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T. KOHN LBROTHER - University of South...

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KSTEWS <fc TIMES. JWUBD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY THK üriANGEllURU NEWS COMPANY. ; OK». BULIVBRj HusIuphs Mahn gor. "SATU K O A%7#fJ»j Sonic t^c sinwfr \\^ published a re¬ quest to our planting friends, to give us gome idea ^f JLljc..;.^i;ldÄpcr-.ftcreTrf)f the cocu, jynj ^fV/11 f\°V^0r' tf.'r''1' scc" lion, an compared with last year. ^Yc. rsgr»»t tu *ny tluitJ^'w^yily Jia^e done .!*», xiwt enough to 'ennbfa ns'to "aproxi- du'.tu the general rcsim. At .the mcet- i«g of the AgrieulfuraL^g^ofliatiqfl, held on the 14th of last,mpn.tli, forty.| different reports were received from various..section?, averaging*a':loss of one-tnira of both cotton uira corn, cropV,JWil\nMnc>ehscLof one hundred par cent in the oat crop; W,ct. are 1 \itc<iu« i »*.« o » > **! '¦. .'. r vcry(n>uch incürjed tp behove that: the farmers ucrc too desponding, and rated ;thbir cropS'ivt less' llthri ihey'| Trill" finally tü¥n oht; at any rate we hojte'ib.* '^^phantera^wjn^ only take the^-littlfj troUjl^le^^ iuf^orrnrng us of| the (pmntity .of cotton and conn they- exppct to makoj*ir viert-thi3 y^rtr, and how much made last ytiaT) we'can get a general average of how far. short the crop will faff, luat W9 tliinlc.. would, he of .gjeat interest ..top the planter1; theljj;cpp/r)t,s1.nQWV Ave /rather think;' would «hör»-a better state l6f things'j than they did a' morftil ago.. Let us; hear from you'^ent1eihcn.| ' ( ,.._(. iUitl- IhoVnir. " ''. ~" :: " \rtt4, Sill '/J I «ti Mil 1- -Jl remind our -Agricultural and ^Mechanica] friends that our An-'' nual tajr is ;»ear,nt haiidi This ¦institution:I is onoi >in which Or'nngc- burpf.U mriSty'naturally takes a pride, as lWffl«*? indicative of energy, push, aw'd a^'pptnt fully-.ahreast with the times, origin'Kte'cl' itüder 1 coRipnra tively doubtful circumstances it has worked ifs \5a^by its own merits to a solid,' substantial, and paying basis, it's signal success is attributable in a largo degree .to the.intorest taken in it. ,r»>y the farmer, ahd in the itter- ehango of ideas, tlfb'deyclbpcuig of new practices, jt.lias.rc-. paid thorn an hundrf$-/pldp., ...TlfP Meclu^e . £90.7 corner iff dbrdiisfullM shnro of it's success, and^toliitit ril&o" it lif^iteiriiWt^ u demo^lnfflh^^fHc )kct; Amt we have work^icij yhp4f au,ftnj fob,,thfi -various ptede^ugf^QpUjjnismiiic4es8ary to olftA] coinnuinity.r.i B^n*fhn*3lyle, *an"d 'n'f as low .phw'&r h*' oiHsTders^uWucen. doingj for us: These .vqried^ady^n^ tilg«« Of" this Association isbj^uld^ipot , be lost sight "ofjY.ud'wq have in fact;, no fear that they v. ill be, stUhiHin^Well'p iM cull attention to them, thrtf "SV all join in making this coming Exposi¬ tion something entirely beyond any of | its predecessors. \Yc kuow that there . vij i mi '*. ......» will Jg^ terg'a:Wrriet^»f vtrdes ox- hihitcd, and an interesting one too,- but we want everyIffltty'tft scfill so nie-' 1 thing, a superior sjiccics bitpuinpkpi.- or on improvement on a cotton iriri, I . ..if ^V»//d,«rTtinj< . -d a plow, siook jof .jpoeuliar,make,or: a loaf «>^ejy.ra fiq^hrsad, neyv fangled" ch i hh u^f«ew» j osutt" Keely j m o tor,- send somethiiig^'/thnt^ is'-rttlVftctivO 'or in tor-'j esting,'n,lid,cbrn'e, yblir^eiyes; The tics counts1 .^f various' exvJ>eviincutJs,i..^pdj compari8oca of",t^bc, dillVrpi^t M'pdes, and m^hods 'pf.; working) those.veniV crops, Ithe! .ivses. -of iiic-söteral labor saving.j»«ifthin'<f»/alr't'liis'Will folly 1rdz\ pay ywt'fb^WÄilfw or .i ei vswä>. .-¦ .;' '.' . expense you ninv, be pctt to.M. , ~~-i"V*T^« '^n^n Lkuitnino Time..^h*! [fpniji am) closing trip of the New, Vork, Jlcrftfd's "lightning train" M#.,lsiagara Kails was made on Stihdtvy li\st, and ,was signalized b^tbe^iiufulgpuce, in an ex¬ cursion ' crver the route of .renjesonta- jin* »iO/iiiv- fit I'.i/i ' * tivcs froin^tno^ jmpers» p. is'ew York upon the'invitation 6f the managers ot the JItrultf. The run fr.pni Jiochestcr io ra'myro, .^fty.-eight miles, was nia'do in .fi^y-fiye minutes, and be ween LBa^yia^ juyl Btiflqlo a portion of the (iis^tyiccr'yva.s run at the extra, ordinary f n\Lf. of seventy-live miles an. hour, w^hilo the whole rmi, thirty-five miles, was made in thirtv in'mulca. State News. Unitfh dojztt ftxTp'se is to have steam laundry, v ¦hoJ$*nro §$een.cotton gins within nmcs of Kwenjsr 'hOGe^gff 0wnff rifle guards will Kiel tpntc\in ^he Fort Moultrie cen¬ tennial. On Friday of last week Beech island wns enlivened by a tourna¬ ment, which took place in front of Dr. Cook's residence. Mrs. Leonora Ostcen, wife of Mr. W. »S. Dihkins, of Suniter, died on August 31st, fiotn puerperal fever, aged 'twenty-three years and six .months/ " '" * The colored element in Cannon's Township.- is beginning to show signs 'of discontent and troublo. We hope the colored people of Ncwborry nre tod"wiso' ;to indulge in anything that may lead to internecine strife. It" is1 a remarkable fact that the colored boys, in Union county, from thii'tecu to eighteen years of age, in this Vow nship, arc dying out fiist. To o«ir knowledge, six have died within the past'two weeks. Oh Tuesday morning last a little colored girl, living on the suburbs of Aikcn, was very severely bitten by a rattlesnake. Dr. Croft was called iii immediately, and to his skillful exer¬ tions flic parents owe the life of the child: 1 There tis a movement on foot to establish a yhoo factory at 1 lodes, Ab¬ beville county. Twenty-three hund¬ red dollars have been subscribed in the neighborhood, sind sixteen hundrcr dollars .in another comjnunity near by. Four thousand dollars in ma¬ chinery, and equipments have been promised by parties from Lynn, Massachusetts. A ( ARD, At a meeting of the I. Y. A. F. R.Comp¬ any it was iinanmously: Jtetohvtl; That our thanks arc due, and art* htfchv tenth-red to all parties who have funished the Company and individual mein- hero thereof Tritn1 refreythiiiehl« at our late fires. Thereby invigorating their frames and inspiring th<*tn to greater diligence and 7.c:il in their good work. By Older J. L.IIEIDTMAN, Sec. elf i. Y. A. Fi Ei Co. NOTICE SCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 10. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday Gilt in»t., and it wnt$ 'decided to- continue all of the Schools which had been in < x{stance last year, also tliat one Of tho White School* should bo(lqcatcri in the Eastern pait ofthe Town, above the Rail Road, and the other in 'Home central portion of the lower Town, and for the'"Brown" School they desire, to get a first H a As} Male, Teacher. An Flection for Teachers will lie held on 25tli hint., and «all parties must send in tl»eir applieatipiiB^ccnmpauiod by certificates, on or'hcifore the 24th, addressed to the subscri¬ ber. » All Schools will be opened on Mon¬ day 4m'1 October." 1h'( 1- t bbi ssi ...y. D. BOWMAN, ,' i b'.i [Clerk-of "Board of Trititecfl. T;b. Box 112 OrangohnrgS. C, Dentistry. ¦.«.nlw orter.A'rivE VArJliaEGHANlOAL. & M. Snider. T. J.Calvert. " 'fSf" Office open at all times. iELECTlOR NOTICE. u AX iafKCT10JI. for MAYOR and four .ALDERMEN, for the Town of Orangeburg H(K Ca., will be held at the Engine House, on Tuesday the 1-lth day of Sept em bei l'oiUl't<f'/W opened fr»<-ni 7 A. M. and' closetl at :&!!'. M- The following Hoard of ttänagurs ,.w.iU tthold the 'ELECTION : J. 'B. T. Malone, T. C. Iliibhel and Anthony (Jolson. ^ ¦ - ul i R KG 1ST RATION. , A\\ jierso.ijs (pialiiieä to vote at the above .ELli/'TION will be repaired to register previous to. the ELECTION. Register Book» wffl be opmiedal tbe. Engine House, 'on'Friday, Saturday, and Monday, previous to the Flection, being the 10th, Uth, 18tll days of ^cpteiiiber nest. lV-oks to he open¬ ed! e:|cli day (torn 7 A. M. tt> ß P*. M. The above named Managersof ELEC¬ TION will also conduct the REOLSTRA- TfON. By Order of Council. KIRK ROBINSON, [i.. a.] Clerk tif Council äug 28«' 1875 8t < Topnvl riöraliij> Nol ice- The undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Hit IOC» MANN and RENNEKKR, for the inirpcisc tif earring on the Retail merehan- disc htisiiicra at the comer of Kiifsell and llroughloii St a, Orangeburg C. II., S. C. FHANTZ RRICSOMANN, ' 1 II. S. RENNEKBK Sept. I .it 1876 sept '1 FOR SALE A Fine Black MAKE, 2 good work HOUSES and a two Horse WAGON. Ap¬ ply to W. A. MERONEY. uept 4 187.r> lm JUST FROM NEW YORK. WHO? ARTHUR II. LEWIN dermatoligist and practical hair cutter, Respectfully a.mounccH to the Citizen» of Orangehnrg, that he hui permanently located himself in tins place, and requests a share of their patronage. Call at No. 3 Law Range, opposite Post Office. Kept 4 1875 ly NEW LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. The subscriber lias opened a large and convenient STAHLE, iu rear of his store, and is now ptcpnred to accommodate any one, winhing cither to purchase or hire, or have his Horse feed and cared for horse and buggie for hire- "Henry Clay" for sale, will not l>e kept on hand long. J. WALLACE CANNON, sept 4 lb75 tf Executor's Notice. All pciMm having demands again*t the Estate of Caroline L. Gramling, deceased, will present the same properly attested, and all indebted to Haid Estate will make pay¬ ment to A. S- SALLEY, Qualified Executor. Orangehnrg 8. C, Sept 4 187* Bcpl4 3t CARD. The undersigned would oiler his thanks to the citi7.ens af Orangehnrg County for the liberal patronage which he has heretofore enjoyed, and in announcing to them that he has associated himself with Capt. F. H. W. Hriggmann, and removed to the NEW STOKE of that gcrtleinan, hopes that his old friends will hunt him up there,and that he may add many new ones to his list. w. k.crook. JOHN OGREX SUCCESSOR OF HOHERT JENNY. Importer and Manufacturer of SADDLES AM» HARNESS. C.-in and Iniy your goods, as now is the ;ime toliuy et leap for cash, the prices being reduced in a very low figjre. Have your Harnes» and Saddle* repaired now while I have time toiloil at once. Call Olid »cc for yourself next door to Mr. C. D. Kortjohn, Kussel Street. MELLICUAMFS SCHOOL FOR HOYS A\I> GIRLS The exercises of this School will he resumed on Monday Sept. 6th, at the School JIons*r by the Lutheran QhiiTch, recently occnprctl by Rev. G. A. Hongb. Boys will be prepared for Business or Col lego, and Young Ladies given a finished Course. As tho time of entrance has some weight in the distribution of Prizes, attention is enlled to tho following rule which is always strictly obser¬ ved : Rule X..At the clone of earn Session twenty or more Prizes will be awarded to the Pupils who excel in any of the diner- out Studies and in Deportment; and » ad¬ dition thereto an evtra Prize will be given at the public Exhibition at the end ol the School year to the pupil, in «ach ofthe three Department*, who can show the greatest number of monthly Honors. TERMS PER MONTH, Primary.~. $2 00 Intermediate. 3 00 Classics Extra. 1 00 Fojfusther information apply to R, R, SSElXICJIAJfT', J*ii»e*pal. ang 21.Tnr Pictures! Pictures!! Pictures!!! MR. F. A. SCIIIFFL.EY PHOTOGRAPHER Fit öm CUIARXKSTOX 8. C. Has opens bis l'liote^raphic Tent in out Town nn<l k* now Prepared to make Pictures of every size and «tyle, and all priccqp satisfaction guaranteed. View» of Churches, Residencies &c made in the neatest manner F. A. SCIIIFFLEY. Artint. fliriV" Old Pictures Copied siitl rvpuijed or enlarged at Charleston Prices. nug2I 1S7Ö tf GLOVER & 01.0V l) ÜT A TTO RN E YS AT L A W, Ofliee opposite Conrt Honso Square. Oiwiigobürg^ S. C. T. W. Glover, Mortimer Glover, Juliub Glover. Feb. Hi tf FOE PALL, 1875. FOR FALL, 1875. aQE FALL, 1875. 100 PIECES ;ioo PIECES NEW FALL PRINTS. NEW FALL PRINTS. NEW FALL PRINTS. CHEAP LONG CLOTHS CHEAP LONG- CLOTHS CHEAP LONG CLOTHS T. KOHN L BROTHER Notice of Dissolution. J^There having been a dissolution by mu¬ tual conssnt, of the Copartnership hereto- fore existing at this place under the firm name of >V. P. DUKES & Bro. AM parties indebted to the late firm, are lure- by notified that the Books of the firm are in the hands of Wi P. DUKES at the old stand, and all parties are requested to make prompt payment to him, as the business has to be closed. Howes Pump 6. C, June 28th 1875. W. P. DUKES, T. C. DUKES, july 3 1875 3r: SCHOOL NOTICE. Tho Exercises of Miss R. 8. ALB5R. GOTTPS School will be resumed or .:y day Sept. 6th at the Residence of Ca T; A. Jeffords Russell Street. A few Young Ladies can be accommodated with Board at reasonable rates. For terms &c., apply as above. aug 21 .4t Gin-Gearing and Cotton Pres. for Sals. I offer for sale, my GIN-GEARING, nearly new, with IKON Segments and Pinion complete. Also, one UTLEY COT¬ TON PRESS in complete order. The above arc for Sale Cheap, as I propose to discontinue Cotton ginning at my place. JAS. IL FOWLES. aug 14 1875 3t The State of South Carolina, OKANGEBURG COUNTY, In Common* Pleas. E. Rosa C. fJlivcroB, widow and Executor of the will of Eaidro J. Oliveros, deccasod, Plaintiffs, against Clifford Oliveros. Ella Rosa OH- . ros, Nina Ferdinand Oliveros and Rartolo Oliveros and Thom¬ as W; Glover, Defendants. Pursuant to the order of the s >id Court, the creditor of the said Esidro J. Olivei ¦>* are hereby notified to present and provu their several and respective demand before Charles B- Glover, Esquire, Referee, at Orangebnrg, South Carolina, on or before the first day of .September, A. D. 1875, and that they arc enjoined from proceeding in separate suits against the plaintiff, and are required to present ami prove their respec¬ tive claims before said l'.eferee in this action, er be debarred payment. GEO. BOLIVER, C. C. P. REMOVED TO THE REAR OF ¦A. fisciiek'h TTonn Where I am prepared to *ervc the Public at the shortest notice in my line of business. Thanking the Citizens for their liberal . - patronage in the past, I heg a continuance of the same in the future. MOSES SI. BROWN, Barbar. THE STATE GRANGE FERTILIZER* AND' THE CLIMAX." Two first class, pure bone, ammonlated Fertilizers, for sale by I). JENNINGS & SON and J. I)' AI KEN, Agents, Charleston, S. C. The highest testimonials can be given. Flense send for circular. aug 28- 3m The Cordial Italm ofSyrlcuai and Tonic Pills. NERVOUS DEBILITY, However obscure the cause may be which contribute to render nervous debility a disease so prevalent, affecting, as it does, nearly one-half of our adult population, it is a melancholy fact that day by dav, and year by year, we witness a most frightful in* crease of nervous affections from the slight¬ est neuralgia to the more grave and extreme forms of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, Is characterized by a general languor or weakness of tbe whole organism/cspccially of the nervous system, obstructing and pre¬ venting the ordinary functions ofnatnre; hence there is a disordered state of the secretions; constipation, scanty and high- colored urine, with an excess of earthy or lime sediment, indicative of waste of brain and nerve substance, frequent palpitations of the heart, loss of memory and marked irresolution of purpose, and inability to carry into action any well-defined business cnteq>rise, or to fix the mind upon any one thing at a time. There is great sensitive¬ ness to impress, though retained but a short time, with a flickering and flattering condi¬ tion of the mental faculties, rendering an individual what is commonly called a whiffle-mindcd or flickle-minded man. This condition of the individual, distress¬ ing as his,may with a certainty beenred by TBE CORDIAL RALM OF SYRICUM AND LOTIIROP'S TONIC PILLS, Medicines uuriva'ed for their wonderful properties and remarkable cures of all Ner¬ vous Complaint*. Thcirefficacy is equally great in the treatment and cure of Cancore, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter, Fever, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald- head. Barbers' Itch, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Copper-Colored Blotches, Glandular Swell¬ ings, Worms and Black Spots in the Flesh, Discolorations, Ulcers in thcThroat, Mouth and Nose, Sore Legs, and Sores of every character, because these medicines arc tho very best BLOOD MEDICINE Ever placed before the people, and arc war¬ ranted to be die most powerfully Alterative ever originated by man, removing Morbid Sensibility, Depression of Spirits, Dementia and Mciancholia ßäy* Sold by all Druggists, and will be Rent by express to all parts of the country qy ad¬ dressing the proprietor, G. EDGAR LOTHROP, Mi D., 143 Co.irt street, Boston, Mass., who may be consulted free of charge either personally or by mad. Send 25 cents and get a copy of his Rook on Nervous Diseases. aug 14 1875 ly
Page 1: T. KOHN LBROTHER - University of South Carolinahistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn86053227/1875-09-11/ed-1/seq-2.pdfKSTEWS



Sonic t^c sinwfr \\^ published a re¬

quest to our planting friends, to giveus gome idea ^f JLljc..;.^i;ldÄpcr-.ftcreTrf)fthe cocu, jynj ^fV/11 f\°V^0r' tf.'r''1' scc"

lion, an compared with last year. ^Yc.rsgr»»t tu *ny tluitJ^'w^yily Jia^e done.!*», xiwt enough to 'ennbfa ns'to "aproxi-du'.tu the general rcsim. At .the mcet-

i«g of the AgrieulfuraL^g^ofliatiqfl,held on the 14th of last,mpn.tli, forty.|different reports were received fromvarious..section?, averaging*a':loss ofone-tnira of both cotton uira corn,cropV,JWil\nMnc>ehscLof one hundredpar cent in the oat crop; W,ct. are1 \itc<iu« i »*.« o » > **! '¦. .'. r

vcry(n>uch incürjed tp behove that:the farmers ucrc too desponding, andrated ;thbir cropS'ivt less' llthri ihey'|Trill" finally tü¥n oht; at any rate we

hojte'ib.* '^^phantera^wjn^ only take

the^-littlfj troUjl^le^^ iuf^orrnrng us of|the (pmntity .of cotton and conn they-exppct to makoj*ir viert-thi3 y^rtr, andhowmuch made last ytiaT) we'can geta general average of how far. shortthe crop will faff, luat W9 tliinlc.. would,he of .gjeat interest ..top the planter1;theljj;cpp/r)t,s1.nQWV Ave /rather think;'would «hör»-a better state l6f things'jthan they did a' morftil ago.. Let us;hear from you'^ent1eihcn.| '

( ,.._(. iUitl-

IhoVnir. " ''. ~" :: "

\rtt4, Sill '/J I «ti Mil 1- -Jl

remind our -Agriculturaland ^Mechanica] friends that our An-''nual tajr is ;»ear,nt haiidi This¦institution:I is onoi >in which Or'nngc-burpf.U mriSty'naturally takes a pride,as lWffl«*? indicative of energy, push,aw'd a^'pptnt fully-.ahreast with thetimes, origin'Kte'cl' itüder 1

coRipnratively doubtful circumstances it hasworked ifs \5a^by its own merits to a

solid,' substantial, and paying basis,it's signal success is attributable ina largo degree .to the.intorest takenin it. ,r»>y the farmer, ahd in the itter-ehango of ideas, tlfb'deyclbpcuig of

new practices, jt.lias.rc-.paid thorn an hundrf$-/pldp., ...TlfPMeclu^e . £90.7corner iff dbrdiisfullMshnro of it's success, and^toliitit ril&o"it lif^iteiriiWtudemo^lnfflh^^fHc )kct; Amt we have

work^icij yhp4fau,ftnjfob,,thfi -variousptede^ugf^QpUjjnismiiic4es8ary to olftA]coinnuinity.r.i B^n*fhn*3lyle, *an"d 'n'f aslow .phw'&r h*' oiHsTders^uWucen.doingj for us: These .vqried^ady^n^tilg«« Of" this Association isbj^uld^ipot ,

be lost sight "ofjY.ud'wq have in fact;,no fear that they v. ill be, stUhiHin^Well'piM cull attention to them, thrtf "SVall join in making this coming Exposi¬tion something entirely beyond any of |its predecessors. \Yc kuow that there

. vij i mi '*. ......»

will Jg^ terg'a:Wrriet^»f vtrdes ox-

hihitcd, and an interesting one too,-but we want everyIffltty'tft scfill so nie-' 1thing, a superior sjiccics bitpuinpkpi.-or on improvement on a cotton iriri, I

. ..if ^V»//d,«rTtinj< . -da plow, siook jof .jpoeuliar,make,or: a

loaf «>^ejy.ra fiq^hrsad, .» neyv fangled"ch ihh u^f«ew» j osutt"Keely jmotor,-sendsomethiiig^'/thnt^ is'-rttlVftctivO 'or in tor-'jesting,'n,lid,cbrn'e, yblir^eiyes; The ticscounts1 .^f various' exvJ>eviincutJs,i..^pdjcompari8oca of",t^bc, dillVrpi^t M'pdes,and m^hods 'pf.; working) those.veniVcrops, Ithe! .ivses. -of iiic-söteral laborsaving.j»«ifthin'<f»/alr't'liis'Will folly 1rdz\pay ywt'fb^WÄilfwor

.i ei vswä>. .-¦ .;' '.' .

expense you ninv, be pctt to.M. ,

~~-i"V*T^« '^n^nLkuitnino Time..^h*! [fpniji am)closing trip of the New, Vork, Jlcrftfd's"lightning train" M#.,lsiagara Kailswas made on Stihdtvy li\st, and ,was

signalized b^tbe^iiufulgpuce, in an ex¬cursion '

crver the route of.renjesonta-jin* »iO/iiiv- fit I'.i/i ' *tivcs froin^tno^ jmpers» p. is'ew Yorkupon the'invitation 6fthe managers otthe JItrultf. The run fr.pni Jiochestcrio ra'myro, .^fty.-eight miles, wasnia'do in .fi^y-fiye minutes, and beween LBa^yia^juyl Btiflqlo a portion

of the (iis^tyiccr'yva.s run at the extra,ordinaryf n\Lf. of seventy-live miles an.

hour, w^hilo the whole rmi, thirty-fivemiles, was made in thirtv in'mulca.

State News.

Unitfh dojztt ftxTp'se is to have steamlaundry, v

¦hoJ$*nro §$een.cotton gins withinnmcs of Kwenjsr'hOGe^gff0wnff rifle guards willKieltpntc\in ^he Fort Moultrie cen¬

tennial.On Friday of last week Beech

island wns enlivened by a tourna¬ment, which took place in front of Dr.Cook's residence.

Mrs. Leonora Ostcen, wife of Mr.W. »S. Dihkins, of Suniter, died on

August 31st, fiotn puerperal fever,aged 'twenty-three years and six.months/ " '"* The colored element in Cannon'sTownship.- is beginning to show signs'of discontent and troublo. We hopethe colored people of Ncwborry nre

tod"wiso' ;to indulge in anything thatmay lead to internecine strife.

It" is1 a remarkable fact that thecolored boys, in Union county, fromthii'tecu to eighteen years of age, inthis Vow nship, arc dying out fiist. Too«ir knowledge, six have died withinthe past'two weeks.Oh Tuesday morning last a little

colored girl, living on the suburbs ofAikcn, was very severely bitten by a

rattlesnake. Dr. Croft was called iiiimmediately, and to his skillful exer¬tions flic parents owe the life of thechild: 1

There tis a movement on foot toestablish a yhoo factory at 1 lodes, Ab¬beville county. Twenty-three hund¬red dollars have been subscribed inthe neighborhood, sind sixteen hundrcrdollars .in another comjnunity near

by. Four thousand dollars in ma¬

chinery, and equipments have beenpromised by parties from Lynn,Massachusetts.

A ( ARD,At a meeting of the I. Y. A. F. R.Comp¬

any it was iinanmously:Jtetohvtl; That our thanks arc due, and

art* htfchv tenth-red to all parties who havefunished the Company and individual mein-hero thereof Tritn1 refreythiiiehl« at our latefires. Thereby invigorating their framesand inspiring th<*tn to greater diligence and7.c:il in their good work.By Older

J. L.IIEIDTMAN,Sec. elf i. Y. A. Fi Ei Co.

NOTICESCHOOL DISTRICT XO. 10.The Regular Meeting of the Board of

Trustees was held on Monday Gilt in»t., andit wnt$ 'decided to- continue all of the

Schools which had been in < x{stance lastyear, also tliat one Of tho White School*should bo(lqcatcri in the Eastern pait oftheTown, above the Rail Road, and the otherin 'Home central portion of the lower Town,and for the'"Brown" School they desire, to

get a first H aAs} Male, Teacher.An Flection for Teachers will lie held on

25tli hint., and «all parties must send in tl»eirapplieatipiiB^ccnmpauiod by certificates, on

or'hcifore the 24th, addressed to the subscri¬ber. » All Schools will be opened on Mon¬day 4m'1 October."1h'( 1- t bbi ssi ...y. D. BOWMAN,

,' i b'.i [Clerk-of "Board of Trititecfl.T;b. Box 112 OrangohnrgS. C,

Dentistry.¦.«.nlw orter.A'rivEVArJliaEGHANlOAL.& M. Snider. T. J.Calvert." 'fSf" Office open at all times.

iELECTlOR NOTICE.u AX iafKCT10JI. for MAYOR and four.ALDERMEN, for the Town ofOrangeburgH(K Ca., will be held at the Engine House,on Tuesday the 1-lth day of Septembei

l'oiUl't<f'/W opened fr»<-ni 7 A. M. and'closetl at :&!!'. M- The following Hoard ofttänagurs ,.w.iU tthold the 'ELECTION : J.'B. T. Malone, T. C. Iliibhel and Anthony(Jolson. ^ ¦ -

ul i R KG1STRATION., A\\ jierso.ijs (pialiiieä to vote at the above.ELli/'TION will be repaired to registerprevious to. the ELECTION. RegisterBook» wffl be opmiedal tbe. Engine House,'on'Friday, Saturday, and Monday, previousto the Flection, being the 10th, Uth, 18tlldays of ^cpteiiiber nest. lV-oks to he open¬ed! e:|cli day (torn 7 A. M. tt> ß P*. M.The above named ManagersofELEC¬

TION will also conduct the REOLSTRA-TfON.By Order ofCouncil.

KIRK ROBINSON, [i.. a.]Clerk tif Council

äug 28«' 18758t

< Topnvl riöraliij> Nol ice-The undersigned have this day formed a

Copartnership under the name and style ofHitIOC»MANN and RENNEKKR, for theinirpcisc tif earring on the Retail merehan-disc htisiiicra at the comer of Kiifsell andllroughloii St a, Orangeburg C. II., S. C.


Sept. I .it 1876sept '1

FOR SALEA Fine Black MAKE, 2 good work

HOUSES and a two Horse WAGON. Ap¬ply toW. A. MERONEY.

uept 4 187.r> lm


ARTHUR II. LEWINdermatoligist and practical

hair cutter,Respectfully a.mounccH to the Citizen» of

Orangehnrg, that he hui permanentlylocated himself in tins place, and requests ashare of their patronage.

Call at No. 3 Law Range, opposite PostOffice.

Kept 4 1875lyNEW LIVERY


SALE STABLES.The subscriber lias opened a large and

convenient STAHLE, iu rear of his store,and is now ptcpnred to accommodate anyone, winhing cither to purchase or hire, orhave his Horse feed and cared for

horse and buggie for hire-"Henry Clay" for sale, will not l>e kept

on hand long.J. WALLACE CANNON,

sept 4 lb75tf

Executor's Notice.All pciMm having demands again*t theEstate of Caroline L. Gramling, deceased,will present the same properly attested, andall indebted to Haid Estate will make pay¬ment to

A. S- SALLEY,Qualified Executor.

Orangehnrg 8. C, Sept 4 187*Bcpl4 3t

CARD.The undersigned would oiler his thanks

to the citi7.ens af Orangehnrg County for theliberal patronage which he has heretoforeenjoyed, and in announcing to them that hehas associated himself with Capt. F. H. W.Hriggmann, and removed to the NEWSTOKE of that gcrtleinan, hopes that hisold friends will hunt him up there,andthat he may add many new ones to his list.

w. k.crook.


HOHERT JENNY.Importer and Manufacturer



HARNESS.C.-in and Iniy your goods, as now is the

;ime toliuy etleap for cash, the prices beingreduced in a very low figjre. Have yourHarnes» and Saddle* repaired now while Ihave time toiloil at once.

Call Olid »cc for yourself next door toMr. C. D. Kortjohn, Kussel Street.


HOYS A\I> GIRLSThe exercises of this School will he

resumed on Monday Sept. 6th, at theSchool JIons*r by the LutheranQhiiTch, recently occnprctl by Rev.G. A. Hongb.

Boys will be prepared for Businessor Col lego, and Young Ladies givena finished Course.As tho time of entrance has some

weight in the distribution of Prizes,attention is enlled to tho followingrule which is always strictly obser¬ved :

Rule X..At the clone of earn Sessiontwenty or more Prizes will be awarded tothe Pupils who excel in any of the diner-out Studies and in Deportment; and » ad¬dition thereto an evtra Prize will be givenat the public Exhibition at the end ol theSchool year to the pupil, in «ach ofthethree Department*, who can show thegreatest number of monthly Honors.

TERMS PER MONTH,Primary.~. $2 00Intermediate. 3 00Classics Extra. 1 00Fojfusther information apply to

R, R, SSElXICJIAJfT',J*ii»e*pal.

ang 21.Tnr

Pictures! Pictures!!Pictures!!!



Has opens bis l'liote^raphic Tent in outTown nn<l k* now Prepared tomake Pictures of every size and «tyle,and all priccqp satisfaction guaranteed.View» of Churches, Residencies &c made inthe neatest manner


fliriV" Old Pictures Copied siitl rvpuijed orenlarged at Charleston Prices.nug2I 1S7Ötf


Ofliee opposite Conrt Honso Square.Oiwiigobürg^ S. C.

T. W. Glover, Mortimer Glover,Juliub Glover.

Feb. Hi tf

FOE PALL, 1875.FOR FALL, 1875.aQE FALL, 1875.





Notice of Dissolution.J^There having been a dissolution by mu¬tual conssnt, of the Copartnership hereto-fore existing at this place under the firmname of >V. P. DUKES & Bro. AMparties indebted to the late firm, are lure-by notified that the Books of the firm are inthe hands of Wi P. DUKES at the oldstand, and all parties are requested to makeprompt payment to him, as the business hasto be closed.Howes Pump 6. C, June 28th 1875.


july 3 1875 3r:

SCHOOL NOTICE.Tho Exercises of Miss R. 8. ALB5R.

GOTTPS School will be resumed or .:yday Sept. 6th at the Residence of Ca T;A. Jeffords Russell Street. A few YoungLadies can be accommodated with Board atreasonable rates. For terms &c., apply asabove.aug 21.4t

Gin-Gearing and CottonPres. for Sals.

I offer for sale, my GIN-GEARING,nearly new, with IKON Segments andPinion complete. Also, one UTLEY COT¬TON PRESS in complete order. Theabove arc for Sale Cheap, as I propose todiscontinue Cotton ginning at my place.

JAS. IL FOWLES.aug 14 18753t

The State of South Carolina,OKANGEBURG COUNTY,

In Common* Pleas.E. Rosa C. fJlivcroB, widow and

Executor of the will ofEaidro J. Oliveros, deccasod,Plaintiffs, against

Clifford Oliveros. Ella Rosa OH- .

ros, Nina Ferdinand Oliverosand Rartolo Oliveros and Thom¬

as W; Glover, Defendants.Pursuant to the order of the s >id Court,the creditor of the said Esidro J. Olivei ¦>*

are hereby notified to present and provutheir several and respective demand beforeCharles B- Glover, Esquire, Referee, atOrangebnrg, South Carolina, on or beforethe first day of.September, A. D. 1875, andthat they arc enjoined from proceeding inseparate suits against the plaintiff, and are

required to present ami prove their respec¬tive claims before said l'.eferee in thisaction, er be debarred payment.



OF¦A. fisciiek'h TTonn

Where I am prepared to *ervc the Publicat the shortest notice in my line of business.Thanking the Citizens for their liberal . -

patronage in the past, I heg a continuance ofthe same in the future.



Two first class, pure bone, ammonlatedFertilizers, for sale by I). JENNINGS &SON and J. I)' AI KEN, Agents, Charleston,S. C. The highest testimonials can begiven. Flense send for circular.aug 28- 3m

The Cordial Italm ofSyrlcuaiand Tonic Pills.

NERVOUS DEBILITY,However obscure the cause may be whichcontribute to render nervous debility adisease so prevalent, affecting, as it does,nearly one-half of our adult population, itis a melancholy fact that day by dav, andyear by year, we witness a most frightful in*crease of nervous affections from the slight¬est neuralgia to the more grave andextreme forms of

NERVOUS PROSTRATION,Is characterized by a general languor orweakness of tbe whole organism/cspcciallyof the nervous system, obstructing and pre¬venting the ordinary functions ofnatnre;hence there is a disordered state of thesecretions; constipation, scanty and high-colored urine, with an excess ofearthy orlime sediment, indicative of waste of brainand nerve substance, frequent palpitationsof the heart, loss ofmemory and markedirresolution of purpose, and inability tocarry into action any well-defined businesscnteq>rise, or to fix the mind upon any onething at a time. There is great sensitive¬ness to impress, though retained but a shorttime, with a flickering and flattering condi¬tion of the mental faculties, rendering anindividual what is commonly called awhiffle-mindcd or flickle-minded man.

This condition of the individual, distress¬ing as his,may with a certainty beenred byTBE CORDIAL RALM OF SYRICUMAND LOTIIROP'S TONIC PILLS,

Medicines uuriva'ed for their wonderfulproperties and remarkable cures of all Ner¬vous Complaint*. Thcirefficacy is equallygreat in the treatment and cure of Cancore,Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter,Fever, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald-head. Barbers' Itch, Scurvy, Salt Rheum,Copper-Colored Blotches, Glandular Swell¬ings, Worms and Black Spots in the Flesh,Discolorations, Ulcers in thcThroat, Mouthand Nose, Sore Legs, and Sores of everycharacter, because these medicines arc thovery best

BLOOD MEDICINEEver placed before the people, and arc war¬ranted to be die most powerfully Alterativeever originated by man, removing MorbidSensibility, Depression of Spirits, Dementiaand Mciancholiaßäy* Sold by all Druggists, and will be Rentby express to all parts of the country qy ad¬dressing the proprietor, G. EDGARLOTHROP, Mi D., 143 Co.irt street, Boston,Mass., who may be consulted free of chargeeither personally or by mad. Send 25 centsand get a copy of his Rook on NervousDiseases.aug 14 1875ly
