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Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New...

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Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! How Many Reps? The guide instructs you to start with 5 repetitions, but if you would like to know more about building muscular strength versus muscular endurance, below are some guidelines: Muscular Strength: Good for building strength and increasing muscle size. Heavier weight/resistance, fewer repetitions. Shorten the band to increase resistance and make it more challenging Reps: 18 repetitions, anywhere between 25 total sets Muscular Endurance: Good for building lean muscle mass and increasing aerobic endurance. Lighter weight/resistance, more repetitions Keep band at current length to have slight resistance, but not incredibly heavy Reps: 815 repetitions, anywhere between 25 total sets Progressions vs. Modifications For all of the exercises in the guide, below are some suggested ways to help you tailor the exercise to your fitness level: Progression: Making the exercise more challenging Modification: Making the exercise less challenging or accommodating to a specific physical need Chair Modification: For most exercises, there is the ability to sit and/or use a chair! Notes For ALL Resistance Band Exercises If you are moving very fast through the exercises and do not “feel” anything during it, we encourage you to do the following in order to get the maximal benefits from the exercise: Move slowly and methodically, maintaining control of the band throughout all part of the exercise. In order to get a balanced workout, move the band (or your body) upwards for as long as you move it downwards. Ex. Count to four as you curl the bands towards your shoulders and count to four as you lower the band back down towards your sides (Biceps Curl exercise). Maintain a nice tight belly throughout all the movements to work on strengthening the muscles in your abdomen. If you are unclear how to do this, pull your belly inward or pretend like someone is going to come tickle your belly (tightening up in the midregion). BREATHE throughout the entire exercise! Many people will forget this. Match their inhales with one movement and their exhales with the opposite movement (ex. inhale curl, exhale lower).
Page 1: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! How Many Reps?

The guide instructs you to start with 5 repetitions, but if you would like to know more about building muscular strength versus muscular endurance , below are some guidelines:

Muscular Strength: Good for building strength and increasing muscle size. Heavier weight/resistance, fewer repetitions.

Shorten the band to increase resistance and make it more challenging Reps: 1­8 repetitions, anywhere between 2­5 total sets

Muscular Endurance: Good for building lean muscle mass and increasing aerobic endurance. Lighter weight/resistance, more repetitions

Keep band at current length to have slight resistance, but not incredibly heavy Reps: 8­15 repetitions, anywhere between 2­5 total sets

Progressions vs. Modifications

For all of the exercises in the guide, below are some suggested ways to help you tailor the exercise to your fitness level:

Progression: Making the exercise more challenging Modification: Making the exercise less challenging or accommodating to a

specific physical need Chair Modification: For most exercises, there is the ability to sit and/or use a


Notes For ALL Resistance Band Exercises If you are moving very fast through the exercises and do not “feel” anything during it, we encourage you to do the following in order to get the maximal benefits from the exercise:

Move slowly and methodically, maintaining control of the band throughout all part of the exercise. In order to get a balanced workout, move the band (or your body) upwards for as long as you move it downwards.

Ex. Count to four as you curl the bands towards your shoulders and count to four as you lower the band back down towards your sides (Biceps Curl exercise).

Maintain a nice tight belly throughout all the movements to work on strengthening the muscles in your abdomen.

If you are unclear how to do this, pull your belly inward or pretend like someone is going to come tickle your belly (tightening up in the mid­region).

BREATHE throughout the entire exercise! Many people will forget this. Match their inhales with one movement and their

exhales with the opposite movement (ex. inhale curl, exhale lower).

Page 2: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level!

Exercises in Resistance Band Guide

Biceps Curl Steps (More Detailed Info):

1. Standing hips­width distance apart, hook the resistance band under both feet. 2. Inhale, pull your bellybutton into your spine, press your hips forward (tuck your tailbone),

finding firmness in your core. 3. Exhale, grip the handles in each hand and pull them up (“curl”) towards your shoulders,

feeling a tightening in the front upper arms. 4. Inhale as you release back to starting position, maintaining control of the band

throughout the entirety of the movement. Notes/Tips:

Pull your belly in and up and press your hips forwards tucking your tailbone to hold a firm core throughout the exercise

Roll your shoulders down and back and hold them steady as you lift the lower arms towards the shoulders

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Curl the band only as far up towards your shoulders as you can lift it (no need to go all the way if it is too challenging)

Progression: Start in a squat and as you inhale and lift the forearms, straighten the legs and lift the hips to standing

Page 3: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Progression 2: Reach further down on the band to shorten the length and therefore

make it more challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders Chair Modification: Sit in a chair and hook the bands underneath your feet to complete

the exercise.

What Muscles Am I Working? Biceps (ARMS) with additional arms, abdominals, upper back, and shoulders muscles

for stabilization

Squat Steps (More Detailed Info): 1. Standing hips­width distance apart, hook resistance band under both feet and stand tall,

putting one hand in each resistance band handle. 2. Inhale, bend the knees and sink your hips backward, pulling the belly to the spine and

rolling the shoulders down your back. 3. Exhale as you rise back up to standing, pressing into the heels as you straighten your


Notes/Tips: Sit your hips back like sitting in a chair, keeping your belly tight and back as upright as

possible Take a peek and make sure that you can see your toes in front of your knees Engage through your inner thighs by pulling them in and towards one another

Page 4: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Tuck your tailbone and keep a straight back as you go down Press weight in heels, rather than toes (“heels stuck in the mud”)

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Only sit back as far as your legs will allow and that your weight feels heavy in your heels.

Progression: Reach further down on the band to shorten the length and therefore make it more challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders

Chair Modification: For stability, put a chair behind you and squat down into a seat and then slowly pull your way back up to standing.

What Muscles Am I Working?

Quads, hamstrings (LEGS), glutes (BUTT), abdominals (ABS) and additional back, calves, and abdominal muscles for stabilization

Single Leg Deadlift (More Detailed Info):

1. Place the both feet in the middle of the resistance band and place the RB handles in each hand hips­width distance apart, keeping a slight bend in the right knee.

2. Inhale, pull your belly inward lower your torso forward and downward as you push your hips backward, bringing your back to a nice flat tabletop­like surface.

Page 5: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! 3. Exhale as you rise back to standing, pulling your belly in while returning to an upright

standing position.

Notes/Tips: Engage through your belly and your glute (butt) muscles to pull yourself back up to

standing Use your arm muscles to control both the rise and lowering of the chest. Try not to have

the band “pull” you forward as you lower, but maintain control of the band throughout the entirety of the exercise.

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Only bend forward as far as your body will allow. Progression: Could attempt one leg deadlifts, placing one foot in the middle of the band

and lifting the other back, bringing the leg parallel to the back. Here is a video (imagine the dumbbells as the resistance band handles)

What Muscles Am I Working?

Glutes (BUTT), hamstrings, adductors, quad stabilizers (LEGS), biceps (ARMS), and additional abdominals and back muscles for stabilization

Page 6: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Bent­Over Row & Tricep Kickback (More Detailed Info):

1. Standing hips­width distance apart, hook the resistance band under both feet, putting one hand in each RB handle.

2. Hinging forward at the hips, bring your back to a slight 45­degree angle (Picture A). 3. Inhale, put a slight bend in the knees, pull the belly in and straighten the arms. 4. Exhale, pull the elbows back, keeping the upper arms close to your sides, feeling the

shoulder blades squeeze on your upper back (Picture B). 5. Inhale and hold the arms. As you exhale, straighten the arms behind you and exhale

feeling a tightness in the upper back side of your arm (Picture C). 6. Inhale and slowly move back to the starting position, repeating steps 3­5.

Notes/Tips: Maintain a nice, flat back throughout the exercise by rolling your shoulders down your

back and pulling the belly in and up towards your spine Put the weight of your body into your heels, ensuring that the knees stay above the

ankles and don’t come out over the toes! Squeeze the arms in nice and tight to your sides throughout the entire activity

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Bend forward as far as your body will allow, only pulling the bands back as far as you are able, and straightening the arms as much as you physically can

Progression: Reach further down on the band to shorten the length and therefore make it more challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders

Chair Modification: Have a seat in a chair and perform the exercise from a seated position.

What Muscles Am I Working?

Lats, traps, rhomboids (UPPER BACK), triceps (ARMS), pecs (CHEST), deltoids (SHOULDERS), and additional arms, legs, and lower back muscles for stabilization

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Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Additional Exercises for Your Resistance Band

Below are some exercises if you wish to take your workouts to the next level and get some additional muscle groups involved!

Overhead Shoulder Press

(A) (B)

Overhead Shoulder Press (More Detailed Info):

1. Stand hips­width distance apart, hook the resistance band under both feet, and bring your hands in the bands up towards your shoulder (arms bent at the elbows).

2. Inhale, pull your bellybutton to your spine, press your hips forward (tuck your tailbone), finding firmness in your core.

3. Exhale, roll your shoulders down your back and press your hands up slightly in front of your face, straightening the arms as much as you can.

4. Inhale and slowly lower the arms with control back to your starting position. (Picture A)

Notes/Tips: Pull your belly in and up and press your hips forwards tucking your tailbone to hold a firm

core throughout the exercise Keep your palms facing anteriorly (forward) throughout the entire exercise.

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Perform the shoulder press while seated, kneeling, or on both knees to decrease tension on the resistance band.

Progression: Start in a squat and as you inhale and lift the arms, straighten the legs and lift the hips to standing

Page 8: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Progression 2: Perform movements one arm at a time or on one foot, for added

instability. Chair Modification: Have a seat in a chair and perform the exercise from a seated


What Muscles Am I Working? Deltoids (SHOULDERS), traps, serratus anterior (UPPER BACK), pectoralis major

(CHEST), and additional arms and abdominal muscles for stabilization


Woodchopper (More Detailed Info): 1. Step the right foot halfway on the resistance band and lower one­half RB to the ground,

grabbing onto the other RB handle with both hands. 2. Inhale, pull your bellybutton to your spine, press your hips forward (tuck your tailbone),

finding firmness in your core. 3. Exhale turning from the shoulders towards your right foot, feeling a tightness in your

belly as you turn; inhale here and hold for a breath (Left side picture). 4. Exhale and pull the band up with straight arms above your left shoulder, twisting from the

shoulders towards your right side (Right side picture). 5. Lower the band back with control back to your starting position (#3), twisting again back

to the right.

Notes/Tips: Pull your belly in and up and press your hips forwards tucking your tailbone to hold a firm

core throughout the exercise.

Page 9: Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! · 2016-12-06 · Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Exercises in Resistance Band Guide Bi cep s Cu rl Ste p s (More Detai l ed

Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! Pull with a firm core (belly in), twisting back the opposite shoulder, and with upper

body­wide (ex. don’t just twist lower back or neck). Use your chest muscles to assist in lifting your arms up towards the sky and keep the

shoulders rolled back and down throughout the movement.

Progressions or Modifications: Modification: Step your foot closer to the handlebar to lessen the tension,making it less

challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders. Progression: Put a slight bend in the knee and bring the hands towards the ground,

straightening the leg and you twist and lift Progression 2: Reach further down on the band to shorten the length and therefore

make it more challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders Chair Modification: Have a seat in a chair and perform the exercise from a seated


What Muscles Am I Working? Obliques (ABS) and additional core, back, legs, glute muscles for stabilization

Lunge with Frontal or Lateral Shoulder Raise

Lunge with Frontal or Lateral Raise Steps (More Detailed Info):

1. Hook the band under the right foot and place one hand in each RB handle. 2. Putting a bend in the front knee, step the left foot back, coming onto the toes and

bringing the right knee to a 90­degree angle; sinking deep into the lunge. Lateral Raise (Picture A)

1. Bringing the palms to face one another, inhale and lift the hips slightly (about an inch, not coming fully out of the lunge) and bring the arms up parallel to the ground, in line with your shoulders

Frontal Raise (Picture B)

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Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level! 1. Bringing your arms out to your sides, inhale and lift the hips slightly (about an inch, not

coming fully out of the lunge) and bring the arms up parallel to the ground, in line with your shoulders

Last Step for Either of the Above: 1. Exhale as you sink back down into the deep lunge and with control, bring the arms back

down towards your sides. Notes/Tips:

Put the weight of the front foot into the heel and the back foot into the toes. Ensure that you can see your toes in front of your knee; if not, step your back foot back a

little further Roll your shoulders down your back and maintain a strong upper back throughout the

exercise and pull your belly in and up and press your hips forwards tucking your tailbone to hold a firm core throughout the exercise, protecting the lower back.

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Add a slight bend in the elbow when performing frontal or lateral raises.

Modification 2: Lower down just halfway to help maintain good form without putting pressure on the knees. Placing the front foot on a step or small platform may be another modification to try if regular lunges result in knee ache.

Progression: Perform frontal or lateral raises with straightened arms. Chair Modification: Have a seat in a chair and perform the arm raises (lateral or frontal)

with the legs remaining bent, feet planted on the floor (do not do any lunges).

What Muscles Am I Working? Quads, adductor, hamstrings, calves, (LEGS), glutes (BUTT), deltoids (SHOULDER),

pecs (CHEST), traps, (UPPER BACK), and additional arm, upper and lower back, and abdominal muscles for stabilization

Bent Over Fly

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Taking Your Resistance Band to a New Level!

Bent Over Fly Steps (More Detailed Info):

1. Standing hips­width distance apart, hook the resistance band under both feet, grabbing one handle in each hand and pull your bellybutton to your spine, slight bend in the knees.

2. Inhale, hinge forward at the hips, bring your back to a slight 45­degree angle and bring both arms straight, palms facing one another inward (Picture A).

3. Exhale, roll your shoulders down your back and lift the arms up to a “T” position out to your sides, bringing them no higher than your shoulders (pull your belly in to stabilize as you lift).

4. Inhale as you slowly lower the arms back to starting position, moving with control throughout the entire exercise.


Feel the shoulders pulling down and towards one another, as if you were squeezing and holding something in the middle of your back.

Use your belly to hold your back upright and straight, pulling your stomach muscles up towards your spine.

Progressions or Modifications:

Modification: Increase the bend in the elbows to lessen the resistance and maintain proper form and alignment.

Progression: Reach further down on the band to shorten the length and therefore make it more challenging to lift your arms level with your shoulders.

Progression 2: Perform movement one arm at a time for added instability. Chair Modification: Have a seat in a chair and perform the exercise from a seated


What Muscles Am I Working? Deltoids (SHOULDERS), traps, rhomboids, infraspinatus (UPPER BACK), and additional

chest, shoulders, arms, core, hamstrings, glute muscles for stabilization

Additional Resources: Here are some websites with additional resistance exercises in case you are looking for even


Comprehensive List of Band Exercises: http://www.band­exercises.net/
