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T l Medium BREATHITT C rNTY NEWS The I PobllborT Ht iH S 1...

Date post: 17-Jul-2020
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T y + lr yrtrsin Medium I ItI l 4 tiltND ADJOINING COUNTIE8- e J VIes Editor and PobllborT < N worK DBVOTED TO IntRiweviipf EASTKHN KKNTUOKV ONE DOUAB PER YEAR IK I V lame VI Jackson Friday iI J UiHfHii H H Ht H H1 iH H H HHHH H J FINAL swEEi 1 t t J tUB GOODS oe ° e 4 AlhSununer goods must go 4 7 forf g o j our fall goods We must r Tf TI y jr AfJ f fcvc the room and its l 6G tun fault if you do if 1j It t iot fake advantage of this 1 sale Goodness 4 knows out prices are low enough He dr i 9 member everything in the < liouso will be sold at cost ii I I ire 4 all ue r Ladies 500 Skirts t r- r > li NOW S35O ail Now is your opportunity 1 J t I EUSTER ISAACS ale KINGS OF LOW PRICES GGe aQs 9SZSlICa > r52Sc5 S S re52S25i52iiS FLOYD DAY President r SAMJJlIEAD JR Cats tier W IJ UO r 1lClbVFORDf 1m M P DAVIS Iri Acting Cashier 1 r tv JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK rn Jackson Kentucky m f Paid up Capital laird Surplus 2735ooo h jj u g mwoloUclt tho Banking u8ine8B and accounts of K m Business Men jjj i Merchants J Farmers g Throughout Eastern Kontnoky and offer our Customers the LIBEFRAL rn Within the lhnilte of legitimate business = J I t hl1 v 5- X5255 5SZ575dS25Z525u Z5c52 THE R9y OFFERS VERY LOW i i Rates To Arkansas p 1 t Indian Territory 0 dtvys of each month a Apply to any Southern Ry Agent or write A R COOK D P A fc IB S PENT T PA LOISVILlEK r H > > < tt > > rr4i r- I i r r BREATHITT C j < rNTY nJ A TilE Kentucky 49r SUMMER gv IDTERMSm SPECIALTYCOL Southern ROUND- TRIPHOmeseekers LouisianaOklahoma Texas guesTickets NEWS S S SZS2ssEss22s- TO 1 ADVERTISERS Iii Tho Breathitt Loamy News I jj lifts now tho largest circula tion of any paper in Eastern andJ mI Jj mdidlldertising you have never advertised with us give us a chance If you make your for trade through Tho News ItP will reach the largest and tJ most intelligent class of buy- ers in tilts community Your I ndwill bo rend by them and they will become yonr custo- mers I Try it und seorn I lsa 5 US5252S2525 5 cBJ Bruner at Jackson Dr Ben L Bruncr Republican nominee for Secretary of State spoke to a good crowd at tho court- house hero last Saturdify Dr Bruncr has participated in live erI festedall over Eastern Kentucky I during tho present cnmpnign Citi z ens of that section ho says arc betting two to one that the Re ¬ publican ticket will win For ono hour lie made a strong appeal to tho voters of Breathitt county to standup manfully in tho present campaign in support of the principles of good govern mont in the tipbuilding of trio fac tors that tend to elevate the moral and material status of our Com monwcalth and to remove and de ¬ stroy tho forces that make for evil Ho reviewed the record of the Democratic party in the man agemcntof the Ifft irs of govern- ment in Kentucky for the past four years und showed an endless and continuous chain of misman- agement and misgovernment in aUI the affairs of tbq Commonwealth His speech was well received and n1adnAfino i VOterS prcscntinn Irisordfwfn bo well remembered throughout the heat and turmoil of the un jjI3r discoveries during his tour which illustrates the wholesale frauds perpetrated by the Democratic machine leaders during tho recent primary Substantial citizens of Martin county whoso veracity is unquestioned told Dr Bruner that Martin county did not receive a single ballot for tho recent Pri- mary The ballot boxes came all right but the ballots were short andno election was held Yet thoI entire vote of tho county was ro ported for tho Heckham1 lager combination In two precincts of Paintsvillc Johnson county Dr Uruncr was informed that F A Hopkins Democratic candi date for Congress received 99 votes which was considered a full Democratic vote but in the recent Democratic State primary Beck ham and linger got 392 votes inI these same two precinctsC Springs Go To Eubanks The Clark circuit court has ad- judged ¬ W Z Eubanks and his children to be the owners of nndc entitled to tho immediate posses- sion ¬ of the Oil Springs property near Indian Fields that has been in litigation for several years in Clark county Mr Eubank CXI peels to improve this property at once and when that is done it willI bo a popular summer resort Reducing the Grade The grade of tho Mountain Cen ¬ tral railway on tho hill near Camp ton Junction is being reduced nearly five per cent and will be completed in n few weeks Gen ¬ eral Manager John C M Day is improving the road in many re ¬ spects Extension of Time The Court of Appeals Saturday extended tho time sixty days for filing tho transcript of tho record in the appeal of tho Commonwealth vsJamcs Hargis from Elliott county in tho case dismissed by Judge Moody over tho protest of tho prosecution Governor Bradley will speak at Beattyville Tuesday October 8 r jw Double Comedy o Errors Hall imnr CrrIPlliJl1dIe Complications even mr3 amus- ing than those described n Shake ¬ speares Comedy of Ei ttrs are possible tit the Hotel Condon Among the guests nro Mr nail Mrs R K Cuudill and Mr and- Mrs J T Caudill nil Cannel City Ky So much does one Cnudill resemble p pr man and so much does ear woman resemble the other wramn that frequently they have jccn mis taken ono for anotherjtfor the husbands are twin br t ers who married twin sisterso double wedding occured at t home of the brides in 187 > The twin bro hers Accentuate the likeness existing bo keen them by dressing exactly a Ike cycn to the most insignific lOt detail and so do the twin sisti rs It is said that when f the C udill twin toys were courting the Wells twin sisters they began qrt the same day cnchpuriPre arranged for distingoisliing marks in order that there might bg no < rmbnrmss ing mistake but the twin couples laughingly brush aside query as to the accuracy of this rcport Each of the couples has had three children but Mr and Mrs RE have thrqe boys while Mr arid Mrs J TyJarcJtwb boys and a girl Why tll gfrijould have happened and thus marred the continuity of coincidence is not explained it1 Old Granny Destroyed Moonshiners runnmrrat large in Lcxingtoh wcreplejitirul Sunday night says the I cln ion Herald Deputy United SlatfjiMarshal W M Mays this noil toe of the- ruoqnshincrs inR t I Kcntucln- arrivcd1n LcxingfaitJiSunday aft- ernoon from Jaclreftwivith a gang oftivelvo shin rs take them to Frofort pliersy will be tried this week = Federal j CDurtthidG CQ 1UlJrlSU are Made Dow r m Iiey nolds 1 JJllrctt Ji Sandlin SugSaudlin Elijahcll Elijah Couchland them are charged V either with Lmoonshining or booth gging Ser ¬ eral of the men were oapturcd last week by Marshal Mays in his raids on tlio moonshine stills in Owslcy and Breathitt Counties l Ono of the best captures lie has made during his six years of ser- vice ¬ for tho Government was made last week when ho located and destroyed the Old Granny at the mouth of Jctts Creek in Broathitt county Tins still has been in operation for ten years nail no mnrshnl or set of revenue men were able to locate it until Marshal Mays found its location Accompanied by Marshal Frank Elliott of Louisville and four other men they raided tho place at night and burned it Jack Gab is believed to have been the operator of the still and a warrant has been issued for his arrest Warrants have also been issued for the arrests of Elijah Gabbard Jerry Deaton and Shelby White charging them with assisting Gab bard in operating the place It is ono of the oldest stills in Breathitt county Marshal Mays came near being killed twice in tho raid First ho was attacked by a four foot copperhead snake that hung its fangs in his trouser legs and again his horse fell from- a cliff and pinioned him to the ground Ills leg was very badly bruised in the fall but in both in- stances ¬ ho escaped without serious injury One of the reasons why the Old Granny still Had operated so long without being found was of tho shrewdness of Gab bard Although the still was in two hundred yards of his home ho had made it n practice to go from his house up n hollow for nearly n mile cross a creek and then re trace his steps through a creek bottom so that no path was made leading to the still TJio only way that Marshal Mays as able to locate it was throughivconfedprato of Gabbard who cl him Ho did not catch Gabbwrdr i M 1t r ELECTION OFFICERS I For the November Elec I tion 1907 JACKSON PRECINCT No1 H C Hurst R and Be C Ply den I judges Ospar IIu ins It clerk and Harlan Rice D sheriff JACKSON NO 2 lien Young It and Willie Spur 1rnzielU sheriff JACKSON NO 8- Ilnrdin Childors It and Alfred Hollon D Judges George LUtlc R clerk and Alex Cundiff D sheriff FIIOZKX CHEEK NO 1 James Oaks R and David Vest D judges Blaine Short D clerk and John Hurst R sheriff CUAWFOIlD FKUCINOT No5 Clay Crawford D and Ehsha Johnson Jr It judges James II Johnson R clerk and Stun Jett D sheriff TKItHV PRECixC O 6 Luther Little Hand Thomas Griflith D judges Hiram John ¬ son D clerk and Alex Johnson U sheriff Jolts II LBWI8 No7 Harlan Griflith R and Jero Reynolds D judges Green B Stamper It clerk and Roger Callahan D sheriffC- KOCKETTSVIILK No8 John A Turner R and J D Burton D judges Luther Calla ¬ han D sleek and Wm Sebastian R sheriff OEOUPES UKANcir so 9 Jason Deaton Hand lames Raleigh D judges Charles Gam bill R clerk and Ed Deaton D sheriff LOST CREEK NO 10 Wm Haddix R and George Deaton 11 judgesW Ch Strong Djolerk and Seymour Watts R sheriff 1LO troqin- I ftMU James Hud son D judges Green Miller R clerkand J M Allen D sheriff SIIUNO FORK NO 12 C Minter R and Wm dem ¬ ons D judges Greenville Stacy D clerk and Sanford Brown R sheriff ELUOTTSVILLK NO 13 Wm Harvey R and Sam Pat ton Sr D judges Daniel Mc- Intosh R clerk and L C Cal houn D sheriff TAULHEE NO 14 OrbenI clerk and Joseph Harris R sheriff Couldnt Trail Capt Mulliken and his dogs which ho took to Grapevine Perry county last Thursday night an account of which appeared in last weoks News failed to find a trail of tho parties who dynamited soy ¬ era buildings of E C Duff of that place The killing of TaylorGambillsome time ago by Judge Duff is thought to have in- duced ¬ tho destruction of his prop- erty ¬ Gambills widow has brought suit against Judaic Duff in the sum of 10000 in the Perry cir- cuit ¬ court ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining Uncalled for In Jackson Postoffice List of letters remaining un ¬ claimed in the Jackson postoflico for tho weekending Sept 27 1907and sent to the Dead Letter Ofiico at Washington D C for the week ending Oct 11 1907 AAllio Adkins B James J Brady 0 R Clevedence D Richard Davidson K Maggie Kilburn L Allen Lovelace America Little M Andrew Muncie Ed Mag aner McPherson Catha rine Miller W Mary Williams Persons calling for tho above mail will please say advertised D D HURST P M I Stop with Hart Bros at Reed Hotel when itvLexington r i nu f The Largest CirculationO- F ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTION aura UAOINB ADVANCE appeal because Find Judge Paulina Shiners Placed in Jill Deputy United States Marshal Frank Horn took Jack and Hen ¬ derson Williams Jack Smith Hen- drix Allen and John S Grig by to Richmond Tuesday and placed them in jiil ta await the Novem ¬ ber term of the United court there lacy are charged with mianshining MM Rose Griffin was also placed in jail there on the same charge Lost Creek We thank the Federal and county officers for tho war they have waged against tho tigers in thin section and beg them to con tinue the good fight until the tige has been banished from our realm We had an oldtimo Baptis- meeting at the school house at tho mouth of Lcathcrwood on Satur- day ¬ and Sunday September 14thnnd 15th There were about two hundred in attendance andold time peace and friendship seemed to pervade tho entire con gregation We attribute nth these kindrelations to tho absence of the tiger mans booze John H Combs Elias Mullens and UH Landrum impressively proclaimed the power and influence of Gods word and love over tho children of men Ned Too lute fur last Wtfek J The little son of John II Combs is improving from a case of sick nessFrank Horn has made several arrests in and around this vicinity S fw whisky sellingr Benjamin F Combs has been g seriously afflicted with a case of toothache Ho went to Jackson to have the tooth extracted and the dentist detected that Combs itho improving 9 te r tf T 1 jTinn lu that John IL Combs was the cause of the U S Marshals making their recent investigations He wants to beg the pardon of all who think Such though he says ho is an ardent lover of the justice of fie law but is not the source ofJ any investigations lIe says he has counseled the people to not violate the law and good order but says if they are determined to risk an experience on the matter they and tho law are for it He says he can only bo sorry for them but it docs not nmcunt to dollars and cents Whick IITII S II Fugate was here on the 15th collecting taxesT Lee Strong Is boating goods from Jackson tohis store hero Constables James Strong and Gray Haddix are making excel lent officers n Wo attended Bro Druslmlls Sunday school on tho 15th inst and wo are proud to report a most excellent work being done there Wo are proud of our Sunday schools in this community They are doing great good for tho little children and wo urge a better at tendance of the older people Roger Spicer hits succeeded in get- ting a good sum of money to pur chase an organ for our Sunday school hero and we hope to have it with us ere long The biggest handsomest and best barber of Jackson W H Whitakor passed throughour community a few days ago look ing after his vast timber interest of upper North Forkand made a date with our teacher South Strong to spenda few pleasant hours with him on his return trip fishing for the big fish of the fa mous whillholeCJ There isa full docket at Esq J M Deatons court for almost everyday in the week and we no tice a great change has been made for the good There is no better officer in Breathitt county than Squire Deaton and we learn that he has succeeded in breaking into the camp of the blinc l tigers nn d < J has sent some of the boys to jail for refusing to testify against them All good citizens of this neighborhood will assist him in this just cause At the close of our school hero we hope to send the Riverside- s Brethren Institute nttlie mouth of Lost Creek Hey G E Dru shall principal several students Wo think it is highly charitable and commendable that the good fathers of Breathitt county pat ¬ ronize this school and the Lees Collegiate Institute at Jackson by sending their sons and daughters to them and not discourage home industry by sending them to other Untilr we realize that we have power at thet is true be ¬ gins we can not bo selfreliant we will be dependent IK Roberts has opened up A largo cannel coal bank on the Swann Day land on Fish Trap branch It is a better coal than the famous Georges branch coal The com- pany > is preparing to mine a largo 1 lot of it for use on their booms hero andat Beattyvillc lfrM Roberts has built two largo boats for tho purpose of freighting the coal down the river He is also building a large camp boat for the use of the men while driving logs and for use at the booms XOLAND ESTiLL COUNTY Noland Winkler has sold his farm here and bought a farm in Madison county for which ho paid 55 per acre Noah Warlord of here has sold his timber on the Millard Winkler farm for > 1000Sidney Farthing and Miss Cynthia A Winkler were married on the 19th inst Wo wish them u happy life and prosperity Rev Frank Robinson will his regular meeting at Crook ¬ edcreek Saturday night and Su- ndayM ¬ D Walton has a solo t4 tl > his sons in tho west G R i Lamb and son and daughter are visiting friends hero JIYDEX LESLIE COUNTY I Hon A E Willson spoke to GOO people hero a rely days ago All enjoyed his speech and t he is sure to carry this county Sarah and Bettie Morgan attended church on Coon Creek Sunday Dora Morgan and son Miles at- tended ¬ meeting at Short creek it Sunday Will Green and wife of Shell visited tho family of t Lloyd Morgan Saturday Tho roads in this section have been 1 worked nail are now in an excel ¬ condition Lloyd Smiths 1 son Joseph aged 18 was kicked > a mule and instantly killed hey live in Clay countyMiss Nancy Bolin has returned homo from a visit to her sister at Stin nettMrs Grant Morgan who has been sick for a long time is- o better and her recovery is doubtful Francis Morgan is on tho sick list Aaron Cornett andwife attended the fair at Lon ¬ don RED Hum AUY PEKUY COUNTY BI J f a i completed his house and moved > ° into it M M Kicliio is prepay- ing to paint Larkin Smiths house II B Smith is progressing > nicely with his two sty dwelling t fbo school at the mouth of Pigeon Hoost is doing well Hiss Mollie Williams is tho teacher K L Combs has accepted position toj travel in Eastern Kentucky for a Cincinnati firnaSnrnson and Miss Amy Smith have gone to Jackson to have their eyes treated by a physician Jordou Smith executed bond for the murder Ligo Hughes and has been re- leased from jailJ W Ford 1 manager of the Ohio Valley Tie Co was hero last week looking after ties Elder James Hall R Blair M D Stacy and Thomas Kelly will preach the funeral of Clayton and Alice Stacy at thisy Smith grave yard on the third Saturday and und y In Qctobe LII a r- r > 7 < If
Page 1: T l Medium BREATHITT C rNTY NEWS The I PobllborT Ht iH S 1 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w6m333913/data/0666.pdf · on tlio moonshine stills in Owslcy and Breathitt Countiesl Ono of the


y+ lr

yrtrsin Medium IItI l 4



J VIes Editor and PobllborT <


J UiHfHii H H Ht H H1 iH H H HHHH H




° e


AlhSununer goods must go47 forf g

oj our fall goods We must r

Tf TI y jrAfJ ffcvc the room and its

l 6G tun fault if you do if1jIt t iot fake advantage of this

1 sale Goodness4

knows out

prices are low enough Hedr

i 9member everything in the

< liouso will be sold at cost ii I

I ire

4 all uer

Ladies 500 Skirts t

r-r> li

NOW S35Oail

Now is your opportunity1




9SZSlICa > r52Sc5 S S re52S25i52iiSFLOYD DAY President r SAMJJlIEAD JR Cats tier


Acting Cashier 1r



rn Jackson Kentucky m

f Paid up Capital laird Surplus 2735ooo h

jj u g

mwoloUclt tho Banking u8ine8B and accounts of K

m Business Men jjj

i Merchants J

Farmers g

Throughout Eastern Kontnoky and offer our Customers


LIBEFRALrn Within the lhnilte of legitimate business = J

It hl1v


X52555SZ575dS25Z525u Z5c52




i RatesTo Arkansas p

1 tIndian Territory


dtvys of each month a

Apply to any Southern Ry Agent or write




tt > >rr4i








A TilE

Kentucky 49rSUMMER





LouisianaOklahoma TexasguesTickets


S S SZS2ssEss22s-TO



Tho Breathitt Loamy News Ijj lifts now tho largest circulation of any paper in EasternandJ mI

Jj mdidlldertisingyou have never advertisedwith us give us a chance Ifyou make your fortrade through Tho News ItPwill reach the largest and tJmost intelligent class of buy-ers in tilts community Your I

ndwill bo rend by them andthey will become yonr custo-mers


Try it und seorn I

lsa 5 US5252S25255 cBJ

Bruner at JacksonDr Ben L Bruncr Republican

nominee for Secretary of Statespoke to a good crowd at tho court-house hero last Saturdify DrBruncr has participated in liveerIfestedall over Eastern Kentucky


during tho present cnmpnign Citizens of that section ho says arcbetting two to one that the Re ¬

publican ticket will winFor ono hour lie made a strong

appeal to tho voters of Breathittcounty to standup manfully intho present campaign in supportof the principles of good governmont in the tipbuilding of trio factors that tend to elevate the moraland material status of our Commonwcalth and to remove and de ¬

stroy tho forces that make forevil Ho reviewed the record ofthe Democratic party in the managemcntof the Ifft irs of govern-ment in Kentucky for the pastfour years und showed an endlessand continuous chain of misman-agement and misgovernment in aUIthe affairs of tbq CommonwealthHis speech was well received andn1adnAfino iVOterS prcscntinn Irisordfwfnbo well remembered throughoutthe heat and turmoil of the unjjI3rdiscoveries during his tour whichillustrates the wholesale fraudsperpetrated by the Democraticmachine leaders during tho recentprimary Substantial citizens ofMartin county whoso veracity isunquestioned told Dr Brunerthat Martin county did not receivea single ballot for tho recent Pri-

mary The ballot boxes came allright but the ballots were shortandno election was held Yet thoIentire vote of tho county was roported for tho Heckham1 lagercombination In two precincts ofPaintsvillc Johnson county DrUruncr was informed that F

A Hopkins Democratic candidate for Congress received 99votes which was considered a fullDemocratic vote but in the recentDemocratic State primary Beckham and linger got 392 votes inIthese same two precinctsCSprings Go To Eubanks

The Clark circuit court has ad-


W Z Eubanks and hischildren to be the owners of nndcentitled to tho immediate posses-sion


of the Oil Springs propertynear Indian Fields that has beenin litigation for several years inClark county Mr Eubank CXIpeels to improve this property atonce and when that is done it willIbo a popular summer resort

Reducing the GradeThe grade of tho Mountain Cen ¬

tral railway on tho hill near Campton Junction is being reducednearly five per cent and will becompleted in n few weeks Gen ¬

eral Manager John C M Day isimproving the road in many re ¬


Extension of TimeThe Court of Appeals Saturday

extended tho time sixty days forfiling tho transcript of tho recordin the appeal of tho CommonwealthvsJamcs Hargis from Elliottcounty in tho case dismissed byJudge Moody over tho protest oftho prosecution

Governor Bradley will speak atBeattyville Tuesday October 8



Double Comedy o ErrorsHall imnr CrrIPlliJl1dIe

Complications even mr3 amus-ing than those described n Shake ¬

speares Comedy of Ei ttrs arepossible tit the Hotel CondonAmong the guests nro Mr nailMrs R K Cuudill and Mr and-

Mrs J T Caudill nil CannelCity Ky So much does oneCnudill resemble p pr manand so much does ear womanresemble the other wramn thatfrequently they have jccn mistaken ono for anotherjtfor thehusbands are twin br t ers whomarried twin sisterso doublewedding occured at t home ofthe brides in 187 >

The twin bro hers Accentuatethe likeness existing bo keen themby dressing exactly a Ike cycnto the most insignific lOt detailand so do the twin sisti rs It issaid that when f the C udill twintoys were courting the Wells twinsisters they began qrt the sameday cnchpuriPre arrangedfor distingoisliing marks in orderthat there might bg no < rmbnrmssing mistake but the twin coupleslaughingly brush aside query asto the accuracy of this rcport

Each of the couples has hadthree children but Mr and MrsR E have thrqe boys while Mrarid Mrs J TyJarcJtwb boys anda girl Why tll gfrijould havehappened and thus marred thecontinuity of coincidence is notexplained it1

Old Granny DestroyedMoonshiners runnmrrat large in

Lcxingtohwcreplejitirul Sundaynight says the I cln ion HeraldDeputy United SlatfjiMarshal WM Mays this noil toe of the-ruoqnshincrs inR t I Kcntucln-arrivcd1n LcxingfaitJiSunday aft-

ernoon from Jaclreftwivith a gangoftivelvo shin rs take themto Frofort pliersy will betried this week = Federal j

CDurtthidG CQ

1UlJrlSUare Made Dow r m Iiey

nolds 1 JJllrctt Ji SandlinSugSaudlin Elijahcll Elijah

Couchlandthem are charged V either with

Lmoonshining or booth gging Ser ¬

eral of the men were oapturcd lastweek by Marshal Mays in his raidson tlio moonshine stills in Owslcyand Breathitt Counties l

Ono of the best captures lie hasmade during his six years of ser-


for tho Government wasmade last week when ho locatedand destroyed the Old Grannyat the mouth of Jctts Creek inBroathitt county Tins still hasbeen in operation for ten yearsnail no mnrshnl or set of revenuemen were able to locate it untilMarshal Mays found its locationAccompanied by Marshal FrankElliott of Louisville and fourother men they raided tho placeat night and burned it Jack Gab

is believed to have been theoperator of the still and a warranthas been issued for his arrestWarrants have also been issuedfor the arrests of Elijah GabbardJerry Deaton and Shelby Whitecharging them with assisting Gabbard in operating the place

It is ono of the oldest stills inBreathitt county Marshal Mayscame near being killed twice intho raid First ho was attackedby a four foot copperhead snakethat hung its fangs in his trouserlegs and again his horse fell from-a cliff and pinioned him to theground Ills leg was very badlybruised in the fall but in both in-


ho escaped without seriousinjury

One of the reasons why theOld Granny still Had operated

so long without being found wasof tho shrewdness of Gab

bard Although the still was intwo hundred yards of his home hohad made it n practice to go fromhis house up n hollow for nearlyn mile cross a creek and then retrace his steps through a creekbottom so that no path was madeleading to the still TJio only waythat Marshal Mays as able tolocate it was throughivconfedpratoof Gabbard who cl himHo did not catch Gabbwrdr




ELECTION OFFICERSI For the November ElecI tion 1907


den I judges Ospar IIu ins Itclerk and Harlan Rice D sheriff

JACKSON NO 2lien Young It and Willie Spur



Ilnrdin Childors It and AlfredHollon D Judges George LUtlcR clerk and Alex Cundiff Dsheriff

FIIOZKX CHEEK NO 1James Oaks R and David Vest

D judges Blaine Short D clerkand John Hurst R sheriff

CUAWFOIlD FKUCINOT No5Clay Crawford D and Ehsha

Johnson Jr It judges James IIJohnson R clerk and Stun JettD sheriff

TKItHV PRECixC O 6Luther Little Hand Thomas

Griflith D judges Hiram John ¬

son D clerk and Alex JohnsonU sheriff

Jolts II LBWI8 No7Harlan Griflith R and Jero

Reynolds D judges Green BStamper It clerk and RogerCallahan D sheriffC-

KOCKETTSVIILK No8John A Turner R and J D

Burton D judges Luther Calla ¬

han D sleek and Wm SebastianR sheriff

OEOUPES UKANcir so 9Jason Deaton Hand lames

Raleigh D judges Charles Gambill R clerk and Ed Deaton Dsheriff

LOST CREEK NO 10Wm Haddix R and George

Deaton 11 judgesW Ch StrongDjolerk and Seymour Watts Rsheriff


I ftMU James Hudson D judges Green Miller Rclerkand J M Allen D sheriff

SIIUNO FORK NO 12C Minter R and Wm dem ¬

ons D judges Greenville StacyD clerk and Sanford Brown Rsheriff

ELUOTTSVILLK NO 13Wm Harvey R and Sam Pat

ton Sr D judges Daniel Mc-

Intosh R clerk and L C Calhoun D sheriff


OrbenIclerk and Joseph Harris Rsheriff

Couldnt TrailCapt Mulliken and his dogs

which ho took to Grapevine Perrycounty last Thursday night anaccount of which appeared in lastweoks News failed to find a trailof tho parties who dynamited soy ¬

era buildings of E C Duffof that place The killing ofTaylorGambillsome time ago byJudge Duff is thought to have in-


tho destruction of his prop-erty


Gambills widow has broughtsuit against Judaic Duff in thesum of 10000 in the Perry cir-




Remaining Uncalled forIn Jackson PostofficeList of letters remaining un ¬

claimed in the Jackson postoflicofor tho weekending Sept 271907and sent to the Dead LetterOfiico at Washington D C forthe week ending Oct 11 1907

AAllio AdkinsB James J Brady

0R ClevedenceD Richard DavidsonK Maggie KilburnL Allen Lovelace America

LittleM Andrew Muncie Ed Mag

aner McPherson Catharine Miller

W Mary WilliamsPersons calling for tho above

mail will please say advertisedD D HURST P M

I Stop with Hart Bros at ReedHotel when itvLexington




The Largest CirculationO-F ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTION







Shiners Placed in JillDeputy United States Marshal

Frank Horn took Jack and Hen ¬

derson Williams Jack Smith Hen-

drix Allen and John S Grig byto Richmond Tuesday and placedthem in jiil ta await the Novem ¬

ber term of the Unitedcourt there lacy are chargedwith mianshining MM RoseGriffin was also placed in jail thereon the same charge

Lost CreekWe thank the Federal and

county officers for tho war theyhave waged against tho tigers inthin section and beg them to continue the good fight until the tigehas been banished from our realm

We had an oldtimo Baptis-meeting at the school house at thomouth of Lcathcrwood on Satur-day


and Sunday September14thnnd 15th There wereabout two hundred in attendanceandold time peace and friendshipseemed to pervade tho entire congregation We attribute nth thesekindrelations to tho absence of thetiger mans booze John H CombsElias Mullens and UH Landrumimpressively proclaimed the powerand influence of Gods word andlove over tho children of men


Too lute fur last Wtfek J

The little son of John II Combsis improving from a case of sick

nessFrankHorn has made several

arrests in and around this vicinity S

fw whisky sellingrBenjamin F Combs has been g

seriously afflicted with a case oftoothache Ho went to Jacksonto have the tooth extracted andthe dentist detected that Combsithoimproving 9ter tf T 1 jTinn luthat John IL Combs was the causeof the U S Marshals makingtheir recent investigations Hewants to beg the pardon of all whothink Such though he says ho isan ardent lover of the justice offie law but is not the source ofJany investigations lIe says hehas counseled the people to notviolate the law and good orderbut says if they are determinedto risk an experience on the matterthey and tho law are for it Hesays he can only bo sorry forthem but it docs not nmcunt todollars and cents

WhickIITIIS II Fugate was here on the15th collecting taxesTLee Strong Is boating goodsfrom Jackson tohis store hero

Constables James Strong andGray Haddix are making excellent officers n

Wo attended Bro DruslmllsSunday school on tho 15th instand wo are proud to report a mostexcellent work being done there

Wo are proud of our Sundayschools in this community Theyare doing great good for tho littlechildren and wo urge a better attendance of the older peopleRoger Spicer hits succeeded in get-

ting a good sum of money to purchase an organ for our Sundayschool hero and we hope to haveit with us ere long

The biggest handsomest andbest barber of Jackson W HWhitakor passed throughourcommunity a few days ago looking after his vast timber interestof upper North Forkand made adate with our teacher SouthStrong to spenda few pleasanthours with him on his return tripfishing for the big fish of the famous whillholeCJ

There isa full docket at EsqJ M Deatons court for almosteveryday in the week and we notice a great change has been madefor the good There is no betterofficer in Breathitt county thanSquire Deaton and we learn thathe has succeeded in breaking intothe camp of the blinc l tigers nn d


has sent some of the boys to jailfor refusing to testify againstthem All good citizens of thisneighborhood will assist him inthis just cause

At the close of our school herowe hope to send the Riverside-

s Brethren Institute nttlie mouthof Lost Creek Hey G E Drushall principal several studentsWo think it is highly charitableand commendable that the goodfathers of Breathitt county pat¬

ronize this school and the LeesCollegiate Institute at Jackson bysending their sons and daughtersto them and not discourage homeindustry by sending them to otherUntilrwe realize that we have power atthetis true be ¬

gins we can not bo selfreliant wewill be dependent

IK Roberts has opened up A largocannel coal bank on the SwannDay land on Fish Trap branch Itis a better coal than the famousGeorges branch coal The com-pany


is preparing to mine a largo1

lot of it for use on their boomshero andat Beattyvillc lfrMRoberts has built two largo boatsfor tho purpose of freighting thecoal down the river He is alsobuilding a large camp boat for theuse of the men while driving logsand for use at the booms


Noland Winkler has sold hisfarm here and bought a farm inMadison county for which ho paid

55 per acre Noah Warlord ofhere has sold his timber on

the Millard Winkler farm for >1000Sidney Farthing and

Miss Cynthia A Winkler weremarried on the 19th inst Wo wishthem u happy life and prosperity

Rev Frank Robinson willhis regular meeting at Crook ¬

edcreek Saturday night and Su-ndayM


D Walton has a solo

t4 tl >

his sons in tho west G RiLamb and son and daughter are

visiting friends hero


Hon A E Willson spoke toGOO people hero a rely days

ago All enjoyed his speech and the is sure to carry this countySarah and Bettie Morgan attendedchurch on Coon Creek SundayDora Morgan and son Miles at-


meeting at Short creekit

Sunday Will Green and wifeof Shell visited tho family of


Lloyd Morgan Saturday Thoroads in this section have been 1

worked nail are now in an excel ¬

condition Lloyd Smiths 1son Joseph aged 18 was kicked


a mule and instantly killedhey live in Clay countyMiss

Nancy Bolin has returned homofrom a visit to her sister at StinnettMrs Grant Morgan whohas been sick for a long time is-

o better and her recovery isdoubtful Francis Morgan ison tho sick list Aaron Cornettandwife attended the fair at Lon ¬

don RED Hum


completed his house and moved > °

into it M M Kicliio is prepay-ing to paint Larkin Smiths house

II B Smith is progressing>

nicely with his two sty dwelling tfboschool at the mouth of PigeonHoost is doing well Hiss MollieWilliams is tho teacher K LCombs has accepted position tojtravel in Eastern Kentucky for aCincinnati firnaSnrnson andMiss Amy Smith have gone toJackson to have their eyes treatedby a physician Jordou Smith

executed bond for the murderLigo Hughes and has been re-

leased from jailJ W Ford 1

manager of the Ohio Valley TieCo was hero last week lookingafter ties Elder James Hall RBlair M D Stacy and ThomasKelly will preach the funeral ofClayton and Alice Stacy at thisySmith grave yard on the thirdSaturday and und y In Qctobe

LII a r-


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