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1 Tak Sun Secondary School Class of 2020 Introduction of Senior Secondary Elective Subjects (including Mathematics Extended Modules I & II, and Applied Learning Courses) Jan 2017
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    Tak Sun Secondary School

    Class of 2020 Introduction of Senior Secondary

    Elective Subjects (including Mathematics Extended Modules I & II,

    and Applied Learning Courses)

    Jan 2017

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    Contents Page no. I. Introduction of Senior Secondary Curriculum

    o Learning goals o Curriculum Framework o Multiple Pathways for Senior Secondary Graduates

    3 3 3

    II. Introduction of TSSS Senior Secondary Curriculum (a) Curriculum Framework 4 (b) Elective Subjects

    o Biology o Chemistry o Physics o Chinese History (中國歷史)

    o Economics o Geography o History (歷史)

    o Business, Accounting and Financial Studies o Information and Communication Technology (modules C and D) o Physical Education (體育)

    o Visual Arts

    5 6 7 8

    10 12 14 16 17 18 19

    (c) Mathematics Extended Modules I and II 21 (d) Applied Learning Courses 23 III. Basic Admission Requirements 24

  • 3

    I. Introduction of Senior Secondary Curriculum (a) Learning Goals

    After the completion of senior secondary curriculum, it is expected students:

    ! to be obliterate and trilingual with adequate proficiency;

    ! to acquire a broad knowledge base, and be able to understand contemporary issues, that may impact on their

    daily life at personal, community, national and global levels;

    ! to be an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of global and national identity;

    ! to respect pluralism of cultures and views, and be a critical, reflective and independent thinker,

    ! to acquire IT and other skills as necessary for being a life-long learner;

    ! to understand their own career academic aspirations and develop positive attitudes towards work and


    ! to lead a healthy life style with active participation in aesthetic and physical activities.

    (b) Curriculum Framework

    4 Core Subjects:

    Chinese Language

    English Language


    Liberal Studies


    Elective Subjects:

    2/3 elective subjects chosen from

    11 elective subjects and Applied

    Learning Courses +

    Other Learning Experiences (OLE)

    Moral and Civic Education,

    Community Service, Aesthetic

    Development, Physical

    Development and

    Career-related Experiences

    (c) Multiple Pathways for Senior Secondary Graduates

  • 4

    II. Introduction of TSSS Senior Secondary Curriculum (a) Curriculum Framework (tentative) Form 4 (2017/18) Form 5 (2018/19) Form 6 (2019/20)

    English Language English Language English Language

    Chinese Language Chinese Language Chinese Language


    (Compulsory Part/

    Compulsory Part + M1/

    Compulsory Part + M2)


    (Compulsory Part/

    Compulsory Part + M1/

    Compulsory Part + M2)


    (Compulsory Part/

    Compulsory Part + M1/

    Compulsory Part + M2)

    Core Subjects

    Liberal Studies Liberal Studies Liberal Studies



    2 Elective Subjects/

    3 Elective Subjects

    1 Elective Subject +ApL/

    2 Elective Subjects + ApL/

    2 Elective Subjects/

    3 Elective Subjects

    1 Elective Subject +ApL/

    2 Elective Subjects + ApL/

    2 Elective Subjects/

    3 Elective Subjects

    Religious Studies & Ethics Religious Studies & Ethics Religious Studies & Ethics

    Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education



    Experiences Aesthetic & Career Education

    Note: M1: Mathematics Extended Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) M2: Mathematics Extended Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)

    ApL: Applied Learning Course

    Elective Subjects* to be offered: (tentative) • Biology

    • Chemistry

    • Physics

    • Chinese History (medium of instruction: Chinese)

    • Economics

    • Geography

    • History (medium of instruction: Chinese)

    • Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

    • Information and Communication Technology

    o Module C: Multimedia Production and Web Site Development

    o Module D: Software Development

    • DSE Physical Education (medium of instruction: Chinese)

    • DSE Visual Arts

    • Applied Learning Course: (to be offered in Form 5)

    o Film and Video Studies (by VTC)

    o Fashion and Image Design (by VTC)

    o Interior Design (by VTC)

    o Aviation Studies (by HKU SPACE)

    o Practical Psychology (by HKBU SCE)

  • 5

    (b) Elective Subjects Biology Curriculum Objectives The broad aims of the Biology Curriculum are to enable students to:

    • develop and maintain an interest in biology, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the living world, and a

    respect for all living things and the environment;

    • construct and apply knowledge of biology, understand the nature of science in biology-related contexts, and

    appreciate the relationships between biological science and other disciplines;

    • develop the ability to make scientific inquiries; think scientifically, critically and creatively; and solve

    biology-related problems individually and collaboratively;

    • understand the language of science and communicate ideas and views on biology-related issues;

    • be aware of the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of biology, and be

    able to make informed decisions and judgments on biology-related issues; and

    • develop an attitude of responsible citizenship, and a commitment to promote personal and community health.

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part Elective Part

    I. Cells and Molecules of Life

    II. Genetics and Evolution

    III. Organisms and Environment

    IV. Health and Diseases

    V. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control

    VI. Applied Ecology

    Assessments Component Outline Weighting Duration

    Paper 1 Compulsory part 60% 2.5 hours Public

    Examination Paper 2 Elective Part

    (A choice of two out of four elective topics)

    20% 1 hour



    Practical Related Tasks 20%

    Abilities or Skills required to study this subject • strong interest in study of biology

    • communicate ideas and views effectively with others, using the language of science

    • plan and conduct scientific investigations individually or collaboratively

    • strong ability to think scientifically and creatively

    • strong memorization of biological vocabularies

    Further Study and Career Opportunities • Biology related subjects in the universities of Hong Kong and other countries, e.g. Chinese medicine,

    medicine, health sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, biochemistry, biotechnology and etc.

    • Career opportunities – Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, research works in universities or private

    companies, analytical works in Government Laboratory and private testing laboratories.

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Ben Chan.

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    Chemistry Curriculum Objectives ! The overarching aim of the Chemistry Curriculum is to provide chemistry-related learning

    experiences for students to develop scientific literacy, so that they can participate actively

    in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society, prepare for further studies or careers in

    fields related to chemistry, and become lifelong learners in science and technology.

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory part Elective part

    ! Planet Earth

    ! Microscopic world I

    ! Metals

    ! Acids and bases

    ! Fossil fuels and carbon compounds

    ! Microscopic world II

    ! Redox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysis

    ! Chemical reactions and energy

    ! Rate of reaction

    ! Chemical equilibrium

    ! Chemistry of carbon compounds

    ! Patterns in the chemical world

    ! Industrial chemistry

    ! Analytical chemistry

    Assessments Component Weighting Duration

    Paper 1 Compulsory part 60% 2.5 hours Public Examination

    Paper 2 Elective part 20% 1 hour

    School-based assessment (SBA)

    Practical work

    Volumetric analysis ; Qualitative analysis ; Experiment


    Abilities and Skills required to study this subject ! Open-minded about abstract concepts

    ! Good memory

    ! Fair at calculation

    Further Study and Career Opportunities ! Chemistry related subjects in the universities of Hong Kong and other countries, e.g. Chinese medicine,

    medicine, health sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, biology, chemistry.

    ! Career opportunities – Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, research works in universities or private

    companies, analytical works in Government Laboratory and private testing laboratories.

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Derek Lam.

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    Physics Curriculum Objectives ! The main aim of the Physics Curriculum is to provide physics-related learning

    experiences for students to develop scientific literacy, so that they can participate actively

    in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society, prepare for further studies or careers in

    fields related to physics, and become lifelong learners in science and technology.  

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part Elective Part

    1. Heat and Gases

    2. Force and Motion

    3. Wave Motion

    4. Electricity and Magnetism

    5. Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy

    1. Astronomy and Space Science

    2. Energy and Use of Energy

    Assessments Component Outline Weighting Duration

    Paper 1 Compulsory Part 60% 2.5 hours Public

    Examination Paper 2 Elective Part 20% 1 hour



    Over the two years of S5 and S6, there should be at least

    two marks for experiment (12%) and one mark for

    investigative study or an experiment with a detailed

    report (8%).


    Abilities or Skills required to study this subject • Be proficient with mathematics.

    • Showing a strong curiosity of how things work.

    • Showing an ability of logical reasoning.

    • Showing a strong ability of applying concepts in problem-solving.

    Further Study and Career Opportunities ! Students who study Physics have an advantage in pursuing some subjects in tertiary education such as

    Physics, Engineering, Information Technology, Surveying, Optometry and Physiotherapy.

    ! For Physics students, there is a wide range of career opportunities such as education, scientific research,

    engineering, aviation and meteorology.

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Johnson Chan.

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    中國歷史科 課程目標 課程以初中歷史與文化為基礎,銜接高等教育階段的中國歷史本科課程,為修讀的學生提



    內容及結構 ! 在課程內容方面,以政治史及文化史兩大領域為主,是本課程「歷代發展」及「歷史專題」兩部分


    ! 「歷代發展」部分突破以朝代為依歸的設計框架,著重突出不同「歷史時期」的主要特點,以銜接


    ! 「歷史專題」部分則在更廣闊的層面上從文化、地理、人物、制度、宗教及性別等方面,讓學生認

    識中國歷史的多元面貌,   從而為日後修習高等教育的各種專門歷史作好準備。 具體教學安排:

    1. 必修部分:「歷代發展」部份,當中包括: - 高中一年級全年:甲部:「上古至十九世紀中葉」; - 高中二年級上學期:乙部:「十九世紀中葉至二十世紀末」;

    2. 選修部分:「歷史專題」部分,以主題式設計,擬定教授一選修單元) - 高中二年級下學期:制度與政治演變


    上三種重要制度, 與政局的變化關係極為密切。)


    卷別 時間 結構 比重 試卷一 (必修部分:「歷代發展」)

    2小時 - 必答題,涵蓋甲、乙部佔全卷40分。 (作答時間:1小時15分鐘)

    - 其餘「甲部」、「乙部」各設3題,考生須分別各選答1題,佔全卷50分。 (作答時間:1小時)

    - 全卷共答3題。


    試卷二 (選修部分:「歷史專題」)


    - 每1單元各設3題。每題總分為25分。 - 學生從所選單元選答2題。 - 全卷共答2題完卷。


    須具備的學習能力及態度 ! 對中國歷史有興趣學生;良好語文及表達能力能

    ! 愛分析愛思考,且具有良好組織、歸納及推論能力的學生。

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    升學及就業出路 ! 本課程要求學生能對事物作多角度的探究及分析,並具備研習歷史的正面態度和技巧,以便在日後



    ! 選修本科可選擇的本地升學途徑:  

    院校 選修科目

    各大專院校開設的本科課程 1. 歷史 2. 中國語言及文學

    3. 新聞 4. 法律

    5. 哲學 6. 人類

    7. 社會 8. 經濟

    9. 心理 10. 文化研究 等


    1. 應用社會科學

    2. 康樂及休閒事務管理

    3. 旅遊、會展及節目管理 等

    ! 選修本科可從事的職業  

    1. 文物保育 4. 檔案管理

    2. 文化旅遊 5. 出版編輯

    3. 文物考古 6. 教育事務


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    Economics Curriculum Objectives The aims of the Economics curriculum are to enable students to:

    ! develop  an  interest  in  exploring  human  behaviour  and  social  issues  through  an  economic  perspective;    

    ! understand  the  world  in  which  they  live  through  mastery  of  basic  economic  knowledge;    

    ! enhance  their  general  intellectual  capacity  for  life-‐long  learning,  through  developing  their  capacities  in  

    economic   analysis,   so   that   they   possess   the   skills   necessary   for   reasoning   about   issues   and  making  

    rational  choices.  

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part

    Branches Topic Topic Name

    Microeconomics: (A) Basic Economics Concepts

    (B) Firms and Production

    (C) Market and Price

    (D) Competition and Market Structure

    (E) Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government

    Macroeconomics: (F) Measurement of Economics Performance

    (G) National Income Determination and Price Level

    (H) Money and Banking

    (I) Macroeconomic Problems and Policies

    (J) International Trade and Finance

    Elective Part

    Part II Extension of Trade Theory, Economic Growth and Development

    Assessment Component Part Weighting Duration

    Paper 1 (multiple-choice questions) 30% 1 hour Public

    Examination Paper 2 (conventional paper)

    Part 1: Compulsory Part

    Part 2: Elective Part (a choice of one out of two


    70% 2 hours 15 mins

    Abilities or Skills required to study this subject • Students   are   expected   to   possess   a   good   command   of   English   Language,   analytical   mindset   and  

    awareness  towards  current  issues.  

    • Memorizing  economic  theories  /  concepts  and  regular  practicing  on  analyzing  different  social  issues  /  

    situations  are  required  to  perform  well  in  the  subject.        

    • Numerical   skills  &  data   interpretation   skills   are   required   as   students   are   required   to   interpret  data  

    presented  in  different  formats  such  as  tables,  charts,  graphs  etc.  

  • 11

    Future Study & Career Opportunities ! This  curriculum  will  provide  a  useful  preparation  not  just  for  studying  economics  but  also  for  other  

    university  studies  such  as  management,   financial  studies,   law,  environment  studies,  and  public  and  

    social   administration.   The   perspectives,   knowledge   base   and   skills   that   are   emphasized   in   senior  

    secondary  Economics  curriculum  can  broaden  the  range  of  further  study  choices  for  students.  

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Vincent Lee.

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    Geography Curriculum Objectives The aims of this curriculum are to enable students to:

    ! understand the Earth they inhabit, and enable them to recognise and interpret, from a spatial perspective,

    the arrangement of phenomena and features on Earth, the processes at work, the interactions that occur, the

    changes that result, and the issues and management responses that arise;

    ! develop the general intellectual capacity and generic skills needed for lifelong learning through

    geographical enquiry, and the ability to apply these in life situations;

    ! appreciate the wonder, interdependence and fragility of the local and global environment, and the

    importance of promoting sustainable development; and

    ! develop a sense of citizenship, a global outlook, and readiness to take action for the betterment of society,

    the nation and the world.

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part Elective Part

    Part 1 Living with Our Physical Environment

    - Opportunity and Risks - is it rational to live in

    hazard-prone areas?

    - Managing River and Coastal Environments: A

    countinuing chanllege

    Dynamic Earth: The Building of Hong


    Regional Study of Zhujiang (Pearl

    River) Delta

    Part 2 Facing Changes in the Human Environment

    - Changing Industrial Location - How and why does it

    change over space and time?

    - Building a Sustainable City - Are environmental

    conservation and urban development mutually


    Part 3 Confronting Global Challenges

    - Combating Famine - is technology a panacea for food


    - Disappearing Green Canopy - Who should pay for the

    massive deforestation in rainforest regions?

    - Global Warming - is it fact or fiction?

    Abilities or Skills required to study this subject • strong  interest  in  study  geography;  

    • have  a  sense  of  curiosity  about  peoples,  places  and  environments;  

    • able  to  organize,  present  compare,  analyse,  synthesise  and  evaluate  from  different  data  (map,  photos,  

    diagram  etc);  and  

    • able   to   use   appropriate   texts   and   illustrations   (such   as   maps,   diagrams,   models,   sketches,   and  

    graphs)  to  present  and  organise  information  and  data  

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    Assessments ! Public examination (100%) - paper 1 (70%, 2½ hours, MC questions, Data-based questions and Short

    essay), paper 2 (30%, 1 hour and 15 minutes, Data-based questions and Short essay) (This is the public

    examination format until 2017-18, Question   types   and   weighting   in   Paper   1   and   Paper   2   will   be  

    rearranged   from   2019,   and   a   compulsory   fieldwork-‐based   question   in   Paper   1  will   be   introduced  

    from  2019

    ! No SBA

    Further Study and Career Opportunities ! Geography related subjects in the universities of Hong Kong and other countries, e.g. Geography, Art,

    Social sciences, Environmental science, Hotel and tourism management and BBA.

    ! Geography graduates are equipped to move in several career directions, often combining their knowledge

    of human and environmental activity to work in areas such as transport planning, resources and

    environmental management, tourism and recreational, logistic, surveying and, at a broader level,

    administration and business.

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Clement Ng.

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    歷史科 課程目標


    • 基本的歷史概念,如因果關係、演變與延續、不同事件的異同; • 陳述和詮釋歷史的不同方式,藉以表達不同的觀點與角度; • 本身所屬國家和其他國家的信念、經驗及行為,明瞭三者如何影響當今世界的發展; • 二十世紀本地、國家、亞洲,以及世界發生的主要事件/運動間的相互關係; • 塑造今日世界的主要歷史發展及趨勢。 課程架構及組織







    高中歷史課程必修部份:主題甲 / 主題乙


    高中歷史課程必修部份:主題甲 + 主題乙



    主題甲: 二十世紀亞洲的現代化與蛻變

    主題乙: 二十世紀世界的衝突與合作

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    大學課程選擇 (部份)

    院校 / 科目 最低入學要求 (歷史科)


    " 歷史科

    中學文憑試 - 歷史科:第3等


    " 歷史科、文化研究、文化管理等

    中學文憑試 - 歷史科:第3等


    " 歷史﹝榮譽﹞文學士

    " 中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)

    - 歷史主修

    中學文憑試 - 歷史科:第2等


    " 歷史﹝榮譽﹞文學士

    中學文憑試 - 歷史科:第2等


    • 對歷史、政治、社會文化和時事有興趣,有較強觀察能力和思考能力。 學生需要甚麼特別能力?

    • 本課程適合專注力較高的學生修讀。此外,歷史科學生須具備良好的語文能力;具備良好的閱讀及表達能力;擅長議論文的表達技巧;具備良好的分析、組織、歸納及推論能力。


    • 本校歷史科學生,畢業後選擇的進修出路包括:修讀本地或海外大學的歷史、法律等課程。

    同學如對本科有任何疑問,可與鍾寶源老師(Mr. Dennis Chung)查詢。

  • 16

    Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Curriculum Objectives

    To enable students to:

    • acquire a common body of business knowledge, including accounting and management;

    • make effective business decision in the dynamic business environment;

    • develop generic skills in team-building, communication, problem-solving which can be transferred to different

    domains; and

    • explore different aspects of business to prepare for life, for learning and for employment.

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part Elective Part

    o Business environment

    o Introduction to Management

    o Introduction to Accounting

    o Basics of Personal Financial Management

    o Elective A: Accounting module

    Assessments Component Weighting Duration

    Paper 1 Compulsory part 40% 1¼ hours Public

    Examination Elective part:

    Paper 2A Accounting module

    60% 2¼ hours

    Abilities and Skills Required Studying BAFS will require students’

    • Numerical skills

    • Analytical skills

    • Reading skills

    • Self-learning abilities

    Further Study and Career Opportunities Prepare students with essential business knowledge and skills for:

    • Further Studies: Higher education/tertiary studies in business subjects such as accountancy, business

    administration, management, marketing, finance

    • Career Opportunities: Accounting sector (auditors, financial controllers, accountants); Finance sector (financial

    analysts, financial planners); Management sector (executive officer, general managers) or Education sector

    (teachers, academics, educators)

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Patrick Tong or Mr. Expo Kwan.

  • 17

    Information and Communication Technology   Curriculum Objectives • Equip students with problem-solving and communication skills, and encourage them to think

    critically and creatively through ICT

    • Develop students into competent, effective, discriminating, ethical, and confident users of ICT

    • Provide students with opportunities to appreciate the impact of ICT on our knowledge-based society and nurture in

    them positive values and attitudes towards this area

    Curriculum Contents Compulsory Part Elective Part

    o Information Processing

    o Computer System Fundamentals

    o Internet and its Applications

    o Basic Programming Concepts

    o Social Implications

    o Elective C: Multimedia Production and Web Site


    o Elective D: Software Development


    Abilities or Skills required to study this subject • Students must have interest and be willing to learn by borrowing books from the library and try different software

    tools independently at home. There are many examination questions relating to real-life experience.

    • Students should have good analytical skills as there are many questions require students to study a case and solve

    the problem found in the case.

    • Good result in mathematics is not a must but certainly help.

    Further Study and Career Opportunities ! Further Studies

    o Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information & System Management, Information Engineering,

    Engineering Subjects

    o ICT skill is also essential to all business and engineering related courses

    ! Career Opportunities

    o Software developer

    o Multimedia designer

    o IT engineer & related industries

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Eric Tang.

  • 18

    體育科 課程內容及結構 理論部分:










    評核 部分 內容 比重 備註

    理論—公開考試 卷一



    長答 (三揀二,每題18分)

    60% 2小時15分鐘


    體能及技能—公開考試 (1) 兩項體育活動

    一田一徑、游水、體操 (三選一)


    籃足排羽乒手 (六選一)


    比賽 10分

    (2) 體能

    situp / chinning / sit & reach / 1609m

    40% 2月---3月期間考

    *註: 建議同學考慮能否應考技能及體能部份,最少為以上其中一項體育項目校隊成員或有相關訓練經

    升學及就業出路 科學: 運動科學,健康科學,營養,物理治療,生物,物理等

    人文及社會科學: 教育,康樂管理,社會學,心理學,新聞等

    有關行業: 教育,康樂管理,紀律部隊,物理治療師,健身行業,教練,營養師,醫療輔助


  • 19

    Visual Arts Curriculum Objectives Enable  students  to:  

    • enrich their aesthetics and arts experience;

    • strengthen their abilities to appreciate and create various forms of visual arts work aesthetically and critically;

    • develop perceptual abilities, generic skills and meta-cognition through autonomous and open-ended processes of

    inquiry in visual arts learning;

    • enhance multiple perspectives, and cultural and cross cultural understanding through exploration of the visual arts

    of diverse cultures;

    • cultivate personal refinement, values and attitudes, self-identity and a sense of commitment towards the

    community, the nation and the world; and

    • acquire a foundation for pursuing educational and career opportunities in the visual arts and creative industries.

    Curriculum Contents Visual Arts Making Art Appreciation & Criticism

    o Visual Presentation

    o Relationship between Practical Work and

    Appreciation & Criticism of the Artwork

    o Creativity & Imagination

    o Communication of Theme

    o Literal Description

    o Formal Analysis

    o Interpretation Of Meaning

    o Value Judgement


    Abilities and Skills required to this subject Visual  arts  students  should:  

    • have the passion and commitment in visual arts;

    • possess good command of English;

    • have good observation skills;

    • be creativity;; and

    • have solid foundation in sketching, drawing, painting, and/or other medium.

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    Further Study and Career Opportunities • Further Studies: Local/Overseas art related undergraduate program in post-secondary institute, such as fine art

    and design.

    • Career Opportunities: In the sector of cultural and creativity industries including advertising, architecture, art

    and crafts, cultural education, design, museum services, and publishing.

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Bernard Chan.

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    (c) Mathematics Extended Modules I and II

    Curriculum Objectives The   Mathematics   Curriculum   (S4   –   6)   is   a   continuation   of   the   existing   Mathematics  

    Curriculum  at   the   junior  secondary   level.   It  aims  at  helping  students   to  consolidate  what   they  

    have   learnt   through  basic  education,  broadening  and  deepening   their   learning  experiences,  as  

    well   as   further   enhancing   their   positive   values   and   attitudes   towards   mathematics   learning.   To   ensure   a  

    seamless   transition   between   the   junior   and   senior   secondary   levels,   a   coherent   curriculum   framework   is  

    designed  for  mathematics  education  at  both  levels.    

    The  curriculum  also  aims   to  prepare  students   for  a   range  of  post-‐secondary  pathways,   including   tertiary  

    education,  vocational  training  and  employment.  It  consists  of  a  Compulsory  Part  and  an  Extended  Part.  In  order  

    to   broaden   students’   choices   for   further   study   and  work,   two  modules   in   the   Extended   Part   are   provided   to  

    further   develop   their   knowledge   of  mathematics.   These   two  modules   are   designed   to   cater   for   students  who  

    intend  to:    

    • pursue  further  studies  which  require  more  mathematics;  or  

    • follow  a  career  in  fields  such  as  natural  sciences,  computer  sciences,  technology  or  engineering.  

    Curriculum Contents The  structure  of  the  Mathematics  Curriculum  (S4  –  6)  can  be  represented  diagrammatically  as  follows:    

     Module  1  (Calculus  and  Statistics)  focuses  on  statistics  and  the  application  of  mathematics,  and  is  designed  for  

    students  who  will  be  involved  in  study  and  work  which  demand  a  wider  knowledge  and  deeper  understanding  

    of  the  application  of  mathematics,  in  particular,  statistics.    

    Module  2  (Algebra  and  Calculus)  focuses  on  mathematics  in  depth  and  aims  to  cater  for  students  who  will  be  

    involved  in  a  mathematics-‐related  discipline  or  career.    

    Assessments The  students’  performances  in  the  public  examination  in  the  Compulsory  Part,  Module  1  and  Module  2  will  be  

    separately  reported  for  the  reference  of  different  users.  

    Module Component Weighting Duration

    1 Public Examination Conventional questions 100% 2½ hours

    2 Public Examination Conventional questions 100% 2½ hours

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    Abilities or skills required Module  1  (Calculus  and  Statistics)  

    Students   are   expected   to   possess   a   good   command   of   English   Language   and   analytical   mindset.  

    Memorizing  good  examples  in  each  topic  and  numerical  skills  are  necessary.        

    Module  2  (Algebra  and  Calculus)  

    Students   are   expected   to   possess   a   good   ability   in   understanding   the   abstract,   complex   mathematical  

    expressions   or   numbers   through   mathematical   methods.   Memorizing   good   examples   in   each   topic   and  

    numerical  skills  are  necessary.    

    Further Study and Career Opportunities “We  use  mathematics  everyday!”  Mathematics   is  not  only  core  subject   in  NSS  curriculum  but  also   is   the  

    foundation   tools   for   our   daily   life   and   further   studies.   Good   result   in   the   Compulsory   Part   of   Mathematics  

    Curriculum  is  a  key  to  enter  the  universities   in  Hong  Kong.   If  you  want  to  choose  to  further  study  in  business  

    administration,   natural   sciences,   computer   sciences,   technology   or   engineering,   the   Extended   Part   of  

    Mathematics  Curriculum  is  required.  

    For further enquiries about this subject, please contact Mr. Sum Wong.

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    (d) Applied Learning Courses

    Applied Learning (ApL) aims to:

    • enabling students to understand fundamental concepts and theories through application and practice, and to

    develop their generic skills in authentic context, and

    • provide students with opportunities to explore their career aspirations and orientation for lifelong learning in

    specific areas.

    Applied Learning (ApL) courses information (based on 2017-19 cohort) Course Course Provider Medium of Instruction Course Synopsis

    Film and Video Studies


    VTC Chinese or English

    Fashion and Image Design


    VTC Chinese or English

    Interior Design


    VTC Chinese or English

    Aviation Studies


    HKU SPACE Chinese or English

    Practical Psychology


    HKBU (SCE) Chinese or English

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    III. Basic Admission Requirements (a) Elective Subjects:

    Biology: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Biology Part of Integrated Science in F3

    Chemistry: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Chemistry Part of Integrated Science in F3

    Physics: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Physics Part of Integrated Science in F3

    Chinese History: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in History Studies in F3

    Economics: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Life & Society in F3

    Geography: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Geography in F3

    History: Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in History Studies in F3

    Business, Accounting and Financial Studies:

    Grade E or above in the overall year end grade in Life & Society in F3

    Grade E or above in the year end grade in Mathematics in F3

    Information and Communication Technology:

    Grade E or above in the year end grade in Computer Literacy in F3

    Physical Education:

    Grade D or above in the overall year end grade in Physical Education in F3

    Recommendation from Physical Education subject teacher

    Visual Arts: Grade C or above in the overall year end grade in Visual Arts in F3

    Recommendation from Visual Arts subject teacher

    (b) Mathematics Extended Module (M1 / M2): Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics): Grade C or above in the overall year end grade in Mathematics in F3

    Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus): Grade C or above in the overall year end grade in Mathematics in F3

    ~ Joy in Duty ~
