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f* T *. 0 4'M" •«4>V' a » J nwH mtirT^i*(i*i^yyw*''0'i*]rtf wfa*""^*- •Wl-I" i'> BUACK ftlVTSlR BEMOGRAT •^ JULY 24, Wl3. : i$t»t3»«8 lPt$t}t&mtlnK teem cw "good ..by.," TW*Mye »$ nine letters, 01 # &{S4 pFwie alpbabet, Within a life* «f§£ I tod It PU, but it required! pWiie^t* lead As to telegiaphing myself, I p«icUcea«t sending messages ,Wmto&tto topping with my lingei S'%,%e;w#J;.4£:iBf cell and. soon be- 4pj?iitfS#;wiiia read readily I tie- l $m'ia,Vfeike a hafld,-. to the dla- "f§$<*,lifteu,|bQtb pdjtticnls, were Vl hi0S, } . .tile one, a -young man »b,eM sen); to Siberia from a l & . t h e <>Uier bad Ijeen impli- es', fejusplrapy tO ( assassinate a ;^'::'p^'Vpolfce. ."$ie latter was i'flujer than the iormer-at feast [&|au'e4 more isdately—whil 4 (#he stu- 1 nW^ag-MMf^ope.ahU qntKM|sni. H M w t e *^h tbs||her#aDS «fe|A^nfcli his. CQtesgfjWaent '®$jmi$<Wi Impossible Jfng would Kprii^ ; clbw-n rfloye7J^E|pij.on those s^life,nin)ied .therf- '• WM . §>mmt<mm\••vtearteMat tu<£ ont - ^ T~7" :'£0 put I. H •so- pHRfecftme,,-,.,.. • vj. V^'What Isht. PauljSp'*. , ,-..;• '-..J-'made the reply - uiyseUV Xgnid that ,1 wfis, a political prisoner, a s&JJng girl; that. I had heard their cprjversations ; o;\re>the pipe and had interpreted their code. & woujd be pleased; to talk with them 'when, they were 'not i engaged chatting with each otMr. Paul, the university.' man, asfcedMfe- how long 1 had been in learning* S»e code and. when I told liirdi, complimented me on my readiness. I askedihim it he were not afraid of the prison-authorities be- coming aware that he^was communi- cating, to which he..implied that the prisoners all knew tie hours when the guards were due and were careful to NOTHING MAY BE VERY FUNWY. i^nfeadon Grossmith Proved |t to Honry Irvmg's Satisfaction. In 'From Studio Jo Stige Wuedon Grossmith tells us of his imitation to play Jacques Strop to Henry Irving's Robert Matiaire. Ho says It took his breath away. Irving told him that he had- received good reports of the young actor"*from .Booth and .Jefferson in America and arranged to pay him £10 a week if that would be enough. ('1 didn't tell him that I would have played the part for nothing and have willingly given a premium to have done so' (if I had had the premium). I positively received £10 a week to be in- structed in the art of acting by the greatest actor' of our time! It was worth hundreds to me both from an artistic and a business point of view. The pains and trouble Irving took with every one over the slightest detail were remarkable. I admit he was very try- .tog at times, especially when I was 'doing something quietly humorous-or. rather, nothing—and he would gaze on me very solemnly and say. 'That's not funny, my boy. You must do some- thing funny there.' "1 proved to him, however, on the first night that sitting perfectly still on the staircase looking the picture of misery was decidedly funny, at least the audience thought so—so much so that the great 'chief said to me after- ward. 'What were you doing on the staircase that made the audience laugh so much?' " 'Nothing.' I replied. " 'All right, my boy; do it again,' he answered." DEAD AIR 111 THE LUNGS. JM REDEMPTION NOTICE When You Yawn You Expel It, So Don't Be Afraid to Yawn. I STATE OP NEW YORK. With ordinary breathing the lungs ' Lewis t J 0 o u ^, le Tl 2 aB -g re 5'* ne 0 f 6 ce i 813 are not completely filled with air. nor | TQ ^ . ^ j ^ ' MA y CONCERN :-' are they entirely emptied every time Notlce ls hereby given, pursuant to you exhale during natural respiration linv , that the following described lots, This leaves a quantity of dead air in ' pieces or parcels of land, sold at the last the limes srenerullv nwiiv down in the annual Tax Sale in and for the County ine lungs, gtneiaiiy away down n ine t h < j T r B a s u r e l . thereof, clos- lower lebes. Tbii is called "residual i„ B ull t iie 22nd day of October, 1912, re- air, and after It stays there awhile and ' main unredeemed, and that payment in- . „ , , . . s i to tie treasury of the County or, .Lew's becomes foul nature casts about tor ' ' ul t]a . aum st .t opposite each of said lots, some means to make yon get rid of it. The yawn is the thing, so nature makes you yawn. You open your mouth to its fullest extent, throw back pieces or imrcel«..nf land will be required to redeem the same on the last day on which such redemption can be made, which will lie on the 22nd day of October, 11113, and that unless the said lots, pieces or parcels of land are redeemed on or Buying Versus Observing. To buy wisely has its true satisfac- tion, but just "buying" seems to have irresistible attraction for the human Jf Si ~ p my fe first |sp.n at to my RuT feel- Shing- that. Rthe suffer- cpo't know iker to me within the t)le were my Jjurn them to "father,, my .But I knew dy; account, and £e ine no relief:' : Srospecfe was*-ideeo j»ch I was plu'ftge^r' that, £ur.ned;/&si oy . v ;.jpsfoijirunes!v 'fc ' ' ..cejlj.at; .th«| ijBijf|hr ; oug.tf •refrain from tapping when they came | mJDtL We wel . 0 spen(lin a n 0 uien round. He added that the latter were I hQm , a( , t ) ] C t o p o ( a gl , 0 . lt i lea( iii iUM j. •a stupid lot and, if they heard the tap-j Far bplow ihe soil showed opal color ping and suspected a code, could never! nnfl vio , et ligbt Tlle ( . lay o f t h p c[m learn it as I had done. 'ranged in tone from black, through Doubtless the principal deterrent!^ b , u e a n ( l voUow _ t 0 a creamy from insanity among prisoners is plan-| wllite . pa t c hes of sweet fern and deli- ning escapes. Paul, who. 1 learned, was I eate g' rassos gl . e „- i n the crannies, glow- your bead, strain with the back mus- \ before that day, they will be conveyed to cles of the jaw, and you can then feel I the purchasers thereof. i Li. « i. ,, Croghan, Town of your lungs move as they force out all Macomb's Purchase the foul air and take in fresh, in this 1 _ ~. . manner are the lungs actually venti- lated. Yawning also ventilates the air pas- Great Tract o, Chassinees Tract I 3 K. l!l N. Ranges. Zehr, Joseph B. Dd. N. by Latham lot, E. S. and \V. by highway, 6 a...$5.37 I 5 K 1U N. Ranges. ., .. t . . , I Boston-Newton Investment Co, I!d. sages in the mouth, throat and upper N - u v J JS , H ieeker Sugar Bush, E. by Bus- portion of the chest leading to the ton-Newton Investment Co.,i S. by Indian I , , . . ,. River, W. by Bulivar, GO a $!i.lib ' " A "^ '""•"" ""'" "'" """"" °" " B. 13 N. Ranges. Ultimas K.—Gold Plant- lungs. And again yawning is really an aid to hearing. The cracking sound which you so of- ten hear when giving an extra big yawn is due to the stretching and open- ing of the eustachian tubes. These tubes communicate between the ears and the back of the throat. If they are congested, which happens when you have a bad cold in the head, people complain of deafness. If yon feel inclined to yawn then do so. It is nature's way of cleaning out your lungs and air passages. New York American. in the cell directly below me, was full i which he liad beeni ing green, giving accent and harmony of these pians, which he Had beeni tQ tb(? wUolo# Fal . below, the line of proposing to Alexis, who was in thel th6 gol(len beach, the white curl of cell above me. After 1 came into thei fche sm . f _ were |ike p 0etry am i music, trio Paul consulted me rather tnani fl yet among the pc0 ple who .iour- Alexis as to the praetioa'bility of tils | neye ^ that ( l a y t 0 , en j 0y a fair p i ace plans, but I had not been there long | only a £ e w llacl timt . j. 0 0 o ut 0I1 the enough to have any knowledge of the I e] .^ s anfl reve , in co]or , md b oall ty, prison or the habits of our guards and because a t a nent little stall there was could be of no use to him. Xevertho- a eo ii G otioTa of perishable souvenirs for less he finally laid a plan intended fot | ^^ ma g0 great was tbo demand for •my escape,, .with the assistance of the I theI ^ t]aat , he buyel . s u af i no time to other ;ffly'oi, which Alexis pronounced! fcast th(lil . eyes c ,i SO whpre—a proof feasiblemhough not probable. No ps- t , )at purchasing is more interesting to ^e^colfra'-.he made without bribingi tho ma j 0 rity than observing.-Bliza- #e s guai;d'i,"and''.this could not be donp 1 betu c Billings in Atlantic Monthly. wftno;nt ; Kis being able to make it ap-1 %%$&. tftat We was innocent. A woman I Daredevil Photography. Maija,.'lisd'«)ia;.Bge of the cells for th€| A naval photographer gets many gal,- then: 'a tfa'iiid.! |P^ together, fdllbiw-' •>•;.* ^ate^hl^andicatev&ajt life; fc.-coldj. But• that^ s o ^ | $ n j s ; ^ s ^ .JfSg*on theiii, '.w'tttf^at'^diul^ot.; 0%„ T listened f^ ; :s6ine, .timpj'^^4.. ^wfinian-ipr-isbnersi and 1 succeeded in I fl nc i c }, n g S aiK \ t after a time, takes them |ikgng'her sympathy. Indeed, she I a g a mattol . of course. Being thrown _... . ||eMme sovfond.of me that she wouldj. lnt0 t h e s c a is „. t considered by him I flowers on the end of a pole also has ^lilfejy aid ,me to get away provided I a t a H a sei .j 0 us event. It is during I the same significance. A green wreath ^ e m & i a ^ n b t ..suffer for negligence or I battleship practice that he encounters 'means that there is bread for sale. v tf^^te^Q> in. my v escape. j grave a an g evs , for much of the work while a piece of white cloth or white «• ' ' • '•^«il$ n w?ls , ;for m e t 0 effGct a : done at this time is from the tops of p a ,p er waving in the breeze indicates ^Siatoge'^cTbthing with him, to pretend th0 fig ijfmg masts, which are at an ; that the wayfarer may here purchase ;.Mlne,|Si-, ! be sent to the hospital and trust e i evat i 0 n of 120 feet above the sea. ' aguardiente, a powerful white rum Ift'^S^ *° ' set back int0 woman ' s attil ' e ' During different practices I have taken made of cane juice and containing a p&j£d.*»it as an mlidentifieii prisoner. 1 my p0S i t i 0n \ n these masts in order to | i arge percentage of ww alcohol.—Ar- ^•feere' .seemed to be no way to carry | get detailed pictures. Once in these 1 gonaut. K r t ^ I ^ ^ ^ i ^ P ^ , ^ - ™* let ^ «™ *» y-'i - - ' ^ T t a j i t this- E^ry time ' ^ .^^nL^ £TZt"of « i trans|p.ittea; but; :&%*&& -.-«•-« |fch&^le, I' c'o.uia n<j:t.&terpret^ s k . * 3 M g ^ '•an,otlierj;;.^.erles,.of' top's- li.'aftcl' thei'te i ;'was. a differ- e'Key:, indicating-'that the a- was produced by a differ- p p m e n t from the first. ^L "iBiessed relief something to jbout, something to unravel! were being transmitted rough . room over 'the beating &2SE&i3 WaS rr> once interested in read- W^o^dF^co^k k no^m of the Morse ffHMtoiiaj. '' e s u .. ^'hich I did not-I ... # 6 *Vofe' ^e ni 0 ' ^ that this one was ,^V*?«V„J ,Q <J tf , T^Vf ^ode is composed Step**' Curing Wood. Wood has contagious diseases! A stick of wood in a lumber yard may' be sick and infect other timbers, which later may develop the disease when they are supporting great weights in a new building. Some of the diseases are so contagious that in a building they will jump several feet- across masonry or brick to some stick of healthy wood. Cures have been discussed by the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers. Most of the diseases are va- rieties of dry rot caused by fungus, and most of the varieties of the dry rot fungi cannot stand heat much over 100 degrees, so the most likely cure is to close a building up tight, if any beams are infected, and heat it up to 120 or 140 degrees. Even this is not always successful, for ends of beams are bur- ied in the outer brick walls, and the heat may not reach them.—Exchange. Quaint Signs In Peru. An Indian custom which adds a pic- turesque touch to the roadsides be- tween Cnzeo and Machu Picchu, in Peru, is the presence of quaint signs indicating what is for sale in the In- dian huts. A small bunch of wheat or barley tied on the end of a pole and stuck out in front of the hut indicates that there is chicha (a native corn beer) for sale within. A bunch of . •ftiit.tlie initiatory part of the plan until 'fit' 'proposed to do my clothes up in ;i \||iadle that could be put through the basket-like tops the question is how to t Moving a Billiard laoie. "stick." The gunfire photographs it- j p r0 bably the most remarkable jour- self. I suppose you wonder what I, ; n e y e m . mad g from Cattar0 to Ce- 56n the floor below. Then I would haul up his clothes by the same means. 1 could make,,a cord by tearing certain articles of my clothing into strips. We exchanged the clothing without difficulty, and the next morning when Maria came around she found me in man's dress. 'I offered, if she would help me. to send her a thousand rubles from home. This she declined, but the big twelve inch guns fire the aw- ful concussion they cause invariably gives the snap to the shutter of the camera, and the exposure is made.— E. Muller, Jr.. in St. Nicholas. Odd Bankruptcy Proceedings. They had a peculiar way of going English billiard table. Fifty sturdy porters were required to carry the ta- ble over the mountain, and a pilot stood astride it to shout directions as to how best to get round awkward cor- ners. The building In which it was housed retained the name of "Big- linrdo" when converted into govern- in India, now unhappily giving way to agreed to assist me because she pitied \ th e i eS s picturesque method of the into bankruptcy among the Marawaris j |1)(Mlt o(u ,. (ls all d parliament house many years later. & This prison code aps and intervals. ,ap might mean the B. two taps and one O, one tap and two D, and so on. n a knowledge of a sin- t night, though two per- over the pipe for some communication ceased a liarter of an hour before the last visit of the guard and recommenced a quar- ter of an hour after the round had been made, the persons continuing to communicate for half an hour, when they ceased, giving me the first cue to their code. The last two divisions or words—as I took them to be—were tapped after a short silence, and the aame taps and intervals were repeated by the person who received them. «• I had by this time learned to sep- arate letter from letter and word from word. These last two words, tapped and repeated, were composed the first of four, the second of five letters. I listened for some time for more, but heard nothing, and it occurred to me that .the words spoken were intended for a clos.ing of the conversation, just "as ,ti>$ay petsons talking over a tele- phone say "goodby" to each, other to indicate that they have notlimg more to say. Immediately it flashed upon me that the worcis spoken were good- "byj'b&t the second word of goodby is composed of ^wo letters, whereas, as I have said, the second word of the last message was composed of five. "I 'h&i6*ifl'' The message was 'good night'" go Rifled .the first evening of my pris- oa Ilifi,; <or, small as the distraction jfroftt Sjisr; .trKJUbleS w a s , it was enough, , W^en'-j^*^ 8 '? was, to bring on sleep. I"a]p#^syi into unc6nsciousness, think- ing thai probably the messages would recommence on the morrow and I aliould have something to do to read the messages, for if my interpretation of-the two words was correct I had seven letters. Surely that would be quite enough to give me the others in time, though I remembered them im- perfefltiy and needed to hear them again, I 41d not bear them" again till the Bait night, but I heard other letters and Short words that added to my Snow-ledge of? the code. The letter I was u$ed (jpite Often by itself, as was fh& letter A* • Besides, when a con- versation was ended during the day the tests words- were two. and I was and loved me, though she would be obliged to leave the prison and Kara as well as I if she did -so. She went away, leaving my cell unlocked, 1 agreeing to give her a couple of hours to get away. At the end of that time I walked out into the corridor till I saw a jailer approaching, then fell on the floor. Coming to me, be picked me up and. not knowing who I was, but thinking me to be ill. sent me to the hospital, where I was put to bed. white man. When a man could not pay his bills be would summon his creditors. They were ushered into a room- in which the thakur. or house- hold god, was enshrined, but covered up with a cloth and with the face turned to the wall in order that it might not witness the scene that was to follow. The insolvent would then, in garb of mourning, lie on tbe floor, presenting his back to his creditors, who on a given signal would fall on The nurses were men, and I had no | him with shoes and slippers and bela- spportunlty to appropriate a woman's clothes. But at midnight I got out of bed ,in my nightclothes and went out into- the prison yard. There I was picked up by an official and, being a woman, was taken to the woman's hos- pital, the man supposing me to have come from there. Before morning 1 had stolen the uniform of a nurse and in this disguise succeeded in making my escape. I had appointed a rendezvous with Maria and took her with 111c to Berlin, where I communicated with my fa ther. All this happened twenty years ago. and Maria has been in my service ever since. I heard some time after my leaving Kara that Paul had made his escape and had gone to America. I have lived since leaving Russia in Germany. I suppose I should sacrifice myself again for the cause, but the prospect Of tltat horrible prison life deters me. bor him till their wrath was exhaust- | ed. The beating finished, honor was I declared to be satisfied all around.— | Calcutta Journal. Her Strong Hint. "Miss I'liiUic how do you like my new liatV" "I like it ever so much better. Mr. Smvkins. when you are holding It in your hand" Chicago Tribune. Put Down Trouble. Willie- My father put down a dis- turbauee last night. Billie- Is that right? "Yes. He ate a Welsh rabbit."- Yonkers Statesman. The need of charity is always the re suit of evil produced by men's greed.— Tom h. .lohnson. Billheads Maddened the Cabbies. There lived one time in England a woman who was known as the "cab- men's terror." She was a Sin, Cuy- ler, who knew the distance t/ttween any two given points in London and always tendered the exact fare with- out a farthing over. Irate cabbies sometimes disputed tbe distance or even carried the affair into court, but the "cabmen's terror" always won.— London Tatler. There will be a terrible run for serums when they begin to cure wrinkles. One advantage of the vestless sea- son is that a man can show more than six cents of his fifty cent tie. The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, headaches, indi- gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c, Recommended by 3. B. Somes, Port Leyden. Adv. Catalogs Envelopes sters Announcements Name Cards IV© Bwmmtea Masters, Thomas K.—Gold Plant—Bd N. bv IX Wiclriclc, E. by ICeib, S. by Wicl- rlck, \V. by highway, 3% a $2s.lSll (I IS. 1!) N. liniiBE's. Boston-Newton investment Co. Bel. N. by 1'ouaey, E. by range line between G and 7 E. ranges, S. by Wldriclt Sugar Bush, \V. bv Boston-Newton Investment Co., 221) a $22.83 7 E. IS N. Ranges. Boston-Newton Investment Oo. Bd. N. by range line between 17 and IS N. ranges, E. by Basselin, S. by range line between 10 and 17 N. ranges, W. by Boston-Newton Investment Co., 260 a. $22.92 2 W. 21 Ranges. MeDirmott, Mrs. Robert. Bd. N. by Hunt, E. bv Maxwell, S. by Lasselle and Leonard, A\ r . by highway, 5Da $5.SS 3 W. 20 N. Ranges. Simms, Earnest. Bd. N. by highway, E., S., and W. by Laaelle, 10a .$3.5>-l 3 W. 22 N. Ranges. Card, David. Bd. N. by Shaffrey and Breezee (Ormlston lot), B. by Briscoe Morgan, H. bv Countryman (.fane Mc- Knight lot) W. by highway, 51 a. .$0.52 3 W. 22 N. Ranges. Card, David. Bd. N. by Conway, R and W. bv Shaffrey and Breezee, S. by David Card, 7 a $-1.30 3 W. 22 N. Ranges. McKnight, Rosa—Huntington Lot—Bd. N. by Mrs. M. Tovoy, E. by V. O. Hunt, S. and \V.toyAndrew B. Zehr, 22a..$5.91 3 W. 22 N. Ranges. McKnight, Fred—Harris lot—Bd. N. by Martha McKnight lot, E. by N. Country- f irn, a. and W. by Andrew B. Zehr, a $6.0S 3 W. 22 N. Ranges. Fisk, Oeorge—Crowner lot—Bd N. by M. Conway, IS. and W. by Schaffrey and Breezee, S. by David Card, 3-}i a..$S.71 5 W. 21 N. Ranges. Gilligan, Thomas. Bd. N. by Flood lot, 1 „„„ E. and S. by II. Dalton, W. by Wallace ^ Thompson, 50 a $7.K6 Denmark, Town of Black River Tract Township 5. l.ot 47. Standring. Emma.—Triangle piece — lid. E. bv road, S. by Blister, W. by Denmark road, % a $4.93 Diana, Town of Macomb's Purchase. Lot S35 and sail. Hutchinson, Orville. Bd. N. by Gilbert Riee, E. by Russell Turn- pike, S. bv George Uuinn farm, W. by Alex. Copeiey. 7" a $17.99 S37. Mark wick, Mrs. John—Farm—Bd. N. by .Duane Cnampine. E. by Roberts, S. by A. E. Turner, W. by highway, SI a. $14.08 b92. Whole Lot except 15 acres in square form in E'ly corner, lumbered, 417 a $20.91 90G, 94(1 and 941. Bd. N'ly and S'ly by- lands of McCoy. Grems and Slye. E'ly by lands of Albert Phillips. W'ly by lands of Thomas Banehard, 4 52-100 a $9.33 9117. Fan- & Eeed, Mill. Bd. N. by highway from Natural Bridge to depot, E. by William Hunt (formerly), S. by William Hunt (formerly), and W. by highway from Natural Bridge to Keyes Sehoolhouse, 3 a $20.63 913. Whole lot except IS acres in Wly corner, lumbered, 430 a $15.69 927. Stroder. Samuel. Bd. N'ly by Lot lines between Lots 926 and 927, E'ly by lands of D. Scanlon. S'ly by Lake Bon- aparte, w'lv bv Bot 92U, lumbered, 34(1 a , $15.3;; 927. Gadrner, W. G.—Lots—Bd. N. by Bancroft. E. by Bancroft and Waugh, S. by Bake Bonaparte, W. by Bancroft, Vi a $5.6S 92S. Porter, \V. A. and Wagoner, E. C. Bd. N. bv Sacred Heart Church Society of "Watcrtown. E. by I). Scanlin, S. by Farman, W. by Lake Bonaparte, 1 a .... $1S.30 930 and 953. Gilbert, N. R. Clark Farm. lid. N. by lands of Ambrose Austin, Eugene Cring and Philip De- vitt, E. by highway leading to La,ke Bon- aparte, S. by highway W. by Fitzgerald and Austin, 162 a $33.09 949. Welsh, J. J.—Fitzgerald Lot.—Bd. N. by lands of F. Dimmock and Fitz- gerald, E. by lands of P. Quackenbusb and J, Jackson, S. by lands of Wm. Pike and F. Dimmock, W. and S. W'ly by iands of P. Simpser, F. Allen and Fitz- gerald, 175 a.„ $16.57 9BX. Ralph, Jay. Bd. N. by Champlain Realty Company, E. by highway. S. by lands of Rose Crowner. Esther B. "Wil- cox and Mary J. Blood, W. by Champlain Realty Co., H a $5.79 901. Cole. Hiram.—Lot—Bd. N. and E. by lands of Harris Estate, S. by Main street of the village of Harrisville, "W. by lands occupied by Carrie Wicks, 'A a.. $6.93 961. Harney, Mrs. Ed.—Lot—Bd. N. by James Humes. E. by Church street, in the village of Harrisville, S. bv lands of Ed Welsh. W. by lands of Rose Crow- ner, Esther B. Wilcox and Mary J. Blood. 'A a '...$10.50 906. Johnson. Geo. Bd. N'ly bv A. A. Dobson. E'ly by Hiram Clark, S'ly by Wm. Palmer, W'lv bv highway, 10 a.. $6.69 976. Phillips, Albert—Lot—Bd. N, by Lee Blanc.hard. B. by Lee Blanchard and James Connors, K. by Frank Saunders. W. by Lee Blanchard, 20 a $0.99 995. Bd. N'ly. E'ly, S'ly and W'ly by lands of T. E. Proctor, 50 a $5.16 997. .Lavancha. Fred—Farm—Bd. N. by Kimball, E. by P. Lavancha, S. by P. Lavancha, W. by Oswegatchie River, 44 a $0.70 Triangli' in Easterly End. 3. Middle Branch Factory. Bd. N. by Mayhew. E. by highway. S. by Oswegat- chie River, W. by Mavhew, 1 a $0.41 5. Clark. Wilson Estate—Lot—Bd. N. by highway. E. by FTuldah Flick, S. by Leason Lot, and Darbv Lot..W. bv John Whitney. 00 a .'..$s.31 15. Cole, Hiram and Eugene—Brvan Farm—Bd. N. by hinds of Aid rich Paper Co., and lot 14. E. by Oswegatchie River, S. and W. by lands of Aldrich Paper Co.. 100 a $14.67 Greig, Town of Brantingham Tract. Lot 4. Gordon, Josephine. Bd. N. by Fen- ton & Denee. B. and S. by Wilcox, W. by highway, Vi a $3.03 57. Carter. Edward, Jr. Bd. N. by Mealus & Blade, E. by Carter, S. bv Burr, W. by Carter * Burr, 147 a $13.40 5S. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole lot, 215 a $23.15 59. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot, IDS a $6.11 60. Carter, Edward, Jr., Whole Lot, 215 a $0.S9 61. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot 21S a $0.S0 03. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot, 173 a $10 07 XI. Jones &. Crofoot. Whole Lot, 174 a $S,66 82. Jones & Crofoot. Whole Lot, 191 a $6.6S 99. Brown. Charles D. Cottage and Lot, No. 3—Bd. N. and S. bv J. D. Smith, Est., E. by Brantingham Lake, W. by Norton Shepard. % a $14.65 99. Brown, Edna and Chariot—Cottage and Lot No. 7, Smith survey—Bd. N., E., and w. by J. I). Smith Estate, S. by Brantingham Lake, Vi. a $14.93 100. Jones & Crofoot. Bd. N. by Lot 82, E. by Lot 101, S. and W. by Branting- ham Lake, 52 a $90.87 117. Jones & Crofoot. Bd. N. by Brantingham Lake, E. by lot lines be- twee.n lots IIS and 117, S. by highway, W. by Graves & King, 20 a $14.23 US. Jones & Crofoot. North East cor- ner of said lot, 2 a $6.83 133. Hutchins, George. Bd. N. by Norton & Bates, E. by highway, S. by Mooney, W. by Norton, 48 a $7.49 150-168. Mooney, Albert. Bd. N. by Tucker, E. by Hutchings, S. by highway, W. by Gaylords, 75 a $15.04 Hlghmarket, Town of Constable's Four Towns. Township No. 2. 2. Constable, C—P. Cavanaugh place —Bd, N. by Ormsby Rutledge, E. by James Rutledge, S. by Haley and high- way, W. by Miss Cavanaugh, 28 a.$8.68 32 and 34. Backer, Rodney. Bd. N. by highway, E. by Peter Cropp and M. Kirk, S. by F. S. Bernholz, W. by W. Mum- ford, 65 a $9.52 46. Lazarus, Helen. Bd. N. by R. Barker, E. by Kirk and J. Domser, S. by road, W. by Bernholz, 30 a $G,90 # Township 3, 17. Kilcullen Estate. Bd. N. by high- way, E. by Kirley and Tuffey, S. by Kir- ley, W, by A. Kotary, 25 a $7.20 17. Kotary, Andrew—Luke Murray place—Bd L , N. by Rutledge, E. by high- way, S. by Kilcullen and Gaughen, W. by Gaughen and Buckley, 60 a.,..$15.31 41-49. Kotary, Andrew Nickelson Place. Bd, N. by J. J. O'Hara, E. by Uillen Place and Ellen Farrell, S. by Kenny, W. by McConnell and • J. J. O'Hara, 94 a $20.IS 42. Kotary, Andrew—Gillen Place— Bd. N. by highway, E. by Dolan. S. by Kenny, W. by Nickelson Place, 17a.$12.57 Bojlstun Purchase. Township 9. 16. Ingersoll, Catherine. Bd. N. by George Ingersoll, E. by highway, S, by D. Mackey, W .by Eugene Benton, 35 a.. $9.24 72. Flynn, James. Bd. N. by highway, E. by Sarah Loftis, S. by Gould Paper Co., W. by Gilligan, 134 a $16.68 Lewis, Town of Constable's Four Towns. Township 1. 57. Thurston, D. B. Bd. N., S. and W. i by lot lines E. by land belonging to State 150 a $9.4-1 I 72. Reigler, Frederich. Bd. N. by A. j Perry, E. by Heikey Bros., S. by Heikey and McCarthy, W. by David Swancott, 2UU a $14.91 7S. Thurston, I). B. Bd. N. running to a point, E. by David Swancott and \V,m. Noll, S. by James Webb, W. by James Webb, 12 a $9.6S SO. McCarthy, Dennis. Bd. N. by Fred Reigler, E. by Wm. Haues, S. by highway, W. by Ambrose Jerushwisky, SO a $9.69 90. Evens, Orin. Bd. N. by Jay Pease, E. by Philip Swancott, S. ' by Edward Hayes, W. by D. G. Dornor, S4 a $7.31 101. Owens, James. Bd. N. by A. Katsmayer, E. by David Swancott, S. by County Line, W. by D. Griffin, 10Oa.$9.2S Leyden, Town of Inman's Triangle. 31. Post, Miss Myra. Bd. N. by Weldon H. Post, E. and S. by highway. W. by Albert A. Higby, % a $6.07 Lowville, Town of Black River Tract. Township 11. 38. Sperry, Hewitt. Railroad St. Bd. N. by Foster Phelps, E. by Railroad St., S. by Frank Monnant, W. by Utlea & Black River Railroad, Vi a $6.02 Lyonsdale, Town of Brantingham Tract. 302. McIIale, .Tames. Bd. N. by Moose River, E. by Charbonneau, S. by Lot 31S, W. by Lot 303, 50 a $0.44 31S. McHale, James—Farm. Bd. N. by Lot 302, E. by Lot 319. S. by Lot 334. and' Boonville Club, W. bv Lot 317 and Boonville Club, 157 a $34.10 334. McHale, James.—Seymour Lots.— Bd. N. by Mather & Wooley, Boonville Club, E. by Lot 335, S. by Lewis and Oneida county line, W. by Lots 333 and 334. 21S a $11.OS 335. McHale, James—Seymour Lots— Bd. N. by Lot 311), E. by Lot 336, S. by- Lewis and Oneida county line, W. by Lot 334, 331 a $10.39 ,>3G. McHale, James—Seymour Lots.— Bd. N. by Lot 320. E. by Lot 14, Town- ship 1, John Brown Tract, S. by Lewis ind Oneida County line, W. by Lot 335, $17.00 John Brown Tra.ct. Township 1 13. McHale, James. Bd. N. and E. by Nester, S. by road, W. by Carbo, % a $4.07 Martinsburg, Town of Boylston Purchase. Township 4. 42. Jones. Ellis. Bd. N.-Jhomas Burk, E. and S. by highway, W. by MicCue, 10 a $4.13 51. Snell, Cyrus. Bd. N. by highway, E. by Strife, S. and W. by Haberer, 45 a $6.33 105. Carroll, William. Bd. N. and E. by Rinkenberg, S, by highway, W. by G. .Green, 1 a $4.03 Township 5. East Subdivision. 20 and 22. Root. George, Farm. Bd. N. by James Curran, E. by Ray McCue, S. by Whetstone Gulf and Aaron Inger- soll, W. by highway, 221 a $53.92 42. Freeman. William and Powell, Eliza. Bd. N. by William Graves, E. by highway. S. by W. F. Smithling, W. by Clarence Pitcher, 1 a $5.17 Montague, Town of Boylston Purchase. Township 3. IS. 29 and 30. Jenks, Edward—Hod- kinson Lot—Bd. beginning at the N. W. corner of said lot 30; runs thence along the N. line thereof S. 851* deg. E., 1 eh.. 29 Iks; thence S. 3 deg. W.. 36 chs., 82 Iks., to the center of the road; thence th'ereon N, 70 deg. W. 20 chs., 53 Iks,; thence N. 3 3-8 deg. E., 25 chs., 85 Iks.; thence S. S5V4 deg. E. 2 chs., 50 Iks.; thence S. AV-z deg. W., 19 chs. 43 Iks.; thence S. S5'/ 2 deg. E., 6 chs., 47 Iks., to the place of beginning, 94 a $25.20 75. Tsla.nd Paper Co—Reuben Osborn Lot—P.d. beginning at a point in the S. line of said lot 7.5, Easterly 17 chs., 04 Iks., from the S. W. corner thereof; runs thence S. 4 deg. IS min. W., 6 chs., 49 Iks.; thence N. S5y 2 deg. W. 12 chs.. 34 Iks., thence N. 4% cleg. E., 49 chs.. 64 Iks. to the center of the road; thence thereon S. 79% deg. E., 12 chs., 20 Iks.; thence S. 4 deg. IS min. IV., 41 chs.. 05 Iks. to the place of beginning, 60a. $20.70 75 and SO. Island Paper Co.—P. Mar- cellus Lot—Bd. beginning at a point in the S. line of said lot 75, Easterly 17 ens., 04 Iks. from the S. W. corner thereof; runs thence N. 4 deg. IS min. E.. 41 chs., G5 Iks. to the center of the road; thence thereon S.' 79'4 deg. E. 2 chs., 7 Iks., and S. 89 deg. E., 10 chs., IS Iks.; thence S. 4y, deg. W.. 4S chs., 53 Iks.; thence N. S5V. deg. W.. 12 chs. 6 Iks.; thence N. 4 deg. IS min. E. 6 chs. 49 Iks. to the place of beginning. 5S a $22.11 84 and 85. Twining. J. S. & Wm.— Switzer Lot—Bd. beginning at a point in the W. line of said Lot 84, N. 4% deg. E., 36 chs.. 30 Iks., from the S. W. corner ^hereof: runs thence along said line N. 4'i deg. E. 13 chs., 16 Iks.; thence S. S5'/i deg. E., 47 chs.. to the center of the West road (so called); thence thereon S. 19Y, deg. E., 14 chs., 50 Iks.; thence N. 85% deg. W., 52 chs., 95 Iks., to the place of beginning, 05 81-100 a $21.34 KiO. Higby. Marietta. Bd. N. by Hab- erer. E. by highway, S. by Snyder, W. by Davis, 70 a $S.93 New .Bremen, Town of Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract 5. Chassinees Tract. 2 E. 7 N. Ranges. Tilmont, John—Ossont Road, South side—Bd. N., E. and W. by Chris Hanno Est., S. by Wm. T. Bush, 15 a $0.52 3 W. S N. Ranges. Walter, Wilhelmina.—Croghan Road, North side—Bd. N. by Nicholas Kirsch- ner. E. by Meeker, S. by highway, W. by J. C. Miller. 3% a $6.57 4 W. S and 9 N. Ranges. lllingworth. Amealas—VanAmber Road, East side—Bd. N. by road. E. by Howard Garnsey, S. by Crystal creek, W. by Pe- ter Hoch, 2 a $0.23 Osceola, Town of Boylston Purchase. Township 13. 55. Bd. N. by White, E., S. and W. bv lot line, 50 a $13.07 113. Mary street—Village lots 15 to 29 inclusive—Bd. N. and W. by Van- dawalker, E. by village lot 14, S. by high- way, 40x3,075 ft $0.24 123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 11— Bd. N. by Paddock, E. by highway, S. by Village Lot No. 12, W. by Elliott, 4(lx 175 ft : $0.24 123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 12-~ Bd. N. by Village Lot No. 11, E. by highway, S. by Village Lot No. 13. W. by W. Elliott, 40x175. ft $0.79 123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 15— Bd. N. by Village Lot No. 14, E. by high- way, S. by river, W. by W. Elliott, 40x 90 ft $6.12 ' Pinckney, Town of Black River Tract. Township 9. 31. Harris, Elizabeth. Bd. N. W., and S. by Baker, E. by highway, % a. $3.74 33 and 34. Dunaway, Percival. Bd. N. by House, E. by Clark, S. by Millard, W. by Vandolinda, 25 a $6.39 124. Lewis, Lester. Bd. N. by Hart. E. and S. by highway, W-. by O'Neil, 7 a. $5.27 Goodenough, Hudson. Bd B. by A. Passenger, -S. by highway, W. by H. 3. Swan, 4 a ' -.,,$6.66 West Turjn. Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract G. Township 4. 104. Felshaw, Frank.—House, and Lot— Bd. N. by Mrs. Dwlght Markham,-«lij-.. bj> highway, S. and W. by Constable Es- tate, K. a $11,49 NICHOLAS ARTHUR, v County Treasurer. For Cuts/Burns and Bruises. In every home there should, be a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Dell- valle, Tex., R. No. 2, writes: "Buck- len's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by J. B. Somes, Port Leyden. Adv. Thousarid Islands Alexandria Bay $2.00 Round trip, (including Tour of the Islands). Every Saturday and Sunday to September 7, inclusive. Every Wednesday to Au- gust 27, inclusive. Also on Labor Day, September 1. Returning same day, Utica ... $ 1.50 Round trip. Every Sunday to September 14, inclusive. Also on Labor Day, Sep- tember 1. Returning same day. San Francisco, CaL Low round trip lares. Tickets on sale August 21 to 28 inclusive. Rctura, limit October 22. ' Consult local ticket agents for time of trains and other information. *wmmmm Making a Burglar Useful. "Lie still there and 1 won't hurt you. All I want is your money and your jewels and then I'll git." "A.U- right, old man, and while you're searching for the jewels if you run across my dress studs 1 wish you'd put them out on the dresser. I haven't been able to End them for n month."— Detroit Free Press. Giving Himself Away. "Here, ma." requested the 'boy. hur- rying in from school before time, "hang my jacket up behind the stove." "Is it wet?" "No, but teacher sent me home to toll you to warm iny jacket for me."— .lodge. A Pertinent iaue-y. The drummer had been bragging about his ni-hicvenicnts for a goodly time, and I'MIMII.V the meek little man in the corner piped up. "Excuse me." he said, "but perhaps you can tell me why you gentlemen are culled drummers?" "Well, why shouldn't we he so called? We drum up trade, don't weV was tbe retort. "I know." said the meek little man. "but the drum is not a wind instru- ment" Harper's. Unchanged. "That's just like Jim." said the wid- ow, wearily, after n flapping curtain had -knocked over the urn in which all that was mortal of her cremated hus- band had been placed and spread its contents on the floor "Always drop- ping his ashes everywhere!" Harper's Weekly. The sinews of success cannot be bor- rowed. You will not really develop With anj capital hut your own. 124 and 125. N. by highway, IS. and S. by Borland W. by O'Connor, % a $4.48 Turin, Town of Constable's 'Four Towns. Township 4. . 35. King, Herbert S. Bd. N. W., and S. by H. B. Jones, B. by State Road, 114 a $S.05 52. Loveland, Mrs. C. S. B. Bd. N. and B. by Francis Clark, W. by E. Grif- fith, S. by Gulf road, 2% a $5.49 Watson, Town of Watson's West Triangle. 20. Whole Lot—118 a $35.14 21. Whole Lot—118 a $30 34 46. Whole Lot—115 a $34.66 72. Whole Lot—113 a $34.66 07. W.hole Lot—75 a $36.42 121. Whole Lot—106 a $34.79 ,199. North West Corner, 30a $2.03 309. Walton, Lulu Mrs.—North part of said lot—Bd. N. by Reed Lot, .E. by Lenhan, S. by J. McPhilemy, W. by highway, 25 a $6.02 Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract 5. Chassinees Tract. 1 and 2 B. 5 N. Ranges. Reed, Daniel. Bd. N. By Petrie Lot, left me with a frightfu c o u g h B,r±d; very weak. T had spells when I could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 3 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but I was completely cured by f. ICING'S Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111.' BOc AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. •.*• m m THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at The Price of a Weekly. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promply. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress, The politi- cal news is sure to be of the most ab- sorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the ex- tinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as„a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, ex- cept Sunday. It will be of particular value to now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first class daily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and thi3 pays for 166 papers. We offer this unequallednewapaperand The Black River Democrat together for one year for $1.65. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. r *m>*
Page 1: T *. T DEAD AIR 111 THE LUNGS JM REDEMPTIO. N …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn89071389/1913-07-24/ed-1/seq-6.pdfyour lungs and air passages. — New York American. in the cell


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• ^ JULY 24, Wl3. :

i$t»t3»«8 lPt$t}t&mtlnK teem cw "good ..by.," T W * M y e » $ nine le t ters , 01 # &{S4 p F w i e alpbabet, Within a life* «f§£ I tod It PU, but it required! p W i i e ^ t * lead As to telegiaphing myself, I p«icUcea«t sending messages

,Wmto&tto topping with my lingei S'%,%e;w#J;.4£:iBf cell and. soon be-

4pj?iitfS#;wiiia read readily I tie-l$m'ia,Vfeike a hafld,-. to the dla-"f§$<*,lifteu,|bQtb pdjtticnls, were

Vlhi0S,}. .tile one, a -young man »b,eM sen); to Siberia from a

l & . t h e <>Uier bad Ijeen impli­e s ' , fejusplrapy tO( assassinate a

;^'::'p^'Vpolfce. ."$ie latter was i'flujer than the i o r m e r - a t feast

[&|au'e4 more isdately—whil4(#he stu-1 nW^ag-MMf^ope .ahU qntKM|sni.

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'®$jmi$<Wi Impossible Jfng would K p r i i ^ ; clbw-n rfloye7J^E|pij.on those s^life,nin)ied .therf- '• WM .

§>mmt<mm\••vtearteMat tu<£ont-

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pHRfecftme,,-,.,.. • vj. V^'What Isht. PauljSp'*. , , - . . ; • '-..J-'made the reply- uiyseUV Xgnid that ,1 wfis, a political prisoner, a s&JJng girl; that. I had heard their cprjversations

;o;\re>the pipe and had interpreted their code. & woujd be pleased; to talk with them 'when, they were 'not i engaged chatting with each otMr. Paul, the university.' man, asfcedMfe- how long 1 had been in learning* S»e code and. when I told liirdi, complimented me on my readiness. I askedihim it he were not afraid of the prison-authorities be­coming aware that he^was communi­cating, to which he..implied that the prisoners all knew t i e hours when the guards were due and were careful to


i^nfeadon Grossmith Proved |t to Honry Irvmg's Satisfaction.

In 'From Studio Jo Stige Wuedon Grossmith tells us of his imitation to play Jacques Strop to Henry Irving's Robert Matiaire. Ho says It took his breath away. Irving told him that he had- received good reports of the young actor"*from .Booth and .Jefferson in America and arranged to pay him £10 a week if that would be enough.

('1 didn't tell him that I would have played the part for nothing and have willingly given a premium to have done so' (if I had had the premium). I positively received £10 a week to be in­structed in the art of acting by the greatest actor' of our time! It was worth hundreds to me both from an artistic and a business point of view. The pains and trouble Irving took with every one over the slightest detail were remarkable. I admit he was very try-.tog at times, especially when I was 'doing something quietly humorous-or. rather, nothing—and he would gaze on me very solemnly and say. 'That's not funny, my boy. You must do some­thing funny there.'

"1 proved to him, however, on the first night that sitting perfectly still on the staircase looking the picture of misery was decidedly funny, at least the audience thought so—so much so that the great 'chief said to me after­ward. 'What were you doing on the staircase that made the audience laugh so much?'

" 'Nothing.' I replied. " 'All right, my boy; do it again,' he


DEAD AIR 111 THE LUNGS. J M REDEMPTION NOTICE When You Yawn You Expel It, So Don't

Be Afraid to Yawn. I STATE OP NEW YORK. With ordinary breathing the lungs ' Lewis tJ0

ou^, l e

T l2 a B-g r e5'*n e0f6

c e i8 1 3

are not completely filled with air. nor | T Q ^ . ^ j ^ ' M A y C O N C E R N : - ' are they entirely emptied every time N o t l c e l s hereby given, pursuant to you exhale during natural respiration l i n v , that the following described lots, This leaves a quantity of dead air in ' pieces or parcels of land, sold at the last the limes srenerullv nwiiv down in the annual Tax Sale in and for the County ine lungs, gtneiaiiy away down n ine th<j T r B a s u r e l . thereof, clos-lower lebes. Tbi i is called "residual i„B u l l tiie 22nd day of October, 1912, re-air, and after It stays there awhile and ' main unredeemed, and that payment in-. „ , , . . s i to t ie treasury of the County or, .Lew's becomes foul nature casts about tor '' ul t ] a . a u m st.t opposite each of said lots, some means to make yon get rid of it. The yawn is the thing, so nature makes you yawn. You open your mouth to its fullest extent, throw back

pieces or imrcel«..nf land will be required to redeem the same on the last day on which such redemption can be made, which will lie on the 22nd day of October, 11113, and that unless the said lots, pieces or parcels of land are redeemed on or

Buying Versus Observing. To buy wisely has its true satisfac­

tion, but just "buying" seems to have irresistible attraction for the human

Jf Si~ p my

fe first |sp.n at to my

RuT feel-Shing- that.

Rthe suffer-cpo't know

iker to me within the

t)le were my Jjurn them to

"father,, my .But I knew

dy; account, and £e ine no relief:' :

Srospecfe was*-ideeo j»ch I was plu'ftge^r'

that , £ur.ned;/&si oy .v;.jpsfoijirunes!v 'fc ' ' ..cejlj.at; .th«|


•refrain from tapping when they came | m J D t L W e w e l . 0 s p e n ( l i n „ a n0uien round. He added that the latter were I hQm, a(, t ) ] C t o p o ( a g l ,0 . l t i lea(iii iUMj. •a stupid lot and, if they heard the tap-j F a r b p l o w ihe s o i l showed opal color ping and suspected a code, could never! n n f l v i o , e t l i g b t T l l e ( . l a y o f t h p c[m

learn it as I had done. ' ranged in tone from black, through Doubtless the principal d e t e r r e n t ! ^ b , u e a n ( l v o U o w _ t 0 a creamy

from insanity among prisoners is plan-| w l l i t e . p a t c h e s of sweet fern and deli-ning escapes. Paul, who. 1 learned, was I e a t e g ' r a s s o s g l . e„- i n the crannies, glow-

your bead, strain with the back mus- \ before that day, they will be conveyed to cles of the jaw, and you can then feel I t h e purchasers thereof.

i Li. « i. ,, Croghan, Town of your lungs move as they force out all Macomb's Purchase the foul air and take in fresh, in this 1 _ ~. . manner are the lungs actually venti­lated.

Yawning also ventilates the air pas-

Great Tract o, Chassinees Tract I 3 K. l!l N. Ranges.

Zehr, Joseph B. Dd. N. by Latham lot, E. S. and \V. by highway, 6 a...$5.37

I 5 K 1U N. Ranges. ., .. t . . , I Boston-Newton Investment Co, I!d.

sages in the mouth, throat and upper N - u v JJS ,Hieeker Sugar Bush, E. by Bus-portion of the chest leading to the ton-Newton Investment Co.,i S. by Indian I , , . . ,. River, W. by Bulivar, GO a $!i.lib ' " A "^ '""•"" " " ' " " ' " """"" ° " " B. 13 N. Ranges.

Ultimas K.—Gold Plant-

lungs. And again yawning is really an aid to hearing.

The cracking sound which you so of­ten hear when giving an extra big yawn is due to the stretching and open­ing of the eustachian tubes. These tubes communicate between the ears and the back of the throat. If they are congested, which happens when you have a bad cold in the head, people complain of deafness.

If yon feel inclined to yawn then do so. It is nature's way of cleaning out your lungs and air passages. — New York American.

in the cell directly below me, was full i which he liad beeni

ing green, giving accent and harmony of these pians, which he Had beeni t Q t b ( ? w U o l o # F a l . below, the line of proposing to Alexis, who was in t h e l t h 6 g o l ( l e n beach, the white curl of cell above me. After 1 came into thei fche sm.f_ w e r e | i k e p 0 e t r y a m i music, trio Paul consulted me rather tnani fl y e t a m o n g t h e p c 0 p l e who .iour-Alexis as to the praetioa'bility of tils | n e y e ^ t h a t ( l a y t 0 , e n j 0 y a f a i r p i a c e

plans, but I had not been there long | o n l y a £ e w l l a c l t i m t . j . 0 „ 0 o u t 0I1 the enough to have any knowledge of the I e ] . ^ s a n f l r e v e , i n c o ] o r ,md b o a l l ty , prison or the habits of our guards and b e c a u s e a t a n e n t little stall there was could be of no use to him. Xevertho- a eoiiGotioTa of perishable souvenirs for less he finally laid a plan intended fot | ^ ^ m a g 0 g r e a t w a s t b o demand for •my escape,, .with the assistance of the I t h e I ^ t ] a a t , h e b u y e l . s ua fi no time to other ;ffly'oi, which Alexis pronounced! f c a s t t h ( l i l . e y e s c,iSOwhpre—a proof feasiblemhough not probable. No ps- • t , ) a t purchasing is more interesting to ^e^colfra'-.he made without bribingi t h o m a j 0 r i t y than observing.-Bliza-#esguai;d'i,"and''.this could not be donp1

b e t u c Billings in Atlantic Monthly. wftno;nt ;Kis being able to make it ap-1

%%$&. tftat We was innocent. A woman I Daredevil Photography. Maija,.'lisd'«)ia;.Bge of the cells for th€| A naval photographer gets many

gal,- then: 'a tfa'iiid.! |P^ together, fdllbiw-'

•>•; .*

^a te^h l^and ica t ev&aj t life;

fc.-coldj. But• that^ s o ^ | $ n j s ; ^ s ^ .JfSg*on theiii, ' .w ' t t t f^a t '^d iu l^ot . ; 0%„ T listened f^ ;:s6ine, .timpj'^^4..

^wfinian-ipr-isbnersi and 1 succeeded in I flncic},ngS aiK\t after a time, takes them | i k g n g ' h e r sympathy. Indeed, she I a g a m a t t o l . o f course. Being thrown _... . | | e M m e sovfond.of me that she would j . l n t 0 t h e s c a i s „ . t considered by him I flowers on the end of a pole also has ^ l i l f e j y aid ,me to get away provided I a t a H a s e i . j0us event. It is during I the same significance. A green wreath ^ e m & i a ^ n b t ..suffer for negligence or I battleship practice that he encounters 'means that there is bread for sale. v t f ^ ^ t e ^ Q > in. myvescape. j g r a v e a a n g e v s , for much of the work while a piece of white cloth or white «•''• '•^«il$n w ? l s , ; f o r m e t 0 e f f G c t a : done at this time is from the tops of p a ,p e r waving in the breeze indicates ^Siatoge'^cTbthing with him, to pretend t h 0 figijfmg masts, which are at an ; that the wayfarer may here purchase ;.Mlne,|Si-,!be sent to the hospital and trust e i e v a t i 0 n of 120 feet above the sea. ' aguardiente, a powerful white rum I f t ' ^ S ^ *° ' s e t b a c k i n t 0 w o m a n ' s a t t i l ' e ' During different practices I have taken made of cane juice and containing a

p&j£d.*»it as an mlidentifieii prisoner. 1 m y p 0 S i t i 0 n \n these masts in order to | i a r g e percentage of w w alcohol.—Ar-^•feere' .seemed to be no way to carry | g e t detailed pictures. Once in these 1 gonaut.

K r t ^ I ^ ^ ^ i ^ P ^ , ^ - ™* l e t ^ «™ *» y-'i - - ' ̂ T t a j i t this- E^ry time ' ̂ . ^ ^ n L ^ £TZt"of «

i trans|p.ittea; but; :&%*&& - . -«•-«

|fch&^le, I' c'o.uia n<j:t .&terpret^ sk.*3Mg^ '•an,otlierj;;.^.erles,.of' top's-

li.'aftcl' thei'tei;'was. a differ-e'Key:, indicating-'that the

a- was produced by a differ-p p m e n t from the first. ^ L "iBiessed relief — something to

jbout, something to unravel! were being transmitted

rough . room over ' the beating & 2 S E & i 3 W a S r r > o n c e interested in read-W^o^dF^co^k k no^m of the Morse

ffHMtoiiaj. ' ' e s u . . ^ ' h i c h I did no t - I ... # 6 * V o f e ' ^ e n i 0 ' ^ that this one was , ^ V * ? « V „ J , Q < J tf, T^Vf ^ode is composed


Curing Wood. Wood has contagious diseases! A

stick of wood in a lumber yard may' be sick and infect other timbers, which later may develop the disease when they are supporting great weights in a new building. Some of the diseases are so contagious tha t in a building they will jump several feet- across masonry or brick to some stick of healthy wood. Cures have been discussed by the American Society of Mechanical En­gineers. Most of the diseases are va­rieties of dry rot caused by fungus, and most of the varieties of the dry rot fungi cannot stand heat much over 100 degrees, so the most likely cure is to close a building up tight, if any beams are infected, and heat it up to 120 or 140 degrees. Even this is not always successful, for ends of beams are bur­ied in the outer brick walls, and the heat may not reach them.—Exchange.

Quaint Signs In Peru. An Indian custom which adds a pic-

turesque touch to the roadsides be­tween Cnzeo and Machu Picchu, in Peru, is the presence of quaint signs indicating what is for sale in the In-dian huts. A small bunch of wheat or barley tied on the end of a pole and stuck out in front of the hu t indicates that there is chicha (a native corn beer) for sale within. A bunch of

. •ftiit.tlie initiatory part of the plan until 'fit' 'proposed to do my clothes up in ;i \ | | i ad le that could be put through the

basket-like tops the question is how to t Moving a Billiard l a o i e . "stick." The gunfire photographs it- j p r 0bably the most remarkable jour-self. I suppose you wonder what I, ; n e y e m . m a d g f r o m C a t t a r 0 to Ce-

56n the floor below. Then I would haul up his clothes by the same means. 1 could make,,a cord by tearing certain articles of my clothing into strips.

We exchanged the clothing without difficulty, and the next morning when Maria came around she found me in man's dress. 'I offered, if she would help me. to send her a thousand rubles from home. This she declined, but

the big twelve inch guns fire the aw­ful concussion they cause invariably gives the snap to the shutter of the camera, and the exposure is made.— E. Muller, Jr.. in St. Nicholas.

Odd Bankruptcy Proceedings. They had a peculiar way of going

English billiard table. Fifty sturdy porters were required to carry the ta­ble over the mountain, and a pilot stood astride it to shout directions as to how best to get round awkward cor­ners. The building In which it was housed retained the name of "Big-linrdo" when converted into govern-

in India, now unhappily giving way to agreed to assist me because she pitied \ t h e ieSs picturesque method of the

into bankruptcy among the Marawaris j |1)(Mlt o ( u , . ( l s a l l d parliament house many years later.


This prison code aps and intervals.

,ap might mean the B. two taps and one O, one tap and two

D, and so on. n a knowledge of a sin-

t night, though two per-over the pipe for some

communication ceased a liarter of an hour before the last visit

of the guard and recommenced a quar­ter of an hour after the round had been made, the persons continuing to communicate for half an hour, when they ceased, giving me the first cue to their code. The last two divisions or words—as I took them to be—were tapped after a short silence, and the aame taps and intervals were repeated by the person who received them. «•

I had by this time learned to sep­arate letter from letter and word from word. These last two words, tapped and repeated, were composed the first of four, the second of five letters. I listened for some time for more, but heard nothing, and it occurred to me that .the words spoken were intended for a clos.ing of the conversation, just "as ,ti>$ay petsons talking over a tele­phone say "goodby" to each, other to indicate that they have notlimg more to say. Immediately it flashed upon me t h a t the worcis spoken were good-"byj'b&t the second word of goodby is composed of ^wo letters, whereas, as I have said, the second word of the last message was composed of five.

"I 'h&i6*ifl'' The message was 'good n i g h t ' "

go Rifled .the first evening of my pris-oa Ilifi,; <or, small as the distraction jfroftt Sjisr; .trKJUbleS was, i t was enough,

, W^en'- j^*^ 8 ' ? was, to bring on sleep. I"a]p#^syi into unc6nsciousness, think­ing tha i probably the messages would recommence on the morrow and I aliould have something to do to read t h e messages, for if my interpretation of - the two words was correct I had seven letters. Surely that would be quite enough to give me the others in time, though I remembered them im-perfefltiy and needed to hear them again,

I 41d not bear them" again till the B a i t night, but I heard other letters and Short words tha t added to my Snow-ledge of? the code. The letter I w a s u$ed (jpite Often by itself, as was fh& letter A* • Besides, when a con­versation w a s ended during the day t h e tests words- were two. and I was

and loved me, though she would be obliged to leave the prison and Kara as well as I if she did -so. She went away, leaving my cell unlocked, 1 agreeing to give her a couple of hours to get away. At the end of that time I walked out into the corridor till I saw a jailer approaching, then fell on the floor. Coming to me, be picked me up and. not knowing who I was, but thinking me to be ill. sent me to the hospital, where I was put to bed.

white man. When a man could not pay his bills be would summon his creditors. They were ushered into a room- in which the thakur. or house­hold god, was enshrined, but covered up with a cloth and with the face turned to the wall in order that it might not witness the scene that was to follow. The insolvent would then, in garb of mourning, lie on tbe floor, presenting his back to his creditors, who on a given signal would fall on

The nurses were men, and I had no | him with shoes and slippers and bela-spportunlty to appropriate a woman's clothes. But at midnight I got out of bed ,in my nightclothes and went out into- the prison yard. There I was picked up by an official and, being a woman, was taken to the woman's hos­pital, the man supposing me to have come from there. Before morning 1 had stolen the uniform of a nurse and in this disguise succeeded in making my escape.

I had appointed a rendezvous with Maria and took her with 111c to Berlin, where I communicated with my fa ther.

All this happened twenty years ago. and Maria has been in my service ever since.

I heard some time after my leaving Kara that Paul had made his escape and had gone to America. I have lived since leaving Russia in Germany. I suppose I should sacrifice myself again for the cause, but the prospect Of tltat horrible prison life deters me.

bor him till their wrath was exhaust- | ed. The beating finished, honor was I declared to be satisfied all around.— | Calcutta Journal.

Her Strong Hin t . "Miss I'liiUic how do you like my

new liatV" "I like it ever so much better. Mr.

Smvkins. when you are holding It in your hand" Chicago Tribune.

Put Down Trouble. Willie- My father put down a dis-

turbauee last night. Billie- Is that right? "Yes. He ate a Welsh rabbi t . " -

Yonkers Statesman.

The need of charity is always the r e suit of evil produced by men's greed.— Tom h. .lohnson.


Maddened the Cabbies. There lived one time in England a

woman who was known as the "cab­men's terror." She was a Sin, Cuy-ler, who knew the distance t/ttween any two given points in London and always tendered the exact fare with­out a farthing over. Irate cabbies sometimes disputed tbe distance or even carried the affair into court, but the "cabmen's terror" always won.— London Tatler.

There will be a terrible run for serums when they begin to cure wrinkles.

One advantage of the vestless sea­son is that a man can show more than six cents of his fifty cent tie.

The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, headaches, indi­

gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box a t home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c, Recommended by 3. B. Somes, Port Leyden. Adv.

Catalogs Envelopes

sters Announcements

Name Cards

IV© Bwmmtea

Masters, Thomas K.—Gold Plant—Bd N. bv IX Wiclriclc, E. by ICeib, S. by Wicl-rlck, \V. by highway, 3% a $2s.lSll

(I IS. 1!) N. liniiBE's. Boston-Newton investment Co. Bel. N.

by 1'ouaey, E. by range line between G and 7 E. ranges, S. by Wldriclt Sugar Bush, \V. bv Boston-Newton Investment Co., 221) a $22.83

7 E. IS N. Ranges. Boston-Newton Investment Oo. Bd.

N. by range line between 17 and IS N. ranges, E. by Basselin, S. by range line between 10 and 17 N. ranges, W. by Boston-Newton Investment Co., 260 a.

$22.92 2 W. 21 Ranges.

MeDirmott, Mrs. Robert. Bd. N. by Hunt, E. bv Maxwell, S. by Lasselle and Leonard, A\r. by highway, 5Da $5.SS

3 W. 20 N. Ranges. Simms, Earnest. Bd. N. by highway,

E., S., and W. by Laaelle, 10a .$3.5>-l 3 W. 22 N. Ranges.

Card, David. Bd. N. by Shaffrey and Breezee (Ormlston lot), B. by Briscoe Morgan, H. bv Countryman (.fane Mc-Knight lot) W. by highway, 51 a. .$0.52

3 W. 22 N. Ranges. Card, David. Bd. N. by Conway, R

and W. bv Shaffrey and Breezee, S. by David Card, 7 a $-1.30

3 W. 22 N. Ranges. McKnight, Rosa—Huntington Lot—Bd.

N. by Mrs. M. Tovoy, E. by V. O. Hunt, S. and \V. toy Andrew B. Zehr, 22a..$5.91

3 W. 22 N. Ranges. McKnight, Fred—Harris lot—Bd. N. by

Martha McKnight lot, E. by N. Country-

f irn, a. and W. by Andrew B. Zehr, a $6.0S

3 W. 22 N. Ranges. Fisk, Oeorge—Crowner lot—Bd N. by

M. Conway, IS. and W. by Schaffrey and Breezee, S. by David Card, 3-}i a..$S.71

5 W. 21 N. Ranges. Gilligan, Thomas. Bd. N. by Flood lot, 1 „„„

E. and S. by II. Dalton, W. by Wallace ^ Thompson, 50 a $7.K6

Denmark, Town of Black River Tract

Township 5. l.ot

47. Standring. Emma.—Triangle piece — lid. E. bv road, S. by Blister, W. by Denmark road, % a $4.93

Diana, Town of Macomb's Purchase.

Lot S35 and sail. Hutchinson, Orville. Bd.

N. by Gilbert Riee, E. by Russell Turn­pike, S. bv George Uuinn farm, W. by Alex. Copeiey. 7" a $17.99

S37. Mark wick, Mrs. John—Farm—Bd. N. by .Duane Cnampine. E. by Roberts, S. by A. E. Turner, W. by highway, SI a.

$14.08 b92. Whole Lot except 15 acres in

square form in E'ly corner, lumbered, 417 a $20.91

90G, 94(1 and 941. Bd. N'ly and S'ly by-lands of McCoy. Grems and Slye. E'ly by lands of Albert Phillips. W'ly by lands of Thomas Banehard, 4 52-100 a $9.33

9117. Fan- & Eeed, Mill. Bd. N. by highway from Natural Bridge to depot, E. by William Hunt (formerly), S. by William Hunt (formerly), and W. by highway from Natural Bridge to Keyes Sehoolhouse, 3 a $20.63

913. Whole lot except IS acres in Wly corner, lumbered, 430 a $15.69

927. Stroder. Samuel. Bd. N'ly by Lot lines between Lots 926 and 927, E'ly by lands of D. Scanlon. S'ly by Lake Bon­aparte, w'lv bv Bot 92U, lumbered, 34(1 a , $15.3;;

927. Gadrner, W. G.—Lots—Bd. N. by Bancroft. E. by Bancroft and Waugh, S. by Bake Bonaparte, W. by Bancroft, Vi a $5.6S

92S. Porter, \V. A. and Wagoner, E. C. Bd. N. bv Sacred Heart Church Society of "Watcrtown. E. by I). Scanlin, S. by Farman, W. by Lake Bonaparte, 1 a....

$1S.30 930 and 953. Gilbert, N. R. Clark

Farm. lid. N. by lands of Ambrose Austin, Eugene Cring and Philip De-vitt, E. by highway leading to La,ke Bon­aparte, S. by highway W. by Fitzgerald and Austin, 162 a $33.09

949. Welsh, J. J.—Fitzgerald Lot.—Bd. N. by lands of F. Dimmock and Fitz­gerald, E. by lands of P. Quackenbusb and J, Jackson, S. by lands of Wm. Pike and F. Dimmock, W. and S. W'ly by iands of P. Simpser, F. Allen and Fitz­gerald, 175 a.„ $16.57

9BX. Ralph, Jay. Bd. N. by Champlain Realty Company, E. by highway. S. by lands of Rose Crowner. Esther B. "Wil­cox and Mary J. Blood, W. by Champlain Realty Co., H a $5.79

901. Cole. Hiram.—Lot—Bd. N. and E. by lands of Harris Estate, S. by Main street of the village of Harrisville, "W. by lands occupied by Carrie Wicks, 'A a..

$6.93 961. Harney, Mrs. Ed.—Lot—Bd. N.

by James Humes. E. by Church street, in the village of Harrisville, S. bv lands of Ed Welsh. W. by lands of Rose Crow­ner, Esther B. Wilcox and Mary J. Blood. 'A a '...$10.50

906. Johnson. Geo. Bd. N'ly bv A. A. Dobson. E'ly by Hiram Clark, S'ly by Wm. Palmer, W'lv bv highway, 10 a..

$6.69 976. Phillips, Albert—Lot—Bd. N, by

Lee Blanc.hard. B. by Lee Blanchard and James Connors, K. by Frank Saunders. W. by Lee Blanchard, 20 a $0.99

995. Bd. N'ly. E'ly, S'ly and W'ly by lands of T. E. Proctor, 50 a $5.16

997. .Lavancha. Fred—Farm—Bd. N. by Kimball, E. by P. Lavancha, S. by P. Lavancha, W. by Oswegatchie River, 44 a $0.70

Triangli' in Easterly End. 3. Middle Branch Factory. Bd. N. by

Mayhew. E. by highway. S. by Oswegat-chie River, W. by Mavhew, 1 a $0.41

5. Clark. Wilson Estate—Lot—Bd. N. by highway. E. by FTuldah Flick, S. by Leason Lot, and Darbv Lot..W. bv John Whitney. 00 a .'..$s.31

15. Cole, Hiram and Eugene—Brvan Farm—Bd. N. by hinds of Aid rich Paper Co., and lot 14. E. by Oswegatchie River, S. and W. by lands of Aldrich Paper Co.. 100 a $14.67

Greig, Town of Brantingham Tract.

Lot 4. Gordon, Josephine. Bd. N. by Fen-

ton & Denee. B. and S. by Wilcox, W. by highway, Vi a $3.03

57. Carter. Edward, Jr. Bd. N. by Mealus & Blade, E. by Carter, S. bv Burr, W. by Carter * Burr, 147 a $13.40

5S. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole lot, 215 a $23.15

59. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot, IDS a $6.11

60. Carter, Edward, Jr., Whole Lot, 215 a $0.S9

61. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot 21S a $0.S0

03. Carter, Edward, Jr. Whole Lot, 173 a $10 07

XI. Jones &. Crofoot. Whole Lot, 174 a $S,66

82. Jones & Crofoot. Whole Lot, 191 a $6.6S

99. Brown. Charles D. Cottage and Lot, No. 3—Bd. N. and S. bv J. D. Smith, Est., E. by Brantingham Lake, W. by Norton Shepard. % a $14.65

99. Brown, Edna and Chariot—Cottage and Lot No. 7, Smith survey—Bd. N., E., and w. by J. I). Smith Estate, S. by Brantingham Lake, Vi. a $14.93

100. Jones & Crofoot. Bd. N. by Lot 82, E. by Lot 101, S. and W. by Branting­ham Lake, 52 a $90.87

117. Jones & Crofoot. Bd. N. by Brantingham Lake, E. by lot lines be-twee.n lots IIS and 117, S. by highway, W. by Graves & King, 20 a $14.23

US. Jones & Crofoot. North East cor­ner of said lot, 2 a $6.83

133. Hutchins, George. Bd. N. by Norton & Bates, E. by highway, S. by Mooney, W. by Norton, 48 a $7.49

150-168. Mooney, Albert. Bd. N. by Tucker, E. by Hutchings, S. by highway, W. by Gaylords, 75 a $15.04

Hlghmarket, Town of Constable's Four Towns.

Township No. 2. 2. Constable, C—P. Cavanaugh place

—Bd, N. by Ormsby Rutledge, E. by James Rutledge, S. by Haley and high­way, W. by Miss Cavanaugh, 28 a.$8.68

32 and 34. Backer, Rodney. Bd. N. by highway, E. by Peter Cropp and M. Kirk, S. by F. S. Bernholz, W. by W. Mum-ford, 65 a $9.52

46. Lazarus, Helen. Bd. N. by R. Barker, E. by Kirk and J. Domser, S. by road, W. by Bernholz, 30 a $G,90


Township 3, 17. Kilcullen Estate. Bd. N. by high­

way, E. by Kirley and Tuffey, S. by Kir-ley, W, by A. Kotary, 25 a $7.20

17. Kotary, Andrew—Luke Murray place—BdL, N. by Rutledge, E. by high­way, S. by Kilcullen and Gaughen, W. by Gaughen and Buckley, 60 a.,..$15.31

41-49. Kotary, Andrew Nickelson Place. Bd, N. by J. J. O'Hara, E. by Uillen Place and Ellen Farrell, S. by Kenny, W. by McConnell and • J. J. O'Hara, 94 a $20.IS

42. Kotary, Andrew—Gillen Place— Bd. N. by highway, E. by Dolan. S. by Kenny, W. by Nickelson Place, 17a.$12.57

Bojlstun Purchase. Township 9.

16. Ingersoll, Catherine. Bd. N. by George Ingersoll, E. by highway, S, by D. Mackey, W .by Eugene Benton, 35 a..

$9.24 72. Flynn, James. Bd. N. by highway,

E. by Sarah Loftis, S. by Gould Paper Co., W. by Gilligan, 134 a $16.68

Lewis, Town of Constable's Four Towns.

Township 1. 57. Thurston, D. B. Bd. N., S. and W.

i by lot lines E. by land belonging to State 150 a $9.4-1

I 72. Reigler, Frederich. Bd. N. by A. j Perry, E. by Heikey Bros., S. by Heikey and McCarthy, W. by David Swancott, 2UU a $14.91

7S. Thurston, I). B. Bd. N. running to a point, E. by David Swancott and \V,m. Noll, S. by James Webb, W. by James Webb, 12 a $9.6S

SO. McCarthy, Dennis. Bd. N. by Fred Reigler, E. by Wm. Haues, S. by highway, W. by Ambrose Jerushwisky, SO a $9.69

90. Evens, Orin. Bd. N. by Jay Pease, E. by Philip Swancott, S. ' by Edward Hayes, W. by D. G. Dornor, S4 a $7.31

101. Owens, James. Bd. N. by A. Katsmayer, E. by David Swancott, S. by County Line, W. by D. Griffin, 10Oa.$9.2S

Leyden, Town of Inman's Triangle.

31. Post, Miss Myra. Bd. N. by Weldon H. Post, E. and S. by highway. W. by Albert A. Higby, % a $6.07

Lowville, Town of Black River Tract.

Township 11. 38. Sperry, Hewitt. Railroad St. Bd.

N. by Foster Phelps, E. by Railroad St., S. by Frank Monnant, W. by Utlea & Black River Railroad, Vi a $6.02

Lyonsdale, Town of Brantingham Tract.

302. McIIale, .Tames. Bd. N. by Moose River, E. by Charbonneau, S. by Lot 31S, W. by Lot 303, 50 a $0.44

31S. McHale, James—Farm. Bd. N. by Lot 302, E. by Lot 319. S. by Lot 334. and' Boonville Club, W. bv Lot 317 and Boonville Club, 157 a $34.10

334. McHale, James.—Seymour Lots.— Bd. N. by Mather & Wooley, Boonville Club, E. by Lot 335, S. by Lewis and Oneida county line, W. by Lots 333 and 334. 21S a $11.OS

335. McHale, James—Seymour Lots— Bd. N. by Lot 311), E. by Lot 336, S. by-Lewis and Oneida county line, W. by Lot 334, 331 a $10.39

,>3G. McHale, James—Seymour Lots.— Bd. N. by Lot 320. E. by Lot 14, Town­ship 1, John Brown Tract, S. by Lewis ind Oneida County line, W. by Lot 335,

$17.00 John Brown Tra.ct.

Township 1 13. McHale, James. Bd. N. and E. by

Nester, S. by road, W. by Carbo, % a $4.07

Martinsburg, Town of Boylston Purchase.

Township 4. 42. Jones. Ellis. Bd. N.-Jhomas Burk,

E. and S. by highway, W. by MicCue, 10 a $4.13

51. Snell, Cyrus. Bd. N. by highway, E. by Strife, S. and W. by Haberer, 45 a

$6.33 105. Carroll, William. Bd. N. and E.

by Rinkenberg, S, by highway, W. by G. .Green, 1 a $4.03

Township 5. East Subdivision.

20 and 22. Root. George, Farm. Bd. N. by James Curran, E. by Ray McCue, S. by Whetstone Gulf and Aaron Inger­soll, W. by highway, 221 a $53.92

42. Freeman. William and Powell, Eliza. Bd. N. by William Graves, E. by highway. S. by W. F. Smithling, W. by Clarence Pitcher, 1 a $5.17

Montague, Town of Boylston Purchase.

Township 3. IS. 29 and 30. Jenks, Edward—Hod-

kinson Lot—Bd. beginning at the N. W. corner of said lot 30; runs thence along the N. line thereof S. 851* deg. E., 1 eh.. 29 Iks; thence S. 3 deg. W.. 36 chs., 82 Iks., to the center of the road; thence th'ereon N, 70 deg. W. 20 chs., 53 Iks,; thence N. 3 3-8 deg. E., 25 chs., 85 Iks.; thence S. S5V4 deg. E. 2 chs., 50 Iks.; thence S. AV-z deg. W., 19 chs. 43 Iks.; thence S. S5'/2 deg. E., 6 chs., 47 Iks., to the place of beginning, 94 a $25.20

75. Tsla.nd Paper Co—Reuben Osborn Lot—P.d. beginning at a point in the S. line of said lot 7.5, Easterly 17 chs., 04 Iks., from the S. W. corner thereof; runs thence S. 4 deg. IS min. W., 6 chs., 49 Iks.; thence N. S5y2 deg. W. 12 chs.. 34 Iks., thence N. 4% cleg. E., 49 chs.. 64 Iks. to the center of the road; thence thereon S. 79% deg. E., 12 chs., 20 Iks.; thence S. 4 deg. IS min. IV., 41 chs.. 05 Iks. to the place of beginning, 60a. $20.70

75 and SO. Island Paper Co.—P. Mar-cellus Lot—Bd. beginning at a point in the S. line of said lot 75, Easterly 17 ens., 04 Iks. from the S. W. corner thereof; runs thence N. 4 deg. IS min. E.. 41 chs., G5 Iks. to the center of the road; thence thereon S.' 79'4 deg. E. 2 chs., 7 Iks., and S. 89 deg. E., 10 chs., IS Iks.; thence S. 4y, deg. W.. 4S chs., 53 Iks.; thence N. S5V. deg. W.. 12 chs. 6 Iks.; thence N. 4 deg. IS min. E. 6 chs. 49 Iks. to the place of beginning. 5S a $22.11

84 and 85. Twining. J. S. & Wm.— Switzer Lot—Bd. beginning at a point in the W. line of said Lot 84, N. 4% deg. E., 36 chs.. 30 Iks., from the S. W. corner ^hereof: runs thence along said line N. 4'i deg. E. 13 chs., 16 Iks.; thence S. S5'/i deg. E., 47 chs.. to the center of the West road (so called); thence thereon S. 19Y, deg. E., 14 chs., 50 Iks.; thence N. 85% deg. W., 52 chs., 95 Iks., to the place of beginning, 05 81-100 a $21.34

KiO. Higby. Marietta. Bd. N. by Hab­erer. E. by highway, S. by Snyder, W. by Davis, 70 a $S.93

New .Bremen, Town of Macomb's Purchase.

Great Tract 5. Chassinees Tract. 2 E. 7 N. Ranges.

Tilmont, John—Ossont Road, South side—Bd. N., E. and W. by Chris Hanno Est., S. by Wm. T. Bush, 15 a $0.52

3 W. S N. Ranges. Walter, Wilhelmina.—Croghan Road,

North side—Bd. N. by Nicholas Kirsch-ner. E. by Meeker, S. by highway, W. by J. C. Miller. 3% a $6.57

4 W. S and 9 N. Ranges. lllingworth. Amealas—VanAmber Road,

East side—Bd. N. by road. E. by Howard Garnsey, S. by Crystal creek, W. by Pe­ter Hoch, 2 a $0.23

Osceola, Town of Boylston Purchase.

Township 13. 55. Bd. N. by White, E., S. and W.

bv lot line, 50 a $13.07 113. Mary street—Village lots 15 to

29 inclusive—Bd. N. and W. by Van-dawalker, E. by village lot 14, S. by high­way, 40x3,075 ft $0.24

123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 11— Bd. N. by Paddock, E. by highway, S. by Village Lot No. 12, W. by Elliott, 4(lx 175 ft : $0.24

123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 12-~ Bd. N. by Village Lot No. 11, E. by highway, S. by Village Lot No. 13. W. by W. Elliott, 40x175. ft $0.79

123. Bridge St.—Village Lot No. 15— Bd. N. by Village Lot No. 14, E. by high­way, S. by river, W. by W. Elliott, 40x 90 ft $6.12

' Pinckney, Town of Black River Tract.

Township 9. 31. Harris, Elizabeth. Bd. N. W.,

and S. by Baker, E. by highway, % a. $3.74

33 and 34. Dunaway, Percival. Bd. N. by House, E. by Clark, S. by Millard, W. by Vandolinda, 25 a $6.39

124. Lewis, Lester. Bd. N. by Hart. E. and S. by highway, W-. by O'Neil, 7 a.

$5.27 Goodenough, Hudson. Bd

B. by A. Passenger, -S. by highway, W. by H. 3. Swan, 4 a ' -.,,$6.66

West Turjn. Macomb's Purchase.

Great Tract G. Township 4.

104. Felshaw, Frank.—House, and Lot— Bd. N. by Mrs. Dwlght Markham,-«lij-.. bj> highway, S. and W. by Constable Es­tate, K. a $11,49

NICHOLAS ARTHUR, v County Treasurer.

For Cuts /Burns and Bruises. In every home there should, be a box

of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Dell-valle, Tex., R. No. 2, writes: "Buck­len's Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed i t could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by J. B. Somes, Port Leyden. Adv.

Thousarid Islands Alexandria Bay $2.00

Round trip, ( inc luding Tour of the Islands). Every Saturday and Sunday to September 7, inc lus ive . Every Wednesday to Au­gust 27, inclusive. Also on Labor Day, September 1. Returning same day,

Utica . . . $ 1.50 Round trip. Every Sunday to September 14, inclusive. Also on Labor Day, Sep­tember 1. Returning same day.

San Francisco, CaL Low round t r i p l a r e s . Tickets on sale August 21 to 28 inclusive. Rctura, limit October 22. '

Consult local ticket agents for time of trains and other information.

*wmmmm Making a Burglar Useful.

"Lie still there and 1 won't hurt you. All I want is your money and your jewels and then I'll git."

"A.U- right, old man, and while you're searching for the jewels if you run across my dress studs 1 wish you'd put them out on the dresser. I haven't been able to End them for n month."— Detroit Free Press.

Giving Himself Away. "Here, ma." requested the 'boy. hur­

rying in from school before time, "hang my jacket up behind the stove."

"Is it wet?" "No, but teacher sent me home to

toll you to warm iny jacket for me."— .lodge.

A Pertinent iaue-y. The drummer had been bragging

about his ni-hicvenicnts for a goodly time, and I'MIMII.V the meek little man in the corner piped up.

"Excuse me." he said, "but perhaps you can tell me why you gentlemen are culled drummers?"

"Well, why shouldn't we he so called? We drum up trade, don't weV was tbe retort.

"I know." said the meek little man. "but the drum is not a wind instru­men t " Harper's.

Unchanged. "That's just like Jim." said the wid­

ow, wearily, after n flapping curtain had -knocked over the urn in which all that was mortal of her cremated hus­band had been placed and spread its contents on the floor "Always drop­ping his ashes everywhere!" Harper's Weekly.

The sinews of success cannot be bor­rowed. You will not really develop With anj capital hut your own.

124 and 125. N. by highway, IS. and S. by Borland W. by O'Connor, % a $4.48

Turin, Town of Constable's 'Four Towns.

Township 4. . 35. King, Herbert S. Bd. N. W., and

S. by H. B. Jones, B. by State Road, 114 a $S.05

52. Loveland, Mrs. C. S. B. Bd. N. and B. by Francis Clark, W. by E. Grif­fith, S. by Gulf road, 2% a $5.49

Watson, Town of Watson's West Triangle.

20. Whole Lot—118 a $35.14 21. Whole Lot—118 a $30 34 46. Whole Lot—115 a $34.66 72. Whole Lot—113 a $34.66 07. W.hole Lot—75 a $36.42 121. Whole Lot—106 a $34.79

,199. North West Corner, 30a $2.03 309. Walton, Lulu Mrs.—North part

of said lot—Bd. N. by Reed Lot, .E. by Lenhan, S. by J. McPhilemy, W. by highway, 25 a $6.02

Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract 5.

Chassinees Tract. 1 and 2 B. 5 N. Ranges.

Reed, Daniel. Bd. N. By Petrie Lot,

left me with a frightfu cough B,r±d; very weak. T had spells when I could

j§ hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 3 minutes. My doctor could not help

me, but I was completely cured by f. ICING'S

Mrs. J . E. Cox, Joliet, 111.' BOc AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS.

• . * •



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