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Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and...

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Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Study Classes - Adult Bible Study “The Book of 1John” in the MPR. 10:00 a.m. Praise Team Warm Up in Sanctuary 10:10 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship Time in MPR 10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery and Children’s Church Available) 145 Daggett Way — Stateline, Nevada 89449 — (775) 588-5860 — [email protected] — www.tahoecommunitychurch.org Office Telephone extensions: Pastor Paul-101, Ted-103, Sarah and Preschool-107. Weekly Church Activities Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Fellowship at Lakeside upstairs restaurant 8:30 a.m. Prayer Gathering in Sanctuary 3:30 p.m. Awesome Kids 6:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice Thursday 9:00 a.m. Women’s Morning Study 5:30 p.m. Women’s Evening Study 6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Friday 2:30 p.m. Food Pantry A steadfast In- fluence Over the years, only a few of our ministries have stood the test of time and women’s Bible studies has been one of those. The beginnings of this ministry are a bit sketchy but we believe the Thursday morning group was first started by Joan Worley over 20 years ago. Sam Worley was our founding pastor and Joan his wife. The group was founded to provide women in the Church, and the community, a place to dive into God’s word, and for fellowship and encouragement. The women currently in the group (Continued on page 2) And the Story of the Month is… Snow!! Again!! For the second month in a row, our cover story is the snow and rain. January 2017 was one of the wettest months on record for the Reno area and I am sure lake Tahoe can’t be far behind. Sometimes people don’t realize what is truly important. We can have a church service without music. We can have a Church Service without preaching. We did that on January 1st when we had a special prayer service. However, you can not have a church service with out people. And if the snow is not cleared , there will be no people. I hope this makes the snow removal team realize just how important they are! So thanks again to: Leonard O’Malley, Bob Pav- ich, George Waite, Jeff Brumbach, Bill Kolstad and any- one else who may have helped out.
Page 1: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders

March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World

Sunday Worship Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Study Classes

- Adult Bible Study “The Book of 1John” in the MPR.

10:00 a.m. Praise Team Warm Up in Sanctuary

10:10 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship Time in MPR

10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Nursery and

Children’s Church Available)

145 Daggett Way — Stateline, Nevada 89449 — (775) 588-5860 — [email protected] — www.tahoecommunitychurch.org Office Telephone extensions: Pastor Paul-101, Ted-103, Sarah and Preschool-107.

Weekly Church Activities

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Fellowship at

Lakeside upstairs restaurant

8:30 a.m. Prayer Gathering in Sanctuary

3:30 p.m. Awesome Kids

6:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice

Thursday 9:00 a.m. Women’s Morning Study

5:30 p.m. Women’s Evening Study

6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study

Friday 2:30 p.m. Food Pantry

A steadfast In-fluence

Over the years, only a

few of our ministries

have stood the test of

time and women’s Bible studies has been one of

those. The beginnings of this ministry are a bit

sketchy but we believe the Thursday morning group

was first started by Joan Worley over 20 years ago.

Sam Worley was our founding pastor and Joan his

wife. The group was founded to provide women in

the Church, and the community, a place to dive into

God’s word, and for fellowship and encouragement.

The women currently in the group

(Continued on page 2)

And the Story of the Month is…

Snow!! Again!!

For the second month in a row, our cover

story is the snow and rain. January 2017 was one of

the wettest months on record for the Reno area and

I am sure lake Tahoe can’t be far behind.

Sometimes people don’t realize what is truly

important. We can have a church service without

music. We can have a Church Service without

preaching. We did that on January 1st when we

had a special prayer service. However, you can not

have a church service with out people. And if the

snow is not cleared , there will be no people. I hope

this makes the snow removal team realize just how

important they are!

So thanks again

to: Leonard

O’Malley, Bob Pav-

ich, George Waite,

Jeff Brumbach, Bill

Kolstad and any-

one else who may

have helped out.

Page 2: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

From the Pastor Search Committee!

By Kathy Pavich

The Pastor Search Committee

has been working hard to

narrow down our pastor can-

didates from 84 to 5 candi-

dates. We have interviewed

4 candidates and are in the

process of setting up an interview with our last candi-

date. All five candidates are godly men who would

fit nicely with our church.

We are in the process of discussing all the in-

formation we have on each candidate - their resume,

answers to various questions we have sent them, their

sermons, and their interviews. We are asking and

trusting the Lord for wisdom, discernment, and a clear

knowledge of who He is calling to be our next pastor

as we go through these steps. We do not have a time

period as to when this process will be complete, but

we believe we are closer to seeing who God has cho-

sen for our pastor.

Just a reminder that when the time comes,

according to the TCC By-Laws, only church members

may vote on the hiring of a new pastor. If you have

questions about whether you are a member or not,

please ask any of the Elders or Ted Beverage.

The committee is asking you to please contin-

ue to pray for us to receive God's guidance, wisdom

and discernment as we go forward to learn who God

has called to be our next pastor.

Each committee member has signed a confi-

dentiality agreement as we are dealing with not only

the candidates personal information, but this is also

an employment issue where we cannot divulge cer-

tain information. We can discuss generalities and

what steps the pastor search committee is taking dur-

ing this process. Please feel free to ask us these ques-


Pastor Search Committee Members:

Bob Pavich, Kathy Pavich,

Carol Borsos, Jan Hurst

Sandy Erridge,

Anna Rose Salvador,

Dan Wilkinson, Bill Kolstad,

Kathleen Huggins,

and Elder Bob Daly

Women’s Bible Study


told me that they re-

joice when God’s truth

becomes clear to them.

Over the years the

group has done studies from; The Joy of Living Series,

Priscila Shriver, Ann Graham Lot, Beth Moore and Jen-

nifer Rothschild. The current study is “1,2,3 John and

Jude” from the Joy of living series which they just start-

ed this week. Their participation ranged from around

12 to over 28 at any given time. The current leaders

are Tootie O’Malley, Kathy Pavich, Carol Borsos, and

Karen Beverage.

The Women’s evening Bible study was started

over 6 years ago by Rachela Fazio to meet the needs

of women who could not attend the morning group.

This was group has been the smaller of the two but

remains steadfast in the word of the Lord. The current

leader is Liz Cordero. This group is currently studying

the book of “Nehemiah” from The Joy of Living series.

Both of theses Women's groups continue in

their original purpose which is to study God’s word ,

and to promote fellowship for all of the women in the

community, not just our church members.

The Lord has clearly blessed this ministry and I

pray that He continues to do so long into the future.


Keeping Up With the Women

The Men’s bible studies have

also had a steady, positive

influence on our church

body. The Men’s group has

changed locations, and nights a few times but has

been around for awhile. For a long time the group

met in the home of Jim and Lisa Brockett and was led

by Jim. The group was open to all but was mostly at-

tended by church members. About two years ago

the group moved to the Church and was led by Elder

Jeff Brumbach. The men currently meet on Thursday

nights and are doing a study on the book of Nehemi-

ah. Elder Jeff remains the primary leader.

The Wednesday morning group continues to

meet at the Lakeside Inn. I like to call tis group, the

Breakfast bunch. Pastor Paul led the group for a long

time and when he left, Elder Leonard took over the

leadership role. This group is currently going through

the book of Hebrews.

Many men have been blessed by these bible studies!

Page 3: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

Elder Bob Wrote:

It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed

his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wit-

tenberg. It was an event that changed the world.

Think of what the world would look like if there was no

reformation? Spend a few minutes thinking of all that

the protestant church has brought to mankind? We

will spend some time this year observing what the re-

formers taught, and proclaimed from scripture.

Thoughts from the Music Director:

The five solas have provided a focus for our

church this year. The Sunday Morning Sunday Class

spent five weeks going though these very important

concepts. Elder Bob’s sermon on February 5 was on

the five solas. Pastor Corbett Robertson also referred

to them in his sermon on February 12th.

In February I started focusing our music each

week on one of the five solas. We highlighted the first

three in February and will cover the last two in March.

The music focus starting in mid-march will be

Easter. Please let me know what your favorite Easter

songs are so that I can include then in the lineup.


Pushpay being Used By Ted Beverage

In November we intro-

duce electronic giving at Ta-

hoe Community church. Those

that are using it say it is simple

once you get started with it.

There are flyers in the back of the church

that provide all the information you need to help

you get started.

If you would like hands-on training, talk to

me and I will put you in contact with someone who

is using it and is willing to walk you through it.

- From your phone: text tahoecc to 77977

- The easiest way to get started is to download our

church app or the Pushpay app.

- You can also go to our Church website:


Click “about us” and go to the “giving page.”

We highly encourage all of you who can to

use this system. The finance charges are more rea-

sonable if we get more users.

Food Pantry Remains a constant Presence

By Ted Beverage

The Food Pantry, like the

Men’s and Women’s Bible studies

has been one of our most blessed

and steady ministries.

We are instructed in the

Bible to feed the poor. And feed

the poor we have, physically and spiritually. There

are several places for the hungry to get food in lake

Tahoe, but as far as I know, we are the only ones

that also strive to meet their spiritual needs as well.

The Food pantry began in 1984. All the food

was stored in a metal filing cabinet on the back

porch of the church annex. From there the food

pantry moved up the kitchen in the church office. It

was them that a message started to be given before

recipients received their food.

The Food Pantry moved to the MPR after the

new worship center was completed 15 years ago. It

has grown from one metal cabinet to two commer-

cial freezers, a large commercial refrigerator, and

cabinets that line the back wall.

The Location, size, and leadership may have

changed over the years but one thing has not. Our

goal is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of

our community and with Gods help we have, and

will continue to do just that!

A Financial Update By Leonard O’Malley

In January, the church paid

off the credit line loan that was at

$5,436.00. The Mortgage is roughly

$48,000.00 and is reduced by

$1000.00 every month! God contin-

ues to great and mighty things! He is our provider.

Page 4: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

Coming in March A New Sunday

Morning Study Class

The Sunday Morning Study

class is scheduled to start go-

ing through this book some-

time in March. The exact

date will be announced soon.

Listed below are the 9 marks

and a brief description of


Expositional Preaching

Expositional preaching (otherwise known as exposito-

ry preaching) is the investigation of a particular pas-

sage of Scripture whereby the pastor carefully ex-

plains the meaning of a passage and then applies it

to the members of the congregation. The point of a

sermon then, takes the point of a particular passage.

Biblical Theology

This emphasizes not only how we are taught but al-

so what we are taught. In a sense this should follow

naturally from expository preaching because the

careful exposition of a passage should lead to sound


Biblical Understanding of the Good News

There needs to be a proper understanding and nec-

essary emphasis on the full gospel. Where many con-

temporary churches teach that Jesus wants to meet

our felt needs and give us a healthier self-image, that

is not the gospel. The gospel message is that we are

sinners who have rebelled against our Creator. But

Jesus took the curse that was rightfully ours and all

that remains is for us to have faith in Him so God may

credit Christ’s righteousness to our account.

Biblical Understanding of Conversion

When we have a Biblical understanding of the gos-

pel, we must then also have a proper understanding

of conversion. Conversion is a new birth from death

to life and is a work of God. It is not merely a change

of attitude or a change of affection, but a change

of nature.

Biblical Understanding of Evangelism

The way we evangelize speaks volumes about how

we understand conversion (and further, what we un-

derstand about the good news). If we believe that

people are essentially good and are seeking Jesus,

we evangelize using half truths and tend to elicit

false conversions. When we present a watered-down

gospel, we end up with a watered-down church.

Biblical Understanding of Membership

Church membership is a privilege and a responsibility

and needs to be regarded as such. People should

only be members if they are dedicated to the

church – in attendance, prayer, service and giving.

Biblical Church Discipline

Discipline guides church membership. The church has

the responsibility to judge the life and teaching of the

membership since they can negatively impact the

church’s witness of the gospel. Leadership need to be

firm in discipline as this is an expression of love to the


Promotion of Church Discipleship And Growth

We need to recover true discipleship – discipleship

that causes Christians to live lives of increasing holi-

ness. The emphasis on growth needs to be directed at

holiness rather than membership. True discipleship pro-

ducing strong, committed Christians will present a

clear witness to the world.

Biblical Understand of Leadership

Until recent times, almost all Protestants agreed that in

church government there should be a plurality of el-

ders (which means that there should be an office of

elder and not merely one or more pastors in positions

of leadership). This is a Biblical and practical model

that has fallen out of favor in modern times.

So, judging from the outline, how are we doing?

The starting date and the cost of books will be an-

nounced soon. Contact Elder Bob or Elder Leonard if

you are interested in getting a book or if you would

like more information.



This year, we’re celebrating

two decades of healed

hearts through the Chil-

dren’s Heart Project. Since

1997, the project has ar-

ranged lifesaving operations for more than 1,100 chil-

dren who live in countries where the required medical

expertise and equipment are not available. We pro-

vide airfare for the children, a parent, and a translator

and locate evangelical Christian churches and fami-

lies willing to host them.

But the journey doesn’t end there. When chil-

dren return home healed, they are a witness to their

families and communities of God’s goodness. Numer-

ous parents and children have also received Jesus

Christ as Lord and Savior while staying in North Ameri-

ca and become ambassadors for Him.

In addition, children often attend Heart

Camps, a weeklong camp in their home countries

where they can meet others who have gone through

the project and learn more about following the Lord.

Many of these patients, who otherwise likely would not

have reached adulthood, are now reaching others

with the Gospel.

Page 5: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

Tahoe Community Church looses a faithful Friend

I recently found out that Bob

Wernet, A long time non- resi-

dent member of Tahoe Community Church, had gone

home to be with the Lord. Bob and Joy were some of

the first people that Karen and I met 14 years ago the

first time we visited this Church. Bob and Joy both

overflowed with the joy of the Lord and were people

that everyone instantly liked. The best way to describe

Bob was that he was a Christian, a true follower of

Christ, and a southern gentleman. Here are excerpts

from his obituary:

Robert F. Wernet

Memphis, TN

Mr. Robert F. Wernet passed away at the age

of 89 years, 4 months and 25 days, on Sunday, January

15, 2017 in the Kirby Pines Retirement Community.

Mr. Wernet is survived by his wife, Joy, of 50

years, son, Robert F. Wernet, Jr. (Helen) of Asheville,

NC, daughter, Carolyn Wernet of Edmond, OK, step-

son, Joe Hunt of McKenzie, TN, and granddaughter,

Kaitlin Wernet of Nashville, TN. He was preceded in

death by grandson, Kendall Wernet.

Mr. Wernet was a graduate of Purdue Universi-

ty, University of Memphis Law School, and

a WWII veteran. While owner and President of the

Credit Adjustment Service, Inc. of Memphis, he served

as National President of the Medical, Dental and Hos-

pital Business Bureaus; received the Robert Hellron Na-

tional Award for Outstanding Service; and was Nation-

al Director of Collectors Division of the Associated

Credit Bureaus of America. . At the local level he

served on boards of the Better Business Bureau, Boys

and Girls Clubs Of America. He was a member of the

American Heart Association, Memphis Rotary

Club and was a Shelby County Special Deputy. He

was a long time member of Second Baptist Church,

Memphis, and Tahoe Community Church, Lake Tahoe,


Published in The Commercial Appeal on Jan. 19, 2017-

Missionary News & Prayer

From: Carol Borsos

Ryan & Danielle Stauffer

Lima, Peru/Christian School

The Stauffer’s are praying for TCC’s pastor


- Pray for the upcoming Spiritual Emphasis Week at

our school, March 27-30. LIke VBS for the elementary

students and a conference for the secondary stu-

dents. Pray students would be moved by God

whether to grow deeper in their faith or to come to

know Jesus as their Savior.

- Pray for our teachers and staff to be strengthened

in the Lord daily so that they may faithfully serve


- Pray for Ryan and the rest of the Admin team for

wisdom in making decisions to lead our school.

- Pray for our family unit to be centered on God and

to raise our baby daughter in the Lord.

- Pray for our health and protection while we live in

this large city and for wisdom for our housing next


They say thank you for the prayers and our

faithfulness to ask what they need prayer for!

Pastor Warris with FMI


Concerns about the unusual large outpour-

ing of terror incidents across Pakistan during the

months of February have brought the first military

raids in major cities. Many of FMI’s supported pas-

tors live in these areas. There is uncertainty about

the future as the government has yet to back this

military operation.

- Pray that Christians in general, and FMI-supported

partners in particular (like Pastor Warris), will contin-

ue to courageously radiate light and hope in dark


- Intercede for FMI's wire transfers into Pakistan for

our partners. There is significant corruption in the

country's banking system and often the banks do

not deliver to our financial administrator in the coun-

try the full amount sent to him. (Bank managers and

others simply and blatantly take a cut of the overall

amount.) Pray for justice to grip people's hearts and

full release of funds!

- Intercede for the security of Pakistani churches -

that Christians may gather for worship and fellow-

ship safely. Many of the churches are simply too

poor to install safety devices or hire guards during

meeting times.

(Continued on page 6)

Upright Piano for sale

The Church has a beautiful up-

right piano that it would like to sell. It is

a spruce, Schafer and Sons piano in

excellent condition. Please contact

Ted if you or anyone you know might be interested.

Page 6: Tahoe Community Church · 2019-01-17 · Tahoe Community Church Notes, Announcements, Needs and Reminders March 2017 Worshiping Together, Making Disciples, Reaching our World Sunday

Here to Serve You:

Elders: Jeff Brumbach, Bob Daly, Leonard O’Malley

Deacons/Deaconesses: Susie Brumbach, Jacky Daly, Jerry Klosterboer, Bob Pavich, Kathy Pavich, Tootie

O’Malley, Suzette Waite, Ted Beverage

Church Staff: Ted Beverage, Music Director

Preschool Staff: Sarah Tran, Director/Teacher. Teachers: Lauren Marshall and Kimberly Sims.

Teacher Assistants: Raeanne Wilson, Julie Ryan, and Jeannie Oller. Office Manager: Thomas Tran

P.O. Box 6598

Stateline, NV 89449

(Missionary News and Prayers continued)

Tim & Susan Driscoll

Overseas Missionary Fellowship/Japan

- They have had to start again seeking a Japanese pastor. God’s

Hand is at work there just like He is here for TCC.

- Home assignment for the Driscoll’s begins in July. Saying “goodbye”

to a pastor-less church isn’t easy for them so pray for God’s timing

and provision of a pastor for Saitama Church to be before they leave

if it His will.

- Praise the Lord for an almost-finished church constitution (which was

agreed to by the church members at their last believer’s meeting).

This has been a 3 year process and they trust it will help protect the

identity of the church and give guidance for upcoming leadership.

- Praise God He provided grace, energy and wisdom for the Pre-

Home-Assignment-Workshop Susan led in January. Thank you for pray-

ing! How exciting to see Japanese being sent out as missionaries with


- Pray God would raise up more Japanese Christians with a heart to

serve Him cross-culturally.

- Praise the Lord for His abundant provision for another year where we

were 100% financially supported, having all we needed for life and

ministry in Japan!! They are so thankful for many who partner with

them. To view blogs of missionary life in Japan go to http://


Announcements - Fellowship Meal: Our next fellowship meal will be

on March 5th after Church. Please join us for a

great time of eating, fellowship, and getting to

know each other better.

- Daylight Savings Time: Daylight Savings Time be-

gins on Sunday, March 12rh. Don’t forget to set your

clocks ahead one hour!

- Workers needed for Nursery and Children’s wor-

ship: We are looking for volunteers to help out in this

vital Sunday Morning Ministry. Please contact Su-

zette Waite for more information. No experience is

required, just a loving heart and a willingness to


- Scripture Memory Verses for February

- March 5th Hebrews 13:2

- March 12th 1 Peter 4:10

- March 19th James 3:3-12

- March 26th Romans 14:4
