierr x ierstemer, jjiecesneimer.

C HA3IP AGNES of Benf. & Ecg,

FLENBERG STiXIK BEIR-Gaaran- teeil lie Genaina Article, .

BAVARIAN" BEER of the renowned Arnrratiner Brewerrr also.GENXTNE


mvaelfL Lam nrenand In maJr 11 P?anir

irivirurth game mv njinvinflJ mnwriii.thereby enabling me to gaarantee aatia--

aad REPAIBXfG promptly amended to.aaa mflpnty.

O. W. LINCOLN,75 ud 7T Ktjwi PTaaaT.

STS.Eecekt -- 5LrrivaI!

RaoenthaJer. .Rodesheimer.,


Perrierr Chlon'a Carte Blanch Laarnce.

HAVANA CIGARS ia a Large Yariety.

Kms and Bethel Srne?.

invited to onr complete and elezant line


in variety all former seasons, and lowfcrtwr





Iron Founders,--7


I'alULWU! " "JlJiB IKS


Shippinff Hcejotd, in duplicate, atthe tSme of delivtry of ?ooda, giving acorrect list ot articles, with maris, ai---drees, wetgtit, and destination of each j

consignment. j

The Original Receipt to be aienedby the Agent of the Company ;jthe Duplicate to be retained by him aajanlhnritv ini nhinninir the nrooertY. i

Proper forma of shipping receipts canbe obtained from our Aents, or at tneGeneral Freight Office in

JT The above raie will take eiFecton and after June 1. 1391.

W. a. A3 HUEY,--uoerintendent.






S.FOSTER & Co.tnporten & Wholesale Grocery

2U and 28 California St., $x Fisascisco.26H6 13fi0-- y

A Tcliitect.Office Room 5, Spreckel'3 Block.

(Matnal Teh 203).

Nsw Designs IfoDsajr Btjixdcsgs.

Complete Plans and Speeifications forEvery Description of Building..

Contracts drawn and careful superin-tendence of construction given when re-quired,

10'" Call and examine plans..2T533oitf

Pianos, Pianos, PianosJust Received per 3. S. Australia.

Three more of those Superior

Hemrne & Lnng Pianos I

lfaie expressly for H". H. Williams& Co.

They are moth proof, just tiie thing forthis country.

Now on exhibition and for sale orrent by

XL H-- WILLIAMS & CO.,T73-l- m 105 Fort Street.


SMpjsg and CamaMoa Merckits

iXToarzas asm OMtaas vs


Ufa, Fire aad Marine

lasuiaic8 Agents.


WATCHIMAKEEKlngr Strt, nt lUaeota'a.

Cheapest and best p'ace to get your Watchor Clock Repaired in a first-clas-s

manner.Repairs to ifaaical Instruments ; .

Fine Mechaniead Work;

Electroplating aad Gfldinj.

All work warranted for tw7months. 26T5-- q



from one to aa entire set in-aert- ed

on zold, silverr ailum- -mum and mhber bases.

Crows and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearinsr rabbr plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements fn dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrons Oxide Gas.

Hotel strict. Trearioaa premises.2fi5!-- a

C. AFAT,Dealer h Glothxa?, Fainisliiiii Scoi

General Jfercha.ndJjieOf every description, enrely new,

at hisHew StoTe, 55 and 57 Annans St,

n-e- to Empire Saloon.

"he public are resrctfally invitedto call a' d luspect the choice seif-crio- ofNew Goods. 2767-3-


S6 Queen Street cor. of Alakea street.Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stiar.

from tian Francisco; the best inthe market.

A fin Ptnrk rtf Hn Clmn Tr V.n.r.Orders for Groceries prosoptly filled. 1

4WCaah sales small profiu. 2fX7-Sm- q

--B. IT. Ehlers & Co.99 FORT STREET.

awaiting" the signal to are. la that,ccuraaa? Some think it is, but I danot. I wonid not do ix.

Aa orator, stanttiug' alone befara- - asurging maitirada, fearlessly oltear-in- g

words which- - may goad riim 6afary such worda as panta,?r &rinstance- - That ia courage;; but hawmany think it?

Eac nghting men and orators, iirthe raatter of "couraga, ara not thpera of gentle woman.

Harry Earniittlff waa engaged tomarry a sweet girl who loved himfor himself alone. She had onapeculiarity among cthera, and thiswaa a horrible superstition regartL-ing- -

the namber thirteen. Shewould never sit down to a dinner-tahl- a

where covers were laid forthirteen. She would never ait downto a multiplication table that had" thirteen times " in itu She waa justas superstitioua aa that. She waatwenty- - five years old, and had foryears refused to be twenty-six- ; be-

cause twenty six ia twice tnirteea.One day Harry, who well knew of

thia peculiarity ia hia betrothed,came to her with dismay and hopestruggling to hia countenance.

Oh,. txertru.de I Gertie I Oh, myTrudy L" he exclaimed ; uia yourhorror of the number thirteen aastrong aa ever? Speak, darling! Iait? L it?"

44 What has happened, Harry"Teil me ! she cried, her face blanch-ing slighiy aa something withinwarned her net to answer the ques-tion..

ily uncle haa just died," saidHarry r " aad and left me thirteenmillion dollara. ami"- - here hopestruggled with dismay again w andI din't know but perhapa you wouldwant to break on! the engagement,"

She smiled like a June morning.""Harry," she said ; my own

Harry, When your happiness ia atstake I cannot falter;" and aa shetook him in her arma hope ceased tostruggle with, dismay forever mere.


Sou sextbenxsats.


Boofe, Jews an! Monery Store.

ESFA !few Line of Standard Works,Poems, tc, at 50 Cents,




"Alice in Wonderland."

NaT N073I2, NoTels.


THOS-- G. THKU1L13.1ft I34-- y FaoparzToa,


Commission A gent.Patentee of " Lome's Chemical Com-poont'- T-

rjr Clarifying Cane Jaice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

He will attend to any bo-sine- en--tniswd to him,OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO, 42,

Telephone? Ma tuai 128; Bell 152.P. O. Box 33H. 27 '3-l- m



i3ae,oat of the Poiie Court,on the 6th day of May. A, D.against Ah Puck alia-- Ah PakdefendantTin favoroffhft Hwaiiaa Tramways Co.,Li. plaintil?, for the snm of VL7i. I harelevietl apon and shall expose for sale at thefront entrance of Kaiakaua Hale, in theDistrict or Kona. llonolain, Island of Oahn,at 12 x. of MONDAY, the 6th dayJaiy, A. D. I3S1, to the highest biider, a.tthe right, title and interest of the said AhPack alias Ah Pcic, defendant, in and tothe following property, unless said pidz--mer.t, interest, eoa and my expenses beprevionsSy paid.

List of property for sale; One RedwoodStove.

(Sig. J. A. MEHRTSTN,Depary MarahaL

Eono'.aln Jnne 5.27-3-l- in 13T3-- 3t

Tnr For Sale- -

THE IRON TUG ALICEof Hilo, is offered for salecheap, she is in ?ood order.and wiii be delivered, m Ho

nrsitihi if necessary. Any one wantinginformation, irsoni'e at the

VOLCANO STABLES,271 -- I ru HQo. Hawaii.

i. A. THTTBSTOJ. w. f. faaaa.1HUBST0I & FEEAE,

At toineys - at - Law,H03KJX.CXC. H. I.

jayOice over Bishop's Bank.Apr;) 2. t.ftl. 2730wj


Edison's Phonograph !

I NEW CYLINDER, GIVING Achanze of Sor.jr. Mc.ic and Speeches

is piyd :n the Instrameite-?f-r- day IjyCali and see the rnarreiions ma-



Japanese Employment Office

H AS MOVED TO NO. 23 MiitTNASEAstreet. MatnaJ Telepi&ont No. 574.

2772-l- m

The anderssened have int completedtheir SEW STEAM SOAP WORKS,and are prepared to supply tne trade a

Pare laundry Soap!Put np ia Boies of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 54 Bars each .

TVejraJiranteeour 3oap to be ptraa,and mnch better than the imported..

HCXSnSswii box ie tfnped " Honocc"-u- sSoa? G.r" and is

For Sale by all Eetailera.



2774-3- m AG2T3.

New Store! if Goods!

GENT'$ 7UaS13H'3JJ GOOD8,- -


BOY'S WAlSTaIlTc,BOY'3 fe 3C3SX3r HAT3,



HillnierjjFIoweFeatliers ifaveffies

Ever Seem la EonotaltL,

Prices Reasonable !

fXF Goods Evaar Sra-ttra- a,

GOO D'S,XcIatjT3 Block, Fort Street

270ft-3m- q

Oil tBoston Line of Packets.

I MTPORTER3 WILL. PL2AS3J1.- - " take notice that the dna

BiHi mm. DimCaPT

Wlit be laid on the berth in Boston to leavfor this port on Jtme 15, 1891, if sntH-cie- nt

indhcemenc offers

Sy?or farther particulars apply to

ISTEW GOODSA Fina Asscrtmeiit.

We have jnst received per 3. ft. Australia,a flne selection of New Goods,

eomprisfndr, oneelegant

Eand-paint- ad Porcalah Dinner Set

A few of dose fine hand-fonbroider- ed


Aesorsed colors and patterns of CrepeSill: Shawls. legant 7 ete-- a te Caps

and Saucers, A fine lot of

Manila Cigars and Cfceroota100 ia a Box,

8carf Pins in reat variety,Lily &aihs

A few of thoee handy Mosquito tfrna,Alao n assortment of new styles of

Kattarx Chairs and TablesAlaos small selection of JAPANESE


firCalI eariy snd examine this finassortment of New Goods,

WIK0 W0 CHAN t CO.No. 2a vm&nxM Street.

Eedward & HowelL

Contractors & BuildersBrtek, Staae tad ooda BufMlsf

Katlzaataa Sl-ra- .

Jhttif rmivtlr Aes4e4f ft,76 KING 8TBEXT.

Sail Tath 9. 9. r. O. BX 43S

Carpenters c'ind Builders,ARE PRF.PAREIK TO vON-tractf- orm alii kind,? of Boildi.fSrs,Store and OEce Fitting, and General jooomj; a specialty,

Send or leave orti.ra with R. Ifowl, atCentral Hone, Alakea near Hotef street ;or with A. Dorward. lA hoose adioramHonolaln Library, opp. Y. M. C. A. bail.

3T-B-eiI Tel. 522. Mateal 398;.2747--1 w1

NOTICE.FROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anyfreight after same ha

been landed. Parties to whom freight uconsigned most be at the landing to receiTftheir freight

WILDER"! STFJLMSHIP CO.Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1390. lL2-- q

The andersi?nd having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian islands

Baldwin Locomotives i

From the Worza 0

Buniliaa, Parrj, Williams & Co

Ant now prepared to ive estimates andreceive orders for these engines,, of anysise and style.

The Bai4wn LocnMorrv Woaxa amnow manufacturing a style of Locomo'fcive particularly adopted

Par PfaaMoa Purposes,

A sambr of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and ire willhave pleasure in famishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Loco&iotivesover ail other makes is not only knownhere bat is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

W3L G. ISLWK A CaySot Adzxrs for Hawaiian Islands.

235 1- -g


life, 5 Mrka

Insnrance Agents!aasarrs oai

Est Eagiasd lutaal" Ufa fcs. Ga

Off BOSTOir,

i!iaa Fir las.. Co-- of HartfbriL

rr?j ionInsurance Company

FIRE- - JtSl mareste

or SAjr raA3fCT8cnf cauvoiaTa,lassygi-r-y

We fi. bwm S Company,

OF?aa J0& SALE

Xiimc and Cement,PAftAFFwa paint co.'S

.Compounds and Hoofing

Jilt Staasi Kp foraisj, all


"Wool Iw t

HIji Grsie CienucaJ Cane tare.


Cocksfoot, &ys Orsss and Clovers.


Falrbaiii Cassia z Co Cor&ed

Eeel 1 and 2 lb. tins,


Pianos For KentPI IN GOOD ORDBP.from 14.00 to 7f pr month.M CSIC DEPARTMENT OFTH2 HAWAIIAN NEW?

& aWjW!gWlth mwrfT ft

Cor in'itftSBAy.', Ta only n remy r

Iiiief rltoa or W 01 1

I Drewrtij it n1afia m iwyvaimea&sg it

n to all nfflwvn,a f J a. i. stonicr. M. D,a. A. I Tif Tuu

VS Vrsi

Hoiusrcft A Co., Wholesale Agents.Basso. Skitm A fV., Wbolssal AenaU

1.5 2711-- 9


tfi unmix ' ISIPT tht arc

iathWrlA..1 AV XThi.resrs ami has W

I UMirmllknda oftuc of BnpUrc! This ia anf W

t:ietrle Trnaa (the only aceefaj oi.ri7r hTntot); has no Iron Hoops or 8tciCr uuui j tuu wiDRviitxircu vm wornithaandcomfor9iif;litsod I7. It'aaperJfrjMBr I -- fcor further parucalan orra,nfl 4e. in atamps for inPbiFt S. 1 aiu

nPRIPMRCD that Dr.Piarce nala ElervII L III LUlU til TrauMoonUin onr lrlT SI" axactly like that shown at top of tbfyrrtlaemeat. Bawax ol iniarior imitationsMaraaai


The attsntion of Ladies ia respertfuriy

Bbls. Coal ud Stockholm Tar;Pitch,.. Aanhaltam, Eosin,Rope, Oats, Blocks ;:

Iron and Steel Wire Rod;Qakum, Yellow Metal , Patent Logs ;;Bun tine Flas, Nautical Almanacs;Ship Carpenters Toois,Ail of thd-- best quality, and


We have on hand also a (rood Stock of

Electrical S'nppliealSuch aa Electric Bells, Wire, ;Dynamos and all Materials needed forthe Installation ot ELECTRIC LIGHT;PLANTS in Residences, Sugar MillsBusiness Idoueea, etc.

wT Houses wired for lights,, andwork done by EXPERTS in this linei.

Constantly on hand a large stock-- ofELECTRIC LA2IPS, adored and piainfor all electric light plants in use on theIslands,.


of any required horse power furnishedVand the Fuel Oil required we keep iaStock,

We keen on hand perhaps the fulleststock of Mill Supplies to be found in themarketLUBRK3ATTNG OLL3..Cotton Waste, Packing, Hair FeltingAabestoa Felting Etc, Etc

SPERM OIL taken ixt Hawaiianwaters, of Extra Quality

Boston Card Matches, A. fresh supplyof the best quality of RUBBER HOSEfor the coming dry season Sold; Cheap,LAWN MOWERSy Galv'd Iron PipingFEED CUTTERS ?Sheet Iron, and Zinc,. Sheet Leadi.


There are a thousand- and onearticles that cannot be mentioned thatwe keep in stock, so if yon want any-thing in our line please inquire for it at

E. 0. HALL & S05,Cotv FCET &. KH5



Eat8 an &nd aid For Sola,

Fresh every month from the Coaststhe very best quality of

Hay and GrrainCf all kinds at the very lowest prices t

Delivered promptly to any partof the city,


Warehouse, Leleo Mutual Telephone121 ; BeB Telephone 129.

Office with C. T. Goiick Bell Tele-phone 3-4-3 ; Matnal Telephone LSD--

L35S 266 q

THERISDONIrtsa lad LccccictiTa Wcrka,

Canar f Baal aad Savmx4 StxMta..

W.H.TATLOB..g,.3tnogg... J9H7rlataadaBt

Builders of Steam Mneryla ail It taMlic

StMabcmt, StMuuaJ&ty, T " KaataM a Bailarm,Elfj. Vi iMiara or Compoaad,

8TXA2E VXSSJXS of aXX kUnla boilt eamiata,vita aalia at wood, Iwa or eamgaatta.

OLSCraSX DSmg vftaa jla.

glZAX UlTTSCKZS Bktw aad 9tem Tag ea-abruul- atl

wtta rafarc to t& trmJa tm vatcAtar m to b iBployvd. SEMd. awaaft aaddraft of wter cnjanatMd,

1CQAA imra aad ar Xaktag MacMaaryaudi after ta moat approved plaxia. aiao,aUBotttsr Iroa Work maaactad Otwrowtto.

WATXK FCPZ, f Boiler or 4best Iron, of aaylao.. aad la mrta&UIaactba roroonnocttoatoctar. or SbMtt rollati, paaeaed aad paokad

far aatpmoaK, raJy to b oa tSosrvmad.

HTDHaCUC aiV&'UJia. BoCor Work aad WatorKpaa anU or tols Mtab luoaieat. ijTtnd byttyttaaJjg ttvottag macSUaary. taat fuatralwork batas ar raportor tso luad vart.

SHIS WOSl. Ship aad Steam Capacaaa. Staaaavisum, axr aaa urcaiaaa rsapi, sxadoafter tao aioat ap?rvd plana.

Ktl Aaataaad aaaatifactnrara tor tio Tmetitcuw c ui nta saxotj Sollor.FTXP9 Dtroct Acttaa ramp far irrtgaiioa crtty vmk prpoao, bmit wltk tb cirata4D7 TaiTo Jiocoa. reporter ta aav otaotvaaap.

JOH3T OTIS. .BoaIaI5. S.apotaira.SpractoIa'BtocS.


J"o. 109 Jfananu Street.Begs to eaU the attention of th public to

meir tarxe ana weu seiecteil Stock of

Japanese Goods,

New Silks, New Sateens, Isew Gloves,NEW LACES, NEW TRIMMINGS, NEW PARASOLS,


Our immense Stock surpassesprices eannot be --qnailed I

J. L.

Practical House ant.


No. 130 Eort St.,


Engineers andOSes and Work,

IIAJTTFACTURERS OFSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam. Engines

Steam Boilers Joice Tanks, CooTers, Molassea Tank,, CarsCar.e Car,, Elevatom, Conveyors, Famace FittingWrought and Cast Iron Work for House Boilders



Pelton Water WheeLlTZ?f?iZ?jS' CHISEBT don. at KEiSO.VAELE


Of Ikt Ssiti2g3 lid Trotssriigi

H. S. TEEGL0AX & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS2741-3m- q Suitable for thi marVmt h;.K r

sold at lowest prices. J702 q
