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Take thU one Cheasty Special Hat - Chronicling America

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UTT AND JEFF?MUTT HAS A MAN FROM EGYPT OF HIS OWN. STAR-SATURDAY, APRIL B. 1916. PACK 7. BY BUD FISHER Stop Looking! "Values Tell" Take thU one ? Cheasty Special $3 Hat "At The Front in the Sport zonl TV?"?!" I"DACK in the old days?which is a popular beginning? when Butte was in the Northwestern, or then Pacific- N'orthwest league, it used to be as much as an umpire's life was worth to attempt to handle the indicator in that ' burg. Unless all the close ones favored the home team there was a rude element on hand at the ball park to get busy with their six-shooters, carving knives, and such. ,aaa a a a Tbere sre many hair-raising tales of how the fans used to treat the umps in other days, but all this has been remedied now, according to Joe McGinnity, and there will not be a better behaved crew of fans in the Northwestern league than those at Butte, he savs. nan F. C. Parr, preeldent of the Spo- kase club, made a popular move when he gathered the Indiana up bag and baggage and hauled the lot back to the old Natatorlum park. The old park Is much closer to town than Recreation park was and tha fana have al- ready given their hearty ap- proval to the change. a a a ?he change was msds when one of the street railway companies tn the Inland Empire metropolis purchased the franchise and moved It off a rival company's Una onto Its own system. a a a tort Cole aeeme to leek the re- * quired kick with the btg stick U> please Manager Tealey. The tlt- tle boos la stuck on hts fielding, hot figures he needs men who can souse the pellet. If Cole does not stick with the (Hants. It will be because of hla Inability to hit a a a Johnny Lueh. old big Is ague pitch- er, now with Portland, who has had enough years of experience to know whereof he apeaka, haa something to say about the pitching art. a a a "They can talk about thslr 'mud balla,' 'fork balla." knuckle balls' statcmbmt or THS OWSIMHIf. IIAMtUtVO'T. CIBCCUATtO*. ETC. RBQrtKCn BT TUB ACT OT COS- 4RCM or Atwii.'ST t«. ten. of Ths aeeitle S»*r published datlv e*. ropt at Seattle. Wash . for April t. tm (lei* af Weehingtan Obobiv »t Klar?aa Before ma. a Notary Publle In aed the state aßd eauaty aforeaaid. paraon- ally 1.eP.07 Madera, »ko. h»» In g baen du If iw»in areordln# to I*#, depoaea and mj> that ha la the 'General U«nt««r ef The Raaitla Star, and that tha following la. to tha beet ef hie knowledge end belief. a true gtatement af tha ewnereklp manage Meet (and If a dally paper. tha circula- tion). ate. of tha aforeaaid publication for tha data ahowa la tha above captloa. required WT lha Art «f Auguat 14. Itll. la aeotton til. poetal laat an 1 aaialatlAßi, prtotad on tha rereraa af thla form, to wit 1 That tha namaa and addraaaea af tha publisher. editor. managing adltor, and buetneee managera ara Pub;tahar. atar Publlahlag C». aaattla. Waah Editor. J Jtltchla. geatfle. Waah l That tha ownere are 'Ol*a namaa aiel addreaaea ef Individual ownara. nr. If a mrpnratlon. give Ita name and tha namaa and ad'lraeeee of atockholdcra own In* or holding 1 p«r rant or mora of tha tatal amount of atock i _ B P Chaaa. New York. Tj V H Canflald. Aaattla Waah ; E B Pcrlppa !a Jolla. Calif . *et J P Btrlppa Clara- land Ohio. R B Clark. Chula Vleta. Calif; E W Hcrlppe. Went Chaatar. Ohio: J. 1 Scrlppe Mtramar. Calif I That tha known bondholdara. mort ftfMt. and othar eeawrlty holdara owning or holding 1 par cant or mora of total amount of honda. m»ntli« or othar aw-'irtrlaa ara (If thara ara rona. ao atata. t Ura. T. E Augur, Kt Thomaa. Xy , I* ft A'hon. Claalawatf. Ohio, M W Vandercook. Eitrx . New T'>rk. y Y ; P B Clark. Fan rilego. Calif ldah MrOlona Olbaon. Naw Tork. N* y ; a. H Hopklne ''Inclnaatl. Ohio. V. Cunningham. it. Paul. Minn ; Mre M If DaMath. Oarretavllle. Ohio. Wra Kata Atwood. Cincinnati. Ohio; Poat Publlah- tng Co. Cincinnati. Ohloi K. H. Ho-lppa. Tmataa for .V If acrlppa and Holla Blair \u25a0artppa. both of W»at Chaatar Ohio « That tha two para«rapha namt aho*a (tvla* tha namaa of tha ownara. atork holdara and holdara. If any. cnn tain not only tha ll«t of atockhr.ldara and ??etirlty holdara aa thay apfaar upon tha bnoka of tha company but aim. In t«i« whara tha atockho|.l»r or aacirlty h>.:-lar Appaara upon tha booka of tha company l? truataa or In any othar fiduciary rala- Hon, tha nama of tha patwon or corjK.ra Hon for whom audi truataa la a<-'lnr la given; alao that tha aald two paraarapha contain atatamanta embracing affiant a fall knowledge and belief aa to tha clr- eumgtancee and condltlona under which etockholdere and aacurlty holdara who do aot appaar upon tha booka of tha com- pany aa truet.a, hold gtock and eaourltlee In a aapacity other than that of a bona fide owner and thla affiant haa no rao eon to believe 'hat any otlar paraon. aaaoctatton, or corporation haa any Inter eat direct or Indirect In the eald etock, bonde or othar eacurltlae than aa ao atated by him. I That tha averege number of coplaa af each laeue of thla publication aold or dletrlbtj'ert. 'hrotigb the nialla or athar- wlea to paid aubarrtbara during the alt mot,the pre cdlng t»ie date ahown abova la (1,17 4 'Thla Information la required from dally publlce'lone only ) i.erot 'ianaral kfanagar ?worn to and am bar rl bad bafora ma thla fourth day of April. If|t (Raal) F W OARDVICR. Kotarr Public la and for tha fltata of WaaMngton. r*atdlng at Haattla My aornm(aai'<n aaplraa Mar**b 20. lt?0 Nota Thla atatamrnt rnuat »-a rnada In duplpata and both ropUa dallvarad by tha puhltahar to tha poatmagtar, who ahall aand ona copy to?tha Third Aaalatant J'oatmaatar Oanaral fLMrlalon of f?|aaaifi ratloni. Waahlngton. D . and rataln tha othar In tha fllaa «ha poatoffji» Tha pub I la bar moat puMlah a ropy of thla atataniar.t In tha aarond laaua prlntad i»m%t aftar Ita filing and other brands, but tho good old reliable fast hull and curve are the ones that make stars," aavs Johnny 8 a n Oat this, folks: Bill Hariey will have hla Groat Falls ball tossers alt dolleil ap In green nr.lns while on the road. a a a All of tho other cluba will have practically the same road uni- forms aa last season. The home apparel of alt cluba will be white ?when the season opens, at any rate. a a a The City league season will eoon Ret under way. The success or failure of the league depends upon the patronage of the fane. To get the patronage of tha fane, the league muat give the beat that la In It and this the boys are willing to do. ana Support has been promised tha league by a number of Seattle business men and there Is no reason why It should not make ago Are ill of ua ao hardened that we cannot pay an occasion- al visit to watch the develop- ment of the Cobb* and Mathew aona of a tomorrow? We ahould not he. The Star la for the City league. a a a Ruse Halt has taksn vary kindly to A 1 Ilartholemy. the young backstop turned over to htm by Portland. "Chubby Al" Is a nifty backstop but a btt w«ak with the willow. He la battling "Frlaro" Edwards, snother Port- land lusher, for the catching Job. a a a Word comes wafting wsstwsrd that President Em met t Qulnn. of the Natlmial Hockey asso- ciation, has decided to quit hla job. Mr Qulnn says that he waa glnd to pull the Eaatrrn cir- cuit thru the rigors of the :>aat aeaaon and thlnka he la entitled to a bit of rest. Yep, It was a to-igh year for the N. H. A. BASEBALL RESULTS At Halt I-ake 12. Oakland 15. At Ran Franclaco i<), Portland 6. At I/O* Angeles 7, Vernon 13. At Raltlmore 6. rirarea 4. At Seattle 3, Chicago 11. At Washington 8, Chillies 2. At Vancouver 11, U. of W. 3. An Engilah Invention conalgta of ?olet and heel* which can be at tached to ahoea by pneumatic ad heiton. ifrlcaa raid Wholaaaala I»aalara far j Vatatahlaa aal Fruit dally by J. W clod win A Co.) Art lrhokaa, dot. 10 # .Tt n»*la aark 100 0 llf llananaa . A4V4 9 .01 Cabbaga 03 Q 01V4 Oal e*bhaga. Wlnnlng- ataad At lamnna par rrata .. . «o0 9 4At <_ ran t»«rrl*a 4lf 0 400 If.tt 91100 aark Tf 9 llf r *auJlfloar»r, Oragon. rrata 100 9 llf r 'al grapafrult ? ff hothmiaa ... 100 f 111 Florida grapefruit 400 # fOO KlorMa ray plant .10 Florida atrawharriaa. qt bow It # ft Oarlln, naw 11 Monay. rar ?aa Itf ffoviay. a'riln** ......... 01% Hubbard aquaah 01 0 A2«4 f'al. haad lattuca 110 0 100 Naval orangaa , 210 0 I2f p n ra!»v d fit 10 Paaa ra) 07 U 0 10 papp«"a \u25ba?all l». ,Jf 0 .50 pappara, Florida ........ It Fadlah*a 10 Rhubarb. '*a 1 llf 9 ICO Rhubarb. loral .01 To i»al"»r Florida, t baa- -ri'" llt 9 4tf Yakima futabtfai. aark. 100 Turnlpa. aacK ... llf 9 Ift Applra f»r»l appl»« .... .. Of 9 lAt Yallow Mt«iown Plpplna 110 9 ITf Ktayman Wlnaaap 121 9 Itt Old Wlnaaap 110 9 100 Horn* Baauty 12$ 9 Ito On loot Onlona. graan If Onlona gra*n. Walla Waila. do« .10 Oragon onlona tl 9 .02 % union a g>can, local . .... .21 Yakima tl\ Palataaa Whit a rl*«r 17 00 9it 00 Defeated, but offarlng no e«- cuees, tho Stanford university crow atartad for Palo Alto to- day whlla Unlvoralty of Wssh. Ington students chaarod tham for tho gima rece thay rowod on Laka Washington lata yee- tsrdsy. lieaten from the start. Stanford's eight fought their way over the thr< e mile course. toeing at every stroke. With Washington seversi lenxtha ahead and a(ea<tlly training with a powerful, machine like pull, tho Cardinal veterans never failed to respond to Coiawaln Lyon's ap peal for more speed Stanford crossed tho finish Moo 11 aeoouda behind. Biciuh of It* victory ever Washington laat yeer, and It* eeneatlonal showing at Pough- ksepsls. the Stanford crow waa a favorlto before the regatta. Ua chances went glimmering and Sl4 Mitchell, claimant of the Northwest middleweight champion- ship. and Hilly Weeks, holder of the Canadian Utle. went four slash- ing rounda to a draw last night, at the Ttvoll theatre. The light on the sta«e went out at the finish of the first round, snd It was some little time before the match could agsln get under wsy. It was one of the ruggedest batUes seen here for some little time. In the nernl wlndup Ohet Neff GUNBOAT SMITH HAS SUPPED FAR BACK TULSA. Okla . April I ?The ex tent to which Ounboat Smith, once formidable glove battler, haa allp- ped wai revealed today when fight fan* reflected on the fact that even Carl Morrle, the Bapulpa slant, (rained a doclnlon over htm In a ten round bout lant night. .Smith was badly punlahed. MARKET REPORT , Yakima Bur hank* II 00 #]7M | Yakima <»ama ft 00 #|7 9it K«Mt ptklOM ,M KirIf Rom aaa/1 potato**. .02% T frloM Fill Prfldaww for Kff«, T Poultry, Vml and fork i n«lrUn haraa .......... ProlUfi )0 : i>«ck«, fit tt i kii* it ? 11 ! Hana, 4 |h«. iim! ovir.... .11 ! Hana. *% Iba .11 Hana I Iba an/T un4#r ~17 [ Old moatmrm. lira .It Pork, food 11 1o<"k hog \u25a0 ... tt 9 jtty | fHitmN *"od alia. dot. .. J.Of o |ii Turkaya. Ilva II ! Turkaya It Vaal. 71 to 170 IN At 0 II Vaal. larga 01 9 .01 ,v I Hailing l*rlr«» to ftatallrr for flatter, Kira and ( h»rM a Rflltur Natfra W a i li I n i ( on craamarv. hrlek .14 N'atlva W»ahlnvtoa craamary. aolld park .. ,11 Chwaaa r>om»atl« whaal ......... .|j I.lmbtirg-r 9 ft Oragon trlplata ji Wlgoonaln trlplata ....... j| Wlaoonaln twin* .11 Young Amarlca ,ta Rm ftalar-t ran<*h aria .... ?| f nuntry liar nnd Oralß (Prlraa paid prndunar) Jifalfa. No I 14 o* 9)1 ot* Harlay II 00 911 0t Kailarn WaaMngton oata.3o 00 «tj ot lMj*»t aound oata 10.09 911 co t'iraw, ton 11 00 Tlmothr , It AA 027 ftO Mlaod timothy .I*»00 9*l 00 Whaat 14 V 0 |f J7 CO Stanford 8 Offers No Excuses for Its Poor Showing Here the bottom Ml out of Its stock, however. In the first quarter mite. Washington's crew was obviously ao superior that the HeatUe right actually loafed after It had estab- lished an unbeatable lead, loitering slung at a atr»ke of SO. Stanford spanked the water at 32 In a series of desperate, heartbreaking spurts, sit of which tailed As tho finish beared tho Southernera' oars wob bird and splashed, three men drooped In their aeata. utterly ei haunted, while five lengths ahead the aun glinted on eight white tip- toed blades steadily cutting Into ths water with oily amoothneaa The time waa Waahtngton IT:M, Stanford IT IT. The record for lAke Washington Is l«:il In aplte of Waahlngton'a victory, which makea dojesters believe the Heattle crew oould outdlatanco any- thing the East has to offer, ths fsculty may not let the eight In vade foreign territory this year, VANCE WINS MATCH BUT GETS A DRAW PORTLAND, April I?Wreetllng fans wor-o eomewhet dis- appointed today at the ovtesma of tho allogod "grudge mat oh" botwoon Prank Vaneo of Seattle and fddte O'Connell of Port* land, Isat night. Tho affair wee called a draw, altho Vanco clearly had tho bottor of tho milling. After ono hour and 47 mlnutee of Vaneo aoourod a too hold on hla amallor opponent, and Referee Mlka Butler awarded him tho flrot fall over tho protect of OXonnoll, who oald Vaneo aauld not hurt him with tha hold. Again they wrestled for 12 mlnutaa. Than It waa midnight, and thay qblt. In aocordance with a prevloue agreement. Sid Mitchell Goes Tough Draw With Champ Weeks crabbed a decision from Harry tay. Taroma lightweight. A 1 Moe.er, who »aa Introduced aa the Northweat featherweight rhamplon. betted Barney William*. New Yorker. In four rounda With a little mutlc the affair would have been a very good exhibition of the lateat tango trip*. Karl Conner, Tacoma feather, won from Joe Harrahan In four roundt Spider Abe and Charley Davison went to a draw, whlla Ad Brhaffll dropped Harry Foley In the Initial frame. OUESS OPENING ATTENDAHOE AND BET SEASON PASS There are twe season tickets for all gam** played by North- weetern lesgus tssme at Dug- dale parh, to be given away by The Star. How many fan* will pay ad- ml**loe to the opening gam*? Th*t'* th* question. Por the fan ?*r ftnnette?thet *ende Th* Star tha neareet correot figure b*f*r* ? e'clock en April 23, Preeldent Dugdal* will donate a teaasn ticket for two. for the one tending In th* **eond near- cat eorreet flgur*. Dug will kloh thru with a solitary pa a* for th* Mtaon. Get busy now If y*ti want to eee the opening gam* and every other this ssaton s* th* guest of Dugdsl* and Th* Star. Mall your lattere to the aport editor of The Star. A SPECTACULAR FIRE NEW YORK, April Flrae which started tn the Texaa Oil To. a corrugated Iron pier at Hayonne, N'. J., narly today resulted In one of the tno>* spectacular conflagration* evpr seen here. Keg* of oil, tin rana filled with eaaollnn and an vera 1 hAd red bar rels of kcrottene exploded In rapid sueceaslon, like a string of bombs, while flaming contalnera streaked acroaa the sky. IliirnlnK oil spread orer tha bay nearly to fitaten Inland. The water was a ma*» of ftr»v. HAD REGULAR HABIT Mr*. Thomas W. Rlordan, of 1011 Kant Thomas at., started a divorce Friday, alleging her httsband hna been addicted to the haMtnal nae of Intoxicating liquor ever alnce they were married on the day bo- fore Chrlatmaa II yeara ago. Frank Marshall Plavs 105 Men at One Time CHESS CHAMP MUST KEEP HIS HEAD UP Wins 82 (jaines and Sets Four World's Records FREDDIE WELSH IS STHI ABLE TO NIT MTT.WArKKK. April I.?rreddl* Welth's tpeed In all there yet. In tho opinion of fant who taw him gain a detrition over Kltchle Mitch- ell In a ton round bout here last night Tha champion pounded Mltcbeirt stomach badly. but could not reach his jaw. "KID" NORTH IS VISITOR HERE "Kid" North, tha diminutive little colored lad, who waa Joe Qane' particular pal and com- rade, la In Seattle on a vIa It. He waa out at tha ball park yetterday, and watched tha game from the Chicago team'* bench. When Oane lay dying he re- futed to eee any one but North. The "Kid" le tome piano play- er, and Cane uaed to have him tickling tha Ivorlea at every op- portunity. WASHINGTON, April * ? rrank ; J Mamliall of New York, che*» champion of the United States, broke four world record* recently j In competing with 105 of Washing ton'* be*t rhe** players. Tha matrh wa* suited In the roomii of the National Pram club, <shere tha table* wara arranged In two long Una*, stretching tha length of three of tha eommunlc-at- lug room* Marshall passed rapid ly from one table lo awother, keep- ing track of the 105 games with apparent ease Ha won 82, lout 8 and drew In 15 of tha game». I.leut. Oen Nelaon A. Mile* wan one of a j number of prominent players 1 The former world'* record lo the \u25a0 number of ?Imnltanena* mi ma* played wu mad* by H. r»hml, a German, 1o Munich, In 1911. whan played 100 gam*# *lmultan»ou» It. winning SR. drawing S9 and |M> in* «. NEFF AND HOUCK WILL DO BATTLE Chat Naff. Seatti* light- walght, and Lae MoucW, local featherweight, will Invada Port- land on tha night of April 1(. Naff la *lgn*d to maat Waltar Knowlton far amateur light- weight champ of tha Paelflo coatt, whlla Lao la to meat "Muff" Bronaon In a return en- gagement. The bout* wilt be Staged by th* Hippodrome Athletlo club. The Hippodrome olub ttaget Ita ?ffalra In tha Portland lea rink. JOB CORBITT TO PITCH SAN mANCISOO, April Joe Corbett will make hla Coast league debut for 191« tomorrow morning, when the Seals and Portland meat at Oakland. A large number of fane are expected to turn out to see the veteran perform. Hill's Baseball Dope Schmutz and Rose will bt on the hill for the locale today. ? ? ? Those dutky demons turn have nome baseball club. St. Paul Stove Repair £ Plumbing Co. I Fir# barlining* and rapotra for all kind* of atovaa. ra- and fur- naoaa. W a t a r barka tnd colla put In and con- nactad. ?m pin* rr. Mala Art BULL BROS. Jusi Printers «013 THIRD MAIN 1049 MFN, I KNOW THAT Improper maaauraa rathar \ than «<? »?»» I oftaa tha cauaa of Four >n« standing troubla. B blood diaor- Coma to ma lor rt.,ii()la Waanarman lllond TaaU lilt. IMIWAWAY >02-3-4 tlbrrly llulldlna. V'nlon and Tl»lrd. Oppwalta Poiitnfflra Off I c«< Monro 9 h m. to 8 p. ul hundnya. 10 a- in. to IS. SANDERSON S PILLS _ Tha wall known and ralla- ratnedy for FHMAI.K W* Jtyr THOt 111 r.« AND lltßßtiir. ttMr) I.Altnil. *. ("ura many of 4 tha moat ohatlnata caaaa In T {J 3 to 10 days. Prlca 12 par y bo*, or R for 96. mallad In ® plain wrappar. Houri, t> to 11. 1 to 7 80, Sundays, 11 to 1. Main 1882. HAVMOM) IIIIMF.IIVCO. Itooni 6, llotrl Antlcra, 4th A Inloo It would have been Juat a* ?aay for the Chicago colored ltdt to hive handed the locale an 11-to-O "thutout aa It would to have let Seattle put over 3 In the latt canto. ? ? e The manager pulled a hoot when he let a ball hop out of his mitts eee Bert Cole I* a swell outfield- er when It comes to pitching, eee "Hnnky" says he list a sor* foot. Mutt be so. toeing at how Ue ttood on third while Moneymaker wat being run down between sec- ond and third after getting half way to third on a put out, while "Hunky" held the tacit. e ? ? Just 19 more day* to wait. ? ? e mil Cunningham got two nlckt out of four trips to the pan. eee "Bsrb" Moneymaker msds a hit with ths sudlence by elam- mlng out a double snd a tingle out of three trips. ? ? ? Oulla, the young local recruit, had a rate of stage fright and let loose of an easy fly In right. ? e e The colored Infield ellpped over a couple of double playe Just to show how It was dons. . . . Ahe Flnegolrt relieved Cadman behind the plate at the fag end of tho game and got hy nicely. ? ? ? Pat Eastlsy I* rounding Into form. ? ? ? Frank Oulgnl got fonr putouts and five assists at third. * ? ? Barr pulled a couple of boote In the shortpstch. ? ? ? Hap Morse l.obbled around tha grandstand. He will be In Sun- day's gam*. High School Lads Off on First Lap of Ball Schedule The high school baseball Mason opsnsd auspiciously yes- terday with a brilliant eahlbW tlon of tha national pastlms by Broadway and Ballard and ? grand old wrangls between Franklin and Lincoln. The Pine street school triumph ed over the Shingle Weavers, 4 to 2. The ronte»t was all Oiat could he desired In the wsy of baseball. I.a Fray twlrlpd a nifty came for Hroadway, allowing but two safa hits to be gleaned off his delivery. Mis support wss a bit wobbly at Umes. but he never faltered. The Mallard Infield worked to- gether In mid season form. No one pressnt seems to know the acore of tha Frank. lln Lincoln gams. The Lincoln team claims a 14-to-13 victory, while Franklin clalma tha con- test ended In a IS-13 tie. The umpire rime In for a lot of gaff and was forced to retire from the melee His successor fared even worse. NO JAUNT EAST FOR "U" EIGHT? There la not much possibility of the U. of W. crew making a trip East this year, according to Graduate Manager J. Arthur Younger. "Of course there Is nothing definite now," he said. "The mstter may be taken up later If public sentiment dsmsnde It altho there la a statute agalnat a trip thla year. I understand that the member* of the crew are not atrong for the Journey. "Our time yeeterday waa not very good, Stanford was away below Ita form, and, aa a conse- quence, the university eight took thing* ?aally." Ton ran get a lot or rood land bargains In Star Want Ada. Something should be done . gardlng such exhibitions as thla ba- fore the aeason ta a day older. It the teams are going to nils the um- pires off the field, run la substi- tutes and such. It Is time for tb« season to be brought to a cloaa right now. The athletic mentor* In charfe should take Iminedlata action so thst thla badly muddled contest will not mar the rest of tha season's play. Once an umpire la aaslgned to a game, he should given the authority to call tha de- risions The game I* aa the um- pire sees It. playera notwithstand- ing Whoever waa responsible for the change In umplrea and tba muddling up of the game should be taken to task while tha eeaaoa is still young THe Best TeetK fIH Are thees reretvr resulsrly the r«re ? Mfiia Pentlet end their ova- \u25a0Mk I Th« rauoi that I hsve eoeh a lanre ww>l practice brntN Kvl9 when people r«m me Itiir eend Udr frtende to me and eel- M item co ?iMwttri for VI dental work. BDWII IS MOWN a. ris nm tn. r»i»« iiMk Open trinlKfi ontl lutlan tiatll people who work I'hon* Main »««? hMW DO YOU KNOW That Saattia Km the flnaat billiard parlor In tfca world? Cam* In and aaa> BROWN & HULEN Second and Spring Third Flaar w The Crowning Achievement in Non-Alcoholic Tonic-Beverages! V, The purn essence of selected grain*. rich In food value: a nourishing, strengthens*. palatable drink, especially rec- onunendol for Invalids, convalescents and nursing mothers. At Grocers, Druggists, Fountains and Leading Cafes. Order a Case Delivered to Your Home. HEMRICH BROS., SEATTLE Phone Capitol 870
Page 1: Take thU one Cheasty Special Hat - Chronicling America




StopLooking!"Values Tell"

Take thU one ?

CheastySpecial$3 Hat

"At The Frontin the Sport zonl TV?"?!"

I"DACKin the old days?which is a popular beginning?

when Butte was in the Northwestern, or then Pacific-N'orthwest league, it used to be as much as an umpire'slife was worth to attempt to handle the indicator in that

' burg. Unless all the close ones favored the home teamthere was a rude element on hand at the ball park to getbusy with their six-shooters, carving knives, and such.

,aaa a a aTbere sre many hair-raising tales of how the fans used to

treat the umps in other days, but all this has been remediednow, according to Joe McGinnity, and there will not be abetter behaved crew of fans in the Northwestern leaguethan those at Butte, he savs.


F. C. Parr, preeldent of the Spo-

kase club, made a popular movewhen he gathered the Indiana upbag and baggage and hauled thelot back to the old Natatorlumpark. The old park Is muchcloser to town than Recreationpark was and tha fana have al-ready given their hearty ap-

proval to the change.

a a a?he change was msds when one of

the street railway companies tn

the Inland Empire metropolispurchased the franchise andmoved It off a rival company'sUna onto Its own system.

a a atort Cole aeeme to leek the re-

* quired kick with the btg stick U>please Manager Tealey. The tlt-

tle boos la stuck on hts fielding,

hot figures he needs men whocan souse the pellet. If Coledoes not stick with the (Hants. Itwill be because of hla Inability to

hita a a

Johnny Lueh. old big Is ague pitch-er, now with Portland, who has

had enough years of experienceto know whereof he apeaka, haasomething to say about thepitching art.

a a a"They can talk about thslr 'mud

balla,' 'fork balla." knuckle balls'

statcmbmt or THS OWSIMHIf.IIAMtUtVO'T. CIBCCUATtO*. ETC.RBQrtKCn BT TUB ACT OT COS-4RCM or Atwii.'ST t«. ten.

of Ths aeeitle S»*r published datlv e*.

ropt at Seattle. Wash . for April

t. tm(lei* af Weehingtan Obobiv »t Klar?aa

Before ma. a Notary Publle In aedthe state aßd eauaty aforeaaid. paraon-

ally 1.eP.07 Madera, »ko. h»»

In g baen duIf iw»in areordln# to

I*#, depoaea and mj> that ha la the

'General U«nt««r ef The Raaitla Star,

and that tha following la. to tha beet

ef hie knowledge end belief. a true

gtatement af tha ewnereklp manage

Meet (and If a dally paper. tha circula-

tion). ate. of tha aforeaaid publication

for tha data ahowa la tha above captloa.

required WT lha Art «f Auguat 14. Itll.la aeotton til. poetal laat an 1

aaialatlAßi, prtotad on tha rereraa af

thla form, to wit1 That tha namaa and addraaaea af tha

publisher. editor. managing adltor, and

buetneee managera araPub;tahar. atar Publlahlag C». aaattla.

WaahEditor. t» J Jtltchla. geatfle. Waahl That tha ownere are 'Ol*a namaa

aiel addreaaea ef Individual ownara. nr. If

a mrpnratlon. give Ita name and tha

namaa and ad'lraeeee of atockholdcra own

In* or holding 1 p«r rant or mora of thatatal amount of atock i


B P Chaaa. New York. !« Tj V HCanflald. Aaattla Waah ; E B Pcrlppa

!a Jolla. Calif . *et J P Btrlppa Clara-

land Ohio. R B Clark. Chula Vleta.Calif; E W Hcrlppe. Went Chaatar.

Ohio: J. 1 Scrlppe Mtramar. CalifI That tha known bondholdara. mort

ftfMt. and othar eeawrlty holdara owning

or holding 1 par cant or mora of total

amount of honda. m»ntli« or othar

aw-'irtrlaa ara (If thara ara rona. ao

atata. t Ura. T. E Augur, Kt Thomaa.

Xy , I* ft A'hon. Claalawatf. Ohio,

M W Vandercook. Eitrx . New T'>rk.y Y ; P B Clark. Fan rilego. Califldah MrOlona Olbaon. Naw Tork. N*

y ; a. H Hopklne ''Inclnaatl. Ohio.V. Cunningham. it. Paul. Minn ; Mre M

If DaMath. Oarretavllle. Ohio. Wra Kata

Atwood. Cincinnati. Ohio; Poat Publlah-tng Co. Cincinnati. Ohloi K. H. Ho-lppa.

Tmataa for .V If acrlppa and Holla Blair

\u25a0artppa. both of W»at Chaatar Ohio« That tha two para«rapha namt aho*a

(tvla* tha namaa of tha ownara. atork

holdara and holdara. If any. cnn

tain not only tha ll«t of atockhr.ldara and

??etirlty holdara aa thay apfaar upon tha

bnoka of tha company but aim. In t«i«

whara tha atockho|.l»r or aacirlty h>.:-lar

Appaara upon tha booka of tha company

l? truataa or In any othar fiduciary rala-

Hon, tha nama of tha patwon or corjK.ra

Hon for whom audi truataa la a<-'lnr la

given; alao that tha aald two paraarapha

contain atatamanta embracing affiant a

fall knowledge and belief aa to tha clr-

eumgtancee and condltlona under which

etockholdere and aacurlty holdara who do

aot appaar upon tha booka of tha com-

pany aa truet.a, hold gtock and eaourltleeIn a aapacity other than that of a bona

fide owner and thla affiant haa no rao

eon to believe 'hat any otlar paraon.aaaoctatton, or corporation haa any Inter

eat direct or Indirect In the eald etock,

bonde or othar eacurltlae than aa ao

atated by him.I That tha averege number of coplaa

af each laeue of thla publication aold ordletrlbtj'ert. 'hrotigb the nialla or athar-

wlea to paid aubarrtbara during the altmot,the pre cdlng t»ie date ahown abovala (1,17 4 'Thla Information la required

from dally publlce'lone only )

i.erot'ianaral kfanagar

?worn to and am bar rlbad bafora ma thlafourth day of April. If|t

(Raal) F W OARDVICR.Kotarr Public la and for tha fltata of

WaaMngton. r*atdlng at HaattlaMy aornm(aai'<n aaplraa Mar**b 20. lt?0Nota Thla atatamrnt rnuat »-a rnada

In duplpata and both ropUa dallvarad by

tha puhltahar to tha poatmagtar, who ahallaand ona copy to?tha Third AaalatantJ'oatmaatar Oanaral fLMrlalon of f?|aaaifi

ratloni. Waahlngton. D . and ratalntha othar In tha fllaa «ha poatoffji»Tha pubIla bar moat puMlah a ropy ofthla atataniar.t In tha aarond laaua prlntadi»m%t aftar Ita filing

and other brands, but tho good

old reliable fast hull and curveare the ones that make stars,"aavs Johnny

8 a nOat this, folks: Bill Hariey will

have hla Groat Falls ball tossersalt dolleil ap In green nr.lnswhile on the road.

a a aAll of tho other cluba will have

practically the same road uni-forms aa last season. The homeapparel of alt cluba will be white?when the season opens, at anyrate.

a a aThe City league season will eoon

Ret under way. The success orfailure of the league dependsupon the patronage of the fane.To get the patronage of tha fane,the league muat give the beatthat la In It and this the boys arewilling to do.

anaSupport has been promised tha

league by a number of Seattlebusiness men and there Is noreason why It should not makeago Are ill of ua ao hardenedthat we cannot pay an occasion-al visit to watch the develop-ment of the Cobb* and Mathewaona of a tomorrow? We ahouldnot he. The Star la for the Cityleague.

a a aRuse Halt has taksn vary kindly

to A 1 Ilartholemy. the youngbackstop turned over to htm byPortland. "Chubby Al" Is anifty backstop but a btt w«akwith the willow. He la battling"Frlaro" Edwards, snother Port-land lusher, for the catchingJob.

a a aWord comes wafting wsstwsrd

that President Em met t Qulnn.of the Natlmial Hockey asso-ciation, has decided to quit hlajob. Mr Qulnn says that hewaa glnd to pull the Eaatrrn cir-cuit thru the rigors of the :>aataeaaon and thlnka he la entitledto a bit of rest. Yep, It was ato-igh year for the N. H. A.

BASEBALL RESULTSAt Halt I-ake 12. Oakland 15.At Ran Franclaco i<), Portland 6.At I/O* Angeles 7, Vernon 13.At Raltlmore 6. rirarea 4.At Seattle 3, Chicago 11.At Washington 8, Chillies 2.At Vancouver 11, U. of W. 3.

An Engilah Invention conalgta of?olet and heel* which can be attached to ahoea by pneumatic adheiton.

ifrlcaa raid Wholaaaala I»aalara far jVatatahlaa aal Fruit

dally by J. W clod win A Co.)Artlrhokaa, dot. 10 # .Ttn»*la aark 100 0 llfllananaa . A4V4 9 .01Cabbaga 03 Q 01V4Oal e*bhaga. Wlnnlng-

ataad Atlamnna par rrata .. . «o0 9 4At

<_ ran t»«rrl*a 4lf 0 400If.tt 91100

aark Tf 9 llfr*auJlfloar»r, Oragon. rrata 100 9 llfr 'al grapafrult ? ff

hothmiaa ... 100 f 111Florida grapefruit 400 # fOOKlorMa ray plant .10Florida atrawharriaa. qt

bow It # ftOarlln, naw 11Monay. rar ?aa Itfffoviay. a'riln** ......... 01%Hubbard aquaah 01 0 A2«4f'al. haad lattuca 110 0 100

Naval orangaa , 210 0 I2fp nra!»v d fit 10Paaa ra) 07 U 0 10papp«"a \u25ba?all l». ,Jf 0 .50pappara, Florida ........ It

Fadlah*a 10Rhubarb. '*a 1 llf 9 ICORhubarb. loral .01To i»al"»r Florida, t baa-

-ri'" llt 9 4tfYakima futabtfai. aark. 100Turnlpa. aacK ... llf 9 Ift


f»r»l appl»« ...... Of 9 lAt

Yallow Mt«iown Plpplna 110 9 ITfKtayman Wlnaaap 121 9 IttOld Wlnaaap 110 9 100

Horn* Baauty 12$ 9 ItoOn loot

Onlona. graan If

Onlona gra*n. Walla

Waila. do« .10Oragon onlona tl 9 .02 %

union a g>can, local . .... .21Yakima tl\

PalataaaWhit a rl*«r 17 00 9it 00

Defeated, but offarlng no e«-cuees, tho Stanford universitycrow atartad for Palo Alto to-day whlla Unlvoralty of Wssh.

Ington students chaarod thamfor tho gima rece thay rowodon Laka Washington lata yee-tsrdsy.lieaten from the start. Stanford's

eight fought their way over thethr< e mile course. toeing at everystroke. With Washington seversilenxtha ahead and a(ea<tlly trainingwith a powerful, machine like pull,tho Cardinal veterans never failedto respond to Coiawaln Lyon's appeal for more speed Stanfordcrossed tho finish Moo 11 aeooudabehind.

Biciuh of It* victory everWashington laat yeer, and It*eeneatlonal showing at Pough-ksepsls. the Stanford crow waaa favorlto before the regatta.Ua chances went glimmering and

Sl4 Mitchell, claimant of theNorthwest middleweight champion-

ship. and Hilly Weeks, holder of

the Canadian Utle. went four slash-

ing rounda to a draw last night, at

the Ttvoll theatre.

The light on the sta«e went out

at the finish of the first round, sndIt was some little time before thematch could agsln get under wsy.

It was one of the ruggedest batUesseen here for some little time.

In the nernl wlndup Ohet Neff


TULSA. Okla . April I ?The extent to which Ounboat Smith, onceformidable glove battler, haa allp-ped wai revealed today when fightfan* reflected on the fact that evenCarl Morrle, the Bapulpa slant,(rained a doclnlon over htm In a tenround bout lant night. .Smith wasbadly punlahed.

MARKET REPORT, Yakima Burhank* II00 #]7M| Yakima <»ama ft 00 #|7 9itK«Mt ptklOM ,MKirIf Rom aaa/1 potato**. .02%

T frloM Fill Prfldaww for Kff«, TPoultry, Vml and fork

i n«lrUn haraa .......... j§ProlUfi )0

: i>«ck«, fit tt

i kii* it ? 11! Hana, 4 |h«. iim! ovir.... .11! Hana. *% Iba .11Hana I Iba an/T un4#r ~17

[ Old moatmrm. lira .ItPork, food 11 1o<"k hog \u25a0 ... tt 9 jtty

| fHitmN *"od alia. dot. .. J.Of o |iiTurkaya. Ilva II

! Turkaya ItVaal. 71 to 170 IN At 0 IIVaal. larga 01 9 .01,v

I Hailing l*rlr«» to ftatallrr forflatter, Kira and ( h»rM


Natfra W a ili I n i ( oncraamarv. hrlek .14

N'atlva W»ahlnvtoacraamary. aolld park .. ,11

Chwaaar>om»atl« whaal .........

.|jI.lmbtirg-r 9 ftOragon trlplata jiWlgoonaln trlplata ....... j|Wlaoonaln twin* .11Young Amarlca ,ta

Rmftalar-t ran<*h aria .... ?|

f nuntry liar nnd Oralß(Prlraa paid prndunar)

Jifalfa. No I 14 o* 9)1 ot*Harlay II 00 911 0tKailarn WaaMngton oata.3o 00 «tj otlMj*»t aound oata 10.09 911 cot'iraw, ton 11 00Tlmothr , It AA 027 ftOMlaod timothy .I*»00 9*l 00Whaat 14 V 0 |f J7 CO

Stanford 8 OffersNo Excuses for Its

Poor Showing Herethe bottom Ml out of Its stock,however. In the first quarter mite.Washington's crew was obviouslyao superior that the HeatUe rightactually loafed after It had estab-lished an unbeatable lead, loiteringslung at a atr»ke of SO. Stanfordspanked the water at 32 In a series

of desperate, heartbreaking spurts,

sit of which tailed As tho finishbeared tho Southernera' oars wob

bird and splashed, three mendrooped In their aeata. utterly eihaunted, while five lengths aheadthe aun glinted on eight white tip-toed blades steadily cutting Into thswater with oily amoothneaa

The time waa WaahtngtonIT:M, Stanford IT IT. The recordfor lAke Washington Is l«:il

In aplte of Waahlngton'a victory,

which makea dojesters believe theHeattle crew oould outdlatanco any-thing the East has to offer, thsfsculty may not let the eight Invade foreign territory this year,


PORTLAND, April I?Wreetllng fans wor-o eomewhet dis-appointed today at the ovtesma of tho allogod "grudge mat oh"botwoon Prank Vaneo of Seattle and fddte O'Connell of Port*land, Isat night. Tho affair wee called a draw, altho Vancoclearly had tho bottor of tho milling.

After ono hour and 47 mlnutee of Vaneo aoouroda too hold on hla amallor opponent, and Referee Mlka Butlerawarded him tho flrot fall over tho protect of OXonnoll, whooald Vaneo aauld not hurt him with tha hold.

Again they wrestled for 12 mlnutaa. Than It waa midnight,and thay qblt. In aocordance with a prevloue agreement.

Sid Mitchell Goes ToughDraw With Champ Weeks

crabbed a decision from Harry C»tay. Taroma lightweight.

A 1 Moe.er, who »aa Introducedaa the Northweat featherweightrhamplon. betted Barney William*.New Yorker. In four rounda Witha little mutlc the affair would havebeen a very good exhibition of thelateat tango trip*.

Karl Conner, Tacoma feather,won from Joe Harrahan In fourroundt Spider Abe and CharleyDavison went to a draw, whlla AdBrhaffll dropped Harry Foley Inthe Initial frame.


There are twe season ticketsfor all gam** played by North-weetern lesgus tssme at Dug-dale parh, to be given away byThe Star.

How many fan* will pay ad-ml**loe to the opening gam*?Th*t'* th* question. Por the fan

?*r ftnnette?thet *ende Th*Star tha neareet correot figureb*f*r* ? e'clock en April 23,Preeldent Dugdal* will donate ateaasn ticket for two. for theone tending In th* **eond near-cat eorreet flgur*. Dug will klohthru with a solitary pa a* for th*Mtaon.

Get busy now If y*ti want toeee the opening gam* and everyother this ssaton s* th* guestof Dugdsl* and Th* Star. Mallyour lattere to the aport editorof The Star.


which started tn the Texaa Oil To. acorrugated Iron pier at Hayonne, N'.J., narly today resulted In one ofthe tno>* spectacular conflagration*evpr seen here.

Keg* of oil, tin rana filled witheaaollnn and an vera 1 hAd red barrels of kcrottene exploded In rapidsueceaslon, like a string of bombs,

while flaming contalnera streakedacroaa the sky.

IliirnlnK oil spread orer tha baynearly to fitaten Inland. The water

was a ma*» of ftr»v.

HAD REGULAR HABITMr*. Thomas W. Rlordan, of 1011

Kant Thomas at., started a divorceFriday, alleging her httsband hnabeen addicted to the haMtnal naeof Intoxicating liquor ever alncethey were married on the day bo-fore Chrlatmaa II yeara ago.

Frank Marshall Plavs 105 Men at One Time

CHESS CHAMP MUST KEEP HIS HEAD UPWins 82 (jaines and Sets Four World's Records


MTT.WArKKK. April I.?rreddl*Welth's tpeed In all there yet. In

tho opinion of fant who taw himgain a detrition over Kltchle Mitch-ell In a ton round bout here last

night Tha champion poundedMltcbeirt stomach badly. but couldnot reach his jaw.


"Kid" North, tha diminutivelittle colored lad, who waa JoeQane' particular pal and com-rade, la In Seattle on a vIa It.He waa out at tha ball parkyetterday, and watched thagame from the Chicago team'*bench.

When Oane lay dying he re-futed to eee any one but North.The "Kid" le tome piano play-er, and Cane uaed to have himtickling tha Ivorlea at every op-portunity.

WASHINGTON, April * ? rrank; J Mamliall of New York, che*»champion of the United States,broke four world record* recently

j In competing with 105 of Washington'* be*t rhe** players.

Tha matrh wa* suited In theroomii of the National Pram club,<shere tha table* wara arranged Intwo long Una*, stretching thalength of three of tha eommunlc-at-lug room* Marshall passed rapidly from one table lo awother, keep-ing track of the 105 games withapparent ease Ha won 82, lout 8and drew In 15 of tha game». I.leut.Oen Nelaon A. Mile* wan one of a

j number of prominent players1 The former world'* record lo the \u25a0

number of ?Imnltanena* mi ma*played wu mad* by H. r»hml, aGerman, 1o Munich, In 1911. whanh« played 100 gam*# *lmultan»ou»It. winning SR. drawing S9 and |M>in* «.


Chat Naff. Seatti* light-walght, and Lae MoucW, localfeatherweight, will Invada Port-land on tha night of April 1(.

Naff la *lgn*d to maat WaltarKnowlton far amateur light-weight champ of tha Paelflocoatt, whlla Lao la to meat"Muff" Bronaon In a return en-gagement.

The bout* wilt be Staged byth* Hippodrome Athletlo club.The Hippodrome olub ttaget Ita?ffalra In tha Portland learink.


SAN mANCISOO, April JoeCorbett will make hla Coast league

debut for 191« tomorrow morning,when the Seals and Portland meatat Oakland. A large number of faneare expected to turn out to see theveteran perform.

Hill's Baseball DopeSchmutz and Rose will bt on

the hill for the locale today.? ? ?

Those dutky demons turn havenome baseball club.

St. Paul Stove Repair £ Plumbing Co.

IFir# barlining*and rapotra for allkind* of atovaa.ra- and fur-naoaa. W a t a rbarka tnd collaput In and con-nactad.

?m pin* rr.Mala Art

BULL BROS.Jusi Printers«013 THIRD MAIN 1049

MFN, I KNOW THATImproper maaauraa rathar

\ than «<? »?»»

I oftaa tha cauaa of Four>n« standing troubla.

B blood diaor-

Coma to ma

lor rt.,ii()la Waanarman lllond TaaU

lilt. IMIWAWAY>02-3-4 tlbrrly llulldlna.

V'nlon and Tl»lrd. Oppwalta Poiitnfflra

Off Ic«< Monro 9 h m. to 8 p. ul

hundnya. 10 a- in. to IS.

SANDERSON S PILLS_ Tha wall known and ralla-

ratnedy for FHMAI.KW* Jtyr THOt 111 r.« AND lltßßtiir.ttMr) I.Altnil. *. ("ura many of

4 tha moat ohatlnata caaaa InT {J 3 to 10 days. Prlca 12 par

y bo*, or R for 96. mallad In® plain wrappar. Houri, t> to

11. 1 to 7 80, Sundays, 11 to 1. Main1882.

HAVMOM) IIIIMF.IIVCO.Itooni 6, llotrl Antlcra, 4th A Inloo

It would have been Juat a*?aay for the Chicago coloredltdt to hive handed the localean 11-to-O "thutout aa It wouldto have let Seattle put over 3In the latt canto.

? ? eThe manager pulled a hoot when

he let a ball hop out of his mittseee

Bert Cole I* a swell outfield-er when It comes to pitching,

eee"Hnnky" says he list a sor* foot.

Mutt be so. toeing at how Uettood on third while Moneymakerwat being run down between sec-ond and third after getting halfway to third on a put out, while"Hunky" held the tacit.

e ? ?

Just 19 more day* to wait.? ? e

mil Cunningham got two nlcktout of four trips to the pan.

eee"Bsrb" Moneymaker msds a

hit with ths sudlence by elam-mlng out a double snd a tingleout of three trips.

? ? ?

Oulla, the young local recruit,had a rate of stage fright and letloose of an easy fly In right.

? e e

The colored Infield ellppedover a couple of double playeJust to show how It was dons.

. . .

Ahe Flnegolrt relieved Cadmanbehind the plate at the fag end oftho game and got hy nicely.

? ? ?

Pat Eastlsy I* rounding Intoform.

? ? ?

Frank Oulgnl got fonr putoutsand five assists at third.

* ? ?

Barr pulled a couple of booteIn the shortpstch.

? ? ?

Hap Morse l.obbled around thagrandstand. He will be In Sun-day's gam*.

High School LadsOff on First Lap

of Ball ScheduleThe high school baseball

Mason opsnsd auspiciously yes-terday with a brilliant eahlbWtlon of tha national pastlms byBroadway and Ballard and ?

grand old wrangls betweenFranklin and Lincoln.The Pine street school triumph

ed over the Shingle Weavers, 4 to2. The ronte»t was all Oiat couldhe desired In the wsy of baseball.I.a Fray twlrlpd a nifty came forHroadway, allowing but two safahits to be gleaned off his delivery.Mis support wss a bit wobbly atUmes. but he never faltered.

The Mallard Infield worked to-gether In mid season form.

No one pressnt seems toknow the acore of tha Frank.lln Lincoln gams. The Lincolnteam claims a 14-to-13 victory,while Franklin clalma tha con-test ended In a IS-13 tie.The umpire rime In for a lot of

gaff and was forced to retire fromthe melee His successor faredeven worse.


There la not much possibilityof the U. of W. crew making atrip East this year, accordingto Graduate Manager J. ArthurYounger.

"Of course there Is nothingdefinite now," he said. "Themstter may be taken up laterIf public sentiment dsmsnde Italtho there la a statute agalnata trip thla year. I understandthat the member* of the creware not atrong for the Journey.

"Our time yeeterday waa notvery good, Stanford was awaybelow Ita form, and, aa a conse-quence, the university eighttook thing* ?aally."

Ton ran get a lot or rood landbargains In Star Want Ada.

Something should be done .

gardlng such exhibitions as thla ba-fore the aeason ta a day older. Itthe teams are going to nils the um-pires off the field, run la substi-tutes and such. It Is time for tb«season to be brought to a cloaaright now. The athletic mentor*In charfe should take Iminedlataaction so thst thla badly muddledcontest will not mar the rest of thaseason's play. Once an umpire laaaslgned to a game, he should b«given the authority to call tha de-risions The game I* aa the um-pire sees It. playera notwithstand-ing Whoever waa responsible forthe change In umplrea and tbamuddling up of the game shouldbe taken to task while tha eeaaoais still young

THe BestTeetK fIH

Are thees reretvrresulsrly the r«re ? MfiiaPentlet end their ova-

\u25a0Mk ITh« rauoi that I

hsve eoeh a lanre ww>lpractice l« brntN Kvl9when people r«mme Itiir eend Udrfrtende to me and eel- Mitem co ?iMwttri for VIdental work.BDWII IS MOWN

a.ris nm tn.

r»i»« iiMkOpen trinlKfi ontl

lutlan tiatllpeople who work

I'hon* Main »««? hMW

DO YOU KNOWThat Saattia Km the flnaatbilliard parlor In tfca world?Cam* In and aaa>

BROWN & HULENSecond and Spring Third Flaar

wThe Crowning Achievement in Non-Alcoholic

Tonic-Beverages! V,The purn essence of selected grain*. rich In food value:

a nourishing, strengthens*. palatable drink, especially rec-onunendol for Invalids, convalescents and nursing mothers.

At Grocers, Druggists, Fountains and Leading Cafes.Order a Case Delivered to Your Home.

