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Tailieu.vncty.com trac nghiem tong hop tieng anh c

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Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp trình độ C 1. In 1950, a teenager was simply someone _________ between 13 and 19. old aged aging grown old 2. A whole series of industries, which were ________ at the teenage market, grew up during the 1950s. pointed pinpointed directed steered 3. Therefore, cinemas became more expensive to get to, and in ________ audience numbers declined even more. consequence eventuality sequence result 4. A man's suit of 1925 would not have looked out of ________ in 1950 or 1985. shape condition place display 5. ______________ mainly to changes in technology, clothes today are much cheaper. Due Prior
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Trắc nghiệm tổng hợp trình độ C

1. In 1950, a teenager was simply someone _________ between 13 and 19.




grown old

2. A whole series of industries, which were ________ at the teenage market, grew up during the 1950s.





3. Therefore, cinemas became more expensive to get to, and in ________ audience numbers declined even more.





4. A man's suit of 1925 would not have looked out of ________ in 1950 or 1985.





5. ______________ mainly to changes in technology, clothes today are much cheaper.



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6. My manager has ________ some questions about his business.





7. As he always said, he took a scientific __________ in the unexplained.





8. The Hays Code was often the ___________ of jokes, very often because it was so specific.





9. By the time the children get to four or five, they have already been ________ into their social roles.





10. Men still expect their jobs to take ____________.




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11. Uncontrollable bush fires __________ by high winds engulfed nearly 300 houses in the states of Victoria and South Australia.





12. A six-meter shark dies after trying to swallow a man ______.





13. Help is _________ for sufferers from the flue epidemic which broke out before Christmas.

on the way

in the way

by the way

over the way

14. In the late 1970s a newspaper _________ an opinion poll.





15. After a lot of difficulty, he __________ to open the door.





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16. Finding the money is just one of the problems _________ in buying a house.





17. Modern architecture, in many _________ , is horribly ugly.





18. The examiners often __________ extremely difficult questions for the literature exams.





19. ______________ that he only started learning it two years ago, his English is excellent.





20. She ____________ 20 pounds out of the bank every Monday.





21. Marietta had _______ (a ferocious) appetite after running that race.

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an endless

a helpful

a poor

a fierce

22. The tops of the _______ (a submerged) mountain chain form the islands of Japan.

a huge

a spacious

an underwater

a rocky

23. Hungting and killing lions was a favorite _________ (pastime) of Assyrian Kings.





24. he ______ (fervently) believed that the hard work would be worthwhile in the long run.





25. There was no way to ________ (pacify) the workers once the strike had begun.


calm down



26. When the bell rang, the chemistry student ________ (jerked) her

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hand and spilled the acid.

abruptly pulled


gently moved


27. ________ (subsequent) events proved the man to be right.





28. He is _______ (dubious) about the success of the plan.





29. His natural intelligence and his experience enabled him to ______ (cope) with the problem.





30. The man _______ (neglected) to file his income tax and therefore had to pay a fine.





31. As soon as the consumer protection law was passed, some manufacturers began to ________ to have it changed.

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32. I'm so tired that I can't take __________ what you're saying.





33. Prizes are awarded _________ the number of points scored.

resulting from

adding up

presented to

according to

34. When her millionaire father died, the heiress ____________ a fortune.

came into

came at

came through

came to

35. After his grilfriend left him, George determined never ________ in love again.

to fall


for to fall

having fallen

36. __________, Nathan Hale was a young schoolteacher living in Connecticut.

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When the American Revolution began

The American Revolution

It was when the American Revolution

The beginning of the American Revolution

37. Penguins usually do not get wet ____________ their feathers are kept oily by tiny oil glands.





38. In explaining the theory of relativity, the scientist states that mechanical laws that are true in one place _____________ equally valid in any other place.


they should be


to be

39. ____________ is called erosion.

The wearing away of land

When the land wears away

Land which wears away

Wearing away land

40. ___________ we drove the horses into the stable.

Aware that a tornado was brewing

Because a tornado brewing

Although a tornado was brewing

A tornado was brewing

41. _____________ to find stars in pairs.

It is very common

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Being very common

Very common is

That is very common

42. For the first time ____________, large portions of the universe can be observed simultaneously.

since history

in history

history began

of the beginning of history

43. The committee has met and ____________.

they have reached a decision

it has formulated themselves some opinions

its decision was reached at

it has reached a decision

44. Precausions are taken _____________ a hurricane threatens to strike the coast of the United States.





45. Tears _______ anger and tension naturally.

are relieved



what they relieve

46. In a single day, _________ are as many as thousands of people involved in business deals in one area.



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47. Paper ________ from cellulose fibers.

is produced



which is produced

48. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests; however, _______________.

she hadn't many sugar

there was not a great amount of the sugar

she did not have much sugar

she was lacking in amount of the sugar

49. Having been served lunch, __________________.

the problem was discussed by the members of the committee

the committee discussed the problem

it was discussed by the committee members the problem

a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee

50. __________________ received law degrees as today.

Never so many women have

Never have so many women

The women aren't ever

Women who have never

51. Bigamy is a situation in which a man ___________ two women at the same time.

marries to

is marry to


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is married to

52. Bees have compound eyes ____________ of almost 6000 tiny lenses.

made over

made in

made on

made up

53. ________________ the reactions of people with amnesia, scientists are learning more about the process of memory in the brain.

By studying

To study

They study

They're studying

54. ________________ in any electric typewriter is the ability to correct spelling errors.

There are many new features

New features

The new features

One of the new features

55. The weather in the far north is not _______________ it is near the Equator.

like humid as

as humid as

humid as

so humid that

56. A dog __________ on his owner's lap may refuse to eat from a bowl on the floor.


is fed

was fed

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to feed

57. The impact of two vehicles can cause a lot of ________ to both.





58. The greatest ___________ between fresh water and sea water lies in its concentration of salt.

difference that

is a difference

difference is


59. 'Sky-diving' must be one of the most exciting sport ____________.

to watch

for watch

for watching

on watch

60. On Tuesday August 11th, 1911 a young artist, Louis Beraud, arrived at the Louvre in Paris __________ a painting of the Salen Carré.

who complete

who completed

to complete

on completing

61. Questions 61- 68: Chester Arthur, the twenty-first President of the United States, was an unlikely holder of the highest office in the land. Born in Vermont in 1830, he was son of an Irish immigrant father and a New Hampshire mother. After becoming a lawyer in New York, he joined the Republican Party and eventually came to hold a number of state offices there, including a position as head of the New York Customs House. Though personally honest, Arthur's administration was marred by corrupt practices, and he was removed from office in 1878.

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When James Garfield was elected as the Republican Party's presidential candidate in 1880, Arthur, who belonged to a faction that had supported the renomination of President Grant, was offered the Vice-Presidency as a concilatory gesture. Arthur accepted, and then, in 1881, was elevated to the Presidency following Garfield's assasination. In view of his far-from-unblemished record and his lack of strong political support, even within his own party, Arthur's move to the White House was viewed with great concern by many Americans, but, to the astonishment of most, his administration proved to be a competent and honest one. However, he never was elected President in his own right, being defeated for the nomination at his party's convention in 1884, and dying in November two years later of Bright's disease during the presidency of a Democrat, Grover Cleveland. 61: How does the writer describe the fact that Arthur became President?

as disliked

as eventual

as improbable

as conciliatory

62. Chester Arthur was ....

of mixed Iris-American stock

born of Irish parents

born in New Hampshire

born in New York

63. Which of the following best describes Arthur's tenure as the head of the New York Customs House?

a thorougly corrupt admisnitration

one suffering from much corruption that Arthur, though not involved, failed to remedy

one which, in spite of the efforts of honest officials, was made corrupt by its leader

one in which corruption was not eradicated from Arthur's office until 1878.

64. Why was Arthur invited to become Garfield's running-mate?

because his support for President Grant was half-hearted

because of his previous record in office

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because Garfield wanted to hold the Republican Party together

because there was a danger of Garfield's being assasinated

65. During his years as President, Arthur was

a cause of great concern to the American people

a pleasant surprise to most people

far from unblemished in his conduct

the focus of strong political support

66. Who was the twentieth President of the United States?

Grover Cleveland

Ulysses S.Grant

Chester Arthur

James Garfield

67. In his bid for re-election, Arthur was defeated by ...

a fellow Republican


Grover Cleveland

an unnamed Democrat

68. How old was Chester Arthur when he died?





69. Questions 69-75 Horace Pippin, as an African-American soldier during World War I, was wounded in his right arm. He discovered, however, that by keeping his right wrist steady with his left hand, he could paint and draw. Pippin was not trained, but his artistic sensitivity and intuitive feel for two-dimensional design and the arrangement of color and patterns made him one of the finest Primitive artists America has produced. Pippin did a series of paintings on the abolitionist John Brown and one on his war experiences, but he shied away from social issues for the most

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part and achieved his greatest success with scenes of the people and places of his hometown of West Chester, Pennsylvania. His "Domino Players", featuring four women gathered around a wooden table in a simple kitchen setting, is an excellent example of his rural domestic scenes. 69: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about primitive art?

It is two-dimensional.

Colors and patterns are important

Artists do not have to be trained for it

It is used primarily for paining portraits

70. Horace Pippin discovered he could paint and draw...

during World War I

when he completed his artistic training

when someone reminded him of his artistic sensitivity

by holding his right wrist steady with his left hand.

71. Where in the passage is the name of Pippin's hometown mentioned?

Lines 6-7

Line 9

Line 11

Lines 13-14

72. It may be inferred from the passage that Pippin

had a simple upbringing

was obsessed with the subject of abolition

was devastated by his war experiences

wanted nothing to do with his past

73. The word "arrangement" in the passage could best be replaced by which of the following?



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74. With which of the following statements would the author probably agree?

Horace Pippin was a poorly trained, mediocre artist.

Primitive art is an excuse for lack of training and talent.

Horace Pippin made a significant contribution to American art.

Horace Pippin placed too much emphasis on social issues in his work.

75. This passage would most likely be required reading in which course?




Art History

76. Questions 76-80 A preventive medicine specialist may have found the reason for the "addictive" properties of regular exercise. The finding may also explain why athletes often fail to notice an injury until after the competition is over. Dr. Lee S. Berk has found that persons who exercise regularly produce high levels of a natural opiate called beta-endorphin in response to strenuous activity. This substance, a hormone produced by brain and the pituitary gland, increases pain tolerance, counters stress, and imparts a feeling of well-being. In his study of six men and six women who were tested on a treadmill, those who jogged regularly and were physically fit produced beta-endprphin more rapidly and in far greater amounts than those who were usually sedentary. After the activity was stopped, beta-endorphin vevels drops back to normal. In the nonrunners, only a small rise in beta-endorphin occured while they exercised. However, a larger increase in beta-endorphin production was noted some time after the activity was finished, when it was ineffective. Dr.Berk noted that beta-endorphin production may also account for other benefits of vigorous exercise, sich as its ability to lower blood pressure and suppress appetite, both of which are known effects of the hormone. "Beta-endorphin may also explain why people become addicted to exercise," Dr. Berk said. 76: According to the passage, all of the following are direct effects of beta-endorphin, EXCEPT

reduced stress

a feeling of well-being

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an increased tolerance of pain

improved physical strength

77. In persons who exercise regularly, beta-endorphin is produced

while they are exercising

after vigorous activity is over

as soon as an injury occurs

whenever their blood pressure rises

78. How many people participated in the study?





79. According to the passage, which of the following is true of people who get no strenuous physical exercise?

They usually have high blood pressure.

They do not generally feel well.

They produce little beta-endorphin.

They outnumber those who jog regularly.

80. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following people might benefit the most from the effects of beta-endorphin?

Those who want to lose weight.

Those addicted to opiates.

Those who work inefficiently.

Those with low blood pressure

81. Questions 81-90 Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. For many thousands of years, it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of

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preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but alsoo for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of "knowledge" at all. Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowldge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild - and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away. 81: Which of the following assumptionsabout early humans is expressed in the passage?

They probably had extensive knowledge of plants.

They divided knowledge into well-defined fields.

They did not enjoy the study of botany.

They placed great importance on owndership of property.

82. The word "peculiar" in the passage is closest in meaning to ....





83. What does the comment "This is logical" in the passage mean?

There is no clear way to determine the extent of our ancestors' knowledge of plants.

It is not surprising that early humans had a detailed knowledge of

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It is reasonable to assume that our ancestors behaved very much like people in preindustrial societies.

Human knowledge of plants is well organized and very detailed.

84. The phrase "properties of each" in the passage refers to each...





85. According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany declined?

People no longer value plants as a useful resource.

Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science.

Research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants.

Direct contact with a variety of plants had decreased.

86. In the passage, what is the author's purpose in mentioning "a rose, an apple, or an orchid?"

To make the passage more poetic.

To cite examples of plants that are attractive.

To give botanical examples that most readers will recognize

To illustrate the diversity of botanical life.

87. According to the passage, what was the first great step toward the practice of agriculture?

The invention of agricultural implementations and machinery.

The development of a system of names for plants.

The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted.

The changing diets of early humans.

88. The word "controlled" in the passage is closest in meaning to...


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89. The relationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relationship between zoology (the study of animals) and ...

deer hunting

bird watching

sheep raising

horseback riding

90. Where in the passage does the author describe the benefits people derive from plants?

Lines 1-2

Lines 8-12

Lines 14-16

Lines 19-22

91. Questions 91-100 We live in a scientific age, which means that everything we do is based on rational decisions and careful investigation of the facts. Nobody is given a job because his eyes are blue, even though we sometimes refer to the boss's favourite as his "blue-eyed boy." Nobody buys a house because the moon shines through the bedroom windows on certain nights in the month. We would not dream of marrying someone simply because of the shape of their fingernails. No, we all agree that we act, or try to act, sensibly and as a result of using our brains. If this is the case, I should like to know what makes so many people read the horoscopes which are to be found in practically every newspaper and magazine in the country. They will tell you, of course, that they do not believe a word of it, that it is all nonsense, just a bit of fun. And yet horoscopes are big business. There is a good living to be made from writing "professional" horoscopes for people who are prepared to provide their full name, and the date, time and exact place of birth, together with a handsome fee. I recently got someone to do my horoscope. (I did not pay for it, so to that extent I feel superior!) and I would not mind reproducing part of it for you to see. I say "part of it" because it is very long and you might get bored after a while, although the lady who did it for me asserts that I only want you to see the bits that are most flattering. Now, of course, I do not believe in what she wrote, and I think she

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describes my character accurately for the simple reason that she knows me very well anyway. But I have been unnerved more than a few times in my life by being identified at once as a "Gemini" type by people who did not know anything about me, except what they had been able to learn from a short acquaintance. Similarly, I once had my palm read by a young lady who did not know me at all. Please understand that I did not really believe in palmistry at the time. My reason for letting her read my palm was that she was a very pretty young lady, and it seemed an excellent excuse for holding her hand, or rather letting her hold mine, and getting to know her better. Our relationship, I regret to say, did not develope owing to the sudden arrival of her regullar boy-friend, but she had had enough time by then to do a character sketch of me that was devastatingly accurate. I was so impressed by her performance that I got another lady (who was not quite so young or pretty, so at least I had no ulterior motive this time) to show me how to interpret the lines of the hand, and other features such as hand shape, relative length of the fingers and so on. I tried out my new-found knowledge in a number of light-hearted situations, but it soon became something more than a mere party trick. I have sometimes been so accurate in my interpretations of the good and bad features of character that I have unintentionally offended people I liked. It is important to distinguish between reading hands to interpret character, and reading hands to predict an individual's future; the former seems much more likely to have some basis of truth than the latter. All the same, we have all met people who have been told things about their future by gypsies, clairvoyants and the like, and who swear that these things have come true. Many quite ordinary people, who make no special claims to have the gift of foresight, have had premonitions of such misfortunes as illness, deaths in the family and accidents; so many, in fact, that there must be more to this business of foretelling the future than meets the eye. The paradox is that in this scientific age, when we claim to believe only what we can prove, we go on reading horoscopes or visiting the fortune teller at the fair, which are almost certainly worthless; but at the same time, we refuse to take seriously the few scientific investigations that have been made into what we might call the paranormal or the supernatural. Obviously, we want to have our cake and eat it. Personally, I remain completely sceptical about astrology, but I am convinced that our minds and our bodies are much mroe complex than we realise. Therefore; it is foolish to reject some kinds of human experience just because at the moment we cannot find any rational scientific explanation for them. 91: The writer sees a contradiction between the popualrity of horoscopes and the fact that...

most people say they are nonsense.

we live in a scientific age.

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newsspaper horoscopes are not scientifically prepared.

they are quite expensive when they are done professionally.

92. The writer will reveal only parts of his horoscopes, not the whole thing, because he...

is ashamed of some parts of it.

only wants us to see the complimentary parts.

does not think we would be interested in the whole thing.

simply wants to illustrate his argument (point of view).

93. The writer thinks his horoscope was accurate because the woman who wrote it...

had spent many years studying astrology.

already knew that he was born under the sign "Gemini".

did it out of interest, not for money.

already knew a lot about him.

94. The first time the writer had his palm read, it was because he wanted to...

find out more about palmistry.

hold a young lady's hand.

get to know a young lady better.

see how much the young lady knew about him

95. He wanted to learn how to read hands because...

he thought it would be an amusing thing to do at parties.

his interest had been aroused by having his own hand read.

he was looking for an excuse to know a young lady.

it was a way of finding out if there was a scientific explanation for palmistry

96. The young lady who first read his palm gave a description which was...

very upsetting for him.

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very close to the truth about his character.

very brief and sketchy.

very amusing and light-hearted

97. As far as foretelling the future is concerned, the writer believes that...

even quite ordinary people can sometimes do it.

only special gifted people can do it.

nobody can really do it.

most people only do it for money.

98. The writer has sometimes upset people when reading their hands because he has...

placed too much emphasis on their bad features.

left out a lot of important information.

not taken it seriously enough.

described their characters very accurately.

99. According to the writer, our usual reaction to any scientific investigation into the paranormal is one of...

indifference - we really don't care very much.

amazement - we are surprised by what is revealed.

interest - we are fascinated by the subject.

incomprehension - we really don't understand what it is all about.

100. The writer's views about the paranormal can be summarised as follows: he thinks that we should...

make more scientific investigations into such phenomena.

remain completely sceptical about such things.

not dismiss the paranormal as nonsense just because we cannot explain everything scientifically at the time.

be able to explain all paranormal phenomena in terms of natural laws.
