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Tables for Processing Gcodes

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Tables for Processing Gcodes
Tables for Processing G-Codes 1 Go to CGTech Help Library Tables for Processing G-Codes VERICUT Tables The following VERICUT windows provide access to tables: Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Settings window: Tables tab Specify "Job Tables" to store work offsets and machine locations specific to the current tool path file(s) and "Tool Tables" to store tool-related offset and compensation data. Configuration menu > Machine Settings window: Tables tab — Specify important machine locations and detail tool change motion. For information about using Tables window features, see "About configuring tables" in the Using VERICUT section. The tables available in VERICUT are listed below in alphabetical order. See the appropriate section for details on data stored, data formats, and how to access each table. Table name General description Base Work Offset table Specifies the location from which work offsets are based Cutter Compensation table Stores cutter diameter compensation, or "CDC" offset values Gage Offset table Stores tool gage offset, or “gage length” values Initial Machine Location table Specifies where machine axes are initially located Input Program Zero (Special Z) table (formerly Input Program Zero table) Specifies the programmed zero location of a G-code tool path file Machine Reference Location table Specifies the reference location of machine axes Machine Zero table (obsolete) No longer used
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Tables for Processing G-Codes


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Tables for Processing G-Codes


The following VERICUT windows provide access to tables:

Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Settings window: Tables tab — Specify "Job Tables" to store work offsets and machine locations specific to the current tool path file(s) and "Tool Tables" to store tool-related offset and compensation data.

Configuration menu > Machine Settings window: Tables tab — Specify important machine locations and detail tool change motion.

For information about using Tables window features, see "About configuring tables" in the Using VERICUT section.

The tables available in VERICUT are listed below in alphabetical order. See the appropriate section for details on data stored, data formats, and how to access each table.

Table name General description

Base Work Offset table Specifies the location from which work offsets are based

Cutter Compensation table Stores cutter diameter compensation, or "CDC" offset values

Gage Offset table Stores tool gage offset, or “gage length” values

Initial Machine Location table Specifies where machine axes are initially located

Input Program Zero (Special Z) table (formerly Input Program Zero table)

Specifies the programmed zero location of a G-code tool path file

Machine Reference Location table Specifies the reference location of machine axes

Machine Zero table (obsolete) No longer used

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(formerly Input Machine Zero table)

Probe Offset table Stores probe tool offset values

Program Zero table Specifies the programmed zero location of a G-code tool path file taking Tool Length Comp into consideration.

RPCP Pivot Offset table Specifies the offset between the Stock component origin and the rotary table pivot point

RTCP Pivot Offset table Specifies the offset between the Tool component origin and the tilting head pivot point

Tool Change Location table Specifies the location of machine axes for changing the tool

Tool Change Retraction table Specifies which machine axes retract for changing the tool

Tool Length Compensation table Stores the tool length compensation offset values

Tool Nose Compensation table

Stores the tool nose compensation offset values for use with Fanuc style "imaginary tool nose programming" for turning (e.g. G41-42 Dn)

Turret Rotations table This table stores the turret rotation angles of multiple Tool components connected to a Turret component on a lathe machine.

Work Offsets table Stores work coordinate system offset (fixture offset) values

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Table Details

Base Work Offset table

This table specifies the location from which work offsets are based. Use this table when the tool path file references a base work coordinate system (e.g. G52) from which all other work offsets are based. (Ref. "Work Offsets table" in this section).

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Use one of the following methods to define the base work offset:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the base work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval Cval Uval Vval Wval

where linear offset values Xval-Zval and Uval-Wval are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary offset values Aval-Cval are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Enter "0" for axes that do not have a base work offset or do not exist in the machine. Zero is assumed for unspecified machine axis offsets.

Examples that follow show table entry formats for various NC machine configurations.

Machine configuration Table entry format

3 axes - XYZ Xval Yval Zval 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 1: Xval Yval Zval ("0" assumed for axes A-W)

4 axes - XYZA Xval Yval Zval Aval

4 axes - XYZB Xval Yval Zval 0 Bval

4 axes - XYZC Xval Yval Zval 0 0 Cval

4 axes - XZUW Xval 0 Zval 0 0 0 Uval 0 Wval

5 axes - XYZAB Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval

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5 axes - XYZAC Xval Yval Zval Aval 0 Cval

5 axes - XYZBC Xval Yval Zval 0 Bval Cval

9 axes - XYZABCUVW Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval Cval Uval Vval Wval

3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library.

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Initial Machine Location table This table specifies where machine axes are initially located. The machine is moved to this location when the machine is first loaded, when VERICUT is reset, or the tool path is rewound.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — The Register number that will be used by VERICUT to access corresponding table data.

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xloc Yloc Zloc Aloc Bloc Cloc Uloc Vloc Wloc

where linear offset values Xloc-Zloc and Uloc-Wloc are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary values Aloc-Cloc are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Enter "0" for axes which start at machine zero or do not exist in the machine. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified initial location.

The following examples attempt to specify the initial location of a 5-axis XYZBC NC machine to be X=20 Y=62 Z=60 B=180 C=0:

• 1: 20 62 60 0 180 0 0 0 0

Correct — specifies X=20 Y=62 Z=60 A=0 B=180 C=0 U=0 V=0 W=0, even though AUVW are not in the machine configuration.

• 1: 20 62 60 0 180

Correct — specifies X=20 Y=62 Z=60 A=0 B=180; ACUVW are not specified and are assumed to be machine zero.

• 1: 20 62 60 180

Incorrect — specifies X=20 Y=62 Z=60 A=180; BCUVW are assumed to be at machine zero. B=180 has been incorrectly placed and is interpreted as A=180.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Machine Zero table (obsolete) (formerly Input Machine Zero Table)

The Machine Zero/Input Machine Zero table is an obsolete table that has been retained for "legacy" machine and user file purposes only. Use the Input Program Zero (Special Z) table instead.

The Machine Zero/Input Machine Zero table is similar to the Input Program Zero (Special Z) table except that it applies the Z offset immediately instead of after a G43. It also does not recognize "tool length compensation".

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Machine Reference Location table This table specifies the reference location of machine axes. The reference location is where the machine axes move to when a "return to reference location" command is processed (e.g. G28), such as typically used with the "Tool Length Compensation" programming method.

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xloc Yloc Zloc Aloc Bloc Cloc Uloc Vloc Wloc

where linear axis locations Xloc-Zloc and Uloc-Wloc are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary axis locations Aloc-Cloc are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Zero is used for axes having a reference location at machine zero or do not exist in the machine configuration. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified reference location.

A return to reference point command typically cancels active offsets (tool length, work offsets, position set, etc.) and moves specified axes to their respective reference locations. The axis commands (e.g. X...Y...Z...A...B...C...) are processed prior to moving the machine to the reference location. For example, the command "G28 G91 X1 Y2 Z3" first moves the X axis by 1, Y axis by 2, and Z axes by 3, followed by moving to the X,Y,Z reference location.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Tool Change Location table This table specifies the location of machine axes for changing the tool. This table is used when machine axes are specified to retract during a tool change via the Tool Change Retract Method feature (ref. Control Settings window: Tooling tab in the VERICUT Help section), or the Tool Change Retraction table.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the tool component number for which the tool change location values are to be used (typically "1" for single tool component machines).

Enter values representing the tool change location in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xloc Yloc Zloc Aloc Bloc Cloc Uloc Vloc Wloc

Linear axis locations Xloc-Zloc and Uloc-Wloc are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary axis locations Aloc-Cloc are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Zero is used for axes which are located at machine zero, or do not exist in the machine configuration. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified location.

The following examples specify the tool change location of a 5-axis XYZBC NC machine to be X=20 Y=62 Z=60:

• 1: 20 62 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 - specifies X=20 Y=62 Z=60 A=0 B=0 C=0 U=0 V=0 W=0, even though AUVW are not in the machine configuration

• 1: 20 62 60 - specifies X=20 Y=62 Z=60; ABCUVW are not specified and are assumed to be at machine zero

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Tool Change Retraction table

This table specifies which machine axes retract for changing the tool. This table is used only with the Use Retraction Table option for the Tool Change Retract Method feature (ref. Control Settings window: Tooling tab in the VERICUT Help section). The retract location of each axes is specified via the Tool Change Location table.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the tool component number for which the tool change location values are to be used (typically "1" for single tool component machines).

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval Cval Uval Vval Wval

For each machine axis (Xval-Wval), a value of 1 is entered when the axis is to be retracted, 0 is entered for no retract, or when the axis does not exist in the machine configuration. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified value.


• 1: 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 - specifies that the XYZAB axes are to be retracted to their tool change location while the CUVW axes (if they exist) are not to be retracted

• 1: 1 1 1 1 1 - as above, except CUVW are not specified and are assumed not to be retracted

• 1: 0 0 1 - specifies that only the Z axis is to be retracted

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Turret Rotations table

This table stores the turret rotation angles of multiple Tool components connected to a Turret component on a lathe machine. This table is intended for use when one or more Tool components are not defined with tool origin Z-axis values "0 0 1". If the table is not defined and one of these Tool components becomes active, the turret will automatically index to its zero position. To correct this condition, the Turret Rotations table is used to specify the rotation angle for indexing the tool into its cutting position. The table is not required to index Tool components defined with tool origin Z-axis values "0 0 1", since the tool origin X-axis orientation (when defined properly) causes proper turret indexing.

You can create a Turret Rotations table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Tool Index — Identifies the turret index number corresponding to the Tool component's Tool Index number. (Ref. Modeling window: Component Attributes tab in the VERICUT Help section)

Enter the value representing the turret rotation angle in the Angle: text field.

Angle: angleval

where "angleval" specifies the absolute rotation angle to rotate the Turret component when the corresponding Tool component becomes active.

When using multiple tools in Turret components, configure the NC control to change tools via calling the TurretToolChange macro. (Ref. Word/Address window in the VERICUT Help section and the VERICUT Macros section) This will ensure proper turret indexing, and Tool component activation.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Work Offsets table

This table stores work coordinate system offset, or "fixture offset" values. Use this table when simulating programming with work offsets (e.g. G53-59). Enter values to represent the work offset values entered at the NC control. Work coordinate system offset values that are automatically loaded using via data in the tool path file (e.g. G10L2Pn) do not require entry.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding work offset values "Xval Yval Zval..." are stored.

Use one of the following methods to define the work offsets:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval Cval Uval Vval Wval

Linear offset values Xval-Zval and Uval-Wval are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary offset values Aval-Cval are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Enter "0" for axes that do not have a base work offset or do not exist in the machine. Zero is assumed for unspecified machine axis offsets.

Enter offset values for each local work coordinate system referenced by the tool path. The figure below shows a sample table to support a tool path file which references work offsets: G54, 55, 56.

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The examples that follow show general table entry formats for various NC machine configurations.

Machine configuration Table entry format

3 axes - XYZ Xval Yval Zval 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 54: Xval Yval Zval ("0" assumed for axes A-W)

4 axes - XYZA Xval Yval Zval Aval

4 axes - XYZB Xval Yval Zval 0 Bval

4 axes - XYZC Xval Yval Zval 0 0 Cval

4 axes - XZUW Xval 0 Zval 0 0 0 Uval 0 Wval

5 axes - XYZAB Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval

5 axes - XYZAC Xval Yval Zval Aval 0 Cval

5 axes - XYZBC Xval Yval Zval 0 Bval Cval

9 axes - XYZABCUVW Xval Yval Zval Aval Bval Cval Uval Vval Wval

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3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

NOTES: 1. To specify an initial work offset to be in affect, use Control Settings window:

Offsets tab. For more information see the VERICUT Help section.

2. When a Base Work Offset table is in use, work offsets are established from the base work offset location (method commonly used by Phillips CNC controls).

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Program Zero Table

This table specifies the programmed zero location of a G-code tool path file. This table is required when the machine operator establishes a zero location other than machine zero. This activity is also known as establishing a "floating zero" location.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding Program Zero values are stored.

Use one of the following methods to define the program zero values:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xloc Yloc Zloc Aloc Bloc Cloc Uloc Vloc Wloc

where linear axis locations Xloc-Zloc and Uloc-Wloc are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary axis locations Aloc-Cloc are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Zero is used for axes which the tool path zero is the same as the machine zero, or do not exist in the machine configuration. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified input program zero value.

3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

Values for this table are calculated differently, depending on the programming method used by the NC program file. Each programming method is listed below with an example of how the Program Zero table values are calculated for that method.

• With Tool Tip programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point with no offsets in effect, such as: cutter compensation, work offsets, etc.

• With Gage Length programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point with no offsets in effect, such as: cutter compensation, work offsets, etc.

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• With Tool Length Compensation programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point to the programmed zero when tool length compensation is active (e.g. G43).

NOTE: The Program Zero Table is intended to replace the use of the Input Program Zero/Input Program Zero (Special Z) table. While very similar in most respects, it does a much better job of handling Tool Length Compensation.

The figures that follow show sample table entries which specify the programmed zero location of NC program files run on various NC machine configurations.

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Input Program Zero (Special Z) table (formerly Input Program Zero table)

NOTE: It is recommended that the Program Zero Table be used instead of the Input Program Zero/Input Program Zero (Special Z) table. While very similar in most respects, it does a much better job of handling Tool Length Compensation.

This table specifies the programmed zero location of a G-code tool path file. This table is required when the machine operator establishes a zero location other than machine zero. This activity is also known as establishing a "floating zero" location.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding Program Zero values are stored.

Use one of the following methods to define the input program zero (special Z) offsets:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZABCUVWACB): text field.

Values (XYZABCUVWACB): Xloc Yloc Zloc Aloc Bloc Cloc Uloc Vloc Wloc

where linear axis locations Xloc-Zloc and Uloc-Wloc are measured in the machine coordinate system from machine zero. Rotary axis locations Aloc-Cloc are measured from the corresponding rotary component zero and are expressed in decimal degrees. Zero is used for axes which the tool path zero is the same as the machine zero, or do not exist in the machine configuration. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified input program zero value.

3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

Values for this table are calculated differently, based on the programming method used by the tool path file. Each programming method is listed below with an example of how Input Program Zero (Special Z)/Input Program Zero table values are calculated for that method.

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• With Tool Tip programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point with no offsets in effect, such as: cutter compensation, work offsets, etc.

• With Gage Length programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point with no offsets in effect, such as: cutter compensation, work offsets, etc.

• With Tool Length Compensation programming method- calculate values from the Machine reference point to the programmed zero when tool length compensation is active (e.g. G43).

The figures that follow show sample table entries which specify the programmed zero location of NC program files run on various NC machine configurations.

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RTCP Pivot Offset table

Rotary Tool Control Point, or "RTCP", causes rotary head motion occurs about a specific control point-typically the tool tip. In VERICUT, RTCP simulation is activated via the Rotary Tool Control Point control setting (ref. Control Settings window: Rotary tab in the VERICUT Help section), or the RotaryControlPointOnOff or RtcpOn, RtcpOff macros. Information about these, and all VERICUT macros, can be found in the VERICUT Macros section. The RTCP Pivot Offset table specifies an offset between the Tool component origin and the tilting head pivot point to be considered when RTCP logic is active. Use this table when a rotary component located between the Tool and Base components has an Initial Machine Location table entry other than zero.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding RTCP pivot offset values are stored.

Use one of the following methods to define the RTCP pivot offsets:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZ): text field.

Values (XYZ): Xval Yval Zval

where Xval-Zval are calculated by subtracting the location of the Tool component origin from the rotary pivot point location, with all axes at their initial machine location. Enter "0" for axes that do not have an offset or do not exist in the machine. Zero is assumed for unspecified offsets.

3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

Examples of when to use this table:

• RTCP is desired with a vertical 5-axis tilting head machine that has a pivot length of 10 and a B-axis initial location of 180. This configuration puts the tool axis in a

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vertical orientation. For calculations, the location of the pivot point can be assumed to be at (0 0 0). This would require RTCP Pivot Offset table values: 0 0 10. ((0 0 0) - (0 0 -10)) = (0 0 10)

• If the B-axis initial location was 0 (tool axis in a vertical orientation), then the RTCP Pivot Offset table is not needed. However, if the table was to be defined, it should contain the values: 0 0 10. ((0 0 0) - (0 0 -10)) = (0 0 10)

This table can also be used to support a machine/control where the post-processor takes care of the offset for the pivot length, and the control handles the offset for each tool's gage length. For this situation, set RTCP Pivot Offset table values to: 0 0 0.

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RPCP Pivot Offset table Rotary Part Control Point, or "RPCP", moves the part is relative to the tool tip. In VERICUT, RPCP simulation is activated via the RotaryControlPointOnOff or RpcpOn, RpcpOff macros. Information about these, and all VERICUT macros, can be found in the VERICUT Macros section.

The RPCP Pivot Offset table specifies an offset between the Stock component origin and the rotary table pivot point to be considered when RPCP logic is active. Use this table when a rotary component located between the Stock and Base components has an Initial Machine Location table entry other than zero.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding RPCP pivot offset values are stored.

Use one of the following methods to define the RPCP pivot offsets:

1. Specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS.

2. Enter values representing the work offset, as entered at the NC control, in the Values (XYZ): text field.

Values (XYZ): Xval Yval Zval

where Xval-Zval are calculated by subtracting the location of the Stock component origin from the rotary pivot point location, with all axes at their initial machine location. Enter "0" for axes that do not have an offset or do not exist in the machine. Zero is assumed for unspecified offsets.

3. Pick two points in the graphics display area to represent the offset.

For more information on each of these methods, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Cutter Compensation table

This table stores cutter diameter compensation, or "CDC" offset values used when simulating cutter diameter compensation. VERICUT access this table when the "Process Cutter Comp." feature is active (ref. G-Code Settings window: Settings tab in the VERICUT Help section) and CDC data is processed, e.g. G41-42 Dn.

You can create a Cutter Compensation table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab (See the VERICUT Help section for additional information). Enter values to represent the CDC values entered at the NC control.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding CDC value offset "val" is stored.

SubRegister — Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables.

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Value: text field.

Value: val

Enter an offset value for each CDC offset register referenced by the NC program. Zero offset values are assumed when not specified, and do not require entry. The figure below shows a sample table to support a tool path file using CDC.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

Sample NC program data and Cutter Compensation table entries

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How cutter compensation is simulated Assume a control has been configured to support CDC, and a tool path file was programmed using "T1"-a zero diameter tool (sometimes known as "part edge programming"). Also assume a .5 diameter tool is used to cut the part. If the CDC offset programmed for use with this tool is "D1", the machine operator enters a value of .25 in the CDC register for "D1" to offset tool 1 when G41/42 is active. To simulate how this tool path will be compensated, a value of ".25" is entered into the Cutter Compensation table under Index 1, since this is the index referenced when "D1" is processed.

"Look ahead" logic, similar to Fanuc type "C" compensation, applies the CDC offsets during the simulation. The block activating CDC results in a "ramp-on" motion establishing the offset condition. The block cancelling CDC results in a "ramp-off" motion cancelling the offset condition.

NOTES: 1. Output Precision specifies the accuracy for calculating CDC offset tool positions.

(Ref. Control Settings window: Motion tab in the VERICUT Help section).

2. Tool paths CAN NOT be optimized by OptiPath when CDC offsets are being simulated.

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Gage Offset table This table stores tool gage offset, or "gage length" values that set the adjustment needed to drive the tool in Tool Tip, and Tool Length Compensation, programming methods. These programming methods enable an NC programmer to assume the positions in the NC program are controlling the tool, instead of NC machine axis positions. VERICUT uses the gage offset to determine where the driven point is (aka. "control point") relative to the gage point.

While tool gage offset values can be entered via the Tool Manager, this table must be used when the tool path file drives a control point other than that described by Gage Point values in the Tool Manager window, Tool Table. Missing or incorrect gage offset values causes a tool to load incorrectly on a 3-D machine, or causes improper cutting. See the VERICUT Help section for more information on Tool Manger.

You can create a Gage Offset table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab. See the VERICUT Help section for more information.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the tool number that the corresponding gage offset value applies to.

SubRegister — Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables.

Enter values representing the gage offset in the Values(XYZ): text field.

Milling example: Values(XYZ): 0 0 Zval

where the gage length "Zval" is a positive value measured from the tool's control point to the gage line.

Turning example: Values(XYZ): Xval 0 Zval

where the gage offset values Xval and Zval are measured from the tool's control point to the machine zero. For example, on a horizontal rear lathe the machine zero location is typically the tool turret face and centerline.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

Enter gage length values for each tool number referenced by the NC program file that requires adjustment. Gage Offset table entries are not needed for tools that have the same offset values as stored in the Tool Manager. The figure below shows sample table entries for a milling tool and a turning tool.

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Sample Gage Offset table entries:

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NOTES: 1. Gage Offset table values override Tool Manager-defined Gage Point values for

setting the adjustment to calculate the driven control point. However, they do not affect how the tool is loaded in the NC machine. Only Tool Manager window, Tool Table Gage Point values affect tool loading.

2. When the Gage Offset table is used to adjust tool motions, the NC control must be configured to call the ToolOffsetAptAdj macro when a tool change occurs, or when the tool control point changes, to adjust the motions seen in Workpiece views. The ToolOffsetAptAdj macro allows the machine simulation to be driven with multiple tool control points, when a single tool control point was defined in the Tool Manager. For more information on this, and all VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section. For more information on Tool Manager, see the VERICUT Help section.

If this macro is not called on or after the tool change command, or when the tool control point changes, then Workpiece views may not reflect the adjustment to the Tool Manager-defined Gage Offset.

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Tables for Processing G-Codes


Probe Offset table

This table stores probe tool offset values. The table is used to adjust tool motions during simulation of part probing.

You can create a Probe Offset table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab. See the VERICUT Help section for more information

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the tool ID number of the probe tool to which the offset values are to be applied.

SubRegister — Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables.

Enter values representing the probe offset in the Values(XYZ-X-Y-Z): text field.

Values(XYZ-X-Y-Z): posXval posYval posZval negXval negYval negZval

where each of the offset values ( posXval - negZval) specify the distance from the probe driven point to the touch surface in each axis direction. Zero is assumed for axes not having a specified probe offset value.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section. .

Enter probe offset values for each probe tool used by the tool path file. The following diagram shows a sample Probe Offset table entry for tool "T99", a probe tool which has a .1 ball radius and driven at the ball center.

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Sample Probe Offset table entries:

The Probe Offset Table is currently only used by the GLType2PRB command. The G&L PRB command activates the probing offsets for a specific probe. The offsets are the distance from the center of the ball to edge of the ball. The offsets are positive X, positive Y, positive Z, negative X, negative Y, and negative Z. These values are then stored in registers 10101-10106. The registers are then used in the probing subroutine to determine the actual location of the surface being probed.

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Tables for Processing G-Codes


Tool Length Compensation table

This table stores the tool length compensation offset values (e.g. G43 Hn). Using this table is optional when simulating NC programs programmed in the Tool Length Compensation programming method. VERICUT automatically calculates tool length compensation values from the Input Program Zero (Special Z) table and machine zero locations. Use this table to override values that are automatically calculated by VERICUT.

You can create a Tool Length Compensation table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab (See the VERICUT Help section for more information). Enter values to represent the tool length compensation values entered at the NC control. Zero offset values need not be entered.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding tool length compensation offset "val" is stored.

SubRegister — Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables.

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Value: text field.

Value: val

The tool length compensation offset is usually a negative value measured from the control point (typically the tool tip) of each tool loaded at machine zero to the control point when the tool is positioned at the programmed zero. Enter an offset value for each tool length offset referenced by the tool path file.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

The figure on the following page shows a sample table to support an NC program using a tool with gage length=7.0 in a setup where the programmed zero is 20.0 from the machine zero.

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Sample Tool Length Compensation table entry:

WORK OFFSET NOTE: Work offsets have the affect of moving machine zero. When work offsets are in use, the tool length compensation offset value is calculated from the control point of each tool loaded at its respective work offset zero, to the control point when the tool is positioned at the NC program's programmed zero.

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Tool Nose Compensation table

This table stores the tool nose compensation offset values for use with Fanuc style "imaginary tool nose programming" for turning (e.g. G41-42 Dn). Use this table to simulate how the NC control will offset a tool path programmed to the "part edge" (exact diameters, etc.) and tool nose compensation is active.

You can create a Tool Nose Compensation table via features on the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab (See the VERICUT Help section for additional information). Enter values to represent the offset distance and direction from the center of the tool nose radius to the imaginary programmed control point driven on the part geometry.

SubSystem ID — Identifies the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined.

Register — Identifies the NC control register number where the corresponding tool nose compensation offset values (Xval & Zval) are stored.

SubRegister — Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables.

Enter values representing the initial machine location in the Value: text field.

Values (XYZ): Xval 0 Zval

The "register" to be referenced by a given tool is typically specified with the tool number, for example T0101 specifies tool 1 (first occurrence of "01") and offset register "01" (second occurrence of "01"). T0102 specifies specifies tool 1 and offset register "02", etc.

Offset values are measured from the tool nose center to the imaginary driven point. For example, the offset values for a turning insert having .060 radius would be: "-.06 0 -.06". Zero offset values need not be entered. Each tool nose compensation register referenced by the NC program file should be included in the table with an associated value.

For more information, see Add/Modify Tables window in the VERICUT Help section.

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Sample Tool Nose Compensation table entry:

NOTE: For a tool value to be interpreted as two pieces of data, such as Taabb where "aa" represents the tool number and "bb" represents the offset number, the "T" word must be defined in the NC control configuration as a Macro word type using the Composite-Numeric word value type. (Ref. Word Format window in the VERICUT Help section) Then, use the Word/Address window (See the VERICUT Help section for more information) to configure word/address groups (e.g. T1, T2) to act on the parsed composite "T" word pieces to call the appropriate macros to accomplish changing the tool and setting the offsets.
