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take me as i am

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Chapter One Chapter One "Turn. It. Off." I demanded as I swung my arm around blindly to smack Caleb and get him to turn that darned radio off. "What?" Caleb raised an eyebrow with a smirk playing across his lips. He grabbed my hand and sang loudly into my face, "YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL." "Pretty please turn it off." I repeated with a grimace. Eventually, Devin obeyed and shut off the little portable radio. "You're such a weird teenage girl, Al, not liking One Direction." Nick teased. "I thought there was some sort of rules for girls. You know. 'All girls must be in love with One Direction.'" "Yeah, Allison, why don't you like them?" Caleb contributed to the teasing. All three boys were grinning like madmen, obviously enjoying the fact they could team up against me. If I didn't know them better, I'd probably have punched them silly by now. But since I had known them since I was young, and they had helped me through quite a lot, I knew all I could do was make sarcastic retorts in annoyance. "Don't you dare call me Allison. You know better and I will hurt you if you do it again. And because they're little cookie cutter popstars. They're not real, everything they say is scripted and they suck money from poor innocent girly teenagers who think they have a chance of marrying them." I shot back. The three boys just started laughing at my statement and I rolled my eyes. The topic drifted off of my hearty dislike for fake boy bands and I grabbed Devin's laptop, flipping it open and doing the normal scroll through Facebook. The four of us had no problems with taking each other's belongings, what was theirs was mine, what was mine was theirs. It had been that way since we became a 'group' six years ago. Eleven year olds who met in school, during a fire alarm. Strange story it was, but when we Nick and I decided to involve Caleb and Devin with our prank on our teacher, we had unknowingly knit together an extremely strong friendship. Too bad the teacher had been able to see the glue on her chair. Since then, we had matured in our pranks and we had not once gotten caught. "That was a total cheap shot," Nick growled at Caleb and my eyes flickered to the screen where the two boys were playing Call Of Duty. It was a typical Sunday night for the four of us, lounging around Devin's house and eating everything we saw. Devin's mom, aunty Kelly, knew us well enough that she had ordered three pizzas and made four dozen cookies. My eyes scanned my feed. "Woah, you and Natasha broke up?" I saw the update and looked towards Caleb, who shrugged in response.

Chapter 1

Chapter One

Chapter One"Turn. It. Off." I demanded as I swung my arm around blindly to smack Caleb and get him to turn that darned radio off.

"What?" Caleb raised an eyebrow with a smirk playing across his lips. He grabbed my hand and sang loudly into my face, "YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL."

"Pretty please turn it off." I repeated with a grimace. Eventually, Devin obeyed and shut off the little portable radio.

"You're such a weird teenage girl, Al, not liking One Direction." Nick teased. "I thought there was some sort of rules for girls. You know. 'All girls must be in love with One Direction.'"

"Yeah, Allison, why don't you like them?" Caleb contributed to the teasing.

All three boys were grinning like madmen, obviously enjoying the fact they could team up against me. If I didn't know them better, I'd probably have punched them silly by now. But since I had known them since I was young, and they had helped me through quite a lot, I knew all I could do was make sarcastic retorts in annoyance.

"Don't you dare call me Allison. You know better and I will hurt you if you do it again. And because they're little cookie cutter popstars. They're not real, everything they say is scripted and they suck money from poor innocent girly teenagers who think they have a chance of marrying them." I shot back. The three boys just started laughing at my statement and I rolled my eyes.

The topic drifted off of my hearty dislike for fake boy bands and I grabbed Devin's laptop, flipping it open and doing the normal scroll through Facebook. The four of us had no problems with taking each other's belongings, what was theirs was mine, what was mine was theirs.

It had been that way since we became a 'group' six years ago. Eleven year olds who met in school, during a fire alarm. Strange story it was, but when we Nick and I decided to involve Caleb and Devin with our prank on our teacher, we had unknowingly knit together an extremely strong friendship. Too bad the teacher had been able to see the glue on her chair.

Since then, we had matured in our pranks and we had not once gotten caught.

"That was a total cheap shot," Nick growled at Caleb and my eyes flickered to the screen where the two boys were playing Call Of Duty.

It was a typical Sunday night for the four of us, lounging around Devin's house and eating everything we saw. Devin's mom, aunty Kelly, knew us well enough that she had ordered three pizzas and made four dozen cookies.

My eyes scanned my feed. "Woah, you and Natasha broke up?" I saw the update and looked towards Caleb, who shrugged in response.

"That lasted a whole week." Devin snickered.

"Not surprising though, I told you guys. She was way too needy," I said, before going back to my mindless scrolling.

"No on thought it was going to last. By the way, what are you doing for prom?" Nick turned to look at me.

"That's like a year away. Summer hasn't even started, bro. But I'll be at home, watching Doctor Who and dreaming of getting to ride in the TARDIS."

"Seriously? It's the only senior prom you'll ever go to." Caleb spoke up, blue eyes flickering my way before going back to the video game.

"I have never been to a school dance and I'm not starting now." I replied in a no nonsense tone of voice, because I was not going to prom.

It was a cliche kind of thing, and there was no way I was going to dress up so we could take pictures and compare dates.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU SHOOT ME." Nick screamed, practically throwing the controller across the room. I chuckled to myself at the almost weekly event. I didn't bother looking up, instead I typed 'youtube' into the search bar.

"Would you-""AHHH, THE COMPUTER IS TALKING. HOLY CRAP." I screamed, quickly shutting the laptop and jumping about twenty feet away from it. My hand grasped my chest tightly as I stared menacingly at the macbook covered in bumper stickers. The thing gave me a heart attack!

"Al, you okay?" Devin smirked, not waiting for a response as he scrambled over to grab the laptop and open it. I waited a few minutes, letting myself calm before venturing over and sitting beside him. Devin clicked on the video, and this time I prepared myself for the talking.

"Would you like to meet One Direction? What about being able to see them every single day for two months? Now's your chance to meet these five gorgeous guys, on the new game show 'Going In Different Directions'! All you have to do is fill out the application and send it in! Thirty lucky girls will be chosen and flown out to California!" The lady's over-excited voice chirped with a smile.

"Oh gosh, they're everywhere." I groaned. "And seriously, what kind of pun is 'Going in Different Directions'?"

"Dude, we should totally sign Al up." Nick, who always was the practical joker, smirked as he yanked the laptop out of Devin's hands. The video game was long forgotten. "What are your hobbies?"

"Put juggling knives as one of them!" Caleb practically snorted.

"And making grass skirts." Devin added.

In a split second, I decided there was no harm in filling it out. Honestly, millions of girls would be filling it out. Maybe somebody would read it and it'd make them laugh, before they threw it in the trash. So I grinned and leaned over to see the application. "Don't forget burping the alphabet."


Three weeks later and I was rushing through the halls of my school. I hadn't give a second thought to that silly game show after we had submitted my form, the last few days of my junior were more important than a bubble gum boy band. I groaned as I bumped into something, all my books going flying.

"Bro, watch where you're going." Nick growled at the kid who ran into me.

Considering Nick was the popular jock in school, the boy mumbled an apology before bolting away. Devin showed up from behind us and helped me up while Nick gathered my things, declaring he was now keeper of my books.

"Ew, stop treating me like a girl." I complained as I yanked my things out of Nick's hands.

Devin winked at me before heading over to two girls who were waving and batting their eyelashes in his direction. With his sandy blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, he was easily one of the most attractive guys in our public school. Nick started to walk towards our class and I hurried after him. We were stopped by a tall, skinny blonde.

"Nick! Oh my gosh, like, how are you?" She purred. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the confidence that seemed to take over Nick.

"I'm great," He replied, letting his lips slide into a smile and revealing his white teeth. I laughed. Since we had a few minutes before class, I pushed past the two who had started flirting back and forth. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, about to silence it. I noticed that I was receiving a private number call.

"Er, hello?" I hesitantly answered.

"Good afternoon! Is this Allison Grate?" A voice inquired. It was high-pitched and obviously belonged to a mature sounding female.

"Uh, yup." I tilted my head in confusion, not sure how to approach a situation like this.

"This is Miranda Crass from One Direction's headquarters!" The voice paused, as if waiting for a reaction from me.

"Yeah, okay, that's great..?" I was definitely bewildered. Why the heck was someone from One Direction's headquarters calling me?

"We wanted to congratulate you, for you have been chosen to become a contestant on our reality game show! Out of thousands of applications, yours stood out to us! We will be sending you an email with all the information, and we are extremely excited to meet you!" She bubbled on and on, and I literally froze.

"You've got to be kidding me," I said. "I'm sorry, you just be mistaken - you couldn't have picked me."

"I know you must be over the moon right now, but indeed, you are one of thirty lucky girls to be joining us in California in one short week! Be expecting an email soon, it will have all the information on your flight and transportation! You have a great day, now."

"Uh, bye." I heard the click and simply sat there in complete shock. By now, Nick and a bunch of my other nosey classmates were glancing my way.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Nick commented with amusement, his blonde friend having hurried off to her own class.

"Nick, I swear I am going to kill you." I muttered, shooting a glare at the boy.

~~~Please vote and comment! :)Chapter Two

Chapter TwoMy eyes scanned what would be my room, annoyed utterances spilling out of my mouth. It'd been a week since that fateful call and I tried everything I could to get out of it, believe me, but apparently Nick and my mother had signed a contract for me. Nick had convinced my mom to fill it out, and her dream of turning me into a frilly, girly girl seemed more likely to happen this way. Nick took this 'prank' way too far, for the first time passing the boundaries of what I was okay with.

I sighed, throwing my green army bag onto the bed as I glanced around the small room again, thankful that they had given us all our own separate rooms. It was a simple layout, with clean, white walls, a single twin bed, a desk and chair, and a small TV off in one corner. I grabbed the booklet they handed me the second I had arrived, having taken the limo they sent to the airport to pick me up.

Saturday, June 14th.Welcome to Going In Different Directions! Few things you might need to know:There are a total of thirty girls, all ranging from 16-20 years of age.Filming starts today with the arrival of the girls. The first episode will be aired Monday, June 28th.The winner will get a party hosted by One Direction in a private beach house in Florida on August 25th, all expenses paid.The two runner-ups are invited to the party, as well as five of their guests.Every week, five girls will be voted off by Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn. After seven weeks, the final three will be chosen, resulting in the winner.Good luck and have fun!"Allison?" The lady who had dragged me here, I think her name was Miranda or something, poked her head into the room.

"Uh, call me Al." I stated, "Yeah?"

"We're having a brief meeting in the living room. Be there in five!" She smiled before bouncing off to another room repeating the same message. I groaned and quickly grabbed everything out of my bag and shoved it into the small dresser. It didn't really matter, I wasn't going to be here that long anyway. I shoved my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and made my way out into the hall.

"Oh my gosh, can you believe we're meeting One Direction in an hour?" I heard a squeal from somewhere inside the house.

I rolled my eyes and continued into the living room. It was a nice sized room, enough couches to fit all the girls. Already, half the girls were lounging around in short skirts and skimpy tank tops, whispering to each other how excited they were. I collapsed onto the one couch no one had claimed yet and crossed my arms. None of them paid any attention to me, the way I liked it. I took my phone out and started scrolling through my previous text messages.

Caleb: Hope you have a good time with One Direction ;) Try not to kill any of them, aight? Ooh, and if any of those girls need a rebound boy.. You got my number, don't be afraid to share it!Nick: Hope you don't hate me still. Cassidy and I are going out by the way. Just so you know, thanks for your advice.Devin: I was driving today and a pigeon pooped on my windshield and I screamed. Miss youI laughed to myself before texting them back.

"Do we have everyone?" Miranda questioned, standing in the middle of the room and eyeing us girls on the couch. I stayed quiet, analyzing the girls surround me. I categorized them into four different groups.

Group One: The Fakes. Everything about them screamed desperate. There were five girls in this group. They were the ones on one couch, giggling over how they were going to convince the boys to love them with their fake boobs. They had spray tans, false eyelashes, and unnatural colored hair. I really couldn't help wince at the sight of them.

Group Two:The Wannabes. Ten girls dressed similiarly to The Fakes, but toned down a bit. They seemed to have all their original parts, no nose jobs or fixed ears. They were eyeing The Fakes, as if taking lessons.

Group Three: Over-The-Top Fangirls. It consisted of ten girls who were all sporting One Direction shirts, had on necklaces with the boys' faces on them, and were shaking at just the prospect of meeting them.

I finished off the grouping, with Group Four: The Ones Who Won't Eat Me To Win. They looked like me, currently uncomfortably waiting to know what was going on. There were four girls in this group, and they were dressed simply, which was how I could tell they weren't OTTF, The Wannabes, or The Fakes. I eyed each one closely, deciding I might be able to make friends with them. They didn't seem girly and perhaps their only fault was not having a good taste in music. After realizing their title was long, I shortened it to 'TNGs' to stand for 'The Nice Girls.'

"Looks like we do have everyone! Welcome to Going In Different Directions. I just have to go over a few things, before we start filming and all that fun stuff." Miranda smiled happily. She was around thirty years old, and quite pretty. But she seemed way to energetic about her life.

"When do we get to meet the boys?" One of The OTTF's asked loudly, everyone starting to murmur about the prospect of meeting One Direction.

"I'll get to that. Now, hopefully you've read the packet, but every week Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall will be voting off five girls. They'll be getting to know each of you personally, we've set it up so you each get to spend time with them almost every day. We'll also be doing group activities, which will be announced later on. One thing I must stress, this is not a dating show. We expect you to treat them with respect, or you could get kicked off the show. The girl to not be voted off at the end of eight weeks, will have a beach party in Miami hosted by the boys. Questions?"

"What happens if one of the boys does fall in love with us?" An OTTF questioned excitedly, the girls around her giggling wildly.

"That is a very unlikely happenstance, so if that happens, we will take care of it then." Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Where are the boys staying?" A Fake inquired.

"That information will not be released. If any of you are to visit them outside of this house, you will be kicked off."

At that, I tuned everyone out. I decided, instead, to inspect the living room.

My eyes wandered to the tv, which was at least 72 inches and was definitely HD. I prayed I would be able to keep up with the football games on it. Other than the tv, the room was pretty simple. Six couches, two in the middle and the two on either side. They were really comfy couches, I practically sunk the second I sat down. I was seated on the one near the window, along with thegirls who didn't look like they would claw my eyes out to get close to the boys.

"Okay, here are your schedules for this week. If that's all the questions we have, you have about an hour before we'll start the interviews. The boys should be here in about three hours. We have stylists, make-up and hair artists ready, if you prefer. We'll start in alphabetical order." Miranda motioned with her hands.

My eyes scanned through the schedule.

Week One:Sunday:1pm to 4pm - Interviews (A-Z)4pm - Boys arrive.6pm to 10pm - Dinner and socializing.10pm - Boys leave.Monday:3pm to 7pm: Louis' group.Tuesday:10am to 2pm: Zayn's group.Wednesday:5pm to 9pm: Liam's group.Thursday:12pm to 4pm: Niall's group.Friday:1pm to 5pm: Harry's group.Saturday:Boys' day off.Sunday:5pm: Boys arrive.6pm: Dinner and socializing.8pm: First five girls get voted off.Soon everyone was fluttering about. I stayed on the couch and watched in amusement as pretty much all the girls started freaking out, talking about what to do with their hair and make-up. Oh and what should they wear? I rolled my eyes at them and pushed myself off the couch.

"Kinda amusing, isn't it?" A pretty brunnette laughed from beside me. I nodded. She was about 5'2 with long curly brown hair and bright green eyes. She was dressed in a simple sundress and was absolutely gorgeous.

"Very amusing," I replied back with a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Trinity." She stuck out her hand. I shook it awkwardly.

"Uh, I'm Al." I was confused as to why she would be talking to me.

"Is that short for something?" Trinity asked, head tilting to the side in curiosity.

"Allison, but I absolutely hate being called that."

"Got it. Well, I'm gonna go get ready. Nice to meet you, Al!" She gave a little wave before prancing off. By that time, pretty much everyone was back in their rooms getting ready, so I decided to tour around a bit. Considering my last name started with G, I had a while before I would be called for an interview. I headed out the double doors in the living room and headed out into the warm California sunshine. It was a gorgeous house, I had to give the tv company props for that. But it was probably all just so the losers watching it at home would be absolutely jealous.

There was an elegant pool, with waterfalls surrounding it. There was also a couple secluded areas, with benches and flowers. I was impressed. I finished walking around outside and walked back into the house.

Big mistake. There were suddenly camera people running around and girls spazzing out about their make-up. I avoided them all the best I could and escaped into my room. I shut and locked the door behind me, letting a sigh escape the second I fell on top of my bed.

I was worn out and One Direction hadn't even showed up yet.


Please vote and comment! :)Chapter Three

Chapter ThreeAn hour after wandering around, I was standing awkwardly in the hall, wearing basketball shorts and a tank top, waiting for someone to tell me where to go. There were cameras everywhere, lights getting situated, and just overall craziness.

"Allison?" A camera girl asked, looking me up and down. She seemed to be in her early thirties, her hair curled and pinned up and her outfit perfectly adjusted.

"Call me Al," I said.

"Are you sure you don't want to change into something more Uh, flattering?" She questioned, obviously extremely confused by my looks. Most of the girls she had seen had been perfect down to their toes.

"Nope, I'm good." I smiled briefly.

"You don't want any make-up?" She tried again, hedging me into looking 'appropriate' for the show.

"No," I replied, furrowing my eyebrows at her.

"Alright, then go ahead and have a seat in that chair over there." She seemed unsure, probably wondering if she should let me go on looking like I did. Uttering a thanks, I walked over to the director's chair and got comfortable.

"We're just gonna ask you some simply questions. Answer however you want." The interviewer that was behind the camera stated. I nodded in acknowledgement. "Camera is rolling What made you sign up, Al?"

"My friend Nick did it for me as a prank," I shrugged. "I really didn't think I'd be chosen."

"Were really excited to find out you were going to meet One Direction?"

"No. I mean, props to them for getting so big But to be honest, they're just another fad." I answered, deciding to be completely honest with the interviewers. The more I admitted to disliking them, the bigger chance I had to go home sooner rather than later.

"Then why are you here?" The interviewer managed to get out, while biting her lip. She seemed to be on the brink of snorting ouit in laughter.

"Like I said, my friend Nick thought it would be funny to fill out the form, so here I am." I repeated. "If I had a choice, I'd be at home instead of here."

"Are you psyched about meeting the boys?" The interviewer tried a different approach, still struggling to keep her expression professional-like.

"They're normal boys, so there really isn't any reason to be. Unless one of them has a weird mutation that they keep under wraps. Like, if one of them had an extra toe and never told anyone." A laugh escaped my lips as I thought of a popstar hiding an extra toe.

"Do you have a favorite?" The interviewer quirked an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't even know their names so I'm not exactly sure how I would have a favorite. But let's just say That one with the black hair that usually sticks up? I don't know," I shrugged.


"Yeah, I guess that's his names." I answered, not really interested. The sight of someone eating a donut in my peripheral vision totally distracted me from answering questions. She snapped her fingers, trying to get my attention.

"What are you interested in, hobbies, sports, etc?" The interview rested her chin on her hand, her expression showing interest. I think she already pegged me for a more tomboy type.

"I play soccer, football, hockey, lacrosse, basically anything I possibly can. I like to hit things with sticks. Or with my feet."

"A boyfriend?" The girl looked like she was enjoying every moment of this. Especially since I assumed she had already answered that question herself.

"Me? Ha! Nope, I'm quite honestly just one of the boys." I answered with a laugh.

"Well, I guess that's all we need. I have to be honest, I think you're my favorite so far." The girl winked as the cameraman stopped rolling. Even he had a look of amusement clear on his face.

"Thanks?" I was unsure if that was a good or bad thing.

"Good-luck, hope you win!"

"NO! Don't say that, that's the exact opposite that I want. Please get me out of here." I practically begged, my eyes wide.

"You need to stay to keep me sane with all these prissy girls." She whispered as I started to head off. I muttered annoyed words under my breath as I tried to find out where that guy got a donut. I want a donut!

I glanced at my watch, realizing I had thirty minutes before the craziness that would arrive with One Direction. Not being able to find the donuts, I decided to brave the living room and amuse myself while watching the girls prepare for One Direction.

"Hey! Glad to see you survived the interviews!" Trinity declared the second I walked into the room. She grabbed my arm and led me to where the TNG's (The Nice Girl's) were sitting around. "So this is Ariana, Faith and Andie. I think we all need to stick together, considering it seems like we're the only normal ones here." She whispered the last part.

"I'm Al." I awkwardly raised my hand to wave at them. Ariana was a slim blonde, with bright green eyes. Faith had sleek black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. Andie had wavy red hair and piercing brown eyes, lighter than Faith's.

"Hey! So I'm guessing you're not into this thing that much." Andie laughed, eyeing my choice of clothes up and down. I let my eyes waver over to their choice of clothing. Andie was wearing jeans and a flowery top, Trinity was still wearing her sundress, Ariana was donning a blue skirt with a white tank top. Faith was simply dressed in a black and white plaid shirt and jean shorts.

"My friend signed me up. Signed a contract too, I couldn't get out of it. So I'm here and dude, I should have faked an accident, why did I not think about that sooner?" I quirked my eyebrows as I imagined all the bloody scenarios that could have gotten me out of this. Seriously, how did I not think about that? Dagnabbit, Al, you can be so dense at times.

"Break a few limbs. That would probably have done it!" Ariana teased with a laugh. Already I could tell she was a 'happy' girl, one that laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed life.

I settled myself on the couch next to them, deciding I might actually like these girls. Which would be a big achievement for me, since I don't usually get on with girls. The next twenty-nine minutes were spent coming up with ideas I could have used to get out of the show. Car accidents, rock-climbing incidents, old lady with canes... We definitely had an assortment.

"We're going to start filming, so get ready. The boys will be here in just a few moments." Miranda announced with a joyful smile, clapping her hands together. She resembled a seal. I groaned as the other girls started giggling. Even TNGs were starting to hyperventilate.

"Help, I don't know anything about them" I whispered hoarsely to Trinity. The worst thing would be going into this experience not knowing an inkling about them - I wanted to know what to use against them to make them want to send me home.

"Okay, girls, quick. Their names are Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam." Trinity whispered back. Urgency had taken over her voice, eyes comically wide as she struggled to search her mind for information on the five boys she adored so much.

"Liam is technically afraid of spoons and Louis loves carrots, but that's kind of over-rated. I'm pretty sure Louis actually hates carrots and the spoon fear was taken way too far past the humorous stage." Faith informed me quietly.

"Louis and Harry are Larry Stylinson, just don't say that to their face." Ariana laughed. "Louis might scream in your face and Harry would become very interested in his shoes."

"Oh, I think they're here!" Miranda singsonged, making the room erupt in even more giggles.

"We don't have enough time to tell her everything!" Andie freaked as we saw the camera people angle towards the door.

"Harry likes older woman! He also loves cats. But not cats, if you get my drift. Niall eats a lot, but never gains any weight. Zayn loves to look at himself, but I doubt he's as vain as they say he is. Liam is like an adorable puppy and everyone thinks of him as the daddy. Louis' butt was sculpted by God." Trinity rambled off, trying to get in all the information before they started rolling.

"And we're on!" Miranda's voice was heard loud and clear.

"Thanks, guys." I whispered to the four girls who gave me a thumb's up. At least now I had something to remember. Talk to Louis about carrots a lot, make old woman jokes, tell Zayn he's vain, say something about Niall's fast metabolism, and throw spoons at Liam. Maybe that would get me kicked off the show.

"Boys, come on out." Miranda called out and all the girls took a sharp deep intake of breath at the exact same time. It sounded like some sort of choreographed thing, because there was no way they all did that on their own.

The five boys walked into the room with bright smiles. I stayed in my comfortable spot, arms crossed and my eyes calculating the movements around me. The girls were all struggling to stand up - trying to get as close to them as possible. I couldn't help but let my eyes stray to the clock. Ugh, how much longer til they feed us? I think they said something about steak and shrimp. Oh, how I love food. If they have kebabs, I swear I would be in heaven. I wonder how they're going to feed us, if it's like a buffet, or if it's sitting down... Or what if-

"Hey." An Irish accent pulled me out of my food state and my eyes snapped up to the blonde boy smiling down happily at me.

He's Irish? That would have been an interesting fact to know before going into this.

And he has braces. Hm, he also looks a bit different than the pictures I saw on all those horribly cheesy merchandise items.

In fact, they all looked much different than I thought they did. Hm, the camera seems to lie.

"Hey, are you okay?" His voice pulled me out of my thoughts once again, smirking at me. He probably assumed I was speechless in his company.

Ha, yeah right.

Little he knows I'm simply visualizing the food we must get for this show. I heard there was a caterer. Dude, if there's pizza I might actually be okay with staying here. Seven days. There better be lots of chocolate for me to get through seven days.

Oh, crap, he's waiting for a response. I need a sarcastic comeback.

Wait, there aren't any sarcastic come-backs to "Hi."

"Aloha," I said, before scrunching my nose at him.

"Oh, are you from Hawaii?" The boy settled down on the couch next to me. When I glanced to my left, I saw Andie and Faith grinning madly and giving me thumb's ups.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'. Wait, what's this kid's name? He's blonde, skinny and, hmm. "Uh, which one are you? Neil?"

Awkward pause.

"I'm Niall. You didn't know that?" He raised an eyebrow at me. Surprise had taken over his entire face as he stared at me.

"Eh, Neil, Niall. I was close. Sup, I'm Al."

Chapter Four

Chapter Four:The next two minutes were awkward, as this Niall kid tried to make conversation with me. I seriously had no idea what to say to him, he wasn't like the usual boys I hung out with. He seemed nice enough, I just didn't know how to get along with a popstar; wasn't there rules on how you could act around a celebrity? So I just kind of ignored everything he said while flitting my eyes around a lot. Eventually he gave up with a sigh and walked towards The Fakes. Almost immediately, Andie slid into the now open seat beside me.

"He was totally into you," she stated. Apparently getting introduced and talking for a few minutes makes it okay to throw yourself into other peoples' love lives. Seriously, I hadn't even know this Andie girl a whole day and she was telling me he 'was totally into me'. The girls back home would have already gotten a good smack to the head had they said that.

"Yeah, right," I rolled my eyes. "Do you know when we get to eat?"

"We're supposed to be doing an introduction soon, after that we have the buffet." Trinity appeared beside me, her eyes were glued to the boy with the high hair.

"I just really want food right now." I sighed, watching as a OTTF practically fainted when the guy with curly hair messed with the brown locks.

"Alright, girls, please line yourself up over there on those stairs." Miranda clapped her hands together and motioned towards the stairs. I slowly made my way over there, where a girl was setting us all up in a certain order. I found myself by two Fakes and I closed my eyes and prayed for God to watch over me. I didn't want to be on the ten o'clock news for murdering two blonde barbies. It took a few more minutes of scrambling about, but finally we were in the correct order they wanted us to be in.

I just really wanted to eat.

"We're going to have each of you introduce yourselves, say your age and where you're from." Miranda instructed as the camera people set everything up. Fifteen minutes and we were ready to start. We all stood in two lines, I was towards the middle in the front line. The five boys from One Direction were on the other side, shuffling their feet and occasionally whispering things to each other.

I noticed the boy wearing stripes lean over to the curly haired kid and point to one of the large chested girls. I almost laughed, guess they really were typical boys. Eventually we started with the first girl in the front row. I kind of tuned out, staring at the carpet. It was an intricate pattern, blue and grey swirls. They were quite entertaining. I realized the girl next to me was finishing up talking and I realized it was my own turn to introduce myself.

"I'm Al, 17 from Seattle." I said in a monotone, looking at the boys. This was totally the best moment of my life. Catch the sarcasm there? Niall grinned at me and I looked away. I let myself tune out again as the other girls introduced themselves. It didn't take as long as I thought it would for all thirty five girls to say their name, soon Miranda was calling out instructions for dinner. My ears immediately perked up at the mention of food.

"Go ahead and get in line after the boys get theirs. We'll be walking about, the boys will each pick a girl to talk to while filming." Miranda rambled on, but all I heard was 'Get in line.'

I practically ran to the dining room. The five guys were already piling their food up with plates. Trinity, Ariana, Faith and Andie all caught up with me and together we got in line. I noticed a lot of the girls were grabbing things like salad and fruit. I almost snorted, but instead just grabbed steak, mashed potatoes, pizza, noodles, strawberries and some french fries. I grinned to myself as I followed the other girls to a table. I plopped my food down on the table, my stomach rumbling right on cue. I didn't notice the approaching cameraman or the whispers going around as the curly haired guy walked over to our table. Instead, I kept stuffing my face full of the wonderful food.

"Hey, um, I was... Wondering if you'd come talk to me for a bit?" The guy said.

What was his problem, why was he drawing out each word?

"Uh, no, I'm eating." I responded, glancing up at him quickly before going back to the steak that I'm pretty sure came from a magical cow or something. Seriously, how was it so tender and juicy? My gosh.

"You can't say no." Trinity whispered in my ear.

"I can say no. I'm eating, and if this dude wants to know something about me, it's that I hate being interrupted when eating." I said loudly, giving him a look. He looked amused and I could tell he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"I'll give you a minute to eat however much you can stuff in your face, then you're coming with me." He stated.

"Ugh, fine." I replied before shoveling more potatoes in my mouth. I heard him mumbling under his breath, counting backwards from 60.

"And one. C'mon." The guy winked cheekily at me.

"I get it, I'm coming." I muttered, putting my napkin on the table and mouthing to TNG's to save me. They simply giggled and waved me away. I followed after the guy, very aware of the camera that was focusing on the two of us. He led me outside into the cool night air, past the pool and to a little area I hadn't noticed on my little adventure earlier. There was a little swinging bench, some lights and flowers. Oh God, I thought this wasn't a dating show?

"So, hi." Harry started awkwardly, looking like he suddenly had no clue what to do. He had gone from confident and cocky to small and unsure.

"So, you've reached the bottom of the pit? You're having your own reality game show?" I laughed slightly, sitting on the bench and crossing my arms. He settled down next to me.

"You're the one on the show." He shot back good-naturedly.

"Not my choice." I replied.

"Yeah, not my choice either. Apparently it's to make us look like the nice boys that everyone wants us to be, aaaaand they're probably going to edit out me saying that." He laughed, nodding towards the camera man who looked like he hated his life. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true.

A few seconds passed of silence before I cleared my throat. "Hate to ask this, but which one are you? Are you the one with the butt sculpted by God?"

"You don't know who I am?" He fake gasped, before thinking about my words "And no, that's Louis. I'm Harry."

"Ah, the older lady chaser and cat lover." I nodded all knowingly.

"Woah, you know all about me." Harry said sarcastically.

"What more do I need to know? I mean, you obviously love Professor McGonagall." I joked.

"Isn't she the lady who turns into a cat in Harry Potter?"

"Indeed she is." I said.

"Is there any way you could arrange a marriage for the two of us, then?" He stuck out his tongue.

I cracked a smile. "You're not half bad for being a stuck up popstar."

"You're not half bad for a girl who seems to hate girls and seems to hate boybands as well." He commented back. "I have a question for you..."

"I'm assuming it's the same question everyone has been asking me. If I don't like One Direction, why am I here?" I prompted. He nodded. "My friend Nick signed me up as a joke and I really wasn't expecting to be chosen, but here I am.. Stuck in a house with thirty of the most annoying girls on the planet."

"Seems like you're in a predicament." Harry teased.

"Indeed I am. So can I, like, go now? Or are you going to keep making awkward small talk with me? No offense, but I kind of left this plateful of really delicious food behind... I would really like to get back to that." I asked looking up at him hopefully.

"Be free, my little hater!" Harry motioned with his hands. I stood up and stretched before looking at him.

"Not a hater, just a disliker." I winked before heading back to the food.

Chapter Five

~'~'~Chapter Five~'~'~"Have a seat on the couch, girls. The boys will be announcing the group of girls they'll be taking on their day. When they say your name, go stand by that boy. Got it?" Miranda looked at us all. Once she was content with our response, she motioned for them to start.

"I have the first group tomorrow. What we're doing is a surprise, though." The boy in the stripe shirt winked. He had messy hair, blue eyes and a beautiful butt. I'm guessing this was Louis? "The girls coming with me are Melissa, Nadia, Natasha, Payson, Molly, Lacey and Jacklynn."

Cue the little squeals and whispers as those seven girls pranced over to the boy. I rolled my eyes at their over-excitement as they started telling him how much fun they were going to have.

"Tuesday, I'm taking seven of you out. It's a secret, though." The one with the black hair jetted up smirked. "My group is Teresa, Angelica, Maria, Trinity, Nicole, Lea, and Grace."

Trinity, who was sitting next to me, took a deep breathe. I knew she had a soft spot for this guy, I think his name was Zayn, so I flashed her a smile as she walked up to him. I saw him grin at her and I felt happy for my new friend.

"I get Wednesday, because Wednesday is the best day out of the week." The boy with the short brown hair and brown eyes said excitedly. He kind of resembled a puppy, so I assumed it was Liam. "I get Brenda, Paula, Jess, Hannah, Amy, Andie, and Kendra."

Andie let out a teensy squeal, trying to keep her face normal as she headed up to him. He high fived her and the other girls. I realized this meant I was either stuck with Niall or Harry. Oh joy. I was hoping towards Harry, considering he didn't seem all that bad.

"On Thursday, Simone, Lana, Samantha, Ariana, Katie, Nadia, and Prim are coming with me. We're gonna have more fun than the others." Niall laughed with a cheeky wink tacked on at the end.

"Allison, Macey, Anna, Jordan, Faith, Paula and Cara are coming with me on Friday. You guys are lucky," Harry smirked. "You get the curls."

I rolled my eyes as I managed to get myself off the couch. I had a major food baby right now. I crossed my arms and stood next to one of the OTTF's, who looked like she was about to pass out. Harry winked at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Everyone talked for a bit as they filmed what they needed and I felt myself falling asleep while standing up.

This day just needed to end already, it seemed like it was going on forever.Seemed like the One Direction dudes thought the same thing, they were all sharing annoyed looks.

"Okay, boys your ride is here, girls say goodnight. You may all go to your rooms now." Miranda announced thirty minutes later. I praised the Lord and started straight for my room, not bothering with goodbyes.

"Hey! Al! Hold up, you can't leave without saying goodbye!" Harry yelled after me. I froze in my spot and slowly turned around to see the curly haired guy grinning at me.

"Yes, I can." I shot back.

"Hold on, I have to introduce you to the others!" He said motioning for the other boys to join him. They were all sharing looks of confusion as they made their way towards me. I crossed my arms and glared at them. "Al, this is Niall-"

"We already met." The blonde boy smiled at me.

"This is Louis, Liam, and Zayn." Harry finished off the introductions. I noticed the other girls were looking on in jealous.

What the flapjacks.I was trying to get by with little to no interaction with anyone. Harry was making that a little difficult. I forced a tiny smile at them before waving and stalking back to my room where I collapsed onto the bed.

One week. I just had to get through one more week before I would get sent home.


The next three days were spent trying my absolutely best to ignore everyone around me.

The schedule was:

Boy comes to the house.

Girls all fight over talking to said boy.

Boy would then laugh and walk away with his seven girls.

The rest of the girls would then spend the next two hours complaining they didn't get to go.

Then the next two hours were spent getting 'prettied' up for when all the boys would come to dinner.

That's exactly what happened Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was about ready to rip my hair out. I'd spend most of my time locked up in my room reading John Green books, watching football on the giant tv, or hanging around the pool with Trinity, Ariana, Faith and Andie.

I managed to escape with hardly any interaction with the boys, which I was thanking my lucky stars for. I honestly just wanted to get out of that place. The one plus to the show was the delicious food.

"Hey, Al, does this look good?" Ariana practically begged me to answer as she twirled in front of the mirror. I raised my eyes from the book I was reading and inspected her outfit. It was a short summer-y dress with little pink flowers splattered against the off-white material.

"Uh, yeah, sure?" I wasn't quite sure, I thought she looked fine in the shorts and tank top she was wearing around all day.

"Ugh, that's right. You have absolutely no fashion sense. Where's Trinity?" Ariana sighed in exasperation, tilting her head to look at me.

"No clue," I shrugged, going back to my book. The story was just getting good, Augustus and Hazel Grace were just meeting!

"Oh god, she's reading The Fault In Our Stars again." Trinity groaned as she entered the room.

I looked up to smile at her before going right back to the book. Ariana's small room was now crowded with our little gang, Faith and Andie perching themself on the edge of the bed as they watched Trinity inspect Ariana's outfit.

It was definitely weird how I was actually in the same room as four other girls and I hadn't felt the need to kill them yet. They were even talking about clothes.

The boys back home would be so proud of me, having some actual girl friends."You're perfect! Just don't forget the lipgloss." Faith piped up, handing her the full tube.

"Someone, please, please, rescue me!" I called out, shutting the book and placing my hands over my ears.

"Oh shut up," Andie laughed. We all joked around as we headed to the living room.

"I'm thinking we should watch Thor tonight." I commented as I collapsed on the giant couch. The rest of the girls were also there, most of them standing in front of any type of reflection they could, so they would look good when Niall came to pick up the seven girls.

"I just love Niall soo much!" A girl cried out, practically sobbing into her friend's arms. I think her name was Katie. I felt like gagging.

"Yeah, sure. Niall's supposed to be in here in five minutes." Faith said excitedly. I realized that until Niall and his group left, I would be forced to listen to their fangirling session. Ugh. I listened in amusement as they all discussed game plans. I spotted the cameramen getting ready to start filming and I pretty much counted down in my head to Niall's arrival.

10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3-"Oh my god, hi Niall!" The first voice set off the rest as the blonde walked into the room. Darn, three seconds off. So close.

I crossed my arms and watched the scene unfold in front of me. Niall tried his best to talk to all the girls and he seemed quite overwhelmed with the affection getting sent his way.

"So, uh, you guys ready?" Niall asked the group of figety girls who were standing around. They all nodded and soon they were gone.

"See, I really don't understand what the hype is about, because he's not even here for that long." I rolled my eyes as the rest of the girls dispersed. Probably to stalk One Direction blogs.

"You just don't know." Andie teased, falling onto the couch next to me. She, along with the others, had flocked to Niall. I had been the only one to not leave the couch. "So, did you see him looking at you?"

"He wasn't looking at me." I groaned out.

"Yes, he was! It was like he wanted to come over and talk to you, but he couldn't! I'm thinking you intrigue him! I bet he and Harry had an argument over who would get you on the group date!" Faith added to the conversation.

I ignored them and heaved myself off the couch to put in the DVD. I might as well get to watch Chris Hemsworth be all strong and stuff while the girls discussed how badly Niall wanted me. And how we were meant to run off into the sunset together while singing the Sound of Music.

Chapter Six

Chapter Six"Put this on." Trinity threw the skirt at me.

"OH GOD NO! Don't let it touch me!" I screamed, throwing the thingacross the room. "Listen, I'm wearing shorts and my FM Static shirt. Okay? Okay."

"You're no fun." Ariana pouted, crossing her arms and glaring at me. I simply grinned back at her.

"You're never going to catch Harry's attention." Andie sighed.

"Which is the point. I want to go home tomorrow night." I gave them all a pointed look.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So he should be here in a few minutes. We should head to the living room." Faith stated, smoothing down her own skirt. She looked all pretty, since she was going with Harry's group as well. I sighed but nodded, going straight out the door and down the hall. I heard the other girls follow me and I went to our normal spot on the couch.

"Remember what we said, don't scare him away. Talk to him and don't kill him. Please. Try to pretend like you like them-"

"He already knows I'm not a fan." I rolled my eyes. "I told him that night he practically kidnapped me."

"Just don't do anything you'll regret." Andie ignored my interruption, the other girls nodded along to her advice.

"I'll be there to supervise." Faith spoke up, talking to the girls. My eyes rolled back into my head as I supressed a groan.

I swear, what did I do? Why did God feel like punishing me and putting me on a tacky, cheesy, horrible reality tv show with One Direction? Nick was totally going to get it when I got home.

"Oh my gooooooood!" A few girls said under their breath and I looked up to see Harry.

He was wearing jeans and a white button up shirt. Nothing special. His hair was messy and curly. Nothing special. I mean, he was good-looking, but nothing to scream about.

"You girls ready?" He grinned mischeviously and I was suddenly nervous. I was about to go on a trip with six girls, only one of which I could actually stand, and a stuck-up popstar.

What could go wrong, I thought sarcastically.


A limo. Really? How tackier can you get? I settled down in the corner, watching on in amusement as the girls all fought over who got to sit next to Harry. It was kind of funny, he didn't seem to know what to do. He just sat down and watched as the girls practically scratched at each other to sit next to him.

"We're off!" The driver announced as the limo started to slowly drive.

"So where are we going?" Paula, a Fake, giggled as her hand landed on Harry's arm. I think she was trying to be sexy, but instead she looked like she had major gas issues.

"It's a surprise." Harry winked at them, making the squeals grow louder. His eyes flitted to mine and I smirked before looking out the window.

"You look like you absolutely hate life." Faith whispered. She scooted a bit closer to me.

"This is just not my cup of tea. Look at them, they act like he's a god or something. Seriously, though, he's a normal teenage eighteen year old boy. Which means he absolutely loves this." I rolled my eyes, my eyes drifting toward him again. He was currently whispering something in the girl Cara's ear.

"He's really hot though, and he can sing. That's kind of an attractive tribute." Faith laughed.

We talked for the next fifteen minutes while we drove to wherever the heck we were going. I kept wanting to laugh out loud at the way the girls' were treating Harry. He seemed like he loved it for the first few minutes, but now he just looked downright awkward. I felt the limo screech to a stop, the driver came around to open the door.

"We're here, Mr. Styles." He stated.

Mr. Styles? He still looked like a baby! The girls all clambered out of the limo, trying their hardest to not flash everyone. I wanted to make a snarky remark about wearing a three inch skirt, but held myself back. Eventually, it was my turn and I clambered out. Very ungraciously. I may or may not have accidentally landed in Harry's arms.

"Falling for me, already? Wow, Al. Thought you had more self control than that." Harry winked as I brushed my self off. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You wish, Styles. I wouldn't fall for you if you were the last man on the earth." I shot back, arms crossed. More than half the girls gasped at my bluntness.

"We'll see about that, the challenge is accepted." Harry laughed.

"I'd rather date Niall than date you." I snapped, before realizing my fatal mistake. Harry's eyes widened, a smirk quickly spreading across his face. "And I wouldn't date Niall. I'd rather date Ronald McDonald."

With that, I turned away from him, signaling the conversation was over. I looked to where we were.

Wow, did Harry Styles seriously take us to a zoo?~'~'~

I wanted to laugh, all the girls dressed up in tiny hoe skirts and high heels, to go to a zoo.

There's poop at a zoo.

Four for you, Harry Styles. You go, Harry Styles.

"It's a zoo." Faith whispered with a small giggle.

"I know." I whispered back with a grin.

Harry started to walk off, so I followed along with Faith. I heard other whispers from the other girls, complaining how they got all dressed up for this. It just made me snicker. There were three girls who were practically hanging off of Harry as we entered the zoo area. I rolled my eyes at them, looking around for the giraffes.

Giraffes are possibly the coolest animals on the planet. They're all like, "Hey, look at me, I have a really long neck and I'm adorable."

"Are.. Are you talking to yourself?" Faith asked in an amused tone.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "No, why?"

"You just said, 'Hey, look at me, I have a really long neck and I'm adorable.'" Faith giggled.

"Oh, no. I was talking about giraffes. They're just all chill and stuff," I shrugged, looking around the entrance to the zoo.

"You girls coming?" Harry smirked and I realized Faith and I had drifted quite far away from where the rest of the group was.

Faith blushed and apologized before rushing back towards them. I sped up a little bit, but not too intent on actually walking with them. I was extremely aware of the cameras following along closely.

Seriously, these guys were getting paid to follow a bunch of teenage girls and a popstar around? The more I saw of this whole tv show, the more I thought it was stupid. But hey, girls dreams are coming true. I felt one of the cameras zoom up on me and I made a silly face, sticking out my tongue and puffing up my cheeks. The cameraman laughed and gave me a thumb's up.

"Alright, let's get down to business-"

I interrupted Harry. "TO DEFEAT, THE HUNS! Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?"

"You're the saddest bunch, I've ever met!" Faith added, pulling a few dance moves.

"But you can bet, before we're through. Somehow I'll make a man, out of you!" Harry chimed in, striking a pose.

"Okay, you're not as lame as I originally thought." I complimented Harry, the other girls staring at us like we had five heads.

"Yes! Score one for Harry." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Hm, rolling my eyes has gotten to be an extremely bad habit of mine.

"You're still lame, though." I crossed my arms and smirked at him.

"Hey, you're the lame one. You're not a fan of One Direction." Harry stuck his tongue out at me. I couldn't help but grin back at him.

"Stop flirting and let's go look at the elephants." Faith told both of us.

"I don't flirt." I glared at Faith, giving her a warning look.

"That was pretty darn close to flirting, babe." Harry teased.

"You wish. Go prance around with your followers." I shooed him away from me, thoroughly pissed off. I walked with Faith towards the elephants. The fat animal seemed so carefree and happy. "Oh my gosh, it's a baby elephant."

"It's a baby elephant!" Faith echoed me excitedly.

"Fat baby elephant is cute." I stated.

"Let's go see the monkeys." Faith demanded, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me off.

I was kind of amazed that she wasn't trying to talk to Harry or anything like that. Instead, we headed away from the girls and Harry, going towards the monkey inclosure. A camera man followed us, why? Heaven knows. I wasn't even sure if it was technically allowed for us to traipse off without our 'boy.' But, I'm a rulebreaker. Such a bad apple.

Ah yes, maybe I should explain. I don't swear. Therefore I change swear words into food words. For example; 'What the blueberry do you think you're doing?' 'Oh my flapjacks, you scared the pepperoni out of me!' 'Banana pancakes!' 'What the fudge cakes are you doing?'

Yes, yes, I know. I'm a special pineapple.

"Earth to Al. You there, Al?" Faith laughed. I snapped out of my thoughts to raise an eyebrow at her. "You went all space cadet on me."

"Oh, my bad." I shrugged. Eventually, we reached the monkey cages. We spent a few minutes just kind of.. Speaking to the monkeys. Why? Because YOLO.

"They have fat cheeks." Harry's voice stated and I whipped around to see the curly haired boy.

There were now four cameras all zooming in from different angles. Does he not understand that I don't want to be near him?

"That's not the way to talk to your relatives, they have feelings. They're your family, Harry. It's rude to tell them they have fat cheeks." I said with a straight face, turning away from him.

"I know you're just jealous that we visited my relatives first. Don't worry, we'll go see the gorillas soon. I bet your family misses you a lot." Harry shot back.

"Oh my god, you're like a bickering couple." Faith groaned from where she was watching.

"Or we're enemies who are actually offending each other." I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"I'm not offended. I think you're adorable." Harry winked.

My entire body froze. I had never heard those words said to me before. I heard my guy friends back home tell every girl they were adorable or beautiful or sexy, but never had anyone called me one of those words.

Harry's eyes clouded over with confusion as I stood there staring blankly at him. It was odd, hearing someone compliment me.

"You okay there?" Harry inquired a few seconds later as my brain tried to continue to process what just happened.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I flapped my hand around awkwradly. "What happened to your followers?"

"I might have told them I was going to the restroom." Harry blushed the lightest tint of pink. Cute.

Wait. I did not just think that. He is not cute, he is an annoying, know-it-all, popstar. Yeah."Cheeky." I said, ignoring my thoughts that continued to pester my mind.

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven:"Food, food, food." I chanted rhythmically as we entered the house after our 'funtastic' day at the zoo. Harry decided to shadow Faith and I the entire time. Which Faith absolutely loved, no doubt. But I was really tired of the death glares The Fakes (and basically all the other girls) were giving me.

I really did not ask for his attention. I would be happy if he completely and totally ignored me. That'd actually be what I would prefer.

"Come sit with us," Harry whispered in my ear.

"Uh, how about no? I'm going to sit with my own friends, thank you very much." I shot back and tried to walk away, but Harry had a firm grip on my shoulder. I clenched my teeth and shot him a look.

"It won't kill you. Bring your friends. Think of it as community service, this way we don't have have to endure the 'Oh my god, my nail broke' talk and the gossip. Please?" His gave me the puppy dog eyes and pouted his lips ever so slightly, his lower lip jutting out.

"Fine." I said through my clenched teeth. "But I'm only doing it for my new friends, because heaven knows why, they like you."

"C'mon." Harry grinned, grabbing Faith's arm too. She looked alarmed for half a second before going along with it.

He led us past the rest of the girls, who were shooting us envious looks. If looks could kill, yeah, I'd be long gone.Harry practically dragged us through the house, stopping when he reached the dining room. The rest of the boys were spread out, talking to all the different girls. "You must stay with me at all times, none of the other girls are going to come over if you're here."

"Are you using me, Mr. Styles?" I gasped in fake shock.

"Basically." He smirked, leading Faith and I to Louis.

"What are you doing to the poor girls?" Louis demanded to know once we had reached him. My arms were crossed and I'm positive I had very sour look on my face. "I apologize for whatever this loser is doing. Hi, I'm Louis!"

"Al." I muttered, shooting Harry another glare.

"Dinner time, you can all go to the kitchen." Miranda yelled out. Harry proceeded to drag us into the line for the buffet.

"I feel like we're at a dormitory or some boarding school," I commented as Harry handed me a plate.

"It does feel like that, yeah?" Louis laughed from behind me.

We continued through and I filled my plate up with the most food I could get on it. Harry stopped at the table that was apparently reserved for them.

Fancy, schmancy.

Louis and Harry plopped down and motioned for us to do the same. Ariana sat down nicely, placing her napkin on her lap and smoothing out her skirt. I simply dropped my plate on the table and sat. So ladylike.

"Oy, ditching us for popstars now, are you?" Andie teased, walking past the table. "I see how it is."

"Stop where you are!" I demanded firmly. She turned to me with big eyes. "Sit down."

"Hi! I'm Harry. You're.. Andie?" Harry asked, racking his brain to the first day when they learned everyone's names.

"Uh, yeah." Andie tried to stay calm but you could see on her facial features that she was dying inside. I almost wanted to laugh.

"Trinity! Faith! C'mere." I yelled out, spotting the familiar brunette hair. The girls slowly approached the table with confused looks. "Sit down. I'm forced to sit here, so are you."

"You make it sound like such a chore." Harry rolled his eyes at me.

I decided to ignore his comment. Zayn eventually showed up, looking tired. He sat down right next to Trinity. Andie was sitting on one side of me, the other side empty. Niall and Liam showed up together, both laughing about something or other. Niall grinned widely when he saw me and settled down beside me.

"Hey, you're Al right?" Niall asked as he started shoveling food into his mouth.

"Yup." I said in a monotone voice.

"Cool!" He replied happily.

I noticed that Harry was in a conversation with Louis, Ariana and Trinity. Zayn, Liam, and Andie were laughing about something Faith had said. Despite my annoyance, it was kind of nice, all talking like old friends.

Maybe this entire thing wasn't as bad as I originally made it out to be.

"You're really talented, though." Andie stated, the other girls immediately agreeing. The five boys adopted smug faces.

Okay, maybe it was as bad as I originally made it out to be.

But it was survivable. At least for another day, then I would happily be in my room strumming away on my guitar and beating Nick and Caleb at World Of Warcraft.


"Wake up!" A familiar voice rang through my ears.

"Five more minutes, mom." I groaned as I hid myself with my pillow.

"You're going to miss breakfast." The voice warned and I heard footsteps leave, as well asthe door slam.

I made a very attractive noise as I realized I was not home, I was still in this house stuck with thirty crazy girls. Okay, twenty-five crazy girls. Five of them had somehow wiggled themselves into my life and I actually kind of liked them. Which Nick teased me for, apparently it was unheard of for Al to make girl friends.

I sighed and forced myself off the bed. I looked in the mirror. My long brown hair was a complete mess and I had bloodshot eyes. Guess that's what I get staying up late reading.

I decided not to change out of my awesome moose pajamas and just go to breakfast. I brushed through my hair really quickly and traipsed out the door.

"Finally! I can't believe you could sleep, the entire time I was thinking about the fact that I could be going home tonight. I don't want to leave. Well, we all know you're staying.." Ariana rambled the second I stepped out of my room. Together we made our way towards the living room where we had our daily meals.

"I am not staying, I'm definitely going home." I replied adamantly, there was no way I was staying.

I was a brat to all of them. Well, not completely. I just treated them indifferently and in a group of girls who fawn over them, I'm thinking they'll want me gone.

"I doubt that. We have about four hours til we find out, anyways. Hey! Andie! Did you hear that you were trending on Twitter the other day?" Ariana changed subjects, turning to the girl who had just popped out of her own room.

Andie raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What was the trend?"

"There were three trends! It was Andie, Allison and Simone! Apparently they showed the first episode last night. The one of us meeting all the boys and our interviews. They were talking about you three, I saw a lot about Al's indifference, Simone's sassiness and Andie, you were one of the favorites." Ariana babbled as we entered the rom. I didn't reply as I grabbed a plate and filled it with eggs and toast with Nutella.

"Heaven knows why." Andie laughed. We all settled down at the table, Faith and Trinity meeting us there. Different conversations spouted, mostly the nervousness about tonight.

"We all know Al is going to get through.. I'm positive Andie and Trinity will, too." Faith sighed.

"Why me? I'm so mean to them!" I groaned, really not wanting to stay.

"That's the point. You treat them normally, which I'm sure they miss." Faith rolled her eyes, as if it was obvious.

"I don't want too!" I pouted, shoveling some egg into my mouth.

"I just hope we all get through. I can't handle The Fakes." Trinity shuddered. I had informed them of the titles I gave each group and they had agreed with the names I gave.

"There's a baseball game on in an hour, who's gonna watch with me?" I changed subjects.


"Girls, go line up. The boys will be calling out names and will give you an autographed photo if they want you to stay. The five that are not chosen will have about two minutes of goodbyes before they are taken outside for their final interviews. They will then get into a limo and head off. Alright, get in order." Miranda demanded.

Everyone started murmuring as we lined up the way we did the first night. Trinity gave me a quick hug and whispered in my ear. "I know you're getting through, but I might not. You better keep in contact with me."

"Oh hush, you're one of the ones that is most definitely getting through." I whispered back and she laughed before going over to where she was supposed to be.

The boys entered the room, all waving. They lined up and Miranda gave them the run down. Louis kept whispering to Harry who had a smirk on his face.

"Cameras rolling!" A cameraman yelled. I saw the differently angled cameras all zooming up and down.

"It's Miranda Crass and welcome to Going In Different Directions! Tonight is the night where five of these lovely girls will be heading home. We have here with us, Harry Styles!" Harry winked at the camera. "Louis Tomlinson!" Louis made a face into the camera. "Niall Horan!" Niall simply smiled. "Liam Payne!" Liam also smiled until Louis pinched his side. The reaction was hilarious. "And Zayn Malik!" Zayn smirked.

"And we're One Direction!" They chorused together.

"Oh god." I muttered under my breath, getting a glare from Teresa, one of The Fakes. Whatever.

"The boys will be naming twenty-five of their favorite girls. When you're ready, go ahead!" Miranda smiled happily before backing away. The five boys stepped forwards.

"You were all delightful and it was definitely fun to meet you all. We wish all of you could stay!" Louis said through a forced smile.

"But since that's not possible.." Harry faked a sad face.

Yeah, this was scripted."We'll be discussing the ones who are going to stay." Liam finished off. The boys then left the room, two cameras following them. The second they were gone, all the girls started gossiping.

"We all know I'm staying." Simone said louder than everyone else. I wanted to throw up.

"I hope Al goes home, seriously." Brenda gave me a pointed look.

"Believe me, I want to go home more than any of you want me to go home." I shot back.

"We all know she's staying. Harry really seemed to like her, the others also." Lana spoke up, hand on hip.

"They don't see how fake she is." Paula scoffed, checking a fingernail.

"Uh, excuse me? She's the least fake person here. She's herself, which is why the boys like her so much. So go shove a sock up your fake nose." Trinity stood up for me, which earned laughs from Faith, Ariana and Andie.

"They're coming back!" Miranda spoke up and a sudden hush settled over all of us.

"It was a hard decision, but we have our girls." Zayn stated as they all got ready.

"The first girl we want to get to know more, is.." Harry took a dramatic pause. "Kendra."

Kendra squealed and practically ran towards them. She gave them each a hug and Niall handed her an autographed photo.

"Next girl is.. Andie." Liam grinned happily. He totally thought she was pretty. I turned to look at my new friend who had a face full of shock as she made her way down to them. They each hugged her and she happily took the photo.

"Nadia." Zayn spoke up. Oh, gross, a Fake.





"Trinity." Zayn spoke, and the brunette girl looked about ready to pass out and she made her way toward them.



"Ariana." I smiled happily, knowing she would not have expected that.

"Faith." I was surprised, all four of my friends got through. I knew the boys liked them, though.

They kept rambling off names, but now that I knew all four of my friends were safe, I zoned out. A few more minutes passed and I was going to die of boredom. Eventually, though, they only had two names left. Yes! I was safe! There was no way I was one of the last two, I was going home! They respected the fact that I wanted to go home!

"Simone." Niall said with a smile.

"And, last but definitely not least, she was of the ones we all agreed on simultaneously Al!" Harry smirked and I seriously wanted to melt into the ground.

I sighed and walked over to them with an annoyed expression. Niall handed me the photo.

"How much you think this will go on Ebay?" I joked before turning to all of the girls. "Don't shoot me! I was kidding!"

The boys were all laughing, but I was getting glared down by almost every single one of the girls.

"Tessa, Colleen, Paula, Amy, Prim, I'm sorry. But you'll be going home tonight." Miranda said sadly and I swear all five girls were crying. If I was them, I would be crying of joy!

"No! Not Prim! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I yelled before I actually processed what was coming out of my mouth. Everyone froze and turned to me, Louis and Liam both had smirks on their faces meanwhile Zayn, Harry and Niall were doubled over with laughter. "Uh, don't mind me. Just go on with your lives."

As they were saying goodbye, I walked over to my group. They were all grinning evilly at me.

"Told you so." They all chorused together and I shot them a glare.

We all kind of stayed in a clump, since none of the girls going home we were close with. Once they were gone, the boys all made us gather around them. I barely listened as Miranda talked about something or other, and soon we were all free to go about as we pleased. The boys would be there for a while to just talk. Lovely.

"You don't look too happy," Niall commented and I realized that he and Harry were right in front of me.

"Well, you idiots are making me stay another week. How do you think I feel?" I replied glumly.

"Most girls would be happy." Harry teased.

"Harry, I think we've already realized that Al is not like most girls." Niall laughed.

Yup, he was completely and totally right.

Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight:"You didn't get voted off?" Nick sounded surprised.

"Nope. Apparently they like sassy girls who aren't exactly fans of theirs," I sighed.

"I'm going to laugh so badly if you win," Nick said and I heard a female voice murmur something in the background.

"Don't jinx it. I don't want that to happen. Who you with?" I cradled my cell phone in my ear as I folded my laundry. Since I had only packed for a week, my limited supply of t-shirts and shorts were running out.

"Ashley," He replied.

The name seemed familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on who it was. Knowing Nick, it was probably a blonde with long legs.

"Flavor of the week?" I teased him and I heard him snort.

"It's a wonder you have any friends," I could hear him grinding his teeth, a bad habit he'd had since I could remember.

"True, I'm a sassy brat," I laughed. I heard my door swing open and Trinity popped her head in.

"We're doing a campfire tonight, apparently." She informed me and plopped down on my bed.

After she was all settled on my bed, she finally noticed that I happened to be on the phone.

"Talking to your secret lover that no one knows about? Is he insanely jealous that Harry and Niall have taken a liking to you?"

"What even, Trin?" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Who's that? She sounds pretty. Is she pretty? Ow! Ashley, that hurt!" Nick yelped and I could picture him holding whatever Ashley hit and whimpering like a child.

"Trinity's out of your league, Nick. Trust me, she's gorgeous," I stated as Trinity gave me an interested look.

"Rude. Hey, I gotta go. Miss you, Grate. Caleb, Devin and the crew do too. Caleb even said he missed you so much, he might take you to prom," I heard Nick snicker.

"Miss you too, Johnson. And no, I'm not going. Plus we have like seven months before prom, dummy."

"Whatever, talk to you later, Al."


"Okay, who was that?" Trinity perched herself up on her elbows and gave me a look.

"Nick," I said simply and walked over to put my laundry away in the drawers.

"Was I right? Is he a secret lover?" Trinity wiggled her eyebrows.

"Uh, no. I'm his wing girl. I would never date Nick. We grew up together, he's like a brother," I literally shuddered at the thought of dating him.

"Are there any boys back home?" Trinity said, insisting on talking gossip.

"Nope." I popped my 'p'.

I thought I had made it pretty obvious for her to drop the subject, but Trinity didn't take the hint. "C'mon, none? Zip? Zilch? Nada? None? You're absolutely beautiful, and there is no boy?"

"Ha, I am far from beautiful. Plus, I've always been considered one of the boys," I shrugged.

"Al, you don't realize how beautiful you are. Wait! Hold on!" She jumped off my bed and ran out of the room.

Okay, that was a little strange. Not as strange as a rabbit having elephant ears, but strange. I finished cleaning up my room a bit.

Yes, I was a tomboy, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a clean room.

I eyed my hiking shoes that were in the corner and suddenly wanted to go hiking. Not that there were any real good spots around here.. Maybe when we found out the next groups, I'd be able to get permission to go out to a nice hiking spot.

I heard footsteps walking down the hall and saw Trinity and a camera man walk in the room.

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!" A harmony of voices drifted down the hall.

"Oh. My. God." I groaned as Harry came in sight.

He smirked and continued to sing. Niall was next, a big grin on his face.

"No, no, no, no, no! MAKE IT STOP!" I practically screamed.

"When you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell!" Trinity sang along and the six of them started dancing like crazy people around my room. I noticed more cameras now inside my small room.

I crossed my arms and impatiently waited for them to finish.

Harry walked up to me and grabbed my hand. "You don't know you're beautiful."


"That's all you're going to say? Five of the world's biggest popstars just serenaded you and all you can say is 'Okay'?" Trinity seemed shocked.


"Okay." Niall shot back.

"Oh my god, stop flirting with me!" I laughed out, before realizing no one would understand the joke.

"The Fault in Our Stars?" Niall seemed surprised.

"Dude, did you just become my best friend?"

"Did you just become mine?" Niall shot back with a smile.

"Boys? Boys! We have to film your interviews!" Miranda called out.

All five boys groaned.

"Coming!" Liam eventually yelled back. The boys all said goodbye to Trinity and I before traipsing out of the room.

"What the heck was that about, Trin?" I asked the girl who had a big grin.

"You don't know you're beautiful," Trinity laughed giddily.

"Are you eighteen or four?" I teased, grabbing a jacket and slinging it over my shoulders. It was getting a bit chilly in the house.

"Four and a half, thank you very much," she stuck out her tongue at me.

"Where's Andie, Ariana and Faith?"

"I think they're at the pool with the others," Trinity shrugged.

"I'm guessing they didn't know the boys were here, then?"

I knew her answer was going to be the obvious 'no', because otherwise no one would be at the pool, instead, they would all be hanging over the five guys.

"Uh, not exactly.." Trinity blushed ever so lightly.

"May I ask how you knew?" I asked, arms crossed and awaiting her answer.

"Zayn may or may not have told me last night at dinner they would be coming down to do some interviews." The blush grew.

"He's smitten," I pointed out with a teasing grin. It was strange, talking to a girl about boys. Usually I would listen for hours on end about how this girl's butt was bigger than this girl's. Yes, my guy friends were shallow.

"Shut up," She grinned. "I'm seriously thinking Niall likes you, girl."

I rolled my eyes, a bad habit that had started the second I walked into this house. "I don't really care. He's cool, I guess, I'm just not really looking for a relationship. The whole 'housewife' thing does not sit well with me. I'd rather go hiking with my dog."

"You make it sound like having a boyfriend makes you a wimpy feminine girl," Trinity sighed in annoyance.

I bit my tongue to keep from giving a snarky reply. I simply shrugged.

"Anyways, we're going to a campfire tonight. Miranda said we're all heading out in a few hours, apparently it's on a beach. I swear I'm going to eat so many s'mores they're going to come out my ears." Trinity stated.

"I'd pay to see that. At the beach are we gonna find out our new groups? Harry better not pick me again, I swear."

"Guess you'll find out tonight."

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine:"Your hair looks like a hornets nest," Faith stated the second Trinity and I entered her room.

"Hi to you too, Faith." I crossed my arms and gave her a fake glare.

"It does, though." She repeated while sticking out her tongue.

"I happen to agree. Please let me at least brush it?" Andie practically begged.

"You have such a hair fetish, Andie," I sighed, "Fine, you can brush it. But that's it. No braids, no curling, I just want to put it back in a ponytail when you're done."

"Hallelujah! Pass me the tools, Ariana!" Andie called out and Ariana obediently grabbed the bag of hair stuff.

I immediately regretted my decision, especially since Trinity and Faith were smirking at me. I felt a brush tug through my admittedly messy hair.

"At least put on some Marianas Trench," I groaned out, wincing at the rough tug.

Faith thought about it for a moment before she walked over to her iHome. Immediately the familiar music blasted through the room. I noticed Ariana touching up her make-up, Trinity was ruffling through Faith's clothes as if to find something better than the sundress she had on, while Faith was dancing around the room happily.

"Did-didid-did-did I st-t-t-tutter?""Yes, yes you did," Andie commented to the iHome while running the brush through my dusty brown hair.

"I think he was being ironic, Dee." Trinity said over her shoulder.

Trinity had rushed to give us all a nickname.I was Son. Apparently it was the most creative thing she could come up with. Andie was Dee, Faith was Fay, Ariana was Na. Then we all called her Trin. Because we're all too lazy to say Andie, Faith, Ariana and Trinity.

"I was being annoying," Andie informed Trinity with a pout.

I rolled my eyes at my newfound friends. "I swear, I think being friends with guys is easier than being friends with you all."

"Yes, and you like a challenge. Which is why you're friends with us. Plus we all knew we'd be eaten alive if we didn't have each other's backs." Ariana spoke up. I had to agree with her.

"Speaking of eating, anyone hungry?" Faith asked while offering us a a little box of cookies.

"Oh thank goodness, food. I was so hungry I almost became a cannibal," I grabbed two of the chocolate chip cookies and shoved them into my mouth happily.

"Woah, you're a vegetarian?!" Ariana gasped.

We all sort of paused to look at her. She seemed completely earnest about her words. After a total of five seconds, we all burst out in laugher. Only then did Ariana realize the fault in her words.

"Shut up, I'm tired, okay." Ariana pouted. We all simply laughed at her. Again.

"Son, I think you just got a text." Trinity commented.

"Who's it from?" I questioned, not being able to move since Andie still felt the need to pull out all my hair. How the heck do girls go through this process daily?

Trinity looked at my phone a bit more closely. "Nick."

"Who's Nick?" Faith asked, looking up from her own phone with a curious glance.

"Jeez, we're inquisitive today, aren't we?" I joked. "Anyways, he's a girl. From Africa."

"Makes sense," Andie grinned.

"Car is leaving in fifteen minutes!" Miranda informed us after knocking on the door and getting admitted by Faith. "Your hair looks amazing, Allison!"

I looked into the mirror.

"OH MY GOD, Andie, I said no braids!" I yelped when I looked in the mirror. My brown hair was not left alone, as I had requested.

It seemed as if she had done what the hipsters call a waterfall braid.

"It looks great, though!" Andie argued.

"It's like your sole goal this entire show is to get me to become a girl. Let me tell you now, that is not going to be happening. I refuse."

"We're not trying to turn you into a girl. Promise," Andie seemed serious about that. I heaved a sigh of relief. "But we want you to know being a girl isn't all that bad. I mean, I love hiking and camping, but dressing up can be oddly fun."

"Whatever." I stuck out my tongue and they all laughed.


"How far is the beach?" I asked. The limo had been stuffed with five girls and one boy, and I just happened to get shoved in the car with Liam. He seemed nice enough.

Though luckily for me, Faith, Ariana, Trinity and Andie were all put in the same car.

"An hour," Liam responded, since he was the only one who knew exactly where we going. The rest of us were simply put into a car..

"Joy," I commented sarcastically.

"No, I'm Faith." The raven-haired girl smirked.

"Wow, that was original!" Ariana teased. Trinity let out a bark of laughter.

"Hey, look, it's a park! What are those people doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the circle of people. They seemed to be stretching or something.

"We should get out and join them," Andie said with a playful grin.

"Just start stretching with them," Ariana added with a smile etched on her face.

"If we just pretend to know them, that'd be hilarious." Trinity laughed.

"Yeah, that'd go well. 'Hey! Sara! Been so long, how yah doin'?'" Faith added in an accent.

"What we have to do, is one of us go up to one of the boys and just be like 'Jimmy!' And then he'll be like 'No!'" Trinity conspired an idea, laugh bubbling out of her lips.

"Then another one of us will run up and be like 'OH MY GOSH! Jimmy! It's such an honor to meet you, and you protested! Wow, could this day get any better? Please sign this.. Uh.." Faith looked around the limo. "'Can you sign this champagne glass?'"

"Okay, I'm confused. Why is Jimmy saying 'no' so exciting?" I tried to wrap my mind around what they were saying, but it made absolutely no sense.

"Wow," Liam seemed surprised, his eyebrows raising towards me.

Okay, I have to admit, I totally forgot he was in the car with us. From the sheepish expressions on the other three girls' faces, they had too.

"Uh, during The X Factor, where One Direction was formed, they did video diaries. In one of the videos, Louis interrupted everyone and yelled 'No! Jimmy Protested!' and it kind of got to become an inside joke." Faith explained awkwardly, shooting glances towards Liam.

"Ah," I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Okay, lame jokes time. I mean, we have an hour to waste." Liam suggested, prompting Andie.

"Uh, okay. There are two types of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data" Andie stopped talking.

It took a minute to sink in, but soon it made sense and we were all laughing.

"Why did Susan fall off the swing?" Trinity started once we were all relatively calm again.


"Susan had no arms."

"That was so bad!" I gasped out through laughter.

"Knock knock," Trinity continued.

"Who's there?" Liam asked hesitantly.

"Not Susan," Trinity burst out in laughter once again.

"If you're an American in all of the rooms in the house, what are you in the bathroom?" I said after we had again, calmed a bit.

"I don't think I want to know.." Faith said apprehensively.

"European," I said anyways. It took a few seconds to sink in, but soon we were all doubling over in chuckles. "What are you on the way to the bathroom? You're Russian!"

"Tell that one joke you told me earlier," Andie demanded.

"Why did the tomato blush?" I waited. "It saw the salad dressing."

"BADUM BUM TSSSS." Ariana yelped out.

"Guys say the woman's place is in the kitchen, have they not yet realized all the knives are kept in the kitchen?" Faith spoke.

"We're here." The limo driver said right after he opened the door.

"Dude, I totally didn't even feel us stop." Andie said in a surprised tone, as we all breathed deeply trying to keep from laughing again.

"It sounded like a bunch of hyenas were having a meeting back here," the driver winked before disappearing from sight.

We all climbed out of the limo and gathered where all the other groups seemed to be. Harry didn't seem like he was very happy, Louis seemed downright annoyed, Niall had a carefree smile plastered to his face and Zayn looked like he had just awoken from a nap. Liam smirked as he walked up to them.

"You look happy," Harry commented, taking in all our bright smiles.

Liam smirked once again and gave the five of us a wink. "I had the best ride, we told jokes basically the whole way."

"No fair!" The other four boys chorused. Trinity, Faith, Andie, Ariana and I all simply smiled at them.

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten:"Get me one!" I yelled out to Trinity who was by the drinks. She made an uncommitted shrug and I saw the side of her mouth turn upwards. "Ugh, you're not going to get me one, are you?"

"Nope," came her response. I crossed my arms and glared at her for a second before leaning back on the beach chair I happened to declare as mine. I closed my eyes and inhaled the smell of the salt water.

"Having fun?" An Irish accent inquired.

I didn't bother opening my eyes, considering I knew exactly who it was. There was only one person here with that accent. "Oh, yeah, totally. It's pretty entertaining to watch The Fakes vying for your attention."

"Is there sarcasm in your voice that I detect?"

I scoffed and cracked one eye open a bit to glance at the blonde. "Sarcasm? From me? No, never. I don't even know what you're talking about."

Niall laughed, a deep chuckle that almost had me smiling. Not that I would have openly admitted that. I would rather eat a porcupine. "That's what I thought. The lads and I are playing a game of football, wanted to know if you would join? Heard you enjoyed it."

"How the heck did you find that out?"

"We know everything, " I opened my eyes to see Niall smirking. I rolled my eyes and sat up and crossed my arms.

"That's not at all creepy. I'm not too great at football, but I'm tired of sitting around and hearing about the newest shade of nail polish. What the flapjacks is the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink?"

Niall cracked up, laughs bellowing out of him.

"You think I'm kidding, but I'm not," I shuddered, memories of my earlier conversation with one of The Wannabes. I'm pretty sure I'm scarred for life because of that conversation.

"Yikes," Niall grinned. "So you up for it?"

"Sure. I'll whoop your butts, which shall be fun. Where we playing?" I asked as I practically forced myself off the beach chair. Niall nodded his head over to a large grass area that was about fifty feet away from where we were by the fire.

The other four boys were hanging around in the grass, talking to the girls that had all seemed to flock to them. I wanted to roll my eyes, but managed to ignore the urge. Instead, I followed Niall. He stopped by the food table and I grabbed a handful of chips. He grinned at me as he too grabbed a handful.

"You better beat 'em, Son!" Trinity's voice carried from where she and the other girls were sitting.

"Wait, I thought this was football?" I scrunched my eyebrows up at the soccer ball Liam was kicking around. I turned with confusion to Niall.

"It is football," Harry responded with an amused expression.

"But that's a socc- Oh. You guys are British."

"Excuse me. I'm Irish," Niall cut me off.

I crossed my arms and smirked at him. "It doesn't matter, either way I'm going to beat you. I'm not that great at football, but I'm pretty amazing at soccer."

"Fine. You're on. Louis, Zayn and I versus you, Niall and Harry.." Liam stated as he picked up the ball and grinned at me.

"Li-li! I want to play!" A Fake whined from the sidelines.

"Maybe in a bit, for now, it's just be us and Al." Liam replied back without even a second glance to her.

I wanted to laugh at the downcast faces of The Fakes.

"Any rules?" I called out as Niall and Harry made their way to me.

"Just don't hit any of the cheerleaders in the face," Louis yelled back. I laughed at his wording.

"Wouldn't want to mess up their nose jobs," Harry muttered under his breath. I burst out laughing at that.

"You ready?" Zayn asked from across the field.

"Heck yeah. Bring it, British boys!"


"You cheated," Louis whined, a pout on his full lips and eyes turned downwards.

I smirked. "Totally did not cheat. We won fair and square."

"Yeah, fair. Which is why my finger is swollen." Zayn scoffed and I laughed.

"You put it under my foot."

"Oh, I put my finger under you
