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Table of Contents - YM Brothers · ing awake all night and also waking members of his family for...

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Table of Contents:

Introduction 2 Blessing of the Month of Ramadan 3 Ramadan Self Evaluation Chart 4 Ramadan Basics 6 Fiqh of Ramadan 6 Personal Study Plan 7


All praise is due to Allah (swt), the One who created the heavens and the earth. It is He who has provided us with many opportunities to purify ourselves from our sins. It is He who has created our heart, and has provided us the means to cleanse it of its darkness.

Each day we have the five obligatory Salah to become closer to Allah (swt). Each week we have the day of Jummah, to purify ourselves from the actions during the week. Each year we have the Month of Ramadan to train our nafs (inner-self) against the evils of Shaytaan. When Ramadan draws near, our hearts wait in ear-nest for the beauty of this beloved month; we anxiously wait for the days of con-tent and nights of tranquility. Allah (swt) has established this month as a blessing to us.

It is in this month that we prepare for the battle against Shaytaan. Allah makes it easier for us by chaining the all the shayaateen (pl. shaytaan), thus inhib-iting their ability to influence us to do evil. It is in this month, in which the great-est mercy to mankind was revealed: the Quran. The Quran was sent to mankind to facilitate a change in every individual and society. We must reflect upon the fact that the Quran was sent to cleanse the world of all its evils, this being one of the essential features of Ramadan. We fast during the day to train our nafs and we pray during the night to draw near to Allah so that we may become the upholders of this religion in this world.

We must use the month of Ramadan to train ourselves in becoming the workers in the path of Allah (swt). It is with this mentality that we must welcome the month of Ramadan.

May Allah (swt) make it easy for us, and may He give us the success of this world and the hereafter-Ameen!


Blessings of the month of Ramadan

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. The word "Sawm” (meaning to stop or abstain) is used in Arabic for fasting. A fast then means that one refrains from eating, drinking and other physical things (all those things that are otherwise allowed) from dawn to sunset. This month comes every year to spread the blessings and mercy of Allah. We are thankful to Allah for providing physical forms of divine worship such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage to improve our moral and spiritual condition.

Welcoming the Month of Ramadan: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "The month of Ramadan comes to you. This is a blessed month" (Kitab-ul-Saum). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has declared this month as the "month of Allah" because one abandons all otherwise "lawful" things in the way of Allah. He has also declared this month as the "Chief of the months." Worship during this month gains more blessings so one should fast with sincere intentions and worship should be performed to win Allah's pleasure.

Ramadan - Anniversary of the Holy Quran: Ramadan is that blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this regard this month cele-brates the birthday of the Holy Quran. To render our dues we should recite the Holy Quran as much as possi-ble. During this month, at night, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to recite the Holy Quran in its entirety with the Angel Gabriel (Jibraeel).

Opening the doors to heaven: Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When the month of Ramadan starts, the doors of heaven are opened, the doors of the hell are closed, and Satan is put into chains" (Sahih Muslim Kitab-ul-Saum). In this saying the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has promised a high place in heaven for one who observes the fast because a believer is enjoined to perform such deeds that please Al-lah and stay away from bad things.

Ramadan's Special relationship with Tahajjud Prayers: Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "A person who gets up at night for Prayer and fulfills all requirements of his faith with an intention of receiving blessing during the Month of Ramadan, is forgiven all his past sins."

Charity during Ramadan: Ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, was the most gener-ous of men and he was at his most bountiful during Ramadan when Gabriel visited him every night and recited the Quran to him. During this period the bounty of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, waxed faster than the rain-bearing breeze (Bukhari and Muslim).

Prayers: Allah forgives all previous sins of a person who sincerely worships Allah during the month of Rama-dan. During this month Allah's mercy and blessings are at their peak. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that during Ramadan: "Allah says: 'Is there anyone who calls on me so that I can accept his prayers? Is there anyone who asks for anything so that I can fulfill his desires? Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness so that I can forgive" (Sahih Bukhari - Kitab-ul-Tauheed).

Last Ten days of Ramadan: Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that, during the month of Ramadan, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to develop a new vigor, stay-ing awake all night and also waking members of his family for worship" (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Saum). Dur-ing the month of Ramadan worship reaches its peak in the form of I'tikaaf (retirement for Allah's worship). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to retire to the Mosque in the last ten days of the Ramadan. He would go to a corner in the Masjid-e-Nabwee (Prophet's Mosque) to worship Allah in se-clusion.

Ramadan and Lailatul Qadr (Night of Decree): Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "O Allah's Prophet, if I know which night is the Lailatul Qadr then what should I pray? He replied: 'you should pray: 'O Allah, you are very forgiving and love those who forgive others. So bestow your blessings on me and forgive me"' (Jamiah Tirmidhi, Kitab-Al-Dawat). Lailatul Qadr is such a night that the Holy Quran has declared it to be better than a thousand months. May Allah enable us to be the recipients of Lailatul Qadr that we truly benefit from the coming month of Ramadan. May Allah accept our prayers. Ameen.




D a y


Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

Tarawih (Rakahs)



Quran Reading

Name of Surah or Number

Quran Tafseer

Name of Surah or Number

Hadith Name of Book































Young Muslims Self Evaluation Chart - Ramadan 2002’

I: Individual, J: Jama’ah, Q: Qadaa, M: Missed

? Please consult the Individual Tharbiya Plan on Page 7 for suggested syllabus guide.

? Try to fill as much of the form as possible, aim is to build consistency and keep track of your studies.

? At the end of each day fill out the Remarks column, and evaluate your self.


Books (Name of the Book)

Dawah Activity (Hours)

Self Ehtisaab \ Remarks

(what to improve)


Ramadan Basics O Believers, Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you,

so that you may attain Taqwa (i.e. become God-Fearing)" (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:183)

Tafseer: "The verse establishes that fasting had been made obligatory for earlier believers, and that the aim behind it is to open their hearts to God and make them more conscious and fearful of Him. This then is the principal objective of fasting: TAQWA. Fasting, when observed in obedience to God, and in pursuit if His pleasure, instills and revives this quality (Taqwa) in the human heart.... For the Ummah (nation) of Islam, duty-bound to undertake a campaign of struggle (Jihad), as a means of establishing God's universal order, to assume the leadership of mankind, and to stand witness to the rest of man-kind, it is only natural that fasting should be made obligatory. Fasting is a means of testing man's determination and will-power, and an important aspect of man's relationship with God. It is a discipline that teaches man how to rise above his physical needs and overcome the pressure of temptation in order to earn God's blessings and reward."

(Taken from "In The Shade of the Quran", pg. 182-184, vol. 1, by Syed Qutb Shaheed)

"The Opportunities of Ramadan" That is it really all about?

More devotion, closeness to the Quran in Ramadan: Ramadan is a month of heightened devotion. In it, Salat (prayer) is performed with greater intensity. There are extra Sunnah Salat (prayers) on Ramadan nights called Salat at-Tarawih. In the last ten days of Ramadan, some retreat to the mosque to perform I'tikaaf , a period of intense reflection and devotion, seeking guidance and forgiveness, and reading the Quran. Ramadan is a great opportunity to get closer to the blessed guid-ance of the Quran which was revealed in this month. Ramadan is also called the Month of the Quran.

Ramadan’s effect on our body and behavior: The month of Ramadan is an opportunity to develop qualities of endur-ance and self-restraint, to control anger and a fiery or malicious tongue. It is an opportunity to fine tune the body and shed it of obesity and sloth and to benefit from any therapeutic effects fasting may have.

Generosity in Ramadan: Ramadan is a time to awaken compassion and solidarity with others and in particular with the poor. We are urged to be more liberal in giving during Ramadan and are required at the end of fasting to give Sadaqatul-Fitr, an amount to enable all to share in the spirit of warmth, affection and brotherhood.

Ramadan is above all an opportunity to reorient oneself to the Creator and the natural path of goodness and God-consciousness. (Taken from "ISLAM- The Natural Way", By Abdul Wahid Hamid)

Fiqh of Ramadan Requirements of Ramadan: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has given guidance to the Mus-lims for each and every thing. He has given detailed instructions on when to start the month of Ramadhan and how to spend time during this month.

Beginning and Ending of Ramadhan: Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that: "I heard the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying that you should start fasting when you see the moon for the month of Ramadhan and stop fasting when you see the new moon" (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ulSaum).

Forgetfulness while fasting: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "if some mistakenly eats while fasting he should complete his fast till the evening because surely Allah made him eat and drink" (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Saum).

Importance of eating breakfast: Anas relates that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Take breakfast before the fast begins; there is blessing in breakfast" (Bokhari and Muslim), Zaid ibn Thabit relates: We ate breakfast during Ramadhan with the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him said: "The difference between our observance of the fast and that of the People of the Book is eating of breakfast" (Muslim).

Etiquettes of Sahoor (food taken at dawn): Sahoor is a blessed meal. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "This is truly a blessing. One strengthens in oneself the habit of getting up early in the morning and to worship Allah and one can offer humble prayers to Him." The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: "Eat Sehri as there are blessings in eating Sehri" (Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Saum).

At time of Iftar (opening the Fast): There are some times during the day that are more helpful and assist in prayers being answered, Allah accepts more prayers when the fast is opened. In one saying the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has reported to have said: "No prayer is rejected at the time of the opening of the fast that is offered by someone who has been fasting" (Sunan Ibn Maja, Al-Abwab Al-Dawat). http://students.washington.edu/rameez/islam/articles/ramadan.htm


Individual Tharbiya Plan For Ramadan

The following plan is to be implemented by all members of Young Muslims. This plan is being made available for others who would like to implement it. This plan may seem cumbersome when glanced upon, but if it is imple-mented properly it can be easy to follow. Please follow the suggested methods which are listed for each cate-gory. This is the month of Ramadan, Its days, the best of days, its nights, the best of nights, and its hours, the best of hours. In this month you should push yourself to the limit and go beyond them. This is the month to in-still those characteristics which we may be lacking in our lives. Please follow this plan in an attempt to imple-ment these things in your daily life, and Inshallah they will carry over after this holy month of Ramadan.

Prayers: Attempt to perform all Fard Prayers at the Masjid Daily Tarawih Perform Salatul Tahajjud on a continuous basis

Quran Recitation:Recite A Juz a day. Suggestion: If you fall short one day, don’t give up. Attempt to read a whole Juz everyday.

Hadith Study: 40 Hadith by Imam Nawawi - Finish Entire book Suggestion: Read 2 of these Hadith per day

Quran: At the minimum should have the last 20 Surahs memorized with as much as possible the meaning of them. Suggestion: Start with the Surahs you already know, begin to revise, as you gain momentum begin new Surahs.

Tafseer Study: Please study the following ayahs with Tafseer Suggestion: Study one selection a day

1. Al-Tawbah 9:111-12 Pledge of Iman, life of worship 2. Al-Muzzammil 73:1-10, 20 Building a relationship with Allah 3. Al-Israa 17:23-29 Individual and collective morality 4. Al-Nahl 16:1-11 Evidence for Tawhid, Risaalah, Akhirah 3. Al-Nahl 16:12-22 Evidence for Tawhid, Risaalah, Akhirah (2nd Part) 4. Al-Zumar 39:53-66 Preparing for Akhirah 5. Al-Hadid 57:12-17 Iman and infaaq 6. Al-Hadid 57:20-5 Present Life;infaaq,establishing justice 7. Al-Saff 61:9-14 Call to commit to the Prophet's Mission, Iman, Jihad 8. Al-'Ankaboot 29:1-11 Testing of Faith 9. Al-Anfaal 8:72-5 Iman, Hijrah, Jihad, Jamaah' 10. Al-Tawbah 9:19-24 Jihad, the highest act; sacrificing everything 11. Al-Baqarah 2:267-72 Infaaq fi Sabili'llah 12. Al-Noor 24:47-52, 62-4 Collective life; response and obedience 13. Al-Hujuraat 49:1-9 Collective life: relationship with leaders 14. Al-Mujaadalah 58:7-13 Collective life: rules and duties 15. Al-Hujuraat 49: 10-15 Collective life: Interpersonal Relations 16. Fussilat 41:30-6 Dawah and required attributes 17. Al-Baqarah 2:150-63 Mission and its obligations 18. Aal Imran 3:185-200 Summary

Online Tafseer Study Suggestion: Ahmed Sakr’s Online Tafseer - http://www.islamicity.com/ramadan/Tafseer_of_the_Quran.shtml

Young Muslims Tharbiya Department Contact us @ [email protected]

Say: Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are

for Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe (6:162 Quran)

Special Thanks to:

Editor: Bader Almoshelli (Chicago). Writers: Arif Bilal Hussain (Chicago), Abid Shariff (Chicago), Abdul Sattar (Chicago). Content Collection: Bader Almoshelli (Chicago). Print Lead:

Abid Shariff (Chicago) Front Cover: Sohaib Ahmed (New York City).
