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TAISM HS Student-Parent handbook

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TAISM HS Student-Parent handbook
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This Student / Parent Handbook is provided to TAISM students and parents for the purpose of conveying the school’s policies, general procedures and common behav-ioral expectations. The Handbook is prepared by the school administration after a review of policies approved by TAISM’s Board of Directors and input from the school’s Professional Staff. Questions regarding the Handbook can be addressed to the school’s Principal or Director.

The American International School of Muscat (TAISM)P.O Box 584, Azaiba, Postal code 130, Sultanate of Oman

Phone: (0) 968 - 2459 5180 / Fax: (0) 968 - 2450 3815Email: [email protected] / Website: http://www.taism.com

Kevin SchaferDirector

Keith BonifacePrincipal

Ryan HaynesCounselor

Zarita SaldanhaHS Secretary

Nancy PatalinghugCounselor’s Secretary

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Welcome to High School at TAISM!

Dear Students and Parents,

On behalf of the faculty and administration, I would like to welcome you to the 2012-13 school year! For returning students, it will be good to see your smiling faces in the hallways and classrooms. For those of you new to the TAISM community, jump right in. You’ll find that the warmth of Oman is only matched by the warmth of this community. If there is anything we can do to help you with the transition to our school, please let us know.

This is a handbook of things that go beyond our curriculum. Here you’ll find out about everything from our Acceptable-use Policy in IT to our excellent Discover Oman program (which is a part of our curriculum). The audience is both parents and students. You’ll find out when you can use your phone at school and what some of our common agreements are about grading practices. Like most school handbooks, the information is pertinent, but perhaps not as gripping as the novels you’ll read in English class. Keep it handy and refer to it when you have questions. If you’re reading a paper copy, please know that it is also available online at our school website (www.taism.com).

For me, this is a special year. Like the ninth graders, it is my first year in High School. I’ve been a principal for many years, and finally I’m being trusted with what is arguably the most important years in your education. The decisions you make over the time you are in high school will have lasting implications. The TAISM faculty is here to support you with your academic goals and is eager for you to succeed. You’ll be fortunate to be part of a like-minded student body that is also striving to do their best.

So, get involved. Make your time worthwhile and savor the opportunity you have before you. I’m looking forward to an incredible year!

Keith BonifaceHigh School Principal

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TAISM Mission Statement and Core Beliefs Pg. 3

Introduction to TAISM Pg. 5 General Information Pg. 8

Student Matters Pg. 9

Parent Issues Pg. 26

High School Academics Pg. 31

High School Co-Curricular Activities Pg. 42

Common Expectations and Disciplinary Philosophy Pg. 51

Other Information Pg. 55 Reference to Board of Directors’ Policies Related to the Student/Parent Handbook Pg. 56

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The American International School of Muscat

The American International School of Muscat (TAISM) is a private, non-profit college preparatory, co-educatioal day school. The school is designed to afford expatriate children of all nationalities the best possible educational program within the context of an English language, American-based curriculum.



The mission of The American International School of Muscat is to pursue academic excellence for students in the international community through an American-based education that develops ethical, responsible, and globally conscious life-long learners.

Core Beliefs

The following core-beliefs are the foundation of TAISM’s educational program:

• The purpose of education is to enable all students to develop their intellectual, emotion-al, social and physical potential to the fullest.

• A liberal arts education is best suited to providing students with an understanding of humankind’s intellectual traditions and accomplishments, strengthening their powers of thought, judgment, and aesthetic appreciation, and preparing them for responsible citizenship.

• All students are capable of achieving academic success. Therefore, within the framework of the school’s standards, teachers adapt their educational practices to the needs of stu-dents.

• A close relationship among students, parents, faculty and the administrators enhances the educational process.

• TAISM’s location in the Sultanate of Oman offers unique and invaluable learning opportunities for all members of the school community.

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Guided by our core beliefs, The American International School of Muscat strives to achieve the following aims:

• To prepare students for academic and personal success in higher education;

• To engage students in the learning process;

• To create an environment in which students, staff and parents cooperate in an effective partnership;

• To provide a safe and secure school environment;

• To offer student activities which cultivate self-discipline, respect and coop- eration;

• To foster an environment in which cultural and individual differences are valued;

• To create a challenging intellectual program for exploring the arts, humanities and sciences;

• To build self-esteem by providing opportunities to experience success and develop leadership skills;

• To foster a high regard for physical and emotional well being;

• To develop, teach and continuously assess a curriculum which emphasizes mastery of basic skills and promotes critical thinking;

• To help students develop standards of good judgment and respectful behavior;

• To value intellectual curiosity and encourage students to take ownership of their education;

• To help students understand the complexities of humanitarian and environmental issues, and to encourage them to accept the responsibilities of good citizenship; and

• To develop programs that enable students to learn about and appreciate Oman’s history, culture and environment.


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Introduction to TAISM


In conjunction with the Embassy of the United States of America, the MinistryofEducationoftheSultanateofOman,andtheOfficeofOverseas Schools of the United States Department of State, a group of parents and business leaders came together to establish The American International School of Muscat. It was the intention of this group to establish the framework for a premium educational institution that would serve the needs of many in the expatriate community of Muscat.

The United States Embassy received approval from the Ministry of Education for the establishment of TAISM with operations commenc-ing August 1998. The American International School of Muscat (TAISM) opened in August of 1998, with grades Pre-Kindergarten through 10. Grade 11 was added in the 1999-2000 school year and grade 12 in the 2000-2001 school year

Board Structure:

TAISM is governed by a 10-member School Board – 7 with voting priv-ilegesand3ex-officioparticipants.TheU.S.Ambassadorappointsfour of the voting members, including the Board Chair, and the TAISM Association elects three from the parent community. Members serve foraperiodoftwoyearsandtheboardelectsofficersoftheBoard.Theex-officiomembersoftheBoardaretheDirector,ateacherrep-resentative, and the U.S Ambassador’s Representative.

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TAISM Association

The TAISM Association is made up of parents or legal guardians of currently enrolled students and full-time faculty members. All TAISM Association members are eligible to: • Standforelection,

• VoteinBoardelections,

• ServeonBoardadhoccommittees,

• ContractedteachersmaynotrunforBoardelection.They have a representative on the Board.


The purpose of the American International School of Muscat is to of-fer the best English medium, educational program to the international community in Oman, within the context of an American-based curric-ulum. The curriculum at TAISM is comprised of a required program of studies based on standards and benchmarks created by professional organizations (Council of Basic Education, U.S.A.). The aim of the curriculum and the program of studies is to prepare students for ac-ceptance at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad.

The Advanced Placement program (AP, College Board, U.S.A.) is of-fered in grades 11 and 12. TAISM follows the AERO standards (Ameri-can Education Reaches Out), a U.S. Department of State program, in its curriculum review process. TAISM is accredited by the New Eng-land Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS), and is a member of the Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA).


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Student/Parent Participation

Parents, students, and the school have a mutual responsibility to work asateamforthebenefitofthestudent.Theschoolstaff,faculty,admin-istration and board will work to implement the TAISM Mission. To provide students with the best chance to succeed, TAISM depends on the following commitment from students and parents.


Students will:

• Pursueindividualexcellenceanddotheirbestatalltimes,• Participateandcontributepositivelytotheirclasses,• Demonstratearespectfulandcaringattitudetowardadultsand studentsintheschoolcommunity,• Displayself-disciplineandtakeresponsibilityfortheirlearning,• Besensitivetotheuniquenatureofotherstudentsandtheircultures,• Actwithanunderstandingofrightandwrongandstrivetobehonest atalltimes,• AbidebytheCodeofConductoutlinedintheStudentHandbook.


• Activelyparticipateintheirchild’sschoollife.• Guidetheirchildwithanunderstandingofrightandwrong,asense ofhonestandethicalbehavior,andrespectforallpeople.• Providearegulartimeandplaceforhomeworkandassisttheirchild withhis/herhomeworkwhennecessary.• Worktoestablishandmaintainopenandrespectfulcommunication withteachers.• AssisttheirchildinfollowingtheCodeofConduct.

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General Information


TheAdministrativeOffices(Director,BusinessManager,Director’sAssistantandAccountants)arelocatedonthegroundfloor.TheAccountantshandlepay-ment of school fees.

PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE TheHSPrincipal’sOfficeislocatedupstairs,offtherotundanearthefaculty housing. Please call 2459-5180, ext. 190, to make an appointment. The SecretaryislocatedoutsidethePrincipal’sOffice.


Thecounselor’sofficeislocatednextdoortothePrincipal’sOffice.Appoint-ments can be made through the Counselor’s Secretary at ext. 170.

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• 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Students arrive• 8:25a.m. Warningbell-proceedtoclass• 8:30a.m. Classesbegin• 3:30p.m. Dismissal• 3:40–5:10p.m. After-schoolactivities

Students who are not in a supervised activity after regular dismissal are expected to leave the campus promptly at the end of the school day. The school is not responsible for students who are at school before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:45 p.m. un-less they are in a supervised activity. High School students may stay after school if they are working with a teacher or studying in the library. The library remains open until 4:45.


TAISM has a full-time High School Counselor available to assist students and families with personal and/or academic questions and concerns. The High School Counselor is a facilitator in the referral and assessment pro-cess for students who may need special assistance in order to succeed. The High School Counselor also makes every effort to help students and parents in the college selection and application process through regularly scheduled information sessions.

The Counselor maintains an ”open door policy” in order to be available as muchaspossibletosupportstudents,parents,andstaffinfindingthebestsolutions for educational and personal achievement.

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A major responsibility of each TAISM stu-dent is to attend class. Academic success and regular attendance are closely related. Absences, avoidable and unavoidable, ex-cused and unexcused, are detrimental to the educational process. The school does not condone absences that are avoidable (e.g. early departure for vacation, late arrival from vacation, etc.).

When a student is absent without prior no-tification, a note signed by the parent giving the reason for the absence (i.e., illness, family emergency) and date(s) of the absence is re-quired the day the student returns to school. The note should be given to the Principal’s Secretary. If a student is absent due to ill-ness for more than two days, a medical note is required. If a student is absent for medical reasons, a parent should inform the Principal so make-up work can be arranged.

In cases where an absence is unavoidable, parents should notify the High School office as soon as they know of a planned absence. Students will then obtain a form for home-work to take to teachers that indicates if the homework is to be completed either prior to or after the absence. The Principal then signs the form. Please note that due to the nature of the variety of assessments faculty employ, it may not be possible to ‘make up’ a missed lesson or assignment. If an assessment that cannot be replicated is missed (e.g., perfor-mance-based or semester exams), students may lose credit for that assignment.

Students are responsible for all material that is missed due to absence.

Unexcused absences and/or repeated tardi-ness will result in other consequences as de-termined appropriate by the Principal. Unex-cused absences include, but are not limited to, skipping class, coming to school late, and at-tending non-school events. A parent note does not necessarily excuse an avoidable absence.

If a student skips a class, they will not receive any credit for the class they missed. As per Board policy (7.30), students are expected to attend classes daily in order to receive the maximum amount of academic instruction.

When a student is absent for more than 10% of a course in a semester, the Principal shall send a written notice to the student about the con-sequences of further absences, and notify the parents or guardian.

When a student is absent for more than 15% of a course in a semester, the Principal shall conference with the parents or guardian and the student. At this time, the student will be warned that further absences may lead to a loss of credit or possibly class standing.

It is school procedure to call home and verify the absence of all students not in attendance. Parents can assist with this verification by call-ing the Principal’s Office directly.

Both excused and unexcused absences shall be counted when calculating the above percent-ages. School-sponsored activities are not in-cluded in the total absences.



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As a general rule, students receive the same number of school days to complete missed work as the number of days absent. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with indi-vidual teachers to obtain make-up work. Students receive credit for make-up work.


Students must make every attempt to get to class on time. If tardy, it is the student’s responsibility to get a signed late pass from the Principal’s Secretary.

When tardies to classes become excessive, teachers will refer students to the Principal for disciplinary action.


If students are required to leave the school grounds during the instructional day, it is important that they sign out in the Prin-cipal’s Office. If students are held in the Nurse’s Office for medical reasons, they must still be signed out from the Principal’s Office before leaving campus.

Students will only be released to a parent, or another adult designated by the parent. Parents are requested to send a written note to school the morning of any antici-pated early dismissal (doctor’s appoint-ment, etc.).

In an emergency or in response to an unanticipated situation, parents may call the Principal’s Office with verbal autho-rization.


Occasionally, parents feel that their child is well enough to attend school, but not well enough for PE. In this case, a pa-rental note of explanation is required. If a health problem prevents a student from regular participation in PE, a doctor’s let-ter is required.

If a student becomes ill during the day, he/she will be sent to the School Nurse for a written note to excuse him/her from PE. If this illness during the day becomes chronic, the situation will be discussed with parents.

PE classes are co-educational.


Students are expected to participate in PE activities during Ramadan. How-ever, the health and safety of students is of paramount importance. If a student is unable to participate in PE activities during Ramadan, a parental note must be sent to the PE teacher. The teacher will arrange an alternative activity.


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TAISM has a dress code that is comfortable, respectful of Oman’s culture, and appropriate for our school climate:

• Students are responsible for being neat, clean and dressed appropriately. • Wearingvaluablejewelryandjewelryinquantityisdiscouraged.TAISMacceptsnoresponsi-

bility for any jewelry brought to school. • Provocative or unusual hair styles or coloring are not considered appropriate for school. • Shoes should be comfortable and worn at all times. • Hats are not to be worn inside the school building.• In the High School, gym shirts and gym shorts are NOT to be worn at school except for Physical

Education classes. • All decisions regarding appropriate dress remain the Principal’s discretion.

The following guidelines are used for regular school attendance and school-related functions:


Shirts–TAISMpoloshirtsareavailableinred,white,orblueandcanbepurchasedonRegistrationDayinSeptemberorfromtheSchoolReceptionist. Pants–Pantsshouldnotbefrayed,shouldfitproperlyandbeingoodrepair.Jeansmaybeworn.Sag-ging jeansarenotappropriate. Halfpants,shortsorsweat/athleticpantsarenotallowedduringtheschoolday.

Jackets/Sweaters/Sweatshirts–OnlyTAISMsweatshirtsmaybewornatschool.ATAISMpoloshirtmustbewornunderaTAISMsweatshirtsthatzipinthefront.Sweatshirtsmaybepurchased onRegistrationDayinAugustorthereafterfromthe Receptionist.







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PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLOTHING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS: The PE uniform may be purchased from Reception. Shirts and shorts are available. Students may only wear the PE uniform during the regular PE class period.

TAISM shirts and Physical Education clothing will be on sale during new & returning student regis-tration days. Thereafter, purchases can be made in Reception. The prices are as follows:




Students must wear their PE uniforms for PE classes. Students should have at least two uniforms.

Swimming is an integral part of the PE program. Girls must wear one-piece swimsuits, and boys must wear swimming trunks (liner and drawstring) or racing suits. Students are required to bring a towel. Swimming goggles are recommended.

No jewelry should be worn during PE classes.

TAISM Polo : RO 5.000

PE Shirt : RO 3.000

PE Shorts : RO 5.000

Sweatshirt : RO. 10.000

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Each teacher establishes and enforces standards for the students under his or her supervision. Any student, parent, or staff member with questions concerning in-class rules should contact the appropriate teacher. Expectations for school-wide behavior are found in the Code of Conduct sec-tion.


Students are issued the required textbooks at no cost and are responsible for their care. Textbooks must be returned at the end of the school year. Students are required to pay for damaged or lost school property. Replacement costs of lost or damaged textbooks will range from RO. 30 - 50.

Paperback replacement costs will be RO. 10.

Student transcripts and records will not be released if the student has not returned school property or owes money for lost or damaged books.


The value of homework at the High School level has been well documented. Generally homework consists of a minimum of about 30 minutes per night per academic course. Students in AP cources should anticipate about one hour of homework per night per course.







sem. 1


All High School students are given a Daily Planner. Students are en-couraged to use them to help keep track of their assignments.

If a student misplaces his/her planner, a new one may be purchased from the HS Secretary for RO. 2.

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A student may purchase a combo meal for lunch. Also available are individual items which typically include fresh fruit, cold sandwiches, fries, fruit salad, yogurt, salad, hot dogs, soup, sandwiches, and rice and dhal. Vegetarian options are always available.


Having a locker is a privilege that requires responsible control. The High School secretary will assign lockers. Lockers must be kept clean, neat, and closed. Please do not mark on them or attach anything to the outside except occasional spirit posters. All High School students are re-sponsible for the assigned locker and lock. Please keep the combination to the lock private and lock all valuables inside the locker. If a lock assigned by the school is lost, a RO 3 replacement fee will be charged to the student.


Articles of clothing and other items found on campus will be placed in the Lost and Found cabi-net on the ground floor near the Tree of Life entrance.

Students are responsible for checking the Lost and Found cabinet to claim lost items. Periodi-cally, unclaimed items are donated to local community service organizations. The School Nurse is responsible for maintaining the Lost and Found cabinet.


The cafeteria is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday through Wednesday for students, parents, and staff.

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Students are reminded of their responsibility when they bring items of value to school. This refers to laptops, mobile phones or personal listening devices. Lockers are provided for safe keeping.

Clothing, school bags, food containers, and other personal property should be labeled with the owner’s name.

The school does not take responsibility for valuables lost, stolen or left unattended. Lost valu-ables are often turned into the School Secretary. Protect your belongings by storing them in the lockers provided by the School.

Students may use their phones before or after school, at breaks and during lunch. We are not encouraging their use at this time, but acknowledging that students may need to communication with a parent or driver midday.

Students are not to use their phones for any reason during class time, unless specifically given permission by the teacher. This includes texting.

Students are also not to use their phones on bathroom breaks or on occasional errands they may run out of class. Phone use is prohibited during independent study classes and in the library.

Students who do not comply with this will have their phones taken away. On the first offense, it will be returned at the end of the day. For the second offense, their parents will need to collect the phones from the HS Principal.





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MP3 players etc. may be used during the school day under the following guidelines:

1) On the bus 2) During break times3) At lunch4) With the approval of a teacher5) Other free time

Times that personal listening devices are restricted:

1) During an emergency situation, drill, or evacuation;2) During an assembly;3) During a class unless a teacher explicitly says yes to its use;4) If the device is deemed too loud.

Students are encouraged to limit their time with earphones on for health and social reasons. If used inappropriately, teachers will collect the personal listening device from the student and turn it into the office. The student can see the Principal at the end of the day to get the device. Multiple violations could result in restricting the use of the personal listening device at school.



TAISM is a smoke-free campus. Students, employees and visitors are prohibited from smoking or using other tobacco products anywhere on the school grounds or outside of the school gates.

Students and their guests are also prohibited from smoking at school-sponsored events located off campus. Students who violate this policy are liable for suspension.

Students are not allowed to chew gum in school.

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Items that could lead to the disruption of a class or might prove dangerous to others are not allowed in school.


Students may not ride a bike, roller blades, scooter or skateboard on the school grounds, unless under the direct supervision of a teacher in the context of a school activity. Children residing on campus in faculty housing may use recreation equipment (as listed above) on campus after 5:00 p.m.


TAISM offers a contracted bus service to selected areas of the Muscat Capital Area. This service isfacilitatedthroughTAISM’sOperationsOffice(2459-5180Ext.110).Althoughtheschooliscontracting this service from an outside vendor, the school is considered a direct extension of the school with regard to school rules that are to be followed on the buses.

In order to ensure student safety, the following actions are prohibited on school:

• Playing loud music, • Throwingobjects,• Behavinginappropriately,• Beingexcessivelyloud,• Standingwhilethebusismoving,• Arms,legsoranyotherbodypartoutofthewindow,• Notusingseatbelts,• Eatingordrinking,• Usingvulgarorabusivelanguage,• NotrespectingorobeyingtheBusMonitor.

StudentswhoviolatethesebusruleswillbereferredtotheOperationsManagerfirst,andthentothePrincipal.Persistentorflagrantviolationsaregroundsforrestrictionordenialofbusprivileges.The drivers and monitors operate under the school’s authority. They are instructed to refer potential problems to the Principal.


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Only students who are registered bus riders are allowed to ride on the busses. For liability reasons, guests and visitors are not allowed to use the bussing service. Occasionally, when TAISM fami-lies host visiting school students (sport tournaments, Festival of Choirs, etc.), visiting students are allowed to use the TAISM bus services.

Any student wishing to ride a different bus (other than the regularly assigned bus) must present anotesignedbyaparentandapprovedbytheprincipal’sofficetotheOperationsManagerwhooordinates the routing of the buses. This procedure is also true for students getting off the bus at a different-than-usual location.

As a matter of courtesy, it is helpful when parents inform the Operations Manager or their bus moni-tor when their child will be taking an alternative form of transport.





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A full-time Registered Nurse is a member of the support staff at TAISM.

The Nurse:

• supervises the processing and maintenance of student health records,• maintains first aid kits and supplies,• responds to routine illnesses and injuries,• provides ongoing training in first aid,• coordinates with local doctors and hospitals,• maintains the Lost and Found cabinet.

A nurse is on duty from 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Students who wish to see the nurse can obtain a pass from their teacher. Parents of students with specific medical concerns or needs are encouraged to contact the nurse (2459-5180) to discuss their requirements.

PROCEDURES FOR DISPENSING MEDICATION • If a student needs to take medicine during school hours, parents must leave it with the

School Nurse. Medications are stored in a secure location in the Nurse’s Office. • The container must be clearly labeled with the student’s name and the appropriate

dosage. Students who require occasional medicines for headaches, asthma, allergies, etc. should leave a supply with the Nurse unless a regular schedule of medication has been prearranged. The Nurse will communicate with parents when a medication is adminis-tered.

• The only medication students may carry to self-administer are inhalers.• If the Nurse is not available, the Principal or the Director will dispense scheduled





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The Library Media Center is considered a school-community resource and is open to students, staff andparentsdaily,SaturdaythroughWednesday,8:00a.m.–4:45p.m.Withsome16,000books,24 computers, a dozen electronic databases, 40 magazine subscriptions, and many other resources, the LMC makes for a busy, popular spot for high school students thoughout the school day. High school students are able to use the LMC before and after school, at breaktimes, during class time with teacher permission, and when library space/schedule permits. The library is intended to be a quiet place to read, research, work on class assignments and study. Students who are in an inde-pendent study class or those who come to the library for another class are requested to sign in at the circulation desk.

HOURS: The Library Media Center is considered a school-community resource and is open to students,staffandparentsdaily,SaturdaythroughWednesday,8:00a.m.–4:45p.m.Highschoolstudents are able to use the LMC before and after school, at breaktimes, during class time with teacher permission, and when library space/schedule permits. The library is intended to be a quiet place to read, research, work on class assignments and study. Students who are in an independent study class are requested to sign in at the circulation desk.

Library books and other school owned resources are not to be taken outside of Oman. Addition-ally, the library will remain closed during all holidays. The library does not lend materials to any community members over the summer holiday. There is no access to the library and its resources during any holiday period.

LOAN PERIODS: Books may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed as necessary. Any resource needed for a period longer than two weeks must be renewed on a regular basis. Students may check out four books at any one time. Students may ask the Librarian for permission to borrow a greater number than this should the need arise. Back issues of magazines may be borrowed for a two-week period.

TAISM parents are welcome to use the LMC and may borrow up to three items at a time. The prompt return of all books/materials is appreciated and expected.





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OVERDUE MATERIALS: It is the responsibility of all students to return library materials in a timely manner. The library staff will advise students of any outstanding items. Each week, a list of students who have books that are more than two weeks overdue is posted outside the library and theHSoffice.Studentsmayalsoreceivenoticeofoverduebooksinthedailyannouncementsoron their gmail accounts. Throughout each quarter, parent(s) or guardians may also be contacted regardingbooksandmaterialsthatarelost,damagedorpastdue.Officialrecordswillbewithhelduntil all overdue books are returned and all fees for damaged or lost books are paid.

LOST AND DAMAGED MATERIALS: A fee equal to the replacement, shipping and processing cost will be charged for books, materials or equipment that are lost or damaged beyond repair.

COMPUTER USE: The LMC is networked to the TAISM computer system which includes access to the Internet and various online databases. The databases may also be accessed from home. Student use of this system is limited to educational, school-related activities. Before using the computersintheLMC,studentsmusthaveonfileasignedcopyoftheschool’sAcceptableUseofTechnology Policy. All user names and passwords for online sources are available at the circulation desk.


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TAISM "encourages the development of information literacy skills across the curriculum to enable TAISM students and staff to be responsible, resourceful, innovative, discerning and informed users of technology and information" (from theInformationTechnologyVisionStatement).TheentireTAISMcommunityis responsible for the protection and proper use of electronic data and informa-tion systems according to the agreement provisions set forth below. All TAISM students, faculty, staff and guest users authorized to use TAISM information sys-tems are responsible for reading, understanding and following this policy.


School administration will follow up with individuals who are found to have infringed any of these policy guidelines.

WhenyouusetechnologyatTAISMyouareagreeingtofollowthisRUP.Aspart of this agreement, you agree to be honest and responsible in all your deal-ings with resources and digital tools, just as the TAISM administration will be honest and fair with you. If you have a problem or concern that relates to these guidelines please bring it to the attention of the TAISM administration as soon as possible.

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TAISM MAIL TAISM provides all MS students with a TAISM Mail account which includes: web-based email, online document storage and collaboration, website creation, calendar, and online chat. Using TAISM Mail, students will have a common platform available to work at home as well as at school, ask questions of teach-ers and fellow students, collaborate on projects, and share their work projects. This opens up new channels of communication within the TAISM community as well as the rest of the world. It is very important that while students are using TAISM Mail, they are fully aware of their responsibilities as outlined in the TAISM Responsible Use Policy (RUP)


• IwilluseTAISMinformationandcommunicationresourcesforlearningandeducation• IunderstandthatIamresponsibleforanyactivitycarriedoutonmyaccountorwiththehard-

wareIuse.• Iwilluseinformationandcommunicationresourcesinarespectful,accountable,honest,legal

andresponsiblemanner• AnydamagecausedbymaliciousintentorcarelessuseofTAISMresourcesismysoleresponsi-


• Iwillprotectmydigitalidentity,andthedigitalidentityofothers• Neverpublishinformationthatcouldbeusedtoidentifyaparticularcommunitymember(such

as,butnotlimitedto:lastname,studentnumbers,phonenumbers,etc)• Iwilladheretocopyrightandrespecttherightsofothers• Useresourcesinawaythatdoesnotdisruptthework,study,ortheintellectualrightsofoth-

ers.• Onlypublishitemsthatyouhavetherightstopublish(seeCopyrightChecklist)andprovide

referencestoresourcesused• Iwillkeepmyuserinformationsecureandneveruseanyoneelse’suserinformation• Passwordsmustbekeptsecretandstrongenoughsothattheyarenoteasilyguessed(atleast

6alpha-numericcharactersandnoeasilyguessablewords)• IwillfollowestablishedprotocolsandpoliciesforuseofTAISMtechnologyanytimeIrepresent

myselfasaTAISMlearningcommunitymember• IunderstandthattheschoolcanholdmeresponsibleforwhatispostedwhileIamrepresent-


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HOW DO I KNOW IF MY PURPOSE IS WITHIN THE GUIDELINES?Ask yourself “Is what I am doing, or wanting to do, necessary and clearly con-nected to my schoolwork?” If you can positively answer yes, then there is no problem. If you are doubtful or if the activity is not connected to your school-work, then the answer is your activity is not within the Acceptable use of Tech-nology guidelines and you should not do it.

WHAT DO I DO IF I UNINTENTIONALLY ACCESS INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL? Call a staff member. He or she will verify that the access was un-intentional. They will assist you in backing out of the site. Do not call others’ attention to the inappropriate mate rial.

WHAT DO I DO IF I RECEIVE INAPPROPRIATE E-MAIL? Contact the IT Coordinator, Librarian, or Principal immediately. He or she will show you how to block the sender, but may also choose to pursue the offender through adminis-trative or other means.

MAY I SHARE MY PASSWORD? No. Never share your password.

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Wheneverparentshaveaconcernorproblem,theyshouldcontacttheschoolinordertodiscussandcreate a workable solution.

First Step: Parentsshouldalwayscontacttheteacherfirst.Themajorityofconcernscanbeimme-diately addressed and resolved through direct contact with the teacher.

Second Step: If there is still an academic concern, parents should speak with the counselor.

Third Step: If the concern persists, then parents should talk to the Principal. This should be done only after direct contact with the teacher and the counselor.

Fourth Step: ThefinalstepforresolutionofaconcernistocontacttheDirector.


The School Board is responsible for the school’s governance, policies and long term planning, not the day-to-day operation of the school. The Board must also act only as a collective body. Therefore, the School Board will only entertain parental concerns in the following circumstances:

• After the concern has been brought to the attention of the Principal and irector.

• WhentheconcernhasbeenpresentedtotheSchoolBoardChairmaninwritingandsigned,atleast one week prior to the regular board meeting.




The High School “Back to School Night” is scheduled in September. Parents are given the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers andfindoutmoreabouttheirchild’sacademicprogram,classroomroutinesandteacherexpectations.Weknowthatbythetimeastudentisinhighschol,aparenthasattendedmanyB.T.SNights,Weencourageparents to continue to attend in support of their child’s education.

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Parent-teacher contact is vital to the success of TAISM students. Formal parent-teacher confer-encesarearrangedforHSparentsattheendofthefirstandthirdquarters.

Parents may also request additional conferences at any time during the year. It is best to schedule anappointmentbycontactingtheteacherthroughtheoffice.ItisalsoappropriatetoinvolvetheHigh School counselor in communications regarding academic concerns.




Given the nature of international work and traveling requirements, there may be rare occasions when bothparentsarenotabletobeathomewiththeirchildren.Theschoolshouldalwaysbenotifiedinthese situations so it can know how to respond in case of an emergency According to TAISM Policy No.7.202,“parentsareresponsibleforfindingaguardianofthestudentacceptabletoboththepar-ents and the school. The guardian will have all the responsibilities and rights of a parent, when a student under guardianship is enrolled.” This is especially important when living abroad as family relatives are generally not in the country.

Under no circumstances is it acceptable to leave your children without providing adult supervision.

Conference formats available to parents, teachers and students:

• Telephone conference to clarify communications and quickly discuss student’s current status • Routinereportingconferencetodiscussstudent’sprogressoveralongerperiodoftime• Problem-solvingconferencetoaddressaspecificproblemorserious concern.

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TAISM is a closed campus. After arrival at school for classes or a school event, students are not permitted to leave campus without parental permission. If a student becomes ill, the School Nurse will notify the parents.

Writtenparentalpermissionisnecessarywhenastudentistakenoutofschoolduringschoolhoursfordental/doctorappointments,etc.ThestudentorparentmustsignoutatthePrincipal’sOfficebefore leaving.

StudentswhoarrivelatemustsigninatthePrincipal’sOfficeandprovideaparentalnote. ThePrincipal’s Secretary will issue a late pass which must be given to the class teacher.



Throughout the year, articles are posted online at the TAISM website (www.taism.com). These articles are written to highlight activities at school, share successes or new programs, or to help educate readers about ideas in education.


A weekly High School Bulletin will be emailed home every working Wednesday.

This bulletin provides information of happenings in the High School and helps you plan for upcoming events.

February 7, 2012

This Weekend:

High School Bulletin

Next Week:

Saturday (11/2) will be a day 6.

Saturday (11/2) - Representa-tive from Jacob’s University in Bremen, Germany visits TAISM @ 11:45 in the College Centre (adjacent to the HS Office)

Please note that Learn to Swim lessons for tomorrow, 2/9, are cancelled due to cold pool temperatures. Lessons should resume next weekend.

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Parents are required to provide the school with email addresses as most of the communication fromtheofficeisviaemail.Pleasekeeptheschoolofficeinformedofanychangesinthead-dress/es.


Avisitorisdefinedasapersonwhodropsintotourorconductbusinessattheschool.Aguestisdefinedassomeonewhoattendsclassandstaysforallorpartoftheacademicday. Visitorsarewelcomeoncampus,especiallywhennoticeisgiveninadvance.Weask,however,thatall visitors report to the Receptionist. The Admissions Coordinator, Principals or Director will be happy to provide a tour.

TAISM students who wish to bring a guest to school must have prior permission from the Principal. Studentguestsarenotallowedinthefirsttwoweeksorthelasttwoweeksofasemester.Studentguests may attend school for one day or part of a school day as agreed upon by the Principal.


Classesmaytakeeducationalfieldtripsoffcampus.Parentswillbeinformedofthetimeofdepar-tureandarrival,themodeoftransportationandthefieldtripsite.Appropriateadultsupervisionwill be maintained at all times.


Studentsareresponsibleforanymissedworkfromotherclassesduetothefieldtrip.Studentsthathavemissedassignmentsorwhoarefailingasubjectmaynotbeallowedtoparticipateinthefieldtrip.Asfieldtripsareavitalpartofthestudent’seducationalprocess,participationwillbeatthediscretion of the Principal.

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All TAISM Association members are encouraged to participate in the life of the school. The Parent VolunteerCoordinator(Ms.BetinaRasmussen)isresponsibleforrecruitingparentstoassistwithclassroomactivities,fielddays,specialprograms,classparties,andfundraisers.

Students are permitted to withdraw from school any time of the year. High school students, how-ever, are strongly discouraged from withdrawing until the end of a semester. Students withdraw-ing from the High School during the second and fourth quarter will miss semester examinations, an important part of internal assessment, which may result in loss of credit. Whenstudentswithdrawtotransfertoanotherschool,TAISMwillprovidetranscriptsandotherinformation upon the written request of the parents. A minimum of seven days notice is required. Student transcripts and records will not be released if the student has not returned school property or owes money for lost library books, textbooks, or school fees, etc.

Withdrawalsandtransfersareafactoflifeinourinternationalsetting.Pleasenotethatthesoonerthe school knows about an impending departure, the more support it can offer in the transition to a new school.


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High School Academics


TAISM participates in the Advanced Placement Program (AP) sponsored by the College Board in the United States. The AP is an intensive program of university-level courses and examinations. The AP Program is well suited to meet the needs of a broad range of university-bound students. The AP is accepted among colleges and universities in the US and around the world. The following AP courses are offered in the 2012-2013 school year at TAISM.

The school’s AP brochure contains detailed information about the Advanced Placement program. Students must meet course prerequisites in order to enroll in an Advanced Placement course. Students taking AP exams have half-day prior to the exam off from school. A complete exam sched-ule for each student will be distributed prior to the AP examinations. Classroom teachers will try to make sure there are no major assignments for students taking AP examinations during the AP examination period.





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For evaluation purposes, the TAISM school year is divided into four quarters. Two quarters make up a semester. Semester grades are then listed on the permanent record. Course credit is earned by semester. In each subject area, quizzes, unit tests, homework, class participation and projects are all part of the assessment process used to determine progress toward learning goals and help teachers evaluate student learning. Please note that teachers make every effort to limit the number of tests given on any one day. Except in rare circumstances, students are not expected to have more than two major

assessments on any given day.


Students are scheduled for a course in each period. Grades 11 and 12 generally have no more than onestudyperiodintheirschedule. Studentsmaymakechangestotheirscheduleduringthefirsttwo weeks of each semester. After that time, changes can only be made after discussions between thestudent,parents,counselorandteachersinvolved.TheHighSchoolPrincipalwillmakethefinaldecision. Afterthemid-pointofthefirstandthirdquarters,ifastudentwithdrawsfromacourse,aWP(with-drawnpass)orWF(withdrawnfail)willbeplacedontheir transcriptbasedupontheircurrentperformance for that quarter.

At the beginning of each semester, a student may be allowed to take a non-required course for a Pass/Fail grade. The decision to allow a student to take a course for P/F rests with the school Counselor, Teacher and Principal.


High School Academics


Parents will be able to view their child's grades via PowerSchool Gradebooks for a two week period during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Quarters. Prior to the opening of the gradebooks, parents will receive information on how to log on. Once online, parents will be able to view all grade details including student score, assignment value and any comments on assignments or overall comments. Parents reminded that entering and recording student assessments is a "work in progress" and certainly not thefinalgradeforamarkingperiod.Priortotheopeningofthegradebook,theI.T.Coordinator(Douglas Irish) will be available for assistance or any explanations.

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High School Academics







1. Toassistwithinstructionandparticipationinclass,

2. BecausethereisasetcalendarthatTAISMfollowsandstudentlearningisrecordedandreportedatspecificintervals,and

3. Thereisacertainamountofdisciplinerequiredtoproduceworkontime.Teacherswillclearlyindicateatthestartofthesemesterinthecoursesyllabustowhatdegreesubmissionoflateworkwillbeacceptedintheirspecificclassandhowitwouldimpactthegradeearned.However,thereareinstancesthatlateworkcannotbe


• Oneexampleofinstructionalworkbeingtime-sensitiveisifastudentisexpectedtoreadapassagefromabookinpreparationfordiscussionthefollowingclassperiodandthestudentdoesnotcompletethereading,he/shewillnotbeabletoparticipateinthelearningactivitytothesameextentasifhe/shehadcompletedthereadingpriortotheactivity.

• Anotherexampleisifworkissubmittedafterthetimethatteacherscansubmittheirrecordoflearningforreportcardssenthome,itwouldbeimpossiblefortheteachertoincludethatevidencewithinthereportcard.Thisisanexampleoftheschool’scalendarplayingaroleinthenon-accept-anceoflatework.

• Athirdexampleisifateacherhasalreadygradedand/orreturnedtheworktotherestoftheclass,thentheintegrityoftheassignmenthasbeencompromised.

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High School Academics


Letter %Value GPAPoints APWeightedGrade(+.5)

A+ 97-100 4.3 4.8A 93-96 4.0 4.5A- 90-92 3.7 4.2B+ 87-89 3.3 3.8B 83-86 3.0 3.5B- 80-82 2.7 3.2C+ 77-79 2.3 2.8C 73-76 2.0 3.5C- 70-72 1.7 2.2D+ 67-69 1.3 1.3*D 63-66 1.0 1.0*D- 60-62 0.7 0.7*F 50-59 0.0 0.0*


A MeetsallornearlyallofthestandardswithexcellentworkB MeetsmostofthestandardswithgoodworkC MeetsanacceptablenumberofthestandardsD Meetsfewofthestandards F DoesnotmeetthestandardsI Incomplete(“I”isgiventostudentswhodonothaveallgraded workcompletedbytheendofthegradingperiodand/oreligibility check.Normally,astudenthasamaximumoftwoweekstomake upallincompletework.)(m) ModifiedGrade(thecurriculumrequirementswerealteredtomeet thespecialneedsofthestudent.)NG NogradeissuedP PassWP WithdrawwithapassinggradeWF WithdrawwithafailinggradeW WithdrawfromclassIP CourseInprogress


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One(1)creditisdefinedasacoursemeetingtheequivalentof5periodsperweekfor2semesters.Credits are awarded by semester (.5 for each semester) for each successfully completed course in grades 9-12. Class standing for a student is determined by how many credits a student has earned. Additionally, students must be on track to graduate in order to advance in class standing.


Subject Minimumcreditforgraduation*English 4.0SocialStudies 3.5Science 3.0Mathematics 3.0FineArts 2.0WorldLanguage 2.0PhysicalEducation 1.5Health 0.5InformationTechnology 0.5Electives(fromaboveareas) 5.0 Total 25credits *(1credit=1year)

Upon the successful completion of these minimum graduation requirements over a pe-riod of four years, students are eligible to earn a High School diploma.

High School Academics


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High School Academics


ELLstudentsareadmittedtoTAISMdependingupontheleveloftheirEnglishlanguagefluency.A Board of Directors’ policy guides the administration in its decisions regarding the provision for ELL services in the school. In the High School, ELL services are limited to students in grades 9 and 10.



OnoccasionanapplicanttotheHighSchooldoesnotmeettheEnglishlanguageproficiencyrequire-ment that will allow him or her to enroll at TAISM as a regular student. If space and resources are available, the applicant may be offered admission to TAISM as a non-matriculating student. “Non-matriculating” means the applicant is enrolled with the understanding that the student is not taking the required courses to meet TAISM’s graduation requirements. Non-matriculating ELL studentsareadmittedinordertobecomemorefluentandliterateinEnglish.Forexample,anon-matriculating student may not be enrolled in the requisite English, Social Studies, Math or Science class. However, the student’s progress in English language acquisition would be closely monitored.

The goal would be to have the applicant fully enrolled as a matriculating student (on track to earn a High School diploma) by the following academic school year at the latest.

Students must complete the school’s credit requirements for the High School diploma. If an indi-vidual course is failed, it may be repeated once. Under normal circumstances, a student should be earning seven or eight credits per academic year.



Semesterexaminationsareheldattheendofthefirstandsecondsemester.Normally,theymakeup a maximum of 20% of the overall semester grade.

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High School Academics


Students are expected to be at all examinations at the scheduled dates and times. TAISM does not give early or make-up semester examinations unless there are extenuating circumstances or a family emergency requiring departure from Oman. Students who miss semester examinations will forfeit the points for the semester exam, thus impacting their semester grade.


In the 10th and 11th grades, students take the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT), which emphasizes college preparatory skills. Students gain test experience for the SAT. Students in grades 11 and 12 will take the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) at a designated location. The SAT is an en-trance requirement of most American universities and colleges. In addition, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) may be required for North American college admissions. This test is administered offcampus

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High School Academics


A student who ends a quarter with a grade point average of 1.7 (C-) or below will be placed on Aca-demic Probation for the following marking period. Additionally, a student may be placed on Aca-demic Probation if they are not earning enough credits to maintain their class status and their ability to graduate within the four-year period of High School. A meeting will be set with the counselor and the student’s parent(s) to develop an improvement plan. The Principal may also attend the meeting. Continued enrollment at TAISM is contingent upon meeting the conditions of the improvement plan.



A “Progress Report” is sent home (mid-quarter) for students achieving below “C” grades in any sub-ject. Academic notices will also be sent on an as-needed basis. Reports are sent home through the student and via email attachment.

Report cards and comments are issued to each student at the end of each quarter (four times a year). Students will carry the report cards home.

At the end of the school year, the school may retain report cards if library books, textbooks, school fees,orequipmenthavenotbeenreturned. Whenmaterialsarereturnedorpayment isreceived,reports will then be released.


Honor Roll (by semester): Grade Point Average (GPA) will determine a student’s honor roll status using the 1st semester and 2nd semester grades. Since credit is awarded by semester, outstanding academic achievement will be recognized at the completion of each se-mester. An Academic Recognition assembly is held to recognize outstanding academic achievement amongstudentsattheconclusionofthefirstsemester.Honorawardswillbesenthomewiththereport cards for the second semester of each school year. Highest Honors – GPA of 4.0 or aboveHigh Honors – GPA of 3.7 to 3.99Honors–GPAof3.3to3.69

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On the morning of graduation, an Academic Awards assembly is convened and awards are present-ed to students in the High School for excellence in various subject areas.



High School Academics






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High School Academics


At the beginning of the school year, the Principal, in consultation with the High School Student Council and the High School Faculty, will schedule selected weekends as “no homework” week-ends (one per semester). It is the duty of the High School Student Council to alert teachers and students when the “no homework” weekends are to occur. Students, teachers, and parents will be notifiedofthe“nohomework”weekendsatleastaweekbeforetheyoccur.The“nohomework”weekends will also be placed on the school calendar.



• Homework assigned on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the no-homework weekend cannot be due from the day that it is assigned untiltheMondayofthefollowingweek.Homeworkcanbeassignedon theSaturdayfollowingtheno-homeworkweekendforregularduedates.• Homeworkmustbeturnedinduringtherespectiveblockperiodthatit wasassigned.• No-homeworkweekendscannotbeplacedonweekendswithextended holidays.• Long-termprojectswillnotbedueontheSaturdayorSundayfollowing ano-homeworkweekend.However,studentsshouldanticipatethat long-termprojectsandmake-upworkmightneedtobeworkedon duringtheseno-homeworkweekends.• TestsorquizzeswillnotbescheduledfortheSaturdayorSunday followingano-homeworkweekend.• Pleasenote:Studentchoiceofcoursesmayaffecthomeworkthatisdue throughoutthatyear,e.g.,APclasses.TheHighSchoolPrincipalshall endeavortoimplementtheseruleswiththebestinterestsofthestudents andfacultyinmind.• APcoursesareexemptfromthe“no-homework”policy.

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High School Academics

TAISM students enhance their education through participation in the Discover Oman Program, exploring the host country. Using exploratory trips and discovery learning experiences, our students and faculty gain an understanding and appreciation of our host country. Discover Oman is a required activity. Students must participate unless there are extenuating circumstances that prevent participation. One of TAISM’s aims states, “… develop programs that enable students to learn about and appreci-ate Oman’s history, culture and environment.” Therefore, all students are required to participate

in the Discover Oman curriculum program.


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High School Co-Curricular Activities

Theco-curricularprogramisanintegralpartofTAISM.Webelievethatstudentactivitiesprovideopportunities for creativity that enhance character, promote personal growth and augment class-room learning. Teachers and members of the community offer programs after the school day, usually 3:45 to 5:10 PM, three or four days a week.

TAISM is a member of the Muscat Sports League (MSL) and SAISA (South Asia Inter-Scholastic Association).Soccer,volleyball,basketball,trackandfield,andswimmingarepartoftheleague.The MSL has divided up the school year into seasons, which include competitions between member schools and an end-of-season tournament. TAISM also sponsors clubs and other activities after school such as Community Service, Model United Nations and drama programs.


Based on extensive research that shows a positive correlation between participation in activities and athletics and academic achievement, there is no academic ineligibility at TAISM. Positive participa-tion is viewed as a pathway to improved student performance. However, a student who is failing a class or classes may not be able to participate in a tournament or travel. A collaborative decision rests with the Athletic Coordinator, coach and principal.

A student who is placed on Disciplinary Probation may be restricted from competition or perfor-manceinanextra-curricularactivitybythePrincipal.Studentconductthatdoesnotreflectthemission, aims and core beliefs of the school and occurs during the activity season, whether in or outside of school, may constitute grounds for suspension or dismissal from the team.




The TAISM Athletic Department believes that a co-curricular sports program is vital to the intellectual, physical and emotional development of a student. Sports and activities are an extension of a solid educational foundation and are used as a medium to teach our students. Students who participateonTAISMteamswillacquireself-discipline,buildselfconfidenceanddevelopskillstobecome independent learners and responsible citizens. TAISM sports promote a high level of integ-rity, commitment, cooperation, responsibility, accountability, and self-discipline. Student athletes are encouraged to strive and maintain academic excellence. Our primary goal is to help young people reach their potential intellectually, emotionally and physically.

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High School Co-Curricular Activities

CHARTER OF THE SOUTH ASIA INTER-SCHOLASTIC ASSOCIATION The purpose of SAISA is to promote and coordinate regional professional development activities,academic and cultural festivals, athletic tournaments, and other events deemed appropriate by themember schools. As educators committed to the ideal of realizing the full potential of each student, we believe thefundamental aim of SAISA is to promote the values of collaboration, creativity, sportsmanship, andfairandethicalcompetition.Whileacknowledgingthenotionof‘winning’insportingeventsandother competitions, a recognition more important is that students come together to participate invarious activities in the truest spirit of cooperation and competition, and develop physically,emotionally, creatively and intellectually through the sporting, academic and artistic experiencesthemselves.





BoysVolleyball AISD Dhaka Oct.3 Oct.4-6 Oct.7 10/2Swimming AISC Chennai Oct.4 Oct.5-7 Oct.8 30/3GirlsVolleyball LS Kathmandu Oct.4 Oct.5-7 Oct.8 10/2

BoysSoccer TAISM Muscat Nov.28 Nov.29-Dec.1 Dec.2 16/2GirlsTennis ASB Mumbai Nov.29 Nov.30-Dec.2 Dec.3 8/2BoysTennis ASB Mumbai Nov.29 Nov.30-Dec.2 Dec.3 8/2GirlsBasketball AISD Dhaka Nov.28 Nov.29-Dec.1 Dec.2 10/2

2013BoysBasketball LS Kathmandu Mar.7 Mar.8-10 Mar.11 10/2GirlsSoccer AISC Chennai Mar.7 Mar.8-10 Mar.11 11/2TracknField OSC Colombo Mar.7 Mar.8-10 Mar.11 30/3Badminton AISD Dhaka Mar.14 Mar.14-15 Mar.16 8/2

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High School Co-Curricular Activities


All students are welcome and encouraged to participate in our activities and sports programs pro-vided they are willing to follow the guidelines of extra-curricular eligibility explained in the student parent handbook. All students who become members of an athletic team at TAISM are expected to be positive role models for the student body of TAISM. Athletes are to display maturity, self-discipline and positive role modeling at all times and in all situations.

TAISM encourages all students to participate in sports. There is no limit to the number of students a teammayfieldforourlocalMSLcompetition.However,atsomepointduringtheseason,restrictionson the number of students competing may occur when that team is part of ISAC due to limits in the number of participants established by that conference.

Inordertobeeligibleandmaintaineligibilityforactivities,studentsmustcompletelyfulfillthefollowing requirements:


All students who become members of an athletic team at TAISM are expected to be positive role models for the student body. Each athlete is expected to host or to secure alternative housing with a TAISM family. This will be reciprocated in other tournaments for our athletes.

Member Schools are (ISOI) The International School of Islamabad – Islamabad, Pakistan, (ISK) The International School of Karachi – Karachi, Pakistan, (LAS) The Lahore American School – Lahore, Pakistan, (AISD) The American International School/Dhaka – Dhaka, Bangladesh, (LS) The Lincoln School – Kathmandu, Nepal, (OSC) The Overseas School of Colombo – Colombo, Sri Lanka, (ASB) The American School of Bombay – Mumbai, India, (AISC) The American Internation-al School – Chennai, India, (MCS) Murree Christian School – Murree, Pakistan


TAISM HOSTING – Boys Soccer. November 29-Dec 1 2012Teamsize:16+2coaches.hostingnumbers:144students 18coaches

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High School Co-Curricular Activities


• Toconsistentlydemonstratededicationandsportsmanship. • Followandabidebytherulesoutlinedinthe“TAISMStudentParentHandbook.”• TurninALLpermissionformssignedbythegivendeadlines.• TravelandassistwithhostingifselectedforanISACteam.• Prepareproperlyforallactivities(i.e.properequipment,uniform,waterbottleetc).• StudentsonDisciplinaryProbationmaynotbeallowedtorepresentTAISMininterscholasticcom-



It is extremely important that students acknowledge and accept the importance of being a dedi-cated member of a team. Therefore, students must attend a minimum of 80% of all practices, games and team meetings (including excused and unexcused absences). It is vital that each student inform their coach in person of their absence from practice prior to the start of the session.


Studentswhohaveconflictswiththeirextra-curricularcommitmentsmaybegrantedanexcusedabsence for certain circumstances. Permission must be granted by the coach before the practice ses-sion, in order for the excused absence to be issued.


•  StudentsonAcademicProbationmaynotbeabletoparticipatewithoutpermissionfromthePrinci-pal.

• Studentswhoarenotacademicallyresponsible(i.e.,missingassignments,underperformingontestsandquizzes)willnotbeexcusedfromclassfortheactivitytheyarecurrentlyengagedin.

• AnAcademic/TravelEligibilitylistwillbedistributedbytheAthleticDirectorearlyintheseasontotherespectivefacultytodetermineacademicresponsibility.

• Participationineventswillbereviewedbytheteachersandadministration. • Students are required to complete all assignmentsmisseddue to travel in consultationwith their


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High School Co-Curricular Activities


• StudentswhoareonaVarsityorJuniorVarsitysportsteamshalltravelwiththeirteamtoallawaygamesandpractices.Studentsmaydepartwithafamilymemberonlyifthecoachisnotifiedby the family member directly.

• TAISM will provide bus transportation to and from all games and practices within Muscat.• Students are not permitted to drive a vehicle to a game or practice


• Students who meet the eligibility criteria may be eligible to travel during each sport season. • All students who have traveled as part of a school activity are required to host. If a student is un-

abletohost,he/shemustfindsuitablealternateaccommodation.• Students and parents are responsible for tournament fees, all airfare and international travel ex-

penses. If a student needs to cancel their ticket, the student is responsible for the cancellation fee charged by the airline.

• Parents are required to obtain travel visas for international competition. TAISM will assist when necessary.


A student that does not inform his/her coach of his/her absence from practice, prior to practice, will have the following action taken:

• FirstOccurrence-Warning(verbalorwritten)• SecondOccurrence-willeffectparticipationontheteamasdetermined by the coach. • Continuedoccurrencecouldresultindismissalfromtheteam. Students that have an unexcused absence from school (for any reason) may not participate in after school athletic activities on that day.

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High School Student Council


• Studentsabsentduringthedayofasocialeventarenotallowedtoattendtheevent.

• OneguestperTAISMstudentmaybeinvitedwiththepermissionoftheStudentCouncilAdvisororthePrincipal.

• AstudentcanonlyleaveasocialeventearlywithparentalpermissionconfirmedthroughtheprincipalorchaperoneviaGSM.

• Studentsshouldbecollectedpromptly(atthedesignatedtime)followingtheevent.

• Intheeventofanemergency,parentswillbecontactedathome.

• Appropriatebehaviorismandatory.StudentsunabletoconductthemselvesinasatisfactorymannerwillbereportedtothePrincipal.ThePrincipalwilldetermineanynecessarydisciplinarymeasures.

• School-sponsoredstudentsocialeventswillendnolaterthan11:00p.m.exceptfortheHighSchoolProm,whichwillconcludenolaterthan11:30p.m.

• Facultychaperonesarerequiredforallschool-sponsoredsocialevents.

• Studentswhoarriveataschoolfunctionundertheinfluenceofalcoholorotherillegaldrugs,asdeterminedbythefacultychaperonesorPrincipal,willfacedisciplinaryactions.Hisorherparentswillbenotifiedandaskedtoescorttheirchildhome.Disciplinaryactionwillfollow.

The High School Student Council is a student-elected organization that provides a wide range of social, service and leadership opportunities for TAISM students. The Council is an active, integral part of student life at TAISM. The Student Council is involved in many activities, from planning dances, social nights and other social activities to consulting with administration on school policy and practices. The faculty advisor oversees and assists with the Student Council program. The Student Council is responsible for planning the High School Prom each year.


Social functions are established for the enjoyment of TAISM students. The Student Council organizes many of these events.

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Common Expectations & Disciplinary Philosophy

TAISM holds honesty and academic integrity as high ideals. Students are expected to be honest, trustworthy, and to display personal integrity at all times. Cheating, plagiarism, or any form of academic deceit will not be tolerated. Students who are found to be knowingly cheating or providing answers will be given a failing grade on the assignment or test, expected to repeat the assignment and thePrincipalwillbenotified.Repeatedorseriousinstancesofacademicdeceitcouldresultinaparent conference, suspension or expulsion. A record of offenses will be kept. Academicdishonestyisdefinedas(butnotnecessarilylimitedto)thefollowing:

• The giving or receiving of information on an exam, test, quiz, or other assessment, in such a way that would be considered cheating. This could include copying from another, bringing notes to a test, sharing a calculator with another student without the teacher’s permission, or other similar unauthorized help.

• Using someone else’s ideas or statements as one’s own, without giving credit to the author, would be considered plagiarism. This could include not giving a proper citation in a research paper by crediting the source of information, the copying of another student’s work (i.e., homework assign-ments) and handing it in as one’s own, the giving of one’s work to another to copy, or any other similar use of another’s work.


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Rights & Responsibilities of Students

All students attending the school have a right to: • clearlystatedbehavioralexpectations.• pursueaneducationinaclimateofmutualtrust,respect,andinterpersonal concern.• acurriculumwhichisrelevanttotheworldinwhichtheylive.• safetyofbothpersonandproperty,includingsafeandcleanschoolfacili ties.• freedomofthought,conscienceandreligion.• protectionfromarbitraryinterferencewithprivacy,family,homeand correspondence.• freedomofopinionandexpression,unlessdoingsowouldviolatetherights of others.• expressanopinionandhavethatopinionconsidered.• dueprocess.• freedomofpeacefulassemblyandassociation,unlessthiswouldviolatethe rights of others.• confidentiality.• inspectandreviewallacademicrecordsdirectlyrelatedtothestudent.• seekacorrectionordeletionwhereanacademicrecordisfelttobeinaccu rate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student.• attendanyboardmeeting.• havetheirviewssolicitedandconsideredbyteachers,adminstratorsand the board when dealing with matters directly related to students.


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• Studentsareexpectedtobetruthful.Lying,cheatingorstealingofany kindisnottolerated.• StudentswillshowrespectforallmembersoftheTAISMcommunity. Physicalorverbalabuseisnotacceptable.• Studentswillshowrespectforproperty–theirown,thatofothersand theschool’s.• Studentswillbehaveinamannerthatinsurestheirsafetyaswellasthe safetyofothers.



• Use or possession of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs on the campus or at school-sponsored activi-ties is not permitted.

• Any student who violates the policies as stated above, or attends school or a school-sponsored eventundertheinfluenceofalcoholorillegaldrugs,willbesubjecttodisciplinaryactionuptoand including the recommendation of expulsion.

Rights & Responsibilities of Students

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• Weaponsofanydescriptionincludingknivesortoysthatsimulaterealobjectsareforbidden.

• Threatening someone with harm or initiating physical abuse is forbidden.

• Stealing will not be tolerated.

• Students are not allowed to drive themselves or other students to campus or school-sponsored events.

Disregard for these specific rules or other expectations will result in appropriate disciplinary actions guided by the school’s Discipliary Philosophy, the Board Policy

Manual and the decision of the High School Principal.



WeexpectthebestbehaviorfromTAISMstudentsandwillimmediatelyaddressbehaviorthatisless than expected. • Webelievethatstudentslearnbestinanatmosphereofmutualrespectandtrust,inwhichap-

propriate behavior is expected of everyone.

• Webelievethatappropriatebehaviorexpectationsshouldbeclearlystated.

• Webelieveallstudentshavethepotentialtobehavepositively,thattheychoosetheirbehaviors,

and that students can be guided and taught to make appropriate choices.

• Webelievethatdisciplineproceduresshouldbebaseduponwhatisultimatelybestforthestu-dent directly involved as well as the most positive impact upon others. Therefore, discipline proceduresreflectoptionswhichpermitarangeofconsequences

• Webelievethatstudentsbestbenefitfromtheeducationalprocesswhenparentssupportandre-inforce school regulations by demonstrating follow-up with students at home when misbehavior occurs at school.

• Webelievethatteachers,administrators,andparentscanworkcooperativelytoensurethatthe

student learns as a consequence of disciplinary situations and infractions

Common Expectations & Disciplinary Philosophy

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The school has various responses to discipline infractions, depending on the following factors:

• Theageofthestudent,• Thenatureoftheinfraction,• Thedisciplinaryrecordofthestudentinvolved.

Typically, repeated infractions result in increasingly severe disciplinary consequences.

Corporal punishment is not used at TAISM nor does TAISM endorse it.

The school administration reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action including, but notlimitedto,reflection,restitution,lossofprivileges,detention,suspensionorarecommendationof expulsion.


The following disciplinary responses are used at TAISM:


CONFERENCE - The Teacher, Counselor, or Principal will confer with the student. The parents may be conferred with in person or by phone. A meeting may include other appropriate people.


DETENTION (LOSS OF PRIVILEGES) Student detention is a disciplinary measure that requires astudenttoremaininadesignatedandsupervisedareaoftheschoolforaspecifictime.Behavioraldetentionisassignedthroughtheofficeinconsultationwiththeteacher.Academicdetentionformissingworkshouldbesupervisedbytheteacherassigningthedetention.Parentswillbenotifiedof any decisions to detain students after school.

DISCIPLINARY PROBATION-Whenthemagnitudeofviolationoftherulesofstudentconductisserious, or when violations persist in spite of counseling and/or warning of the student and parents concerned, the Principal of the school may, with advice from the Director, place the student on disciplinary probation.

In all cases when a student is given disciplinary probation, the student and parents must be informed, inwriting,bothofthereasonfortheprobationandthetermsofthatprobation.WhenthePrincipalconcludes that it is necessary and appropriate, the student and/or parents will be recommended for counseling.

Common Expectations & Disciplinary Philosophy

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Disciplinary probation may include restrictions on participation in activities, and/or the require-ment that free periods be spent in supervised study, to strengthen the student’s internalization of the rule(s) violated.

All instances of disciplinary probation must include reference to the consequences of any further violation of the rules of student conduct, and this must be shared in writing with the student and parents concerned.

SUSPENSION - Suspension shall mean a disciplinary measure which removes the student from classorschool foraspecifiedperiod.Suspension isaseriousdisciplinaryactionandwillonlybetaken when other measures have failed to promote a positive change in the student’s behavior, or where it is clearly in the best interests of the school to suspend the student’s participation in classes and/or other school activities. This would include situations where the student’s presence in school and/orotheractivitieswouldbesignificantlydisruptivetotheconductofclasses,extra-curricularorsocial activities, or when the health and safety of others is compromised.

The Principal may suspend a student from participation in classes and/or other activities for a period nottoexceedfiveschooldays,andmayprohibitthestudentfromenteringallorpartoftheschoolpremises during that period.

The Principal shall notify the student and the student’s parent(s) in writing of the reasons and con-ditionsofall suspensionsoffive schooldaysor less. Thenotificationmustalso state theconse-quencesofanyfurtherbreachofdiscipline.AcopyofthisnotificationshallbegiventotheDirector.

The student is responsible during the period of suspension for obtaining and completing the assign-ments given during the period of absence.

Decisions regarding suspension are made by the Principal. Appeals of suspension may be made to the Director.

There are two types of suspension used depending upon the nature of the misbehavior as well as the student’s behavioral history. After school exclusion is a third disciplinary action which excludes a student from remaining after school.

AFTER SCHOOL EXCLUSION - Usually given for a period of one week, students who receive after school exclusion are not permitted to remain at school past 3:45.

IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION - Students may receive in-school suspension, which means they are isolatedinasupervisedareaoftheoffice.Astudentonin-schoolsuspensionisexpectedtoworkonschoolworkorreadquietly.Lunchandbreaksarespentinasupervisedarea.Parentswillbenotifiedin writing of any in-school suspensions.

Common Expectations & Disciplinary Philosophy

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OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION - In order to protect the health and safety of other students or to emphasize the seriousness of an action or situation, the school may impose out-of-school suspen-sions for 1-5 days. An out-of-school suspended student cannot return to school or participate in any extra-curricular activities or social events until a conference is held between the school administra-tion,studentandparent(s).Parentswillbenotifiedinwriting.Thestudentisresponsible,duringthe period of suspension, for obtaining and completing the assignments given during the period of absence(i.e.,contactotherstudentsorcontacttheSchoolOffice.)

EXPULSION - Expulsionmeansthatthestudentispermanentlyremovedfromtheschool. Veryserious offenses may lead to a student’s expulsion. Any decision to expel must be made after due consideration and consultation between the Director, Principal, parent(s) and student. The school administration makes a recommendation of expulsion to the Board of Directors. Only the Board has the authority to expel a student.


Students are held responsible for their conduct while attending or participating in school-sponsored activities beyond the regular school day. During this time, student conduct is subject to all regula-tions of the school and will be governed accordingly.

StudentsrepresentTAISMwhileparticipatingininterscholasticevents.Violationofthebehavioralexpectations could result in disciplinary action from school. If students have been suspended from school,studentswillbebannedfrominternationalinterscholasticeventsforaperiodof60schooldays(1/3oftheschoolyear)fromthetimeoftheirsuspension.Afterthe60schooldays,studentswillbe allowed to resume travel to international destinations representing TAISM. If further disciplin-ary issues arise that result in placing the student on Disciplinary Probation (an additional suspen-sion or serious disciplinary concern), the student would not be allowed to travel to participate in an international interscholastic event. Any student on Disciplinary Probation will not be allowed to represent TAISM at an international interscholastic event.

Subsequent serious violations of discipline at school or interscholastic events during a student’s en-rollment at TAISM will result in the student being suspended and/or placed on Disciplinary Proba-tion, thus preventing the student from traveling to international interscholastic events as per the above procedure.


If swimming is a planned for activity, all students must be suitably attired. This means girls must wear one-piece bathing suits. Students are to maintain school uniform dress when participating on extra-curricular trips, unless informed otherwise by the coach, advisor of the activity, teacher or Principal.

Common Expectations & Disciplinary Philosophy

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ASSEMBLIES: Throughout the year students and faculty attend a number of assemblies. Parents are welcome to attend. Proper conduct and decorum is expected at all assemblies.

ASSEMBLY/PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: • Assembly/Conversation: During performances and presentations, the audience should be atten-

tive and courteous.• Personal Listening Devices: Should be turned off and removed from sight.• Applause: A warm round of applause after a presentation is the reward for our performers.

Whistlingandhootingareunacceptable.• Entering/Exiting: Audience members arriving late should enter the performance when there is a

break in the program; likewise, audience members should exit only when there is a break.

ACADEMIC OR BEHAVIORAL CONTRACT: A formal written contract between the school, parents and the studentmaybe requiredwhich specifies expectations and future conse-quences of behavior.

COUNSELING REFERRAL: The school may require professional counseling or a diagnostic evaluation as a requirement for continued enrollment. The results of such testing and/or professional recommendations may also be required in order to provide the student with the best possible educa-tion.

FINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENT: Whenstudentsareresponsiblefordamaging,destroy-ingorlosingschoolproperty,theywillbeassessedfinesandchargesappropriatetothedamageorloss. Failure to uphold this responsibility will result in the withholding of grades and transcripts.

GRADE LOSS: A student who does not follow academic integrity expectations will receive a loss of grade for that assignment as determined by the teacher in consultation with the Principal. Any unexcused absence from class could also result in a reduction of an academic mark due to a missed assignment or assessment.

GROUP SKIP DAY: Any group of students who intentionally skip a day of school will face disciplinary consequences. All students involved will be placed under disciplinary probation.

Other Information

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Board of Directors’ Policies Related to the Student/Parent Handbook

The Policy Manual may be viewed by request. Please contact the High SchoolPrincipalortheAdministrativeOffice.

Policy # Reference

7.30 Attendance - Absences and Excuses7.40 Student Rights and Responsibilities7.406 Academic Honesty7.4071 On School Busses7.4072 Tobacco, Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use by Students7.4073 Weapons and Dangerous Toys7.4074 Vandalism and Damage to Property7.4075 Violent Behavior7.50 Discipline7.501 Disciplinary Probation7.502 Suspension7.503 Expulsion7.701 Student Government7.703 Student Publications7.80 Student Records

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Mr. Keith Boniface - PrincipalMr. Ryan Haynes -Counselor


AQUATICS:Ms. Kathy Walker

ART:Mr. Ray MontoyaMs. Bretta Ringo

BAND:Mr. Tim Willson

CHOIR:Ms. Melanie Brink

DRAMA:Ms. Kris Hovland

ENGLISH:Ms. Carol RizzardiMr. Stephen Ringo


HEALTH: Ms. Laura MacDonald



MATH:Mr. Lloyd Baker Ms. Valerie Balboa Mr. Greg BrinkMs. Lydia Elmore

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Mr. Mark EvansMs. Caitlin Hutchinson

PUBLICATIONS:Mr. Stephen Ringo (Newspaper)

SCIENCE:Mr. Lloyd BakerMs. Valerie BalboaMr. Chris Charnitski

SOCIAL STUDIES:Mr. Robert FixMr. Robert JacksonMr. Carl Spilles

WORLD LANGUAGES:Ms. Randa Al Awwad(Arabic)Ms. Hilda Ashkar (Arabic)Mr. Ricardo Calderon(Spanish)Ms. Jacqueline Mallais (French)Ms. Melissa Foltz (Spanish)

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13 Hig

h Sch

ool Sched



Day 1

Day 2


3 D

ay 4

Day 5

Day 6

8:30- 9:55







9:55- 10:10




10:15- 11:45







11:45 -12:25L U



12:30- 13:55







13:55- 14:10B



14:10- 3:30






