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1 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Introduction .............................................................................2

Chickens Living Free .............................................................4

Chickens in Battery Cages ...................................................5

Chickens: Consequences of Confinement .....................6

Pigs Living Free ......................................................................8

Pigs in Gestation Crates .......................................................9

Pigs: Consequences of Confinement ..............................10

Calves Living Free ................................................................12

Calves in Veal Crates ...........................................................13

Calves: Consequences of Confinement .........................14

What You Can Do to Stop the Cruelty ............................16

Published by Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, NY 14891© 2002 by Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary encourages readers of Life Behind Bars to reproduce it, inwhole or in part, for the purpose of educating and informing others aboutcruel factory farming practices.

Table of Contents

In recent decades, farm animals in Americahave been subjected to increasingly inhumane con-ditions. Chickens are confined so tightly in tinywire battery cages that they can barely move, vealcalves spend their short lives chained by the neckin crates too small for them to lie down comfort-ably, and breeding pigs spend years imprisoned insmall metal crates, unable even to turn around.Meanwhile, a growing number of consumers arevoicing ethical concerns about inhumane methodsused to produce meat, milk and eggs.

Practices common in animal agriculture —such as intensive confinement housing — face

widespread public opposition according to publicopinion polls. Most Americans consider the treat-ment of calves in the production of veal inhumaneand unacceptable. Over half of Americans nevereat veal, and concern about the cruel treatment ofveal calves is a key reason why. Polls have alsofound that the majority of consumers believe thatthe confinement of pigs and hens in commercialproduction is inhumane and unacceptable.

While the American public opposes inten-sive confinement systems, they are common acrossthe U.S. Each year, about 300 million egg-layinghens are imprisoned in battery cages, about 5 mil-lion pregnant pigs suffer in gestation crates, andabout 750,000 calves are confined in veal crates.

Beginning with Sweden's farm animal pro-tection law, which was enacted in 1988, severalEuropean countries have now passed legislation toprohibit the use of veal crates, battery cages, andgestation crates. In fact, prohibitions on cruel fac-tory farming practices are now being adopted bythe entire European Union. These laws reflectpopular sentiments in Europe, and laws in the U.S.should begin to reflect popular sentiments as well.

2 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Ouurr iinnhhuummaannee ttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff lliivvee-ssttoocckk iiss bbeeccoommiinngg wwiiddeesspprreeaadd aannddmmoorree aanndd mmoorree bbaarrbbaarriicc.. SSiixx-hhuunn-ddrreedd-ppoouunndd hhooggss rraaiisseedd iinn ttwwoo-ffoooott-wwiiddee mmeettaall ccaaggeess ccaalllleedd ggeessttaattiioonnccrraatteess,, iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee ppoooorr bbeeaassttss aarreeuunnaabbllee ttoo ttuurrnn aarroouunndd oorr lliiee ddoowwnn iinnnnaattuurraall ppoossiittiioonnss,, aanndd tthhiiss wwaayy tthheeyylliivvee ffoorr mmoonntthhss aatt aa ttiimmee.. OOnn pprrooffiitt-ddrriivveenn ffaaccttoorryy ffaarrmmss,, vveeaall ccaallvveess aarreeccoonnffiinneedd ttoo ddaarrkk wwooooddeenn ccrraatteess ssoossmmaallll tthhaatt tthheeyy aarree pprreevveenntteedd ffrroommllyyiinngg ddoowwnn oorr ssccrraattcchhiinngg tthheemmsseellvveess..TThheessee ccrreeaattuurreess ffeeeell;; tthheeyy kknnooww ppaaiinn..TThheeyy ssuuffffeerr ppaaiinn jjuusstt aass wwee hhuummaannssssuuffffeerr ppaaiinn.. EEgggg-llaayyiinngg hheennss aarree ccoonn-ffiinneedd ttoo bbaatttteerryy ccaaggeess.. UUnnaabbllee ttoosspprreeaadd tthheeiirr wwiinnggss,, tthheeyy aarree rreedduucceeddttoo nnootthhiinngg mmoorree tthhaann aann eegggg-llaayyiinnggmmaacchhiinnee...... BBaarrbbaarriicc ttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff hheellpp-lleessss,, ddeeffeennsseelleessss ccrreeaattuurreess mmuusstt nnoottbbee ttoolleerraatteedd...... LLiiffee mmuusstt bbee rreessppeecctteeddaanndd ddeeaalltt wwiitthh hhuummaanneellyy iinn aa cciivvii-lliizzeedd ssoocciieettyy..

- Senator Robert Byrd (on the floor of theU.S. Senate, July 9, 2001)

Most egg-laying hens in the U.S. areconfined in battery cages.


In the U.S., large corporations -- includingmajor fast food restaurants -- are now respondingto public opposition to cruel farming practices, andenacting guidelines that call for more humanetreatment of farm animals. America's agribusinessindustry is also beginning to recognize that itneeds to address consumers' concerns. A front-page article in the industry journal Feedstuffs,titled "Mainstream consumers driving animal wel-fare push," states that "producers have been sointent on producing cheap, safe and abundant foodsupplies, they have failed to recognize the pro-found cultural changes driving consumers." Dr.Janice Swanson, an animal behavior specialist,reminded a meeting of the United Egg Producers,"You are not handling a lump of plastic. You arehandling animals with central nervous systemsthat feel pain and suffering."

While consumer and industry attitudes arebeginning to change in the U.S., legal protectionremains grossly inadequate, and animal sufferingabounds. Farm animals are specifically excludedfrom the federal Animal Welfare Act and from moststate anti-cruelty laws. Consequently, agribusinesscan treat living animals as commodities, subjectingthem to grossly inhumane conditions withimpunity.

A glaring example of agribusiness' disre-gard for farm animals' well-being involves a case inwhich two injured hens were dumped in a trashcan full of dead birds at ISE's egg factory in NewJersey. ISE was taken to court and its lawyer assert-ed that it is legally acceptable to discard live birdsas if they were manure. When the judge asked, "Isn'tthere a big distinction between manure and live

animals?" ISE's lawyer responded, "No, yourhonor." The company was found not guilty ofanimal cruelty.

In the absence of basic legal protections,farm animals across America are commonly sub-jected to inhumane confinement, spending theirlives behind bars.

Farm animals, like all animals, have feelingsand should be protected from cruelty. Factoryfarming methods such as battery cages, vealcrates and gestation crates are inherently cruel,and they should be outlawed in the United States,as they have been in other countries.

www.FarmSanctuary.org 3

Breeding sows spend years in cratesthat prevent them from turning around.

Individuals Confined Average Duration Living Space

Egg-LLaying Hens 300 million 1 - 2 years 1/2 square foot

Breeding Sows 5 million 2 - 4 years two-foot-wide crate

Veal Calves 750,000 5 months two-foot-wide crate

S t a t i s t i c s o f C o n f i n e m e n t

Chickens are inquisitive and social creatures.They explore their surroundings in a variety of ways,using their sensitive beaks to probe the soil in search offood. The beak is also used for grooming and dust-bathing, a sequence of movements that spreads dustthrough the feathers. The sand and other fine materialsremove oil build-up and keep the feathers clean andfluffy.

Chickens also explore their environment andsearch for food by scratching with their feet. Just asmost people are right-handed, most chickens prefer to

scratch for food with their right foot. Chickens’ sensesare acute — they have excellent vision, seeing a colorrange similar to that of humans and a field of 300degrees. A scientific study showed that the music ofchoice for chickens is Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" — the"Spring" section caused the birds to playfully run, jumpand chase one another. Chickens also enjoy playingwith toys.

Social ties are extremely important to chickens,who live in structured groups. At night, domestic hens,like their wild cousins the Red Jungle Fowl, roosttogether on the branches of bushes or trees. By day,they spread out to forage. Chickens can recognize andremember about 100 other chickens, and usually live ingroups around this size. Though they spread apart toforage, chickens remain in contact, calling to one anoth-er periodically, and sounding warning calls if dangerappears.

Hens leave their social group and home range toselect a nest site before egg laying. Nest sites are typi-cally secluded, enclosed by vegetation or hidden in theground. Each hen will carefully build a nest to hold hereggs by gathering loose materials, such as dry grass ormoss.

Nesting is extremely important to laying hens.They have an elaborate sequence of behaviors they per-form while searching for a nest site, building the nest,and laying their eggs.

While chickens enjoy close social bonds witheach other, they will bond with humans and other ani-mals as well. Henny, a hen rescued from a slaughter-house by Farm Sanctuary, was brought to live in ahousehold with two people, three cats, and four dogs —and she enjoyed everybody's company. She would sit onthe couch close to the cats and dogs, and she also likedto sit on people's laps. At night, Henny happily perchedon the corner of the bed. She would express her com-fort and satisfaction with gentle cooing sounds.

Chickens Living Free

4 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Evveenn vvaassttllyy iimmpprroovveedd iinntteennssiivveessyysstteemmss aarree uunnlliikkeellyy ttoo mmeeeett tthheeccooggnniittiivvee ddeemmaannddss ooff tthhee hhiitthheerrttoouunnddeerreessttiimmaatteedd cchhiicckkeenn bbrraaiinn...... IInn nnoowwaayy ccaann tthheessee lliivviinngg ccoonnddiittiioonnss mmeeeetttthhee ddeemmaannddss ooff aa ccoommpplleexx nneerrvvoouussssyysstteemm ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo ffoorrmm aa mmuullttiittuuddeeooff mmeemmoorriieess aanndd ttoo mmaakkee ccoommpplleexxddeecciissiioonnss..

- Lesley Rogers, Professor of Physiology, University of New England, Australia

Hennywith heradoptedfamily

Every year in the United States, approximately300 million hens provide Americans with their eggs.Each chicken, averaging three to four pounds — with awingspan of about 30 inches — is given just half asquare foot of living space, crammed with four to eightother birds into tiny wire cages. These battery cagesare stacked in tiers and lined up in rows in huge factorywarehouses, which commonly house 80,000 birds. The hens are crowded so tightly that they cannot evenstretch their wings or legs, and they cannot fulfill nor-mal behavioral patterns or social needs. Constantly rub-bing against the wire cages, they suffer from severefeather loss, and their bodies are covered with bruisesand abrasions.

Practically all laying hens are debeaked in orderto reduce injuries resulting from excessive pecking, anaberrant behavior that occurs when the confined birdsare bored and frustrated and driven to aggression.Debeaking is a painful procedure that involves cuttingthrough bone, cartilage, and soft tissue to remove partof the beak.

Laying more than 250 eggs per year each, hens'bodies are severely taxed. Calcium deficiency, osteo-porosis and weak bones are rampant among hens onegg factories — caused by intensive egg production andlack of exercise. These conditions lead to broken bones,paralysis, and even death.

After a year of heavy egg production, the chick-ens are "spent," and then are either "force molted" orslaughtered. Force molting involves starving the hensfor up to 18 days, keeping them in the dark, and deny-ing them water to shock their bodies into another egg-laying cycle. It is common for five to 10 percent to dieduring force molting.

When slaughtered, the hens are bound for potpies and other low-grade chicken meat products, wheretheir bruised and battered bodies can be shredded andthe blemishes hidden from consumers. Spent hens' brit-tle, calcium-depleted bones typically shatter duringhandling or at the slaughterhouse.

Chickens in Battery Cages

www.FarmSanctuary.org 5

""WWhhaatt tthhee ppiiccttuurreess ddoonn''tt tteellll iiss hhoowwbbaaddllyy tthhiiss eennvviirroonnmmeenntt ssmmeellllss.. OOrr hhoowwaawwffuull iitt ssoouunnddss.. OOddoorrss ooff ffeecceess aannddddeeccoommppoossiinngg fflleesshh aarree eennccoouunntteerreeddlloonngg bbeeffoorree oonnee eenntteerrss tthhee rrooww ooffsshheeddss.. IItt iiss aa hheeaavvyy sstteenncchh.. AAnndd tthheenntthheerree''ss tthhee nnooiissee:: aa ccaaccoopphhoonnyy ooff vvooiicc-eess,, rriissiinngg iinn aa ttrreemmeennddoouuss ppiittcchh,, ddrroopp-ppiinngg,, aanndd tthheenn ppiicckkiinngg uupp aaggaaiinn ffoorrssoommee rreeaassoonn oorr ootthheerr,, ssoommee uunnsseeeennttrraauummaa oonnllyy tthhee bbiirrddss ccaann ddeetteecctt..""

- Dr. Janice Swanson, animal behavior specialist at Kansas State University, addressing an assembly of egg producers.

Egg factory warehouses commonlyconfine 80,000 birds in a single building.

A Farm Sanctuary investigator reports:

Yoouu aarree nnoott hhaannddlliinngg aa lluummpp ooffppllaassttiicc.. YYoouu aarree hhaannddlliinngg aanniimmaallsswwiitthh cceennttrraall nneerrvvoouuss ssyysstteemmss tthhaattffeeeell ppaaiinn aanndd ssuuffffeerriinngg..

Hens used for egg production are typicallyraised in battery cages that are stacked in tiers andlined up in rows in warehouse-like factories. Batterycages are usually constructed of wire, and the birdsmay be given less than 48 square inches of space each.It is widely acknowledged that there are significantwelfare problems for laying hens in battery cages, andthey are being outlawed across Europe on crueltygrounds.

Scientific evidence has shown that hens housedin battery cages experience both chronic and acute suf-fering and that battery cages inhibit the performanceof virtually all aspects of hen behavior due to the severeconfinement and barrenness of the environment.Environments enriched with nest boxes, dust baths,and perches offer considerable benefits for welfare.

LLaacckk ooff SSppaacceeGeneral freedom of movement is necessary to

perform specific behaviors (e.g., pre-laying behavior,dustbathing, pecking, and scratching), the prevention ofwhich can cause frustration. Battery cage confinementseverely restricts hens' ability to perform basic behav-

iors, and causes a breakdown in the hens' carefully reg-ulated social life and cohesive social group structure.Scientific studies have found that the space allottedhens in battery cages is insufficient for the mainte-nance of natural social spacing, and that chronic stressresults from the hens' continual attempts to keep them-selves dispersed.

PPeerrcchhiinngg aanndd NNeessttiinnggStudies have shown that the use of a perch can

improve foot condition, reduce foot and claw damage,stimulate bone mass and strength, and provide refugefor subordinate hens, allowing them to avoid aggressivecagemates. Providing a perch results in reduced featherwear and damage, and hens housed in the percherysystem are less aggressive than caged hens.Much evidence shows that providing nests meets animportant need of laying hens, who may exhibit verydisturbed behavior without a nest. The inability to satis-fy intense nesting instincts is likely to cause significantsuffering during the hen's regular pre-laying period.

FFlloooorriinnggBattery cages usually have wire mesh flooring,

despite research showing that particle or litter floorsallow for the performance of a wider range of behav-iors, including scratching, dustbathing, and nesting,and are strongly preferred to floors without litter.Studies also show that hens with access to litter spendabout 18 percent of their time engaged in litter-relatedactivities.

Chickens : Consequences of Confinement

6 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Scientific Evidence FindsWelfare Problems withBattery Cages

FFeeaatthheerr PPeecckkiinnggFeather pecking is worse in battery cages than

in other systems, probably due in part to the lack of var-ied stimuli for pecking. The inability to forage causeshens to redirect ground pecking behavior into featherpecking aimed at their cagemates, causing pain,reduced feather cover, and heat loss. Birds caged withno access to sand tend to direct more feather pecks atcagemates than do birds with access to sand, andfeather pecking may lead to fatalities.

PPlluummaaggee,, FFoooott,, aanndd CCllaaww DDaammaaggeeStudies show that feather loss from abrasion is

worse in cages than in other systems, and this is com-pounded by feather pecking. Foot damage caused bywire flooring, including lesions, fissures, and hyperker-atosis on the feet and twisted, broken, or overgrownclaws, is common among hens kept in battery cages.Caged hens may have uncontrolled and excessivegrowth of the claws, which often leads to breakage thatmay inflict damage to the underlying tissues. Slantedcage floors (which allow eggs to roll into collectiontrays) can also cause foot deformities.

BBoonnee WWeeaakknneessssStudies show that hens with high egg produc-

tion tend to develop osteoporosis (thinning of thebones), due to the large demand for calcium. After lay-ing eggs for a year, the hen's skeleton is fragile, deplet-ed of calcium due to the production of many egg shells.The disease is particularly serious in caged hens. Themaintenance of bone strength depends upon the hen'sability to exercise, and the space provided in a batterycage does not allow hens sufficient freedom of move-ment for the development of normal bone strength.Bone fragility increases susceptibility to bone fractures,which are likely to cause pain.

IInnjjuurriieess ffrroomm EEqquuiippmmeennttThe breakdown of automatic feeders and

drinkers can lead to limited access to feed, causingaggression and cannibalism. Another welfare problemassociated with the battery system is the entrapmentof body parts, most commonly the head or neck, in thecage, which can lead to severe trauma or death.

DDeebbeeaakkiinnggThe partial amputation of the beak, also known

as debeaking, is performed by removing one-third toone-half of the beak with a heated blade, which cutsand cauterizes. The painful procedure can be fatal. Itspurpose is to prevent or reduce injury and feather peck-ing, which occurs in crowded battery cage conditions.The avian beak is a complex sensory organ that servesto grasp food particles and manipulate nesting materi-als, and allows for nesting exploration, drinking, preen-ing, and defense. The beak has an extensive nerve sup-ply, and studies have shown that debeaking results inthe formation of large neuromas, or bundles of nervetissue, in the healed stump of the beak. Other studiessuggest that the behavioral changes associated withdebeaking are similar to depression.

FFoorrcceedd MMoollttiinnggUnder natural conditions, hens are stimulated to

lay eggs by increasing daylight. When daylight decreas-es in the fall, the hen will stop laying and begin molt-ing, or shedding feathers, which are gradually replacedafter molting.

Commercial egg producers employ "forced molt-ing" as a means of expediting the natural egg-layingcycle, depriving birds of food for up to 18 days andwater for up to three days, and keeping them in thedark. This brings about a change in hormone levels andshortens the molting process to eight weeks, from 16weeks in natural conditions. Much scientific evidenceshows that forced molting is a traumatic procedure forhens and that mortality increases dramatically duringforced molting.

www.FarmSanctuary.org 7

For the complete report of the scientificevidence, including bibliography, from whichConsequences of Confinement was derived,visit wwwwww..ffrreeeeffaarrmmaanniimmaallss..oorrgg,, or you canalso obtain a copy from Farm Sanctuary.

Pigs normally live in groups where they formcomplex social bonds. Pigs cooperate with and defendone another — adults in the entire social group will pro-tect a piglet, leaving their own litters to defend theendangered youngster. If one pig begins an activity, oth-ers will invariably join in. Pigs are loyal by nature, andoften form close friendships with one another.

Physical contact is very important to pigs, andthey will lie together when resting. Pigs enjoy close con-tact with humans as well. They like being scratchedbehind the ears and shoulders, grunting contentedly,and will happily roll over for belly rubs.

Pigs are also very vocal. They use over 20 identi-fied vocalizations to constantly communicate with oneanother. Males and females have a "song" they usewhen courting, and pigs also enjoy music. Newbornpiglets learn to come to their mother's voice, and themother pig "sings" to her young as they nurse.

When ready to give birth, the sow searches,sometimes walking for miles, to find a suitable nest site.She then hollows out the nest and lines it with grass,straw, or other materials. When her babies are five to 10days old, she encourages them tosocialize with the other pigs. Evenafter weaning, young pigs continueto live with their mothers in a closefamily group. Two or more sows andtheir babies will join together in anextended family, with close friend-ships developing between sows.Young piglets play with great enthu-siasm, play-fighting and lifting, mov-ing, or throwing objects into the air.Often one will suddenly dart awaywith the others in hot pursuit. Apiglet playing alone will whirlaround and jump up and down.

Pigs are very clean animalsand discriminating eaters. Theycarefully keep their sleeping areaclean and will designate a spot as

far from this area as possible for waste. Unable tosweat, pigs bathe in mud to cool themselves and to pro-tect their skin from sun and insects. They prefer waterto mud, however, and are good swimmers.

Pigs are intelligent, and like puppies, piglets willlearn their names and come when called. They exhibitgreat physical stamina — they can run at speeds around11 miles an hour and can trot for relatively long dis-

tances. Pigs are active andinquisitive animals who spendmuch of their time rooting, orexploring the soil with theirnoses. When they find some-thing interesting, they will sniff,nibble and manipulate theobject with their powerful, butsensitive, snout.

Pigs are loyal companionsand have saved people fromharm. Upon seeing a drowning11-year-old boy, a pig namedPriscilla swam out and rescuedhim. Priscilla remembered thestressful incident and wouldbecome upset whenever shesaw children near water.

Pigs Living Free

8 www.FarmSanctuary.org

I lliikkee ppiiggss.. DDooggss llooookk uupp ttoo uuss..CCaattss llooookk ddoowwnn oonn uuss.. PPiiggss ttrreeaattuuss aass eeqquuaallss..

- Sir Winston Churchill

With corporate hog factories replacing tradition-al farms across the United States, pigs are being treatedmore as inanimate tools of production than as living,feeling animals. Among the most cruelly treated arebreeding sows who live a continuous cycle of impregna-tion, birth and re-impregnation, with each sow produc-ing more than 20 piglets per year.

Most sows in the U.S. are confined in smallmetal crates that are just two feet wide, and this iswhere they spend most of their lives. The sows barelyhave room to stand up and lie down, and many sufferfrom sores on their bodies from constantly rubbingagainst the crates. Denied straw bedding, the pigs areforced to stand on uncomfortable slatted or gratedfloors that are not designed for animal comfort or well-being, but to allow urine and feces to fall through.

Numerous research studies have identified physi-cal and psychological maladies experienced by sows inconfinement. The unnatural flooring and lack of exer-cise cause obesity and crippling leg disorders, while thedeprived environment results in neurotic coping behav-iors such as bar biting, head waving and sham chewing.

Pigs have a four-month pregnancy, during whichthey are confined in narrow metal "gestation crates."Shortly before giving birth, they are moved to similarlyrestrictive "farrowing crates" where they give birth andnurse their young. When the piglets are taken away atabout three weeks old, the sows are immediately re-impregnated and returned to gestation crates. Hog fac-tories strive to keep their sows "100 percent active." Asexplained in Successful Farming: "Any sow that is notgestating, lactating or within seven days post weaningis non-active."

When sows are no longer deemed productivebreeders, they are sent to slaughter. Their battered,worn-out bodies are typically ground up for low-grademeat products, like pepperoni and sausage, where thebruises and blemishes can go unnoticed. In somecases, the sows are so beaten up that they cannot walk.

Pigs in Gestation Crates

www.FarmSanctuary.org 9

Thhee bbrreeeeddiinngg ssooww sshhoouulldd bbeetthhoouugghhtt ooff,, aanndd ttrreeaatteedd aass,, aa vvaalluuaabblleeppiieeccee ooff mmaacchhiinneerryy wwhhooss ffuunnccttiioonn iissttoo ppuummpp oouutt bbaabbyy ppiiggss lliikkee aa ssaauussaaggeemmaacchhiinnee..

- L.J. Taylor, export development manager for Wall’s Meat Company, Ltd., National Hog Farmer

Sow in a farrowing crate.

""AAtt oonnee llooccaattiioonn,, ffeemmaallee bbrreeeeddiinngg ppiiggsswweerree ffoorrcceedd ttoo lliivvee iinn mmeettaall ggeessttaattiioonnccrraatteess jjuusstt ttwwoo ffeeeett wwiiddee.. SSttaannddiinngg oonnhhaarrdd,, ssllaatttteedd fflloooorrss,, tthhee ssoowwss wweerree ccoonn-ffiinneedd ssoo iinntteennsseellyy tthheeyy ccoouulldd nnoott wwaallkk oorreevveenn ttuurrnn aarroouunndd.. SSoorreess wweerree vviissiibbllee oonntthhee ppiiggss'' bbooddiieess aanndd ffaacceess ffrroomm ssccrraappiinnggaaggaaiinnsstt tthhee bbaarrss ooff tthheeiirr ccrraatteess.. AAss IIwwaallkkeedd tthhrroouugghh tthhee wwaarreehhoouussee-lliikkee bbuuiilldd-iinngg,, ppiiggss bbeeggaann ssccrreeaammiinngg.. AA ddeessppeerraattee,,pplleeaaddiinngg cchhoorruuss rroossee,, aanndd tthhee bbaarrss ooff tthheemmeettaall ccrraatteess rraattttlleedd aanndd ccllaannkkeedd aaggaaiinnsstteeaacchh ootthheerr aanndd aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee aanniimmaallss'' bboodd-iieess.. II ffeelltt lliikkee II wwaass iinn aa mmaaddhhoouussee —— oonneeffrroomm wwhhiicchh tthhee ppiiggss hhaadd nnoo eessccaappee..””

A Farm Sanctuary investigator reports:

The industrialization of livestock farming has ledto the development of intensive confinement housingsystems for farm animals. Breeding sows in the U.S. aretypically kept in gestation crates for most of their lives,often three to five years. Scientific evidence shows thatthese animals experience both physical and psychologi-cal disorders.

PPhhyyssiiccaall DDiissoorrddeerrss

Joint Damage and Impaired mobility Studies have shown that the degree of joint

damage in pigs was directly related to the duration ofconfinement. Damage is also greater in pigs confinedindividually compared to group-housed pigs. This differ-ence is associated with the difference in degree of

activity and exercise in the two populations, since pigshoused in groups are generally more active than cratedpigs. Confined pigs have lower total bone mass andonly two-thirds the strength of pigs reared in large pens,and they also have significantly greater locomotionproblems than pigs raised in pens.

The hard flooring in gestation crates is anothercondition that was found to contribute to leg weaknessin pigs, and may be a contributing factor affecting thecrated sows' difficulty to stand up and lie down. Sowsare more likely to slip when attempting to lie down onthe bare concrete or metal floors of a gestation crate ascompared to lying down on straw.

According to the European Commission'sScientific Veterinary Committee and other scientists,the lack of exercise in crates leads to a reduction inmuscle mass that affects the sows' ability to move.Crated sows have smaller locomotor muscles in propor-tion to total body weight than do group-housed sows.When exercised pigs slip, they are usually able to trans-fer weight to other legs and resist falling, whereas unex-ercised animals usually slip further and fall down.

Urinary Tract InfectionsStudies show that confined sows have increased

levels of urinary tract infections, due to the accumula-tion of bacteria from less frequent urination than uncon-fined animals (probably because confined sows are lessactive and drink less than unconfined sows). Further, itis thought that confined sows are more susceptible toinfections of the urinary tract because they often haveno other choice but to lie or sit in their feces.

PPssyycchhoollooggiiccaall PPrroobblleemmssStudies of pigs in a natural environment show

the importance of a complex environment and interac-tions with other animals. Much of their time is spentrooting, or exploring the soil with their noses. Pigs aresocial animals who normally live in groups, cooperative-ly build communal nests, and form complex socialbonds.

When confined to crates, pigs are deprived ofnearly all possibilities of expressing themselves. Pigsare easily bored, and the lack of environmental stimula-tion in the barren crates along with the sows' inabilityto perform normal behaviors leads to psychological dis-orders including chronic stress, depression and frustra-tion, aggression, and abnormal and neurotic copingbehaviors called stereotypies.

Pig : Consequences of Confinement

10 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Scientific Evidence FindsWelfare Problems withGestation Crates

Chronic StressNeurophysiological indicators of chronic stress

have been found in sows housed in crates. They haveelevated levels of the hormone cortisol compared tosows who are group-housed, while pigs housed in larg-er enclosures that allow them to turn around havereduced cortisol levels than those more severely confined.

Depression and FrustrationSows housed in crates with no hope of escape

may develop an emotional state similar to depression.In an observational study of sows housed in differentsystems (but under the same diet and stockmanship),crated sows found the conditions "more difficult" thanthose housed in groups. Crated sows encountered frus-tration likely caused by their inability to move andexpress other behaviors. This intense frustration oftenresults in abnormal and neurotic coping behaviors.

AggressionGestation crates prevent socialization with other

animals, which can affect pigs' level of motivation tointeract socially. Pigs in crates show higher levels ofbehavioral responses to other pigs than pigs housed ingroups, which is possibly due to the high levels of frus-tration encountered by crated pigs. Another negativeconsequence of stress specifically applicable to cratedsows is the high levels of hostile behavior (e.g., biting

through bars) and aggression.

Abnormal and Neurotic Behaviors(including Stereotypies)

Striking evidence of welfare problems in cratedsows is the fact that animals in this housing systemperform more stereotypic or abnormal behavior thanthose in other systems. Stereotypic behavior has beenviewed as abnormal because it does not occur in therange of situations that could normally be encounteredin nature. According to Stolba et al., "the available evi-dence on stereotypies in higher mammals showsbeyond doubt, that these patterns are sure signs ofseverely disturbed welfare." Stereotypies can also beviewed as a "normal" response to an abnormal environ-ment that lacks adequate space and stimulation.

Causal explanations for this type of stereotypicor abnormal behavior have included frustration andboredom resulting from lack of environmental stimula-tion. Stereotypies in sows include vacuum or shamchewing (chewing nothing), head waving, chewing ofbars, licking, and chewing or nosing of object

www.FarmSanctuary.org 11

For the complete report of the scientificevidence, including bibliography, from whichConsequences of Confinement was derived,visit wwwwww..ffrreeeeffaarrmmaanniimmaallss..oorrgg,, or you can alsoobtain a copy from Farm Sanctuary.

Dairy cows are sensitive and social animals.They are inquisitive and will closely investigate any-thing new in their environment. They are very respon-sive to the treatment they receive, and are able toremember a bad experience for years afterward.

Cows are herd animals who rely on variousmeans of communication to govern the movement andassembly of the group. A hierarchy is established withineach herd, with different cows acting as leaders at dif-ferent times. Cows prefer to keep herd mates in sightand become distressed when separated from them.

Cows have a nine-month pregnancy. Shortlybefore her baby is born, a cow will find a secluted area.After birth, she immediately begins licking the new-born, encouraging him to stand and begin suckling.Cows are caring mothers and will bravely defend theiryoung. The mother-child relationship is extremely impor-tant to cows. In a natural environment, newborn calves'lives revolve around their mothers. As the calf grows, hebegins to spend most of his time around other calves,but is still very much attached tohis mother, suckling severaltimes a day. Eventually, the calfmoves on to grazing, and willspend up to six hours a day nib-bling grass.

Mother cows share "baby-sitting" duties, with one or twocows watching all the calveswhile the other mother cowsgraze. As calves grow up togeth-er and have calves of their own,their calves may also befriendeach other.

Calves begin to play with other calves at aroundtwo weeks of age. Groups of calves gallop, buck, kickand butt heads as they romp together. Their mothersare also frequently the object of this playful behavior. AtFarm Sanctuary, rescued calves run through the pas-tures, kicking up their legs joyfully as they play "chase"games with each other. Cows have keen senses of hear-

ing and smell — they can per-ceive higher and fainter noisesthan humans and can detectodors from over six miles away.

Cows also exhibit affectionand loyalty to humans. A cownamed Carletta rescued an elder-ly Italian farmer from beinggored by a wild boar by mooingloudly and chasing the boar withher horns. The farmer, BrunoCipriani, said of Carletta, "Wejust have a great affection foreach other."

Calves Living Free

12 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Thhaatt''ss oonnee ssaadd,, uunnhhaappppyy,, uuppsseett ccooww..SShhee wwaannttss hheerr bbaabbyy.. BBeelllloowwiinngg ffoorr iitt,,hhuunnttiinngg ffoorr iitt.. IItt''ss lliikkee ggrriieevviinngg,,mmoouurrnniinngg -- nnoott mmuucchh wwrriitttteenn aabboouutt iitt..PPeeooppllee ddoonn''tt lliikkee ttoo aallllooww tthheemmtthhoouugghhttss oorr ffeeeelliinnggss..

- Temple Grandin, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, referring to the reaction of a mother cow when her calf was taken from her, as quoted in Oliver W. Sacks's An Anthropologist on Mars

Veal is a by-product of the dairy industry. Inorder for dairy cows to produce milk, they must beimpregnated and give birth. Half of the calves born arefemale, and they are used to replace older cows in themilking herd. The other half are male, and because theyare of no use to the dairy industry, most are used forbeef or veal.

Within moments of birth, male calves born ondairies are taken away from their mothers and loadedonto trucks. Many are sold through auction rings wherethey are subjected to transportation and handlingstresses. The fragile animals are shocked and kicked,and when they can no longer walk, they are commonlydragged by their legs or even their ears.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of calves areconfined in crates just two feet wide in order to pro-duce “white” veal. They are chained by the neck torestrict all movement, making it is impossible for themto turn around, stretch, or even lie down comfortably.This severe confinement makes the calves' meat tendersince the animals' muscles cannot develop.

Scientific research indicates that calves con-fined in crates experience chronic stress and requiremore medication than calves living in more spacious

conditions. It is notsurprising then,that veal is amongthe most likely meatto contain illegaldrug residues thatpose a threat tohuman health.

In additionto restricting theanimals' movement,veal producers severely limit what their animals eat.The calves are fed an all-liquid milk substitute that ispurposely deficient in iron and fiber. It is intended toproduce borderline anemia and the pale-colored fleshfancied by gourmets. At approximately 20 weeks ofage, these weak animals are slaughtered and marketedas white veal (also known as "fancy" or "milk-fed" ). Thesick and malnourished animals do not develop properly,and would not survive to adulthood.

Calves in Veal Crates

www.FarmSanctuary.org 13

Siinnccee wwhhiittee vveeaall pprroodduuccttiioonn iiss iinneeffffii-cciieenntt aanndd tthheerree aarree iinneevviittaabbllee wweellffaarreepprroobblleemmss iitt iiss ttoo bbee hhooppeedd tthhaatt ppuubblliiccddeemmaanndd ffoorr iitt wwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee iittss rraappiiddddoowwnnwwaarrdd ttrreenndd aanndd ssuucchh pprroodduuccttiioonnssyysstteemmss wwiillll ssoooonn ddiissaappppeeaarr..

- A. F. Fraser, Professor of Veterinary Surgery,Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada& D. M. Broom, Professor of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, U.K fromtheir book Farm Animal Behavior and Welfare

"The windowless warehouses looked morelike storage buildings than 'barns.' Inside, inthe dim light, there were hundreds of calvesin the building, each one tethered into asmall crate. The crates of calves were organ-ized into a series of rooms in the warehouse,according to size and age. The older, largercalves had difficulty standing up in thecramped space, and when they lay down, theback section of their bodies hung uncomfort-ably out the back of the crate. All the calveswere tied so tightly that they couldn't turnaround. The floors consisted of slatted woodand metal mesh, and the calves struggled togain their footing on the slick, diarrhea-ccoat-ed flooring. The calves' hindquarters werecaked with dried excrement, and a stenchfilled the air. Mucus dripped from their nos-trils and their eyes were tearing." Monthslater the investigator returned to the samefarm, this time finding the barns empty,except for one "downed" calf lying in analleyway. He was too sick to walk onto theslaughterhouse truck, and he was left behind.

A Farm Sanctuary investigator reports:

Most veal calves are unwanted males from dairyfarms, typically slaughtered before five months of age.Unlike calves raised by the beef industry, who usuallynurse from their mothers for about six months, calvesraised for veal are taken from their mothers immediatelyafter birth. They experience the stress of minimalcolostrum (first milk) intake as well as isolation fromtheir mothers and other calves.

The calves are fed a deficient diet, designed tocause anemia and produce the pale-colored flesh soldas veal. They are confined in crates just two feet wide,and they are unable to walk or exercise throughouttheir lives. This confinement prevents muscle develop-ment to keep the meat tender. No straw or other bed-ding is provided due to the fear that the calves may eatit, which would make their flesh darker in color.

Physical Disorders

Abnormal Gut Development and Stomach UlcerationNumerous studies show that the veal calves' all-

liquid diet, which is deficient in iron and fiber, can leadto serious maladies for the calves and cause abnormalgut development. In fact, calves fed a milk replacer dietwith no solid feed would die before adulthood.

The restricted diet may also cause stomachulceration. Ulceration of the abomasum (a stomach-likeorgan) is common in veal calves slaughtered at three to

five months of age. Lesions are commonly found incalves, and are primarily associated with the consump-tion of milk replacer. Stress can also contribute to thedevelopment of stomach ulcers.

Physical DiscomfortThe standard size of veal crates is not sufficient

for the calves to lie down normally, and they are forcedto assume abnormal and uncomfortable positions.Above the age of about 10 weeks, crated calves areunable to adopt a comfortable sleeping posture. Mostcrate systems have slatted or grated floors to allowurine and feces to fall through, but which are uncom-fortable and hinder the calves' ability to move. Duringthe first few weeks of life, calves in commercial crateswith unbedded wooden slats spend less time lyingdown than calves in other systems, and spend nearlytwice as much time standing idle.

Impaired LocomotionStudies show that crate-housed calves are far

more likely to have impaired locomotor ability thancalves raised outside in groups. In an open field, ani-mals who had been confined in crates were observedstumbling and falling while animals who had not beenconfined experienced no walking problems. Calveshoused in crates have more problems walking andboarding the ramp during transport to slaughter thando those housed in groups.

Increased Susceptibility to DiseaseCalves isolated in crates have more medical

problems than calves housed in other systems, due tothe stress of isolation. USDA-funded research has foundthat crated calves require approximately five times theamount of medication as calves housed in other systems.

Calves : Consequences of Confinement

14 www.FarmSanctuary.org

Scientific Evidence FindsWelfare Problems withVeal Crates

Psychological Disorders

FrustrationCattle are gregarious herd animals whose pri-

mary food in nature is obtained by grazing. Confiningcalves in crates and preventing them from consuming anatural diet results in significant frustration.Confinement also decreases a calf's ability to makebehavioral responses to the environment. Sufficientspace is essential for the expression of play behavior,an indicator of good welfare in calves.

Food RefusalsRestriction of movement makes calves

depressed and stressed, resulting in a loss of interestin eating. Studies show that food refusals are commonamong crated calves, and uncommon among thosewith freedom of movement. Isolated, crated calvesalso gain weight more slowly than group-housedanimals.

Stress, Boredom, Social Isolation, and AbnormalCoping Behaviors

Physiological measurements such as blood cellcounts and hormone concentrations can signal stress inanimals, which have various physical and psychologicaleffects on the individual.

One behavioral study, in conjunction with acompanion physiological study, suggests that thwartedmotivation to perform certain behaviors prevented bythe crate may be accompanied by physiological indica-tions of chronic stress. Calves housed in small penswith slatted floors had higher eosinophil counts (ablood cell measure that has been viewed to signalstress) than those in large pens with solid floors andstraw. Among calves housed in crates, pens, hutches,and yards, calves in crates had the greatest stress hor-mone concentrations. These elevated hormone levelswere reduced after moving the crated calves into morespacious hutches. Calves in indoor metal pens hadabout double the concentration of the stress hormonecortisol in the blood plasma than those in outdoorhutches. Crated animals have also been shown to havethe greatest increase in adrenal response of calvesraised in various systems, which indicates stress andmay have occurred in response to motor and sensorydeprivation.

www.FarmSanctuary.org 15

A typical veal crate in which thecalf is tethered without bedding.

Calves housed in this type ofcrate exhibit significant,

severe physical andpsychological


For the complete report of the scientificevidence, including bibliography, from whichConsequences of Confinement was derived,visit wwwwww..ffrreeeeffaarrmmaanniimmaallss..oorrgg,, or you canalso obtain a copy from Farm Sanctuary.

BBee aa CCoonnsscciieennttiioouuss CCoonnssuummeerrDon't buy meat, milk, or eggs produced on factoryfarms, and urge grocery stores, restaurants, andother retailers not to carry battery cage eggs, cratedveal, or pork from animals raised on farms that usegestation crates. If the retail establishment ishesitant to provide information about the source ofits meat, milk, or eggs, they may have something tohide.

CCoonnttaacctt GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt OOffffiicciiaallssContact your state and federal legislators and otherofficials and urge them to outlaw cruel factoryfarming methods such as battery cages, gestationcrates and veal crates.

EEdduuccaattee OOtthheerrssTell your family, friends, co-workers, and othersabout the cruelty of veal crates, gestation crates andbattery cages, and encourage them to avoid eatingthe products of these inhumane farming methods.You can also educate by write letters to the editor ofyour local newspapers to inform readers about thecruelty of factory farming.

PPlleeaassee JJooiinn FFaarrmm SSaannccttuuaarryyThe organization operates shelters for rescuedanimals in New York and California, educates thepublic about factory farming cruelty, and campaignsto stop farm animal abuse.

16 www.FarmSanctuary.org


Join Farm SanctuaryFarm Sanctuary is a national non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and protecting farm animals from abuse. FarmSanctuary established the first shelters in the United States for victims of “food animal” production, has successfullyprosecuted stockyards and factory farms in precedent-setting cruelty cases, and has helped enact ground-breaking humanelegislation. Pictures, video and other information obtained through Farm Sanctuary’s undercover investigations have beenaired by national and international media organizations, educating millions about the cruelty of factory farming.

NNeeww YYoorrkk ·· PP..OO.. BBooxx 115500 ·· WWaattkkiinnss GGlleenn,, NNYY 1144889911 ·· PPhhoonnee:: 660077-558833-22222255CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa ·· PP..OO.. BBooxx 11006655 ·· OOrrllaanndd,, CCAA 9955996633 ·· PPhhoonnee:: 553300-886655-44661177

PPlleeaassee vviissiitt FFaarrmm SSaannccttuuaarryy’’ss wweebbssiitteess ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::www.FarmSanctuary.org

www.FarmAnimalShelters.org www.SentientBeings.org

www.FactoryFarming.com www.Poultry.org


www.NoVeal.org www.NJFarms.org


Inhumane factory farming is allowed to exist because consumers purchase meat, milk andeggs from factory farmed animals and unwittingly support these cruel systems. You canmake a difference through your own consumer habits and through educating others.

Like all animalsfarm animals have feelings,

and they deserve to be treatedwith compassion and respect.

P.O. Box 150 · Watkins Glen, NY 14891P.O. Box · 1065 Orland, CA 95963

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Like all animalsfarm animals have feelings,

and they deserve to be treatedwith compassion and respect.

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Farm Sanctuary
