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Tafseer Hub-e-Ali asws www.hubeali.com 1 out of 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 74 ..................................................................................................................... 3 AL-MUDDASIR .................................................................................................................. 3 (56 VERSES) ...................................................................................................................... 3 VERSES 1 - 56.................................................................................................................... 3 MERITS............................................................................................................................. 3 VERSE 1 ............................................................................................................................ 4 VERSES 2 & 3 .................................................................................................................... 6 VERSES 4 & 5 .................................................................................................................... 7 VERSES 6 & 7 .................................................................................................................... 9 VERSES 8 - 10.................................................................................................................... 9 VERSES 11 - 25 ................................................................................................................ 11 Meaning of ‘Al-Waheed’ ................................................................................................. 13 Al-Waheed is Umar ........................................................................................................ 13 Background report – Al-Waheed is Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira ....................................... 15 Al-Waheed is Iblees la ...................................................................................................... 17 The Signs of Allah azwj ....................................................................................................... 17 VERSES 26 - 30 ................................................................................................................ 18 Seven levels of Hell ......................................................................................................... 19 VERSE 31 ........................................................................................................................ 21 VERSES 32 - 37 ................................................................................................................ 23 VERSES 38 & 39 .............................................................................................................. 24 VERSES 40 - 43 ................................................................................................................ 25 VERSES 44 - 47 ................................................................................................................ 28 VERSE 48 ........................................................................................................................ 29 There will be no intercession for the Kafirs & the Nasibis ................................................ 29

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CHAPTER 74 ..................................................................................................................... 3 AL-MUDDASIR .................................................................................................................. 3 (56 VERSES) ...................................................................................................................... 3 VERSES 1 - 56 .................................................................................................................... 3

MERITS ............................................................................................................................. 3

VERSE 1 ............................................................................................................................ 4

VERSES 2 & 3 .................................................................................................................... 6

VERSES 4 & 5 .................................................................................................................... 7

VERSES 6 & 7 .................................................................................................................... 9

VERSES 8 - 10 .................................................................................................................... 9

VERSES 11 - 25 ................................................................................................................ 11

Meaning of ‘Al-Waheed’ ................................................................................................. 13

Al-Waheed is Umar ........................................................................................................ 13

Background report – Al-Waheed is Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira ....................................... 15

Al-Waheed is Ibleesla ...................................................................................................... 17

The Signs of Allahazwj....................................................................................................... 17

VERSES 26 - 30 ................................................................................................................ 18

Seven levels of Hell ......................................................................................................... 19

VERSE 31 ........................................................................................................................ 21

VERSES 32 - 37 ................................................................................................................ 23

VERSES 38 & 39 .............................................................................................................. 24

VERSES 40 - 43 ................................................................................................................ 25

VERSES 44 - 47 ................................................................................................................ 28

VERSE 48 ........................................................................................................................ 29

There will be no intercession for the Kafirs & the Nasibis ................................................ 29

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VERSES 49 - 51 ................................................................................................................ 31

VERSES 52 & 53 .............................................................................................................. 34

VERSES 54 - 56 ................................................................................................................ 35

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VERSES 1 - 56

ن الرحيم بسم الله الرحم


من قرأ يف الفريضة سورة »ابن بابويه: باسناده، عن حممد بن مسلم، عن أيب جعفر حممد بن علي الباقر )عليه السالم(، قال: ياة الدييا ققا أبدا نن املدثر كان حقا على اهلل عز و جل أن جيعله مع حممد )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( يف درجته، و ال يدركه يف احل

«.قا اهلل تعاىل

Ibn Babuway, by his chain, from Muhammad Bin Muslim, who has narrated:

‘Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Ali Al-Baqirasws having said: ‘The one who recites Surah Al-Muddasir would have a right upon Allahazwj that Heazwj should Make him to be with Muhammadsaww in hissaww Level, and will not be regarded as a wretched one in the life of this world, ever, if Allahazwj the Exalted so Desires it to be’.1

هذه السورة أعطي من األجر بعدد من صدق من قرأ »و من )خواص القرآن(: روي عن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( أيه قال: مبحمد )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و بعدد من كذب به عشر مرات،

And from Khawas Al-Quran –

It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this Chapter, would be Given the Recompense of the number of the ones who ratified Muhammadsaww, and the number of the ones who belied himsaww, ten times over.

«.و من أدمن يف قرا هتا و سأل اهلل يف آخرها حفظ القرآن، مل ميت حىت يشرح اهلل قلبه و حيفظه

And one who habitually recites in and asks Allahazwj as his Recompense, to memorise the Quran, will never die until Allahazwj Expands his heart, and he would memorise it’.2

من أدمن يف قرا هتا، و سأل اهلل يف آخرها حفظه، مل ميت حىت حيفظه، و لو سأله أكثر من »و قال الصادق )عليه السالم(: «.ذلك قضاه اهلل تعاىل له

1 ( .120ثواب األعمال: )

2 Tafseer Al Burhan – H 11180

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Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘One who habitually recites it, and asks Allahazwj for his Recompense to be its (Quran’s) memorisation, will not die until he memorises it. And were he to ask for more than that, Allahazwj would Fulfill it for him’.3


ث {1ر }يا أي ها المدO you Al-Muddasir! (the covered one) [74:1]

ث ر، ف قلت: أو قال األوزاعي: سعت حيي بن كثري ي قول: سألت جابر بن عبد الله: أي القرآن أيزل ق بل؟ قال: يا أي ها المد ؟ «اق رأ »

Al-Awzai’e said, ‘I heard Yahya Bin Kaseyr saying, ‘I asked Jabir Bin Abdullah, ‘Which (part of the) Quran was Revealed before?’ He said, ‘O you Al-Muddasir! (the covered one) [74:1]’. So I said, ‘Or was it not: Read [96:1]?’ (the later verse)

ث نا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله قال: جاورت برا قهرا ف لما قضيت أح ف قال جابر: ثكم ما حد جواري ي زلت استبطنت د حدا، الوادي ف نودي ف نظرت أمامي و خلفي و عن ميين و شال ف لم أر أ

Jabir said, ‘I shall narrate to you what Rasool-Allahsaww narrated to me. Hesaww said: ‘Isaww was in the vicinity of (mount) Hira for a month. So when Isaww had spent mysaww time, Isaww descended in the middle of the valley, and Isaww looked in front of mesaww, and behind mesaww, and on mysaww right, and mysaww left, but I did not see anyone.

رئيل عليه السالم، ف قل وا علي ما ، فأي زل دث رون دث رون فصب ت:ث يوديت ف رف عت رأسي فإذا هو على العرش يف الوا ي عن جب ث ر. الله عز و جل يا أي ها المد

Then Isaww was called out, so Isaww raised mysaww head and heas was upon the Throne in the air – meaning Jibraeelas’. Isaww said: ‘Cover mesaww! Cover mesaww!’ So heas poured water upon mesaww and Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed: O you Al-Muddasir! (the covered one) [74:1]’’.4

حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاقم عن اعمش بن عيسى عن محاد الطياىف عن الكلىب عن اىب عبد اهلل عليه السالم قال قال ىل كم حملمد ث فقال يا كلىب له عشرة اسا اسم يف القرآن قال قلت اسان أو ثل

It has been narrated to us by Ibrahim Bin Haashim, from A’amsh Bin Isa, from Hamaad Al-Taaafi, from Al-Kalby, who has narrated:

3 ( «مخطوط» 12خواص القرآن: )

4453، ص: 5 تفسير نور الثقلين، ج – H 3

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Abu Abdullahasws said to me: ‘How many names are there in the Quran for (name of) Muhammadsaww?’ I said, ‘Two names or three’. Heasws said: ‘O Kalby, for himsaww there are ten names.

وما حممد اال رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل

And Muhammad is not except for a Rasool; the Rasools have already passed away before him [3:144].

محد ومبشرا برسول يأيت من بعدى اسه ا

And: giving glad tidings of a Rasool to come after me, his name being Ahmad’. [61:6]

وملا قام عبد اهلل كادوا يكويون عليه لبدا

And: surely when Abdullah stood supplicating to Him, they almost became crowding upon him [72:19]

لتشقى وطه ما ايزلنا عليك القرآن

And: Ta Ha [20:1] We have not Revealed the Quran unto you for you to be distressed [20:2]

ويس والقرآن احلكيم ايك ملن املرسلني على صراط مستقيم

And: Ya Seen [36:1] By the Wise Quran [36:2] You are one of the Rasools [36:3] Upon a Straight Path [36:4]

ون والقلم وما يسطرون وما ايت بنعمة ربك مبجنون

And: Noon! By the Pen, and what they will be writing! [68:1] By the Grace of your Lord you are not insane! [68:2]

ويا ايها املزمل

And: O you, Al Muzzammil (the wrapped one)! [73:1]

ويا ايها املدثر

And: O you, Al Muddasir! (the covered one) [74:1]

وايا ايزلنا ذكرا رسوال فالذكر اسم من اسا حممد صلى اهلل عليه وآله حنن اهل الذكر فسئل يا كليب عما بدا لك

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And: Allah has Sent down to you a Zikr [65:10] A Rasool [65:11]. So the ‘Zikr’ is a name from the names of Muhammadsaww. Weasws are the ‘Ahl Al-Zikr’ (Family of Zikr), therefore ask, O Kalby, about whatever comes to you’.

قال فايسيت واهلل القرآن كله فما حفظت منه حرفا اسئله عنه.

He (the narrator) said, ‘But I forgot, by Allahazwj, the Quran, all of it, and I could not recall a sentence I could ask himasws about’’.5

VERSES 2 & 3

{2قم فأيذر }Arise, so warn (others) [74:2]

{3وربك فكب ر }And your Lord, so exclaim His Greatness [74:3]

عمار بن مروان، عن املنخل بن مجيل، عن جابر بن و عنه: عن حممد بن احلسني بن أيب اخلطاب، عن حممد بن سنان، عن ث ر قم فأيذر: يعن بذلك حممدا )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و » يزيد، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، يف قوله عز و جل: يا أي ها المد

قيامه يف الرجعة ينذر فيها.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn Bin Abu Al-Khataab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Amaar Bin Marwaan, from Al-Mankhal Bin Jameel, from Jabir Bin Yazeed, who has said:

‘Abu Ja’farasws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: O you Al Muddasir! (the covered one) [74:1] Arise, so warn (others) [74:2]: ‘It Means by that, Muhammadsaww, and hissaww rising during the Return (Al-Raj’at) and hissaww warning during it’.

حدى الكب يذيرا يعن حممدا )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( يذيرا للبشر يف الرجعة ا ل ]و يف قوله: )نيا أرسلناك كافة للناس( « قوله: نن يف الرجعة[.

Hisazwj Words: Surely it is the great one [74:35] - Meaning Muhammadsaww, Warning to the humans [74:36] - during the Return (Al-Raj’at)’’.6

كائن عند الرجعة، أن أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( كان يقول: نن املدثر هو»و هبذا االسناد، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(:

5 Basaair Al Darajaat – P 10 Ch 18 H 26

6 ( .26مختصر بصائر الدرجات: )

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And by this chain,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws it is reported that ‘Amir-al-Momineenasws used to say that: ‘Al-Muddasir, hesaww will be coming during the Return (Al-Raj’at)’.

فقال له رجل: يا أمري املؤمنني، أحيا قبل يوم القيامة ث أموات؟

So a man said to himasws, ‘O Amir-Al-Momineenasws! Being revived before the Day of Judgement, then dead?’

«.لك: يعم و اهلل لكفرة من الكفر بعد الرجعة أقد من الكفرات قبلهاقال: فقال له عند ذ

Heasws said to him at that: ‘Yes. By Allahazwj! A Kufr from Kufr(s) committed after the Return (Al-Raj’at) would be more severe than the Kufr(s) committed before it’.7

VERSES 4 & 5

{4فطه ر } وثيابك And your garments, so purify [74:4]

{5والرجز فاهجر }And the uncleanness, so avoid [74:5]

يف ق ول الله ت بارك و ت عاىل و عليه السالم ( علي بن نب راهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أيب عمري عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أيب عبد الله )ر . ر قال فشم ثيابك فطه

Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted: And your garments, so purify [74:4]. Heasws said: ‘Roll-up (i.e. Do not let them drag on the ground)’.8

ن معلى بن خن يس عن أيب ن أيب خدجية ع احلسني بن حممد عن معلى بن حممد عن احلسن بن علي الوقا عن أمحد بن عائذ ع ثة أث واب بدينار القميص نىل عبد الله ) عليه السالم ( قال نن عليا ) عليه السالم ( كان عندكم فأتى بن ديوان و اقت رى ثال

زار نىل يصف الساق و الر دا من ب ني يديه نىل ثدي يه و من خلفه نىل أليت يه ف وق الكعب و ال

7 ( 26الدرجات: مختصر بصائر )

8 Al Kafi – V 6 – The Book of Outfits and the Beautification and the Magnanimity Ch 12 H 1

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Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Moala Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Ahmad Bin Aiz, from Abu Khadeeja, from Moala Bin Khunays,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Aliasws was among you all, and heasws went over to the Clan of Deywan and bought three garments with one Dinar – the shirt which was up to above the heel, and the trouser up to the half of the leg, and the cloak from hisasws front was up to his chest, and from behind himasws was up to hisasws lower back.

ذا الل باس الذي ي نبغي للمسلمني أن ي لبسوه ث رفع يده نىل السما ف لم ي زل حيمد الله على ما كساه حىت دخل منزله ث قال ه

Then heasws raised hisasws hands towards the sky, and heasws did not cease to Praise Allahazwj what Heazwj has Clothed himasws with until heasws entered hisasws house. Then heasws said: ‘This is the dress which is befitting for the Muslims that they should be wearing it’.

ت عاىل ي قول كن ال ي قدرون أن ي لبسوا هذا الي وم و لو ف علناه لقالوا منون و لقالوا مرا و الله قال أبو عبد الله ) عليه السالم ( و ل و ثيابك فطه ر

Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘But weasws are not able to wear it today, and were weasws to do it, they would say, ‘Insane’, and they would say, ‘Show-off’, and Allahazwj the Exalted is Saying: And your garments, so purify [74:4]’.

قال و ثيابك ارف عها و ال ترها و نذا قام قائمنا كان هذا الل باس .

Heasws said: ‘And your clothes, raise these and do not let it flow (upon the ground), and when ourasws Qaimasws rises, this would be the clothing’.9

ل من أهل اليمامة كان مع أيب احلسن ) ج حممد بن حيي عن أمحد بن حممد عن علي بن احلكم عن عبد الرمحن بن عثمان عن ر ي ه ) صلى اهلل عليه وآله ( و ثيابك عليه السالم ( أيام حبس بب غداد قال قال ل أبو احلسن ) عليه السالم ( نن الله ت عاىل قال لنب

ر و كايت ثيابه ط ا أمره بالتشمري .فطه اهرة و نن

Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Abdul Rahman Bin Usman,

(It has been narrated) from a man from the people of Al-Yamama who was with Abu Al-Hassanasws (7th Imamasws) was imprisoned at Baghdad, said, ‘Abu Al-Hassanasws said to me: ‘Allahazwj the Exalted Said to Hisazwj Prophetsaww: And your garments, so purify [74:4] and hissaww garment was already clean, and rather hesaww was Commanded with the rolling-up’.10

9 Al Kafi – V 6 – The Book of Outfits and the Beautification and the Magnanimity Ch 12 H 2

10 Al Kafi – V 6 – The Book of Outfits and the Beautification and the Magnanimity Ch 12 H 4

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حيي احلليب، عن عبد احلميد ة من أصحابنا عن أمحد بن حممد بن خالد، عن أبيه، عن النضر بن سويد، عنو عنه: عن عدما هذا »الطائي، عن حممد بن مسلم، قال: يظر أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( نىل رجل قد لبس قميصا يصيب األرض، فقال:

«.الثوب بطاهر

And from him, from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Yahya Al-Halby, from Abdul Hameed Al-Ta’ay, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said:

‘Abu Abdullahasws looked at a man who had worn his shirt (Gown) which was touching the ground, so heasws said: ‘This is not the clean cloth’.11

VERSES 6 & 7

{6وال تنن تستكثر }And do not confer favours hoping to be reciprocated with abundance [74:6]

{7ولرب ك فاصب }And for your Lord, be patient [74:7]

داح، عن أيب عبد اهلل حممد بن يعقوب: عن عدة من أصحابنا، عن سهل بن زياد، عن جعفر بن حممد األقعري، عن ابن الق «.ال تستكثر ما عملت من خري هلل»)عليه السالم(، قال: قال يف قوله تعاىل: و ال تنن تستكثر، قال:

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from a number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al-Ashary, from Ibn Al-Qadah, who has reported the following:

‘Abu Abdullahasws having said regarding the Words of the Exalted: And do not confer favours hoping to be reciprocated with abundance [74:6], said: ‘Do not (hope) for reciprocation (for the people) from the good deeds what you do for Allahazwj’.12

VERSES 8 - 10

{8فإذا يقر يف الناقور }So when it is resonated in the organ [74:8]


( 11/ 457: 6الكافي ) 12

( .1/ 362: 2الكافي )

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لك ي ومئذ ي وم عسري } {9فذThen that, on that Day, it would be a difficult Day [74:9]

ر يسري } {10على الكافرين غي Upon the Kafirs, it would not be easy [74:10]

«.نذا يقر يف أذن القائم )عليه السالم( أذن له يف القيام»و يف حديث آخر عنه )عليه السالم(، قال:

And in another Hadeeth from him (6th. Imamasws) having said: ‘When it resonates in the ears of Al-Qaimasws, it would be the Permission for himasws for the Rising’.13

المفضل بن عمر عن أيب عبد الله ) عليه أبو علي األقعري عن حممد بن حسان عن حممد بن علي عن عبد الله بن القاسم عن يكت يف يف الناقور قال نن منا نماما مظفرا مستتا فإذا أراد الله عز ذكره نظهار أمره السالم ( يف ق ول الله عز و جل فإذا يقر

ق لبه يكتة فظهر ف قام بأمر الله ت بارك و ت عاىل .

Abu Ali Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Hassan, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Abdullah Bin Al Qasim, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: So when it is resonated in the organ [74:8]. Heasws said: ‘From usasws there is an Imamasws, who is victorious, hidden (in Occultation). So when Allahazwj, Mighty is Hisazwj Mention, Intends to Manifest Hisazwj Command, would Imprint in hisasws heart with an imprint, so heasws would appear, and stand by the Command of Allahazwj the Blessed and Exalted’.14

فإذا يقر يف الناقور، قال: قوله عز و جل:»و روى عن عمرو بن شر، عن جابر بن يزيد، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، قال: و فالن بن فالن القائم باحلق، ا من السما ، أال نن وليكم اهللالناقور هو الند

And it has been reported from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed, who has reported the following:

‘Abu Ja’farasws having said: ‘The Words of the Mighty and Majestic: So when it is resonated in the organ [74:8], heasws said: ‘The organ – It is the Call from the sky: ‘Indeed! Your Guardian is Allahazwj and so and so Al-Qaimasws is with the truth.

ينادي به جبئيل يف ثالث ساعات من ذلك اليوم، فذلك يوم عسري على الكافرين غري يسري، يعن بالكافرين املرجئة الذين كفروا «.بنعمة اهلل و بوالية علي بن أيب الطالب )عليه السالم(


( .2/ 732: 2تأويل اآليات ) 14

Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 80 H 30

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Jibraeelas would Call out at three (different) times on that Day. Then that, on that Day, it would be a difficult Day [74:9] - Meaning by the Kafirs, the Murjiites, those who committed Kufr with the Favour of Allahazwj and Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’.15

بن جعفر احلمريي، قال: حدثنا حممد ابن بابويه، قال: حدثن أيب و حممد بن احلسن )رضي اهلل عنهما(، قاال: حدثنا عبد اهللبن احلسني بن أيب اخلطاب، عن موسى بن سعدان، عن عبد اهلل بن القاسم، عن املفضل بن عمر، قال: سألت أبا عبد اهلل

لناقور نن ال حتدث به السفلة فيذيعوه، أما تقرأ يف كتاب اهلل عز و جل: فإذا يقر يف ا»)عليه السالم( عن تفسري جابر؟ فقال: «.منا نماما مستتا، فإذا أراد اهلل عز و جل نظهار أمره يكت يف قلبه يكتة، فظهر و أمر بأمر اهلل عز و جل

Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘It was narrated to me by my father, and Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al-Humeyri, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn Bin Abu AL-Khataab, from Musa Bin Sa’dan, from Abdullah Bin Al-Qasim, from Al-MufazzAl-Bin Umar who said:

‘I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the interpretation of Jabir?’ So heasws said: ‘Do not narrate it to the riff-raff for they would waste it. Have you not read in the Book of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: So when it is resonated in the organ [74:8]? There is a hidden Imamasws from usasws. So when Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Intends to Manifest Hisazwj Command, it would resonate in hisasws heart with a resonance, so heasws would makes hisasws appearance and command with the Command of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic’.16

VERSES 11 - 25

{11ذرن ومن خلقت وحيدا }Leave Me and the one I Created as Al-Waheed [74:11]

{12مدودا } وجعلت له ماال And Made extensive wealth to be for him [74:12]

{13وبنني قهودا }And boys as witnesses [74:13]

{14ومهدت له تهيدا }And the way was paved for him [74:14]


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{15ث يطمع أن أزيد }Then he covets that I should Increase? [74:15]

{16نيه كان لياتنا عنيدا } كال Never! Surely he was stubborn to Our Signs [74:16]

{17سأرهقه صعودا }Soon I will Overtake him with an ever-increasing Punishment [74:17]

{18نيه فكر وقدر }He pondered and plotted [74:18]

{19ف قتل كيف قدر }So he would be killed, how (much) he plotted! [74:19]

{20ث قتل كيف قدر }Then, he would be killed, how (much) he plotted! [74:20]

{21ث يظر }Then he looked [74:21]

{22بسر }ث عبس و Then he frowned and scowled [74:22]

{23ث أدب ر واستكب ر }Then he turned back and was arrogant [74:23]

ذا نال سحر ي ؤث ر } {24ف قال نن ه

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Then he said, ‘This is only an effect of sorcery [74:24]

ذا نال ق {25ول البشر }نن هSurely these are only words of the human’ [74:25]

Meaning of ‘Al-Waheed’

أن »طبسي: روى العياقي بإسناده، عن زرارة، و محران، و حممد بن مسلم، عن أيب جعفر، و أيب عبد اهلل )عليهما السالم(: «.الوحيد ولد الزيا

Al-Tabarsy has reported from Al-Ayyashi from his chain, from Zurara and Humran, and Muhammad Bin Muslim, who has narrated the following:

‘Abu Ja’farasws and Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Al-Waheed is one of adulterous birth’.

ويله! لو »هشام، أيه قال يف بعض خطبة: أيا الوليد الوحيد، فقال: قال زرارة: ذكر أليب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( عن أحد بن «.من ال يعرف له أب»فقلنا له: و ما هو؟ قال: «. علم ما الوحيد ما فخر هبا

Zurara said, ‘I mentioned to Abu Abdullahasws about one of the Clan of Hashimas, had said (proudly) in one of his sermons, ‘Al-Waleed is Al-Waheed’. So heasws said: ‘Woe be upon him! Had he know what Al-Waheed is, he would not pride over it’. So we said to himasws, ‘And what is he?’ Heasws said: ‘One whose father is not known’.17

Al-Waheed is Umar

أبو العباس، قال: حدثنا حيي بن زكريا، عن علي بن حسان، عن عمه عبد الرمحن بن كثري، عن و قال علي بن نبراهيم: حدثنا ، «الوحيد ولد الزيا و هو زفر»أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، يف قوله تعاىل: ذرن و من خلقت وحيدا، قال:

And Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘It was narrated to us by Abu Al-Abbas, from Yahya Bin Zakariyya, from Ali Bin Hasaan, from his uncle Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer, who has narrated the following:

‘Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of the Exalted: Leave Me and the one I Created as Al-Waheed [74:11], said: ‘Al-Waheed is one of adulterous birth, and he is Zafar (Umar).

، «أجال مدودا نىل مدة»و جعلت له ماال مدودا قال:


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And Made extensive wealth to be for him [74:12] - said: ‘(For) an extended term up to a certain time’.

أصحابه الذين قهدوا أن رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( ال يورث » و بنني قهودا، قال:

And boys as witnesses [74:13] - His companions who bore witness that Rasool-Allahsaww did not bequeath (left behind the estate of Fadak as an inheritance).

«:و مهدت له تهيدا ملكه الذي ملكته: مهدته له

And the way was paved for him [74:14] - His reign that he possessed – was paved for him.

لوالية أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(، جاحدا عايدا لرسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و »ث يطمع أن أزيد كال نيه كان لياتنا عنيدا، قال: آله( ]فيها[

Then he covets that I should Increase? [74:15] Never! Surely he was stubborn to Our Signs [74:16]. Heasws said: ‘Opposed to the Wilayah of Amir-Al-Momineenasws, and he was insolent to Rasool-Allahsaww.

هلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( أن ال يسلم سأرهقه صعودا نيه فكر و قدر ]فكر[ فيما أمر به من الوالية، و قدر نن مضى رسول ا « ألمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( البيعة اليت بايعه هبا على عهد رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(

Soon I will Overtake him with an ever-increasing Punishment [74:17] He pondered and plotted [74:18]. He pondered regarding what he had been ordered with, from (accepting) the Wilayah, and he plotted that when Rasool-Allahsaww passes away, that he will not be submitting the allegiance to Amir-al-Momineenasws which he had pledged with during the era of the Rasool-Allahsaww.

ر ث قتل كيف قدر قال: ف قت عذاب بعد عذاب، يعذبه القائم )عليه السالم(»ل كيف قد

So he would be killed, how (much) he plotted! [74:19] Then, he would be killed, how (much) he plotted! [74:20]. Punishment after punishment. Al-Qaimasws would punish him.

فقال نن ث يظر نىل رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( فعبس و بسر ما أمر به ث أدب ر و استكب ر ول البشر أي ليس بوحي نن زفر قال: نن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( سحر الناس بعلي نن هذا نال ق »قال: « هذا نال سحر ي ؤث ر من اهلل عز و جل

Then he looked [74:21] - at Rasool-Allahsaww and Amir-Al-Momineenasws, Then he frowned and scowled [74:22] Then he turned back and was arrogant [74:23] Then he said, ‘This is only an effect of sorcery [74:24]. Heasws said: ‘Zafar (Umar) said, ‘The Prophetsaww has cast a spell on the people with Aliasws, Surely these are only words of the human’ [74:25] - i.e., not a Revelation from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic.

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«.سأصليه سقر نىل آخر الية، فيه يزلت

I will Make him arrive to Saqar (Inferno) [74:26] -– up to the last Verse, was Revealed regarding him Umar)’.18

Background report – Al-Waheed is Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira

من املستهزئني برسول اهلل )صلى علي بن نبراهيم: ننا يزلت يف الوليد بن املغرية، و كان قيخا كبريا مربا من دهاة العرب، و كان اهلل عليه و آله(،

Ali Bin Ibrahim (Tafseer Qummi) –

It was Revealed regarding Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira, and he was a great experienced sheikh from the villages of Arabia, and he was from the ones who used to scoff at Rasool-Allahsaww.

و كان رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( يقعد يف احلجرة و يقرأ القرآن، فاجتمعت قريش نىل الوليد بن املغرية فقالوا: يا أبا عبد خطب؟ فقال: دعون أسع كالمه. شس، ما هذا الذي يقول حممد، أقعر هو أم كهاية أم

And Rasool-Allahsaww was seated in the Chamber and reciting the Quran, and the Quraysh gathered around Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira and they said, ‘O Abu Abd Al-Shams! What is this which Muhammadsaww is saying? Is this poetry, or prophecies or sermons?’ He said, ‘Call me to listen to hissaww speech’.

ما هو قعر، و لكن كالم اهلل الذي » فديا من رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(، فقال: يا حممد، أيشدن من قعرك. قال: فقال: اتل علي منه قيئا. «. ارتضاه ملالئكته و أيبيائه و رسله

He went with a delegation to Rasool-Allahsaww, and he said, ‘O Muhammadsaww! Sing to me with yoursaww poetry’. Hesaww said: ‘This is not poetry, but it is the Speech of Allahazwj which Heazwj has Chosen for Hisazwj Angels, and Hisazwj Prophetsas, and Hisazwj Messengersas’. He said, ‘Recite to me something from it’.

اهلل عليه و آله( حم السجدة، فلما بلغ قوله: فإن أعرضوا يا حممد، يعن قريشا ف قل أيذرتكم صاعقة فقرأ عليه رسول اهلل )صلى مثل صاعقة عاد و ثود فاقشعر الوليد، و قامت كل قعرة على رأسه و حليته، و مر نىل بيته، و مل يرجع نىل قريش من ذلك.

So Rasool-Allahsaww recited: Ha Meem [41:1]. So when hesaww reached Hisazwj Words: But if they turn aside, then say: ‘I warn you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt (which struck the people of) Aad and Samood [41:13], Al-Waleed trembled, and all the hair on his head stood up, and went to his house, and did not return to the Quraysh from that (day)’.


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فغدا أبو جهل نىل الوليد، فمشوا نىل أيب جهل، فقالوا: يا أبا احلكم، نن أبا عبد شس صبا نىل دين حممد، أما تراه مل يرجع نلينا؟ [: يا عم، يكست رؤوسنا و فضحتنا، و أشت بنا عدويا، و صبوت نىل دين حممد! فقال ]له

So they went to Abu Jahlla and said, ‘O Abu Al-Hakam! Abu Abd Al-Shams has aspired to the Religion of Muhammadsaww. Have you not seen that he never returned to us?’ The next day Abu Jahlla went to Al-Waleed and said to him, ‘O uncle, you have lowered our heads and exposed us, our enemies are gloating over us, and you have aspired to the Religion of Muhammadsaww!’

[ كالما صعبا تقشعر من اجللود. فقال له أبو جهل: أخطب هو؟ قال: ال، نن فقال: ما صبوت نىل دينه، و لكن سعت ]منه اخلطب كالم متصل، و هذا كالم منثور، و ال يشبه بعضه بعضا. قال: فشعر هو؟

So he said, ‘I have not aspired to hissaww Religion, but I heard from himsaww such difficult speech which shivered the skin’. Abu Jahlla said to him, ‘Hesaww was preaching?’ He said, ‘No. A sermon is a continuous speech, this was a prose speech, and there is no resemblance to each other’. He said, ‘It was poetry?’

قد سعت أقعار العرب بسيطها و مديدها و رملها و رجزها و ما هو بشعر، قال: فما هو؟ قال: دعن أفكر قال: ال، أما نن فيه.

He said, ‘No. But I have heard the poems of the Arabs, their simple ones, and their prolonged ones, and battle slogans, and whatever poems which they recited’. He said, ‘So what was it?’ He said, ‘Leave me. I want to ponder over it’.

فلما كان من الغد قالوا له: يا أبا عبد شس، ما تقول فيما قلنا؟ قال: قولوا هو سحر، فإيه آخذ بقلوب الناس.

So when it was the next day, hela said to him, ‘O Abu Abd Al-Shams. What do you say regarding what we spoke about?’ He said, ‘Say (to everyone) it is sorcery, for it grabs the hearts of the people’.

فأيزل اهلل عز و جل على رسوله يف ذلك ذرن و من خلقت وحيدا و ننا سي وحيدا أليه قال لقريش: نن أتوحد بكسوة البيت و عليكم جبماعتكم سنة. و كان له مال كثري و حدائق، و كان له عشر بنني مبكة، و كان له عشرة عبيد، عند كل عبد سنة،

ألف دينار يتجر هبا، و ملك القنطار يف ذلك الزمان، و يقال: نن القنطار جلد ثور ملو ذهبا،

So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed upon Hisazwj Rasoolsaww regarding that: Leave Me and the one I Created as Al-Waheed [74:11], and he was Named ‘Waheeda’ because he said to the Quraysh, ‘I alone have more clothes in the house for a whole year than the whole of your group has in a year’. And he had a lot of wealth and gardens. And he had ten sons in Makkah, and he had ten office bearers, in the possession of each of them were a thousand Dinaars to trade with, and he was the king of Al-Qantar (enormous wealth) of that time. (Al-Qantar’ is an ox-skin filled with gold).

فأيزل اهلل عز و جل ذرن و من خلقت وحيدا نىل قوله تعاىل: صعودا.

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Thus Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed: Leave Me and the one I Created as Al-Waheed [74:11] - up to Hisazwj Words: ever-increasing Punishment [74:17]’.19

Al-Waheed is Ibleesla

قرف الدين النجفي، قال: جا يف تفسري أهل البيت )عليهم السالم(: رواه الرجال، عن عمرو بن شر، عن جابر بن يزيد، عن يعن هبذه الية نبليس اللعني، خلقه وحيدا » [: أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، يف قوله عز و جل: ذرن و من خلقت وحيدا، ]قال

ري أب و ال أم، من غ

Sharaf Al-Deen Najafy said,

‘It has come in the Tafseer of the Peopleasws of the Household – The man reported from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed, from Abu Ja’farasws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Leave Me and the one I Created as Al-Waheed [74:11], heasws said: ‘The Meaning of this verse is the Accursed Ibleesla who was Created alone, without a father or mother’.

السالم( و قوله: و جعلت له ماال مدودا يعن هذه الدولة نىل يوم الوقت املعلوم، يوم يقوم القائم )عليه

And Hisazwj Words: And Made extensive wealth to be for him [74:12] - Means this government up to the Day of known time, the day of the rising of Al-Qaimasws.

ه كان لياتنا عنيدا يقول: معايدا لألئمة، يدعو نىل غري سبيلها، و يصد و بنني قهودا و مهدت له تهيدا ث يطمع أن أزيد كال ني «.الناس عنها و هي آيات اهلل

And boys as witnesses [74:13] And the way was paved for him [74:14] Then he covets that I should Increase? [74:15] Never! Surely he was stubborn to Our Signs [74:16]. Heazwj is Saying: “Hela disobeyed the Imamsasws, called to other than theirasws ways, and repelled the people from it, and theyasws are the Signs of Allahazwj’.20

The Signs of Allahazwj

«.، أن كذبوا باألوصيا كلهمكذبوا بآياتنا كلها، يف بطن القرآن»قال: و سعته يقول:


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He (the narrator) said, ‘And I heard him (Abu Ja’farasws) saying: ‘They belying ourasws signs, all of them, in the esoteric of the Quran, and they were belying the succesorsasws, all of themasws’’.21

قول أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(: أمري املؤمنني و االئمة )عليهم السالم(، و الدليل على ذلك و قال علي بن نبراهيم: اليات: «.ما هلل آية أكب من»

And Ali Bin Ibrahim said,

‘The Signs are Amir-Al-Momineenasws and the Imamsasws, and the evidence upon that are the words of Amir-Al-Momineenasws: ‘There is no ‘Sign’ of Allahazwj greater than Iasws!’22

حممد بن يعقوب: عن حممد بن حيي، عن أمحد بن حممد، عن حممد بن أيب عمري أو غريه، عن حممد بن الفضيل، عن أيب محزة، و جل آية هي أكب من، و ال هلل من عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، قال: كان أمري املؤمنني )صلوات اهلل عليه( يقول: ما هلل عز

«.يبأ أعظم من

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr or someone else, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl, from Abu Hamza,

From Abu Ja’farasws having said, Amir-Al-Momineenasws was saying: ‘There is no ‘Sign’ of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic which is greater than Iasws, nor a News from Allahazwj greater than Iasws!’23

VERSES 26 - 30

{26سأصليه سقر }I will Make him arrive to Saqar [74:26]

{27سقر }وما أدراك ما And what will make you realize what is Saqar? [74:27]

{28ال ت بقي وال تذر }It neither lets remain nor spares (anyone) [74:28]


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{29لواحة للبشر }Scorching for the person [74:29]

ها تسعة عشر } {30علي Upon it are nineteen [74:30]

Seven levels of Hell

لا »وقوف هم على الص راط، و أما « و نن جهنم لموعدهم أمجعني »يف ق وله: و يف رواية أيب اجلارود عن أيب جعفر عليه السالم عة أبواب لكل باب من ه ف ب لغن و الله أعلم أن الله جعلها سبع درجات « م جز مقسوم سب

And in a report of Abu Al Jaroud,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws (having said) regarding Hisazwj Words: ‘And surely Hell is Promised to them altogether [15:43], they would be paused upon the Path (bridge). And as for: For it there are seven doors, each door being for an Assigned segment of them [15:44], so it has reached measws, and Allahazwj is more Knowing, that Allahazwj Made it (Hell) to be of seven levels –

ها، ت غلى أدمغت هم فيها كغلي القدور مبا فيها، أعالها اجلحيم، ي قوم أهلها على الصفا من

Its top (level) is Al Jaheem. Its people would be paused upon a hill from it. Their brains would boil therein like the boiling of the pots and whatever is in it.

« تدعوا من أدب ر و ت وىل و مجع فأوعى ي زاعة للشوى لظى»و الثايية

And the second (level) It is a Flame [70:15] Dragging them for the roasting [70:16] Claiming ones who turned and fled [70:17] And amassed, then stashed it [70:18].

« سقر ال ت بقي و ال تذر لواحة للبشر عليها تسعة عشر »و الثالثة

And the third is, Saqar [74:26] It neither lets remain nor spares (anyone) [74:28] Scorching for the person [74:29] Upon it are nineteen [74:30].

ها ت ثور ها مثل الكحل، فال توت الروح، كلما صاروا « قرر كالقصر كأيه مجالة صفر »و الرابعة احلطمة و من تدق من صار نلي مثل الكحل عادوا

And the fourth is, Al Hutama [104:4], and from it is the Revenge. It throws out sparks like towers [77:32] As if it was a string of yellow camels [77:33]. One

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who comes to it would be pounded like the kohl (powder), but the soul will not be dying. Every time they become like the kohl (powder), they would be returned (to their former state, and the process repeated).

فر من يار فيها صديد ما يسيل من و اخلامسة الاوية فيها مالك، يدعون يا مالك أغث نا فإذا أغاث هم جعل لم آيية من ص و نن يستغيثوا يغاثوا مبا » م وجوههم من قدة حر ها، و هو ق ول الله جلودهم كأيه مهل، فإذا رف عوه ليشربوا منه تساقطت حل

ه بد ل و من هوى فيها هوى سبعني عاما يف النار، كلما احت رق جلد « كالمهل يشوي الوجوه بئس الشراب و سا ت مرت فقا ره جلدا غي

And the fifth is Al-Haawiya, wherein is Malik (keeper of Hell). They would be calling out, O Malik! Relieve us’. So when he relieves them, he would make for them a utensil of brass from fire wherein would be puss what would flow from their skins as if it is a respite. So when they raise it to drink from it, their flesh would fall off their faces from the intensity of its heat, and these are the Words of Allahazwj: And if they cry out for relief, they would be relieved by water like molten copper grilling their faces. Evil is the drink and worse is the dwelling [18:29]. One who collapses in it would collapse for seventy years in the Fire. Every time his skin incinerates, it would be replaced with another skin.

، يف كل قصر ثالثائة ب يت من يار، يف و السادسة هي السعري فيها ث لثمائة سرادق من يار، يف كل سرادق ث لثمائة قصر من يار ار، فيها حيات من يار، و عقارب من يار، و جوامع من يار، و سالسل كل ب يت ث لثمائة لون من العذاب من غري عذاب الن

« نيا أعتديا للكافرين سالسل و أغالال و سعريا » من يار، و أغالل من يار، و هو الذي ي قول الله:

And the sixth, it is Al-Saeer wherein are three hundred canopies of Fire. In every canopy are three hundred castles of Fire. In every castle are three hundred houses of Fire, In every house are three hundred varieties of the Punishment from other than the Punishment of the Fire. Therein are serpents of Fire, and scorpions of Fire, and gatherings of Fire, and chains of Fire, and shackles of Fire, and it is which Allahazwj is Saying: Surely We have Prepared for the Kafirs, chains and shackles and Saeer [76:4].

قد النار عذابا، و أما صعود فجبل من و السابعة جهنم و فيها الفلق، و هو جب يف جهنم نذا فتح أسعر النار سعرا، و هو أ فر مذاب جيرى حول اجلبل، ف هو أقد النار عذابا.صفر من يار وسط جهنم، و أما أثاما ف هو واد من ص

And the seventh is Jahannum (Hell), and therein is Al-Falaq [113:1], and it is a pit in Hell. Whenever it is opened, the Fire gets inflamed with a blaze, and it is the most severe of the Fires as Punishment. And as for Saoud, so it is a mountain of brass from Fire in the middle of Hell. And as for Asama, so it is a valley of molten brass flowing around the mountains, and it is the most severe of the Fires as Punishment’’.24


17، ص: 3 تفسير نور الثقلين، ج H 60

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نة للذين كفروا ليست يقن ما جعلنا أصحاب النار نال مالئكة و ت هم نال فت وما جعلنا عدؤمنون وال ي رتاب الذين أوتوا الكتاب والم الذين أوتوا الكتاب وي زداد الذين آمنوا نميايا

لك يضل الله ولي قول الذين يف ق لوهبم مرض والكافرون ماذا أراد الله هبذا مثال كذبشر وما هي نال ذكرى لل وما ي علم جنود رب ك نال هو من يشا وي هدي من يشا

{31} And have not Made the wardens of the Fire, except the Angels, and We have not Made their number except as a Fitna for those who commit Kufr, and for those Given the Book to be certain, and to increase the Eman of those who believe, and (although) those Given the Book and Momineen do not doubt;

And for those in whose hearts there is a sickness and the Kafirs to be saying, ‘What is that which Allah Intends with these examples?’

Like that, Allah Lets stray one He so Desires to and Guides one He so Desires to. And none know the armies of your Lord except Him, and it is not, except a Zikr for the humans [74:31]

ي ) عليه السالم ( قال سألته عن علي بن حممد عن ب عض أصحابنا عن ابن حمبوب عن حممد بن الفضيل عن أيب احلسن الماض ون أن الله و رسوله و وصيه حق ليست يقن الذين أوتوا الكتاب قال يست يقن ق ول الله عز و جل

Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: and for those Given the Book to be certain [74:31]’. Heasws said: ‘That they would become convinced that Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww and hissaww successorasws are true’.

قال و ي زدادون بوالية الوصي نميايا ق لت و ي زداد الذين آمنوا نميايا

I said, ‘and increase the Eman of those who believe’. Heasws said: ‘And they would be increased in Eman of the Wilayah of the successorasws’.

مؤمنون قال بوالية علي ) عليه السالم ( ق لت ما هذا االرتياب قال ي عن بذلك أهل ق لت و ال ي رتاب الذين أوتوا الكتاب و ال الكتاب و المؤمنني الذين ذكر الله ف قال و ال ي رتابون يف الوالية

I said, ‘and (although) those Given the Book and Momineen do not doubt’. Heasws said: ‘In the Wilayah of Aliasws’. I said, ‘What is this doubt?’ Heasws said: ‘It

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Means by that the People of the Book and the Momineen whom Allahazwj Mentioned, and Heazwj Said: “And they shall not be doubting regarding the Wilayah”.

«.يعم، والية علي )عليه السالم(»قلت: و ما هي نال ذكرى للبشر؟ قال:

I said, ‘and it is not, except a Zikr for the humans [74:31]?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, Wilayah of Aliasws’’.25

فالنار هو القائم »لنا أصحاب النار نال مالئكة، قال: قوله تعاىل: قوله تعاىل: و ما جع »قال: قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: )عليه السالم( الذي أيار ضوؤه و خروجه ألهل املشرق و املغرب، و املالئكة هم الذين ميلكون علم آل حممد )صلى اهلل عليه و


(Sharaf Al Deen Al Najafi) in (the book) Taweel Al Ayaat -

‘(From) Abu Abdullahasws. He (the narrator) said: ‘(What about) His Words: And have not Made the wardens of the Fire, except the Angels [74:31]?’ Heasws said: ‘So the Fire, it is Al Qaimasws whose illumination and hisasws coming out would be a fire for the people of the east and the west; and the Angels, they are those who learnt the Knowledge of the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww’.

نة للذين كفروا، قال: ت هم نال فت «.يعن املرجئة»و قوله تعاىل: و ما جعلنا عد

And for Hisazwj Words: and We have not Made their number except as a Fitna for those who commit Kufr – heasws said: ‘It means the Murjiites’.

هم الشيعة، و هم أهل الكتاب، و هم الذين أوتوا الكتاب و احلكم و »يست يقن الذين أوتوا الكتاب، قال: و قوله تعاىل: ل «.النبوة

And the Words of the Exalted: and for those Given the Book to be certain [74:31], heasws said: ‘They are the Shias, and they are the People of the Book, and they are the ones who have been Given the Book and the Wisdom and the Prophet-hood’.

من أمر القائم )عليه أي ال يشك الشيعة، يف قي»و قوله تعاىل: و ي زداد الذين آمنوا نميايا و ال ي رتاب الذين أوتوا الكتاب و لي قول الذين يف ق لوهبم مرض و الكافرون ما ذا أراد الله هبذا مثال السالم(

And the Words of the Exalted: and increase the Eman of those who believe, and (although) those Given the Book and Momineen do not doubt - i.e. the Shias do not doubt in anything from the Matter of Al-Qaimasws, And for those in whose hearts there is a sickness, and the Kafirs to be saying, ‘What is that which Allah Intends with these examples?’

ي من يشا فاملؤمن يسلم و الكافر يشك.فقال اهلل عز و جل لم: كذلك يضل الله من يشا و ي هد


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So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Said to them. Like that, Allah Lets stray one He so Desires to and Guides one He so Desires to - So the Momin submits, and the Kafir doubts.

«.نود رب ك نال هو فجنود ربك هم الشيعة و هم قهدا اهلل يف األرضو قوله تعاىل: و ما ي علم ج

And the Words of the Exalted: And none know the armies of your Lord except Him - So the armies of your Lordazwj, they are the Shias, and they are the witnesses of Allahazwj in the earth.26

VERSES 32 - 37

{32كال والقمر }Never! (I Swear) by the moon, [74:32]

{33والليل نذ أدب ر }And the night when it turns back, [74:33]

{34والصبح نذا أسفر }And the morning when it shines! [74:34]

حدى الكب {35 }ني ها لSurely, it is the great one [74:35]

{36يذيرا للبشر }A warning to the humans [74:36]

{37لمن قا منكم أن ي ت قدم أو ي تأخر }For one of you who desires can either go ahead or stay behind [74:37]


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ال سألته عن ن ب عض أصحابنا عن ابن حمبوب عن حممد بن الفضيل عن أيب احلسن الماضي ) عليه السالم ( ق علي بن حممد ع ق ول الله عز و جل

Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Surely it is the great one [74:35]. Heasws: ‘The Wilayah’.

حدى الكب قال ال ا ل م أو ي تأخر قال من ت قدم نىل واليتنا أخ ر عن نن سقر و من تأخر عنا والية ق لت لمن قا منكم أن ي ت قدم نىل سقر نال أصحاب اليمني قال هم و الله قيعت نا ت قد

I said, ‘For one of you who desires go ahead or stay behind [74:37]’. Heasws said: ‘The one who goes forward to ourasws Wilayah would remain away from ‘Saqar’ (inferno of Hell), but the one who remains behind from usasws, would go towards the Saqar, Except companions of the right hand [74:39]’. Heasws said: ‘They, by Allahazwj, are ourasws Shias’. 27

.] الثعليب [ روى أبو محزة الثمال، عن أيب جعفر الباقر قال: حنن وقيعتنا أصحاب اليمني

Al Sa’alby – Abu Hamza Al Sumaly reported,

Abu Ja’far Al Baqirasws has said: ‘Weasws and ourasws Shias are the companions of the right hand’.28

VERSES 38 & 39

{38كل ي فس مبا كسبت رهينة }Every soul would be held for what it earns [74:38]

{39نال أصحاب اليمني }Except companions of the right hand [74:39]

ث نا عن أمحد بن أيب القاسم هبذا ال ث نا أبو احلسني بن أيب الطي ب بن قعيب حد القرقي عن عيسى بن مهران عن سناد قال: حدعن أيب جعفر حممد بن علي بن احلسني ع قال: كنا جلوسا معه ف تال ه نساعيل بن أمية عن عنبسة العابد عن جابر بن عبد الل


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لي بن أيب ف قال رجل و من أصحاب اليمني؟ قال ع قيعة ع رجل هذه الية كل ي فس مبا كسبت رهينة نال أصحاب اليمني طالب ع.

And by this chain, said, ‘It was narrated to us by Abu Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Tayyib Bin Shuayb, from Ahmad Bin Abu Al Qasim Al Qurshy, from Isa Bin Mihran, from Ismail Bin Amayya, from Anbasa Al Aabid, from Jabir Bin Abdullah,

‘From Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, said, ‘We were seated with himasws and a man recited this Verse: Every soul would be held for what it earns [74:38] Except companions of the right hand [74:39]. So a (another) man said, ‘And who are the people of the right hand?’ Heasws said: ‘The Shias of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’’.29

عنه، عن ايب يوسف يعقوب بن يزيد، عن يوح املضروب، عن ايب قيبة، عن عنبسة العابد، عن ايب جعفر عليه السالم يف قول ال: هم قيعتنا أهل البيت.اهلل عزوجل " كل يفس مبا كسبت رهينة نال اصحاب اليمني " ق

From him, from Abu Yusuf Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Nuh Al Mazroub, from Abu Shayba, from Anbasat Al Aabid,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’farasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Every soul would be held for what it earns [74:38] Except companions of the right hand [74:39]. Heasws said: ‘They are ourasws Shias, of the Peopleasws of the Household’.30

ل أن ت فارقك و اسع يف فكاكها كما تسعى و عنه رف عه قال قال أبو عبد الله ) عليه السالم ( اقصر ي فسك عما يضرها من ق ب يف طلب معيشتك فإن ي فسك رهينة بعملك .

And from him, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘And from him, raising it, said, ‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘Limit yourself (soul) from what harms it before it departs from you and strive in its liberation just as you strive in seeking your livelihood, for your soul is pledged with your deeds’’.31

VERSES 40 - 43

{40يف جنات ي تسا لون }In Gardens, they would be asking [74:40]


Bashaarat Al Mustafasaww

Li Shia Al Murtazaasws

- P 4 H 57 30

Al Mahaasin – V 1 Bk 4 – H 139 31

Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 202 H 8

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{41عن المجرمني }From the criminals [74:41]

{42ما سلككم يف سقر }What brought you into Saqar (Inferno)? [74:42]

{43قالوا مل يك من المصل ني }They shall say, ‘We were not from the Musalleen [74:43]

قال سألته عن عن ب عض أصحابنا عن ابن حمبوب عن حممد بن الفضيل عن أيب احلسن الماضي ) عليه السالم ( علي بن حممد ألوصيا من ب عده و ال يصلون عليهم مل يك من المصل ني قال نيا مل ي ت ول وصي حممد و اق ول الله عز و جل

Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: They shall say, ‘We were not from the Musalleen [74:43]’. Heasws said: ‘(They would be saying), ‘We did not (have) the Wilayah of the successorasws of Muhammadsaww and the successorsasws from after himasws, nor did we send Salawat upon themasws’. 32

ن عب د الل ه ع ن أيب عب د الل ه ) علي ه عل ي ب ن حمم د ع ن س هل ب ن زي اد ع ن نساعي ل ب ن مه ران ع ن احلس ن القم ي ع ن ندري س ب هب ا مل ي ك م ن أت ب اع األئم ة السالم ( قال سألته ع ن ت فس ري ه ذه الي ة م ا س لككم يف س قر. ق الوا مل ي ك م ن المص ل ني ق ال ع

الذين قال الله ت بارك و ت عاىل فيهم و السابقون السابقون. أولئك المقربون

Ali Bin Muhammad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ismail Bin Mihran, from Al Hassan Al Qummy, from Idrees Bin Abdullah,

‘From Abu Abdullahasws, said, ‘I asked himasws about the interpretation of this Verse: What brought you into Saqar (Inferno)? [74:42] They shall say, ‘We were not from the Musalleen [74:43], heasws said: ‘It Means, ‘We were not the ones who followed the Imamsasws, those for whom Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted Said regarding themasws: And the foremost are the foremost [56:10] These are the ones of proximity [56:11].

حي ث ق ال مل ي ك م ن المص ل ني مل ي ك م ن أت ب اع أ م ا ت رى الن اس يس مون ال ذي يل ي الس ابق يف احللب ة مص ل ي ف ذلك ال ذي ع السابقني .


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But, have you not seen the people naming the one who follows the preceding one in the (horse) race as ‘Musally’? So that is what they mean when they would be saying, ‘We were not of the ‘Musalleen’, i.e., we were not the ones who followed the foremost oneasws’.33

مد بن عبد اهلل، عن أبيه، عن احلسن بن حمبوب، عن زكريا و عنه، قال: حدثنا أمحد بن حممد بن موسى النوفلي، عن حمأن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( قال لعلي »املوصلي، عن جابر اجلعفي، عن أيب جعفر، عن أبيه، عن جده )عليهم السالم(: كم يف سقر و اجملرمون هم املنكرون لواليتك )عليه السالم(: يا علي، قوله عز و جل يف جنات ي تسا لون عن المجرمني ما سلك

And he said, ‘It was narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from his father, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Zakariya Al-Mowsaly, from Jabir Al-Ju’fy, who has narrated the following:

‘Abu Ja’farasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from hisasws grandfatherasws that: ‘The Prophetsaww said to Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! The Words of the Mighty and Majestic: In Gardens, they would be asking [74:40] From the criminals [74:41] What brought you into Saqar (Inferno)? [74:42]. And the criminals, they are the deniers of yourasws Wilayah’. 34

] الكلين [ علي بن نبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن بعض أصحابه، عن أيب محزة، عن عقيل اخلزاعي: أن أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( كان كلمات فيقول: تعاهدوا الصالة وحافظوا عليها واستكثروا منها وتقربوا فانا كايت على نذا حضر احلرب يوصي للمسلمني ب

املؤمنني كتابا موقوتا.

Al Kulayni – Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from one of his companions, from Abu Hamza, from Aqeel Al Khazai’e that,

‘Amir Al-Momineenasws, whenever the battle presented itself, used to advise the Muslims with certain words, so heasws was saying: ‘Commit to the Salat (Prayer), and protect over it, and frequent from it, and be closer (to Allahazwj), as it was always a timed Ordinance for the Momineen [4:103]?’.

وقد علم ذلك الكفار حني سئلوا ما سلككم يف سقر ؟ قالوا: مل يك من املصلني. وقد عرف حقها من طرقها واكرم هبا من املؤمنني الذين ال يشغلهم عنها زين متاع وال قرة عني من مال وال ولد، يقول اهلل عزوجل: * )رجال ال تلهيهم ترة وال بيع عن

ة( * ذكر اهلل ونقام الصلو

And the Kafirs knew that, when they would be asked, What brought you into Saqar (Inferno)? [74:42] They shall say, ‘We were not from the Musalleen [74:43]. They had recognised its right from neglecting it, and the Momineen are being adorned by it, who were never too busy from it from the adornments of the enjoyment, nor whatever delighted the eyes from the wealth, nor the sons’. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying: Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from Mentioning Allah and establishing the Salat [24:37].


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وكان رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه وآله( منصبا لنفسه بعد البشرى له باجلنة من ربه، فقال عزوجل: * )وأمر أهلك بالصلوة واصطب .عليها( * فكان يأمر هبا أهله ويصب عليها يفسه

And Rasool-Allahsaww had attributed it to himselfsaww after the good news to himsaww with the Paradise from hissaww Lordazwj. So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Said: And order your family with the Salat, and be constant upon it [20:132]’. Hesaww used to order by it to hissaww family members, and was constant upon it himselfsaww’.35

VERSES 44 - 47

{44ومل يك يطعم المسكني }And we did not used to feed the poor [74:44]

{45وكنا نوض مع اخلائضني }And we used to indulge in vanities along with the indulgers in vanities [74:45]

ين }وكنا يكذ ب ب {46ي وم الد And we used to belie the Day of Religion [74:46]

{47حىت أتايا اليقني }Until the certainty came to us (now) [74:47]

ا و عنه، قال: حدثنا أمحد بن حممد بن موسى النوفلي، عن حممد بن عبد اهلل، عن أبيه، عن احلسن بن حمبوب، عن زكريأن النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( قال لعلي »املوصلي، عن جابر اجلعفي، عن أيب جعفر، عن أبيه، عن جده )عليهم السالم(:

و مل يك يطعم المسكني و كنا نوض مع اخلائضني فيقول لم أصحاب اليمني: ليس )عليه السالم(: يا علي، قوله عز و جل وتيتم، فما الذي سلككم يف سقر يا أققيا ؟من هذا أ

And he said, ‘It was narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from his father, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Zakariya Al-Mowsaly, from Jabir Al-Ju’fy, who has narrated the following:

‘Abu Ja’farasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from hisasws grandfatherasws that: ‘The Prophetsaww said to Aliasws: ‘O Aliasws! The Words of the Mighty and Majestic: And we did not used to feed the poor [74:44] And we used to indulge in vanities along


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with the indulgers in vanities [74:45]. So the companions of the right hand (Shias) would be saying to them, ‘It isn’t this which brought you here. So: What brought you into Saqar (Inferno)? [74:42], O wretched ones?’

أتايا اليقني. فقالوا لم: هذا الذي سلككم يف سقر يا أققيا ، و يوم الدين يوم امليثاق حيث قالوا: كنا يكذب بيوم الدين حىت «.جحدوا و كذبوا بواليتك، و عتوا عليك و استكبوا

They would be saying, ‘And we used to belie the Day of Religion [74:46] Until the certainty came to us (now) [74:47]’. So they (Shias) would be saying to them, ‘(Now) this is that which brought you into Saqar, O wretched ones!’ And the Day of Religion is the day of the Covenant when they rejected and belied yourasws Wilayah, and revolted against youasws and were arrogant’’.36

ين، قال: »قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: قال: «.بيوم خروج القائم )عليه السالم(»قوله تعاىل و كنا يكذ ب بي وم الد

(Sharaf Al Deen Al Najafi) in (the book) Taweel Al Ayaat -

‘(From) Abu Abdullahasws. He (the narrator) said: ‘(What about) the Words of the Exalted: And we used to belie the Day of Religion [74:46]. Heasws said: ‘(Belied) the day of the coming out of Al-Qaimasws’’. 37


فعهم قفاعة الشافعني } {48فما ت ن So the intercession of intercessors will not benefit them [74:48]

There will be no intercession for the Kafirs & the Nasibis

ث ن ث نا حممد بن أمحد بن رحمة حد ث ن و به قال: أخبيا أبو سهل سعيد بن أيب سعيد حد ا ا أمحد بن حممد بن أمحد بن راقد حدث نا ي عقوب بن موسى الاشي ث نا نسحاق بن بشر حد و كان يسكن نرمينية عن ابن أيب وادن عمران بن عبد الرحيم الباهلي حد

ل: عن نساعيل بن أمية عن عكرمة عن ابن عباس قا

And by him, said, ‘It was informed to us by Abu Sahl Saeed Bin Abu Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ruhmat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Rashid, from Imran Bin Abdul Raheem Al Bahily, from Is’haq Bin Bishr, from Yaqoub Bin Musa Al Hashimy, and he had settled in Armenia, from Ibn Abu Wadin, from Ismail Bin Amayya, from Ikrama, from Ibn Abbas,


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قتد بأهل ب ييت فإي هم ي : من سره أن حييا حمياي و ميوت مايت و يسكن جنة عدن ف ليتوال عليا من ب عدي و ل قال رسول الله صبني بفضلهم من أميت القاط عني منهم صليت ال أيالم الله قفاعيت.عتيت خلقوا من طينيت و رزقوا ف همي و علمي ف ويل للمكذ

‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The one whom it joys that he lives mysaww life and dies mysaww passing away, and settles in the Garden of Eden, so let him befriend Aliasws from after mesaww, and let him be guided by the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, for theyasws are mysaww family, having been Created from mysaww clay and have been Graced mysaww understanding and mysaww knowledge. So woe be unto the beliers from mysaww community of theirasws merits, the ones from them cutting off mysaww relationship. Allahazwj will not let them attain mysaww intercession’.38

سمائة قرا ة أخبيا الشيخ األمني أبو عبد الله حممد بن أمحد بن قهريار اخلازن رمحه الله يف قوال من قهور سنة اث نيت عشرة و ني المعروف بابن ؤمنني علي بن أيب طالب ع قال: أخبيا الشيخ أبو عبد الله حممد بن حممد بن احلس عليه مبشهد مواليا أمري الم

ني بن حممد بن حممد بن نب راهيم بن حممد بن موسى البسي قال: أخبيا الشريف الزاهد أبو هاقم حممد بن محزة بن احلس ث نني أل الكاظم ع قال: أخبيا أبو عبد الله احلسني بن علي بن احلسني بن موسى بن باب ويه ب ربع عشرة الكوفة يف جامعها ي وم الث نا أبو جعفر حممد ثن أبو القاسم ليلة خلت من ذي احلجة سنة ثان و سبعني و ثالثائة قال: حد بن احلسني النحوي قال: حد

ث نا جعفر بن خالد عن صفوان بن حيي عن سعد بن عبد الله األقعري قال: ث نا عبد الله بن أمحد بن طي ب قال: حد حذي فة حد بن منصور قال:

It was informed to us by the trustworthy Sheykh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Shahriyar Al Khazin, during Shawwal from the months of the year five hundred and twelve, reading upon it at the location of our Master

asws Amir Al Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talib

asws, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad

Bin Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, well known as Ibn Al Bursy, from the noble, the ascetic Abu Hashim Muhammad Bin Hamza Bin Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Muhammad son of Musa Al Kazim

asws, from Abu Abdullah Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Musa Bin

Babuwayh at Al Kufa during the second day of his gathering on the fourteenth night of Zilhijjaj of the year three hundred and seventy eight, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Al Nahwy, from Abu Al Qasim Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Al Ashary, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Tayyib, from Ja’far Bin Khalid, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Huzeyfa Bin Mansour who said,

بتكم و نجاللكم و ت عظيمكم غري أيه كنت عند أيب عبد الله ع نذ دخل عليه رجل ف قال جعلت فداك نن ل أخا ال ي ول من حم هذا الناصب لنا قر منه ف قال الصادق نيه لعظيم أن يكون حمبنا هبذه احلالة و لكن أ ال أي ب ئكم بشر من يشرب اخلمر

‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullahasws when a man came over to himasws and he said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws! There is a brother of mine who is close to yourasws love and yourasws majesty and yourasws reverence, apart from that, he drinks the wine’. So Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘It is grievous (matter) that one who loves usasws would be in this state! But, shall Iasws inform you with one more evil than this? (It is) the Nasibi (Hostile one) to usasws is more evil than him.

ت السبع و األرضني السبع و البحار السبع و نن أدن المؤمن و ليس فيهم دن ليشفع يف مائ يت نيسان و لو أن أهل السماواي يا حىت ي توب أو ي بتليه الله ببال يف جسده ف يكون حتبيطا خلطاياه تشفعوا يف ياصيب ما قف عوا فيه نال أن هذا ال يرج من الد

ىت ي لقى الله عز و جل و ال ذيب عليه نن قيعتنا على السبيل األق وم ح 38

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And the lowest of the Momin, and there isn’t a low one among them, he would intercede regarding two hundred human beings, and if (all) the inhabitants of the seven skies and the seven earths, and the seven seas were to seek intercession regarding a Nasibi (Hostile one), Heazwj would not Intercede regarding him. This one would not exit from the world until he repents or Allahazwj Afflicts him with an affliction in his body, so it would happen to be a compensation of his mistakes, until he would meet Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic and there would be no sin upon him. Ourasws Shias are upon the most correct of ways’.

نن كان ا ي قول أحبب حبيب آل حممد و نن كان موقفا زباال ]مرهقا ذياال[ و أبغض بغيض آل حممد و ث قال نن أيب كان كثريا م صواما ق واما.

Then heasws said: ‘Myasws fatherasws was frequently saying: ‘Iasws love the one who loves the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww and even if his attitude was rubbish (annoying, troublesome) and Iasws hate the one who hates the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, and even if he was Fasting and standing (for Salat)’.39

VERSES 49 - 51

{49معرضني }فما لم عن التذكرة So what is the matter with them, turning away from the Tazkira? [74:49]

{50كأي هم محر مست نفرة }As if they were frightened donkeys [74:50]

{51ف رت من قسورة }Fleeing from a lion [74:51]

يعن بالتذكرة والية أمري املؤمنني )عليه »قوله تعاىل: فما لم عن التذكرة معرضني، قال: »قال: أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: «.السالم(

(Sharaf Al Deen Al Najafi) in (the book) Taweel Al Ayaat -

‘(From) Abu Abdullahasws. He (the narrator) said: ‘(What about) the Words of the Exalted: So what is the matter with them, turning away from the Tazkira? [74:49]?’ Heasws said: ‘It means by the Tazkira, Wilayah of Amir Al-Momineenasws’.


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ر وحش فرت من األسد حني رأته، و كذلك املرجئة [ كأنم مح ]يعن» و قوله تعاىل: كأي هم محر مست نفرة ف رت من قسورة، قال: «.نذا سعت بفضل آل حممد )عليهم السالم( يفرت عن احلق

And the Words of the Exalted: As if they were frightened donkeys [74:50] Fleeing from a lion [74:51]. Heasws said: ‘As if they were wild donkeys fleeing from the lion when they see it, and like that are the Murjiites when they hear the merits of the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, they flee from the Truth’’.40

سمائة مبشهد مواليا أمري أخب ريا الشيخ العفيف أبو الب قا نب راهيم بن احلسن البصري رمحه الله قرا ة عليه يف صفر سنة عشر و ثن أبو احلسني حم المؤمنني علي بن أيب طالب ع قال: حدثن الشيخ أبو طالب حممد بن احلسني بن عتبة مد بن أمحد قال: حد

ث نا أبو المفضل حممد بن عبد الله بن حممد بن المطلب الشيبان يف قعبان سنة ست و بن حممد بن ملد المداري قال: حدث نا حممد بن حممد بن معقل العجلي ثايني و ثالثائة بب غداد يف القرماسان ي هر الدجاج يف دار الصيداوي المنشد قال: حد

ث نا ]القرميسين ث نا حممد بن أيب الصهبان الباهلي قال: حد أمحد بن حممد بن أيب يصر عن أبان بن عثمان [ بشهرزور قال: حد رضي الله عنه قال: األمحر عن أبان بن ت غلب عن عكرمة موىل عبد الله بن عباس عن عبد الله بن عباس

It was informed to us by the Sheykh, the chaste, Abu Al Baqa’a Ibrahim Bin Al Hassan al Basry, reading upon it during Safar of the year five hundred and ten, at the location of our Master

asws Amir Al

Momineen Ali Bin Abu Talibasws

, from Al Sheykh Abu Talib Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Utba, from Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Makhlad Al Madary, from Abu Al Mufazzal Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Al Muttalib Al Shaybani, during Shaban of the year three hundred and eighty six at Baghdad, at the river Dajjaj in the house of Al Saydawy Al Munshid, from Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Ma’qal Al Ijaly Al Qarmasany (Al Qirmaysiny) at Shahrazour, from Muhammad Bin Abu Al Suhban Al Bahily, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Aban Bin Usman Al Ahmar, from Aban Bin Taghlub, from Ikrama, a slave of Abdullah Bin Abbas, from Abdullah Bin Abbas,

ا يوزن عن مثله ال و الله ما رأيت فارسا حمدثعقم الن سا أن يأتني مبثل أمري المؤمنني علي بن أيب طالب ما كشف الن سا ذيولن ن يه سراجا س ليط ت ت وقدان من حتتهما يقف على قرذمة به لرأي ته ي وما و حنن معه بصف ني و على رأسه عمامة سودا و كأن عي

طلعت خيل لمعاوية )لعنه الله( تدعى بالكتيبة الشهبا عشرة آالف دارع على عشرة يطب هم حىت اي ت هى نىل ي فر أيا فيهم و آالف أقهب فاقشعر الناس لا لما رأوها و احناز ب عضهم نىل ب عض

‘The women were futile from coming with (a child) the like of Amir Al-Momineen Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, they could not uncover their veil from the like of himasws. No, by Allahazwj! I did not see a horseman as modern riding with it. I saw himasws one day, and we were with himasws at Siffeen, and upon hisasws head was a black turban, and it was as if hisasws eyes were two lamps being ignited from beneath the two, pausing upon a platoon, addressing them until heasws ended up to a number, me being among them, and the cavalry of Muawiya (may Allahazwj Curse him) emerged, called Al Shaba’a battalion of ten thousand armed and ten thousand mixed. So the people were frightened to it due to what they saw and aligned with each other.


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ها سيوف أهل احلق ف قال أمري المؤمنني ع فيما النخع و اخلنع أ هل العراق هل هي نال أقخاص مائلة فيها ق لوب طائرة لو مست شية و تلببوا و ادرعوا الصب ر و غضوا األصوات و السكينة لرأي تموها كجراد بقيعة سفته الر يح يف ي وم عاصف أال فاستشعروا اخل

ق ل قوا األسياف يف األغماد ق بل السلة و ايظروا اخلزر و اطعنوا الشزر و كافحوا بالظىب

So Amir Al-Momineenasws said: ‘Regarding what is the flipping and the dispersion? People of Al Iraq! Is it except for the persons who are inclining wherein are flying hearts? If the swords of the people of the truth were to touch these (hearts), you would see them like locusts, on a spot struck by the wind during a stormy day. Indeed! Be aware of the fear of Allahazwj, and bring about the tranquillity and arm yourselves with the patience and lower your voices, and shake the swords in the sheaths before the brandishing, and lookout at both the sides and stab your spears from both sides and fight with the mountain goats (cowardly fleeing enemies).

يف األعقاب و يار ي وم احلساب فطيبوا عن و صلوا السيوف باخلطى و الن بال بالر ماح و عاودوا الكر و استحيوا من الفر فإيه عار هبذا السرادق الله ص و عليكم فسكم ي فسا و امشوا نىل الموت مشية سجحا فإيكم بعني الله عز و جل و مع أخي رسول أي

م للوث بة يدا و أخر األدمل و الر واق المظلم و اضربوا ث بجه فإن الشيطان ر اقد يف كسره ياقش حضن يه مفتش ذراعيه قد قد للنكوص رجال

And strike your swords with the pace, and the darting of the spears, and repeat the striking, and be ashamed from fleeing for it would be a shame among the posterity, and (you would be in the) Fire on the Day of Reckoning. Therefore, make good your own selves and walk towards the death with an easy walk, for you all are in the Eyes of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic and with the brother of Rasool-Allahsaww. And it is upon you with this pitched tent (of Muawiya) and the dark alleyway, and strike at its centre, for the Satanla is lying down in in it corner, arguing in hisla lap, with wide open arms, having had extended hisla hand for the attacking and holding back the legs for the retreating.

حم ها أيا قاد فشدوا بسم الله و أي تم األعلون و الله معكم و لن يتكم أعمالكم فصمدا صمدا حىت ي نجلي لكم عمود احلق ن ال ي نصرو

Therefore, endue with an endurance until the pillars of the truth are clear upon you, So do not slacken and call to the peace while you are on top, and Allah is with you and will never Deprive you for your deeds [47:35]. Here Iasws am, fighting, and you should be fighting (as well) in the Name of Allahazwj, and they will not be victorious’.

لغ المائة فارس فأج ث محل أمري المؤمنني عليه و على ذر يته الصالة و السالم محلة و تبعته خوي لة الم فيها جوالن الرحى مل ت ب ال رأسا يادرا و يدا طائحة فيما كان بأسرع من أن المسرحة بثقالا فارت فعت عجاجة من عتن النظر ث انلت فأث بت النظر ف لم ي ر ن

كأي هم محر مست نفرة ف رت من قسورة ولوا مدبرين

Then Amir Al Momineenasws, may the Salawat and the greetings be upon himasws and hisasws offspring, attacked, and the cavalry followed himasws, (their number) not reaching a hundred horsemen. So heasws trapped them with an encircling of a

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millstone. They were disbanded by their heaviness. The raising of the dust prevented me from the sighting. Then it receded, so I focused the sight but we did not see except for a rare head and a fallen hand among what was very quick from their turning away departing: As if they were frightened donkeys [74:50] Fleeing from a lion [74:51].

فه ي نطف و وجهه كشقة القمر و هو ي قول . ئمة الكفر ني هم ال أميان لم فقاتلوا أ فإذا أمري المؤمنني قد أق بل و سي

And there was Amir Al Momineenasws having had returned, and hisasws sword was dripping (with blood) and hisasws face like the bright moon, and heasws was saying then fight the imams of Kufr - surely their oaths (mean) nothing [9:12]’.41

VERSES 52 & 53

هم أن ي ؤتى صحفا منشرة } {52بل يريد كل امرئ من But, every person from them wants to be Given pages spread out [74:52]

{53بل ال يافون الخرة } كال Never! But, they are not fearing the Hereafter [74:53]

هم أن ي ؤتى صحفا منشرة، قال: يريد كل رجل من »أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: ث قال اهلل تعاىل: بل يريد كل امرئ من «.املخالفني أن ينزل عليه كتاب من السما

(Sharaf Al Deen Al Najafi) in (the book) Taweel Al Ayaat -

‘(From) Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Then Allahazwj the Exalted Said: ‘But, every person from them wants to be Given pages spread out [74:52]. Heasws said: ‘Every man from the adversaries wants that a Book be Revealed unto him from the sky.

«.هي دولة القائم )عليه السالم(»ث قال اهلل تعاىل: كال بل ال يافون الخرة، قال:

Then Allahazwj the Exalted Said: ‘Never! But, they are not fearing the Hereafter [74:53]. Heasws said: ‘It is the government of Al-Qaimasws (they are not fearing)’’. 42

هم أن ي ؤتى ص حفا منشرة: علي بن نبراهيم: و يف رواية أيب اجلارود، عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم(، يف قوله: بل يريد كل امرئ من مكتوب عند رأسه و كفارته، و ذلك أنم قالوا: يا حممد، قد بلغنا أن الرجل من بن نسرائيل كان يذيب الذيب فيصبح و ذيبه »


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Ali Bin Ibrahim (said), ‘And in a report of Abu Al Jaroud,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws regarding Hisazwj Words: But, every person from them wants to be Given pages spread out [74:52], said: ‘And that is because they were saying, ‘O Muhammadsaww! It has reached us that the man from the Children of Israel used to commit the sin, so he would wake up in the morning, and his sin was written by his head, and its penalty’.

قومك سنة بن نسرائيل يف الذيوب، فإن قا وا فعلنا يسألك فنزل جبئيل )عليه السالم( على النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و قال: ذلك هبم و أخذياهم مبا كنا يأخذ به بن نسرائيل،

So Jibraeelas descended unto the Prophetsaww and said: ‘Yoursaww people are asking yousaww for a Sunnah of the Children of Israel regarding the sins. So if they so desire, we can do that with them, and we shall seize them due to what we used to seize Children of Israel with’.

«. فزعموا أن رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( كره ذلك لقومه

So they are alleging that Rasool-Allahsaww used to dislike that for hissaww people’’.43

VERSES 54 - 56

{54كال نيه تذكرة }Never! It is a Tazkira [74:54]

{55فمن قا ذكره }So the one who desires it, would pay heed [74:55]

{56رة }هو أهل الت قوى وأهل المغف وما يذكرون نال أن يشا الله And they will not be paying heed except if Allah so Desires. He is rightful to be feared and rightful for (Granting) the Forgiveness [74:56]

احلسن الماضي ) عليه السالم ( قال سألته عن علي بن حممد عن ب عض أصحابنا عن ابن حمبوب عن حممد بن الفضيل عن أيب «.عن الوالية معرضني»ق ول الله عز و جل فما لم عن التذكرة معرضني؟ قال:

Ali Bin Muhammad, from some of our companions, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Fuzayl,


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(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Maazyasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked Himasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: So what is the matter with them, turning away from the Tazkira? [74:49]. Heasws said: ‘Turning away from the Wilayah’’.

ا تذكرة؟ قال: «.الوالية»قلت: كال نن

I said, ‘Never! It is a Tazkira [74:54]?’ Heasws said: ‘The Wilayah’’.44

ما يذكرون نال و أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: ث قال تعاىل بعد أن عرفهم التذكرة هي الوالية: كال نيه تذكرة فمن قا ذكره فالتقوى يف هذا املوضع هو النيب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(، و املغفرة أمري »أن يشا الله هو أهل الت قوى و أهل المغفرة، قال:

«.املؤمنني )عليه السالم(

(Sharaf Al Deen Al Najafi) in (the book) Taweel Al Ayaat -

‘(From) Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘The Allahazwj the Exalted, after Making them recognise that the ‘Tazkira’, it is the Wilayah of Aliasws, Said: Never! It is a Tazkira [74:54] So the one who desires it, would pay heed [74:55] And they will not be paying heed except if Allah so Desires. He is rightful to be feared and rightful for (Granting) the Forgiveness [74:56]. Heasws said: ‘So the piety is this place is the Prophetsaww, and the Forgiveness is Amir-Al-Momineenasws’.45

بن أمحد بن الوليد، قال: حدثنا حممد بن احلسن الصفار، قال: حدثنا حممد بن احلسني ابن بابويه، قال: حدثنا حممد بن احلسنبن أيب اخلطاب، عن علي بن أسباط، عن علي بن أيب محزة، عن أيب بصري، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، يف قول اهلل عز و

اهلل تبارك و تعاىل: أيا أهل أن أتقى، و ال يشرك يب عبدي قيئا، قال [: » جل: هو أهل الت قوى و أهل المغفرة، ]قال

Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘It was narrated to us by Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Ali Bin Asbat, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

‘From Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: He is rightful to be feared and rightful for (Granting) the Forgiveness [74:56], heasws said: ‘Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted Said: “Iazwj am the rightful to be feared, and Myazwj servant should not associate anything with Meazwj!

و أيا أهل نن مل يشرك يب عبدي قيئا أن أدخله اجلنة،

And Iazwj am the rightful that if Myazwj servant does not associate anything with Meazwj, Iazwj should Enter him into the Paradise!”

«. [ أن ال يعذب أهل التوحيد بالنار أبدا و قال )عليه السالم(: نن اهلل تبارك و تعاىل أقسم بعزته ]و جالله


Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 108 H 91 (Extract) 45

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And heasws said: ‘Surely Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted Swore by Hisazwj Mighty and Hisazwj Majesty that Heazwj will not Punish the people of Al Tawheed with the Fire, ever!’’.46


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