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Taitz v Astrue Filed First Amended Complaint RESCANNED

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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  • 8/6/2019 Taitz v Astrue Filed First Amended Complaint RESCANNED


  • 8/6/2019 Taitz v Astrue Filed First Amended Complaint RESCANNED


    Case1 11-cv-00402-RCLDocument Filed04108111Page2 of 11

    l [ ] laint i f ] .Dr. ()r lv lai ia f-S(l is theprcsi t icnt f ' the"f ]etend )ur l ; reedoms"fbundatian {hereinafter tbunduioni zurd an attornel'. wllt) reprcsented histirundation.

    l" Both thc Plaintifi'and the foturdation rededicated o the preservation f thc'( ' r-rmthutionalightsund fieedorn-sf the i.S. citizens.

    .1.PlaintifTrvorks 'lose!- vitha number >f-l icensednvestigatoru.-i. Inten'ener eceivcda repofi andan aflnlavit fiont a iiccnscd nvestigaloruid

    lbnner elhe Anti (.onintunist lrol i tbralion urd {nti Orgirnircd('r inrc unit ol ' theSt:utlind \''ard rrll-rcerNLril Siuiker,. IVr. Sankcr's report shorvrrd hat tsarackf-lusscin hanra he'rcinallerOhanra"} is lurked n the nalklnall atahaseso sonre-lq diffbrent Social Security' numben and muhip e addresses \one oi - thesenunrbeniwas issued n the state of [{awaii. fhe number that he usrd most ofiensincc uound I98{i arrristil l usl's oday'.whilc residing n the White Flouse. is allonnecticutSor:ialSc:curitv umber&11-68-++i5.Accttrding o L.cxLs exis andChorcePoint thLsnumher was onginall,vLssuedr.t fi cldcrlv inclivdual btlnr inl89t). tho resided n ('onnecticut. bu t this nurnb'erwas later lssumedbv Obamaand usedby' iiin ficnr :round l q80-lt)81

    4. I 'he tnst three Cigits of the Sxial Ser:urin' tumher i gnil i the state 042s gr t rs thestatecr l('onncctic tt .

    5. Obama vasnever t rtliitlentof Connecticut.6. In Marcir-Aprilal- W77 when his numberwa*s ssuecio anotlterndividual n

    Connecticut"Obarna /eLS 16 year okl student.residingwifi his grerrdparenlsnllawaii.

    7. 'f o confnm such findings "aitz obrtained n opinion ot-y'etanother icensedinvestigator.Susan )*niels. r.vhoattested o the fact thirt the nationaldatabasesshtiw rnuhiplcsociit lsecuritt 'nunrbcrs ssociatcdt' ith the namc BarackObeunaarr"lonshenr CannecticutSclcLrlSecurit]'numher l4l-ir8--142j usetJn'iostoften.

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    Case1:11-cv-00402-RCLocument FiledA4nBn1 Page3 of 11

    S[e. also. fbund that this numberwin originallf irssigncd o en indivrdualborn in1890. -ater. he same numbcr was assrriated rvith birth dates 04.08. 96l zutd0f i .04. iqOl, lates ot ' {X.08.196| and {J8.04.qbi suggcstexistcnceof l sorTledtr.-lunent^s.reatedusingan European yst

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    l l . i 'vat ional atahasesuch a-q -exisNexisand l 'hoice l loint show' iuratherSocial Securiryr urnber. originallv assigned o arl cklcrlv individuaL Lreingconnected o thc name Jarar.:k bama.

    ll. ' l 'hls Seicial ec-uri lr umber48-i-4{F55-t Lsn()teworthv.rs t wasausigneclto l .uc i l l tsal iant \ r le.arn 2. l l . 1911. eceased9 l l . 1998. r rh ibr i t

    l l. i lIs. Uallantyne as themotherol-Harn'{ ' . f latlant,vne. hief Actuaryof'thrS

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    Case1:11-cv-00402-Rcl ocument Filed04108111 ageS of 11

    I . ltecentlv Neil Al'rercrornhie. ()\rernor lf' t awaiL in an inter'-erv tr il{onolulu StarAdvertlser admhted hat he w,as ot ahle tr li'rcatehr.'original birthcerlif lcate br Obunil- tinly"a notatitrnby slrmcune lr archives hat sot]lc recrinierLsts. houghni ] irttral original cer-tifledong tirrnr j.S. hirth cerrillcatswar rvertbund fbr Obarnir.

    14. Oirama provided hc public onil 'a short tonl eert if lcatiorr l- iive birthc:rfirtedn 2007. right Llet irreht'cLrctioru vhich dog.q xlt corri l inan\ essentialintirrrttaticn. vhich r-r'picali ra'oulci re fbrind in thc origuial l

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    Filed A4108111Page 6 of 11

    esraLrl lrh barna's irth in i law'aiiw'ithout xamining ttrrtrhrrating vkjcnce iotnti ic tospnaLwhiclt uiu rtcverJrrt' 'duced.I9 . -l'herewere repoils ol-neurupaper rtx;lt:s.{}nouncinuObarna'sbkth in }'ll.Fol iuw up research id not uncoveran),su;h art ick wty 'w'herc. obodr ' r lerproducetl m actualnewspapcr th an announcemelrt f ()barna'sb,irth n the L;.S.Llni,re micrr:llche rnagewas fbund.' l-here s no evidcnce" erit-l ' ingwhen thisimlge- wits created Even if one were tt'i believe that such nc ,r's paperarlnouncement ctuall)'exLsted n 1 6 1 when t)irama w'itsborn. il still does notprr)\'e ha t ()bama \A'ashrm in fll. as news papcr iuliclc Ls n()t a prirna laciacr iderreu1'binh uid t could iare :een reatr-da-ss.in ii hirthccrtit lcate. reatcdunder tatutel8-5" 3i8-6, i3S-17. vhich o notprovidcprnofol-bir th n Hau'ai i .

    :0 . Senior )eportatir ln tllcer JohnSantpson pnrvidecl -aiD: ith a seconlatlldavit- taring hat ,.,*henhsre b a suspicir:n f it lcgaluseof'a Soci:rlSecirrhrnurnberoi another ndividual, Social Sccuritv r\drninlstratkrri outinel.r' rovidesredactedntbrmation egarding he original SS 5 applicatbn o the SocialSecur['a{ministration. Such intormatkrn ncludesgencicr. itce. alie at appiicatian.zipctxlc. Such inftrnnatit'rns generalenougli no t lc t reveal the ident4' of the livehokJcrpf the socialsccurit-v urnber,but i l is extrei l tclv rclpiul in identi l-r- inghauduhnt use. "l aTtz epeated1' subnritterlFOIA requests trr the SSn. but lvasrepeatcdllstonewallcrJutd ercn redacted rtbrnrAtiott vas nr)t pRrvideclegardrngthe srx a scu ritl' nitmber 041-b8-{415. Exh b t 7- I

    ll.,t.s ahr. ire rrl irrmation lit ir, l 'srat Ollaun:t oes not possess ithera lcnglqnn birthcertif cate -)r SocialSecuritr* untber l his own.-faitz t l led a ijoIArequesr or the SS-5 fbr t)42-68-4425. he agpeed() accepta reda;tedSS-5.but itwtu denied.

    l l . In MArch of'1010 I'aitz ltc

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    case 1:11-cv-00402-RCLocument Filed04nu11 pageT of 11

    Executive Diret:tor. Otfice oi- Priviu.v and Dbclosure of' the soe al securhvadnrinstralon.

    23. fai tz appeahd o the LIS Distr icrCourr.Dlstr ictof ' t 'olumbia |:201[ i-cv_i)01 5 .(lhbf Judgeo1'rheX' Cr-rur1,lonRovceLarnbert]r.

    2-1- -t:ufi derticd he appeal citing that tht coLulappealw,ir-sllerj prior tc thcline disposit ion v' he {genc an,J hingprivacy ons cJerations.

    25. On October '1.2010 Iaiu f l lectvet anotherFOIA requesrwith the SocialSecur$,adminisrration requesting rr'dacted infbnnation. FOIA requesg.q .r csupposedo be qrantedordernied vrthin20 days. -aitz senta totalof's* certil'ieCrt iai l ctterswith requt-stsc eithersrantor denv hcr requcst- :uther rgquestwa*qnot gmnfedor denied or six ntontFr-s.t rvhich ime she tlbd this ieeafaction.Shesubnliftcdher original contplainton lrebruary . l0 ll. it u,'as otrketed n FeLrruan,16- 0 l l . After this comphint was flled I'aitz eceivcda rcsp()ru;cit;m rheSS{Lrttt i t int irnnatiottvas prurvidedegardirig SN 041-tr8-$t15. it ing privacy N*answer o the eompkrint \vasreceivcdvet and 'l'aitz.id l rling th s l. rst ..\mendedL'onrpkrint.

    26 in this First,{mended Clomplaint 'aitz. rovidcsaddit ional nformarion.spel-rl lcall-vxhib t I SelectiveSen'iceApplication br fSerack bama.showingthat he uses SSl.j 042-684415 and Exhibit 2 SSNVS Sor al Security numberVerificationSysterrrwhich shows that his is nrrra hgalh r,,Lrrainecir-rcnlSecurity,nttmber ur Banrck lhzuna. 'his is a prima aciaevklenceoi' Sot:ialSe:curirviaudand ldentitv Fraud obtailrerj iom thc ofllckrl records ol'the L;niteclStaresCovernnrent- hich coupledwith theaee -rl-2lvean oirj of theoriginalapplicanr{date f binh 18q0}- iust i lv eiei$e i lat lcast edacteC S-5 nt irnnarionequesred.suchas gender. aceand ageof the SS5applrczurtbr SSN 0.12-68-4415nd thezipcode. wherc the orrginal SSN card \\'as rnailed b-v.. he stria! Securitv

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    Case 1:11-cv-00402-RCLDocument Filed 4la\n 1 PageB of 11

    adrninistrat ion.oncealnrent-rf 'suchatawill constitute idirreand tbettins. ocialSecuritl,':raudand dentitv'fheft.

    ?7. Further records tiom the Student C hrrring l louse shorv even morrshockittgevidence. n his memoini iurd muhiple speechcs )barna wrote that hestud ed firr two _y*carst Coirurrba Ljn veru w Septernber 98 -tvlay' I 983. Headrnined hat in sumnrerof l98l he travelcd o flakisulr o vish his f i iends. butrepcatedl"v-hirned hat rom Septernber 98 unti l Mav of' l98l he resided n Nc'ruYtrrk zuid studied at ('olumbia lJniversitl'. Taitz ran a check ol-irls ],eirrs if'attendarce t (lolunrbia universitv urd lbund out that (-*lunrblaofl lcnl recordsshow hirn rttending 'olurnhia nivenitv onll ' l i l r ninernonth.s epterrrber98l-t i l lh' lay qSi tt.:xhibrt 11. trich neanshat he Presidcnt J'theLnrted States ied tcthe wtrole nation about his whereabouts br a w'lrole-v-ear eptenrber 98l untilSeptember 982. One year absence thc bestcasescenerkr. s he ct-ruld et hrrsrunivemhy redit b:' rec,iprocrt)'r throughexternstudies.

    18 . .\-\ there Lsno rccord o1'()haunat:siding ril'rvherc lsc in thc []nitcrdStirtesfrom Septemb'er98l-Septernber 982, or attending ny'otherunivemiq'.bi,iva,rtlf 'simple eductionh becomes iear hathis visit o f'aklstar asted ot a nronth )rttvr). u hcclainrs, ut ovsr a ycir.

    19. ln 1981-9ti l l lai i ist iurw;rs rulcd bi a nrlhle.ss adical fulusinr leadergsneralLia Lil Hac. who Lrarneo prwer as a resuhol-a nriliuu,vcoup. announcedhinxelf asa Chief Martial Law Adrninistrator nd ruled thecountruvia the sJ-stcmof iron l.rst error. Sqrreme court tlf Paklstan.apparcnttyafraid for their livesfound su;h rule tc Lte ar:ceptabie ue to a "neL'rssitv"dot:trinc. Based onverrif-rcationf Cct umb a un venitl' recorcls. aiu fbund hat (lbanliaspentat lemta )'earwithin the regimeof gcneral ,ta Ul [-kn: ThLs e \,'elation dds urgcncv nproccssinghis complaint.as it sh

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    Case1:11-cv-00402-Rcl ocument Fited 4lau11 page10of 11

    tu+t) Secirriry,llvd.llahimore. v'lD l li 5

    l:rr l lolder-Attorncv iencralo1-ht ' inited Sutestl "S . I k:pitrtnrrrit rrl.I rrsticcq5o I)crtrlrr h urri ir {r't^rrrrt '.l{ 'Wushingtorr. IX ' ?t-l5:Jt-l-,ru,,,

    I is Attome.vdl-strict f C'oiuntbial . rccdonr { lnfon44t i r ln }c l ! -O1. i lanelPnracr Al t { l } . . \ ) ( 'ont : rcr :\ \ ' i l l ianr i . \ tcr+, i t rtl . Assistant )ir. -ct i i rf' } A.' i 'r ve c Sta i[ ' recr t t ivc- l f i ier hrr { ini tet i t l r tc: . {t t r, rrrr i , ,[ ]eplrt nL* t rl f -lus tuc{r{}t} Strret-N\\j. Rtrcnr7j0{}\! a.shrngtrrnX' :{}5 1{t-{l{lt lr l t ) l j : - - { l -6 { " }? { } { l { " } l i l _ { l -60J0

    cc Congressrniu)anrcll ssaChairmanHouse0vers ghtColnm ttee:-1.+7 ay'burnlouse luildingWashingronX]. l05l 5

    cc ('t.rngressmanlikt: RogcrsChairrrnrr

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