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Tajikistan and the High Pamirs – A Companion and Guide (Odyssey Publications 2008) Exploration and Adventure on the Roof of the World BIBLIOGRAPHY (© Robert Middleton 2008) BSG Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, Paris 1 GJ Geographical Journal, Royal Geographical Society (RGS),London 2 GR Geographical Review, RGS IOLR India Office Library and Records, British Library, London IIRGS Bulletin (Известия) of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, (Императорское Русское географическое общество) St. Petersburg JRGS Journal of the RGS, London PRGS Proceedings of the RGS, London СМА Сборник географических, топографических и статистических материалов по Азии (Collection of Geographical, Topographical and Statistical Materials throughout Asia) published by the Military Scientific Committee of the Russian General Staff, St. Petersburg 1883-1914. Websites marked with * were accessed in February 2008 (** December 2009) Ethnography Baipakov K.M., Savalieva T.V. and Chang K., Средневековые города и поселения северо- восточного жетысу (Medieval towns and settlements in north-east Semirechye), Ministry of Education, Almaty 2005. Bernshtam A., ‘К Вопросу о Происхождении Киргизского Народа’ (‘On the question of the origins of the Kyrgyz people’) Советская этнография (Soviet Ethnography), 19 No. 2. – pp.16-26. Accessible on http://www.kyrgyz.ru/?page=159 * Bliss Frank, Social and Economic Change in the Pamirs (Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan), London 2006. Bubnova M. and Ranov V., ‘Uncovering the History of the Roof of the World,’ American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 65, No. 4 (Oct. 1961) pp. 396-397). Capus Guillaume, ‘Objets Ethnographiques de l’Asie Centrale,’ La Nature, 1882, pp. 92-93. Capus Guillaume, ‘Le Kafiristane et les Kafirs-Siahpouches,’ 4 e Congrès International des Sciences Géographiques 1889, Tome Premier, Annexe III, Paris, 1891, pp. 661-703. Capus Guillaume, Le Toit du Monde, Paris 1890. Capus Guillaume, ‘Les Kirghizes du Pamir,’Association française pour l’Avancement des Sciences 1890. Capus Guillaume, ‘Du groupement ethnique des peuplades dans la région prépamirienne,’ Revue de Géographie, Tome XXIX, Juillet-Décembre, Paris, 1891, pp. 433-440. 1 Accessible on http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34424377d/date * 2 Historical publications of the RGS are accessible on http://www.jstor.org/ *
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Tajikistan and the High Pamirs – A Companion and Guide (Odyssey Publications 2008) Exploration and Adventure on the Roof of the World BIBLIOGRAPHY (© Robert Middleton 2008) BSG Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, Paris 1 GJ Geographical Journal, Royal Geographical Society (RGS),London 2 GR Geographical Review, RGS IOLR India Office Library and Records, British Library, London IIRGS Bulletin (Известия) of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, (Императорское

Русское географическое общество) St. Petersburg JRGS Journal of the RGS, London PRGS Proceedings of the RGS, London СМА Сборник географических, топографических и статистических материалов по

Азии (Collection of Geographical, Topographical and Statistical Materials throughout Asia) published by the Military Scientific Committee of the Russian General Staff, St. Petersburg 1883-1914.

Websites marked with * were accessed in February 2008 (** December 2009) Ethnography Baipakov K.M., Savalieva T.V. and Chang K., Средневековые города и поселения северо-восточного жетысу (Medieval towns and settlements in north-east Semirechye), Ministry of Education, Almaty 2005. Bernshtam A., ‘К Вопросу о Происхождении Киргизского Народа’ (‘On the question of the origins of the Kyrgyz people’) Советская этнография (Soviet Ethnography), 19 No. 2. – pp.16-26. Accessible on http://www.kyrgyz.ru/?page=159 * Bliss Frank, Social and Economic Change in the Pamirs (Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan), London 2006. Bubnova M. and Ranov V., ‘Uncovering the History of the Roof of the World,’ American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 65, No. 4 (Oct. 1961) pp. 396-397). Capus Guillaume, ‘Objets Ethnographiques de l’Asie Centrale,’ La Nature, 1882, pp. 92-93. Capus Guillaume, ‘Le Kafiristane et les Kafirs-Siahpouches,’ 4e Congrès International des Sciences Géographiques 1889, Tome Premier, Annexe III, Paris, 1891, pp. 661-703. Capus Guillaume, Le Toit du Monde, Paris 1890. Capus Guillaume, ‘Les Kirghizes du Pamir,’Association française pour l’Avancement des Sciences 1890. Capus Guillaume, ‘Du groupement ethnique des peuplades dans la région prépamirienne,’ Revue de Géographie, Tome XXIX, Juillet-Décembre, Paris, 1891, pp. 433-440.

1 Accessible on http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34424377d/date * 2 Historical publications of the RGS are accessible on http://www.jstor.org/ *

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What is a Pamir? Younghusband Francis, The Heart of a Continent – a narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs and Hunza 1884-1894, London 1904, p. 231, p. 241 and pp. 259-260 Ralph P. Cobbold, Innermost Asia, William Heinemann, London 1900, pp. 32-33. 1911 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, entry ‘Pamirs’. Rickmers Willi Rickmer, ‘The Pamir Glaciers,’ GJ, Vol. 131, No. 2 (Jun., 1965), p. 219. Ta-T’ang-Si-Yu-Ki: translated by Samuel Beal in Buddhist Records of the Western World (London: Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1884), p. 291. (Reprint by Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 2004.) Part also available on the Silk Road Seattle website: http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/texts/xuanzang.html * Shokhumurov Abusaïd, Pamir - the land of Aryans, Dushanbe 1997, pp. 31-32; Iskandarov B.I., История Памира (History of the Pamirs) Khorog 1996, p. 11; Asiatic Quarterly Review, quoted by Dr. G.W. Leitner in PRGS, Vol 14, No. 1, 1892, p.34. Rickmers Willi Rickmer, ‘The Alai-Pamirs in 1913 and 1928,’ GJ, Vol LXXIV No 3, September 1929. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, translated by Samuel Beal (London: Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1884), p. 297. Miscellaneous references in tourism chapters Darwaz, Vanch and Yazgulam Regel Albert, ‘Albert Regels Reisen nach den Amudarialändern’ (Albert Regel’s journeys to the regions on the Amudarya) in Supplement to the Allgemeine Zeitung, Munich, 17 July 1884. Supplement to the Allgemeine Zeitung, Munich, 17 July 1884. Rushan and the Bartang Valley Stein Aurel, On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks, 1964 new edition, pp. 279-280. Tageyev B.L., Русские над Индией. Очерки и рассказы из боевой жизни на Памире (Russians above India. Reports and stories from military life in the Pamirs), St. Petersburg, 1900, pp. 321-322 von Schultz Arved, Die Pamirtadschik, 1914; and Länderkundliche Forschungen im Pamir, Hamburg 1916. Layard Austen Henry, Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; With Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert, London 1853. Tageyev B.L., Русские над Индией. Очерки и рассказы из боевой жизни на Памире (Russians above India. Reports and stories of military life in the Pamirs), St. Petersburg, 1900 – accessible on http://militera.lib.ru/memo/russian/tageev_bl*).

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von Schultz Arved, ‘Der Turssuk, Verkehrsgeographische Betrachtungen aus dem westlichen Pamir’ (The ‘Turssuk’ – reflections on transport in the western Pamirs), Globus - Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde, Brunswick 1910, pp. 107-108. Oldham Richard Dixon, ‘The Pamir Earthquake of 18th February, 1911,’ in The Quarterly Journal Of The Geological Society Of London, Vol. 79, 1923, pp. 237-245. Stein Aurel, Innermost Asia : detailed report of explorations in Central Asia, Kan-su and Eastern Iran, Vol. 2, London 1928, pp. 855-856. (See http://dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/T-VIII-5-A-a-3/V-2/page/0351.html.en et ff.)* Khorog and the Ghunt Valley (Shughnan) Cobbold Ralph P., Innermost Asia, William Heinemann, London 1900, pp.198-199. Roshtkala District and the Shokhdara Serebrennikov A., ‘On the Afghan Frontier: A Reconnaissance in Shugnan,’ GJ, Vol. 1 No. 6, December 1900, pp. 669-671 Ishkashim District and the Wakhan Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, translated by Samuel Beal (London: Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1884), p. 297. Murghab District and the Great Pamir Capus Guillaume, ‘Les Kirghizes du Pamir,’ in Association française pour l’Avancement des Sciences - Compte rendus de la 19e session, Paris-Limoges 1890, p. 534. Stein Aurel, On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks, p.266. Elias Ney, Report of a Mission to Chinese Turkestan and Badakhshan in 1885-86. By Ney Elias, Political Agent on special duty, Calcutta 1886 (British Library, IOLR F111/378), pp. 22-28. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, translated by Samuel Beal (London: Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1884), p. 297. Cobbold Ralph Patteson, Innermost Asia – Travel and Sport in the Pamirs, London 1900. Rawlinson, Henry C., ‘The Dragon Lake of Pamir,’ PRGS 9-2, 1887, pp. 69-71 Schultz Arved von, Landeskundliche Forschungen im Pamir, Hamburg 1916. Language in the Pamirs Shaw, Robert, ‘On the Ghalchah Languages (Wakhi and Sarikoli),’ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. XIV, 1876 – accessible on http://www.archive.org/details/onghalchahlangua00shaw ** Ivanow V., Nasir-i Khusraw and Ismailism, Series B No. 5, Section 5; edited for the ‘Ismaili Society,’ Bombay, 1948 - accessible on http://www.ismaili.net/Source/khusraw/nk2/nasir_kusraw2.html * Religion

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Elias Ney, manuscript Pamir Journey 1885-6, RGS Archive - Ney Elias Special Collection NE33, entry for 30.11.1885. Niyozov Sarfaroz, ‘Shi'a Ismaili Tradition in Central Asia: Evolution, Continuities and Changes,’ Central Asia and the Caucasus, Journal of Social and Political Studies, No. 6 (24), Harvard University 2003. Bobrinskiy A., . Секта Исмаилия (The Ismailis), Saint-Petersburg 1902 Iskandarov B.I., Восточная Бухара и Памир во второй половине XIX века (Eastern Bukhara and the Pamirs in the second half of the 19th century), Dushanbe 1962. Petroglyphs and Pictographs Ranov V.A., ‘Рисунки Каменново Века в Гроте Шахты’ (Paintings from the Stone Age in the Shakhty Cave), Советская Этнография (Soviet Ethnography), Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1961, Vol. 6, pp. 70-81. Zhukov V.A. and Ranov V.A., Археологические Открытия 1971 Года (Archaeological Discoveries in 1971), Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1972, pp. 540-541. Ranov V.A., ‘Alte Felszeichungen von Ljangar (Westpamir)’ (‘Ancient petroglyphs in Langar (Western Pamirs)’), Das Altertum, Vol. 3, Berlin 1973, pp. 161-170. The Symbolism of the Pamiri House Stein Aurel, On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks, New York 1964, p. 280. Grünwedel Albert, Königlich-Preussische Turfan-Expeditonen - Altbuddhistische Kultstätten in Chinesisch-Turkistan (Royal Prussian Turfan Expeditions - Ancient Buddhist Temples in Chinese Turkestan), Berlin 1912. Accessible on http://dsr.nii.ac.jp/toyobunko/VIII-5-B4-a-7/V-1/page/0379.html.en * Music and dancing Snessareff A., ‘Religion und Gebräuche der Bergvölker des westlichen Pamir’ (Religion and Customs of the mountain people of the western Pamirs), in Keleti Szemle (Revue Orientale), Budapest 1908, pp. 180-205. . Koen Benjamin David, Devotional Music And Healing In Badakhshan, Tajikistan: Preventive And Curative Practices, Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By, M.A.; The Ohio State University 2003.
