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T Sponsors Stephen Siciliano Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Inside Logic Apps BizTalk Summit 2015...

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t Sponsors Stephen Siciliano Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Inside Logic Apps BizTalk Summit 2015 – London ExCeL London | April 13th & 14th


Stephen SicilianoSenior Program Manager, Microsoft

Inside Logic Apps

BizTalk Summit 2015 – LondonExCeL London | April 13th & 14th

Agenda Introduction


Basic scenario – WebHook initiated Logic App

Taking it to the next level Repeats Conditionals Parameters


Easily build and consume APIs in the


WEB APPSWeb apps that scale with

your business


Automate business process across SaaS and


MOBILE APPSBuild Mobile apps for

any device

App Service


Automate business process across SaaS and


New Logic Apps for easy automation

• No code designer for rapid creation

• Dozens of pre-built templates to get started

• Out of box support for popular SaaS and on-premises apps

• Use with custom API apps of your own

• BizTalk APIs for expert integration scenarios

All of the Azure-native capabilities you’d expect

• Full audit logs of all management operations• Role-based access control • Deployment lifecycle with Resource Manager• Resource Management API + resource PowerShell • On-prem support with next release of Azure Pack

Target audience is anyone who can use Azure

… but not necessarily business users or consumers


Azure Resource ManagerThe Azure Resource manager is a highly-scalable geo-distributed system that handles millions of resources across 100,000’s of subscriptions.

Same underlying engine…RESOURCE MANAGER

Can handle thousands of parallel deployments per stamp

Resilient against failure – retries with “at least once” guarantee

Simple, declarative JSON template

Automatically infers dependences between resources


Can handle thousands of parallel runs per stamp

Resilient against failure – retries with “at least once” guarantee

Simple, declarative JSON definition

Automatically infers dependences between actions

{ "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2014-04-01-preview/deploymentTemplate.json#", "contentVersion": "", "variables": { "myWorkerSize": 0 }, "parameters": { "siteName": { "type": "string" }, "hostingPlanName": { "type": "string" }, "siteLocation": { "type": "string" }, "sku": { "type": "string", "allowedValues": [ "Free", "Shared", "Basic", "Standard" ], "defaultValue": "Free" }, "workerSize": { "type": "string", "allowedValues": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "defaultValue": "0" } }, "resources": [ { "name": "myplan1", "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "location": "West US", "tags": { "dept": "test" }, "properties": { "Name": "myplan1", "sku": "Free", "workerSize": "[variables('myWorkerSize')]", "numberOfWorkers": 1 } }, { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "location": "[parameters('siteLocation')]", "tags": { "[concat('hidden-related:', resourceGroup().id, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]": "Resource" }, "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]" ], "properties": { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "serverFarm": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]" }, "resources": [ { "name": "MSDeploy", "type": "Extensions", "apiVersion": "2014-04-01-preview", "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/Sites/', parameters('siteName'))]" ], "properties": { "packageUri": "https://auxmktplceprod.blob.core.windows.net/packages/ASPNETEmptySite.zip", "dbType": "None", "connectionString": "", "setParameters": { "Application Path": "[parameters('siteName')]" } } } ] } ]}

{ "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2014-12-01-preview/workflowdefinition.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "keyword": { "defaultValue": "logicapps", "type": "string" } }, "triggers": { "twitterconnector": { "recurrence": { "frequency": "Hour", "interval": 1 }, "type": "ApiApp", "inputs": { "apiVersion": "2015-01-14", "host": { "id": "/subscriptions/423db32d-4f58-4220-961c-b59f14c962f1/resourcegroups/bpmdemo003/providers/Microsoft.AppService/apiapps/twitterconnector", "gateway": "https://bpmdemo003423db32d4f584220961cb59f14c962f1.azurewebsites.net" }, "operation": "TriggerOnNewTweet", "parameters": { "triggerId": "@workflow().name", "parameters": { "callbackUrl": "@accessKeys('default').primary.secretRunUri", "inputs": { "Keywords": "@parameters('keyword')" } } }, "authentication": { "type": "Raw", "scheme": "Zumo", "parameter": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtc25hbWUiOiJFTUEuUmVzb3VyY2VQcm92aWRlciIsImZ1bGxyb3ciOiJhbGwiLCJ2ZXIiOiIzIiwidWlkIjoic2lkOjE0Mjc0NzcwNjcxNDAiLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OndpbmRvd3MtYXp1cmU6enVtbyIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptaWNyb3NvZnQ6d2luZG93cy1henVyZTp6dW1vIiwibmJmIjoxNDI3NDc3MDY5fQ.ihuWiXgyOpsG64Du6sAnRXxZGM_wtrJF0CJH0y-Rxfs" } }, "conditions": [ { "expression": "@bool('false')" } ] } }, "actions": { "dropboxconnector": { "type": "ApiApp", "inputs": { "apiVersion": "2015-01-14", "host": { "id": "/subscriptions/423db32d-4f58-4220-961c-b59f14c962f1/resourcegroups/bpmdemo003/providers/Microsoft.AppService/apiapps/dropboxconnector", "gateway": "https://bpmdemo003423db32d4f584220961cb59f14c962f1.azurewebsites.net" }, "operation": "UploadFile", "parameters": { "FilePath": "@concat('tweets/logicapps/',triggers().outputs.body.Tweet_ID)", "content": { "Content": "@triggers().outputs.body.TweetText", "ContentTransferEncoding": "None" }, "overwrite": true }, "authentication": { "type": "Raw", "scheme": "Zumo", "parameter": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtc25hbWUiOiJFTUEuUmVzb3VyY2VQcm92aWRlciIsImZ1bGxyb3ciOiJhbGwiLCJ2ZXIiOiIzIiwidWlkIjoic2lkOjE0Mjc0NzcwNjcxNDAiLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OndpbmRvd3MtYXp1cmU6enVtbyIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptaWNyb3NvZnQ6d2luZG93cy1henVyZTp6dW1vIiwibmJmIjoxNDI3NDc3MDY5fQ.ihuWiXgyOpsG64Du6sAnRXxZGM_wtrJF0CJH0y-Rxfs" } }, "conditions": [ ] } }, "outputs": { }} 


8 functions for basic referencing and string functions

Can only PUT resources into resource groups

Auth must be through AAD

Triggered manual through API


Over 50 functions from string manipulations to math, to sets operations, to logical operators

All HTTP operations supported on any arbitrary endpoint

Supports many OAuth providers, AAD, Cert auth, or Basic auth

4 different ways to be triggered

Basic scenarioUsing WebHooks to start a workflow

User adds an item to a list in their Mobile app

Mobile app has the callback URI for the workflow

When the callback URI is

called, the workflow

immediately starts the

“first*” action

All dependent actions in the

workflow continue as


Actions with simple orchestration

3 ways to introduce dependences between actions:

1. Implicitly – whenever you reference the output of an action you’ll depend on that action executing first

2. Explicit “dependsOn” condition – you can mark certain actions to run only after previous ones have completed“dependsOn” : “twitterconnector”

3. Explicit “expression” condition – a complex function that evaluates properties of other actions“expression” : “@equals(actions(‘twitterconnector’).code, ‘InternalServerError’)”

Actions that run in parallel will

Triggering a Logic app “Run” Recurring schedule – “every X hours”

Polling an API for a response A 200 response means “run” -- a 202 response means “wait” Can use trigger state to get information on the previous execution

Registering an API App to “push” to a workflow Using a custom contract implemented for API Apps

WebHook Every workflow has an endpoint you can POST to from any web

service Supports Basic auth for simple systems

Manually User can click the “Run Now” button in the portal

The Next Level

Repeating Loop a single action over a list of items

Runs the action N times

You can get at all of the statuses for each action

Tip: when you have multiple collections use: "repeat" :

"@range(0,length(body('connector1')))" … "inputs" : "@concat(body('connector1')

[repeatItem()], body('connector2')[repeatItem()])"

Conditionals Logic on a trigger or action For triggers conditionals are post-

conditions For actions conditionals are pre-


You can do conditionals inside of repeats to perform as a filter


Dev Workflow Prod Workflow



Uri: @parameters (‘endpoint’)


Declares same parameters

Uri: @parameters (‘endpoint’)

ParametersProvides DEV


Endpoint : “http://int.mysite


ParametersProvides PROD


Endpoint : “http://mysite.ne


• Re-using values, or even complex objects, throughout the definition, which makes it easier to comprehend

• Separate out config from the definition itself, making sharing easy, as well as across different environments.

Messages Large message support is built-in (<100 MB)

To handle binary blobs of data you can: 1. Externalize state (save it to Azure storage) 2. Base64 encode it and return it directly in the workflow

(workflows are JSON)

All messages are archived Retention period depends on the App Service plan

Debugging tips Try calling the API App directly: POST {gatewayURI}/api/service/invoke/{api app

name}/{operation name}?api-version=2015-01-14 x-zumo-auth : {your token} This may be a faster way to iterate if you are seeing failures

Use requestb.in to debug triggers – you can inspect all incoming requests

Enable logging for the Web app hosting the API App

*New* you can Cancel a Run if it is failed

